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'; ' . .... f •-.li :') , .7t ~ ;4 . l, ii'`•:,-• 1 4::...i -41;.-4f,, , .-::;..4: .- ~ ---J- , . ._ ~, -f. -, , ~ —•-,-, .. , ., , ,, ...,-,„ - : 41,-,?•.-.. , -:if,,--:.oiic ,'Y ,•.•.% ' kor t' , : , - •'0 ; !.l • ? .' ';;;''•'' ' '. . ; „ ;'' ' • ' ~„ , . , ' , • ; . _ . . -2. ft ; h i ,-, ,, ;..I.'„ •.,i 1 ,; .0.-!-, if:: .-•!,,,.. t'f 'W .,- 3': ,‘ ,-, - 2 ',, ' ~.: .., . ~,' . -• . . . ...nl, - If.' ''• " ' '.• .; 1 , - '••• .•-• •—• ' .•••'';' • ••' •••____ •.tf., ' '. 1' •• : . -,- • „ ; • !,. • ,: ' • - _ -....-...-,,_,,._*--,—...........--4......--.-.• ?: 'tL Y 2 w 44,-; 'O,, ):1 ! '• E sk •, , •• 3,f;j Cij , 4 , , -• • . . , r , ; • 4 • • , f,r 44., , ,r 'PA Y:YW DNES . •4 • ,t =0 , 1 , 4 1 . s = t=i • TNT 18 emnparizormrx VAN,GELDtR & MITCHELL. PLO. Van tiMen , , -JAROcMiybeil. ;.; TEM!!! ,§Fikfßmicei , ~„ Stpleciiptio4, 0 911 ' '' -"RATES GE ADVERTISING. LR.M4 OF NI:g0:1,91. Ptol,-.711!)11113,4174/.A3.-, No. ecers..., I nu. I Blnei I Alsis I 811t,oi rt3)fos Yi 1 Bqoare, 18 1 , 00 1414.001 $2,50 I $5,00 I $7,001512.00. 2 Bqttate , er. • I ,00 ,00 '42 . ,)0 I 'B,OOl 12,00 .I_llB,oo Half Col ITOTXII I, 00,0 0 OaQ 001 1 1176-0 1 -2-6 ; 01- 1 40,00 46 , 00 I - WW I iNO° wir Spect iI'NOUI Inbute pei line—eldthirial or Looel 20 route per line. paid ror in a4aricie: Tranale'ut r. ga-Jeatlce doriatabli titieda; ads-. mut Notes, Marriage Certificates, &c., on band. • • - `lllfsztass ems. ,r, Book, Plain Cald 'Fancy Job Printora. l , : .4ll.siorit promptly 'and neatly executed.—Jan. 1, 1870. - . - • Smith & Merrick, yttggineyesdc Conxigelora ,at Law. Insurance, Minty, and Pinidnp 4,800030%60 on t street, AirellabOrd Pa, opposite trnion trot*. Jan. 1. 1870. `. AV. 11. SMITH. Ono. IV, Mannioz. Seeley, •• ..contps it- Co. c, et • BANICESS, Knoxville, Vega, County, Pa.— Receive money on deposit, discount notes, and sell drafts on New York City. Collect ions pnlmilayande. 'Deo o . 15,18131),-4 6 • I. l^ Jno. W. Adams," Attorney Mid Counselor at Law, Minefield, Tinge _ 11looti , - "Intl -Mended Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In surance Agent. Officio °VIM Xmas' Drag Store, adjoining Agitator Office, Wellaboro, Q. dan.l,lBlo. • !. • Wilson tt Niles, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. tyiil attend promptly.to business entrusted to their care in the conutles gtokii ,cin4 fetter._Of4ce',Ort the AVendd; • ;3111:) I IBM J) I S.T.Wusex.) [J.B.Ntits. John W. lallerllSey, Attorney and,Rognselor at _Law. All business entrusted to bitit"Will liit'iretnittk'attended to. Office 2d door South of .11nzlett's Hotel, Tioga, Tioga County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870. - Wm. B. Smith.• ) Pension, Bounty :awl DA:manes Agent. muniaations sent to the above addresi wid rd. calve prompt attention. Terms moderate, Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. I, 100. John C. Horton, tto r lig and C,ohnsopT at : Law, 0 ilia with C. 11. Seymour, Esq. Business at tended to with promptness.—Jan. 1. 1870. W. D. Tern & Co., Who WhteV-L. ' ) Druggists arid dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps,Window Mass, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, dr.u.,.fce..-Oorning, N. Y. Jan, 1 '7O. Dr. C. K. Thompson,) IVellsboro, Pa., will attend•to Professional call in the; village of Wellsbero, and elsewhere. Office and Residence on State St., 2d door t right going .ust.—Jan: 1, 1870. D. Bacon, N. D., physician and it,' uraiion. . Will, num] promptly to all c4lig.:-:•:p,csoaoit,Oxatttin StroWilazypqr. of tao Welfetioio:'-'-1 1 tri.: 1; 1011. • E. S. Perkins, M. D., Respectfully,ftunounces to the citizens of East Charleston and vicinity, that he would bo gratu ful for their patronage. Jan. 1, IS7O. - M. Ingham, M. D., lieweeoputhist; Whet) tit hie Residence on the Avenue.—Jan. 1, 1870. George Wagner, Tailor. Shop first door arth of Robert: Sc Bail ey's Hardware Store. Cutting, Fitting and lie pairing done promptly and well.—Jan. 1, 18fe ~." JohYiXiqner, , Tailor and Cutter.' Shot oplioeit.e Dartt's* Car ri!tgo Shop, Main At:, whoto;bo i3,lxepared to do work promptly and neatl—JOn. 1, 1870. I.'ticautiB B. Bryden, Surveyor and Draftsman. Orders left at lvie roum,-Tonneend irotteot:.WeilOoroi wilt Intiet With prompt attention.—Jun. 1, 1870. IL E. On ley, , , Dealer in Chicks and Jewelry, silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Violin prrings, Watch es and Jewelry neatly. repaired. IDlngraving done in plain Priglish and tlerman.--31ans`lieldi Pa., Jan. 1, 1870. • • • • • Petroleum lAousep Westfield, Pa., duo..oA.Aosm, Proprietor. A new Hotel oonducted ihe principle of live and let live, for the aceoWtriiiidation of the public. Jan. V, 1870. '• • Hazlett's Hotel) Tioga, Tioga County, Pa. Good stabling attach ed, and an attentive-hostler always to attend, y . , arms- -Geo. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.,--Jan. 1,1tt70. - - Rote Westfield. Borough, Toga Co y Eid." Proprietor. A now and consmodiout•hoilding with all the modern itraProvetnents.' Within easy driVe, of the 'beg' huntingi and - fishityg Grounds in tiorthe t in .Cosnieyancres furnished. Stulth'fi Rotel . Ticrga, Pa., B. M.; Smith, Proprietor: lionse itt good condition to actioiamodate the traveling publlo in a superior manoer.—Jan. 1, 1810. .• Keystone•-:Hotel, , •• . - • Sehinsvillo, 'nog& Co.,:Pa l r B. Bann; IWO , ' Good enter4intnentlor wan and.bertat. Con. Talent to the best fishing grounds.:: Partia. natomodated with oonveyances.—Jan. 1,'70. John Mclntosh, - `-;, Dealer in Veimont and Italian Barbie, tuatiu.d teeturer of Monuments, Tomb-Stones, dca., ash:: nor Marlu4 and Cedar Sts..'Corning, N. Y. .40 orders promptly and neatly executed: AW4 drew. Van Dustin, Agent.—Jan. 1, • 13111011 — Hlttel, _ Miner Watkins, Pro - Priotor. The traveling put:i will find this a comfortable and dottvenleni, house to stop et. Good stabling 'and an tookivo.hostler. Jan. 1, 1870. "Y'l-IF3r GrMISLE.I. M. M. SEARS, Pnopntwron. • , : , , W.11111,E delicious Ice Create, French Coe. feotionary, all .kinds of fruits in their seam, a nice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, and Oysters in theit season—ca'n be bad at all boars, served in the best style. Next door be, low Roberts dc: Ridley's Hardware Store, Main Street. Millsboro,' . . , . , • il Jan 11 1870. 1\ ? f,,4 .lifIIi~~NESS .ti It.ILEY, BOOT , AND SHOE .1141:KERS, Over IVilnod & Vrzu l'ulk.enbnry'e )eorc,inGlee rOU , L lately occupied ty Benj. Seeley. BOOTS &NI; Stf.OtS of all kinds wade to order and in the, best monitor. • itl;Plf JUNG Of all kin - as doneprocupityatid i O O4 li jyo n 8 aColl . - • - "" ' • ( 'ES REILEY: Wellsboro, Jan. I;fB7o.—ly. , ,E. R, 1“)11,3ATif,,. EIROOERIE AND 'RESTAURANT , ~, One. dohs atioira ' iiiivirtea Chinrk et, . NV E, Tai 413'0 R 0,, 'II ,P*.N•!.:AI' I ' , RESPECTPIiLLY announces to.- the trading . IPablie that ho has a desirable stock of Oro ‘l'lli comprising, Teas,- Coffees' , Spices, Sugars, C aoies, Syrups, had all that eimatitutes a first.. eta , * stock , • Oysters in ever style at all sea. sooahle hours. ~,, , t i , , ~• •-,,, ''., Walteborod'air , Ii• 1870-4 f. ,- ' '' '' '" y r ~-? ~ - k ± 4 l • I =;. • " MI • t ' ) :r) 'FILASTI.C3 • -t- , SEWINGMACHINES . , . -.',- 594 rBROADWAy NEW YORK. i . - .-...0, i i . ~ lr „ ll adints of Exceence. .!.. ..?. o. i Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. _. 'ii Perfection uud SUDO/oil)! 01 3 1 1 10 ifierY,- 1 Uaiiii hoth . .thieada ,d irectly *Ow t be' epiold. I' i - No taatentif*:,Of . eettality-hand and • no . waste Of threati.d „ '• • L ' ' ' ' -' ' . -. ' '' L'" Wtde tinge of a plication iithisut -change of adjuguient; • ~ , .; .•1•- , : ... 9a.: • .:1:. . . `.che. 1111. BOam,iitil 'U. ' S ' be4uts, aiAtittanesd-af tit lyalAing'iindlr': i . • " - ' - ! '4 .'",', • Besidati'digng al 'kin s ' rk•detk - e'by other Salving' 3lai3hinea; those - Machinals"exeoute'.the' moat beautifitl'ind:Oeifilatierit"E t tnliroidtiryhrid dra t aiiientb:VvierC- - '-'"'" '' Th. ' ' '"' ''''. -'•-' ' 1 0 -The highest Premiums al' nil Vie 'fairk and exhibitions or the United States and guro.PO., have been awarded the Grover do eii in h. , Maehin es; afilt }fie work iibne;:by thb si, vikergtof g*kabited.inivonipetitioP.. , - • prise, 1 1 11E:10hOSS'l OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was eonfeired qn ,the representative of the Grover & Baker tlitidhitteskist etiefEtpositiotr , UOlverielle; Fitts; i#67';'iliti9ttittatitigutiteiegreat%ratiperiorif itinVir slt otlYer'Elorib'erditAities - Asiv ektk,l,, Saft?"l;`ll3l r oJtft-:•!' - ' 01 ;•I ttp. ' • • CITY BLANK=IBOOIL:nrsiANUFACTORY, O - ,, t.• 1. ' 444.4W a tOiV#OP , I(8 ,1411 ,, t).F71 'POUR 'Bo:K(14;4 13, OP# EIaMIRA N. Y. 1-- 1; ii=r 7 517 7 : 7 t 6;t7F, 4/os , • A dllOott'Ad2ilil3l3ST; Catattda-iiiidelliAtigati i 5.) BLANK 1311061 KS Of overy,4eacriptioa, In all atylcia of Binding, and as Nit; in .tha State:arl'o.teri tteeoription any style - ars aeria: '""' " " , ; AIX KINDSOY.OILT WORK ' , Exhanted in the best.tnatmer.-..,(ll(l.lJopita.Vit hound and inedelood asnew. SekalSiatiMalk ` I tun pF'tipared to furnish bnpk numbers of fill ftevioiraor.iingazinea ) published in the United greatßritaivii,ut n price: LANic;B994-,1 , O'~7~Eli PAPER; inallsi zoo und , qUalitios,on hand, piled.o.r.pli4. • • t: 1, 'BILL 4:it Of any.quality, or sizo„,pplitip4. and nimbi; for printing. Also, BILL PA:P.Elt,.titli,l;gAl4/, polkit a al. all o olosa ankipintity . ,.; i,n,i?ua'rtis DY out to any.aize:. r , STATIONERY, Lap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pena, ' ei i• ' I ara i liole.ags.n_tllolr :T$ L' Prig,. 13 II OPARPIEL yq t 90,4i4t0§,1...yE ; . 7 • r.EDIS, or. 1741110.1y1 31Z138, AND . GENtliElltil, it r: Which I will warrant eifittil to Q*ld;Per* beat in use and no Ulia.Uko.- Tho . aloye stock I will sell at the Lowout Ratee nt ailliniesi at a small udvanco on Now York pricer; and in cidantitiee to snit purchasers. All work and stock warranted as represented.:_ I respeetfully solicit ashute ot IMIIII6 patron= ago. Orders by mail promptly • at.terided to.— . :Address, • - •Adirertiseil3ttilding„ • _ 1, 101). 7 1y. ' !I'. w &lath& & zatilitOr. • • UNALFIti IN lAR , WAR r E ' ',BELTING, SAWS COIL BY, WATER LIME, Ault IC ULTURAIi IMPLEMENTS, Oarriagitf afl& 4 HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ac. Corning.N. Y., 4,au. , 2,18,70-li. , , New Tobaceo.Store [l T I oultsol l / 2 ber baii . fitted "up the6tore first dokoaefTbomae'ffarden's'dry goods fur the maitufa'etire and eale of ' - IGAR S, (all grades), Fancy and common SMOKING 2'OBACCO,MiclieganFineCui CHEWING, and all ldndi of I'LtIO TOBACCO, PIPES; and theooi. eest Brandof CIGARS. Tom`. Call and 'see for yourselves. JoIIN W. PURBEL: W'ellsboro, Jan. a, 187qi—tr. New .Tannery. heifilted Retin !" dry building, near the Brewery, NFellahpro,, and is now prepared to turn out fine calf, kip, cowhide, and harness leather iti the beet 'than. per. 'llides tanned on !lharei:vtasli'latil 'for' hides. ;' - M. A:DtatlY• Welleboro, — Jan,l 1; ' c• o Great IthtiroTiembOt n 8 tiy AVING purchased the 'eitetiii, ~.' sive - right" of Dr: FolsoM's lm ,Vovid patint - Atnio4berie Dental Pia es"feiViegii 'County. 'I tale(' tilimaiire' 111 - 6 erlifd)t to :tbo'publio`gs,the'grcateit'nS'e yet Made in liecham en miry., By the use 04 which, we can overcome any itni And nil diffiCulties which drive heretofore balled the skill of this most "practiCal Dentist in the world. Plates constructed upon this `Plan re: Main perfectly firm under all eircurnitances' or 4crndltiori of thuntenth,nsMo atr, or pcirticles of food can p ossibly get under them.; Those baying ; old rityloWleid or 4 1tubber : Ptates,„cen,,et half the cost, 11:avethe Improvementapplied; to:th o rn swerin\g in'everY respect the mine intipeati ae es a Deal set. Perfect botisfaction.tuaranteed in every cite. U. N. DART-T, Dentist. Wellsbciro, Jan. 1, 18611.„ , - • • l c Thl sll to certify that we aro ti "vvelnit - the Inipt64- ed Dental Plates. with perfect satisfaction: - 'laving itded the old sty to of plates forye swith ail the troubles and ineonrcnlenees known in to us . ° bf en :cli plates, wo thee* rally reennunend the improved Plateaus fai• puperiar to anything }et knOiVtt. •E. B. uritnALLi . MIAS, WILLIAMS. .THE EMPORIUM:: A NeW Stoke & New Ooodli • - 0 . d or below Webb Ac, Misting's Drug Btoie 1(13" `j WOvi,D S /I'LL , to tdose iihom it may con core, that I have just returned from the CitY 2 .--bou'ght carefully and close, a full assort -went of GROOEIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR . • • Comb 'Fed Enir t TEAS, SUGARS AND 4 SYRUPS; War!) lon Parclmo. 81G0NT, , ,11 Wallsbora, Jan: 4,1870 , A - MESE ig 414.11. Y _ . , COMPLETE YOUR SETS! . _o_, 0 .' . A-A . N'i'?. - ,oEi*?;'.4c:: '4O 1 , 4,.1, 4,1150 k -ow.: fixion, ,„;,•;tr . : • •.• iA i i i t'OIII•IVAYWATTLAV .. .Eng..4,1840 7 17'.`' ' ' 4 4 1 " • • '4 4;1,4 ":7i V-.. 4 TIOGA STORE T. ~,~ . = , f nouvEn constantly on • . rnre .I)rngs and Medicines, . Cti,ourdenli;Pnints nod Lamps, ' Yankee • PieRSOR,IPTION:r OARUPtILLY COMPOUNDETI. 1 S' ( 1 .113 ij 41 4 YI.i11; -.- TiOgf 4i14114 •r. r 6 , 4,* =EN 1870• • Foil, 1870'; . ' , • T; B. STUNE; • (foimetly S: P: Wickiinies • AT IIIS) NURSERY: OF ;FRUIV AND' UR NA MENTAL TREES, IN TIpU - 60,0 - 00' Apple Treei; - :' il l0;000 t A eio'd supply of Pi,ODk, ppion, bgEitity, 440 O,RD/AWNTAL I ) TREES dfr, EURUBBERY ,11f•fo 7*a..4 The prFthqepa,tge . of•ikke Abolmit t#9#o 6 ,lB,odt,PoJthi4M.°P of '4 l 4.94ArgiAng , li v a bearing. Any one 5y40,9,nil ,lo 4 „s e t , t.ep pply_ 11 4 0 744t° 0 4..f° ( 1 ; A9 3 itok ?ofAre. : eisowbere,_,oDelkv,oroclaOhoepct, ? r l .ol° T° i X O4 O O lO , T4erel)oeville l trB, °,O ang0.49 1 , or4Cril ProlAPtlY T: IL ST ONR, , ; t r , •. 1 , Tioga, Ticiga,Dic:B,4BBB l ly? ; f rt . ,$ . R JOE AVIN.TER t;',4 FRID fikk: , A ND don't neglect to secure AVAII tit Ogle "71 110:13T-TX110, 0 f ilt 8111 9 1 44g9 ti4 . 5) , 42 44. H. W - . DARTI', has on band tile latest styles 'and will make to order and warrant to suit. All 'kinds of ItPlrATlßNlkitentf, Alt ttlCskccrtest no ttoo. Iro - wW(ik iLi Itorse-Skeink Please call and examine and be convinced that better 319,4zunimhip, ok n:istetWils not foe ;tithed else*lxeriaf More scrub:6o4o Prices. Main Street, Wollsboro, Pa. Nen, 2,4, - • Get the Best! - ; „,•„ N , Mrav A.J. I SOPIRLD, , is 40141'0 that' oil; &riot. SEWING; MAOHIZIE; the •'-• WILLCOX; BcnG-IBEISJ which everybody likes who tries it. It is a beqffil Will Machine, never gets Sht of order with fpir usage, sews rapidly and strong stitch, andip perfeetly, c rTiseicsN \ : pift:Maeltints - Yanted'hy:the:Wgile Mrs.. A J. SOFIRLDr• . • I .1118 WELRY *IVORF, , .1 • . C 11 4„ • ,t• 4 ANDREW log;tre, „ • ' ” , • , whobeei3',o.lliD; ?"in the ,Joweiry 1. g . , huh 41- c`.,noss in W . slisboiNs, e wnys on • sato, various 'ii - kinds nnii prises of „ • . . • • ~-. :;) Al KRICAN ,WATCHA&' f. GOLD OR SILVER CLOCKS,' iwivtL. RV; GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, pENCILS; CASES, GOLD STEEL PENS, '' THIMBLES, .SP.OQNS,,- ,RAZORS,X,LA--- . • TED WARE, _ "MACH/NESI; With most other artieleii'MMeily kept 1.6' moll' eistabliehmett; whioh is sold , l6trfor''• ' ' ...:'' , i , ','-'- . 0:- , :- ,••-, - ',wf' 7. i— 1.. tc,ipaniiiiione neatly, and promptly, and On „ , _L -; sticilrt zlor(crt;:' .• r -‘" f• :' ••A'",FOLEY" Junitary'ls, 18 . 70t,17....4 , - ez ~ .r.. ;1," ,_ L 1 :,.,:,.1.,: ,• , ~,_ . •.( , , t;; .1,..... , ,... , : i 1,1• . :1- A ."_ •ra,:. Mil DREAT::;..ItEDUOOII;h: ; :5.,;.1 • ••. ••1 i • ••, i•;,1 , IN, PRICES, . , , ; i 1,1 • ' • 1 1 A r i l ' "'"-• ••• - - I WlWitAili.V.-,4:„;.14,41V,A.; WIN. T 4 '.130,R. S:4 1111 MIMI YANcY, : ,,.,GOoDs; • . eau - save go'od ; DerCsatage, as we mast tanks Oil ME ;18e9-tr. • -;' ,1•., `' ,:x-: r~ ti 1 " ! MI ' • a'r 7 tr; - ' ac.; '!-‘ A, S' - _ ~. ~ I 2 5 , -Tioga, IN=l All those'vvishing , „AND ;(' i' - - ~ ~ .l room for other ' •‘ '• . '::o'ltitti)!o , ,ilkturittri . . , ii , sP - ''' - i f _: L i ME 5C14041 - 4;D'AIS. gji •-,P„ti10g0,JbPAQ45544,11F9. 1 17,t),9 Nadfr Inier sunniog,_i '` 'Aro gild If - stil,tliis . 6o:ittVliagroii, And blaokberri vineetiroli running; thO`tiltuitoes doeli ieEeen; :4D6eji Ottrr6d4iy rdpottitholid; - Abe lvtulilog floor, t ho:batforoil Teats,. : Ntkrvcfl,; 4 Tho.,eharooal „frescoes oii,itelvoll ;4 014)?ektiving RUE MITE Tho fcot that, creeping , coyrtocohool. 7 -Wentßtorming_ontlte..ptaiiiig Long,years ago a winter'san ' Shen; Over it Lit up its western window panes, •And low eaves' ieYfietting., • . It touched the tangled golden curls,, And brown oyes fall : . `:•;t:if ono who still her stops delayed When all the echoed Weialeitvingl' • ,`,For ucar, her Atopid.the little boy„ Her childish favor tangled; .• • ~ ,-• Ilis s cep pulled low, up:On..a, face ,• Where pride;and shame weromingled.• ••••;', Pushing, with rlstleLis - koettho Fnq 7 :To riglit.44)etyAk lingered ; • !•;•• I„I ..As riatlesly her ,tiny hands ••'•• - • Tho blue-checked apron. fingere&' '.• • ••,•,/ • • saw hoiNift,her eyee n I:3;•3NThetsoft, 'heads lightionressingi , !.J.' , .13 ' - And'lieard "the trembling' df I - - As if a c faulfdenthising: I *`' • '** • *'"' • • ' , l'm "sorry that,l-apelt the; 'word ; '" t ..• ; , A.! „.. ‘‘'i3camq .X, 1 97f1fP4.!;Tr..0- 5 -1 ; ;, 801 l ipoiiidty-to Viteit r 'icrocti. P cii#4..K4s:;;lTNi',4 l . 1 2 5 1gt . 1 ;.-,;3 11 giPle. l ,l4 l ',4„ldfP.isq2;4ll) Iki227BXPivitv••o 2! Alavo;:fortyloars.been-trovtikw,- , i'k 0;. 414;'54 1 :4 eo el f44V 1 14.' 4101 r fi4mo who pass: 4iiittrrutfail 4irePl6slll l : -; „3:) , F. ;;.51;. :31 „•,0/14.,. di ^t• tf 7 ' l ;•Idr. l i ttist E ttlzintoit ' s7 sigattur e tier Cl ' e - oe ' vlll l lli;:irao l ifil4 7 6 7 E l f.o. ice. sni•rl • .0.4,1 -f,; • 4:3,,,{ tr'?4 - 17 :•:r ..,•. 1-'• mceiger,i Olzgers: ,L;vicii6k *4, titeilteentearm-My. Brother,,,, who has preeetled.,l-ine: haa , endeavorxidi ;PI as co de 0140'"arillX:;48,4.411;10'-,01,4.: Y.9 ll l#4 l e.,,P 3 4 l 4l.l,Pohitsilandi lansimarim of ourOidee.- .!'gtrhas n4i'attempted to 'p ys , 6lE, oftheibrahel,enfoit 10311n r o'ni 7 1 igiii i bu't formed by izin kwarteijs - chat . rltable meni; who saw suffering - on eve , . r Bigo',:ad no orgiini4eo,{natiner,Of at, , a4Ve. the poor hougeor. the charity commissioners: Working , men we're dependent 4 6 .4 Jf}§iir: tor support,w who, through ;accident; Or illness( would be , ;;pl"•3tFrhutOd fro'q Oopetleparlhg' fOi.'A.hoto - 40V4: tft4 . o.:BA depend,on't j oh, then:l—bit: is ~to , chiss, 3fri tgr ' - ."eil*Mitttitt o te u 5 4 4 oua or eign nrorkes, 'who:patronize usias•an hi-% stithtion ; although; hr. the Sti4tes. qtfk X 4 • l 'P e6 l. . i ' 3 t 4l4 l l 'tz l4 . l * 4 kf !.A4#140 4 0 11 lfi j highrilaCes; : oL soelal, 6cielifitio,and ..ret own. out: ranks 'ate ieciutted 'frein such As ahr,round yoti day-L-the yOne aluA sinew of the latul.,, My business hereto-clay fe not'bf the Ortlr at large, but 'to adt biatorian of Co,yingkon Lo,clge, No. 274, whose Hall you are assisting:by your kind• presebee' to-clay to dedicate—to Friendshiriclove and TFuth. Nou ,undersland thut it,will be necessarily dry and' etat'tsti e.zLl 4"Q, 6 , 1c ! .man y,PrOP 4 ;,` 9/00 very statiates be,replete,'NyititinethoFics of , many• Happy apsociations . ,-and to ot,lere of rpgrt , apd..§4fl,9egif;.a's 4 shall'recaki to 4,llein 'the nanieisif many ; who : baye gone- before. , - ' _ • iOn' the tenth - day of August;, .1848, just 21 : ago /est , August,. Deputy Grand.. Master William. Garret:son; of Tioga",; with ~a set of ;Grand oilleere; oliege_de.)odielft the'roorn sa f loon .now-kept by oreorge.N.. Spring.— The following 'Terse' !a , C;thert: presented their cards, andwere accenied#s .ehar ter members' ; P., . 3 1 :0, 1 ° 1 % . - - 0.1 1 11 1 ;4 4 - Lodge, NO. 280 ;;G. , , BOotti ) : same ; Ira Dpy,'Sattie;` Henry; A' riaelPs .Lodge, No.lBI ;.,Eilis• Gainble . ; l .Jeree'y Shore Lodge, No.lol lllieoC44•4llicr, Stop n tal dge t lsto.. 264', v • • • -Some of these had' not - .yet delitired till' of the 'degreed,,%therefore . the lodge; iwas s opened and'closed I,n:llle:different i degrees; which were conferred erred":4o: - 14 J 4443" 'they- proceedird r ieleotion'off 011- tkietOppiPieg- , reatdf4,;; . 'Oankble,!.Vico Grand ,;20e . 0. Seeretary'r Irar,Day, , ,Atsistant'SeOrOf4l, • The DePtity_Grandmaster then pro ceeded. toinstall. them'ilw .their safetal 'offices; and declared Ccivington' , ,Lodge; .No. 274;.du1y organized. -These exereli , ',see took 'plat.e.'ln the --afte*ionn.' , • An ''evening seselort.wae held, Nillen •the (of- , `,lOwirig'Persons were initiated L,'' b. - lihilemon r Doudand Alonzo Noble. k,t, i thefilextregtihir:lneeting,,Jaboh Wt man,..Henry Whitinan,•_,l3enj : ' 4ress,; ~ 03ELOoa, ~"Vidertn and MattheW, :ley, Were admitted. ' • „ • I," . rhkgave theta sucldient inonibers ',ffil the appointed offices, and-they set up housekeeping for themselves.. Their'. Ifirst , year was one of unbrOken proSper-' o.ver sixty having. been initiated, liandthe greater part advancing in'. the `degrees; This plaCed their treasury On the 4th day, of January, 1849', they motedbi the .11otel Hall, , where . they. .I' . .efnained foreeyeral years. , think I speak truthfully, when' ',tell you that Avhen those six, charter members band eci their fortunes and formed this lodge,l 'they little thought some of them would 'witness this scene to-day.. They 'Were then the' pioneers in a good cause-wand ' ,to.c.lay Witness-' the . fruition 'of theii;,, hopes: Since the organization oC this ;lodge, over eleven "hundred ''ree'ular i?..s have been held; during 317 Nave's.). • ' een 'initiated or join ,d 'by Card from, other •,. _ This . shoVis that the Otheeis and metnbe •.) . t. been During the past .12 111010, :; havnjoined their,..foraines. with . us, .and endeavor to inculcate tho .princi ples peculiarto•Odd Fellowship. This , lodge numberstoday 125 paying, mem-. bersOli geod standing, and iareceiving ticcessiotts'Of from oriole four, at elVery• regular _meeting. .Yet ithas.zaot always .been so; it-has had, its days of genuine , I tronble. Not many yearsago, it ,be- ,caine sri decinaated. that it' ,yeas Obliged to ask the Gran& Lodge of this Stfice ~' T , ENE= MEI DAY'''AORNINGi; , ''; 'MARCH ,1870. UNIM •-,..,( , . r. • ~ - . •,.. ~, ~ 1, , fq:= , 9 7 . l P , P o ,ftti9 l 4 Aocona9ct ti?PrAes rons..mith fivninembers. .Ail nOnor to he-laitibles• , flvii I 'lTh° `Aoloaxefully• kept Ml* We feeble • spark; which today barna eo, brightly, and• i flurries .senumy , races in this room'. '.' • • •d •, , 1 ,Whkn'tinr ` riatiC4', Was' in p'efi'l and, §alield for volunteem, .46., of the present MeMbers•of this' lodge responded to the eall;"_left the ~ .ctlinforts, of hoine, and incirniied to the front.; ISeveral of them hromow suffering from p'ainfulwoundil ; ethers' were Maimed for' life; fa ',that terrible-con fl ict ; while' Olive , d ied in hieservice of , • their country. And right Orojet, their namea bik",etnbalmed, s tiud faieVer honored by ,their, Brothers.— crbey=ore : Horatio• Eames, Isaac Walk. fri WeAleY O. Do3'exf. - ' ' , ' ' ,pi: the 3.1. 5 7 who have joined JIEI, 19 are known fo be , dead, nine of which the •lodgehave hinied with iheir.panal rites tkhdscereinoules; niut I)4h:l,th,eir funeral ezpeneee.„ ‘The , remaiitder were either inernbers of other lodges or non-affllia itng-gt'the tiMeOribeir peeiase. ', •1 ;Here is the list Al• the, known- dead Ash M'Cabe, John I_,.'Lee, D.• Young, loari,(11- It: ppeneeeTV o Plas .33 : Good novi; .EL' Ytt. Glenna,' AThort Slitiglau'd, Aughstus Cans, D. D, Worrell,- Thonias• \ r idqn;Tplw Pritto l l;:i 60 4ev03 1 a"* „ tiik,:v.yeuri,' Hutnplirlea 13rever;. Lo l ilto - 11, Hathaway, A:B. B r yan: ' `'' li4Vii? NVitli i 'th 4.' three," rnenilPrind .4;, )109 SisitinWilig , 4 1 0 ,in , the service, -complete our• lisi);.. Some of out; Mein 134is are iri Australia, one in Idexice;: ian f itliavo notbeen heard from iti'yeais• lAnd hero I wish to ' , speak of two cases out , of the above list, ~ which (deserve l ;more than o,,passing , notice. , Lorenzo 'PA,lfat•tlivsvay ' was a• 4 011 ciatt W4 O Joined ItW, B IPdgq YcaAß.g9. :Hq t0 0 Y.,0 U:rgeli 'Miff, clitt'd),. recomnafinding, hip' to the , hrotherly lOy , e' t and affection of Odd ''el`.. lloWS,Whereverlitshohld' find them.-- invhlie wantlerhigi he `reached - Floildit; 3 iohere 'sob& 'after h hi iirri.%.l he Was'pros ltratill' hy , a "fever,' which 'eVentnally I I 4 _ itook the form of a quick c onsumption; A ! . from which,,he soon Ated ! And now, I imark you'r-f-he Wag - a - strang,er 'amongst lat,rangers, and,penniles,s ; yet that tray iellng card , found hink friends, both men r and wonieh '; it secured the services of Yeive.: good pliysinitui4 ) ; it secured for I illint , noebilly home poniforta; but 00 2 !dilles (did' th 6 besfOf Aare.' 'A. Bidtiher Icleied His eyes-fit dektii; he 'woe pi+ erly and •decently buried—and 'all by iloving bands; - Then, a bill • for actual ,expenses incurred was made out and :forwarded to this lodge, amounting to over $l9O which , was prombtli sent to them, with a , vote, of that:qui for their lis,indness•to,eur,Brother. . Again: , Da yid Foung, ,another naernber, , with a ,ciird, was taken sick ' in. Virginia;„ was ;tenderly cared for by a lodge r theie, un ;4l ills death,' decently burled, and his effeets sent home to hts`friends 'in Cln iftini '.4,' bill 'of:Too' for, expenses Was' (sent titi risra r nd promptly paid. I speak `Mere liartieularly and fully 'cif these two !cases,' as theY show; :the 'net onal -char tact& of our Order, , and Mor fully- ei • '• • . i ll im " a r dA . l 4raf t 4r i f"iiltr""l • ” , 11(1 oas e sre ig us views, ;political creed, or which:aid of Mason iami Pixonla line he resides,• only; that ho,la,a protlier an d,tn. distress, r insure iiiminitnediato relief. • • i ~,I.irom,•this lodge, ,a majority of the obarter ' members of the following lodges 'wero,taken, somepf whom we , are glad , toknow have outgrown the_ parent in stitution in numbers :• )310c1c. House Lodge, No. 898'; Arbon Lodge, N 0.489; Cowanesciue Lodge, o. 332 ; . and Seeley, Creek Lodap, NO. Maly of the members of 'the neiv' ledge at, Morris• Run were = formerly of our family. ; Menibers •of this lodge have, been• In most of the • States of the Union,, several ,in California; two are now in Australia, one in Mcxieo, and Itwo, in, North Carolina,' while hardly a Western State but has a representa tive. po to any one of them, pad ile,, ~ , ~ will tell :4,frou Of new friends among , , istrangers, that" he , has found through the inSrstic'tie: ' , , ' tat' say yo:u . : "• You 'are dedicating this 'hall' 'to ' 'VriendShip; tove 1 163 d Truth'',' iio ' yOu; as a' lodge cultii(ate ,this ineetol'OJ 'Weiii r epe's;O:` We believe; ,if you will , ebthe -into our 'Order,' attend -anttneetings, and iisterr to our debates, , whietimar ,ways Conducted in , moder.' ation-71 say l yq , 1 lind , swe are cult'. vating- I , l ,Fripmflithip.P, . • • if.; you could listen some evening to (flacon • ence meetings ! , (or, ,what would be still I ;qte'r lt hate o part, when busine,m ; i s dull,) We wiil shoW you on this floor indivlduals ‘ talking as glibly aa t an pin; to, who enniii 'not be induced to .Sais, Ftwqd 'l6 'pliblii`i t and' feelini• 'here ',nci I 'difftderiee Ili d °hag Ski , ',` " isrul'all 'foi 'the t I good of the , Order.irr , )7(.11 ,”,, . . 7 iv'. Love ! Who will attempt to atittlYtt this vord,'.or the fettling IV Produces'i— For ages ! the yOung of •both sakes have attempted• It: !Rhos() of,- us.4:kider..in ex , perienee have re-explored , its labyrinths; gray headed philosophers, with weight of Yetire' ripely theinc'haVe' littefited to reduee itto'it, tangible '"inineihin,°° hul hi Vain. '• .• Its lids , 'suceesifullk • eVaded their attempts-, 'ROW then shall we know •that we have securedit, and , are cultivating it? Ask a newt candidate for our honors;After he has been tnitila. ‘ ted, is, introduced tobis ~tew made ,hro-; !hers, ; and : they, , eroWd,,around. him, struggling as to who first, shall, greet him as an . Odd ,FelloW t and, a Brother; ask him if, plere is net ` lll3 ,iie.rable, " soi;ae 'thing," !wlifeh'seenia to, permeate 'lfni self' and thege 'whi;snrrOttnd him—an outil&Wing and in'noiv:ing 'of soul; as it `were., ' I think I never sit* his face so bright,'or Motile wha; Surrilluid him ap pareistly happier. 'And Is'this Love ! ' 1 , , _, -~~•~ MI ~ 4 " ~~.(' I= ME Truth! .We endeavor to inculcate thiei as Our standard (if faith. A' mem ber• who , is untruthful isnotan Odd Fel low, and'deserved no lot Or parein their. fraternal • 11.4)0 ness. Truth - shoUld - he placed as the keystone of the noble arch Of three, in letters of. Jiro, on a plate• of gold, ever-enduring.! • 4, The tottgu'ia•of teitibbori ehutl b.° PrOphota discern not things,to comp; Knowledge 'shall vanish out-of thovghti - -Atka iniraolo no inore he' wrought ;-- ut tariij shall iiorcr fail— for anchor is ivithin the veil." Friendship, Love and Truth are tru isElls';-'-chaiqtyis actio,n.: But for this, thisprder would never have had an ex '• •11, e. we inculcate the first—insist ,upOu ; Qum is nn organized of of thousiin • : 'ts ',thonaands of nleti and-ivotnen, for-tho la • erting, and alleviating of what distress and with what gifeeess yonshaltjudge for .theirl.frnits 'shall you ltnow theint" Since its organization, this ope 'lodge bus paid over five'thoi,isand,dol4 fare in . diteet,,oharity, besides at thousand dlliars - rnore lin • an hadi xeot manner. That is, in twentii-ene iliiditi =MI :~ years talksi a traction; 'the .' .havaeolleeted pti4 ilistributed toix thouppad- doparo.4 Ca t you 4::l4l.xnatie,the amount of ,suOr- IPA' t higt PreYol44l. This certainty,' - ahp 10, demand ,for uro.th,o, f,7 , iiendlY- 9?),:!'" aideration, at least; cif the 'few, whestir-, 'round us who are opposed to the Order, ,YOU wilLunderatand by this that your have had the' cloSeit attention- Matinees and the strictest economy, or this could not have been accomplished , and this noble hail erected. 'Your hall and Its 'fixtures, exclusive of the lot, cost-fully twenty-five hundred dollars, of which, it ishoped, not over 4ix bundred dollars will remain as ,a debt at the• end of the :present quarter, ,which,, with the pres erA receipts continuing, can • be all paid, ;within eighteen months, at the farthest --and leave us a ,lodge, property ,worth ! at 'least 'three thousand' dollars. 'TO pay :this debt; ahead' be our first 'great aim. Those who have so kindly extended the helphig hand 'to us in our hour Of need, •deserVe our hearty thanks and' Prompt ye-payment: 'Let us all see . that it :is ,done r and•that quickly. , • • .I:oll3rether.,Joseph Harman, the; ar ,chltea.and.bulhier, you owe not alittle :in ,thanks for the careful .and substan: istial manner in which helms built your halt. When the matter of building was 'agitated In the ,iodge a aheut one,year l'age,:Brother, Harniffli presenteda de. sign, , , with 'estimates ; l ifts deSign Wes, 'accepted,' a'hUildirig committee Ofthre,, 'co'n'sisting, Of tit,: Patehin:; Jacob Hart-' man and Joseph Hyland, were author-. Ized to close a contract with him. A , .. y . , substantial , cop of that design you are occupying to-day,, ,To Brothex Harman lvas given directi,ons to fit the room with proper stands ' ' inii4 ,desk, decOrate th'p ,chairs',. Procure 'lamps, 'Ste. ' lIOW,, well liehriS acconifilished `it, yoli can judge for yourselves.' r irbe, ornamental designs for the, main' Chairs ate his 'own, anti 'very breditabielheY are 'to hirn:, ' "'ken . 'can' SafelY' tite titi idiri, " Well (tone, then good and`faithrtil servant:"" — ' ' , l" have Preptireit. a - list' 'of tirese'who 'have , passeil the cluiiiarid fer ,ci time' 'been , the acknowledged head of 'the lodge, .Sonie are with us here , to-day, ,others are miles_ away, , whil.e a fewhave passed, to that bourne / from , whence no traveler returnitT.,. W They are, as follows; . Theobald *ilier,_ol,eorge .:Booth, ,q, le. Tayler,i E. Dyer, H, U. Gierould, Ira Day J: C. Bennett, 'Thernas / Ntidean, Ira'Plitehlri; o:. 31. Butter; H. A. Hall, Benj. Kress, C.'S. "Wean, D. W. Gitch ell, John Lang,L. , X. Spencer; Mathei , ' Skelley, D. Caldwell, A. , 11f. 'Spencer,' 0. G. Gerould, D. S. irelan, Jr., D,';' S. Trelan,,Sr., A. B. Bryan, H. R. Bryan, peel. W. Kelts, .fames • Everett, Miles Q., Lee, T. E. ogogenow, V. O. Spen- i 'cer,,Jacoh I_lartinan, , Jeseph Harman*, L. R. Walker, Holland Marvin,,and S. L. Barber, who now, occupies the chair.' To the treasurer you owe much for the safe keeping of your funds, and here is the list : 0; F. Taylor, • IT.' C. Bennett, 11: M. Go:cll(' i L. H. Spencer, Thomas / Graves, 'D'. S. Irelan, L. D. Taylor Ira Patch in, Thomas Vld'eriii, John Blair, c 0...U.,..Gt0r0u1d;,..and S. S,.'Packard, the_ pi t.,•beAltrlllielllMUen.t. - . - Your`list• of' Secretaries'is shore; b and I assure yen, that upon examination I Lind your minutes full-rind well kept.— They are r G.W. Booth, C. S. Videan, D, W. Gitchell,, Wm. Wetll,erbee, M. Geroulci, 0. V., Taylor,. 'E. Dyer, J. Lang, Y,, D. Taylor, and : lra Patchin, the present Secretary, who is keeping tint minutes for the 2'd term, ,This needs no eulogy from me., . , . ' The Trustees havo, under the diree tiona the'ledge, the. entire' control 'of ,t i lie'• property. 0. G. 'Gerould, .1 . . IL Alainlitn and C*. F. 'Mpg' are the ones, :now in ofliee;• Mr. Ring . having sue 'elirded David - S..Trolari, Sr., upon -his • r moving South. , - Several years 'age a degree , .of Retec.: :lath Lodge was started here; and Con ducted in at:informal manner, holding meetings once a month, which • were conakted by officers, of; the-regular .Life all patasites,, it was inot successful. ~t the' last -gessioo 'of the ,Gr4ad Lodge Of the tin4ect States, they ,were got - apart as a Separate lodge; with chaffered privileges. ''Sterie'were' at once tak'en, and' a Charier' 'procured' for ," Emma °Wax Lodgeivr No: 17; 'which' now has alnembership of over 4IN with steadily increasing numbers. Its'pres ,eet main officers are G. ,Gerotild, ; .Mrs: Julia ,ICelts, V. Mrs. !Kitt, Secretary ;,,Mrs,,,kl4 Green,: Treas. urer. -11 Any Brother who , is a , fifth degree member, ly4o , hits g,wifq or sister An, trodpee,:is and us, the, lion fee is fifty yea '4khO 'yOu'rsel:cies the sway' re'receive; Its' 'I) ea efft ts regular - meettrigg itte elii'AC.lfildbiill; - *i s OVpiy see° tid had •le u r ill"; \Ved , :sdity the' month. hopeq'to' 'have a - lodge of 100-ivithin•six inontlid:- •-•- •• t • .- To etratige* - ivho think 'of joining our Order,. we give this inferiiiatibri l l;-:- 'First, you ought:to : boa residentbete . of fromsix months to:a,year,.and. lie able to show a fain hand for integrity and so briety. - Then give, your name ;and 'age to arnemhcr,of this Order, `with„a. fee of 12 50, and, he will preeeut yen r name Mid the money„ A committee of three will be appointed to report ' upon : Your case at the nolt'tegitiar ; meeting ;' if ini.7 favetable, that' *lll end it; 'and Yetit theney will "be - refunded; 'if favorable; yew will be belloted:'for, arid - declared elected, , unless two or More black halls are ' thrown.. If elected,, , at- the 'iiext regular meeting, following the eleetion you.can be initiated, when you will pay $2 60 more,- providing . you are 'under thirty.' - For,every, year over thirty,' to forty, twenty-cents for each year will be ; added; from forty to sixty, „ thirty cents for, each ye4r. Your duee,ivill'be 6.1.' cents, per week I which, should be paid quarterly. Then there are live degrees to'bo taken before you can 'aspire to the Chair;.'but , -as all the business orthe lodge iti transacted in the initiatory ' de gree„,it is' of with , yourself whe ther you take them or not: It you con clude for sy„they will-cost you Si 50 earth,, for the ;first four, and two ;dollars for the fifth.: You may ,well ask,: What doyou gain, by, this outlay of money? In case of _sickness of yourself, three lollars per week, if, not brought on by immoral conduct, or intemperance, be side's such atteMiance : by watchers as you May need. i In case of your death, a donation to fm inilY or friends of thirty", 'dollar:3, to pay' your funeral 'eXpenses. irrcitse of the death of your wife, a do patine of fifteen dollars.: ltiyou have no friend - shore, it is the duty of the No; hi e °rand to,attend.to, these duties for you, if jhe, expenses, should, bo.double or treble the usual fees ttl)9wed : ,, Then itsfriendssistance at hoe p , , . . -sh at a diittuace, ' And the 'pleasures °ens' sessions in this rciOrtt,-- MEI =MI MEM t these aro' wha offer - yeti.' for your i' obey And pre§ouco: A. word -now to. the rnernbera of - thli lodge, and lam done.; Will-you .allow: One of the least among - you to offer . a ; few suggestions ? There' are not less glint fifty 'ancient Odd Fellows- iri '6oi - community, who have .formerly been With us, the most of whom , have beet* suspended becauSo Of carelessness in: re gardlo their dues, bid' did not inten'- tiOnally leave the Order.. In 'cOnverSa iion with some Of them, -I have found thetas anxiOusilo ti man, to once more associate themselves"with us Now it is not rout buSinefis to ask , yOui'but I ani Certain the lodge. will' be' glad to receive you all again; and that 'too 'on a • basis that will be- mutually . beneficial and agreeable to us all. ' brothers,-my task` is done; hoW well, I Wave you to 'Judge. The preparing of this history has been - to me a labor of 'dove." Reading your minutes of the last twenty-ono years, has taken me-back to old times: Old' forms ,and faces, who have.long since.'" mouldered away and oitted their kinqed,dust,," appeared to me,, arrayed in ;Their 'habiliments of years, ago; old voices have "rung' in any. 'ears,-; la id concerting, them, Tong laid aWay in the arahlves of 'Mem pry, li wo appeared as fresh' AS if' record-- 'ed yesterday. ' Seine'lshalP i3eti 'again' 7-others never. Bdt,.l3rotherizt, let •be so livaWith each other;- Tbaewhen - dur etArnmons comes te• join ',The : innumerable caravan, which • moves.; To' that mysterious realm, %I:hareem& shall take ;Ilia chamber in the silerit halls o,f .cleath,t7 ilVo go not Liko4l,3.oquarri slavo,,at nighi; :Scourged, to his dungeon) , but, suEtainnd .And , soOtbe(l'_ ,By lin,unfaltcring ;trust, at:vouch' Our giavo" ' ILiko one: who wraps "tbonqrapdry . of bienonnh , About and Heti down to pleasunedreadfa.". The Northern Pacific Railroad. .While in one part of, thiS issue of The Day appears the annnat - report `of one of thentost important railroadS of the 'world—the great 'confial line of Ithiti Eitate;-:in another part appear telegrams ifroni Duluth and the'Dalles of the , St. Louis river; announcing the fact that• ground has been broken on a work that Is-designed and destined to be, perhaps, the most Important.of the kind on the globe; • . On thO . 2sth ultimo, we stated edito- Irially, that the building of•the•Northern iPaCifle railroad would , soon be COM ! nenceti - ; that through.the efforts of .the :louse of Jay Cooke& Co., subscriptions to the bonds of the road had been se ;cured to the amount bf abouts6,ooo,ooo, 'and that millions more were offered.— 'By reference to our news columns, this morning, it will be seen that the work on this road was begun yest6day, a: large force, and will' six engineering parties in thojield. Ground baying been, broken this great work, some account of tho.,road, ; the eountry through whicNi,t: will run, - and of the ojeets to k)elticcOmplished by its completion, may interest our read; The Northern Pacific Railroad will ,run front \ the head of Lake Superior, across tW MissiSSlppi; the Red river of the North, and the Dakota river, to the Missouri.; thence, crossing the Missou ri, into the valley of the Yellowstone, :and along . , that, stream to Ilozeman's Pass,' through the belt range of moun tains; thence down the Elailatin Val ley, crossing the Madison river, 'and over to the Jefferson Valley, and along that to the Deer Lodge Pass of the ,Rocky Mountains; and along ;Clarke's Valley to Lake :Pond d'Oreille and .from the lakeaCross the Columbia plain to Lewis, or Snake river ;i'doWn that to its junction with the Columbia;, along the Columbia river to the - CoWlitr: riv er ; p "the valley of 'the Cewliti; and over the iiortrige, . between the Puget Sound and Cowlitz - river, .and down to ;Puget Sound at its southern extremity, a distance altogether of two thousand miles. This is the. longest of, the .pro liosed routes, and. will most probably he followed throughoutoa it, presents su perior advantages. Itis estimated that this road• can be built o_f ,Iltehest Mate-, rial end in the best manner; *hiding toiegraph line, Tor, $85,277,004, Or at an average cost of' $42,638 'per' Mile.' This 6itimkO ificludes a iiraneb road front the western terminuS.Of the, malmtline to Portla i tid, to cost $1,200,000. The engineer i considere. this estimate very .liberal, •and believes that the road can:be opened fo)Ir traffic,* a less sum; and, he believes that it caty t )e,buiit and . opened fox use lletween ,Lak.e Superior and iluget Sound in 1873. As to,sp t ow l ;whieh many ,p(ople be lien will , rove pore troublesome on the Northern than on th - O,Central Pact reute; becithil i Ot the' of the foriner;lherels' really' less of it" 'on the Northern route, o*ing!‘to the less elevated _position of •the land above the sea level. The average elevation of the IsTortliern route -is 3,000 - feet less than on the Union and CentrailieLl Mona-, talus•in INlexico and hi South A.merica are capped with „eternal snow n while our Alleghenies are clad in flowers and verdure. It , is the height of the, grOund rather than of the latitude, thiik deter reines"thelqiiestiOn: of snow, as' an bb= stritetiOn tOlravel: 'Tfici , 8,000 feket,dif ferenee in' favor of the Northern Pacific' line,' more than compensates for the five to six degrees difference of Jatitude,.— This difference of elevation also gives the Northern route- a great advantage• in the matter of grade., In distance, this route,-is 375 miles shorter than the Union an Central roads, by which the distanCe from Chicago to Francisco is 2,375 Miles, while, the ',distance from Lake - 'ouperhir tä Puget Sound Is only 2,000 Miles. There are numerous other advantages in favor - of the Nertheria route, relating to the . eliaracter of the country through which it ruits,.the'na\r igable waters near it, etc., which-in the future must prove of immense impor tance to the road. The Northern Pacific Railroact.rmite rams through a - Stupendous. empire in extent and natural wealth, as every in telligent reader-will know by. following ft. as we have traced itabove. Leaving the head of Likke Soperior, it passes, a thousand miles, through - a beautiful and fertil6 country, every square Mile of which' - will sustain a dense population, 'producing' all the cereals, frdtts and grass in abuirdance, and of superior quality. Even' the' mountainous sec-' Lion produces much tine timber and af -fords excellent- wheat landsi and the grade through this section is Ilet more difficult than some ou the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, The -mountains, arq to low that the miners have condno ted,the water of the Missouri across the "divide" in little ditches, through :the Cascade - Range, and this range is Mar- =MM =;,“:1 6 ME ---; IF - UMBER -- 4(Y . ' . ilea, as Ilia *Se - 049 . aa4444ai;-,:citi.iiiii - • - route. S urveys Piave4avcAormkl4reei,, si ea, Nfof which are The', snow seldomfalls here :it s ) . ~gkeitet.: depth than two and a half feet,; falling. dry and light; and presenting eulty to the anew ploW. 4300 liaise of railway ge flowia parte of the ' , vivid where, the sittiNts'arc! heavier anti the elirriate t aernoitit severe.: The tepid..wators ,of thq ,PaCtdo and countless boiling sprlpg s render tie at+,; i~osphere milder Lind war, ra'r thAii ten degrees farther, solth. ; Instead of passing over vast 'sage plains 'aud•sandydeserti, as Union and ; Central reads. do, the Northern"ra- - cific linortina through a . ceuntry every, . where propitious ter raisi,g, grath and Stock. The most ungerdal pOrtiona SUS tail} animals in winter tiporgrassalone. 9This route intersected ,kiy Year, great navigable rivers. The country, it tra- • Verses abounds in beautiful - lakes and ''streams - of Pure • water, teeming with' '4lSh and wild fovil; and presents a grin ileur of landscape—botindleesainiluXu:, laut; plains prodigal in their . • ',food for man arid beaSt—nnatirpasSed in 'any land under the Sun. Tonehing the . ' Red river of the North; it 'Will reed* ,the trade - of that stream;' which floWs 'north into' Lake Winnipeg, into"which "the Sackatchewan' tails froth: - the op posit& direction, : draining the British ' territory froth th: Reaky`kinuntains to ":the Great Slave Lake.' These rivers land-that lake'furnish continuous'rtavl gationfor over tWo thousand miles, the Putlet'of which must be over this, road and through Lake Superior. • Reaching' 'the Great Bend ef•tihe hiiss'ouri ` liver,''' four hundred miles from the 'Nest_ end' of Like Superior, a thousand .miles `that mighty strewn; in- the north alone; 'becorile tributary' tip tile 'road: Oat , of the territories of the United'States 'it' may develop several States, eachlarger than the whole of New %England. • • Lake Stiperior projects i rrteilie North 7 wikitseveral hundred miles fartherthan :any other great navigable titer, and at its head will arise, 'tinder •the auSpiees of this railroad, a city' any of thoSe which in former ages enjoyed the commerce of the East: The largest gr ain elevators in the World will be Ye 'quired and eiceted here, as the Toad will .drain millions on millions 'Ckftenres of the best *heat groWing lands on the 'continent—lands capable of producing , from fifty to' sixty bushels of wheat to the acre. The' Bay 'of Superior is the 'largest 'harbor on the lake—perfectly land-bound and sere: , The western terminus, of the' North ,ern Pacific road is nearer to Asia than `that of any other. Seattle gaiter, at the head of Puget Sound; %pile of the finest and safest on the globe. This .point has-an average advantage of two `hundred a?d sixty miles in 'the distance tp Amoor f Shanghai, Canton and Cal cutta ; and besides, the prevailing winds of the Pacific compel all sailing vessels ;to enter the Straits of Fuca, leading to Scottie 11 - Ether, giving such vessels, :practically, an advantage of seven hun -aren-mnespetween Asia and our west ern coast. - Such is a hasty sketch of he North 'rn-Pacific Railroad route and its ovi ;dent advantages. With these great ad " Vantage s; the greatest of which is the ; superior producing capabilities.- A€ the ,iintnense fertile and finely Wtteieo ro gion of country-through whicterthptps eii, this road cannot fail to be a imagni- - 11. cent success. And while it wilt fir l ove; - -profitable to those who build'it, "it Twill ;be producti l ve of immense advantages Ito the country at large., by developing, As it will; so large and so naturally rich 'an extent of territory,' which might otherwise remain undeVeloped. t- •Thafact that, ground was broken yes terday in this gigantic- enterprise t • and work commen'eed in earnest, *lll, no doubt, be hailed with sincere Pride and :pleasure* the peOple of this !country. It forms ono of the • most- important: events in the history of out: countryte . . marvelousprogress,aini prosperity—and completion of .the road, Which - A as zured, will„be,thogreatest eyent - •of the • ~.thad in ,the ,history of human enter prise.—The Day, of •, ,„ • LUXURY OF EASY DitES4ES:—TIIO foliowing,-clipped from Lawa of Life,' Is eapecially commended to the careful, perusal of ladies Who indulge in' tight, lacing: • ".Very few, ladies know how to op- , preciate an easy, healthful dresS. They think. their dresses era :loose, when a man or boy put, into (mons tight would gasp for breath,, and feel - .incapable , of - putting forth Any effort, exeeptto break the bands. Ladies are. so `accustomed,- to the tight ; fits of, dressmakers, that 0•43Y.`"f011 all to Piece•s! .when . relieved.• of them. They associate the loose dress with the bed or lounge. To be up, they, Must, be stayed up ; and to , recommend, a comfortable dress, tat' them„is , not to, meet a conscious want of theirs. '"lt is a great pity, nonot4e leas. • If • - they Could once kpow what a lnxurrik • is to breathe deep and full at each yes pira,tion, to feel the refreshment which the system takes in by'having the Mood • enlivened and sent bounding Ihrongti,, the,arteries,and veins, to, have the, aids., to digestion which such process gtos, to have their owu strong, elastic =s ales keep every organ In plaCe, and themselves erect; if , they- notild fora, while know this blessed laxury, and then be sent back Into the oldi - stiff straight jackets, tbey wouldfume, and fret, and rave,, in very , desperation, if they could' not get ;i4.1,.•0f them. ,• "As It is, they prefer , to languish and Suffer dreadfully, and die young, And leave all - their.friends, and their hull bands, and their little children—and I do not see any other way but to let them be sick until they are satisfied. If only the sinner was the sufferer, it would not be so worth while to make a great ado about it; but tkoblighting of fu tore in nocent lives, which must followi..:rend ers the false habits of our_wonti en in the highest degree criminal." ' .Us OF Ti7ENIPS:= 4 -The great. root o modern agriculture for cattle jfeeding.is the Swed -h turnip. Nine • times as much fond in weight, of. SwedeS, can . be raisedro an acre as can be' raised of • hay, with 114 same condition of land - r and each ord of the -hay 'fin& its egnivaleut, i I ,nutritive ProPerties, in three pounds of turnips. It ; IS mani festly to the interest of those. farmers . whb keep stock - over wititer;.tefeed tur.‘'l niPS,:. : "- 1 . -z: 74 .. " , .:'!;) 1, " • '".f :o , ': t.. An Itislirtian:geve birth to the fel loyvink Totiiiny;"ll' I live till I die, andi duano if, r;46i11. no, I 'want' to see au Id Ireland again' be fore I lave America." - • - .'• II EMS EI " 1 3 1 i 1 - '+ =I ~,3, t ~. ~4 ~ .~'t s i i ~f INIME MEI =BM MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers