WITMER, BASH & WITMER ANNEX, ' 311 WALNUT STREET New Waists, Coats, Serge Dresses, Silk Petticoats, House Dresses, Etc,, UNUSUAL VALUES 70 Lingerie Waists, high and low neck, :i 4 length sleeves. 69e to 89c value. In our Annex 25^ 100 Choice Waists, voiles, lingerie, etc., to $1.25 value. Special, in our Annex 50c Roman Striped and Plain White Waists, all new models. Special, iu our Annex, 95<> 2 new styles of Dark Mixed Coats, with new belt hack, Iti to 38 sizes. Special iu our Annex $5.75 New Black (.'oats, with plush collar and button trimming. to 46 sizes. Special in our Annex $5.75 New Brown, Green Striped Coats with plush collar and l>elt j| back, 16 to 40 sizes. Special in our Annex 856.75 New Black and Navy Coats, plush collar and button trim ming, all sizes. Special in our Annex, ss.o© Black, Navy and Brown Serge Dresses, colored or P. K. trim ming. Special in our Annex, 53.75 and $1.50 New Navy Velvet Skirts with pointed yoke. Special, $1.95 New Navy Serge Skirts, silk braid and button trimmings. Special in our Annex, $2.95 p New Silk. Jersev and Messaline Petticoats. In our Annex, 1 51.75, 51.95, $2.50, 52.75. $2.98 | New Dark Blue Percale House Dresses, high neck, long R sleeves. Special in our Annex, sl.s© J New Dark Blue and Grey Percale House Dresses, pin stripes, B all sizes. Special in our Annex, SI.OO I New Fall House Dresses, blue, grey, cheek and stripe. 4S to 56 sizes. Special in our Annex, 51.25 to $1.65 MAIN STORE Because of the mild weather up until this time, our stocks have accumulated, and all departments are primed and ready for you. No obligation to buy. Come and look. WITMER, BAIR & WITMER 202 AND 311 WALNUT ST. | —wag ——— ———r SOCIA L and PER HALLOWEEN SOCIAL HELD AT CURTIN HEIGHTS CHURCH Ladies of Bible Class, Taught by Mrs. A. S. Williams, Held Pleasant Af fair in Basement of the Church— Guessing Contests Were Enjoyed The Bible Class of Curtin Heights M. E. church, taught by Mrs. A. S. Wil liams, held a Halloween social 111 the social hall of the church. As the guests arrived they were met by ghosts who conducted them to their seats. La ter guessing contests and game appro priate to the season were enjoyed and refreshments served. Those present included Mrs. .J. Poor, Mrs. Eose Garverich, Mrs. B. Moore, Mrs. Frances Elder, Mrs. W. H. Wil son, Mrs. M. Mason. Mrs. W. W. Cris well. Mr?. George Fetterhoff, Mrs. John M. Zeigler, Mrs. H. M. Gingrich, Mrs. Frehafer, Mrs. stroek, Mrs. William Stimeling, Mrs. .T. A. Haas. Miss Doro thy Haas, Mrs. Harry Reese, Mrs. B. F Moses, Mrs. M. Simonetti, Mrs. E. llol linger, Mrs. M. E. Fraim, Mrs. C. C. -Miller, Mrs. W. G. Satzler, Mrs. C. H. McCord, Mrs. B. S. Fralick, .Mrs. E. W. Mcl'lain, Mrs. George W. Marshall, Mrs. 0. A. Marshall, Mrs. W. .Tones, Mrs. W. T. Jones, Mrs. A. S. William, .Mrs. W. H. Wilson. Mrs. (J. Mehathe, Mrs. 1. L. Nislev, Mrs. D. W. Bixler, Mrs. \\. \\. Wilbert, Mrs. W. E. Mrs. W. E. Grass, Mrs. E. S. Kit/.mil ler, Mrs. C. B. McKeever, Mrs. E. H. Carson, Mrs. J. Jeffries, Miss Marga ret Ginter and Miss Clara Uinter. Mrs. Horace Chayne Hostess Mrs. Horace Chayne entertained at cards this afternoon at her home. 407 North Second street, th e members of the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club. A buffet luncheon was served after the cards. Mrs. Harry Nelson Bassler, 1518 Green street, left yesterday for a few days' stay at Allentown. Tone Up! Not Drugt— Food Does It —wholesome, appetizing food that puts life and vigor into one, but doesn't clog the system. Such a food is Grape-Nuts The entire nutrition of wheat and barley, in cluding the vital min eral salts—phosphate of potash, etc. — Long baked, easily digested, ready to eat; an ideal food with cream or milk, and fine in many combinations. " There's a Reason " for Grape-Nuts —sold bv (i l'ocers. t I FIRST WORKING IHUSICALE i OF THE WEDNESDAY CLUB ; Season's Work WUI Be a Study of Bhytfcm, Melody, Harmony and Col or of Music. With Programs Pre pared by George Coleman Gow The Wednesdav Club began its sea [son of 19H-191."> u-jt.b a working nut sicale held this morning in Fahnesbock 'Hall. The season's work will bp stud lies of rhythm, melody, harmony and ! color ot music il'ustrated by programs prepared by George Coleman Gow, of N assar ' ollege. ; Rhythm apart from melody, ryhrhm i in melody and simple musical meters | of twos and threes were discussed this morning, illustrated by the following program (a) " Villanelle," Berlioz, (b) ! "Swiss Song " Op. 33, No. 5, Franz, Mrs. Decevee; (a) "Norwegian Dance," Grieg, (b> •• Ballet of Sylphs," Berlioz, Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Hen net hum. Compound musical meters of fours, sixes and nines, "Am Meer," Schuibert, Miss Roily; (a) "Marriage of , Hoses/' Franck, (b) "The Lark," Ru benstein, Mrs. Bumbaugh. Kffeet of I pace on rhythmic grouping, ' 'Adagio jof Sonata, Op. 13. Beethoven, Mrs. Bent L. Weaver; "Scherzo of Violin Sonata, Op. 121, Schumann, Miss *ara Lemer. Means of establishing rhythm, volume accent, "Wanderer's .Song," Schumann, Dr. Ruth Better; I accent by longer tones, (a) "In i Dreams My Tears Were Falling," |Schumann; "The Rose and the Lilv," Schumann, Mrs. Friedman. Accent b | shorter tones, "Marie," Franz, Mrs. Harris; "The Night," Rubenstein, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Hertzler. Accent jby change of pitch, (a) "W'arum," ! Schumann, (b "Arabesque," Schu- I mann, Miss Snavelv. Accent by repe tition of rhythmic time-group, "Illu sion.'' Grieg, Miss Bennethum; " Heb | rides Overture," Mendelssohn, Miss ! Suavely, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Weaver and ! Miss Bennethum. MRS SHIRETSJEftIKI LEADS Committee in Charge of Rainbow Cam paign Greatly Encouraged by Result of Workers One hundred and ninety-two dollars | and fifty cents was turned in at the I third Rainbow tea yesterday afternoon lat the i. W. C. A. This means that j nearly seven hundred new mem'bers j have been added. The committee in charge is greatly encouraged bv the re ! port. Mrs. Jo'hn' W. Roily, president of | tflie Y. W. C. A., pave the reports of j the team in de-tail yesterday afternoon The green flag of Mrs. A.' E. Shirev V team again waves above all the others, as her team carried off Tuesday's hon ors «hy turning in $66. Airs. C. M. For ney, of Paxtang, won tfhe honors for the suburban teams, Tliis is the second time that Mrs. Shi rev has captured the ! ?reen flag and placed it. a'bove all of the others. To-day E. 7.. Wallower gave a brief talk to those at the tea. and some one interested in the association work will probably have a five-minute talk each day. Those pouring tea to-day are: >Miss j Maty Gorgas, .Mrs. E. J. Jennings, Mrs. William Main. Mrs. D. M. Gilbert. Supper at St. Mary's Church The members of St. Mary's church,! Fifth and Maclay streets, will hold an' j oyster supper in the basement of the j church to-morrow evening. Miss Mar- I garet Maguire will be in charge of the | candy table and Mrs. Frank Schreck and Mrs. Beitler will have charge of I the supper, assisted by Miss Francis Burns, Miss Clara Beitler. Miss Mary Maguire, Miss Marv McCarthy, Mis's : Keane, the Misses .Madden, Mrs. Agnes ; -Varlet. Mrs. Veal McCarthy, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Eberly. HA-RRTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, 1914. EDUCATIONAL CLASSES OF Y. W. C. AJEGIN MONDAY Work Will Include Lessons iu Millin ery, Dressmaking. Current Events Talks. German Cooking and Physic al Training by Competent Teachers On Monday the educational classes of the V. \Y. €. A. will commence work under the most favorable auspices. Monday's classes include the millinery at. S p. m. under Mrs. Paul Hooker, who will teach the making of frames and hats and the remodeling of old hats. The tuition will be $1 for the term. Another Monday class is the choral un der the direction of Mrs. Willmr P. Harris, with Miss Alice Gray don as pianist. This class will meet Monday at S p. in., the tuition for this will also be $1 for the term. Tuesday's classes include the Our ! rent Kvent Talks by Mrs. Mabel Cron ! ise -lones, from 4.30 to 5.30. there be i iiig no fee for this class, us it has been made a membership privilege. Miss Dowdell 's class for High school girls in cooking: either morning or after noon. two hours; the tuition will be $1 for the term. Tuesday evening at 8 p. in. will be the new dressmaking class with Miss Frances Morrison chair man and Miss Jane Sawyer and Mrs. Edward P. Manser, as assistants. The girls will make Peter Thompson suits, shirt waists, skirts, underwear, tuition, ?1 for the term. The Engli«h review class taught by Mrs. George Ross Hull. ' including grammar, letter writing, spelling and literature, will also be Tuesday eveninj at S. tuition, $1 for the term. The German classes bv the : Rev. H. I". Lisse, which have been so | popular in the past, will also commence Tuesday evening at S, tuition, 20 cents | a lesson. PARTY FOP. M FRITCHEY Entertained Little Friends at His Home at a Halloween Party This Afternoon Mrs. John A. t'VitiMcy gave a Hal loween party at her home, 911 North Second street, this afternoon for her son. John A. Friti-hey, Jr. The rooms were prettily decorated with jack-o'-lanterns, corn stalks, au | tumn leaves an I yellow chrysanthemums I and the children spent a merry after j noon playing Halloween games and en | .ioying the v arious contests. At 6 o'clock supper was served, with a witch presiding over the table and handing out gifts. The guests included: Mary Hoffman, Christine Darby, Bet ty 1 >ariiy. Cecelia Tausig, Blanche Tau "ig. Kthel IjMckcye. Dorothy Bushnell, I lVorothy Jean Adams. Elizabeth Hol \ iiart, Clara Baum, Gene Moses, Vir ginia O'Hale, Mary Taus» r , Charles j C'uiubler, W liar.l Voting, Richard Adam, | Brant K'.iersole, Harold Cluster, Donald : MVCamant. James Bowman, William I Bushnell. liieh.ar.l (ioetz, I rank Poose, George Miles, Harry 1»: keve and John Frit.-hey, Jr. JIEAHK \Y. ('. T. I. ME£Tl\(i Important Business Transacted at Ses sion Yesterday—Members Elected Mrs. George S.iert.-.er was appointed superintendent of the evangelistic de partmeut of the Meade VV. C. T. F. at : the meeting held yesterday afternoon, i at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth llack enberg, 29 North Sixteenth street. Resolutions of sympathy on the death of Mrs. R. K. Bergstresser. were passed upon and several new members. Mrs. Chester Byler and Mrs. Eleanor Voting, were received. Mrs. W. \V. Oberdier, as leader led the discussion on "The Kffect of Mod 1 crate Drinking Among Men and Wom en." Plans for the silver medal con test to be held in the l'ark Street Evangelical church, Monday evening. November 9. were discussed. The la lies who will sing in the W. C. T. F. chorus will meet for rehearsal at the home of Mrs. Pickell. 21 North Seventeenth street, next Tuesday evening. Laugh At Dyspepsia By Simply Using a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet After You Want to Eat It sounds almost ridiculous to think of eating a big meal without pain and discomfort afterwards, doesn't it f Well, try this simple remedy and demonstrate its truth. You know that 12 men (a jury) decide the laws of our land. Not only have 12 men O. K.'d Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, but hundreds of thou sands as well. "What do I care about this meal? A little Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will digest it easily for me." Just think! One ingredient con tained in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 11,000 times its weight in food. Doesn't this tell you that such aid to your body means relieving your distress from food? What the thousands are daily do ing you can surely <:o. Kvery condi tion of stomach and digestive troubles has been relieved .by Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. They nave been tested and tried for years. They are this na tion's greatest dyspepsia remedy. They are sold wherever drugs arc sold. Surely this manner of proof is all you need to know what course to pursue If any man can prepare u better remedy than Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets he can make millions of dollars. Is there a better one? Why not use this hint to awaken your common sense and make you go to your druggist to-day and buy it box. To anyone wishing a free trial of these tablets please address P. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich., and a small sample package will be mailed free. Adv. HELD A HALLOWEEN SOCIAL; Members of Second Reformed Sunday School Gave Pleasant Affair in Church Social Room Members of the Intermediate Uepart ment of the Second Reformed Sunday school held a Halloween social in the social room of the church Monday evening. The guests spent a pleasant evening during which refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Myers, Mr. ami Mrs. George Wert/., Mis. Harry Nelson Hassler, Mrs. Mar ian Hassler, Miss Cluru MoCarroll, Miss Ethel Kisenhour. Miss Arvilla Strom inger. Miss Marie Vount, Miss M&rga ret \\ ingert. Miss Elizabeth Koons. Miss Mary llutman, Miss Gladys Berk heiser. Miss Kathryn Coover, Miss Mar guerite t'olestock, Miss iCdnn Watts, Miss ljoretta Pile, Miss Mary Wert/., Miss I'earl Bogner, Miss Cla Clark, Miss Gladys Kuhn, Miss Mary Bixler, Miss 111 la Barnhard, Miss Helen llass ler. Miss Elsie Davis, Miss Maude Watts, Miss GoMie Went/., Miss Kath teen Kennedy, Miss May Bissinger, Miss Cordelia Coble. Miss Margaret O'bearv, Miss Emily Watts, Misi Edna Atticks, Miss Mildred Kutherford, Miss Marv Stonesifer, Miss Margaret Stone siler, Miss Marian Bassler, .lohn Prenie, Charles Uarverich, Arthur Cunkle, Ed ward Hoy, Charles Simonton, Warren Sehrarilin. Claude Bret/., William I Kliteli, Kalph Watts, Preston Smith, | 1 jester Chard, Albert Hoy, Willis My | ers, Paul Selsam, Robert W. Watts. ENTERTAie FOR NIECE Dr. and Mrs Fritchey Gave Halloween Dance in Honor of Miss Lingle l>r. and Mrs John A. frVitchoy gave a Halloween masquerade dance at tlioir home, it 11 North Second street, last evening complimentary to their niece. Miss Evelyn Marian Lingle. l'iie entire house, beautifully decor ated with autumn leave*, yellow chry santhemums and Halloween suggestions, was thrown open to the guests. Music and games, followed by supper ami an informal dance, were features of the evening's entertainment. The guest* included Miss Ruth Pou 1 ton, Miss Katherine Burkholder, Miss Anna Bobbins, Miss Marv Reese, Miss Ruth Gorkes, Miss Grace Pout/.] Miss Hu!.la Rise, Miss Kannv Hoy, Miss Dora Wallace, Miss Ruth Kirkup, Miss Pearl Lingle, Miss Evelyn Marie Liin gle, George Peters, Scott Burgeon, Harry Long, Ira Kindler, Herman Kreidler, George Henry. Vernon Flora, Jones Bless, William Hoover, Charles Orr and Edwa.d Landholt/.. IR. AND MRS. FENCIL HOSTS Entertained Queen Esther Circle at Their Home in New Cumberland at Masq.uerp.de Party Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Pencil enter i tuiiie.l the members of tho i Esther Circle, of St. Paul's M. E. 1 church at a masquerade parts at their home in New Cumberland Monday evening. Music and games followed by a late supper, were enjoyed by the fol lowing guests: Miss Tamson Drink water, Vauia una girl; \liss Sara MeCormick, ghost; Miss Catherine Pike, ghost; Miss Mildred Graham, ghost; Miss Ger trude Keil, Indian girl; Miss Amy Malev, America; Miss Anna Wilkins, clown; Miss Anna Diekev, ghost; Miss Margaret Fry, t'.vpsy: Miss Mary Hare, Red Riding HOJII; Miss Theima Klaiss, ghist; Miss Margaret Klaiss and Miss Mabel Corpman. twins; Miss Ruth Pish er. Irish <.;iri: Miss Ethel llarboldt, Red Killing Hood; Miss Martha Graham, ghost; Miss Dorothy Stoner, ghost; Miss Sara Mardorf, ghost; Mis< Alie? Nissley, ghost; IJCOII Pencil, clown; Mr. ■ an.l Mrs. I'M. Brinkvvater, Mr. and Mrs, : Pencil. (.Il ls FOR BKIDE-ELKI'T Miss Elizabeth Meyers Given Shower By Miss Ada Currey Miss Ada Currey gave a miscellan ' eous shower at her home, til North Eighteenth street, last evening, in hon or of Miss Elizabeth Meyers, of Lan caster. The bride-elect was the recip ient of many beautiful gifts. The guests included: Miss Meyers, Miss Daisy Bnrd, of ; York, Miss Erma Longenecker, Miss Irma Watts. Miss JStella Backenstoss, Mrs. Robert Geesey, Mrs. Leßov Whit ■omb, Mrs. Johu P. Spicer and Miss j Currey. R. F. 0, M. Straw Ride Members of the R. F. O. M. Club will meet at the Y. W. C. A. on Thurs day evening at ' 6.30 o'clock, from where they will leave for a straw ride to Linglrstown, where tliey will be en tertained at a Halloween party 'at the home of Miss Carrie Drawbaugh. HAVECOLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets ll' your skin is yellow—complexion pallid—tongue coated-—appetite poor— vou have a bad taste- in your mouth— a lazy, no-good feeling—J>ou should take Olive Tablets. I>r. Edwards' Olive Tablets—a sub stitute for calomel—were prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study with his patients. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. If you want a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel—yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c anci zoc pe. box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly and note the pleasing results. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, O. Adv. Piano Time Is Here Following a long established custom, more People will buy Pianos and Player-Pianos during November and December than in any other two I i I'"' piH-ketbook. Now's the Time—When Stocks Are Full- To Make Investigation New Pianos $225 to SBSO a Plager-Pianos $455 to SIOSO I 100 NEW | OurXmasClubSaleOpened Come In and Ask Us Yesterday '° ''' av . Your favorite selections on the A helplul plan \\hereby vou may jfew Edison. We shall be mighty have your choice of \ ictrola and rev- A . ]ad to do so< aU(I the lo svilt will be olds sent home at once hypayiug cash ! lnore convincing than anything we only tor the records; no iurther pay- 1 ( . ou |,{ sav nients until •>() da\ s later. | Don't, miss hearing it. Our invi- Join the Club Now. Delivery at tation is most cordial. < l ome any ! once, or not until you prefer. i day or evening. Complete Stock of Victor and Edison Disc Records 88-Note Music Rolls at 20 Per Cent Discount The J. H. Troup Music House Troup Building, 15 South Market Square News of Persons Who Come and Go ■Mr. and Mrs. William M. Haiu have closed their summer home at Highspire and opened their town house at 808 North Second street. J. Mollison, 814 North Sixth street, will leave Thursday to spend a few days at Scotdale. Miss Caroline iPatschke, 22-8 North Second street, returned front a week end visit to Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Homer, of Washington. [>. C„ are spending several days with Mrs. Homer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lebo, 1(502 Market street. Mrs. Blanche Marshall and .Miss Charlotte Aahenfelter, Hoffman apart meuts, have returned from a several days' trip to Baltimore, attending the races at Laurel, Md. Miss Mary Lynn, of Bellefonte, is spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. Richard ,1. llaldeman, 219 Suull| Front rftreet. » \lr% Prank Payne, 612 North Front street, has gone to Charleston, W. Va., where die is the guest at a house party. Mrs. Koss Anderson Hiekok, 119 State street, spent to-day in Philadel phia. Mr. and Mrs. .Martin W. 'Pager, of Second and State streets, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Lewis AM. Xeiffer, of Riverside, motored to Princeton, N. .1., Where they spent the week-end. Mrs. Lew-is C. Randall, of Clifton, N. J., has gone to her home after hav ing been the guest of Mrs. William' Spry liurloek, 1709 North Front street. Mrs. Mary Brensiuger, of Philadel phia, has returned home after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Reed, 2041 Heir street. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Kilgore and son, Roy, 1505 Nortih Fifth street, spent j the week-end in New York, Columbia j ami Lancaster. George Ilamer, 121 Cumberland I street, has returned home from a ten i days' visit with his father and other relatives at .Vert's Mills. Mrs. Robert. Halt Goldsborough, Front and Porster streets, left to-day for a iftort trip to Philadelphia. The Rev. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, of Altoona, en route to Washington, D. | C., spent a few hours yesterday at the | home of 'Mr. and Mrs. .fohn Baldwin, I 1513 North Sixth street. Mrs. Charles E. Williams. 1501 ; North Sixt'h street, was a visitor to | Philadelphia yesterday. Mrs. Isaac. iiaifleigh, 1337 Penn J street, has returned home from a visit I to Philadelphia. j Elmer S. Johnson, 1.817 Deny street, ; have returned from a week-end visit to j Danville. Mrs. A. M. Beattv, 2007 North Sixth ; street; Mrs. John <"■. Church, 2005 I North Sixt'h street: Mrs. Samuel Diener, 2010 North Sixth street, left this morn ing for a two days' visit to No ■ York. Mr. and .Mrs. John ITartman, 14 Noi'bh Cameron street, have returned j from Ijebanon. | Mrs. Irvin, of Newark, N. J., and j Mrs. Jones, of Philadelphia, are guests I of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, 713 N'orth Third street. Miss Edith Hoffman has returned to l*"banou after u visit with Mrs. Ger trude Hoffman, 14 North Cameron street. Miss Mary Abratiam, of Lancaster, is the guest of Miss Esther Sublayer, 123 Sayford street. Mrs. Charles Bowman and small daughter, Francis Bowman, have re turned from Alientown and are guests* of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, 112 South Fourteenth street. Mrs. I*. McKntee, of Philadelphia, I is the guest ol' her parents, Mr. and 3 Mrs. John MeGeehan, 1610 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlayer, 638 Kelker street, have returned home from Le Wigtown. Mr. and Airs. John Kelly and son, Jack Kelly, have returned to Philadel phia after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy, 356 South Thirteenth street. ' Mrs. George Brady, of Carlisle, spent several days with relatives iu this city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hi Mm, 324 South Thirteenth street, have returned from Thompson town. Arthur King Kunkel, a student at Franklin and Marshall College, has re turned to school after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel, 1607 N'orth Second street. IRAKESGGOD HEALTHY FLESH H. C. Kennedy Offers to Pay for Samose If It Fails Be>;in the use of Samose to-day, and you will soon notice a gain iu good, healthy flesh to all who are thin, weak and run down, thiN remarkable flesh forming food, promises plump, rosy, perfect health, vigor and vitality. Most people eat enough to become fat; the trouble is not lack of food, but lack of assimilative power. Samose mingles with the food that is eaten, so that it is assimilated bv the blood and builds up pleasing plump ness and good healthy flesh. Those who use Samose for a week or ten days will soon notice a gain in weight and an im provement in general strength and health. Samose is in tablet form, pleasant to take, and is sold by one of the most reputable drug stores in Harrisburg, H. C. Kennedy's, under his persiyial guar antee to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. Adv.
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