Clear, Steady, Even tight. #Bl You simply pull a chain or touch a button and flood i the store with mellow, evenly distributed light when ! vou have SEMI-INDIRECT GAS LAMPS These exceptional new lamps are equipped with a i short chain, or can be arranged to light from push but- ' tons at a central point. They are neat and clean. The gas burner is down in the bowl where it is not seen. The rays of light are mellow and soothing. The light is reflected from it to the ceiling, walls, show-cases and shelves leaving j no shadows or dark places. We are Demonstrating Them at the Oas Office or will send a , representative with illustrations. HARRISBURG GAS CO., 14 S. 2nd St. Bell 2028—Cumberland Valley 753 SUBURBAN MIDDLETOWN Mrs. Conrad Bowers, Aged HO Years, Died Last Night Special Correspondence (Middletown, Jan. 23. —(Mrs. Conrad Bowers, aged 66 years, died at her home on West Main street, last'nigbt at 9.30 from a complication of diseases. Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bletz Bowman, residing at home and one sister, Mrs. Charles Hatton, of town. The funeral arrangements will be announced later. Christian Ober, Emaus street, receiv ed word yesterday that his stepfather Samuel McClanahaji, died at Elizabeth town on Thursday. His funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon from the home of his daughter at Elizabethtown. Interment will be at Running Pump burial grounds. Burgess Thomas Jordan attended the funeral of a relative at Mercers burg to-day. Mrs. Sara Merkley, of Ohio, is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Markley, East Main street, for several days. This is Mrs. Mark ley's first visit east. Alexander Campbell lias returned home from a two days' trip to Philadel phia. Mrs. flarry Orner returned to her home at Philadelphia after spending the past several days in town as the guest of relatives. Miss Margaret Emminger is ill at her home on North Union street. At the services in the M. E. church Sunday morning at 10.30, Miss Char lotte Somberger will speak ou "The Scientific Treatment of Poverty."' Sheriff Wells transacted business in town yesterday. Mrs. Mervin Light and two daugh ters have returned home from a several] days' visit to Harrisbung. The Middletown High school basket ball team played the York High school team at, the latter place last evening. Middletown markets were well attend ed this morning and eggs sold at 30 ; and 35 cents a dozen. Cleaned chickens at 40 and 80 cents a piece. Live chick-1 ens at 75c and $1 a pair. Butter, 38 j and 40 cents per pound. Mrs. A. L. Etter has returned home j from a several days' visit to relatives Ht Hummelstown. She was aceom- i panied bv Mrs. J. L. Brandt, of Mari-! etta. The funeral of Martha Jane, the year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Arthur Rose, was held from the par-| t ' m - i i. Directory of Leading Hotels of Harrisburg THEPLAZA Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. At the Entrance to the P. B. R. Station ! EUROPEAN PLAN F. B. ALDINGEB. Prtfyrietor The Metropolitan Strictly European For something good to eat. Every I thing in season. Service th* beat. Prices the lowest. HOTEL VICTOR No. 'J.', .Jouth Fourth Street Ulrrctl; <>pii«»lte I uiun siat| un r<tulpped ultb nil Modern linnroveJ ■lent*) running outer In every moan line bullti perfectly aunltary, nicely lurnUbed throughout. Rate* moderate. European I'laa. JOSEPH aiusil. Proprietor. THE BOLTON Market Square Large and convenient .Sample Room*. Passenger and Baggage Elevator. Elee trie Care to and from depot. Electrie Light and Steam Heat; Rooms en suite or single with Baths. Rates, 92.50 per day and up. J. H. a: M. S. Butterworth, Prop*. | ent 's home on Catherine street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Ful i ler Bergstresser, jvastor of the St. Pet | er's Lutheran church, officiated. In terment was in the Middletown ceme j tery. >, j William Swartz, a student at the I Annville College, is spending several i days in town as the guest of his par -1 I ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Swartz, Spring r i street. j Miss Carrie Forney, of Harrisburg, | is the iguest of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. H George, Spring street, and while there i took ill. , Mrs. William Lynch, South Swatara ;. j street, is at the Harrisburg hospital, 1 where she underwent a successful ouera . I tion. John H. Landis, the drayman, ot r Royalton, is able to be out. again after - j being ill for the past week, e Mrs. b. D. Wright, of Paoli, is spend- Bi ing sometime in town as the guest of . Mrs. Charles Ware, of Catherine street. , DAUPHIN Mr. and Mrs. Fite Entertain in Honor of Son's Birthday . Special < '.I-.. <■„,! <M, Daupihin. Jan. 23.—Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fite enterlained at their home on I Friday evening in honor of the sixth . | birthday anniversary of their son, Rieh i ard. The evening was spent in games. ■; A special feature was a large tub filled with sand, in which the children dug ■; for prizes. Refreshments were served I to Mrs. Bertha Kauffman and daugh ters, Rose and Jessie, of Harrisburg; Mrs. John Feltv and son, John, of i Roekville; Mrs. G. W. Fite, Mrs. W. D. 1 Kinter, Mrs. Frank Bailets, Mrs. J. L. . Feasor, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fite, Mar ! garet Speece, Mary Grimm, May and Dorothy Kline, Dorothy Wvnn, Helen jiHenninger, Dorothy Bailets, Millard I and Purdy Garman, Russell Reed, Scott . Kline, Ralph Wynn and Richard Fite. HALIFAX Sunday School Convention to Be Held To-morrow Afternoon Special Correspondence. Halifax, Jan. 23.—A convention of ; I the three Sunday of town will be held in the Reformed church to i j morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The! 1 different phases of Sunday school work ' j will be discussed by iMiss Rose Lauder- j i milk, Charles IF. Stell, the Rev. A. 1. i i Collom and the Rev. C. (A. Funk. Miss I Helen Wert will sing a soprano solo. ! ( There will also be a number of other I features on the program. Stanley TJrich, who is employed by : J the Allen Nursery Company, of Roches ! ter, X. Y., is visiting his parents, Mr. , j and Mrs. Harry Urich. ; IH. Stewart Potter was a business j j vi«itor to 'Harrisburg (Friday after- j 1 noon. Isaac IH. Bowman, who has been j | seriously ill a/t his home on South j i Fourth street for some time, is slowly I improving. ELIZABETHTOWN Statistical Report Shows IPO Guests at the Masonic Home | Special Correspondence. Elizabethtonm, Jan. 23.—The statin-1 i tical report of the Masonic iHome shows , i that at the beginning of the year 1915, i;i population of 190 guests, eighty-five | mon, eighty-two women and twenty-five j | children, occupied the home. There are twenty-seven married couples among, i the number. The postal facilities show | that* 700 pieces of mail passed through | the positoffice during the month of De-! j (-ember, 1914. A magnilicant polished brass lectern | for use in the Assembly Room has been I presented to the Masonic Home by the'; following lodges: No. 224, Danville;; ■No. 265, Bloenisburg; No. 394, Cata wissa; No. 460, Orangeville; No. 462, J Berwick; No. 561, Danville; No. 667,1 Benton, F. A. M., Pa. Mrs. Jacob Rutherford, of Elizabeth- j town, has been appointed matron for! Guest House No. 2 at the home and in i the near future. Some of the guests of the main building will be transferred to that place. Some of the local Masons are espous ! ing the necessity of organizing a Ma-! sonic Lodge in Elizabethtown, but as' the majority of the local members be long to Lodge No. 557, F. & A. M., at Mt. Joy, the success of the venture will | depend in a large meiusure to the ami- I able action of iJodge No. 551 may take j in the matter, as Elizabethtown belongs 1 HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1915. to the territorial jurisdiction of the Lodge. Chwrlqp H. Worm ley, telegrapher op erator at Rheesns for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, has gone to New York City and expects to got bark to Philadelphia Sunday morning in time to hear Billy Sunday preach. Mr. Wormle.v is a news;-a.per reporter ami will tell nil aibout his trip on his re turn. ; | The Klein Chocolate Company has | | purchased two lots from Mrs. John I Bbersole on Brown street and will build ] a large factory building to meet in j creased business. I l Samuel MeLanachan, one of the old | ' eft and beet known citizens of E'.iza botbtown, died Thursday afternoon at ; : the home of his son-in-law, Martin , ld(yniuth. in his eighty-eighth year. Death being due to infirmities, incident I to his advanced years. The d<eceas?d ; was a stone mason by trade and fol ; lowed it for many years. He was a j member of borough council in 1858 and subsequently thereto he was eleet 'ed as constable iu Hie borough and I served for a continuous term cf over | thirty years. He was often re-elected ;to the office without any opposition, | j being the choice of the voters of the I borough. He is survived by three sons j | and one daughter, David of York; John i I and James and Mrs. M. Lindermuth, || of town. Funeral to-morrow at 2 p. m. ; I Services at the house by the Rev. Seld : : omridge. pastor of U. B. church. Inter ; I ment Mt. Tunnel cemetery. WILLIAMSTOWN Over 300 Converted During Present Evangelistic Campaign 1 Special Correspondence. Wiiliamstown, Jan. 23.—This bor ough is undergoing a great evangelistic ! wave, the equal of which was never ' known during the town's history. Over I three hundred persons ha,ve been con |i verted during the past three weeks. 1 Nightly services are being held in the Methodist Episcopal, United Brethren | and Seybert's Evangelical churches. Otto Messncr was among the expert j typewriters appointed by the State I Senate. Frank Wagner visited relatives in ' Steelton the early part of the week. 1 The Hev. B. A. Barnes, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, and quite a number of the members of the church ! assisted in a revival meeting in the I Wiconisco Methodist Episcopal church Thursday evening. ! Monday has been selected as Button | Day by the local organization of tho I'nited Mine Workers of America, when all employes working in and about the e colliery are expected to wear a union 1 button. / John Snyder and T. M. Shadle at t tended the inauguration ceremonies at Harrisburg Tuesday. I Mrs. John Mease, of Muir, visited , | Mrs. John Neidlinger Thursday, j Samuel Dewalt employed at Wood | side is visiting his family. ! TOWER CITY Richard F. Sntcjiff's Body Brought From Camden for Burial '* Special Correspondence. Tower City, Jan. 23. R. F. £utcliffe, aged 24, a former resident of this place, : died very suddenly on Sunday at the , home of his mother at Camden, N. J. His body was brought to this place on COURT or COMMON PI.RAS NO. 6. COUNTY OK PHILADELPHIA. December Term, l#lu. No. 4709. SAMUEL REA. Trustee. PKNNBTLV A NIA CANAL COMPANY el i). NOTICE. TROSTRE'S EOHECI.OSCItE SALE OF ALL THE ESTATE, IIRAL ASK I'MtSON AL, BIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES WHAT.SO BVER Of THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL COMPANY. Pnrwuant to dei-r<*> of the Court of Common Pleaß No. 5, tor Philadelphia County, nia.le iu tue above entitled cast' November 15, 11)13. u» amended Octouei iu, 1914, San.u.l Ilea. Suhsii lit j uuder the mortg.g si - , eu und execut ed July 1, JS7O. b.v Pennsylvania Canal Coin; any to Herman Lombaert as original tiue;e\ t-» secure tho payment of its coi.p <n bun.s to the fu.000.000, of the denomination of sl.- ■ «?« . 1- r, lylo, of which bond* to tho I i i fcI.IMS.OUO are outstand n* due and unpaid. ui)on which dcfcuil wat made when they I. »S l l < i. c " l A 4 ' ai,l l tlrf,t da> of - ml >- will cell at labile Auction, at 12 o'clock noun. at 1521 SnHi"* 1 B ,fiT« et * fa., on Wednesday. t ~ ! 3* thr Properrlw. rights and prlvi leges hereinafter briefly d.f.-rilei. refcr-nee being inane to said decree for a full description. on ihe conditions and terms of sale hereinafter act forth PROWSRTIR.S TO P.K SOU). . P°rl. lon ' being atomii 0 71-UiO miles in length, of the Wyoming Division of the Canal ex tending from Northampton «tic-t. in the city «.f j >\ likes-ilarre, to tiie eastern boundary of that por- J ! lion of the t.unal which was conveyed bv th«* Cinal E - Fs "'* r * y da led •February I , 24,,1900. subject a# to part tl.«*ie>f, to the r,gh;s i and casement for railroad purpose* t,'ranfe i bv the Carnl Co. to the North ami \N e*t U.ilwa, I Co by dent d<lted August IJ. In*;i. and r cor .ed | in Luxera* County In l*»ed Hook LW. p g.» 326: ; and 'ttbject to the srani of coal and other mln- I era s etc.. undeil.ving th«- Mnrae part ihcrc<.f in ido i by the Canal K 0 l 0 i harlc® I'arrlah by d e.| dated ; l.Ss.i, recorded iu Luieiiie County In i Dp<m| B«)ck No. 211. pngo .19. tb.i Su- h right as th»» Canal Co. rcay have t»» ( reconstnu-t and maintain tl:e laui acroaa the \>est Itrnnct- of the Susqui-hanna U:\pr n ;»r « ! Montgomery, in the County of mi I ' te",r Th f ¥«?««; the portion of the i , lirnnch I>ivij*inn «,f the canal, about on - ' l mil*' i" length, contiguous to the site of the sail i dam. extending from a point 4' 0 fe t Mastwardlv I measured along the South propertr line «f siid Canal from the intenaectlon of said property line I wltli a line In prolongation .southwardly rfae.os* ' j the canal) of *h'- breast of said Muucy Dam, to i • a polut in a line iu proloiigatlou Southwartlh. i aeroaa the canal, of the Westerly line of the I House lor at 1»« L No. 19. in the•Townahl.) ' tr * l4l ;vfo '»tgo!nrT J . County of Incoming, tether Hani 1 r 'Bht to Hood certain lands above at id ' , 'U 1 . B L. Pi,rt - of . t,; ' Potion of the Wert ! I Bianeh Oivlalon of the Canal in Snyder Count 3' I ing from SelinsgroTe railroid brlflffe fo the | I former site of Penu'a Creek Aqueduct, a dla lance 0 f nfiottt 3 :i-H) mllHa, which was reserved ! to the Canal Company in its deed to toe Northern ' Central Connecting Itailrond Compiuy, dat-d Oc- I toj er 24. 190.T and recorded in Snyder Co. In ■ Mlacellaneotia Book No. «. p M ge 37Sa ! fUS # Th A t D V rti , on ha , T J n « a length 'of about 50 ! feet of the .lunlnta Division of tli<* Canal at j Junction. Dauphiu County, extending from i ' v boundary of the Canal aa conveyed S 3r .Jr„ c J in J 11 Vs- to th,t v R "• by daed I °otol»er IR. 1890, to the Wc»t« rn boundary i of ,. w. Kaatern Division of said Canal, together ' | with the four frame dwelling hor.fe* th»-r^n. lei That portion of the Eastern Division of the i Canal, at said Juniata Junction, ext.*ndlng South wanlly frotu the Southern boundarv of the Canal ] rinVl ,n i ? r»' d ,15 .. fh( U C tJL nal , Co fo tbe No them I Central Connecting K. Ft. Co. hr (sut<Ml Ooto . j ? r to and iueludlng the 10,-k to the pooi at (larks terry dam. ' rh '* bridge a crow the Buantiehanna River ' at Clarka Ferry in the Township of Reed. County of Dauphin, known as Clarks Ferry Hiver bridge, having a length of twenty hnndred and eighty elgh. (20,V> feet more or less, aubjeet to condeiu- I ! nation proree<llngs heretofore Instituted by rhe 1 conntT of pjuphiu to acquire the bridge, together ! with the right to the damages awarded therefor. <•,'.» I hat portion of th<- Wiconisco Dlflslon of I the Canal In Daunhin County extending froin »• . , point 100 feet above the hea<i of the outlet larV known as "No 1" at Clark. Ferry. Westwuffb | a distance of J(K» feet, more or less, to a po'hi -• the Intake alln from the Susquehanna River an ' I dam aeroaa said Hiver at Clarks Ferry, togeth* i with the frame dwelling thereon, having an esti j mated area of about one acre. Also, all the personal property of the Canal Co. i | and all the estate, right, title and 'ntereat of the I Oanal Co. of, in and to all r»al estate, r-al prop- ! i erty rights and privileges of every kind soever j forming p.«rt of, connected with or belonging or in nn.v way appertaining to the works and property now or heretofore known as the Pennsylvania ! Cann. (exieptlng the parts and portions heretofore void and convoyed by thr Canal Co.) and all and singular the corporate rights and franchises of the < anal 10. and generally all property whatever and wheresoever, real, personal and mixed, thereto b2- { longing and in any way appertaining. TRRMS AND CONDITIONS. .!• The »e?eral above described premipp* will ®f nr™ °neie<| for tale separately, and thra all of the Mid premises as a whole, to the hUheat Court** "'daera. subject to confirms tion by tht 2. Twenty-fire Der cent, of the amount of ant accepted bid shall be paid at the time of tale. In cssh, and tbo balance of the purchase money ahall be paid upon confirmation of the sale by the ( ourt. without any liability of the purchuser to •ee to th* application of the purchase money. SAMUEL ERA. Trustee. NOTE ' The condemnation proceedings here tofore instituted to acquire (Marks Ferry River Bridge (see "t" supra) have been dismissed by the Court since this advertisement first appeared, and there fore the sale of said bridge will not be subject thereto." Wednesday and taken to the home of his brother, Fred Sutcliff. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon from the M. E. church, of wlhich the young , was a member. The services were conducted by the pastor, the Rev. C. B. Felton. Mrs. William Murray and daughter, Katharine, spent several days at Potts ville. Miss Mary Coleman, of Lykens, was the guest of Miss Eva Miller. Much sympathy is expressed for the family of Robert Adams, who resides about a mile from this place. A son died recently and at present Mr. Adams, his wife and a 10-year-old son are all in the Pottsville hospital suffering from typhoid fever. Charles Patrick, wtho was employed for some time at Akron, Ohio, has re turned to his home at this place. William F. Knecht, son of Editor W. F. and Mrs. Knecht. was married at Fort Smith, Ark., to Miss Agnes Nor beth. Mr. Knecht is a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School and is principal of the schools at Calhoun, Okla. 11. M. Strick, Homer Lebo, William Hearer and Frank Tallman attended tho inauguration of Governor Brumbaugh on Tuesday. Revival services are still in progress in the United Brethren and Methodist Episcopal churches. NEW CUMBERLAND Sunshine Guild to Meet at Residence of Mrs. Parker Buttorff Sp""ial Correspond i .re New Cumberland, Jan. 23.—The Sunshine Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. I'arket Buttorff, Third street, Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. A delightful surprise party was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Newmyer, Jr., at Bellavista. It was given iu honor of their son, Herman, 3d., who celebrated his eleventh birthday anniversary. The evening was sp»nt in playing games. Refreshments were served. The guests were Misses Fairy Fetrow, Elsie Cliue, Lillian Waugh, Gertrude Shulze, Mar garet Hoover, Esther Newmyer and 'Laura Newmyer, Charles Hoover, Wil liam Shulze, Paul Cline, Lloyd Cline, Lester Zcigle.' Melvin Campbell, Her man Newmyer, William Newmyer and Harry Newmyer. John Ocker of near Newville, vis ited his niece. Mrs. B. F. Garver, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Davidson and daughter, Ruth, and son, Tlicon, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Beckley yesterday. John Conley and Ralph Smith, paint ers, who have been working at Ashland, Pa., the past three and a half weeks, have returned home Miss Caroline Bover, of Royalton, visited her sister. Mrs. John Conley, this week. DILLSBURG Peter Kinter Found Dead on Tract of Woodland Special Correspondence. Dillsburg, Jan. 23—Peter Kinter, R. I). 5, a well-known resident of Frank lin township, was found dead ou a tract of woodland on the premises of William P. Spahr. a neighbor, Thursday evening. \L Kinter was apparently in good physical condition during the day and lie was assisting Mr. Spahr to cut wood. About 5 o'clock Mr. Spahr roturned to the barn to attend the feeding of the stock, while Mr. Kinter remained in the woods alone, continu ing the work Night came and lie did not return from his work. A search was made and his body was found near 'bis place of work. An examination seemed to indicate that heart trouble caused his death. Tli6 funeral will be held from his late home to-morrow morning. Interment in the cemetery adjoining Bariens church. He leaves a wife and two daughters. He was 62 vears old. • i A special oar leaving Mechanicsburg ; last evening at 10.30 brought a party i of townspeople home from the Miller j evangelistic services Among the party j was the Dillsburg High school. Tiiie men's chorus of this place at tended the evangelistic meeting at. Chestnut Grove church laßt evening and | have arranged to attend the Wellsville | evangelistic meeting to-night and the j Mechanicsburg men's meeting Sunday j afternoon. Martin Munima, of Mechanicsburg, was a visitor in town Thursday. L. L. Bentz was ia York on business Thursday. Arthur Hess has accepted a position as traveling salesman for the Stock | Food Company, located at this place. The preaching service in the IT. B. ehurdh to-morrow morning will be con ! ducted by the Rev. J, H. Powell, the } Rev. Mr. Krenz, the pastor, being en | gaged elsewhere. i Samuel Arnold and F.ita Bents, both lof Dillsburg R. D., were married at ' the Lutheran parsonage by the pastor, ! the Rev. Mr. Eveler, Thursday evening. C. K. Bushey, Baltimore street, spent | several days during the week in Cam ' den, \. J. j The Citizens' Hose Company, of this j place, has decided to hold a bazar in j Hheir hose house for one week, begin | ning February 22. HIGHSPIRE Friends Tender Mies Olive Holenbaugh a Farewell Party j.Sneelal Corre">n»nlonce. Highspire, Jan. 23. —Miss Olive Hol | enbnugh, who will leave Monday for Bellefonte to enter a hospital to study nursing, was tendered a farewell party jby a number of her friends Tuesday ; evening at her home on Market street. I 'Fourteen guests were prevent and she ' received a number of useful presents, j Stewart of Thompson town, ' wa* entertained by friends in the bor ; ough Wednesday. Captain Xei<«>n, of the Salvation j Army, Narrisburg, attended the Hillis I evangelistic meeting Wednesday even | ing and made the opening prayer. Ray Zimmerman, of Pittsburgh, is 1 visiting his sister, Mrs. A. C. Hocker, Mead'wood. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Reiglc have re turned to their home in Harris burg, aft [ or a phort visit to Mr. and Mrs. ltald en SchwaJm, Market street. Samuel Shipe, after several weeks' treatment for an injured hand at the Harrisburg Hospital, has returned to his home in the borough. The interior of the Citizens' Fire Hcuse is being repainted. The following order of services will h® observed Sunday in the United Brethren church, the Rev. H. F. Rlioad, pastor. Morning service at 10.15 o'clock. Theme, "The Home." Even ing service at 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 1.30 p. m. Mrs. C. E. Hillis will preach in the CALL 891-ANY "PHONE."#* -H"*- JT% FOUNDED 18 71 mg j&xmvnaaJ HARRISBUIta'S POPULAR MMRTMKNT STOM The Store T You JHEBE-S a sou. in the store that serves you well. It is made up of the effort of men. It's existence lies in the ef fort of the chiefs, the heads of departments; the managers; the super intendents; the clerks; the delivery men; the wrapping girls* the errand boys. Directors and directed—each has his part to play in putting that effort into service which makes for good work and good will. 1 hat soul is palpitant within the walls and everywhere upon the floors. It vibrates in every space and department, and affects the soul of the buyer, whether he buys much or little. I He- -or she—feels at ho It's a place to come to; to meet friends in; to see new faces, and breathe deep and joyously of the busy currents of Life. It's this soul of the store that asks you to be with us again and come soon, and the atmosphere of Welcome which resides in cvorv nook and corner of the building, and lingers in the minds of its dwellers, will greet you. Come often, and remember tis our desire to give you service and serve you well. At all times, the cozy, new rest room 011 the third floor (comfort station adjoining) is open to women who desire to spend their leisurely moments undisturbed by the hum and hustle of half a hundred departments. morning and the Rov. C. E. Hillis in the evening. HUMMEI.STOWN Board of Directors of Farmers' Bank , Elected Recently Special Correspondence. Hummelsto'wn, Jan. 23. —At a recent meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers' Bank, of Hummelstown, the following board of directors was elect ed: Allen K. Walton, W. R. Fox, T>r. W. C. Baker, John 11. McSlhenny, Joseph S. Stricklor, John Moyer, Joseph Burk holder and William H. Earnest. Mrs. Graver C. Buser entertained the Ladies' Bible class of the Reformed Sunday school at her home on West Main street last evening. Those pres ent were Mrs. H. C. Oassel, Mrs. J. Ur ban Kilmer, Mrs. Charles Laub, Mrs. Ellis Balmer, Mrs. Morris Wagner, Mrs. Trace Bailey. Mrs. J. Irvin Ruff ftnd daughter, Florence; Mrs. Llewellyn Musser, Mrs. Harriet Crist, Mrs. Alfred McCall and son, Alfred; the liov. R. A. Bausch and Mr. and Mrs. Buser and children, Behney and Sara Jane. Tho funeral of Mrs. John Rudy, who died at her late home at Hershey on Tuesday, was held yesterday morning. She was aged 57 years and was a daughter of John and Sarah Kauffman. She is survived by a husband, three sons and one sister. The services were held in Zion Lutheran church, this place, and were conducted by tho Rev. Herbert Games, the pastor, and the Rev. A. C. Forscht, of Union Deposit. Interment was made in the Hummels town cemetery. SHIREMANSTGWN Mrs. B. A. Bowers Entertains Lutheran Missionary Society Speelal Correspondence. Shiremanstown, Jan. 23.—The ladies of the Lutheran church held a mission ary meeting at the home of Mrs. B. A. Bower Thursday afternoon. About 200 men, women and children of this place attended the services in the tabernacle in Mechanicsburg in a body Thursday evening. Everybody who went said they enjoyed the serv ice very much. Mrs. Ellsworth Bitner was an attend ant at the cottage prayer meeting on Thursday morning at the home of W. H. Keller in Mechanicsburg. A number of people from this town and vicinity on Tuesday attended the j inauguration of Governor Brumbaugh. MECHANICSBURG Dr. Henry Houck Delivers Address to Woman's Club Special Correspondence. iMechanicsburg, Jan. 23.—The snow which began falling last evening and continued through the night was about five inches deep this morning. Sleigh bells are again heard on the streets. Last evening Dr. Henry iHouck, Sec retary of Internal Affairs, gave an ati dress before the Woman's Club of this place. Dr. 'Houck's subject was " Home Life of the Pennsylvania Germans." The lecture was as usual in Dr. Houck's inimitable style, replete with wit anil humor, yet abounding in much of in terest and benefit to tho club, whose study for this club year is Germany. Tho meeting was held at thp home of l>r. and Mrs. N. W. Hershner, West 'Main street. Dr. Houck was the guest of IMr. and Mrs. S. E. IBasehore, West Main street, during his stay in town. At the regular hour for morning serv ice baptism will be administered to a number of candidates in the Kirst U. B. church. Mrs. Theodore Brandt, of Church town, was the guest of Mrs. A. J. Gross, South Market street, this week, and attended the taiernacle meetings. LMrs. A. IL. 'Hollar, of Harrisburg, visited her parents, IMr. and Mrs. H. S. IMohler, West Main street, on Thurs day. Miss Catharine Keefer is visiting relatives in New York City. NEW BLOOMFIELD j Man Gets Three Months for Selling Liquor Without License Special Correspondence. | New Bloomfield, Jan. 23.—The im portant: case brought before the Court •j of Quarter Sessions was the case of the I Commonwealth vs. Abram Stroup, who | was charged with selling intoxicating liquors without a license. Stroup lives in Tusearora township. He pleaded j nolle contendere and was sentenced to j serve three months in the couuty jail and pay a tine of SSOO. G. B. M. Bair, of Buffalo township, | was in town this week attending court I as a juror. The following constables were in | town this week 011 official business: Jacob Morrison, of Landisburg; J. B. I Copp, of Penh township; Benjamin Sheaffer, of Wheatfiekl township, George A. Spallr returned home from i Harrisburg on Wednesday after hav | ing spent several days iii that place. James T. Alter spent Tuesday in j Newville. ! Elmer E. Stephens, of Montgomery j Kerry, was in town 011 Wednesday. MARYSVILLE : Twenty Converts in One Night at Great Evangelistic Rally Special Correspondence. -Vlarysville, Jan. 23.—The greatest , religious movement this town has ever known started on Wednesdav of last week. Thursday night 20 or more peo j pie made a public profession of their I faith. Tihis is the largest number that j has been converted in one night during ! this religious movement. All the j churches have united in their efforts to j make the movement the greatest sue : cess the town has ever known. I Abram Flurie is visiting his son. E. j E. Klurie, at New Cumberland. Mrs, D. H. Spotts, of Thompsontown, | is visiting relatives in this place. Mijs V. May Smith is visiting rela -1 fives and friends in Duncannon and Harrisburg. Miss Helen V. Smith is visiting her sisters, Mrs/Frank C. Horting and Airs. Bruce Mingle. Misses Sielle and Jessie Kough are visiting tiheir friend, Mrs. W. L. Gard ner, at Harrisburg. 'Mrs. Nelle Cumbler and daughter, Lucille, have returned from visiting friends at Harrisburg. The Board of Trade will hold a spe cial meeting on Monday at 7.30 p. m. in their hall. William Whitmeyer, of East , Water ford, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitmeyer. 'Miss Mona Houdeshel is spending some time with relatives in this town. Mrs. Martha Kirschner, of York# is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Gault. Charles Kistler, of Columbia, is vis iting his father, W. C. Patterson. Miss Nettie Lilley, of Miffliu, spent tihe week-end with her brother, J. P. Lilley. Miss Laura Flickinger and Mrs. W. R. Hench are spending several days with Miss Flickinger's uncle, IH'arry Flickinger, at Philadelphia. On Tuesday a train of 53 cars load ed with Buick automobiles passed through the local railroad yards. NEWVILLE j Members of Royal Arcanum Hold An nual Banquet Special Correspondence. Newville, Jan. 23. —The members of the Royal Arcanum held their annual banquet Thursday evening in their rooms on High stroet. The banquet was a very enjoyable affair a number of out-of-town folks being present, among whom were F. B. Wickersham, supremo regent of Pennsylvania; Mr. (leisea berger, of Lancaster, and Jacob Weiii er and John of Carlisle. C. A. Myers was toastmaster. Caterer James served the banqet. -Miss Lottie Woods, for many years la resilient of this place, died Friday morning at 10.45 o'clock at her home on Biig Spring avenue. She had been a | sufferer with tuberculosis for several ; months. Miss Lotlie was a member of Big Spring Presbyterian church. Two brothers survive. James, at home, and O'Brien, of Lima, Ohio. Funeral' service Monday at 10 a. m. Interment [ in Presbyterian graveyard. O Brien Woods, of Lima, 0., is .11 | town, called here by the death of his j sister, .Miss Lottie Woods. Mr. aud .Mrs. Albert Clouser, who were recently married, moved yesterday to Lemoyne. Mr. ( louse is employed by the C. V. K. R. .Mrs. Charles Liudsoug. mother ol Mrs. Clouse, accompanist j them, and will remain over Sunday. A special meeting for the children I ot the town, was held this afternoon in the bethel of the Church of Uod An interesting address was delivered. Mrs. W. J'. Simpson, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. F. N. Parson. George (ietter has gone to Billville, I'a., where he will remain for some time as the guest of his brother, Or. •lolin (iottcr. MILLERSBURG Educational Rally to Be Held by Teach crs February 6 ; Special Correspondence. Millersburg, Jan. 23. At a ineethjj jot' the Wednesday Club, of this place, j held at the home of Mrs. L. M. Shepp, I Wednesday, the following officers wore elected: President, Mrs. William Dou den: vice president, Mrs. C. G. White; secretary, Mrs. W. C. Skcath; treasurer, Mrs. ill. S. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Buffington left on Wednesday night for Greenfield, IMass., to be with the latter's aunt, who is seriously ill. Ignite a fen people from this place have been to Philadelphia to hear Billv Sunday, among whom are the Rev. anii .Mrs. William ('. Skeath, 'Mrs. Emma R. Kahler and IF. H. Winegard. Luke Johnson, of Trevorton, visited his parents, iMr. and I.Vlrs. Joseph M. Johnson, this week. I'layton B. Holtzman and Miss Dcil lio Harper, of Elizabethville, were ina/- ried at that place on last Thursday evening by the Rev. J. S. Farnsworth. Mr. Holtzman had resided in Millers burg for several years. A meeting ftf the Alumni Assoei»- tion of the Millersburg High school was held on iMoudav evening. The or ganization expects to give a play, "The Old Oaken Bucket,'' in the near fu ture. An educational rally embracing the upper end of Dauphin' county, Millers burg, Upper Paxton township, Lykens, Williamstown. Klizabethville and Wico nisco will lie held at this place on Feb ruary 6. A great many teachers are expected here. Sessions will be held both morning and afternoon. Miss Martha 'Mwrk, of this place, v/ill have charge of the primary grade section of the institute. County Superintend ent F. K. Shainbaug> will speak 011 the "Ungraded School District," Prin cipal J. F. Adams is a member of the committee in charge of the rally. Dancing Dancing at Red Men's hall, West Fairview, every Saturday night. Adv. Battleship Nebraska a Winner Washington, Jan. 23.—The battle ship Nebraska, wu.i a score of 78.941, was first in the engineering competi tions among vessels of the battleship class for the six months ended Janu ary 1. The "West Virginia was at the foot, of the list with a ratinir (if 25.663. " j
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