|| J&Jjjy "Cool and fragrant as a September morn." That's % WaF what the pipe fans say of good old P. A. That's the $mM music that every man sings who has given his old jimmy MM pipe a new tryout on our say-so that the P. A, patented process MM takes out the bite and the sting and leaves just pure smoke joy. FF NINCE ALBERT \|| a® v » makes just the most peacefulest pipe smoke that you or any man B I?; *1 can crowd into the bowl of a jimmy pipe or roll into a makin's m I 1 cigarette. P. A. never burned any man's tongue and it won't n II burn yours. Buy a tidy red tinful for 10c or a toppy red bagful of 11 -tIT*-,) or or ' better yet, invest in the famous g -A P. A. crystal - glass humidor with the s P on g e in the top. Keeps the smokings M ASK FOR-* Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. NEWS OF7 HE SPO WHITER JOHNSON SIGNS TO PLAY WITH CHIFEDS Senators' Great Pitcher Hangs Name Onto Tinker Contract for Two Years—Salary More Than *IU,OOO a Year Intimates Manager Coffeyville, Kan., Dec. 4.—"Johnson will be seen in a Federal League uni form for the next two years," said Joe Tinker, manager of the Chicago Fed erals, as he boarded a train for Chi cago late yesterday. Tinker carried with him a contract which Walter Johnson, former pitcher for the Washington Americans, signed after a day of ne gotiations here. "As to Johnson's salary," >continued Tinker, "you may say he will make more money than anybody." "Will it 'be more than $16,000 a year?" he was asked. "Will it? That isn't anything," said Tinker. When Tinker arrived here Wednes day morning, Johnson motored in from his farm to meet him. After a long ; distance telephone talk between Tinker and President Weeghman in Chicago, , Tinker and Johnson quickly came to terms. While the deal for Walter Johnson was completed by Joe Tinker here, it was engineered by Phil Ball, of the St. Louis Federals. Ball made the an | pouacement last night that Johnson had fig"ed and at the same time told the inside of the most remarkable baseball | deal in the history of tihe game. Johnson will play for two years for i Chicago at the same annual figure he ' couW have signet with the St. Louis ' for three years the latter part of (>c tolier. By holding off Johnson lost ex actly $20,000. Incidentally, Johnson used the Fed erals as long as osniible in an effort :to hold up the Washington Hub. Ball ; stafed last night that Johnson's final : proposition to Griflith was: ' Fifteen thousand dollars for one year, $36,000 for 'throe years or $50,000 for , Jive years. Griffith's reply was that he did not want to buy the whole State of Kan sas. Johnson then signed with Tinker. In the ialtter part of October Fielder Jones and Ball conferred wi'th Johnson at Fort .Smith, Ark. They made him a llat offer of $60,000 for t'lvree years, money to be put in the bank, so lie could not lose, ajul SIO,OOO of it in cash. Johnson said he would let them know. He wired th(! offer to Griffith and Griffith refused not only to meet it but to approach it. Johnson still he sita. ted. This was the situation when the Fed eral League officials met in Chicago on November 28. That afternoon. Ball wired Johnson for a "yes or no an swer. He received no reply. Ball then told the league officials that he was through with Johnson anil that any body that wanted the Wash ington star could have him at $60,000 for three years. Weeghman announced in the meet ing that 'lie would take Johnson at $20,- 'ioo, but he did not want him for more than two years. Ball then waived all (Maims on Jo'hnson and agreed to aid Weeghman and Tinker to get the "tire ball king." Yesterday's signature to a Chicago contract was the result. Ball insisted, however, that if he waived his rights to Johnson lie s'hould have the pick of otther star pitchers signed. He was offered Plank, who really is supposed to go to either Brook lyn or Chicago. He wired Fielder Jones and Jones agreed to Plank. Plank was awarded to the St. Louis club yesterday for its part in signing Jcfhnson. Euxton A. C. Organizes The Ruxton A. C'. has organized a basketball team for the coming season. Clyde Behney, 2030 Swataru street, is anxious to arrange a schedule for his five wiUh teams whose average is 130 pounds. Flection for officers resulted in the following choices Luther Wiland, presi dent; Clyde Behney, vice president; Stanley W calami, secretary; Edward Nearing, treasurer. I "THEOLD RELIABTS^"""! REMEDY 1 OR MEN! HARRTSBTTRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4. 1914. TENER AfTERSPEED RECORD National League Executive Thinks He Will Be Able to Conclude Busi ness in One Day New York, Dec. 4.—Roy Beeves, private secretary of Governor Tener, vouchsafed the information yesterday that tihe National League executive would try to break aLI National League records for speed here next week. The Governor believes it wild be possible to conclude all the business in one day. He plans to leave for Harrisburg a.n< I pressing administration business cares late Tuesday night. If Governor Tener shows such speed as this he will be entitled to the cham pionship. Those National League mag nates simply love Little old New York. Most of them contrive to drag out the star chamber sessions to the week-end amd many exf them hang around an other week to do Christmas shopping. According to the presw-t schedule, Governor Tener will not arrive in New York until late Monday night. It will take the speed of Ban Johnson to wiade through all his problems inside of twenty-four hours. First of all the board of directors must seUtile the dis pute over the $ 10,000 between Herr mann and Kbbets, a hangover from the celebrated Tinker sale of a year ago. The question of a limited roster prom ises a merry battle, as New York is op'jxwed to any change. New York's voice usually carries great weight in the National League. The delegates must elect a new board of directors and pass upon any number of routine reports and the minutes of the last meeting. Besides it is likely thait the league members will wish to know aiM the <le tcils of Mr. Herrmann's negotiations wit'h Charles Weeglumon, the Federal magnate. Moreover, they may have to consider the latest wishes of 'the Base ball Players' Fraternity as presented by David L. Fultz. Governor Teaer may got away Tueuday night, but Sat urday seeims a saner prediction. There are certain National league intititu- tions that Garry Herrmann and Barney Drevfuss simply have to uphold. TRENTON HERE TO-MORROW i Eastern League Five Will Meet Harris burg Team In Armory—Second Big League Game Here The Trenton Eastern League team | will play the Harrisburg live in the City Grays' armory to-morrow evening, J it being the second big league team to I come here this, season, inaugurating a | new policy of Manager Taggart, who | has promised better attractions than | ever at the Armory. Trenton has promised to send the regular lineup for this game and the' 1 locals are working hard to get a victory | over the touted aggregation from New I Jersey. A victory over Trenton would j soften the Reading defeat of last Sat i urday. The game will start at 8.15 | o'clock and the regular Harrisburg line lup will bo in the game. Clint White will referee. Manager. Taggart has announced that the following are among the teams to be played this siason: Buuknell, Gettysburg, Now York Uni versity, Alibright, Susquehanna Univer i sity and .probably State College and j Lebanon Valley. The team will take an j extended trip after the first of next | year, meeting all of the strongest j teams in the coal regions. Next Fri day the;- - play Pitt, ton at that, place | anil on Saturday will play their first | Saturday out-of-town game, meeting Wilkes-Rarre. On December 15 they ! meet the Lancaster team and on De : i comber 21 play Parkesburg. All of ] these games are played away from i home. Academy Run To-day The aninuail inter-form cross country | run at the Harrisbuirg Academy, was •held this afternoon. Coach Smith is much pleased wiittli the work of the I candidates. Better spirit has been | shown this season than for many yeaTs I an 1 a record mum'ber of contestants were entered, Basketball will occupy the boards at the Academy after to day- Out-of-town customers need not wait until they come here personally. Our Catalog (free on request) explain.) why. Price printed on every article. We buy j from manufacturers and can save you the middle-man's profit. H. C. Claster,' Gems, Jewels, Silverware, 302 Market Street. Adv. DR. KLUGH, Specialist Phyalclan nnd Surgeon Offlce«t 206 Walnnt St* Tiarrlabtirr. Pa. DlMfAieN of nomm and meni apeclal, private, apeclflc, nervona and ehroale dlaeaaea. General office work. ConanU tatlon free and confidential. Medlclna furnlahed. Work guaranteed. Charges moderate. 20 years' experience, lilt. KLUGH. the well-known specialist prompt relief H without inconvenience. B ■ CATARRH ofThe §|" ;^AUdnjpgist^^^BLADDE^B WANTANEW COACHAIPENN After Electing Harris Captain for 1915 Team Votes Against Retain ing Brooke Philadelphia, Dee. 4.—The members of the 1914 University of Pennsylva nia football town met yesterday after noon irn the gymnasium at Frankilin field and elected Edward Day H&rriq captain of next year's team, and also declared by an overwhelming vote againtrt the retention of George !H. Brooke as 'head football coaclh for 191. r ). The election of Harris was expected, but the subsequent action came as a complete surprise, indicating tlhat all was not smooth in the team's ranks t'his year. No names were mentioned to show how the various players voted, tat only two members of t'he team were absent, and the vote stood nineteen against Brooke and two for him. Brooke has a contract which runs another year, and since T. Truxtton Hare has declared that he will no't stand as footbaill chairman again, a new c'hair nran must-be elected. It is thought flhat either Dr. Kobert O. Torrey, captain of the 1905 'team, or Robert l<amii>er>on will bo Mr. Hare's successor. T'he new chairman will be the man to deal with the Brooke question, but prominent alumni are willing to pay '■Brooke his $3,500 salary for .next year provided he will abdicate. Humor says that Bill Hollenback, at .present coach for Penn State College, is the man who is wanted to succeed Brooke, but his appointment cannot be made until the new chairman is Chosen. NOTES OHM DIAMOND Jake Daubert has earned the right to invest in the largest auto horn there is. This popular captain of the Dod gers .not only leads the National l<eague batters for the second' consecu tive year, but also is one of the pillars of the Baseball Players (Fraternity, where he hits even better than in the merry pastime. Chief Johnson, the big Indian pitch er who jumped the Cincinnati Rods for the Kansas City Federals, narrowly avoided a sojourn in a Sioux City, la., jail. Johnson, charged with wife deser tion, was released from the meshes of the law only after he had effected a reconciliation with his better half. Jail is no place even for an Indian when he is beset with domestic and Federal League worries. Our old friend Josh Clarke has evad ed the rattle of the tin can for the time. He won a penuant for Sioux City in the Western League but was so profliijate in his expenditures that President Hanlon asked him to seek a new job. Hanlou evidently has been unable to find a suitable successor, for he has told Josh to proceed another season with greater reserve for the welfare of the club coffers. Hans Wagner will be retained by Pittsburgh in spite of the fact that he hit only .254 this season. This is the first time sincrf he broke into the big league back in 1897 that the Flying Dutchman failed to hit .300 or better. With the exception of 1913 it was al ways better. On eight different occa- j sious Wagner was batting champion of the National league. His best record, .385, was set in 1899. Wagner will be 41 years of age next February 24. Cincinnati's board of directors has decided to abolish'the scout nuisance. Henceforth the Reus will depend upon minor league managers for recruit ma terial. This radical step doubtless will be deplored by John McGraw and six other National league managers, who have depended upon the Cincinnati scouts to find good material for the Red managers to turn over when properly ■developed. LOCAL MEN HONORED Three Harrisburgers Get "L" at Leb anon Valley Annvilje, Dec. 4.—A receptrion was given the members of this, year's sue | cessful football squad at Lebanon Val j ley College Wednesday evening in the : new gymnasium. Speeches were m«a<ie ! by former alumni, the manager, cap-! I tain and the coach, R. J, Guyer. The j varsity einbleau '' L' ' was given the following mem: Captain Snavely, | Mack-ert, Larew, Ait ticks, Manager ; Sticlcel, Keating, Beehtel, Hollinger, i Wenricih, Wheel ook, Von Bereghy,' ! Loom is, Captain-elect Swartz. Jaeger! j Dedluff, Donahue anil Rm;\p. ' The "L'> second was hi warded tihe following players: Kleinfelter, Crabill, j ' Blauch, Badhmaiii, Inm.au, Ma.rkowitz, I I Wine, W. Swartz, Race, Kichlebenger, Vingst, Morrison, Evans, Foltz, K i I Snavely, Hartz, and Walters. Imrno-: (Irately after the receptioin the squad was invited to the college dining roo-m where President Gosward and Coach Guyer acted as hosts to a banquet. INDEPENDENTS READY Open Home Season To-morrow With' Shamokin The home season of the Harrigburg I Independents will be opened to-morrow | evening at the Chestnut street auditor j ium with the Shamokin five. A short, i dance will be held between the I halves, as well as after the game. In this game McCord and Kote will play ! the forwards, Geisel will jump center and 'McConnell and Ford will play the < forward positions. On Shamokin's team will be "Pete" i Barr, a former State College player; | Deal, who played last year with Hazle- j ton, and Kaseman, Rhoades and Reed, j of last year's team. The game will start promptly at 8 o'clock and will be refereed by Householder. SMITH-COFFEY BOUT Articles for Fight in New York, De cember 15 New York, Dec. 4. —Final details were arranged last night for the Gun- j boat Smith-Jim Coffey match, which is to take place at Madison Square Gar-1 den, December 15, Jim Buckley, act ing for Smith, and Billy Gibson, vouch ing for Coffey, signed articles agreeing to post forfeits not laifcer than one week j before the match takes place to guar antee tihe appearance of the principals, j -■''lt was also agreed that neither fight er will engage in a ring contest before the date agreed upon in the articles. Smith, with Bob Armstrong as chief trainer, will begin active training for | the match to-day at Sheepshead Bay, I while Coffey will pack his training I paraphernalia and go to Rye Beach. | MnmHmnajnai FREE EXCURSION To the Capital City and Back No Red Tape—No Special Conditions—just come and order a suit or an overcoat from us any time before December 14, 1914, and we will cheerfully Refund Your Round Trip Fare From AnyPointWithin 30Miles of Harrisburg 3-Piece Suits C C Overcoats MADE TO ORDER \ Regular $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 values. Fit, Fab ric and Workmanship guaranteed to be absolutely perfect. Goods Delivered Free to' any point in I Pennsylvania. 1 Standard Woolen €o. 19 North Third Street, corner Strawberry Ave. ■ HARRISBURG, PA. ALEX AGAR, Manager \MWBIM TTT PI IIIIII' BISON S TOP SENATORS Winners' Set Up New Mark in P. R. R. Y. M. O. A. Match The Bisons won from the Senators in a I'. R. K. Y. Of. C. A. League match last evening 'by 243 pins. The winners set up a new "match record in this con test. Elmer and 'Hostetter starred. The score: SENATORS Meek 155 144 160 — H59 Stui 142 193 155 4:• 0 Crist 126 119 145 420 Brintou ... 159 132 182— 473 Ebner .... 243 170 223 046 Totals .. 825 738 875—2288 BISONS Ford 188 210 169 567 Crawford .. 191 130 140— 470 Keller .... 174 184 140— 49S Miller 214 183 185— 582 Hostetter . 188 191 235 614 Totals .. 955 907 869—2731 Johnson Wins From Fritcher M. P. Johnson won from C. E. Frite'her by 100 to 66 in the class B biidliaird match in the tourney in pro gress ait lloltzman'g parlors." Nationals Defeat Alphas The Nationals won from the Alphas by 182 pins in the Casino Leaguo match last evening. • Baseh was high man with a high game score of 236 and match score of 650. Wills and Edmund Kean Irving used to tell with dramatic ef fect a story about W. O. Wills, the dramatist, who, among other services, wrote for him the plav ""Charles I," When Willis was a boy ten years old ho was takew to see Edmund Kean play -Macbeth. In the murder scene he was so affected by t'ho realistic power of the actor thait seized with a severe attack of nausea, he hurried from t'he box. Ten years later he was lunching at a chop house in Fleet street when a man entered, salt down at a table near him and ordered a meal. He was a per fect stranger to Wills, who, after a few minutes-' propinquity, was again seized with a fit of nausea, iroin which he had not suffered sioice as a boy he was at the theatre on the occasion mentioned. He was obliged to leave the room. When some minutes later he paid his bfll the waiter said to him: " Did you see that gentleman ait the table near you I That's Edmund Kean."—Corn j hill Magazine. I Consider the Below Offer the Greatest Value Ever Presented to the Buying Public Signed LOU BAUM. ■■■■■lß9 $15.00 iffjffll $15.00 Balmacaan Balmacaan $5.00 Ki $5.09 Every Suit |HBjfi Every Suit YOU SAVE lIH SIO.OO IBH DISPLAY ammmm SUITS TO ORDER $15.00 UP 400 Patterns to Select From Lou Baum Harrisburg's Progressive Tailor 13 N. Fourth St. •* ' i i "DEAD" WOMAN COMES HOME Mother Finds She Wrongly Identified Motor Truck Victim Philadelphia, Dec. 4.- —Tire body of a woman previously identified .as Mrs. Emma Clarke, who was struck and kill ed by a motor truck on Ridge avenue, near Ninth street, on November 21, was moved from an undertaker's es tablishment to the Morgue yesterday upon the discovery that Mrs. Clarke was alive. Mrs. Viola Born. 1918 North Front street, who had identified the dead woman as her daughter, Mrs. Clarke, notified the Coroner s office yesterday that the daughter had returned home. Mrs. Horn explained that her eyas were defective and that the patient's face was bandaged when she was at Hahnemann Hospital. Charged With Heavy Jewelry Robbery Lebanon, Dec. 4. —•Charged with tiia larceny of jewelry, valued at nearly ? 2,- 000, William Forry, aged 28 years, of this city, was arrested yesterday after noon on Chestnut street by Policeman Harry Eiclhel'bergor and William Span cake. The prisoner was returned to Reading, where he is alleged to have robbed the proprietor of the St. Cloud 'hotel. Strawberries in December Marietta, Dec. 4.-—it'or the first time in tlio history of the oldest resident was there such warm weather in tliiS section as yesterday for so late in the year. A number of daisies were seen in bloom and several Strawberries were on the vines in the yard of J. A. Buchanan. A robin was also seen in the afternoon. STEAMSHIPS. BERMUDA These CtaurmliiK lalnntln Are Now •1 Their Rest S. S. "EtERMUDIAH" holds the record —40 hours—ls the newest and only twin-screw steam ship sailing to Bermuda, and ih» onlv one landing passengers at tht dock at Hamilton without transfer by tender. Hound Trip with meals and stateroom berth up Kor full particulars apply to A. E. OUTURHRIDUB A CO., Agents lint, tiee S. S. Co., 1.1 d.. 21) llrnailwaj, New Yurki l\ I.OHM'; lIRMMICL, 103 Mw. kit St., liarrisburtc, i'a., or any Tick et A tent. v . 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers