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Directions of special value to woman u/ith every box ran? PAS! WILL HI 10 HEB OF SHAMROCK CON Firemen to March to Chapel To-morrow Night to Hear Ser mon by the Chaplain OVER-ANXIETY DR. FOX'S TOPIC Clayton Albert Smucker at Stevens Memorial Will Give Third of Series of "Live Wire Sermons On Up-to- D&te Subjects" In Evening The members of the Shamrock Fire Company, a large number of whom hit the sawdust trail during the recent Btough evangelistic campaign in this city, will meet at their engine house to-morrow evening at 6.30 o'clock and inarch in a body to the Bethany Pres byterian chapel, Cameron and Cumber land streets, to hear a special sermon by the pastor and chaplain of the com- ■ pany, the Rev. John M. Warden. The Shamrock boys have an organized j Bible class at Bethany chapel, the j only firemen's Bible class in the city. The Bev. Mr. Warden is teacher, and I only Shamrock members are admitted ! to membership. All members of the j . company, whether in full uniform or not, as well as all other firemen of the 1 city, are invited to attend the services . to-morrow night. The choir is arrang- j i ing special music. At Grace M. E. church, the Rev. Dr. I 'I. D. Fox, at 10.30 will preach on , "Steadying the Ark," or "The Ma -JUSty of Law," a lesson on over! anxiety. At tne evening service the | "Tragedy of Jab, Act 111. The Great Vindication," will be the subject. This study will reveal the fact that l , though the friends of Job accused him j of hypocrisy and wickedness and ex- j ( plained the reason of his loss and suf- | . fering as punishment for his sins, yet ■ God vindicated his cause as against , the aspersions of his friends, and gave ; him twice as many sheep, camels and J oxen as he had before. Moreover the joys of his domestic life were restored, j But this was merely incidental to the j real issue. It was the defense of his j character as viewed by the Almightv i that makes Job one of the greatest | heroes in history. The study will show that discipline is the law of life; that | the purest gold comes out of the hot- 1 test furnace; that the destruction and : disintegration of the seed is the prom- ! Sac of its reproduction; that the gold of character and the music sweeter than the song of an angel, come out of .jbruised and broken hearts, and that die to livi. At the Stevens Memorial Methodist . iEpiseopal church. Thirteenth and Ver , Bon streets. Dr. Clayton Albert Kmuck •t«r is delivering a series of "live wire sermons on up-to-date subjects." To morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock, the ■ third sermon in the special series will be given on "The SHJUS of the Time." On Sunday evening, May 9, he will ipreach on "Popular Porms of Llolatry ■ To-dav." In connection with this ser mon he will answer the question often asked. "Do Roman Catholics Pray\and j Worship the Virgin Marvf" The last sermon will be given Sundav evening, ; May 16, on "Peter and the Keys to! Heaven." At Pine Street Presbyterian church I the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mudge, has! been preaching for the last few weeks a aeries of sermons on "God." The final sermon of this series will be N NOW THEN LET'S GO TO EPWORTH LEAGUE TO-MORROW HARRIS3URQ STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1915. I preached Sunday evening when the j topic will be "The Reliable God." ! This service will be preceded by an i organ recital at 7.15 p. m. when Mr. ! MeCarrel will play "Concert Overture in F" (D'Evry), "Evensong" (Johns ton). The choir will sing "I Saw the Lord" (Harris) anil Mrs. Hertzler will sing "O Rest in the Lord (Elijah)" (Mendelssohn). At the morning service the topic of the sermon will be "God's Chief Criti cism of Us." The meeting of the Wom an's Missionary Society will be held on Monday evening. The Missionary Guild will meet on Tuesday evening. The annual meeting of the congrega tion to elect trustees and to transact routine business will be held in the lecture room at 7.30 o'clock on Tues day evening. At the Mid-week service the topic will be "God Using Us." Zion Choir Program The choir of Zion Lutheran church will give a praise service to-morrow evening The following numbers will be given: Organ prelude, "March," S. Clarke; opening service; hvmn; an them, "Come Untp Him," 'Handel; Scripture Lesson; prayer; quartet, "Evening Hymn," Rheinberger; hymn; sermon,' the Rev. S. W. Herman; offertory, "Andante," Bendel; bari tone solo. "Send Out Thy Light," Woller, Fred Lutz; closing service, Book of Worship; postlude, "Allegro," Willebv. 6 Music at Messiah Lutheran church will be: Morning—Prelude, "Canti lene in F Minor," Wolstenhohne; of fertory, "Elevation," Saens; anthem, "Incline Thine Ear," Himmel; post lude, "Gavotte in D Minor," Ecker. Evening —Prelude, "Prelude Sfm phonique, ' Ward; tenor solo, "Lead Kindly Light," Hawlev, Dr. Byron S. Behiiey; offertory, "Th'e Virgin's Pray er," Massenet; anthem, "Benedic Anima," Buck; postlude, "Cornelius iMareh," Davis. The regular order of services in lo cal churches to-morrow follows: LUTHEEAN Redeemer, Nineteenth and Kensing | ton Streets—The Rev. E. Victor Ro ' land, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 jo'clock Subject of sermon, "The I Church That Left Its 'First Lore." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sub ject of sermon. "What the Scriptures Teaoh About Hell." Sunday school at 9.30 o'clock. Junior C. E. "at 2 p. m. : Senior C. E. at 6.30. Sunday morning will be the first of a series of sermons by tho Rev. E. Victor Roland 'based on "John's Message to the Seven Churches." Sunday evening will be tho first of a series of three sermons con cerning the doctrine of Hell. Zion. South Fourth Street—The Rev. S. Wiufield Herman, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. The Rev. H. H. Beidleman frill preach. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of ser mon, "The Wasted Years." The pastor will preach. Sunday school at 1.45 o'elock. Men's class at 1.50. 'Men's devotional hour at 10 a. m. St. Matthew's, Green and Seneca Streets—The 'Rev. E. E- Snyder, pas tor. IMorning service at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "A Call to Wor ship." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "A Dialogue of tho Dead." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. C. E. Society at 6.30 p. m. Prayer serv ice Wednesliav at 7.45. Trinity, South' Ninth Street—The Rev. R. L. 'Meisenhelder, pastor. Morn ing service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "An Old Testament Example for New Testament Christians." Even ing service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Bible Teaching on Dftorce." Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. (Memorial, Fifteenth and Shoop Streets—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D„ (■astor. Morning / service at 10.30 o'clock. Evening' service at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Men's prayer mooting a t 10 a.m. Junior Luther league at 5.30 p. m. .Senior Lnthef 'League at 6.30 p. in. Topic, "The Spirit's Call.',' Acts 26:16-1 S. Leader, Mr. Samuel Mullhennv. Solo by IMr. Paul Clouser. Augsburg, Fifth and Muench Streets—-The Rev. Amos Maxwell Stam ets, pastor. (Men's League at 9.30. Preaching at 10*30, subjeet, "Private Prayer." Evening subject at 7.80, "The Narfie of the 'lx>rd. M Sunday school at 2 o 'clock. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. Messiah, Sixth and Forster Streets— The Rev. Henry W. A. Haneon, pastor. At 1,0.30 a. in., "Simeon, fht Saint." Evfnlng at 7.30, "The Man for To- day." Sunday school at 2 p. m. In termediate C. E. at 6.30. {Christ, Thirteenth and Thompson Streets—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, Ph. D., pastor. 'Morning worship at 10.30 o'clock. Subject. "The Last Will and Testament." Evening ijorship at 7.30 o'clock. Subject, "The Measure of the Man." Sunday school at 2 p. m. iM-en's Bible class at 2 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 6.30 p. m. Miss Ruth Beitman, leader. Bethlehem—TTie Rev. J. 'Bradley Markward, D. IX, pastor. At 10.30 a. m., "A Pact Hard to Understand." At 7.30 p. m., "The 'Sin of Unbelief." Sunday school at 1.45 p. m. C. E. pray er meeting at 6.30. Calvary, South Thirteenth and Reese Streets—The Rev. Edward H. Parr, pastor. IMorning service at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Jesus Comforting His Disciples." Evening service at 7.30 o clock. Subject of sermon, "Feaa- Not." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. St. Mark's, West Fairview—The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday school at 9.30. Baccalaureate sermon at .7.15 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. »3t. Paul's, New Cumberland—The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday school at .9.30 a. m. Preaching with special music at 10.30. C. E. at 6. I Trnmity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. 'E. D. Weigle, pastor. Morning service |at 10.30 o'Hock. Subject of sermon, | "The Final Departure." Evening serv . ice at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, i "God and Duty." Sunday school at j 9.15 o clock. Mid-week service at 7.30 p. m. Wednesday. Choir practice at 8.30 o'clock same evening. BAPTIST Market Street, Fifteenth and Market Streets—The Rev. Walter Henry Dall man, pastor. 'Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 11.30 o'clock. Chris tian Endeavor at 6.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.45. First, Second and Pine Streets—The Rev. W.S. Booth, pastor. 10.30, "God's Great Purpose." 11.30 Sundav school. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. At 7.30, "The Church in Seclusion, or the Rise of Monasteries." (Illustrated sermon). Tabernacle. Forster near Sixth Streets—The Rev. Calvin A. Hare, D. D„ pastor. At 10.30 a. m., Communion and welcoming of now members. At 7.30, preaching by the pastor, subject, "The Victory of Calvary." Bible school at 11.30. B. Y. P. U. at 7.30. Second, Cameron Street—The Rev. Afbert J. Greene, A. B„ pastor. After noon at 3 o 'clock, Subject of sermon, "Immersion, the Symbolic Death with Jesus." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "God's Mvsterious House of the Dead." Sundav school at 12 o'clock. B. Y. P. U. at 6.30. 'Baptism at 3 p. m. Young People's meeting at 6.30. The Lord's Supper at 7.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Paul 'B, State and Cameron Streets—The Rev. E. Luther Cunning ham, ■pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Covenant meeting. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sivbject of ser mon, "The Divinely Prepared Feast." Communion at close'of service. B Y P U. at 6.30. Second Zion, Reese and Daisv Ave nue—Services at 10.30 a. m. arid 7.30 p. m. The Rev. Milford Ball, pastor in charge. PRESBYTERIAN Olivet, Derry and Kittatinnv Streets —The Rev. William O. Yates, pastor. Morning preaching service at 10.30 o 'clock. Subject, '' The Prodigal Son.'' Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sub ject, "The Lost Invitation." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Market Square—The Rev. William B. Cooke, minister in charge. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o clock. Subject of sermon, "Life's Cardinal Virtues—Self-con trol." Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30 p. m., led bv Miss Beulah Books. Topic, "Joys of the Christian Life." Consecration meet- Mid-week service, Wednesday, at 7.45 p. m. Women's prayer meeting, Friday, at 3 p. m. Music at the morn ing service: Prelude, "Sonata So. 2," Mendelssohn; anthem, "The Sun Shall Be 'No More," Woodward; offertory, "Capriscio," Lemaigre; postlude, "Al ia Marcia in D," ttackett. Music at the evening service: Prelude, in C, Tours; anthem, "I Will Lav Me Down in Peace,'' Gadsby; offertory, "Slum ber Song," Schumann; postlude, "Fes tival Marrh," Teilman. Bethany, Cameron and Cumberland Streets—The Rev. John M. Warden, pastor. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Judg ment Day." Sunday school at 9 a. m. Christian Endeavor' at 6.30 p. m. Calvary. Cameron and Sycamore Streets—The Rev. Frank P. Mackenzie, pastor. Morning servico at 10.15 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Skep tics.'' Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Witnessing." Sun day school at 9 a. nj. Christian En deavor at 8.3Q p. m. Mid-week service, Wednesday evening, at 7.50 o'clock. Pine Street, TKird and Pine Street* —The Rev. I<ewis Seymour Mudge, D. D., pastor. The Rev. J. 8. Armentrout, assistant pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sermon OD Revelation 2:4. "God's Chief Criticism of Us." Evening Service at 7,30 o'clock. Ser mon on I Samuel S:S, "Tho Reliable God." Sunday school at 1.80 p. m., ele mentary grades, graded lessons. Sunday school at 1.40 p. in., advanced grades, Adult Bible classes. Senior Christian Endeavor Society at 6.30 p. m. Visitors are welcome. Annual congregational meeting, Tuesday, at 7.30 p. m. Wed nesday, May 5, 7.30 p. m., Mid-week service, "God Using Us." Westminster, Green and Belly Streets —The Rev. E. E. Curtis, pastor. Morn ing service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Marks of a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ." Sunday school at 1.45 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, Saulitis." Immanuel, Sixteenth and Juniper Streets—The Rev. 11. Everett Ha lima 11, pastor. Morning service at 10 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'«loek. Sun day schoiJi at 11.16 a. ra. Covenant, Fifth and Peffer Streets —The Bev. Harvey Klaer, astor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock.-Sub ject of sermon, "Building the Altar." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sub ject of sermon, "Keeping House." Sun day school at 2 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.45 p. m. METHODIST Ridge Avenue, Sixth and Herr Streets—The Rev. William W. Hart man, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subjoct of sermon, "Sabbath Observance." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "A Trium phant Hope.". Sunday school at 2 p. m. Class meeting at 9.30 a. in. Ep worth League at 6.30 p. m. » Epworth, Twenty-first and Derry Streets—The Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Abiding Liv ing Redeemer. Evening service at 7.30 - o 'clock. The Men's Bible class will conduct the evening service. Good sing i ing and fine program. Sunday school . at 10 a. m. Class meeting at 9 ;i. m. I Epworth League service at 6.30 p. m. I Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A. I Pyles, pastor. "The Testing of Faith" j at 10.30 a. m. "The Fiction of Sin" , at 7.30 p. m. Class meeting at 9.30 a. . m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Junior . League at 3 p. in. Epworth League at . 6.30 p. in. Camp Curtin, Sixth Street, Near i Camp—The Rev. A. .S. Williams, pas > tor. Class meeting at 9.30 a. in..Junior . League at 9.45 a. m. Sermon at 10.30 a. m. Subject, "The Perfection of the , Kingdom." Sunday school at 2 p. m. EpworthJjeague at 6.30 p. m. Sermon | at 7.30 p. m. Subject, "The Art of Human Approach.'" Stevens Memorial, Thirteenth and Vernon Streets—The Rev. Dr. Clavton Albert Smucker, pastor. Class meoting at 9.30 a. in. Morning prayer and ser mon at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of ser mon, "'High Noon of the Gospel." Sun day school at 2 p. m. Epworth League at 6.30 p. m. Sunday evening closing service at o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Signs of the Times." , St. Paul's, Vine Street, Near Front —The Rev. Robert W. Runyan, pastor. Morning worship at 10.30 o'clock. Class meeting at 9.30 a. m. Sunday school at 1.45 p. m. Epworth League at 6.30 p. m. Evening worship at o'clock. The pastor, the Rev. Robert W. Runyan, will preach on th e subject, "The Impatience of Job" and in the evening will exchange pulpits with tho Rev. S. M. Rounsley, of Enola. Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D., pastor. Class meeting at 9.30 a. m. f "Steadying the Ark; or the Majestry of L«w" at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school and Men's Bible class at 1.45 p. ni. Epworth League at 6.45 p. m. "Trag edy of Job." Act HI, "The Great Vindication" at 7.30 p. m. Prayer meeting at Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's—The Rov. Rollin Al ger Sawyer, rector —8 a. m., Holy Communion. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 fa. m„ Holy Communion and ser mon. 4.30 p. m., Evening praver and address. St. Augustine's, Thirteenth and Herr Streets—Archdeacon E. L. Hen dersou, rector. 7 a. m. Holy Commu nion. 11 a. ni. morning prayer, litany and sermon. 12.3'0' p. m. Sunday school. 7.30 p. ni. evening prayer and sermon. St. Andrew's, Nineteenth and Mar ket Streets—the Rev. James F. Bul litt, rector. Morning prayer at 10. Holy Communion and sermon at 10.30. Sunday school and Bible classes at 12. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30. UNITED BRETHREN Derry Street, Fifteenth and Derrv Streets—The Rev. J. A. Lvter, D. I)", j pastor. Morning service* at 10.30. Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school at 2. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. j First, Boas Street—The Rev. J. T. Spangler, pastor. Morning service at | 10.30. Subject, " Who Is My Friend?" I Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "A Forfeited Opportunity." Sunday school at 1.45. C. E. at 6.45. Otterbein, Fourth and Reily Streets —The Rev. S. E. Rupp, )>astor, will preach at 11 a. m. Subject, "Satan in "Srmor," and at 7.30 p. m., suibject "Is Local Option Lost " Suniiay school at 10 a. m., changed from 2 p. m. C. E. at 6.30. Sixth Street, Sixth and Seneca Streets—P. Hummel Balsbaugh, pas tor. Praise service at 9.43. Worship at 1 10.30. Subject, "Notes of Upr : ght- YOUR APPETITE Your digestion, your gen- i eral health will be ; greatly benefited by "the . timely use of Hostetter's ; Stotnach Bitters. It is compounded from abso- ] lutely pure ingredients and those best known as real aids to the Stomach, Liver * and Bowels. Jt exerts a ] general tonic effect and ■ helps Nature promote \ health and strength in '< the entire digestive sys tem. Try a" bottle to-day i but be sure you get j HQSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters : I * t tA lesson of the European War Once more, among countless times, has the great food value o chocolate and cocoa been demonstrated, both serving as a part of the rations of the troops in ACTIVE SERVICE. BAKER'S SWEET CHOCOLATE has always had this guarantee BirUtered "The ingredients of this Chocolate are guaranteed to be pure I c.s,T»t. oflM cocoas of superior blend and sugar." The. genuine has this trade-mark on the package, and is made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. HOW THE "BUZZER" 7 ELLS THE NEWS IN THE TRENCHES EC E ,N <s FR > C)M 7-H E BA*. >, The part which the telephone and telegraph are playing in this war can scarcely be exaggerated. Every bat tery is dependent for much of Its information upon hidden observers with telephones at their ears. Orders and in structions of all kinds are sent all over the field of operations by means of telephones or telegraphic instruments, or by telephones used as buzzers,' which, when the Hue is weak, gives out to the ear a long and short buzz. By this means the Morse code is used instead of the human voice, although a layman would think an ordinary telephone in strument alone was in use. In the above illustration the military operator is seen using the "buzzer," which is close- Ij pressed to his ear as he listens to the message from headquarters. The message is being "buzzed" in Morse code. ness." Worship at 7.30. "Intercessory Prayer." Sunday 6chool at 1.45. Jr. C. E. at 5.45. Sr. C. E. ait 6.30. Satur day evening cottage prayer service at the home of Charles Edward Gray, 2344 Logan street. 'State Street, Eighteenth and State Streets—The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier, pastor. Morning service at 10.45. Sub ject, "The Treasures of Wisdom." Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "The Tragedy of Saul's Life.''' Sunday school at 9.30. Jr. C. E. at 6. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. Midweek prayer service Wednesday at 7.30. REFORMED Second, Verbeke and Green Streets —The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pas tor. Morning service at 10.30. Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school at 1.40. Bible class at 1.50. *Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. Fourth, Market and Sixteenth Streets—-The Rev. Homer Skylcs May, pastor. Morning service at 10.45. Sub ject, "Boers of the Word." Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "The Straight Gate." Sunday school at 9.30. Heidei bun,; C. E. at 6.30. St. John's—The Rev. George W. Hartman ami Klder G. W. Hartman will give reports yf the proceedings of Lancaster Class)/ at the morning serv ice ut 10.30 o clock and in the even ing the pastor will preach on "The De parting Lord." Sundnv school at 9.15. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30." Salem, Chestnut and Third Streets— The ißev. W. Stuart Cramer, of Lan caster, will conduct the services in ex change with tho pastor. Morning serv vice at 10.30. Evening service at 7.30. Sundav school at T. 30. St. Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor. Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.30. Men's Bible class at 6.45. St. Matthew's, Enola—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor. Morning service at 10.45. Sunday school at 9.45. C, E. at 6.45. CHURCH OF GOD Fourth Street—Tho Rev. Dr. Wll linin N. Yates, pastor. 10.30, "How to Get Rich." 7.30, "Times of Refresh ing." Sunday school at 1.40. Jun ior C. E. at 3. Senior and Intermedi ate C. E. at 6.30. Pleasant View, the Rev. George W. Harper, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45. 10.45, "The Great Love of Christ." Junior C. E. at 3. Senior C. E. at 6.45. 7.30, "Forgiving Injur ies." Prayer meeting Wednesday at Green Street—Preaching at 10.30 and 7.30 by tho pastor, tho Rev. C. H. Grove. Morning subject, "The Full ness of God." Evening subject, "Se cret Faults." Sunday school at 2. Junior Endeavor at 3. Senior En deavor at 6.30. Nagle Street—The Rev. J. A. Staub, pastor. 11, "Sons of God." 7.30, evangelistic services. Sunday school at 10. Junior C. B. at 9.30. Senior C. E at 6.45. Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. D. S. Shoop, jiaStor. 10.30, "The Pre-emi nence of Christ." 7.30, "Some bood Church Habits.". Sunday school at 9.30. C. E. Society at 7. C. E. So ciety at 7. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.45. Church council Thursday evening at 7.45. EVANGELICAL Harris Street—9.3o, men's prayer meeting. 10.30, "The Snare of Hung er." 2, Sunday school. 6.40, K. <L. C. E. 7.30, "The Man Who Hides Be hind His Wife." , CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street —Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11. Preparatory services at 3.30. The Lord's Supper and communion (lovo- feast) at 6. MISCELLANEOUS Associated Bible Students—'' Thy [Kingdom Come, When? Is It Immi nent?" is the topic of a free discourse to given at the Board of Trade au ditorium, 112 Market street, Sunday at 3 p. m. by Frank Draper, Bible lec turer, of New York City. Fourth Street Church of Christ— Morning service at 11. Evening serv ice at 7.30. Sunday school at 10. Tho Rev. G. Capetanios, a Greek evangelist of the Christian Church, will preach morning and evening. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Wesley Union —10.45, "The Sons of God." 7.30, "The Gospel and Its Power." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I First Church of Christ, Scientist, Board of Trade Hall. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free reading rooms' Kunkel building, 1.30 to 5 p. m., daily, also Monday and Saturday evenings.—Adv. EPWORTH LEAGUES PLAN EfIGLESMERE INSTITUTE At Stevens Memorial Service Address Will Be Made by Missionary Wal ter Hoffsommcr, Who Is Visiting Parents After Eight Years in Japan For four years the Kpworth League of tho Central Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church have held a summer institute at Eaglesniere, where Epworth League methods have been studied in detail under the direr •ion of many of the church'b most prominent instructors. Over one hun dred young people attended this insti tute fiom various parts of the central part of the State last summer, and this year the directorate expect double that number to avail themselves of this op portunity to combine vacation pleasures with educational profit at this ideal vacation spot. The league of Harris burg have taken the initiative in bringing the institute before the Meth odist young people through the medium of stereopticon lectures, by which tho scenic features of Eaglesniere will be emphasized. J. Horace McFarland, the president of the American Civic Association, will lecture before the Harrisburg leagues May 14 on "Eaglesmere, the Scenic Marvel of Pennsylvania," illustrating his lecture with many beautifully col ored lantern slides. Over five hundred tickets have already been sold for this lecture. The Harrisburg way is being fol lowed in various other parts of the territory covored by the (,'entral Penn sylvania Conference, Willianisport hav ing a stmjlar lecture on the evening of May 18, at which some of the same lan tern slides will bo used that will be used at the Harrisburg lecture. The lecture in this city will be giv en in the auditorium of tho Stevens Memorial Methodist church and the Rev. A. S. Williams, the pastor of Cur tin Heights Methodist church, a director of the institute, will present a brief "FISK," THE SIGN MAN OFFICE DOOR LETTERING SHOW CARDS 124 Rear of Union Trust Building outline of the work done there. The Stevens Memorial male chorus will sing during the evening. George B. Ahn, of Williamsport, the president of the in stitute, may be present also. Epworth League services in this city to-morrow evening are as follows: At the Curtin Heights service Miss Mary Kline will he the leader. At tendance last Sunday, 24. Mrs. Hickcl will have charge of the Epworth church Ipagu* service. At tendance last Sunday, 53. At the Fifth Street league the Eman uel Bible study class will have charts ciS the service. Dr. W. W. Rush, Biblo study director of the Philadelphia branch of the National Bihle Institute of New York, will bo the speaker. Miss Margaret Mathious will sing a solo. Attendance last Sunday, 66. H. E. Smith, an instructor at the Harrisburg Academy, will be the speak er at the Grace church service. At tendance last Sunday, 76. Miss Ida Beck will lead the service at the Ridge Avenue church. Attend ance last Sunday, 74. At the league service in the Stevens Memorial church Walter Hoffsommer, a teacher-missionary in Japan, will talk. Mr. llofl'sommer is a son of 'Mr. and IMrs. Hoffiiommer, South Seventeenth street, and, with his family, is visiting his parents after spending the past eight years in Japan. Miss Mabel Ed wards will sing at this service. Attend ance last Sunday, 89. At the league service at St. Paul 'a church the pastor, the Rev. R. \V. Run yan, will be the speaker, and there will be a roll call of the members. There will also be a duct by William Mell and K. Stoner. Attendance last Sunday, 28. For a sturdy spring drink, try Fink's Wurzburger.—Adv. FUNERAL QUEST DIES IN AUTO South Bethlehem, Pa., May 1. —On her way to attend mission services in the Catholic C'huryh of the Holy In fancy here, in the auto of General Manager J. F. Maguire, of the Lehigh Valley railroad, Mrs. Henry Bauer, of Wilkes-Bane, sank dead from heart trouble. The woman, who was 52 years old, came here on a visit to her eon and to attend tho funeral of a relative. Tliey Are 70 Years Old "For some time past mv wife and myself wero troubled with kidney trou ble," writes T. B. Carpenter, Harris burg, Pa. "We suffered rheumatic pains all through the body. The first few doses of Foley Kidney Pills relieved us. After taking five bottles between us we are entirely cured. Although we are both in the seventies we are as vig orous ax we wero thirty years ago." Foley Kidney Pills stop sleep disturb ing bladder weakness, backache, rheu matism, dizziness, swollen .joints and sore muscles. Geo. A. Gorgas, Ifi N. Third St. and P. R. R. Station.—Adv, Body of Drowned Boy Recovered Wilkes-Harre, I'a., May 1. — The body of .John Kikla, 10 years old, was recovered from the Splash dam at Nox en, into which he fell while Ashing Thursday, and was drowned.
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