2 ORPHAN 811,11 * FOUND STARVIIG Rescued From Moun tain Where He Had Lived for a Week Without a Roof APPLES WERE HIS CHIEF FOOD Wiconisco Grocer Shelters for Youngster Until He Is Sent Here and Court Makes Provision for His Care in Future Cold, poorly clad and on the v-rgej of starvation—having lived alone in tflie mountains for a week, getting noth- 1 ing to eat but an apple or two and an occasional chestnut—Edward L. Cole, an orphan. 13 years old, of Wico nisco. was picked up near that town by -- .Samuel Miller, a Wiconisco grocer, and taken to the Miller home. All that hap pened several weeks ago. but it was not learned here until late yesterday when the friendless orphan appeared before Judge McCarrell at an extraordinary session of juvenile eourt and begged to be given a permanent home. The boy was accompanied to court by Mrs. Auna Simonetti. pryhation officer. and was formally declared to be a "dependent and neglected child." Until Judge 'McCarrell made an or der directing the boy be sent to the (House of Refuge, where lie will he cared for and given the opportunity to learn a trade, the youngster's future was as dark as night. The story he told the eourt was a pitiful one. and it brought tears to the eyes of the court attend ants; but he was an entirely different looking boy yesterday than on the day the Wiconisco grocer gave him shelter and food. No One to Care for Him The lad's mother died when he was « child of but three years, and the whereabouts of his father have been unknown to Wiconisco people for more than twelve years. Kdward was taken into the home of his aged grandmother, •Mrs. Anna Cole, of Wiconisco. She is now no-longer able to look after the l»ov and lie was of necessity thrown on his own resources several weeks ago. He had no friends and no home to go. and so he wandered into the Wico nisco mountains. There he remained, living on the apples and the few chest nuts he was able to gather and sleeping in an old board wagon which long since has been abandoned by its owner. The nights were cold, the lad's clothing was torn and Miin anl he suffered greatly •because of the exposure. Tho lad's story appealed to Mr. Miller and he was taken to the grower's home. There he received a new suit of , clothes and, in fact, an entirely new clothing outfit, plenty to cat and some _■-money. Then Mi. Miller, soali/ing that •if would be in tMsi'blc to Keep the boy r.t hi< home permanently, informed the county authorities of the case. Boy Is Brought Here Before Cole was brought to Harris b rg Mr. Miller gave him a half a doi • » • Tii" boy to"! Mrs. S inonetti the name of an aunt living on 'Allison Hill nil,l another in Etyola. Both were eom munu'ated with but neither would agree t,« he the youngster's guardian. One of the uncles is said to have remarked: "He can't get in here."' \s juveniles an no longer he sent to tie House of Detention, that branch of tin l alms, ouse being abolished, the pro bation oflieer hud nothing to do hut take the boy to her home. Later one of Mrs. Biwonetti's -leighbors consent ed to give him a home until yesterday. At 'i s; w ::i Judge Mc arrell issued the order committing young Cole to the '■len Mills s-.iool. the lad wept, but afterward d e.l his tears and laughing ly said: "Well, I guess 1 wi'l have a good place to sleep and it will be warm there.'' _COURT HOUSE SATI Hint LAST Til RKIIISTEti Voter Cannot Qualify for Ballot After Noon of That Day The County Commissioners in session to-dav decided to receive registration applications from qualified voters up un til Saturday at noon. The applicants, of course, must be confined to sncli vo ters as were ill or unavoidably absent from the city on the three regular reg istration days. The Commissioners alreadv have reg istered upwards of two hundred They will hold n special meeting on Saturday to consider the applications tiled late Friday afternoon and Satur day morning. Marriage Licenses Oliver D. Johnson and 'Mary L. Wit nier. -'teeitoii. Amil L. Poggy. Vineland. X. J., and Alice E. t'ortv, Hummelstown. Dr. Albert 1!. Davis, Xorristown, and Katherine A. Wjnfleld, Harrisburg. TECH ALUMNI TO MEET Will Discuss Plans for Annual Banquet and Athletic Outlook Members of the Alumni Association of the Technical High s.-hool are re quested to be present at a meeting to +>•> held in the library of the school on 'Monday evening at 7 0 lock to discuss plans for the annual Thanksgiving banquet of the association and to talk over the a-'nleti- outlook. The meeting will be held at this early boar so that anv of the members that are atten ling the classes of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania will have a chance to attend the meeting before pehool. To Decide Christmas Hours The retail section of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce will meet next week to decide the hours during which retail stores will be opened during the two weeks befnre Christmas. A sched ule of legitimate advertising schemes, worthy of support by local merchants, will also be framed up. Th's will later be submitted to the board of directors j'or actiou. CAPITOL HILL RAILWAY IS INSTRUCTED. AFTER KILLING OF WOMAN Carlisle and Mount Holly Company Must Conduct Trolley Service in Accordance With Order Issued by Public Service Commission ■ I As the result of an investigation j made by the investigator of accidents j for the Public Service Commission, the ! i Carlisle & Mt. Holly Railway Company j has been instructed to eliminate all un j necessary delays at the termini (Car lisle and Mt Holly), as well as en route, so that in making the round trip between these points more time will be allowed for operation and the ' speed of the cars wiLl be reduced. It was found that the roadbed of this line is not in substantial condition and. therefore, is not maintained in a j manner to permit high speed traffic. The motormeu have been instructed | j :o approach al. curves aud grades with > : the cars under control, and the whistle; | is to be sounded at all points where i any element of danger may exist. ; The matter was brSught to the atten j tion of the Commission by the Kev. | Floyd W. Appleton, of this city, whose I | mother was struck by a car and killed | | on the afternoon of July 16. j Complaint About Turnpike The Glen R,»ck Motor Club, of Glen i Rock. York county, tiles a complaint ' | against the New York A. Maryland; Line Turnpike Company, alleging that j the road maintained by it is not in good traveling condition. They claim thai the road is not properly crowned; that! loose stones are not removed, and that there are large water-breakers and i ruts and holes in the road. Rush for Auto Licenses I The Automobile Division of the State> Highway Department has received more j than a thousand applications for li ' censes for 1915 and tlhey are pouring in in increasing numbers daily. A state ment issued to-day by the State High way Department says that it has been found necessary to warn applicants that requests received on 1914 blanks will not be accepted. In securing a reg istration and license tags, application must be made on the 1915 blanks, which are being sent out as fast as re | quests are received. It is hoped that by December 1. when shipment of" the | 1915 licenses to early arvilieants will 1 be made, a targe proportion of the own | ers in Pennsylvania will have their applications in. The Automobile Di vision expected tha* a large number would avail themselves of Ae oppor i tunity to secure new licenses early than has done so. T. C. Boyd, registrar j of the Automobile Division, said that 1 he hoped there would be a marked in crease in the number of the applica tions as a result of the notice issued to day. Baldwin a Visitor Former Senator Baldwin, of Potter, was a visitor to the Capitol to-day looking after an appropriation for the Austin hospital. Since the great flood disaster to the town the hospital has ; been found to be of the greatest service : in the town and surrounding country. Bigelow Guest of Honor State Highway Commissioner Bige ow was at his department to-day iook ng over road matters, and to-morrow will leave for his Pittsburgh home. To-morrow evening Mr. Bigelow will be the guest of honor at a dinner and re ception tendered him by the Altoona 'Chamber of Commerce. Supervisors' Meetings The Bureau of Township Highways of tie state Highway Department has arranged to have representatives pres ent at the annual meetings of the eoun i tv supervisors associations to be held this fall and winter anil next spring. On October 17 the Northampton county meeting was held at Butztown and on that occasion Joseph W. Hunter. First Deputy State Highway Commissioner, in charge of the Bureau of Township Highways, represented the department. The following dates have been chosen by the various county supervisors' asso ciations for meetings in this vicinity next month: November 19. Dauphin i county, at Harrisburg; 24. Lebanon | county, at Lebanon. Mr. Whited Will Talk A. D. Williams, chief road engineer ] of West Virginia and head of the ra.il ; way and highway department of the i I'niversitv off West Virginia, has in : vited Willis Whited, engineer of bridges of the State Highway Depart ment, to deliver a lecture before the county engineers of West Virginia on the subject ot "Bridge Floors.'' In his letter to Mr. Whited Mr. Williams explains iliat the State law requires the railway and highway department of the university to give annually ten lectures 1 to the county engineers, which they are required to attend. The lecture term . this year will be from December 1 to December 11. Mr. Whited has accept ed the invitation aud will go to Mor gantown on the date that Mr. Williams selects. REAPPOINTS COMMITTEE Transportation Body Betters Conditions to Lebanon Valley President Henderson Gilbert, of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, has reappointed the former committee on transportation, which includes W. J. Rose, J. H. Nixon, J. S. Klinedinst, E. I). Hilleary. C. W. Burtnett, C. K. 1 l>een and \\ . M. Donaldson. This committee has already secured better shipping facilities to and from the Lebanon Valley and are investi gating other transportation companies. At the Photo-Play "The Plum Tree," a ,3-act Essanay drama taken froin the "Ladies' World Magazine"' and on which there is a SIOO prize for the best answer to the | missing paragraph, will be shown to-day at the Photo-Play. Each month the " Ladies World" publish a complete j story, with a missing paragraph and a reward of SI 00 for the best answer These stories are made in motion pic- I turcs by the Essanay Company and are • shown at the Photo-Plav each month. Adv. Masons to Celebrate Perseverance Lodge No. 21, Free and j Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, will celebrate its one hundred aud thirty j fifth auniversary at the Masonic hail, this city, on Tuesday, November 10, I at 7 o'clock p. in. / HARRISBURG STAB-I NDF.PENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 28, 1914. HI! IN FACE WITH BRICK Albert Hays Suffers Laceration of \ Tongue. Lip, Nose and Jaw— Warrant Out for Assailant A John Doe warrant has been issued by Justice of the I'eace McGarvey, of Prnbrook, for the assailant of Albert Hays, colored, 618 Walnut street, who! is in the Harrisburg hospital, suffering from a laceration of the tongue, lip, ' nose and right side of jaw. Havs was ; struck by a brick in Penbrook yester- ] day. Physicians at the hospital last night ! put live stitches in his tongue and four j on the interior surface of the lower j •lip. He has been admitted to a ward j for further treatment. According to Justice of the I'eace j Mcliarvev, Hays and another colored man had some words yesterday while | working side by side on a construction | job in that place and Hays threatened | the other man with a shovel, whereupon j the latter threw a brick, striking Hays in the face Hays' wife made information against her husband's assailant, who did not turn up for work this morning. His name is unknown. TEN BUILDINGS BI RNKh Blaze Causes SIO,OOO Loss in Business Section of Herndon Ten buildings were destroyed, entail-1 ing a loss of $40,000, in Herndon, a small town thirteen miles east of Sun bury, early this morning in a fire which started in the Baurn tinshop, in the heart of the town. The -following buildings and business ! places were destroyed: Tinshop of Ed | ward Baum, on Main street: farming implement warehouse of Harry Gelnet, ' which adjoined the tinshop; residence lof Mr. lielnet, which adjoined the warehouse; bakeshop and stable of Henry ByerH and double house occu pied by W. H. Wetzel and William Wayne. A bucket brigade and the Sunburv ! fire department, in a quick run on ir special train at midnight, saved the j town. PULLMAN TRAIN DERAILED : Eighteen Persons Injured ill Wreck on the Chesapeake and Ohio By Associated Press. Huntington, W. Ya., Oct. -8. — i Kighteen persons were injured, live of them seriously, when three Pullmans and a day coach of the Chesapeake and ' Ohio, Washington-Chicago fast train was derailed this morning ten miles i of Huntington. Two Pullmans turned completely i over, rolling down a high embankment. A broken wheel on the day coach is be i Sieved to have caused the accident. MBS. CARMAN OFF TO FARM Accused Slayer of Mrs. Bailey Leaves for New Jersey By Associated Press, I'reeport, N. V., Oct. 25.-—Mrs. Florence Carman, who on Monday was released on $-5,000 bail, following the disagreement of the jury at her tr a: for the murder of Mrs. Louise Bailey, to-day left her home here for her hus band's farm at Ravenrick, N. J. Dr. Carman and her daughter, Elisabeth, accompanied her. Since Mrs. Carman returned home from jail she has been showered with gifts of flowers. Every room in the house was banked with flowers to day. Tells of Lost Comet of Biela An illustrated lecture on "Comets and Meteors," was given last evening in the Willard school building before the astronomicaj section of the natural history society by the section chair man. M. W. Jacofis, Jr. The view naw held bv most astronomers that meteors or falling stats are portions of disrupt ed comets, was presented and the story was told of the lost comet of Biela, j which changed into a meteor swarm ! and caused the brilliant displays of shooting stars seen November 27, 1872, and November 27, 1885. Mrs. May Zinn Eckels Dies Mrs. May Zinn Eckels died at tlw home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Trcager, Bellevue, Pa. Mrs. Eckels was the widow of the late Major W. H. Eckels. Funeral of James Carey ' The funeral of James Carey, age i 4 4 years, who died yesterday," will be held from the home," 145 Aline street, to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment will be in Lincoln cemetery. Elect Officers Last Night The following officers ami directors were elected at a meeting of the Franklin Building and Loan Associa tion. of Harrisburg, held last night in the offices of J. H. Musaer & Son, 213 ! Walnut street: President. J. E. Patterson; vice pres ident. J. B. Martin; treasurer, 5. W. Fleming; secretary, J. H. Musscr: di rectors, G. A. Dei'hl, S. W. Fleming, J. i J. Pilkay, J. B. Patrick, C. M. Singer , and George H Sechrist. Harrisburg Doctors in Philadelphia Two score of Harrisburg physicians I to-day atteiided the all-day clinic of the Philadelphia County Medical Society in that city. Most of them will attend ] the smoker this evening, which will be featured by an address by Dr. Joihn B. ! Denver. The physicians will return on , the train leaving Broad street station j at 11.15 o'clock this evening. Injunction for Optometrists Bit Asnoi inted Prrns. Philadelphia, Oct. 28.—Judge Will , son, in Common Pleas Court this aft ernoon, issued an injunction restraining the State Board of Medical Education an.l Licensure from enforcing require ments, which would necessitate optome | trists to undergo an examination Jay the | board. Dental Clinic Heady for School Work The dental clinic in connection with jthe medical department of the Harris j burg Bchool district was opened Mon -1 day and daily between 4 and 5 o'clock I Dr. M. Edward Richards is operating i on cases lyent to the dispensary by nied ! ical inspectors in the Harrisburg dis ; t-rict. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS | Printed at this ofiice in best style, at | lowest prices and on short notice. MISS BUEHLER DESCRIBES BEING MAROONED ABROAD Coatlnurd From Klrat l'a(t. nation was intently interesting. Wo had very little trouble of any kind and I think the Americans who got into per- , plexing positions were really ignorant ( of the laws and customs under the pre- ( vailing conditions or were unable to speak the different, languages to make themselves understood. "Three weeks before we sailed we went to The Hague, expecting to sail almost immediately, but unfortunately we hail to wait for the boat to dock, the company in the meanwnile having to feed a large number of passengers who had no money to pay the expenses of the enforced delay. While the ex perience was a wonderful one, our party was certainly very glad to sail for aud reach home." 3 ARRESTS IN ARSON CASE Waynesboro Youth Alleged to Have Confessed to Plot to Burn House to Obtain Insurance Money (Special to the Star-Independent.) Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 2S.—Follow ing an inquiry conducted by the local authorities assisted by State Fire Mar shal Baldwin, three arrests were made here yesterday in connection with an al leged attempt last Thursday morning to burn the Val. Smith house, on Phila delphia avenue, occupied by the family Qf John Graft. Wilbur Blair is said by the police to have made a confession in which he told of attempting to car ry out a plot to burn the home to get $('«00 insurance. The young man, it is alleged, con ! fessed to removing a trunk containing j valuable household articles from tlio house aud is said to have implicated John Graft, Jr. The police say Blair ' declared that young Graft saturated the I carpets with kerosene and placed six lighted candles in the house, one on each of the oil-soaked spots. All this time, Blair said, he was i stunding outside of the house keeping watch. The blaze was discovered and i extinguished before much damage had j been dene. The trunk of valuables, ; Hlair said, was shipped to Hanover. | The police took charge of the trunk i in that town before the person to whom | it was consigned called to take passes j sion. The boys said Benjamin Cali , nier, g neighbor of the Grafts, was the I ! shipper. The police say Calimer was , not a party to the crime and that, al i though he was at first suspected of ! complicity and arrested, lie will be re- I leased. Blair is under arrest on charges of i burglary and larceny, growing out of ■ the alleged theft of the trunk, and he ; uUo was made the defendant to an ar -1 son charge. Young Graft is held on a ! charge firing the bouse. GIVE THAISKSNOVEMEER 26 President Wilson Issues Proclamation I Designating Day for Annual Thanksgiving i ~ B.i/ Associated Press. Washington, Oi t. 28.—President Wil- ! ! sou to-dav issued a proclamation desig- | j nating Thursday, November 2l>, as j ' Thanksgiving Day. TWO KILLED IN ALTO WHECKS Thirteen Taken Injured to Hospitals As Result of Collisions By Associated Press. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 28.—Thirteen men were taken to hospitals here early j to-day as a result of two automobile ac- j cidents in which W. O. Stevenson, of Leeehburg, Pa., and David Nicolas, of Ilites, Pa., were killed. The machine in which Stevenson and j Nicolas were riding collided with a j street car and a police patrol summoned j to their assistance ran into a rapidly j moving automobile when near the scene i of the accident. Among the injured were Police Captain Robert Emmett aud three policemen all of whom were , seriously hurt. LOCAL CHARITIES ASK All! Formal Pleas for State Appropriations Made to Board This Morning Representatives of Harrisburg char-' ; ities appeared before the State Board i of Charities this morning and present-1 ed their claims for State appropria tions. Yesterday was devoted by the Board to hearing applications for aid for State and private hospitals, and to day was devoted, with a couple of ex i ceptions, to applications for appropria tions for private charities and homes. ; The applications from Harrisburg came ' from the Nursery Honte, Home for the Friendless, Children's Industrial Home, Messiah Orphanage, Sylvan Heights Home for Girls and Florence Critten j den Home. This morning the Board heard ap i plications from the Aged Colored \tfom en's Home, in Williamsport, the re i quest coming from Mrs. Mary Slaugh ter, an aged colored woman, a former , slave, through whose efforts the home was established; the Home for Widows and Single Women of Reading; the Fnion Zion Home, Lititz; State hos pital, Ashland, and State hospital,' Phillipsburg. Mrs. Harry B. Montgomery and Mrs. Harvey Patton presented the applica tion of the Nursery Home of Harris i burg, for $5,000, and Mrs. Elizabeth : Crane Kunkel and Miss Lydia Forney J presented the application for the Home i for the Friendless, asking for The needs and requirements of these | institutions, the great good they are accomplishing and their merits were , fully set forth before the Board by the ladies, and the Board promised to give them careful consideration. Mrs. Elsie i V. Middleton, general agent of the ■Children's Aid Society, Harrisburg, j was present during the morning. Reinforcing Germans in Alsace London, Oct. 28, 7.40 A. M.—A dis j patch to the "Times" fram Berne, ! Switzerland, asserts that the Germans | are receiving large reinforcements in Alsace anil that the French are making great preparations to repnlse an attack on Belfort, which is powerfully en trenched. U.S. SHIPLOAD OF COPPER DETAINED BY THE BRITISH Washington, Oct. 28. —The Amer ican ship Kroonland, from New York bound for Naples and Greece with a cargo of copper, has been detained at i Gibraltar by British authorities, accord ing to a report to the State Department to-day from American Consul Sprague. Consul Sprague did not report the reason for the detention of the Kroon land, but, as copper is listed by the British Foreign Office as conditional contraband, it is assumed that the Brit ish government's attitude will be simi lar to that in the case of another Amer ican ship which carried copper to Hol land. In that case, when the Dutch government gave assurances that cop per cargoes would not be reshipped from Holland, the British government withdrew its objection. WAR ON HERMAN RIGHT FLANK AT LILLE STYLED A MASSACRE Geneva, Via Paris, Oct. 2S, 12.35 A. M.—Telegrams received in Basle, Switzerland, Tuesday night from Co logne and Coblenz declare tlint the war j on t'he German right flank from Lille to I the North sea has become a massacre. During the last six days, it is declared, many thousands of Germans have been killed or wounded. Long trains containing wounded continue to jour into Cologne, Dussel dorf and C&tlenz and the Red Cross doctors and the hospitals in those places are overwhelmed, it is stated. In reply to reported attacks iu fehe American press because Switzerland has not protested against the violation of Belgian territory, the Swiss" papers make answer that America should loud the way Switzerland, they declare, is I in an anxious and critical position. | REPORT FIGHT OX YSEII CANAL IS FAVORABLE TO GERMANS London, Oct.' 2S, 8.03 A. M. —An Amsterdam dispatch to the "Chron icle." dated Tuesday, says: "The only news arriving here to day from Berlin is to the effect that the fight of the Vser canal is going favor ably for the Germans. "During the past few days the Ger mans have be-n sending great quanti ties of food. blanVots and other stores from Antwerp to an unknown destina tion and the townspeople of Antwerp fear there will be a shortage of these articles. The Germans are taking 30 per cent, of the tramway receipts. "Despite the German assertions that their artillery had driven the British ships away from Ostend, the bombard ment by the ships was renewed so vig orously to-day that the atmosphere was in a state of constant vibration over a large area all day." WAR CUTS OFF TOURISTS* All) AM) JEWS FACE STARVATION New York, Oct. 28.—One hundred thousand inhabitants of Jerusalem are facing starvation, according to Samuel Edelman, American vice consul in'that city, who reached here to-day, on the steamer Anoona. Two-thirds of the resi dents of Jerusalem are Jews, Mr. Kdel | man said. For many years they have | depended upon their earnings from : tourists and upon charity for the sup- I port and the war has cut off all their i sources of subsistence, j There are no industries in the city | and little cultivation o? the surrounding j territory. The cold and rainy season is | now approaching and indications are that the suffering there soon w ill be in- J tense, Mr. Edelman asserted. i EM DEN AM) KARLSRI HE HAVE THUS FAR SUNK 33 VESSELS Berlin, Oct. 23. by Wireless to Sav | ville, L. I.) —The German cruiser Em- J ilen according to an official announce i nient issued to-day, has sunk a big Jap j anese liner bound for Singapore. According to the Italian newspaper j "Stampa" the German cruisers Emden I and Karlsruhe up to the present time j have sunk thirty-three vessels aggre i gating a tonnage of 150,000. GERMANS TRYING To EFFECT CROSSING BY YFHES DETOUR London, Oct. 2S, 4,22 A. M,—The correspondent of the "Daily Mail" in Northern France, under date of Tues day says: I "The Germans, despairing of cross ing the line from Nieuport to Dixmude, i are trying to make a detour to cross I the line from Dixmude to Ypres. Mili | tary opinion is that the line will offer i the Germans no better scope than that I along the Yscr canal, rather worse, in | fact."- German Bomb Irritates Swiss Paris, Oct. 28, 10.40 A. M.—A Hav as News Agency dispatch from Be fort says a German aeroplane which flew over the fortress of Belfort on Friday and into Switzerland dropped a bomb which fell in Swiss territory. Much , irritation against Germany, it is added, was caused there by the accident. COLONEL'S STRENUOUS DAY Eighteen Cities and Towns in Roose velt's Campaign Itinerary By Aaaociated Pi cas. York, Pa., Oct. 28.—Favored by 'bet ter weather, ColonC'l Roosevelt began at this .plaice the third .lay of his campaign | tour iu Pennsylvania in the interest of j the Progressive ticket. After speaking j briefly here, he left prepared for a hard | day's work. His list of stopping places J included Columbia, Lancaster, Christi ! ana, Par'kesburg, Coatesville, Downing j town, Frazer, Phoenixville, Pottstown, J Birdsboro, Reading, Hamburg, Auburn, ,j Hazleton, Nescopck, Wilkes-Barrc and j Seranton. The Colonel is in excellent health and I spirits. Those familiar with his stump i ing methods, asserted tfiiat they had I never seen or heard him in 'better form than he was at the two Altoona rallies ' last night. President Pardons a Life-termer By Aaaociated Prcis. Washington, Oct 28. President Wilson to-day commuted to expire at once the life sentence of Joseph Rivers, serving for a murder in Indian Terri tory in 190 2, and the fi-year sentence of Vincent Orlando, convicted in New- York for passing counterfeit money. Rivers claimed self-defense; Orlando •had bnt a year longer to serve. 9 BOYS ARE NOW ACCUSED OF ROBBERIES Continued From Flrnt ragr. Garner, 1209 North Third street, was' robbed. The detection of Paul W. Schuabuer, | wearing a coat identified as one taken from the Garner store, and the finding of trinkets in his room, that had been taken from the home of Spencer C. Gilbert, 107 North Front street, led ultimately to the apprehension of all of the nine boys alleged to have had part in one or more of the thirteen rob beries. The police estimated to-day that more than SSOO worth of goods was taken by the boys. A large part of the loot has been recovered but some of the j valuables taken from the homes of wealthy Harrisburgers are still missing and the police are exerting every ef fort toward finding these goods. The police say they have uncovered a sort of "gang" headquarters in an uptown building. A boy who is alleg ed to have acted as a "fence,"' dispos ing of some of the valuable trinkets, and he is one of those who have been placed under arrest. Some of the articles had been disposed of at much less than their actual value. Almost daily city detectives have found one or more trinkets and until this morning hail connected daily new boys with various robberies. The ar rest of the three this morning cleans up the entire "gang." with one or two possible exceptions, the poli e say. and thief Hutchison is about ready to send I the prisoners to police court for a hear-1 ing. It likely will be scheduled for Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Having no place now in which to do ; tain juvenile offenders, the police have | been compelled to permit most of those! connected with the case to depart in; the custody of their parents until a i hearing can be held. The police are I withholding the names of tbe accused youngsters for the present. A schedule of the robberies, showing what was taken and making definite charges of certain robberies against certain boys, will be made out by the police iit the information which will b> sworn to before Mayor Royal. The complete list of places robbed i< jas follows; The Seneca street boat i house, property of city; homes of A 1 fred A. Pancake, 1501 North Second street; Henderson Gilbert, Second and | Harris streets; Spencer C. Gilbert, 107 I North Front street; Miss Fannie Kby, Second and Mac-lay streets; D. I). llaiii melbaugh, Second and Harris; Francis .1. Hall, Front and Harris; Dr. W. O. Bishop, Vine and River; Harry Mr Fa I den, 251 North street; shoe' store of Nathan Cohen, 1210 North Third street; hardware store of Snively Ry der, 302 Verbeke street; clothing store of A. Gamer, 1209 North Third street, cigar stand of Martin O Toole, Island Park, ami home of Oliver H. Senseuig, 279 llerr street. KILLS SELF AND 3 CHILDREN Liquor-Crazed Man Also Blows His Wife's Hand Off As She Grasps the Weapon By Associated Press, Galesburg, 111., Oct. 2S7—Crazed by liquor, W. W, Stromberg to-day shot and killed his three children and shot himself and wife. Stromberg, who is proprietor of one of the largest con fectionery stores here, died shortly aft er wounding himself. Neighbors early to day heard Strom berg and his wife quarreling. Strom berg, it was learned later, then left the house, procured an automatic shot gun, and returned. He leveled the weapon at his wife, but she grasped it and the discharge carried away her hand. The infuriated man then turned the gua 011 his children who were killed instantly. Then lie shot himself. MRS. JAMES F. BUI,LIT HONORED Wife of St. Andrew's Rector Is Elected President of Mission Auxiliary Mrs. James F. Bullitt, of An drew's Episcopal church, this city, was yesterday elected president of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions in the diocese of Harrisburg of the Protestant Episcopal church at the annual meeting of the auxiliary at St. John 's church, York. It is the high est honor which has been conferred up on any of Harrisburg's women since tbe diocese was established ten years ago. Mrs. Bullitt and her husband, ! the rector of St. Andrew's, are both ardent missionary workers. Mrs. Bul litt has been secretary of the diocesan branch of the auxiliary for several j years, she is succeeded in that office by i Miss Watts, of Trinity church, Cham | bersburg. The meeting, which began Monday j night and was concluded yesterday aft ernoon, was well attended, with an ex ! eellent representation from Harrisburg. | The local delegation comprised thirty women and girls, including seven from St. Stephen's church, five from St. , Paul's and eighteen from St. Andrew's. I the last being the largest delegation 1 from any parish except that in York. 1 The local women included the follow ; i n 8 : St. Stephen's—Mrs. (ieorge Doug : lass Ramsay, Mrs. Roekill Smith, Mrs. W. F. Randall, Miss McConkey, j Miss Hillcary, Mrs. B, F. Burns. St. Pair's —Mrs. Susan G. Treo'n, 1 Mrs. Stauffer, Miss Coates. Mrs. W. F. j Richardson. I St. Andrew's—Mrs. Bullitt* Mrs. I John F. Miller, Mrs. (filbert W. Matt ' son, Mrs. H. M. Killing, Mrs. N. A. j Walker, Mrs. C. J. Hoffman, Mrs, Ed gar Verne Leeds. Mrs. P. F. Burchfield, | Sirs. F. W. Watts, Mrs. Lester E. Hauf, Mrs. Joseph Fellows, Mrs. M, E. Ban ner, Miss Mildred Walker, Miss Grace Seighman, Miss Krotzer, Miss Lola Heisler, Miss Margaret Templar, Mrs. ■ Willis Geist Newbold. Belgians Lost 10,000 at Yser Berlin, Oct. 28, (By Wireless) — English newspapers, according to oflicial information given out here, estimate that the Belgian losses in the fighting along the Yser canal number 10,000 men. W Din m HONOR OF STOOGH Entertainment Com mittee Will Receive Evangelist Saturday at Pine St. Residence HOUSE IS READY FOR HIS ARRIVAL Associate Cartwright Gets Hore This Morning—Scats Are Being Placed in Tabernacle and Saw Dust Will B:; Scattered Saturday as Last Thing * dinner to l>o jjivon ill honor of the Rev. Dr. Henry VV. Stough upon his ar rival in this city on Saturday has lieeu planned !)y till" entertainment com mi t tee i;i t.li» Stough campaign. The hour of the evangelist's arrival in the city i-> not vet known, lint word is expected soon setting the time. Tiio executive committee, consisting of seventeen lav men ami the niiuistci* of the fifty co operating churches. w ill meet Dr. Stimuli I at the sriitiou and the entertnin:u'ent | committee, consisting of a lay rc->re | -en'tatiw from even co-»; -crating church, will receive him at the house which has liecn pre a red for his use , during his campaign in this fitv, the i 1 ir),t Baptist pa-son;,-,, at 21C>' I'me , street. j Dinner will he served at the Stnu-.rli j residence after general introductions and lian.l shaking. There will be places tor about 126 men. In the evening a conference will he held between Ihe evangelist and the ministers, wlii.-h will determine the extent to which citv churches will close their doors during the six weeks' campaign. Stough's Associate Arrives I lie Rev. I-'. I'. Cart wright. associate of Evangelist Stough, arrived in the citv this morning and will establish his oliire nt Stough campaign headquarters, 26 South Third street, where he will he assisted liv the campaign secretary, 'Miss Olive M. Rogers. The other mcai ihers of the Stough party, five men an ! | two women, in addition to W. -W. s.ian- I """ and Miss Josophine Colt, who have , been here for several weeks, arc all ex pected to arrive Saturday. The $ tough residence on Pine street is in readiness to lodge the men of the party. The women will have their rooms in the new V. W. C. A. building. The entire party will take their meats at the Pine street house, which, in addi tion to bed rooms and dining room, lias a reception room, a reading room and a private room for Dr. Stough. j The bed room furnishings have been | supplied by Stcens Memorial Metlio | dist. First Baptist., First I'nited Breth j reu and Ourtin Heights Methodist 'churches, and chairs, dishes, rugs and other articles have been provided by I individuals. Work on Tabernacle Proceeds The board seats to-day began takinte . their places in the Stough tabernacle. * j It is expected that the work will he completed this evening. Rapid progress I lias been made on the choir and orches tra platforms, which are also Hearing completion. There are now more volunteer work ers at the tabernacle at night than i.i the daytime. Men and women who cannot, leave their regular duties during the day offer their services in the even ings ai.-i aid in the hammering by tbe means of powerful electric lights. Most of the hammering will end to morrow. and on Friday the more deli i cate work of decorating the interior j will begin. The young men and young ; women of the work committees will co- , | a.pcratc in putting up the tlags and | bunting, some of which will be bor ! rowed from local business houses and | some purchased bv the executive com mittee. The women, young and old, will j be given opportunity throughout the ! day Friday to heip put the finishing j touches on the interior of the building, i The young people will do the decorating ] in the afteinoon. To Scatter Saw Dust Saturday The saw dust will not be scattered until Saturday and will lie the last step ; in preparing the tabernacle for the use !of the evangelist. It is thought best ! not to cover the ground until the mois | ture can be removed to some extent. ! The steam will accordingly be turned . I on in the building, that the ground may be dried. The saw dust is stored in j one corner, in readiness for use. Con nections were to-day made with the | boiler outside of the building which ! supplies the stea.ni. (iIRLS TO READ ESSAYS Prizo Winners Are Elizabath McCor mick, Naomi Bevard, Helen Bromall Prize winners in the i). A. It. essay j contest for girls of the senior da of I the Central High school were announced to-day as follows: First prize, $10; Miss • | Elizabeth McCorinirl;; second prize, s■>, j Miss Naomi Bevard, and third pri'.e, $2.50, Miss Helen Bromall. The'girls will read their essays on Friday alter noon when prizes will be awarded. The program commences at 2 o clock. As- / signed subject for the essays this year j is. "The Romance of the Colonial | Period." ' The dance of the junior class, Central ! High school, has been postponed from to-morrow night to Monday, owing to I a misunderstanding regarding engage ment of the 'hall. Opens New Optical Offices New optical offices have been opened j at 205 liocifst street, which will spe cialize on high grade optical presrip i tion work. -I. S. Bclsinger, the ; ro- < | priotor is in persona) charge ami the j equipment lie has placed in Ids offices 1 is the most perfect and modern use I by the optical profession. Mis location is permanent. It is central and is ! immediately opposite the Orpheum the j at re. Heptasophs to Holt Meeting Edward Sheffield, of Brooklyn, Nc -v j York, will deliver an address at a joint meeting of all the conclaves in Harris I burg and vieijii*'- < f " iler of Heptasophs on Monday night in • the rooms of Dauphin Conclave, 221 Market street. This will be a very im- " portant meeting an.l a large attendance j is expected.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers