II I 110 E MATTER S. • - N YII;;DNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1868. - ; New .A.dvertieements cbrirtmas is coming—P. R. Williams & Co. Sleigh and Robe for Sale—Bingham Office. Ash Logs wanted—Bowen & Truman. Grain wanted—J. C. Hunaphroy. Application for Chatter-4.K Don nldson,Pro. tbonitary. Bank Notice—J. L. Robinson, Cashier. Coils paid for Rides—M. A. Dnriff, In Bankruptcy—Silas Alis. Assignee's Sale, continued—C. H. Seymour, AsMgnee. Churoh Union—,Henry E; Child. Sowing Machines—Geo. C. Bowen, Agent,. 1,000 customers wanted—S. A. Parsons' Co. W. & L. R. R. Notice—Jas. Heron, Seo'y. DeLan6 . 4Sc Co., have just opened a large Stock of clothing at reduced prices. Tots.--The little folks can find' a nice lot of cbrlstmas toys, and very . oheap, at Jas. It, Banners Grocery, Mitin Street. COWIS AT AUCTI9N.—Mr. Geo. Parker, of Charleston, williell 25 cows at Auction, Sat urday next, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the premises. PERSONAL. HoOKER,of the Troy Musette, brie been appointed a s )Notary Puy° by Gov. Geary. We congratulate him. If the Governor never makes a worse appointment the publio will 0110 him eternal good-will. CatharcEßEF:lT.—TheYourig Folks of Tioga will give an Entertainment for the bane- Ilt the Episcopal Church, at the Methodist Church. Wednesday Evening, Dec. 30, inst. They very mnoh desire, and we earnestly adviio "ev erybody and his family" to patronize the Enter tainment. The object is laudable, and cannot fail. DONATIoI;I3.—The friends of Rev. 'W. A Smith are requested to meet in the Hall of. the Union League, Tuesday evening, De0..22, for the purpose of making him a Donation. Tito friends of Elder Hart aro requested to at tend a Donation at his house, Stony Fork, Thurs day afternoon anti evening, Deo. 17. The friends of Rev. C. A. Stone are; requested to meet at his house, East Charleston, Tuesday evening, Deo. 22, for the purpose ok Making him a Donation. A REDIARKABLE PARTY.—There were alsombled at the house of :Mr. John Gray, of this Tillage, on Wednesday _November 25th, ult., a party of nine ladies. The oldest of the party was 84 yciars of age, the youngest 63. Their united ages summed up 668. All but_ one were widows ;- the elder two of the party were the Mothers of Mr. ct. Mrs. Gray. Probably not another such a party will assemble in Wolisboro for many years. AIifUSEMS.NTS.—There is to be a Social Dian at the house of H. H. Potter, Middlebury, Christmas Eve, Deo. 24. Hillier advertises a For. Chase Christmas after noon, and a Dance at the Ford House, Law renceville, in the bviming. Vermilyea givos R Party at the Izaak Walton House, Gaines, Deo. 25, evening. Fie!dhotis° giTes a cotillion Party at the Her dic' Heine, Libeity, Christtdas Eve. OcEoLA.-4"Oceasional," `writes : Rev. James A. Davidson, State Lecturer, addressed the Good Templar. of Oceola, at theiqpodge Room, Friday evening, 4th inst. The 'igileers for the current quarter, as i l eoted, and installed on that occasion, aro : W. C. T. A. K. Bosard ; W. V. T., E. Ather ton; W. S., N. Strait ; W. T., Mrs. A. J. Reggie; W. I. 0., Miss I Seott ; W. 0. G., B. Atherton ; W. M., J. Scott; W. F. S., A. Cadogan ; W. C. Mrs. H. Tubbs; W. A. S., Amanda Kinney; H' H. S., Stella Seeley; L. H. S., Mrs. N. Strait; P. W. C. T., Dr. Reggio. Ooeola Lodge No. 5 30 contains the cicmcnts of strength and permanence. Mr. Davidson will publicly address the citizens of Oceola, Sunday evening 20th inst. ' ' ' M AIN SBII Ile: "A Templar" writes : The cause el Temperance is in a flourishing condition, arid the Order of Good Template is doing a noble work. Rev. Jas. A Davidson, State Lecturer of the Order, lectured in the M. E. Church Deo. 10, evening., Rev. Mr. Bhinerault presiding. The attendanee woe large, the ad dress was effective, and the music excellent. The, singing was by members of the family of' D. 111 Shaw, Esq. At the close of the lecle the Chairman made a brief but eloquent addrc s, 'and persona wishing to join the Lodge wore invited to come forward. Eleven candidates came for ward, and were initiated at a special mehting• Mr. Davidson has been received by full 'leases at all points where he has spoken, ,and says that thu peoplo aro awake to the insportanoo of the wurli. Covington Lodge has received Scl\ new menibers in three weeks." ACCIDENT.—A distressing accident occurred in this village Saturday evening. 12th inst., resulting in the death of Mr. James Cowden, one of the worthiest of our citizens, .fr. Cowden WAS the vilifier at Goldsmith's Hotel, and on the evening id question had gone upon the naow to Iling• down bedding for the horses. lin some way.li lost his footing, and fell head foremost to the ground floor, suffering mortal inj . tirics. _Mr.. R. Pierce, • Clerk •of the Hotel, Happening to be near the stables soon afterwaTd, heard groans, and found Mr. Cowden to a helpless condition. lie was carried into the he+ where Drs. Packer and Bacon examined hiqujuries. No bones were broken, but the :bock, and the infernal. hurts, resulted in his death Monday morning. • *. Cowden was widely known to the traveling public, and doubtless enjoyed the widest popular ity of any man in his vocation. Re was a uni versal favorite, earning his popularity by his fidelity, and humane treatment of animals en wetted to his clam lie was an upright, honor able man, who will be missed in this community as well as by travelers; but nowhere will he be missed so much as in his home. The- family ,have the sympathy of the community. Mr. Cowden was about 55 years of age. CONCERT.—We are glad to announce to the public of Wellsboro and adjacent neighbor , hoods, that there will be a concert at the - Town hall, Friday evening, Dee. 13,1808, by the tire Misses Le Sears, assisted by their father, author of "The Mount Vernon." First violin• Miss Carrie Le Sears; 2d violin M. Le Scare; Guitar, Miss Mary Lo Sears. Admission 20 cents; Children 10 cent!. ( Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 71. Ot these musicians a writ rin a Scranton paper says : "M. Le Sears is a musician. I escorts at home to discoursing sweet strains, either vocal or in- Mstrumental, and reminds One. of tha ancient bards deNcribed in Celtic history. He, like them, is.the author of considerable poetry and music, so arranged as to bo quite acceptable to the genius sad taste of the nineteenth century. Miss Mary Alberta, though she sings alto or second, it ' , coati to few of her age in the prof - 440n. .llse Carrie, a little girl of scarce fifteen summers, with her violin and extraordinary powers of tiee, :ems mistress of the situation. Surely, "P qui ete articles are done up in small packages." I had the pleasure of attending one of their Concerts in this village a few evenings, since, and isas highly entertained by their rendering of "Rate O'Shane," "Bright Rosy Morning,""Come. Under my Plaidie," "Music at ;Nightfall," &e. The Scotch and Irish characters Icere well taken and 'sustained., The LeSears - family ;were, frequently applauded. Success to them." , . PRACAS.—Wt3 hear of a Singular fra cas which lately ta r ok place not a thousand miles from Knoxville.. i re omit. riitu3es, as we hear that the affair is to come before the Quarter tiessions. The affair, as related to us, had its rite and progress as follows Poore time ago Elder---, borrowed a har ness of -On the day of tb l e difficulty tome one wanted a harness, and applying to the Professor, was directed to go to Elder—, and get the onetho Prof. has lent. The Elder told the applicant that he had_nevetherroured .71 har ness of the Professor.- The-latter on being in formed of this reply, went personally to the Elder and !wised fur the harness. The Elder replied es before; when the Prolinisor, — remarking that 11,e "would .not quarrel," went to the place ivliere tile harness hung and was about to take it 'down, when the Elder rushed upow , him .Trith . g chisel and knocked him doWrijnilict)ng several severe outs upon the "'Professor's hctd. A' bystander. interfered and floored the Elder. Both being members of the same church the affair• was at once inquired into by the church authorities, nod tho Elder was either suspended or expelled. The farcical part of the affair followed the action of the church: A meeting of the world'Ls people was hold, and resolutions setting forth the matter, and positively refusing to receive back the erring member unless in good standing, were unanimously adopted. The, affair is really set rious, : but the denouement is decidedly amusing. MANSFIELD. "Accidental," whose letter reached us too late for pnblication last week, writes : "Prof. F. A. Allen has occupied _hie new dwelling house, Cor. of the Avenue and Academy Ste. 'fele the finest building of its class in Mane• Bold, and long may the Prof. live to enjoy it "Mine host Fuller has been' making improve ments for the better occommodation of man and beast. "Seve'ral day ago "Jack" Ch,cpbers a lad from Morris Run, came to this place labeling : under the hallucination that ho was "Benj. Williams," au,d proceeded to engage board, obtain admit tance to the public school, and get credit at several business establishments, for goods to the amount of about $4O. "At ono place ho labored under the illusion that ho was oither Chambers t /i nor Williams, but took great jo in tho bolief that he was David Mitobeil,, but, o , Wednasday:.lzut was brought ,to the rce . ollection ofhis real name, and situation, by Mi.-Itoht. Train, of Blossburg, who recogniied him and exposed his villainy. The lad's father was sent for, and Friday, afternoon Deo. 4, took possession of the lad, making arrangements for tho payment of the bills he had contracted. The lad has the moral qualifications, without the ability of a successful villain. His father is a good and respectable citizen of Morris RUn. "The Term examination of classes at the Nor mal School, held on the4th; was very satisfactory: Among the Examiners were Profs. Coburn, Chub"- ... • buck, and,Calkins." [We publish a report of the Exhibition else where—it being in the hands of the compositors when our "local's" account reached us. Ed.] a osslP.—We seldom tare up a news paper that we do not find some hint toward reform, or health, worth saving; •and we regret that the thought of keeping a sorap-bookAid not occur to us a dozen years sooner. It does not follow that ovary remedy persoribed will .always have the'desired effect.- Evan the Doctors fail sometimes. But there are little, unpretentious remedies, whish never get into books and thus' stand as authority, which often prove valuable... here is a remedy for wkooping-cough, not dif. Unit to test, and harmless, if not a perfect 'cure " The late discovery of a cure for whooping (rough, by inhaling the odors of a gas-house, is found to be of real benefit. It has been tried by some Hartford (Ct.) physicians, and •it is said with success. Theiabildron are taken to the gas works whore they breathe the not very pleasant air there produced, and there is.something in the chemical preparation that cures the whooping cough. The people at the gas-works state that during the last twelve months three hundred cases of whooping cough have been thus experi mented upon'. IF whooping-cough be, is stated by good au. thorities, caused by a species ofanimalculce which which breeds in the mucous exudations of the air passages, then the odors of a gas-house may, reasonably enough, be a remedy. It can hurt nobody to try it. —Of the causes of sudden death,. organio dis easoof tho heart is supposed to be the most prolific. A contemporary submits the following faots which may interest others as they do fts : • "Very few of the sudden deaths which are said to arise from diseases of the heart do really arise from that cause. To ascertain the real origin of sudden deaths an experiment has been tried iil Europe and reported to a scientific, congress at Strasburg. Sixty-six cases of sudden death were made the subject of a thorough post mortem ex: amtuation ; iu thoc. 0/93c :runty two were fonntt who had died from disease of the heart. Nine out of sixty-six had died from apoplexy, while there were forty , six cases of congestion of the longs—that is, the luugs were so full of blood that they could not work, loot having room enough for a sufficient quantit of air to support life. The causes that produccoongestion of the lungs are cold feet, tight clothing, costive bowels, sitting still until chilled after being warmed with labor or a rapid walk, going too suddenly from a close room into the air, espeoililly after speaking, and sudden, depressing. news operating on the blood. These causes of sudden death being'known, an evidence of them may serve to lengthen many valuable lives, which would otherwise be lost under the verdict of heart complaint. The disease is supposed to be inevitable and incurable ; hence, many may not take the pains they. would to avoid sudden death, if they knew it lay in their power." To which we added: Dyspepsia hoe many forms; but none is more common than that which simulates disease of the heart\ A mass of undi gested food will produce every symptom ofthortal disenA of the heart. Tho fact seems to 1,0 . 1 that the heart is less subject to disease than any of the vital organs. It is nothing but a lump of muscle and best and not easily affected by nervous dis turbances in a direct manner. Everything which affect the circulation of the blood affects the heart secondarily. When the blood flows back upon the heart, the brain is robbed and fainting ensues. The heart may not be at all atfault, yet thousands locate the cause there. —And while upon this subject of ailments, we call to mind a grand cure for sick headache. There are several kinds of headache, as most people know.. There is the headache which ens nes to a night:of debauoh, as some people know. ' That can bo cured by abstinence from drink. There is the headache which results ,from eating too much, or not eating correctly. That can be cured by coming down to a common sense diet of plain food, taken at regular hours. Then there is the headache which comes from too much work add worry; a nervous distressing, aching-void-of a pain; a pain which seems to be material, and fugitive;and harassing. Cure it by dropping out of the routine of buiiness for a day or two ; or, if you" cannot do that, try shampooning and _baywater. (We have heard of a headache en:- suing from a punch in the head, but suspect that the punch was in the stoinaela instead.) However, there is a headache which comes from a Toes of equilibrium in the circulatory system. If you go with cold feet you will have , too much blood somewhere else—in the head perchance. Now, a quart cap will net hold three pints; no Inure will the bloodveseels of the brain hold mire than full. A btently oppreeeion over the eyes; or a distracting pain on the very tip-top °pile head, argue too much blood in the head and too little I in the extremities. Put your naked feet into warm water er up to a bright blase, and assist the blood to an equilibrium, and you at once do the work of three doctors. —A lady sends Ifs a note touching the. ri.,q)on isibility 01 parents in the education of youth by example. Its strictures arc so just that we gladly print it—the more gladly, because they are pointed and brief: "We often see a word to boys and girls in the paper, and think a word to Parents is as much needed. Who is to set the example? Children,or Parents ? Who can wonder if children arc in bad company, if their Parents frequent bad places, and have no regard for the Sabbath. liow little do fathers heed the scriptures, a here it says the hnsband is the head of the family, even as Christ is the bend of the church. The wife and child look to the father for good examples father drinks, gambles, dc who can blame the sou and daughter for doing the same. We think ii married men would spend more time at home in trying to make home happy, there .would be fewer elopements, fewer paupers, and wore noide young Inca and women in the world." TEMPERANCE LECTUR,ES.—Rev. J. A. Davidson, of Eric, State le6turer of the T. 0. of 0. T., has been laboring in this county einec Dec. 1, and will lectnre as follows. Wellsboro, Stony Fork, Cherry Flats, East Charleston, " Lawrenceville, Oceola, Knoxville, Westfield, 19. 20. 21. -, 1? T MUSICAL, ,OON ENTION.—The TiOga people worn last' wee 'favored , ' with 'o, inualeal treat iu the shape of Musical Convention, held by Prof.,A. N. Johnson, formerly, of Boston, -,now it i, a President of the Alio atiY Normal Musical Acad emy, and author of tit American Choir, Empire Collections, Keystone Collections, United States. Collections, Allegany Collections, a pork in Ear; mony and. thorough . ,gass kt several Other popular musical works. ' , • , Prof. Johnson is perfectly at hom6 , in musio, having;commanced in his profession` while qUito young, Inalso spent soma] iyears An Europe nil der 'sorrie Of tho mostentinout Gorman Masters of tho art, The class consisted of about fifty members, coutprieinesome of the beat siug4rsand ;teachers in the'coutitry. 'The Prof. 'has' a ' , Pry, '4PPY faculty of Impartitig, .knoWledge of tangle, and labors especially to benefit the Whole'Olaist The Convention' closed on Saturday evening, sth inst., with a public rehearsal. The Baptist church was-well tilled. The exercises were lis tened to with apparent satisfaction, while many pieces of tho secular music were enthusiastically applauded. . Nearly every metriberof •the oliss' Was called out in a Solo, many of which were Npsll executed. I understand that an effort is being made.to get Prof. Johnson to'hold a - Um:4a' Convention at Wellsboro sometime in February. If "so, all lovers of music, singers, especially', should not fail to attend: W. SEIV/NG MACHINES AND ArrAcnugrirs.4—What mom suitable Holiday Gift to a wife and mother thhn a good Sewing Machine? .As such we especially recommend the Wilcox Gibbs:' Thu attachmentTucher, Border, !quit ter and Self Se‘ver,'doublo the valtio of the Ma chine, and cost but littlC. - Persons •who bought Machines of Missldario. Pitts, , and now desire the extras, will do well to call on or address, Miss. A. M. Pars,. Mansfield, Pa:, Agent for the Willcox & Gibbs, and Singer Machines. „ RpTua, ,10.33 . ;Xontrat ron '69 gill be etilireod alfpetilY•l"theils'fortr k e r slze„2ho best and theap:levalier Terms $2.60 a year. Join the club forming at the 'Post-0010e. Persons from other:pip:es AnttjpirtthofclttbAterfi' by for wafiliti - g tn the money Iy-ell. • ,• , '- • ,' -_-VBATtnitoN. , ICI 110WE,•,,Tr.; firstPvethiura Soivio4. chino - for elite :in AVellel . 3oro; 11' A. F.O,LEY." - • VOLUPT,US SUP REM A, the. Latin phrase expressive of the, climax of vol uptuous richness, may •be 'justly ap pled to. the fragrance of Pl:mimes newt perfume, " nor do Mayo," the most luxurious and prmanant of - Ltioral odors. Sold by all' druggists. , $ !....., L L,L j • • Efig.LOCK—UUTLER.—In Ottnintra, Coffey Co. Kan. Bea, Nov, 29, by the Rev. I. M. Rankin, Henry ICHlock, formerly ,of Charleston, Tioga Va., And Miss Extdelt Butler, of Ottawa, Hawes. , • , (The Printer was rememberetT,3 BA LDWIN—AItILL.--In Corning', N. Y., Doc. 1,1868, by the Ito'. John B. Littleton, of N, W., Mr, Eleazer Baldwin, and Miss 'Jennie S. Hull, all of Thin, Pa. JUDSON—If iIVEN.—In Jackson, N0v.28, by Res. M. Rockwell, Mr. Georga Judson, Air Wells, DradfOrd Co., and ?Ilya Maryett haven, of Columbia, Bradford'Co. ?klanstlold, , Deo. 10.4868. by Iler. 11. Lama:ln, Mr. Franbts T.Shafer, of New York City, uric( Mirf Lizzie Clark, of Mansfield, Tfoga Co. Pa. SN S--MelltTY.—At the reuldence of Joseph' Wilber, in Union township, - :IJov.2CI. by Jason Both. well: EN., - Mr. James Stephen's, midtllssJullit McArty, all uf• biost , burg. • dl 15. u ie. u 17, aa cal 3g3 gslulz:n.o se3 SEWING MACHINES. MARRIAGES 'SPECIAL'•NOTICES. ==:= GENERAL AGENCY, Elor SEWING MACHINES, WILCOX & GIBBS ILENT family Machine make's the elastic 0 twisted Loop Stitch, and the only First-Class Single Thread Machine Manufaeterod. Also SINGER'S New Family and Manufacturing Machines, with ell the late improvements. The Binger Co. sold in the year 'ti over fOrty-tw - o thousand Machines. being several thousand in advance of advance of any other Machine Munufartured. The Ituekeye Shuttle Machine, the only cheap Machille that makes ttii roCk Stitch. Will ba rohi at £22., (or band Afrothin..., t.r.(l. at $35, with and treadle. 'Orders taken fur tne Anton. can Fa wily ICnitting Machine. GEO. C. BOWEN, Agent. ju.•t below the Townsand Howse. Wells hero. Pa., Dee. 10, 1866. . _ HALL'S fGETABLE MILIAN HAIR .REWEWER, RENEWS HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR WHEN. GRAY. Renews the nutritive). matter which nourishes the hair. Renews the Growth of Me Hair when Bald. Renewn the brash, wiry hdir to Silken softness. 11EAUTIFEL HAIR DRESSING. Ono Bottle shows its effects. R. P. HALL Sc. CO., NuAlas, N. 11. Proprietors For sale by ull Druggists. Not•. 25, 1868. CASH Paid FOR, HIDES, by M. A. DI.IRIP Wo.ll2boro, Dec. 10, 11368.-qf SLEIGH & 1101lE FOR SALE.—An excel lent two-horie Platsure - Sleigh, and a very good Boar-Skin Robe; will be sold on long cred it, if desired, the security being satisfactory. Enquire at the Ilingham Office. lirellsbererpce. IG, '?8-430, , • - WANTED— ASH at our Mill. CaSh paid for them. We aro ready to saw fur cus.toineia. Bring on your logs. Lath and pickets always on hand. BOWEN ie TRUMAN. Wellsboro, Dec. 10, 'clB.tf GRAIN WANTED.—Cush pdid for all kinds of Urain'at C. J. Humphrey's Mill, Crook ed Creek, Tioga County, Pa., and the hest mar kot priees. C. J. HUMPHREY. Dec. 10, IS6B-3wzi Tirellsboro 4. morenceville R. R. Co. THE Stockkolders,OFthe Wollsborough and LawreneoViilißailrOad Company, will meet on Monday Jan. 11, A. D. 1960, at the office of the Full Brook Coal Company, in Fall Brook, Pen n'a, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of electing a President and twelve Directors of said Railroad Company for tho ensuing year, and transacting such other business as is authorized by law. JAMES HERON, See'y. Fall Brook. Pa. Dec. 16, 1869- 7 2 W. ~ R. Rnitzen. W. Ji Krusori P. D. Pease. ' R. KRUSI4 . ',N & CO., • _ WESTFIELD,--2A., WOULD announce to the public that they are now recciviyg, a full and complete as sortment of _ DRY GOODS , Notions, Carpets, Furs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, GrOceries, Provisions, Crockery, - Hard ware, Stoneware, &c. which they are prepared to aell for cash, or ex change for Country Produce, at rates which defy comiNelitlon Westfield, Dee. ISGS—tt Administrator's -Notice, LE CIF-Rii of Administration 1 . having been granted to . the underidgned upon the es tate of Robert Martin,. lam of Delmar dee'd, all persons'oiviog •A'ol .esnite, or eloinling against the game: win s, 10,2 with .TNO. ENGLISH', I), hone. Lee i , . I,FO-07. Admr. Administrators' '"Notice T J ET FRS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate or Albert :lawyer, late of Gaines, deceased, all persons indebted to raid estate, or claiming agninnt tho saw will settle with MINERVA SAWYER, • Gaines, D - Ce. 2, 1868—Owe • Adw'rx. FOR SALE. A -HOUSE AND LOT:" Enquire of 21L'Oet. 14, - 1808: 0: B. KELLY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Let "Ms 3E-XeiNre I P you want to seo_a good stuck of FALL. & WINTER GOODS I • go to 1 1 ;: BALDWIN & 003 TIOGA, PA.' If you Want itgall22§ ENE NEC , 0001190 each as ALPACAS,' POPLINS, CAMBRrOKS, PRENCITJACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., &c. ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART MENT COMPLETE, TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL. MOREL' SKIRTS, OPERA FLANNELS, CORSETS, ? tDOMESTICS. ' 'A:l'mb lot of READY-RADE CLOTHING, Cloth ‘C.I is an.:ass)meres and a -.eallor to 1 fit and Fit. 800 s and Shoes, HATS- AND' CAPS, I STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, ot.o. GROCERIES, the moat. complete Stook' you can Arta, snob as TEAS. Woare old tea drinker', and know them . • • • - to be 'g00d...-. SUGAR'S, MOLASSES, and in fact everything in the Grocery line. liutter.Tubs and Pails; Butter'sold on own. mission- - -no charges for handling; but would like a email portion of the money you get in re turn, that is if our prices suit., FARMERS 'IIOOI4S, All kinds and superior quality. It' yourrl don't fail to, try ours.— want good , We warrant It. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exobango for Goods. We propose to Fell our Goode reasonably. "Live and lot Live" prices given at the oonn ter—only ono price. Cash paid for prodnco if desired. T. L. BALDWIN it CO Tioga, Pa., Nov. 2b, 1868. 13 TT - • FOR, THE KEYSTONE STORE I Na. 1 Main Street, Tircilsboro, Pa., whore Bullard 00ip Hold forth Daily to crowds of customers, deal ing out the finest and oomplotest assortment of D'IY GOODS, Nltsaatarci3r (34.,c•co4fLes BOOTS & SHOES, .114 TS & CAA% and FURS and 1321.1ZOAINS IN CROCKERY. IValk in Ladies, and - examine our stock: It will pay to do so. •thir good, are selected with tasto Nov. 13, 1868-13 m. • BULLARD Lt 00: Cutters and Wagons, O - F all kinds, made of tbo best materials, can be had at H. Vir..Dartt's shop, on Main Street, near the Academy. Also—partirtilar.attention paid to Blacksmith ing of all kinds. H. W. DARTT. Welleboro, Nov. 25, 18135-3 m. New Arri - crsall ME. R. 1141B&LIA. has just returned In from the city with a larger and finer stock of • . MILLINERY GOODS, than she ever offered for the Fall and Winter trade before. -Customers are requested to oall at her now shop, ono door above the Presbyterian Churoh, Main street, Wellsboro, and examine for themselves. Oot. 21, 1888-2 m. NEW MANAGEMENT, AND NEW GOODS. MBE UNDERSIGNED at th e old stand of . Viacher & Randall are. in the receipt of a FRESH - LOT OF GOODS Bought at the very lowest sales within the last few days which they offer to the public for ready pay at a small advance from - Now York oost. Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware; Crock ery, Boots,. Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., • In fact everything usually kept in a country Store. An examination of goods and prices is resdectfully solicited. All kinds of produce tak en in exchange ut the market rates. J. B. DIMON A CO. Niles Valley, Nov. 18, 1888-4 w. • VICTORY ,Ts gained over the Tooth-ache and the pain of' Extraottng,.by the use of NITROUS OXIDE GAS, so proved by scores of toitimodials at tho Den tai Office of • A. B. EASTMAN. Call and bo aoavLayed. Nov. 26. REGULATOR STORE! COBNING. E[AVING purehased tho entire stock former ly owned by' 11. Goff, we would announce to tho people of Tioga County that we havo just received a full assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, bought sinoo the recent deolino in prices, and we invito all who appreciate good barg ain., to giro us a call. ,We shall continually keep a full stook of DRESS GOODS, IFIBUEMPOI SILK GOODS. WHITE GOODS, Ciexttc:o32 moods WOOLEN. AND PAISLEY SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, , BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, dig„ dro. You have only to look throUgh our stook to satisfy yourselves, that we arellelllng "Cheaper than the Cheapest 4 • Country Merchants supplied at small advanco from Now York Cost. Corning, Oct, 29, 1668.—1 y ThG, Battl© has been Fought AND VICTORY WON. G • 00Dthigh in quality and low in price bavp /al. t carried the day, and hereafter will bo found ready and willing for active and efficient service in behalf: of all those who will call and gtvo their ordora at WICK/LIM & FALIMU'S, TIO4A, PA On the Dry Goods side we bare a full and complete and assortment of Fall and Winter GOODS, Good stook of Flannel; Sheeting:, Prints, Muslin; De • laines and'Dress Goods, with a groat variety of YANKEE NOTIONS, with which to fill in and trim up. We would call rpccial attention to our alsortment of Hats .and Caps, filth prim millet' we know will compare favors bly with prices of the samo goods before the war Boots and Shoes, which have been Made to order from perfeot stooki with warrantee. Work ready to be shown and fitted to all cuetomeri. The Grocery stock inr • - eludes, • Flour, Park, Fisk, Salt, Sugars, l Teas, Co. fee, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, &c., &c., Then comes the WOODEN WARE, such as Tubs, Pails. Wash Boards, Mop Siiolts, Sugar Boxes and Pails, together with numerous other Goods, such us Crockery, Glass warerStone•warc, &0., which we will always he glad to show and risk the selling after the goods are seen and cz. mined, • NVICKIIAM .1 FARR, Tioga, Oct. 18, 1868. Great Bargains - Tor all who oall at Wilson & VanValkenburg's No. 2 Union Block. in French Merinoes, Empress Cloths, Bea ver Sackings of all discriptions, Poplins of all colors. DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S; SHEETINGS, BLEACH ED - AND PM - LEACHED MUSLIN& HOOP SKIRTS, of every desetiption, DRESS TRINMINGS'and BUTTONS of all •kinds ; also the largest and cheapest assorpnent of • READYIIIDE CLOTIEING ever brought into Tioga County. Remombor the place, and call before purchasing. We have a largo assortment of Gouts' Furnish int:Goods, consisting of Drawers, 'Under-Shirts, Flannel Shirts Ruck Sleeves, • and Mittens, and • Clothing of every despriptionl manufactured to suit. Thankful for past patronage, and by strict at tention to bnaioess no hope to share a oontinu nano' of the game. WILSON & VAN VADIENBrItG Welleboro,Oet.l2, IB6B—tf. IILOUR MEAL, always on &tad at Juin /I'. VIM Jemas as. DllSNalise, NEWELL Et OWEN Fall & Winter Goods IN CORNING. W E have roomed a very LARGE erOCK of FILL IND WINTER. GOODS on tho most favorablo terms, and wild( be sold at very small advance from coat. W think we hazard nothing in saying that we heap the BEST ASSORTMENT and the BEST QUALITY of Oroods that aro kept in the place. nave a store light enough to see what you are buying, and pledge oursolves to SELL' AS LOW, quality considered, as at any other establiebrao t. Wo elation° to make oar ..., CLOTH TRADE one of our spacialtios, and when dasirad MAKE TEIEM TO ORDER on short notico and in the best nianuor. 1 We have add to our stook a good assortment 'of CARPET', oonaisting of BRUSSELS. THREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can aoll them How VERY LOW ~.,i_..,-: - .; . ...-... Wo.are the agents for the GREAT L S. TEA COMPANY, and soil TEA at New York prices by tbo vinglo pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stock and prices. SMITH & WAITE Corning, Oct. 1, 1888. DENTISTRY' DR C. N. DARTT, will stilt continue his business in Wellsburg 11111 1141 where ho respectfully solicits the patronage of all who need, or desire the services of a Dentist. Having been for the past fourteen years engaged in Dentistry exclusively, ho feels confident of giving perfect satisfaction in all op erations Intrusted to his care. Special attention given to the treatment of caries, irregularities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and inliamation of the gums, and all other diseased to which the teeth and gums nro subject. gir. Fire Class Work guaranteed in both me chanical and operative Dentistry. DENTISTS, TIOGrA PA. : it EL Y sole. 1 up on 40 1 !: ..-' , the beanty,dar. :1..;:2:/. . ability and ar ;:-,-, ..:.- : 4...-. -.....,c,.. -.- - .0;.. ~ 2..., .0 d ,,,,.1-.. .1 7,. .r ttcr,_ -; tistie merit of :: , Aifl c 7ifO lF .---",.. , -;. L :F lt r;Ati-4;; F fi,::? , l their work to le irri-A'Z'A.,:34;.„4/:::A.2 . pi reoo to m and , till ipi them. J v . ! IT Wo liave all ' ..' .. 1 tha modern im.. PTovements and do every kind of work known to the profession. DR. C. THOMAS. T, R. WARREN M. D. Tlogn, Oct. 23, 1868. ! . Dentistry , A - • • 111 PP Lawrenceville. -r o t. .11. E. VAN HORNE,late with far. _up deem Bra's of fimmitton and .New York (illy, has opened new Dental Rooms at the 'Ford House, Lawrenceville, Pa., where he is prepared to do work in all the departments_of his profess ion in the most sciontitio manner. MI work warranted and satisfaction guaran toed,. Call and examine specimens of work. 11. E. VAN BORNE. Lawrenceville, June. 24, 1888—tf. New Tobacco Store 1 rrilE subscriber has fitted up the rooms ad joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Stove Store fu'. the manufacture and Ede of • CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common SMOKING TOBACCO,Michigan Fine Cut I CHEWING, and all kinds of P. LTG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi cest Brand of CIGARS. Can and ace for yourselves. JOHN W. PURSEL. ellsboro, Nov. 11, 1888—tE bash for Dried Berries ! n.. SH for everything I buy, CASH for every \_,) thing I Bell. • FEED, PORK, FISH, SALT, &C., always on hand and for ealo at tho lowest CASH Prices. , All kinds of Produce bought and sold for CASH. N. B.—Don't ask for credit after this date Welieicor), Oct.l, 1868. M. B. PRINCE. xneutac•—pi!xyritets3 T HEirAINES t ROIHE N GE ero universally acknowledged pest FIRST-CLASS PIANOS MADE. Every Piano is warranted for five years. Sold by Mansfield, Oct. 14. :ISAAC G. HOYT. CARP PRINTING—at Now York prices, in Color 3 or plain, and cut to auit ordors, at Via 0e2ti11913 WPM. " BEETIVIi EXCHANGE!" I Mug, I sing of a curious tiling, Almost as strange as Boggs upon Tyng I've swung 'round a circle as round as a ring, And whilo on tho down oast part of my swing, I Stopped at tho city and took on tho;Spring STYLES OF GROCERIES SUGARS ARE DOW IN THE NECK, Molasses & Syrups have a froor run downward, with a funnol-aba pod trail. Diretiolr..enicf!,l 9 however, are out from the neck downward, and the style Is blue and silver with stripes. TEA-.-TEA -TEA-TEA 1 will bo prepared from a drawing furnished to every customer who buys a pound. Ofthe styles to suit complexions, /to., I may mention that you can have If you•long for it. I =not got time to look up all the hard words which tho-- GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startle the innocent people about the coutil. try; but you can depend upon finding the very beet of Teas at the BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE ? the styles are various. You can have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign ports, to wit I MOCHA, JAVA. RIO, LAGIJYRA JAM AICA, &O. our still wears hoops over alt, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have 'all grades PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, togetor with a full assortment of light groceries and cannod delicacies. As over • Pays Cash or Tr.V i o t , o lg ic ap MARKETABLE Wellsboro, Apr.l, 'O.B. W. T. MATHEIi4 , \ 01 0 ' 0, ? c-4 ..;. , 5 ..-• H 9, 0.. 0-3 a> =" --. Y- L.: o;- 3 I^-1 )-1 c.. Crq C' rog, C l .l 0 e+ i 1= g ..1 '''' ii -... 4 tii z,D . er ce. • 0-1 0 . 3 o I=6. " ....1 d g G— ra C , = 0 CD Pi 14 0 Cct P" . 2. '' - < 0 4.' " ( 1 2; • C° U P C 3 0 °' C/ • b k • .01. cD c/2 47 , o v ,--• • H Ef =.• - la E = m-i P 1 .w- ,„ _,..,. l E; (=> . ..--.. C' Itt il - 5 IW' T .. 0..., ..! I=l , i l c) 6' t 6 ; Li t i El . 1 F g 0, 1] 2 3 , S a nv . iv 1 R ( i' PL -7 ".• ° t. 4 ,-• iv • 0 . o pi = CR °,_. g. 01 4 = o - p) '*l tl. PZ \ Z ''',l eq. (ID en. ri) El . p-s , s=... 1..4 w E tll 0 in 1 4 ,- -i - ~ : p...' 0 I I 0-i FL , 11) X 5 1 in NEW WINTER GOODS. TOLES 4 . St )AII,K,ER, WOULD say to their friends and the public generally, that they aro now receiving a oplondid aosortment of W,lntor SHEETINOS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ' VEST - - INGS, READY MADE CLO : THING; HATS & CAPS, BOOTS dam SHOES,' CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS it OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, - ETC,. DTC., ETC. We are able to uitor our euetonier9 the benefit of tbo in the New York Market, our Stock having boon purchased since the great decline in Goode., TOLE & BARKER Wellsboro, Nov. 18, 1808. CAM PAID FOR WOOL. BUTTER AND CHEESE, by C. L. WILLCOX. Jana U,lBBB. Tho fashions for And more astonishing still, Black Tea (MI •ocr•free, In the matter of ' I PROVI.SJONS: eatable, Also, M A,THERS CALL Al MAT4ERVS. 1-64 ...- 1 F fal * t; "4 p--4 r D. ; 5 , ......, ...,.. 72 ... (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) DRY GOODS, such us also a largo and well soloeted stoek.of LAST DE LINE OF PRICES PACIFIC HOTEL, 1 176,172,174, & 176 GREENWICH ST., TTHE.UNDERSIGNEDtakes pleas uro in announcing to his numerous Mende and patrons that from this date, the charge of the PaelAo will be - $2,50 per day. Doing solo Proprietor of this House,and there fore free frotultbe too common exaction of an inordinate rent, ho Is fully able to meat the downward tendency of prices without any falling 1 off of service. Et will now, as heretofore, be bis aim to Wan' tali undiminished the favorable reputation a the pacific, which it bas enjoyed for many as ono of tbo beet of travelers betels, • The table will he bountifully supplied with every delicacy of the season. The attendance will be found °giant and obliging. The location will be found convenient for Ns° whose business calls them in the lower part of the city, being one door north of Corp► land Street, and one block west of Broadway, and of toady access to all Rail Road and Steam* boat Linos. Deo. 2,184 S-Sin J6RN PATTEN.. JAMES -BUNNEL j itr i p t. re i turi r d t o fr f om the City with. OW 192 d GROCERIES, • and YANKEE NOTIONS. FfiESIT COUNT OUITZES, Will keep constantly on hand avorytblngin the lino of Family Groceries, as well as Provisions, FruitP, Confectionery, Yankee Notions, Tdp, All of will bo sold at reasonable pries& JAMES MINNIE& Nov. 11,1.888-Iy. • THE LARGEST STOCK OF I NT I • • N Tioga County , and the Obeaixint place to buy in the world. '• Agent for L. BOZLES do CO'S 20S1, Binghamton, N. F. and ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elptira, - .N. Y. 1 STOVES SOLD ON TIM'. Mansfield, Nov. 25, 1888-131 G. B. EY.PP. TO FARMERSI 1611 RUN PLASTER.—We hereby oat . * .E 4 t wit we have used the Plaster manufactured try 013,ampney 416 Bernader, at their works on Elk Run, in Gaines township, and we believe It to be equal if not superior to the Cayuga Plaster. David Smith S M Conabla A P Co d H Cobb II E Simmons J Beruaner G W Barker • Aaa Smith B Strait D Davis Albert King John C Met H Watrous W H Watrous L L Marsh M Smith 0 A Smith H 31 Foote D Strait. P C Van'Oolder J J Smith red Davis J F Ziminerman C L King L Smith. 9 N. B.—Ploster always on hand at the MIL." Price $5 per ton. Nov. 4, 1888. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. WILLIAM ROBERTS, Mill Street, WeHelier°, PensVa, TTAVING bean appointed agent for all first class Store's manufactured by near, Pack & Co., of Albany, N. Y. I am now ready to furnish the following named colebratod Stoves : COOKING STOVES, AMERICAN,j NATIONAL, HOME COMPANION, I MONITOR. TILE BENEFACTOR, the lattor of willoY is the best stove for common use ever In market; being cheap, well made, and oonvenient. I la - ave also, a variety of ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, CAST IRON, various patterns, SHEET IRON,' Self Regulators: ALSO—Stoves suitable for burning bard or soft coal, trill be furnished to order. Customers will do well to examine my stools, which is as full and well selected as any in Northern Ponzt. sylvaniO. I have also put in a_full stock of MEmxscl:vcrsstre) of all •arts. Thankful for liberal patronage in the pasj, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the . - Sept f 8, 4 , 1889. • souse and Lot for 5a.19 . .. TT OUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for sale, FM cheap. .Location Well4boro, and dcalmbla luttoire ut the Agitator Office. Oct. 23, 1868—tr. • New Tal nery. • tIIE undersigned has flpted up the old Fenn dry building, near the Brewery, Wellsbore, ama is now prepared to turn out fine calf, hip, cowhide, and harness leather in the beat akan. nor. Bides tanned on shores. Cush paid for hides. M. A. DITRIP. Virellsboro, Oct. 14,1868. I : Farm for •Salo,l MBE subscriber otters fur sale his farm, lying about 2k miles east oi Wellsboro, in elem. Lou. Said farm contains ti 2, acres, about 40 acres cleared, well fenced, well , watered, a corn. fumble booze; first class barn, other outbuild. ingS and a good young bearing-orchard tber4lo9,. Inquire vu the promises. iiRTEMUS BORDEN. Charleston, Aug. 19, 1868—tf. TAE Subscriber, being about to go west, of fers for sale at a great bargain to the pur chaser, tho following property, to wit : One hurt dred acres of land, situate about 4 miles South west of,Westneldjtoro, on Potter Brook Bead-- seventy-five acres improved, the balance good hemlock and bard timber, with good sugar bush, good apple •orol3ard, good frame barn:and log ouse thereon. The farm is well adapted to frying purposes, having a plenty of living wit. tr on all parts. For terms, call on the suburb. er on the premises, or address him at Westfield, ibga Co„ Pa. - Oct. 7, ISOB. TirILMEE. EMBRIL f HEAR YE ! HEAR YE! -HEpt YE BARRELS, FIRRrINS, CHURNS, BUTTER TUBS, 4/..C., Kept c onstantly on hand, and furnished to or. dor, by W. T. IVI.ATHERS, at his new store, 2d door above Roy's Building, Wellsboro. (June ;10, 1868.) A, J. THOMPSON, ' (MANSFIELD ra] lILACKBMITIT, hai two fires, and le prepared to do nit hinds of (nit in his line with prompt. nest, and in a worhtuantilte manner. Hammel at excellence in his trade. Mathifletii Juno 3, iR33-Iy. _ A. GOOD span of young horsos, trtto and kind lnquiro at E. H. EI:I4ELVIT WHOLESALE AND ROTA IL DEALER IN Flour, Feed and Meal, xy c tit eI d, Tioga Co; Pa. Nov 11, H OOP SKIRTS, at New Yo: k. alwayo on hand Agent for all first-olass Stoves, WM. ROBERTS. Farm for . Sale 1 [ For Sale. ROY'S DRUG STORE. , Do LAN° A CO'S,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers