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THE TIOGA COUNTI_I6ITATOR II rillitlsllED IDLY JIORMAI4 YT.. • VAN G,E4DER & MITCOLL . • P.O.Vicu :t I.j 1. iißti OF 81.119CRIPTINN INIARLtiaI iN (per, 'op. •• • • ..••• Te.m Was o ' - "lilnuoit ot SQUARE._ si - 0 , t i0(0,... 110.181ns 1 8 Moo I 8 Noe IYr # $l,OO I $2.00 = wo!,. 2,001 8;00 f '4OO I 'B,OO I 12,001 W)0 Ralf 22011160 ,1037.. 5 . 00 ,1 211 '0 13 a°,00,1116,071**00 mop°. \' 4 4 - eir Spaniel Notices 16 cents par line; lidltorlal or iCilli 20 rents per line. . Transient 4reatiatog int's be paid for in advance. IQ-Justice Blanks, Constable_ Biarike ! blesdsd oda-, went N ote s , Maritsa% Oestitlcateii;db.,on iiand. . . 78 CARDS., man Book, Plain and Fanoy \ r Printers! All work promptly and neatly e Boated.—Jan. 1, 1870. 11.1 am A. ' one. Attorney and Counselor at Law„ first door - above Converse 15 Osgood* s store, on\ aln street. . Wellaboro, June ,24,1879,y , Smith & Herrick, \ mtoineye 4,t Coutingors skt—Law. Insurance, Boanty and Pension Agency, Offictiou Main Street,, WeiLibor° Pa,' oppOsite ..Uniont,Blook. • Jan. 1. 1870. W. IL Bums\ Ciao. W. Mai:arcs. 'Seeley; Koster BeCe. BANKERS, Knoxville, Tioga l ,County, Pa;•-• Analyst money on dwp.osit,)dlseOunt motes, (and sell drafts on New Ito* -City. .Colleet lons promptly made.—Deo. l¢, 1808-I.y* Jno. IV. Adams, Attorney and Counselor at Law, fdanefield, Tioga county, Pa. Collections promptly — attended u). Jan. 1, I.BTO. Jno. I. Mite/ken) Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In surance Agent. °Moe over Kress' Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office, Wolleboro, Pa. lan. 1, 1870. - Wllso4 ;ft Attortleys'and Connielora at Law.- attend protfiptly to butanes. entrustod'to tlidtrcare dn the counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on the Avenue. Jan. 1, WO. Vinson.] John W. Gamey" Attorney' and Coisuaslor ato tior A4l business entrusted to bits( will be promptly attended to. Cairo 21 door south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tiogn, Tioga County, Pa.—Jan. 1;1870. Um. B. Smith, Pension, Bounty and Insurance Agent, Com munisations sent to the above address will rot solve prompt attention. Terms Moderate, Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870. ' Seymour & Horton, Attorneys and Counselore at law, Tinge. " Pa, All basiness entrusted to tiler care will receive prompt attention, O. 11. Bantoun W. I). TeTbell_B‘ Co., W holesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Le., do.—Corning, N. Y. Jan. 1 '7O. D. Bacon ) M. IL ) nyalciun and Surgeon. Will ationd promptly to all calla. Office on Grafton Street, in rear of the Meat Market, Wellaboro.—Jan. 1, 1870. A. N. Ingham, M, D., 11A;taoeopathitt, g3fBoa at his Residence on the Avonuo.—Jan. 1, 1870. George Wagner, Tailor. Shop first door north of Robert= lk Bail oy'e Hardwire Store. Cutting, - Fitting and Re pairing.done promptly and well.—Jan. 1,, 1870. R. E. Onley, Dealer in Clock and Jewelry ? Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles; Violin String's, &o. Watch es and Jewelry .neatly .ripaired. Engraving done in , plaltilinglish ani Germati.—Mansfield, Pa„ fan. 1, 1870. Petroleum House; oivettleld, Pa., Geo. 43Lose i Proprietor. A new Hotel oondnoted tin the.prinoißle of live and lot live, for the aottontuantiejlon of the public. Jan. 1, 1870. iiti4Vl34ioi.il, i • CotintyiSa.k.iSC,i6 apiblinglittaoh e4t, and an attentivi s heitteralwaye In attend ance. Geo. W. IlazlOt fiFoter. - -Jan. 1, 1870. Hill's`'_Hotelt Westfield Borough, Tioga Co., Pa. E. G. Hill, Proprietor. A new and, commodious bnilding with all the modern improvements. 'Within easy drive of tho•best.',.blitniing and-fishing Grounds in Northern Penn's. gnntee3taricsis ' furnished. Torms tnodevite;---hi1i.1;189,• Smith'sßtel,• Tinge, Pa., E. M. Smith, lyafirletei. - Monte in g )od condition to acoomtaodate the traveling public in a eupealor mannei.--Jan. 1, 1870. , Fa - rail:6A ,114itel. 4 4 B. M NROS, Pt qprifitoil `tkls latNE k, ef, icortrelly occupied FifihWie; lidnildeted by tem per-Aloe prinaiplee. every' iicraocamnatitiOn for man and beast. Ofikrii9txoua9pAble.4,;i.• 4 4 March 30, 1870,-0. • ~1•:: Union Hotel. , Win. 13 Van Horn, Proprietor, Wellaborn;_Pii: 'This house is pleasantly located, and ha! all the conveniences for man and beittc; °Berg moderate,—May.4, 1870-Iy. • im GI-Ml' WE' M. M.. SEARS, Pnoraturon.. W . HERB delicious Ice Crain, Fterich,Con7 TV fectionary, all kinds of fruits M I their teaf cm. a nice dleh of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, in.! Oysters in . their season—can be bad at all bout!, served in the best style. Nest door bo lo% honerle .4 Bailey's hardware atom /Ulan Street. Wellehoro Jan. 1,1870. BACON DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, GLASS, UTTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISRES, DYE STUFFS. , ;.- alcohol,,Pure Wines . and Liquors, fOr Medical Purposes. Pcifumory, SoapastrUshei,*Uilet PI yeicia preacclpdona cOmpounded at all4ionrs. BL9BiIBtfRG, PA. only, 20, 1870. y _ . WALL vAiititl'''' AT COST, At • P. K. VC lI.L.LAMS CO'S. • . FOR .- - SALE: - T" Store, Dwelling House , nd premises in Blassbug, Tipp county, .Pa., f,ortner4 oe e4Pled by Saol'it tAuerbaSb. to' Ills Most buld 4saa part of the town, are offered for tale reoph below their value. For price, terma."&o. F . conf er *ttl M. F. Mott, Req., of Weitsboio, t he labtoriber, C. R. srimouri. • Aug..17,1880-tf. 'nog*, Pa. , • : I , . • , DlVOROB.—To`Charles M. Webster: You Nare hereby notified that Ann Elizabeth Web star by her next friend, John Baker, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Pop ,044111tY for a divorce from the bonds- ortitatrimohy;-and that said Court has appointed Monday, Novem ber 2'l, 113ZO, at the•Cdurt` Hansa in Wellsboro,' as the tiuia and piaci frit hearing said applicant In the practises ; , tnt tat* amnion you can at.. tend If yea think prow.. J.B. POTTERi '" • . potent 20,1870 4w Shetiir. $ 2 , 60 I $ 6 . 00 VP° 12.' [J. B. Num. J. C. lioßToti • aJ; 5 . " CI! k• New Tobaooo Store THE subsorTher has fisted'up the Store brat door east Thomas Harden's dry goods store, for the manufacture and sale of . . - CIGARS, (an graclei),Vancy and Cotnnton SMOKING TOBACCO,Miehigan Pine Cut CHENVO, j and,9II kinds of ' :PLUG TOB#PCO, P,,l ) .ES l ,itfid the choi cest igivitid :of *GO S. gall and hes for yourealvee. JOHN' W. PURSEL. Wellsborik, Jan. 1, 1870—tf. Nei° Tannery. MITE undersigned - hail tilted up the old Ifouli ilia dry building, near the Brewery, Welleboro, and is now prepared to turn out fine calf, kip, and and haulm leather in the beet man. ner. Hides tanned on shares. Oaeh paid for hides. • MARTIAL A. DBRIP. Wellaboro, Jan. 1,1870. Weltiiitiokii 0 4 liiikery. y J. BURGIN would say to the eltlsene of ItY • WelMoro and vicinity 'that ha is pre, pared to supply tham.wiTh BREAD; , PIES AND CAKES, of the but quality. We' also serve meals and and ICE MUM to'those who wish. Call at the old Stevens' stand, J. J. BERGIN. June 8, 1870-Iy. . MCA MHO STO#F, , --, i_ BORDEN keeps constantly on i lEis la:-,tprug a i sn d.p i li i oljn l e, . ' • "0t54 0 .6s uts , &i ts ; , 4S, atioaify; inketso 1 PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. IL R, BORDEN. . \ Tioga, 'Jan. 1, 1870.-Iy. 870' lB „- . itm . FOR SALE. tie \ \ 1 , ' BY T. 8.. STONE, , ( .irmorly B. o.,Wicicham's Nursery) iA T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR !,a.. NAM EN TAL TREES, IN TIOGA: ,- \ 80,090 Apple Trees, 10,0430 Pear Trees. • i A good supply\ of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY nd ORNAMENTAL TREES A. SHRUBBERY \ The Fruit trees are \ctrznposed of the choicest jarieties, good, healthy,eonie of them kihrge and In bearing. • Any one wishing to get a supply Wi:11 do well to call and sea my stock before par- Obitsing elsewhere. Or- Delivered at tbe depot, Wellsboro, Mansfield, Lawrenceville and Blom. burg, free of oblirgn. All orders promptly filled. Address, T. B; STONE, 1 ' Tioga, Pa, , . , ° Tioga, Deo, 8, 1888-Iy* , - ' ', . , .I - • A! N My; . ; Oli t S AND -liavgngs -For tia,44141ap04. -- - March 111, 1840-4 f. - , - House i t Lot-I6i, ',.'ate 1 , A GOOD House and harp, on a lot.of two .Lk. acres, within ten _minutes. walk ..4.1 the Court Bootie, Wellehoro, offesedipr tut quire of . Job b /dip:4le% Ben ,eVirollihOrill I 4 Jan:2s, 1870-iff ‘. #Ai 'i - KBiNSFIE,M),L,„ _ riitNtifit l'= VT, For sale, by March 16, 1870,-tf, • 110 WARD SANITARY 80C1tyr.104,4, For the Reliof and Otire'pf tlitiErrinlgatfil Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. ESSAIICS ON TSB ERRORS OP Y01314{ and tM Fqt Iles of Aga,: in relation to DlAnatAanand SOCIAZ Intl) Tub Sanitary aid for the fancied. Bent fres44. l 4 -400 ) 0 1/ envelopes. Address, 11 0 W ARD. A SSOCIATIC,I 4 , May 4, 1870-.1.y. fox P. Philadelphia, Pa. 4-- „ To: , WliolbS4l6' 4l ' • DRUG. rr4E,R,SI ..• - - • !. • - 1 1- : • 2 •Igir-.11V2. ,••• _x2ll rP , C ' LOTS SPRINCif:' { EI HE o ubse x iber will keep, on , nT3I:I at Lithe i,"rulllioek fi :.;• •.• - . f. R NA Mil It 11111 Mit 'X' 40 „PA / •a Li 0 2: 2 4 Patent. ,Piledietne4 t ., Extra - Is, Perinin'er j. y2-.-Afro.9lco,;, Lamps, Wicks, Dye 'Colors, White Wask::, - Lime and Brushehil Varnish: and— if Sash •Bilthltsa; Window' Giase all sizes; Yarnii?h, ot,all` ,kindsyrancy 'Soaks, Hallo - ? • ; • r • -._ • S.P-P, T A'C E.6'' Hair an& room 73taishea a Ai? ;tax: ,gt Yankei• Arai oh 3 als6 t • •' • voriOtent by. iloiiiceopathie l~~ed career; t t •, : Jai d. Otatia...Darpf• , •;' ' • 1 • - k- -,--,4.„-:..- -,, ' - --:, '.•:- ' 1 ! lite 'liirleie ail ' iivit ra' - '4 - - 4,' ta r Ei t -r:-, 1 -.. xi ' ::',.' 1- ~.•' ~A,".!-,-..:-:, ; ..4.4.4.,.i,t, - , - - 4 4; ~,-`,'lLe '''';' , „i I Buyere 1 - (~,,.-'-;.-' ' Ita 4pA irlif?liiirr,iitia - aiiiiiiiriiiii. ce s b e fo I .#o;AV ., ,kiil*3l434alitisiego:Vic,-1 - 0 Apr. - 2 ' IN i 411k.'::1ti:4,,,,..:' ..... (.1.1 , .. x,..... , ~.:.,,i' ri.',-'4,t-Ptri 1. ',... 4 V;:j ..,"Vtl:' , • - , -,•-•.,,--_,' ,•:, ,•_, _,-• -,?,... ' , ',, , ,,./ . .,-I , C 0 R WIN '''''.'llE-WEELMT4IIIRt. I A . , ‘ D. ' D tr t if ; l:ii . , :;'2 , •-. • ' ' r,v; ^ auilt Sevaelierr-z • A: latge , ,*itmeut'of. WATChES, JeWgl:lllr; : §iikrF4C'plATEp WARE, (MOORS, AND FASOY'tIOODS..:, Corning, Deo. Aft, 1856, , .• Nb. 10, Mecliet , Eikg , Ritr4.5r,,,,,-„,`' 'Ohafini,itlior i :, l l)l#6C- - 4.0 -• =furnitaite Dealer. ,' .. 1 , ZALE ROOM and FAOTOWY:fippositeDartt'a 0 Wagon Shop Main Street, where he la pre. pared toferdieh Cabinet `Worto of ant' .kind , to thowin -want. Otd'eiaprosoptly teed. 'lanai Turning diifie to order. Welleburo„ .Tan .1,1879. .4. fIigtEPTIT, E. JI.. U i I.iS' LED,RATED BAKING - ,POWDERS CE . ,tor *ob.& 070. ,• a • wa. a. Lama to a A 1118 JEWELRY STORE" E AI I Wang . (1' t r. ! Jl ll h.l. Fa OLD OA SILVER CLOCKS, JEW £l RY, GOLD i PINS, PENCILS, CASES, GOLD & ATML L /AK', SPOONS, Rt4ORS, FLA- - Zwt TAD, 1 .<4: pta-rA >'.2 4 :1; Si 7.4 4. L I SE W inkifiSglitn4 t a, a 4 i 1 4,?/;t4 tra 4Z-3 ,$:1,; axint i LL ,tsait,tvi 'Ai Ai ; 4- ttfA C TI-- A, ,zrz..ll WHIM With most Ober article's usually . kolit'in istablishment, which is sold low for T. Repairing done ;teary', itroliirnint . t):#AiriC;ni abort NOTICE. (tG M *ll l, Janni6"s, feCliyC'' FALL TERM begins Sept. 7, 1870. WINTER TERM begins Dee:l2, 187.0. For RM . TMAi I f Vc44 i.7074 c. 1 `6344ll4bleilTpp 7 2,4 t:•,7 aNYM • OiEtA.9. H. VERRILL; A. M., Mansfield, July 8, 1870. 1 Principal. • I ./•,,1 1 I. " PENNSYLVANIA,' LATELY known as the To naend,,lfouse, time otteuplettchY JII 'n day ; has been thoroughly tisittl&L' reptiir: ed and opened DANIEL a -mcNRoE, who will be happy to accommodate the old friends of the house at very reasonable r ates. ' Aug. 24,1870. DANIEL Al ONROE: -1 • inns.' pallid mini pxppeml (p.1.1}: undersigned offers for sale in Jackson i j tow nish itsponl ilaminoriWa;Cielgt, bio ate in w Mill and aFillrailivieuidt tam riontaillte4BP acres, three dwelling houses, store, it good barn s The Mill bee been built 2 years, cont4liftla. l 85 horse Power engine circular Mill; x aten Machine, Lath Mill'arkd Frdger. , „../S 111 A-0,2410., feet, betides boiler ThepoWeFatici ft* otWarie The farm is under good cultivatiAp, about 60 flores improved, well WaterodfAttodinitilitg Orchard, and desirable for dAlryttitritsetitaalm; property should belein;pd2FppreciattyrAar i , derms,_.tc., address " -11!1 - * A:IIIT.tX June 8, 1870—ter;';'-lß s oi 8 B,oElliffriW ;- 1 J C KRESS. .2• 4 Tiogw-blarble AR undersigned is now prepared tscme t . .cute all orders for Tomb Stones and-Mann inen&of either •-•••skaC.3 Vg. air ITALIAN - OR RtlittAl§rb I%tAlltit , 4 f the latest style and approved4orliinOnLlNl4l and with dispatch. 17:4 1 ,1 He keeps constantly on hand both.„airiNt o Marble and will be able teat* Wlietray vor him with their orders, on usreascithibletiiiier as can be obtained in the, countrli- , a ADAMLit- HAND IN lItND MU TU titr.r.= INSURANCE 'COMPANY 4til, Office, No. 112 S. 4th St. , Ptsiltoßipts. t v r' " t Incorporated Febly 28, 1867. Chart'd C apitati 01150040016: 'Assets wet ‘; ;:fret ME Stock and. Nakttal t . con#ll4 . lng ,§eosrltp withi ,ProilisWattivon.iidri-itikalfeadfanaulii4 41 1810 4rat-class company, and from,any cause svkat oyer, (strliffer 6)1 yeiiily'payidirillyy:eii'di? or cannot pay longer and die—your gene null your money wasted. Not ao in the "pand•lN. BAND," all Policies are NoN.Fon 'IOMITABLn. ± This company whicWiranks among the most popular and successful! Life Insurance Com panies, grants policies on all desirable plans, both wi h and wlthctPtApiti,sl/0 ft 11 C.ls:itl raveling rtifillievistiiittestiided. All policies are incontestible after ones s.; yes, blow ady tirjfie lfettittlyttaini:',. - , •1 4 ;=t1 , - f - ' 'Lookr 4 4uMflaiiii744:l4l, " ll ** l4ll " the fol towing „COnclpii,tatice - TabioA. • 4,48,,50me? times alleged - bY'Agente of other Ceiipaqi,ei AA the Company they represent is safer than others. While we unhesitatingly ape in liefAi .t ibe, soundness and stabilitYiffifi nietkrei/fif W i r sire to present the folbfriiifinfefd t a inspeettotiof those desiring to Insure: The following ootnistrieianinp Alt illi 'Animal premiumsdit,tr'etfkAYAtittl tett 41 1 .tinktalkli neon life at q'° f!t ~..,,tiu 7 !i r .f.#l: l Vi l t / HA t e titici• -I. NyA -, ,N ls r3Ter-`7 -z- 3, , 'lL'-:* Pra veleta .A.. s en $16,84 z'' ,... . 4 %.$3342Vx , .X..tria - eiti.o../Ar... , . z-22" ,AO, %-atz,to iv, ,\ 'Honliqs-: , :: ,- g , .h. 4 1..4348 0 Z, .11,2 59;04:1,14, EgOitabie,' 22,70 46,97 ,Washington, .22,70 46,97 'Hand-in-Hand, 16,50 . 32,60 Eli ENE 121111 not already iiieured take a policy with the • "EIAND-IN-HAND." ,the beat Mutual Company in the United Stulei. A. L. MONROE, Agent, Welleboro. 'Office vt.P. 11 41 1 °,4 Aug. 1 ) (t . j8q1. : 717.,9,, rit; 1 1 ; WHIS VgAri I M*i3V6 kt,pv. • 0=14•1, 1)-t4 4 PAIN Its ltt .kifgATA 244■ 44 ' 'lot gale obapt 4'4 1re4.11 -) 11 it Y 1 kt lk trout Tiogs oOhti .` , ViArt P. R. WILLIAhfS COl3 •-•;•s)ct •i; , tt3 , 11: go 5.-it.%lai - . 0 1.141-1 fir4:41141 1714 -Met utbr s notice. z Einkut E4 4i4l: t 'ht t3di4 i -. u .i. c- e grattad-61011 iA*Uk.Wi.a'. late of rilldaillb l aWa,... - ekipetrovoilt, lad to said 'Eagle *iil Imo* adtfittif ' , tingfi,i ,giad thole itivin , i; Simms ais itjt, it _ prialla!, ;thorn to 1 - 4 ' 4 :-. 4 L u'dCiENTiIifITODELL"," " t... 4 Ootiitlfi(o.l-1 rw'i- . - - Ezeoutor. ....!% =.4 —l. . -..., .4 NNN. C-. .2 ,x ' • • i • , • • WELLSBOItO, PA WEDNESDA'r . -0,14,4141114 - if) MI ‘' • - 1 J: • • ! • g & ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, . WILLIAMspoRT..I4:NN'A. Aug. 4,1889-Iy. 11=1 ,0 •W EL 3.i.:(111-:: ,eIS7A 3i".)4TS• te,l . • , eaaus 4'6 BTOOg AITTLI2II • ANDREW POLE?, ho bag long been estab . lathed In the Jewelry hint lase in Welleboro, bee at rays on eale, varloie Inds and prices of 1 : 4.c.,::. '1 ~.; :„ .'., .:" . - 11 A,t '., . '.c v 1.11 , ?I -/ .. ir, , ,3 1 ..P. _ • I ~: :.: ii),, r ) 'f .1+ 4- it . 1 t /La iii li:iel . Lt. ilia State Normal School, MANSFIELD, PA. - T3oga,Jan.l,lB7o—tf: insurance Insurance J ii,rIBEIHEEE LITTLE CHAIRS. I • I' Tali- sat sat alone by the bright Wood fire, The gray-haired dame and aged sire, 1 . . Dreaming of days gone by; 1 The tear-drops fell on caoh.wrinkled'e eek, "'The:v . both had thoughts they could not epeaki And each heart uttered a sigh— i For their sad and tearful eyes descried Whisilittif chitirsiphicedVde by - -"3lse'' '-' 44 ' 4 'lli' Attifiatiielitlitierool74/0P1 4141 4 V I Old-fashioned enough as there the; stood, . I 11 i l ..l'heir seats of flagithetiitar iiiMietPid wood„ , . 1 A. 9 With their backs o:3GlifittNait tall. .3'4.OrrA3'il Then the sire shook his silvery head, And with trembling voice he gently said: 1 "Mother, these empty chairs! They bring us such sad, sad thoughts to-night We'll put them forever out of sight, ----. '"lst the small ,dark room up-stairs." But she answered : "Father, no, not yet, For I look at them, and I forget , That the children are away; N Y () riTio a n c , k o ' Fittfr ftWait L er I t, tT ri .e 1 , „,, _ _ " 8 11 1 10.11 L "Jo ny still whittles a ship's Lill meals, And Willie bis laden bullets oasts, i ilajedieNittlihtfilattitaliark sews ; At evening time three childish prayers (30 up tp Goa for thee? littlo chain- 4 tZ ,.. vtZ -§91.8919MA one kncmi• !'Jobe comes back from the billowy deep,' ab WilliCitikes - tesliWattle field sleep, 117 aF good niihe i, o ' '10; i Efary's a wife and a mother no more, , , 1 rlillut-a -tire (Voblid4robhk i llitrinitt li ii'el:;' 4 ; 1341- Akiiiiisciitia toticiag igiiie j : 1:4 '"" A 4F1114M4.4 oxi-,'s Ina , ,t 1 ' 0 -%•,,,,,,,,„, vagaliati- liektiati g h empty now, '1 1 4 . 4rAndlintittitad4hinittlititiNfilidiraw im.:. ,i" -- fittreP WAtb!se - Wir6 nilinSita V,, , , a , alktd.meetlttrehildren abov . g,_ giiiriar i i4igedMitiiia 104 . 01 *lt T.511 1 11 1 ,,it.6,9,99XT 7 t7rY , - . t r.r...f4it-t. r.t.r. ,tiet4 , ; ' " ; 14 IftitrqUiritind: v'Sjhatitti! * al Niher 11144 t 110 iihkillty of - 14:61i)thes. If a i m nis llibited , .in garb filthy and ragged—that is one, thing ; but the simple garb of labor! may cover the beat of men. Among; the many unfortunates mistakes which! -have-been made in this latter respect,' is the following, which happened with-; in my own knowledge andobservation Christopher Goodhue, at the age of; ; ftg , N sed l W: ikelid ti le ;Ipreivittd hhiniillife4lis; physician told him he must leave the: city artMul4 sln ks-prespnt c hnesa, • AVY, t igaltikk3Vll,iinlistlititive employ-; frittittlantithatrflitnign. kind thatshall i, f ekerBiWyliiii ireii F tits i ness fseu ities.-, i Now - 1 - think, my dear Goodhue, I have, ' i ;7, 7: igatagfor you. You have been at Walker's Falls, up in Franklin '."' .."11 . 117176,) j.7 ~ 1;:. 7 , ,_: , , .:. i ,-- } l sk • , ;.; 1 . : Veil; large mills are for sale ,:it'- 4 111:41/444 wovleit nAill Itillithe , 4iaper mill, together with a machine shop be.; longing to them. The former owner is dead, and his widow wishes to sell.—: ..Tveo_ hundred thousand dollars, eash,r, I am very sure will buy the whole pro.' perty. You can pay that and have en-" : Mugh left to make you ,independept, of rr t i l ii 6: 44 s ,TWXPAiiliWlT.' rally impr M ove o two or three excellen t; '-vittift jari '4 ttiiitill'44 Viiiiihni t t l fe, g dahlfils x. AVgaltby, salu- Ili oveAdd pinvlgothtin,gtraiiiiieiiifi. air; . .firtitiroitartiletildlghtful location ; fistC. akdvanuiihnll sorts ready to yOur rod! andlun, whenever you feel like relax-' „ation l and r t ecr.%l4 ; *Rd, qift lim best )464' 4 110k aguntrY' tor your chil-4 4. 0: -T . ti `r ";*-4 1.3 goVAVUe was taken, with the; le6iiiinit, like a prudent map, he said; ihq Vzogld apiikkeWith filtiAillb: -, t-ne dldi - •sol , atittil3e, sensible woman, said: ! ".T l .,et tp,gp,on . t from the,p,i t ty ltl 9, we 1 ' . .01.104 1 10.,0110 v i11y th l eiree"lfeah air, l; (:*14. - 0154tbli;but our children, willi 1 I f et`better and stronger." • i • airriAltrigtiteitfOtibuelPAWitif flap to "Alker's rifireritiAbaiMittaftil village ; 7 ,-- abfptittaieutfitialliqied bought the i itilllkS teetith s er AVitTi CM e unimproved .AratifftiMviiiiiiiiC , within two weekq ithaitiitffililiiiclitid4emoved thither with his family, and entered at once, heart And _soul, into the work of irpprove inent. "Now, Molly," he said to his wife, ",you . know Ilje_come up here for ikealthfutm 'a. shall hire men to o thegruliiery of &se office work.— We mupt ktrepnd the house. I am going to dig, audhoe, and,..delve In Efillodeiii=4.4Witgitserriiikiilne a pair .hfethttiViroitilitigrattilfg frock. I must ikelpf,fof Mrs. Goodhue smiled ;„put thikcheer ttillfAtie44lA " - ftiffebfintr,llitiat vim :•toiliaidcratiati made her heart glad, anck she nntt.thc. g ylftljet! to work cheer inW and theirity upon the clothing.for RIP PNE 4 rAftigi g ant. a "e' , 'Af # 11. I, f ,INople were rejoiced lyh9 . n.thsyitnew I.kat t :4,koWaYliiiiiness roan from the distant city had bought the mills, be -1 cause those same mills, employing near- Ay :twn hundred hands, were the life. of the place, and the rear good and pros= perity of other business depended in a 0 4 , ol4.easfikO_on, tWO OW and sue tagfafnialliktirlient. ' !=r-441 1 ,,,CAVVIP.AV . ,:*:$€LhAti4.9elir Falls Hwatsfitso await' iilatumatemadaltsdph Stu ._;;6`,llol, 4 . 4 :4I I C*AIteCS-19 -1 10Pto the illtig i OttntiTe;tirrou" fi: the iiatifality of the former proprietor of the mills, with .11114#01111,44:f t ed ..tVe high profits on go if 15 butifibti arkgrs to the ern. - , ployes of the mills. Hq was an honest man, as the world goes; but with him honesty was policy, and nothing more. Eban Shackford kept the other pro per store; and when I say "proper store," I mean a regular country Store, where goods of all kinds, qualities and varieties are kept, and where farmers can dialwat:ZfbilliiortlillrytOlis t li*nble producO-34ThititfOidiy Milton= est malimlaiigatVitnlibe *ti l ifiXhost instincts &We tilt firt Vittct itiViltoli ' 'esty was not 11.31!iiiilM4rWai r ife as a partuglis nature. He - bad not laid up xfia t '. His trade was mostly confined to ttiNrcrun of customers among the nitifitiO — ring farmers, while those who money , had money to pay for their goods bad laneumpopolized by the more stirring and;fAtnning Stover. " t declare," said Stover, " I Must go ,nailliteMr. Goodhue,' and make some arrangements ter seen rilg 4 l . lo custom L: 4l/114 ;1411t1t114t 11 /W4441•Fade e i t s tin t il .r in (1 'AftSt IWA: aiNiCiiii - ti'M'oiefthau I.g thmilatKld - Olinr.ty4Vsi - rreletir lifc.fit. rIT - 4t:lto l lift o 4 o.o4il- • 304 . V011.8 i t rEp:9.itikieafii<l.tUtifi i*.,s:ll;iviati I iniettrAvhaysbrfotip - -fielialkiit I ituetti retiiill'iiiiittM A4Aiqf,l4t4.4tr" ter I lug() attpiy* kip .801ift4 WI e 4 . ` . Os, 7 , • q t,..§.' ..* , ~,, UWE MIMI t 73'' (50t red Filliiil l iatOtiOtti:e*llV l . ? ' s , .' i l , I ‘; ' :;iPf i l ti lt.. 4 4 . l'.. q 'itii ' s,looP4klrfe., tii) e i ve l 1 wben . adshartug.inamentered4he store 1 6- simaii' - iiiibitc& c :liti 'hi na ! Oyetalls 'end I ' ft i 69l q . "4 - Avoi:riiiiAi.,kvi:,h.iti..thig - AA 1 o l d straw hat. 5, .1 ,:' -,. ),-, ',, ' ,‘.,-"- t . 4. J.MV.iittfv4;'l 4 l "...y , thitk;" s ‘ sid,i,he nevi , r .7 - 4(5 14 1;; C: -I t.'% - p , . - ,e,r1.. " .5:r.-:. :.0, :,,•,''' ?. ‘ ~,'" Ql ll l.stsMrfitiiim.l' , J._-. i.:,.. ~,,... ' ThtWabbring mall)tarted 'at the ; o4. k a iOW o o4fl:tbi.je.. 11 4 .0 .thi l juc : S*0 491; o. ll lii ia‘Wered*.l4`ti is it Ay ay, ;,- noi. was he used to hearing traderOpeak a l'o'nieffsbiiar:. '''j ' I ''' ' ' 1- ,: J : : P : 4 .:rf!lkigiii: " .4littia,i;iiiiik, 'air-I Eiw. ,,- !' 5 1 -!•,. i!ii7s boy.: will'attemV to y,,OU.'; q am bilsy . .? l .. ..:, , :.:::4t.r. ~,,, ,i , : ~,, -..- ...--. - , ,,.,1 ';. - ,";, i ,,1gir,,11,4;104,,04. in i ay , be , , a s igko, t•ant , ,of the .compoundsias4equita awl fain." , r tin)kohig ta"Pitint 01 . 4* 'And 4' .049.i4k;, 3. 1 14: t Yi.,40.t ' 49.4 1 1; i 3 41 t 4. ; 4 , =kers XlMeolithersge,and4-V. - (...:.:. - I ; s.l .ltidn'incit ti p ai n tter ; lolt ,I 4 15 0104 4'Stit6illl4ll4l3e-_4itk'Ol4_'U vsPAlgveriloufmay.mant: l l.. T7-,_ ; ~, : ,1.4 till hizlns . 4, you ican - nOt.' acc,bni renj date .. 4 'eha t i'lew#9, 4 44 l 4#itt: 6 ob.u.r,icti:4wi ..ledge; , cangerumg.the_respective Aluani tittekkita , violooBl , 4Bl l 6 lial,ifayl'feivii'd kai ; :ii'"PAßTe,4:o4l o ;*?t i> , : , 4 `.,i,..;,:! i u ,,A hixtow,edge.is'nt onegof j .lny.tradin a l conitooditiete.4 :You'll , ;ftridythata 002 the acqui - eLity. o ':l'oi,3;',4htl,,,:ti v , 44Mito wants ally thing,sen it to .Itim,'i ' 1., 1" And thugs - speakingi - -Mr. , :l3tovet npUt On 41s;liataiid 1,01,1. - tb c k s3' . l49,fe; ~l a yylii#U.ls __Politli-tliiit: htsiii 3 tOPieis vt9' ll - 11 °, Had :never seen .before,'` ,- was - either' an .itinlant 7 111.bpzirit*an - ,`,_ , 'Ali - ,;_t4ii!,,er li.l.l l3 4th.44. 3 4,Teiitikii Iv.liQ WP4I4, vv,ani, s'o, yarfor_hiszood , itirt - tin Lpopliie - 44pd 01:91d Rota ' is; a: a5!.., -,,, - -.. J''s.r -- 1 I::,title,l, :';V:e.;•Ny,44'•,,tklk.: iPi„ mins) .„wacatiniioutidurparchitivekfihd) engl4 I tneef Troinlthe .dity, 2 SUPOr .tencifii4` . o44 fokotti.itliii****(l.7l.irovethe6o3i i, 13nel,paiotzioOdhne'w,se not there.. They: , theucht 14telyhe'lvasat't e house., $0 "i3O. 110...n010 • Mr. ' Stiiiiii i 'fiirended`tibi way, 'Where he was infoiined by a lady that-if Ilfr. , Goodhae had got 'back from tM . ltot - iii 7 taVoi:Obioh' he ha() been,out, , '-144:3€9,44 pritQA:V be:found in the gar-: . , • " is4eiV tO thaiaraen; d ivhete 'oui :iin.teT-; . pr,iajng,tociftr found a man in blue Over., all , ranxl- - frook,. , m*ag,ed',ln mating' `a: , I l k ir.6 :1 4 / .): - , .f„-.-, ...,...!,,,,,-,/,... , ~. .. :,.. .4 , ; ' f, a l lg j a46 ' 4‘a!ati;;Mt-tere?'4.;,:.'„: ---f hatis miriisinie,.alr.. l7 .. - ''''' ; :,---= -''' it'i. mean t 1 who' c ci#riacthi:.' 1 itifYi:4 - ::Wligisviktlio.:znilla,”: ' i , - : ~111..( 4 am•th * e man.l l .q I-,.• :- - , :' 4 ,t iCV a t e i a i ry: ii , ::, • . ,' - : r. 7 j Pg(4 ; :„ , 1 40 i , ei4ebeld j...b . p 'Cust9Mei - ik,', w.,liorn he , had I?ehaved ao indecently at .hitihitime. -- , - .:.1'. , = ,::•'••-, ''' 4 1 '' - : -• • :::; :'416 1e,t - Apy; - M .. r, s .'b_ ooith wi ~' I bad no idea 714 Vait,-- ,, ...„,-,. ~ .; „.,, t . ~, ....uivif.yoll - 410ebtisinVsii with maples!' 1 0.064,t0'0 6 , 041 ./4 6 ;ig's=044fuliki but r yinfAti4to,..to you ; other. wiserin ytimei is rlifeoou's.." must ASA-Youeil to i/006.; intiluo , idertitmas 'Twig t Bit t•=i4if‘iyoU wi It= aye WricO!rjour 'e9 1 . 1 , 1 4 :K 4 44 = 4 1 9 i i#4o,Cc4t-i 7 .4 1 1 I;=._ 1)1` ► f,i3e9.0 sitl.rf t Wtnynanded" coii tine, I ift(".llitiliti!,ok !.146,44 . 0d. ,Call tit your 'the *.C(cinftdaY t lati.mz - _, Mitt WllllO, N . D . . Giii - Ahlie rifis tued - 15 - 14E.1..#tritli;;teiklic)14 ; Stover bar,i7 man well etiotigh-to.know,that -, 'farther, remark Wt i sO 4.'0 4 0 44 f, 'AlOPditi 7. 3 . ai/0 -414. 401 5 WV j•e, ' • ;` Mr, f:3} - 05,fahne'llnii0..tba k a, Shae:Mord t4,' lean 116i34t,;upright,...cainacientums and+ aceornmedating• ,tradearnanl , Land 'With", hi 00 , i r e !nada. arrti n geFaOkta 41:0 , : thts for;himself, and want; , - . `'',shaekferil.throve .was giati;tiir awl tiappy ;1 the ~ l aborers in the mills pbtained their • r goOlds vastly cheaper Shover; lik,bitterness,o - f spirit, cursed the hour in Ichieli-he apes jed to insult a cue:tem-- et: be„ gaittpCji , . , . 1 ;••• • z-z-Digititi of Mtpittal. Labor" - tip a prevalent idea aui pug the youth of Ittie;Prtignt 'day;, that 'those who, ile vote..their time and,energies to the va riOutt 'Manual . ptirTiti'l Which lit 'this * mini tri,•araso numerous, thust of neces sity resign certain, benefits which all intelleCtual.and moral beiri n gi..ettlAtka. 63 0000 'to,l'he.tr happinessan ol'eva- tipu. 40"a•lil,aige pmportionpf. Man kind are-necessarily etigagedi-in..theie , Plxo,44;:flAit they are thaiiforeste irived.-oCsuChoadf vanplirosi it wiAvid."l4s i 11ow Provi deda.tiias been uniklilafatitt liaititif in the distrilmtipty of I biesaingS. But a thorough., lav,estigation of tha subject Will prove how erroneous is stkeha,l,lic -6.l7h'4PA 114w•fitallirmistity,ett are pep. ; tip 0144 ; into , the overliowing ay. enues•pf mortal:Ail° or profes§iontil lire; in the hope p:ccupSillag a superior SO ciatpVsition and enjoying greater ad vantages.,--rather, than *follow 'some 6f the manysiKachaiiktil . tazisuits stan4- ihg And for •hich,. - ,tlzitiira:MaY,hivire hly lit , • 1- „ 1 ,. teu weal. ; 431 4 41k1 441 11 454 * l t gBi4r;: I ~ 7 1......• ;..- 7:7)lri .47:. 'i itAligdPle.t, ! maintain, • unfavorablartoi 'ental Jtnli iprOiriiiiierit:' I ndeeili its i rou inaissuch as, in most cases, ;to leave" to Mti,i(anfi Ithou4ilta trea , tit?l'pnrsUn . a it- . desired 11 ,. / itik,''_,T . ,, l P,T. 3 l 91 -.U# 09;4: 0 0 - i?_us 0441 i , 9 , .91 . 4bvv , 1f atisleut aullm Bern times,, qtayskheen oumdaMOngllie metitia9K latti*li?*#4 l soo.o - , 01 e - • NytTlO. lEtOpi:e At - 'toed , ilOw' :niOat -;conspiquOus ili the lite . *tand political -Nvorld,', tic qui.O.d.,;-fint developed Most, , (4. thair Itueiltallx) . s er ;: whilapagaged hi-yarions 'lan u aVoectiptilloilik ; -'.4 , bili3large num- i-wnne large ii,,— 1- 13entiof those - tidy" veationti:,vopeev,olll}opio4Ot - ,brefq't,.. x649r4-i - t - ho,?be, I.ppgft uongavithwaffeet supordnousir, .to-look obdti#l4';!lß'ioi* Itkntalelass'also we not unfrequeritly ikatte, Alia the most fea,lop.vrid I.l.llaried efforts for the 4intiriMnient endippiness of mankind.-, An English, shoemaker, of the name of ~TOhnLrounds, who per termed daring: nearly eighty- yeEiiii tis large an ithionne4 iheliiiitibUst"task work as, P.0.,f44?;k`evi1y76111,6.1f4e lot of man, yet'eonfaliect tO're,Sdnd'from ruin wisely adapting siiitable *antic . to:no• ble 4inds - ,g - Nvoll , for rbiniaelta worthy name among the phlidliffiroPistOiNhe world. WI i fjy no means am excep gonal casi -- ;:faueh ispe'ilf - rdanY, 9ven ninon g ,thoSe vho 417 5.,n,00'3,0 t L incOgip.s to*. ~c10:6 4i 1 .kiiSWeVer! it is` admitted _byi , all,i that neither ,Frovi dellek,4lor,fl4o'Welfare' of 'Boolett F l6 44 l C. t egiiiii l V iiirtfok of .010 • should live , suchr 'a lifetylioeelof. people wile are really: overworked; fourid,rath,er among. those t whciAs N.lill tlke,briOn' tllft4 wit 1 1 4 ,4950. Mk( b°i':with the handih, and .tife'ilmqs.` i 'end en X tetyof commercial life..bri "fay toora,VietirnatO riiineWoOnstitntl Aii,(l:oo,X , gFiiiets, -1 - 1 1# any ea s es : manual tabor nu ongOt(tinditititiel - e see. the' old 'Arid - liaii - abnifila ',proved the evil _ of- unferitittink t 'while every yetoAirair national ex *once shovo more and mere ciiitclesiiit that "a moderate quota of labor, aft'o ing'space. for the cultured the big traits of mind titil'elaracter, is the ~thiug, to woduce,strong. and , vigor manhood.;. the hest copra° to lanai healthful ph sited,, and mental net the surest ladder 4 : which i to j ollici t a ; rite en 4, well indenced, presPerity.. , ; „ if ive wO41(1 continue te, itur,o3re"lp .on?our present ,E 1 44;e1 44 - ire have - Upon . :Ilie`ptifit,'it muet - he by.',unfthig . ..mere closely 'WWI I iriit:.,,ln'eveiy Ititliv!ii4ol, the' flanking and the ivbekiaigl), owerso.-- Ruskin, says: " it isletily by labcir thit though t-ean.be made healthy,'and only by thought that labor can be made h6O- py,I,Y ' :Wherrsociety, conforthsperfecitly, to the ' , .indleations of Providence,.ll ) Ml el:Revue herself by its laws, all 0001.1 ac tions will be t considered liberakprofes. siotis,,,the essential wor k , of the world will be performed,,withoßt,,,apy,d,cgrjf-. ding associations, and ever y men will be honored, not according -to the nature of his calling, but in proportien te' ri the excellence of his itohlevement.4Cil#47:.. .L.cf • 7- The The last nutnber of the Quarte*: ,view contains syong article, 'tide of Under', and giVes wipty„Qf _lriterecktlngfaela 'refarenee to thetoe "trtipidl6 of . ijreaftritaiii:" The pOpur, Alen of Dindon is nearly 'twice that'll:4 'Parilifilour• timed that of INtew t6rk, • five times that df Berlin; six times that -of "St:-Vetersburg, twelve times that' of ;ibilnsterdam, and eighteen times thatof Rome. The_inhabitants of Paris; Ber lin; Vienna, and St. Petersburg, Folded' _together, are Jessin number ,than.,the population of London, ,which exceeds that of Seotland ; is greater than two thirds of Ireland, and fel:mac:one - 4.40-th the POOlfatiOn of Great" Britain: 4).1 m ) 1849, no fewer than 225;332 new holises - leave been erected' in ton don fOYMltilr (69 neW squares and 5'821 new strets, the total. length of 1,030 'Miles. 'The 226,622 houseseredted In Londerodurhig the last twenty years, -give ani average of •11,266 per annum ; and as• a-proof that-the city is still increasing •with niuch greater rapidity than _before, -it may ,he mentioned that 6 ; 167 houses were in the course of eyeation, in Feb- ruary last. LONDON. EINE The paupers and desperadoes of .I..:oti don, it is calculated r would till •a =large city . by themselves; and are 4:ll#3l;tii,tlie population of, ,sorts kingdoms.... pike class . includes multitudes' ;of-"beggars, tramps, match sellers, ciosaing sWegsP.- el.'s; =rag pleker l i, street musiciana;ll3 7 male street walker:3, and others, , ready at any moment to become thieves, rob. bore and burglars'. As to , -the- ttaital number of paupers - 1n ..I.4clnclon t .it is btu ted that In 7 Jutte,.18:70,-,tbera were;l2o,- 394 persons supported atpublic expense, As to the criminal, pont/1(419n .'or Len (ton, mere are only upweA,thiets rtgures derived from the judicial..statisties for' England and • \Vides in I { B6E. " The Criin i nal classes of these tivo cotiltirles;;iix eluding knoWn thieves who, bad been living honestiffor a year;?allioUnted.in number tb 115,616, of. Vili44 119,455 were over, sixteen - years of age,"an 15,- 191 were under sixteen. Addin 18,- 677, the daily adeiage of 'oriminals,in jail, the whole criminal poPulationi of :England and Wales is • placed at - • 184,- 323. Of the above, - 29,531, or about one fifth of "the criminafpopulation of En "gland 'and IVales-, - Make thel metropolis the asene of, their op6raiionsl , s Of-these 29,581 persona 'ini Untion,, 16,05 1 8 are .thieves, clepredators,^:reeeivers of stolen goods, auspected pirsona;Vagrantit and tramps; 6,17,31'1ire . 'ireraitle , Street'+iii;A. era, and.1,806,4i•i3 undergoing sentence in metropolitan prisons.: -- . ,- War, in the last 'Century.. "War is eruelty;" said Gen. hernuin, "and you can't refine it." "No Man of refined Christian sensibllities;"Sikid the duke of Wellington, "should undertake the profesaion .3f a soldier." • ' . 2he exl igencies of war,ofted require, thiiigs to be done from which humanity revolts,. "War," said Napoleon I.; "is th l e,.,sClL ence of barbarians." OdejOt:thel-prju-, cilia iabjeciaTfir Frederic,k - , - ;iti. - IbiS ritii sui t . of, th t e4ii.striiitui - through Be , emia,' was to lay Waste the country sou terly, destroying its roads And consiuni ig its provisions, that . noAtistrian iyin coritd, again _pass Ibrotigh it - for',,the - ''l4 asion of Silesia.' Who can imagine theft - ount of woe thus intlictedupon the tri oeent peasants, for , Bohemia? Both' - ,. ritilei were reduced' to the necessity of living mainly upon the a resource,si of the coun try in whiCl; - ' - thi3y • 'were - On ped. Their foraging parties were scatt red in all directions. There Were .fr titiptiit attacks of outposts and blood i 'skit.- inislie4,, in which matiy:-were alai end many , were crippled .: far'' lire.`` death, efoi,woundjtipOtAqats,:afl life-long: , ,viCCito sthiferlidnible lel 100' There are sometimes great and one objects to attained=-- which elevate and ennoble a nal a race—which - 9-arrant the-exile of almost-any ameuhtotterri:ior:, ering: theAtiffiit'Alia,., 1 to suffer the prohit and" naught dreds to consign them to ignore,' traMple them in the dust,l - ri this world, where kings and rodef ever. been so readY.to doein the ,of the people to! ignortineti; s e and want, -humaa -rights have never iritiderany advances but t, the efiergieinf,the,sword: Ida - I trious lienerklii, who, . with eel heart's, have7ed their alitliidg ov , of blood,.haVo been among the ‘, l voted friends.and-ornamentsef ity. Their_ramet3 have beeti;en tu the affeetkeue of gratefhl mill But this warinto which the' ' king 110' - so „reOl4essly ; plod; F4 .o roin , w‘4 9 Purely a war of ambition.-Even...Frederick- 1 pretepd th , ht it intoived,' any huniar: rights :; Cl pliiusliin avowed that he drew his sword 1 1 hishundrathoUsand`pqadaa -, on their (Ikea:o,o'o*er of, am rniiery aiinply, that he rnight his territories, gain Lrehoviiti eror, and make the World,ital. him—Troth "Frederick. the G Harper's Magazine for 0000er flintier.. declines to run for Massachusetts. - . % - . Oqz , IZA II . , How to Pill up a 0 1#1011, Mr. Spurgeon, inan'address deliVered In Music Hall; Edinburgh said;; iSorae times; se the Preside4nf., a Cellege; I have letters sent to me askinefor - miii. inters; in something like thesis!: terinst bear ;Sir—Our ehapelis Very erhts; our last.minister was a, very excel t , finitti bitten unpopular preacher. trln.43i say by Way of, parenthesis,' that - ;r:itop, pose he was of - those men- _who! woul4 Make good martyrs- 1 -So (tit that" they would burn well,) and Mir congregation is very small; can you kindly send us a min liter w,tio will fill' tile' Chapel?" On one occasion I replied ! that - it:had not a minister large enough to till .a 'chapel. Of course there cifthe an expla. 'nation that they did not expect bird"'• to till it corporeally, but to fill It by bring ing others to listen to him, and' retain. ing them as seatholders. ,TheriA wrote, and to gain this opportunity my first joke_ wee ,PerPetrated,.ireMiattlag, my friends that It was quite, enough. fcr a Pastor to . fill the pulpit wall, and = th,at. the filling of the pqrs,3,'deionde.d. Upon the Zeal, the eariestneSe, Ali& difigenee. , of those' with whom he commenced Ills' ministry; if they:troUldstipOrt 'bike, by their earnest.eooperation,ithe• meeting house would soon be fug,' • , 1 - reinernbiir: when leariiefirst to I4ondon,,PreaChing to eighty or ninety in aLlarge chapel; • but my little cOogregatiot thought,well 'Uf . rne t snd induced Others to Come and Itill the place, I always impute my early" success to, my warm- hearte,d peot4a; for they, Were .so earnest and etausiaatic En, \ their loving appreciation of ttle•vynting: -man froth ;the'e a ount`TY; l ! ; thicttki*te.are: )3 .et .6 1; 1 0"e1 4 -0f , ;.9 1 414(1411i-AtiAiieleeti: l'. :If: you, any l',or .yon, - ern : Mourning =ove r` 'empty ptriVe in your Of i*Orship;'l l 'Would advice e YOU to Praisenp youimin later, , . There can be, no, difficulty in dia. Covering sonte points in which, your Pastor exce s'; r. dwell, gun these excell encies'; . tat' of 'the , spiritual , benefit' Wl - 4Ph yon erive from his sermons, and thus you will inditCe the people to come -and' listen to him,'and at the satie'tirne you - will do him 'good,: for thnfull house will warm him up and &Eike him a lift ter preacher,- and you yourself will eri joy , him ' the more; beehuse-yesn have thought ,au&spoten' kindly,. of , him. 'Bel leveilthen; that the filling; illy- of - =a church is not alonethe Pastorteworir: • If 'a zure ng >us PC i 3 1 1 Girls, ,Don't‘ Do It There,. , id a practice quite .prevalent among young ladiesuf the present day . ; which we are..old-fashioned enough, to consider very improper. ; We allude to their giving photographs of thernecic,res to the youngmen wlirf are moiety_ £(5- quaintances. Ntrecoilaper it jndelicat.e,• In the highest 'degree. ;%Ve are Raton.- isheit"that'any soling girl should hold herself so cheap ah thiS. With' nti ac= eepted it;vae, it Is 'of course' till' right.— Even In that •CliStil the - likeness'shimild he rethrtied, if-the'eng,agetnent'sbould, by any inisuritterAtaritling, cease.- - this :little - 2 paragraph,.sliould• meet the eye ni.any, young girl -who. , is about to give her photograph As a. gg ntlethan•ae: quaitittinee,,,letlier. know_ t.rhat 2 the -re mayks : made ~ by, man,yy,youpg,Jueu, weti logether,,,concfrning pep: imps, on her,partka,plece,,q, Ignorance and imptifilence,, )t‘ she heard theAlj'eaiise her phei!kto.critipon with shame filydatiger:_ - `~ Were It a sister* ours," we htiVe often 'said,Htit'lliehi\ not being the ease, we give this advice to anyhod'Y'SsiSter whi.needs most anx:-Ibtielkdesiting that- she e:tionld at all times preserve her _dignity' - and• self respecti-=-;Jersey „Vlore , Viclette. ' ' SOMETIZIE.-i 19 Nyrf, sweet song, warbled to and 'froin among tbe'teptilost bodghs of 'the 'heart, and' - filling' the . whole air with such "joy 'and 'glitdneSi as the songs of ;birds do'wheri the. Sum:- rner morning coinearnituf darknessland day is horn the. mountains. We haye,ail oug u possessionsf, in the future which ,we cal i.; 4 ! sometime.", ;;Beautiful flowers and ~,singing„btrds otre there-- only ,our lia,nds:seldom , grasp the'one; Or our ears,,hear,--the otker. „Bat, Uh, reader,,he of good ,cheer; forjall, the good , there is, a goldeni, - ff.soraetime.P--7 When the hills and va leys,ofJirne are all passed ; wheri the, wear and fever,, the disappointment and sorrow ,of life .are, over ; then there is the place and ',the; rest appointed of God. Oh, home 'Stead; over whoe roof fall no shadCWS or'even Clouds; and over ,who'se thresh, old the voice of sorrow is never heard ; built 'upon the eternal hilly, and Seatid. : lug with thy spires and pinna,cles,uf celestial beauty'among the palm:: trees bf the city', on ,high, those w ,;',4i - tm God shall ,rest under thy . shadows; where thereislio more soil row nor pain; nor the sounduf,weepiug, " •THE SABBATILTI think with R shud der, sometimes, of what life would be' without Sundays—l f', day after - daY,lho great wheel:ef_the world went round with its ceaseless clatter, never a rest i . frpotion, never:a pause in sound.. speak of the Sabbath only in its.,origi-: nal meaning, as a word thatsignliiea - .i?cs4, l And, in this very sense, It is by all eateemed as the, very greatest -,nf all 'the blessing,:s• which the Ahniglityie: nevolelice has bestowed upon The' ; worsi. :Sabbath breaker ,of n 11,40 the ingrate-who is not thankful l wlian the Sabbath comes round. He mak-1n to church three limesaiday, and be tifir j fere:in all outward observances,-hut t he breaks the Sabbath in Ws heart, if he rejoices When . it is over, '.;'He,,w4n thoroughly enjoys his day. of reo;"li'veli fron;rraorniriTtill night in a State of thankfillneself&the Almighty; the ip cense of praise-is continually; rising from his heath: , do not envy the man' who does, not hafl the cr:f4dn daY, and - relniee, - in j tije rest which It youchsafesirtarAhig Afugazine; Each .often htage. iou Th t .w a A rd ' s B e au ; ty .. ~.., I 7:; -. ~-.,, ;-- . - .. : .. 1 'pelte've - me, - there'isniany,aroaditlit our hiartlbesides dur'earsftlidlliilnif,,.• rnany't sight, and 13 Oil Dd s 'and''aCtel'iti, , ven of wh k ich we hiiVe ‘never"'thoujilit' e , , at all, sinsinto our memory; andhelps. to shtipe our cliarecte . o ';' and thus Chll-: dien brought up among beentiful sight's and sweet sounds; Will most likely shOw, thel fruits of tbeir\nursing' by , thought-fulness, and affection,snd nobleness of mind, even by the 'expression of the counteinince: Those Wo live in towns should: - carefully rernember. this; rfor their own sakes,,for, their_ :wives' sakes; 3 for their children's , sakes, o ever': los, an opportunity of seeing anyt/1 g b 94 tiful 13bautyls god ' shandw I.l l lg, Ei wayside sacrament ; virelcome it i eve fair face, eVery fair Sky, every fair do -. er, and thank.for lt,, Him, the fountai of all loveliness, and- drink .it simidY_ and earnestly,th all your eyes ; it iLI I, a 4 charm 1 . :l draught, a cup of bleasirigoi— lEra ' ' - ME nv. in MI „. • „.* •:,,. ,;1,57,1 i 1 V. 41 D : )34 EZINM ArAtPtik - FoitiOgeto4: B4r ths Univol-Peaoe , atniarlia. -Ind fferencet is impoteilble. Th4jintlik ,nittide of the rnte i retits Involved - 1 11:,the present Warinnyritipe-4heirdbat dew?' less of all wrird-arresteatteirtion.' - ' Thousands of hearts , are In , agonyi, - -,1 What voice can be heard' WLlat ap peal -will 'Wheci l i e d? ~i-i : .•.1 ~; , . !.; . Weakness Ulf/pride and.went ettilo - Mpourege'haveutonghtsufferingkerr -ing ond . for "repehteriCe and . irellif.— For ourselves, we feel oitioicii went Of strength. Can WO reach a tsingle ear, or heal a wounded civilliaticiri- anti Chyle tianity ? , . -5 ~ ; • ... I «1 : , - °d ." ir k 4 i . Three thousand miles ,cannot ; quips'. onr obligation's. Moved by sympathyond love foi all, ir•reePtetlye. of geographical limits, or title/dont; oraggreasion pi distant*, of reproaoh or justifleation,* we' simply, but ardently, appeaLto thostr inpowar, to a common hutOtialth toprofesspre of religion, Irrespective oi l - `name, .to. wise statesmanship, to apply that la*Which is understood by , every, come:deuce— s,' Do unto others airyour - 4ould have them do unto you."' ' • ‘i , ; • 1 - 1 -- • .. The spectacle otpopulous.and and in a, state of siege ,, and the cries of 'distressed"; thOuiande,, A l l us "with-'an The labbe of years end the magnhicent works of art, undergo ingruthias destruction; in time may be -replaced ;` but therearee, humatLbeings, lizbese groans ere net teard, new ewe.. mg and exposed , in a a bject suffering for the commons - necessaries Of life, 'Mut up in• Paris aadoother cities, • and. they. de mantilminedlate relief., 1 )1.1 - 1..'t..- -• •• i - TV appeal to Primia s in the flash of what the world &Hs victory,' ia nation professing Christianity, to practleenow the oft; repeated and. churph•landed In ,lliriction,----" If' thine eniny-.ltinger, feed blur;'if lie . thltit; give - hind:di:lMO 'and reject a custom so_ monstrously, In* ,consistent; to starve oui , th l Atimny and nut off his supply of w ter, , 'We are neither' unnii dful Of thatnan 'tier in whibk yew. baits , been assailed; nor without comprehensionof the dia.. culties surrounding your Bismixek in negotiai rig for peace, and are not will ing to an p ose that be-and your whole I, :, country o not desire an early settle ment ;• but we , fervently • f entreat, be merciful with. the fallerk; they areyy r brotheni—imagine your situatiens. a versed—negotiate with every repro* nt• itative having any reasonable authori‘ ty, and thus prove your fdnoerity for ending this terrible destruction., liVa, , feel assured that in this wayoPpottini. ties Will offer for honorable adjustrdent, and those sure, guaran ties of paw).— freedom, equal rightb, Natio, inviola. Unity of human life and' brothetlYloVe Will be promoted. .-- ' : • . --, •: , No one can expect, to. jeseape retribik tion for wrong dping,; and for, all wtto take up the sword,,tber is a heaVYlai. natty •, and,althongit y u,esaat'and•re.. eels° territorial or revenue concessions atid compensationsy you cannot escape the responsibility. We .appeal to PeCl9lO . , 'to civerYnne with„,ar y semblance- of authority,.'to accept, a situation •the: natural,conse querice of war—if not on one aide, cer tainly on the Other„ Had you been vic torious, you would; perhaps, have acted net •very different from your neighbors. Heed the thousands whose lives have been cast in humble places,.and who are the real sufferersi..The• mothers, the wives , and children, :composing more than half of creation, who do not make the wars; 'whose hands` are tied; and whose sufferings, in , indescribable way% are unheard and ,unheeded. Do not sacrifice that peaceful army of wow kllngmen, the gran d pillars of a nation's prosperity.' Think of all, even if pocir, Who have an equal right to. life and all its opportunities as any wlio - tnay be in power. Think, too_ of laying, waste what our Heavenly Fiithbr has permit ted to grow. You• are • devout- m - our prayers: "Givp„, us this day our daily' bread ;" and der rain and sunshine; have done their marveloushrwork, you' burn and destroy whole !harvests of . bounty, and then ask for rapre.• • '• , t,hs :•uld our fields eeq . sis' to yield, and gaunt famine follow such. hy,pocrisy and wanton, profligsey,eantves a ay toll: is not our d?, . - I'. , _ , •We appeal 'to yon, thereto . * to do your part- to Itttopi thishortld .work.— Your position . is, understood; your rhanged circumstances will not be dis regarded by the world : and,1,33 , a . frank. acknowledgment; ''lgnoridg ;vain. and false pride, be b ave - etiongb - to LIVE for your] countr3r, find 'with'lnanliness erowned withe ristidn horn ility, threw yourselves upon .theroep,cy Of, yourbro ther man. No ,one; doubt:3,low. valor. arid - love of coulitrif. - 'DO not'orpend recuperatiVe strength !. There } is - a cour agei grander than physical resistance ? /1,, surrender, for huoiarlity, s,a,.victory for conscience and civil:Nat ,on. There is no dishonor When we honor Ged'and the works`of• his creation.! - [ ; - - We appeal to every nation tquse kind, ly influencesl.of intervention for the ad. ustment of difficulties. , 'Bring'the nor. rowful condition of-so large 'n • Portion of Ale lulman family to your own doors, and feel "in, bonds, as. bound . with them." Be open 'to conViction;,, and learn the unerring legsbil 'of the hour, that • sten d 11,. armies are stfinding •re in - proaehes, -ingy war. inandinent and, peal* impos,.ihlo;',,,,,and. ; Ir,ssleetn,, thin blight of the 19th century, of our bout ful,civiiization and proc essed gbristian itY, by an intmeeliate ti d'nfecOn4llional disarmament,:. d 311, ~4 :lc:: J , );:I:1 'a" Let the oppressed , rgot (free 1".“ , Lei the Pel,Ple q119.9 , 9P t 1 .41r-PW4 govern meets. Be not, jealous of ppwer, ,or, or, holding on tCy'enstornaand forms, niers ly because they are sanctioned by anti- quity or !authority ; for it'may be, and it undonbtedly,abould•be. that the ex perietice of the past and the„tortures of, the present, Will open'to u s higher and nobler positicinw,''beth in private and public affairs. I f :there ' , cannot be a growth now, when, can it ever ,be es- RectQt l ?-; ~ ' $ -1 - ?I's! , r• ' ..'„ y, , We appeatto,att manicipd to relieve present ' suffering,, and ' 'o'; 'adopt eutiti !principles iie• ball i tend'ite 'preelnde•ii,` 'repetition of thesof liorrib a ,ntrmiltieit and, this mi 44 all en patriot En tz , A , citn . I tieddne by putting'loy it (I,' eason, lu the place . of hate en'd 'sr 'We ;!by' die= 'countenancing military ' sittings , and orgaii izatiens„saci hy, sac prie retuning. Icle, ',to,,de - the war act, erpayiu a. fatping i fot - tve I.' putteieS; " Wow at it - ii , i iiilu en do' is' deeded in the efisis - ,:lisLeC' he p6Wer , 43,nd wisdom,w,itii, •.whieh she leads the, ,child and gialtes,thp home eiir id ,or peabe,'Verttietite geverfinielits iiii'dievtir lutionite smiles. ,•-''''• ' ." .' .;' r"' ' . Surefyiitliti - iiie tO inaugdia.tii4ll.l*- B Yfitenl ,, fittr ‘..thel se ttletnent :, cif, tiatiottal and !nternatioinOT ciltflaultleu, it not, to i "oliMate theta Edfogethet i .: There ban be t no kind; itibielthib shiliiiefiiiveid delib- , ' etattens,; , while fortiflefitionafrown , Witht ioannon and the i drawn,, h ryxctio.4o, A t !hand., lie':! "mfg bf ilt ats.friglxVidoc if, itiine .-n est be' tianftpoiel tol . 'TWA 'makes ightrand beingstlgliku-inbral-' , ly rigb there,V ,victorynseittiontrAhel 'aheddi gof a drpp.oQii,uosi ti k the ;Ann In i liati n or , nhandOnment„ of a. Single princip e, • - - - , Uri , On b half of ticka Universal - P eace .' 'ion of Amer i ca , '- • ALFRliiti = li;'-tti'v , Phial. 13 ; 3 Lucretia Mott, Aron M. ovi , ell, iir. N. {?reeve Butts,' Elizabeth : 'Cho e, and others; Viee.Presidents. , ' l . :.5::: 1, .... : ROBERT F. WALCU; Bosten. Tota'r..: ' HENRY T. CRILD, Plap,' . o,,'Bo'9;y r , - October ' 2o, 187()„, : . ,' • • , ' As•• the sun in al ihe.sPlendoi.was Peeping‘over the eastern billi3; a ! newly, parried main I ,‘ The glory of the world is rising PI His wife, whb - happened tb be 'getting up at the mo ment, taking t i `e compliment to her. - self, simpered: 1‘ What would. you' plink, dear, if I had ti silksownon?'!. Gold closed on the 2nd inst. at - lot I • T fI ME ME =1 = , 7 ,t; L:t freS , l,ll. ;$.,.! I.' S 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers