I )ME"MATTERS. .MAY, 0, MG. 0 1:11 Nbyr Advertisittmonta. Sheriff'. Soles—J. E. Potter. Groceries 4 Provisions—E. IL Hastings Caution—B. Skinner. • Notice—C. L. Siemens, Clerk. Special Notice—A. It. Eastman. - Tioga Gallery of Ar ‘ t—A. 11. Meade. Administrator's Notic e• e—J.. Eennett- mery. To Stock Keepers--aLi B Presslor Sato-4. A. Itey. Groceries, Ac.—Fisher Closing out Salc-713odint',4 Co. Applications for Licence:: \ 'Register's' Notice—D. L. bonne. Assignee :s Bala—C. 31 Seynoni.- Assignee:s Notice—J. liarrlson' The trial of the President' will proba bly clew this week. The verdict when it entries, will, we think, ~? -;,, \ • 11. Ahhey,\ who i)iFORMATS O,II loft Corning, N. __ years .ago, and when last beard of was in Texas. Any" infurnia tion .pf his whereabouts will be thankfully re-, coived by his wife Mary Abbey, Blossburg, Tioga' l'a. IMPROVEMENTS.—Hugh Young, Esq., hiss repainted : hip dwelling on State-st;, and has broken in - tipqn the dead-white sameness of our The bod i peolor is Caen stone, and the trimming's freestone. A decided improvement.- SPRIICG OPENING.—The Opening cif Spring Ipllinery at Mrs. Sofieldl Rooms, Wed nesday ad Thursday, April 29 .t. 30, proved a decided simess. The crowd of visitors was large. Sbo, has a firm stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods. , APOLOGETIC.--oWillg to the influx of Ilgal and other advertising, wo are unable to get several articles of local interest. Several ad vertisements came too late for this / , issue, also.— We again state that' advertisements cov ring a page or two of cap paper should reach us by Sat urday noon, at latest, to ensure publication in next iesuo of the paper. BUSlNESS.—Bodine's Steam Mill is cutting 11,000 feet of lumber per run of nine hours, with a single saw., The mill tins a capaci ty for 15,000 in ton hours. lipt::ard of 4000 lath are iiolted l and cut each day, and pickets are kept constantlylon hand. Tho stook of this mill is estimated from a million and a half to two mil lions. .AQSONAL.---Mr. C. D. Chapman, for merly bf Sullivan, bas jusi ty returned front the West, on a visit to ,his frierids. Mr. Chapman has purchased a farm in Southern lowa. lie is t i oitc enthusiastl touching the West. Mr. Chap man promises 'to furnish us with some facts about the country *liero ho has cast im his lot. MAKE YOUR OWN BRooMS.—M E. C. Jennings, of Charleston is the agent for the sale of Silver's Patenetxcelsior Broom in ‘Titign county. The arrangement of the handle and holder seems to us keJbe admirable, and whoever raises broom-corn can make his own brooms, bettor than! the ordinary sort, for lees than tire cents each.) 11, , is a good thing, and the farmers wilt see it. SAWING AS A FiISIE ART.—We llftVe semi a spliicimen of a lot of lumber cut at dine'sll, for backing pictures, which shows to what rigid exactness large ninehinery has been brought to operate. The lumber is lingswood, ltl feet long, from 12 to,lB inches wide, and of an inch l in thickness. Though cut with a cir cular saw, (there is not a hair's breadth of differ ence in the thickness of tho sheet, (liar it cannot he willed a board,) from ono .en4l to the other. Don't believe it can be beaten. THE SArrurtDAY• of a weekly paper just started at Bath, N. Y., by V. W. Barnes, late of the-Courier of that place. t lt i 8 a seven column paper, neatly printed, has a 41irellncal department, sound Republican, and talks out the "true blue." We apprehend no danger in the contest between Barnes, Hull and the Doctor, unless Bourbonia is hrottOtiti gnus tt!tu. Se pitch in gentlemen 1 3 1ISONER •Morr.r-Mott, who trout custody of Sheriff Potter on the eats ,veen Williamsport and Sunbury, and ir -- 114,5, , 1 to be lead, is alive and well, Sheti t, r 10,4 a no e from a gentleman living at taming t4at Molt Jumped fropi the old. fi , rot foremost; striking on his livid and shoulders ie Ilse snovr. This made him a but lic , eon recovered and set about getting rid of his lutehles. le obtained a file and cut them off; ;Ind then set off for !Jnadillo, working his pas. Nage. The writer says that Mott preferred death o use Penikeutiory„ and took the Fisk of jumping from the train. As , tho offence, was not flagrant, and the young man-bad borne a good reputation previously, the ends of justice do not seem to re quire his roe mutation under requisition. The boy will do well cough if let alone. OOSSIP.i--"Never. hallo till you're out of the woods'—is very good advice to' human poepkintil you get 04 of Om range of Fillirenhit'!--would" be good advice to frogs. Tht. robins and frOgs—of the higheFt utid lowest Ilyipg orders of being—have been twice• snubbed by the clerk of tho weather, or the caprice .of April. It is well enough eornetitacH to care for the frogs, lowly in their origin, and bumble' in their Itc , ei though they be, "W' couldn't spare the robins." say all; ¢fcnurw not ; they realize the fthlo of lifemnon's statue. Could we spare thetrogs?'hideed - no.' - What tbe - Ilfo niul drum are to artifieial music, .tho "poep,peep". of tho itreeu fog, rind the "Kerchunk-nk-h: !" of the t, in the grand concert. of Natare. In it'hat is inorevi9asapt then th e cos . papinient of the tree,frog ?—sagges era and mullets; the cheer of, the strange road in the night-time, and 1,1111-frog . tixt omeort ty.a ailf:Oict I. 4TICI:. MEIPIE llaby of the tired, worker the wort( tc robin eelebtates the opening 4.lny frog rejoice in its decline,' end cele 1.,1A10 )7CI. As tl tilt I. .idnight . yips, ; Therefore, 0 true ~r•,r.. tl'o hay ! IThoevCr you were, be persuaded that you -It w eht of tile world's beueracters when , you t'llol the tree-frog, anti left his mangled caret+ ju King Street crossing. We hope you may not be haunted by ghosts of bull-frogs; wo 'hope you may not dream of drowning in a puddle! black ~, , d, voltyrrogs. Rut if you kilt tho - castanet i ‘ , l,y,r., the fifers and the drummers of Nature's y•lint, who, pi!ay tell, is to furoisli ti!e inusio of im. lower 'aillieres? Don't. kill 'the frogs; don't irmry tho toads; don't kill garter and green soakus; fur they are the scavengers whieh eleaure. )1 - ) .rings, pools, and itches, and save loan many a fever andiboneneh . Don't kill the frogs amid muds, boys oven if you kill f ? nahei. The lust it zpi old guar el, over l.ioOg years old, and wo du tut hope to see it EMIG(' at present. . But let. the !Fags tiSild t 'ads alone, pleatO. —None r oaks ego we poldiaied a rhymed letter from , - three-wecks-ulderlo "ole untie Dili," I t have waked up the bullies all over ni an especially bright and vrecooious aged three days, away out in thiuy Usiit. stati,Writ4B . 6 f!tiVrie and ,Iduf 'l'm the little new ,eoneitt •tia.kyOu never maw—a little'bit of 'a girl. Maninnf4ealls Wu her little midget'; and my broth 4) Aithur, Ittotkers up his lips and mills me "1)0,4." He ite err glad tcureelleilt to live ;:irtl when Hattie' the.tiat tuolte wants to help her; fitut I, elleve," be tried to glve,nte the second dune of sdfrun tea! They say I don't weigh over five 1" , u 11, 1-3! 1:d rather ho a little baby) girl, end wear flannel ekirts than be 'll. fairy .aad wear 3;3: - 4yhttws and ettonglnd with deik.' fot Ay°, Lull to nwn that Y have no name; 110 Y are after auntie Phil, but I want unetherei onta that. Frow 'you'r it :ipplittrs t the hind. n,/ little li , ttpilel Wwqop , says: ••• eat co usi —"De asks if there is to l be no iro provemel s. There is to bo an brpror_e ewill in ladles' a?lioq-7!)eg the dresses get short 0 0 4gli to +lt it Shoes are to be made of knit wordted, with soles of i blotting-raver to take up the toole.'ture on the warks itit) !retain it as 'a fact-bath' Thin soles are morn flexible than thick, au therefore better: They may be )ips conduciv e to health, but it stands to reason that comfort anti appearaoce,bavt) nothingll do,. with health.' "nitwit) Tizeaut" can' bIiVC . anything to do with rlionmatiam. Ilow caw a diet — goos into the stomach., tindylteuwatient affects the cartilages, the muscles,- etc. If ono about(' undertake to introstuee a dish of pork and beans into the Bystem nt the kneejohat,andrheninatcsin should follovi, the ease would be clear enough; But we submit that it is dot so elear'how putting anything into the stomach can indtiee' a disease of the • kßee-joint. "CapSicilia" would like to know whether Cayenne peper, as'a 'condiment,•is irritating to the mucous surfaile.' If Capsidum will tako about orie grain of 'Cayenne, and intro duce it inside the Tower left corner .of the right eye, •ho will receico 'a communication from Cayenne with all the information 'requires: "Tummus," says there is a question among big "But," as to whether it is properto kisS 'd mar ried woman on the lips. If Timmins be u ' Binde man,' as we suppose, and wants information touching the proprieties of life, let him trithe experitnent. His better way is to get married, and try it on his with. As usual, we have lo leave a great m any questions unanswered, such ns "Is,a pound of lead, or a pound .of feathers, "heavier r" and—"what makes a dog's nose cold?' We shall have to look up the authorities, and ex. pot Rime before replying: • TioaA IiAnDwARE STORI3.—We dOapp7 nd into ibis store a few days since, and foun'd lots of Agricultural Implements there' !in exhibition, which we Inarn, are of the very best kind ) , and substantially \ ino,de, which Sehieffelin is intro ducing to the farmers of this comity. Ito is also agent for the Blebk Tin Water Pipe, which tins been thoroughly tested by practical nien , nnd'pro nouneed thu best in use.. Sohietfeltn wake business man, and should' be ernMuragedlii his enterprise. : • . IDEAL Ilr.Ans 01' AHEDICAN WO)I E N.—L. DQ Robinson, publisher of engravings,. paintings and standard illustrated works, , at 46 North Main street, Springfield, Mass., announces the publica tion of five new and beautiful Works of art, And advertises in the .Agarstoe for agent:3 .. . The pie. tures aro entitled " The'Angel at the Hospital," "At the Front," "The Color Bcaref,7 "" Before the Battle," and "Army News." These are lithographs, typical of the faces of American women, and represent their charities, devotion, sympathies, - attachments and heroism. They were lithographed in *Frillier) IV the MOW Me' orated artists. They have already won the high est commendation among the American residents in Pftris, nud have excited the pr:iise of tho press of our own country. Thoy aidsold by subserip tion at only V.,50 cacti. 'Pun NURSERY.—WO read th char- cuing Ni»gnxineregn/ar/y. In illustration Harper ettiq7 it, nud eltild's NtOrieg it in equal to our • andmottier, heaven rest her soul! The tinily question .at borne in—"llas the Nursery Cottle?"—and when ' f it arrives the fry . the Nursery has eoinis!" John •• T. Ilnston, Man. , . $1,50 per year. e A - 10(ley mai Ma ns itssupremacy among Fpllion Monthlies% It 3 patterns are rich, anti and thi literature, healthy in tone and in - quality. $3 per year. 1,. A. aPy, Philadelphia. I 'The Lw.7,11 1 8 Friencl.—Tho May V um • her opens with a fine engraving on Teel. - The Fashion plate is Tery fine, the patterns varied. This is 3110 of the cheapest of the Fashion Month lies. Deacon Peterson, Philadelphia. $2 per year. Deitzorud' )Toung . A erica.mit mitlieati•tit improves with every ittuinber, con ilinB double the amount, nt' reading inat-tert`whieLt it (lid at first, and has a. saceerision of the brit. liant colored pictures alltt. toy llOVUllies which have done so much to establish its reputation. It is a. bright, clear, and instructive little Monthly, Wu recommend it to all who wish to supply their families wilt it good juvenile periodical. Sub scription price, ;! . .1.50, with a premium _knife or microscope, etc, Publication ollice, 473 Broadway, DIMOIIEST'S PART.,OII MAGAZINE.— This excellent . Magazine is constantly growing in popularity, and the secret of its success is the conscientiousness with which it is conducted. It gives ail, and more than all, -that it promises. It strives to meet the wants of American women, and tells them whist they want to know. It• is the most complete Fashion Magazine in the ouunti - y. It is not frivolous; its °teachings 'are high, pure, and sound, characterized by 'geed taste and common-sense. Its departments of music, needlework; hssiding„ pattern,' etc., and dther one worth the Iriee pf snbporixtion, which i utl.le lot-man,. OtiiCe, 473 Broadway, N. INl:nr.—Mrs. E. E. 'Kimball has just re turned from New York with a fresh lot of first class Millinery goods, which she will ho hapily to show to her citStorners'at her shop over" J: P.ow'n, k Co's store. for stock is exclusively Millinery-, and complete in that line. ..1 - I4 ' llallMblttAM.-1118. Warren Nail of the 25th of April bears tidings of the death of M. Cowan, wife of the Editor...it was our good Fortune to enjoy the am:lli:tint:Mee of this estimable woman at one period, and it is with unaffected sorrow that'he hear of her - departure for the Beautiful Lund over 0 ~lifvcr. d gentle, un selfish unnestwaing worpan, a true ,Nyice, slnd nn ever thltughtful, devoted,' ,she was the exemplification of ail that is 'heaufiful and at tractive' in home life; the sholal 'circle in which she moved has lost one Of its most .valued rum hers; hut'uowhere wilt the void of hermbsonee be so great, so uppressivei 'and so irreparable, as that circle of which she was the tenter±thcfamily circle. Mrs. Cowan lived for her husband -ithd children, bequeathing her'examPle'tib fi priceless legacy to; the world in which she moved. is saying a great deal to say that Iflr„tatiil Cowan fully appreciated each other. Though the lAL;w was not unlocked , for it falls eruShingly upon the husband : We cia not recollect to have seen amore reeling tribute to thipaited Worth, 'or a more graphic picture of "the night, after the funeral," than mit-, frfehd.gires in -I.lla following extraotTroin his notice of tier passgol"over the river :" "Per, nearly two and a half years digeaka - 130 in our holisehoN by day and hg night - new its dark shadow on the wall.'' and:4l4ft gladness and gloom—have aiternatttly,ll6-alled tfhtheir shadows across our way. . Many others, perhaps, hate had a similar experience; but the alaseiplano is new to us, and this week we can thilik or write of little else. We have_ borne it, nitei shall bear it, with as cheferhil,a philosophy, reidgucti a faith, and a strengthas- : manly as we may . ; hut,,liotl only ltnow,a hog deep,' is the shadow of this nifilit q.fter 4p„ fay/41..1 The children of her love , and her !caret gone motherless to bed. The kind noiseless And friends have come and gone With noiseless ,tread and many ,tears. TIM man of tleillivt,tti'e%:o- the solemn prayer and the singprihave sung the sol emn hymn. The lattirers hale borne away the shad owy-form of her whose health and lite and gen tle goodiss still linger only iu. memory and the picture an' the• Wall, The 'house never seemed so oppressi+ely Path' and the effiek: never ; had ,sn loud a tick.' Tilt: playful oat, even; does' not purr on the rug to-';light; but dodges in 'rind runs Mit with a ;startled, pitiful' look. ket wilkils'hall finished articles laid aside m:sti•Oe four days ago, seems may waiting: for' the (moo 'Malay fingers, maw, alas! foldedsunder rho' pineit in peaceful rerf. Traveling httelc oterthe bridge of years, we recall the gathering many of the saute friends in the ott[tioutestead just eighteen years ago lust Week. Not the areas of ttowers.and. the sad-eyed mourners were there, ocod_ wreath anal the voice of mirth forshitalow4 , l . 7la, tare bright and lanautirul. Many , that "'ramie •emiaani'e have phs.4aid over the river' . Or known. the Oarlotess 'to, night:. TOM; has it evil. , been —Haim will it over' be, tali we pad to that better land where therois no night atterAhe fnueral anti on ri'ver t rans be . = tween the living analclehal -• t TrtrAr;lASl' roil- MAY TERM 18G8. William J. Knox it al vs' A ustinl pith rop vs James W Tubbs it's) D llohirin - vg: 11. 110, 4 10,2•41 E Smith tidal!. nc r t.cq,oltielit Vs oj, btkeyr D Holerin ' vs Clitis'Atßoe-ers d al'; Tttoinaß oraves :. vs JOhii . - Noblo Use of Coburn Campbell ELloyl.l ' tut mimes off.ellabb vs IVin BAH .T ft Nadi Jr I'3 F F Fairmoy ll P Roberts' James Smith ' vs ThoniaS Alle'n 11 - 1 Niehoh, • tiß•titc:Oitii „ James Seely - Ys IThtnies, ' 14 Barba • •- • ' J'P DOnaltisOn` 0 P Smith vs C V Elliott & al Albert'Sherivoed •• vs Henry Alleii' 0 it, Wood • • • • •vs Alex. Lattimer • flacon for Davidson vs Township -of- Morrill Ransom Eggleston vs John Pafkbarst J P Donaldsbn et us • rq l'itlthett Atlstiq Moses,liaelmt Yr Rpm q('-Wellsbord S 0 Daggett vs 0 - W Barker ,b al • David Dunbar. vs S B`llro4s, Timoilly•Coates' •, vs Joel, p it I will pity cash for Butter, in any quantity, for the next 30 days. War. T. MATHERS. X-Arciorti 1411.1rzi.act.46151. " 'rugs v,!. 1 1,1,. /1 -,-11,1t roj il awl rifler !hip (late, .litio• LA ; 18I6:s:10:tit) Plinfwgraphe win 1., .•5 1 ),f,..,r full 6wrq,..wn(1,i,g?,0.0 - .fur ,)rigmattg leer , ng,,zl,l4tßing. i, T FF.t.,:qt.w. hVtntsfiriii, Ainy A -. full VF4I PhatOOVipilft rill bi 3 * l l s 4, , Vii,g44tte , AftorJatie Ist; I ex cot '' to 'act , :o my pripez..ot r ill higltci., „ • t FRFRANKaAIIeitI; May tat, 1865. - UCH WEAR, A:ND AtA Ny WAsIi.INQS• to acquainted with,' a • variety of Sewing Nvliileseady to do justice to nit tatirtrefer yours—which .I.linve., fi attire than thke year.. Vert. „instinction and ingenuity tott: required )o. work , jt. The needle is short and straight, collet:gut:illynot faith; to heed or break. It never misses a stitch. and ninli'es a firm. even sitaiii.:• Liinve used it 'en cre . re ,if cloth, from delicate lace to li ea vy woult», anti find its 'wort; perfectly "satisfacaniy iom I ease , . A ftt:r totteh wear arid Many wash ings, the stitch retains its beauty and fitniness•—• even niter the fabric has worn Yeti, e* , to Wilcox 'if. flibbs S. • . C. 0. TIIQMPSON, 'tato Btri:et, Wellsbnstx Pa., finishes' photo= gr iph-4 in India ' Oil, or water colors, for lb trade ideal order. (!oldes old pi 97 til.o lar•re or, I , inall in a hnislirA manner. • Ali hia7l:3 of Ohl, an4Hquara Frames on hand, In II nf ns inw prices as can he Oland elsewhere, • 'o: , ..llange, for all Triads' of work (S H'. YouNG hrlit justro.: )1.,11,4 1y4)) P:ai t er for t. :.e..1)46;v1;.,; in' Eli.oi Cy ditroiont.; giyitA; qua- Ilro , vitA la:miter 4) Whitoir, Satilta, a;t1(1 Ritellep;rll'otltire, lirik:4i; ,2 ( o per, ;Evi.t. l olvor th 41alat.t„ 3 : 40, with lltirders; ad all ,kinds- to match. • '• ''` "' , A Est,. Windowfix!itri.)?'; ( 4 , . 4 .14(18 . ) : W/ 11 4°w,.4 )(1 7- p,!. 1 “17 i<,) Cluth Sitil4l:B (lit 3ISICSA ,Cur titht curd; ii ells, pieturo•nnii houlcß, anti se re tv . . A t.so. Looking glassm; .illiettir6s, • Picare- Viotoes, — owl -nlont‘tt everythin'g 1 niseefeinr);: to hen wits your homes. • It etnetulk..r - cromili'first --' at ... ..-_ _ the, 11 , ntSl34l;O, 'ileiti *. k ST,QRI%.. . , = . • ,--77:7---.-7--'" you ------. '''. - ",4 '4- , ;,-.'' 'I. •' litur.r..--If want' a Harding p,,inny nible a ortit from !i3 to *Yin call nt Young s r.,,,1,1i Sh)re.iintl tr.rittintio hi:3 stuck. Remember tbalL iir , tetoierl agents alw.t.ss mitt their travelim , , •::lil i , 2 ." to the prim., and make you pay it. I siiiat l'itlilbsitiirs priee:.' , .- \ - April 29. tf. _,.1-.. ... —..-.. C.,... Z. '.l.:_......_,____j__••• _ `1,11(., large:A., best anti t;heapest assort silo I, 1.1 frames r ever` f.rought into TipFa ,Coupty, liith' large" pietures in 0 ery way to suit, tend card pliatoglaplin at $1,14t per doz., all going 14t 'at. Vicki& Spetmer's Art Willery,:Marteeleil Pa' I)ee. 2.7, -I f. ;1t.r~1?~It Ll G Fti ItACON-44KELTON.—At. the M. E. neon kart eli.irlestini, April 30, by Rev. W. Shit Mr. i.;',iiocoitAlheort, FroneGs•A Skt•ltou. boils or Delmar. • •. •- ;: NVellshoro, Friday, Alay 1, 1.. rhage nf,the !Huge, blirti Hannah 04)urti PECIAL NOTICES. MEM ilfeox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. • fib L. , :phi IA el roligt•i• olul 10.41.;" li:tldc to ript in gifo. ilio 1," ,%1 the. "Grand 7' ." ine . the lit trip les,of etintai . rtingliladh Bari if r 'on (N.C . :41H0 pie( fl! goodA.' EO: AGENT, r r y:' for Tiogtt Co. Knoxville, Pit. ..•. COI.GATt CO,'S „ • ' drtx R. : i.4' 4 '(‘JU AfA ABIVE kr, . n111111)1;;:•1111./Ai aunt Pl) itW h;I A Li. awl tasty lucou : • Kideroi rA s lin it D i • 1'- 7 0 ,0'" 0111,1,11N0e.. For all . . pr?cer.i.. 2ttnytt7-Iy. SnIVLIA taDTILiBiIS OttRAIIiTUR, 1 - 14;11VICP3P4TRIC SPEOfFICS,-, . rtuicEn. tift6Al.lliE,llo:iT Px. 1,Q,/,,,c0: ',rico«) 'Am:OA; tiintple—Prontpt— litlicient, and 11, , liable are the only[ 111ealcliws perfectly sd.tpted to popular, u..tir-so fillvittle that rniw takes c•loitorf e . mule in nAtts iltents; IlLoliarniless as to be fret , ftolii eel - , and so ellicleut as to be alua3s I e• liable Tiler l a wn raised tiro lagltedt commendation from : 11 al..i will always render i•atitailet N. 1, Cull c+ , 3'c.'00.1' ,. . C'ongoition, Inihmmation...... 2,3 4 xv:ortaa. Vi' , Oriroiii.yeri yi'40011?.t.i....4 n rdiVinfr:(l..lic;ok6ibing" 01 - ' iiietrit,l... ' 25 Diarrham, or chihhen or mililik 25 Dy, a enter (i, iliipiiln. munlis coue:,...'. 26 Cholora-rilorbus , vomiting - 25 ; coughs. ,C,4,14, I:lol,ctotis Neuralgia; roolfutettel ra6ll.clio - - - "25 headaches, etotz.ucadavile, Vertigo... 25 Dyspepsia. Riliott4 Stomach 25 Suppressed or paincut . .Veriotli ,• • .• 26 Whiten. to.) to 01m.0'Peri0tim.•....1..., .. :. 1 . 25 9v9up• Cough , ' l °Vkl,l ( ittv)),}liitt4"..,.,, 25 S4itsghetiltvr.4)4l - gello4, l EruptiLti..... sl 26 l l ithettillitti&M. Rheumatic l'fOus 25 Pecter,'and 'Ague, Chittf l ivei>l.ipte,s ' sD •Pileii, I , ii ; od'r , i• bloiiiiie ' ' ' ' ""' -.' GO', cphthahny, utt.l sum or m oak Eyes.— - CO Ito'. Catarrh, oeucp.or oliroo)c,..tofiqepz,i....., 80 I, ~.., 4 .„, ~ i . „, .. , , , Or tr IN jloolhrig.tiOU'dtv liCilt:ltlt . ebtlgit.Y.!: - . (Jo r l '' , -0- tlqu• "Pr e ' Ee .` l,l ! l • l :4th i fig . . .. ;„-:-.c. P° lc, E L ..)47 pisthargos, initiatie,f II6O4O;:; . .. t;0 Ito Scrofula, notarEed , ; (.lilayAll, 5.A311.11)g.).1r .r.kl [l:' G Ql:leiral,ll,ool.iV, rhyo W val 0.11;01..,.i. Si) 1., riiiiihj,sy., ~, ‘ 12. 1 - ) 4'.)ot,i, 1.. , 0,r,.t !coo , Go I. ) Sea....S ichnesz, riaz,, ,, , fic.,,, %Wing... 60 h. FLidney-Disease, itiniv , l ~ .50 '1 A:01•VOUS Debility , r' 00,0,1 l'Allig ,.: m,.1 i, it % kii,11.4 i,! ! f . 1 1 0C1{ . ;,1,1 , ii, , , ..,,,....! k • i. 'A 00 1 4 Noire Mouth , 0410 ,•ti• - ' 50 3 ' ThinOrV Wealfue.ss , wettolg bad... 50 1 " Pai.liful reriOati, Vltlt Swain:4 ...... ... GO Io Sail - brings It e1m1.50 ..I fir,. 1 00 it,, Epilep.iiv,:qta , uo:, :I , t. Vito,' ()mice 100 0 0 Diphtheria, tili - iwatent I , :oce 'mu ontt , 50 P. 1.1/ i/, Y !LISPS i LART . I. ri),),..-.4.-mokocep ..).%)o)i)cor•uni)0.) 'A., 'MC la.. kA;ittilf 011161 Ain: DAStAdg • A FAMILY 11 t. UC.II l'i 70, Anal A I:011K' or Ulltf CIIONS SO 00 lcr 1 , Awls awl 'fc tVELDM cm,i.ti, N 4 VII ;10 to 'S 1 i.ll- ikto,ta ines - Jot .1 1 ltiav ii; in.iiiSdEkl, &Ail ton cul?-:: 4,z Nu awl 1.. v .1.v.1.VV.7.71V V. I riqtllllmlt, OW yl. .In ,111.1 ir". 1.01 4. ~....ti S 2 tO $5 ,•'lll‘..af. 14vi04 , 111• K 1/!4' MO cilik, or 'thigh) box, Iwo to an% pail oil • th.. conutry,by Mutt or ENlll'4•B4, ii ,il i I gc, .114 I rielpi of the DI KV. I, (y,l ; a,' (CI 0, .1 I, 10, 71, , 12, io 10, do 11 3 P' 4 ., V 16, 111. /0, rilo 17; do liii CM Speri kr eeut free Atli I urpilx.r.o,v4' • • - )gs3lnfloptitiii;c 1.11.6014110,6 rt.l.lh•pid,f:4 - ft:?. 111:0 , 4prAlt,Nvv r AtiStr41 litortowl.‘odur t‘t 110 per:: y 1.3 ,curl. as Ono e, for it lowa 01 I) Roll; PQR eRI• di. NW MTS. 3141:41, , Is ) ! 4 IvErtVoy. IT,I ITS 114F,N I,:t NTH, how by' 111'1%;, I)Erlllisis INN, IN VoI.IINTART t4INA, , ,I O .rSA 14. stoney, A l'fai2lATl)FtitilfeA s I.osll (IF l'o W Kit . 1)17.7.17 REAL', 1,0:St: i MU/1- (IM' A.ti 1k Tic 0.N1111.0.1ii 1 liii,"6%V.tiCE AND tit ivkicti.ril% iliac?. a SWeEp RI GN CURE, in llUM pit iz i,; ys , ii OM EOPATII 10 SPECIFIC Nci.;ll%VEN:ljYij.lffifi:l% ED Compo , eil or ow lii 4 yonwo in/ht nu.) potent Cu- Irit,01,01) matter, tone up tlfu aNt,teitt, urrek4t, dim cliAmmelf, nivl , iillipart vigor and energy, lire ai 1 vitality; to h... °mire nine, They huve cured tlbal.. tail. of 1:114V:... Price a 3 per package of six buxe0.:41,.1 nal, or $1 twi Ai ugh. box. :Ail by /bug. giatsoittil 'Tut by, tecOlit of vice. Ad 4111.48 ,SPEC.I Ainiq- CiNE C.)., 662 14 , 0 kitw kvr, Xltc Yoßii. 21angtr,'-:15. 'Po. • tiY.NovvrivEA Ti, wiLsrtx. :rat rend (ire(' of char )to 3111 it. the pr.. , .':•riptinu with iho dl. rectio l p , f„, , 110 1 o3ing lho pbmple remedy by whicli.be yap co rr ' ll of n Ong:6U.oam nitil7lllo alleOe'Calottrupth4PtilP ialk - ohkrt and liol.opt,, CVO y tmlfer,r n ill try thiPp pro -BcripT,(l, wi It w111 , 11.i. 0,01 11,10!inir; 10 pro m ct 1.1111,T. Ev EDWARD .t Witin;wit.it V ut. 1 iu;i- N. v. r 7 ir it 10 1 01,0 ( ) 1 Olll EIMME All t mifferrd for yesro f l out Norrans Deldifrx,:,i!finat IT Dec.jy,:iptl aD:O49 pflocia of youth. Da inqt•co•Gou. will. Int - lbe.nykepf nidn•ring.,Jurnennt ity;),,qltrUre to all, udzi, l ived U. tlto, rt:Fjpo Iwinakink 63clittitti cured F4offerers winbilig in gia4l4 by [ho toryi.tiOrs oxper - ence, can do no by inlarprodn;;, In perfect deuce , ' N . OGDEN. 22tpayG7--,/x. 42. Cc(l4 (Amt. NOY 'go*. N;11 AI) TASW 111:g WTS • , siiiliiicirid•''giii3iiiiei , ‘ , :,Triiia . W! ; 11 T, L, BALD*ip,T„4 lin AVE OW inn haii4 hod aliil coryiipg, 3,large _MUL and well selected stock of "GOOD GOODS," • -,••• ••_,. • - cs)mprlAing evoryllaing rieocicd. . Our stock of z:IAZU'bt, lAlg66)aolza ' A PA O S, POPt OAMB RICKS, , • P BRNO II •JAC 0 N ET'S, OM AN DI E'S, PEQU A S, VERSA:ILK BLACK A ND! COLOUP t P.B4ltS, ALSO; TICLSIi QNI3 FRENCIT' POPLINS, 'SIIAW L j OLO At(' DEpART ' ENT COMPLETE, • 1 • T RIM M I NOS. LOTS . X.'AIkIKEE• MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA O CrF l5 r - c • - 3 nt vory small tuargtn. itEADY-if . AT)" Ciotbs and Cassi weresland a' Tailor qo Cut and Fit.. .• foots and Shoesq HATS AND OAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY,:WDODEN WARE, , HARD WARE, SHELVIIARD : i WARE' NAILS' IRON umE, P!,/t§Tiqt; PORK, FLOUR Don't forget to'look over our "ttOck of G ROCERIES, tho motirZompleio Mock you con find, ditch us niru (ad ten drinkers and know thorn i 1 ~',;': 3 , 4 ; ~ t+) ,!)..:; 14 '0uy1.. , :' ~ •,- • " everything in Ow Orecery lino, Gunk' 'Bank Codfish Bay Mackerel, As.hton Salt, what makes the Untie:. good, and nice firkins to put it in.— Ise, limier 'rubs und'Priihr ; •Thitleisold On com mission— no charges rur handling; but would like a kAtiall port'.... tha money you got in re. turn, that is if our prices suit, FARMERS 001JS; - - 1 1 1 A lull line: "We ore agehtslor the Ohio and Ouch eye combined Mowing Machines; general depot for fixtures and extras for the the above ma chino?. All kinds 01' COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for.Oinels. We propose to self oor Goods reasonably. "Liste and let Live" teic,ir:ezi: at th'o'connter—only one price. ' ' „ IME 11. v - s ; ' BALDWIN CO, April 29'''1868,' ; •- " "" • AND GENERAL Agricul,turnl fnuilcment Agency. r iptik sti4eriba would inform his friends and patrons that he has just returned from New or nit?) Ihu best selected stock of HEAVY ~AND SHELF TIARDWAKE ever brought to Tioga LCoanty. Particular at tentiomjias been paid to • the selection of ME eIIANICS Ii,ItALS, of which I have the mom •! °mai - ileac athlortmnnt in market.' HOUSE TRIMMINGS, AND P - 1 1- 04 1 4 )41 MIDNViA4* ``: in tintless vatiity. TJ,eic goads hare lee bought for Cash. I agree to made it an olitict firany man to examine my stock before To fill 4 dosiderattuu long felt by the Farmers of this Co., I have established a General AGRICULTURAL ISIPLEItIENT AG ;'NCY, for "the sale of Implements of all &scrip. 'ow in the farming line. I have traveled nearl 1000 miles looking up the most Unproved and iable Toots now in use, atnong whieb may nd the lEllei AIRBY. tigEL Tho Kirby is superior to any plow now manu factured for the following reasons Ist. The material used in its constrtletion Is solicitor to any plow now made. llhomers mado of Win. JosimpA. Sos a bost Voss and the wood woricleoVaAhdbrist:libitti OA: butt logs. diapo of the mould-board is a great improvement over all others. It turns the soil with the least possible resistance, nod in such a wanner as to cover deep all high stalks kstubblo. 31.1, it pulverizes the earth more thoroughly then. any,plow. now. tit use, , f•I(li; point aCid•sharifure kinlep,eti,deay,of eiei neor, tholstfor being mtNe of firid-class -Lee), and is so oonstructed that any blacksmith 'eon relax it• The point is of Carbonized Iron and can ho replaced at a trifling cost— giving the farmer a steel share mould-board and bind sidu without the expenso of a Stool point,— This•is at great advantrige•orir ;ILL other • Stool Plows, and is protected by letters patent. : fah, ,The draft is very light, being a gala of over -10 per cent over any cast iron plow now in use. Moro land oan be plowed in a day with ',greater ease to man and team than by any other : t dow. 4414, 1 114 Wrought' made vary strong awl dot's nut harbor, woods, stubble, or ,othortrash, other plows tho,standard ,in 'eaktiTs.ll t t • • 7th, All tho iron on the beam is malleable ox 'rept, thecoulter strap, u Mob is mado of the bort ;wrotight. iron. . 00111 foil to Foe the giti.y before purchasing. . The time has vow xvhen all intelligent farm cremoOnllii? , 9. 1 "# 1 4 0 the eolaparativequeiiEs of !stool ou vest initr plows, Gybe erne fling eiinviii ee..l of the decided Ruperiutity the Cornier. •Cittimmus 1111111‘1 DISTRI IITOR! (lbe Farmer? faiinrite,) c e . .., , i i clotahle or reversible ',asp' poiltio (40 tkke tubes.— Th e be e t t if i lf) rhnst: partcei4iran Drill iti the world. Accuracy awl certainty of distribution tgiitttratt¢ed WttlieoW9 SK,lllll,l4Tilitib 1904i11g tin II lii 11-a "foiled. "- " Itopmved FERTILIZE'R and Grose Seed at ;tactlinent. It,botvy r neon, ,Super , Pbosphate t .116noi it tat tinio; Salf, A l dine; Pinata.; or'any 'other fine fertilizer in iiiij,deeirod quantity per Y/7 . - C The Grass Seeder weighs _lint 20, ibs., sows, hroittleastAiiiiS aria' ClonarlC dna id desircd quantities.•! ; ; The inprovement made in ale CONTINUOUS D Wilk I DIVI'Dtt mi" ) o I llitt - 40110ea by' inifiefs dittitiff,Das, t fifteen months, hnta dutlided tiro morlfti'of Ibis drill, and klaced it in ailvarioe of all competitors. Farmers will 'pledge bear.drizsind thu4ft sows all Aincle .br graiti frtitu peas and‘fieltna to gran - Heed, With out cracking the kepti4il:;'' Nu oth~Y`driils ' rlo this. I need only add, this Dtill is in universal use • ; sinning the faruiefi of Oenecce, vqua A On t'al4slor CULTIV,kTOIt, and ..,11Afrt,SV,; - 11014 , t t ;. t t " PittaStactane. [Mock Tin Stater 'ilarp'Er Mass indica; titniVersai 'Wringer and antic teapscti. .Ttoty - '. Washer. 1, :; f:tioirst Sittr , Viicttiry, - 1 - IP/dent .. .9nd Irons. - ' lietritto Seale Marto. .1171tite Wire Clothe § 'pine: pain co U , g n u s pomp - . 1 _ Viittieplon Potato Dtggels.' : And' M . Calflii,lt Any kind of,Seals -add Ittikletnants tarn iiirOa On short, pRt p;karrigneturers pi ices. (clition tt c ot ten dad ; promptly. , Or. Here solicited, • and In l i ermation freely given. J. SC lIIIFFELIN, 34, Tioga, April 29,'G4. PREPARED '01:;',OR i' ,_i :; '1 _ ',,..',: ,'; .-• .: • rrrooA',-.A,..':':.c-,';: MEM . can't ho boat much SEGA ES, MOLASSES, Nevi!' Spring Goodig ~ 3 IN .CORNING: W E have removed a very,T.AlttE f KOCK of SPRING 110011 N on the most faverabiti terms, and will be sold at very tiniall advageo from cost. Wo think we hazard nothing in saying that we keet) the - ESE t : -:-, "BSl'' ASSORTMENT ' ' and the BEST QUALITY of Goode that aro kept in the plade. • a,iitore 11gbt enough to see what you aro buying, and pledge ourselves to „ , SE.I 4 L AS LOW, qualtty oionetilared, ne at any other eattibliebraent. IV° continue to make our . -;-••wl; :.z . I*< , .: . r i g CLO H -TRADE ono of our specialties, and when desired MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notico and in tho best manner. We 1141'0 added to our stock n good ris f ttortmont of CARPKTS, BRUSSELS, wimp,- PLY, INGRAIN, I COTTON WARP. HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR "OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can.soll them VERY' LOW. We are the agents for the GllEip E. S. TEA COMPANY, and soil TEA of New York prices: by tbo.single pound. All visiting Corning, aro invited to cull and 'examine stock and prices,__ • SAII Corning, April 80868. In 13nnkr Tlns 1S TO GIVE Ni _Mith.dsLa.bi-Anril- a.. thawaY Lacy, of Middlebu a d State tof Pennsylvania ju ged a bankrupt on his o' • p went of any debts and arty, belonging to such ban his use, and the transfer.of nro forbidden •by law; ' 0 Creditors of said baukrupt,; cold to choose ono or /pore nth; will be held at a Court holden' ai tbo*Offiee of P. E ough,jPa:, before' F.'E. Eui 20th day of /May, A. a, 180: THOMAS 'P : U. S. Mariltal - 'Apr:ls, dB. 'Per HAviu ...._.„ , Impeachment 1 1 .1()GA.,CPUNTY„, , , " qpiIiE'EMPIRE GRAIN DRILL proposes t JIL• proter.ortieles of i ' • • \ IAIPEi,I9IIIV,IENT against all oilier qrain Drills in markat, and lteroby summons, a .1 I,irY 'of thO Farmers of Tiega County ildeld(,tipan'tbis merits of the ease.— The asql,es-,proposed, iiro as , , . Ist,' It will - sow any.lilad of train, in Drills 'fro& wheat to beans or peas. 2d, It will do it on more uneven and'stony land. • • :sad, It is loss to get out Of repair. 4th, It lins a grass and eloverseed' sower at taebed. One of those!, .Drills den oe seen on tho farm of .thob subscriber two miles below Covington. All, see it. -All lettertO:of, in gillry to bo addressed to A. W. WILLSON, April 15, 1888-31 • Covington, I'n. -..Administrator's. •-• T ETTERS OF ADMINISI RATION having been granted to the und tisigned on the es tate of IVilliain French, jr. ' hte, of Middlebury, dec'd, ull persons ening or having claims against Said estate, are required to call and settle nith ' ANNETTE FRENCH blitlakbury;Aitri) 8,1308.-6Tve , Adzifx Adminisifa,tor's Notice. lir ETTER/3 -of administration Laving been ji.j granted to the subscriber upon Oolostato of 0. B. Gaigo, Into orOadksiiktovrnsbip, deemed, all persons owing said (valuta on hating claims agitinst the same ' will settle vital' DAVID EVERJEVT, 4aokson, April 22;1868. 0 ' Executor's ,11-Wde. ETTERB Tostatuontary having bei3u . :grint• ji_j ea upon* tho last Will and testament of Chati. Whitcomb, lato of Union deceased,, all persona 'owing mail testator, or having ()Jahns against the said estate, will adjust all matters with JAB. M. WHITCOMB; 1 i x ., r ; MARINDA W111T0051131 Union, April 15, 180-6wo, D E N-:1r TUN.. DR. A. 13. EASTMAN, ie permeißently located ,iik _We* Min 111 rlka I:iryien, 13 Mean Srsmnr., Where be will:promptly attend to all'ivork - Per , Wining to his profession. Having procured all the improvements of, the day, ho will fuinish whatever is desired at the lowest possible, terms, and will Viarofittie sat(staction, In ovtini 400. Nitrous o . 2idek ivliich Is superior to any thing.iu, use, administered • whoa desired—al ways giving a painless operation. Wollsboro, April 1, MIL'• NOTIGE is hereby given that D. G. ititteris about to apply to his Excellency John N. (teary, Governor of Ponn i 'a for,pardon. By his aiio;• 14 • t 5 L. RITTER Apr,il 22 ) 11365-12vr. NEW GOODSlast redeived. Pleaso call and oxantilko for:yourselvos beforipurehas ing elsowliore. TOLES do tARKER. Wajlsboro,. April 15,18884 w, ' ' 14'91R SALE CHEAP.' '' ' _ ''-- 1 elegant nevi open Baggy: * l' second hand open buggy. I second band top . bu g gy..-...` 1. I:Mike:Y - 4. i - err,o horse lu.nber - nrugon.- f , * 7l 'fitIGIIT 14 ,DAII.VX,,I , .L... 7 .......:__ CARD P .INTING—at New. York prices, in Colors or plain, and cut to suit orders, nt TAM Aorrieron. °nice. z , 'conflating ,of 12=MEMI H & WAITE ptcy. !MR, that on tho • , 1868 ' arrant in • 31 county Tidga Irho has been ad ; tbat tho ; elivery of any prep rupt, to; bin) or for uy property by him t a meeting of the I to prove their debts esigneas of, his eat. :eßankruptey to be Smitbp in Tiogri bor. th, Register, on tho at 7 o'clock o. )1. A. ROWLEY, West,'n CAmEnolsi; Deputy BY TBB otice. L' =MEE BBL R UCHANGEI" ti 11 I sing, I sing of a curious thing, Almost as strange as tiogge upOrk Tyng; I've sarung"roand a circle as round as a ring, And while on the down east part of my swing, stopped at the city and took on the §priog•' STYLES OF GROCERIES ME Tho faabfons for SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE NECK, And tnornastonisbing still, . „ Molasses Syrups have a freer run dew artl, with a funnel-sha ed Mitmalr..e)r•t3l., howovor, are cut • froth tho neck downward, and tho style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA TEA TEA. TEA! will be prepared from a drawing furnithed to every customer who buys a pound. Of the styles to suit complexions, &c., I may mention that Black Tea you can have if you-long for it. I cannot get time to look up all the, hard words which the GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startle the innocent peopid about the coun try; but you can depend upon finding the very best: of Teas at the IRE-HIVE EXCHANGE? As to Ccolree l tit° styles aro various.-, You can have the latest styles from the following fashionable foreign ports, to wit: MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAOUYRA JAM- AICA, &c. In the matter of PROVISIONS : Flour still wears hoops over all, and diOpenaos with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades - eatable. Also, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, odether with a full assortment of II ht groceries and canned delicacies. A ever M A T-1 - 1 E S Pays Cast or Trado, for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE, CALL -AT MATHERTS Weltabard, Apr. '6B, AV. T. MATIIERS NEW SPRING GO,ODS J. A. Parsons & Co's 011.13# CASH STORE!. ,11?%-#14AINS IN SHAWLS,i BALMOR ALS, DRESS GOODS, TABLE. LINEN., TOWELINGS, NAPKINS, LINEN lIANDKERCIIIEFS,ROSIERY, NOTIONS, &O a 17R stock is large and will give satisfaction IP as to prices. White Goods such as-Jaoko iietS, Nainsooks, Stripes, Checks, Brilliants,7tte., nisi mph lower. in prices, and-in groat variety. Dortostics, - auch 08 PRINTS, StItETINOS, SHIRTINCIS DENIMS: TIC.KINdS, TONADES, KENTUCKY 4gAN§, , . . „ tiro have a handeqmo stook, and are Bailiny it at the lolfeat cash prices the market nillatroril , .. We Invite:WO eitention ot eloso buyoes to' iltir eteelrinssuring thorn thet It will pay thorn to tall on ne. . . J.' A.,, PARSONS A, CO., lfittCh 25, 0118 • Coal for sale. , 0;1 RS E: by COAL for Sala l• 011 - cali; " ' 'Sept. 2S. 18117. FLAXSEED—Oash paid for Flaxseed by P. IL WILLIAMS A. Co 1 1 110LBSALE DRUG STORE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED liIEDICINES, lIIEDELL'S FLUID, EX- BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, .ROCII- • ESTER PERFIJI7RY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE- Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers aro requested to call and get quotations before going further Haat Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 18G8--ly THE GREAT NM OP '6B, Wilson VanValkenbum's PUBLIC BENEFIT In view of the con tomplatod Railroad soon to to bo built to Wcllsboro, the proprietors have concluded to give .; _the people hereabouts, daily entertainments through tho year, commencing on the 14th of January. The first piece, entitled, "LIVE ANII LET LIVE I" Livc, Lot Live,.. This great drama has drawn crowded houses both in this and the old Countries, and is ad mitted by all to be one of the motif profitable, in teresting, and hest pieces extant 2Yekets to the Dress Oirel-e—FREB. Wo wish it distinctlriinderstood, that all classes of politicians, andnven thoso who feel a little Wolfish—and in fact none •are oxcluded from the BAZAAR OF FASHION! Where we can furnish any style, kind and quality of Gentleman's wearing'apparel on short notice, anti at.prices astonishing low. CUTTING DONE ADMIRABLY. • Cloths, 6asshneres, VestiWgs, Ladies' Cloths, and a large variety of . Ladies' Dress Goods.. Best kinds, and as Tl i pap as tho'cllcapost. • Tickets to the Jarquettc—FitEr. In this grant Trams t benefit of the public, wo would• not omit saying to the Lftflie, that we also hoop everything to replenish their Come one and all and witness tho above en tortaitnnent. We •do not claim to be old Stars, but shall endeavor to do our best to give all the worth of their money. Remember the place, NO. UNION BLOQIc N. B.—We shall gisr,o our tho full ben efit of ,the decline in papas, and extending them our thanks for the very liberal pairenage heretofore extended, we solicit a continuant. of the same. WILSON-& VAN VALNENISURO. Wollsboro,Jan.ls, ISGS—tf Home Life Insurance Co., ALL the net profits of this Company go t. the Assured. No forfeiture of Policies. No Limitation as to residence or Travel. The Remo has an ample Cash• Capital mo=t so curoly invested. WALTIM S. GRIFFITH. Tres. 0 DIRGE C. RIPLEY, cteey. I. 11. FROTHINGITAM, TREAS. J..COFFIN, ' ACTRARY. MORGAN lIAItT, Ag't, March 4,1808-6 m. ATTENTJQN FARMERS 1 SPRINT} hascome,, and. those desiring full barns can have them by buying LIE =6 -I.EitSite,X lP at the Mill of I. Champney & Co., which wo aro selling at $G per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— All kinds of , Protluce talon in exchango 'for Plaster. Givens a call. CTIAMPNEY lk CO. Gaines,'Tioga, Co., Pa., Mai•eh 2d, 1868-Gra.v CIE LAST CALL WAGON . 5.110i', and lot containing 72 „a_ square rods. Shop 24x28 feet,. and two storys high. .. Also—a house and , seven aura of land, two acres of timber and a fine young maple orchard thereon, with b 3 fruit trees of different kinds. This property is located within a few iods of a steam saw.mill. carding machine, school house and church. I will sell , chcap, separately or together ; or will rent them for a term of years. This is a fine chance for any wan with a little capital. • M. 0. SUTTON. East Charleston, Ta.,'Mareh 25,1568-3 m. 500 GROS S of tho HERO FitOIT 'JAR for aalo by 117. D. TERBELL' Corning, N. Y. Wo f ive predred to till orders for the Hero Fruit Jar AS !Ow as they can be bought any. stnywhero, and shipped from Corning. We can give special rates on largo quantities. It is the host - and most salable , Jar in the market. dot quotations from us before ordering elsowhoro. March 18, 18118.-6 m lETTEits ,of Atluiinintration• having boon j grante3 to the untbersignoll on the estate o( .tabu fear: 011, late of Chatham, doe'il, all porgtino owing Enid e.tato, or claiiningstga.inst OM sane, tc h.tinittA to settle; with - Cornirtg, 1). P. ROIIP.R'I'S Lkind of lamp for Kerosene. no breaks' •of chimneys—at 'FOLEY'S. CORNING, N. Y; TRACTS, PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH - LIMB &- AND DYE COLORS, FINED OIL W. D. TEIPELL cc CO PROGRAMME PART FIRST. IN Two CHARACTERS. WILSON & VAN VALKENDURCI Tim. PEOPLE ` .4 PAit.TSECOND N7iTsmiNarcoble>. Reserved Seats for the Ladies No. 258 BROADWAY,.NEW YORK LL persons indebted to us either by noto or, book account, must call Ind settle without delay or costs will bo l aude. • WRIGHTt BAILEY. i ro, Dee. 25, 1867—ti Wells') For Sale or to .Rent. Hero Fruit Jar. 'Administrator's , Notice. .113.1ZA. M. PEARSOLL. - 1 . e‘QUI,RE , SOUTIIWORTH. J :, - 011111 tom, April 1, 18138-610.4 • A. Patent Right that is No Humbug. . mRE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the 1, right If D. B. Sdurdevant's Milk Shelves Provision Rack for Tioga County, is preparedto Fell Township or individual rights at fair rates. This Raok is portable _ and so arranged that it can be taken apart and put together again in five "minutes. It occupleit_less than four feet square of a room, and can ho plaocd in the kitchen' in cold weather, and la the cellar in warm weather, and will hold fron 72 to 84• pens of Milk. Tho shelves aro made in skeleton form So as to allow + the free circulation of nit all around the pens. Ittbas been proved that!milk_llllfilaieb' More cream, and keep from fin totlx hohys longer than on ordinary shelves. -- • Each shelf turns by itself independent of the other, so that the cream of the former milking is not disturbed - by the removal or putting on of pans. The frame is such that it can be readi- ; ly covered i'vith a oloth or gauze, effectually ex- ' eluding insecti or dust. It is a complete arrange ment to•du fruit upon. The subscriber will soon visit different parts of the County with a model of this rack, or ho can be addressed at Wellaboro, by tithe desiring to purchase Township or Judi- i vidual rights. Specimeris can also be seen at the • Foundry building of Sears & Williams in this Borough at any time after the middle of Marsh. GEORGE TROMPSON. Willlsboro, March, It, 11368-6 tn. Wheeler tc Wilson Improved Sew ing Dthhine, TUE BEST, AND MOST RELIABLE MACIILTE IN EXISTENCE. TT IS SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, and beautifuLssslt is quiet, light running, and Ca pable of performing a variety of work never be fore attempted on a single, machine, sewing with equal facility, the finest and coarsest materials, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for hemming, braiding, cord ing, tucking, quilting, felling, gathering, &a., aro novel and practical, All Machines warrant ed for one year. Full assortment always on hand at the salesroom of G. N. 13ULKLEY, solo Agt. for Tioga County. Oceloa, Mar. 11, 'BB-3rn. QM KNOXVILLE DRIVING PARK ASSO- CI ATION, Will give an exhibition of the speed of 8-year, old colts, SEPTEMBER 3, 1868. Entrance COLTS ENTERED VOR ABOVE EXHIBITION. Y. 11. Wood ontored Roan Mare, mow Lady Wood O. S. Wood " Bay Mare, •" Knoxvillo.tdaid W. C. Wood" Roan Mom " - - . - P. D. 'tunnel, stallion', name Ursa Miner Star. An from Hamiltonian Jr. Others 'will appear soon. Name and description of, colt, with one-half of the entrance money must bo handed to the -Sec retary by the Ist day of May. Premium for best Trotting Colt one.half the money received on entries. Second best, ono-third of the entry money. _Third hest, ono.sixth of the entrance money. M. V. Pon ma, Sec. 0. H. WOOD, Pros't. Knoxville, Pa. Pt b. 26, 1868—tf. County' House .Notice. TO OVERSEERS OF THE POOR, in the several townships And boroughs of Tioga County : In to4lianeowith - tbe Etth section of an act entitle*b-orAn Ac to authorize the erect- . ton of a Pour House in the comity of Tioga," the Commissioners hereby give notice that they are now ready to reecift the poor, having com pleted the building and provided all necessary accommodations, as required by - said Act. The sth section referred to provides "That as soon as said building shall be erected, and all neces sary accommodations provided for the reception of the poor, the Conimissiobers shall give notice to that effect in all 'the papers published in the cogniy; and the ettseers of the poor in the sor er:li townships and turoughs arc•herebirequirtid to bring the poor bf their respective districts forthwith, unless when sickness may prevent; in which easu the Commissioners may allow the poor person to be supported elsewhere until they can be safely brought to the poor house." By this section it will be.seen that there is no option in the matter, as many supposed. A prompt compliance with this provision will very much facilitate matters. By order of the Cora missioners. , • THOMAS ALLEN, Wallsburo, April; 15, IS6S-Aw Clerk. • ••• Va_r_rtAtiAtr_ lUT • • • PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE ' (4 / PITIUN AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OP PRO ERTY BOW; tur AT 'GONERNMENT SALES. • I Consisting chiefly of 111,000 . - ;ets New and Second Hand ' Haleness; 'Bridles and ,Collars, 3,009. Sa dl l es, All styles, 2,000 Aa i ON COVERS, all sizes, now SL worn.- 1060 WOOL iAND Rulamit BLANKETS, A: irionsE coy EnS, MILITARY CLOTHING, GREAT - -COATS, FROM COATS, BLOUSES, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, ke. ISO II large lot of Reins, Lead_ Lines, Buggy Ambu , lance and Cart Nat pees. Double Trees Lead Earl, Port-s Aldo Tonwei, Ac:, Wheel' Vara harness, HMG worn, ill oak tan nedloatifer7serviceable, cleaned and el) per nom , . including Bridle Lead, do s4' Any or Stage harness with superior leather Traces, p. rfretly suited for farm or general team work. double is complete $.21 to Z.;O, Bridles $l. to "$3, extra .hafr knell Artillery tare ) do $2,60 turd $3, Double lteitisl,7,6 to 2.25, Halters $5 to $l2 per dozen, New Officers, WV, - UIcIIAn Saddles, $lO do, with plated • Bit Bridle $lO, ilr.y.s Moulted Saddles. good as now $9, with Bridle illAtays Saddles $B. Wagon Covers, Superior, 10 and 01_, Condit Duck $0 to $1.9,1000 Hospital Tents, I new and :pad as new, 12 oz, Duck, 14 feet square $25 to nut poles and pins complete, Wall Tents $l5 to S2O. Weite(• d 0 55.5 to $B, natter Tents Toi Hay Caps min to $5O per too. • Grain Bags. 12 oz. Duck, 2to 3 Bushel $0 to $lO per do/Tn.:0,0 lull assortment of Seamless Bags. Small order by Express, C. O. D. LIBBIZ AL DADUCTIONE TO I IyPOLESALE DEAL . ERS. PITRINA CO, ( Fatherly em Front St, now) Nonni BECO?in ST., JUST BELOW Allen ST., PIIILADELPIIIA, PA. Also, 5 PARK PLAC, N. Ir. DescriptiVe price list gent on 'application. April 8, ISGS-3m. - n • Far tia. for Sale. HE Subscriber,nifers for sale a farm in Jack. eon township, on Alder Run near Mitchell's Mill, containing 100 acres-65 improved, and 35 wood land: aid farm has a now framo house, good Intrn,ltiqng apple orchard and good water , thereon. ain SO acres timber land. adjoining, which will lfa - sold with the above if desired.— _TIM above properly 2 .will be sold cheap. Title good and terms,emiy. Inquire at this Office, or of CEO. W. 11131)SON, , March 25,•186:.-3m. on the premises. • moo is to lEo:Locals. Great Eseitemen I Johnson Impeached, end Rip breo's 'Moots and , Shoes triumphant! The subscriber S VOI I / 1 1 say to ti) people of Westfield and vicinity that hold inanulactilrinit ratent Hoot Which he believes o posses Gun"followintr, advatitage over all others; Ink, there's no erim ping ; FAI, no Arran k ug,novenatheybreak ew to tho feet; 3d, uu yipping.. In short, they are Just the,,,llitug for everybody. Samples on band and orfle6s Honbitud. Solo right 'of Westfield township anti Borb' nocured4 Ito has also just received a - stilemlid set of balmoral patterns, latest styles. Como one, come MI f IVe are bound tofd cheap for cash or ready pay. Shop 005 door south of *niters .t: Colegruve. Westfield Bora , Feb.l3 1838. 3. G. CM WIVE, Sci - des! Scales !- Scales I TUN;, Buffalo PlatfOrm Scales, all ordinary sizes, for heavy, and counter use,. may ho found at tbe llardwaro Store of Wm. Roberts, Wellsboro. These Scales arc the Fairbanks pit oni and hove no snperior anywbero. They - are made i n the, beit style and have taken the nt,all the great exhibitions. I hove the solo ngoney for these Scales in this wiLLriut ROBERTS:' Feb:12;1965 11111 E • COMMISSIONERS of Tiogal county will tneetler the ptirpose of hearing appeal,: from the aasesimonts of the several Assessors of the.ConiitY, on Wodnesday, March ISth, lust , and at any other time ituringtheir sCSSIIMP up to the Sib qa,v of.luno , noxt. V. HART .V. V.v.% NEss Coto V. A Li.nm, Clerk. Jon Itnxrono, • Wellshor!i, ,Illareb 18, 1888.-3 t . - • For Sale. 1Q gIiVENDID 411JILDING the 13urough of Wellsboro, and Tr:U[lEll , r ~ t .c.T of 400. aereiin Delmar, three miles Irmo dt,y—tioavpy tlinbered.- Terms B,IBOS. WlnrollT BAILEY., , ,- •lio'vvh it - Comes. ~ : - • IVit 1G lIT & BAILEY' are iocoiving a largo lot of CHOICE NEW WHEAT FLOUR, Elio first in market. To be sold at red 14 uce& int co& augtl7. ,00 . . Notre.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers