• - )P'Jl] ME 9. MS OF P.:4111.1 as per almna, 'CATION.- ' 1 yabld sentiannoally, ..a.vt - p-not exe g twelve final, will twee times ibt o d ollar—twenty-5v try tedwequenti ins rtion; target once aft otters, rel. e, &b. add ed to 1110 4 . Editor oh - ed with the tablishinertt, town be they will not. be a tended to., Two Dot, in advencx. Aniqurri be inserted cents for e proportion'i ICr MI business co ,post paid, o JciuteriA t i. suitpin Coffee. Miirchants Coffee Bosse I ... „Stunt* Riuer, P. M. AGENTS °Jessie deal. •, • e within the , . • Ifferent classes • the Associate Jo! arty. Those mark! A LIST IS. in gather with been pin -. 1 v . .' of said then Lime SEVENTII C Joseph K Samuel Th. 801 l g , Lew Jame:: Silly N. Nathan' 01)i John T . T. J. : .• Gains Mo Samuel lie Pollock tit. John C. Er Jciseph Wh • , Jr. & Co. • gerty & Co td tty &CU eafer oF.c Son EIGIIIII C A. A. Gife J. G. Helir David Wax ins Joseph Do', tiger johu Cla)t ri John K. I. , hoses Adam Eyl Jacob Kim ' . , el John Kant er Stephen T for James Gil ~ gluon Charles W Clemens Joseph W Meld J uhn Ma - Moses Stn E. & E.ll Joseph , Jacob. Hu Ledia& C •Schlill & John Snyd Jacob Kite Caleb WI; Paul Barr William G Paul Bran George N Daniel Te William .3 litaac•M ,- Se' , - ' i, , ul. Joseph I, tz George K bier ' tpper Matiantango George M user • I • ..1.. John Wi .t 1 do . • Jacobi ' , , n , Lower Maliantango Samuel B rks 'I do Samuel t • •er I I Schuylkill George D,. I ' do ,• William ' aggert • I . do .' Albert 1-1: el do Charles e • • I , r, . `Samuels weld I West Penn .Moritz I: i '• sr do . ' -.. II sl Barry Jacob , Augustus off & Co. o.j West Nnroiigisu Anthony ' tinoberger do Samuel • deer I a do Abraham frout I do Stronb &,I &airier do William yne i do t ' • Slaught i Harris I do Hodson, 'eat & Co. 1 T..ast Norwegian Edward ', ughea I • do John T. uil I do Ilealuer Seligman do D: R.ll & Co. do ' "'Abe:lla. Ritter do • imer. hitney & Co. I • do Danie4'S ylut • . hlanlieim Dr.bqn irger I do Will*m iluntstinger 1 ' do • Joseph ' treeper . Cu Sanut4 1 , wen do D. WIR. reba do • Sanrael . Horning ' do Lebbaus , pmati do Jahr; P.. -. ' do John C. sw. ,in I do 4tVr-Pll CYPTINGI:2, Treasurer ''• . ' of the county of Schuylkill. tritifSce,Orwigs- 3. R April W. 4836. i s - .24-3 melbas on the above List are requested to call first day of May, and take oul their licenses. !OCT mar zinger. Jr aueh • cher 4 r Eckert Jr. Moyer 11:r all.er Lb otpaitac WHILE. • LUANT to an Order of the Orphans' CO h i, haylkill county, on Monday the of mit. ...t, at 6 o'clock P. M. Charlea dip rater of the estate of Jeremiah J.. lateiorPort Carban, deceased. will eipose b Publics Vendee. at the public huhse of ail*. in the borough of Pottsville, a • essaAe. tenert and lot of groundr 1 : . .j .i taton's A dition to Port Carbon, : t.. , 111 ecittty, COR hang in breadth sixty- .: ittElit length o depth ortelundrcd end ':t, biting lot No. 3, in Lawton's Addition •* ,aittbon. creep ng She Stone and Fossil domed. be an th e pnirnises, late the estate deceased. CHARLES ELI.E'r . Administrat r. ' By ordiir of irt Court, • JOS. M RGAN,.CIerk, 0. burg. March 30tb, 1836. fa. 4 ...w. ..:, _ Iti " nattalioiti O rders. IVc : . enrolled labs haute of-the County of ri .I- - z r.ylkill composing ,the 30th "Regiment P. M. w ll take notice that they we required to pa. ride n Battalion as Misers: • Is Datlsaion will parade at MeKeausborg, on Tees rthe 174is4ay a,: May next. • 2d : trillion will ,parado at Pottsville ion ,Wid ii es d , the 113th day of, ay nett. T .13auplicula riss ‘ 'rely will be formed at ltt o'" lock. A. M ' „, .- p f u t Troop Sabi* ill County Cavalry and • 144.itil • Light InfatstrryillParade with the 2d ,t, inn; By order of the tolobel ' . " . • EDWARD YORKE FAR DUAL . ,i • , Adjutant 30th Beg' ant. r. M. . . , ril 16 :.1 . Co4Partnershilit. • - - • , A: t- i : EABLY toithe set entitled An Antielative la - ' mined partnerships,' the undersigned qta"ye into a copartnership under The narsiisin. - D ~ qf Alfeed Lawton. 'John F.13 , ..jr. is theFpe. et, pprtnerl. and Alfred ' Lawton is the general par - , er--the sum.of slatopo l bandred dollars Lei, itbe,pi'd by the epeeist; - partner In The general pa , er.- The co.partuerihiji to exist for, the term of ;, . years, from that lat day at A pri41.036, and -W , - , rg, on the hd d' yof Apr il 1841._ • • ALFRED LAWItON. :OLIN ELY, Jr. - ottsvill'April„..9 l 4;q6. 01 6 -otyk . • lit i ' . -; • l J Ji •1 -• ' I . '. • - • 11.1-_ 'i -- F ill • •-• , -.: 4.- -4 .._ I. • it. .--• • • , .4• ...... !- • -,-- - .., • ~, ~.,-,,. f , ,,, , - ----- , , , - . ..:. t.. , •*, ,, , , 2:• , :..-o-p,H=•.1. ,- 1,- , -• - • - ;-:• - ti; : 4...i',,..,.,--, •...-,t •. ..,-: • I . tc.• ,4..• ; : ... t- I • . -- i - :-... :: ; - - 4- - ' ; - ' ..1 4 .. '' . 1 • 1 3 : -to' ;..4 . . ... .. ' l ' .2 ' t I . , i • . . 1 , „ ~, -. 1 .1 . ' •-, . , 2:. , , , . .4*-- .. -f-:‘. t'...;, - . -4 ' 7 - . l' -:: '''',..*'.. -.. " .- 4 . .t ,- . - 3 '. : , . Dt -- - - - - • :- ...t . .. - ' 41 °, 'r... i . ;;•..:: . :-'' ."--.' ' • --•;.:'''' '. .. c. ' ,'•• • - .:. . — IIV i i.; ''••--._-. ,'i'- 7 . - , •- - * - , 1 v ., - - : :-.. •I' , ' ~_ . ;.,:.:;• ' • V :' ' , - -1: • -•1C. - -, -- ;,;;-. ''' • -' ' ••-..; c r.-. 11 f-. -.•• • • ' *-" •'• •••••%.," 1- - .1 . '- 3 -:. I '. .-1 , -- .•'''---- .:, -,- •-- -- - .E t :•• .• • • •••.' - -- ' , , I - .., ..)-. - . - - , -,1.-.,` , :v• -- "iti 43.1 0 1k&ii k '- ' " kait.', WO 13 if,..takti.3.• (.: - titi Ji.-i 1 r.Exii . Lii, 441. J._ L, -T . l) ' 17 BLI8B:ED WEI3IIMY, BY 13Ei11 _==l .. -,---=--- • ' 11 , TFQ Ste i citizens of .'ottj it P ,-.:;„ .....„ , . _ . • V---,-___ i c w il e l l o ici na iti d4r o n: ti k i , n t r bo ß t u h ein e b e a s s ti i % n il ,' --- - door shrive *animal Hartz's ini.l _---- '",---= honiedisiely opposite Jaoob line:' Tavern. where he intends. to Jewry on thej busr. ness in Sal its various traliclies—and p 1 dg . himself that all:the Hats mahufactored b*. til sholl.he of the very- id ;quality. and Iluirefo solicits a share of plat?, c tistrimage, which harrill liletdeaVUT UP "Malt h yi . cit aStention to brisines A supply of Sitk ll , CON .t.c. cocuitantr I I kept. on hand, and for Wit clt6upfot cash. ! .; . . ,' d i mar 26 ' 16—tf i 4. retailers of foreign unty of Schuylkill, to. I• der which they have grls and Cementaion • with a (''') have paid ,_ . - Ten boliiirls gewar& ',: R . AN AWAY from thei sub: - - -T: ~ • acribert, in .this borough oflPot4f. : YAIC't -ville,l on S'untiay last, a bouhd Api -1 4 ' .7 prentitie to till! Rhomnaktn; Mum,. tnetts, rued , i -i ! .. I ORRirr 'MEYERS., 1 m= - • ...:_ -..- :about jboait years of oge;IS ; Id ro a • . ..GT Roubdabout Dud i anta, !mins and a Fur Cap Any Ipertien delivering the rstr said Apprentice to th , atibstitiber, shalt lie e n tied to the above fletva rib 1! • • '.• ' ABRAI4AII .111' ALBS.. Pottsville Co du do do I 1 do do du oe ' do do Ihisnlissua township rotuwillo du do • do do do . , • do do 'do do do I du du orwi , usburg . C 0 dv do • NVoty ne April .23 Oa, ANAW AY from His .rlpbscriber ou Sunday 21111 ' thel 701 of April iiptt. err irideMted Appren tices lu tlio Boat Bui busiutur. One WILLIAM MIaNNEY,. aged . about 17 yeara, small Om:, curly bale of/ st black colour,, has lost the trial' oil' of one .01 hla thumbs—lied on when lib mi•rit away a now klur. Mat, 111nc1 loth Doishle-hratisited Ilotindltbtiut Lttd flue Cloth Pahtalootis. other limit:oft • ; • PETEII aged about 17 years, , arnalli size, slitu fare and dark hair, and dressed. the Flame as the other. They each carried with tli . eui ing, some of which arc tinted front caulking hosts, and were seta, on thelioad tomtit da 4 arrir. burg, and will prebkbly go,r# g. Forty Dullsts will ha g;FILAI andreinifiuitig thetu iu an 'Jail in this State, or twenty dollars fur either-ht ititioniing the atilr -scriber Jt)SiPIJ l'ottar ilk, Schuylkill 23 23 3 Pinegrove do do do East Emus% ick do 'West Emu:wick . do • . iltari..lnirg; and Stxtestnen, PitbdAsrg, will cacti give Hk nt.lnve thrue.; inna; at Lagnop uu.i cthargultkis pt.. fice. 1743Ellatmobowtoti . r.M.1 • C t . I 1 •I: . 11, „and the public general , (Init he line getnnv. ed his Shop into Nur u ttgi4 stret t,la few do r, below Qeutre St. at ijyiiting ii‘lr. 'llamas 13uaity's Uwellidg . hoary, Where he!:will be Ilspry:, to ,i l e din frstl!tis oenetehy. lie, inCowne Liletii that he line just received the . 1 prang 110iione fitlll, New York, and riiilanclphim,.wl.inli will' ; eiMble i him to tudice up M Mullin* etitstirted td! I ' iii the mcrt.fashiona le iiimitior, and fitno.tle: w4rk men he has eniplci ed, he bicusbled to mit e them in the beet manner and at the elimteot 'only:. M.' 11.1.1 A NI II /1.1-Z/Jlr. i 1:34"- .1101r2re I E. . ug NCOU,RAti Ell by siinic friends - 6 " the. sultscriticir has :cui4le dad to glee. unar no. lions on the Forte riaup u4d,Violiu heire Potts ville, as be has dunei hir two years past I nt New Deakin, Milton and ricicgOve. 41y. inealis of a iciethod peculiar to liirneOf and easily.ienuliWe'.. bonded by the youtigast pupil as well lby good conduct end propertitionttnit to the iunWevecuittit of Inasscholars, he fistteralliniself this+ he n uIP be b bin in a short tune toiraig the . confideueu of. Pita worthy patrons.. ;. aFor 4 Lessons per cl4llars Imicianslde lion. The subsciiher is of toning Piano FOrte Ile lives at Mf. PIIILIp .1 Teacliey of Pianti F rottsville, Aprtl` 2 Mr. Deisiinger ton, New Berlin 4cid I character, teachulig we bare found his entirely Worthy ia4 . dui - CALlrtir9M. A LL persons pro !here* enntioned front!, tree. 4 - I ° l - oassing,ou !tlio protierty ,of the,...ubdriGer, aittutp.d on die Mount C.iibon Ridi 004 J, it; Nor wegian townabi lintiwnAiy the Damn of q1# 15.0.- enty-lire Acre t act. *Soak/ oftqty Whir* li will be Wait:tad 21,. ary raon jr pomon. cu p irunil t . cutting or carrying ewa !limber, or ollairwieu trazinexing on alt y, id prop. - libß. wotrbtlD , --.- '. ,A. ,t of l{. El Th 00... rottseino.l7lll 9 ' i ' t .214 if ---:-.1- - - To ISiovriiceepets r 1( 1 1 ifti .FßAggi IMF ..= vrEA4., m u. — Rd, fIAGGEIrrY have jnin receiied •an I• . adaorraiciii of the sbeicear qualiftVernJwhieb th rwillseJl,ar °teazle a reiail.at ;Warded 'peke% euoating.of , it l 1 ii... 2: :, imperial, Ganpowder,Es Superior] y mut - n. CalraDOEl Young _4E444 F "i: Qualis 'young ,Wy17:911 ti 674 MP. Per Ih••!gmlPhuig• #" b 4 4 , ol° Pg• 1. rindecirt 1114 and...l *ire. very, ariptrioe.. a law '' of tb oel ultted(ll )niock4vl„.ti#nu, • per lb. ebiolak ra.NO: I acoltite . , net C ',roe t i cos, Ort prepay C 'at: : '' ' 'r* -- Aril r.i. 4 , I . 44 . , •,•,. , • ~ .I=zz rerlY Dollars!' neward: EVII FAG. A wil 1.13 leek or 50 per cinartdr, 7, ed ii.le-,asimeble•colopepsa: leo ;competent arid capitble offers hie clavicle. • maPo3 - cr, 3d elitist. ( - 413 tulsl Otgcsitst " from Lroctil certificattli grum;i11111• intkrove fur good Mend • d tr7ning Napo l'ulte'C r and duri• during dace mouths teraid certificates. SELTZINGER , , .S.qlllAlly "Nr.LIGt! . ..• • . kvevi . Oods; ' 1 +, _ : •firK: • i .. way rt,t,,,o', Ibiliy ! ' ;,,. mood' ; „ r .-v habit) - o Sprul awl 4 4coa Aci4o,•!A:ln sisting o• , r. _ . , -, t ' --• '' , 'London riots -* - .,'•h '' , 'I, • •,• ,Ciaiiii [ ings -"•p 1.; - Caaoo• ords7 . ;• 1 _, • ..,.., 1114 S otadooti stop , t ; . i, ,: i • • bto ' I restioti 11 • . , Nil -ft ftriPed.4#oo.l44M. . frO Cloth d (*gawk.: - 1 . , ;.: 1 iSittiblibeittid it *, iiiii - -1:1 1 4 :- C t .- --P . 4 Mur-Fregt *ei, , ..omt. ~. - ~ Cloth kistme „. soa,.. , *a - -- e,onier' - !!'- i, • Bro'ir , ; • ri.l . ar!dlinpii .ce .• ” out:etor st- 1 .RE,EFASIXIPAI;,t4tiiaI, TlMitOftiols4l3:l TUB CAVIJAIS 011,T#1011111Z010.11,14 LU. OLV tetni to hci WARY'S 1111 S. ary, with her lip orrosee, ' la tripping o'cr tho flow'ry mead, little bee aupposee ory hp, a reee.incteed;. botnaish'd at the the honey nf Ler hies.' Sliel &w,' nos to. :t images ~~' s: "114;this,".saill I,' Al warning, thoy .. rtor cut a love[ !delfts limn illus. and law.. "11 is may be wisdom, to Saiplary; "but 1 want s . W i at could I do? to eve th . y lips and hers .delighten A , trust mc, from that lovely -... I!fiiund the very poison imiel! FoOd any; miconsrmout of Walnut, 14e11 . 11 the Wilson to nay litsirt ! ri i'VE :SEEN i'filN:ii.l. "fvc burn thinking, Pre Ninth/thinking, i; %Vila a curious world arc in, lieu are Olciiiing, watrug, dritiking, k•J ust as they have always !sten,— . aus are struping, deniuesltilaslogi / Illimichlolling night and, day, girl are spurting, gir aril frizaing, • Urandiuus fidgeting away. urn is crying, Mary singing. .. - Jack is laughin g inerrity, 1 ust is gyisigil.ea-belis rigging, • These liavTolutie sine lot Inc, 'ehsalits wil'ing, rich inert riding, luring with a ;artily ptuz tnznes throu,iti every eruied are gliding, Ifhiads: inms quiihr ii, while...l. r,.. , I . ...! oe • U but tut, arelcastingiliting, ,' %Vet; Id that u iveh there it, Lie sotit: • - nail, haus their 'dein:a in yacht), , And their bosoms heave, with hoc, .'re had ehattet.-6, trie.utee4, ivrt_rity but I dare not uric isniguh,... • Iroliers shaving, filler ibis dunning, Politicians pull your sleeve, .. 'rintera scolding, ails itli3 purniing, - .lAil birds :Rigging for reprieve, ereseliers tear g. Idiots rantii.g. Itiiiehos too, bath di. \ utces, "owlet is retch yew v. iftg 'i ardthttieg, \r Gala deuted luel Le i. , .c., lAveye. It Nen:din:, clients li.totaisig, an.auts ;anti Ng of their skill, Patients gro 1 : 0 g, sc h ool-boys whistling, Su iving a. ld thud to kill, • Pedagogues of et rice telling, Ali ,li ~ era ofprctij , 4in;4 . s— Div. r:, stroll with laisoinsi sn clinic, liE Lt while the night,hird wage. ('burls ere lowering, tempests la3e4ing. Ftteiadji anapecting, h•e.. e t Clintireu 6preinniug, iniltresa ecru ling; Merry bosoms now ore cad, they ate ge.he litrever, Ail is gay us it lies lieen, &lama inr Ovine, the girls—oh never'. Whats curious world we're in. ratan Mr flohiming Atiremeses 4- Viaiter. ' ARM It3R TILE TEXIAN BATTLE. . i m Int the l'cziau battle, Sons of the brave and fire! way and Win r soldier's grave, lOr a glorious view' T. • , 'rks oi-)our wurdete4 lirotlicre Oa the Jed Alamo slain, ; to pealing in your hUatts for aid, , • And shall they call in vairil- ' Then arm lot the Te . siau battle, • • sons of the Brave and free, • Away and win a soldier's pave, • Or a glorious victory: is the ranks of Frecdont's fight, The. soldier's post ahopld be. Where wren who burst orpreseiou's chains ' Ate limping to be fret" .! is bright plume waving high In the thick of the coiiftict's strife; a rei frown shOuld quell (he tyrant's rage. And the sabre drink kis life. Then aim for the.texian - lrattle, Sons of thwbravi and free! - I Away and win a siddier's_grare Or e t gloriods victory! . . Say, how.sliouldths Follies die? On the pillow's soft r pose? Oh! no—with its brig!: shield linath,his head brigl4 .... r In the battle's gbau otiose; The -tyreneii flag at hf feet— Tito skims : with Viet raj rtven— ." Ile smiles inliqu toliit*unnuleis brawl' • And his spirit Oars , ' heaver f. .-. Than, min fit 'the Tiiitis(whilltler • .; • 514: ' it .. s Bora oftlia bri c• and free, •Awiremiiidsvina. Id r grave ', Or-0,-4134i0.4541c0n1. i t . i 3 O a ill Armekilritatiiii 4 - fittiiiFslne 404104& . I THE LAST .og:'T E412,9N ItEAT4.TX 4 : By OF 11.141#4 1 •T Mr•orgl6l 4 l, 11:1* iikhilivitotul" , ti?iirthe an, 4,imil'isiii '. "h simulkbejniucii; .w1m1,71*, 1 . " '"'llLba lictuitlitilimihili j ihiiiihi icith - val..ltrii • ' .1m has-not i rtmado h loyipeiiticM hti•fiih: ..- ug r _Juirt.. ani11141,.1 nide•llio.- ! 1 5 1 ,40.1 . 0 mega 14;o40 fiiitigslythilichielvlmminimmy,: M 1 .041dittAre fah ti.jus" . 4#l* liy libletrliimh , " eStMuLllseirOlMet?il, si4.llM-ilall .iiiiiolii a ~toMpettmt:ol. ll - * *0.71 C 1 4 1 11, , - ". 10 sPePS4O II I II .4 1 */ -,17110110 : 414 * 1 4*. ;Hisini - 141c.,.ikb0ut.A.,004,t , .*** 41 41.1-411elliii: ' ..' . 001-' , Wikliro ~ .P.940 1 /.4**Apd ! . 0 - ,,*lnitlisitiOitilintoi4EtzfilveWthicike‘ miiitottrofailia*, liiiiid'itruidaitrttia . .-...,,,,,,-..:, ; : j :'• . -i•, : it' , '.: -.4 :•. -: . 47 .4,...,._ r'.“,,T PI .. , i . , • , p 3 61 •' sAT UIOOAY rIAYi7. IS hero a moment. . away on Corelessi wing— lapel!v that wound nasightly? ha. tail a .ling! ith weepin: eyes— ;rit.ahiewr iteedlLiut - maw* , 111 near in mind; • kijwce, 4 . pg behind." inare " mg / xis lii;thorikr the brilliant, tortnintlF,bah:Fgesicti, 4alf-Ceilie Hohegem kind . Yetuassee created , by yanneaand Cooper. I How caul iumi, however • I - rillennitf, describe what they nevei••paw? ti, plum-pudding canuoi.be made without plume; or a story, now.e.days, without a sprinkling of , [fonts 'mill love ; and wise Men folly. Our eitluirefore. shall have a littloMf tho fashiuna- GO*. Once upon a time there: 7 lived, among. Yank ig of the far North-west, gel amazon, who, ataver mischief was done by her eyes, certain. 1 inflii4d literal wonnils with her handw--Such I higs have been beings; we read of Clarieda, untie, and 141arphisa in mscieht days, end am tired by Tyrone Power that the atuarern Iresh women ,waist their husbands in person ,fighti, each alined with u steno tied up int the that of a i stashing. How Inuith More - likely, then, WWI seek characters sluitild sometimes be. found a„. I inoug a people to whom refinement is utterly, un immirn, with whom tthinial'bravery is the litgliest mortal 'attribute, and whose first-lisped sounds are I war and battle. The.Feinhiselca in question wee the daughter of a treMendous warrior, who aevtr-, had fewer than three scalps drying in the smoke ; of Ids lodge at a time; and she ithd stood side by side iu fight with her father, and 'leaded else of two guria(b ti efore she was fifteen •e-ii 9 old.— ;Are; on the same occ-dison Mid riglit Valiantly 1 kenclied rive mounded men in-thic hes d with her own (Mee not fair) lames, lifter the fray was m 1 rd. 4fUIII that tune' rbc rcnotirtocii Inc avoca noun, and sometimes the garb, of her Ft.S. She reeked-no cradle, her lock hors nn 6:lnnen, lint /baud planted tin coin, drcrsci l l no robe, and wrought. no moccasin. She reined no steed, wielded thc lance, cud drew the bow instead.— She ationopauted war and liiiiiiicg partica, and sat in the waned. of mein and lii bolli situations tier merit vras cordially ceituovtledged. For WI this she was espc•ually qualifiedi Thu daughter ofa plant, site csecedcd . the slialnro of liar scat Otritted to itiOlie4.4la taCrOloie, oilc was quite equal to the'latiguez of war. lo council, taciturnity.ig Litt prime merit titian Indian who has nothinii.lu . r, dud strange da it way act.:l4 she was made to her peauc. • , . ~ ,e main, spring of this wOinan's charade!' libitiem CuateCitles of cowers inferior to A - ea Inuit, ohs saw liervell doomed to h. 21 wife; that is, an info/tier being, a mere , srcr of huribcns, a bower of wood ' water, , the ,dave rif an inferior, and • 4 11 im, The proud and haughty then her father resullial at a ' posaesreil theunly qualities above it,lnamelt, physical mot coorage, active and pas. xpres. rcibly 'sappy we:, tho.c. , an Lodi:. drudge. a sad drawet a tietilit of ' . Ili , sosl she teherl laico,tiftiot-s , a.. 1 is dr.ll could raise I rdrength and tlktermi Hire. v... \ The Fieet- Foot (r e 'lr uotlitiliiet on - our rea -4,l4l,l7:Lsesquipeilalian barque. of an lonian I arid the 4clfillf (Ilia(' Or it - II - ror =try:, r eviy I teal lee, and c„, hoe ny, she c bd nothing. SIM, I low id tier name the subject rude mediae, her' reeds the,themes of rode, win ; r •wreiiihn the withal - envie pt the olds end 1 • , ty the din-' comer 0i1.1..e young., Slits wa tint' ently bentni., ltd. - that le \ Va. form Cast ' iii a . .1.11,, and utould uf m:rfact sYti inetry and very regular artdcy du. k' 1 half feature*, eau he said to mahe Ia woman o. Be , fore she was twenty skis was moed by 0 e half tor Use males of the tribe who li d any preu4.lcs' to rank. among its nem, but to mu, of them w uld she intdrae her ear gtueely of seriously. Tut, i.e. . Ilat ried would hate leen to le hi( rank, to h :I-.Hole diet d iet l'at in tie 1111%e dose* Ind en Indian ,site, t., le, ''lllteretoro site bUrOffrd 1 0 ti/tAr ptopesuls i Laud ruttituci their pi e,mins. 1 If they crime to! whittle tbt•ir 'hive-sick di,ues b4fore the door, she I brokethrpr heads with their ov4. nirendwled flutes, !nod if they persisted. she allot their 'dogs and 1 jhomes. ilieverthele*s; so moat .‘• du she autioied..l that she as obliged. to find in espedient to pm. vent the nuisance at 'once and;for ever. Her tribe !love a Ceremony', or rather had it lOn it hits Mr many years bell obsolete,) of par trcuLir interest slid ittipOl ti 1119.0 tO ItP tesnajes. it was adi nee of %tritium. After appropriate roil. tfioui ri a tool dement, the utitnariied women mi. warmed,, no at a time, in tbepentre of the assent. bled multitude, l une ithellcughd each and all who Ikon's anylbint about her ti,:rson to declare IL. Were it his betrothed, inio 'one having such Lma; ledge was hold bound , honor to procleiln n without reter t cattore It m ay thei*litre be sup. ,posed Unit many - to:Ai no pa tch in I.4,.rite, and its . I nisei:est incutonmicteres hate doused it to beitlis. cen tin urn. I The Fleet Foot stepped to the circle, drew up her cetninsudtng . urnseta lull betglit, and with mingled pride and dignity: addrcased the crowd. "1 have been tar thine tit pars:, she ' said, "a woman sm , apert f • nil women. lu'plain and forest, in peace.auti wa ..in village and camp , ,, ink intercourse imp bech lolly with mem The dear river is. rnEled • by ho least breath; the , snow is sul li ed by the p to of the liglitestrociCl 1.0 bun breathe on the ttleitlll .pi my•life, and I trample on , the snow of to character who can?' I There was a breathlc'silence, but nu one i tittle. I . - . • bhe then commanded ter meth, eine-bag to her brought ftwwerd. This is is collection sti'etterin 2 1111110 M &C, to which greatircrurcrico is paid b • its owner. Each Indian has his Oen, and iii , may swear hint upon it in are sefelythat you can ' Must Whites on the Eringelist.: , Pruning • her land on this shrhie of arrirage aupcietitron; mit Tbskstris spoke again. I • • • . , t ..,1 Are now done what would have secured any mbidnn a hunter and h -worrier.. No ditt'has bean tirosin; no bird ha uplifted a single note of•ShaMe. tanilnow,,wi • nay hand on this me dicinopig, I,dtitdele. Oh anktmum, that an ran man shag. otrer call me wife, b t„he who shell 'pro clainte)l the best and tut . vrialitif of the tribe • .at! its -10trogil fiar.„-& who n Maki:tint:4,st dowit my eyeteithe Ordeal of id has. I have spultem'i -11 . . , tik deep: trout of -spit . began - went np as the arert.4. maid, r etired . I,s . a. , ,pargition not Arias W , ryilli*rittipriel lat twofold:: -Ear.b war. i'Mt• lit tants runiibeth -, i.htlim hisVwbe eliiiiffil •iitia• the;Vaanitl..ut-the , of 'jti4 helm& The *aura} Petfiglonifi*iii , 3 1 Insc'sr4 i a. IdePV In the sliade - :ofgalito 'Jan ,S. pr.onised to ' kwi f t. ninrainiiilitenetttt: .11 , • er,,befort•ii: the min . F r or ' 1:::'9 1 4 , - 40 0 4 7 ; ' 4.4 iiiiiaietio l - T r .wiaiwii rt e . mod_ so: z...Artitvid.:lo.. Aclrdy. ;Om ,: iisik r no - I to 1 1 1:E 614 IV ta ld il ~...; ; n", bei t in edi rgai l!nl bi. - .:•Y! , l l l iirariis - : i i i. .. :.:,- 4 1e , ,,- „ok i i i. • Vait' 't::ll::tiliStiii:':'o:4)74l:44o,2ti : .. 0 :; :1 e ira::: 4; , ~, - .: cal l nlii4oo t lflh i.Th e d: it '. — WI° rinefT•' ; - *l* - . . • ii,*pe ioloif ..')•:,. • . .-''...' • • '- • ''.`'• i• - :.. - ‘ , 4 ' ; ,:--,•;.4: 7,44:. ili, oilis.tii, iirati - Vitii .* *iiit. i4 l - wk. ." ••:- 1 C9•0 ie . • ~'",. 4iiintiis ii e iiia - ': , ''..• it*fiiliii:iiiii;' .. .., i .- ' ! ! • " lINTJ caw 7 , 4 bua n4Nni►ur's svissucw•gta. ------1-- .. =- - - -- =---7 - . rhos apptogboist slid beet of assoc . latedthli i Ivesr thoevr a et, winning the Fleet F it en dth e * she had pr as th ' other tabulation ug edualip ur nearly so, pentiorrhein Dar row cc drnrin to th was eMly wit cachet! r thky could most desert ` the rite of initiation in add he rules u detail.; • After testi g mid ?riving three day ' a the band c a u furth. ' ore day, and solemn dim , . around lofty p6le. I the Grizzly Mar. th most diatingnis then strip to the i aist and. panty Two oaken skewers, sank half an mm were mitt* eildy th t-thrhugh tliti i parts of his rum. ' o strong cord 1 ial attached t ot eiliewer and limeade wt L tight to the top'of th e le.. At' stun tiate began to dance mind the 1 6, 1 1 , his weight tin his la ted.irms, an of his termer expibits. his agonisin tr continued to inflict* h im If till ~ i u n t il ont wincing, when . he was Jeasiial d Morning aother t ea • his place. , reader. think that w o zaggerate th 6 . r 1 city io endien Pm-4'i - and path. as we have dicribe we have w" .' have dimini i shed milt r than added 1, The rules of the "1 on Hearted" i. wii when on inv . Military uterprise, to tans out ofthe direct line f march that leet coin plishment for a danger whate 'one or inure was ki ed. If oppnedd rior force, they were cut their wa, A i i they came to a preci , Oe,nne at I ' w to walk over it, an.: a order of pr , to be settled hy.entul•tine. 3 • The chess of the anktnn hravelis , pieturesqu . A turd • and a pair efleg white, and r ummest... and fringalit at stem a pat .ot mime ins and a butfulol cred • with 'jet-ugly) . es, reprearindlOg 4 ers ceplo' P, ale tit main ortichi.--i vcound re iviiil or pi n, a alcuderip,ai is thrust ii to the hai For it scald enemy eta nsn pair o skunk skinsOire: to the heel , arid ato or swan's dolma eagle's fen er pia -. on.the aubniit o Baez totted the war or's heck a wield zly bear's i elites, to deuete that Ilia such an animal, mot .t hins on itfl . ge two or thros scalps d ogling from e set him careering ov .r the pratriolivith shield, with his eagi 'e feathers st'esiti wilid„ and you have Yankton die costume. NOIA oft in Metainormi M knit an arm WI do, a t art to dare, end r speak caiiiinoit sense liko.any other petit of the Iron fieurted were entitled - 1n ow decorations. Strange es it may „Ironed over it bluff, Pawnees. two peril. j a g prairie, a aaron li isomti, hl;tuttt their scalps. Not ; • desperate pledge.. monied, niter havi great perils as any kuesrledged the bra With no objeeti Foot, her father off ed MA det;F:ltic'el h • tc of the praia ie, aft • a ii hour. in .order I. i se e , ashes Out of h th use' ho had for e hie, edge and take; the purposed lady to never, be said. the ,Fleet Fout—he hai no melt fur °cc, tot the devoted. band oca,urs.a.lur seem, "thel • - r . - , .Da• notiot. i . three Were ' • no. 010. ed 14 the fa ea the born, walkeditiiitik ice of the ' isitie in !butt litid'lntit 11 ne Wes kno - . -S . - lvio' late his /d new Mole alone co g braveAl et Malty and` as of Ms IlterUD t •cei made:Nei. est and bust fib YOIADOD/L i ,n on )he OA the Fleet ed the eat 011ie ronlileirt l!ncl in till council —The.sto r a decOrnits pit of,abont wake lip his' mixid, kneeled . pipe and , replied, that•• All wife• NtDl,4O di) tbe work of re of kis children; for which .B DO Wily qualifilid. He had least Lbw of °teeing -the [' three tviiros oh,, dy,• quite •n. Ilia motive for joining had been, that it made his heart sick to liavetit doehted that 4 wetah bravest man on th- card). , Thcit doe)• • ' removed, and with acts gratAndo r _ incur TO 1116:34O. •- i f.." • 1.. the tavor intended ins.- I i - ' Consider well the end in s o rnyou The Fleet MA eat to' war So ore. Stung leh e end!—not t h e t ul m e dio, . eams i tn 1.; wish a slight she • c old Lair ava i llge. to put her- tary gratification—the apparent or,sduasta ' , i self u3gier the oda n dm?' esti cot teems, flit' . ca p for the time-LANA Otis eiliE 74,014... - • • .i of such profusion there no lack to ati Indian " m i nd .. T ox a t „, : i n 100th i 5 : ii ,,,,,, , t ;;;,.. . 1 - 1 . tribe. when shy thisig,,h ab 1 had''" , niads_enehl.. e k:isi s i c „tt,_ . * l id no t 4 , 11 , /* z.f. o ,-; 1 7,. ..psogvn.Fo.,„ ~ , al• . dist ~ .ed4ilbei: , ,,-*,teetatreto„tent4natas in ititlioqi,,alitY, a's ea. , 4 piiCatiOn. 4 Oast s ai4 ft . " 644 ' Me CttW ry s t month; " a year. or even. iwt age.; The. etsi-,-the , a ;Act= hirn • the: eand;and i With Tanya; end L i T er .bo yon d. In acuity p o i. hoc it k a e# ' i , magic ceremony , ;tied 'Abe ttq destroy , fits the faults or fo ll i es o f men 1 4d ek ,- , an es w i th L awiltnesi, the at , to Pteetra a hicatrength. the k etr u mi t a ,.. h geo _ pu ff e e,i ng. il, ab a, ...mo t . o 1 eyes to blear his , talon. end v btu' toAhe , vice . i ii i q uiy i n ,.,,.hu 00 , u _ ; ,. : .„... ,, 1 ,_... e : , , / blade of. the slay • ;terer by:driving a kni fe tell f .l r 7 p ,,,,,. is not gif 0u5 _ 71,04 0 .2 7 . ff .. 11,, ,, his t.„.tn to the li fl..—lllring I :,hat'r 114 lufiWnr; . I , i „ anv i der ,, _ . "ed him of her of •tionato, proceedi ' , she twecti: ‘; :--,----.. into the woods an henget! herself. 'according t.s , :: lilt:L....y*lz the women jib* ideati,,,is the judicious teas la or imrl i vt i t, .1 . . ' li g hted d f" " 'adorn society. Thelatintee..,l jealous. - 1 '' ir- - i - . "ii .-- tiliii.fisuni, by Jlmisarlittioito. Thc he* ufM h.,,,me.,. I. l•&etc:"__,_ t Y l -_, ln g bmdd '.4switileetinelfbei hrosightiti4iiiiieJoy 1 ; ie .., wa x** hope • utiOTI. ; - ApProu moil Or evil .; ..i ,...t it autti n nit tindonebytiotbeil ! had the effect cell itself •ald *M. co .Predeeett‘ ata cto; the4nipiolgU ;infkkactiniWuser i I tic became a elm gcd ruenoulika , ed sedan. . 41 ..... a .... .. iiiiu. „ o 4 .iiiiiitoi ._......, 1 di* c o nstantly ' te 4 .° l l hi"' .- . itt -Hi ' Et ' the 0 ' 11;4 does nottelehrileibiai.il4o l ; e r a missed ( ire. the ', " 4 uuTFi ,e u b ' al. "! '`"' i not dictate to thenbotTiliey tgilek . , - a. fired; his liuntin weirs knee CeSS I:,his canoe ".......„._„. ... . . ~. , .. . was upeoydi co WWI Blighted in nitailitoinil -, far i L - tutir•44." 41 4 1 ,._ t ina .;#olleltailliA__ •!•• his -children died. la's mita .co detedt-..V.4.;.1---- • °MC° wit! . 11404 . eelf a manibewit ed. nes nmatenwo thing4stis* ..? bi ;IfivsNie.wf Indians, shd gay -hhuml uP del'air ~ _ ......';: , 4•1:i Two years a ; ; : lull u tilli• the' futulti l vi ''' la,gel on the . • •• di lab* rota! - pettihrhhk . , E r pcopli. While t =NS - - .PFtr:. rfattl--P4ttir: nese, whoMerel king !loot -of their arrival . , 'ream g„i I , -., ,q,), 11 0 .0 _ r**l 'of the !Machias; its ear . .t... ettikAlioace. the Pawn es en ell the i . 4,,1n - allo l # lll4 . slitters. 'or•ori - • they , . sOl 5t5ia..,,, ,... .....Vhu I i 11114 Mandan' nith IA; et'', Punt • .. 1 - le gr• r -' Ol - 1 and cons led. 0 atittott hg of ,vcrall , KR*. Wag aunumud insuPIYWII. it - Ai, Tait, 46..1 eaped witiolly:ns tii1.,..011. ass iiid:verit-tlte rittritem pr - *le , . . 'e . 4M-.--4' AO* lawny thin' . m a k t ra b e a . .ti • .-• • ..-- I,s• .. •. 4 _ .., • ..• •z,__ „: -, 'Vie 01 spirit of rotaliiiiit, virak in.theaigi • fsi et• mein - OCI - .ehz. ... 0,0,6P;0qmt..i hoe, Semi*, tIA - bew cf. ; ' Aktut*, l , 4e i . l ,fli '-',._;' l4 # llll hi r, - Cite& lb ;Imes . 3 1,rekqeititall,.tur , nua t ,sd s. f - hig - haehylke * .r ~. oictiibui„ :h. it., 'mid* , me t tame This eittef(d4Cithtral taa:Eryij , a4 l -• ,vailiitglAbolne • iltst - thises,tn , Nivery scAlir: - .A bullet , hiek - -; okti, ils : ihigh.. "...' thiArsitiOnsi -3n fi nish • itii.,the woundetl Wien , ' ,drrie,4 b } reamed: il l: ; d - . 4 41 3 itu thm ' 4,4 4 1 1 0,1.1 :: , ., ... , _. • • . liras! n or , .tastentlx, , ., by ; thet,nt. -- radeitottfuilala . •fits - Wiwi w!!P - I . .4t; Pa'ule4, 151 ' 1 iiiit:;l - .4., ipe.' , :- h*Fi.;eftet .a - , , iee,.•0 1. : tufts je A : ; h44r4litikr_etu 4 4 .4•Pe •141 02 . . . 4 M° l 4.!'iliF.. ' 1t5i‘01144..h.5 , ; .. d. •tufF, ll ‘, , •.. 1, 1 0 4 •Trii -11411mitiiiii - - . 'hhifewittk." , itaikWite: iii.. 4-I W -4 ' g;7P.i!'1101:1414a4r4--.1 .14iii34 r 4 ay. MlZ== _ la ==l ;I==l died oa the gald of battici i itia Oman Piece , wills wilie:o942hlif fierce and pitiless Wan `good bro t her. hisphiti). Sithe4; according to hit knowledge ethis4Mterde: the tot• the Iron Harred. • • .I t 1 it sa4o ject of ,us title Their lie cern - res. a .. We satictioneei woo inisy is • trees bio stood. es a tituOken iaythlieter. Mail bid *het: latter.l•CerutinlY; : repiied tito . tejcibted the ethet v bia you lug?' , r e,firder, qighla i le d a 'a9, or war 411 inother. l .ailid a'vety thAelehlid. hive aimiloney- 7 -he eita ber—Ae*. her. and hie, huga bee •why, Edward,' eseleiro - 'ed aunt iledt surer 'Mei. %foie - ••• • 18usi.ci t ers h ownu icit :; the, hal. ith half slanting dim he ; • next. not the lan cam ; ,a scene *guar ft,' replied iiterricilay, loves it: i ~ :1 Y' i ~ The sriict of acctnagOiini rnhsic. thoir children.: if not. enough. Orr their en (support, at leak enough' to scethein vial a, • • 'lila —is very eonnoon among rrwinit., • b ipjlidicious, and 'wisp ilniti paranitir • ••• Educate yoor children well, obit your - Alii_‘.... enough for them; . teach them to depend . , '' min strength—andihis can only ho drinery'... I.4ig them upon their own resourcini4a oo • 1 wily eau they itcquini strength. '. tn•trOth, • aiming mad afloat on the pea* nifcann b . hil father, is las tying hiatfifire 'in! arins of a swimmer, or rather one.itrali: •••••••' ,angularly 'imam; ten chanees to Rai ha wil)'l4iitihhi: . us, slaw dery and his sole dependence ; artutThipt wit ld profu. h h9? Teach ' him while young to atotillit 1 obe, co,. with MO own strength, and tboin he will. !so ,„, wear _ paredlo enter the stream' ofE*ltid,iiiklisaf llor cverrhimsclf without any .extrearnme liana... Ur ied f . t i c ' 'inch circumstances, he *ill he. I.ilielylci "Ira p „ orim top waves with fla mom iiuixwas.',...- appointed ! rsasintimrinsria, •- '.. • !,:' ''' d-a war . The Indulgence of a pasiimmtateniperi * I . the head. hips, one of the most unhapptorhunnist IrAces. °firth.. *sum timraare bit few' others whichaopemit. 1 as haled tidily Pill uPon Ote De''' --' -r— . 1 rse,*rib mind- 1 - - I Air toil, ; 1141%4 1 ;04 i 1 rigln Ihe'l do in full' e male., tungne to n. Each: all thew nit end horrors. e, never one inch i to itit so r; until a aape •atigh ; if bound ce Was Am-116NY! I When God sent the idtiWttr. ; ;lsula ititeiHie. world in perfect all rightemumess,. aud to: htilch die world his father's will, it 'was - said arid, dotise„ 'il will give my Wimp= your heat% sod in 4,inds wall write *Me that it, yeti sh '. be loverood by the law of nititiol and ip. 41e i . oily nod reason, by that law which is pa jab); . ovary snan's nature; and *betides:this. irbollever r Oise t hall be superinduced, shall hi written tol i +our minds by the spirit, who shalt write lathe„ laws of chritusaity in the table& Ofjouir I orm.. , loithences. He shall make yen 'pi . add 14 I them, to perixive theicrelish. tO remeaßbC= l ll 4 hecause. you love 'them and Lim*, yoU iioed Ahem, and cannot be happy without them; sht shall , pill them to your mitid,and'hut e l r Tr a w l - • goruents and induempentsto theli'm Mk" : - • ' hat lil W, . and make it all as natiiralte us, as ipl born with. e wee the .t wee , rew e dectivied j •:.• • / .4 , - oti BM ffM ME ~~,: Ik• ~' ' :~ ~~ MU ' I I • ' Imq Isi, g!pg some. toY *4 1 .fr*O. _:.-.;;t.° • i „i ji 1- 9 F- 4 . i I R I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers