I ~ —I THE WEATHER TAlja TO-NIOHT AND TO-MOKROW OMIIM WtT«rt P— » VOL. 77—NO. 127. 21 JITNEY 'BOS DRIVERS FORCED TO PAYSS EACH License Tax Collector "Discovers"Cit3 r Law Which. He Holds, Im poses Yearly Fee POLICE HELP TO GET IN THE CASH Big Bush at the City Treasurer's Office This Morning By Drivers Who Hand Out Greenbacks Por Tri angular Tags Look out, Jitney! William I\ Block, the license tax officer, is on your trail! For allies he has the entire mem bership of the Harrisburg police de partment. If you would escape from that com bination betake yourself to the office of the City Treasurer at your first op portunity and pay a mercantile license tax fee of $5. Mr. Block is an energetic official who is eager to fill the coffers of the city treasury, and as the coppers look to that institution every time pay day comes around, Mr. Block wisely chose them to help shoo the jitney drivers lo the little opening in the screen in the treasurer's office through which a si> bill must be pushed for a license receipt and a tag. Quite a tag, too. A blatk triamgle, six and a half inches on each side, with grey lettering as follows: "Auto license, 1915, Harrisburg, Pa." Each tag, of course, contains a dis tinctive number also. The paymont of this tax is the first jitney regulation ever enforced in Harrisburg, and was enforced this morning for the first time. New Jitney Restrictions The police now are issuing orders to the jitneys to etav back a "reason able" distance from the Fourth and Market street curb lines in front of the Metropolitan hotel, where the bus drivers have shown a tendency to as semble. Police Captain Thompson said this morning that a new jitney city ordi nance will have to be enacted if the number of jitney cars continues to in crease. He said that unless this is done somebody will get hurt pretty soon in the jitney rush hours. He advocates a regulation requiring a bond to be filed to insure against damaiges by jitneys. What the Ordinance Says The collection of the fee is being made in accordance with an ordinance, passed by the City Commissioners last January, before the Jitney craze start ed, and "discovered" by Collector Block to-day. It says in part: "All owners of drays, hacks, car riages. omnibuses, automobiles, carts, wagons and other vehicles used for hire or pay, shall pay for each vehicle an annual license as follows: One horse, two dollars; two horses or over, four dollars; automobiles, or other mechan ically propelled vehicles, five dollars." While the auto provision of this law heretofore had applied chiefly to own ers of the three-dollars-an-hour autos for hire, it is now contended that it ap plies also to jitneys. By noon, the hour for closing the of fice of City Treasurer Owen M. Cope lin, —who, by the way, is ono of the chief backers of the proposed big jitney company recently chartered to operate in this city and Steelton, —twenty-one jitney bus drivers, all of whom operate independently, had called for license tags, uetting the city just $lO5 in reve nue. This license runs from April 1 to April 1. JOE CANNON'S TOWN IS "DRY" Danville (HI.) City Council Votes Out Seventy-three Saloons By Associated Press. Danville, 111., May I.—Danville was voted dry by the city council in special meeting to-day for the first time in the history of the city. The council was called in special meeting at 8 o'clock this morning to act on the renewal of licenses of seventy-three saloons which expired at midnight last night. The action of the council moans that! Danville will be without saloons for at i least a year, until another expression of the people is had. At the recent township election the wets were vic torious by more than 1,500 majority. Tener Detained in New York Samuel C. Todd, executive controller last evening received a telegram from former Governor Tener saying that the latter would be unable to carry out ■his plans to visit his Harrisburg friends and play golf with Governor Brumbaugh at the Country Club this afternoon. Mr. Todd believes that Mr. Tener, who is president of the Na tional League, was Retained in New York on baseball busihess. Ir . — ■ -- _____ TO DROP ALL-NIGHT CARS IT JITNEYS ARE ADEQUATE President Musser, of Harrisburg Kail way Company. Talks Also of Cur tailing the Second Street Trolley Service If it is shown that the jitney buses ean ultimately handle the all-night traf fic,the Harrisburg Railways Company is ready to discontinue its after-mid night service on the North Third street line, according to an interview pub lished to-day, with Frank B. Musser, president of the railways company, who was asked to discuss the probable ef fect of jitney bus competition with the street cars. Mr. Musser, while recog nizing the jitney as a legitimate com petition, expressed the opinion that jit ney companies should pay taxes to the city, just as the trolley company does. "We regard the jitney as a legiti mate competitor," said Mr. Musser, "and in some ways it might be a bene fit to lis. For instance, if the jitneys by running at night would take over the small traffic of our all-night cars on the Third street line, we would be very grateful to them. The receijtfs from those half-hourly cars running after , midnight do not pay the wages of the Continued on Ninth Page. BRIBAUGH'SFATHERSAYS 'MARTIN MNKE GOOD' Parent, Here on a Visit, Unwilling to Express His Opinion of Son As a Governor Before the Term of Of fice Ends Govennor Brumbaugh's father, Goonge B. Brumbaugh, anil brother, Prank G., who reside near Huntingdon, arrived here last evening to be the Governor's guests at the Executive Mansion until Monday. The Governor's father is in his 78th year, and this is the first visit to Har risburg since the son was made Gov ernor. For a long time the elder Brum baugh was too ill to travel, but he is much ibetter now. The Governor this morning escorted hie father and brother through the Capitol, the father expressing great de »v<V the beautiful building. When aske'd if'he was not proud of his son and the honor done him through his election as Governor, the father said: "The time to be proud is at the end of his term. It is too early now to tell what Martin will accomplish as Governor. 1 will tell you how proud of him I am if he has 'made good' at the end of his term." SEILERGRfIDUfITE GETS S2OO BRYN MfIWR PRIZE Miss Helen Burn Zimmerman, of Eb erly's Mills, Who Prepared in Har risburg School, Captures a College Scholarship to the Star-Indei>endeTit.) Philadelphia, May I.—ln the an nual May Day awards of Bryn Mawr College scholarships, it was announced that a graduate of the Seiler School, of Harrisburg, was the successful com petitor for a prize valued at S2OO. She is Miss Helen Burn Zimmerman, daughter of Mrs. J. Markwood Peters, of Eberly's Mills, Cumberland county, who is now in the sophomore class of the College. Miss Zimmerman was grad uated from the Seiler School in 1913. She took a high stand and was popular among her schoolmates in Harrisburg. Her's is one of the "special" under gr- ' <ate scholarships. Tne award of scholarships, fellow ships and prizes played a prominent part in the annual May Day celebra tion at Bryn Mawr. The twenty grad uate scholarships are worth S2OO each and are usually awarded to unsuccess ful candidates for fellowships. Of the twenty awarded to-day nine went to Pennsylvania girls, five of whom were Philadelphians. Another was Miss Alice Hill Brvne, of Ijancaster, a grad uate of Wellesley College, who got a graduate scholarship of S2OO for the year 1915-1916. FORGEMEIZED IN 'JAY TOWN; SNUNS FOR PEN. Mercer's Parting Advice to His Pal, Leßrun, Is to "Be Good!" New York Crook Objects When Deputy Takes His Arm on to Station "Good-bye, old boy! Be good, and I'll see you again when we can get to gether. So long!" With that remark H. R. Mercer, the New York crook who got a penitentiary sentence of from nine to fifteen months for a forgery scheme by which he and Fred Leßrun, a Frenchman, attempted to fleece Harrisburg banks out of s2,' 0-00, to-day took leave of the Dauphin county prison and his "pal" and started for the Eastern penitentiary in Philadelphia. Mercer was accom panied by Deputy Sheriff William Hoffman. Leßrun* is to stay here to serve a jail sentence. Wayne Kantner, the Harrlsburger who flred his own home so as to get insurance money with which to pay his debts and who got a pen term of Cmtlucd am Aimth Paca. HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1915—12 PAGES. HORDBEDS WEM on CM SCALES ID FIRST MOOT Housewives Prompt to Test Devices Design ed to Prevent Fraud In the Markets NO COMPLAINTS OF CHEATING By Noon of First Day For Municipal Weighing Machines There Had Been No Cases of Short Weight Reported. The new municipal scales, installed by the city in three market houses to safeguard buyers against short weight frauds, were used by the public for the first time this morning. They are set up in the Verbeke street, Chestnut street and Hill market houses and were extensively used both by persons selling and persons buying. Not only were -the farmers busy checking up to see that weights came up to the city standard but many a housewife stopped to weigh butter, meat, lard, chickens and other things sold by the pound, to ascertain if she had gotten full weight. Harry D. Reel, City Sealer of Weights and Measures, visited all the markets and said he found the people using the scales to a largo extent. He said, however, that until the public is fully "educated" to the use of the machines some of the buyers will be more or lesß timid about it. It may take a few market days for all the housewives to learn where the scales are located, he said. Chickens Weighed Too Much While Sealer Reel was at the Ver beke street market a buyer sought to verify the weight of some poultry he had purchased from one of the farmers. This same person, Roel said, a week ago complained that short weight had been given to him in a chicken deal, but the farmer had subsequently made res titution for a five-ounce shoi-tnge. When his poultry purchaso was plaeed r>n the scales this morn ing the bnye'r took montal account of the weight, but indicated no comment. He hesitated, however, before attempt ing to remove the chickens from the scales and this excited tihe curiosity of the Sealer. "Now what's your troublet" asked Reel. "Short againf" "Oh, nothing. No, not exactly," the man replied in a rather confused tone. "Didn't, you get all that belongs to vou?" again queried the Sealer. "Yes," said the patron rather dry ly. "I've got no kick coming." "But let me know about it," insisted Reel. "Well, if you must know, the farm er gave me fifteen ounces more than I paid for. He said he would give me good weight this time. That's all." Immediately the man departed with HOFFMAN'S WOODS PLAN FAILS Owners Unwilling to Sell Small Plot to City for a Playground Site The local agent of the owners of Hoff man 's Woods, just north of tihe City limits, who, at the request of IMtayor Royal, soughJ to effect negotiations whereby the Oity could obtain a small |art of the woods for less than $4,000 an acre for the proposed uptown play ground, to-day received word from the owners. The contents of this communi cation the agent declined to divulge, but it is understood the City's offer has been rejected on the ground that the owners do not desire to dispose of the ground in sucih small sections as three or four acres. A majority of the City Commission ers to-day said they will vote favoraiblv on Park Commisioner M. Harvey Tay iur V ordinance, which will come up for final passage at the Tuesday meerting of the City Commissioners, ' providing for the purchase of axsite at Fifth and Emerald streets. This plot constitutes about an acre and a half, for which the ordinance proves the City shall pay $1 4,700 or approximately $9,000 an acre. This ground had been selected as the site for the Polyclinic Hospital. WORK AGAIN ON POSTOFFICE Sub-Contractors Are Going Ahead With Stone Structure After Delay Tlie United States Treasury Depart ment, engaged in superintending the building of tdie addition to the Harris burg poptoffice, has directed (Pennock & <'o., the contractors, through their bondsmen, acting as receivers, to fin ish the stone work. In turn Pennock & Co. have directed Brown & Co., the sub-contractors for the atone work, to proceed and work is now in progress, having been resumed yesterday morn i ag. Postmaster Sites was unable to say to-day what will be done after the stone work is finished, tout it is probable that the TrnasHry Department has something in view relating to the finishing of the building t'hat it does not care to make public just now. Pennock & Co.'s affairs are in the hacds of receivers and it rests entirely with the government officials to say Wha 1 : shall be done and when. The fin ishing ot the stone work will take about six weeks. Bay Curfew Shall Not Ring The curftjw ordinance, now pending before the -<*ty Commission and which was amended on Tuesday, it was said by City Commissioners to-day, is des tined ultimately to ba defeated ' 'ANGEI' PROMISES TO HUNT FOit A HARRISBURG GIRL Hiss Livingston, Social Worker of Chiiurtoim, Tells Audience Here Will Help Mother Find Daughter Who Recently Disappeared There is a mother right ihere in Har risburg whose heart is breaking with anxiety as to the fate of a daughter who was^ lured from her home in this City within the last few weeks and who has disappeared so completely that no trace of her has found. This mother heard Rose Livingston, the "Angel of Chinatown," tell yesterday afternoon in the Technical High school of her work in rescuing girls from white slavery. Bhe wont to Miss Liv ingston at the elode of the meeting and begged her to try to find her daughter and bring her back to her. She gave the rescue worker a picture and a de scription of the girl and told her all she knew of the facts of her disappearance. Miss Livingston told of this plea at her evening meeting. She promised the big audience of men and women of Harrisburg, as Bhe had promised the bereft mother, that she would start searching for the girl as soon as she got back to New York on Monday morning. She said that the girl, of course, might not be anywhere near New York, but that sho has friends in the underworld in all parts of the coun try and that she will send tho descrip tion of the girl to all of them and ask their help. Miss Livingston pleaded for the en franchisement of women, so that they might protect their daughters and save their "little lost sisters" by stricter, better laws. The afternoon meeting was for women only. Mrs. Ethel Vorse, of Ohio, also spoke for the suffrage cause. Her picturesque personality and her speech in the dia lect of New York's East Side interested her hearers. TAKE OVER BIG PIANO PLANT Sigler Company Increases Board of Di rectors by Two Members—To Have Open House The Sigler Player Piano Company to day took over its building at Seven teenth near Derrv street from the con tractor, Joseph W. Pomraning. Tho building, including the cost of the site and equipment of the factory, repre sents an investment of SIOO,OOO, which is all Harrisburg capital. The board of directors of the com pany was increased by two members, V.illiam R. Graijpner and Hary i}„ Bair. The officers of the company are: C. M. Sigler, president; Charles E. Bard, vice president, and John W. Thompson, secretary and treasurer. Charles C. Stroh has been made attorney for the company and John W. Shumberger au ditor. The company is arranging for a pub lic housewanning to -bo held soon. In addition to manufacturing player move ments to be installed in any kind of piano, the company is turning out a movement to be sold to manufacturers for installation in new pianos. Mr. Sig ler is arranging demonstrations in Chi cago, New York and Boston. Agencies have been established in all of the prin cipal cities in the east and one in Spo kane. Wash. The company at present has thirty-five employes. AGED MAIL CARRIER DIES Andrew Nelson Lukens, Civil War Vet eran, Succumbed Last Night Andrew Nelson Lukens, a retired let ter carrier of Harrisburg and a Civil war veteran, died last night at his home, 302 Reily street, after a short illness, aged 79 years. During the war he served as a private in Company F, 201 st regiment, and Company H, 4th rogiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infan try. He was a member of Post No. 58, G. A. R. Surviving him is one son. Funeral services will be held at his late home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in charge of Post No. 68. In terment will be in the Harrisburg ceme tery. STEELIOTO DECORATE GRAVEJFJAJOR RENT Announced To-day That Surplus Flow er Fund Will Be Devoted to Pur chase of Emblem to Be Placed in Cemetery on Memorial Day 0 A fund raised by small subscriptions among old employes of the Pennsylva nia Steel Company who worked under Major L. S. Bent when he was. years ago, superintendent of the Steelton plant, reached such large proportions that, only about half the amount raised was used in the purchase of floral em blems at the time of the funeral held at the Major's home in Overbrook about two weeks ago. The committee in charge of this surplus fund has decided to purchase a handsome floral design to *be placed on the grave on Memorial Day with the balance. Major L S. Bent was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted in Massa chusetts as (j private, and was repeated ly promoted for bravery. The follow ing announcement was made at the lo cal office of the steel company to-day: "Special acknowledgment has been received from the family of the late Major L S. Bent in connection with the flowers which were sent by the em ployes of the Pennsylvania Steel Com pany. Although the Major had been out of touch with the men for twenty years, the esteem in Which he was held was evidenced by the spontaneous desire of the men to join in some expression of their feelings. Although the amount of each individual subscription was limit ed by the committee in charge, the sum raised was far in excess of the expecta tions, and an additional floral tribute, to be placed on Major Bent.'» grave on Decoration Day, will be purchased with the remaining funds." INHERITS BRITISH HERO'S FORTUNE MBS. PHYLLIS LANGHORNE BROOKS. New York, May 1. —Mrs. Phyllis Langhorne Krooke, of Greenwood. Va., has inherited $300,000, nearly all the estate of Captain George Henry Douglas- Tennaut of the Grenadier Guards, who was killed in action last March. The will was drawn in October, 1914. Mrs. Phyllis Langhorno Brooks, one of the noted "Langhorne beauties," is now in London assisting Mrs. Waldorf Astor, a sister, in nursing wounded British soldiers. In December, 1914, Mrs. Brooks was granted a divorce in the Albemarle, Va.. Supreme ('ourt from Reginald Brooks, a New York clubman. She charged desertion and the action went undefended. WANT PROBE FOR N. Y. PRESBYTERY Violating Presbyterian Regulationsis Charge Made Against Great er City Members ALSO DISOBEY SUPREME BODY Complain That 21 Students of Union Seminary Have Been Admitted to the Ministry Through the New York Presbytery Under Protest New York, May I.—The Presby terian General Assembly, which meets at Rochester, N. Y., in three weeks, will have before it a request that a committee be sent here to investigate the New York Presbytery. This re quest is part of a protest bearing the signature of the Rev. Dr. John Fox, of this city, a director aud trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary, and of three other clergymen, which it was learned to-day has been circulated among Presbyterian leaders throughout the country. The protestants charge that the New York Presbytery is violating Presby terian regulations, that it is dominated by the Union Theological Seminary and that it disobeys the orders of the Supreme Presbyterian body. The sign ers complained that twenty-one stu dents of Union Seminary have been admitted to the Presbyterian ministry through the New York Presbytery un der protest. They ask: "Is it not ail intolerable scandal! Has not the time come for the General Assembly to vis it the New York Presbytery officially and inquire what is its practice in li censing and ordaining candidates for the ministryf" A reply to this protest, in which the charges were denounced as unjust, has boen prepared. It was signed by the Rev. I)r. John R. Mackay, pastor of the North church of this city, and by other New York clergymen. ATTEMPT TO KILL OFFICER Reformatory Inmates Struck L. R. Poorman With Hammer and Pipe Huntingdon, May I.—The life of an officer in the Stato reformatory here yesterday was threatened when two un ruly inmates attacked him with a lead pipe and hammer. Had it not been for the intervention of othor inmates, they would have succeeded in their purpose. A gang of inmates in charge of John Bell and Officer L. R. Poorman were working in the brick stoop, when Bell had occasion to leave. The officer had his back turned, when one of the as sailants struck him with the pipe, stun ning him for an instant. The other then struck him on the head with a hammer, lacerating his scalp. "Abstain From Smoking" Day Venice, May I.—Throughout Hun gary to-day is being observed as "ab stain from smoking" day. Every smoker will be expected to abstain from using either pipe, cigar or cigar ette and to give the money thus saved to a fund for invalid soldiers. 300 R PANIC lIEK WAVEHITSVESSEL Steamer Harvard Badly Damaged in ' Storm and Puts Back to San Pedro Port STATEROOMS ARE PARTLY FLOODED Tons of Water Flow Through Gap Made by Giant Wave That Strikes the Second Deck—Safety of Other Ves- j gels Causes Alarm By Associated Press. San Francisco, May I.—Three hun- i dred passengers on the steamer Har- j vard, en route from Sun Pedro to San | Francisco, whose lives were in danger : when the vessel was struck .by a giant wave that badly damaged the second ' deck, were congratulating themselves \ to-daj' on their safe return to port. 1 Tons of water flowed through the gap '• opened by the wave and staterooms j were partially flooded. The passengers were thrown into a panic and the Har vard was forced to put back to San Pedro. Several vessels due to arrive yester day had not put in an appearance early to-day, having been driven far out to sea by t'ho storm of the last three days. Fears are entertained for the safety of the Norwegian steel ship Aggi. The ' Confirmed on Ninth Page. EXTENSIVE MOBILIZING NOW IN FORCE IN EUROPEAN TURKEY London, May 1, 4.43 A. M.—"Ex tensive mobilization arrangements were' put in force throughout European Tur-i key to-day owing undoubtedly to the operations of the allies in tlie gulf of Sarou," says the "Times," Sofia cor respondent, telegraphing Thursday. "All the remaining available men," the correspondent adds, "including even the newly arrivod refugees, have been summoned to the colors. A great concentration of troops is taking place at Keshan (26 miles north of Galli poli) and heavy guns also have been sent southward. It seems doubtful, however, whether arms and ammuni tion can be provided for the new ■ levies.'' Chinese Refuse Jap Demands Pi-kin, May I.—The Chinese govern ment has definitely refused some of the most important demands made by Japan. On learning of China's decision the Japanese minister, Bki Hioki, said to the Chinese foreign minister, Lu Chong-Hsiang: "1 am sorry. I believe my government will be disappointed." U. S. Steamer D SOT aged By Bombs Washington, May I.—American Minister Vandyke at The # Hague, re ported to the State Department to-day that the American steamer Cushing from Philadelphia for Rotterdam, was damaged by bombs dropped from Ger man aircraft in the North Sea, but that no lives were lost. \ * / - ' r:r*r *r J-WBM POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. CUniNG OFF TURKS FROM MAIN ARMY Troops in Gallipoli Pen insula Being Gradu ally Isolated From the Rest of the Forces CAN'T PASS FROM SHORE TO SHORE v - • The French Senegalese Troops Occupy Yeni Shehr, on the Asiatic Coast, While Nechori and Nagara Are Be ing Violently Bombarded Paris. May 1, 4.35 A. M. —The Gal lipoli peninsula gradually is being cut off from the rest of Turkish Thrace, says the Athens correspondent of the Hnvas agency in a dispatch dated yes terday. It now is said to be impos sible for the Turks to pass from one shore to the other. Their main.forces are between Gallipoli and Maidos. French Senegalese troops are re ported to be conducting themselves with the utmost valor on the Asiatic coiist. They have occupied Yeni Shehr while Nechori and Nagara are being violently bonib'arded. ALLIES SHIPS REPORTED DAMAGED DY THE TURKS; MANY DF FORMER KILLED Berlin, May 1. —By Wireless to Say yille. —Included in the news items giv en out to-day by the Overseas News Agency is the following dispatch dated Constantinople: "The French soldiers who landed ou j the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles all j have been expelled. The Gallipoli j peninsula also has been cleared of the j invaders except at Ouba Tepeh point, where the landing detachments under j cover of the guns of the warships, is | tenaciously maintaining its position on 'the coast. I "A terrific bombardment by the al- I lied fleet April 2 7-28 killed or wounded a few Turkish officers and soldiers, | while the allies lost several thousand I in dead and wounded. "In addition to the French armored | cruiser Jeanne D'Arc, the British bat tleships Majestic, Triumph and Ven -1 geance were partly set on fire. Aided j by tenders, they slowly returned to the j island of Tenados. They were severe i Iv damaged. Several transports and de i stroyers also were sunk." RUSSIAN STEAMER SUNK DY GERMANS: THE CREWSAVED London, May 1, 3.23 P. M.— The Russian 2,000 ton steamer Svorono, bearing Welsh coal to Archangel, a Rus sian port on the White Bea, was tor pedoed and sunk by a German subma ; rine believed to be the U-23 on Friday at noon near the Blanket Islands, on I the West Coast of Ireland. The Svorono's crew of 24 men, mostly Russians, barely had time to take to the boats when the vessel sank. All were rescued by a patrol boat. ( Calling Out the Swiss Army 'Berne, Switzerland, i.May 1, Via Paris, 4.55 P. M.—The federal council to-day decided to call out tho Sixth di vision of the SViss army, LATE WARIEWS SUMMARY The Gallipoli peninsula, which forma' the European side of the Dardanelles, is described in unofficial dispatches as being gradually cut off from the main land by the British and French force*. It is said to be no longer possible for the Turks to pass back and forth be tween the European and Asiatic sides of the strait. Their main forces are re ported to be between the town of Oal lipoli, at the further end of the straits and Maidos which lies on th* straits about two-thirds of the way down the peninsula. Official advices have not and* clear the extent of tin opefations of the British and French forces. A British statement of last night gave the im pression that the fighting had beea Mlaa Put,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers