. „ 1. • • Mil BU, JAC' HA if the etz eels k note • • frien contist ME G .. raison:l an. Robert th Watt corner a the • rourh as and chmted , • is CO. .- nil the blie go ac t upen ing the ~ of .71:4:131 say tai b4O happ 'rates. n-re open g. in addition to their , 'mock, a large e:ten o sreasso.tocnt or i lipnot i s Teas, China,' ti lass, ware, et ' ' g of eilursilnensa. aa . tta, flannels, muslin% 4 , linens. .. • obon flaniapd stockings, yarns, pilots, 4 pin ght an, tick rigs, silk herchie eche item e!. r -ra tings, lace., Cringes. threw - cottona _ oui„ wa ing, bl keta, coatings, maids.. dit GRCKIF:I&S. .. i Nicsv Ing lli e r34ll& sugar. lump . do neeind r gar Howie metiers. c., You 11 V 14X1 Soactiong and ea teas. and &e. repo soap ace, nu mod cassia Pepper, titaed and ' • deb, ckerrl and herring d dips le a bbl, s alt 1 amok' tobacco ) balfspa 'hand ~oniinon eaters 1.11%11.10 .4k. WINW.... Lac aind c ola brandy Ifi k rilind s 4and moo tin . • I Oki 1 ' whiskey, and Jamaica spirits Alleig England mit' and whiskey by the bbl . Lisbon, Ilea • port and cicalas V' knell ASSOFLO‘OI Of is acid Shoes. I >or-korPZCOiat rials vans. Ghoul by the boa. Dupont )E.iele powder. FFF, do„. Blaming OP, FE FFF. do 11 of whith well disposed of cheap for cash, esrchange fiar' airy produce avhe soar plies. Ilea - ), 'fS -- If Gum F. stic t o o ENT'. ...11E.. i Guin Eta sue. Frock coats, ' do ' do -ra ata imucks. 1 ' db tie Capita. . ' .do du' Fist:wed st - rtalti S:KINC... do do 'Moleskin Orer ztliaL-., Jan do Saves:Nitro, R krill . Miens Aprons, toad land Leafed Shriek twat plain do ; and ko. 11l ad ' Or an Po IA , : • sad e• , . • °tad a el an • pee a • gligh. I . MMM WEEIKEY, I wILI, ion TO rialtos TRIL oovrims or TN T 165". le aeon-annually twelve lines. will ol)ar--tsceory-irre in; larger ones in to the - Editor on lateness*. West be led to. . . . John Silver rrIAK I ER great pleasure in Inform] and; his friends, and also ' particular, - that he has opened aR . under the Pitimpylvania Hall, in Pf hopeslroin his past reputation for .pectable estriWishaocrit, acquired periepoe of !Mee years in the same :t. and by desk; to please and application to busi rtess;to mirk a continuance of your favor and Pagromkge- Fanithen, lOy sending to the Pennsylvania Hall Refectory,.shall have oysters of a superior quality served up in the best style, and severyother deli eacy that thq Pottsville market can afford in sea- SOD. IS JOURNAL into CoffreNooie met. I'. M. =I r and the pub. 4rettaelad a Ird of iorn,lviiich he has th 6 purpose of ob, wilt ena. !ads and all those !natoni, Porter beat quality •t TJENCI.ING 7--3 m Gvoncr. il. DLitt F. and :tome Sellers, As.. stemma of Peter- Weyssod, here hied'irr the office of thi-,Protticinotary of the Court or Cyan mon Pleas of Schttylk ill County. oh account and statement of their, tripa, and the said Court have appointcvl 'Monday thrtllst day of March, • teaG, at 19 cieloCk, A. M. at the Court !louse in the borookh of Oro !ashore, for the confirmation of the 011111... unless cane be shown that the' aauta ,ought noi tO he cosi firniee. ' Store. LEWIS Ole . 'entire interOot of eligh. fp, the Stare •t .f Oentre and Market I Pottscilic ,. formerly under the tirht of Ne. peetfolly , inforr. their airy that they intend t the old stand under TO CA PITA Valuable Coal Lands lbr ?RIME aujAperiber, assignee of BENNETT At WALTON; fillers for sale, w. a part of the estate moikoett him in frost, 'tun of the finest tracts of Coal Lind, in Schuylkill county, hem. Mg, the incorporated town of Iklinewrille Hinman, and contaiping the *lowing cefeluabcd tieing of Coal. viz : I —Thet Diamond. Klitotner, Primrose, .mix. North and South Veins, with one , or Iwo more, all yeellding the hest quality of crul. Annett a:l to thesetracts is a landing at Schuylkill Haven, ind they ate tra by the Wolf - creek rail rezd , joining the Minsirl i t and Schoylk flatten fad -road on their margin... The coal, al-eady muted and carried from thew lands, has been !rand of the best qoantity hither° bran ht to Plitladeiplita, and they 'are bettered to be Anal in every raeth_ ty of access to any tract in the County. For parueulans,.and a view of plans. apply to JOHN J. WHITE. rat.. & CO. to at pply their frieot:a •mercharidzse at the oatios, sbmwls, At. ria. c. 4 0. is- Suvws, lam.` Pi Coaramet rERIT. -NI liar& Pfamaci Goad.... itSATTIL 'fresh sub. fterthet wig be 'obi ' pl7Wj'l7Tl i- A CARD. RILL OF FARE. Steorid Ordain( per dozen 1 ~) Fried do do , 37 Roasted do : do . lei Yenuion Stake • 374 Pepper Pot per bow 124 Pigs . Feet l2i Nov 2.1 49 _-Gm Noticr. LEWIS Al 7 :IR }Eil►, i'mthonotwry Frb 6 19—S Pbilad'e. jzn. 9 ' . POR T CARBON , Saving Fluid Society.. TE Port Carona Sating Untie ifir, is note bpen every day front 9 to 3 o'elock at the Office or Discount and Deposit, for the par. pose of rein deposits to any amount not ea. needing IWO, from a eif one person, °p ea which in intermit of 4 per ant t=ilt be paid on {very RS and (Tweeds, but no interest will be innered on any fractional parts 'of SS. The win.lr or any part may be drawn out on gOrir e ernter,p, rim to fiver weeks. at W. , otfter on Mor.itra. The bo- Innen tat the Socksi *tit be cent : kr:tell by the tiaDoeing oSeers an'el ntanaccrs, anal tbit knot Monday in May neat- President—AQUlLA BOLTON. Abraham Heebaer jilials Card r.. Bab Warns Jesse turner FAivrard II ug ben • JaroN Bull WhitneT, geerrtary and Trrasn.rer Artteke 3d of he Charter. -No entrautor-ot whatoorter Alai be reit:aired by the Prwocieet or %matters rot tI it yerriem, hor'ohall int Mariner bream*. a borrower frOm the totaitr. art 3 46sf Fur!! loAsnioN eons .-n: ... • - do Fur neck ruff. Ng' ladies i wit! have to viten th e same old be over again; ; tame_ It was arneeing 6 bear pc, =act amens. lama. I le me bare' a maser 6 roar Journal. and brier 1 hot to see them face to thee, borrihk. whowi Medrested rireayt Fars Ily as prianble.r ...al dill maia, tree ghost mom; Two data memos to the period I bast cited ! and ges; aa the Fur Grimes 4, - i making wield tidy the memo of the d.araseric for my return. I called on a lady allay stermis- I ly tth ," t ianh hais For Clam , prisons. Some bowie July last, I *MI emetti- tame, amf was gren&di to (aid several otheraleill rsori - D e kW enfre his an - Fat,Cattars For eleak• ~ir mats . remember the doe. bat iv.ofna caersegimate. ,Meifrireds„; at Der hoerse. Also, a the coarse of ! the reame tha raW - ereafored and :orviervier by I Scam a ems use 4 hot, and mid dady, I task a Pelf te reviatim. Caste—tame, mare paiticalarty I .y weld ern web Dee 12 • 4-4.1 N. NATHANs 4. Co. j .cat la the stage for Phrtadelphsa: HOS3OO being to the hornid,ings and decoration of bodies - .'be... ! addrestam: and eller _ _ ____ 4. ,-- -- Imy deatinatrio. clime th e tome t.. lady the thane th at , TO W E.N'T - 12. - 1 Aof EN - VI:REPS. I After a same, &hes/a, essi-dyspermlite ride Mrs. G remarked dint she had flat forenoon ; ~„,,..• - • , ,, di i . 31 ends dreedoo bid her MITVIIELL'S earellevs Grode thredglioul the l of smite sn boors, I round etyma and umbra:a made a call on a Ande l , who had pad r etur ne d' h" tame .34 g e e . , er__ .., Visaed ;bat,. lat the P. S. !kW_ from the south- , alma &nor al ' mow was Dolt ihnerraaily. 1 • ' fwesc.„, tiillse dimaken. and poor „Ifeirphy firs-: - Pa. Pocket Maps arab io ; l recorded toy imperbrid arrival mamediately , I fi.erally gasped for breath. °tered great least and surnow Mks 1 Pa. P 0... lndium , Co`k.erat—Mr. J. C. hitrwre nod Lady—Bostoe -.tad Dever; nasomed Mo.. G. ••have I weed a woe - ' l / 4 . th e, direlebies ir u kid , a,eiied- crier Dir Pa. 4 ihn..l ! —IVO! 600th. Do. ' . Do. Nrcha.rito b6 " e fara d PID4 "'Seed ‘rah Ic trusted talt&-1 ohm:ly , ie his wt.. end with ikrowerans ts. JOOO take Mr. --. barmy into Net: —. 1 berme. the lady is ao •is bee person and a . , Aeaseectsent upon the prethatare e Also—Foci ,ocket .Maps of Peons) Icania awl ether • fistlowed John to the apertmeet maned ton and ' matu no rms can he ids her and not feel their `"..``' - • a ide „ led line: he medwed. ; ' states art :boat reparriew damages casismaent to my iafitienee; t a Y bps remiiiitai. and as the most arched asearohe i Jolt received and for ells at th is 0 , -. 4 1 "'V il a, late ride. I had finished, and was about to go -Of wham de yea eoetak east, - mid Miss C ; , dt , I mm ar fr o n, * e l' beige'', when an wasealed oar ao the carpet, m- • Mrs. Marcia, sty • krie-"• t enald &lse taros to mitanaire tinabbe a t ,..,.... acki he Inks tasedeted„.lie apsfaMl - i N. NATHA N S & CO. ' reacted ray auentwn. Taking it up, I ran my Vas et preterei nittalF-1 rose on my trembling i - . ilagliVE an nand and *air tee Sole the &Am. , ere ever th e superscription Mrs. C. Arnie, No. krt. towantad sodurtbalZ and staggered t W° the • trie ta - * 64r the recaedy I inag7.-J"llk a iridiadts Pivet refi maL ice assor went of Wines and Leven^. Chdarai stterl—P- P V C . - Bigot: of rule, krtk., street. I felt as themehl etistid em. beer the name The ...•• ,, operior 4.)/d E. I. Madeira Wine oh draertht, I opened am! read as soaaarga, % Se .111a..wia maimed aid live_ TkiremPlad Sta- Brand. - . Rot I dad hear it repeated and Wiese lam , SU' mum a- I da de de do do Bottles .: V. s. Mirk Phil itm...-: ~...di in, rise laswi lithe Nrictir. The figaviring . day I, Mad hetselt at do de L. I. do do ter drannt. by dear Caroline, was toe Sabbath: I bad accepted a hared's inn.; amatimee.that she do do Part cla Pare Grape Jamie -1 retort , exceeirsagly th at I rasher titian to a sat re &.Paaks, and bltither et the ! - any torioe Su c &Welt snake Toe the con I pscara antlethated Swami ride. chinch-gain bell. . with*. !re do de 1:;• do do do O. drathicht. meek in paean" a escial day with yoga and cam ht. ai;- Mork Commie de trams i babes, bat my h.salmed Jam this siciaamt amine ive beat ear cre'?" -- a eebbetb ear. atillle . eagla Fe Brown %eery de. tdo Anew_ and ha.1:6114U1 Cie lea 11 Iftiel4iectedly saiakci over QM amid wilwia I: trAmetea tout Intb , M l the s • I . abeasid , • r do do do do • 'kcal: . do Pa le do do • do do do to do draarkt. do Dry Sweat Itakaga t do do Liam and Mar-Madam •de do Secli Madeira & Itnoeuc e k Claret on driocht and tsa l do de Oid Bock and beset* Ja Ctiampagoe eC F= Cossoit mod Jog, Broads, do Old idt Proof Broody, da .do lioL . i do Cbganaaire.ioa s avid,' 104 14. 3 IsaitY• l i Oman sad Sardisax da. lat Ail 3d de 1 Jaaa. Spirits lei, 2a50134 ' die I Ma- LI% lit &Ad Wit.. • i - ' 1 N. G. Bam.Ctia. Gia alaiCannal aready, di nsiagabila mad eassmas Witai - I Se p- OM link etc. Wil I de, ab Stink iiililanaolathsitial Maw; unbar. warnaiskill yansidd. I eh Gotelak. i te. Ate- I Taint karpan ani ether sainare inriy. ted to ea stars ((eap eaalke aeyp d with Are- set Wines au! Linata. as been tersts.. this dary len tan rain: 1 Jas 19 ' _ mikuving Whoever the author may make fregoelut eootribotiw Let to drink =ln the bowl No malierl prepense is From our bead, if it pilfer Ii at least kaves our heir A toast, or it song, or ash Of Mr °ma it ow rie`er col Fur tromant's the theme at Of man. ii • mamma li Whatever the f2ture ma♦ I Whaterei the present , There is soipething they While woman and me .1 With their eighint and == The is no telling Of women, dea r Die Tean I never beg can look,or. tikeit f• And di am he c ill e'er NT hen they re added, t Whrn they're false, • . Their laps tan rieCire MO .., 1 . Ctl • Ma he • RAM: as appalling to tEv eight, as rvc.r.erss the and in offer Yonnocrie entre 'stock: in the arise ire indehnd ' nog' nation on the araßiri Belshasmarat his feast, bank, ' Neva le capacity. He says it will their wile"; , I feed, -J. C. !tlarvin,Steanaboat President, Long pay . a si be tneerincinterest. end. Mr. Irwas ' ‘41.9 t ei the cale. " 4. bawd soand. - says low tan !pare yon akw .attects, as . d li mtel m, wir • raw / wo o :NE I . ••I started back , with More of fear - Manes- .- *War fem. at par. 11 that they' seem; Than if an armed foe were near," WAthat - ' Jin!raranyes lodged exactly like , e those egst . awed ifilitert. Serpent Joel. said Vic Jrthe tivikep- deep's the hook and walked-on deck.' he, do ... -, to instdi me? , Here, Mr. Bios& wh et 4 h.q :wont "Irellna- I Once more in the air. I !breathed Berly, and b r i o ,. fAs,,, : .thO ddor the carpenter niadm and net about look in.r kw some ismiznook to shelter do .., ,T,... ' tracks; . Tell your niestr INie cat madly. bliodlit '• + Ill° ( r out the aaralirr of Ma. and Mt , - Marlin ,— 4 :. '.. ~. aof the monster, and if he as many m they my—... _, 1 The extreme end oftbe bolosprit seemed to offer . an i , r . , ree di p o rm o ff- til e E pp " , meet lewdly an ism it mg retreat- Thither I repaired, and ha. 1 nu ... i -?:, banes m i ne , and t h e •„, all the day. . Mar mysolfin watching the .foam and spray, ow 1 is le - ,''. . mid iii the mit mi n _,...- i mie t i n .thb.tponimg.. t the good steamboat Weer it op in her npiall tie 1 As f i m .-Nmi n g u i B ni d ipn ini M mor. tars at noon, - i mire:. i ` ' I'll torn that IMO a einteeesight--rll sada:mins— ' s Inekiess wigh - t4-bial betther bare been in the ! mnd 4 k ir gm„,,,4 and. teas down•hh i. h imr6 of the mina— ' stern boat. or any a hereekt. ', and, ge yen. MrAlbedials, .1f you tome hem; id no t ”" broken— "'hat is th e mark ea ' " ' at b n a • " :! ln ian, ,_ ,_ ted th e 1 agairi each irsi errand—Lyon vemeolrer the ail wishes stippreraed— , enter , of non attic. banthOsis he weewanesging ; wile* Atm, dont you. re rim e r been apaken't 1 a package from a ma...* that lay an deck. 1 Tc il joa the aw n wil lo w *, zaik . b,„ imag rue the tisk— - r .. "1 donut know GU. " .' , x... tun lo a little 'sheeted! repack; and ' ,, e my and mbhing,& weeping 1 '"Da not know! why mitt Ylai i way lo as moo as BB". Broadbrim rep the 0.1 that they seers— I ',No, str." . T the ' mull • rim when they are Amp- 1 A FO.ll Sall enough .!o make a wish, t hatpi ye a jest gas better fireerrenneyiessie, . I "'atrocious ea knew; of knowing ab from ob. had 1 gii 4g t hi n ~,m mim of dos ukeetulg & th e meek: enliatthey wont drea m& I ever been laid at 'my . - . boar Ours* accepted the Sew char _ —..L —I . Lim banWrn - Writ them clagad ba a° min' ti k = IdrJlhildlevirein for thirtyleenk' oq l xrdi "Y rlrin g ' 13413 a 4 ' 4 malt Yon '. and a vote cir Atlanta for tne omits, and " el? theinria. There it vres„ ft Ma cfnariond, No. i him w i t h att a c k er/ pi ste t o g o t his b a i l ey 1 7"7,.1 . .c. Marvin, B L esems.--j-Tht tali- 1.., r - i - nudesseenst 44 undlsowthej mean Why i did mg I "quit'ds' 'T., 14 'k'w 04 1,.. _, 131 /' i n 40.11481% tor Presidermi instead of the ille'rel less it was that I teas reniribMw a merle ram. ' 4 ' b e et_ I .hank dare to l et li t owl t. him all , I Why thought 1, rank! , wni Mrs- Man . "' have s at )bat tell him leek by leek, for i dont. _ idt which as sweet can t ! . " we ' I coannord in the state of bleared . entleDen , and . like witness two berrieanse is inn mt. Bannon—Were ever bernitewere VOisierriallMPlinr; ter, if iate r ...r.i to the is: .t hil ca . ta rry logne .....by of , t mji he . s t mitinn7 at Kim*: teem yaw b oom! ees. you ever followed by show? a nut-acv , marry a Mr. SW* a 31k. Brown, a Mr. Liver- . . SA '" E " ' TO W' . ghos4. made - sect dem anent" .en Ail telors-,'a Mr. d s is! rdy i / 1 g- Press aft 111". 7: Trirases*s... .. hat and a broonsoick ! but a b .g, firms% ' I comer if r , w, one oft the neutrons Pam-' ' ',.§ I ,I*OLICE. QFIICE. .. .- Iptect prlpillte hmL li yixi answer in the nrgatirc. gPrscm the lOrir - &01., bgd aky re e fin g : i n corn - , , r itio a p o ns L e s er T pither. , be i mr..7 7 : 1 .111 ir o a• fir in the a relative, and &Clare col wawa with myself. Whether Me. Marvin wassnr ' , hf e ... how M urp h y, a N o. sng wth i fi liti 0 .... e ; e. oath that 1 heed - ye a, I have been to nit me- ; thing more io them tlo,n anther pertain. The ' ' wifie the m „,,,,i mmte ;,. to mi le s with _ a ran and discwisfu ore, kind by such a 0.1.0 dirv,sion orsthe isti„" the very perusal of which ! p i ii in . • • a ~,,,,,.- . ' , - 1 -- g 1 „,,, A i4. p m m as I hare described a , And further. 1 de. I was MORT dreadful to me than water to a „road , , ..i.. -,,,,m0 :Thocupsow„ whom be pone that raid ghost with me in drool, and dog, misread by th ew - a muscle' staratow- ' ' l ea Ma n g° Ili r ea i ll rot of doors, io ph 'of businessndt in a A felt thalamic- lease* thy between ea, and 1 place where it had business, videlicet. the t walked anao. .p. ; ,:. plume, sometimes with Chore h---au board of . siesaubmt, and in shod, i The nighimmet mil. *rig-eante. We had : t end • ' end oh-- every a 11-•-re- • bed a rout ~ .,&r,sr,. . I was to Banco- This I ir • New that peter is ppity reamed between , -1-iumery Emportem new ereslii: 4 thought ! ' anal' Fnance arid these Coi Star,sw. Now that the 1 (,is Mr. and Mee. M .'e place of residence. f , which she tilledit ...horrible. inciosiee again in complete ar.) l aboddeted at the t, bed determined to mlainaitt„ - that moor revisits the sad Jorkenoinea. Now thatl tae all soreabie e - to filii,h my tinsinewil aid - 'bee for great, feels. aril VI used th at publishes ore and return before their arrival I.gclt as though 1, - fair' - Fitt that newspapers he the a-aim Of s ome exciting topie,! the ergot of th em wouldihave been instant death ' ample • date .. . .. . Jake _, . Than their hearts can They shrink when their And blush to ditorni. Tis 7 nails whcn their And man is erchaed And their sighine a All , day ther But /era) patleoCl 41K • lag lotre is no tellin t are icrretheirk.-11 For losei sees ao foot d But ail tire; would Warne Coseestfd from oar eel We lam mlicrepoto of Era We base roses and ra Our brusri and oar isms and bhis by the light We bare *pale that tee We ha* raptun, and We ha' thoughts that We have loak'd+--the With( theii. rtgb.ing. All day they are But ford pardon th lug There is DO kir Mtn...AND-11 bm thy 'satyr, that •• • '• • Oh iso muse corer to . What's irs a name By anv other name to Valtiods.. sod that 'twos be isoty to so ma ... •Ws Issas a the beat soaking petty M MIA sib-moos. • Ifl 1 resists, psi! sr itt. sad Sim wale et Mama stay ray Skftbsteas fsighseett stool esge r es ma g s .. is sot seestissed is tbb Litstigs. tbeisght 11. asd etc Lucy m kßvus. tags the good Orate wig set rums it is bis . Itiocoutxso. Oat my Etieses pes„ I Cooed I threw ibe state am the tatek. eroctoced- lobe : bris' item We • .4_ feet as stick- Mss. Lacy 1C... Margit& e said be. sad eleseeseket bettaist swilly prod viNti.v. c"djnabie bir tee- I Frost ose!dry sortles . sods to try hired. 1 Tb faielise soenen me toe ea eke soy to ; preormed'tiey wore 114 toweeo. Sortbie we" seer- New Tort.tebeek Oh OIL estinl. 1 fog soyeelfaad if oars. des lay iriee4 slikeipermi ea my ear. setheetht i F th e Cloth= Baca stay a stoxesest. alter ee,o-viee . slob to bebedarot I woo by th e waiter to No.— god *eked • the yew; yew 101 l be demo r ..1121 tie agYproutilb-r . legs& Bet baker be bad re -06dattieth - tiar I nig the WI. #l.ok ries vier ••Tts asste be be, sit sit Mr.Jl--- she %bred ea this sew kW' 1 boos ate Irby it see. bet I SEM as si t i the istaisetias Attie bees ebertese sly is. 99 eserase proieeeesrt to Ns ••311r. soIiMAL Marvin of Bosse; see the essair petstreA. -3rd dim biee gessr-at-• . ..Scratklikr-" ' 1 4 1 7 *IA Ant the leer_%* Inetissirely, I lA* Spell sine, she the tleei sear. ited hits *mil. ei %lbw- As I II- - -.4re we are on board of that prince of steam ships, the President, commanded. by that most courteous gentleman, Ca pt. Coleman, steam ing it gar Plovidence. Raving purchased a tight Stores, I mated my. self co the windlass bitla4 with. *eller , in tune for a molar ',built smoke. I had wca cox cloud" more than twice, pr tbxice; when the &Wiring conversation caught my ear. nWeshall- have a fine run np'the mound." "Yea, appearances are eery "Did you purchase many this timer" "Not as many as I y do at this season of the year. Those that I Wanted most went too high: By the bre, did you PCB your old. friend, Marvin in New York." . s'No, was he our • "Yes, be iv married at last. I ssw him -with hla sew wifely,* Artie way evera. He (enquired ; the yoo, and seemed very happy. Well he might what they wootdrenti- • Wl* procession of a newt charming girl and eXCIARINCF••• : $]&000 jib her m ean make him so." . 31k• hat followed further aboot Mr. and Mts - hisrvin I know not- "No except on a and their features . • . forward deck," being the law for all geed.- to deteivedi oma passengers. I threw my cigar over the bow meg Biota , y LW"! w i th a rualke ' erin . 4 . and walked to the cabin :lama:eh of static late Inconel. The Lam NITS 414 . Pompeii, was banded in a minute, • me. I otmood at the qy ACIX, and there in char ern m a year. " • ntv -* pretty—very pretty. ci• we invite him to to our coloanr. is do treason— cheer— _ ~ %hie reation,' rt. more sinew; Y . . a ammo; • • the rimy ke this— prossite* y . grre-.- I foot take front as 1 ,: .. ry TO-. sobbing and gawping. that they seem! :.! Wien they are steep. MAR% IN. 3 tnyeuele . i t o. o . \ .•X , ~- , - • ,, .....Tn*.r_ 2:.. - , -•, -, .. • •-.- '- -• • - f4.tr e r....7.4 6, -' - : t...:Ft."*-R -! - - ---- ----------- ----- - •-•-----' --- - --..-...-.--- - It 4 1.','..• ~.1 .e... 1 . • . 1 1 . FM* 1/02:0 1 / 6 11 Or I MARCH 51,1336. no one In the MOM bat nayeel& 'comae came back tome nemetwesed. of eter. I cm/d not keep them from I dreamed of theta ell that night, and maiming' my “maktag dreams' wen Slit Mania dant. ding, dirig, doir. dma. astanet—All aboard?-•-•Cast off that stern rate antrota * , adamt dins 1 inrear.i Taw beratetat slit preawarect I tarred is O A.. ra ta. dreprimal arta ael li s a t iirui lly friend 1 truckeduty a:.--air ad Ma. /14s-1---1 -Had task in tilt arra ar aeited is air" 1 tiwittwesid lane roat definite isagail ea 7Atirts bra I as lase. Nati*, brel l led to bait adar rt ilir. ad Ma. Shinia . . 1 Frr saw a seadi Ikm pima try dime' sginta. sad warts time fiver top fat seas' WO - Stir rin I adr fort is a wire..', Wiwi I wiermal, -,red Mrs. Mania wets' rew: I tart art;„ eared trot wieldier. Tr Isay trial's akar; aw tribe rasa at itity ibli,, I 11 r .s : \ sCHUV , I.K.II.I4'WII4IIII4II II =ZiaitLVAiSIA, A-11100 DOLLMItta, • • merely • 1 bad -sten : a rboet—e. ghat! F IE3B. • li ..,,e,.. ? 4 Ehmerairbp in a letter to Ur friend Ezekiel w, than dispelling of the .Ertends Qmortirm, n lira usual happy manner, anic We hailers settled this COnatill but a iaelde spell mum another messenger. • Whefs the Inatleo:i. W• *ln I; the Jinsral mpit Bobb ed hi s pi is taking his nap—don't disturb him for 's mind With that be raddled ki•C eyes and ro op birftue a eat could lick her ear. Ls ' 'any Ober; says he, films amts. t i burg? enoug i. 4, lin`ral, the United Seethe Bonk is r.h.eh , pissed troth hwurew: sod the Geuernor• ' - the bill--tbutj-five minions. and asks no sore of Onigress. caul 2 duet you rarneniber end day when yo 4 ' I were oat f i th e woods in ,Orreo 'linrrille, •ng wpurtthl Don't yes srecolleet .11 pointed re to you It eland coming up in the i d t north weir., a d told you we ha n d better cot lack and be of t; - a before we got halfway borne bow the trees It sternum beads in ill direr:them and bow tithing hashed aid thettherndes l roared, roi tie barkselted.fike die shoint-dliti of Deeper s ' i s4attles? Wf-W, of you mnienDldrthit, 1 you ba Weer °tribe etormin the ofairseen. Smash tlipe,- whack Went esedseksviti . id as; to the Jeu'rere . boats, instead of !ming tiling up for a aurar. prey wad paid the beet mime in the per)or. I ehd/my Ft3ll. 10 cad him ihrrva.--' ! ,aye (kea/. you : tbe Awed, title Call ./ Bunion; be'S , a:gather gandeoriert from Phi • ; he wont hart a hair of your head; be'a a i'• - - keit the city of toretherlylovi,,• I 1 ,dig r, , ,., . '.. ... ,!. ... .",, ; I . Ici l ' . .. . . "" .ehariebiroind of avert hie intriaolatial usatelp animeiamt. 1404 tot btaetenArtiminti enapany with anklianne mat& fre fapd runawa7-Lna - kaglien clads minarets irl, but the vitiated vial= of 111 i into re harideraidi bad !Cat: ,derirary Mien entaiged. anted attar: and inforani Greif " othie m 14-Aviss ernavait deep: - . Air the arena °firth*** `— ,guiltr e andiebe eras disguani , iitleirard4 barribie aims of as: 4440 .ioginietiail. entreated Vat she mightbatannento bier • apptieale his &revenan t ankle , agtnrevkie village Wm. Is. poor rid Inas ant anal &meda& reseitof Mr. Ernes paria ' and the aerie that took plasma hir. daughter being presented jo Wan nay imagined than deseribed. . - ' • Froed e.to New 'Yorker. Theeettefery.—todsing cast teiiiiarto :- than there knesies. y deu Jael4":se*le leg *fee to oar Bread. ,-•- the sails: quiOth Jack. , • Priinadaiiim-- True frienehiltip• ialtirer * fire, it Wadies skew and teutii keg.. FORGIVEN - Mg. . - How beatiteully From binissut reps that blessiderord fiereired. Fargireteci4—'es the attribute arida— .‘ The sound erblete ogenetb twourieo.— On earth bet Eden's &dad blooms. end thaw Hops' halcyon Into e'er the triode of ure. Thrice I happy tee oboes heart bith - • • ' In the inert ressots of butnitetp That be eau give it otterliam rt imparts Celestial grandeur to the Wham reek And iniketh man in and.: . , . . Maria' Loctisi, , wi dow of I/spots* married a third husband by the atioscit lu Iller second spools isms a oes:ei v d sibs railicsd 1.1 m! !Mae of Pleipps9g. Tbe . Speech delivered by Mr. Ever . animism. on the subject of the kiss of the Fortthadisulfill, has belt pubis/red in passpidet &Ctn. Mk speech has bees pranouticed by Vlitipeiribtiektgbii, else o(te &mei*. that has'beau delivered kites: tlie ke trees lis sessice. The *Wiwi* are 001.4 clodkng remark:alit. Eraisk in which Se of tie kkenduet of Mr. J. Q. Minis 'in tin - 'air sennelthig urvetity •:.-- . , 1 ' The thekerahle onnialer, ketisa rat:kits Grills 'which liaises nothing of dotal as la "Ana Ida del abatis niece *Peck and who, be as Op 'Ado:tithe Senate, essays tiolltqg tram his - istatafing, keke represinting his Coes- - inane etith ankorpasied ability, in ether eeene L d iseen 10.010 tithe ' is4athrs; The attack , hide thank that qtartet.. -loom , of eioniefr , soak of the . v 2 Ito never 'in tor rare • hers, gratified the ehniAid •- 'a the kolusber loathe decksientsitej SI a Eworthy_ bus ithicsesnent. SO thall astaintesaps • CIIOOOIOMIIII epos that ifistiagaishod 1 It is nanceisany for me—it mulct be =r ui l y. nian—ta anus tie-ward in his datence4 - Wm, ehluarter, bile saiiees, his acme* hie l► ipinkies. the dints Gellso transcendent ponethasa better Lille yodel. They, speak Gut for hips in a i= ici l ibeilemaLTheyll t faith P ,arno aocireai theft Ifrom the history of his country: It has beset el- - mainly painful Wassto take a port.asid kmapees. silly the part I have taken, ia this debate. tithe* i loew, of the pod are !lounging in aky Udall, ; and irugh me Ub IMPOId y I silenee. • Gladly • I Carve bees efses tY ik i i day. . 'Bin. air those *halt I bold Opiemer and nlerel—kr the couratry haldshigl tin its le,thriatioc, ire grade ; the at attack ... 15p R2!!1 east creal oboe 31!ar.i=iisr:sai ace 4 irl standd o:l3llitiermiarael nfilt • dielmiter sad pang all the I bury Won IniniOng aad 0 1"1 1 *. f in any share tbat t woad le imidheamseir• glinjo snit gni ao Ant Tease e10 1 0 1244 a4.' efor sidi oisittrida. =raTilmr:r d V' t t.-Plitr. , - t ", - , 1 7 r1 EISIECI w=om No. i pi.... •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers