Ii , . . , :Um/JO AND PITIBLIWED WEIFJELYf. HY 11121 JA :11MINAtni, OPPOSITE alas EMI:OPAL CHINICII Dr TEE : , - lima 11 °. ~ Ma/ Or rurr i l v 4,, . - . • ""--"•-• . 1 LIUME 9. ItBIS Or PJUILICATIoN. ~' annul.. payable senti-staiuslly - ireeeding twelve lines. will fir one dollar—twenty-five 't insertion; larger ones in ddiewid ;to the Editor on thematabgahnient. must be be attended to. Coffee, Mercionui Coffee Howie .Samuel Ritter . P . . M. R D 41.711*G 1 dr. WATER STREET, r ELPIII.II. • Lecommodating terms:- Itico; It%war:doer. Id Drown; do; and Yellow; ice said Cuba; strong scented; • Domingo. )LATE Nos. 1 and 2; ton ditto. mperiat; _ ilyson and Hymn Skin; 'dicing and Soodaing. IM MOLAES tiouse—Phitadelphia and New York; Orleans and Syrup; nidad and other West India; SPIRITS 1: dy-Bordeaux end Rochelle; ' Champaign and Arinignae; 1: in—Jamaica and West India; • • New England; Anetim and Fish brand; ,14 Schiedam; '• Baltimore. and City; '.H hike-y3-01d Mnotingabela; ,Rye and ! i ikppla. 1 P.'Kerea & co. 'II M & co. and Cargo: ly and Marredlea Madeira; —Brown, G o d and Pale, • —•1 1 E and other brands; and Dry Malaga ' • • tignae, in easka and gores; y Comp Port. Catalonia do ,in Casks and Boxes; CORDIALS ninon, in baskets; • niseed, Cincia: • • mint, and Ldmon. ;IFIDTT • Da in boxes and keine. •• • • et. Figs and IPraises. SPICES C7oeea and Mace; . pimiento, ,Pepper, Ginger, it•e; DYES • Bengal anj Spanish Flatant; Madder and 'Copperas. • SUNDRIES F )1i .j sox. I Beat Menders Wanted. 21-4 1111117AN 4 TED T&NI1 goal Boat Builders or rood ,„, 11°°d _ „,, • l a rge a•• cw v Boon Creetera—to shwa coemetara em 'at the I °' ' ployment and road sates will be ewes. Apply toJOSZNI garli Y. 1 I F eb cAI l4-tf . alieThlier Company. • ~(a iseding ether Stockholdem brid at the I Weary Zieher, Jr. pal& helm of Brahma Mortimer. on Tort. COAL AND COMMILMION MERCHANT, the perm= sere elected Di.- i ribilltalriPillilte ef • eaid Stated 55 y - ReSerecoree. 1 Joho Bohlen. Fe- t 14jibs Mortimer, ; liheliard Wilfent. Phifideloha. laws M. 9 Baggy, ; Jacob Aber, .felis a 1 Leiria C. Daegireety. Pationße. , . illogo' siel=va i Aped - Joualk,SeOtiliger, kn. 1. 1 CiakV,Perecr John J. SitticiLder, .. CI Asher RitsWa. . a Secilai of tbieJ 1" :ealea r = Bela Irma chemise r Ttamaantr cit iaid000111111 1 q• """' Apra 16 551-3 Mince. • coxireas Xa Ala oo 4P , * • The aaraß.i tatiabitente r'ealkir • i oaks topesins St th• winch sr • Ititlanao, 1060 -A to Militia enry tkr• ' itienekr aimasea lowitet pereiniand Ttaisinvoit Mandiay tia Sin Itay at Ray. UM at Ile *Vick it few aim. at tita Inn& Ahem it Lakatiort. Serregien matt, in the • now! rtantolin ragetrigaippar • am the late *meta. JAN ES S. lilltikLET. -Jtira 16 92-3 I Maas. r. • THE M t,wiLL slump TO 17 'To !MCI ins powsza,or Tin sawn AND nalati nO3l Tiircavlttai irirs silirairrams, await illi*vrisa. aft graasonfrito `..itotice t Delegates. IM 'V assent! 3 - chore n by the Set 00l •• Directors of the waits at Schuylkill, are hereby . requested towed at the Court Howe id the borough of Orertgobartr. on the fist Monday in May next, for the purpose ofdetermining who. thera School Tax shall be levied or not. By order oftbe Commissioners. ELIJAH HAMMER. 21:4 a prii 9 ALIST of Wholesale dealers & retailers of familia merchandise within the county of Schuylkill, to siiO4.tems C n er with the Messes snider which they bare placed by the A ' Jodgessand Cemmenion ers of said canny of !kill. agreeably to the 4th socials* of tho set of dte.:t of Ape!. A. D. lan CLASS. 'h • 'sePh Kern 8"" ril Ponsifile 111 5 5 0 Sanest Thomism j do 12 50 Bull iffr Lewis do • II 50 1 James Sillyman. Jr. • do 12 50 N. Nathan & Co. - do • 12 50 Miller & Elargerty &. Cia. do 12 50 John T Bastard do 12 50 T. & ,I. Beatty j de IS SO Gains Moore de • 11 so Samuel Slant & Co. . de . 12 50 Pollock dr Weaver do . 12 50 John C. Ernst- do 12 50 Joseph White & Son Slanbenn township 12 50 • EIGHTH CLA.%. . A. A. Gile 1 ' Pottsville *lO 00 J.G. Hehr I do 10 CO Mod Watkins do 10 00 Joseph DorEfinger ' do 10 00 John Clayton - do 10 CO Jobe K. / .. tilruagie „ do 10 00 Adam Kykir do 10 00 Jabob Kimmel do ' 10 tiO 'John Kantrier . do 10 00 St' epben Taylor do 10 00 Jamey Gillingham do 10 DO Charles W. Clemens • . • do 10410 ' Joseph Whnfield do 10 00 I John Martani do 10 00 j Moses &Tease do 10 00 K. &E. HammerOr"rmuL 10 11/0 [ Jiiiiabllainmer 10 00 ' . llonnanger. Jr. 10 00 ' lb & Christ - do 10 on , , Scholl & Ramdido • 10 00 • . John Snyder WaYne 10 CO Jacob Kaercber • do 10 00 Caleb Whetar ' Plnegrovit 10 GO Paul Barr do 10 GU William Graeff do 10 00 ' Paul Brood do 10 Ou 'George N. /*Aro do.lo 00 ' DarnelF. Yost. Jr. P.ast Brunswick 10 00 I %Vint= J. Moyer . do 10 011 ; Isaac Myers Wert 13raeswick 10 CO ISamisel /*poi do - 10 00 ; Joseph Mats do . 10 00 George Koehler' rarer Mahruttaage 10 00 Geor&Maurer do - to oo lowa test do -10 00 Jacob Kauffman Lower Makantango 10 00 Eamoel Berta do 10 id Samuel Boyer Schuylkill 10 00 p t y , eorge, do , 10 OD ! G William Taggert ~ do 10 00 !Albert 11. Duel de 10 00 ICbanee cria" de .10 60 ffatocrel Oman, - Wintrann 10 riO Morita Foreider . de 10 00 Jacob Sian Barry • )0 00 ilt.4l= l - : West Nocaregion 10 00 , all /0 CO iSaa — ' — imell'iminter do lO 00 Abraham Trost do 10 OCI j &mob & Resfireydet • o 10 00 Witham Pr= t' d a . 10 00 ' her do 10 03 ; Halton. West & Co. ' East Norwegian 10 10 I • &lewd linglies do 10 00 I John T. Hall do 10 co ' Heber & S.elgmen do 10 CO ! D. El. Haas & Co. do WOO Abraham Ritter do 10 00 Tanker. Whitney & Co. do HI 10 Daniel Sayiter laktanbeim 10 00 i Dr. tkiatibeiger do ' 10(0 l Rilhavo Hustr-nger do . 10 CO • Joseph Stureper , . - do 10 (0 ' Samuel Bowen • , do 10 00 A A H. Krebs do io OD , suivoid P. Hoidiog .• do ' lo os LebbeissOopsoan do lo co Jolla Pore • . do lo co Jobs C. Offerama do lo oo I In ponicadee of an act of the ith April. di- D. MO. rthe setobrdiers. the AssoconoJudges oldie Coon of ' Common Hem of Schuylkill eassior. together with the County Coriususesonara of sod emmay.sma and clewed the do erect retailers of forma userthandize is the vagary aforesaid. .m the manse set forth ie the fore run bac rod Wit is coammetbesamies of an the re seders withal ear komriedge. ' Wawa' um loads Apra la. 1131 K. ' G.. RA CSII. • • DANIEL YOSTj uk "earere. 'ladgea ' JOHN t'S.. • ' JOHN BOIENKR„ Jr. PHILIP OSMAN. ....,,,. ! ' Camay Caissessw Vilifliqu- , .. I Aped 1‘.1.13/6 234 .„„„..,, '3 Theda 7 of A= he bald ea Wodaemday -the 1 large rand ---". • 40th day of A imaam. al 1 o'clock. P. M- for all wed Bide of. the m a, ..b,„ feed aggrieved by the above ciao 2:=will ' sitimuisa. is the Genunialonan o&c.e. at Ormigestam co : far aid masaty. ~ &arch, Glut; Bross; d flasks; Lead: Ft* r, FFr and Fr; les and jars Pipm Lines. &c %Li goo Danville Bridge ited' that an eke. Vrttisam Henrik ty of May nest. s to asadoet the , year nett now LIIBLER, Seetefitry. A T the bead oftbe Rag Plarmagigagßaa Road ism aad imateaetyadjeilaag it, fir mid.-- Aim a LAATHAV AND DOLL At Sehaylkal Hareaa , -Aeld • Laailig at Pori Caress. - Fatima mad eidw "x ;:abisa apply la - W. FARQUHAR. i*lnals;Asard9 • Ii the SecaAdman fir enit i ir e :g N. Z. *sea gi at "so eumrtit emesif Getereen" e. '• • NOTIOR horeb.given.thisibs - Aiiiimidikerft ANiatowirsigr ma le MU at dot biome Iteihkiethe tree ci dellidity Inlay iadi. at I -Abair P.. Xt. the r egemeefellseeetteliike tilhe ii i iteettlieCompar - fteibteestaM r , ,, • Pak SAIIA CettasitikAoa .104 M—ao, Coal Veins , L ,:- 1 ,-. '4'4, , •••• - I 1 -_.--- . - , --,..,- -w..,7-.-... - • ..veo , L...,. • , ...,•.:—. -,. -...•-, *-- r-„,_ ~.,. ~ . .... , ... IN.lb. ... ... .. ~,, - , ; \ ' , 1 ' ' ' , . • ..N1 .. ~ • ........- - -... ... - 7 I t : SATURDAY pIORNISG, APRIL 30, . • to be -*peaceable and Ineffistive man, Dow nindiated him gatity; in sbbrt, be was ha. madisaly herein orbs pins is a mordent.- Here hi was left to *el theof, his mit erabientnatio n: he placed hie -.' ___ with a throbbing bent ated reeking bilis. Mid thought on hishleglethe hopes mad his serestrt, who he ids Minna imeld erase his "very mine &am her WM. gamine- Ho had: however. the seeks eholy iindifactioa to• find that this was not the casm Kgrtabeth Was soon at , the prison, where, in the vas of her lover. she emit:armed Wails. pet thereomfbri she heraelf so sahib beetled. But the 'epistle nuke' as in all inch este% le ro ipicitatio diamein ' the grief of . a young eauphe anderiliarhamy aliases Thelma day base. end the priest wee welter ed has Keen paean. There wai sprimaing in thitheenhamme of the accleshatiek lL which the private:l43d hot faney: his gray, Sharp. twink ling* had more of canning than of sanctity in at. and his whole manner was unprepowenehel• Its sedinanant advice euritherated the paws cr's seepieiona. ttKarl Wyeek," said the priest, ilea are a lost man nukes yon make a bold effort farrier delis crams." • ':"That is too brae father; but I nee no means of escaping from this duettist), from Which I shall soon be dragged to the scaffold. Il t : his terrible to hare ene's name pronounced w borrow by the good+ and scoffed at by the lathed; but I die innoceoti of murder." "This is bid idle rating, my soo," interrupted the pa itstrhaill you prat my advice. or will you die that death yon dread so touch?" *'l would fain hear roar rounsci. father." *•liarken, then," rejoined the prig "the keep er alba jail Ma a son who was thiarday married. . en, r and this; wedding will be kept in the rooms above As it - dances in light throogh the vale, an hoer be midnight every one will he mgar Th , zephyr . that play through the green b u d d i ng cd in itip.d. except the man whom duty it is bowers, to see sit safe. When the eaten your dungeon, Anil sport with the fisherman's sad, use tha knife resoled. ly-why, what ails thee, All merrily, say-" Let us love not a :day, , boy?" ailed the priest, perceiving Karl's already For the season of Love atcaleth quickly away!" pallid features become still paler. View af the "1,6 baker!" said the poor ornerier, -"coined - nit. 114 7 winged chaffinch that flits 'burgh t he me not as; as; that would indeed be enurddr-1 can- ly illoy tot he cream nut do S. was thet, made, The dove on the elm's shady bough,.- Food" were twe thou rfteiete muttered his @deism i s , as his thin lip and laie t The blithe lark engulfed in the blue air " eve * cabled with se scorn: -is it for such as thee to judge tn. cricket that chirps to us DOW, ' sin* f of sin ot Memel haat thou not beard bow Moses All merrily say-.. Let us not lose a day. ,of Brunswick , Sew the Emden who soma his countryman? Far the swam of Lore steak& quickly away " was that"-,!Carl beard no more. I lately octopi Alas and alas! the thrice beautiful Spring . , '''- Begone - 2" he cried, -begone, tenapier! I hare y saw the i Now abort is her musical reign; beard hie the blessed Saint Anthony was base youth and . castomed to . Fresh verdure and light to the woods she may by demi, she affected sanctity, and I legin to On Monday bring, kw thallium art one of that hellish kens. Be. the field of tall But on lovers sin ennilmnot again: gem I say!" Of the season of Lore let us not lose a day. , Th e ro b e d ( or devil if you p u se y sm ik.,4 „ we " A SAwraaTH IN THE IXIENTIZY. the taut. for the road wee up as to be impuaable. For its bloom and its beauty fade quickly away. titer dark mule, and his eyes gleamed like bright I air„ vittutat nownr. THZ. mama. The du i ,„eired so h e t* b id * e au& d Paris. Feb. IKI6. - FALCONER. 021 .1. 1 a fi „.. 1 Ixr us 1 Y iMg. the fly* far l 'etill k W alumna *l4 - c:et - acm &if anegietee. were id ' 'ldmft,t • he muttered, as , be tuned Pponi his the still, nnadoketated emnstry. Ali! bete want of every thing; then , & e we s -. u m, b s , hods, -thou ari feet! Perish in thine own abash indeed is a ? What seamy pesee.what the seta sad ra m , h a ted rmid rod ------ -1 ' nary!" a calm, rwona L lits on its few bilim over 7 ne w hum had a glumly named d o te Karl „ketrd the door 'close anon his whiter. ill its enedd Hew deflettew3 dales. wed ` tip. wbbthiraped aide and showed - kin teak , - --and fallin g .can /se". tilAelegi*„.rate r 1 ° Il e a " 4 .1 *. " DE P. " fleet di l lba Y 171 " 11314. !WOWS. 811thonit II imbed mad rims cal reamer ten. , ,_ ~,,•-• _ _ - .1„„1--- • I. -" - ty af Itis man and theme ems= up - f r a ope n ed ham the Sit. deader bias 1 The avenger who had 'been killed was not the sky as be knew it was a day of universal from n goh nun hes • ere, me . , -, e m..... , know many of the town's people. Be had that pause io working, of themorkt•ha and' ao.. go breoh. and euiummig _an r im e& w or e day arrived at Amsterdam, and from iras appear. rev the , ' dew. and grew leans. coital I il urar ia e . for water was W m , ir w e r el e a ws ,:. sow was judged to be a gentleman. Karl was th owand and the birds fill the lona ' Th e c omae .w eae o, wereer es, a id irm ,, a , put upon his trial, and the evidence against him fresh air, - th a re/rpm , of latisaalt- The earth .. De n u! de nut . rill mom azerfr r y . being deemed conclusive , hemas condemned to looks Dew beautiful as on the day of its me. : eon lam mamma that budrede . s e , die- in raja did be urge his intleemlwl in "le stiaa ' nil" from bit labours, and " if / prrishrd from thirst alone, and they' had MD hew - did be- epeat his story of die combat between the thing with him. There lie th e weary nresentaroe„ tar ...... iniii . • two ceratiers, and how the slayer ' bad procured seeds that radramed- the chain and smarted of oimmo om g the - s 7 e m e i - V i i nd4 ey e T ether y a i s T i i the weapon with which be had destroyed his en - ender the that hue Mined th e Pkoatil . , ___ and I ia reo i n emo i e mem to bury the ili4 ea stse poni r, taganisr; and equally vain where the aunecrnw the wagon, or flown cow hid or dale , .o.a. pew who „ me seu 1 ...a. m .. testweinuts of good conduct and sobriety width at man' s ' crimp there they lie, on the skin of a i i - e ;j' el Q - ,... f i r ,.. en d .. a . f a — e • his neighbors tendered in. his favour. Pam Karl sunny held; and the very sheep and cattle seem , i lm , a 7 a l -- ba 7 y i eg w r teen - a y ‘ h 4. was condemned to die; and, though pitied by ma - imbued • ' their haxurson s enjoyment *frac- ' ...., e hoes were d.„. shou t .. fleet . e nd ry, was thought deserving the fate to which he The hire* has been walking into its &Ids. 1 try . t ine ;Z.' r eg in T; - la ewe. bad dawned anot her . looking mei . this gate and that fenhe, into ask. - a - : - ... , i,. -- ,-,.. o . pdm i en . , 4 . The day of execution arrived, and took autos of grass mottled with flowers bite a carpet, cowered user in su a .... hati= leave of his dear Elisabeth win a bunting bean : or rich , green sera roaring thous viably. at him tines a head err font -is"-a , , , sons- , 1.. , bat he tionind to meet death like a tarn, and rattle and the shady quiet of his boom. And it , o r , o r t i me ha w w e e reiewsw i r re I lam; walked with a firm step toile place of death- is a -shady quiet. The tan glances , about its I sad d ye ga mer , at the arm y were ... , lbw Ascending the seaffeld. ho looked with a honied poach, and Kicking among the leaves on the wall, berms bane throwing thew token it, • de aeries upon the ma crowd which had miseadiled , and the sparrow amp., and fly to and fib ? but . Rumen Jews - s r e W- -- e an i sa in g e a the ~ ! r , a to see him die. A body of the town-glard am the doe be. and shunbera on the step arum door; . the dead. ebwormg rot do h h o w aw ~ ~• , , rounded the scaffold to keep off the throng which se only :aims his bead her swap at the- ffied that ; w i nch they ...e.....i with the ou , „ h ew. enamkitely filled the square. white every window molest hum--the veered. coned up on aams. • , ferenen Hu 7 o - & - sh - T u r fue h u m tune and home -tap was occupied by :1w burghers and bright border in the prams. deeps roluswousdr, • nu the a ka ._ ha _ ,a,.. end a u a.., , , d y their huniftea. The melancholy .nand 61 the -within, all ie -thiamin and rad. There is a 1 and a n t i, le--Tai.,----ehired„ parr w in d e d eiegeli death -bell mingled with the murmur of the ens. ; cleat, coal lan 4 gal the apes acialarrier het_ lo the o. .: w ipe m ew them eciajsz could rat bet d their weenie crowd, t ro ts which Karl esedeavored te I door of tbe gardes-the yet cod and endows es• i „ wing an a g uy; wed tries to • b ac k awn his 604 Feat , , as he did we, hes eyes rased door-and th e hew °fleece flowersflowers stand is th eir : to from thaw ,_ hot it ~,b, cm the athletic figure and acne Hamra at the pots in the window; ga th ered Bowers stand cm i s oon ado , „ f ie - e 7 e , an humor him, (sae of executioner, whose brawny inns. bared to the the breakfasibadm end the ionser i e away wife ;0, Se ub G reys) dashed towar d s a med ia dhows, mimed m has huge eashumied senanL -ainstety &wed flit the day - -n ape gas o t a .. kveriad Guard. who had bin hi , the _ which, alsensty oindientbed. gleamed brightly' ini come M. site down to poor oat his coder- _ h on w was fri g h t f u ll y eroma d e d e mo d l a, a the moroing's sun. i th e croft gate the laboanim are leasing , ta lking- broken hnee std me mo i. . e cit. setoff: "'Abed"' thought Karl. 'ham jimperation hal ofthe last week's athieinesneats , and-thine afthe 'i t im b e d =me i n ese f il d ia ii iN T. na g . welt. the death of a pas tailor!" week to come and in matey a cottage garden the , mu, and I o a n erne gagerbia-'`. Erick A pried. unobserved. ascended the scaread and , cottager., with ibex' . wipes sod ' children. we a, it aymme ir e d, I flew ham* teal irk knelt by hes tam at was be who had ranted him ; wandering up and dank ndseriringthe . growth biome ere ruched tithe eon was dead; thawota in rtnann. . I this and tha t alid____eillii7 and peas . aer s ka • ni ,„______ liii nain ildo as think the horn toothed lush inn Karl Wywilc." whispered th e tempter . "t can I mind, that his enemaget , feas. and bras. are :b e kit b a d b le u t oo - de a th e rr hk - are lbw even mem" ; the best in the whole countsy; and. think, as is i . hem , "Boer marinured the tailor, his blood card- I eamuds, genekerrina apricots. stud ab d initheries . .i. Fwbeend with t i n humus / 0 A l a" . hug at the swum. of that mice. - i there never were such WOO She* heats Wed 0 k,,. .h were are a i 4 iakiatra ... . 4 . "Acillowiedge thyself mine.aed I will -trans- 1 bathes grew-, 'el* weld reach. 1 was pesperisgto=wien port th ee in an indast , to woe far elistanteolut. ' But the hells ring cm from the mill charchq we i was -„,,a,.. weer the deednozme . end toss. The Wm es already hailing fan his ' onsee b.., - =7„, thwhanu , o r „ -.,. ,1„....a,_ , Kart darted oa ha Echo semMevely, that the pletani pa it grows of ponerny sin al. i Inn uses a ....„, F "7 ..,=/ Tantel grasped their balietokeniewing he need. ready mesa tag ewer the epistle toward ' taus,. his 1 ;1, 16 ' r''' ,„, o do het , 7 " - '7 - .mi Sated as escape: but he had Willa 10420C2110. the . - the hew gee rant& Ind Sandelt .A. -- a ; aro letters :seers W ig arroa d e 'W u t•Avairdit. heed!" he end aladderime violent , gown g from brews the and every i _,,,, ~........3 in his e „., e ,,, .., Bette l g,, -, ly, "remember the reread which mar Lard gave thane ands its islithitaide he wandir- I was }era she hse "7"u e Z ie rl ig 7 12 %7 62 the sf-vdik Stamens. aneauctr I iikeesentw as fray old "neke, _„ , . _list d i llad.._, ; opts the watdit.'"`Xy dear amins *Sin& _ fib The hoolowanh sweistast here adruseed. asd limi many a and Or easy a alinTscuPw• WIT Re e d er . h aw am e o y me th tier . di s k wear ; bade Earl prepare himself. Ties andient aimerv. all this bared caestry I delight le ens ends tarn atudo an du G o d sat Na t , caul and be was reedy. and begged ana ,the fah* i sit down wing th eir meth* tatiperalirt. I 4 . 0 ,.... ain4 ba r fortear. '"'"'- Sanwa at ----. pried wield be dineliteask bee whew they tweed i Ilia Kiellk elesidele is Fog mid _ , - to hid him berme berates as to be sees.l voting asap but it shall an mil away withwa . Kati haat again Co receive blow; the as down of handsaw shed eit way dee% and 1 heinseen approached and - - , hese sword. info - wiry inatifel wk. al. this dux" emenitiy.- rw E l it hat anidealy withheld the dour. a thowesd awed are the dusts of the cherth.ist nosed maw kink kW demi* sod a horeeneas was sena ' ere to tillesarawit and lea ell thaws& of ea ergo his fun; wad aweigh de Erre duff's:: to Wachs Mesas Med hinikei. Aid Wind - around the ' testa& h appy g im p's are 1 qielst heir cried the seireeiner. "far' ilea- rtherim in otherhe howee.freed from oar. , limes sake Graben-say tha execatien. I awl, nog: !resit estiksiet=ddresia days I .thr giver. aid OW pear moo OR IiIIWISIIWi if mar. weedy. ead ef abangth se tie , die" halm indeed the. cavider lithe bad pas heart Alma wenn( roll away. And dem It i sesswillatenEfefillainlihe warmth, net vall as where. hymnal id eadigedent I , overcome y die worided fellsonaeleml the age* , . and gemedienther_ wad= sit side him the awe af the . tea - - alien: then.satheek its 1 tee mod Oa cavabee. ''' liiieselflglarisas_ seism? dad is, it sat asset 1 Ihe the alien of the 'am stint is ! ohms Snit theme gl the, &Vaasa lisidel I imerae.V same el-lteitelle7 fts emi eff the mall rea high as bilk skin ftwOrrem /use at a harifeced sonatedihs , that inewieledisekiy. lullailmeadensintathemmil. 1 I den egentlensi arLeglionl. ow use is Bet- had vaßey...erlmis Os maws nes den and chi- i sir& Wenn the Sian 1 slew dgeed Sanely. eni n ey. and the &Why rain load 'habitual-1 hat he andied in aired I valemi is tile writ. bah writhe Yelisatimansoftimasoneditg duct 1 rani tanned is sear has mbeinvir he fie L-- glance estesely anew the timag-- • And /Ilk Val ilDhasittledan nylon cki.nedireisid ant witliol ewe.as ewe ariiiiied itale„- .1.11• en lie wend. i nut my in *Abe sitned. lie i boxer crabs* limy Amy aim( sons suaills iire.bal rewhodis roma talkie, '_ sot do lois awl jibs eel seal elfseal a kW& Out t sick liositss7 far. are liimPng um* , Illowey,leiris oiler; lioS,l l'w- ay rise' i sawed is , die bins st dim poor iebactiorillasdbmistmeresitalvbiadyiedielio. taiseraginanie sewed are ant. and isKil. of , - taltarailie raad diti"iwilseaffraisill* nes leatam - A ' • c MAY MORNING. "Born in you blaze of orient sky, - - fiweet May: tby radiant form unfilldi Unclose thy Sloe vehtrattoos eye, And wave thy' shadowy lock, of gold. For thee the fragrant sephrys:bbsw. For thee descend the sunny showe, The rills in softer murmurs wow. And brighter Woman gem the bower. . Light Graces Brest in dowry Wreathes, And tiptoe joys their hands combine And love his sweet esettagien bees And, laughing, dances mend thy elitism. Warm. sritis new life, the glittertog 'lounge; On quivering fine and mein wing, Delighted jam their votive songs . , And hail ghee goddess of the g. Preen the Noe tother SWEET SPRING. neraux. A 'Orli is with us of music and Ilght, Let of hail her glad reign with a song; And dance on her turf which ber steps have made tight, - While the freak hrcews warble along: Of the seasons of Lore let 011 Wee note day, For its bloom and he beauty fade quickly away. Thk streamlet that woos into life the young flow. LAYS OF THE HEBREWS: Br J. F. Fattutonta Speak not a word that breothn of love To the child of the Hebrew'. rare. Fee thy people than hi fight and .14ife's mystic sour to tram I worship not at a shrine of fight. Sot Him who fight usforrd. Aid bade it gleam in the startled night. And blush on a, wakee'd world: 111 strain my heart till its Wes break. Ere hoe shall prom my faith so tweak • AS to cococh its strength; when bright hopes tade From the lore of the Gslikodi marl. &ad not that wild beseeching chime So touchingly no me; . The Look ammo will mar my brain atiVhetweer I think of dares • For liWa nett hand bath naught to give So dear as what departs. Yet firm to my boly creed 11l live. 'FA, creed unlocks our heart' Oh. bad I known what now I know. Life had not thus been dashed sub woe Bet lore to misery bath betrayed The hopes of the Wilton maid' • Go Goehre, go to thy runny clime. To that land of rich petfeune, • Where maids are brigt , as the hinghing And ma as the rose ' s bloom; Go. Gusione, gid and win thee one From the daughters of thy ram. Wham love shall be en a mates thrown Amend thy food embraces Bet the green brine!, wresieled from ca its stem The star rent from night's diadem. Most peeler—km loom and shade— . As the love of the Galilean maid. A LEUEND Of AMSTERDAM- "In oar oserw times Sat as bin bask With tfi- Mrs persons„ and to the time of oar farefeehera , the erryis lime -teat tophee strange ramie with i men. - - Tfachmatt Careilert, 1619. I "Pm a haw ddicom-a very happy fellow: 4* reablimill Kiri Wyaek. a poor tailor. who chwidt l in one of the old fadeless& Danner streetanfAm steedam. -1111 g motley 1 stra remise from the Itergeenamer Herman for mailing this dash. shall be pieced along with . that I haws 'beady hid - gm. and. if inimm does age Ye me, 111 wed iny bale Elombetk beam I ant ibis etronehoeider-,n ' So satriee, ha nabbed his leads together stilt i meek retiarWma. and drawee his kee still eio-1 i err ander him. .somata his need*, Wig i a g maw trily as he worked. Bat fame latefwes with the haimbio as well' as with the .cialltest sad the =pi ref qty sae eater dashed tram the ,bps of tai-1 lam as from those of mane Migaifsed peadmionicl sad Sari had me eaperimee tithe teeth ofthiMi aliens. His simig; wiiiiel . e is the Eater's of Mel Mare ba wag airaigag at the hip of kisweige. test wade als basked. far a imediramely-dieggei casa ba. dashing Modestly blear hem& seised as old waged wine' iriiege ewer the forpleoe;aadiFM appeared as gait* as he had ostemd, thi l 'This is gemmed"' amassed Katt 'may . hies &ea not kink lake a Mier" Seim danceeide his Ina*. Oared fr om the beard, Ella nmegrae Melba deer. beheld et a alma &donee tie geademes ; engaged is Om* wigs. Ow oldie emmiedestst alma imitsady . Weed. while flee *fear, ewe. . l ine away his iseipm„. Zed precipisidely_ op [ drab. Kart paid Sule atteatisa lathe heithre. [ bat dew to Os talpHasee of theladem mare& winos bead sail etempedhis rapier: be halts threatldgmegh She inane with tie sward whit% beiteemeMei he seamy Vann hergaime eves. peat dem sal arm the poor tau Prepiei. bet we lay sew the Fairpme of him member Maned Midi gate--the skit . 6t a reammate rieiiitedJE,mi efMpiM:b sad aroma, Ms Mawr imeemitala is WWI essimiltabosjittbetesumit. Weak bed isms ilimmik Ile Os seek dames= bia as lis as,: immia. Eadismillemdrwir a blitas 151 iimearapit i. =Owe die INIII*, Wile lifitit im, make eilimiletiir:imetliiiiiewitilmoh Ty theltmemerldie igtesrasisiodilksiear hie • `• • _ ~ .., t N = Tack mai. co bi t Ny4 Avrwo ,‘ _ eirerairdm* asratiNmet. mad as sooolts oar =mita was imesesrsately; sus/1 4 al imbiber bud bete • saints be Fait: lit, us timer [koala *Used him upon Ms mar Her placed hi his irFriesd," laid sere! tbe mike you soaps r Our tale Mr me add lin tindr with melt *seam tering be badge& in Holland. , He m whom be bad Intel died at an advanced be lived. was Swine there was an' hem* ip a few bliarhaea id In ism id • - • have crept m a in' boaeat-Karl "yn quirk:tem tea hand* . IECFe ", , _ Badiiiii. . FiegnOlettorarzene. A *G TM:RIGHT tijcbcF Ai Meicies, ihwter der us lbw out we in &NM of youth, To be forge of Giver and the Gift. " Needles we each Sower that charms Our eyei. an crush it em it wither; Life ream tas 'an holiday, given To sport our 'ppon the stage, And bhiftea eerie, as whim, or !Caprice !! • i Sot i O ' einal to amebic,— ! Ake del " it is a% ano when !The scales o error fall, add reason Soaps oak mds,licrw &waned we are. 'The airy bn fiy, trilling its horns away.- ;Is changed nto the *mho. One and The same. trbeouty 11-$1 gram Yet , Now, in thi Nimble posture, it is Worthier of love ; The " is just and hurt Should not ChristAan Teel lannilky? Should be lay prostrate in the dust At Jean' Only to the limb* And rentriit tees/ are premised joya, Far ontweig Mg ail the pomp and Pagearmws 1 of car th l . ) ME MN MMEMM = e, EN A •• • • had - - The [ I N ii the next lawn,• -, the : t • • .. . ~ far the Ida*. gi . , say wteed bore we • ' -41 •• • ' art to eoheritiehde -. • &en . while the ease ' '..% • •. _ ai. ' will filled wslh . - 6 1411, Z and be happy. I r hale eniforel; betthiesnay ch ; natbas. ~ • - •,- bet es used a iontessilit. ;e • - --• ' that Karl. a' -. . stela, fesinktiesid. std, ea was the happiiimen anied ' deer Elisabeth. by r because sigh end age. boars in which °Zia 111 tly tattoo • and 4Jsio over the door. . the we have . vet ; bet n he 11 and toad et ieno per shown to the is.' r L. ' , I , 1 serriaesed youth sad troth :ate premi deben the le theirs in icre4'thelaturi ii, , hibigh '. an that iisikiiirlis - ' ' :Meet.* is theirs he theJinja or :ja theme' ' ibreadtb of Ibis greet • • , - , its eiUe4 i4aihrst. its fair feld—thi ' - :. f erkerg in &cafe ir,66.ii. r, • 41 jig r calm; refreshed by its'' 4 - -. lby *anti hi:oo4f the earth, 'use profound. botrt{ualOnty. ils ' aqwn ape,fothrurreraide risct. mkt, ia city' mils man in to walk and thr !MUD 00 tL iigitilty, and then andow in make. I intemaloor. in the fare in the great health andyiwy, perieneo—at wit on a Sunda , fields. and and the gel I) in tempts or nee apow the knob of t me; a desire for tor every meat the wonder of enrry child of Made to feel tl Which has her lake the and still r•• wings. lion wither t be ces WWl)._ edam eases' etre ion i ures e onia amm apti tie _ I vaza erisrelmod Ewa fis as rat a NOE _ p!sissifird. a tent *Cass • I Ilnathiag } Ss asked v *OBI t .l,kr i ' i r 1,!(4140 EOM = INEI . . . Ell MI El - •I .4 , • A-61:: 1 •, ' i ' ' - ' ,,4 ;4: .:,-i ~{ n.i ^~,k'.y .. ir ,i i.: .-.,. ~ . ---f.... ..-.li, ' 4 ' ~,a~~r #,,.. , : r .~ ... U P „~: II ID
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers