aurF*l) OLUME GEM REgi! Twv iii lan I ,DT caste 4" , Pro /I;r PGrii Dines - vis not exc' three tepee eir every subeequedt U letter, dtc. ctitioectitd with . Of they wilt out AtA Plata' Revd; _ E4lO • No' T •- . . i subseriber. gra fur past &kora, re. ctfully informs h . friends and the • pub. - , neril that he so purchased , a lot of i , Mr. John Hu es, from which he has' into his Brew. y for the purpose of ob. a supply of fresh water; which will ena .', to *ripply his f r (tired. and all those INI IEIEi ground laid pi tainin 'ble h whe favor him with leer ) Ale a arrel or WI-bin rteet notice. UAV,II 1 by the the s Jan EZ! salmrenber, th mock um mediate = = is an the nd the Lis• bel_po Its • works Pol view !Ter • tees aluray! -the yeenuarge iriU be mak r 'DNER" lamina LA rma 12 liii JvU H, * 64' . 1 0e ,JACOB thei will be ' tom customers rams. iirL and T are mw 'dock; dist, couststi, tAquora, &e. ems fttchnatiuseis,zio ethetaraaf toektatts, sit kettettieEs, Tel , - - thremis, cot ; radios.o,wh • . Ako. to- GRO 1 4 . 1t Ll ' elzit Zt; Las lump Neal a Gun torder..Y !P onz and. said grown and Tel Mace no w!'woe Penler. Boa and ke 'raj. Cannata and. n codes. ditsi an Jaw 16, , • . . , I ... . • • s*- - 1 .4 ',*" .. , `"R-3T t - -.- ;ifr"tv I . , -.-.' 2 4 , 47 .. . 0 -.: 4 ! !.. 1 . ' 4,'„ '';;;', ,Z . .'::-,-;;: ~,,.., ,i. • ~- I_,. ,-:,.g • `, « 1 , -. , . I • i .. "I , :•' . I ' I . 1 , . . '''' • • '... ! - ' ~ . E . ~. . „... " '.7 . 4 . . ''' -. . .• ~ .- . . . . i. ~ l ' ' . . ' : :: _ '.- - ~:, : * - _,,,_ IL . -..„- .. 1 ~ . .._ :- .. '.... t -.. i. t...f.. •;" -:. MUT . 1 _ _ PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY BENJAMIN BALPINAN, OPPOSITE THE EPIKCOPAL iiE = t . payable seini-ansatatly Avrelve laes, will one .Ilar—tirenty-fise insertion; Lanni ones in --- • to the Editor on establishment.' must be attended to. ', INERT JOURNAL Merchants Coillie House el Ritter, .P. M. et fesl; one. Upon one of these enesions. I sons in Louisiana or .. ,s, in 4111exiiiit that mine be obwireel 'ttt,. the ostler at the Wattle received tiity elm be icattufeetured witteltalfehaehsboe.-. ~, some little perquisite as a compensatiodthr e liis fLo itethei of the Scan texatemomehthitte'..thorei tle extra Iseeticee-and Zaahary, the ostler; tit can be raised thim its greertele Leuinidnit , alipa nuwpelsee or qualm, into hie pocket * : Georgia Item the Varna quantsty - d, ! all ease imaginable . It sometime past the 1 the "mall Reno bean Vann ellteellt. of Ache :when Jonathan returned with his horse, !Iy.,_ 4 titi 200,000 trees or enshiii;;_whiehe . . . Sc he not; wishing to be thought niggardly, or be- I .WO,OOO pined% require theatteasice 'elf, hind his coteMooraries in liberality, nee bathe co. !20 14leids. , Ali the fruits, of tholes:pies, -=-' • der, 'No* Zitetetry,,Pin going , tope , eou *netting ! :Bleep/se gets, *beat, rye. itgetal&ei . THE I.XtURTSH I P AND MARRIAGE OF , op-ledio• +ant you tort up all night Ear nosh- , variety and cline, grow bebixerind: _ _, _ . JONATHAN BLUN. T. : ing--ahcsiftl4l3l. What sort of change ere ye got?' ; Menco is the country Ow tanleT ilk -no • There is perhaps no period in the life of a ha. . ZacharY abating - that Jonathan :had a bell. took , winter and the Veiled likilladdliedat: and . man being ,pore ininuentear, than that of a young • out a h dlni . esf smell change, from whielt Jona- ; Bidder. A Soe borne eau - sil ty*. be . I man, when he begins to share, and wear a dicky than t. i Timm, and bait a ninep.ence, & for twenty dollars, and for the , crops, of A ,-and of a Tonne women when she begins to deposited a qua er bit, saying, /there Zachary-, I `sheep and the manufacture of Alrook, :_, ~ an.. stick up hair her wi th a: romeb: Then it is, that Dever ,•tAd s to put themselves to any trouble raisin, cattle. the eon mid- , ;the i they posseets kelinge which vibrate *emery tench. withon .. pailahenintelye Zacitety said *tithing , ' rieldele:ereeln& prairies ire adinfrithlY ", ' i Such was Jonathan Blunt, as be approached the but ga , •up the pock* of his mouth, & eoz- , TO give en idea of the 'Oise tinitids hi& ; verge of •nanhood. His alreetinns were not cal. ed out , 1 sithleotions expressive lehistk•-'Mete. " ects it is only eenelearY to data . . -64 ' i loos but-W von ere and pliant . Still lie was a beau Not i kalif!) our hero through all his various puma. out ore tract of I • of ; -'-tio Au. He had no Warding school education, winclin 4 - des will gate the mantis. that be sepia- Penne land. foe 142 eel)" Per abe , aid abc I tar was hemantured & fondled like a young lamb, ed to 1 town Clerk, and *tinder , and conclude year. credit. The mines- Olden. had 1 nen but was trained up in a plain, homespun republi- oar se, -: • ;.• ,IThe mien clerk irate like Jonathan. Me are lire iiclethantshilia Nal tenths I . 2 ' I can manner. He had iontaini none of the spirit a• •• ;;; an d 'when be went to see him. - lie found aUetal'll, an-V e la way he inteled cC W I FI' ry -;lste ofrosisatioe, bat was it plain Fruiter of fact perom. hi m *,, . f illet a u t e n ac re tot} hoeing pawn s when it is koala that since the, . , thet ' age, end as his name Unheated a Med man. He Jona . : CAC tai ayes Meauid to see if arty per Matd be Spain , M . ll/ - : live esomiseS er was. no copyist; the way be did and said things ,' sac, i • - LW :I:slating his band an the shoal. - prodiuseat U 00,000900 of ,in was emphatically his' own way. He has no pro- • dee oil eliAt, said `Mr. Scrawl, I hate a word :though. from s want of enberpritmlbef eithl . . let 1 totem-he was one of your true ortiessla, having .to 14 1 • bee ?en private, if you, ems sem gale" i resent sereety-five per mud IMF thawiteth birth . • ; sketched am One of the most prominent features 1 . " Wii, etre s nobody near, 100 Poen. go on ;armed" - ' 1 -• of his courtship and ceaniegM. wit% la* piiisery,77 said SerawL , jrth N this ofie eourdiy. 11 may he There was a busy hum °tromp buffing !breath. " •%11'04.11," said Blunt, 'I •want. Too to poblith asked why is evelthing In latvide d. °ll 4 41 0 1 1 1116; ' • the usually quiet town of Row-silk, when it was me, ly ribb er l neiof diy, in the seeing -house„ Sue Led; et gamer-meet dlyadinithtetiot r iti mulct.. , announced that Jonathan Blunt was paying his Dully , , and I'll pay you the crab right Illaarla. and constant Itatoltdiont "Theelooree an devoira to Miss Dolly Frizzle. Now , Miss Frizzle down . 1 i t - at . sad : Mexico cootaimi efitheduleatinnier its. was, whet aught. be called in round numbers, a TVs neet4inday their names were cried in the babilants, athlete iris sesiliMmeri.*4ntlithmedies.P I snuff mated old maid. Her age--(1. bee pardon, elocu4, ).hose Wes a rattling idiom' the home, need_ _ma Indian; not wakens. ~.the, d netteidentle. j ladies . for touching such a delicate subject as the and d y wise looks and kniming glances lariaakaa Ind Slandarde and ' Inatententnil' f•••• t aw ', age of a fetnale s )--eer age, according to her own were, ' toy Sod fre. ignite. while of Earns there sm,thist. lee, statement, was twenty-6v.- and there could be no 1 t *knees was technic' anent& atipat . litatinelkotanfEcein and &wain 14000 i . _ I donhtofle'lior she had told inc the same stray for rel. - He obsedinely went into a stem, and had ; 100000 -Negroes. The wheiegrementwellikell*o l e I twenty years. ft hzd, like those or many other out lifti 'tinge paws,' and inmiired, "Have mentry oat said to - be O u t of fueledts . Atha ladle. of a certain age, twosome, as it were stereo. jeci at y* - og that'll kilter tier' Some MUM that ace Mitraan of Penide . oll‘ of eight . . ! typed-so that there was no possibility of altering lea th er '• - were shown to hins. Thein ent The Winne are a poet, lleetellenoi nellint 3 4, ' ~.. i il. She had a hog neek, sharp Dose, long. buoy the r , .. win lie ; Dolly thinks they inekt en be deed and Inleendae net. lireultier*ldatle er ltbr , • 1 arms and finger and afoot as long as the moral iiiii4., -. .: iel ea n . grit &good' pair I wouldn't eon servitude, having Oa fiedaa; ani-jaWilalklii. law.: It was then no weeder that an alliance be- value e ' • a pidareenr Jonathan .einictued a tdea Thee Merlain MI WIWI th e tweets Jonathan Blunt and 'Miss; Dully Frizzle- pair sat mie price, hod proceeded to thebriose of ottenteY 1 . 29.61 41i5ea alakediliaft • ; when the oferponity of their ages ores onasi&ied- ReveD;' liriene. l After the Anal mlutshost. hei ..eraelkY of brine . - in Ahe Inedeare inearZte ' should , take sieve talk in the tine of Rent-vine. -;•.- -• l 'Mr.; Knott?, I want you to mom What Irimicas., , _lrg'lndt l 4- „,,_„. Athwel . 2 1 1 10 11 "Did you ever know of so terininal a match?"' and ••• • the, forithers essismheeand PZ give of 2. 1 1e210° Ignzgla net heanallneweeneeffratee _ inquired Miss Peggy Caustic. ' you 'ret* chain., RS rna esi-a=ali. talembe a ftee. enkillideneaalafedhleatkiA - - ""tellieleise#':repfniegliss esehAit Jih, -sad I ' ire .? trite Diner - tooloy his wag. Who Nateddjeiee the Indent ralgineeeketH illith ttnnk you will now bate to give op your doctrine '. i t mire need be said shunt -the expareship sallowshe teem tanners and flailein th in i whiffs of -watches are made in heaven, Peggy ." '. anal ..- Il ia' Neat Ani th an Mew ~ ecaletneany, their children, teacbletteser to nenhip hint who .Ne.a, isabilla, but recta isly yon cannot hot that a sethequerg Sundae evening be was nee mode the "IN open the Parts areaaffienkialb. admit this is his *first lose; ^ le d 1 sitr a , a itk eti h an d s : w ith his .Dolly Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, .coarnect tben.bp a -I know it n, rege-v..7 said Isabela, elan then Fr' e. Whim Mulpreps being master of cha-a - of canals and tarots* ateinanstherch y a know ehoe's many a slip between the cop ee lets:and Peggy Caustic and Isabella. Jilt and state in the ee s erinnetiteeattolnar *hello-. and the lip.' What en Gad. creature he ts--1 ' ids, The Saturday following their m a r. cheek arta, derekme the gemogicei rinses Oita, ornethent hare him foe the a oriar continued lso. na wesannounied in the Gazette tithe Aileen- canter''' , and mate the h ooo dartee ormeiim , tras F•rila, -for the other das I met them over to cousin ing isetiiiwn in the following terms. - bornahuries of the gonermienof Nurtlrekenn. _ o _ 3 Flirt's.. and when Doge isseroduced toe to him as - &tried nun Basemlie, on Sunday mening,lnt, :here is a; aidenfil• Eaeada rOntdo the ham ChWeilie: Teeth Wasn- ~, mere Jilt, bole do sou think -..4e ken behavver'- hy Rev , Dr. Knott, , Mr. Jonathan Blunter) 0( au North Amain, the . joftellnel , 4thil_ , The wen known e =tes of the Chloride oil zio , Why I , nn „ 4 „,,, ip a iand has mouth and said . w ay m . • Dolly t..rrinase,.. aft oi r genae.. • • .. -00seeful wales, a project w " cane for en des, in purifying g .have induced this estabt j on. it me ... --' Lobructat to, prepare a Tedlerveh, in which L.: .-rte ivi'llee'er e.gosse, but what will sociinzr a k . te. r a P re f ilistiass • " I VY s t t6lt is i ll° endhisinn" Wt..' mid Laben Malfanee. three.e.inr a .-L 3 , ........._e_.• gander f i n . b et . . Mary .s,tepot, no csoserest the Othan e Aoi wire forms an important ingredient. As a general i s w „,„..„i i n migemine....ormi envious erithero mom, can't • . as- me" eeeeeeeta with foreign powers. Weehave tedy to step fie.: • .1 cleanser of the teeth •ance game it ha. no equal - I there bet a realer m town bneevery old woman . 11 ; .: L MEXICO.. _._ • Texas intoMmies, elid*eareb erm, the neheind - it prevents the accumulation of tartar, and by des- i abs! r id mart i nter f r i.,,• ir• The T a:77 intaohaing aterremente for.* in dex • splendid capital, and 14141401 . Amnion*, '`, teoYaeg ar•offeasiee s enalter in the teeth, prevents; ..Hose you talk, Mr. Matarapit.r an id Pearr, 1" 11 4 1 1, eq et Texas, and the preparations ter to the descendents of Mosterenis, AtiEhirine an nupleatant Meath. One great quality th is " tan ate olanyt , meddl i ng with o th er fidk a. hnsi_ chug ar, immense forte i nto t h at pro m ote . c omm ,, I w dt i t b itirm? 7.44 ,, d i t ,„ .. . article walrases over every prepareionn tor the ' t ,;, e „,,..... I ' bolded by the military itespo. Sante Anna, ere May WI in Saar be et Am tine.... Ac "F -R lES - Gum Elastic Greeds. I same purr's" is, that it keeps. the tenth -brosb clean ; ... 0 3 red be g l a d to h ave ei m , p eg gy_.•• sa id ex ing Much al..tilcin in this eountry, and will a seetewd and experinmed themzer letelY width . . I while in use. Price 371 oesstsper bottle- . eah aei , f in boas 'Obi toe closer etherizediez of the eobamns of the Star, theme: in .Tinattney • • ingo C'<iffeer.. • ,- G ENTLEMEN'S Gum Elastic Frock Casts, , j og " r e w l sad f,„ ~.k. b y . ty, & A NNAN. i .., jar haie kia. „„ mid wan . - Ilona e . median, and the amartmed ore. end in mexiecw _ lit . r. &di : . . . ... , nenese, affect i ng .• - Havanna sugars. Ikl do do Pantaloo ns, tialt;od ' ' ` and attacks o n American awn- ' Do do ,- ee -tires, I nrrßio Conte, Molahuies, Supluisv awiaea4a : " Na Mr- MalP'ufw•na if P'''''"l 1 - 447 i _ , Leap I" ail ls ssogrw-tosi New 4 iNee .' Sugar Howie roolareses. I • all the wealth of the ladies. sad fheorriLle to bone 'sloe as el o___ I. Do do tie Figured & , . kte.. st.c. IMe have him!'" bell w a s in a email villisen . - Ai" ing Hyson .Sonebong 1 Plain Shoe% 6ink BAG; trear Crop feu Crane . :. ', ii peortbie teat &Mitt Asia may be Sada in ''''‘. a - / na rk -.- -- -is - ;wa Lii ' ..... • ......_ meet,..which was attended by the gallant, sedleir hen Toss. ' fir •• do do Moicsk zo xt'' Sogarlaouse, New Orleans i - r -- its the tossnshilf. At the bouroftwelvethe IP,itralli .i n Hhois. • herself:" re ;" hat be ma summed in dislodging the Colo- , • anicinwamla ilift „ , were struck *gab* by an mem, &r: '. i the-r elesee. and Truudad Molars& S nic ' nest moment Mies Frizzle entered th e a T Vat jheire . that woad not he aolne'deen ma i m.i i iii i r d a i m :,•=:: r amp -•-• no • do do Susprsiders, New Orlesios, :Micinteado ( .._ B , leers and =mesa' i Ladies, Misses and flaWrens Aprons„ and St. Cents Sugars, i i " a • hectic cif Dr_ Caustic, for th ese it wal that th e e- ' - that of tbe ' toes of crer resacitsnozey, wee, anent. tea leseacenen . . of the gem ned viten listard ; Do Foredand Far Lined Shoes, :20 Casks Premium 1.144C*4. burr ditiC!•ne Was hell- ' lever gave it, savanna the esseety, occupied . their " eta 10 ealeara the hex . , - . ~ : pine • Ox - t r y. Milo Frizzle !" said laban. erten kick as - "or,. 'no ' the enetraxl• C' enided isi es-sam - trthe sallied Behind je c iit liss re I Do 'and Chitdree's plain oo ' Yager Hewn and bhiek Teas tin I& i elestel -, I - • - -I I poor were Marta In imt iitit.'" ••• - anti ! th ey those trim cat of it. Sete 'e -- . The , __, ,0 e . _, ,.. - - Water Bottles,..k.c. &c- 16 ma - barrels Relies Barley. as seined their tastes. , •:Somitenser said Doty bluabairg Eke ii. burvioelk. , vet hold Texas fur any leng th Of n:410,11011 until nest ... aght. - 74.7. ....., ihis . I Jost received and lot sale by -- 130 boxes lehttedielphie) Soap. brown it yellow. and at the - - - - . . ; same °ln" MIL. Hess= a '' ' ithe N. N ATTLANS & re.. i-A t l O Roe diet Cattalos es, 10's„ and 16`e. tame going him a step upon me . t 1 cheek, and • Lorain the ' conversaren-whieb we ; ii len noel 1 N. ft, C•ala Mast k Cower. tat Carriages.. Gifs.' 50 half hadx. Ghee 2: 1 . 0 and-10 by 19. • and 531C1° ' - is I lags " - lathes wad me batmen Cfr sett this. ninth tobacco I arid W C Fem- 11 be f sea- C Bnlndi eid . - WWI i - Win lea" them t° P'rtMe' PMSW F aIi g it .11" Th)-' i I M t'' the bariligiM alt."M • - toes aimed heckle° hack, weiwnsed agu e s . ortains, e, Ste. yrs urn : _ ognae _2s a la al popes o pipes_ . • - b and nattnint vegan I • e d m or d er. , Feb 6 1°- : 'IS Eighteen ream Lisbon wine. , dung to do With ear story . toisseaull mode by a bedy.of men Infers r,_ inothieg in do with the manlentalla" & W INEZ. 'lay tei: and'stand wide' were terms Intel by I ably in , hem s hot nnterie "'" l a dy forward twiee:cese geelletwourde the time. f terldf i . Splendid Prilits.. Brainy. bru a te sal - . 41111 " bad ; led to as • hemorablerbe en pi •Cil coot gm • ' . . chk. ocrir-isdaes by conzeing,' Car 'paying attention: 1 Anstas zetiee led brave ' eta .1 • • , '. . 4 '•. ' . • • . ' I J am' loooitolf *tom `en Y'ark mu d' rhibdel - . rc i s P entliet e° l, _ Alteiterd C ' enhei4 ° I . • avid in Mos bossiness iso one ever made snore tepid she wises sorely pressed:Menet re- i " --- e y and Jamaica *zits , hare lorturtutoeu of New Goons, s.. 1 Sae Fish and Plaster. &e. &e_ ' Minana six in reference to bis ' . Brief Bisiewspky.o-We bawl. inner . itheare. le i l ' 1 and orb- by th e bbl ' l Ph". a- o , F. ale h ]! (LEER 4 . HAGGE:R . F . T; regress, than lonatious Mont, Scarcely a seek i non which are. • Thenantry - iery mosettlect it et ex biogeapia'eal maim than it al fa thAls port and cialaga wines :N ew and f l am ma bl e p r ie s , , . i For L_ ...a. twee to Mortinter'S Hone asiist4 ' flu" th e w sf kts Me 9itin °U; 1 ices andeleere. ere the prolinumary arresigeonnts Mese nude. , . sessiatl Estaiista, tuid the ; Sdiesiog paragniph finis the : ion. cis do Merino/es. .1 Pon:mine. Jam. 9 f,- destrity the coodieweion end luld. by era of nelloonela tee Ale . PE . " et and glass ware. - . elcoths„C233illbefell and Sattia c tis, I---- - - - - - • is widowed another . trim ! ill owe! m the hued! of Ski to. i Lase Will. that ken efOresterlinaberfi l. . _ - ' •Cinton and icootket Elassels, kes : Circulikting library. - b na th ef =" 4 b - made may esesoiesior Sentie l « etene Hill was a , prudes - KW, . wider, FFle, do. h ar . w oe . feeble sad deemed, and at whose. i Frr. . ao , ovt 24 49- T. &J. BEATTY. , ryes mineriber bile now errands Mine has ', mutate e mmt b as em s about to b a d hi m a wi g & l a ineseure Wrenn makes it,. he emenemeney by hi . bereis*o.'' Os : ismenr be can make Teem ha headi.2. peer. aa. othinesetdSer. end ge Ott Inin '' - nig. -___ ! AL . dred tobinie . In tin ananuding tibria7 is. 6150aini of Cheap for cash, ! to wesretts ADVENTUItIEMS. . - nand aa u - i n n _ o , o m ...„,' • : MartY of the eelideall a !hneVlie were harped , '34 ethoo. ' - ------ --- 1 . - - • 4 vai. i.d.on.“. ewd•he BMW nellti , _ !In' *MIR Y "e"" ""es , and their preeminent° his hand were caseassell. ' Media= at .the mar' MFTCDELL'S Travellers Goole thsWeglioul the ; starq issued within the lase two years, together ' but mate timed a s „,,,w ii., his eyes c l e a vi n g Dogr. -void in • :indent. and hire flagged. And this le the ina ,United Stated sue Seceets.lletwer's..lainesl mid otherstandard : si n , b a d . emc eed lan is his eredle-os-atebed intile . int , and solutanceef MI that inn be said about bibee'?' of I . Do. Prickle! Maps ofOlsio i t Non*. To these are added woe* all the new ', hire is hi s c hute: l ,4 and yeetti--and now he Jon l Do. ' Do. Indiana . ; pubbentiotts at the day as they are issued from & m eal ier a nimble perms to make kiwi a a*. M ' bon to tie reirielett its :" ft liezial_h!_e _ I ST IIII . Pahrie . 4 tojenOet - #ll4 . &C. i D. D 0... Mesas - • i the press. „to nouseee the daery..and take care Glees seethes , , ;zit • ' *nu mb : temple - et Med 7 itoM gerailiy i .. ' , . -e‘ri7 • ' , NMI receive De- Du. Michigan • I TERMS - FOR READING. -" in her deem Yea"- - . as bayoriain the' . l ,llBsho i t 'iss a la tb iaakie l Oat '. ,k.s. ---- -4 ereeerat time Riti des tibiae - IL It bps bafirri Isktktnaf,,, or miter pe af ic ak om , r ;kbei--Pocket Marie of Petueryleara and ether ;LI met and all malls meant,. Fr ye fie e en b, i Tim Sabbath me m- mg pe e r i mm t o d ie t i me of-. , nreeeto.thal.mafintringthemeelseeehretiffeethebeettgeorth eniterzarms .' . males - ,: OctsvoNsh. I *-11 I the eareeniadan at Dc. 0111521101. - the wade:,; led 111111011111.:CSSell ir ..• ..- -: . . •', 1 ~• ''L '''.. alnkla. this 3 " • ft : eiired and fisi sails sit this C iff ' re-- m i d " I No Yesniy naller*denti!lllk_ht . and I man said es Jestathase *Nod, my aaa, pia ant! . Initbi bell, I . .. ! f ew 'VOL Conseeneed ' ------ - 1 sleworks lira helot oat by the Irehmie. • i a n drime d o p f a air h e et inne s. yosed bean . Reethetg in aseswee bothitesseeemeet and in- • op un ii se e Dolty: Ilenathse "without much ' - laneleileineo of" l + The Emig of likaPielfillall 0PH111. ,111 4 1 1 1 001 . /1414.: LlAliaa Caltainfildici . Cheated flrersimikirliiiiiiiintiPilkyi,aliarilos. . stroction. As an anusennt it is thodestheedly I . eag l et own Eplerahse tied they proceeded tee • , to prouize . a magnifteest waniteita "fir eat of es analleoh Inn lenner loin entreadlA I Wien& liarnemed ep their donkey , nod pall foe cpe*soiriiNr, that the !Ors< ideseii is Mtn* test neWerastia - ' ea it that Wand any ether that *ay be meths r e d o their aid semis top iebeise, w ith a ran and. Proud int:keen* 'O5O the appremekies anwhathethest , :tilat' - - ad- and ill halts i1i11it. 211 1." 4 21 , 16 ItiliC i it, taping aid an Kid !thine, Ma the hick the rtimo oat aye lath Be !... rricise4 tie see. • : 2 :•# .. b. ellen the dew to aid aid Mutton same t o r w inab was pesebed in Most &Amen pieces- 4'• ha:l be idlest.'" se hither see. pollise.. la t edie...- todnilhenkAnel tonal indlZ: Need 4 mA. 'Thatherkers et that b ri dle were avow ite. the fi rene.thietre • weapon& sat to hertee*iisra.r. t : .I' . 1 'sat ,eft 001114 ilt Is - rad - th eenare - 11101141tettili - '''' ' iiithat . Jag ins Ity aims bus alieeleill bat iv seedNe- arisak end lonised sethember at unlike two' `nen IS On* baler lbws la what at all„ ,E, L . E mus o f a wind am ell, Th us *lvrea. t. ta+tiL fin . ' 00%* ja is ii i i t pa g j ame wh i iher**or --, ::. mid in feet w ensieted ale us er Mesas ar e o n thrhene Friedtes a:damn Whenanive. Isccit O ga i 'eiirss 3 S The amismio•Mmiiiii-I.6geiii, Apiikie tea b, than oho nee drooled we eks ea WO- they inked at die aSsi reshr - bass the il en. M. Twee Emeerm 1 "i ' tlttCtih an ehamther. It hos Wiles here thethetwiefere- Jaateelmn I ( k -tin rani tie would " horriejor,. gn thatilanalal, •IhMteit-Methireitiefistiteter Mina &may issiseandtheni 3.. a at aziaaanii- cili aid phid tea Ina IFIT 1 . bil•e• --1100 Me, billialip afiiik Mal a n" !in m ar , t 44,.::: - I!ii i3 . 75-,;.-'T, nazi enentenee le thlenetne• ' newt Inalana he lan seen ietea-aitea.arlidi 53007' vs netts .rim , Iralake4eiCa'Z l ' w adi iiiiii 6 a--'-''' . A "'MUMS CIRO MG L 411.- ace. Theme& of the iiiersielt yes mm alguag : dkaiiholviii:ivit • - *a. Isits, -ow Leant .4atiftl, IT will also abentlyle It trial Cow kamilm. Carla tame lathe 4/4 1 1 isai lariat .it anTsdaillio fitiat eau, - 4,040 - 4 - weed unlit at ben tee esisans.. A withellesiteran bear. ant ineoneee. ail* . 'ilaW ilimiactraitillii: it leuttloetalilinariseidyee: paper is nay to receir - t - at this at prahully his esett. l 4 lllolo fiftlid Tea salIF , limetbe ina-4.4 - ,*, ftarlicamaillkapiajpiamat 4tat . ' eae. lii lila* we invite the " of penman Iment assivfor ia tavacatadvi. F s stay , yapleet..c paikarthti.tAitaapak#:talat and gammiSsauL R. 1111014 1 1". Jszediam - 'kiwi. time ire:lre to r ,, me tad a .tet sat** *kilo gat asi*,:ometamekt , ,calumr Jaa 31. • 1.1- 'become aftelearn *leafed Mks FritifiNibm*l arid elan as y, which '' !t'uc'k ik -- ca 10:akal gii• 4iliiiiianTii - i.; -- .1 ..!..- • !their custom, did. Porter - .1 of t he best quality at G. "y ENGLING sale hi, Tan Yard, at bicKcansiburg, of I can be Oren. Its Bark and Bides can to any antorukt.— afseaeral iron Ikill rail read, which sale for leather. A recommend itself-- le to suit the pat- AUDEAR 1 ED. • 49—tf f Unisemaq History of the World, the present time--ar - be staadiod by pea.. lry may be read by nation Of Stockers; igyasirtis on vrood, others. I".EAKEEt .et metro. t arse. trom :orient to Exereijee tin EL. le classes, by B. D. for B. BAI: NAN. Store. "EL LEWIS the entire interest Of Neligh, in the Store at of Centre and Market of Potnrrille." formerly ander the firm of Na- ray inform their ly that they intend the old stand order; ac CO. • . to supply their friezes ith wetehateitre at the do Diamqie l Brandy IA and 2d qualfty. 61 ' in additisil to their ' nagiotar and us do. Ist, ed 4. sd do 4 mitensite assortment of Jam spirits I s t , . 4 and 3d . do • g '4 Put of 0,7 roads, _ • - HoL Gin, Ist &2d quality. • ines, Tnas,Ctilna• 1 .-"'•-w4 - - ' N. E.. Runi s Costi. Gin and Common Brandy. • - ng of ' Mooongalaela and Gammon Wbolikey, " Its ' fissmisl ' wish "' i so 7. old Irish whiaoT,-.1 , d o do Scotch Casp. cit, do thi Real, Moan sloet Ingii.Yß"WrinlN ! Lain Deer, wiWaiiik -1 year. old. .___, I d o radiate. S r. &c. - I sidi -33:4 -' 1 "" - m " cl " I Tarere keepers and other eon:inners are lasi , . • I ted to call, where they ean ,be supplied with bet ' Te' 46 -Vi• lace'''. frin g es " i ter 'IV inns at. d Liquors, Oa bet= 1g:r12 21 4 than 7 hare been getting. anlictil coatings , Ptaids.l the ju , " II- ekerel lad herrtng OP Cb%iICS Sabeenptim IK. pArashtel . snaiukty, • WI II SgR I ILT . trisid wiisess.Tur el ilF atr e Z is L e er r " reii 14. Prices ell 38 per as. 3 Weald ta sheep, sad 16311: PAC* Ii Se, is BANIVAN. TO CAPITALISTS. 'Valuable Coal tondo fOr oak. %ME subscriber, assignee of BWINETT & JUL WALTON, offers for sale, as a past oldie estate assigned him in trust, two of the finest tracts of Coal Land, in Schuylkill county, hay mg the incorporated town of Inesvilje thereon, and containing the &Bowing • clabra ted veins of Coal, via Diamond, anther, Primrose, Phi:mini, North Ind South: Veins, with one or two .more, all yielding the best quality of coal. Attach. edge those tracts isa landing at Schuylkill Haven, and they are traversed by the Wolf creek rail Toed. joining the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Hannyail road on their margin. The. coal, already mined and carried from these lands, has been (band of the best quantity hitheito brought to Philadelphia, and they are believed - to be equal in every facili ty of access to any .tract 'in the County. For _particulars, and a view of plans, apply to JOHN J. WHITE. jan. 9 9 FORT CARBON • Saving Fund Socie y. TTHE Port Carbon Saving Fund ' ty, is now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the Office of D.-count and, f the pur. pose of receiving itcposits to any • nt not ex ceeding $lOO, froui an oni person, u which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid u every $5 and upwards, Mit no interest will be allowed cm any fractional parts of sb.. The wlw..le or any part nay be drawn out on giving notice, two to Poor weeks, at.the of e on Mondays. The buy sines of the Society wilt be conducted by the &awing officers and managers, until the first Itionday in May nest. Pmiident.-- - AQVILA BOLTON. jk."Terg - Abraham Heebner Edward IL Clubky -r.odarard Hughes . K S. Warne fiE3IEEEMM Article 3d of the Charter. No emolument whaticerer shall be received by the President or Managers for their seniors, nor shall any Manager become a borrower from the untilti don." oct 3 •6tf N. N...kTHANS & CO. 1 - 114 A V IE on hand and offer for Sale the Sißon. I assortment otWincs and I.iquora. Superior Old E. 1. Madeira Rine on draught, Star Brand, do do Rottkel, do do on draught. I do Pure Grape Joint- Buttlark' do , e.o do do do on dratighto Coalmen do do do Superior &clip Slierry do do do do do do do ,hottled do Pa le • do do • do do do In do on draught, do' Dry :Malaga; Swett Malaga do do Lisbon and Mar. Madam - do do Sicly Madeira St. Mumeatel do Claret on draught and hauled, do Old Hach and Iloscat bokUce, do Champaign an g le, Canna and Jolly Sauxia, do do du L. P. do P9r t do Old 4sh rivor, Brandy, do do 1101. Gio„ NOtite. grIGORGE . EL BOONS mid 3Sse Ks `Ur sigmas of Petri Weyasd, have tiled in the tifSes of the Prodiassonsy of *rams of Coe awn Phan of Schuylkill Comity, as ocesnot and waremest et their trest.and the said Court have auesionsil Monday the 21st any of Match, MG. i 0 o'clock A. 11. a the nom Mir in tie wombat Oflcigsbem; ferule easfinemibues tie mem mbar muse be Assn that the anis eegbt amt be be eeefirmed. LEWIS AUDEERIED„ Feb 12-A . Tieebeemeery. $ , Ikeir Books. tom=i PargsTE. Ecosoarc by . 81 - nowise* Stirrick fitecabealialger [balloon. ike.. mil Rela. efts. 1,61. 9 whack esemp/apea. tie gee's. Jhot recared std Gr sob by Fab SO 14 8 1111.1111W1. SATURDAY MORNING*Iii*BRU . , Nonce- A 4 ,-- ALL persons having anv d thi 7 m agantst the Overseers of the Poorof *met of Potts ville, will please to. present the eon or, before the first day of March nest, to . BENJAhIIN S PAYD, Overseer of the Poor of tits borough of Pottsville. Fcb 13 • i 134 WANTED to patchase a Lan aground suit, able fora BuiYint Groan& in the imme diate vicinity of the Borough of Pottsville. For further particulars enquire at this ofFice. Feb 13 13.3 'FHB subacriteicdtera• For sale in addithon ,to -"- his'former tit Dry Bonds at, his Store ID Centre street, Witte, Borth proof and Com mon Brandy, fir Gin, blalaget Tenenffe and Port Wines, Wbiikey, by the gadln or bar, re4togetheT with Wheat, Rye; Buckwheat and Corn Meal, Oats, Corn and Chopp( all kinds. Feb 612- - .1411116:13 SILLYMAN, Jr. IRON FOUNDRY. STEAM ENGINE & SOLLEI4 2LUNETACTOMT. People's Works, Fro rdiiin' aad F. ant i.VoL Kesitiagtes, Piriladel: =MCI The subscriber respectfully informs hiscustom. era andthw t pct= that be has removed Inv Deo Foundry busi from Broad street, (as above) to a new establishment, where he is able to can. cote any orders punctually. Such ar Castings for Dill Gearing. Straw Engines, Rail Road Wheels, Quire, and Turti-outr„ Sugar Dills and Pans, Sap Boiler Pans, Bark Mills and Castings of all other idescriptinus. Alva, having a eery large arsortinent of-I Patera., minsider it Wl7l be to the advantne of mechanics and builders to eaR, when they will be shown by Wm. Sedate, at the works. A. DAVIS. Steam Engines ancl Bailer 3l A sufFAcrOgy On the manic premises can he had Lich or lair Preirnire Engines, Healers and Machinery in Re. nerd, no the most reasunalde terns, by applica tion to JAMES fl.l NT. N. D. Any orders left. al the Wad Mere of Bullock. 'Chives- 4. Co. at North' Third St. Phila delphia twin be immediately atteeek - d Philadelphia, Dre-3, TM. 3-Iy* A CARD. John Silver TAR FS giro t pleasure in inthrmizig the pub. he, and his friends, and 'btu his patrons to particular. - that be has opened a R riECTORY, nder the fenosyleataia Hail, in Potbetlie. tie • • - Irmo his paid reputation .or keeping - a re *pedal& cataslneltaient, aapiired daring the ex. perieueeof three Years in the same sne of hasiness„ and by' desire to please and application to lord ocin, to merit a coothroance of your favor and Faeoilies, by sant*. to the reannyhrutia Hap Rcketory. shall h4pdsters of a Superior iirsafity armed up in the =kyle, and every other ttiat the reetsatininriett elan &ant in sea • }nix or FARE. Obeired °pliers per dozen 119 Fried do do Rotried do • do IVi . Vent rio Robe. 374 Pepper Pot per bowl Pigs Feet 111 Nor "4 , 4l 2—Gin ;: , . . . r . . ~-... . f . ~ 4... 4 . --:' , ..-4, 4 •':. ,- •"•'' , " q7;''t''.'"'eA C ." • `.- - - 4...."4 ° ;. r 1•.r." -'!..r''''''. ....... 1 11 " 7/16E 811: V IL f.° 11? ' • SCUITheLKILL QUA;' TWft:DOLIARS-IPESI,A2at, A RUSTIC HAMAD. , A bee, while lay sleeping Yect 7 4 0 0 . 1 4, Mistook her red lips for the mac; There honey to Seek Were no idly. No flower ro sweet.erer It tickled, and waled her; wheuclapping Her hand on the irnpudent bee, It stung her, and Dolly, caught napping. Come pouting and citing to me. Said she "take the sting nat.l pray year What way I was Parkted to try. And a trifling wagetird lay you, • ...Tared hare been as much pealed as L IV beard about seeking out polar A sting a a poisonous dart— So I hies'd her—the a_ et was no wise one; 'Tbe snug tumid its way to my Mart., ~. (( 1 ~ i 1 ..~.r: ^~ T.i+{ l , ~.~•Sr+^.~+-:.-.~rl++`'~. e.c+..~-: .rrv•~ir!Y~F!..E~'.Y~ ~.i ~ ~ ^a 1 Y 27, 1836. and Otte i matters wect on; eltatedeiti- ' The I talk -which this matehexcite . d in Resemile Famed by nutuched by our Inver. • _- _, Ahr Mud he one Mi r y,' as Dr.' Cahseie wag Jae, ing hint tpr courthitatreh morild buide--Veople may telltl's ranch as ;tires pkass—htit 'Whitely I shalthave thegiit: 'Then rubbing . the iihnlL, °This 'ds together in ccatacy. ;bc reiterated. ''Yes, I I have theigiii--aimitatily. * The Doe. ter then aired of him if loved her. - - 'Do .. oppose. IV. Caustic, that I'd a gi r o her th en:ll4C geoid eir.rings?' Mid - Blunt. NT I hadn't 140 her? Nir--abseintely.l , , lonatlMo Blunt had a little native piideitnprint. 1 ed in hisiaitnre. *tuck would manifest itiklf:dnr.- i?g thecrroOship. sod instead of travelling . * his ld eq : _e# e Op chaise.: he would somehow bite .. !PiiM!MEMMENS • • I • . SEEM 01 out:eters; to Ida standard— a may " reties:loi =lnthe Rio Grande— niay ,re:,:hiiir of side tricooPhai inareis 4 v :"rliii . e = ru li fy Abideztuna, Audits azaricose-10 . - '-' .3demieu. if $t waft not. illuseed istisOlSeriwillii.' it D 4eilnu g ht bythe heautrOriblirrnitate said; Uri' RAO, of kneel]. hails heck *MOM fFir dim. Paradise from, which our *lt *dr= Ito.. tes t a* A.n.' lit is the, garden of NAL . Elfe Ating that qui be produced pf lead lgrins tbetu'in-rich abundance. - .0f - maize Ulna L a 414!. gig *ere has been known . yieldsllol4sol4dhood, .whilisio Europe the • cuiliyated : Ad l 7 Tiekt ten' or rendre to on inliketbr orelha urigatediands it 'IWO - teem: , The sugar cane grows sliptechill 'WI* a million of pounds mune the_ labot Of per - Was, i,- Mr .~~_ MI I 41, II • : - !' • _ • ,r•-• --iv' • Woc,llli.f • I._*sitissit...! _ „'„ EMI DE MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers