Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff the only sure way to pet rid of dan druff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounce* of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gentl> with the finger tips. Do this to-night, and by morning most if not all of your dandruff will be goue. and three or four more applica tions will completely dissolve anil en tirelv destroy, every single sign and trace of it. no matter how much dau draff you tnav have. You will find, too, that all itching sod digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous. glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. —Adv. SUBURBAN DAUPHIN Th« Bev. F. J. 8. Morrow Assisting at Tower City Services Special Correspondence. Dauphin, spent several days at Philadelphia, Camden ami Hammcnton. N. J. Elmer Fewer is at Washington, D. C. „ . The Rev. F. .1. S. Morrow, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal ehurvh. is as sisting at the revival service at Tower Mrs. \Y. F. Reed and Mrs. David Carman spent Thursday with Mrs. Charles Clouser at Marysville. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hawk, ot Bel aire. lowa, spent Sunday with Mrs. B. F. Thompson. R. A. Simmous, of Pottsville, was in town. Tuesday. Daniel Hcibias has moved from I>au phin to Green Hill. Mrs. Margaret Fertig has returned from a visit tc her daughter. Mrs. John E. Putt, at Harrisburg. Jacob Conrad spent Sunday at Wil liam sport with his daughter, Mrs. The odore Lannert. Mrs. Charles E. Shaffer spent Tues dav and Wednesday with her mother. Mre. W. NY. Davidson, at Harrisburg. The Mite- Society of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold a sauerkraut supper in I. O. O. F. Hall to-morrow afternoon and evening. Ice cream, c&ke and home-made candy will also be on sale, „ Mrs. Lincoln Ream, of Fort Huuter. (••■••eot Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Beiuter. CURTIN Pupils of Wlcoaisco Schools Entertain ed By Oeorge Bardman's Family Special Correspondence. Curtin. Feb. 19. —Isaac Werner, of Millersburg, called on friends at Mat terstown. on Monday. Miss Florence Cooper, of Paxtang, and Miss Helen Cooper, of Elizabeth ville. spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Schreffler. D. D. MafteT, who visited his sister, who is ill in Clinton county, has return ed. Earl Raker, of Elizabethville, visit ed at the home of 1. A. Schreffler re cently. I. H. Sohreffler and Willis Cooper, made a trip to Elizabethville the other day. Twenty-four of the pupils of the Wiconisco schools enjoyed a ride to the home of George Eardman and family on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ulsh made a trip to Gratz and Elizabethville, Tuesday. The Holtzman school was closed last Friday because of the burial of John Witmer. Willis Cooper visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J>hn Cooper, at Eliza bethville, on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Isaiah Sehreffler and Hattie Schreffler spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Narhaniel Buffington. Mrs. Henry Werner entertained a number of her neigMwrs at a quilting party on Tuesday, i William Sharlock. a cigar manufac turer. of Now York City, and Nathaniel Buffington, of Elizabethville. visited at the home of I. H. iSehreffler. on Tues day. Henry Werner and Roecoe Klinaer made a trip to Harrisburg on Tuesday. Daniel and Michael Sehaffer'e hire lings. Theodore and James Martin, left for their home on Tuesday afternoon. Henry Werner assisted C. Is". Miller in butchering on Wednesday. HALIFAX Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden Visiting at New Orleans Special Correspondence. Halifax, Feb. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc-Fadden are spending some time at New Orleans and other Southern points. Mrs. W. J. Dunn, of Harrisburg, is spending some time with her mother. Mrs. C. B. Wilkert- A. H. Prenzel is spending a few days this week at Washington. D. C. C. C. Bender left yesterday for Mil ford. Mass., to visit his grandchildren. Rav. Ralph and Nellie Callahan. August Newbaum. of Halifax R. D. No. 1. was in town on business Wed nesday. Mrs. Fred Smeitzer, of Sunburv. spent Tuesday at the home of her brother, Harry O. Chubb. MILLERSTOWN Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Goes to Altoona to Beside "With Her Son Sp- :ii Cc-r-esponileno-. Millerstown, Feb. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. William -tones, of Altoona. spent Sun day at the home of Jaroe* Shotsberger. Miss Jean Thon»[»son. of New Buffa lo, spent several days with her eousin, Miss Edith Rounslev. The Rev. Mr. Deavor. of Mifflin, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning and administered sac riment. He was a former pastor of this church. Miss Helen Rouneley spent Sunday in Thomfisontown. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones has gone to Altoona, to reside with her son in that piace. Emory Fry has returned home from a trip to New York City and Philadel phia. Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley spent the week-end in Altoona, with their son. Iceland, and family. ' Mrs. Lewis Ulsh entertained some HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 19, 1915. friends at her home on Tuesday even ing in honor of her husband's birth day. Mrs. H. W. Rinehart entertained her sister, Mrs. George Kinter, of Dauphin, on Sunday. Mrs. Laura Carter was in Harrisburg on Tuesday. Harry Kepner, of Allentown, spent | several days with his father, L. H. Kepner. Mrs. John Harris has been seriously \ ■ ill this week. Mrs. Melvin Beamer, of Altoona,' | visited her sister, Mrs. Martha Pretz, : this week. MARYSVIIJiE ' Sunday School Classes Will Hold an "Alphabet Fair" if Special Correspondence. Marysville, Pa., Feb. 19. —Mrs. Shakespeare and Mrs. YanCamp'sj classes of the Methodist Sunday school • ■ will hold an "alphabet fair" in Dia-j j moii.i hall on Saturday. Home-made ar- I tides as well as refreshments will be on sale. The revival in the Church of God' will be vonf.nued. The revival has been conducted bv the Rev. Charles A. Parson for the last seven weeks. ! A pleasant party of Marysville 'a | younger set was held last evening in i W iiite's hall. The evening was pleas j antlv spent in playing games. Refresh ments were served. Harrisburg guests i were present. The following program will be rcn- : ■ dered at the Teachers' Institute of | | Marysville and Duuvannon boroughs i : and Penti. Rye aud Whea;field town-1 ships wfiich will be held in the Marys j ville Hijyh school room: Saturday Morning. 9.3o—(Music, in j stitute: devotional, the Rev. C. A. Par ; sou; address of welcome, Ira S. Brinser; i selection, orchestra: "Initiative in Edu : cation. ,Tohn Walkey; ''Teacher and Tort Baok." Alma Pennel; "Co-opera ! tiou in School Work." Ray Davis; "Teaching Literature in the Grades," '-Margaret Roseboruugh; "Number! Work in the Primary Grades," Eflie | Bell: '' Number Work in the Primary! Grades, Lena Hollai*i; " Physical i Welfare of the Child." Stella Hench; I reading. "What Shall We Teach." Sara Swisher; reading, "Methods of | Teaching," Ruth Fenical; "Busy Work tor Primary Grades," Helen Hain;" "Current Event in the Graues. < hattie Geib; selection, or chestra: " W no Is Responsible for the Welfare of the Child?" Mae Sipith; Introduction to Beginners," Cathe'riue Hamilton; Iris-lory. •• What Shall We Teach f" Margaret Myers: historyi ,"Methods of Teaching," Gertrude Hammaker; "Primary English," Spon , sler Shearer; selection, orchestra. Saturday Afternoon. I.2o—(Music, | High school; "Value of Little Things," Nancy Bitner: "The Ques j tion, Edith Mader; "Personal Pow-' , er." Kinser Shearer; "'Mistakes in j Teaching, .larvey Rodgers: redtation. , Bertha Harding: selection, orchestra: ! I address. Superintendent D. A. Kline; j j as an Incentive to General Education." Josephine George: "In- ! | eentives. Esther Seohrist; "Written 1 (Composition,"'' Earl Haas; •• School Room Decoration," Alma Charies: 1 "How Can We Make School-Like I .School Life?" Maria Coofer: "Essen- j tials of a Good School," William j Kines; selection, orchestra: "School Room Wastes." Tirzah Lepperd; i Methods of Tea'hing Primary Geog raphy. Lmise Achenbach; address, j , ' Home and School Relationship,'* p. i if - Harhold, principal Millersville Nor j mal: finale, orchestra. WILLIAMSTOWN Methodist Brotherhood to Celebrate An niversary Monday Evening Sp'c.'al Correspondence. Williaaistown, Feb. 19.—The Broth erhood of the Methodist Episcopal j church will celebrate its first anniver-' sarv in the assembly room of the church Monday evening when an ex cellent program will be rendered and the members banqueted. A street pa rade of members of the organization will take place before the program of the anniversary celebration takes place. Charles Coles, associate editor of the Lykens "Standard," was a town vis itor Tuesday. Bryant Ralph entertained the Phi Delta Tbe>ta Club at his home on West 'Market street Tuesday evening. The members are: Thomas "Bond. Jr.. *. carles Straub. Robert Fasold. George Bond, Weldon Watkins Bryant Ralph i and McKinley Wagner. The Rev. j. C. Fasold returned from a visit at iHarriaburg. A musftval program was rendered to I a large aadience in the United Evan gelical church. A dance was held in Shadle's hall ! Tuesday evening under the auspices of ! the athletic association, i _ Amos Lebo, of Harrisburg, spent the I forepart of the week in town. Russell Haller, of Harrisburg. is I visiting his parents, »MT. and Mrs. Ben jamin lHailer. NEW BLOOMFIELD Program of Services to Be Held in the Churches Sunday ! Special Correspondence. New Bloomfield, Feb. 19.—The usual monthly union preaching service will be hold in the Presbyterian church next j Sunday at 7.30 p! m. The Rev. Harrv 1 Boyer, pastor of the United Brethren ■ church, will deliver the sermon. Mrs. John R. Adams is visiting her daughter, Miss Grac« Akiams, a sofcoal j teacher, at <Camden, N. J. The regular sacramental service will be held in the Presbyterian next Sun day at 10.30 a. m. The usual eomtnuni cant's preparatorv- service will be held on Saturday aiternoon at 3.30 o'elock. I NEW DEPARTURE Selling Medicines at Half Price Under Guarantee of Cure After two months of remarkable sales. H. C. Kennedy, the enterprising druggist, says that his plan of selling at half price the regular 50-eent size of Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of constipation and dvspc|>sia, and guaran teeing to refund the money if it does not cure, has been the greatest success ' he has ever known. Anyone suffering with dyspepsia, con stitution, liver troubles, headaches, diz ziness, coated tongue, or the general tired feeling, caused by inactive liver and bowels or disordered digestion, should take advantage of H. C. Ken nedv's new departure and buy a bottle of Dr. Howard's specific at half price, with his personal guarantee to refund I the money if it does not cure.—Adv. SO ATLANTA. 3H i>. fcijh WHITBY. »X tm. hi* tht2S KM OmU. PhM * r«„ be. Mafen 1 ; Mrs. Henry Fleisher is visiting in j Philadelphia. Mrs. Helen Darliivjtjn has been vis ! iting her cousin. Miss Mabel Darling-1 ton, at L'wistoAU. Mrs. W. F. H. Garber lias bee i speuding the past week with her daugh ter, Mrs. K. R. Kurtz, at Miffliwburg. Pa. Miss Theresa Miller spent Wednes day in Harrisburg as a guest of her j brother, David Miller. The New Bloomfield Literary So-1 ciety, ecmpesed of New BloomrieM'? business men, debated on tlie "Right and Wroug of the present European : i War.'' NEW GERMANTOWN Ladles' Sewing Circle Attends Liter-' ary Society Meeting at Blain Special Con New Germantown, Feb. 19.—The | | Rev. T Gibson preached a fine ser- ! mon Sunday evening. The Ladies' Sewing Circle attended' the Literary Society meeting at Blain j held by the pupils of the High school.' Samuel B. Trostle is serioiftly ill j fiom heart trouble. Mrs. William Willhide and son. Rus sell, of Baltimore, came here last week ,to visit tihe former's sister, Nellie : Johnston, whe has beeu suffering fot I months from tuoere.ilosis. M,r. and Mrs. Charles Watt and I sou, of Marysville, came here last Fri- | j day to visit the former's sister. Lydia, i who is seriously til. James A. Noel aud son. William A. j ! Noel, attended the School Directors', meeting in Harrisburg and the Perry county School Directors' meeting in New Bloouifield. Harry Sanderson, brakeman on the N. & S V. railroad, who had his leg ; broken some time ago in Newport, is j convalescing rapidly. Russell Swart/, went to Harrisburg, and will probably ' isit his brothers in I the West before he returns. Mrs. Homer Kell, who spent several, i weeks with frieuds iu 'Harrisburg and ; attended the funeral of Mrs. Drum good in York, has returned home The M. E. church members will hold a festival iu Snyder's hall, the proceeds I to be devoted to the pastor's salary be : fore conference. Ira C. Morrison, expert butcher, has j j killed 245 fine hogs for the farmerj this season and also a number of I beeves. He is now hauling lumber j from the saw mill to the station. A number of our young women I about March 1 will go to try the reali j ties of western life ip lowa and l olo ) rado. where, it is said, work is easier i and more money cin be commanded. MIDDLETOWN Annual Social Given Last Evening by the Knights of Malta - " "■ Middletown, Feb. 19. —Mrs. Sherman Hawthorne, of Harrisiburg, spent Thurs j day afternoon in tjwn as the guest of the Social Circle. Clarence Davis will go to housekeep ing in the house vacated by William , Arnold, South Wood street. Miss Beatrice Lereh is seriously ill \ at her home in Royaiton. , The annual social held by the Knights of Ma'.tas last evening way largely atteitl and the Rev. Fjllyr ißergstrfS;-er delivered the ad ires*. Aft er the business ot the eveni.ig \VJ; transacted a stcia! 1 '-ir was heid and refreshments were served. Mrs. Frank Henry and two ch'ldrcn. : of Chambers )urg, are visiting Mr. a id Mrs. George C-irr, i?jutn Wood street. The funeril of the la:e Edward : Fletcher will be he ' frcm St. Mary's i Catholic church on Men ay morning and Father Hc.vard will olHcitte. Iu 1 terment will be in the Latholie ceme-i i tcry. The masquerade held in the- Luna j Rink last evening was largely attended. Four hundred and niueteen admission j tickets were -:old an,l 205 skattrs neie on the floor. The four prize winners for the $2.50 gold pieces were Mi-s Eva Durbc.ow, ct' Ilar.l.'jurg. 'or# i drersed lady; Jennie Lervh. most comic lady: Fred Botts, best dressed nun;! •John Lutz. moit csmic man. The judges were Mrs. Jc<o[ii Gottshall. Mrs. E. C. and Mi s Mabel Kurtz and H., Hess, Jr., T. O. E'kenrode and Har.y l ] Fenical. The regular meeting cf the Literary I Society cf the Grammar school was j held this afternccn. very int:r esting subjects were discussed Vn Lin-| - coin and Washington. The borough council met in special session W'e.Lnesilay evening in regard* to the car company closing L:wrenoo street. The main discission was to j , leave an opening fjr workingmen a, i quite a number get off the cars at th.v ' jioint. The ear company agreed to the proposition until the weather permi.- ted the work to be begun, alter whic't the street will be Hose I for gac I. Erisman. Kic;' s aud Hipph were appointed as a committee to icok up the matter and ro,>o l at the nex: meet ng e<f council. Furie Manfred and Mass Kathrvn McGarvey. riot!) of town, were united in marriage at the St. Mary's , eburch on Wedneiiciy afternoon at 4.30 o'clock by Father Howard. After, ! < he wedding a supper was served at ihe t j home of the bride's mother. Mrs. An nie McGarvey, Lawrence street. The couple will make their home with the I bride's mother. Dr. J. F. Blet-her has returned home from a business trip to Philadelphia. Mrs. Jacoh Em'bick moved trom the Embick property, on Scath Union «?treet, to the Lutz property en Swat ara street. ELIZABETHVILLE Funeral of Mrs. Alex. McLaughlin Held Wednesday Morning ; Special Correspondence. Elizabethville, Feb. 19.—The funer -1 al of Mrs. Alex. McLaughlin was held Wednesday morning, the Rev. C. P Wehr officiating. After brief sen-ices at the house, the remains were taken to Enterline, where services were held I in Bowerman's church and the burial : made. Mrs. McLaughlin was a faith | ful member of Salem Reformed church. The survivor* ai* her husband, one daughter and four sons, Mrs. Charles Yerges, Carsonville; Curt in C., Eliia bethville; Harry, Dietneh; John, prin cipal of schools at Westfleld, N. J„ and Robert, Enola. Clarence Zeiglfr and his bride vis ited Mr. and Mrs F. W. Riegle on Sun day. They were married at Hagers town, Md.. last week. The bride was , formerly Miss Winnie Riegle. They will be at home at Mechanicaburg. The postoffice at this place has been moved into the Daniel building and dte postmaster and his assistant have more room and when settled will be aide to handle the mails promptly. Mrs. H. H. Weaver is spending the I week with her daughter, Mrs. A. .Ross ( man, at Montgomery. Mrs. John Shaffer, of Treverton, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Isaiah i Romberger, Tuesday. I John Rush is spending a month's va cation at Hegins and Spring Glen. The Rev. J. S. FaruswortJi will ■ preach his farewell sermon in the Evan gelical church on Sunday evening and "ill attend the annual conference at Reading next week. i Reno, the magician, will entertain in | the school auditorium February 27. Miss Nellie Bufthigton spent a week at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hiram Schram will spend the balance of the winter with her daugh ter. Mrs. C. M. Hoffman. Philadelphia. Miss Jennie Kessler, of Millheim. is the guest of her sister at Hotel Snyder MECHANICSBURG Prof. Hohgatt to Give Concert In Tab ernacle This Evening I .Special Correspondence. Mechanicsburg, Fob. 19.-\lt is now fully decided that Evangelist Miller will preach liis last sermon in the tab ernacle on Sunday evening, at which | time a farewell service will be held. \ ery vigorous efforts are being made to organize a Young Men's Christian Association in this place, and indica : tions are that they will be successful. This evening Prof. Hohgatt, of the Miller party, will give a concert in the I tabernacle. He has requested that I not only the regular tabernacle choir, but all who have assisted the choir or substituted at any time and all orches j tras who have assisted shall be pres ent this evening and help swell the i songs. Miss Jane Ra«. of Irving Got . lege faculty, will give several read ; On the evening of February 24 the Washington, Rescue and Citizens' Fire < Companies, of this place, will go to 1 Dillsburg to attend the fair of the I .Citizens' Pire Company at that place. The Bibic class of St. Mark's Lu theran church held a social last even i ing at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Frank | Roudymaker, West Simpson street Our Sunday schools are represented ; in the tri-eounty Sunday school insti ; tute, which is in session in Carlisle. Mrs. Harry McCartney, of Carlisle, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. R. Wilson Hurst, West Main street, the I early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Xesibit, of Philadelphia, have been called here by the illness of Mr. Xesbit's parents. Mr. j ! and Mrs. J. C. Xesbit, West Simpson street, Mrs. Myers, of East Berlin, is visit ing her sister. Mrs. Andrew Stambaugh, South York street. NEW CUMBERLAND Teachers Attend Institute and Scholars Get Short Vacation ®pe<-int for »«i'r,niieiiCr New Cumberland, Feb. 19. —The Rev. A. R. Ay res, pastor of Trinity U. B. church, was in York to-day, where he had charge of the funeral of Fred j prick Pcmraning, who died very sud-j denlv on Tuesday. The regular monthly meeting of the I Sunshine Guild will be held Monday afternoon, February 22, at the Council! chamber. Fifth and Bridge streets, yfromptly at 4 o'clock. The president r urges ail members to be present. The Sunday «<*hool class of Mrs. W.' ' 'L. Parthemore. of the Church of Cod. met at the home ol Miss Esther Zorger. Fifth street, Inst evening. The bu-i --nrs; session was fallowed by a serial. j The Ru-'v Boe Sewing Circle cf St. Paul's Lutheran church wiM mee at I the home of Mr-". William Simmons, on j Market -;re»t. Satir.day afternoon. The Rev. J. V. Adsims, pastor of' B -!>. 'msn Memorial M. E. ehuich, will attend the annual Centra! Peuneylva- j uia Conference v hich convenes at Siia- j inokn the week in March. At: a meeting at the fourth quarterly oo i- i ft recce he'd Tuesday evening -1 alius B. j Kaufman and J. A. Pprenkel were I elected delegates to the Layman's Con-j ference whi h will be held at the sr.niei tim" an\l place. Mrs. Harry Conrad is iII with pneu monia at her home on Fit'ui street. Misses Irene and Minerva Nye, o' if KiDMEYS BLADDER BiTO Take a Glass of Salts to FIUEh Out Your Kidneys and Neutralize Irritating Adas Kidney ar.d Bladder weakness result from uric a<id, says a noted authority.- The kidneys filter this acid from the | blood and jiut-s it on to the bladder, , where it often remains to irritate and ' inflame, causing a burning, scalding' sensation, or setting up an irritation at the ueck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a ; scalding sensation and is very profuse: again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, j , j because thev can't eont-ol urination. While it is extremely annoying and , , sometimes very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to over , (oine. Get about four ounces of -lad Salts from your pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or • three days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and J urinary organs which then act normally 1 again. Ja<l Salts is inei]>ensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and - iemon juice, combined with lithia, and I is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by t uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splen i did for kidneys and causes no bad ef -1 fects whatever. I | Here you have a pleasant, efferves - ' cent lithia water drink, which quickly . j relieves bladder trouble.—Adv. Qpemrtft Announcement! Our Sale Starts Tu-morrow With 200 New LADIES' SAMPLE SPRING SUITS, COATS and DRESSES Each Garment a Novelty in Itself KSt B TOO' sfIMPLE < Ladies' Suits In Tans, Blues and jkjj I Blacks. Satin lined Coats. Beautiful Styles. 100 Sample Ladies' Coats, s£■ In Pretty Basket Cloth and Many Shades to Select From. CHOICE at ASH or CREDIT]^ 100 MEN'S SUITS jjtik T' I£l 4 iTkik In Blue ant) Black ® ALL WO L LEADER OF LOW PRICES SOUTH Altering Done IVINGSTON'S H Square FREE h———— ctsw ),.» «»i jggtKrsgsg—mi i m »gic— n Harrisburg, were guests of Mrs. \\. Z. as the teachers were attending the lo- Mrs. Kuukle, at Washington Heights, Parthemore yesterday. institute. held here this afternoon, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Leach lire fur-j n, ar ] es stedner, of Harrisiburg. Miss Carrie Simmons,, of Hershev, nishing their home on Bridge street. was a of Mrs j| £ mith spent yesterday afternoon with friends where they will go to housekeeping. i terdav. * ' here. George Beekley an,l son. Harold, vis-l Miss Lizzie Mover, of hamoyne, Mr. and Mrs. Parke Hart-man movefi ited Pittsburgh and attended 1 the j called on friends here yesterday after- into Leroy Sutton's house ou Water Stough meetings at Altoona this week. J noon. street Wednesday. There was no school session this j Mrs. Harry Reneker and son, Harry, afternoon in the borough and Elkwoo l visited Mrs. Reneker's parents, Mr. and Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. SPIRITED INCIDENT VSiL • y>i ° 1 j FRENCH INFANTRy ATTACKING A GERMAN CUSTOM-HOUSE IN THE HIGH VOSGE3 , Tbl* incident, drawn specially for this newspaper, the New York Herald and the London Sphere, took place on a high point In the Vosges Mountains during a French attack on a German custom house. A lieutenant rushed for w«rd with a rifle with which to batter down the door of the bouse, but he was immediately killed by the fire of the Germans inside. Another officer who tried to do the same was also killed. Finally the French decided to rush tb« house and were successful in capturiug it The Germans did not give In until the last man Cell. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers