II n ii ii li II I!' lli TTSVILLE. RIP 6f. MAY 28 EU MU • observe by our exchange papers of the State, that a .very brilliant tneseed in the evening , ef the 12th teor Wait also observe,d by maoy of of ti*PLace. oft the evening a. • , tho, gh we ourselves hint not the iie ees . L : A friendlinforms us, that . ... •A, ll5 minuteitpast-Sefthick) about , d above, the horizon, de. ng at • angleiof 45 degrees, from the erq hem splteie it the heavens, towards the irn 'pnt; Itemitted an instantaneous glare . I light, similai toi the sudden bursting"forth ire. The belle* body, -apparently about. 6 a in disurietne, wet of a fiery redness, atten. yen accurately defined trail of Mild red.— n about ten &gripes from the horizon; the Separated - with - 1 craceing noise, the part a off from - the main bay being immediate. • ipatedi the 'remaining• portion- coctreeted a smaller ball, and with the trait descended • er before itinally'disiappeared.. iota pa WWI W Thiam ibban lICI rem the New yolk Evening Star. tale Conventien—Gen.„ . Harivon.— perceive that ‘ peatings an:hoeing Gal in almost .ever , ! .I , tion of the State, to int delegates* the,Convention tWbe . in Utica,. on the Bth of June next.— ,- will probably: be' the largest Conven. ever held in this state: it is now admit. by our opponents that the popular en. slat= among the farmers, mechanics, i ivorkingmen,iin favor of Harrison oughout the state, and indeed the whole fitry; is greater than was ever before • sed in favor ! of any other.candidate. do not wish to make assertion's that not be fully and completely realized; we have the utmost confidence in is. ing our friends abroad, that Gen. Hai.. , at this moment, stands an equal mice of, gettiag the vote of New York; further, if the' popular feeling contin. to increase, in the same proportion t it hitherto has, up to the time of our elections, Gen.. Harrison will carry state by ten thousand majority. N 0 .4 • is wanted but active and efficient or lon; end we are pleased to find that the counties are preparing with 1. , spirit. for the campaign; let . them go amore righteous cause never engaged attention of a free people. Better. Curreney.—We are told by a ieafer in 'bank notes, that bank notes le state of Ohio, are from 2i to 3 per discount in oa r city; and bank notes west of the Allegheny, are A 2 to 4 per cent discount. are also,l by a gentleman . just from Orleans, that he paid in the city of Orleans err cent prestiumfor notes the 'Bank of the United States; and he understood they bore a like pre*. whole idle/ of the .;and iLlitise seen a litter from ni, in which the writer says, -of United - States bank notes ooWtl . ata pre sum of art-per ceni. These truly appalling facts.—. New York • Atitertiser. , sto of the Land Bill.—lt is quite pro that the Land Bill now. pending in House of Representatives, will be ad . that hodir, as it is understood that if for the signature of the Presi will be vetoed; although the pro „of the bill are exactly those sug .by the P •idiera hiniself,'when to object in but the prosperity country, and happiness of its , "an apjortionment of the surplus 4e, among the sevenfiglates accord co' their ratio of represAlitation,” We frem a gentleman who was convers with him on the Land Bill, and who sexed a strong hope that it would pass & lON, that, laboring under great ex imept, th‘ President robe from his seat, ettending , his right atm, said, "he ' sixiner have it severed from. his fro sty' Woad sign'the UR!" This, lise , tsil) r was twice repeated in the COntatention. • - havOeird if stated that, on ano °coast*, some perrsoh having remits- Nat MS. Clarcomplained of the Pre , nothaving returned the former I time, with his object/wit he ihserved, "I have it this time I" Ours- is truly a government tric . ted powers, when Congress people .must b end to £aectaive riuWashington Bun We cannot - &table the fact, that there are!, , •:, .: matinin ',Wiwi. akoadyja gloomy pro. ...'. ....71trollitti .of the- same - elvaihtbr me i • • which ' ed the Reign of Terror, and l' - horror.; of e French Revolution. The spirit—the levelling principle—the rest. ,radical, and 41tra movements, so fast motor. ktg.t . hp nits of Outiticisni, are no lionbtfol pre % , .. no of scenes, foreboding and. final to ; bur peackaitti happiness.--Frelingittrysen. . • • , . It it WitiOns the occupations of men that the* Indians if — Whin:tido of life arise, Lot from the diver Ontelkotra4 and motel ,cuatitiee which ar inhettißliplOyMellt in which we am en gaged is mild; kite evatributei to the goo °Nock. ty, slaking can 'disgrace. it kikil.pll.om!ce and Monti deliasiteney.--A. - -.- • - . ' Bragraats to tke Wilt.—The United States, at Rochester from o&nst :burg, (River St. Lawrence) hid 4 . 30 0 Oslo, .asogersil—almoet entirely entigrants k sat edl# forty , horses, wagon', • .`4ll destined to the Far West. iibeth w ere 801 66 111ormonites." • T wo Pull Moons.—lt thayPuriialis lirofthy or reripir* that full twomoons. viz. the . net ~ the k 4 aftbill 6 um"' ia uu re ' an d. t 20 * - 4 rhis ' a 111re hn to it the present u wesibersWiseurn— .B.,Ciiarkeit, peseonOly - c4 1 *, 1 1 -., Courier, , ' .- Editorial tren•'!.tiiii. w . . • 1 "T - ill:o: • benylon,i4llQ43:4, t , ny.putiledt • • 're. 1 ~..: lingtberpoyeiriiitlint of the ;110414 -Iltitesio . • . 1 gill new, SPeper4 nd perlodicale Wei:lieu. 1 la by inailiin the. etilietWliere pub. h ed, 'free of.partae rir te 'redoes - on pe loam's to corres4LWith th e , peitikp On n wip,pers; and to it legiehiti!ei , inmate, pp odiFids r and .ma ' • .to , pu, free of I L ; ne ile• ' , 1 li • grlsraturriL7, Tint Wiliam 1 ,a , r and G tee:, 'judging . present, ,_' ap io the ' that the corning rasa and h y crop will be iig ' .and . insotriehen for the w t ofthe Allowing! . Usider - cir . utinuices, the next • .as to dense IL substi. to ad hay; and for t purpoee the innWer and . r reermen that Millet! and Indian. bosom' woad ' stating that either will we + mei • from two four tons Okay • - acre. e qOantitylof seed ' per for an afire :' ground is one bushel of ni and fnwh. th - to font J i . I Flour, at Milled: ' villey Ga. teal: selling May 10th, for *Alia barrel. - of I Value Silks iiisported into , United t fr,,, 1835- 7 -neat, sixteen milli ' and a h fof dollars. 1 ! I . IThe munderer , mac Heller, . his re cent exception inl iana, wan per itted to harangue the multitude; and' was ttended by -a band of muter; New Orleans. There were weep 8 and 4000 buildingjerecsed it th , i great eWporium of the st and south dqing the past year.. 'Meclilinics of all kin& find ready employmen there. IP 'The Memphis! , nquirer, saya , ---"The , Leuisiana Advert r, the oldest and most sabstantial daily 1 per in New Prleans, his lately hoisted e White fiag.i, Louis. iana, is nearly un imous for the ' udge." Suicide of H I . nd and'W,if i—Sam fa uel Sherman,Esita man ofexce lent cha racterrand for a heig time clerk of Queens county, L.l. contleitted suicide at Jericho on MondaY moriNalg last. This 1 fatal act was caused by erne -holy p ro duced by the •spicide, a 449 . time since, o f the i'ill. fertuaate , gentle ir a's wife. , ' ! '.. i .it t irOker us ' ' , Brute, I+loo mortiil - ly at,Natehez hdinali short gine since, bY one, Jack terry, a Giunbliir. The blackleg insaantlY , ` ' made his escape. - Governor White of Louisiana, has or dered thaelecti a forotembera of the next , Congress from i hat stale, to take place,on the first Nlondn lof July; "- , The (oal l*ade.4 r Irwin • Wilhatns*Co btoitsi: lavntre . Ctsiilo .213 OeitH. Putts -11 1 14 do ', B Reeve & . 14 do ' D&PR (.41, 1? 4o Blight Wal 11 do .1 Bull & ; 10 do Ajmer 1u 40 Nobgh & 93u ,city 8 Jo tiOcigson'434 iNit 8 do Eller ' 6 do Dr Steinberg 4 6 Shoeitiakerif !I 6 C DougherOf 5 Fkitner & Bait f 5 k; m mit t - 4 Smith 4 S J Pettit& C i to 4 S Brooke I : 3 J Sailor 2 T J Baird ; I 2 Treacy 2 S Rickert 9 . 2 A Bolton • 2 T dr. J BeattYl . 1 N Nathan i . 1 Charles Pottsl i 1 Carain lti 192 boots,perrpog 1U74 soattill loot report, A 266 135 do 'little Schuylkill 1401 • L ; • =M= a== *9 20 Harry gutr - Kenny 21 Gov Wolf= Martha Ladi- - 23 Galena L!, Hanah Mafiii WasP i isarnt -2,1 Barab Ainq ‘, i ff e Commerce l Hamburg 2$ Lana hi' ' Banilaik; :, t Quwi.itini 1 20 MountZt , I Wilma, ' 1 [ k T,le • '' • *t ne ara ji I , ' RO Lilian lf , i? t ...:_ , • , 1 1 ~ ri p ' 17 boat" , r i 21 boats w ending Mai 13 1 21 boats w ending ?day go, 16 4e lait report , ~ • 11 ! `; i . , . i...;4.1... as 'I d !== wiorr car'lsii 4hls 'rat Sate Ninon. MAL a r' --- 14 111 1 bet Wog= kat ; per 1 4 Toed R. LOI iht..., ;1• the( ' _ 2 o ) t.: I. ialc r o i The oa '" nod :all*" 154 4 ey int la ; 1 , : . I Per 'recd ' ; [Tcgek ; ,1 . 1 biiii 1 ; 'I , :' •;' I 1 ME 110A1ki Tbo iirtM ioooaot of_ doosiorted oo tlos said iftollll:7th inst. ' 3.191-tow : • pespatehett,fioat Blitich chett,• - asthma the 19th Wit; i _ • 1 1. . : ... 3 Boats eeming ; . -IL 1,,, .13 0 . lass 231 - do per 1451 repot4 11 - 0 • 45 ° , :1 13,646 ' sm CoillFreigtitioari -1114 O. Polls:rifle to khiLd Schuylkill Hinz toPluladalphta A STATED •• ` 'of the • ical Socie ty of Schuylkill county, will , held at their Hall, on Tuciday evening next. a 8 dclrock. , ANDREW I lISSEL, Secretary. 'Nay 28 28-1 Poltsvilialdst 28. 1836. • WHEAT FLOUR.krthe load was *ono oa Fr day 06 25 • I • WHEAT 1;25 per ettahoLi demlinci • RYE FLOOR 2 25 per cwt. in d4mai r ed. BUCK.WHEA.TFLOUR 2 , 00 pe wtan demand s RYE,by theloadBo eentsby the! buthel—read? male. • FIFE - CHOP 80 centiperbutshekindeptand. OATS 54 tem.-reedy sale ' POI'ATOES 25 centa per bush e n demand. CORN-65 cents per bushel in demand TIMOTHY SEED-412 00 per bui64l. FLAXSEED-8I 40 :pepus h elie demand. ' WHISKEY-31 celma per tenon • BUTTER-16centsperpound—ieKegil0cents ' EGGS-8 centsperdtmen. LARD-12 cenxa per pound. , TALLOW-8: cents per pone d • ILAAIS 16 cents per pound. - COIIN•CHOP 68 cents perbusbedipidem an d. BACON-181 centirperpound. • ' BEESWAX-18centsperpound,. FEATHERS--40centsperpmmd • COMMON WOOL-40 centspetpo u l. MACKEREL.by thehbl.No.l.4B o 3.87 00 SALT— 621 per °M.; 80 pereushe . PLASTER, as worth pa sopertim. HAY $23 per ton. , , • ' SMERIRPIS 110IFY virtue of a writ of Domestio attitehment ala° sued out of the Court of emooloo Pleas of Schuylkill county, and to me I direotad, will be sold oy Public Vendue, on Tuesday the 31st day of May, at one o'clock to the afternoon, at the Brewery in the borod*h of Pottsville, in the coun ty aforesaid its fallowm to wit: .A hole quantity of Niter add Ale in Vats, Hoisbeads,lPipai, Bar rels, Half harrels and quarter barrele. All seined end taken in Pam:ldiom is the prop.. erty of Joshua Wood s and will' be sold .by t HENRY BA UM'. Sherifrs Office. Orffigskini i Sheriff. May 25, 1836. ,• 28.1_ . Six Cents Kew I Runaway frOns., subscribe; on tbe matt ot the inst. GEORGE GLER, - * - an apßicnticedto tlt fribicksutitii! busitiuss--bad six tbs of MI ( • • time to-serve. t Wlicirrer will, tell • _ Aunt,taid ItYPli 4 l ll #o Aillbek er no chirps 'd; , '"` : lILLAN.D. Pottsville - hisy 28 • TO all the bel4;and Lig& rePrisentatisei of . Jacob 'Remaly. late of West Penn township, : iu the county of Schuylkill, deceised: Pursuant to en order of the Orptran'i Court, of the county of Schnylkili, an inquest will be, held on the prendsei lately 'occupied by , Jacob Rearaly„doe'd. in the township of West. Penn, in thrseounty of Schuylkill; od Monday the 9701 day of Jarzepezt, at-9 o'aluck in the tbrenoon to makeipartition Of the real estate 'Willie, said de ceased. to and among his children andlegal rep. resectatises. if that can be dobe without prejudice to and spoiling of this whole, !Other wise to, ratror and appraise the moue; when, anal Ohm yin way auestd, if you think groper. HENRY gAusn. Sheriff oflythayHill county. Oa giplicrg, May,2s. 106 28=4. • do #° r I TICE. . I , raitO all the heirs Mid Isipd representatives of -a• John Y. lirobaldste of =---. - township, in the county. of Lehigh, deceased. ' Puracutat to au order of Orplian's Court, of Schuylkill Co. an inquest will be bold at the boom ofChristien Holdeintin t innk per, hi the tow nab ip of West Pcnn,in the county ollSChuilkill,on Tues day the 28th illy of;June.at 9 o'Ckiek in the here noon to make partition of the real estate of the said deceased, to and among ;his children and le gol representatives, tr that COM bei done without prejudicial° and spoiling of the whtile, other-vise to value and appraite the same; when and w here you may attend if yen think propek- . 1 • • t. HENRY HAUSII, Sheriff Of the minty of Schuylkill. Orwigrburg, May 25,1836 28-4 9,934 51,497 61,431 6,469 67,900 To Millers and . ° i ern.. FOtt Sale, the Fixtures of a Graft MW, consist hag of twp pail of Freneh Bur Stones, Iron ' Daring, Shafting and Fruiting Cromplets, made in Phftadelphia, and have lsien but little used— calculated to grind 'three hundred hushes per day. - For particulars apply to RAyWOOD & SNYDER, arab May 23 28-tf Colliery 11, Title. The Berke and :Schuylkill Jo al, Reading, , will insert the &boa 6 waits, °thermal ordered. " ‘ 1 , , , 514 50 50 • 52 50 -1! 56 1, 55 4? .55 , 4B 48 46 - 55 55 30 I= ll=l 995 970 3,668 CZZI MEI , fi , 1 141202 !Moth Coneclar. transported oolVreiineaday 1;483 taw, LEM 0 4 1 't;::• - -,:::.1::....;v'i•,:T . 'iEti . R IrIinEMIMO 1, . •.,:-: ME Lehigh CAOI E/KV LEVY . D. B. W.Med", goo iyjr. WHOLE/34;E & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, N. E. Castes; of Arai 4. Sisith &reds, _ PHILADELPHIA. cfroaraegrous. and Wien, supplied. oft l i b era l tering, with Dnip and lidediemea of ib. finest qualitnalmi with Osborne'; Aniteriaint l (die Manatictotiotwhielh folks of thairsmab. - • . Lituring taper - a4Brintol goenlik*rienweiste, tone Hal awl Hair Armodas linislisa and ram* ivr o ' " Insaaltiarrisonnlii Colanna.aad Wows inlisanikol oo lll l Villre , kebosiathawintraaaWlT - " Ifosisititain.dreskaarisip _ Piak fkancamlisiodnagnmaraiiiisimaiiiim. dun Ind lak; Black lakiiler It; Diallandreintd - Thonallitifckaartilig Ltaea. Idierataake. Obt — laiproied; to wie WON* the ennui* anOttialiandifixtbitt. a aentrad - annensond of • Nair*/ niatwieht, of thibadgadetFludi9d sea!ftwaitii wow •• MOSa; 48111 • - 1 .4 1110 . r etEILORINE PXITHINASIL—# Iu •'`'. , l ol i- 00 : 31140, 1 140 0. waskrlitiihst gab *ash supply ofrefamery,justilesslisiid . ftia 1 4 WINA I t sgsvy- , *Pi M , t ; . " 1 7. . . - tint Isiserilmir elm Sir Sale in , the4Awn ell Port Calm*. * 'emu : 1 1 ippo-LOT.biuntsoinely situated hums main stessisi'l isnitabk for `it 416g* fus`bon es i. - The Sion" lionteitta, • gibmlls ?eat front by 4.5 with a tot of gsp.tod kit hat 17 70 rinerh scant Lot mp , ing. 41 filet front* 70 deep. Ilensither T: pan e i n on : deas _ eav p ise roperty :by arri tt:ll ,;_..i., • 1: to the 4 fir lo w w sumitri an tweriter w a :_the Persons wishing to pu . rehane ¢s :.obtain lbs. lin - Port Carbon. ,EL 1 28-if.tf the week . , _ PRO DRALR, . . IVITILL be receive until Monday evening v n Jowe 13t1i nest, for grading.int and !finishing e boat - an hada . nalk or Rail Road, to !wainscot with the Wad Branch Rail llablinear the York Sawmill. The rout of sail road *ill be ;ready . for examination On a few days. ' For fin.; ;their laibrmation applyto • • ;SAMIIn LEWIS, Na - S Agent far liwalk4k. Thomas: y S j i 11 35 11 2.5 to 1 30 ISE tIROWN AND- Mk " ING • PER.-150 Reams , Crown' and Medium Wrapping - Paper, just ternired nod for sali whole. aalq and MAW by May 28 , ; 28- IBON BOUND SLATES, a fl ew trtiele suits. ysi for the Public Sehoole.--a Bitonito based received direct from the Mannfeetureri 400 roe Bound Slates, which ha will sell irholiseale acid ra pid:at very low rates.! Ada; 28 22 . Russia and Milk Rats, FOR ISUMMER INFAIG JIIST received from' Philadelphia. a large sap* . ef:White Rairia and roma, Silk lhabienribie bats, suitable for Simmer wear, which *ill be Bald cheap • I SAMUEL 1). Ims-a Hat & CapStore,Cearre St. roundlet. 22.-3 11Igy 28 PAPER ZrANGINGS. , BBAN NAN hail kid ?pulsed as elegant as •sortment of Pap 4 Banglags, new patterns foi Rooms, which he will sell cheap Ali cult. rottaville, May 28 • 2000 bacon oat received and •fiir sale by 'Mai 14 26 BAWL. HARTZ Air. Ca REAL ENGLIIILL MUSTARD .- 60 jars Dickson & Ole ,er's Liverpool manutlictured Mustard for sale by ,11SULLER 4 LIAUGERTY. ' OTlOE.—The niters or Charity will oat be -Lm able to open their School on the 14 of June as announced; but it is , expected that the delay will be for a few day! oily. May 21 CENTJ& •TUI.NPIKE. - .NC L pTIOE islicreby given the blrickliolders Ceir 4 -, 111 lathe ' a TUrnpike loa d toadies from Reading to Su binli that an:F.ection willbe held al. the house o Einar. Welhicl, in Stibbury, on the lst Monde in J ne nest,:hetweetilhe - kora or 1U and 1 o'clock, or the purpose ofelectingof. 1 : iii .is th e c smog pear. ; ,lit,t tb e . same tune books and F d l ai lhu,;!out . :will be ' Imitintribit `..- .11,..,5 -, .0,: ..v, Allol4ol#l. . V 21 1 1 ' ";',. . •". ..-•1' G ,; 11. . • *lee oald at Publid Airction, o n the v !treatises, Saturday,. the 2501 day • of_ lime, has. lot oftround in one Sarong of Ml nersvillo, Scholl kalliCountyo on which-is „nrected , a Blacksmith Shop, )iVheelirtifild Shupaud Brave Foundry. This prdperty was Orrenerly . occupied by J. 4. C. Thomas, and is atpresent in the oc cupancy of RiChard;BramthlAiatuatiop is one of the best in Alinetsville,fiff betiding-and lepairum Rail Road Carli, or for any other mechanical km slow. i • Tcrros Cash. Title indisputable. ' Sale posi tive. APIGUSTUS LEOPOLD, ANDREW RUSSEL- Asaignecs of J. 4 C. Thomas. May 21 , • 27-6 PAY . t . P ! rit Illi !! THE different Mix collectors of Schuylkill County who have not Settled up their dupli cates, and all others Who know theaMelves indebt ed to said rountyr i hereby earnestly requested for the last time.' settleitheir respective dues between this &tallied this middle 'of one nest. otherwise their aceosinta Will, w , t exception, be placed' in the hands 6f pur • rs for col. wilco . . - I, JOHN RA S. ! ' *JOHN HO Elt,Jr- ' - , , ' • , i PHILIP. OS AN. May 14 - -214 _,I ' missiosers. aFlitehiShouldeta • • Ham. for rsitacqbet, "J. SILLYMAN, Jr. May 7. • INERS - CLOTHINO.:—A.II4I!f t ihottaasittitable hii Besot!! l!'aluag ' just rewind itis4 fat ask • May 21_ 97- .. FLAYWN- •.. . I _ TIM wolscribers • hillie V st dist.itibittitaoto Jr' Pottsville mei itsletwityiLthat•they . ha. tikes she estOlisloptilt i fisliaillY Occutned . 1 It. t /koOlis Ikieltley, w • thisy , r .ilubilead_ 1 1l me: osimioniiiicir row. , 04117 iiiit i Cadi' fa l s l lia ' 11111914 1 "S ,= ". ' *l * . 'l rs. • . - -r • '•-, . . --; ". 1 " ; i1 I t - - - f.', . , , ,_,- „. • IL . l'lti 1 Iv, Itolf .11.40 SS4 . i.. - ' .• - I -) -- 42 ,•‘'', r ... :- - -1- II ir ~' ar eodieol . e p; innq with OL ' s llt t ra*par i ..ihr ook 9!‘alinsz t i e 4 l, • , two .Tornitig Lelies;'ose of them • fi l e musing bon shatlikor initiator .heaz a r or To temilit noperotelp.i* ; toga*, mr • parcissinr. - i • '. - '-'..: 2_. :... Thelm Mel Moab,* mill inmnlidinimi blitriluu meno7 theOriltS, ... _ I E 6I6O W north Ire prime talbeirreiswww• , ' ' . imam anew.? aiiiirlinbiithe Moils i i. ors ' ! Egli; or kw onwing.niniar or any other lom . 1 - I, I . '. . ' A " a goontity almond 'hand- ioof; doom s win frame!, mobeciad idioitem; . • • No. 25 Pine INreet. ......_ :..'.• P • piiin may 14" ! EEE: I • ri• : y- • A w_ s e se i wahogiiia6 -silo, wite;:-fied'l9l,Jls ikons *tar; dfr IAl ! Clelip '1 ...= .11!tore.. _:.. ..: Ar , * ll or lt lif e ßilrf_r on gen i ~. ,LLY Sumo their.frietido mad 10 fli . ji that they have, opened • - l'.. -, ' Store i n ntre 'bloa t nut door le. li me :, au airtime . . otel. .11. the boreogls or - 1• ~ •. or • they- have oei Nam e lap Ilk •'. .. tof w ':, * V' ; ' Billal l iger IA 1 7 6 1 041 . I Litivoill 1 . 1 ' • 1 •• • took : Queetuware, 4 . c. fte• 6' , they ire deteniiined to millet the 'Teri ijo - •• rteiii for cub. Or eothoor for Conan" , 41 : . n9 " : 1 4ita lgt = a tti 5Pra up rit rb443 ' troae re: g 4 they . ill ender/Or to ment by 44 ittl e t: IT Werner. - 21 QA'd DICTIONARYi end the Liusgnikige nierers.—Tten aerial works. j olt olt re. 121 end fox 'ale by r - B. BANNN. j ' .27 N Nor!. I. H. MO DIE & O ECTFTLLY ihfbnii the citizens of Potts. and public in Omni, that they have opened vein Centre *set, a rev lickwaitlate Nor. the roontieenn6y ecoapiedby fdre,PdasOn, iy have jot rocpe_reed end are now opening. rive and splendid alsortment oCersuisitable itathsing of, H _ iiqq;cc Groceries flltorware • t ivelreen ael le ectdd at the lotiott market Fernier be efferyd - cheap-for cub, or eachatrd for u!ny l heugh market Pekes. - 26 Iba,;BACON, float received and foe Oak as • 1" I t s &Vaiii ,W,Gro do eap, and Fan trinbrel -Imam, Grd de nap Gro de Park, Fan. Figured Paraeia, Spelled 4hia day. aid fill' NATHAliffik. • PIECES painted Paiia, Lawns. jaOnsts gieCeiareela -1 0 1 CColas sod . alkitati thisew Nome a - ce. rtolei g;eit*,.i.i."6.4....55,-04., NOTWI r. sa/i3bb :be suhreitbe,t v . 14per ocher, 'Apple!;_Cberiiiith !Weal d Bean. i s WEN jt,-TEAS. - Air COllfeCtiOitill. Eld!*-saiti l the lubeetiten at , faaftnazy "tore, in'CAsseie street; -imago,atrees.,fteteeille. a fresh of Fralta,Coafeetioaary. &e. are ! raper shell Mgooedii Soft 'do ;do ; • Bald do- ' • a. Maiobed cream Nets do a pad assodment of Caadf?" — Aviet , Ginger • Nutmegs .„ • Mace fialerataa E2I 4 trait, =oh ka Pearalgaaches•A; ol es. , ref,.Citionoto: _ H Gix alt Blushes. Perfaxnery also .ralc . & C. MARTIN. 96' TO TEACH:ER& . .ITTEN.PrCopessals,Atr instructibn in the plain brattehes of English A:dor:Sam in coal Common School Districts of:Nerwe, 'cownship, !teat Park Corbett, New Cantle inersville, will be received iota the 16th le, by Lebbeits Whitney,- at Pori Cu 'eorge Reifinider, Fs9. at New Castle, and J. Wilde, at Bilotti's. LEBBEUB W TNEY"Presidest. AY J.Wu.Dr.;-Seenstioi.. lay 14 • • • 464 To? et, A convenient f:owelling liouse,,plea. ntly situgted to Malianditteet. Arlo ^ JOLei" P:MIWKLE. 41E BOOKS, frog Q am* up to SIQ desalo snd tdlail, in* reeelired and M B. ',ANNAN. by ay 14 Bositiftbr Sales, Ermr - wir - 111 • * Two likintkill "atiific eabrit im g to May 14 - RAWL & Co. . _ ._. . • . . _,.... : . :;.- . Bilerksamt_Stii + - • . ,5.,'.. .1 and IiANNAN bas just °Pena a bobs it i lei i .e risteitai l l4l% lNa s, 2liMih, 1 * Laic,- k sfi,i. hi Centre etree4 7 ,Otiptiute : 1 rper el • Chuielt, to which be invitee We • ' - _ the public, - asetiebit,thena - :dealt, ie . y• all ittelekte- in •.• hi' hite k se , itheipilf. , thee they can he pitebkiedik Ph . lea:ll.•weitld •tialiduleti.*iiieitilliiiiieilikik r Pi Omen - form ini Libre** hielihter:f . : -• I : of Standard Werkii . • ,•• :-• ••:- :•' -• '. .. . .• • , --.- : 1 Er All kinds of Batikichieinetl-ie-eider -- ' • • ft , 6 weeks . imported I theittes:teee lett* 1j: .011ey.l. ,c - - -h . -4 - _••••••.,-.,•• -...-- ~ - :-•.'•-• ~•,• id • I_-: LARK'S VONMENTAiltr:iii.: dmii'-' . r Teila2o•o4 - 4aidikiditelk.cimimisktirt*, 7 14eijult-reteir4. 100 1 01e:rnieJoy, - ,:--:.: , '..: , T,' , .- , :.. ~,/.!Wr.-14, ! -1117ts ' .'' '. 7r L - • -- -,,k *S.( • . •••:..,.7,-.'13.:::,....".'f.-,':"..4-=,.! •, . i 1 • .-.,,, i1.:7-i',',.,Z.4,::?:,.%; , „ „ . ,-. ',:- , ...., : - -, IIE , ; liggirdr -- T<r il iq, i •Sh I; . 10d -- 00 flee* ir,P . if„ kimr- 1 1 1 1 44 --- - *VMS' iiteake lo bitt,Atstei t4a lateaatitatat- IteeP ilk baar i l iii l s . _i. , i _ :ta ri lit' B4 : 7 - Bgei '• - an;,;l2, • -.211114141-I.l•Mi# 4 , . ittdPialiiiilld Partibli,dithiiiii:' vi the pastlioviumi mesattioity 1 — . Wu", _ NT t et" sapid:at . and Gioattgli loth - Ixat every gotial i tat ,et which - lot Words*. at faitoswkit% Ammo' irk Oetielketloa. 4 - - --,, --•.- -1' NM !Odin" sikiteasesit listaksail Dna tie Val% ;14024. cam biltarnished iiiiispetAsuctbil elsewhere, , 4 Zip 18* LEO ' radii ANN, *IS* lir Pei vcitfoliat f. 0411472 10 . 16 yl4 21' ' • consu l t 7218/ItirtigT/liant_ :. Amid ragwegllllolo% , . .. .. • limistuirtir iikaideska i • ifirtfmucaniqr alir„assiesidit SO - ens* inwpie 1 Val "id 2, ' . - ' ' . 77- . RE obja trig,' inekliCatias , is iii'' , lneeini. a a 4ormith kamrlaige et theklk kasiiesei- - - eultivatiO aline Shalltrry 44 Toss on 1 . . . . 1 % ailk W! 111 . - of • end nittiff ' and • • int the W 1& • •,_ inhbailtheli rat *lithe a . piste insittal Or the Silk !Mimi Sent' in the seed; to - preperlas" fee :Weighed . .„"' 3 ' • . 1 ' and Twiet—end.Will keep the Vidteriall le . • with regard to Ow reirrelier Ow ' &lunation ofitind - cilie:. Setnients of Legislithtne.foi. the:pennants* ' • • oblict,l emit faineant tutparliawitionnit It willaim ionteln choice"lertielkt ' ' - 4 '' • inttrettlei anbittil nOttitail 11 # i l tifF r Couroatiri *al inenweiced In Arta • ' .4 there its. any pOliebsd 000;... ,• thly, With," tepidly *maw - ' rancertients Hare 'lade ililiwnleir ' volume tp those ko _swab early 'Mice • . the Second. rolarme will contain • • • . lieges. OnC-dollar firming ti 1. , " Koreas, Seeretary,iNartfiard • a expense . Ind Fey kw both'-volawie of Sit - the latter. ..ne owned - *dam _ ,„. t h T ur firet of AkinalF No entiditiptaiin : rece i ve d _ • Ptia ino ,in tettt a ntl 4 .1.1 -• i: seed,a ,t tr a ul listreee o W - 4170tarttr - f &It . 5 iiiin4brviar4 witniliwin . mtailuitsza • 1000 Taw, iiihose who are ealieribern to • lii ret, F Ifoluneetand oilier , the Second and:rerr . - subscribe Ott stry*ste• alb"; Itig,irpt • J _y, nesi. ~i 1 , , , ~ • . -` fattlinPert! emfig the 1 ' 1 , 144, 9 4g ' Hartrerk. VOL' ' ' -5 ;I - the seconda L liunt .. . ,•, i 1 torretitiettiotiOne; yeerindit bit --. . d forwarded fir I eiteeetwo by '11: - : ", -: Fries pails& *ohm- ISt cud., toi One twain thee jonteittt tna Attknartltinr. gsere and itiaineete thallar.Sl ditat li voleeseileit 5 debts* ifflayleit it ..--.L.• stiolea, , - ' ',-.- .• 11: i, 0 7 - lo y ~ , ,- , !"_.- ". • ` ' •' ^ EIE3 .an irth 3l s 4 .„• . .. - = - 5:- —VreTlll.s. =Canard b • . • - .-1:-: -.IIIIV, ' -i Aim. t illak 441007.44ki1ar11-,111: ".; ; yin kosOsiirrfort eisilr; ': -- 'l., " 4 ACP : TA. f' ''''' • ESTVIIIV ti figissee - bie the peddle geostillysbathebaSywer eters tot isle je„4arge .Aad esiesslie : , of ~•, '. ~" , r, r ,''• ;-..,- Goo** Gnac ' efigt ' Ardfiiiri• tS4g, . , Tea ! , culla, oiese, 4 .o•N F rkii • au. othma go B ,in, ohir, ~ s ci.thi, aitinetryaihtstim_thuggek* Mtge,. leen, liwits, cesitteice Hosiely•P annaga,ftept Ulm* ebedgairk4 1- lleklogs f pints. cords, mopennir. Silks. witimp,sbewls, handkerchiefs, ands, we * Blankets, backless, petklfsigl i csos , Cattier, leke. eloths, Ii ye; Cireassitqw, vestthig, throw* &Altos, Gloves, pink fiingiir, stub ekkcs. , Casbrellas, ewifortet Wida** , Counterpanes: et*4ffiliallielsi tillic• na g Er s i. Ri o. L azu i rm i Coffees 4 St. Cioa s New (Mans, mons loge* Loire* a kap , . fa, 'New Orleept and Sum Noose siteleseri Gllll rimier, Tom, Nywe flettekoill Pooelemg and Babes Tom C.hocidauss stud ilpiaes. ilke. , ! Drown and• yellow imp Clove, Masi, nettle* soil eiissla . 1 Cayenne pepper ! .l.tnd i . Beiend keg nut • • Carreetsvad rim Cheese, codfish; week Moolditod dirt autdletl , Sick and bbl AN ,•. ' Pipet, tadVrga° Orithilbt half r , LlOll -lb eke abd imam Hale Mead ideoloos Old Irish whilikeYind New Enka • rue sad Lirboo i madairstpart i Assortment daces ' Crockery, Mist sad Maw by the bat., dtlF , Dapint FAiswraw, ~ Illastbig OP, F_ p •T M - Whieli With him gnash sell chew sti ever SW •-• countryittedays oar Jail A4_ ”.. ' GLE#NTLCOMPOI . 'AVOW otititrl will r t tar; old . It is a ifahaitia withirreat NOM ti, mot& iaitratiaat mils Mg* Friar 50 dens, tot sdie4 -.lltayl CCM ~~ '. ~.:~; '~v~ Y ~~ I IS : r 4ef =ENS =mu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers