12 Will 10 CUM [lllS TREE Committee to Take Pil grimage to Dauphin Mountains To-mor row Afternoon ROBERT HOY TO HEAD EXPEDITION Tree Will Come From Bayard Tract in Clark's Valley Where Last Year's Tree Came From—Mayor Royal to Be One of Party The stately pine. or towering spruce, that will be the central attrac tion in Harrisburg's municipal Christ mas celebration will be picked from its fellows atop the Dauphin mountains on the Bayard tract near Clark's Valley to-morrow afternoon, if the plans now made by the tree committee are car ried out. Chairman Hubert W. Hoy has planned that his committee, which includes Mayor Royal, Charles M. Kaltwasser and Henderson Gilbert, and as many other members of the general commit tee as possible, take the pilgrimage to the mountains to inspect the trees ami pick out the one best suited tor the Harrisburg celebration. Last year's tree was picked from the Bayard tract, not very deep into the mountains. It stood alone on the bank? of a small mountain stream, but this year it will be a more difficult task as the party must needs go deeply into the heart of the tiniberlaud for the beauty. A short sally was made last year but nothing attracted the eyes of the committee as the one selected from its lonely spot along the creek. There tore this visit will be a mountain climb ing expedition of no mean effort. The tree will be cut down on' the spot and made rea !y for the transpor tation to Harrisburg 011 cue of Bayard's big hay wagons. Six horses will convey it to Front and Market streets, where employes of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company will erect it in place. Other arrangements for the celebra tion are progressing finely and plans are being formed to place more lights than last year 011 the municipal tree. The bigger the tree the more lights will be necessary and the committee is bound to pick the biggest tree on the mountains—provided, of course, it is a Christmas tree and its transporta tion to this city will not entail au en gineering problem. COURT HOUSE. KEYSTONE GETS CONTRACT Will Supply County With <l4 Triennial Assessment Books The Keystone Printing and Binding Company, the lowest bidder, to-day was awarded the contract for furnishing the county with sixty-l'our triennial assessment books. The bid was $174. Other proposal* and bidders were as follows: Telegraph Printing Companv, SI7S: Star Printing Company, $297.50; .1. A. Thompson, $185.60. The award was made by the County Commissioners who also had asked for bids on si-hool tax assessment books. These books, it has been found, now are not needed. Held on Serious Charge Morris Muff, a Philadelphia, was placed ou trial a t noon to-day in Judge Johnson » side of criminal court on a charge of bringing a pretty Jewess here upon the promise of marriage. I lie jury took the case after the .""tate s witnesses had been heard, the accused preferring to make no de fense. James Russ was a quitted on two charges of assault and battery and the costs «-ere put upon the prosecutor. Andv Kosic was found not guilty on a larceny charge. Robert Reed, accused •it attacking two small boys, was con victed but sentence was deferred. FASSINGOF FAMOUS SIXGER Signor Perugini Third Husband of Lil lian Russell, Dies in Philadelphia Philadelphia, Dec. 4.—Signor Perug ini," a widely-known singer and actor, <lied to-day in the Forrest Home, near f Tcrresdale, a suburb, where he had been a resident since January. He was born John Chatterton. He was a native ot England, but much of his success was made in this country as a member of the once famous Met all Opera Com pany, of which iic was a leading mem ber for many years. When his voice failed he took to the legitimate stage and was last seen in "The Yellow Jack et ' ' eaTly last season. Perugini married Lillian Russell in 1894 and was her third husband. Four months after the ceremony they sep , arated and the following year were di vorced. He was in failing health when He entered the Forrest Home, estab lished by Edwin Forrest years ago as a place of residence of those members of his profession who in their declining years found themselves destitute o7 nearly so. Perugini was about 65. THE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE SPENT $3,587 The Dauphin County Democratic Committee spent $3,587.79 during the campaign immediately preceding the November election, according to a re port filed by the committee treasurer, Fred L. Morgenthaler, with Henry F. Holler, Prothonotary, yesterday. The committee received $3,615.91 and spent ail except $28.12. the money be ing used for the payment of watchers, jioll workers and disseminating infor mation. Jesse J. Lybarger, Democrat, de feated in his candidacy for Representa tive in the legislature from the First district, spent $359.80. CAPITOL HILL WNDIfIRMETiD TO HAVE VIOLATED LAW He Is Charged With Shipping Cattle Into Pennsylvania Without, a Cer tificate of Health and a Tuberculin Test Chart A Rising Sun, Maryland, farmer named Clayton has been arrested in Chester county and held in S3OO bail through charges preferred against him by tne State Live Stock Sanitary Board that he shipped cattle into Penn sylvania without h certificate of health and a tuberculin test chart, as required bv law. Ziba C. Martin, manager of the West t Chester Creamery, has been arrested on I complaint ot the State Live Stock Sani- 1 tary Board that he had sold raw I skimmed milk, not pasteurized, to farm ers for feeding to calves and swine. I'p to last Saturday the work of the St:fte Live Stock Sanitary Board in eliminating the foot and mouth disease had progressed so favorably that it was anticipated Chester county could soon be released from quarantine. On Sunday agents of the Board found three now cases of infection in large herds. The history of these cases indi cates that the infection was caused by feeding raw skimmed milk which had been obtained from Mr. Martin. Sev eral calves on other farms which had received the raw skim milk are show ing suspicious symptoms and it is feared that additional cases of foot and mouth disease may develop. The own ers of the infected herds are indignant and it is reported that they may insti tute civil action for damages against the operators of the creamery. Senator Thompson Here Senator Thompson, of Beaver, was a caller on Governor Tender to-day and also transacted business at the State Department. Secretary McAfee Better Robert- McAfee, Secirdtarv of the Common wealth, who has been seriously ill with incipient pneumonia at t'he Fort l'itt hotel, his habitation since his home burned, is reported to be much better and expects to return to his de partment on Monday next. Miscount Alleged It is alleged in Allegheny county thalt in the computation of the elec tion returns by the clerks appointed by the court, a miscount occurred and 7,000 votes cast for Boies Penrose for I'nited states Senator, were not cred ited to his coluimn. The courts will be a-ked to have the returns for that of fice again commuted that the record may be corrected. Cattle Disease The first case of foot and mouth dis ease in Xorthumiberlanii county has been reported to the State Live Stock Sanitary BoarJ, and it was also report ed to the boar I th.it 72 head of cattle on former Senator .1. D. Cameron's farm at Donegal, Lancaster conntv, were found to be infe'teW with the disease and all were killed. War Tax on Autos The question cf stamping with a war tax stamp all 'licenses issued for automobiles by the State Highway De partment has been referred to the At torney General for an opinion. More Protests Formal protest aiain»t increase in passenger' fares was filed with the Pub lic Service Commission by the Gernvan town an I Chestnut Hill Improvement Association, complainant vs. Philadel phia and Reading Railway Comipaaiv, respondent. Informal complainant was ma le bv Henry S. Spacktrvan, 'the North Front and District Business Men's Association, the Philadelphia Real Estate Board and Henry Disston A; Sons, Ins.. Philadelphia. Delegates Appointed The following delegates have 'been appointed by Governor Toner to repre sent the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia at the eleventh annual convention of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, to be held in Washington De cember 9-11; J. S. W. Bolton, Eugene W. Pry, James B. Bonner. Thomas Devlin, Philadelphia; Joseph R. Grundv. Bristol; J. Craig, Jr.. Chester; George W. Norris, (Murdoch Kendrick, Wiiliam B. Irvine, George F. Sproule, Philadel phia; ('. S. Rea, Pittsburgh; S eld en Twit, hell, Brvn M»wr; C. Frank Wil liamson. 'Media; William C. Peirce, Bristol; Wilfred'H. Sohoff, Philadelphia. POWELL DIDN'T DO IT Auditor General Not Responsible for the Removal of McAllister Auditor General Powell is not dis ■j osed to take the responsibility for the dismissal of Andrew F. McAllister, a Washington party worker in Philadel phia. from his position as inspector of moving picture houses. Some time ago General Powell insist ed that the Board of Mercantile Ap praisers of Philadelphia should pay more attention to the moving picture houses in order that the State should receive its share of the revenue as pro vided by law. The Mercantile Apprais ers demurred at the extra work and said they must have inspectors, and they were given authority to appoint three, with the approval oif the Auditor General. The three were appointed and ap proved, but recgntly the work of in spectiou became less anil the Board de cided that it could get along with two inspectors, sending a letter through F. A. VanValkenburg, the president, to General Powell, telling him of the ac tion i f the Board and recommending McAllister's removal. McAllister thereupon wrote a letter to General Powell telling him that on consultation with the Board all of the members had informed him that they fa\OT-ed his retention. General Powell, not caring to have the responsibility of McAllister's removal placed on his shoulders, sent McAllister a copy of \ anValkenburg s letter recommending his removal, and there the matter rests, except that a story has been afloat in Philadelphia to the effect that McAl lister was removed at the instance of Auditor General Powell. The salary of the post is $2,000 a year. Sedgwick Heads Health Association Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 4. —-Profes- sor William T. Sedgwick, Boston, was elected president of the American Public Health Association at the clos ing session of the ajinunl convention here to-d'ay. Rochester, N. Y., was se lected as the convention city for 1915. HARRISBURG WTAR-IN DEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4. I!ih. THE ROTARY CLUB AND AID COMMITTEE TO CO-OPERATE Profits of Week at Orpheum Conducted by Business Men Will Be Placed at the Disposal of Society Wom en's Organization At a meeting to-.iay of the general committee of the Rotary Club in charge of the special Notary week at the Or pheum the week of December 14, it wns decided to accept the co-operation of the emergency aid committee re cently organized, anil to make disposi tion of the proiits of the week through this committee, in a •manner to be di rected by the Rotary Club. The meet ing was held at the otlice of Chairman Buchanan 111 the "Telegraph" build ing. Enthusiasm over the undertaking ran high at the meeting. Tickets were distributed among the members and will be placed on sale at their places of business. Monday night, December 14, was I selected as Rotary night at tile Orphe-j um, anil it is planned to have all Ro-1 tarians, their wives and families attend the performance. , Manager Hopkins announces that! special efforts are being made in New ! ork to have a good bill for Rotary j week. One of the big stores of the city I will not be open ip the evenings duringl Kota'v week, so that their employes may co-operate in the movement, andj several other stores may also postpone evening opening for Christmas trade until the succeeding week: Committees were to- iav appointed as follows: Advertising and Publicity—C. Floyd I Hopkins, Gus M. Steinmetz, Dr. Samuel S. Shope. Sale ot Tickets—C. Harrv Kane, Harry C. Hoffman, Mercer B. Tate, Henderson Gilbert, Trov B. Wilder muth, Andrew Redmond. Rotary Night—Harry ('. Hoffman, C. Floyd Hopkins, David K. Ebersole, Rudolph K. Spicer, C. Glenn Fickcs, John C. Orr. Decorations—C. Floyd Hopkins, Mer cer B. Tate. Concessions—C. F. Hopkins, Mercer Tate, H. C. Fry. Daniel D. Haminel baugh. REFORMED MEN'S CONGRESS WiU Probably Be Held ill New Salem Church, Allentown R>/ Associated Press, Werners viille, Pa., Dec. 4.—Plaus for the proposed Men's Congress to be held in the fall of 1915, probably in the new Salem church, Allentown, Pa., was the principal business transaction at to-day's meeting of tlie general com mittee of the l-iaymeu's Missionary movement of the Reformed Ghutvih in t'he I'nited States in session at Hie Grand View sanatorium, South Moun tains. Representatives of the different classis, pledged theii; support to make this a nation-wide congress to win t>he world for Christ. "Piio motto adopted is " Make the Weak Strong and the Stroug iJeal Great." i Among those who were instrumental j in launching this movement are the Rev. | James T. Good, D, D„ Philadelplhia, president of t'he Board of Foreign (Mis sions; William W. Anspach,iMilton, Pa.; George Leslie OmwaKe, Collegeville, president of I'rsinus College; Harry K. Paisley, Philadelphia, treasurer of t'he Lea-tiling Railway Coimany. Delegates from four States are in at tendance FUNERAL OF JOHN C. KUNKEL Man Well Known in Harrisburg to Be Buried To-morrow The funeral services of John C. Kun kel, .J6 years oUI. who died yesterday morning at 6.30 o'clock at his home, 11 South Front street, will be held to : morrow afternoon at the home at 2 ( o do k. Services and burial, which will I 'be made in the family plot in the Har risburg cemetery, will be private. Mr. Kunke! was well known in Harrisburg, having lived here all his life. Samuel Elmer Rishel Samuel Elmer Rishel, 56 years old, died Tuesday at Martinsville, Indiana. Funeral arrangements will be announced late.r. Mr. Rishel was formerly a resi dent of Harristburg. Miss Bessie M. Vogle3oiig The funeral services for Miss Bessie M- \oglesong, of Point Comfort, 'Me- I chaniceburg, who died yesterday at her | home, will be hem Sun-day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the First I'nited Breth len church, IMechaniesburg. Burial will I be in Chestnut Hill cemetery. RAIN CAUSES LA ROE DEFICIT The Hagerstown Fair of 1914 Shows $5,461.30 Short Hagerstown, Md., Dee. 4. —Tlie Ha gerstown fair of 1914 showed a deficit of $5,461.30, according to the state ment of Treasurer Thompson A. Brown given out yesterday, caused by I the inclement weather. Every day, with the exception of the opening Tuesday, ' it rained. The chief items of expense for the year were the extensive improvements made on the fair grounds. This cost •'lone reached the figure of $19,799.- | 31. The cow barn was erected at a ' cost of $1 1,969.99; automobile build ■ ing, $3,508.42, and tunnel under race , track, $2,188. MAY BE GLOOMY SATURAY Weather Man Forecasts Rain for To morrow The weather outlook for a bright | Saturday for early Christmas shopping i is not at all bright, Weather Bureau j officials here handing out the gloomy information that rain is the prospect for to-night and to-morrow. There is no hope held out that it will be snow instead, for there is little change in temperature forecasted aud the lowest ! last night was 39 degrees—strictlv a ; rain temperature. The rain will result from a southern storm which is moving north just inside j the Atlantic coast. It has caused mod j eratelv heavy rains in the last twenty four hours from the gulf northward to the lower Ohio valley. Will Hold Christmas Sale The Young Women's Missionary So i ciety of Messiah Lutheran church will hold a Christmas sale of needlework, i ice cream and cake to-morrow afternoon j and evening in the social rooms of the I church at Sixth and Forster streets. CHARGE OF TWO AUDITORS $689 Coatlaaril From First Pave. follows: Amount in sinking fund. $234,985.26; value of county prison and fixtures, $350,000; court house and furnishings, $340,000; almshouse, $1 ">5,000; outstanding eountv tax for years 1911-1213, $16,527."79; out standing state tax for same vears, $ 135.04; total, $1,249,213.11. Following are the liabilities: Bonds issued in 1901, $269,000; 1902 bonds, $51,000; 1903 bonds, $125,000; re sources in excess of liabilities, $804,- 213.11; total, $1,249,213.11. Thfe amount of the tax duplicate from the assessed valuation was $297,435.10, which with additional taxes brings the total to $314,889.75. The abatement and commissions allowed totaled $48,- 362.25. There was no balance in the prison account and no bills remained unpaid. The funds in other accounts were as follows: Poor account. $419.07; school, $472.20; road, $574.29; redemption, $311.59; dog tax, $1,090.90. There was distributed among the schools of the county exactly $1,267.30, and the damages paid for t'lio killing of sheep by dogs amounted to $99.22. The List of Receipts The receipts included these: From maintenance of lunatics, $2.085.49; detective liceuses. $25; Roy C. Dnn ner, Register of Wills, fifty per cent, of excess fees, $229.09; O. G. Wick ershani, Recorder of Deeds, fees ob tained through special audit, $937.93; fees from Prothonotarv's office, by James H. Worden, $3,122.71; by L B. Worsen, $2,678.97; O. G. Wickersham, fees, $2,301.98; Tiquor li censes, $8,730; interest on money in sinking fund, $7,501,95: maintenance of city prisoners, $6,402.53. FAVORS CHAX6ES IN THE LAW llarrisbiirger Talks to Hunters and An glers' Lodge at Altoona .vl'toona, J>e.'. 4. Important changes in the fish and game laws of t'he Com monwealth were favored, offit-ers for the ensuing year were chosen at the annual meeting of the .Hunters and Anglers' lodgemen last evening, and J. Feaser, of Harrisburg lodge, delivered an in teresting address. Samuel C. Boweu was again chosen president for the fourth consecutive year. William Huber was elected first vice president, A. L. Fasick second vice president, 11. L. Smi'tih sencitary-treas urer and Fenl Stro'hmyer, Samuel Glenn and J. 11. Hiki trustees. Mr. Feasor, of the Harridburg lodge, declared in his address that lodges throughout the State are doing exactly what the local lodgemen are striving to a/o©om'plisili. Members of the local lodge voted favorably lo repeal t'he buck law and to change the number of rabbits per mitted to be shot from ten to five daily anil to eliminate quail for live years as well as to put turkeys iu season again next year. Bounties 011 skunks and red foxes were ailso approved. In the fish laws the following changes were favored: Fishermen will be per mitted to cat ih twenty trout of any size in a day instead x>f so many six ■ini'h fish, twenty-tike wall-eyed pike and Susijut'hanna yalm'on may be caught, as well as twentv-five calico bass ana yellow perch and twenty black and Oswego bass each day. All methods of fishing with the exception of hook and line, were disapproved at the meeting, which occurred in the barber shop of the president on Ninth street, near Eight'h avenue. LLOY D LINER DRIFTS ASHORE Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm Is Fast On a Sand Bank By Associated I'rcss, Bergen, Norway, Dec. 4, via Lon don. 2.20 I*. M.—The North German Lloyd liner Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, which has been lying in this port fo<r tome time drifted ashore in a gale to day. She is now fast on a sand bank. The Prinz Friedrieh Wilhelm, a ves sel of 9,840 tons, was engaged before the war in the regular service of the North German Lloyd line, between Bremen and New York. Aifter the out break of hostilities she wan nnaible to make a German port ami lias been nt Bergen and the neighboring port of Otitis. WICKERSHAM OFFERED JOB Can Have District Attorneyship When Whitman Takes Governorship By Associated Press, New York, Dec. 4. —Governor-elect Charles S. Whitman, it was reported to day, had offered the position of Dis trict Attorney of New York county, which he vacates next month to become Governor, to Georg? VV. Wickersham, former Attorney General of the United States. Mr. Wickersham is now engaged in private practice as a partner of Ilenrv W. Taft. Y. A. S. G. CLUB HOLDS DANCE Many Young People Spend Pleasant Evening at Horner's Cottage The Y. A. S. G. Club held a dance at Horner's cottage last night. Among the dancers were the following: Misses Mary Hartfclter, Burte, Virginia Lingle, Jennie Stewart, Mary Cain, Carrie Rod, Minnie Hart man, Fannie Shotpe, Helen Anderson and Mary Smueker; William Hartfclter, Frank Hartfelter, .lames Anderson, Roy Hopkins, Harris Baker, John Heis ey, Frank Hamilton, Elmer Lutz and Joe Wilson. Heptasopha Elect Officers At a meeting of ilai ripburg Conclave No. 42, Improved Order of Ileptasophs, held last evening the following officers were elected: Arehon, Wilmer Ciojt, provost, J. Kirkpatrick; prelate, E. E. (Owing; sec retary, J. T. W. McLaughlin; financier, G. M. Harvey: treasurer, C. Wayne Singer: inspector, E. K. Bratton: war der, H. C. Townsend; sentinel, L. V. Harvey; trustees, F. Harvey, E. E. Ew ing and Landis Bratten. Nation wide Prohibition Amendment By Associated Press. Washington, Doc. 4.—The House rutle committee wi>ll meet December 12 to act on the Hob.-on resolution for nation-Wide prohibition by constitu tional amendment. "It will not be necessary to have heairingß," staid Chairman Henry, ">as the committee probaibly will take action with the in formation before it." REVENUE STAMPS COMING Doclsion Has Been Beached Not to »M Stickers on Marriage • g ? Licenses At the Internal Revenue office in the Federal building. Deputy Collector Bricker .has been busily engaged in smoothing out all sorts of complica tions, and to-day says that things are proceeding very satisfactorily regard ing the use of the emergency tax stamps. He has explained to nearly every person in this city and vicinity who is affected .by the tax, that rec or.ls may be kept of proprietary goods sold, until stamps can be procured here, and payment of the tax can then be made, by the purchasing and can celling of stickers to the amount of ob ligation. The internal revenue officers have promised to protect persons subject to taxation who cannot procure stamps, until enough of the labels are on hand to meet all'demands. There will then be no excuse for not using tho stamps. A supply of documentary stamps, of the sort now on sale only at banks, is expected to be on hand to-morrow at the revenue office in the Federal build ins- No Stamps on Marriage Licenses Unofficial dispatches from Washing ton, D. C., this morning lekl Oscar G. Wivkersham, Dauphin County's Record er, to decide not to place war tux stamps on marriage license certificates issued out of his office. The dispatch ha I it that it was not Congress' in tention to discourage marriages by placing a taxation un licenses. Guided by a paragraph in the new Federal statute which provides that, certificates shall be taxed ten cents each and also the fact marriage licenses were taxed following the Spanish- American war, the Recorder since last Tuesday has been placing one ten cent stamp on the certificates. There are two certificates in conjunction with the license although the Recorder deemed only one liable to the tax because on one of the papers must be returned to his office for filing. Money to Be Refunded The Recorder has decided to refund to the couples who obtained revenue stamped licenses, the amount of the tax although hp will not ask for the return of the stamp. Mr. Wickersham said he will be obliged to bear the loss which will not exceed a dollar. MYSTERY IN BIG LOAN THEFT Police Looking f.ir Information on Which to Base Additional Arrests By Associated Press. Boston, Dec. 4.—The police to-dav were busily engaged in an effort to ob tain information upon which to base poi-sible additional arrests in connection with the theft of large sums of money from the Collateral Loan Company, known as the largest loan brokerage concern in the country. The investigation of the company's affairs is said to have disclosed losses through thefts not connected with the methods alleged to have been used by William Cobb, who has just resigned as president of the company and who was ariested last night, charged with the embezzlement of $86,00*0. The police believe that jewelry in large quantities pledged with the com pany has been taken from its vaults and repledged, with a resultant loss to the concern of about $28,000. Cobb spent last night in jail in default of $25,000 bonds.. The uncovering of an additional shortage of $20,000, "bringing the total alleged discrepancy up to $134,000, was announced to-day by .T. P. Ken nedy, the city's representative on the company's directorate. PHILADELPHIA CLOSING (Philadelphia, Dec. 4.—Stocks closed steady: General Asphalt, pfd 67 Penna R R 52% Phila Electric 22% Reading Gen 'Mfgs . 92% Storage Battery 4 9 FIXED IT IN THE DEED A Real Estate Agent' 3 Kindness to One of His Customers J. Cooper Props, formerly a real es tate agent in Eaton, Ind., a few years ago haid practically concluded a sale of a residence in that town to a farmer who desired to retire, when the cus tomer suddenly discovered that there was no cellar beneath the dwelling. The house suited him perfectly, and his wife also was highly pleased with it, but both of them demanded a cellar before taking it, even though they pre viously had gone as far as to tell Mr. Props to draw up the deed. J'Well, I'll tell you What I'll do,'' said Props. "Of course there's no eel lar under there now, but I'll fix it in the deed —write it all out and every thing, so there can't be any mistake — so that you have the privilege of ex cavating for th e cellar at any tim e you please and without interference from any source." Mr. and Mrs. 'Farmer said they "guessed" that would be all right, so after their right to construct their own cellar had been carefully safeguarded in the deed by elaborate phra&es they paid over their money and took posses sion. But to this day, Props says, they look at him in a dazed and puzzled way every time they meet him.—ln dianapolis News. DECOY PERISCOPES A Submarine Trick to Lure the Enemy to Destruction Such things exist as decoy periscopes —short lengths of pipe held upright on a float and looking exaetly like the real periscope. The submarine sets them adrift for you to find —sometimes scat ters several of them. When one is sighted you cannot stop to consider whether the little object dancing on the sea half a mile or so distant does or does not mean 250 pounds of high explosive coming straight at you. Maybe you will see an aeroplane maneuvering over it in a way that carries conviction that it does. You don't dare to take any chances and so you train all the guns at it. Then the real submarine slinks up on the other side of the ship, and with the swift rush of its torpedo, the latest of sea tragedies comes to an end.— Park Benjamin in the New York Inde pendent. ' IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. TURKEY'S PROCLAMATION OF HOLY WAR ON SERVIANS Washington, Dec. 4. —Official advices of tho proclamation by Turkey of a holy war against S-ervia and her allies wore received at t : he State Department to day by Minister Vopteka at Bucharest, Roumania j Ambassador IMorgenthau at Constan. tinople re)>orted unrest among foreign ers in Turkey and the expulsion of about 100 French nationals from the interior country. The refugees now are assemibiled at 'Bierut, Trebizond ami Smyrna without means, but will be uided by the American diplomatic and consular officers. Mr. Morgenthau alsq reported the arresit at Constantinople of an English man supposed to be Siir Edwin Pears, for whose release 'he 'has made repre. seutations to the porte. Dr. Louis Mizzi, a lawyer from Malta, and Colonel ChwVhill, whose nationality was not. stated 'but who is a former police officer, have been arrested in Constantinople and ta'ken to Cesarea. PetrogTad. Claims Success at Lodz London, Dec. 4, 5.32 P. I.M.— In a dispatch from Petrograd the correspond ent of the "Central News" says: "Tim battle of Lodz has ended in success for t'he Russian troops, according to the "Bourse Gazette," which adds that, great numbers of German 'prisoners, cannon and machine guns are being 'brought into 'Lodz.'' PASSING OF FAMOUS HOTEL Landmark Closes Its Doors as Proprie- I tors Go to Wall By Associated Press, New York, Dec. 4.—Smith & Mc- Neil's restaurant and hotel, a landmark for sixty years oil Washington and Greenwich streets and known by thou sands of travelers when the only en trance to New York was by ferrv, made an assignment yesterday and may be compelled fo close its doors forever. The restaurant was started by Hen ry Smith and Thomas R. McNeil iu 1549 in a basement room, emerging nbove the surface of the street, several years later in a part of the present quarters. Smith died in 1881, but Mc- Neil continued daily at the place until three years ago, when he retired, at the age of 83, to l.is ranch at Ventura, California, lie was more than once a millionaire, and to the end he continued the same homely methods of business that had marked the partnership. For years under that organization the serv ants had been pnid nightly and when the share of the house had been set aside the partners themselves divided what remained. DON'T NURSE WORRY ; Particularly If It's Your Own Fault the World Looks Black When you feel down in the mouth and long to go away and hide yourself forever; when you imagine that no one in the world is treating you right; wihen you are satisfied that your em ployer is tardy in recognizing your genius; when you can't divorce your self from the idea that you are doing the work and the other fellow is get ting the credit; when the time you spend at your work seems intermina ble and the time away from it seems 1 woefully short; wheu-sll the sky seems to possess a leaden niie; when every thing irritates you like salt on an open wound; when the laugh of a child grates on your nerves; when the food j you eat disagrees with you— | Straighten up and take an inventory of yourself. Maybe it is with you that the fault lies. Perhaps the rest of the world is but a mirror. Don't imagine you are carrying the world on your shoulders. The browbeaten man is too often a creature of his own mak ing. He insists on carrying the Old Man of the Sea on his back when the world is willing to relieve him of the burden. It is surprising how many worries we can bajiish by maging up our mind resolutely that we will not give them room in our thoughts—ln dianapolis News. SMALLEST VESSEL IN CANAL Doubted If Tolls Will Pay for Cost of Water and Labor Used By Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 4. —Tho smallest vessel which has made use of the Pana ma canal in commercial service to data is the Nicaraguan motor schooner Wil helmina, which on November 21 com pleted a double transit of the canal. She is a tinv craft of only 46 tons net. displacement, so that it is doubtful whether the $52.90 which she paid in tolls for passing through the canal one way covered the cost of the vast quan tity of water locked through with her, the electric power necessary to operate the mechanism and the manual labor involved. : WILLIE'S WATCHFUL WAITING With $lO Gold Piece in Mouth, Boy Stubs His Toe Tarrvtown, N. Y., Dec. 4.—■Willie j Sines, who carries telegraph messages ! for John D. Rockefeller and his brother, | believes in getting his Christmas pres ents early. Yesterday afternoon he I was sent to the bank by the local man -1 ager with a $lO gold piece. For safe keeping he put it in his mouth. Willie would have delivered the coin as ordered, but he stubbed his toe and swallowed the gold piece. Willie ad mitted last night that there was noth ing for him to do but to adopt Secre tary Bryan's policy of "watchful waiting.'' Theatrical Company Bankrupt By Associated Press. New York, Dec. 4.—An involuntary petition in bankruptcy was filed this afternoon against the Liebler Company, theatrical producers, by Harry Askin, of Chicago, and two other creditors of this city. The petition estimates the firm's liabilities at approximately $350,000 and states that the value of its assets is unknown. Peace in Ohio Mine Strike Falls By Associated Press. Cleveland, 0., Dec. 4. —The .joint conference of the miners ami operators representing the eastern Ohio coal fields, where 15,000 miners have been on strike since April first, last, ad journed sine die at 12.10 o'clock this aifternoon breaking off «M negotiations toward a settlement of the strike, Interborough's Extra Dividend Now York, Dec. 4.—The Initerbor ough Rapid Transit Company wthich operates New York City's transporta tion lines declared to-day an oxti-a divident of fire per cent. The company has been paying ten per cent annually in dividends for some time. . STATE WANTS OAY BUILDING School Board Must Provide for Pupilt at Beginning of Next School Year Permission to use tihe Day building at North a nil 'Fifth streets for school purposes after the close of the present school year, the building having been purchased by t'he State of Pennsylvania in the plan of |tark extension, t)he Har rinburg School Board will be called on to-night to make arrangements for pu pils for the opening of the S'lhool year which begins next September. City Superintendent Downes has recommended to t'he Finance committee of the board t'hat the pupils of that 'building, whic'h are all colored, be moved to t'he Wickersham building at. Cowden and Hriggs sitreets, and t'haiti the white pupils in the latter 'building be transferred to the Will lard "building at State and Myrtle streets and to tho Imager building at Walnut and River streets. The Finaneo committee's recommendations will go,to the board at its meeting to-night. There will be no crowding as a result of this change, according to Superintendent Downes. The board to-night will open bids on river coal for use in the Technical Hij_.li •veihool, A new 'blower apparatus has been attached to the boilers in that school which allows the use of this cheaper grade of coal. TIGHT SKIRT IS DOOMED Will Disappear in Spring in Plans of I National Manufacturers' Association Toledo, 0., Dec. 4, — Women are not. going to wear tight skirts any more. Such is fashion's decree for next spring and summer: The makers of American styles for women have de cided upon that one point, and are to confirm their decision at the twenty fifth semi-annual convention of the Na tional Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufac turers' Association, which opened hero to-day. Statements made last night are that women will wear tailor-made suits, with plenty of plaits in the skirt when they start out on their Easter morning dis play of finery. Styles will be much more severe and practical. The coat must be ahorl— j about twenty-four inches—with "ordi- I nary" sleeves and of a ''plain, quiet I color." Skirts will be about six inches I from (he ground. If a woman prefers a coat to wear j with skirt and shirt waist, it shall be j full from the waist down, with belted i effects and patch pockets. j MANY PICKPOCKETS REFORM ! "Dips" Find Pockets of Victims Nearly Bare of Coin By Associated Press, , New York, Dec. 4.—More than 100 j pickpockets, unable to make a living |by following their vocation, have | 'burned temporarily honest within the i past Jwo months and have sought, i work, according to records mule public [ to-day by the Department of Corrcc > tion. "Old time pickpockets tel'l us," said Deputy Commissioner Lewis, "that by rifling fifty or sixty pockets a day they can make only sls or t<o j a week. They used to be able to retire 1 for a month after picking h ill' a dozen j pockets. Folks haven't been carrying | money in their clothes recently. Some > of t'he pickpockets have turned gun- J men. This may account in part for the sio-ciaiHod crime wave. If the situa | tion continues all the pickpockets iu the city will go out of business." MARRIED AT HAGERSTOWN* Two Middletown Couples Are Wedded In Maryland City Ilagerstown, M;d., Dec. 4.—The fol lowing Pennsylvania couples were I married here: WiWiam H. Lutz and Miss R. May Shafer, both of Middletown, at tho i parson'aige of St. Paul's M. K. church, by the Rev. D. D. Pate. Luther H. Letterman, of Lewistown, and Miss Eletha K. Watts, of lola, a" ! the First Baptist parsonage by the J Rev. E. K. Thomas. Grover C. Stroup, of Middletown, and Sarah Seiders, of Royal ton, hv the Rev. Mr. Thoniias. Mancelot Shank and Miss Anna L. | Wa.lburn, Hedgeville, at the parson : age of the Evangelical church, by the i pastor, the Rev. E. C. Bason. : The Deadly Toll of Typhoid Fever By Associated Press, Jacksonville, Dec. 4. Eight thou sand lives are lost annually iu the United Stales as a result oif typhoid fever among persons who apparently recover from that disease, but die from its debilitating effects, according to Lcuis I. Dublin, statistician of a life I insurance company, in an address be fore the convention of the ■ American ' Public Health Association to-day. Arranging Gifts For War Orphans London, Dec. 4, 4.42 P. M.—Scores j of employes of the Drapers Chamber j of Commerce are engaged irn unpacking j and in arranging for distribution the consignment of toys, clothing and sweets sent by the children of the limited States to the orphaned chil dren of British and Belgian soldiers. These are the gifts that came over on the steamer .I'awn. Bracelette Watches Our line of Bracelette Watches is the most exquisite and beauti ful line eve rshown. We have them in all manner of designs—Gold, gold filled, sil ver, gun metal and enamel. De signs and prices to suit one and all from #5.00, SB.OO, SIO.OO, 918.50, $15.00, SIB.OO, $35.00, $117.50 and up to the finest | American and imported Watches. An inspection will convince you I that we have just what you want. H. C. CLASTER, Gems, Jewels and Silverware 302 Market Street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers