Just One More Week Of Stieff's Big Removal Sale Just one more week of Stieff's Big Rembval Sale! Just one more week of the greatest piano buying opportunity Ilarrisburg has seen in years; just one more week in fM/ W f which to get a Stieff piano or player f piano at 10 Per Cent. Off Our warerooms absolutely MUST be cleared of all instru ments by March 31 to make way for rebuilding operations on April 1. , Many people have already taken advantage of the Big Removal Sale to put a piano or player in their homes at the big saving which the ten per cent, reduction affords. Will YOU be one of those who profit? You make no mistake when you buy a Stieff. For seventy-three years every Stieff piano has been built as though therein depended the future of the house it represents. "Investigate" CHAS. M. STIEFF 24 NORTH SECOND STREET BOY KILLS HISJALF BROTHER Soup of Mrs. Bradley, Whot Shot U. S. Senator Brown, Have Fatal Dispute in Utah Price, Utah, March 25.—Matthew Bradley, 20 years old, son of Mrs. Anna Bradley, who shot and killed former I nited States Senator Arthur Brown, of Utah, at Washington, I). C., in 1906, died here yesterday of knife wounds inflicted in a quarrel Tuesday night by Arthur Brown Bradley, his half-brother, 15 years old, who is a son of the for mer Senator. In the temporary absence of their LADIES' HAIR GOODS Made to Order from your own hair combings at reasonable prices. MISS H. M. SUNDAY 203 Chestnut Street THE GLOBE THE GLOBE j\~W> Ladies and Misses Spring Coats Were Never as Beautiful as These at $12.75 to $25 Styles are numerous—each one in perfect harmony with Fashion's Spring Mandates—each with its in dividual grace and beauty. Bolted—Semi-Fitted—Boxy Covert Coats and Box Pleated models—the "Army" and "Tommy Atkins" Coats are also featured. Many are lined throughout with pean-de-cygne. Ladies' Motor Coats at sls to $22 50 English Checks and Tweeds that fairly radiate the atmosphere of "Old England." New Mixtures that contain innumerable Scottish colors. Three quarter and full length with adjustable collars to meet all weather conditions. < Ladies' Mannish Motor Hats $1.50 and $2 Scotch Tweeds and English Plaid effects, in man nish looking, comfortable, jaunty hats. Spring Coats for Little Girls, Built Along Childish Lines—at $4.95 to &9.75 Beautiful Plaids—Mixtures and Gabardines that look worth double the prices. 1 THE GLOBE I | mother, Matthew Bradley and his two | half-brothers were keepijg house, and the quarrel is said to have arisen over the manner in which the dinner was | prepared Tuesday night. Arthur seized j a butcher knife from the table aud at tacked Matthew, slashing him in sev ! eral places in the abdomen and about | the limbs. Doctors atteuded the wound ed boy, but were unable to save his ■ life. Recalls Sensational Shooting Washington, D. C., March 25.—The J shooting of former Senator Brown in j a hotel here, December 8, 1906, by | Mrs. Bradley was the sensational cul | mination of an affair which four years j previously had involved a civil court , proceeding, in which Mrs. Bradley | charged Brown with having been the ; father of her two children. Mrs. Brad i ley entered Brown's room in a hotel j and shot him three times, twice in the 1 stomach and once in the hand. He died j later. Brown's prominence and the I sensational disclosures which fur | nished part of Mrs. Bradley's defense ! attracted wide attention to the shoot-1 j i"K- HARRISBURG STAR-IN DEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1915. PARTY FOR GLADYS POULSON Mr. and Mrs. Poulson Entertained in Honor of Their Six-Year-Old Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Marry 8. Poulson en tertained at their home, 104 Conoy street, last evening in honor of their little daughter, Gladys, who yesterday celebrated her sixth birthday artniver- ' The rooms were prettily decorated 'j in a pretty color scheme of green and *; white and the children spent a merry ( | evening with music, games and con i tests. A birthday luncheon was served ! |to the following: " j Clair Hartwick, Geraldine Stevens, ' I Sarah Balthaser, Nellie Bnxton, Dora j i Shoemaker, Elizabeth Romick. Christine I Romick. Margaret Shellenberger, Mary ' Bate man, Beulah Kauffman, Luetta Kauffman, Gladys Commel Boulson, Syl ' i vauia Lenhart, Richard Hartwiok, Hor aee Lenhart, John iieichert, Albert Chenoworth, Henrf Graham. Stewart Romick, Mrs. Bateman, Mrs. Dear.iorf and Mr. Kauffman. EVAN WILLIAMS IN RECITAL Well-Known American Tenor Will Be Assisted by Maude Powell, Violinist Evan Williams, the widely known American tenor, who will appear iu joint recital with Maude Powell, one of the really great violinists in the Chestnut street auditorium, on Thurs day evening, April 8, is a fine interpre ter of Handel songs, and especially J those of the oratorios. One of the num- I hers Mr. Williams will sing is "Total I Eclipse, No Sun, No Moon," taken i from Hundel's "Samson," the oratorio j to be sung by the Harisburg Choral I Society at its musical festival the lat ter part of April. A critic says of Maud Powell and ' her playing: "Between what an ordi nary person can do and the feats of « genius like Maud Powell the gulf is immeasurable, there are plenty or men | and women who can fid.lie, but there j never are more than two or three per sons in the world at the same time who can work the miracles she can." Sale of seats will open Friday, ! April 2, at the J. H. Troup Music I House. MISS BOM GARDNER HOSTESS , Entertained Members of the V. N. A. Club at Her Home Last Evening Miss Mildred Bomgardner enter-, tained the member? of the V. N. A. ■ Club at her home, 310 Reily street, | last evening. Those present were Misses Helen | Burris, Lenore Smith, Sarah C rane. I Catherine Plowman, Beatrice Welsh.) Martha Brunner, Mil-dre.! Yeatter, Mil dred Bomgardner, Esther Bidaman, i 'Mrs. Plowman, Miss May Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. Myers and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bomgardner. Father, Mother and Son in Hospitals Wilke«-Barre, Pa., March 25.—Three] members of the family of Walter Seeley, ] of Wapwallopen, near here, are hospital paitaentl Seeley received two frac tured legs yesterday when a log skidded while he was working in a lumber camp in his home. A week ago, his sun, Frank Seclev, while engaged in the same work, fractured a leg. Five weeks ago Mrs. Seeley was removed to a Philadelphia hospital for treatment for cancer. The father and son are in the Nanticoke State hospital. Hard Times Defeats Loan Issue j Pottsville. Pa., March'2s.—Returns to the clerk of the ■courts office yester- ! day showed that the voters of St. Clair ; Tuesday defeated by a vote of 310 to i 135 a proposition to 'borrow $30,000 for improvements, chiefly pave<l streets. Minei's working only two and three days i a week were opposed to any propositi®* which mi£ht involve increased taxqs, almost solidly fought Hie loan. Dramatic Critic to Speak at Lebanon Lebanon, March 25. —At a meeting of the Men's Club of Bt. Luke's Episco pal parish held last evening announce ment was made that Reginald Wright Kauffman, of New York City, *he well known author and dramatic' editor and i critio of the New York "Sun," 'will be j in Lebanon some time in April to •peak before the club. j SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS RECEPTION IN HONOR OF 1. AND MRS. WHEELER Friend* Greet Bride and Groom at Their Home Upon Their Return From Baltimore, Where They Were Married MT. and Mrs. Boy P. Wheeler were given a reception and wedding supper at their home, 541 South Fifteenth street, last evening, upon their return from their wedding trip. Miss Alice L. Nissley, daughter of ! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nissley, 15 North (Cameron street, and Roy P. Wheeler married Tuesday in Baltimore, by IJ the Rev. Joel T. Rossiter. Mr. and Mrs. I Wheeler returned to this city yester i day and have taken up their residence I at 541 South Fifteenth street Supper , was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nissley, Mr. I wnd Mrs. .1. T. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. | Daniel Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheel er, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shadle, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sanderson. Mrs. Mor ris Sinionetti, Mr. and Mrs. Sheehey, Mr. and Mns. A. Strock, Miss Blanche Wheeler, Miss Bliinche Nissley, Miss Klizabeth Nissley Sinionetti, and George Nissley. Party For Warren Leedy Mr. and Mrs? David Leedy enter tained i:t their home, 629 Itauphin street, Tuesday evening, from 4 to 6 o'clock in compliment to their little grandson. Warren, who celebrated his second birthday anniversary. Each lit tle guest received a pretty Easter bas ket as a favor. Those present were: < atharine tellers, Jessie liarlan, M;:rv Weber, Margaret Hanlen, Edith Bcward, Nancy Fleck, Violet Fleck, Lillian Fleck, Anna Ross, Leota Mar tin, Murgaret Hench, McCullen Heuch, Clovd Hench, Kelsey Robinson, John Robinson, 1-nnies Howard, George Kob ler, Edwin Mc.Hatl'ee, Joseph Mulligan and Robert Leedy. MEETING OF ARGUS STAFF Important Business Transacted at Semi monthly Session Held at Home of George Fox The semi-monthly meeting of the "Argus ' staff was held last evening at the home of George Fox, 216 State street. Important business was trans acted and it was decided to have the girls fill certain positions on the staff of next year. Nine pages of the March "Argus." •out to-day,-have been given over to the life and work of the late Prof. W. S. Steele. Members of the stuff present at the meeting were: Karl Peters, William Bingham, Edward Roth. Ray mond Meek, Richard llanier. Samuel Ficehlich, George Fox, Paul Clouser, I Lcroy Smucker, Heroert Springer, Dan | iel Rurkholder, Prof. Karl Richards and Prof. John A. F. Hall. The next meet ing of the staff will be held at the home of Richard Hamer on April 12. MliS. WINDSOR HOSTESS i Entertained at Cards the Members of Her Card Club Mrs. William Windsor entertained the five hundred club .of which she is a member at her home, 228 Woodbine street, yesterday afternoon. Following the cards dainty refreshments • were seryed. • . Those ♦present were: Mrs. Gustave Kostei, Mrs. Harry Evans, Mrs. William Kpark, Mrs. 11. C. lilershev, Mrs. F. L. Mount/., Mrs. \Y. 8. Bricker, Mrs. M. V. Wareham, Mrs. Charles Crull, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Albert Rexroth, Mrs. Wil liam Rexroth, Mrs. Ashmead Caley, Mrs. C. L. Wright, Mrs. Charles N. Fry and Miss Garverieh. TEA AT IMM AMJ EL CHURCH Mrs. Reuse. Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Foll weiler Joint Hostesses Mrs. A. H. Rouse, Mrs. M. E. Wren and Mrs. Follweiler were hotsesses at a tea for the ladies of Immanuel Pres byterian church yesterday afternoon. Those present were: Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. Ciroff, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Bent, Mrs. J. M. Wren, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Pennel, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Beckwith, Mrs. Heffle tinger, Miss Boyd, Mrs. Burkheimer, 'Mrs. Stoc kdale, Mrs. Harter, Mrs. Boyd and Miss Fryer. St. Stephen's Choir to Sing Cantata : The choir of St. Stephen's Episcopal ! church, under direction of Alfred C. I Kuschwa, will sing LMaunder's cantata, ' "Olivet to Calvary," at the 4.30 ! o'clock vesper service Sunday. after- i noon. I i: Every Man Read"i: j! This I This treatment is said to have j! ! acquired a wonderful reputation ]| | throughout the ICast. owing to Its <| | peculiar propensity to fortify the «' i nerve for".- and generate health j | ' and R consequent pergonal mag- <> | nctlsni. r<o essential to the happi- <[ i ness of evury normal human he- ] i | ing. 1: is claimed to be a bless- i| , Ing to those who ar • physically ]| i Impaired bloomy. despondent, i> | nervous and who have trembling 1 1 i of the limbs, dizziness, heart pal- |i | pltatlon. cold hands and feet. In- <' i soinnla, fear without cause, tlm- ]| i idltv hi venturing and general In- <> ] ability tc act rationally as others '[ i do. Also of vast benefit to writ- Ji ' crs, |>r if.-sslonal men, office work- <| , ers and the victims of society's || i late l'ouis and over-Indulgence in | wines, liquors, etc. ; By preparing the treatment at |i | home, secretly, i; , one need know <' , of another's t.iouble, while the ]' i Ingredients are much used In nil- i> | Ing various pi e.< rip*lons, so that i even the pi'.ichaae of them sep- ji ; arately m-ed occasion no tlm- <! i idlty. ] | i If thi' reader de.,!des to try It, ii j get three ounces of ordinary syr- 1 [ i up saisaparllla compound, and i ' one ounce compound fluid balm- i 1 | wort: mix and let stand two ! ! i hours; then get one ounce com- i i | pound essence cardlol and one 1 | i ounce tincture cadomene com- ] i ; pound (not cardamom), mix all < ' I together, shake well and take ] | i a teaspoonful after each meal and ' i | one at night. i 1 i This contains no opiates what- ] i ' ever and may also be used by i 1 I women who suffer with their j " i nerves with absolute certainty of ! > | prompt and lasting benefits. ' ; News of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. Elleif H. E. Price, of Philadel phia, superintendent of the Department of Education of the Society of Frierods, spent yesterday the guest of Dr. 'Ruth A. Deeter," 132 Walnut street. Miss Daisy Shockley, who has 'been the guest of Miss Opal Pro well, 1618 Hunter street, has returned to her 'home in Salisbury, Maryland. Miss Extaa Floyd and' Miss Clara Floyd, of 'Carlisle, will spend the week end at the home of Miss Malbel Farldng, 406 Spring street. Harvey Zitoh, sou of Mrs. Miary Zitch, 426 Chestnut street, and Clarence Harman, of the Cove, sailed last week for Glasgow, from Newport News, Vir ginia. Oliss HJertrude Troy has removea I from 'her home, 1618 Hunter street, to ' Des Moines, lowa. Miss Frances Woiti|lson, of lObens burg, has returned after a visit with Mrs. H. T. Sihearer, 130 Locust street. 1 Mrs. T. Johnston, 3020 North Second stree4, is spending a week with her daughter, IMrs. William Franks, of Fort Washington. The Rev. and Mrs. Rankin S. Cald well and daughter, of Morcersburg, have returned home after a visit with the former's mother, MTS. Sara ! h Caldwell, 501 CaJder street. William Jo>tinstou, 3020 North Sec ond street, is spending a few days in Lewistown. iMrs. David Attig and son, "David MeConnell, 511 Reily street, have re turned from a trip to Liverpool. Mr. ami Mrs. Damon Victor, of Phil adelphia, have returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Hamer, 12l Cumberland street. MT. and Mrs. D. Willis, 38 Schuyl kill ..street, are spending several days in New York. Miss Belle Pancake, 109 Boas htreet, returned to-day from Marietta.. Chester Watts, of Carlisle, is the guest of Daniel Graham, 1623 Marset street. Mrs. Elizabeth Ford, 1916 North Third streeL is spending several weeks in McVeyt<wn. Mrs. J. Odin Hoffman, 140 Sylvan Terrace, left to-day for several days in New York. Mrs. H. H. Heieher anj Miss Kath erine iHeieher, 439 South Fourteenth street, are visiting in West Chester and Philadelphia. | Mrm Rlizafoeth Shearer, of Cumber i land street, has returned from a visit I to Philadelphia. I James Carroll, Briggs street, is | spending several (lays in York. :Mts. Beuiah Ro'binson, 1408 licrr street, lias returned from Philadelphia. 'Miss Adeline Emerick, of 'Hood <'oi lege, Frederick, Aid., returned 'home to , day for her Easter vacation with her parents, i.Mr. and Mrs. Morris Emeriek, 35 Evergreen street. Miss Julia Zudrell, 1633 Market street, has returned from Philadelphia. Miss Sarah McC'onkey, 209 South Front street, has gone to New York Oity for a week. SHECKAUTSMELLEY WEDIUNH Ceremony Was Performed by the Rev. J. H. Highoy Mountvillp, Mareh 2 5—A pretty wedding was solemnized yesterday when Miss May me Shelley was married to Urover C. Sheckart, of Lancaster, at the groom's home, the Rev. J. H. High i by, pastor of the Baptist ehufeli, ofti | ciating. The attendants were Miss • Faith L. Brenneman and John Sheck ! art, brother of the bridegroom. The I bride is a graduate, of the Lancaster High school, class of 1906. A recep ! tion followed. Wednesday Club Choral Concert Miss tiara Lemer and W. Walley Davis will play the' violin accompani ments to the chorus, "The Snow," by Elgar, one of two which the Wednes day Club chorus will sing at their '■•horal concert this evening. A special feature of the concert will be the can tata, " Death of Joan of Arc," by Hem berg, which the members will sing undef t he direction of Miss Ruth Swo|>e Conk ling. Parent-Teachers' Meeting Two meetings of the Parent-Teach ers' Association will be held this even ing at 7.3 X) o'clock, one at the Oalder ■building and one at the Forney build ing. Interesting .programs have been arranged for both meetings. Humane treatment of animals was requested by John T. Olmsted in an address before 1 tihe memlbers of the Penn Parent-Teach- I ers' Association last night. Final Organ Recital a* St. Stephen's The sixth and final Lenten organ re -1 cital at St. Stephen's church will be given by Frank A. McCarrell, organist at Pine Street Presbyterian church, next Saturday afternoon at o o'clock, 1 assisted by George Sutton, baritone, j Mr. McCarrell will play the same pro , gram he intended giving last Satur j day but was prevented from doing so on account of illness. Detweiler-Detweiler Wedding Mrs. Bertha Detweiler, wi'dow of Jo seph Detweiler, and Harry R. Detweiler, brother of the latter, both of Middle town, were quietly married last evening at 7 o'clock at the parsonage of the Presbyterian church, Middletown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. C. McCarrell, the pastor, and the couple were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Detweiler will reside in Middletown. Kent-McMichael Wedding Oxford, March 25.—Miss Lula Mc- Michael, of this ,place, and Clarence E. Kent, of Lancaster, were married yes terday at the parsonage of the Otter bein United Brethren church, the Rev. U. E. Keene officiating. They were un attended. MHss Swank Visited Friends Miss Clara <M. Swank, former su perintendent. of tine Harrisburg hos pital,' visited friends in this city yes terday en route to Cedar Rapids, lowa, from Berwick, Pa. Miss Swank is now superintendent of the St. Luke 'hospital at Cedar Rapids, and has been attend ing "her sister, who has been seriously ill at h«r home in Berwick. I Will Beside In Harrlsburf S. B.Rubiu, formerly of Millerstown, Pa., has moved with his family to this city and will occupy the residence at 1923 North Second 'street * LECTURE BY PROF. HENSCHEN Will Tell "The Story of Harrisburg Hills as Geology Tells It" Be fore Alricks Association Professor G. N. C. Hensehen will lecture before the Alrieks Association to-morrow evening at the monthly so rial meeting of that body in St. An drew's Parish House. Nineteenth and Market streets, at 5.30 o'elock. Pro fessor Hensehen's subject will be "The Story of the Harrisburg Hill s as Geology Tells It." It will be illustrat ed with numerous lantern slides and with drawings. Among the features of th* evening will be illustrations of a local char acter, including one which will show those who are listening to Professor Hensehen just how the earth is con structed 1 beneath where the v are sit ting. This drawing will illustrate how the Reservoir Park hill was formed and will show the strata beneath the parish house, running on into Reservoir Park. Other illustrations will include the folding of the mountain-making rock layers between Harrisburg and Al toona; how the Susquehanna river cut through the Rockville gap; how the Cumberland Valley was leveled," ete. Many of the formations near Harris burg are regarded by experts as the most remarkable of their kind in their world, and Professor Hensehen will give brief descriptions of them. w. C. T. U. Meeting To-morrow The regular meeting of the Kast Ilnr risburg W. C. T. U. will be held to morrow evening at 7 30 o'clock in the fourth Reformed church, Sixteenth, and Market streets. Topic, "Neal Dow;" leader, Mrs. Mary Rollison. N "MODEL SUIT MAKER" New Device Creates Sensation Amcrug Tailors Once in a while there is something really new and novel that eoaiies out and creates a sensation. The newest nov elty and one of the cleverest in a long while is called the "Model Suit Mak er, although the name "magic suit maker would perhaps be more appro priate. The first one in was brought here by Geo. W. Geist white, tailor, 22 South Fourth street. Mr. Geistwhite has been wondering ever siuce he got it why some one never thought of the device before. It looks just like a life-size picture of a man in a ,frame on an easel. The front lifts away and the body of the figure is covered with the cloth to be shown. The front is replaced and the figure shows the suit .just as it would look on a person. Style, cut, pockets, but tons and all the details are brought out juts as if the suit was made up. It is a simple device that will prove in valuable to merchant tailors. AMERICAN BOWLING CONGRESS Poor Scores RoUed by Teams Expected to Do Much Better Bji Aanocialril Pi cas. Peoria, 111., LMtirch 25.—Chicago, De troit arnl Philadelphia bowlers let] in each of the three events at the Ameri can Bowling Congress to-day. Poor scores have been rolled during the last two days by teams from which much was expected. Yesterday no one in tflie five-men , What We Say It Is, It Is I Silver Plated, 10 Inches High Removable Glass Lining—sl.oo Bud Vases For Easter Your Easter flowers will show to great est advantage it' arranged in these at tractive vases. Diener is showing a number of stunning shapes in these fashionable new Hud Vases of Silver Plate, Solid Mahogany and Cut Glass. A variety of heights at extremely reasonable prices. One of these is an ideal Easter present. Diener Jeweler I 408 Market Street Walk-Over Easter Styles We are showing the most complete line of Fashiou able Footwear for men and women in the citv. We ask von to visit our store before doing your Easter buying and give us an opportunity to prove our statements. Here you will find everything that's new this season including all the popular styles in the newest shapes and leathers. It will pay you to step out of your way to see our window display. s Yes We Have— Wm Stock 4SVER WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 226 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies' Bazaar FRIDAY SPECIALS SI.OO Silk Y Boot Hose, "v To-morrow only we \ offer Ladies' Silk' Boot Hose in Gray, Toque, Sand, White, Black, Blue, Navy, Bronze and * Canary, full SI.OO qual- * ity. Special, -pair, 49^ Limit, 2 pairs to a customer. S - $3.00 Silk 7Q Waists,. vl*i */ Striped Habutai Silk Waists, new spring mod- j els, white background, E* with stripes of assorted f shades, $3.00 value. Fri- * day only, choice, $1.791: s » $5.00 ttO f Corsets, • O Mine. Binner back lace, and La Rou, front and back lace corsets, ; new models, regular $5 ' . values. Friday onlv, - choice '..52.75 : v -> NEW SPRING SUITS Come lierc to morrow or Sat urday aud select your Easter Suit from a stock of modish garments that cannot bo surpassed In style and quality at anywhere near the prices we quote. Our merchandlE- , r lng policy enables you to select > something here that elsewhere ycu would find priced at to $25, here $9.98 to $20.98 v j Coats, Dresses, Skirts, . , Waists and other spring ; apparel at saving prices. 10-12 Fourth Sjreet event came within l.'iO joints o*f the Rarry-Ketteler mark ol'- 2,907. Walter Cook, of Philadelphia, is leading with 697. K. Kelly, of Toleilo, rolled into eighth place with 640, and A. L. Lewis, of Ohicago, took tenth position with 637. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers