V, ait the Demonstration of Brno Save greatly on a fine set of furs, J2joiVfflCl/?24 irenSr ons " JUBt inside the f S a.r t8 ' and separate pieces - n ' s HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DIPARTTtfNT STORK ——— _—_____________________ MAORIS SURA'S POPULAR DIMUtTHKMT STXMI THE GREAT JANUARY CLEARING SALE .Qf arf c Tj-» mnr<*Aur> An Event Prior to Inventory When Winter Apparel, and All Odd Lots are Dismissed, kjldl 19 A U'lilUl IUWi So That Stocks May be "Clean as a Whistle" for Early Spring Merchandise. j The Clearing Sale In the Women's Coat \ JL)of Trimmings & Suit Dept. Means Considerable Savings \ \/ ■'/ At Unusual """" ____^_____________________ j\ J/ Prices tlliiifiSi Choice °* Any Fancy Suit In A. //) « ?MHPI tllC StOrC SIO.OO HI / Embroidery Edges, This includes all suits except the extra sizes and plain tailored \ / ''I 1 J ne » ' nav,v ani 8 suits that we sell and buy every day in the year. It includes all o-iw •?" ■ i I-. '■ broadcloths, in medium and long lengths—it includes all poplins that ririfffTJli'im ->c Marabou, in pink, light blue, '■ <i& s*l are trimmed in any way—it includes all novelty suits for misses and white and natural, 18c yard. \ women. There are suits among them that were $37.50, $115.00, SBO.OO, joe and 10c Val. Insertions, lj $27.50, $25.00. They are the last that have arrived in the store. A Sale Like This Sale of : wv' Extra Size Suits That Were $15.00 Wnmpn'c ShnPQ Nwpr u£i?Ui Polnt de paris fw Mm! SIB.OO and $20.00, at $1.0.00 ▼ T UlllCll O IjllUCd HC Vvl $2.00 Ostrich Ruffs, $1.25. k' • /,/ rTr I</.■■/■' "" New suits, plain tailored and of high quality. Not suits that have __ _ $1.50 Maline Ruffs, SI.OO. -iT/l \ P - been bought under price to be sold under price, but suits that are |-| QAn Knf Al*n SI.OO Maline Ruffs, 75<*. /:•// 9 If s correct in all details. In black or navy serges and poplins. liuUIJCIIvU ilvlUl C Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. /;'/ / J\ , _ , - _ - Vn ■ . t /,' ♦ j u m i Suits of Excellent Tailoring and l' y 1° ,P&o n again soon. Doesn.t it Notions Reduced j (1 I MatpriaU "Rut Not nf +lia appear massive when 3,273 women can secure a pair l oi ~e ->oc 25e and 39c Buttons / jA ■ lVlaXerialS, i3UX liOl 01 Xne of good quality shoes, at, the very little price of 5? ,& " Latest Modes, at $3.98' €1 JQ PqiV . 5? C card So^pSri'Buttons, Serges, poplins, mixtures. Remarkable values from a quality %Jj/ A {ill 04 anc j ;j ( ; ]j ne standpoint, wood to put 011 to-morrow and wear—not one of Ihem ' "3c white cotton Tane lC I that is of really old style. The skirts alone are worth much more Of course, to-morrow being the second day of this 50,. 'silk and washable Emblem lhan the l )rice of thc whole B,lit great sale, there are considerably less than the above Sets, 19c. Becond F,oor - BOWMAN ' B ' amount, but then, over three thousand pairs of shoes i 25c silk Emblem Sets, 10^. ImMr"™ 1 ' 1 "' 80 , " s " r,mi " i,siii " ,ill Braids, j // . Cloth Coats Will Disappear 10c card salt water Pearl But- 1 7/ /tKi- /\o 1 /ft st sv .n This Salc== Why? r , ar - a at $5.98 and $9.98 T , » 7 01 Absolute clearance of coats we've been selling at SIO.OO, $15.00, represents the entire stock of women s shoes from a retailer j g t . an ,} )o e silk Inside Belting, . _ $20.00 and $25.00. Zibelines, kerseys, broadcloths, boucles, astraclians, v\ o operates a chain ot 1 stores, one being in Harrisburg, If? vard. I*/ Oio4"Q* SC | Q/% Arabian lambs, Persians, mixtures. The wanted models—Fox trots, and is NOT a clearance lot. Having decided to discontinue sell- 5e brass Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards ff aiOlO* Ualmacaans, belted and half belted effecte, flared models—all fash ing women s shoes, the entire stock was offered at an extraordi- s<*. Formerly $5.00 and $6.00 —many ionable styles. nary concession in price. Some of the shoes had been purchased ! 25c and 50c fancv Hair Orna- of them are samples, others will ' Second Floor—-BOWMAN'S, lor spring selling and were never out of the ease, while not one ments answer for spring wearing. Heavy pair has been made over a year ago. This speaks for the styles. 10e Dressing Comb, messalines in staple models; soft j —________ You Will Remember l 1 Clearing 01 clearing of House - ■ fons and net waists. Ppf f 1 CC\!\ f Q Tk racoae That these shoes sell at all times at an established price, so | 5c pack lightning Sewing Nee- ■' A C vliO. ; l/rcbbCb"UyC we only give you the very special sale price—l.49, in order j dies, 2 packs s<*. Prvrrlti-rmr Pr»fl + C fl+ SI.OO Black Petticoats, | The market is full of low to avoid identity, as requested. 5J D ress Snaps, 2 dozen s<\ vUdLS d.L Genuine .SI.OO petticoats of Italian ] price house dresses. We can buy Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. <tQ Qft twills in fast black only. Full them from a hundred makers j ! width for circular skirts. Two to retail at almost, any price. Women's and Clearing Sale Blankets Are Very Plush Coats at • rlTS;„ 1 S:"" ore than ,w ° Children's Gloves T ±._ ▼ Specially Priced $12.98 $2.50 Messaline Petticoats, I but that doesn't make them I . ITPTTIC ITI t mi • ®l«l9—and these are just as ad- I worth a cent more than their Figure 111 This - LAA In This Sale They're just about half price | vertised—s2.so petticoats at $1.19. real value. These dresses are pv •i j « Wool Nan BlanlfPto >«1 7=; nr an ai ;^ ua ' clearance— I \]i f| le wanted colors. Pure silk SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50 dresses. Clearing t/illldrcil S regularly $2 50- grev and tan* because we will buy hundreds : messaline with deep flounces. More of them are worth $1.25 5 ! wi h link ' hl„; hll ™ of these coats this season yet. $3.50 and $4.00 Pure Jersey Silk , than are worth sl.oo—and a Fownes' Kid Gloves, $1.25 pr. Tjnnf slitrl.tlv soile.l from hnnHlinL Aud not to be c,assP(i as Cl( ' al '- Petticoats, sl.9B—one of the best ! fair proportion are worth $1.50. —regularly sl.so—one-clasp, in Sine-le Berl BlinkeW nt ! ance garments because they are bargains of the Clearing Sale. Not j When this sale is over any that white and tan; P. K. finger. | «u-u < I each t°P notch of style and be- a ll (.oiors but a great many good j are left will be sold at thc regu- Bacmo Gloves SI ftfl nr_w» Children s Sweaters at 49£— Bahv Rlnnkpts nt cause they are being sought shades. Among them are some lar prices. Ginghams, cham ularly $1.50-re'al mocha skin, in ! formerl y $1.25- SO ft wool yarns, | larly ;in pink, blue, £ev and h very beautifl.il light colors. brays percales madras and tan and black brown, Copenhagen and white- I tan corduroys are in Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. fleeced. Sizes 34 to 44. Mousquetaire Gloves. 52.50 or. 1 to 4 ,vcar ß . Bab, Blankets at VILZZ I i F'oo'-bowmaN'S. —value $3.00 12-button, in tan Children's Hats and Bonnets, at ! 29t-; pink and blue borders. than a dozen styles to pick from. <BKk ZZZ~ZZZ^ZZZirZ! only; fleece lined. 49^—formerly $1.25 to $2.00 I a '" °° r C Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. | _ _ AnrtAll Mocha Gloves, pr.—reg- velvet and plush; trimmed with ClC£LrinF Out ——————————— .7 TQ —IW 0 f\ i\ O M/' in tan and grey; Remnants of White . Good Quality \1 V FUFUIUr Overseam Kid Gloves, 75* pr. - ■.< LinenS and TOWeIS ft fX|#\ i tVcNINQ tifand g^. aBP ' «nd ; stripes, checks and |in voiles® pique™ lawns, ° batiste! Are RedUCed I|\ ' The announcements will rhn. ,+i ♦ 4 OA , plajds; low ? belted and double skirt i niadras, nainsook ami longcloth; « ,— UI ni n X)£s ! tell 01 extruordlDarvClear «. Wpldfl »•« in Children's Gloves, 75c pr— » nt P a,n contrasting colors; sizes Linen Finigh Suitingi 371/ round patterns ; hemmed ready for A || // V , —Men' Suits regularly $1.00; in tan and grey; c . ' ,s ' yd.—9o inches wide. " " se; slze ID( 'bes. Ilr I [] J / —Men's Overcoats fleece lined. * Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ! Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Turkish Towels, 3 for I ' fill R nv(; > Clnthintr Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. „ regularly 15c and 19c—unbleafeh- l / H —Men'<i Purnishinire Clearing- of Rmkrn Fine Steamer Rug's <'d ; rough finish, right from the / \ jy T men shurnisnmgs a «j j . OT aroKen- Pnritirrri »»""• A 1 —Floor Coverings A Sturdy Clearing Size Corset Lots o>. each ot ladder ami ,e- Bath Mats, 35*-reg,,larl.v 50e. j \ / \ : In the Art Dept. . Brokm coneu hut .n ■«, ™ h ' e Krey «m s hed With 2-ijnd, • i ri..r-BowMANU fe'W // \ /! j Other Departments " ill the lot; back and front laced; binding, legularly $12.50. Priced TXTrt-ma-m»e* on/4 _ ' 1 Linen Centers, 50C—regularlv La Camille, Warner C B Hen a WOHien S and. TTfnTn tViA IVTiicliri c • i t* • /\ 75c; Madeira hand embroidered derson and Royal Worcester s'i 00 eai ' h of plaid - rev «'rsibl«- rkil/l vnrt ) P tt TOm tile MUSIm- Spedal PriCCS On centers, 18-inch. to $6.00 values. Priced at $1.98. p" d . "'K l,larl >' sloo °- l>nilOren S llOSiery Wear Dept. Come WflnfpH T>ntnPQ+irc 35c: Madeira hi I F i.o^-now»^.r 9B ' ' Reduced Splendid CI [earing Flannelette at yd.—regu —lo inch size. # Infants' Hose, 9< pr., 3 pairs, T A 4. c ,ar b' 10c and 12'/•> —suitable for Linen Lunch Cloths, $1.98- OfrO/lP* WeCllintinn<Z (Itl 25^T l eguldrly 12^0; cotton, I j waists, or comfort covering, regularly $3.50—54 inches square, O yHIUHII/110 KJll fine ribbed ; black and colors. s 8 » i WU8 ' J 9c 7" ' CRU,arI / ! Pillow Tubing, 12 y»# yd.—reg band embroidered corner, scallop- /Wcc Pfthffr'G Women's Hose, 9£ pr., 3 pairs, nainsook'! low,''high 'and" tong ularly 18c and 20c—bleached, 40 ed edge. WOO .* CLAJK H/o L/ Li 1 It Mi* 25^ —regularly 12i/oC; black cot- and short sleeves; trimmed win fine em- an< l inches wide. Hand Embroidered Pieces at „ P « ton, cashmere finish. hroid,. ry , insertion, laoe medallions and Bed Ticking Remnants, Q I A? 75^—regularly $2.00 to $5.00; I iIG V//C3/^/03/C Women's Hose, 15< pr.—regu- ' soiled'''Underwear, 50c regularly yd> —blue stripes, and fancy, lot consists of collars, boudoir All Wool anH Sillr w««i »• , la,l - v 2 " >c: silk lisl ° an<l medium SI.OO t 0 sl.so;—consisting of%k'irts, ! Sheets at 64^—regularly 95c; caps, aprons, pillow tops, collar *1 >n in now c„„„ i i j l . ' formerly weight cotton ; black and tan. drawers, combinations and princess made of Mohawk muslin; marked and cuff sets; tie racks. f° WD T -«• v •, • Boys' Hose, pr., 3 pairs, 25<> »"ph; trimmed with lace, embroidery E. S. ; have a few oil spots, which j 1 WOOI suiting, ■!•/( yd.—formerly $2.00 —.)b inches Wide- I 1 Hn/ .. I- ' insertion, ribbon-run heading. will ....... <-•» i • Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. tango shades. —regularly 12^c; cotton, medium Made of nainsook. WI " e 9 me on t after washing— — Black Wool Dress Good * ti nn ~ , weight; black, sizes 6to 7V 2 - Flannelette Gowns, S9c regularlv otherwise perfect; size 90x90 A T I+tlp naori-nr, ' wide ' * 7 d —formerly $1.00; 44 inches Main Kloor _ BOWMA^s . 75c to 98c;-doubie yokes back and inches. A XylLtlC V/iearme . „ fr ,°? t : Wlth and without collars; plain Sheets at 2t)c regularlv 50c; £ ITT . . _ . aatm Messalines, yd.—formerly $l.O0 —colored; ;S6 n A nr n white and neat stripes of blue and pink; neamed; laundered; 3-inch hems; size oi K.ercniefs inches wide. Save On Wall Paner «»«hed with' nea t braids. 72*90 inches. T . TT , . „ Silk Samples, 10£ piece. tn • mi _ , Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Pillow Cases at I He —regularlv 30c; rojlriy SSHiI , t O»tton <^,ia^ y d.-foru,.rl y 25c aud 39 Ci sheer qu .l- During ThlS Sale « ..daufer Strtped Meicemed Suiting., XO< ,d.-f„nuerlv 59c ; vard foftll'Som^''{USt difgm S™ Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, wide. ' ' ior aii rooms, tlorais, set dewgns , JJc ; patterns; short lengths. 5^ —initial and plain. Crepe Plisse, yd—formerly lic- set figures anH flnml and stripes, in good colorings. Reg- There's a look-in for everyone White Wool Flannel, Ssc yd.—regu- All Linen Handkerchiefs, ? f " merlv , ™' "" *"*"™ *"<" ,W "' «!«* 12V4j t» !«. h, theae special mirrors. 17x15 %$> '"<*"•«*:"* 12—narrow hem ; exceptional Figured Lawns, yd.— formerly 25c ; 40 inches wide. I i f ° | 8 I )a l >tr ®'. ln a '' inches, with a pretty picture on j Unbleached Sheeting, aac yd.—regu value. Main Floor BOWMAN'S designs; a good, clean choice ol top. I seful, as well as ornamental. larly 30c; —90 inches wide; smooth, Main Floor BOWMAN'S ! j patterns. Regularly 8c and 10c. Regular price, 60c. round even thread. , Fourth Floor —BOWMAN'S. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I HAftRISBITRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING. .fANITARY 19. 1915 5
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