fm WB*TEM~i f4D T*trtnvr J Aft. TA tH4mA-4 W' yr*. r W m * • f STTPy* V<>L. 76- NO. '<r7 HUMPHREYS, pPP,! Selection o? Place for Next. Meeting Left to ComuM tee, >sith Preference Expressed for Ere or Ailentown—W */. WuriAcf. an Off cial of tile A vaocia 1 ioo. Scored Tor Injecting Politic? in Beha f A Penrose I COMPANIES AH6 Nthw ARRIVING LnterUiwment of V s itin# LadCies W il Be in Fall .Swing This livening by V. hrh Time Thousands '/.-ill have \rrived —The T went y-O n r "' or k. Companies Coning To-morrow TNI* 4fm 9«»lf f<r 4#l#a to* i«if ' »«•»*« «| # fcrofMMf b» f. *4+ Null • ' Ih' Mf ?U. Hi'* (MM nfkii m **!»- I**ll. * p+n bftNM «l N Mir M«mm *. 'I M <• •w* M#»mm tiffflt. '»r % tMit Mi • re i **«•, l :»ll ft !*#•' Mf Il<n»# r I nm *.•*» » M# « If* f»r* M f m«f» t v.* rnntrri* f -llf, % . i*l «•• »- ft. %**•*#»* >up lit fin M«4 < fm+m »> h« « Mm|| f« / r,l rlrll? H> < <hw - f»MM m' W "«l», *,fft r«* mm* Imtr + n Mir*** • 1 HI MMHr .1* f. «(—<#rM4 M'M4 #' I • r* M.-mvp'im *M «»«f 14* »<IM*I« • f« *»lff J*« /-{«.«<<f at* ,<»• «r4 df fl»* prlMf'fWl wi II »»nrr» '*• r flly MIII r|,i»r Ml I • k. IN'lit i # w*ffllhlr »#»M!M l»»- n»»f-#»f --9 ftre #•*>#nftMnt m mf fit* • urih rl :»»rrW« fli MM<I • h ♦»mii * •«"# i«, M'i Mnrtilng mm 4 f l»f)<H)fl. I r r » «f(S fMfMM mil rif l»t it»»* - I n. il" mi (■ ll*r# • ««lft I •» S«IH- I h..>m I»» fh- IVrM *1 fMr Ml Ml '»m - | f«««, MMll f k'MfMMf ■„ _^ M, , % *t> JV jiising* ** ♦j > .1.; 9 it *• nf « fterftinm^ * »' ♦ 11' tPt\ fi» r»#» t*• fi #r ##f * »•»t#»r« *»»11»»n it« •" sii #iw* f Ttif t «rt of th*- ! ({Nfi f.of i tiit. y •* n M flß' **■ Mp S '1 1. ' '"4Bs jP. mA« -JP^aK i .'CIIW E BHUPP TP »"«lUn fi-» 3f Hf. Btci«4 H«< ,tr d Vic# Vt uViani o' St xt« ,"t*v«litlon Utlllitf (I »t nl '►». k a'.J •rt.n'lrrH *«l i)»i * Ih r»< urit' Oil 4f11.1t 1 |I|»H Th»> «f f!ir t'rwn* tn bui «Hi« mofn nfr, i« ul«> l ;«* '(Hon. fl, V>« 11. II for f U'e • hi»f »-f l'rtt« run unof \»tt4 y f »,rc wfirnt, *■ "' I'hill j'i </f Ml. # »rm 'I, 4 fOh'i v< • |irA«rt#f , J.thn K fliuj.f, .If, Ci fhi*l fit I !«•«• fitn. Till'') *i * •rrti<l#nt< 'l. "I »r«, .If. <#f H»i thuri M/i >, K« li ip'» ~/<■« icnl, «Vi I«m 'io , ** , "f hi/ity. ,tn Hfi't-J HetMury, V W. W nittf, ill {f»tUti'[ •ifi rr'i'r t uttilim, f - »*<l Ma/, rf H" mnl fin ywMni'i*! *wf tuiy, Vr tip X, Her*t, tif I'M f,<l»l| I* » Trm mtrr A L. lit.ri Alum, of Al l«f I'lW ». lia 'ltIM, tUr 111 * /•# nn.} I of V. k. \ltK#%|rll ft# fi'ff. inn e If ft ffcon « »«' 'it*i*rrrt** %.*** tnttn* ft >* rbe tint lot. f'#f if*# M!/-»(♦ i i So fount «f!«'» *f» tbHf I » n (|rr<» tlifff •S ll ft i M r|„n< in ,f| i ®he Star- Jtifapctitont PITTSBURGH, NEW HEAD OF FIREMEN; STEELTCB, IS SIiGOND VICE PRESIDENT lb - - - - ——. -. F!OftTtNQ THE BIG S 1 1-1 K il mM _ < m# I » jwßlayM^B|B|i 1" -bof r. Htr r 'x- rtr.-n.". n of H .•.•••*' mm-luno »hop nn-l '.'ansf tin* <t|>iro of tl<* Kv»npelic»l rhtmrk. - -inr itj »n. h<( b ./» »t it -I'll aai) i i tbp rigii' t;:c bon-r- «f " v r*t>. *hicfc !:etisv«d but dim s.,r , ilmitrt -» Ikt w >' L< LIcM nbt-fvr aad !hr ci FertM* 1: Th* lack i»f water is "" rr < 'f » '•■" «jr. baf jf thf -«1 ■' tV • !att?- plat* fell »K*n by !h»' sir? at tb? saial< «tream . «k* « tW 'il'f » :*ft tk i.muai in. i'o Ij» otrent right tai b* itft frvna Uc bo* id the forrjrrouad. *ftl< mi •»» »■ a, trt )•* n » to' tlr <•«>' atit f« n•!*. via i th • »,(>«»»«• of '.a» !>!.> int tg pt* * hv » r"t> l»* fo I i>- i l" .'fl!i"ll #f 1 I ll*t 'J tn« rairaiitt' . Ireiran . rmi -ji by Oomptntas W no* th» KiiMiiion a* 11' n .otlog f*.r *h*u '* ) ♦•»,» f ,n'lid kot« of a * c»»- ;»'>>«■#. mm n • a !>*n | in«> **u f i• i^ arri>«l .n I•• 'rt* aa I <»nt ?»» !/..•! tn »«ai< tar |it>i « rail ;t i»irr»f aft "Willi. <">1) • roulH io» ira a nwnof t ii» aft rrnoo i in th« tma:ara •»t>on of th» rit" rithoo r >•< <•( into a int <i, ■*»» ol for*' .»»» #*r ;<;nraf « brtiijt ia .rn {<• t» iju-t' 1 *a o' al» at » »;itnpn • < a milfr» on i - *iv fo (he itt'wn. T>» f-iirtOKj oni|i«nioa iipt',*! hiv itf itt' ' f nr tr fh 'ir A" •mu«r« thi* ni-rn a; "or tl>a rr. oriioo o. initivn a i t r ti» • rvemas thou- | - m»i« f' olun o*"» fto i it •'* |«rt cf, Prunif-rinU »j I ■ I** r<aai«aiM Irorn ilor i; • il !•« -rr'«l mrrt<. Moat of Th« if *ho *• V nartifi afr j in In mar 'i a'tH* will a nv# » thai .-ity ii f»*r •!«'-- ••« •»•*• ia thm men I »i, the in, I >4« t i trti>* i» mv , •i«* in inz the V- • mualt »' t rotv onr i.«r>rt*a»»*«. B«it ta. okh •r i li ri.lual r< it| an •» *tl' arrive to tot. «r n.ornmf. * »• t e .-ot nut te' intfi" f the Y®f* <lelr^a tit C<ml. mn Po iuc» to AaaortM on A'li «ai« teifr-i "a |M>aiirniu* tt ttrnpl To .ntriiHiie jK»litir« at» »te !<tat Fit fron '* \<«o»iation » 40 H■•:;■ o. fhr a»«o il >ia, thronf 1 thr .1* ■ f mo ofii.'ial 'hi ition, to | romrtr the [fli'l i i> liter**-, of a i-a'..liilair f<» the offir >f I r »l Mtate* f«rr.aUif"| wit i-onneinneil a reanltit*on unani tiii>'«!. «ilo|>tei' .• ih:a m< rn n; < •« aion o' fne it "ttlna. Tr, r. uilution »a« jifeaente l Hv f*rr«l K l» «">•. a W ft.Nißgton partv ran li •I* if for . ait atale l *U»: if Aj'rii 2f, 1914. lette' iraa «e'it un ■e' p,<4tnmrk of li ato a *tir. 1 oer nf r rniiiera » " he a**o-iation, •!g eil n rh thi me of ff \V. W> «■ 1 rei-ii'lina >r .t.-, f t i mu. «1 r <:, ri'iii iing >r rtrt'i tin !>• »i tatiOh. ii whir 1 rn» w» •* 1 h» tan. "gruitv .at "sete,l in I r wni ra' on jnd tho f n'ira of thr Ho. Itoi i. T'enroae t 'h ' a-trd Mat'* Kenate. .ad pc it»d e. I Ihr Hrna j tor'* "riTrit* 1 h»»ir of .rg I binehiij! tt the * i*>i*i..'' Vne -rani tici.i * * p:r 1 proa I*m •«*t " t'n action tW, A". W in.|» tr. • i/g II 1 lit e tn f'» fhrr th ll'imtn »'•: promote thr in-ti a- of M. « I »iro«» 1* nrreb; *reral> . aal awl *« ,« air oui and r \*r .m . aMI •atifii. " A rrtiilution pr' fated by J#a . nng. • t Hanover, g thr . >n< tion «.f 'MI nurd on Mrimlb fm «. j HARRISBURG IN HANDS OF THE FIREMEN IffVIN IMMNL X' *-'0 jfc S~\ tVENtN&\ ».« t I 11 / PARADE W*S NCH\ A «{'i>Mik r»» iimu .«•»< "V X /*- ' 3i / J1 on inu »* <'itn rp .j i» •..» * ~ " . V-j Li / j J / \ — - r.BrniN ; # c.r ► «nv r ' >•« » • •»•""•• •»» «n.».i t 0 lfclll \ ,>ii>i«so«xic - »l UM'«WN H#H ••• •■, >ia**ild, ~, ~„ ~L , ~ «»»* <■»««. fcu" bHOC _ *•# J \ T Mf COOHN(.LKtRS rtt lO mam* rtX '.UK' 4fll •Nfi»fjT.M<, •><.%*•••■% j jp'A r l * * * IIAJ {HISHI'RH, PA.. WEDNESDAY EVEN I NX*. OCTOBER 7, 1914 —12 PAGES. PENH. Af FRISCO SHOW Con* 1* Approved for Docorattng asd B jtiitif* the State Bolldtn; •t the Exposition i . «Ki.e'«ot nil'", a* )*aai'le«l .»i" »*e Penn vlvaaia I'lmma Phnli.- lion orwniuion. to lav ap;irove-{ ««i --tracl for tae ilerorativo ail i<fiutUr Han '"ranr'ieo Tc Ulnar I T'iimt>ull. of l**?*«li«ir£h. *a« iwtrili-.l the contract for two erontivr mural 'Pe n't Trent* With the la-ltaß<" ami "Meel InduMrien of Peaa«yi> a nia,' roapertivelv. Ijih of these |otin inf« will be IT feet. < ;n.-he» hifa and I* fre! lonn »n l will Bl.'»<>o. Tt ' harle# .1. Taylor. Pitt*l>urjh. wan awardal the -ontrart for denjsa •ng 1 a<l painting eevea pane!* ia I mil mi i 1 the rei-epron with Coioniat lan l> ap«* for the pr.-e of fl^OO. Ti OuiMppe [>onato, I'hiiadelpaia. *ai awcrileil the .-oiiirart for foat term nai buata with (le-iestai*. at the ftrin of »3.00i>. 1' .Hue K. Watwn. *a» aurai.Se<l the rontrart for m meliejt fou» panel* at t'ie pr rt of T< Ail)(ufl teller*. Pittsburgh. m< **.•l led the •-ontrart for and hui inK four oraaftiratal urw* al th' prin of lI.MO. I*UTH BULLET INTO BB VTV Trine Sitcid* of Banii Tetter Follow Lng Ninroiii Breakdown R a.liiiu. Pa.. iVt. 7.-—The of Joe th I. Halm, age I S5 ipir*. a we? • no' ii rill/en an.l teller of a loeal flnannal iTiatrtatton, w» foua-l ■ on t ielMt. P'nn boulevard la-!ii. II • ha I urnt a huile; thr<ij(A hts hra . He WM uhligeH to give an hi* em orment a year mf.t of a im iii* hreaadoww ||r .r« a f am iljf. I *1 A DAY FUR ASSESSORS That !* Kate at wnish Tbey Will Be Trad On Slecuon Day If there are any assessors in Dau pit i itty 1 V.»f toeafeioas liiat art tkeni a financial ioi-ome of 15 It. $S « even !J. thev will work on e'e.; ia*. Novem*>" 3, at a finanrtal loss. liiflf iarome to be litni:- to $1 and their rNatrr's 3»ol wisaes. Tte one iollara-day rate for asses <er< . the pro* ir-l in ley-' .»ia: .>» is Jaly. IS3S. and in view of the :aet that there •« no other es'-t ns tao prantms a larger ailow aa e. the County ( ommtstioncrs were to d«y toforrre-l by their i.'ja' a ir'sfr tha' ! aey .anaot giant aa in rease. I'ntil the «wi|t |>haiarir< it had been t>e rustum ;i tiis and pra'ticj! I' a:' jtier - ai: e= of the B:*te to pay assessois j<> a fay for the se'vtres they render the eleet ion b"»rls. WHea 'ountv subtait t(4 to the State it,« ekiw for the (•■ ».« ■• eie* • on—tsat e:ertion .ar • .'t on a: the expense of the State, the .-piiatiei iieanij the etpen«e only of general eleetions —-the Auditor Gen eral at M«ed IBe assessors" pay at the rate of )l a day. Vt tie s=ai- tia»e ?tate olfinais de sM are to sit only at'iec."nJ el*rtio«a and tee matter of S Ig at is optional with th» However the rountv »-«« re i for assessors sitting at •he pr.sar : e*. A*-cofvlingiy the asses sor* aere aid $1 ea-h n April and •bey • l! r* rve the same amount for • as a* the geueral election in Xo » ember. Oolcctl Foaad Dead In Bed Hf P^»i. U- t. 7. I.SI P •*:ant ''--•rel Sir Will-ism Henry P. "<eeper of His Mawstv "s prtv* pcrv sis r l?"h. w»« fovcj deed in t*i/ meet); r|t. He was bora in I SIS. i , Fill Mil IS i now IRPRBSPECT Forecaster Demain Pre dicts Clear Skies for Big Firemen's Parade To-morrow I TO-DAY S RAIN LAYS THE DUST Temperature To morrow Will Be a Lit. tie High for Comfortable Marcliiag. but the Smoke-eaters Are Well Satisfied ' 1 Ksir t«-rigbt and to-morrow. Con- I tinueJ mild temperature." With that forecast issued at S oVtoek t£is moraing by officials in ' of tiie k»cai office of the Weather H- reau. according to the of the bureau is a forecast until S o>ic«i to-morrow evening, van- I lshei fears of toe thousands of fire i men. esger for good weatiier for the j pars ie to-morrow. Many had hoped for a drop of about j ' ten degrees b tcccperatiire to make an ies x,ar. j.iag .-.ay. It" anything, there "vid }>e a slight -increase in temjiera t«?re. uite to a spell of sunshine. There will very few kickers in the mult:-! tuues of nuuvhers or sj.e- ;a'.ors on this pros)>e. t, however. No }>er®ons were more surprise.! at ! the sipht of tun this morning than iowi weather forecasters. The rain was not the result of a well-defined depres sion, bwt came on tiie heels of one that was far off the Jersey coast. The rain. { it was believed, was induced by winds ' from the and now" it is believe.l Tfiat those same winds, which have shifted slightly to the southeast, will bring brijrht wearner to morrow. VCTiat Mr. Demain Says The rain was mostly local an.' but few ; lares east of the Mississippi val 30} showe.i any before S o'cioek this niorning. It is this tnai leads the local weathe- men to hand out the encouraging weather report, for to 1 morrow. In speak r£ of the aitoa-tion 1 .his mcmijg E. B. Dentin, forevaster > ia charge of the Hamsborg office, said : ! "It is altogether likely that it will ■ become generally cloudy late this after- i noon or to-night (this is a weather bu reau way of indicating the breaking of the solid bank of clouds) and there is .% possible hance that there may lie J some sunshine this afternoon. This! morning's ra;a occurred ia a uniformly : C«N»rl «*» Srrnl Pas*. I. OF P. SCHOOL OPENS Provost Smith Speaks for School Which Existed Before the U. S. Ttie Harrishurg branch of the Univwr satv of Pe«niisylvan''a h».l its formal o)<enng at Technical Hjgih sc-hool audi torium las* night. In the audience 1 were Tie newly-enrolled students, num bering 19f* young men ad young wom en. witii their friends, and on the plat form were members of the University faculty and men of this vity who hn\e neea active in the organization of the local svhoo l . Provost 'Dr. Etlgar Palis Smith, of: the Cnaversity, :mpiewd ujxiu She new students the fact that the university j which they are entering has played a big part in the history of this State. He told how the university was estab lished an i was doing effeetive work be j fonvlbe United .States fame into being. 1 or brfSw the tommonwealth of Penn sylvan its republican form of govTernTTT^S. The other of the evening were State LebrarSo Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery. Sipen,-eh O. Gilbert, Wil liam B. McCaleb, I>r. Roswell 0. Mo : Crea. Dr. Pierson and C. H*rrv Katn. j x i 1210 111 WILL MARCH 111 PARADE; Head of the Line Will: Start Down Second Street Promptly at, 1.30 O'clock SPECIAL STREET CAR SCHEDULES! Arrangements Made Whereby Streets in Route of Procession Will Be j Free From All Obstructions— j Chief Marshal's Last Orders / ROUTE OF TO MORROW S PARADE The head of the parade will form at Second and Varoeke streets and move over the following route, mov ing promptly at 1.30 o'clock to morrow afternoon: Second to M-rket, to Fourth, to the Mulberry street viaduct, to Der rj, to Seventeenth, to Market, to Fourth, to Sixth, to Woodbine, to New Fourth, to Reily, to Third, to North, to Second, to otate, to Front, to Chestnut, to Second, to Maiket Square, dismiss. With final instructions given to the: \ar;ous division marshal? this morning,: Howard O. Holstein, chief marshal, is completing arrangements to day for the monster firemen s parade of to-morrow. He is being assisted by the Police De partment, which will police the entire i route ot parade, and the Harrisburg Railways ( ompany, whose officials haw I arranged a schedule so that the cars will not interfere with the movement of the marchers. In til 11.30 o'clock tomorrow morn ing thief Marshal Holstein will have his headquarters at 42(1 Market street. After that he will lie at I I'd Verbeke street, personally directing the forma tion of the parade. The head of the fine will move from Second and Ver bekc streets ilown Second street, the : various divisions falling in from the , side streets as the head moves along. All divisions have been ordered to ConHfiuril on >rcond Pjir?, GERMAN ADVANCE GUARDS ! IN TOUCH WITH ENEITS CAVALRY. SAYS BERLIN Berlin, Oct. 7, Via Amsterdam and • London 11 -5,» A. M.—The following . official communication was given out by the-headquarters staff of the German army thi evening of October G: "Continuous French outflanking movements against our right wing have extended the battle front until it is | now north ot Arras. West of Lille and west of I.»ens (nine miles northeast of \rras) our advance guards arc in touch with the enemy 's cavalry. "No decision yet has been reached in our counter attacks along the line between Arras. Albert, and Roye. "The situation remains unchanged along the battle front between tiie Oise and the Meusp in the vicinity of Ver I dun and in Alsace-LorTSine. "There is no news from Antwerp. "In the eastern theatre of the wa.' the Russians advancing against Ha*: I Prussia through the province of Suwal ki have been checked. We have been successful in our attack against the near the town of Suwalki. This movement began yesterday. "In Russian Poland our troops on October 4 dislodged a Russian brigade of tiie Garde Fusiliers from an en : trenched position between Opatow ami i Ostrowleck. The Russians lost 3,000 | prisoners and several machine guns. ".'There was an engagement October a in the vicinity of Radon- between our forces and t*o divisions and a half o-f -fiajssian cavalry, together with por ti<y!« of the Ivangerod reserves. The enemy was repulsed and driven back on ; 1 vangerod.'' The reference to Radom in the fore ! going dispatch shows military activity I in a region that has not figured as a field of operations for some time. j. ; Radom is about 60 miles south of War- j ! saw and 50 miles west of Lublin. The province of Radom borders on Gnlicia. Ivangerod (Demblin) is on ih<- Vistula i river 30 miles northeast of Radom. JAPS TAKE ISLAND OF KAP. : ONE OF CAROLINE CROUP Pekin. Oct. 7, 7.45 P. M. Accord ing to a German news agency dispatch ; •Japanese forces have occupied the is land of Yap. the most important island in the Caroline group, or new Philip pines, in the Pacific ocean. The Caroline Islands are east of the Philippines. The group is very ex tended, and comprises about 680 small islands. Yap is about 1,000 miles from the island of .Mindanao, one of the Philippine group. The Caroline is lands were sold by Spain to Germany in 1899. POSTSCRIPT PRICE. ONE CENT. RUSSIANS SURPRISED, DEFEATED A Sudden Advance of the German and Aus trian Forces in Rus sian Poland BIG VICTORY FOR DUAL MONARCHY Report From Lemberg, Galicia, State; That Przemysl, the Strong Fortress of the Atistrians, Is Being Bombard ed by Russian Heavy Artillery Vienna, Oct. 7, via Amsterdam anc London, I p. m.—The following of ficial statement signed by General Voi Hoefer, deputy chief of the genera! start, wa3 given out in this city to day: 'Oct. a—The sudden advance ol Uto German and Austrian forces in Rus sian Poland seems to have completc'j surprised the Russians. Although they moved strong forces from Galicia to the north they wero repulsed and driver, back across t*ie Vistula by tne allies while an eftort to cross the river in the direction of Opatow. "Our troops capturad a bridge he'd by the Russians near Saadomtr. In Galicia we are anv.T. -ing in accordance with our plans. In the vicinity oi Tarnovezeg we. routed a division oi Russian infantry.'' London. Oct. 7 I.e. P. ',l.—Tt in of ficially announced from K'iszt,, r'.ar marous county, that Austrian forces have been heavily engaged v.l- !i fh:.-,. Finns since Monday, at a point nan Trcso. telegrr.pha the Amsterdam corro spondeat of Router':', Tslcv'-n cr v pany. The Russian."- rstrratsd. Tho int.- '.Jo came to an near Kricfl'alva v:tb complete victory for the Austrian". Ttofo is about twenty miies sout.i east of Husst on the railroad and Kricsfnlva is .ib ur U:o same dr'-.-nve oa.-t of Htiuzt. Marnaros county is in tlw extreme cast of Hungary, betwesu Galicia and Transylvania. Paris. Oct. 7. U.«» P. M.—A Havas Agency dispr.tch from Petroprad says that a report from Lr berg, Galicia, states that Prremys!, the strong fort ress of tbo Austria lit, iifty-one miles west of Lemberg is being bombarded by Russian heavy artillitry Ttae damage is conrid-.-iablo, "iot;r,ei being set on fro by bursting shrapnel All otlo r ts cf t'io A"stris;i fiild piejss to assist t.h3 lev 1 \ rv." : I>\\ tins-tcccss ful and t•:-«•.3 !t;s .-,»t rctreatad to Vlotstavak. CFISASWmSSUIII ST KiAO-GfiOW. IS REPORT T-'- o. Oct. 7, 5.30 I'. M. T'.e he liet ivj. expressed at the War Otfi-o fo-ila.v that ti>»' ''erman cruiser ( ormor an and two other German gunboat ' had been sunk in Kiao-( how hav. The Japanese army has occupied the •""hun Tung raii. 'ad as far vnt as Ghi- Nan. Pekin, China. Oct. 7. Ac.-oi-.ling io aihiic.i eivc.i here, the r-.ilroad sta tion" n: i hi-Naii, in Mlian-Tung province, west of Kiao-i'how, has been occupied by thirty Japanese soldiers. One hundred and fifty more are expected to morrow. A dispatch received here by the \g sociated Press from < h; Nan says no trains were running over the Shan- Tung railroad. The lolling stock has been collected mostly at. I hi Nail. Germans from all along the line, includ ing women and children, have taken refuge in I'M Nan. The Japanese legation lieie ays that siege guns an now read* for au at tack on Tsing Tin. The (ierman gar rison, the legation continues, will lie summoned to surrender and opportunity will bo given non-coiiiliatantj to come out. The Ame; ian legation in Pe kin has sent instructions to W. K. 'Peck, the American consul at Tsing Tau, to come out when this opportunity is of fered. The Japanese have released the em ployes of the Shan Tung railroad pie viously h*ld by them. London, Oct. 7, 3.13 P. M.—The "< entral News'' has announced that a British Submarine has sunk a Ger man torpedo boat destroyer off the Kins estuary. London, Oct. 7. 2.10 P. M.—A dis patch received from Amsterdam says that a German torpedo boat destroyer is reported to have been sunk by a mine off Ihe estuary of the ri\er Kins, between the Netherlands and Kast Friesland in the North sea. Whether this German torpedo boat destroyer was sunk by a mine or a British suhmariue has not vet become known in London. Advices clearing up this uncertainty are expected shortly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers