16 "Whafs What" in White Beginning To-morrow With Warmer Weather Goods for Summer Wear I A Clearance of Women's Thoughts Turn to Summer A host of dainty and sheer white dress poods for waists, skirts # m I T 1 and dresses—all airy, fairy new weaves of tempting coolness. » pf LJ IldOl* WO9X 600 white Gabardine, one of the popular white dress weaves, yard. 390 p-'* 1» w rp. ■ nnr.nlai.ifw e j « 45c "Sister Susie's" N-b Crepe for waists. 30 inches wide. yard. . . .3.5 c, t , r f „ f o ™/ <> f at hletlC styles of underwear for men 25c white Pique, 27 inches wide, yard, 17c IJflCOfTirnOri o)ff6r6fl From* RpCflllflf* Atopic i S em P a * lze } * v e man y sleeveless, short sleeves and knee 25c white Voile, 40 inches wide, sheer quality, yard 15c lICUIIIIIIUII V UlUt?s> WiiCreU rrom lYegUiar OIOCK. length garments of sheer madras, nainsook and cool ribbed goods White seed Voile, 36 inehes wide, yard 35c 'a The mOSt Wol*th-while clearance of tile Spring cloth ' n OUr Bllmmer li nes now ready for men and boys. IBe check lawn, 38 inehes, for curtains and children's wear, yard, ..10c \ • MEN'S RTTMMF* TTwnvuwv»T> White Ratine. 50 inches, yard 85c, »sc, St.oo and $1.25 V SUlt Season OCCUI'S tO-mOITOW in a Sale which includes B BUMMBR UNDERWEAK JJ„e grades of white mercerized Voile, 40 inches. »o«_chiffon ffik Several hundred garments from OUI' regular stock. The wiTite'nainsook"athletic union Zitl', Heavy cotton fabrics in white for Summer skirts in waffle weaves. garments ill this Special Occasion al'e Creations of the ea White madras athletic shirts and drawers, sleeveless shirts, knee drawers, striped ducks, piques and linen finish suitings. 36 P*St six Weeks, SO from a style viewpoint they repre- 68 Kgyptian ' balbriggan 'shins' and' drawer's! ' shirts' have' long and sh^ tr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Moor. lV Y/V \ SeU * le SeaSOn 's choicest and latest modes. sleeves, drawers are .n regular and stout cuts, knee length, each BOc - - ' ' [ IV/ K \ BOYS' SUMMER UNDERWEAR . r . ft \\ To-morrow's sale includes sixty-nine of our regu- Wl 'ite open mesh shirts and drawers, shirts have short sleeves, drawers Voiles To the Front in fe\\(A lar $25.00 suits. TJieSe will be offered at $20.00. kn^gyptU^'c<^ton' ribbed union suit's! short sleeves and knee length, . ,35c _ __ m , , j , e , . ~ White madras athletic waist and union suit combined 50c mO T" I C" the schedule of reductions is gi\en here for the White nainsook union suits, sleeveless, knee length, 50c IUI iv 3 j benefit of women who are interested in making a neat WOMEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Here are two excellent qualities at 25<* and 1 y saving. White lisle ribbed Bleeveless vests, plain and fancy yokes . ,25c At 35c there are more than 200 styles in awning stripes, pin stripes, / ' v®» . White ( omfy cut ribbed vests, regular and extra sizes 25c coin spots, floral patterns and dice checks in light blue, helio, navy, green, I \* Coloi'S are Sand, naVV, Belgian, gI'CCU and black.' White lisle ribbed vests, sleeveless, extra large sizes, 40, 42 and 44, tan, pink, brown, grey and black on white ground—36 inches wide. / \ ' 35c, 37Hc, 43c and 50c The 60c Voile has colored borders in blue, tan, helio, pink and black — I ] Regular sl6 50 aild $lB 50 Suits Reduced t<> sls OO White lisle union suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee length 75c 44 inches wide. ~ . '' 0 . ' ' , , ' ' I Whit . e cotton ribbed ' knec ' e n«th, trimmed drawers, regular and 12% c Voile, 30 inches wide, stripes on white and colored grounds. Spe- 77' i/* Regular SllitS Reduced to JpXo.oU extra sizes, cial, yard 10c l{ Regular $25.00 Suits Reduced to $20.00 t4r Dives - Ppmeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. OTHER POPULAR COTTONS I U r, i d>on nn o'i d J iJ. eOK rwrk Silk Poplin, 36 inches, all the new shndes, yard Ht V Regular $30.00 Suits Reduced to ?25.0« . 50 Skirts: Were $5.95 to $10.00: In a (to no L.OOI oummer Hosiery tor Special May Clearance To-morrow, . . j^ en fln( j Women er Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Strtet Floor. Th e most remarkable skirt values of the year are embraced in this announcement. The ma- ~ terials are serges, poplin, fancy weaves and gabardine. Actual $5.!K5 to SIO.OO values. On sale . " cw stocks of good wearing inexpensive summer hosiery £,.•11 - \\T 1 t to-morrow, $2.98. 18 read y for busy outfitting season that is ahead of us. and \» 3.Sxl OI ®' veß > Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. WOMEN'S SUMMER HOSIERY Si,,< lißle hoBe ' Rcam,ess - spliced heels and toes, black, tan and white, 35c 1 silk )igle hose wjth faghioned feetj g j,ij eefl i, ee | s and toeg> black, tan Uependable Va/uality 1-7 • u nni ,11 r an tr hlte, iv ." - v — l 37« c, 3 pair f or SI.OO A 1 lllf rin I H ore I nor \/\/ Fibre silk seamless hose, black, tan and white 35c Kayser, Fownes and Centemeri makes of silk gloves—all rec- V^/L4.1 A lllV/Ol l_y 1 t/uO J. ldlu 1 lld I V V C/l C Burson seamless lisle hose, black and white, 25c ognized as types of the highest standard of glove making. O F* f\ fT* 1 /~\ /"V T 1 • MEN'S SUMMER HOSE Two-clasp silk gloves in white, black and colors, double finger tips, JJI f T I 111 F I T*\ ll Cf Fibre silk seamless hose, black, tan, navy and slate 35c 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.35 and $1.50 V 1 V A All Kavser's "Queen Elizabeth" two-clasp silk gloves in black and white *K T* 11 Faßt black cotton seamless hose 13Ho Millinery Clearance at " """■ 48 '"" "° or Kayser, Fownes and Centemeri silk gloves, double finger tips:— I •» (UK cn tQ cn Elkskin Scout Shoes for Boys Lisle gloves, 2-clasp, black, white and colors 25c J) \J \J J) Q 16-button chamoisette gloves in white, natural, biscuit and pongee, [ * ~ \\J kl r\ Ml nxr I—l Q f-yH \ 59c, 75c and SI.OO ... ** *■ 2-clasp chamoisette gloves, white, natural and pongee 50c | More than 200 trimmed liats remain from our Spring stocks. These we q,, , , . . 1 • w Dives, Pomeroy & stewart, street Floor. i have reduced to hurry them out while they are still fresh and attractive and hardiest kind 01 service can he given to these the values are unusually good. Every woman knows the style excellence of summer shoes tor hovs; the soles of some of them are rn T"v .• , • \\j • o, | ; our pattem hats, and the opportunity to buy them at these big savings is an ot heavy elk leather and the workmanship throughout OvJ Distinctive WcllSl otvles invitation that should need no second bidding. is of the very best. v j Boys tan elkskin scout shoes, with elk soles, Goodyear stitched. Resdv flt Si 00 I Other reductions in the sale include:— Sizes 9 to I3y a , at 82.00 I« ts that were $1.95 AA Hats that were $3.95 OJI APT Sizes 6to !^!oo , The ™ eVla S -, ' wo * n " m - • and $2.95 at now selling at Soys' t«n elkskin seout shoes, with heavv elk soles. Ship and the styles are not sug- Size. !) to 13%, .t $1.50 /' MbS ~ \ gestive ot the waists usuallv to . 1 I «i ZPS i to si/„ »t *2 on / a\ be found at SI.OO, and the style More than 100 stylish dress Hats that <gO 95 i Sizes 6 t0 9 - •••'•? 2 -0° / -\ variety is more comprehensive Aveie formerly $4.95 to $7.95 at * I j Men's and boys'tennis oxfords, in black and white canvas with / " " \ an an - v we ave announced yry rubber soles, tbus far.this year. : The Latest Styles in White and /s!S *Vuhv est A.i v x The materials used in the 1 r> i ' Sizes to %at VSC Xw-A waists at this interesting price Black Summer Shapes (> / a . ' ' Z, ' B a ' a ' V jrmzMjgp/V®, are Persian lawn, batiste, mad- , , , r „ „. , ' J\ Sturdy Summer Footwear for Girls and Children K f £fi,. o i,.i n( , shapes have come back again and the tine qualities we are JB 1 1 IV\ ca " P'a-y oxfords with elk soles; calf barefoot sandals, with heavy - , ~ ~ trom MtJ styles at q>I.UU showing ,t moderate prices ,gain emphasize our leadershi,,. , 1 \\ \ ,1.,,, We .titcW ,0... _ _ ' Twelve styles of long white skirts, with scalloped edge, blind rot i iQfA&O / \ \ \\ \ Girls and children sh. c. Skuf- Sizes oto 8, 7oc or open embroidery, 50c f NEWI &e the new leghorn shapes with hatter n's /( II stitched sXV— & sizes 2*. !!! Fourteen styles of long white skirts, with embroidered scallop, V ) plush crowns. J \ W J Sta. Jto .. .t _ J|^o la<»e or embroidery flounce ?1.00 |'nFwl * he new slraw * ha P e * with while mtin JM J ' SiZe " " %to2 ' at s '' s ° 80 ' C8 ' BiZ,,S BV4 to 11 ' at 73(5 Long white skirts with flat trimming or with circular flounce, J faced tops and the straw and velvet combina - t2r Diveß - Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. $1.25 to $5.50 Hons. or Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. t <■#" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front—Three Elevators. ShlftS fIQXCCIIC^ Cool Summer Suits For Men Have Been Trooping Ws of i, $. $s I "t" dCI \/\/ K ex^'e designs that go into the making of Eagle shirts are XX A 11 _L V_y X dOl Y V vZ/VyJX. absolutely exclusive, because they are woven for Kagle wearers exclusively and cannot be duplicated. The fabrics are woven of f Our Line of Hot Weather Clothes Spells Splendid Preparedness peKv procurable and the qua,ity is ,aranteed to A A AJ A <pAA Eagle shirts are worn by men who know genuine quality. ,a «A fW Ha #W.I9 H«) #lO 9aV fo^sH^'an^stouta!°g F Bumm€r ' n regular size., as well ~5~ i& \\ Whether von are planning a trip to the Exposition, or merely outfitting for local Madra8 ' pert ' ale ' silk mixtures and H " silk - I *°° t0 s *°° I f I | outings and vacation wear, you'll have to travel some to find cooler or better clothes ** Dives ' P 0 " 16 & Stewart. Men's store. \ I than those we have assembled for Summer wear. ~ / \ v There are two and three-piece models of fit and finish not excelled in the finest and Mptl's Sflk /\ \ ifO- high-priced custom clothes. There's a wide variety of attractive weaves in fancies ' \ \ / .M'\- - >Tr and the ever popular serges. For men who like their coats as light as possible we have \ Iw WV provided skeleton linings. 1 N iISIPnL / sT Come in to-morrow and get acquainted with good popular-priced Summer suits. The most tomfortable as well as the coolest hat to be foanA H I for hot weather. l ■ \\ Boys Wash Suits Are Selling Like the comfortable, 50^ I \ O Palm Beach cravats, and 50^ \/ T~' Tj |,A\J . . Proverbial Hot Biscuits \/) N ' u ou understand the reason when you see the great variety of fresh new styles that make up the largest I>alra Betteh suspenders, 50^ II / J showing of the kind We have ever had. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. I Balkan Style Norfoik, Middy Blouses Vestee Effects R — Porc |^ng S a nd 49c Jar da n • / Blue and brown striped galatea Blue and tan linen Porch swin,?. of solid oak, mission Almonds: 33c / r alley trimmed white galatea White pique ' finish and rust proof chains, A rich quality of 49c Almond I Blarlc nnH whitp nprr-ilp ffonmr n.o^.o D SI.OB to SM.OO flavored with vanilla or rose. I ruaCK anu wnite percale madias Lawn BWtngßl tor 4 persons; well Specially priced to-morrow, lb., ® /v!_J Tan, brown and blue linene made and painted *s.oo 33c " Ll I _ Porch screens, with wide slats and 40 c Patricia assorted ehoco (.Tii) 1 L A (T Or/l iron pulleys; 4to 12 feet wide and | atog specially priced, lb., ..25c \M || *bl,OU lO \DO.\3vJ 8 feet drop 50c to §2.85 tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, V V V-'iVV/ tr Diveg Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Btewart, Second Floor, Rear Elevators. Basement. • « \.j -.'. v, - ■ i , ' * ? r~' '" . ■ .-■ \■ v ■■" * " -"' • \ r' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 30,. 1915. . *
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