8 CAPITOL HILL CATTLE MEN AIDING IN FIGHT ON MOUTH DISEASE Dr. Marshall Tells the Governor There Is More of a Disposition to Co operate With the State Authori ties in Fighting the Plague The State Live Stock Sanitary- Board met wuth Gov ex nor Timer at the Executive Doijwrtnient this morning when l>r. Marshall made report of the work of stamping out the foot and iiuvubh disease. The work, he s«id, is progressing satisfactorily. Measures were taken for a more vigorous fight against the disease in counties in which it still prevails. The opposition of live stock owners to permitting their herds to be in spected is growing less, and the ten dency now is to give the authorities every aid in ascertaining whether the disease exists in suspected herds. 'Dr. Munce, of the Board, left to daiv for Rending to make some in vesrti<,yation<3 among infected herds near that city. Called on the Governor Members of the railway brother hoods now in session here looking after legisdation that may come up during the mext session, called on Governor Tener at the Executive Department to-day to pay their reapects. New Game Commissioners .lohn M. Phillips, Pittsburgh, and .1. S. Speer, St. Mary's, were this morn ing appointed members of the State Game Commission, the former being a reappointment, and the latter to tako the place of C. K. Sober, of Lewisburg. New Justice for Wrightsvi e B. Frank Beard was to-day appoint ed justice of the peace in WrightsviHe, York county. "Farmer" Creasy Here William T. Creasy, of Columbia, former Representative and the recently defeated Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, was at the Cap itol to-dav. Referring to the result of the recent election Mr. Creasv said it was a "landslide." POOR PERSONS ASK FOR COAL Fifty-one Applications for Aid Received in One Day by County Since the cold wave came East with freezing temperatures there has been an almost constant run on the office of the Directors of the Poor by poor per sons who are seeking aid. Yesterdav the requests for assistance numbered (fifty-one, the majority of the applicants asking for coal. Some of the requests come from Dau phin, Middletoivn. Steelton, Penbrook and this city, and in practically all of the cases it was stated that the' fathers and sons were without work and have 110 money with which to buy coal. To day there were not so many requests. Records show that th t . number of ap peals since the cold wave startc I is about the average of those male under similar conditions iu other years. TO "SCRAPE" 30 MURK A K.MS Health Department Taking Every Pre caution to Check Smallpox 1 wenty or thirty more persons who are suspected of having come in con tact with R. J. Hinkson. 209 State street, who was taken to the city hos pital on Monday suffering from small pox, will be vaccinated bv to-morrow ••veiling, according to a statement made this morning by Dr. ,). M. J. Raunick City Health Officer. As Mr. Hinkson taught dancing classes at 304 North Second street, the number of persons who came in close contact with him was unusuallv large, but. due to the vigilance of the City Health Bureau, the most of these persons already have been treated. ITALIAN STABS A FRIEND Draws Stiletto in Course of Tussle at Market House Following what was at lirst a friend ly tussle at the Chestnut street mar ket house, Tono Hurfues, an Italian, pulled a stiletto and stabbed Frank Sereno, a fellow countryman, in the neck. He was arrested by Policeman McCann and at a hearing at police court this afternoon before Alderman Hilton was held under SI,OOO bail for court. The charge is assault and bat tery. Sereno was not seriouslv hurt. He received treatment at a nearby doctor s office following the stabbing." TO SELL CANDY FOR RELIEF ©iris Clad in White Will Dispose of Sweets at Orpheum Eighteen Zembo girls, who appeared last night at the Chestnut street hall Jn the interests of the Red Cross will to-morrow sell candy at both perform- Knees at tihe Orpheum theatre for the benefit of the general fund of the •Home and War Relief Association. The girls will be dressed iu white, with ribbons bearing their candy trays in scribed, '' Home and War Relief." The committee in charge of the can dy sale consists of Mrs. Mercer B. Tate IMrs. Charles K. Covert, Mrs. M. E, Olm eted and Mrs. W. E. Seel. Mrs. Throne's Condition Better Mrs. Beulah Throne, who was shot and seriously wounded by her husband, who afterwards took his own life, is re ported as slightiv better at the Harris feurg hospital to-day. She spent a quiet night and, although her temperature is •still high, physicians now believe she auay recover. The body of her 'husband, George Edward Throne, was taken to IWomelsdorf this morning for burial. Major General Dies Suddenly Washington, Dee. 16.—(Major Gen eral George B. Davis, former judge ad vocate general of the army, died sud denly at his home here last night from heart disease. He was a notable writer oti military topics and an American "delegate to The Hague conference an.l tj the Red Cross conference a-t Geneva. Hurt Under Fall of Boxes Golden Jackson, of !111 em ploye of the Pennsylvania railroad at the Division stree-t transfer, was vaught under a fill of boxes this morn ing, suffering a severe sprain and con tusion of the back He was treated at the Harrisbung hospital. ZEIHBO WILL VISIT YORK Nobles and Ladies Will Accompany Band and Patrol to Neighboring City To-morrow Zembo Temple, including the band, patrol, nobles, their wives and friends, about 300 strong, will go to York by special train to-morrow evening where they will be entertained by the York members of the Zembo Shrine. Of the two hundred and twenty-five Shriners in York county one hundreid and seven ty-five are members of the Harrisburg temple. This will be the Zenibo's first visit to York and incidentally there will he held the first of a series of winter dances for the benefit of Zembo's mem bers. The special train will leave Harris burg at 7.15 o'clock. The members of the band and patrol will assemble at the Chestnut street auditorium at 6.4.1 o'clock and will march to the Pennsyl vania Railroad station, going out Chest nut street to Second, then to Market Square and out Market street to the station. The Zembo band will give a concert lin York in the early evening, after I which the patrol will give an exhibition drill. Following that will come the dancing during which light refresh ! incnts wilt be served. WANTS COMiSSI"FIRED Continued From Flrnt I'HRP. will given another hearing in the matter of the passenger rates recently I fixed by the railroad companies. He i was informed that the additional ques tions submitted by him to the Conunis- I sion had not yet reached it, but when ! they ha>fi, would be taken up and that he would be informed of the date for a hearing. Mr. Abbott then went to Governor Tenor where he complained that the decision of the Commission had been given to the railroad companies before it had been given to the complaintants in Philadelphia, which, ho held, was | against a law which he quoted. Mr. Abbott said afterward to news j papermen that he had requested Gov ! ernor Tener to fire the members of the : Commission and reappoint others. He i said that if the Governor would not do j this he would have" two other possible j ways of abolishing the preseut Com : mission, one to have Governor-elect j Brumbaugh recall the names of the Commission when lie takes office, as they are sent into the Senate bv Gov ; ernor Tener, before they can be con j firmed. The other, to have the Senate I refuse to confirm the appointments. Mr. Abbott said lie would await de | velopments of' the next twenty-four 1 hours before taking any action in the | matter. LATE WAR SUMMARY Continued From First rune. shadowed all other developments for i the time being, there were important occurrences in other quarters. The French official statement says that some further progress lias been made by the ; allies in Belgium, that German attacks I in Alsace and the Woevre district had , been repulsed and that British warships have again bombarded German positions j on the coast of Belgium, i It is reported at Constantinople that ; the tribes of northern Albania have de clared war on Servia. Albania adjoins ! Servia on the west and the tribes of the nbrth give allegiance to no king. Their reported entrance into the war ; was of particular significance because of i the uncertain conditions among the Bal kan nations and indications that those not already embroiled in the war may join in it. King Peter of Servia has re-entered Belgrade in Triumph and the Servian general staff states that not a single Austrian remains within its borders. Premier Salandra, of Italy, again stated that the rightful position of the .country was one of "watchful neutral ity '' and the position of the govern- I ment was endorsed by Parliament. The Khedive of Egypt is said to i have gone to Vienna to confer with Austrian government officials. The Khedive has been in Constantinople most of the time since the outbreak of the war and it has been reported that he would lead an army against the British forces in Egypt To-day's official communication from Berlin disputes the French claim to an advance in Belgium saying that an at tempt of the allies to move forward supported by British warships, was re pulsed. Further progress has been made by German troops in the east, according to the Berlin statement which says that several strong Russian positions have been taken and 3,(MM) more prisoners captured. In South Poland, it is said, the German and Austrian forces are gaining ground. King Peter Heads Victorious Servians London, Dec. 16, 12.14 P. M.—King 'Peter and Crown Prince Alexander and Prince George have entered Belgrade at tihe head of the victorious Servian army, according to a dispatch received by Router's Telegram Company to-da.v from Xish. Not a single Austrian, a statement bv the Servian general staff says, now remains on Servian soil. Relief Clearing House for Destitute Washington, Dei'. 16.—Myron T. Her rick, former ambassador to France, called on President Wilson to-day an l discussed his plan for establishing in New York a clearing house for relief to destitute non-combatants in Europe. Fractures Hip in Fall on Ice Mrs. Teresa Faull, of Me Call 'a Ferry, who was on her way to visit relatives in S'teeiton to spend OhriM mas. fell on the ice as nlie was getting off tiie trolley car ait Trewick streets, this morning, and fractured her left hip. She was taken into a restaurant nearby ami later removed to the Har risburg hospital. Stone Pile Is No Joke ,loe Toner, who at first thought that the stone pile at the almshouse was a jike, is convinced since his stay of two days there that it is a sterti realitv aud he is writing to all his friends to get him out before Christmas. The appeals to the police so far have been without avail. Railpad Policeman Has Stroke Harry Morgan, 4 2 years old, of New port, a special policeman for the Penn sylvania Railroad, was admitted to tho Harrisburg hospital this afternoon suf fering from a stroke of paralysis. Artistic I'rintinu at Star-Independent. TIARRtSBUKG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 18. 1914. GERMAN NAVAL RAID ON BRITISH COAST EXCITES INTEREST AT WASHINGTON Washington, Dec. 16.—The German naval raid on British coast towns ex cited widespread attention here. The first feeling was one of surprise thai the cordon of Britialh shiips which was ■said to form a ring of assured defense around I lie British Isles had been sud denly penetrated and serious damage in flicted*on the British coast ports. It was pointed out that this might put to a serious test the late Rear Ad miral Mahan's theory of sea power, ac cording to which a strong naval force could hold at bay the attacks of in vaders. It was recalled also that, the northeast coast of England, in the im mediate vicinity of to-day's German at tack. hud been the historic point of England's invasions in the pat't. In the best posted naval circles here to-day's bombardment is regarded as a strategic maneuver, which may have far-reaching consequences. One pur pose, as explained by one of the fore most naval strategists, is to create a "care" which will lead to hurr.ied con centration and change of arrangement of the main British battle fleet and ex pose those ship? to attack from unex pected quarters. Discussion of the raid among diplo matists friendly to tlfe allies led to the expression of opinions that the first di rect attack on British soil would in ail prmbauiuty develop advantageously to England by bringing the English people face to face wtih war and would per haps stimulate recruiting. Naval officers here were little sur prised to hear of the appearance of German warships on the English coast. They had not only expected some such demonstration, but have been puzzled to know why some such attempt had not boon made before. Notwithstanding tlie strength of the British fleet which has been blockading the German coast, na val officers here, have thought that the line of investment could not be made absolutely tight 'because of the stormy weather at this season, with dense fogs. The British ships also have been obliged to lie many miles oft the Ger man coast to escape the fire of shore batteries and particularly to avoid the mine fields which lie thickly sown within soundings. They have consid ered it a hazardous but perfectly possi ble undertaking for a daring command er to run his vessels through the line by night. It might be possible, though more difficult, for him to bring his ships back to port DESCRIPTION OF TWO CITIES SHELLED BV HERMAN FLEET London, Dec. 16. Scarborough, which it is announced is being shelled by the Germans to-day, is a seaport and fashionable resort of England, in the northern part of Yorkshire on a head land extending into the North sea. It is 37 miles northeast of the important English city of York. It is a little over 200 miles from London. Scarborough has been popularly styled the "Queen of Watering Places." The town has a large spa. an interesting aquarium, a museum and a line drive and promenade pier. The permanent population of the place is more than 40,000 persons. Hartlepool is n seaport and munici pal borough of Kngiaiwl, in the south east portion of the county of Durham. It is about forty miles northwest of ■Scarborough oi a pioinoutory that ex tends into the North sea. lis popu lation is about 25,000. Adjoining Hartlepool is West Hartleijiool, a city of more than 65.000 inhabitants. The Harrlepools, which are provided with a vast system of docks, before the war had an active trade wifli the Bal tic ports and with Hwnnbuig, Antwerp and Rotterdam. The chief industries are shipbuilding, iron founding and tthe construction of marine engines. The two ports are of ancient origin, but modern prosperity. Scarborough is finely situated in the form of an amphitheatre on slopes.ris ing from the sea and terminated on tin- north and the south by abrupt cliffs. The most prominent feature of the re sort is a promontory SOU feet high, whicih rises above the harbor on the north side and which is surmounted by the ruins of a twelfth century castle. This promontory divides no»>th Scar borough bay from the sontih bav. The north cliffs begin near it. The north bay is embellished witih gardens and along its shore is the marine drive, two miles long and protected by a seawall. The fashionable part of Scarborough is the southern half of the city and is separated from the old town by the park. On the southern side are the spa gardens an 1 the mineral springs. At the back of the cliff rises Olivers Mountain, 600 feet high, affording a good view of the poft and the sea. The castle of Scarborough crowning the promontory and .commanding the town is one of the most striking objects ou the Yorkshire coast. Front the beach line the land rises in a deep as cent and upou this slope stands the town. Scarborough, as to situation and appearance, has no rival on the north eastern coast. The port of the Hartlepool embraces two ti<ial basins anil six docks aggre gating S3 acres and timber docks of 57 acres. The harbor covers 350 acres aud there are five graving docks admit ting vessels of 550 feet long and 21 feet draft. A breakwater of a mile long projects the harbor entrance. There are four shipbuilding yards as well as rolling mills, blast furnaces and saw mills. Two hundred and eighty steamers and eight sailing vessels with a tonnage of 760,000 are registered there. v West Hartlepool is a modern town containing many handsome buildings. Scarborough is the most popular sea side resort on the northeast coast but its many hotels mostly are closed uur inn the winter months. Barracks oc cupied by a small garrison in peace times and a battery are on a high hill overlooking the sea. There is a hand some amusement building on the sea front with a theatre and gallery. There are two harbors, the old au.il the new, the latter being the 'outer harbor. There is a large fishing industry. 40 OR 50 SHELLS THROWN IN SCARBOROUGH BOMRARDINO Scarborough, Eng., Doc. 16, via London, 3.35 P. M.—Just before day light broke a vessel of the eruiser type u« observed off Scarborough. The war ship cam-e in close and for ha'lf an hour threw she'll after shell into the town, doing considerable damage. A woman behind a counter in a shop was killed instantly and licr husband was wound- ed. The mine of tlhe shop tumbled down about them. Forty or fifty shells were thrown, the abjective of the German gunners apparently being the town hall, which was damaged slightly. Other property Buffered much more severely and at places the streets ane filled with wreckage. During the bombardment the vessel steamed slowly past the town and finally disappeared in the haze. After she had been lost of tlhe sound of her guns wac heard for some time. Twelve Killed; 100 Wounded London, Dot. 16, 5.4 2 P. M.—The "Evening Standard" publishes a dis patch from Scarborough saying that 12 persous were killed and 100 wounded daring the bombardment of that town to-day by German cruisers. Germans Open Fire on British Hartlepool, Dec. 16,. Via London, 5.25 P. M.—lt is reported here that a flotilla ot British torpedo boat de stroyers early this morning •encoun tered three German cruisers eight miles off -the- English coast. The ciuisers immediately opened fire. Shells Made Great Craters London, Dec. 16, 5.05 P. M. —The "Star" prints a dispatch from Hartle pool saying I hat some of the German siheils exploded in the streets of Har tlepoo-1 and made great craters. BRITISH PEOPLE MOOT ATTACK ON COAST WAS A VERY REMOTE POSSIBILITY London, Dec. 16.—The bombard ment of cities on the east coast of Eng land by German cruisers is the first overt act of the war against British territory. The British people have thought that their fleet in the North Sea was sufficient to render this pos sibility very remote. The official announcement given out in London that British flotillas have been engaged with the enemy is evi dence that there lias been a naval fight in the North Sea. No knowledge as to the outcome is at hand. The bomibard inent of Hartlepool anil Scarborough would indicate that the Germans have considerable liberty of action. Their doubtless has been more than one naval encounter in the North Sea, for the British statement refers to en gagements at various points. Immediately u.pou the outbreak of hostilities the British fleet or a.t least a considerable portion of it, supposed ly took up positions on the eastern side of the North Sea by which the German warships were held in cheek in or close to their naval base at Wil helmshafen, the mouth of the Elbe and elswhere on the western coast of Ger many. This patrol has been main tained since early in August. It has from time to time been penetrated i»y German submarines, but so far as is known the first instance when German cruisers or battleships have broken the British line and emerged into the North Sea have been few and far be | tween. Dispatches from Germany for a-s much as a moutiii past have indicated in one may or another that the Ger mans were making preparations at their spa bases for naval activity. Very little detail of what was going on has come out, nevertheless these messages led to the belief that the Gorman sihips might soon attempt some maneuver. The Kiel canal. running from the North Sea to the Baltic, makes it pos sible for Germany to concentrate her entire Heft in either one water or the other. By bringing through the canal such vessels as she may have used since the beginning of the war in the Baltic. Germany couM concent rate in the North Sea virtually her entire nival strength, excetpt'ion being made ot course, ot her fast cruisers which since the opening of hostilities have operated in the Pacific ocean and in the Southern Atlantic. These vessels all todd do not exce'ed nine or ten, and a iium.be r of them already have suc cumbed to the vilgianee of Germany's enemies. Tha British naval strength in the Xcr!h Tiea has been an unknown quan tity. There is reason to believe, how ever, that it is formidable. Great Britain has some warships in the Med iterranean and during the past six weeks it is evident t'hat she detached tome of her shits for service in the O'.ith At.untie to ] ui'sue German crui sers w.iic.li have been raiding com merce. Just how mmv vessels were as fiyrned to this latter duty is not known. Whatever t'he disposition of British ships of war ont>ii'e of British waters may be to-day, there has been from the beginning reliable evidence that she has concentrated in the North Bea a very large pa."portion of her navel strength. 2 ENTIRE AUSTRIAN ARMY CORPS LOST IN SERVIA FICHT Home, Dec. 1(5, 12.55 P. M.—Par ticulars receive,! here from Nish, re garding the recent fighting in Se'rvia, emphasize what is termed the enormous defeat inflicted by the Servians on the Austrian army. More than two entire army corps are said to have been lost in dead, wounded and prisoners. The soldiers captured include five thousand Austrian soldiers of Italian nationality whom Servia is reported to be ready to send to Italy if the latter wishes. Almost all these prisoners be long to infantry regiments recruited from the district of Pola. Descriptions of the hardships suffer ed by the Austrians now in the hands of the Servians are heartrending. The prisoners, most of them it is said, had been without food for from 48 to 72 hours. They say that several of their eomrades uied of exhaustion anlPcokl. French Armies Take Offensive Basel, Switz., Dec. 16. via Paris, 3.40 P. M.—The French armies appear to have taken the offensive along the entire front from Belfort to Sainte M-arie-Aux-Mics. Heavy artillery firing causes the windows to shake in houses here by niigiht and day. The French have converted Thann into a stro«e hald. British Pursuing the Dresden Washington, Dec. 16. —Two Brit.islh warships are pursuing the German cruiser Dresden, which left Punta Arenas on Sunday, according to an offi cial telegram received to-day from the American emftmssv at Santiago. Chile. NO RELIEF FROM COLD EXPECTED Continued From Flrat I'lffr have combined east of the Rocky mountains causing slight falls in tem perature in the Mississippi Valley. Two depressions have appoaiW in the ex treme west but neither will likely de velop east with any degree of strength •before the end of the week. Three quarters of the country is in tllie grip of the cold wave. Zero temperatures were principally confined to the plain States and the western lake region. Freezing tempera tures touched all of tJh-e Gulf States except Florida. There was a wide departure in tem perature in H«<rrisburg yesterday, the average temperature of io degrees be ing 23 degrees below norma) for that date. The maximum teunperature yes terday was 17. Red Flag Flies For Wildwood Skating now is the popular pastime at Wil'diwood lake, the red Aac was un furled to the winds by Park Commis sioner Taylor this morning and accord ing to the weatiher man's prediction, there will be plenty of skating for some time to come. The lake is covered with a five-inch layer of ice and most any kind of a crowd cam be accommodated. The ice, however, is rough in spots due princi pally to the snow, .but the condition is not a discouraging one. The boat house already has been transformed into a shelter "shed" ami wrap room, there is a laiy» supply of skates on hand and by to-morrow it. is expected arrangements will have been made for selling hot coffee and sandwiches to the skaters. A number of skaters were on the '°' , ' a > v including Commissioner Taylor and his assistant, Ray L. Hof fert. Second Section of Cold Wave Bii Associated Press. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 16. A sec ond section of the cold wave swept into the southwest to-day and sent tem peratures to new low records for the season. The overnight 'fail in the mer cury in Missouri, Ivapsas, Oklahoma, lowa and Nebraska, ranged from eight to twelve de^irees. River at Marietta Icebound Marietta, Dec. 16.—The Susque hanna river is icebound from shore to shore, it having closed tight last night. Ice floated all day yesterday. Manj' streams are closed also in the county, the cold weather continues, the ther mometer reaching during the dav ten degrees below zero, the colde'st in twenty years. GROVE MAKES A DENIAL Building Inspector Declares He Did Not Enter Into a Conspiracy to De fraud Contractors James H. Grove, Harrishurg' s Build ing Inspector, who to-day went on the \utness stand in the special inquiry be ing conducted before Judge McCarrell and said emphatically that when lie condemned the building at 603 York avenue as unsafe and ordered it razed he did not, as was charged, enter into a conspiracy with John Wagner, the owner, to cheat him an.! defraud James J. Lyn '» and W. F. Martin, the contractors who erected the building, out of their money—something like $2,600. h Lynch ana Martin charged Grove with entering into a conspiracy with Wagner and upon that allegation ob tained a preliminary injunction against him and Wagner to restrain them from tearing down the building. The hear ing is now being held to determine whether the injunction shall be quashed or made peremptory. The City's side of the case, in sup port of the Building Inspector's con tention that the building should be torn down because of an alleged bulged and defective wall, was opened shortly be fore noon to-day. All of the half dozen witnesses who lad testified to-day up until late this afternoon are contractors and builders, who said they consider the building to be unsafe. The case may not be de cided for several days. Inspector Grove declared that he did not become acquainted with Wagner, the owner of the building, until Grove had condemned the house. He added that his conversations with Wagner after that dealt principally with ap peals to have him abide by the City •building laws. "FLYING DUTCHMAN" DIES Charles Moyer. an Aged Inmate of the County Almshouse, Expires Sud denly This Morning <'harles 'Mover, 79 years old, who had been an inmate at tlhe county alms house since 1904, died suddenly this morning about 9 o 'clock. Mover, who was commonly known as the "flying Dutchman," had not been in good health for the last several months, as he had Jbeen suffering from dropsy. For several weeks 'he had shown signs of improvement and this morning was in the cellar getting the c-alibage for din ner when he suddenly fell over and died instantly. It was Moyer's duty to count t'he po tatoes for dinner and he had just as sumed this work but a short time ago. The funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. WELL KNOWN SALESMAN DIES Lamuel C. Brackbill Expires at Home on Cumberland Street Lamuel C. Brack'bill, 71 years old, a well-known salesman, died yesterday morning at 5 o'clock at this home. The funeral services will be held on Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, 624 Cumberland street, the Rev. John •Hi Dougherty, pastor of Ridge Avenue 'Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be in the East Harrisburg cemetery. He leaves his widow, one son, Josepiii, of Wilkes-'Barre, and one daughter, 'Mrs. C. B. iJmith, of this city. John R. Kinsey Dies at Hospital John R. Kinsey, 65 years old, 238 Crescent street, a former tipstave at the Dauphin county court, died at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Harris burg hospital of uremia after a long illness. He had been unconscious for more than ten days, being in that con dition December 6, when admitted to I that institution. THE P. H. CAPLAN CO. SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS Avail Yourself of These Values While They Last. PREMIER FRUIT BAKING DISHES CUTTERS Nickel finished baking dishes. Another shipment of these attractive pattern, $3.00 value; new and popular apple cutters special, in nickel silver, value 75c, spe- . __ - S9c SIM BREAD TRAYS > C HAFING DISHES Silver, quadruple plate, bread Menning-Rowman quality trays, value $2.50; special, chafing dishes of solid copper. « /*g\ w,,h coPP«r or nickel finish: vl 02r J6.00 value; special, UMBRELLAS $3.98 Choice of any umbrella in the house, value* up to $11; special. +r AA GAS LAMPS V*»twV Portable gas lamps in splen- TABLE SILVER value " up ,0 ,S: A few more af the Wm. Rog- it* 1 a ers & Son sets of 26 pieces; six \ X knives, six forks, six table spoons, six teaspoons, one sugar shell, one butter knife. All in mahogany chest; value *ll to SANDWICH TRAYS sl3; special. /* *7 Silver plated sandwich trays \fi / ""d 'he Menning-Rowman qual- WaC %J ity, in nickel; *:.B0 values; special, mstors LOT 25-B. *i«u ««- urea. N«» The Store of Standard , " , Quality Where Modest Individual 3-piece salt and . pepper .astors. triple silver Prices Are Marked in plate; 11.00 value; p, ajn The P. H. CAPLAN CO. JEWELERS 18 North Fourth Street CAN FURNISH OWN LIGHT Gettysburg Clearly Within Its Right in | Setting Up Its Own Plant, Says . Public Service Commission The right of a municiapality to con- j struct and operate ts own plant for fur- j nishing electricity to light its streets and other public places and not for sale I to others, without obtaining consent of the Public. Service Commission, was up held to-dny. The Borough of Gettysburg filed a petition for the Commission's approval of an electric light plant for its own use. A protest was entered 'by the Get tysburg Light Company and a hearing was held to determine the preliminary question of the necessity of the borough first to obtain the approval of the Com mission "before beginning operation. The protest was overruled. YOUTH FORCED TO TELL NAME Had "Fun" With Policeman Until Backenstoss Arrived A man who finally described himself to the police as Roy Hessenberger, 23 years old, a steelworker, who apsides in Steel ton, held live policemen at bay for a few minutes yesterday afternoon at police headquarters. He had been removed from a Market street store for disorderly conduct by -Policemen Lar scn and Zimmerman. He refused to give his name until Clarence O. Backenstoss, secretary to Mayor Royal, subdued him with a chin hold thaf suspended him in the corner. He was glad to tell all about himself after he had lots o>f "fun" with the coppers. G. B. ROWLAND RE ELECTED Again Heads B. of R. T. Legislative Board The Legislative Board of the Broth paziuunjo uauintßjj, iijjj jo pooq.lo yesterday afternoon at, a meeting in White's hall by the election of the fol lowing officers: G. B. Rowland. Pitts burgh, chairman; S. L. Curry, of Phila delphia, vice chairman; H. 10. Kvans, Philadelphia, secretary. Mr. Rowland has been chairman for the past ten years. The board discussed pending labor legislation in this State and some of the delegates appeared before the In dustrial Accidents Commission. Ninety seven of the 101 lodges in the State were represented at the meeting, which was continued to-day. Cattle Disease in Hospital's Herd (Special to the Star-Independent.) Danville, Dec. 16.—The foot and month disease has broken out in the herd of cattle maintained for the Dan vilie Hospital for the Insane, and the work of killing off the 200 head of cattle and 140 fattened hogs and 60 shoats has been started. The work will continue until all have been de stroyed. Scott to Mediate in Mexico By Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 16. —Brigadier General Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff of the army, was to-day ordered by the War Department to proceed to Naco, Ariz., to uso his personal influ ence with Mexican landers to cease hostilities. FINANCE NEW tfORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. Fimished by H. W. Snavely, Broker, Arcade Building, Walnut and Count Streets New York, Dec. 16. 2.30 Open. P. M. Alaska Gold Mines .... 24% 24% Amal Copper 55 541, Amer Beet Sugar .... 29% 30 American Can ....... 26»/4 26% do pfd <lO 90 Am Car and Foundry Oo 4 5 4 5 Am Cotton Oil . **9% 4" Am lee Securities .... 23 22% Amer .Smelting 58% SSV^ Amer Tel and Tel .. . . 118 * 118 Anaconda 26% 26% Atchison .... 93% 93 1 j Baltimore and Ohio .. 70% 69% Bethlehem Steei 40% 40 1 4 . do pfd 79 79 Brooklyn BT 86% 85% California Petroleum .. 17% 17% Canadian Pacific ..... 157% 158% Central Leather 35% 37 Obi, Mil and St. Paul. . 90% 9'0% Ohino Con Copper .... 34% 34% Erie 22% 22% Erie, Ist pfd 35 35 Great Northern, pfd ... 116 116% Great Northern Or", subs. 27 27 Jnterboro Met 12% 12% Tntertmro .Met pfd .... 52 52 Lehigh Valley 135 135 Louisville and Nashville 125 125 'Mex Petroleum 51 51 Missouri Pacific 9% 10% (Nev Consol Copper .... 12% 1.2% New York Central .... 83% 83% NY, N H and H 64% 56V* Northern Pacific 103 102 , /k Pacific Mail 21% 31% Penna Railroad 'OB% 108 Kay Con. Copper 16% 17 Reading 147% 148% (Southern Pacific 86% 86% Southern Ry 16% 16% Tennessee Copper .... 32% 33 Texas Company 132 132 I'nion Pacific 117-% 118 U. S. Rubber 53 51% U. 8. Steel 51 51 do pfd 104 103 Utah Copper 49 3 8 49% Vir.-Carolina Chem. ... 21% 21 Western Maryland .... 14',:. 14 W. U. Telegraph 59 " 58'.. Westinghouse Mfg .... 68 6X'„ Chicago Board of Trade Chicago. Dec. 18. 1911. Wheat— Open High l.nw ('lo>« December I )!i ll!) 1 , 118', lis". May 122 •„ 12:!'» 122 1'22 '« July 116% 11 ti :i m 115 '"•« 11.".'', Corn— December 63 \\ 63 62 •„ fir! May 60',, «•>», 69'h #!>"* Oats— December 4X -IS 47*"* 17"* May 5:. 52'» 51 » H 51", Philadelphia 'i p. m. Quotations Philadelphia, Dec. 16.—2 P. M.—Stocks steady: Cambria Steel 4:! General Asphalt, preferred 1; ■ I.ehinh Niiv,nation 77' I.ehiKli Valley 1;, „ Penna. R. F!.. ;, 1 ■. Philadelphia Klectrii Philadelphia Company ;M", ; Philadelphia Kapld Transit, ... IS'i Philadelphia Traction :\n Reading 74 Storage Battery <!> r. G. 1 S ""i U. S. Steel 5114 Cards Out for Mayor's Dance Invitations were to-day issued by Mayor and Mrs. John K. Royal for'' their dance to be given at the Boar I of Trade hall 011 Monday, January 1," at 8.30 o'clock, in honor of their daughter Miss Elizabeth and their sou J. Douglass Royal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers