alte a‘litittar. :-W-I , IOI 4 TESDAVi- -9, -1870., • l'4. 41414 . 4:An;14, ii;;--A,ll:fieivons in . debtedio this Office for advertising,, and I,,,ilboTlPtion ars.,.•flrwertly- pegoest!d to , 41tniant ti-ti at . one - e. , We. 'are ioin polled to;lidillirgisli in ; material-to tilis ulnae to ,:kisap..up mitkonrinereasing blisinue;. and there. Store urge lbe neetssit7 of . S.Nia being prompt In Aiylifirilp. , , lb. AgilatOr Citfth,. - TrMi• be rein'oved 'le the laYge and: cioniiiiOdleiis rooms in „Spilt a bi n Ifoireriff new btioli i blook'befOre the'firit,pf:J . ill7D:.01. I. . • 84111 - lie seeia by, a, statemeut,pub ite . ett In ithother , :eolumn, the kublio li hy s lpie beeti dithiniebed p . 5129,96 73 4014 44 jeiliinoptil. ~ I . t~li , re (roil ash ngtop` , ,that een, Schenck is to be nominated Min " Ute r i! to England. " He - deeervee th e Tie*rid hii been t!ppiAntesi'lelioro - - _ _ , ,ktNt thq. ~TP4 9 ?. . /PrP' 14_PYIP4 1,0 F Y_eP• ti:Vizopii:rktognition l or 'valu4- 140 . ..2; .I.!cliervlce for y,eara. k] '. l .l lo: enaaa sho*s that, IN / illtamsport 411 iii a Poililatioa pf 16,066.1 In :103Q,4t, ivaai,664, at owing thertiise pf.10,- t - hita ; l6;-' Ei+4o . ;:ll!`o69,atia l had B,6l3;;aii,:laereao or : 7,187. • • • .. c ,TlieJedention in south Carolina places 'the n •slelegatlon Congreis "all on , the, ‘ l7LepoOfdan tilde of the House.'' '4 oit ored wAs,eleetio ihe. alaylflt touldigrict, over a • White, gepliblican. tti tO , 4te4drastlY 16° the citlzeita : iSl' 1 .4,E )1 0) the - city, of Brotherly I.44iita ngt copteu t:Witll,tiie"" r taglartiS' of - ttie /ate - sena - us. The populiiiion,of Fbllidertiblti . is*t down at 70 f 008. Tt wits ..5f34,!n ! 1£1 In 1813Q;, ) ,Tbere an,efroirt in r o ot to cauSe a , new onwierittiOu at the expense of :the city. • _ Itt theApfeator of Wit Week: . ve . .stit , teittlitikthe taxes; on sales, ea~rla es, weigher; billiard tables,,gold and eifrer tax onlegtioles sad li - 00040 . us,nud tin grosf , reeelids, - Would cease : 14 1871, We are :Informed thatlthey , expired Oetoberil, 1870: > The iatetheiii:We made was copied front an • -- Mni c . reedit of , the election'. inJ Ohio 111.9 . + ? c,r0ir...,R i::ptib* - au Majority for •lied retari State of 10,730, el i here was a teknireranee candidate in the field, for I.`ilion•2,BBo voteb were pulled,. The ina ititityof - Hay euv er ; teukt leton , for Gov 1869; w 4 010 Wioti Re oibire,n) 'Rain of 1,229.' Its MIS State, We had ho state toftleeie to elect, and this, aecounte, In great measure, tor the want orthat organization and Work, Whlch *cutlet always plate Peensylva kla nn,lbe side of Protection to Home Industry and of equal rights, 11,) a large majority. • The Republican majority un tile Con greettional vote at the lute election, le 4,'2113, in this State. The New Yoek Herald t.thu,ki up the rriult of the' October elections us fol. ." Ftrii----tto } t the iectits, 9 l the L triltv by a heavy majorityyttecept, endorse at apprieve the otiaquistration of GO. ( ,'rant . Se6nd— Tbaethe'Republican party, cn the platforof ibis, administration, are sure of a decisive maj r ity tbs•popular branch of Oa ncxt Congress., whereby/the Senate being secure, both houses will bo in accord with the Presidoot tp the end of his present term. Third—That he is good f.r a see end term ' against all opposition combinations and opposing candidates. Fourth—That the De mocrats have made no headway of any account since 1868. Fifth—That the now clement of the colored cote is , en mane with the Republicans. Siith—That there is some danger that the Di u:loamy may lose New York In November." New York would undoubtedly go Re publican, if it were poisible to prevent the frauds eo common in her great city: As it is, we haveli prospect of carrying the State, if the country vote is out. The r tifficial returns show that we have. Joit live Representatives and gained one in thislßtate. The districts we lost Were close ones, which were car ried fox the Republicans in 1888 by the Importance of general issues and the excitement of a Presidential campaign. t'eeers, in the 18th district, is -beaten by 15 majority ; Daniel J. Mor rill, in the 17th, by 11 ' • and William H. krnistrong in this, by 27. Thus 58 votes i give the Democrats three new constilssmen. Hereafter let uaremem ber that the unit of a majority is a sin gle' ,vnte., Let 110 man stay at home, thinking•his votn can wake no differ elms. Take care of the votes, and the majority will take care of itself. f f.)oqior Pratt, of the Corning Journal, haiiliaely been on an excursion to the mining district in this county, in coin pany.with sundry other persons' troth Colniug,and vicinity. There are ninny thipg4f Interest to be seen about the pinkies; and the Doctor treats his read. ,ere to a column of pleasant reading, as the result of his observations. , : Va;wonder how many thousand per sonsthere are in this county who never tookltie pains to visit the coal mines in Blossburg and vicinity. We recall i apt asent ride of four miles, and a walk aye Mosey , atones , in shady valleYs,, tilt ugh the woods; to 4rnot, 'eat year, in company with Mr.,31. H. Cobb, then editor, of the Agitator ?.. and when we returned, we felt likis urging every neighbor to go and take his wife to see wi s h'at i4plittl and industry are' li otng . to divelop the latentwealth of Tioga noun-, ty.' , Perhaps the mere fact of:going lias at:gyitieh to dO'Witb. the inteieit-Oftlits triPiiiitvlitit one &ties. 9ur „peopla do Luigi, go enough. , They, , delve, an 4 itig, andi:llo—and - that is - all there is about I it, viith most of ie.', TurriOut and ittke a Alp, ti it be only,tolooli On *orae'dia., taret,mountaii. It is good even to look tiPop•wrpontitaln one hue never -seen; forWe •Nna' Man no acqpaintance of e, thitig, l lit nature, but it shall come up somniinelnuOling in eternity and say HOW do You do? and snake as feet that, It's die; not indeed in 'a land of etjati-. ,-. VP. t .. • • PIJBLIC DVA4 , • • , .'"fr , .1 Thtk staterneet of the pubtok I,lebt _ for, the month of October exhibits - th 'folOwing figures ; Dabs brims gt o siln ir iy p est cu ' Debt on whlstk Interest bar eee2d Debt beetles no Interest ••'•• .' incneraleted to Nov, 01570 Total debtand Interestte date Amor*? us riessicas. $103131,018 4i 26,8115,853 YS 01i• totTency Total its Train:Tx Debt less am's In Tree's Nev. 1., 1870, 2 ,341,164.855 65 Diarease during past mouth 5 6129,296' VI " since March 1.1870 - 96,,644,121 - dorlng prawn pladritsVal, • 188,678,8481 • - F 9flrolittleturnoltemlieri of •Congt* 1, i ; ..-- ' ' • .) ' . ;The Harrlsbtirg Telegraiit hurl 'lie; , _..._. _ II ‘t Velal returns front tell the coog 1 ebsic H ill districts in the State, wide,' 014\ n RepAblie . ati_tu!Aritylof , 1,•2.9:5. , rtig) .. 11 . . , hie belovvis compiled front the official figures in the office of the Secretary o the Commonwealth, a9d way be iell4 Upon : .• . idire. ii:me:iiii: \ . ' - Ist-13.4.- Rinds!! - ' 241-J. V. creeley. ........ - .3d-L. Myers "4th-=W. D. Kelley. . sth-A. C. Harmer '. ... : ...... 6th-B. L. :Acker - • .'. ith -W. To wn send . r ~... Sth-X. L. Gets ,• ..... 9th- 1 0. 3. Dickey - ' - 10th--J. %V. - Killinger .... ... .......... 11th-J. B. Storms . . llth-L. D. Shoemaker IStb-U. Mercer leth*J. B. Packer...., ...°.... 25th-B. J. Haldeman 16th-B. F. Myers. : 17th-lt.'llf:'gpeer 18th-4bn:try Sherwoqd 19th -,H. W. SeofleldJl 20th-8. Griffith ..,... ..... , 91st-11. D. Foster:...4 22d-J. , 5..Neg1ey...... . 254-B. .M'Jenkin 24th-G. 151'C1e11arid....,.,., ReOubtaan majority,. - , , -Horate Greepiy Is a: othadidato for Congress In the oth Congressional' irlot of New , • 1 • 4 Iti hip call() aceppppg thenominption, • he Bays : "Tani advised that I bare been unanimously agreed be de a candidate for your suffrages, by two ,wholly independent Nominating Conven tions. by. whioh it hue' not been found practicable to unite upon any ono else. lip to a law hour, Thad hoped that a different result would ho at tairked;-,but thli ii no 'eager probable:. 1 That I have nowise nought the position • th us Assigned; me; you already know; inn t oheerfally accept ! -it, • Infirm healtlf,Ar err other coesideration, Moat. preclude my , going among you. to.iiolicit your suffrages, and I shall ,make no nosel pro fantods or pledges, in the hope of therohy cern nientUng myself to your favor. Yishing you to understand :distinctly,-, that any orb who ratty - eebk to.prereotemy election by _personal attacks up'oli or abolive tirades against zoy, competitor, will thereby kubject blitself to my most emphatic rebeiteond ;4:Trebel:Won, I will only add that,, Should it he Your pleasure that I represent you In the next Congress, I will o so to the beet of my. ability." . 1 Mr: Greeley is not n offiseseeker : therefore he is not verylikely to get of fice. That his servic s in Congress 'would be of great value to the country, it seems to us, no man who knowthim , can.doubt: • yet he would not stand a /Algot of a c4arice against a Democrat after the heart of the New. York Demo- Crecy. What a commentary upon a state of morals under which such a thing is possible! ' It demonstrates the necessity of inventing some means of purifying the ballot. There is greater need, this day, of an'ara/, than au in— tellectual qualification to entitle the cit izen to vote. Bad government is not so much the result of ignorance, as of vice: it is not so much-that men , do not know, as that they will not,do, tight.— Intelligence is the capital upon which dangerous men accomplish their own bad piarpOses, ,tb rough the Ignorant and abandoned. In the matter of elections, reclaim the vicious, raise the falleio, ed -ucate the ignorant, and you deprive the wicked of the lever power which too often turns the scale upon the side of wrong. The floating vote, the mean ingless ballot, which may be swerved one way or the other by Money or influ ence, is the gr i eat!danger which threat ens, our • s 7 stem of government. '.du catethe rising generation to integrity; uprightness and 'the standard of true manhood, and such a thing as the elect tion of a New York , pOlitician and treat rowd,r tx, ct.. e ......., saatzid Lia . lui p ssible. Not that Mr. Cox is such a ma ; but to-day the government is din \ grac by the presence in Congress of a notorio s prize-fighter and gambler.— He was elected by the " roughs" of N. York, whcatntiply the registriation of voters and the votes of that eitY to aoy extent which May be necessary to in euresuccess. Thus it is that the will of the people is not aierupreme law, and that,vice reigns tritnnphant. IMO THE VENOM. We are indebted to the Pittsburg Post for the followin table showing the result of the census just tale an in the Western District of the Federal division of Pennegivania. It will be seen that our rate, of the previous aVeragegain of 88 per centum every decade has been fully kept up. Allegheny.... Armstrong.... Beaver Bdtler ...... Blair Bradford* Bedford Cameron Clearfield Cambria Clinton Columbia Crawford Centre Clarion .. Elk._ 8ri0... /triton Porest FaYette Greene.. Huntingdon Indians Jefferson Lawrence Lucerne Lyooming McKean Mercer Mifflin Montour Notiltumbeelaud., Potter Snyder ' .... Somerset.:i Sullivan., Sustitteluinna Tioga... llnion ... ..... VeMingo Warren Washington........ Weettnoreland... . Wyoming. Increase • *Blrolay township not yet in, 'Mew comity formed out of Potter and McKean PoroutdiON or Nsw YORIL—By the Correct census of New York city the population is found to he 930,86, show ing aud increase in ten years of 117,194. One district, the 6th, hal a population orB7o and cast 984 votest the last elec-. tioV. — Residents to one vote, niii*- three huudietlas or 64 Ore votes than thizifo' Wert?, in habitants, incl uding allipis; ;,Women arid' Children. 'that inikka biArii:LlCerin heavy 'repeating ' did= , trlot.-.-:Er: " . $1;9&3,870 4 200 00 . 159,070,0K00 8,393,111" . *09,014,814 89 o,Bas,sso 71 The 'War news has of late been too monotonous to attract Much attention. Sieges and surrenders have been the or der of the times.. Bazaine surrenders thebestermy left to France, number ing 150,000 men, and Metz fills into the hands of the :Prussians, with an, im menee'quahtity.of ermysteree, it is,said; with provisions envie , to; leek Nur months. it should seem that : this action on the part of the French 'Com ( II; 1 4 ,471,73(1,812 96 $124,V44,467 41 • Eel'. DEUi 4148 ._,4755 . 17 ' 71 19371059 450 15 11 27% ,504 • 8212 5870 i 14 - it' 4; i;1.59 • `.' :16,278 '20,990 ? g20,98Q 4,2934 1870. 1860. 282,482 278,831 43,385 35,797 36,132 , 20,140 36,485 - - -- 35;594 39,051 27,829 61,109 A 18,834 28,034 29,738 . 4,27 now county t .. 25,779 18,759 38,572 28,155 ...,.. , 23,213 /7,724 28,746, ' '25,085 ....., 63;826 38,755 __, 34,394 21,000 c. 29,542 . 2088 IMMIBI ME 8,315 65,07 9,341 4,183 _ _ 43,284 • 39,909 25,803 24,843 31,252 28,100 36,123 - 33,687 21,061 . 18,270 /7-,491 18,996 26,298 22,999 ~ 160,917 90;244 . 47,638 37,339 . 8,820 - 8,369 49,981 ' 38,856 ~ 17,508 • 18,340 . 18,334 ‘ '13,053 . 31,400 38,922 , ° 11,418 12,470 . 15,808 15,033- . 28,826 26,778 6,191 5,847 . 37,530 38,287 . 6,102 31,104 15,588 - 14,045 . 48,382 25,093 23,897 19,190 48,481 , 46,865, 59,899 ' 53,796 14j685 i , . -,' .12,5411 1,713,967 1,23310 1,233,039 ' ' THE WAR. Il mantle! can ha avebunted for on tin 01.117 1 er reaianablbrifreSumption than 'in (Wel ity td,Fraa.ita . . It falls beavily upon the hearts Of,alllo7rencbrnen, and brings ir retrievable dismay to the leaders of the Repubtio; It makas . tbgt Capituiation - jOf a tipeattar'Ot tane.'j - Meantime, the dull, slow siege of life Itliitidiiroblid -Colitliniee;*' The country for many miles about thateity is despoiled of everything which can be made t 6 eubSetive the uses ' of 'the 'Prus sian` army, while every day 'ill!) auPPirei; in Pails' grow`lei . it. IShoold 'that city 'held out till ibiiii,Sidesperate bout tin told antre,ring Mita come upon hey two millions of people, uniiiiii 'aid, e arly ef fort be made hY,neptrai powers, to pip- , ply the necessaries of life to her famT Jailed people. ,Bismarck says ho will not he able to furnish rations a single day. The country cannot ; for France is already laid waste, in many, direo tionsi and the cry for food, even now, comes up froth the famished province& , It is -a terrible hour for Prance. The Itepublic; werfOr, fe 'scarcely:Mere tban a name. itailtinieiiireacbery,: ft noth ing iiiiiieli'' praidk "hiOCW* t tbikt tfiere`iiiivii be opposition' to ` the PtePub lie, 'which will ev entually , 'destroy ~tile' &4 hoxie ' ,', told Ho pe but ibeleaderaiinf ter, there irOold be little to regret ;,but the suffering mnat, fall upon the , cow! mon , people., . klcarcely NM_ a century relieve them from the„ effects' of this war. And all this because of the inor ,,dinate ambition of one man, who drea med that the name of a' dead warrior, who should more properly be called 'a universal ontlais , and merciless mfirdef-; er,-could re-estiiblish'him' in his waning 'itoperlal authority! ' ' Already the new ' debt of France ex ceeds our own ! Add all the cost on the Prussian side, which all agree France must pay, and how_ much toil, and mis ery, and woe, does the gigantic burden represent I ' ' i -- ' ' Whitris needed to put an end to this mad rage of war `among civiliged na tions? It IS that the neutral world MB MO 234 t 629 • 41?8 1220 - 12 , 1 • 2458 • 769 i 780 command peace, and compel a submis; elm of all national misunderstandings to amicable arbitration, ; without blood shed. It •can be done : it Should be done. The great powers of the world should make a law, that no human blond shall be shed in inhuman war, and enforce it. It may be said that the enforcement of the law would make war necessary.. No dOubt it•yould ; but ware would not be s 9 frequkit, or long and wasteful. • War is supreme bat;barism. It May be long before the glad day when, nations shall learn . war no more ; but the day will come, else there is not enough divinity in the na ture of man to save us from final de struction in a pit of mad contentions, of frantic wars like those of the beasts, and misery untold, and self-inflicted. It is said that an armistice Is declared. Let us hope a speedy peace may follow. WEITNEVS MUSICAL OITIIST enters' upon its new. year elad in an attrautive and elegant attire. We are glad to note the 'increasing auccess of this excellent musical perioditial. It contains twelve pages of new tied beautiful music : ' "Birdie tell Winnie I'm Waiting," "I Will Remember Thee,' "Room Among the Angels," " We'll Crown Win. with Times," oto. It also offers splendid preml= ums. $1 per year. Bpecimen copies ton cents. Address W. W. Whitney, - Toledo,.o. 4 1 1 I4L LIST—For, Nov, Term, 1870 johnson et at. John Bine vs. B: Y. Ogden's Executors five eases. William Cobb vs. John Pierce et al. j - Alvah 0_ }lnahAta- iz 2l : l *^'.—al " Wynkoff et al vs. Hiram 'nacho.. John Peters vs. R. B. Webb. Labarron vs. John M. Hall. Guy Snover vs. Job Willcox. Oscar Brace vs. Erastus Stanton. ) 1 C. G. Osgood vs. Henry Colton et al. S. B. Bailey vs. Minor S. Field. Richard !Unison vs. 2. Malloroy et al. N. H. Niles Ira A. Newhall. ' John W. Guernsey vs: C. W. Soper et al. C. W. Stratton vs. G. W. Forsyth. C. Howland vs. Wyoming Insurance Co. Alexander Joneos. Abel Hoyt: Roskam "A;Gurstley Vs. M. O. Lacey. . G. H. Post vs. 4.8..11611Fday..:t • L. A. Aldrich et al vs. L. H. Browpter et al. vs. R. B. Bailey et - al. House and Lot . and Six Acres of Land for Sale. el HUMES 'WILLIAMS offers for sale his house and lot on., Main street,•,Wellsboro, and six acres of land near the cemetery. En quire of Joseph Williams, at the WeMoro foun dry.- Nov. 9,1870 tf FSTRAY.—Camo to the enclosure of the sub_ scriber, in Richmond, two weeks since, a brown marls, with one white hind foot and a small white star tn her forehead. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away. ROBERT SAMPSON. November 9,1870 8w • NOTICE.The books and accounts of Leroy Tabor, late§heriff of Tioga county, have been left at the Aide of A. 8. Brewster, in Mills boro, for Settlement/ MI persona indebted to him for costs, are requested to call, pay up. and thereby eave chats. L. TABOR.. - November 4,1870 I AXTED,-=—A good dairtfarzq, of two hnn dred tioteti.or more. Address \ SPEAR, BROTHERS, Nov 9. 1870* N Mansfield, Pa. gilb 1 49,438 9,131 898 TBADR.—I have an elegant six octave Itrosewood piano eased melodeon, made by rent kt, Linsley, whioki Wish to dispose of, el i- ther for cosh, a twine, or other property. The instrument is nearly new, •and cost $195. Ob jest ef sale: no one in the house understando patialo. Address OHARLES, KINNEY, 'No •' 9, 1870. Blosabarg, Pa. . Nei,v Millinery ! M i t s tr linrec ii4 \ as opened assortment , .11 9 4,110 V,. (0004:41;s* 'MILLINERY G00D5,.... — AND LADIES' FURS. BONNETS," STRAW 'GOODS, '• LAOES--;,r.AWERS, - ILIBBONS,, COF,4II{S. • - ..• • , all of which, will be sold much below former pr oeS. All work &no promptly, and to please. ,Wellaboro, Nov; 7, .1870-tt MISS H. W. ,TODD, I VAI - AVING returned to , . e ore l to ',pond the H whstr, would be happy to remit% her old music pupils, unit auy others who mita, wish .to place themselves under her instruction., 'Oat. 19;18 1 704f' ' ' " - W. TODD. Register's Notice. NoTzen heriAltifeethat: the ExerkitotiV . , and AdadtdideatOrtpd below,havellfed their accounts in the Re a °Moo .; for; Tioga : 'county-, ankthit the sal Itadonnts' will be 'pre,: ;mated to the Orpheus' OdutOof said contitY,riti n. session of said 04ort te , :ba.bakt • - sit .WeSsboro, on Monday, the 28th day of November. /870, at 2 o'clock P. M., for confirmation 'aid Account of A'. 8. MiutotiYe ' Ihtitmtor of the last will and testainsmt of lota Cialkitui,Aate. of the borough of Westfield, 4400eisoo, T, !Jr' ~; Account of Perry .IShost,,Adutiniatrator of a the estate of An Short, late of Wattliattilosialled. _Account of .oharles R. Taylor - and Sarah 'Bay lor, Administrators of the estate of Philip Tayl lor, late of Osceola, deCeiteed. Ai:voting of.lsatia M. Otark, - likecut'oit of the' lag will and tes tamantuf. - WilliamDiark, late of' Brookfield, deceased. - • , Account of William N. ivewell , ii'dMinistrator of the estat a of Jared" Nile% late of Union, deceased. - • D.'ll: DRAM?, Seer. WelJsboro,Pnv 2, 1870 4w -' - - such as .MRS. CAROI f INE SMITH. IM3 - *tierlirs gaits • , • • I d - BY VISTIJO.),OF sundry write or,,FiertYa elaa,,Levari Facile, and Yenditioni Bananas, is ened-out of.tbe Court alCommon Mae •of Ti-, oga county, and to me directed, I will expose to,' Toblia-eatail to' the-hinbert - Wnd'-beat bidder, at the Court Mouse in Welleboro, on Monday, the , 116tb dez of November, 1670, at P 4 Dpi., j Pit t r oitowing,desoribid prOpeitY,lle A lot.of land in Middkbury township; bons. .ded aorth Marleitis ropey 'and.George. 'lllll;istst 14 lends of Thithiniil Dlitliinson, de. ceased, smulltbrifalter,litiggn .Tiusib Briggs, and pest by, Jameit Steven, aid 'Amu,. chies containing 108 aera,imore or 'leas. wiith about ,7feeeres4mprovedi and two ,frame hobees, two log bons's, othoroutbnildinge, an apple orchard and other , fruit trees thereon. .Ta be f ield as the property of Hathaway Ltioey and 'U. G. Lo ; coy, suit of 0. tiJ Willcox. . 4L130-14. lot of land in' Cluorlest* township ; bounded on the north . by Miles D. Rice, east, by Michael Bloat and George Bloat. south b y }lien Webster, and west by Bliu Tipple and'Eleo. W. Mott; containing 101.7 .soree , and allowance, with about 70 RONs itaptrilld a fr ame, bones, frainit tern end in aka. orchard - thereon; To be ebld at the property of 'David 7. Bolslander, snit of Daniel Bacon., ; • . . ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty, township ; bounded on the north by Zimmerman creek, cut byhighway, - south by WI .' canna% an d areal by said creek; containing 1 an acre, more or less, with a frame house the on. ono—Another lot situate as°resold; bona •ded on the north and east by Z, merman creek, south ti_PoW•l o alifield. &PI. at by highway; o ,o l ?Asinkardb of }} p ,olre, wore ,_or d loss, with a ,ir frame house thereon. TO be ia q di. ea tito proper tf WARM Mllittion; shit •iif 7. 4 W.'l6ailini. ALSO-11 'tit <of landita , Blkland; bounded i north byydain street, out by 11. T, Wood and J. V. Shoff, eolith by the Cowanesoue river, and west bye Mir. A. Johnson and Joel Parkhurst; containing about five tore* all improved;' with a framehonee, fame barniaad an, apple orchard *theroon. To be sold as the. property of Timothy 8; Goatee, soled Joel' Parkhaeht.: I , A1.130--;-A lot of laud :in •Westfield; bounded north by Samuel Tubby, south and east by the Codinesqint river, and west by B. B. Strang; containing 100 sores, more or less, about 76 sores improved, with a frame honse r frame barn, other. outbuildings, and . an apple . orchard there on. T'o. be, sold as the, property of M. G. Bow. Min, snit of Joel Padilla:net. • - ' ALSO—Allot of land' in Jackson , township; bounded on' tin - Eintk by P. Bmithani T.A. An- Aroma,. out - by T...Gairetson mid J.. Hall, month by .1 - : Bryan and B. NiehOls,.and we rr by J. By •'orett'and T. AAndrews;' - oontaining Oa aOll4 l , more-Ojess, with about AO • sores improved, a steam saw _mill, with the machinery and appur tenances belonging thereto, three 'frame houses, ' a frame barn; other outbuilding' and as apple arena& thereon.' To be sold as the property of Oliver Hamilton, snit of J.L...4llthowis. ' • ALSO--4 lot of land in Jeokijou .township; bounded do the acnh by highway and Silas Iliallt siuttkby Satins' Ileynoldi, Matilda Stade. Vint and. Charles ,Ferguson, south .by Samuel Itaynolds,'NOrman Murdaugh and Noah Dann, and weft by Waterman ld'lntyre; sontalning .70 acres, mare or less,l3o improved, with two 'frame trarns,,.frame.. coalmine, apple orobard end other fruit trees thereon. To le fold as the 'property* Ellen Searles, Admifiletratrix of I. Searles, deceased , suit of Jacob Shine. ALSO—A let of land in: Westfield borough; b ounded on the north, south and west by Am brose Close and east by higlawat ; containing 76 rods,moreer less, with framebarn,trame house and frame harness shop thereon. To be cold as the property of William litalburt, suit of O. W. Beach. , ALSO—The following lots in Morrie town ship: beginning et a_- 'tone. corner; thence by lanai formerly owned by the J. 0. global mutt* 192.7 rods, to a beech cOrner; Menge oast by. land of J6hli-Wilion,44 OA/ I AV' hitaleek cor ner; names north by,..intiti Wilton; _Writ rods, to a pestoorner; ininoikeitst,lit lands ard--- - Mortis, 78 rode. to a atone comer;. thence torah by lands of William Bachiend Bond 'and Wm. Black, 66 rods, to a. post coiner; thence south, 26 degrees west, 80d rods; thence south, 26 de glees east, 21 rode; thonce south 34 rods; thence west 61 rods to a post; thence south by land of said Black, 91 rods,' to a stone corner; thence west by land of John N. Bathe, -,—.— William mee and A. S. Hnuelton, 122 . rods, to, a stone eorner, the place of 'beginning; containing 160 acres, and six per tient. allowance, about fifty acres cleared, with Ave frame ,houses, one frame storehOnee, four frame barns, a blacksmith shop, saw mill, other ontbuildhigs, aid an apple orch ard and °tither fruit trees . thereon. Being petit of warrants No. 4,365, James Wilson warrantee, and N 0.1,537; /Imps A Fisher werrautee, etsb-=oJuir- other lot, situate - is aforesaid; bounded on the south and east 'by lands of heirs Of Luke . W. Morrie; ; on the north by lands of John N. and Wnliontßache, and on the west by landset William Bache and Berst; , containing 130 aciebi.and being a - -put of warrant No. 1, , - 687. gravel and Fisher warrantee. To. be sold as the property of Wm, W. Babb, administrator eflthe estate of Willittellabb 'deceit:tied, auk of Wm, W. Babb, now for net' of.,PbMp 7 BrilL ' ' . „Al,glo-4,10t otlend in ItichMondlownship; bonfided on the north by ,Hickson . liPooy. cut by Stephen Witerkianith by' 'James P.. Wilson, and west tar D.ll. oolited.e.-....teliaino ea..... 0.... vioontev acres improved, with two frame houses, two frame barns and a frame blacksmith slump thereon. To be sold as • the property of H. 'B. Cooper, suit of Edwin Dyer. ALSO—A lot of land in Tinton township; bounded on the north by Mary B. Fairbanks. east by Mary B. Fairbanks, south by Dennis B. Casseday, and west by Merles Whitcomb; containing 73 awes, 20 acres improved. To be sold 'as the property 'of Henry' A. Champney, suit of Isaiah Ohampney for nee of A. P. Cone. ALBO-r4 lot .of land in Farmington tome ship; bounded on the north by land , conveyed to john M.-Shaw and i robri O. ROW on tlte eut by land conveyed to John Eddy. 'on the 'oath by lands conveyed to John:Eddy, B. H. Briggs and Stephen Smith, and on the west by .lands. con veyed tiisald ficnith and to Thomes"L. Baldwin; containingloo.7 acres, with the usual alloWance of ,six per cent. for roads; Ali., be the same more or less; it being lot No. 151 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Farmington township, and parts of warrants Nos. 1037 and 1269; seven urge improved, with a fete fruit trees thereon. ' • ateo—Another lot in Farmington township; bounded on the north by land'conveyed to Ohs. Blanchard and to 8.8. Mulford, on then east by land conveyed to James Dunham, on the south by land conveyed-. to George W.lpickloson and to Minor B. Field, and on the west by lend con veyed to John, Liddy; containing 40.7,, with the isnot allowance of six per cent, for roads, be the same more or lees; it being lot No. pl 4 'of the allotment of Bingharn.lands in Farmington ' , and part of warrant No. 1039; all improved,— To be sold as the property of John Eddy, suit of Trustees of William Bingham the . elder, de ceased. , • - • _ . A4BO—A lot of land in Tioga township; boun ded on the north by A. 8. Turner, east by John Parker s iiriath by 17.49. Mann, and west by Jesse , (i IL Keeney; oo tabling 18 cores, more or less, &boos 10 acre ImProved, with abates house, frame barn an an apple orobard thereon. To be mold as the 'p °perky of Jerome J. Brady and Jame. , K. Brad*, salt of Olive Minter. T., ~ . 4 1 0 1 0141{ B. POTTSIII, __- - Welliboro 9et 9 Uhl. alterlif. Auditor's Notice. rr HE undersigned. Auditor, appointed by the Qfpll4 . l2ll' Court - of Tioga county, to distrib ute'the moneys arising from the sale qt the real estate onleorge 0. Marvin, deceased l W il l at tend to , this &Wei of his appointment, at hie of; Ace f i n Erellsboro, on flatturdayithe 8d day of De• °_r staler .I.Bro r at 10 o'clock A. Id. M. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor, • - slilotember 2, 100 4w • Partici:der, Notice. LL persons Indebted to us, by Lois) or book 2 'mount, will Ailing at the ofllos of Aleuts: Seers it Derby ter the next' thirty days,. where we shell settle up our old business. .„ f • All parties owing ,us, a ft er the•thirty days ea find th eir senoiddi left with M. P. M ilos, EttlioaOr Immediate rollsotion. WRIGHT t MAIM% ; °doter, 2411 1870 tf IQ _ _To Batley Ousterhont: Toa 'Aire here* netillad that James T. Onsurr• bout has applied to the !Court of Common Plus of ~ .Tiogn county' for it Evora* from the bonds of mairimony lk and that esti. cal:arches appointed , ayendief 28,1870, at the Vonstflornee ib Vi'ellsbord, ae the time and 'Vitae of hearing: said apPlimustln-the preniisits; yin irhich r cesave don you earrattent4if you think ipsoper.. . • , T.. B. gOTTIII4 . . detlB, 1870 4* :Sheriff. _ 4dmlniaAatrit's Notice:, rriats, OP , AinifINISTRALTION having; been stinted on \\ the estate of Denjudis. att Doses ' Untitled, lite of Olean, Oittareggas ootititt; I% 'T.i. to - tlni tindossignod, all Persons, owing said, estataind thosettiving elitursiiigiklitil: the, same,.are notified to cill•on p. L. Vu DM* sen, of Chatham; /logs county, Pa.. .for sottlf4, went. JBRUSHA L. VAN Dtfillilf,' ' ', - 01446,i10gi county, Pii.a(s , v 2, , 1870.e : , IsIEWMIT'AILO.III • • , •-• Of P9ika TliriAnbstribire.lina soP ens& an Lanka it \ ricllta ' _ : i, °°° *? is wan, 1 - FARSO Caal; will bn paid fa t e park Leaf, , stration,•baef cattle; Ifdaii and sheep, pelts. ;MTh Slh ovvil &Mai* : P "- • ERZRICIAR STOWRLL; JR. Ifitanntbari, 411,0 , „ , ; Notioo,. taBTTERE3 bating Nan 'granted 'otr 'the ',estate of 4deel bag ditiebiedi nlt ihiionir%debt' ad:tallow WM* make haiiwtata payment, eta those having elatmeiftnWst it, +OA praise; theiii to - ' , '4w= , " „ZOWT MITOOMLL, 1:041.26,1870 -Executor. A 1 3 170 . Neyv ~~, PARSONS - N Tho subscribes* are now folly prepared to any Viviano yov. Wit bays now In stook, DRESS GOODS, PLANNELS, NOTIONS, ME DRESS GOODS "ant and Simi Skirt Dopartmenti. . • • .; We shall heap a r ,ria7 large itook of Goods iu each of the abpvf,Departmexits and ,sell theta at rates that will satisfy the closest iniyert. fa Nalsicekr. We bosom regain rusk. , at a redaction of 10 per cent. fresco Spring rates, vie : Our 46 coat.. Al,. slow ST* ants; 80e for 44; U. for.6oe One for - 58o; 180 for M. Wean - also kesphis a fall Una esti% DODBLLYACIND . u 14 . 0 4:4 47 , 117 . 11 1 11, MOMURS at S, Nis 1? Ws &Is & VA. %ad TraTtatit *am to bit goal to the best nukes la the mailkst, and at myth t, rates. VILVIITINNB...IWhatiri and lightweight, in Black, Blue, Britire, Green, Garnet, do., at very tossonable pride". RION PLAIDS—In high color", for 111/ cents. 81717010 W—In 611 the new stiles from 25 to 87 cants. PLAIN ALPAOAB, 26 cents WAOR tOPLINB E sinr 4oloro, .26 cents. 88AG18-114 omits; Brilliants 12 dents, Annum, 22 cents Luster", de., 28 cants. Empress Oloths, 611 cam, Olio, Prmich Merinos, oil colon, Ito, All-Wool Sootch Plaids . 755, Double Fold Alpaca P0p1in5..85.3. WATS= PROOF -114LWIPRO, ja Solid and Fancy Colon. HOOP dirtBTB era very cheap. A good 4 Tope 20 Spring Skirt Hi ante. A good wide tape ; 14 Spring Skirt, 50 estate. BASWLitin u tho nowest Styles, to suit about (ray one, at the lowed market rates. • MKT GOOD BROWN TABLE LINEN, DO dents per yard. GOOD WIITT2 TABLB LINEN, 78 oasts per yard. TOWBZLING, 10, 12 1 ), 18 and 18 'abeam yard. Cheap: LIM/ RD/E r n. o , 8. 10, 1214 18, 20, 23 604480 cents. _ lrY - (.- •';;.* ilAn A .1! A A good hoary Balmoral at $l. A good heavy Balmoral, blab colored sl,2b. Extra qualltbm Balmoral, at 11,00 to 14,00. .11Q8D3.11Y, 'very cheap. 00,118.1178, 75 cis.° NOTIONS, ail kind:, cheap Xtic ~. , , We intend to keep this stook MI of all desirable Goods, and to sill them at very , close refes, mspooOns to team* ear mate haply. Wo are now ogling in PRINTS, a good Monson Print at 81-4 onto. - A goodfael ealsied Rini al 8 amts. Orettnarg sista of MO Mai at 10 cents. illeittvipalhirtaft ISM Prints at 12-1• . 2 cents. SHEETINGS, a good Amy yard aide Smiling, 19 O. ' Extra homy yard aide Sleatetsg, 114sts. ' I Zara hear, Letts' grade iiediag, - 121.8 cis. • • lino Sheetinga, card aridelatm, 124.2 contr. BLEACHILD 11113W.N0, lt good yard ands Muslin, 12 1.2 dd. ' 1 • • Better grades lifus/in, 10,18, and 20 tent.. • PICKINGS, rommnn TioAsksor 10 to 12 c.*. . Ifsary l'ilather ntkinys 20 wogs. • , *iris 'WO., dirfra heavy Tickin,ya, 81 1-4 cents. 1 ' DENIMS, STRIPRD OBIRTINOS tie„ gunny cheap. COTTON i Wing ciVIX I O 90 wok per PoUnd- _I CO TON' DATUM, RITRA, 21 Omit per pound,. COTTON TARN; bet 871-. eea I per pound. ()ARM` WARP. beet, 40 cents per pound. SHIRTING OINO/lAMS, extra quality, 20 cents. Flannel ihrartmeni• • - '• hive more bargains la ibis Wok thate:avar before. • • ),3aarlet 87}, Girey Twilled , Fhosela, 14,8% Blue Twilled Flannels, all rues. Plain White /Wet and Oren. Planttehwall,:priase; .` Plaid and Fancy Shirting Flannels, all prices, Our entire Stook will average 15 per coat. leas thaw last year, All wooliik, Union Cloths & Cassittiores. • A large stook olieubstaallal floods, eaitable foi Barmen and , blef;baolos' wear allow tates,,evea less than last Fall. I 1 I HOOT 'lce rash. obit anitaidlob4 brpartment, keeping as imusnaily large vanlety of ci enalionlsnade wolleicaaidApeLlillt at lower plate than ,say sae fa the Sloe Trade Q .- 111 W* oelstaromd to sell: ~The largest portion et onritook .is , made especially, for as, and we tir/tI4p.AFP we* that, we all for outtom,worh. We have an [l ' ; • 1 - - _ STOOK OP MAZZ4OII4% i • r;• I !MI I t , 1 • seNsal.ll.' O.aV Boot& J re aook. , g 4-„ 4 94 Bal it) 1 1100 0. • *Virt ii k rg _1494 - Th • Awns fisyter. • • J ..f ';J'~L bg rc,•:) It 1;0 ,- . ' f a .1. 11.1 ' Vranten'S Mine? Children's, \ This sn Use pt 'fork atone "Inks, Toile. is . ash ass ' tried and ads it by yi ....I. and hat b0Z......4 ant, ..aapte!„ 7 • 11, abases of anbstan mutant work. **Amp fa Una, nil Awed •Wark HOC POO, iron kallsb, Rad, Butu raced, Ind and Doable Sot, 4iiirttdek orintio‘lT6lll, Wenn baying; ai di4DX TainOTATX, A2O) MILL. AT Wf Make ltaiga.*dma ja, 414, 4nala; • riannas la o_ 4l rolialL" "Vbiniiig,Vdt,ltt; 1870:143in ' - 1 I= A T C4RN , 0, N. Y. I :-.4r , ..--.... abliw a larger and mote attractive stock than in ABIGATIO 41 all our Departments, viz : lI I tWLS, SIMERES, OOP BKIRTB, /. . 31ir e ..• ECM =I DEPARTMENT"' El= 331111micas91.os ...._._.......,..4...:....: ..,.w 4 ..p:.....4..:........ INEE=I -AND 81104 DEPARTMKNT. In =1 '~opsea' ' ftifrdWit • • -. 1.i • Gebods CO'S, DOMESTICS, LINEN -STOOK, BOOTS & SHOES. IMEII 11 0114• inNetres 2 sok atoga-Boots Ia Naga l• 9 .D; 'Ziu 110 Boots. Mart 2 soda and Thy it rip - ligote. More* 1-2 .P. & A, O. Gaff Bodo. Ara *Tap lola 4. H. OaV Roar. • Man's rap solo Preach Calf Boa& Menes 1 2 D. a Pteach 11=1 • Calf Balmoral and /bask Boots. radfßaionorat and I%)MA Roots.' Kali Ba find Ibltsk Boots. Xi, Bs4/moral s and Polish Book._ - - kip :Masa/it 'and Mat Boit*, Zip .13(alesoral and .Fblith Boole. GOO Ballierfit t and Poitsh Coca &Mos* and Ibligal Axle. • Goat .13slistirisl and Mg iikwts. 4 hat boon kept by am _for 4i-good way go portloi of our Cluitozoara ID , tbeir por- Ladle.; Minas 4u d Obildron'a also., in iftsloaaa4a, CiII ribbts. Oast, •`' w s limit f ill clime lazy* to look at itihok*Abli - Blllivr.4#o OP • WPRIF ' Mg" tOlr tam. actosatifof eat %Lam. thlis Rua war PAli,SONti heapeet plaice in Town' • ,BLI r • .- BEE I® EMS = . • Piirehaing Elsel here, TRUMAN , BROTHERS, GROCERY Si PROVISION :Doti% Ask For CrediTt. July 27, 1870 811 GorE CETTBRPI MI wanting a fint-c Cutter, will do well t. who aro +engaged In th at prices that will . pa Call and Bee Oat. 19,1870-Ty.° ABona° and lot o South of distrio On) prowls's, • Life insur t(ndet the Itepro • The . TEN Wilt 1101 Two Thos (larger mull In p p payment is required in the °lasi and_ di registered. • In some essential amluation, pro rata ides, this Asseelati of our oldest comp 1 1.7, Economy. and HAW 'AUTHORIZED C, Per partlonlam ran Gen. 8. P. PM MAO ROMP Wm. B. 8 H. P. SHOVE, Oat. 12, 1870-tf. IRON IN NATIniVe ova, V Caw/Jan.—BO .1 ramplets free. 7. r. • No- 80 89112 P April 6,1870.-4 DIVORCE..- 1,, hereby notified next friend; Thom • .1 Court of Common • dtvotiettemlUlf., mad Court barn - pito of November, 11370 pltoeut In the prep eenlttead try'aikl.; 'Oot 26,152414 w. I LL persons i wboss SOCO. and nettle wi made. October 25;1870 ri DIVO4OE. o Eliza Borden : Yon are hereby Aotnedtitetd floury N. Borden has ; 4 sppllo ,to th irpopr Of Ammon Pleas of Tioga k eotanty for n divor frotoPmkol? oor owriccio ny, end that sea 0 rt< boa appe o.4 l 'oltoostor, November 88, PIO, at RI Cow; Ottepixt Wog,. boro, 111 the time a d place' id hearing said ap idiesat to the. prow sea; -on !blob oopeolone* Gan attendifion ink j)roper.' ; Oct 28,1870 41, 38. POTTER, Sheriffi i 1 N: 0 A . ie a —***, ,IIOR .8 , - • ' rl. • Tcy:"r; =I Prices ' I , =NEM , bef6le I - STORE I Lit ,4 1iitIIMAIT, A. A. RIIMAN. BIIGGIE 8 ! MRS! ass Platform Baggy, or a call on the eubascribers, e manufacture of the 331ZU VOIM 9 Call and see! H. BAKER it SON, Westfield, Pa. SALE• FE Pearl Street, 21:1. ,honse rehool house. Enquire on lUM Mutual GUARANTY Life Association, No. 98 BROADWAY, N. Y ISSUES rice Policies d and Original System. payment of ' OtLARIS are a Policy of sand Dollars,. .'rtiron,j and a e'maliliro taro only when a death occurs felon In whioh a policy is Mate, such as medical ex aymente, and-absolute poi n awn not vary from any lea; but in greater'Simplio• aommodation ofPaymea ts, re materially. • . $250 1 000. to the Agent for Pernphlet. 'ICEMAN, U. B. A., Pros ELD, Jr., Vtee•Presiden,.. TS, Agtt,Ettaaville, &mining Surgeon. THE BLOOD. LUZ= AMP-1301q. yoniet Peruvian Syrup. IP. DENSMORE, PrOpettcir, St., New - • • • • generally. o Ayera Amea s You are !that Hannah Amer, by her Holliday, hue applied to the leas of Tioga county for a Fdif - of 'matrimony, and that at 41trionde:,y. the 28th day for ttie hearing of raid op* . • a; osrelop yott Flak proper. POTTE , Elherift . .• • OtMIL , &Atm, to Beare & Dorbyi I am due, are requested to I. out delay, or ooete will be SEAM & DERBY. Ym , ' l, - . • LORMORE BROS. CO. •si • WHOLESALE G ROC ERS, MI II I STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS, 011510ItE TIROS. 4t, cO., would call the at LA tendon of the Trade in' the *datinties of the Southern Tier of Now York and Northern Penn. aylvania, to the large and fall aeaortunta GROCERIES & PROVISIONS constantly on hand at their exteas:ive Wilrehouse and Stores, No. 37 rind 311_Carroll Street, N. Y, and offered for sale .on the most -liberal termp satisfaction in all'easis guaranteed: Our steam Mills for the Roasting of Coifs° and - tlin Grinding of Coffee and. Spices, are of the •Most recent im proved construction, and not, excelled by any In the country. --We have &full stock , o _choice Teas:. ;We buy direct from Importers ig eir York fer cash, and sell as cheap awstay'hon in the trade. Sugarscilio a es -& Syrups from the best Rai" rs, rid f mat latest and lowist New York • FOREIGN DRIED. FRUIT, AND ALL KINDS. OF NUTS, Fi®ho■Dry & Pickled We buy from first bands in the East, and can aflord a better article at,a lesser price than any firm in Western New Yor k.- . . WOODEN WARE, Cordage and Broului—A full line of goode. i We cell tbe atte titui of tho Trade to our lerta stock of• Wines an Liquors, which for purity and dueness arc unsur eased. IMPORTED ALES—Scotch, blob glish, and of thab:o4 brands constant' FOREIGN AND DONIESITO We specially invite'parehasers to ca amine our stook of Foreign and Liquors before buying elsewhere. MEDICINAL WHISKEY— We put up for the especial benflt of the sick, a pure article of Old Bourbon W hilltop for the Druggist Trade. • Sole Agents in YElmira, of the Urbana Wine Co. In brief, we invite a close scrutiny of ourgocclS and their prime thti whole assortment being too 1.,::::1 numerous to mu tion in detail. LOR3I RE 13ROS. & CO., , . No. 37 & A arroll St., Elmira, N. It, Scpt. 21, 157 . ly. • • //. • I \/ 1 • 40/ Mr/I P; / -/l• - • ' o _ , TIO GA 4 PA.,;Dealer it, I HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL AND MECRANICAI I Builthic Material, Iron Nails; Cutlery, I Ste(res, Tin-Ware, &e. MY STOCK ,OF STOVRS embraces Forty different hinds, and I am prepared to guarantee • - • Bottom Prices to (lash Buyers. ' I have also on hand larga atoak of 'Electric X Cut Saws, and Moor's Double• Braced Arch Frame Wood Saws. These are the best saws in the' world, and are fully warranted. The he i st steck of Oil and Rtcrosene LAN TERNS in the county. • • I Nava rnaty . artielee not kepi by. other -deal era which 1 would be glad to ,lbow, and give prioee that will defy eompetitio.. I J. Solil FFELIN, Jr. Aug. 31, 1E76 ESTATE of F. Welty, deceased In the dr plume Court of ",'logo, No, 14, Nov Torras 1.868. , , And no ,• Soptotiabor 7. 11370, on application of the pot donor fur' inquest in, partition, the Court gra t a rule on the telle,of raid decedent to appen issitid Court, on the kat Monday of Novae:the , 1870 , to accept or refuse to take the real estat of 'mid doiodent di the valuation, or, i In case of refusal ttsko by all parties inter ested, to bop auPsp why the same shell of be sold. 'Notice of this ruteltiopnidfshed u OP i Tioga Agitator r as•provided by PfttUte. By the Court. , ~rf. I..IPRANE, Ckrk Oct 11, 1870 6w HARNESS , Tug tiNDEIRSIGItED wonid any to the ! citi• tone of We!labor° and vicinity that by bee reCently molded rover - Jr:mann Brothers Store with hie - ,-...".. Hairtess Shop . .. . fzi funaiiianoii a' a Criftim Streat, batapep - MP ill and 'Water sta., who're ha is ,prepara4 to' wii wi filature an k . 144a of , • • Dotal - 4 Single Raioe'ses, In the beet style, ttn(ll,er the best:waterhif, REPAIRING D 01.1 2. On shott notice and good.' I employ the best IN2d , use none but tee beet material, gpd i garpfo i m p7epary4 , please t H atm want anYtt4lB tit /47 • - Nov. 9,1810, EM=EI PROPRIETOI6 Ell LIQUORS of all kinds, In ,Partition. SHOP, W. d. NEWCOiIB. anti En 1 3 on hAnd Q and ex. Domeeetc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers