/ % STOOP SHOULDERS Little Talks on Health and Hygiene By Samuel O. Dixon. M. D., D., Commissioner of Health *■ * Atlas bore the weight of the heaven* upon his head and hands, affording to n Greek myth, but those of mankind who carry the burden of life, too often lot it rest upon their shoulders. Stoop shouldered men and women by th< thousands are to be found among the followers of sedentary occupations. Nine oat of ten when the subject is mentioned will square away ■ their Shoulders anil say, "I'm getting a lit tle careless about that." Then they make a momentary resolve that they will brace up and overcome the fault. That it is a fault and one that has a • ustiut't bearing upon health there is no question. No system .>f physical culture is complete which does not include exer cises which .teach erect carriage an I deep breathing. One of these is im possible without the other. In this lies the chief ill effect of stoop shoulders. To maintain good health we sluiuld use cur lungs to their normal capacity • t all times. The proper purification of the blood through oxygenation re quires ample brent hiug. Prop your shoulders forward and then try to take n full breath; see how impossible it is to do so iu that position. Breathing v.'th the shoulders forward an i the breast bone depressed is only partially accomplished. The lower portion of tne lungs cannot he emptied and in stead of receiving a supply of fresh air they will be tilled with residual air. To work, sit or walk day after day with "the shouiders hunched forward, means that the lung capacity is les sened just so much and A corresponding loss of vitality results. Such a posture aiso permits the sng ging of the diaphragm, a resulting di> placement of the abdominal organs and ioa.ls to serious digestive disturbances. Do not resort to shoulder braces or other mechanical menus to correct stooping shoulders. These are but makeshifts which o not remedy the real trouble. Make the mental effort necessary to keep the body erect. By maintaining proper posture the muscles can be strengthened and made to do taeir work of holding the body up right. When children exhibit a tendency to g. - ow stoop shouldered parents and teachers should see to it that they are j.iven physical exercises to correct the iault. ATHLETIC RULE CHANGES Decathlon to Be Substituted for Ail- Around Championship The special committee appointed by •he delegates of the Amateur Athletic Vnion to amend some of the general and athletic rules of the association has completed its work, aud copies of the proposed changes have been mailed to the Board of Governors for a;> roval. Chnngis i! twenty or' the rules have been suggested, some of which arc radi <.il. In most cases the committee rec ommended changes which would con form with the rules decided on by the International Amateur Athletic Federa tion l'nion at its meeting in France l.ist s.imiiior. A notivivc change is sub »titation of the Decathlon—the ten event all-around contort of the Oiym pic gauies for the all-around chain i ioush.;\ which has be n the blue rib l 11 event in track ami field competi i.one since 1 ss4. TIE IN EASTERN LEAGUE Camden and Heading in Extra Scries to Decide Title i J iv ade ;>h:a. March A special meeting between fie representatives of t ie Camden and Heading teams, which I'iiisbed ou even terms it the Kastern 1. ague Basketball league, met Presi dent S cheffer at the ivngham hotel yes terday afternoon to arrange for the j '.ayoff. It v\.ts decided to play the first game i-i Camden to-morrow night and the foil • _-.i.,ie in Heading on Wednesday. ]i a d game is ne-. e-sarv, the place ©i >utest will be decided after the f ou game is played. Omeffa Oil for Pains in the Back Put 3 steaming hot towel over the painful spot for a few moments to open the pores; theti rub with Omega Oil. Qv.ick relief usually follows this •ur.ple treatment. Trial botie loc. f \ Wide Lumber Narrow Lumber Long lengths. Short Lengths. Any kind of lumber von want is here in our yard. And if \VP don't have the exact size we can easily cut it to suit. It makes no differ-* ence how small your order is, you will get it promptly. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICE Fcrater and Cowdan Street* L M f WHY HAIR FALLS OUT | Dandruff causes a feverish irritation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loos ; en and then the hair comes out fast. To i stop falling hair at once and rid the | scalp of every particle of dandruff, get , a 2i»-cent bottle of Danderiue at any I drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub well into the scalp. After a j few applications all dandruff disappears ; i and the hair stops coming out. —Adv. , C V. NEWS JUDGE GILLAN AGAIN IS A CANDIDATE FOR THE BENCH Franklin County Jurist Gets Endorse ment for High and Important Of fice From Majority of the Attor neys Practicing Before Him Chambcrsburg. March 22. — \V. Rush Uullan. President Judge of the Fr.uui lin county courts, whose term of office will expire this year, formally an nounced on Saturday that he will be a candidate to succeed himself. Judge Oillan was elected to the bench ten years ago on the Democratic ticket, yet politics played no part in his judicial career and his uannv wili go on the Non-part isnii ballot next fall with the endorsement of both Republicans and Democrats. I Thirty-five members of the Franklin county bar. lawyers of varied politi-j ! cnl faiths, petitioned the Judge to j again be a candidate for the bench and that petition it was that influence 1 the well known jurist to make the for-' mal announcement on Saturday. Those lawyers who sought the candidacy an nouncement from Judge Gillan repre- ' sent seventy si\ per cent, of the attoi nevs now in active practice before the. local bar. In his letter announcing his inten tion to again he a candidate for th | lunch. Judge Giilan, 111 part, said: hav t . endeavored to administer the law ac -or -.iug to its letter and spirit, with 1 out regard to my opinion as an it | dividual and without regard to flu ' opinions or prejudices of any class." Deputy Cottrt Clerk's Wife Dies Carlisle, March 22.—Following av iliness e:' tioariy four months, Mrs. 1-aura A. Mentzer. wife of deputy clerk of tho courts Fred R. Mentzo lied Saturday morning at 9.30 o'clock at her home in Springville. Death was due to a complication of diseases. She was 56 vears, l! month and 20 ,iavs old. Surviving her are her husband and two daughters. Mrs. Frauds Dunn, of Philadelphia, and Mvra at heme. Fou. sis tera, Hit Solomon shelton, of New ville; Mrs. Samuel A. Fry, of Enola; ' Mrs. C. H. Leib and Mrs. Irwin Weisi. •of Boiling Springs, also survives, as do one brother, George B. McCaleb, of Shippensbu rg. The funeral v.ill be held Tuesday morning at 10.80 o'clock from the Evangelical church. Carlisle. Fall Fatal to Aged Lady Oettyscurg. March 22. — As the re sul: of injuries sustained when she fel v. several steps. Miss Charlotte c ii«d Saturday morning at 9.15 s»t tile home of iier nephew, Andrew B -ker. 217 South Washington street. >iie was aged 90 years. 10 months and I 6 days. Miss Moore was ascending the steps at the Becker home three weeks ago : last evening when she lost her balance ; and fell backward, landing heavily at the foot of the stairway. Pastor Accepts Call Waynesboro, March 22.—The Rev. I. Marshall Rutherford, Philadelphia, has notified the session of the Presby iterian church of Waynesboro that he will accept the call extended to hjm to beet me pastor here. He will take i charge of his work in Waynesboro. Sun day, April 11, and will remove here i about that time. Mr. Rutherford is pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian churen. Fifty-eighth street and Chester avenue. Philadelphia, and has been verv successful there. | TOBACCO BUYEBB ACTIVE Only Per Cent, of Last Year's Crop in Hands of Lancaster Growers Lancaster, Pa.. March 22.—The leaf tobacco dealers of Lancaster have at j last commenced their long delayed buy- : iug of the 1914 crop of Lancaster' county, but it is a question now how ' much best quality goods thev will get.' Xor will they get it at as low pries as they had calculated upon, though the prices they are receiving are very I much too low for the growers. The bis j outsi le concerns have bought fully 6o j 1 per cent, of the crop, and another 10 ! | per cent, has been taken by locai packers, leaving 23 per cent, still in the growers' hands. It is significant of the changed con dition of the Lancaster tobacco mar ket that prior to the last three or four years the entire crop was either soldi on the field, before the plants were cut,. or before the Christmas holidays. The ! last few years plenty of growers had ■ their tobacco on hand up to the time i the spring work on the farm began, i which was a serious handicap, as the care of the tobacco took them from - other very necess.v.y work. The crops sold the early ;-Urt of the present sea- 1 son brought fiom 9 to 10 cents, prob- j ably a fourth of the tobacco bringing this, while those sold recently did not bt;ng more than 6. 7 or 8 cents a pound. The last named figure was for I tobacco that the grower could have sold early in the season for 10 cents, i but it was held for better prices. Grow ers, alike with the packers and cigar manufacturers, looked for a spring' boom, but as this appears backward about coming the growers are now anxious to sell. As the new tobacco j was cured under very unfavorable weather conditions, a good deal of con cern is felt by the packers over the question of it going through the sweat | properly, failure to do so entailing heavy losses upon the owner. William F. Weiser Dies at Tork York. March 2«2.—William Frank- , . lin Weiser, prominent banker and churchman of this city, died yesterday after a year's sickness of anaemia. He was cashier of the Drovers' and Me chanics' National bank, a member of the National Geographical Society, ; the National Banians' Association and was prominent in the Masonic lodge affairs of this city. Mr. WeiseT was 50 years old. He loaves a wife and two j •hildren. STAR-INDEPENDENT, MONDAY EVENING, MABCH 22, 1915. » ▼ w <¥' * * *> <r vf tt? ttttt w ▼ ▼ yr ▼ ▼ *r t ▼ t ▼ t t 1 r? wv w w * v v * t v t w w* w ¥ See Window Display /vSec Window Display To-night ihjJL/tArliiAJirJfw To-m S ht ► Gall 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 | A Gigantic Sale of Bedspreads, Sheets and Cases ■ . Commences To-morrow—Tuesday j ; An Event Extraordinary— Beyond ; Economies in Bed Apparel Eve * Xovv this may seem a bit forcible, but the facts remain, and we intend showing every visitor 4 ► to this sale what genuine Bowman economy is—these goods having been purchased when cotton < I * was at its lowest } ; The Story !; ► During manufacture small spots or too much bluing got on them which caused them to be classed as "seconds," but where the thrifty '< | ► housewife or rooming house mistress, who will let that interfere with saving from a fourth to a third, when the first visit to the wash tub • ► will make them look like new (and few are ever used before washing). < ; [ Note this—EVERY THREAD IS PERFECT, and no holes or imperfections will be found. f ► Conveniently arranged on tables with cards bearing prices and sizes. !< I ) I 1,188 Bed Spreads I : | / j ► / UF i * JSJUSj| |jj ~£. . It was a real Christmas-morning treat to watch these cases being < y 1 -j. \*VS.* -jy- A opened, and bundle after bundle of the prettiest, and most delightful '< ► I X 1 iW?, B patterns show themselves. The qualities are extremely pleasing, both 1 Jir to and texture. Many are particularly well adopted to hotel N , and rooming house use. If you happened to be among the number i [ X ,\ X ave seen these spreads, you'll realize the wonderful savings in ► • store for you. 4 . nA e .. „ 51.75 Crochet $1.50 Crochet SI.OO and $1.25 $5.00 Satin $3 Marseilles spreads, $1.25 Spreads, SI.OO Spreads, 80c Q-n-riaa/lc ► J f Double bed size: extra heavy Double bed size; made of to select from. ► Bize 80x90 inches . rtoral ; Size S4x9o inches; heavy quality; many patterns to select combed yarns; weight, over three ——— ► and round patterns. ' I f^ 8 ' desiß " B ' l nusual * xl * U P °" ndß: PXtra A Table Of ~7T~~7~ 51.50 Crochet $l5O Hotel Sample Spreads, $4.00 Satin $2 . 50 Marseilles Spreads, sl.lO Snreads SIOO From Spreads, $2.55 Spreads Si 60 Fan qd. fin. ' 50c to $5.00 I *,,. , ■,. M m ™ it CT " ih '™ di ► quality spread, with raised pat- j P"» «*®s hemmed; satin pattern. 240 in the lot. quarter bed size; only 2t04 of a ► terns. fiuish. Splendid quality. Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. ■———■ kind. 2,174 Sheets From Leading ► Coming from such well-known mills as Utica, Mohawk, Pequot, Nesponsitt, Portland, and others, is a guarantee in itself of unusual ► wearing qualities, and a notable feature is the fact that little "dressing" has been them, thereby displaying the real, fine textures. K On account of conditions, stated above, they have been stamped "0," or "ES," or similar identification marks. Some have the original ► trade marks on. In these we also call attention to hotels and rooming houses, as well as hospitals and institutions, also housewives who will lay in a supply for some time to come, or those desiring one or two. • f Shest-., a. 7Sc s , „ 6Sc *,™ PiUow Cases at Savins Prices made of I'tica sheeting marked , ' wCV- V lllil J. lIVVO i ► „ 01 n.i u i * i hemstitched; made of excel* O, Slx9o inches before IIIIIIIIIIIIIFTTTTWif 7 j hemming. lent muslin; 3-ineh hem at top; Made of Mohawk muslin, marked "E. S." l iB y First quality sells at $1.10; j ShCCtSj fl-t 45c Made of Utica muslin, marked "O." (ll y made of Mohawk muslin; SlslOS First quality sells at 69c; 4 ,;> x36 value 17c at Jjj . ———— especially good for hotels, room- 45x36, \allie 1. 0, at y « a. cn. int? houscs and hospitals; 63x90 Other pillow cases in 42, 45, 50 or 54-ineh, at llllillillllllllllllllllllllfffl j {« |g| ' OiieeiS, 3,1 OVC i inches. 121/ A | . First quality sells at 95c; ex j 0060/0/ OQ/G 0/ ; Sheets at 35c, Nesponsitt Bolster Cases, i! > _ 3 for SI.OO at 29c each Made of Portland and Utica Mill Sheeting, ► Sheets at 65c First quality sells at 45c; in the followiug sizes; ► dl UJl# b!eache(l . laundered; 3-inch Size 42x72; value 35c. b3x99, 60<, value 90c. w First qualitv sella at 90c; j hem; center seam; 72x90 Size 45x72; value 40e. 72x99, value SI.OO. i ti. .i j i- inches a- j- -c 1/ 1 - 81x90, value SI.OO. y mnde of Fortland muslin; extra mines. g, ze 4ax<6i£; value 4ac. 90x90 value $1 10 , > go.id quality: 81x90 inches. M a i n p-i 00r —BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. DIE FOR LACK OF HEROIN Sisters Laid in Large Stock of Drug in Hope of Breaking Habit Pittsburgh, March 22. —Astound-1 , ing condition? are revealed in connec- 1 tion with the death Saturday of Mrs.. • :K. A. Kirbv in the West l'enn Hos- , pital, followed yesterday by that of , j her sister, Mrs. T. A. Decker. Both 1 resided in Homestead, and the death . (Certificates show that both were victims, of "chronic heroinism.'' According to physicians at the hos ; pital, the sisters laid in a big stock of 1 heroin just before the new Federal law j regarding drugs went into effect on March 1. It was their plaf gradually j to break off the habit, bvt they are sand to have sunk into & veritable re i vel, exhausting their stock within a (few days. A Homestead physician had them sent to the hospital, where tlieyj ! lay unconscious and delirious till death.: City Physician B. A. Booth last night said more heroin deaths in vari -1 ous hospitals- might he expected. There are hundreds of victims throughout the city, and virtually every hospital in . the Pittsburgh district has a half doz ien heroin patients. Seven young men ' caught in a raid on a heroin joint were ! sent to jail by a local Magistrate Sat urday. Memorial Service for Clergyman Willow citreet, March 22. —(Memorial l services were held here yesterday com j memorative of the death of the Kev. Henry M. Herman. D. D., a former min . ister of the church, who died Saturday at Dayton, Ohio, aged 89 years. He was i a graduate of the Franklin and Mar i shall College, and of the seminary in 1'862. He served charges in Pennsyl , vania and Ohio, and when he was east visiting in this section a short time ago, he requested that the services to day 'be held in his honor. The Rev. H. S. Shelley, pastor, had charge. Odd Fellows Celebrate Anniversary Marietta, March 22.—The Bethel church list night was the scene of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of Cassiopeia Lodge, Odd Fellows, when the Rev. William H. Marshall, of Har risburg delivered an eloquent discourse on '' The Two Foxes.'' Aston's brass orchestra, of Columbia, furnished the music. There was an elaborate mu sical program given and Miss Gertrude Y. Villee was the piano accompanist. To-day the annual entertainment was held and the executive committee of the State met here. Baccalaureate Sermon to Graduates ■Marietta, March 22.—The bac calaureate sermon to the graduating class of the Hellam High school was delivered last night in the United Evan jgelical church, Wrightgville, toy the pas- i 1 tor, the Rev. (M. Teter. The commence- Iment exercises will be held next Sat | urday evening. One of the graduates, , !Mi#s Amanda Lehman, has not missed a j session of the school in three years. Retired Tanner Dies at HO Litttle 'Britain,- March 22.—Uriah G. Gray, 80 years old, a retired gardener and farmer, died yesterday from a com plication of diseases. We was a mem ber of the Mennonite church. He leaves three children and a number of grand children. To File Deeds for Camp Sit* Lebanon, March 22.—Colonel L. V. Rausch, keeper of the State arsenal, Harriffburg, was in Lebanon Saturday and called at the office of Recorder Charles-T. Doll, where he lo»ked up a number of records in connection with the recent purchase of the 1,300 acres| I of ground for encampment purposes i Mount Gretna. Colonel Rausch sa that the formal transfer and filing i .the deeds would take place within few days. License Court Finishes Work Ebensburg, March 22.—With til exception of one application all of tk license petitions for 1915 have bee disposed of by Judges P, J. O *Conn< i anil M. B. Stephens. A total of 29 has 'been granted aigainst 300 in 191' Thieves Create Newspaper Famine Darby, Pa., March 22.—Newspap thieves, who have been active the la two or three weeks, produced anothi newspaper famine in Darby, yesterda stealing 150 papers in a bundle Fifth and Main streets, and a bund of 50 from Ninth and Main street Lost Sunday a bundle containing 13 | papers was stolen. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers