poi;srq. TO6f3LE "BP cd4, The - taiadora gray, and uiattipty,. I.hear thrgetep - .ovening, song lint I havo barna with toil and wron g •: f3o-long, ea long! _ Aim dreamg ray droymy,Oenees drown— darling, ilisa.my eyalidg down r • ° Etq BOA bilef wpring'Avoiatyrfolett I,y, siipmer i i ended frtiitfeasli , ; . ..tledrned . to wait, 11eiiined yon; lo' e—'on; happy fate So Into, go Into! Sciw wro tAiriktitg :brown, 80, airing, 41.4 - in.*4i)tds down Oh, blessed sleep t.oh perfect rett,! Thuit pilloried on Your faithful breast .„ Nor life nor death is wholly dour, 0; tender heart. since you are here, „So dear, so, dear • Sweotlove, Any souls aulhoieut crown! 2 nit., darling, ruy eyelids down ! . Fqr tho Agitutor.] Pond-Net -Fishing 'MIN:, I Wills staying in Manitowoc P \ lttelr of abbut five thousand Inhabi tafits,) located .in the northern part or Wisedrisiu, - on the shore of Lake MI ehl-- &van, I was invited one evening with several others, to accompany 4oine fish ermen to 4101113 h-beta south - of the vil lage. I bad heard and read much- of these nets, but had never seen one In operation: -Alio ,aceepted7the proposal to he ready Itti four o'clock tile nest morning, gladly ;_and_for the benefit of those who know_ as little of the _busi ness as I.,did i I will relate- what we saw. _At 4:20, the boat was headed for the Lake, and the long, measured stroke of the strong fishermen sent it rapidly for ward. The hod is headed South, and _we= Meet the cool refreshing air of the Lake. ,The blue water foams on either tildeof the bow.,.and gurgles under the stern. 'The sun is nut yet up, but pres ently a little something glitters in the Wiroliserri737-I,he down rcrbed pages -of Atte morning . as they uulack.the gates of day.' r was charm; ed with the beauty of the scene, and my thoughts - -arose witlY:roverence to Him, who , planned the' whole of Na ture without copy, and drew from its exhapatiess store,: - all 'the myriad varieties with which ourEiiilli is teen lug.' In a few minutes we reached chi nets:\ -Theseore,cone t rueted as lot lows Polo from 23 to 40 feet in length', cur respohding M the' depth of water, ore sharpened and driven do .vir in the bot tom, suffielently„ to :hold thein firat, commencing where the water is .about 6 feet beep, and setting one every 60 feet out into the Lake, until a depth _of 25 feet or hitore3.4 leached.: . Here - poles are driven down to form the outline of a held 150 feet on each. side, the large end thivard the shore. Then, still furth •er out more poles are driven, .forming circle about 2 'feet in :diameter. This is called the '• pet," very, appropriately,. as I will' sirow.7The. - poles being all driven, nets are Stretched on the poles ilrst.named from near the shore ,out to the heart, and 'from the Lake bottom two feet above water, also around the %," heart ' The " pot" is similar to an `lmmense dip-net. ~Now, the, principle involved is as follows:.The fish are feeding along the shore, say at_a depth of ten, feet. T,hey meet an obstruction, and turn toward's deep water to, go around it r 'an action which instinct, al ways prompt them to follow. Then being a large Opening . which gradually grows smaller, they are unconsciously guided - inte the heart, to escape from whieh they must go towards the shore through a small opening, which they are not likely to do. The small end of the heart ends in a sort of tunnel— leading into the pot, the mouth of which is some Bx2o feet, and the small end 2x6. They might escape beT going into the little . end of the tunnel, but they don't know enough, Morning brings the fishermen with their boat,' capable of carrying 4 twenty barrels of iinh. They close th mouth at' the Itw itel, then commence, to haul -up ono Side of the net, which ketnitaidly contracts the space occuptedl by the fish, until nnally, they aro lirotight to the surface. One of the men takes a little scoop net, not as ;erg.? as a bushel basket, with a handle about, five feet long, and dips in to the wriggling mess, Inking up now two, now live, or even more, and throws them into the bottom of the boat. It took about ten minutes to dip up five barrels. They were mostly white fish, with their large bodies and small heads ; but here and there could be seen the trout, with his sleek, speck led sides and shapely form. We start ed fpr home with a toad worth at least S4O. Individually we had a new experi ence, and when we returned, had ,a good appetite for breakfast, which waap-, peased half an hour later on the )best piece of white fish we ever tasted. A pound net, I' wasVinformed, costs from 5600 to $BOO, and they sometimes prove very piotitable. E. A. E. A ROMANCE OF Lif.E.—The Fairfield Ledger, contains a romance w hie(' we condense Years -ago a Pennsylva nia farmer loved a charining,young girl from his own village. Time passed on. Farmer occasionally got tight, or iii other words, started a brickyard in his hat: Wife objected ; farmer became angry, stabbed his wife with a butcher, knife. Wife fell swooning to the floor.' Farmer, leaves precipitately for the West. Wife recovers. After five years, marries again. Husband dies in a year. She -leaves-for the West. Arrives at Fairview. stops at; a boarding-house; rneete. her former husband ; years have passed ; she does not recognize hlin, and be•knows her not. He loves her, proposes. She accepts, they marry.--7r Nor twenty-four hours after the 'cere mony wife disrobes; au ugly scar is visible; . husband sees this scar-,-is ut terly amazed. Truth dawns upon them - 1 -it is the long-lost husband, once an assassin, now a sober,. wealthy mer chant of Fairview. Everything Is love ly, and 'all's Well that eOds-well.' n England no man thinks of black. ing his own boots,' said a haughty Briton once to Mr. Lincoln, whom he found polishing bis ealf-skin gaiters. ' Whose boots does he black ?' quietly resp,omked Abe, as he spat on the brush. ' Pa,' said Charlie to his paternal an cestit, bolding a 13Unday school picture hook - . What's that?' That, my son, is Jacob wrestling with_the angel.'— ' And which licked?' inquired . the young hopeful. At a public sale of books - , Drew's Essay on Souls 3 was knocked down to a shoemaker, to the great amusement of the crowded room, asked the auc tioneer if he had any more shoemakers to sell. A Parisian beggar accosted a gentle man with—" I am poor, monsieur, but lam religious. I want but one of the saving virtues; .I have Faith; I have Hope; it remains with you to give me Charity." • The Kennebec( Journal thinks it la "a great wormier how people who say they are to poor to dregs their children fit to attend school, cad support a lazy and useless dog and use fifty cents worth of tobacco a week."- A young lady being asked by a femi nine - ae9naintance whether she had auy original poetry in her album, re plied: •"No ; but some of my -friends baveSavored cue - wah some -original spelling./ A well known French actress, more celebrated for her inconstancy in love than anything else, used to say her per- WilB merely owing to her ill luck, ' I neVer 7 got attached to any eine but that ram Introduced to some oile that lately like better. • " • pe tufzi t p 4 is ullarity of winter in this la* , hat tho rain Is usually snow. mmLL,sifiom) . ,li.eADEmpe= : W. A. STONE, Principal, Miss S. D. ROUSE, Precoptrese, 1 MRS. A. D. EASTMAN, "reachor of Musio. CALENDAR FOR 1808,9 Winter terra oommettees Nov. 20, cloaca 'February 26. SErtng term con:monger March Ist, arid•elnects,J uni 4, —J P.IPENSES PER !PERU Primary Department-1. • ea,oo Common English, e0.,00 Meter English $7,00 Lang;tutges rtnd , lligher,Mathemattcs," • • V 3,60 _ '-Daitruinetital Music - Drawing 8.3,00 Each Term to continue fourteen weeks. Dills duo, ono half first day of term, remainder at middle ofterm. 1 , 10 deduction made in tuition except for sickness ,Nonebut Robinson's Mathematics aro UAW. fitlldeptil on chtering Are requested' to tiegiater their nitmes to gether With the studios they wish to pursue, and pay ono-half of their tuition. Board procured at reasoaablO rates In ilia village Ey order of thellloalti of TiII;STLI , Wellabor°, Nov. 4,1805. 11 7 . - ttLSB OR 0 BA= (BR P. HE SUBSCRIDERkhaving eolaaahed him- Tielf in the BAKING .BUSINEEI hi this village, next .loor to E. R. Kimball's Grocery, is now prephred to oary on the business in eli its, various branches. I will keep eon. stonily on hand an assortment of Bread, such as LOAN BREAD; BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, B ROW N - -BREAD, WATER - ' CRACKERS, BUCIAR CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, - PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hours of the day, Sundays el'eopted. 13y strict attention to business shall endeavor to niorit the public patronage. CHAS. STEVENS. Wollsboro, Juno. 24;: 1868. NEW HARDWARE STORE 1 CONYERS & OSGOOD TN addition to their old - husintlielti Dry Go,ocb, Groceries:;ke., hoe eitabliatied a STOVE, TIN, AND' GENERAL HAW •' WARE STORE, two floors below the old stand; Is here they man ufaoturo -- , - - TIN..WARE HUMANITY PRINCIPLE, that is, itt the moat eubitantlal manner. ' In the matter of ' SPTOV - P.S, we have enough to d all the cooking and warm ing in Ilioga County. In fact, we 'have "etPros enough to MAKE A BUMMER in WAL.RUSSIA We are the only agenti for the sale of the MUM COOK STOVE o Wellaboro; ani4late Stove fa the AUTOCRAT - OF- STOVES Wo keep all kinds of Hardware, Iron, Nails, Steel, Horse Shoes, and a complete variety of SHELF I ARDWARE If you don't bailey° it DROP?:.Y. ONVEItS OSGOOD Wellattiro, Sept 4, 8137, ly. stoves Stoves .AND HARDWARE! VER. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to LTA. announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his eellent stook of Stoves, t'in-Ware, Brittaula, andSheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a great outlay, stktid his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a t. withtteomplete alsortment of Shelf llardw io, of which wo enumerate the following articles t s• NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP BINGES, ‘• CARPENTER'S TOOLS, •_ PUMPS, AXES - AUGERS, MiTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, _ BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, fr, BAND IRON. GRINDSTONE HANGINGS. CORN . POPPERS, • SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT HARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for nee. Thine are but a few of the many articles composing our stook. of Hardware. We invite thci public ta call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beet quality of goods in our line,; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERT& Welleboro,Pept,. 1,18607 U. Hero 'Fruit Jar. 500 GROSS of the HERO FRUIT JAR for eale by W. D. TERBELL & CO., Corning, N o T, . We are prepared to fill orders for the Hero Fruit Jar :as low as they can be bought any_ anywhere, and !hipped from Corning. We can give special rates on large quantities. It is the hoist and most salable Jar in the market. Got quotations from us before ordering elsewhere. March 18, 1868.-6 m • .WASHING MACHINE. TAS. M. WILKINSON, of Charleston, having tt purchased the right to make and vend the 11. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice thht the machines nit!: being made at Van horn's Cabinet Factory, Wellaboro, where they may, be proctired. The best, cheapest, and most sensible machine Over invented. June 24,1888—tf. • < _ 20013 usti Titliotby" EteoT. — 10 0 - 13 u iambi Clover obol cost kinds WRIGHT dk 4,4141%, oir Inn lair ,itiksauce,AfreneY• iirirOMING INSURANCE CO., NVILKE&BARRE, PA. R. 0. BUITII, Seey. W. S. Ross, Pres. W. T. READ, Gen'l.49't. L. D•6nommesze, V. P. CAPITAL" AND-SURPLUS.; $150,000.' MIIIS 13 tho ei»npaby . I'..r 'l'hoodoro Ilatdold Was lately ° A ttu, a(,4 uuticy hold ora cyhtt svl3l . i to ones". their•lnsurante 1170 ra rynoeted to apply to tht , satrrrilier. Girard Fire Tusuranee Co.; P.IIILApF;LE!IIIA J. B. ALVoRD, 'CuoILAS CRAVEN, tadfia. Sacratary. A. S. GILLETT, V. " Capital $200p12100, -- All pahl•kiii:iti Jlft.ll, Surplus Over $160,000 Continental Ins. Company, Or 711 E CM or NEW Yulit, Cash Capital, 5500,000,00' Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1868; 1,314,590,81 Cash Assets, do 3,814,590,81 tF.d'Polleies written at this office. GEORGE T. ROPE, Premident. 11. IT. LAMPORT, Vieo Preaidobt, CYRUS PECK, Secretary, ' The subscriber takes this method of informing the public that he bus the agency of the above Companies, and will be found at his office over Roy!ta Drug Storr.:adjoining Agitator Office. JllO. I. MITCHELL, Wollsboro,, Pa., Pub. 20, 1.4138—tf, COUNTRY MERCHANTS Dairymen, Farmers and Others. Co:iszuzi YOIL'h ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER /CHEESE,--EGOS ; FLOUR AND MEAL,-,FLAX, COTTON, • s t FURS AND SKINS, .DATED AND.GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, , NAVAL STORES, HOPS, 2'OINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, ---- OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SEEDS, TOBACCO, SORGHUM MOLASSES, &C., JOSIAH CARPENTER, Genpral ,Copinission.illerc.hant, 442, 444 and 446 Washington St., And receive ilk weekly Pr;cc earreht. of Pro duoo and Groccrtqa the most complete I'flce Cur rent Pub - list : led in the United State". SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates dr, Ctirtis funlehed Free Liberal Advancee •nlc(de on . ConalgniA'te _ Estahllohed May let, 1880. First Class References given when Itequtred April 22, 1868.-0 y. • A. W. 'AYERS H Mar.49II•IICOLE, Ent:LC,X3P s Ia the only place thin lido of New York City whore you will find of,netantly on nand, a good neeortment of GRANITE MONUMENTS, • - . cut at the celebrated Qyiney and -Concord guar. ries, abiped direct to his order; also a tine as sortment of 3larble and Slate Mantles, Coal Grates, Marble Shelves, Brackets, Al, as cheap as can be bought in the State. All orders will receive rny.personal attention. Shop and wars rooms on water street, a few doors b!elow Ayers Jewelry Store, -Elmira, N. N. July 20, 1863-Bm. ' A. WJAYERS., Farm for Sale TIIE undersigned offers for Salo on reason. able terms,a valuable farm, situated in Chat. hum Township, Tioga County Pu.,.on the direct road from Knoxville to Keeneyville, six miles from the former places, containing 150 nerth!,lls acres improved, A good frame l house; large hay barn and shad, and a good hoiie- barn, also two good apple-orchards. well watered and well adapted to dairying. - AnyThne Atiettitig-a farm and pleasant home will do well to - apply to B. VANDUSEN. Sept. 2, 1868-tf. —. gulag a family washing it, and cheapest Manner. Guaranteed equal to nay in the world 1 Has all the' strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering'qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. , sept 2;'68-Iy. - Dr. C. Thompson. • - [wat,t.anots6von PA.J .• - W.lll attend to PrOksafohaVonlie in tat' 'village, '..and immediate fleinitj , of WelMoro. ' Mee and Residehee . on State St. 2d door on the right going East. ' • (June. 24, 1868. Important Facts. QINCE Sa'halter now . boing • used in. thous. 10 ands of fanillies the following facts are portant to he knowtl. FlRST—Though it la the most powerful of all popular remedies, yet it Is so compounded, as-to belief° and harmless. It is of such a nature that it may be handled and used by children, and persons who are ignorant of Medicines. BECOND—Itis found that Salatifer will relieve severe pain in any part of the body sooner than any other application. Tntui)--Itt fs3mportont that toe bo~tlo be well corked, if left open - only a few min. tea it lose* strength. - • Fooarn-;-This useful remedy con 4) obtained from almost every dealer in medjoin • ATTENTION FARMERS! SPITING has come, and those desiring fall barns can have thorn by haying . 31Folost e ester at the 3,1111 of L Champney IC CO., which we are selling at $8 per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— All kinds of Produce takon in exchange for Plaster. Givens a call. I. CIIAMPNEY At. CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March' 28, 1868-Cm° YES 1 YES! • YES! Plt. WiLLIAMS & CO., have got the best, . largest and cheapest stock of Drugs, med. ietnes;Patehi Medicines, Paints, Bib, Dye Sttitl; Brushes; Varnishes, Glass,Putty; Yankee No tions, Perfumery, -Toilot S oap, Fishing Tackle, &431, &0., - ever brought into this county. They will positively sell everything in their line cheap: or than can be bought elsewhere. They bought their goods in huge quantities and for nett cash, and lan and will sell cheaper than any other es tablishment in - thls, county. Call and;examine stock and prices.. P. 11. WILLIAM.S.I CO. Mny 9, 3868. No. 3, Union Block. :Brick for Sale. 1 2 5 .. 0001 0 0, 0 y D ar BR v lClf te fo t r bo ßale a s t . loy,iVelleboro, PREP. ' eopt. 18,1888-Bm.'• • 100,000 Pounds of Wool ,rriliE subscribers will pay Cash, Cassimeres s Flannels, tto., &0., for Wool.— 'They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to suit enbtotnera. All work 'primal:qua pa rep resented.. They invite, particular attention= to • their 'Water Proof 19b1011 are warranted hi every redpect. Pardon lar attention given to • - ROLTAARDING 83 CLOTILDRESSING. Twenty years experience in %lite business war rants them, in expecting ,a generous . patronage No shoddy cloths tulade DeLano & Co., at WeDebora; are agents for ho eale of our Clothe-. JOSEPH IN4fI&M & BONS Deerfield, Mayl3, 1868-a. .... SAVINGS BANK. GROCERY, AND PROVISION' STORE /AID saying that 11_panny' saved ,18_ aptinny 000; jciltifiei 7 ,GAßDlTEE:ln naming his estiVlishment a Savings Bank. Economy is 'Wealth, said somo - old chap whose name I have forgotten; and it is economy to trade where the SLAUGHTER of high - priee'ri Veln Proseanteiyith vigor rind Yr ' thout repriev - can sell ngtirri, Teae, Mo lasses, Fish, Pork, Flour, Corn Meal, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Spioes, an everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE fall of the markets, an adl;antage duly' appre ciated by everybody,excepting only those verdant ' INNOCENTS who prel}:sr PROMISING TO PAY one hun dred per cent, prpfltalcir Itta. fie4ero to P 4 TING twenty-five' per cent.' Wish on delitie6 of the goods. I shall offer my stock of goods at fair pilaw; AND EVERY SATURDAY, and fill up as fast as I roll out, Nov is Your Time to Buy! HAVING more goods than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entiro stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE," - AND FAN CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. L 3. ciocau ut...... ......,. Gothic " " ....3,08. Cottage " " • 1,70. American Watches i Silver ' utiog Casocat $l9. Finer Movemen , ,inh)t I r Cases, at aor respondinglylow pri, Nut. d W ro et Man ufacturers' prieea. THIS IS NO -1101..1 ; 11 : . A VER ITABLE . A L 1 Call and see for yryiro • Wellsboro, Aprit 2 , 1.. OLii.Y. Stoves 4 ( - syq..t; ‘kr/a/tre , /. Good people all, botl great and spell —if yon want to keep / you must have / enough toe •t, dry woos, a good wife, well-behavedo)/ildren, and to prown all, a TIP. TOP 111101UNG STOVE! MEl=l= Thislast:and crowning good, I have at my Tin •and Stove ostabllshment, opposite Roy!s ; Block, Wellsboio, and its name Is the on;s11 hands admitted to be equal to any In the world. . _ -.— • promptly, and warranted to give aatigaotion. executed In the best manner and with dispatch „ Am 9 ” the tuiefitt PinPr Oi Oxembrol(the day, there are few._ thatrgive •• more z promise of good, few so well adapted to'relieve human .of fering, few so well approved by the public as that new , andpowerfulremedrealled Saintlier Or as the Gera an..p.eoplo call* Ilealthbringer)..." It gives ease and. comfOrt to thepoor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and brings speedy relief to that large class of diseases _ that are oftetrdurodo/1 fliwaye b nglltod by an. Ont. ward application.' " I ;'' -For sale by all Ditiggists. Wholeiale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND & SW GER, No 511Courtlandt - St. New York. TO .LAWYERS—. BANICRI I IPTOY in full !efts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. FOR. SALE' CHEAP. , 1 elegant new operi ,4uggy ? I aeaond hand open buggy. 1 . siootid hand top' buggy.- 1 aulkey. I two horse lunber wagon. W RIGHT pAILEX; —•• • • - - - TOB-WORK, IN,, THE BEST STYLE, • and dwith deepateh,st THE AGITATOR 00100. AMPS.—A new kind oliampfot Karma° jj no breakage of ohlmtioya-at • -ItOtErS: H OOP SEIR,TI3, at Wanted. =8 ClikOZEZDaltZo OTHERWISE ARBNER'S itu:sm EVERY , MONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY, 'EVERT-WEDNESDAY, EVERY , THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, Wellaboro, June 12, 1867 FOR THE MILLION. PEACE.IN HOME COMPANION ; TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, REPAIRING CALL AND SEE ME. D. P. ROBERTO Wellehorough, Nor. 21,1887. rubliel-11A4meldt. ;.)1X0 ... - I P. - 'ILIVILLIAM'S &AO:. DRUGS, MEDIOINES;, PATENT MED ICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN DOW GLASS, & PITTTY, Have oome clown to Old Prices at last. WE do not hesitate to say that me have the Largest Stook of PURE ENGDIS r Ef DRUGS PIMP MEDICINHS, FANCY ARTICLES, =TOILET SOAP, OLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, EVER B4'OUOHT INTO TEM MARKET PAINTS, OILS, GLASS PUTTY, Pure White Lead, Pure White Zino, Linseed lioacit - TandelNi :Funk a V.attlieb, Yd. Vgaitian,. :ChearrecTel low, 'Chroidea tireen,• Praiehin Bine, Patent Dryer, Laoker, Japan, Opanitis,Whiting, raris /X alaomine, Resin; Tnr, Log. Wood. Fmitio....Bratil Wood, Cam- . world, Itedtriiod.-..Potis,ib, Patty-, Aloo- , oohol, Benzoic,' Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and Vgraisir.Bruslios; L. A. GARDNER EmPEitiliD .*.M, 101: 1 1,01:1YES; , „ P , ERFU I OO-0 Y, WINES At, LIQUORS, 0,,c, RIM Ws hays also thitaigesi'Beditra find' as Which we will 5011'25 per cent..ohbaper than any other istabilibinent In the -county.--in short, wo have every thing over kept in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for you to call and ezatalne our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. AU goodi warranted‘or no pale. P. R. Wrixiento,- P. R WILLIAMS Co J. L. Wmmama, J . No. 8 Union Stook, Wellsboro, June-26,•1867. To the So'diet% of Tioga County. - 17 -OUR attention le reeitietfully called to the I,_follosvingAßAct•of Assembir•passed at the hat session _of the _Legielature r and , to-the facili ties afforded , by virtue ef , that act, of preierving the evidence of our servioe'as Boldiere in the war etra- ay, proolot-ro.41.••• 41.50 Unto.. Be it enacted by the • Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, and it is here by enacted by the authority of the same : That the Recorders of Deeds of the several Counties of this Commonwealth are hereby authorised and required to record all final discharges of Com missioned and non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, upon application being made to them by the holders'of the same, for which the Recor der shall be allowed the usual foe fqr reoording ; and that the recording of the same shall not ho subject tbe , payment of the State tax. JNO. W. GEAR?, Governor. Wellsboro, Pa., July 18, 1888-3 m - D. L._,DXANE, Itodorder, Thiga Co. Paint for Farmers and - Others. T"ORAPTON MINERAL. PAINT CO. are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will lest 10 yr lb veers; it is o! a light brown or beautiful hoeolate color, and can be changed to green, end, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste )1 the consumer. It is valuable for Houses 041,Frlage. and_Car.rgekers, path: nd -: Agricultural iMPhsmente, ganal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and Shingle Boors, (it being Fire and Water-proofs4 . Ploor Oil Olothr4, (one ntanufead tarot havink vSed' 5,00 Ws: the past 'ear,) and and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness.— Price $0 per barrel•of-190 lbs., which will supply a, farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a oiroular which gives full particulars. , None genuine- unless.brauded in a trade Mark', (hearten Mineral Paint. L Pet , sons can orde the Paint and remit the money on receipt of the goods. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, June 3, 1868-em 2b4 Pearl St, New York. ILCASE, AGENT FOR HARDING'S EDITIONS OF FAMILY, PULPIT, do PHOTO- 044 PR BIBLES. Wholesale Dealers will find the list to embra. • the largest assortment of Bibles in the country . The publisher has no hesitapon in pronoun*: ing them more' saleible thin- any . pibles • publish ed. The various editions , the vari ous soli of binding lid idles of typo, varying in • price front $2 to $BO, for. gamily ,Bible, large quarto she. 11AltD1 . N - O'S PATEN' 'CIN-BA.CII PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, The taperiority'of "Ilardfai's Patent Flexible Obain-Baek Album," over all, other. heretofore niatittfietured, wlf r epOtt,tbe:elighteat examina tion; be apparent to all,. • Purchasers are Assured that the above books uri all of4the best Philadelphia manufacture. E. B. CASE, Troy, Pa.- Jan. 8,1888.73 m. Wellsboro Meat - Market ! Bra; ,Poilic I - .lslrWonfi": - T HE subscriber opened a Meat Market In .the , building latel,y occupied by Dr. Webb, on Crafton.streef, Monday morning, Feb. 17, where he will keep a fall-assortment of FRESH MEATS , Haiti avid. Shoulders., - If thipsople will give me encouragement I will keep up a good Market. Feb.19,11888-8M A. J. TIPPLE. •• - Seeks !- &ales ! Scales I. T" Bitffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary sizes, for heavy, and, counter use, may be found at the Hardware' Store of Wm. Roberts, Wellsbore. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat ent and have no superior .anywhere. They , are made in the best style and have talon the premi um at all the great exhibitions. . • I have the sajo agency for these Scales in this region'. WIT 4 LIAISI ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Feb. 12,1118/31' QAOKINO for hope; boat - quality 25 out peryard, at Dr LANO k COT. • Oot. 12. DFITOR'BI ABDOMINAL SUPPORT BRS, for sale at Roy's, Drug Store. • ; • -CUBS PAID 'POR WOOL, by 1,) Jun, 17,188 L , SOBEItT.D• N 144 All I To. BUY_ i f M OUR BUSINESS I WE •iti bay at the highest market price, the following articles. SHERD DIU?,It' ILT DEACON SKINS, SKINS; FURS, HIDES, D VEAL SKINS, for *blob sto We *lll um tantto4.o.AlN Isis nett .st..fa to REPArftt M pay cash. at/feelers to order, Broach or home in the beat mall hr. tit.* and pay especial attendee, !TO; • , ALSO, We have a first-rate stock of )„. Iv) REAIIY-M. pi , WORK, . . ri oik *. _ . wet p , a ilia not b an mold, and from this auto we shall make it a poi it to keep up the hest stook of LADIES GAITERS; to be found in the county, which we will sill at a lower profit than such attioles have ; ever hien offered in this region. .1 We shall likewise keep up a good inaintinent of 1 - LADIES' BALMORALS, LEiTHER BooTgEs,, ,011ILDREN'S 1 AND MISSES WORK op VA!. lUOUS STYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEATHER 4.. FINDINGS oan lie bought of ni ns chea p 1• wheio this old& of New YOrk; and i 6 obeli keep a full stook of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH RIP, UP PER, BINDING. 'Our stook Id PRO4NAiLS, THREAD, AWLS, 'RASPS,. GLOVBRS!- NEEDLES; LASTS, TREE', ORf If PS; :444....3110EMA1LR1PS TOOLS ,and FINDINGS, silll,A, : found, the' tar. 'gag in the county, 9nd we sell for malt profits. We talk businoss and NTO , Moan busincss. We ,havethlsstigion lOng enough to be well - ktiown.-4otithoiel.whO 'know us try us. COrner ,of gainf4tidgranon• atreett, tippets Wm. "ft'ob- ortafHardware Store, • . C. W. SEARS, ;•• •r GEO. 0. DERBY. 4Prt4 4 ,. 1 §67-tr, • - 1868. WBIIIiT & BAILEY. 1868. ocanmenee this year with an arolualvely CA3II business. - CASH - :PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR. OATS 1 CASH T .A.ID FOR CORN I CASH FOR EVERYTHING I I . A LARGE• :STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 ' A L'AROE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASH ! Call and eoe us. WRIGIIT dc BAILEY Wellsboro, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy. All persona Indebted to us by note or book account moot call and sottici of pay costs. • . Jan. 3, 1868. WRIGHT &._ BAILEY. WELLSI - S)R9 MAC:I TUE cahcarfoera 144 Yl9l pripilATil 4 additional machinery are now ready to furnish to order all forte of CASTINGS, SLICE! ♦9 PLOWS, 113 TIV A TOR S, FIELD R 0 L . 14 E 4 MILL GEARING, SLEIGH SHOES, _W o=o0 = 0 D - SAWING MACHINES, &0., &c., &c. Wo have also a WOODWORTH PLANER for =stout and job work, We ore also 'prepared to do SLITTING & SCROLL , SAWING to order. Having a thwt-elaai mew-cutting Lathe, we 'aro prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order, Builders of Cheese Paotories are re quested to examine our work. - We manufacture the Clumploft Plow, one of the finest implements' in the market. Cash paid for OLD IRON.. CHARLES WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. Wellaboro;,May 15,1867—tf. Grocery and Provision Store, • CORNING, N. Y. 47. Ste. ISSIMACA, WROLESApE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kin& of GROOMS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, EGREIGN & 'DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIID FRUITS, CANNED FPUITS AND VEGE:ABLE;S, WOOD & WILLO WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &a , Lo. A full and completu assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on band. Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will And it to their In torost to olamiroolls Stook 'before . buying. Corning,ll; T., Marah li, 3888 THE largest assoriiiint cif-Vistettes, Clocks Jewelry ttn& Plata Wire itt: Vega county at :.[19111•1541] ,1-101,21Vka WHOLESALE DRUG STOR4. TIIADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRACTS, 'OUNDILY AND SHOP. CORNING; N., N.Y. FIII,UOS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS,. PATENT MEDICINES, ROM ' ESTER PERFUMERY • AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIIIIE AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL Sold at Wholesale Penna. Buyers arc requested to call and get quotations efoic going further 1 W. D. TE BELL s& CO. Corning. Jan. 1,1 88--1 y Eaat, - - 1868. FOR SALE. 1868. • BY B. C. WICKHAM, A T NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR A NAMENTAL TREES, IN, TIOGA 60100.0 10,0001 Pear Tsre: . : g4iod supply of FIAUM, PEAOR,,C.OERRY, and ORNAMENTAL 'TREES .fr, SHRURBERY. The Fruit trees :are composed 'of . the i choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them ergo and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a l supply will do Well' to 'call and see my stock . before pur ehasing elsewhere. jar. Delivered at.:,ihe depot free of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28, 1888-Iy* To Owners of Horses and Cattle. TOMAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE warranted superior to any others, or no pay, for the cure - ,of Distertrptiri .Worms, - Dots, Coughs, Bide bound. Colds, Horses;, and Colds, Coughs, Lei:. of Milk,' Black Tongtte;FlOrn . Distemper, &c., -in C t• tie.. They are petfectly.safo and Innocent; no need f stopping the working ofyour animate. They increaie the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach air nrlnaryorgans also increase tho milk of cows. T y them, and 7yon• will never be Without them. fliram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, his used them Tor :years, and 'recommends them to his friends. Col:14)11o. P. Bush,' of the Jerome Race Course, Fordhatxt,N, Y., would not use them until he was told of what they are compbied, since which lie is never without them. He has over twenty running horses In his charge, and for the last three years has used no other medicine for them, Hel has kindly per mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. lklee (25 cents per box. Depot, 66 Cortlandt Btreet,'New York.. .[Feb. 191 The AmeriCan Cooking Stoic.. AFTER 'twenty years experience in the man ufacture 'of stoves, we became convinced. some six. years since, that a vast amount of money was being expended by the people of this oountry. in buying cheap and worthless stoves, a large portion of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying tho best stoves that could be made, notwithstanding the price was higher. With this view. we proceeded to construct the Ainerioan Cooking Stove, and spared no pains or expense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could be made. And we have experimented with it, and carefully watched its operation for the last six year's, and when an improvement suggested itself, we have at once adopted It, and wo have several of those improvements secured by letters patent, In this manner we do not hesitate to say, we have brought it to a higher state of perfection than has,heretofore been attained in cooking stoves. The recent improvements in this stove has added largCly to its 'convenience and effective ness. 'ln all the varieties of stoves we manu facture, we stud); usefolness, durability, conver nienoe and economy in operation, rather than cheapness in price, and in so doing we are satis fied we study the interest of those purchasing our stoves. SHEAR, PACKARD,. lc CO., Albany, N. Y. For sale by CONVERSE & OSGOOD, Wells boro, Pa. May 13, 1868. To the Farmers of Tioga County ir AM now building at my manufactory, In Lawrence I. villa. a superior FANNING MILL, whioh poems*, the following advantages over all other mills: 1. It separates oats, rat litter, and foul seeds, and chess and cockle; from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and a other 'wade, perfectly. 8, It cleans tlmothY seed. 4. It does all other ssparoting required of a mill. This mill is built of the best and moat durable tim tsar, in good style, and is sold cheap for calh, or pro duce. • I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wbset,to other mills, on reasonable terms; MATHER, Lawrenoeville,Ootober 10, IBB6—tf UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA. FACULTY: MIL/AS 11012,T0N, Principal: M. MA W. HORTON, Preceptresa. ' Mtas MIRA HORTON, Assistant. Mtn AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. • OALENDATCFOR 1867—;43. Fall Term commences Sept. 3d, Winter Term Nov 20th, Spring Term,Feb; Mitb,:ll3oB. EXPENSES PER TERM Primary Department Common English Higher English Languages and Higher Mathematics.,. Instrumental Music, extra Vocal Music, extra-.-- Drawing, extra Room Rent Board per iteek— , Knoxville, August 14, 1807-tf. AGENTS WANTED FOR TBB OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. By LION. ALEXANDER 11. STEVENS A Book for all Sections and all Parties. This great waif presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the causes of the War yet published, and gives ttose interior lights and shadows of the great co flict only known' to those high officers who wtitehed the flood-tide of revolution fromits founthin springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his po sition as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, wo promise a change of fare, both agreeable and sal utary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The great American war has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its importance, end at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urgently dcmaod. The intense desire every where maniteited to obtain this work, its Official character and ready sale,iciombined with an 'increased commission make it the best subscription book over pub!. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 eubscri ben iu 8 days. Ono in Boston, Mass., 108 sub scribers in 4 days. Ono in Memphis, Tenn. 108. subscribers in 5 days. Send for Circulars and rye our terms, and a full description of the work,' with Press notices ofadvance sheets, As. Address NATIONAL PUBLISDING CO. 28 South Seventh-St. Philadelphia, Pa. . /day 27,188t4t. LIAX4: tretA veL. ERIE RAILWAY .. On and after Monday, Nov. 22,4 t -lbY.b, true.. % 4 1, liniveCimiingAt about the followingLuurr "wskrw.vark powsD 6:21n ut Night laxpress, Sundays excepted, fel Duna.,, Oxtantanca,autt .Dunkirk, Oinking direct ceufiecti,,,, with trains of tho Atlantic h Great Wesel dloare,ada GrandTrunklial)ways,lorali points 11"ci 6:42 A. nt.„Night Fix,proas,Daily,for Buffalo,italania ~ Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above.. tn., Night Exprees,Stindaye excepted, tot 1., , ester and Buffalo, via l kron. 10:09 a .n1,31:111 Train,Sundos excepted. for Do ?halo and Dunkirk. 1:46 o:.,m.Baltlmdre Express, Sundays excepted. kr Rochester and Buffalo,rla Avon, p.ln., Day Exprose,Eundays egcepted for Buns!, Balatuanca, Dunkirk awl .the West, couttectiq st at Ralannusen; with the Atlantic i , nd Orea t Wekitti, at- & Dunkirk it'll Buffalothy 14kt. Hallway, for all points west - and °nth. T;46 p tuy Expragculala3 it oCh 12:35 a. n Slail-Santla) , l , xceptd.lut Liu! lo,Salamauca,and Dunklrk,conueoting with trains for the West. 1 . 30 p m Wei , ' Freight, tit:adapt pxoopted b:4O p. ni., Emigrant t rat tip Daily, for the West. ---- : EASTWARD nous . 12:43 a. tn., 1S lest Express, Dully slontiays us.Q494 t l Connecting uc ElndraifOr 111111 a evict, 'U1 . 4131,11: q, • and the t , t.mith, and ei New York with aftaran u a traluo and a toarnura C9r Boston and New EnFlaitd Cities, • i , d:46 a . ta .. Cincinnati Rtip. 3lundaye except,: 1.,,,• K at Eituira for Canandaigua, at Binghamton fur Spa • cuso; nt Great Benti,for Scranton, at it, Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight Ex plietll Trainor Now Jersey Railroad foil phlittelelphlaillnltl- MOM and Washington.- • - - , q• ' . 11:02 a. in., Day Expretri,Sundnya nepted,conbacting at Waverly for Towanda; nt Binghamton for 'Syra , cost; at Great" Bond for Dm : Anton, at Lackou oxen tot Honesdale; nt Middletown tot Unionville, and et Jersey City. with midnight expreas train for _Nee, Jersey lint Itoad,P)r Philadelphia 10.30 a m Accommodation -Train daily, COllliectiug at Owego for Itheca '. - . 2:201). m.,Baltimore-Expresa,Stindaya excepted. 4:35 p. m., New York and Baltimort , Mall. Staldayn ex cepted, connecting at E.hntra for Canandaigua, and at Waverly for Towanda • ' 8:05 p in Lightning -EXpress Daily, connecting at El iinira- for Williamsport, Harrisburg. and the South, and at Jersey City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad - for Philadelphia, Baltimore ntni Washington , , ,• : .1-.: i -,-..,, 13:25 r. ni, Way"Frelibi,Snuilais exCeped. I .19, 1 1"*x rO 0% oil and comPl'ete - "Pockiii Time Table" of Pax:tenger Truing on the Brie kallWay and connecting Lines, has recently been‘published, and can be Immur ed ou application to,ille TiCket Agicht`of the Company w i g. R . waut i ,.. -, .. . • '- ! II , IaDDLI4, Octet Pose Agent , • 'I Sup't Blosaburg 74 --- oga R. Fc. Tsai.s will run as s follovra mat further nutlet.: doentamodationv—teatee bionilnrg at 7,16 a: m., Maas. flak) at 8,05. Tioga,at 8,41 nceville at arriving at Conking at 10,40 a. m. ,• 1. Mall—Leaves Diossburg at 2,00 Manstleld at 2;40, 'rioga at 8.18, Lawrolicevillo at 40 0—arriving! al, , Co, ning at p. ' • I Mall—Leaves Corning at 8,00 - a. to., Laiviencevilla at Tina at 9,46, Manaftold dtilo,22;.arriving nt Blossaang at 11,00 a. in. Accommodation—Leaves Corning - Et2,40 p. to , Env.% renceville at 4,00. Tlogn at, 4.66,; Mansfield at ti,2o-- arriving at Bluesburg at 0,15 p.taa„. - - „ tL.-idan-Arrucx bap _ Northern Cm:arta-MIL TRAINS FOR THE I NORTH. Trains for Canandagnia leave Elinim a e follows: Accomodation at 1 i ov n tu Express [fastest train on road) 11 45 a u, Mail • 616 p Way Freight; (parson coach a+Chedi 710 aof On and after Nov. 24 1867, trains will arrive eno depart - from Troy, as fo lows; LEAVE 'ORTHWARL 10 65 A. (except Sum] tys) for Elmira, Buffa lo, Canandaigua; Rochester, Sapp. Bridge and th- Canada.g. 9,45 P. M.—Daily (except Sunday.) for kimlre and ‘. Buffalo, vla Eric:Railway from LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 600 A. M.—Daily.(except Sundays) fat tisithnor, Washington Philadelphia, f.. 0. 905 P. M.—Daily (ozcopt Sundayt) Washington and Philadelphia. J. N. Dtr HARRY, ED. R.TOUNIJ 00101 Sup t. Ilanisturg. Geh'l Pass. As' t Baltimore, Me ' Philadolphia Br. Erie R. R. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 23d, IE6B, Trains on the Philadelphia X Erie will run as tell _a VVESTIT/111.1). 311 Train leave* Philadelphia.l " \Cllliantapott " arr. at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia " I arr. at Etle Elmira Mail loaves Philadelphia— " t " " arr. at Loalt !lawn EASTWA ID. 31011:n6u leartte Erie •' " Williazaspo EL.:. .• ‘. an at PlEiladelphla Erie Exprass leaves Erie air. at Ylilludelplial .42U p m Mall awl Express connect , velith oil Creek and Ails gtiany River Rail Rend. Baggage Checked Through . ALFRED L.ITYLER, Gen'l Sun't. At:Untie and Great:Western R• W SALAMANCA iSTATION. - I WTSViVARD BOUND. 1 1 EASTWARD Enema, Mall ....5.80 'Exptese caw Acco:ntaodation 0,35 Mnil 5.51. Express 12.19 Accoamenclutiou 11.45 Express ' 11.00 Express I. 01u At Cory there la ti Junction with the Philndelpllie Ede ' and Cil Creek Rail Ronda. At Illeadville with' the . Franklin and Oil City and Pithole Brunch. At Leavittsinargo the 'Mahonlay Branch makes a di root route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittebnigh Railroad. Tho Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Gallon, Ilarion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting-various roll. roads, and terminates at CiliCi6ll , lll L. D. RUCKER, Con. Supt., Met,dvilir, Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, lIAVING .got' his now Factory in opt:ration, is now -prepared to fill ordprs for C4inet Ware promptly and in the best style of workman skip. Ilaviogin'Oeured a WOODWORTH PLANER, he is ready to dress boards l rplank with dispatch • . SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. Ilis machines ore of the new est and most improved pott i erns. Shop corner of Pearl ii d Waln , St, WF.LLS 80110, PA., dot. 31, 1866-If. 11. T. VAN BORN. NEW GROCER At Dartt Settliiment. T HE SUBSCRIBER has ',opened a now GROCERY & PROVISION STORE At the above named plane, Where be proposes to furnish Goods in his lino cheap. 3tarket prices paid for Farm Produce, either iu cash or trade. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. ALBERT TIPPLE. Charleston. Deo. 11, 181307—tf. . . J. STIbKLIN, ' Atli . " Zr' ll " ..,.; Ctlairmaker Turner, and l ' I 1 Furniture Dealer, .0 DO 0 00 . 7 00 . 8 OD .10 00 .100 800 .280 aao SALE ROOM, opposite Dam's Wagon Shop, . Main Street. FACTORY in Sears t Hams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly)tilled and satisfaction gaarsh teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wollsboro, Jnno 12, 1367. J. STICICLIN Tioga Marble Works. TE undersigned is nowprepared to exe cute-all orders for Tomb Stones and Monti monts of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmanship and:with dispatch: Rio keep constantly on band both kinds o, Marlilo and will be able to e l uit all who may fa vor tam with their orders, op as reasonable terms as can be Übtained!ln the country. Stones discoloied with rust and, dirt cleaned and ma-do to look as good as new. PORTER WILCOX. Tioga, Nov. 1, I r , BB7—tf. I Notice. fE attention of Merchants and 'others liable to a License, is respectfully called to the act of the 11th of April 1662. Pamphlet laws,422,reg , ranting the collection andipnyment of ',legumes which aro payable at the Treasurer's Office on the Ist day of Mar in each and - every year, end by radii net, all Licenses remaining unpaid on the first day of July, the Treasurer Is required to sue and press to judgmeilt and collection, as loon as practicable thereafter, end in default thereof, to ho personally liable Those liable to a License are therefore requested to be prompt In making their payments before that date, there by avoiding any trouble to themselves and much perplekity to the Treasurer. Stine 3,186 S. 11. C. BAILEY, Treasurer. COIOE LOT OF GRAIN • BAGS - for sale cheap lat „ WRIABT.BArvErs. Wellsboro, Juno 5,1887. au 4.5 p . 815 11 m . 4.60 p 11.60 noon 6.50 p m 1000 a at 8 00 a in u.BO p m 7.45 pm .12 &L.' 11 SIU .10.00 a tu 6.26 p m . 7 C.O a In
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers