GENERAL AND LOCAL MATTERS U. S. GOVERNMENT. President. Abraham Lentoln, Illinois. Vice-President, Hannibal Ilanalin, Maine• Secretary of State, Wm. 11. Seward, New York Attorney General, Edward Bales, Missouri. Secretary of Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, Ohio. Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania Secretary of Navy, Gideon G. Belles, Connecticut. Secretary of Interior, Caleb B.Smith, Indiana. Poit-master General, Montgomery P. Blair, Md. Chief Justice of the U. S, Royer B. Taney, 3,1 d. STATE G-OVERNMFNT. Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, Centro. Secretary of State, Eli Slifer, Union. Attorney General, Win. M. Meredith, of Phila. Auditor General, Thomas Cochran, York) Surveyor'General, Henry outher, of Elk. Superintendent of Common Schools, Thomas H. Bur- rotas, Lancaster. • State. Treasurer, Henry D. Moore, Philadelphia. Judges of the Supreme Court—Chief Justice—Wm• B. Lowrie ;. John X Read, J. M. Strong, James Thompson, G. W. Woodward. COUNTY OFFICERS: President Judge, James Nal. Associate Judges,' John Orr, T. 0. Carson. District Attorney, George S. Eyster. Prothonotary, A. D. Ccusfman. Register and Recorder, E. C. Boyd' Clerk of the Courts, IV. G. Mitchell. High Sheriff, William M' Grath- Deputy Sheriffs, F. Zarman and T. J.' C. AP Grath, County ommissioners, T. A. Eyster, T. D. Scott, .T. S. Good. Clerk for County ConanissionerS. George Foreman. Directors of the Poor, .11 L. Latihaw, Jacob irickler, David p encer. " • Attorney and Clerk for the Directors, S. Strickler Stewart of the 'Poor House, John Bowman. • BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgesa, John Rowe. Jr Town Councilmen, Jlf Riky, TR Smithy TR Shank, J Thus and A Haus High Constable, George Gaff Water Master: George Fotzinger Yocul Measurer, J Wilson Barr Clerk -of Corporatiou, John S Pittenger SC$OOl. DIRECTORS David Detrieh, (President), J. C. 31Lanahan, (S ec .ret.ary), Daniel.. Kohler, (Treasurer), S Cordon W W Fleming, 111 Riley,. J A, Haws. CHURCHES Gorman Refortned Church, East, Baltimere"Street. ' Rev. T. G. Apple, Pastor. Services every Sabbath' morning at 10/ o'clock. Prayer meeting every Tues day evening. Sabbath School in the morning. Lutheran Chinch, corner of "North' and East sts, Rev. Edward Bridenbaugh, Pastor. Servloes every, Sunday at; 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening. Sabbath School at 8, o'ciciek,a.m. Presbyterian Churcli, West Baltimore" st Rev. Wm. T. Beaty, Pastor.' Services' the first .three Sabbaths in, every month , at 11 .o'clock, a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. m. M. S. Church, South Carlisle street. Rev. S. M. Hartsack, Paster in charge. Services in the even ing of the Ist and 3d Sabbaths of each month; : and in the morning of the 2d and 4th Sabbaths. Sab bath school at 2 o'clock.. Prayer: meeting 'every Thursday evening. U. 8., Church, East, street: Rev.' Alex. Tripner, Pastor in charge. Serviees in the morning of the Ist and 3d Sabbaths of each month, and'in the even. ing of the 2d and 4th Satbaths. Sabbath school ai 10 o'clock: Prifer Meeting every Wednesday even. int NINE Profes9ional dar6o W. ROWE, Attorney at Law, _LY • Greencastle, Pa. Office on the Public Square next door to tke Railroad Ticket Office. Greencastle, April 29, 1.862-Iy. JER. COOS. I JOHN STEWART. ci 00K & STEWART, Atty's at Law. kJ Office, two doors south of Montgomery's hotel, Main Street, Chambersburg, Pa. Persons who Speak the German language, having professonaf bu ness, will do well to call on them. `Chatabersburg, April 4, 1861-Iy. QNIVELY STRICKLER ,Att' Law, Ohambersburg, Pa., will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care. Office at his residence, on tirket street, one door East of the Diamond, gig — lie will attend to legal busi ness in adjoining counties. may 14, '6l 0.11• N KAU PP MAN, JUSTICE OF *1 THE PEACE, will attend to all business intrus ted to him: He has always on hand a supply, of Blank Deeds, &c., and will attend promptly to Draw ing Deeds and other instruments of writing, legally and•correctly. Office in the room formerly occupi ed 'by B. B. Bonner, Esq., dec'd, 2d door from the North-East corner of the diamond. Greencastle, April 3, 1860-ly. ThN ETISTRY.---Dr. J. K. Reid * Bur l/ GBON DENTIST. Office in r. John N oil's Building, (Up Stairs) North-East Corner of the Dia mond, Chambersburg. 1eb.21,' 60-1 yr. T. E. B. HAMILL--Resident Dentist —would respectfully announce to the citizens of Greetreastle and vicinity, that he has located permanently, in their midst., for the practice of his profession. Having been very extensively and successfully engaged in the practise for the last eight years, in Mercersburg, he flatters himself, from his long experience in the profession, that he will be able to please ail that wilt favor him with their patronage. Whole or parts of .sets of Teeth, mounted on Gold,Silver or Platin a plate, with Blocks or Single - Gum Teeth, either' on the atmospheric principle or otherwise. Decayed Teeth permanent ly saved by filling with pure Gold. Strict attention paid to all diseases of the Teeth and Gums , also, ; to the correcting of irregularity of children's teeth teeth and roots extracted with all the ease. and dis patch that modern science can afford. All opera tions please or no charge. Charges moderate and to suit the times; advice gratis.— Call and have your Teeth examined. Persons witl be waited on at their resident es, either in the town or country, when desired. Persons will also 'be waited on in Chambersburg as formerly, by address sing a note to the subscriber, in Greencastle. ;oar Office and residence on East Baltimore st., in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Gardner, dec'd. REFEktENCES :—Rev. Thos. Creigh, D:D., Drs F. Negly, W. R. Smith, R. S. Brownson, J. L King, Mereeroburg, and Dr. Joseph Relater, Mill mont. ger Persons will please notice that I will be ab sent one week in each month, commencing with the Ist Monday of the month. apr24,'6o4y. - 1 7 1 R. H. B. FETTERECOFF, Surgeon JUP Dentist, having located himself permanent ly in Greencastle, respectfully tenders his profes sional services to the public generally. He is pre pared to do all kinds'of work belonging to his pro. fession, in the most improved style, and on the most reasonable terms. The public will find it to their interest to call on the subscriber, for anything in his line, as he is determined to render satisfaction to all who will favor 'him with their patronage.— All work warranted. nfir Office, in his Picture Gallery, on West Mt timore street, and nearly opposite Hollar's Rote Op stairs), Greencastle, Pa. Greencastle, Jan. 28, I.'ll E PILOT :-GREENCASTLE, Elt..-INKLIN CO., PA., I.'E.I3I:,L 7 AItY 2.4, 1863. Npt7lit.o we .4110.iTir a ap e '' .c , • A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,pIURETIi ; 4114171 DYSPO P _Amp_ INVICIMINC, CORDIAL To the citizens of N. Jersey & Pennsylvania Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. WoVe's Pure Mederia, Sherry and Port Wine Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. BEG leave to call the attention of the citizens-of JR_ the States. to the above Wines and Liquors, im ported by TJtiot.rito WOLFS, of New York,,whose name: is familiar in every part. of this country for the pnri ty of hiecelebrated ScittztiAw Mr. Wolfe ; in'histletter to: me, , speaking of the !purity , ol his, Wines and Liquora, says : "I will stake my reputa tion as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the city of New York, that all the Bra.ndy and Wines which I bottle are pure as im ported, and of the best quality, azi can be relied up lon liy every purchaSer." Every bottle hailhe pro prietor's name on the wax, and a fez simile of his signature on the certificate. The public-are-respect fully invited to call and examine for. themselves.= 'For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia' GEORGE H. ASHTON, Not 832 Market st., Phila. • ' • Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Courier : • Enormous Business for one New York Nerehan.t.-,- We are happy to inform our fellow citizens thatlheie is one place in our city where the physician, apothe cary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the r 4best quality. . We do not intend to give an elaborate' description. of this merchant's extensive 'business, although it will well repay any stranger or citizens to visit Iluotrn6 Waxes extensive ware- . house, Nos. 18, 20 and 22; Beaver et., and Nos. 17, 19 and 21,1Iarketfield st. His stock of Schnapps - on hand ready for shipment. could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thous and cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ;, and ten thous and cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine. Scotch and Irish Whisky,_ Jamaica and St. Croir.llum,, some very old and equal to .any in this country. , • 13e .also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy,. Wine, &c., in casks, under Custorn-gouse key, ready for bot-, tling. Mr. IVolfe's sales ,of _Schnapps last year' amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen; i and we hope in less than two' years he ieay be equal ly successful with the Brandies and Wines: • His business merits the patronage of every lever of his , species: Private families who wish pure Wines and Liqnori for medical use should send their erdefs direct to Mr Wolfe, until every A'potheCary in :the land make up ,their minds to discard the - poisonmis stuff from their shelves; and replace it with Wolfe''S pure Winei and Liquors. We understand Mr, Wolfe, for the aceornmodatiCin of small dealers in the country, puts up itssorted cases of. Vines and Liquors. Such a man, andsuch a merchant, should be sustained against his tens, of thousands of opponenti in the United States, whc sell;nothing but imitations, milieus' alike to human health and happiness. • Sept. 11, 1860-6 m. OEFIatl JF, JAY . COOKE; At Jay Cooke & Co•,' Bankers, 114 South Third Street, ' Philadelphis t November, 1, 18p2,. rrHE undersigned having been appointed SUB SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish; at once, the New Twenty Year 6 Per Cent. Bonds. of the United States, designated as "Five-Twenties," edeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years; and authorivql by Act of Congress, ap proved Pebruary 25, 1862. , The COUPON BONDS,are issued in sums of $5O; $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. " The REGISTER BONDS in„ sums of $5O, slfio, $5llO, $lOOO, $5OOO. Interest at Six per cent. per annum will commence rota date of purchace, and is PAYABLE , IN GOLD:. Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the" present. pre mium on'gold., to about eight per cent.. per Annum. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists,• and all who have any money to invest, Should know and remember that these -Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of all the Manufactures, 4-c—in the•country: and that the full and ample provision-made for the payment of the interest. and liquidation of principal, by Cus toms Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the • . Bed, Mod Apailable and Most Popular Inuestraen in the Market . .Subscriptinn received , at PAR in Legal Tender Notes. or notes and checks of banks at. par in Phil adelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every fecilty and explanation will, be afforded on application at this off Me. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAY COKE, Nov. 1.8-3 m. Subscription Agent. FARMERS WILL DO WELL BY GETTING THEIR GRAIN DRILLS FROM FELLER' PLUM. lst.—They are built under the care of the old and experienced Drill builder, under whose care. they have always been built heretofore. 2d.—As we are the only men Who are. building Keller's Guano "Driil, and the Plain,Drill, in Green castle. 3d.—As our Plain Drills built this season can be changed to Guano Drills, cheaper than any. other. men's make. • - - 4111.—As our Plain Drills have some good improve meats this season,. which will be patented by 'John F. Keller. sth.—Ns Grain DrillOhat come from Greencastle this seimon, and have not K.ELI;ER'S name upon the Drill, are not built. under the care of the old and experienced Drill Maker, ItSl. All persons who want the genuine GREEN.: CASTLE GRAIN DRILLS will please send their orders to KELLER & PLUM,' Gr6en castle, Persons will find our Shop l squares' south of the Diamond, on. Railroad street. KELLER & MEEK, May 20, '62. • Greencastle, Franklin co.; Pa.. ' GENTS wanted to.sell Cary's Patent Cap and Breast Lantern., To those furnish ing satisfactory references, a liberal salary and expenses will be paid. The article is needed by every farmer and mechanic in the country, and will meet with ready sal e . For particulars Address J C CARY, Patentee Jan 17,'G0-4t. 81 Nessus Street. SALE DILLS PRINTED lIERE; NEATLY tiND CIIEAP Ljoteki, "THE UNION," ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, • PHILADELPHIA. ---:0:--- UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. Iftr• This Hotel is central, convenient by Passen ger Cars to all parts of the city, and in every par ticular adapted to the comfort and wants •of the business public. TERMS $1.50 PER DAY. October 22, 1861-Iy. FULTON . HOUSE, . , ELATE UNION HOTEL.] N'Connllsburg, Ferm'a. JACOB lI`DONALD, PROPRIETOR. Boarders taken by the day, week or month. Jan. 8, 1861-tf formarbing fpuscs. SCHAFHIRT ANUNDERLICH Re., CO., Forward.hij & Commission Merchants, Sou'ilt Car sle Street, Greencastle, Penn'a. T HE subscribers are now prepared, at their new 1. and commodious Warehouse, to receive and forward to and from'Phila.delphia and Baltimore, all kinds of 'produce and 'rnerchandize entrusted to their care at the lowest rates, and with dispatch, and respectfully solicit. a liberal share of patronage, N. B.—All goods left et the depot of Peacock, Zell & Ilinehman, Nos, 808 and 810, Market Street, Phil:1(110W Pa:Aor Irith 'i:trathe e ms. & Zolliekeffer, No. 11:13, ieJith. nowaikl, Street, Baitiniore. shall be forwarded with dispatch All goodsehould be 'narked. care., Sehafhirt,, Wunderlich & Co. !They will keep constantly on hand and for sale, the celebrated' ' . CyketN 14110, 111.9keir - I & lime foal. (direct 'from . the, mines,) 'Wilkesbarre and Pine Grove Foundry . Coal; Salt,'Plaster and. Hancock Cement, all of 'Which they will sell cheap for cash They' will always pay the' highest market price in Cash,,for WHEAT? RYE, ors: CORN AND FLOUR. SCHAFUIRT. 'WUNDERLICH Si: Co. - Feb7'6o-ly -**: • -- Forwarding and Conunission Merchants, On Nora Carlisle and .11 7 6rat sts.,.Greencastle. Pa. " 4.J" T MITE suhscribeis are ' now prepared. at their new .11l..:Wai.ehiouse, to receive and forward to and from Philadelpiia.and Baltimore, all, kinds of produce and merchandizeoviOh dispatch, and at the LOWEST rossinis, ftkrEs,:and, i respeotlully solicit a share of patronage. All`lgnods 'left At the depot of W. B. Burk, No. 812, Market-Street. Philadelphia, or Kueller43,FriAls,z,No. jfk,North,:§tyeet, Baltimore, Md., will be forwarded with dispatch. . . The highest. market price will be paid for Flour, Wheat, Rye, Oats, and Corn. xtgA r ... All goods should ,be.marked in. care of C W. liyster S Co. J. SMITH, Apr24,'6o ly. Agent at Greencastle. SVBSCRIPTON AMR', , C. 'W. I "I - +:YST. , R & CO, 5 ,, E12.,i • J. W. BARR. IVIATTIHAS HEAD. Undersigned, thankful? or the encouragement IL they have already received, would respectfully ask a continuance of the same. They' have . always on hand a large and completo.ossortment - of- eiery thing in their line of business, embracing.. Cook, Parlor, Sitting Room, Office, and other,StoVes:for - burning , Coal or Wood.. Also, Tin, Copper, lapnned andStmet . lron.ware, in great variety. SPOUTING made on the shortest notice, for Churches, Dwelling Houses, Barns, &c., Uusing none other than the best material,' being determined to sell as cheap as the•cheaPest;they hope to receive a liberal share of patrons:Se:V. J: . W.: BARR & CfE., j tiolut,t;Bast corner of the ,Diamond. eep Look Out FOR I G,E 0 G,E T A 7 , 3;1.4,11 T'S vals3 61 7 233 1 1 East Baliirn r ore sit vet: three doors east of A. L. Irwin & Son's - Hardware Store W:QRGE , A. BEAT takes, pleasure in informing hiS'frieinisfand ;the 41711)11e generally, that he has opened a. new• Boot and Shoe Shop, in the. room formerly occupied by John Bert, - where he will be prepared at all times, to manufacture Ladies'. Gen tlernerts' and Boys Boots and Shoei', at the shortest notice, and upon' the most reasonable terms. Ite feels confident hig work will give satisfaction. Greencastle ? 'April 9, 18(51-tf , OLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE EL.—This preparation, made from the best. Java Coffee. is recommended .by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS' BEVERAGE for' General, Debility, DyspepsitiNti t tid- - all bilitaiii'disOrders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof fee will pee Oils, wit,heut, injurious effects. One can contains the' streniii 'of - two` pounds 'of ordinary •offee. . Price 25 i ceuts . 'KaLLOCK'S ,LEVAIN•, The purest and best Baking Powder known, for making light, sweet and nutritious bread and cakes Price 15'eents. ' MANUFACTURED BY • a'. xpLLocK, Chemist, Corner of :Broad and Chestnut Streets, PIIILAPELPITIA „:And gold by , all DRUGGISTS and GROCERS mar4,'62-ly New Remedies for Spermatorrim. fr_TOWARD' ASSOCIATION, PHILA DELPHIA, a Benevolent Institution establish bY special' endowment, for the Relief Of the Slot and Distressed, afflicted with virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. , edical advide given gratis, ; M by the'Acting Surge on. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and oth, ,er Disedses of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary; Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage acceptable. Addres6, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, 'Acting Suro•eon Howard • Association, No. 2 South Ninth ;Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. • 'EZRA D. HEARTIVELL, Free. GEO. FAIRCHILD, See [Mar. 21, '6l. ;'since long time having now'' elapsed the dissolution of the firm of BONNER .&. M'CRORY, and many claims' for SOscription and Advertising still remaining unpaid, the surviv ing partner, desirous to settle finally with the Ad ministratot' of B. B. Bonner, dee'd; has determined to leave the books of the firm with Justice Bowe that the accounts' due the firm :nay be placed in course ofcollection by law sifter the first day of January 'next, unless sooner paid. ' ! JAMES IV. M'CRORY, Surviving partner of-the firm of Bonner & M'Crory. 'April 9, 1801. A. MATHIOT SON'S Sofa and Furniture Warerooms, 2Viis. 25 and 27 North Gay Street, (NEA.E. F).YETTE STREET,) Extending from Gay to Fredeviek street, and not ex celled in the Union. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of every variety of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE Furniture, embracing Bureaus, Sofas, assorted colors of Cottage Furniture, Bedsteads, Tete-a-Tetes, Settees, Washstands, 11nrdrobes, Arm, Wood, Office, Rocking, and Barber Chairs, Etageres. Marble Tables, Sideboards, Spring Beds, Mattresses of husk, Cotton and Hair, Re ception and Upholstered Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Ex tension Tables of every length. gteir Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which, for variety and quality of workmanship, cannot be ex celled by any establishment in the country. A. MATHIOT & SON, Nos. 25 and 27 North Gay street., Jan. 20, 1861-Iy. Baltimore, Md. HOME JOURNAL FOR 1881 NEW BERIES.-.-NEW FEATIIEES.-NEW . • TYPE Morris and Willis, Editors A new, series, of this widtly circulated family /'1 viewspaper; , will be ecimmenced 'on the; fifth day of January next—printed on fine paper and new type. ,-lVith,the ; January number will begin the pUblication'of ra Series. of . .beautiful original Worlis of fac+ and' fiction, written - expresily for the Horne Journal, by the best anthers of America.— The first of these is from the facile pen of a well known.and highly ,gifted author, and is a powerful ly written, starainy, ; mysteriocgand deeply interestinc history of eourishrp and married life. This charrain story will be succeeded by others of a similar de ecription, several of which are already in prepar ation. All thetermer peculiar features of the pa per, , whialf,hrivesgiveri it a -wide-world, reputation, will be continued, while the several new ones will add infinite variety wits already diversified pages Among them are a number of fresh, spicy, amus ing, original sketches, which smack and relish of the wit,,humor, raciness brilliancy, and sparkle of the times.' As heretofore, no labor or expense will be spared to maintain the high reputation 'of the Home Journal,- - which is everywhere, both at home and,:abread, ,acknowle4ged te be, the most refined and elegant repertory of literature and ill - tarts on this side of the sea, and the best and cheapest'family newspaper in the world. As no mere copies of the new series will be printed than are ordered, those who desire to begin with the commencement of the volume will be-able to do so by forwarding their subs' iptions without delay. TErtits.-- For one copy; $2, for three copies, $5 —or one copy for three years, $5 ; for a club of of seven copies, $10; for a club of fifteen copies, s2o;4and at that rate , for a larger elnb=always in advancls. • .1. ( Address, MoaRIS AND WILLIS, Editors and Proiriitors, 107 Fulton St., N. P. THE SATURDAY MORZ7NG POST, The best PamilyNewspaper in WESTERN PENN SYLVANIA, and the only Democratic Union Sheet. in Pittsburgh. ESTABLISHED IN 2804 It. Contains all the current news of the dajr, relia ble ;'Alonetary, taket, and Commercial reports, and Choibe selection of Tales, Poetry, Literary and Sci entific Articles, Valuable Statistical information, Agricultural - Npws.' - • Wlso-!- - - The - Latest'Tele' graphic Mws. Embracing ever,y, important item of News,.Foreign and 'lhteriestid. Congressional Intelligence ; Legisla tive Proceedings, &c. TERMS $1 I.EII ANNUM for a single copy, or 11 copielt for one year for $10.; get" `Add'ress` • JAMES P. BARR, Corner Fifth and Wood Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. ttiti — Send your money by mail j at my risk.--Ut MNIN. _DEIVIOREST'S QUARTERLY MIRROR of PAS 111 0 NS 'Great linprovi3ine,nt.s. THE Stimmetinumber will contain four large and 1 splendid Fashion-plates, three full-sized Pat terns, comprising the New French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, mid a Misses Sack, togelter with nearly 100 Engravings of all t. t .A4v.c.iti..o. Bummer- A +tansts, Maks, - Trinumistes, Ckiii-en's Atacs, Etc., and val uable inforrcati on to Milliners, l Dress . .Makers. Moth ers and Ladies generally, presenting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 473 Broadway,and sold everywhere at 2o cents, or sent . by mail frost, free, on receipt of the amount., yearly $1 with the following valuable premidm. Each yearly subscriber will he entitled to the se lection of 50 cente worth of plain patterns, from the design in the book, or from the show room, or they may be ordered and Sent by mail any time during the year, by paying the postage. .Splendid .t.ndnce men ts to Ca.nvassers. Summer number will be ready on or about the First. of may. April 29, 1802. OMNIBUS LINE BETWEEN GREENCASTLE AND WAYNESBORO'. THE undersigned would'respectfully announce to the traveling. public, that a very Large and Coniniodious Omnibus is run daily between Greencastle and Waynesboro' by; hlm, leaving Waynesboro' in the morning and reaching Greencastle in due time for the early train Eastward, on - the Franklin Railroad, and leaving Greencastle, on the arrival of the train from the East, returning to Waynesboro' on the Same day. His Omnibus is Comfortable and. Safe, end he promises no pains will be snared to secure comfort anti safety to all who may encourage this line. SAMUEL P. STONER. Greencastle, August 14, 1860.-tf POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS, 0 PAIN DESTROYER Is one of the few domestic remedies which have come into general use and favor, without puffing.— It is the product of a simple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a domestic remedy unequalled. For Burns, Outs, Bruises, Soreness, Lamenesi Sprains, Rheumatism, Boils, Ulcers, Old Sores and TVOunds, has, not an equal. It is also used, with great success, for Toothache, - Headache, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Colic, Diarrhea, Hoarseness, and other similar trouble . some and painful affections, while it prompt), ex . _ rests all Hemorrhages. hundreds of physicians use it daily in their practice, and give it their unquali fied recoremendation. Sold by our agents and deal ers, and by F. HUMPHREYS & CO:, 562 Broadway, SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS May 8,—'60, ly. Editor and Proprietor, READ! READ! READ ! The Great Faintly Newspapert THE PILOT, FOR 1a 6 3 TWENTY COLUMNS OP READING MATTER FOR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, Per Annum, In Advance. THE PILOT Is Neutral in Politics and Religion, and Independent on all other subjects. It is THE PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC! THE PAPER FOR THE FARMER! THE PAPER FOR THE WORKSHOP! THE PAPER FOR THE HOUSEHOLD! It will contain the most important Foreign, War, Local and General News of the Day. PREMIUMS. A Good Opportunity to !lake Money. In order to induce Agents and Per sons, who feel an interest in the pub lication of this' paper, we offer the FOLLOWING 111EMIUXS: ' We Will pay $25 to the person who furnishes the highest number of new, annual CASH Subscribers. The number must exceed 1:00. $ll to the next highest, which must , exceed 50. $6 to the next highest, which number must exceed 25 ; and $3 to the next highest, which must exceed 15. CLUB TERMS. The price of The Pilot, which - is published weekly, is $1.50 per an num, in advance; but for the purpose of further increasing the circulation, we offer the followina inducements to persons who are not Subscribers. • We will send Twenty copies of the- Pilot to one address, and one to the getter up of the club, for 426. Ten in the same manner, for $l4. Five in the same manner, for, $B. Three in the same, manner, for $5. This paper has the greatest amount of ,;Matter that can be found in any country week ly. Religious, Scientific, Literary subjeCts and the current topics of the day are fully discussed in th6,Editor ial Department. A!.faitiAl record' of Local matter is given ever week. This department is conducted by one who spares no pains -to collect news in regard to the events transpiring immediately - around us Upwards of two columns of Locals may be ex pected every Week.• We have been promised some valuable assistance by gentlemen of talent. Our list of con tributors is rapidly increasing. We have frequent correspondence from the Federal army. Letters are pub-. lished almost weekly from other parts of the country. We have always stood up for the town and for old Antrim, and all we ask in return is a fair encouragement. No effort shall be spared to make our paper useful, instructive and enter taining. , fle- Those of our friends who are compet ing for the premium inducements offered by us, would do well to hand in their list of names as early as possible. Even, if a single name, we would prefer having it at once. Some are of the opinion that it is necessary to withhold their list until the end of the term. This in not so. - Every subscriber sent to us is placed to the account of the procurer thereof, and the person who has procured for us the largest num ber of subscribers by the 4th of July, 1862, will be awarded the highest premium, etc.— Address, J. W. M'CRORY, Grencastle, Franklin Co., Pa. . PERSONS wantinc Tinware, made of extra heavy Tin, will save ir,ney by calling at • splenlid article New Orleans molasses (cat 127 ;tents, • RILEY & Ce'b. J. W BARR'P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers