THE PILOT IS PUI3LISUED EYEY TUESDAY MORNING BY JAMES W. M'CRORY, (North West Corner of the Public Square,) at the following rates, from which there will be no deviation Single subscription, in advance $1.50 Within six months 1.75 Within twelve months 2.00 No paper will be discontinued unless at the eption of the Publishers, until all arrearages are paid. No subscriptions will be taken for a less period han'six =Oaths. Sefect poettn. ....... ......... .•„,.." ..... ...... ROME AGAIN. Home again! home again! Once merilenenlit Pie, roof That sheltered me childhood, Protected. me in youth; . And gathered round the fireside, With those we love so Oh n'one but tbey, who've lost their home, „ Its charm can truly toll. 4onte again! home again! By that bright, cheerful hearth, Wherever were assembled, ' Since childhood's early birth; To listen to those household words, So simple i yet so4rue, They seem like pearls, like precious stones; Like stars in Heaven's own'blue.' . HoMe ogoin? home tigrlini; When ihmie once ntlent, new rottuiecl;- TNe loshbeis eruTy 'found; ' Then gathered round the social beirif,' W e 0ige,37,3„111111 1 9/f,„i We wish .for,enqh, for, one, forrip, ii yrosperity. an,clovcolt,h. l , i, .„! Borne again ! home Again! How warm is friendship's grasp, How welcome smiles ; familiar smiles, Affection'a earneet,clasp. , . We'll let fond memory •then return, To happy days of yore, . And pledge each other mutual vows, To part fromhome no more,' DEFENSE OF REV: I. J.. STINE. Tho Other Slde, 00„"tari. That great "sensation story" sn freely Gir l culated in connection: with my arrest and s itu= prison ment, nearly , four. . months ago,, baying run the rounds, and this first fury of..the atom-hair.; ink somewhat subsided, the public may now be• prepared for—as the public is certainly' cnti• ticd otho• side of the story.' I nothing would 'extenuste, nor set down ought in malice..—Dly,friends do not need any public defense Of my nharacteri my enemies need not heed any such' defense: my position -elat' to ti, 44 sty' - and stripes "is known l in relation to t to" stars s ripe alike to beth. Bat,.as yfid,rather tended notice of late tu3, ff supposed rebel spy," and have been consequently. 1 1 3Aottiewha distinguished" 'away: from home,- that Mach: larder ciaSttlidtf 'either fireads'oefedi; wba know nothi'n" r s'o - r'little of 'me, CiCeParo'rn {lie f startling tale o f )p' oseCt and treasonable Mclud4ct, 3 l l may, have. trace expect ing at least some , shovrof defense, if they have not taken iretited'ihat T Was' of all the bud, things said about me. And for the satisfactitm of, strangers I may, be-Allowed, even now, LpresuMe e to "' My task ie a 'delicate one, indeed,• but tie longer, of quite so delicate a nature is it would have been at any time past.' 'I have hitherto refused to enter into a publieyindiea'tion 'of myself, and the "points" in my ; defense have„ not been brought, out—although, by, some, per sons the "case" may have been thought quite desperate, and, in , the absence of 'published, testimony to thecentrary, a case kuite ado-, less. But facts itee'seubborn things.' And, no doubt, men are more, ready to .acknowledge their errors, and to chauge.their minds, when they find themselies iniatiiken, than-we Borne times give them' credit for being: At any rate, it is hoped that, whilst it may not be possible under some circumstances. to remove all doubts and satisfy all minds, yet, a generous public will accept the defense now offered, seeing that the defendant in this case relies net so much, on the abilities of his counsel as on the evi dence; adduced: It may be permitted' alno4t; any,one to i show4f, he can 00 good tad wPsr-! teatittleith and at : the proper timerrthough' that timeobewt:his own choosing—rthat le has ; been an Yaltoetnilaiul iniarcd man. It -- • A few days 2 after the battle of Antietam, I , ,was arrested in H,arrisburg, on charge of ," be traying Capt. Palmer of the Anderson Troop, into rebel captivity," and the next day, on ap-, peal to the Governor, honorably discharged.— The parties concerned in the investigation of the 'case, were :—Gov..Curtin and Col. A. K. ItPeltire,l who both understood the matter, and Brig. Gen: A. Porter, Provost Marshall Kleck ner, dnd a fellow by the name of Evans, wh'o' did not kite/iv 'anything at all about it. On Thlllid4,,October 23d,I"was treacher ously decoyed away twenty-three miles him my little family—made less the. very, next , morn ing, God taking ode to Himself—and at New port, Pa., re arieSied, hiftried off to Philadel phia, and contrary to the - terms of the order for my arrest, thrust like a crituioal'into Moya rnensing Prison; * whenee, on Saturday follow- *1 was kindly treated by "the keeper of the prison" and his assistant. _ - ' lll O l • =- A --,- t 141 Its• • - - . . ' • ' •-" • -se . • _ ' it 1 0' - tti• • • •- • - 4. .• 74 04, °. 1.7 0 • • , . GREENCASTLE„ PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1863. iog, I was taken to Fort Delaware, and there kept in close confinement,Nienied even privil ege's and Comforts freely granted the Most vil lainous sympathisers with treason and rebellion, for'sletrin, weeks: Dining' 'this 'titrie,'however, With'atl 'Saris l o`f 'faise and foolish rumors, I had ihe i satisfactiow—though`miffer the circumstan ces a melancholy satisfaction —of receiving several letters of sympathy mid lestinionials of disinterested 'friendship, even froCA `same'' bf those might have been supposed to be most aggrieved. I accepted these two very 'different sorts;of 'treatment . as quite liatutilly'beStowed upon a traitor, "long s'uspected of 'secession Initeliiities," "and takerrin the 'itery act 'of 'hid ing- fitith TuiSuing'Justieb; oil. tt: visit to his • • • • : • r ' The ycliarge reported as' preferred' against irie kveiltt tfiree: Only 'one df thetU; howetei, was of any consequence', as the Other two were eaenly.added dust fiii i '4l76,7.sake of effect,; it being considered bytitouest men that the first was already settled, mid, no doubt, by sonic blhek that: it could* not - be made 'to Stctriel done. The story'of the rifan 'plated fcii' the capture 'of 'Gov. Curtin at llagerstoWn, Was so ridicu lowly abstird and evidently false as t'ci need Uo testimony to the' contiary.t And as to that othet hardly"thore pladiblestory of ivy'leading Stuart's raid on Chatubmsblitg, there was 'cer tainly some mistake... 'kite - o'vidorice of re siiectable men and wornen"- - -not offered in` Su b 'either''of -the' Othei charges— 'ultisrnot be with mere deminciations set aside. *Yet We 'should lievdr be tOo-Po.4itive:'i It is an -eitsy 41',Ven &tight in Jsdure pEirticntais, we'initylfe wrong' itt, 'others. ItrlseleuiS to Me" sonietirnes a , better forM orekPres'iiion than "Ift is,v- and "If '1 mistake mit" 'is' certainly not so , •lntratas "You did." 'Our 'aid] shotild belo iidvance the truth and yet we 'should be :stire:we are 'right, before gviug ahead toy fair: t raltr:::SawJohn go . down the street; but Afar); declares it was somebody else, and a difference arises, which it may not be ah easy fhiiag'to settle satislactOrily.i.` In einuiection with thetive Chal•ges jtist •Spe eified, Aid' of a'betlayihg, 4 tapl: Pal inti." l ' was Vokfedtiiily - Yelluteatdd.' cOiiipar:4tiVe si leit'ee,%ncTl hat 'of "dilfgrst onceiln ea , would easily misconstru f ed;'ana'all sorts of Stiiiisei and imileefureii . ifoUld' be ImaciB. But is silence under netigalibn'ita4i , an' indi ea ii On 'of Guilt'?' It be ex c E'e d' by thdart who did' ilot '&nde'rstabil' the reasoli for a 6obise, del:take chaieS so 'Pub licly preferred • • whilst other's' WoUldluSt naturally ,insist upon lOting"the burden of I proof" cui the cater 'hi:lulder`: an d dino l evidence of-guilt was ever produeedt against one. Now;svhere there ira:difference`of opinion', it may be ..not aliVs7l4i:Uetit to add to the dispute, even in .self-vindication;, and with a certain prospect of showing positively who is in the wrong blifiefteriiirished, North cind krupoK4nt,, arye,st.", And until within a tew past r the., time : had not yet come—the time-wiren , rany , demostration should be made in nil iiefeiii4 the life of another was in.jeopriily.„ Palmer • was on the wrong side ,of a the line"—not for my legal protection, but IM—his-safety. Self demanded vindicetion and reparation; but Prudence whis pered secrecy, " for fear of the Jews." Re lease from Prison, on my. ", parole' •of honor" to hold myself in-readiness to answer to the charges preferred,' at any Tutere time directed by the Honorable Secretary of War , as soon as he was „made acquainted ,with the facts, was certainly all that under the circumstances could be asked at& ciV'en. -- Any other course might have been fhtal to the safety of Capt ,Palmer. ,• T' ••• j•", It is cenfidentll believed that the accused had p rfected a plan. to have Gov: Cdrtin captured. "When the Gove'inOtirisited Hagerstown the rebels had Jen. He reMained there a short time, and within an hour or two after he returned a part. of the rebel cavalry made a grand dash into the town, and from certain, remarks which fell from some of their lips, they were evidently in search of him. He escaped only a few hours before the rebels made the dash "—Harrisburg "Telegraph" and other papers " This must have happened a couple of days after the battle of Antietiun ; 'for the 'Governor went to Hagerstown the next day: - "'Now, we knew , from reliable persons - who were in Hagerstown at the time mentioned, that no "rebel cavalry" dashed into that place ; nor, indeed, have there been any "febertavili7" , in Hagerstown dime the day of the battle."--drcencastle "Pilot," Nov. 4, 1862. pm H. Baker, pastor of the Lutheran Church at llewville, Pa., has personally informed me that he was in Chambersburg at the time of the "great raid," in frequent conversation with some of Stuart's officers and. men, and, no doubt, mistaken for me. Mr. B. is a loyal wan. • But it is quite different now. • The Captain's safe return; after an imprisonment of .four months in the South, changes the programme : entirely. And—although it may not be , either prudent or .necessafy to publish the particulars of his capture and captivity—if there la. shadow of doubt resting on the minds of any •-:.- • • •. in relation to my layalty , , and particularly Mas,ter of the charges en which I was arrested and Imprisoned,T may be . all'owed to refer, if not to ‘' the law in suc,h, cases made, and pro, vided," yet, certainly, "tile testimpill. 7 Truih, like murder, "Will . out ,"'and Cons Ci-; pus innocence need not always be iu haste to virndicate itself. Tinie has sometimes showg tliaksoine Men, tiotWithsta'nilin„o. all their faults,; A ' are still not quite so bad as Some otlier i s, taking iiiCiUseli•ei:as' the standard, would to matte, ; ~,, - I. , 1 : ‘;t1 , , , " -•.: :!, ;: , them out. I. have, thonglit of this, and have not 4114W0 MYself !telore-,et: the'Wiseniiin i s ad: ;`; tat:mama : " Let another man praiee thee, and, „'‘ not thine' OWD 610 . 11 th Strangerotudnot dune' own bps,' , „ early November As earlY Noyember Itowf,s of Greencastle, Pa., wrote me: ",I haste no doubt you Will be released few days—ati least ae soon as the 'Governor can give it, his , attention. I knovi you are innocent' of every charge preferred against you, and WO .cry N See tliat 'you iet Sour liberty, if' I btive,to spend a Montt' ineffeetiiig it." And 4 month" freely ,given: Tour dikYi COE, A. t. Modieure tae r lrc;tit have been et'ett'..! the; in facts anti testimony your casg for several! days, and will in a very shOrt time pe able,ta present the matter So'clearly ihat you'r discharge cau-not be a matter of doubt., I was amazed at pUblications in the 'papere giving the reasons for qUestioriing your loyalty. I ,knew th'at you had not been in communication With rebel's Chambersburg, furl was there all the finite tnyself; and l'knew also that the alleged attempt to betray Gov. Cortin, at HarrerstoWn was equally false, fir there were no rebel c'ay., airy (at ":ti ej Within ten "Of: that 0 7., ,Ais' • place. Bardwell' Tia.s esciipelVand • • ..•••• bears 'Cordial And positive testimony to your n delity in 'all your movements with Copt I'al I ' nler. luny persuaded oty.our • is • 4, 4 PI f , • tire fidelity the Governeni, 1 Still not, dense until you are hoooralily disc'ar«ed .141 -t• AbOutthe same tine also, Rev. D, H. i'oebt, t! •- of' 'NeW"Dliodifiald, — Pik:, 'published, in statements which showed conclusive ; ly tl4t, as' dillc'tet l el dfiaiiirsbiri; was made on 'Friday, eienin - W,ltelbth bOtober,"' and as'l "was at New Bloonifielif, Perry county,,Pa., from the 7th to the 10th," and "on Friday, l thc,loih, at ten or ele'ven • ; left 'New Bloomfield, " 'to go to Shippensbu'rg; by - wayOf NeirPorvand' on 'the:way lit.l(.fiOni,the North; to Chambersj bni6:r 'fed' thac'raid : and - al the're abuldatit that I was E 'at ; • ShiPPenSbnig Troia 'Friday afternoon' at four o'clock till Tuesday nro i rning at nine, it' would appear dial was not in Chanibersbnra. . . . The l'eople Acßocate, published at New, Bloom' 'field, 'intined the 'stories of „my treason "gross fabrications; and the Gyeeneastle Pilot'of'NOveMber 4; not 'pretending- "to de cide the case so easily" as some other papers, very generouglY deYoteif two full 'columnS edi torial to my defense-difficult as was the' tint' thus assumed, for the 7:ection, tharprudende Elid not allow thilt . '"a full 'Sfateincri of all' he circumstances` hould be' made public." I haye pothing ; ,to say for, .mysellf,,esp,e,e4l//g why, sentence of, entire free,doitk treason may, not be proneunceff upop nil. have,no : exeuse to offer for any, part of my eeeduct in all this affair--,ne regrets t 9 conleak— , ,no honors to, claim. If;.I :.have Agog well, it was that vkhich 7 1, desired ; was that which I could: , l—have honestly en deavored to athat 'ivhich 'it 'was my duty to do. And if an unbribed: and; unprejudiced jury. may make return that, in their judgment, the storypf my disloyalty and treason was a groundless fabrication, I am sure . I cannot, help •it. may be, permitted, however, to offer up the prayer "From all auspiciouo,peop,le, Good Lord, deliver us." . . ~ , During fay - iMprisonment, Duringniylkopes ror the safety of Capt. Palmer Were mingled with fears danaer—tky no means d i uninishe, but very much aggravated, by the groundless and need/Css reports circulated by the daily paper's. Nor Was my situation certainly any` the biore comfortable for the trying condition of my family. Without a home, and with no means of sup port—her husband imprisoned as *traitor and her babe buried ont of her sight in one day— I had reason to be concerned for my sorrowing, suffering !wife. knew, that she stood and wept over the tiny coffin and the " little grave", aloha. I knew thafr•she was watching alone, 414 J and ,n igh t;. fok week at .thm bSd-Siffe of= another little household pet—the only one left; us `offour. - • But -enough: I may not - teir'from the secret places of the heart griefs too /deep, tpo, ,sacred. for ;Pc'sure. , , , Tlejfajth rof woman sometimes stands firm wbenithat of wan ,is sbaken, prOent.wite. is, from, the Lord ;" and, until after. my rctirn, ", the, hag was not tolti me," .espeeially,how near that ,1 'ff " '3 !. tle one lay for more - than, seven,wearyd,a7s anti - • k i= nigtits,at,the very gate„ l was' the But it was' - tbe Hand of Love that dealt these after blows , • 4., "4.1 14' •44 , .4 , I 4: 4 1' '4' "The good Lord," chastening whom ,He loves; • "TV 4 ' • 10.4 - 4 • if - rr^ , I sees fit to divide the wife's, too heavy soirows,, a an thus to save her' . pr me, y doubling the' -1; r; =, , i, 7 , .' mother's griefs and cares, ;Surely it ,is good) .1"t • :k , .1•5 , )13 to be afflicted ) when Jehovah's hand is, that ; WhiCh holds the ,rod, " f bath do 4 ne A ll! /14.:1•• t •hi 4.41 ' ll4 - 71 A WWI „, , things P.ll. .4.44.:1 31 ' 3 .6 3 1.4 hf. rer,utaion as a loyal man, and especially! as a minister of, the Gel,, has,been = suffering.`n Under. a charge of, treason and a violation .of= the most sacred ,obligations of, frien CV. dship- r vir,ith= .-0 .4 . . • llt : an imputation of guilt the stain of cense-I /pent imprisonment resting upen me, I could 1 0! • • not, of Course, impose myservice.sen the Church; • • •94., ;n4 • „ and, as did,not cho?se to 'go South, have 41' 44.. • .11 been unemployed when.,l shopld .have been. most 'bitty spendg when,a poor man! 0i 14. .T 4 slruld, have been maliug. Arid olio tol blame? Whilst by my freedom timeh suffer ieg,might have beep saved an innocent fardity, and the i almost danger.certain exposure to fatal danger. a 'valuable officer avoided, let no pie under-: 4 stand' me as casting ,reflections where they 4o' not 'beton.. I may be allowed to think wy ar.4 rest, as a frieed has written it, " utterly foolish! .=. „.1 and, uninst;" but I must be subject to " the; ; ' ••.4 , powers 014 t be," as they are ordained 'of God."l = t ; r :I:fr 1,, mmust sustain my country's Goyerntnent—not,i t .' 10 ...4 4. , h.. 1. bit 'NAV , indeed, in its errors, lint in its great pripciples,i i,,'•a .11n r , and especially in all honest efforts to sustain at, r ! 1/ itself—if 1 would sustain niy : eoßntry. leave no fault tic' tind, except 'With the ;Elba ~ q3A creant--and I have, discovered him—who,! =./i;, him riit —who,! /in In; it. teckless of consequences, and if from no t 4:k / 4;4 e`" .t . 47 other motive plan to betray Uiit.• Palmer arid; =l. r,, , ,, , ,5!hn 1 licit 9:'n'w.t.R ?,..11 i•Vi indpre me . " fabricate stery of my, dislpyal-. .•=i fa/ ;.. W, ), ty-- 7 and the cowardly wretch Whoacted as the . J rr r , rli! 1. .IMO ~ 4. decoy—an . office altrig'ether, unßeiessary—in •)1 '4 ' 4 447 . • r ; securing my arrest,—as if I were tie betted 1.. , Mir: - - it 4 - ht. t1;;// 1 1 - 11), 44 ,4i'. 1, known'than they If t lave thong,lit to . ;• , .q;in v eon) ; J•11. , :o rnarrolty their office, they hive only shown • 0 44 their baseness. But even tbey. deserve, pity, • atli'ierltUn'eeus ur e i i ti.d I am just here re mind by ' au " angel, over the ',right shoulder,',' I •il' I of 'that petition : " Iforgive us tour. dabts,,as I `'44 a. .T.• 44 d ice forgive our 'cleldo?i." „ fio• I .1.. lacellenoy, Qov. Curtin - 'to Judge ••oi , —I =IL; / •,. r • Knox; Of 1. Col. A. K. 11,1.eglure, and it $ 'Rev. . . octet and cthers—to - • 1 ..1_• E. r ~r `, 14 4 r _ST voccite ot New Bloomfield and the Pilot of '• 5 ' " r'.c rt• . Greencastle, I auiFe under ry great etiligations for Sympathetic aid i i time of need, as alsp,lo the Press and the 'iS'ltippensburg 11,Tews 'for im ' ' • ; ; -.1 , i 4+l; :•;, portant' corrections and especially . to Major John loive,.of Greencastle, Pa. who personal ly visitedilarris urg several times in ,n 4 be half', And, with Col. 11feClure, spent - ,,several weeks in collecting and arranging, facts and testimonies; do rowe a:debt of, gratityde, which ;1 = ,• ;.; I hope to be paying fora long time to come, Gov. Curtin has personallyassured reqjtired but very little to convince loyalty; and' in refutation of the,,char , "betraying Capt. Palmer,"hwa stater .1:1 wust be My final-testinniny 2f ',l „ Vei-4iisPeetfu, i Ar. °;/. i — 1 1,-. At , SHIPPENS BURG PA: Febi 10 SG3. • 4l I . =-= find k.q..1",..,72/f. , . . 11 , 4.11 v.. 'Din you ever know a young widow r: • wouldn't .get married a second could ? Did yuu ever know a man to be partici hard on one vice without havino• a pet i v his own . . . , Did ypu ever i kucow a widower to let the j .1 I ' alone "a .year of deoency" was over Did you ever know a tobacco chewino• d' t. 1.4 144 ' win to t feel 'any cciinpunction r ‘ for . lese.97 ' 42' 1 , 1 c) %kit? , Tr. , the house of god with the vile juice a weed ? Did you ever know a man to grow in by 'feeding on slander ? Did you ever know a toper who wasn't once .sy • a moderate drinker ?, , .44 Did you ever know a grumbler to possess ener gy enough to correct or amend whatever he, grumbled at ? Did you ever know a toady that wasn't a hypocrite ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements will he inserted in nit; rimir the following rates: 1 column, one year 4. of a column, one year, of a column, one year, 1 square, twelve,months. 1 square,.six mouths 1 square, three months .- 1 square, (ten lines or less) 3 insertions 1.00 Each subsequent insertion 26 Profenthional cards, one year 5,00 NO. 3. The Ship, upon which a lady best likes to em barl• ow the sea 'of enjoyment, is courtship. The Deiil is no fool, and yet those who play the, devil are necessarily playing the fool. i Marriage must be favorable to longevity; an ; old - maid never liveA to , be more than•thirty. The battle of life needs no' c4nerals; every matt is his own, commander. • • . irA 'over muse have-his eliith'es hatd.somely mieout,roi'lie may be handsoniely aureola him- telEO li• Matches are not made in heaven, and match makers never ..d `there. A .small4ortnne. is a: good - servant; a large one, is often , a,bad , masteru lylireetsounflaWe know of are these chat belong to a `codfish. - -4 , Th i ere •is-nolfier'eer half thaw :a failure in a geat Object xf Nothip,, ,, defiles the mouth so much as a quid _ Y impure lveyds. 1 LiverlitW,tand tad weather;'are things we , had betteil kee) , initiof 'if we earl. o • . - On most occasions, tne importance . of calm nes is- in exact proportion to.its difficulty. 'rlSotitb - tiertiire: Musical glasses; to produce fitregOttillb's, iOu.Must keep them wet. „ laYe „sigh fo,r P,ast and long for the Fa , i,urp; the 1-!aat,i,s a child, the _Future is an angel. 'Painting' is th'e` inierniediite somewhat be twee:n'a thouph s tand a thing. #. s i harp tongue me.kes deeper and more j p,ninful woueds.thaa sharp, teeth. • T.' It ih lietfer td . saceeeCl 4ithout a' precedent ltifam Torsi , " eiani pI e k.„,nords gt ,of , tho .air; are capable great : icondeesation ' roue is a' loaadaboatloot • a foal in cir- Lnibpia:ibuss. In politics, what , leginsin. Thai. usually ends Innfoir k y.. . . ` . Law lileb n6dlding ilfe—vei'y bad When yksl'liL ' life,throughShia thicketed wilder. plajner, and,roore parked every time an humble, hearty pilgrim ,soul goes through. 'Wllidlifbitttie may say, a bravo soldier is otirlfearts nod insiino tiveVi theloodding 'plume' of the ,hero. MEE A 1:11.” .12:1X . ums only is like a Cyclops Fith one eye and that one in the back of his head. . 47 " The Earth, with its scarred face, is the sym bol of, OA ,Palt peaven of Fu turity. A . l,tmiter . M,llls, country may " read his his- tory in — a nation's eyes," but it will be very poor readin.=. ;it.2 amidSt• daniersk the body sometimes *t hick to the soul as the child runs to the le"; and advances again , with its hand in bite . to them, speakiri deepOr,'riohdr -tones, then when they 'With ug: were If you would have a lady think that you are consuming with love of her; don't let her see you . too often with a- cigar ,in ,yoWt. mouth. She will be , apt to think there 'isn't much flame where there is so much smoke. tittle-or-Noti)ings. ; s WI MI $70.00 36.00 20.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 hens in ree•root is born aides' so it Dame- ZEMI in their mories of eir lone. ever un- can no will turn ain, that
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers