The man wasgood-natured,audloolFed at the garments, They NV (Vb Af. S. "I'm right.,then," said Becky. "They are the hild's, and they have been stole. And if we can-but 'find its poor mother; we'll save her more than any but a mother can "But think of all the Smiths," said the pawnbroker. "There's thousandsot 1 0 , 12 1 - "And thousands," said Becky. "But these men—the police they o a Y know." • And.out, went - Nick and Beck, to question the guardians of the niOit, until, at last, despairing of an mister, they were turning homeward, whe a Maze of light from an open door fell over_thern, and they saw on the steps a Weeping woman and a tall handsmue man. , - "Hush; we will • tind her if si alive." said tie man; "i\ly preci ,us little Minnie, " erie woman. • A . . Then Nick:*d Becky gave a so little - cheer in union. • "It's them," said Becky ; "them, cer tain sure. Oh, mum, if your mune ix Smith,.,and you've lost . a little we've found her. -. , And then the cobbler and his wife were pounced upon;and the story told. In half an hour the six little Ogres without cromis were aroused from their slumbers by an arrival, and the odd baby in their midst was .taken out, to their distress and consternation, for they had counted on keeping her. , fled Nick and Becky forgot their own troubles in the parent's joy. And N ick. said it was "like poetry," tont Becky said it was like "a play." And so it was—one with a happy ending—for what should the ladV do but beg and pray .Bee)ty to tell her what she would like (rest, and Becky, confessed that to have her weddi af r ki ay; back was the hope of her HO . ; //1/11, this led to the cause of its pawnihg and yell the story of poverty and sort - Ow. then the dark hours ended and day broke; and there was food-.and tire; and ,as it happened that baby MI nie's Ildher'need ed just such 'atchottest man for w( rk 'as poor Nick could dd, he gave the place i to the cobbler; and from that day there was enough and to spare in the little home, because of . the simple goot ness shown to baby Minnie. .‘!So it's never time thrown 4 . Way to do a kindness to any one,P fJays Becky often ; "for somehow you are always rewarded for it. If I'd left the little lost beggar's street, stopped to ea - e for child, as I thought t,' in 1 the stre, ant never I might have done in such tr ,able —where would Nick have been and the children and inc this night".NOt. 1. did anything hut what a (lir ought, but see how wewere paid fii MELANCIIOLVk OCCURENCL. evening of Xriday, - April 17th long he remembered by the eft ize l the usually quiet\ borough 61 . '11 ville, as-connected with the smith violent death of JouN 11. DAv,, The circumstances s shown Coroner's inquest are these : ceased and : TAMES 11. Sironmia. l l Cered.the wagon shop of STEI'lf lIAM in company. DAvi.E.-:; seei )t a old muSlcet, (a relic of the war) Provo! ed going through " the drill." Eael used the gun, DAvms giving l he man nal of ..the Volunteer service, and Sittuvriu.l.l-: that of the Regular Army, Unfortunately the gun was loaded, m which the parties had not the least suS pieion, and while_in the hands 01 SuoirrELLE went oi; the charge strik ing DAvws in the face, killing him kie staidly. St tonTELLE after seeing what 'he had done, rushed franticaly out ex claiming, My God ! I hav - ei 111. T. 11. viks. It was shown . that p(ur had lain around, and had len used , in the Sallie way by the parti es and others all winter, and that the _latal charge • was put in by a reeklei=s the 4 fie,ha4l - saiil nothing tb any ono :thou Tile charge NV:l:i shot and took chic( on tat' right side of the face r otitJ inch I >elOW the eyeonakin , r it round hole f tlic uarrc/ vt CDC' and comminuting the upper jaw, coin pulveriiing the spongy' hout-; oI the head, uniting them 3311 the brain in (ine gelatinous mass. lie tell back ward ; death was instantaneous Tin jury rendered a verdict, _in aceoplanct with the above facts. The evetittl stances connected with this distressiti, occurrenec are peculiar and pail fut.— Bradford lt . ! eport en. Tiff: KU KLUX KLAN.-11011 ►Hitt F. Wade, received the folk annonymons letter,•ou Monday ing, post marked Winche: , tur, tacky, April 17. • • MAL Wade, Hon. (so called). This communication is to Minty yo that you are markpd ond watched by the K. K. K., k that should you and your infamous associates succeed in your fanatical &hellisli design of foia t ng yourself as so called Pr&ident OR an unwilling people by actual force, that your late 'will be before ONE - iktoNTH, that of " the late lamented A. L." You may not, heed this warning, but go your course, and your fate is called by a bullet hy S S.K. K. K. Rues your trek that never sleep ; an will he your portion. Thad. Ste' -*- - doomed. General Grant is wate so. You think yourself in se but there is a vengeance sawaitii, thrcc.eirczd conspirators. As co l let', the K. K. K., of New °cleat take him charge at the propel and his portion will also be a b An indignant people will no - hear what you demons in hi man are preparing for them. Go ( - 1 you will see whether the 88. K. will _lie. Be warned in time. By order of the (rand C7ottnimnde: the K. K.K. •W.C. C. K., April 14, ISM. 'S. K K. K. . D Eno(' it ATI c - PRA tins.— The Demo _ erotic State .Central committeq, were, t just before the adjournment of re Sen ate, shown to have been guilty of dis tributing frOndulent naturalizat on pa pers all over the State. In som eases, where the distribution could , tot be traced directly to them, they WC4 . found to have used money to perjure \ itncss es or.iodued their flight from the State. I n the Venango District alone over "000 votys were east upon fraudulent natural iztOon papers, and in other parts of the State the trawls were equally apparent., And yet .Ledge Sharswbod, heretofore admitted by his enemies to be an hon orable man and an upright citizen, holds on to - an (Alice which belost by over 4uoo majority against him, and bolds on after proof of the frauds. , He is sate for fifteen ye:u under that code , of honor Nvhich prevettts one judicial officer from contesting the standing- of another, but Ids right to the place is , not thereby strenp, , thened, and he vitt he condemned not the less by fair mita ,ed glen. In view of these proven frauds the people \yin adopt the appellation given the committee by the Philadel phia North American, viz:—An 'tgency for the manufacture and distrib4tion of forged .naturalization papers„ nd for, -a‘rryitig elcetions by spurious V tes." SHARP PitACTIC.E.—Au insta remarkably sharp Practice •tasr brought to our notice. A man' previously borrowed a hundred of Alh&t Beardsley, pf Nino, Which remained unpaid, 'W the Squire and remarked-that I ,Owing him, and added, "Now will loan.nie $lOO more, I will up with you for both in 'six o weeks." Accordingly Beardsley) - have the second hundred, and hi right, doWn to Scranton 'and to benefit of the Ilaukrupt'Act, us $lOO just borrowed for that pu When tlic thing was fixlcd, "ac , to law," he wrote to lloardsley had taken the benefit Of the therefore the matter of the $2OO as proni is ed. ----I?rwiford I?, The official count in Wisconsi a gain for the Republican ticks ward of 2000 majority over the for Fairchild last fall. That Eitt NffEriLanono, WEDNESDAY, MAY, 6, 1868 Republican State Nominations. AUDITOR Gr:NunAL, GENE JOHN F. HARTRANFT OP SIONTGOMUPX COUNTS SURVEYOR OVINERAI. • COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OP CAMIRIA COTINTI The Honesdale Republic is to be en larged, printed on a power press, and -receive a new name—The Citizen. =I ME The Wayne CounlY . Iferaki is to •be enlarged and printed on a new 'preys, • pooh. Go ahead, b4ii. NE 'We heartily congratulate friend ino - rich upon the enlargement of the Re porter, It has fm' years beetlnne of the ablest and neatest laperslin the f‘tate, and it is now one of the largest . apd cheapest. The eat rgeMcnt is peculiar ly gratifying as an evidence of the growth of lb : adford 'County, and the consequent Prosperity of our neighbor. I May his shadow never be t less, and his substance ever he on the increase. Perhaps sothebody can, explain how it is that Sergeant Bates made his grand rounds of the South unmolested, while not a day passes that does not record the assassination of dozens of. Union men therein. Is it because Butes was the messenger of the Copperoeracy, while the victims of assassination are Republicans ? We believe the South used to lynch Republicans before the war. Did it.ever lynch a democrat" It is asking a good deal of a man to chase up the lies anti bald misrepresen tations of the Copperhead press. 'How ever, it is one of the duties of the jour nalist.: Here we have au article enti tled More lio#18," from a Copper bottoMed and copperfastoned exchange, in which the ground rules of-arithme tic are iitudiously ignored. Th r public is informed that any man with Vint) 'in gold ea» buy an U. S. SlOOO bond there with; 3 1 ,et Lhe editor knew that the ta n-lost present premium ,on $6OO is S,'NO. lit other words, $6llO in gold is .worth leaving :'l6O tleticit. Ile like wise rai . f*es a great hubbub about the exemptionl (1 Government securities from taxation--as if any Government could wisely put itself at the mercy of its enemies, who would tax its securi ties out of any State in the Union Where they cliancedlo be in power; and-as if he United States could afford to repudi :at.' any part of (the , contract ,With its creditors. .1 t Imt :,tiail r IL". e will 113 (t May's I 1 : (hi lit: !E tcOlt MR. BOUT WELL'S .A.RGUMF,INT Mr. Manager BoutWell'surguMent for the People vs. the President, abounds in every requisite to completefies, both hi logic and fact. Its tone is calm rind dignified, and we are glad to see that he placed his dependence upon reason ing rather than upon rbetbrie.• Before a jury rhetoric is tipt to be disdained. „ fell ll.yuult. ova Senate, facts, connected by a 'syPtent lized ehaiti of reasoning, are :disolutoty the source of the advocate's power.-- Courts and Sertatescall not he influenced by )1106-drama, rhetorical Hun by whieli it is sought. to cover up weak ness and make the worse appear The better reason. Mr. lloutwell is wise enough to recognize this fact, and to to shape his course in accordance there with. EBEE oaring morn- Ken- We desire to direct attention to some of the points submitted and made by Mr. Boutwell, as hetter defining the exact status of the Presillint, than the passionate harangues of partisan jour nalists or of part Nan legislators. It lrAs been so"t!ommon to speak of an of ficial as having been "Appointed by the President," that not one man in a tun dredl, possibly, troubled himself to as certain the exact moat's operandi of ap pointments to Federal offices_ Mr. Boutwell directs attention to the fact that by the terms of that portion of the Constitution relating to appointments the President ran make no appoint ments while the Senate is in session. The President. " nominates" certain men to fill Zertain offices, which nomi nation is sent to the Senate. The Sen ate considers the nomination in Execu tive session; and generally refers it to the appropriate Committee.' If the Senate confirm, the President is for smally notified of the fact, and the com mission issues from the proper Depart ment. To show how completely secon dary and dependent the President_is in the matter of appointments we may , go farther, and state that it often happens that. after confirmation it is not unusual _for the Senate td reed the names con firmed, and to revoke its confirmation of any one or more. This necessitates another nomination to till the vacancy. It thus apPears that the appointing power is lodged with the President and the Senate, jointly, the former nomi nating and the latter confirming or re jecting, Lig the ease maybe. this fast into consideration can any ra tional mart resist the logical deduction, therefrom, that the President cannot remove. an olileer of this grade without consultation with the,Sen,ate, the com- Plement of the appointing 'power? We do - not, see how that conclusion is to be relsfed. The question atonce arises — Carethe action of eopartners he annull ed by either, „ acting independently' of , the other? As the argument by which anything'was done was mutual, can it, beset aside by the capriee'of either Par:; - ty, and against the will, of the other? We think the answer to each of these questions must be "No." We 'know that that is the common sense of it. If it be not the law of it, so much the worse for t he' law. It ia provided that the President , shat} have power . to fill 'vacancies which " may happen of in the public service during the to of the Senate. But it is well to note the fact that the com missions issued in such cases expire by limitation at the close of the session next ` ensuiirg. practice of - making vacancies." happen" dilring th e r eeeH - ,i a the Sentite",though' occasional from an early period of our history its a na tion, can be regarded in no other light are on ni this yens is 'bed al eurity, I nq you lr Ent ns, will time, diet.— longer i shape n, and Ix. K. co of ceutly o had lollars pring era to o Was if you square eight !et him went ok the lig the •cording hat he et, and waa set pporter. o shows of up ' tij orl ty ;Ido that ass, at WIII 11l 10 I 1 udc ! flit " OMB SHEIIIF1 4 "S 5A1.17.8. pro‘isioit ot the bile. (lc aih the 3d 1)Y virtue tUn of Bunchy wri=t, ca . '.,r, „r 0c ,,,,,, Le. Jo i ~)• ? ic mi n e , I mAi 1 6•amititi um t vr‘utti4 iii clause 01 1-ectlOlf ' 2 44 ''‘ s lit t'? 2' does tu..l ouil et dai court of (.:minim Pltas of 'Ti ne( 1N al i mit the t i eation ot Vac aliens oga wady, Pa, ID me ableelid UM lA , maned hY•the Executivq; tthll We "1'44 that t .ii I fiTuID E At t e l t ' le ll t e sro r t t I ti i ;ollB l lA, W : iisb rat the Congie I will at once i e the o'clock in,tho aftuthooD, the following doberibed power given it in the c lausi tilext pre _ (mope, !At° wit* feting, and lodge the appointi ig power Timis the Lesser (inlet°, in other I Exeeutiv quarters. TTileenor- Is pat' onage t w aid F, ed by the xecu cannot le , atch left !wiper an his cis—«e care not• IN liO, or of what par • y he may be. 'l'he po scssion of so much polio I.y any Oise Mali always , and always will he dangcrouS nation is' now witnessing one, of baneful effects of too much power dyed by a :Ingle man. Mi..Tohnson not be called a sober' man in other wets; but especially is he iitibject tio - Treozy 01 intoxication' by power,— do not, nom call to mind a single alie man w ho din safely be( ntrusted — With the immense patronage of the Goi,ei omen t. Especially is t his power dangerous when President and Senate are in perfect accord. 'l'he euntry has doubtless been rescued from i great cal al.jitiCS by the disagiceme it of the President anti the Congress. His vio lence and vinclictii ene 4 s hal,— ser ved to create an opposition which curtailed his propensity to create t aaneies in the public sei vice Hence the Tenure of-Office Law , w bleb, so far hem being ucOnstitutional, is much less than i iat the section and • clause j above al )4 ded to authorfre Co‘ igiess to enact. nder that, provision f the oigathe law Ingress may take froth the President le priv ilege of even Dominating any leer less than an A ml ) aissadoi• judges, ind consuls. We dwell par` eularly pon this point,' because the Johnson press is constantly denouncing the Ten ure-of-Office •Lawllas unconstitutional. We venture to say that there is not a judge in Christendom who dales to per il his reputation by deciding that law unconstitutional. There being no grant of power to •MOON e by the ,President, in the Constitution, how is it interfer ing with his prerogative to restrain him flout removing office's without consult ing the joint• appointing power—the Senate? If the president cannot even appoint an officer of the higher class, how can he r emov e one, legally, unless there he a special law for it ? Is there a special law ? Ts that law in conflict with the Constitution ? Tf there be, such a law, mid not in conflict with the Con stitution, how can the `Pc nme of-Office law he lIIVIIIIII ? itatot 11S VC , Mai. = 11‘ C 111111 W Th the enj Ca 01 the Wi pu N We notice that the Coppe i rltad press throughout the State is furious over the ousting, of one Shugert who obtained a seat in the,State.Senate by, means, of fraudulent votes last October. Robison, his opponent, contested the seat, and the evidence adduced on tt e trial re:- vealed -the most shameless asee, of fraud ever brought, to light in thi region. It Was proved that hundreds of men were sent front Clearfield Count 3. i4to Cen tre to vote, and that hundr e ds of fraud ulent »aturalization. papers! were furl oished from , uzerne ..'eotinty, upon which papers aliens voted. was. also preyed that a Catliolic priest paid mon ey to wit nt..sses to get them to leave the roue 0111.17' testified ' that be nail SQU to go away 81111 llot testily; and that he did this after correspondence with Mr. William A. Wallace, Chair man of the Democratic' State Commit tee. The witness was canglit and brought forward to testify. : lie, made some damaging - revelations. OM) wit ue's was murderer! en 'his return to Clearfield county. We believe this fraud origituiled with , the party which asks the people to 'place: it in Power once more. We don't. blame the Copperhead press for scolding. Such revelations would dawn any party. But the fun of the:thing lies bathe p6rsistent Ale ; :Mal put in by that press thir,atty,of the acts prOVe l i as above State(r, , were ilk'- : gal. Not 'low ,the Deinocratie point, of view, certainly. No, moreis theft ilk gal from the th,iers stand-Point. Some people tell of what they will do, if"; some tell what they have done, others tell what they would have done, " if."' The'DetnoerabY is chiefly remarkable for telling w hatit has dope; like the one-legged tinker-Hthe bot fiart of it is dead and buried. But it pedOs that Gen, Gorman, tit* Minnesota, has been telling what the Beinocracy will do, if remitted to power. He 'enumer ates nineteen things which) he pledges the Democracy to do when—it gets a chance. We can notice oily a few at this time. In the first place the De mocracy will reduce the duty ,ou tea, whisky, and cloths. 'We suppose the first is aimed at the women, Who are scam to vole, you , 'know. ITho second relates to topers, who will generally vole Gorman's 'ticket without any bribes. The, third. inay he meant for such as wear' English broadcloths and French cassimeres. The Gorman lays himself out to catch three kinds, of gudgeons: Take them a,long, Mr. G man, without further, al-guinea: We shall notice the reinalning eighteen "grand and glorious" reforms propos ed by Mr. Gorman, hereafter. One will do for Ibis week. ‘,', , \Ve have seen but ,one niiniber of the Jerst?3 , Shore six' weeks.' Js that. fair, friend Jone;4? Register',; Noti Nosey, is hereby given thn 1101• Fey, guardian 'of Mary C.• child of Choy. M. Brewer, lair deceaeed. has Idea Ilk :weount ship of the 4::fale, Office for Tiogn County; -nod 111: bo tire:dented to ilk , 0111111111 . ,8 . C6U ty for confirmaqiin mitt alloarotnee he held at l'elltboro, on Monday 'June Is6B, Rt two o'clock, P. M. IS6S-4w. D. L. DEAI Caution. MY wits Hannah WI buy bed a l out just Calll , o or provocatioi ut fitliren laftt, rind I hereby fort, harboring or trusting tier on tti; will tiny no debts of tier emithiciiiig. Clymer, April G, 18118. 11. W. STUNNER. ===NEMIPieIMWRIM Tax Notice. 'BURGESS & COUNCIL of Well-lioro will meet 1 at the Muse 011 lilo 11th and 18th at 7 .1 „4 o'clock P. M., t. cosi:Ado' applications for e. corneac• thin or abaßraeat ur-the Itortaigit . Mar the hie pitch ittylleptiemi will lie leerivi4l, Ify ortlei. May cu. 1:. SIENENS,CIerk. l'ax Notice.' f Sehool Direr:tors meat at ttic oflia of I IV. IL Eiq., On•file :t'7/ o'clock, P. hi., t. 5 eoasitlor applieotiona 'cur= rootit.wor obatemeot of the. I•ze,4ooi tux. - Alter m 1132.11 date lie such umilhuition Will he received,_ By order • it. C. SIMPSON, trey. May 4, IE6B. A lot of land in Mansfield, Inainded north by Sherwood at„ mist by ,P Al Clark and .1 P Morris, south by highway ; west Ly Said Morris, and '0 V Elliott. and Albert Sherwood-2501t front and 350 ft Jaen—containing mole or less, frame house frame barn, and fipple orehoid theremo ; hso—another lot in Al unsfield. bounded north by Welleburo st. east by IVilliamsun road, .south by 11Surrlitugh , Pitts k Oro. Wei;t. tiy lotoceppie'd by El totes Phelps 4011 front and SOft. , deep.; • Ahso—another lot in Man's'field, in possession of .Ernetus Phelps, bounded north by IVellsboro st, east by lot in' possession of 1. CitromPaga• Murdaugh, Pitts & Bro. south .by A hunt, west by lot in possession of It E Ofney-221t front tOnit deep, a 2-story frame building occupied as grocery'and billiard saloon thereon : • Also—another lot in Mansfield, in possessiOn oft 11 E Olney, bounded north by Wellsboro-st., east by lot in possession of E W Phelps, south by A Hunt, and west by 0 11 Kiff k liro.—a two story frame building. used as a jewelry shop and dwelling, and frame barn thereon. 22ft front and lOUft deep; Also—another lot in Mansfield, beginning at an iron post on 'west line of Williamson 'road at the intersection of the north line of Wellsboro-st thence northwesterly along line of said street 70 feet to the corner of a lot convoyed to Henry Al len, thence westerly along south line of said lot 80ft to southeast corner ot same, thence north 12 dog west along line of said lot .4-C V Elliott lot 42tt to .1 IS 'Webster's south line, thence westerly along said lot 88ft to Sassafras alley, thence south 12°east along said alley 113 ft to Wellsboro at., thence along north tine of said meet. 168 ft to place of beginning—containing of a n acre more or less; being lot 16 and part of lot 17 on the town plot of Mansfield borough; - Also—another lot in Mansfield, bounded north by Wellsboro-st. east by M 1, Clark-and A.,flunt, south by A Hunt, west by Mrs. Ann Havi*:.-s:ift front and I9Bft deep. To be sold ati:thit -prop erty of L Cunwhiugs, suit of Albert Sherwood. ALSO—a lot of land beginning at the SE cor. of 101 141 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Charleston, Tioga county, Penn., conveyed 'to Mre. Elizabeth Maxwifll, thence along east line of said lot north n. cast 298.5 rods, thence along south line of lot 128 conveyed to W T Bliss south 871° east 39 rods, thence along west line of lot 143 conveyed to Jere. Hart south 4° east, 56.2 rods, and south 91° west 191.5 rods, and thenco by lino of said lot .143 and north lino of lot 165, conveyed to Mrs Elizaboth Maxwell west 34.1 rods, to place of beginning—contain ing 58.8 acres with allowance of fine for roa ds, Ac., more or less ; it being lot 142 of the allot ment of Bingham lands in Charleston aforesaid, and part of warrant No. 1807; about 45 acre improved, more or less, frame house and barn, apple orchard and other unit trees thereon. To be sold as the properly of Abram Hart. " ALSO—a lot of land in Westfield tp, bounded north. by lends of Binghatis estate, east by N Aldrich, south by W Perry and west by the line of Tioga. and Potter counties—containing 100 acres moro or less, about 75 acres improved, two frame houses, 1 log house, 3 frame barns, arid 2 apple orchards thereon. To be.sold as the estate of, Stephen Potter, suit of Cl k It Ryan. ALSO—a lot of land in Charleston, bounded by James Kelly, cast by B Austin, south by Lester Wetmore, west by Joshua Atherton do John Lent—containing 40 acres, all improved, a frame,houffe, framo barn. and 2 apple orchards thereon ;. ( • Also—another lot of land in Charleston, boun ded oulth by Hillis Bain and Ben.) Austin, east by Cyrus Doi tt, south by the Wilson lot, west by Lester Wetmore—containing .51) acres, 25 acres improved, frame barn and apple orchard thereon Also--soother lot of laud in Charleston, boon- dod north by the Wilson lot, east by tho George MATVIII estate, booth by Win wott by Ar teams Borden and testae ,Wetmore--containing 80 acres, more or less. 'folio sold as tho prop: orty of t3oo T Wilson, nit. of C L Willcox. - A LSO--a lot of land in Clymer, boundotl north by Bingham lands, cost by Lynus ShoHoy, south by highway and Bradly Honor, west by .T N Ha uer (called the Jonas Schoonoverlot), containing :ibout 50 acres, about 25 improved, log house and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of SN&DM Shelley,ttnit of Aaron Schoonover. ALSO...a lot of land in Wollsboro, bounded NE by SE by Walnut•st. southwest by Grafton-at. northwest by Pearl-st. and %yin Van Born -containing one acre Moro or less; all im proved, a 2.story flame dwelling, a 1-story frame dwelling, blacksmith other outbuildings, and fruit trees Mot eon To ho sold as OM prop erty of C G Guensey, use of D P Roberts. lot of land in Middlebury, bounded north' bY Ames Corwin,' mist by 11 . Levey, south by John Everts and :fames SICR(VA, weal by 'IL Stevent -containing 50 acres more er,lemulout 7 . - Z - ,, - ;::;;Wif;e - r - icli - i•TIiiiiriltil dlolcury,boun d ed north by Mrs Horace Limey and (leo. Hall, east: by Geo Hall and:l4l'BM Diebersondsouth Jacob Briggs and noel by 11 Locey...antaining 108 acres more or less, about GO antes improved, frame house, flame barn, frame cornhouse, and apple oretard thereon.. To he sold as the prop erty of Hathaway Locey, use of Guiles. ' ALSO.:.rc 'lot of laud in the village of Bloss. burg. known as lot 8 in block 0, lying on the east side of Williamson road in Blossburg...alrarne house 75R30; and barn thereon; lot 50ft front & 100 ft deep. To be sold twestate of P. Nast & L. M. Auerbach, snit of Danzingers. ALSO,..a lot of lend in* .1-.ltivronee, hounded north by .lot 81 of the, allotment, of Bingham lands in Lawrence, Tioga county, Penn'a, in pos. session,of Thomas T Thompson, cast by lot 10, conveyed 10 Seymour Ford and ! Parkhurst. and lot 73 1 Fatmington and' Lawrence, conveyed to jAlheito Morgan, south' bY lot, 72, Farmington and Lawrence, Conveyed to John S Norris, west by lot 71;"Farmitigton and Lawrence, conveyed tc J Tremaino & 11 Simmons, and lot 324, Farm ington dr, Lawrence, convoyed to Betsey Peck... containing 67.3 acres, and being lot 26 of the al , lottecut of Bingham lends in Lnwrenee, afore, pi,;(1,.00d part of \carnets 2041, 2042, 47.06,..30 acres improved, 2 log houses, a log barn and ap ple orchard thereon. To bo sold as the estate of John W Gee, suit of Merit. A LSO-a lot of land iu Farmington, begintibig ' at" the sr corner 'of lot 100 of Bingham Mode in said twp. south line of Gee farm west 105.6 rods to the raw corner thereof, thence north 88 rods to a stake dl stones,,thouce east 105.6. rods,lo east line .of,lot 100, thence along said lino-south to place of ,beginning-,containing 20 acres more or loss, anti being part of said lot 100 in warrant 4 1 294. To be sold as the estate of John 11 &, Sa 'ah A Mann, 'snit, of Buruphiey. ALSO-a lot of hind in Charleston, bounded north and east by Geo P Card, ,south by Elisha Re'eney,'West by RobertArtill—containing 53.7 acres :more or less, about 30 improved; frame house and oppio orchard thereon. To be sold as the estate. of Jesse B Doane, suit of N Whitney. ,ALSO-a lot of land bounded north and mast by lines of warrant No. 1067, south bylands of Bingham - Estate,,west by said lands and lot 98 of the allotment of lands of Margaret C Barber. in Brookfield, townsbip,-containing 103.6 acres lie the same more or less, with usual allowaneo„ &o. being lots 99 'ct, 'lll of said allotment, and part of warrant 1057. To be sold an' the estnto of D B Hunt, suit, of Margaret C-Barber: ' ALSO-a lot of land in Brookfield, bounded mirth by; Noble Pride, east by - Levi Skinner, south by Sarah Tubbs and. Daniel Andrus, west by Parkhurst & Co-containing 182 acres more or less, about 170 improved, frame house, barn, and cori,houso, and an apple orchard thereon. To' be sold as the 'estate of J suit of Tubbs., A Lao—a lot of land in Delmar, bounded north by David lioreher; 'east and John Diekinson i south by WillintuttAi B"ears, and west by hiihwity—eon. taming acre, more or less, a frame dwelling house and other outbuildings thereon. To 'be sold as the property of Lewis Wetmore, suit of John Dickinson. •:, • , ~ ALSO—a- lot of, land lit Pcoolit,,lteginning at the, L e corner of Robert Ttittbs, thence northwesterly about 10' roils to aittalto, Waco north 25034; perches to 'u Post -bating the EIAV corner, of Reusolt.Tufibs, dec'd, thence east 31 rods to a j posf,thenee north. 100 perukes to a Bust in the New York State lhie, thence east along the State line 6511 perches, thimee south 144 perches by lands of .1 Parkhurst (impost, thence west 343.4 rods to a post, :thence • smith Ih,rods 19 a post , thenc - e.west 12 rods to a post, Meer° soulbyland rd.! Parkhurst about 250 perches to' the Cownnesrtoo river. thouce along rho several•conrees of the saute westerly about 48 perches to place of beginninten , eontainlogabont 142 acres more or lees,itbriut acres Iniproved, 2, frame dweitinge; risme arn, other odibuiltinigOi 2 apple or= chards. and other fruit trees.thereOlij To. Ito sold as the property of Etilvard A.C9tey, suit of David Coates, AI.SO--:a lot of laud in Delmar, bound'ed north . by Alvin Webster, east. Mal South by Edwin Matiseio west by Patrick Scanlon-.containing 4ft?,. acres, ab't 8 !cores improved, log barn, log boors aud apple orch ard thereon.' 'To` be sold ns 'the property-of Abram Johnson stilt °COL ~ ALSO-la lot of, laud lu Middlebury. bounded north b y lig 'Whew ) , east:by Mies Keeney. south by high way, ivecd by Ellett Carl.--ediztaining 23/,acres more or, less, a twastory.frema bones and apporchard thertt= 0n...a1l improved. To be sold as the o property of Jesse SI Keeney, suit of Joel Parklitirst. • ALSO—A.Iot of. hind bounded north by land comity; ea to Arthur Treniaine, east by land conveyed to JAI-. bert Clark and land contracted to be gold to Alpheus. T Smith, south by land-contracted to Smith and land conveyed tto'John Pearsall; and west by land conveyed' to Ethan Taft—containing b 4 torts and tweet allow once for roade, &o. more or less; it being lot 357 of tho allotment of lilngliara lands in Chatham, and part of werrant N 0.1328; about 25 acres imprrived.- To bo sold hs the'property of William Liatimer, suit of J.R. higersoll, Trustee. I. • M l N—a lot of land in SelliVan, beginning at the ray corner' of lot No. cat the allotment: 'of Bingham laudd In Vlllll'6ll, '1 logs moiety Pa, thence north I°' east 40.3; perches to a stake, thence north by lands or 14nt liryaut 89W 3 east 12.6 perches to a stake, thence north W' east 60 perches top make, thence north 119%° east 100.8 perches' to a stake, thenco• South 10° east 28' perehee too stake, thence south 4 1 3 , 1 9 east 22 perches to a stake, thence eouth,22 o west 4;l ',porches to a stake, thence west 113.0 peretwS, to piece - of hegluding---eou telt/10g.60 ttcriat and 10 perches, toned or tees, 00 tieres Impros wl,O frame -dwellieg,' frame • rhop, frame berni frame hogpen, anti apPie orchard thereon; Also—rutother lot of laud in Sullivan aforesaid, be ginning at the NE corner of above described-lot. tbejrce easterly 7 rods to a stake thence southerly 18 rods to Ifathliway liicivcr, Minor g!tardiati tleu Register's t the main.° will t CO,Utl- Ot n (kart to the Ist cty.of ME= ud Ipgad n-itb- I, on thu 15th td n)1 pm-eons acus•unt us I a stake, thence westerly 14 rods t a stake in cast line of lot ahoie dellerWei L thence nort terly ift roda,to the place of beginnin g — c ontaining 4 rtes. there or look aU Improve4.'„Ta ho sold as the properly of Cr rue •B. Chapman, saleof Card. A142041(4 of land in Blamed, hot/tided north by John Kohler, mutt ,hy James Board, south'i:byAtut Bul lock and James 01)TOW, west by Charles Eetrreud "Crlttenden—cotilitining 100 adios more or less, aboill 70 acres improved, a frame dwelling, frame barn, other outbuildings, apple orchard, and other fruit trees ther on. To be sold as the property of L. ff. Aphides, run of E. Pomeroy, ALSO—a lot of land In "Charleston, bounded north, south, and west by lands of S S Packard,east by Alden Pope and Elijah Peaks—being on the - Howes & 1? her warrant N 0.1379, eontaining 83 acres more or less To be sold as the property of Alden Starliematber, a nt of D. P. Roberts,. • ALSO.:a .ief land in Delmar; beginning at the north line of the Sampson Babb lot, now owned by Cone, , thence north 100 rods. thence east 77 rods, thence south 100 rods, thence west 77 rode along line of Babb lot to place of beginning—containing Su acres more or lest, and being same lot contracted by Wm Erich° to Andrew Eriner, or 6 acres Improved, house and DUl buildings thereon. To be sold as the property of Na than Broughton, suit of A. P. Cone. ALSO-:-a lot of land in Blossburg, bounded north by James Trabey, east by John Wilson, south by Nast & Auerbach, west by Williamson road—hat front and 10011 deep. with a two story frame building occupied as a dwelling and grocery thereon. To ho sold us. the property of Joseph P. Monett, use of Rufus Farr. Wellsboro, May 6,1668, J. B. POWER, Sheriff. CLOSING OUT SALE! I3ODINE & CO., Commence this day the sale of their entire Stoch . Goods . at Cost; Or less then coat; at • AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE, o continuo until sold out. prises a general assortment of I : o3 e'3;'' BOOTS , AND SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, &C., &C SALE POSITIVE, STORE FIXTURES INCLUDED. GREAT BARGAINS. Wellabor°, May 6, 1868, MISTING MI DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, SEWING MACHINES, AND THE Great Ameen Teas, At Wholesale prices May 6, 1868-tf. FISHER & RUNNEL First'Door abooo Roy's Drug. Store. Wellabor°. DEALERS IN • Asirjr.v . Will keep constantly on hand overything in the line of Family Groceries, as well as Provisions, Fruits, Confectionery, Yankee Notions, Toys, ae. AllOf which will be sold at reasonable prices. JAMES BIiNNEL. U. G. FISHER. May 6, 1868-Iy. - Applications for License. NOTICE IS HEREBY Grv.pri that tho fol lowing named persons have petitioned the Honorable Court of Quarter Sessions for licenses to keep and maintain taverns and eating houses for the current year, and that sard,Court will hear the petitioners on Monday the 2541 day of May, 1868, at Wellsboro: . •. TAvutuos. *James Kelly, Hotel, Bloss: Rufus Farr, " " * C. H. Goldsmith, " Wellaboro. t . D. D. Holiday, " . " F. D. Bunnell, Hotel, Elkland. O'Bonj. Irwin " Liberty. *Joseph L. Childs, " " 'A H. H. Sheffer, " " * Ira Wagner, " Deerfield. Libbeas Phillips, " Fall Bro, sl '4 *E. L. Boynton, " Jaokaon. *Fetter dc Barrow," Liberty. , ' D. W. Hibbard, '" Rutland.' Thos. J. - Sihaer,•!.s'.. • R. K. Brundage," Mainaburg. ° Minor Watkins, " Wellaboro. Cbs. C. Phillips " Knoxville. *H. T. Graves, " Covington. Gaylord J. Bristol " Clymor. *A. W. Pottor, Middlebury, - *W. IL Coles, Delmar. EATING HOUSE. *Van Buren Holiday, Eating House, Middlebury * Fisher & Bunnell Wellsboro. &Elijah Plumer, " Bloss. *Pliolda & paw, Eloed. ' *P. L. Clark, Covington Borongli. May 6, 1868, TIO 4 GA GALLERY OF ART, would respectfully inform the,citicona of ,1 ogo and vicinity, that I have builta now PHOTOGRAPH.' OALLERY In the Borough of - Tioga, and having a good Photographic Artist • in my employ, I am now prepared to furnish all kinds of Pictures known to tho Photographic Art. Also having in my employ a number of first class Painters, I am prepared to answer all calls for house, sign, oar ringo, ornamental• and scenery painting. Ad dress - A. B. MEADE. May 8,1868-6 m, Tioga, pa. NotiCe. . • • . ALL perlns who have Claims against the Overseera of the Poor of the Borough of We!labor°, and all holders of any orders issued by the Said Overseers aro hereby noti4ed td pre sent a statement of the same within 10 deigyftem the data hereof to the subscriber, Ito tbat,provis ions for 'the payment of the same may be made agreeably Loan Act of Aisembly, approved March 26, 1867, entitled a supplement to an Act to au thorize the erection of a Poor House in the coun ty of Tioga. ,By order of the fluigoss and Town Council Of the Beranek of‘Vollsboro, this Lit 'ay of May, 1868: CHAS. LATIIIMENS, Seo'y. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE beat assortment:of Teeth, and • largesi vaiiity'of differentkindri o ttg ~"m Plates as well as' thO best opera tions of Filling and Extracting' Teeth may be bad at the new borstal Offic e . Nitrous Oxide Gas given" for ektracting, which kiveipleasant dreams instead of /pain. Also, Narcotic Spray. Ether sad Chloriiforti administered when desired.— Raying the assistance of An.tible and , experienced operator, prothpt'attention will be' given IA all calls. Fredric° taken in exchange for wOrk.— •Call and see specimens and price list.. Romem .ber the place. A. B. EASTMAN, , May 6, 1868. • No. 13, Main St. • Administrator's Notice. lkrotiee is hereby given that letters of adminis tration have beeh granted to the subscriber 'upon the estate of David H. Smith, late 'of 'Wellsboro, deceased. All pergolas baying, claims against said 'estate ate requested fu make them known without'. delay, & persons' awing said - estate will please call and settle. J. EMERY. Wellsbore May 6, 1868..6w' , 'Adm'r r• TO STOCK RAISERS. Ib aye POrchaied . fuil l blooded Alderney' Bufl, bred by L f f'. Morris,' of PhiladidPhia, from imported Stock. Ile will be kept for use at my place in Middlebury, for the present. May 6.1868-3 w. L. C. BENNETT,. A BARGAIN. - eon Elide, a small ohenl, . {dint; j~ Quid ardor, Auitable for ,t?“nl, Elitiiiit4 uC JO/ N Day iF, 0188—it ' ' Our stock • corn E. 11. HAEiTINGS, Main St., Wellabor° J. F. DONALDSON. Prothonotory .--, Pt Pc/ tio , • ' el' b (c., 4 p i:, ek• g 4 ' 7. 1 t . 0 i.. rl :--,-.. , ' . CI 7 if ...%, e. a t i n . c 11304 g .. .., ..... el . ...., L . CD ! G , ...: : ..„. ~..„ . ....... 6. 4 l'. • .-. . " 1 '"°' r . i t> .. NII • • g m/ i• - •' , ' a. .0 z... - -.,,;,,,_, 4 ,4. 1- ...-• .4 •A• I • 6 'l I 0 °-‘ ri 3 e i , . . VI :,..; . —. 7 ' - 0 IA il s —, 0 g , 1 ; .. : - T' r i ( 11 , v i 1 .., i— . 7 . . . I ..• ID al 0 s FP" 0 . iI le l 2 OP. 2 i... 4 1 0 . 4 KO ki - . 0 :: . . .. .. _ - _ _ C 7 6 o CZ) - . isD bi• B 8 - 6 , a r c> c> •••:1 O p!1 =lli=iQiEffailEi SPRING GIROS! ii • iilmano c Ca. IT AVINO just reeievati n ;id; oat varitat ns I eortment of LADIES' lIIIII.SS GOODS fur Spring and Summer wear SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, nil of filo Intent pa GENTS FURNISHI Cloths, Ctissimeres, Vestings; also A large stock of LADIES' AND CIIILDRENS SHOES MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS. We have also some Bee CARPETS . AND MATTING, and as goo d a stank Of STAPLE GROCERIES as can be found in Well.sbOrO. Wa have a good ;thick of COTTON YARN, CARPET WARP, HOOP4KIRTS, LATEST .STYLE, SHA • j, KER BONNETS, and a largo stock of LINEN CLOTHING. Call and examine our Goods and Prices WelleVoro, April 29, 1988 Orphari's Court Sale. BYVIRTU: of an order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga County,lissued February 3, 1868, and to us direetedove will expose to pub lie sale at) Parr's hotel, Tioga, Thursday, May 21,1883, at 2 P. u. the following real estate, lute of Royal Rost!, of Rutland, doo'd, to wit: A lot of land in Rutland, being lot 146 of tho allotment of Bingham lands in said township, bounded north by lot 143, contracted to itoyal and Erasttra Rose, east by lot 120 in the name of Rose .4 Gila, south by lot 100 in the home of 11, Smith, and %vast by Bingham lands—containing 85.7 acres wore or Ices, contracted to Win. Rose, Jr.; Also—another hit of laud iu said township and the tkatuo conveyed by the trustees of the Bing ham estate by deed dated Nov. 7, 1849, describ od as follows: Beginnick at the southafest , cor t ner on tho north line of lot 3 thence along lot formerly fn possession of Le an Biirnos, north 02.2 porches, thence north 25 west 39.5 perches, east 102.5 perches, thencesout 99 perches, thorice west 85,8 • porches to place f beginning—con taining 61.8 acres inure or lesi, with usual allow. anco for roads. C. H. BEY , E. I. STEV April 29,-1868-4w. SPRING MIL .MRW A. i. SO as- IS now opening a fresh ' I BONNETS, HATS, CA AND GENERAL M, Custom work promptl Thanking the Wellabor° an 1k for their generous patrona a continuance of the same. April•r9, 18/38.-6w. DR.. -PITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT SR% for - onie at Itay'a Drrg Store. /IALENDER, French, Ai IL/ Clocks. at • [doel9] Prodif it) :hi e, &v. (stir p,t. 11 11 Er ut.klori,sise4ll t: )).40) Owl oteiy.ll MA Ott )•. It NV, r, N, et, vilitito A <bart• ul patronaptt, ttu t..y..,ttp to do .WOKk. CIIEAP ititt Shoing licacci, $.1,50 and c act work cr, icropccr tinn, April 29, 19114L-,,6in r—t cosi r • re re W ?,0 re' ► te t : 73 pi • 0 CI :2 04 01 ci - .bs r • ti Now is Your Time, to Buy! . - TT :111:111 atualq than i.- far._ VI ALIA mothm. I wia MS !•I,lir tI: nlj WATOII ES. CLOCKS. JEW EL - lIY, PLATED. 11 'A . ILE r I) PAN Cr 1001)S, Al' 1,1 ).6 i. (I)(3loetts at Gothic " :ottage " Amu; i( ATI Ictildie,i u 11 ,, r 11.1liti..a $ l9 NI ~%•••11,eit: ( . 11.1., at Vol"- It!tr prices Plated Ware at o• =ME ;AI youtz,elt Vt A►nii 22. BOOK Ati NNTS WtNI . LIFE OF Oh:NEP ih lII;AN'P. A. A Sol.- IUI:It AND A. :•;1'.111.•31.1,.. oft avelii.ato Itit•Lory of Idt Miljtuf RIM ('it II Care, 1. 4)1.e large ov ine, vol of I fjtl pug's, hitul> ith-t.:ate.l mill find thts thu Pima. t. , Volt it the hoe. The te fr ,d emonti giceu. ll'u 101.1.1 to, ()cue/ ul Agent', 8114 ,oiler extr, induct toeuts to rauvso•ret- , Agent.- , ii/1 sec the udeu ! anpe ut denting directly with illepubiicherm. P..r vireo lure 1811 , 1 term:, o‘ldress, .1. 11, It , Yub liPlierffi./Jarlford, Co tut —opr. F. Om IV/ VJ to?, 41- important Facts. SINCE dalutifer is imw being used in tilt us ands of families the to/liming tam, ate iw vertamt to be beowu Flft,'r — Thouteh it is the meet iirtirct 1 all popular teinctliee, 30 it it 4•4 1111 ,,, U1. 4 14 it. 344 to h 4384104 and 14;i111114 1 4 8 It i. 4 4 1 ,1 4Welf Oat me that may ho banditti abi) weti by eitiliiii n.arm perstine elle ate ignorant of Neiliciiies, Sbcoso--It hiunil that Soltiiiier till relieve " porn 111 any vitt el ( 1 .0 4.. . ,0440. 41181)1 any ether appliesitiiiii. Crd CC ..9 1; —.l CO iiiiin—lt linveriant that the eiirhea, it left q.t..; oily a lew FouttTil—Thitt. useful remedy eau be obtained aunt oltuoitt, every detikr in tueilieinei, HAVINIci irninv I ker :hop !..4, U,c pm tor over .1. O. LS Slot 110IY luGoiVitig frohli from New Yor kfor theSprihr, I add, Which ulie will sull 80.1 CX/11/6111.: y 103 1111.1 yu cca. April N, 11;118 MltS. 11. TRUNIAIsI, having puiclaasod tho shoji lately Heil by Mrs., op. posito Roy's llit ek, Motu Stt eel, 1% LID • uounces It. the othli.• that AO IV I IWO. illg Intent wing styles of LAI)IES' HATS, RIBBONS, LAdES, IMO which she will disroso of at fealieeahle prieee She will also earry on. G GOODS; in all its branches. The ladies of Wellsboro and vicinity are invited to call and examine her stock. WeMimi - a, April, 8, 1888—tf AVis'lLles Wirt,33,tioida jj VotC Mg NET: - - - ‘.31E31 OF OUR TIMES" tir leading patriots of the Day. An'elega at oc tavo volume, richly illustrated with lS beautiful Steel Engravings, and a portrait of the author, 31RS, HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. Agents say'it Is the best, and soils tLc quickest of any book they ever sold. Sonic are taking 200 orders per week. It will outsell "Uncle Cabin." We employ no general agents, but pay -want aomfuission. Old agents will appreciate this item. send rar circular giving full partieu.- lars• Address Ih.tnisoup j'f , TI.LIRIIING Co., 'April 18, ISOS-4t. Hereford, Ct. Auditor's .140 t. The undersigned appoivtail an auditor to dis tribute the money in the hands of the Sheriff arising from a sale of the personal property of N. 0. Wells and G. W. Barker nt the suit of S. 0. Daggett, hereby gives notice that ho will attend to the duties el his' appointment at his aloe in Wellsboro, on Vritlay, May 3, 1868, at 2 o'clock P. 31., at whit time and pine.? all persons claiming any part of said moneys must attend, or be debarred from coming in fir a share of the same. JNO. 1. MITCHELL, Auditor. Apr. 15; 1863.-4 w HL Rmiersigpod most cordially and earnest ' ly invites the Tettohers and other friends of common schools in Tinge COPIY tp Mier the citizens end Toaeherß of Covington, in their new Model School house in Covington II ; tro, on—the 27th of this month (April,) at one o'clock P. M., to continuo in session until'Fridny 110011, for the purpose of learning How, and How not to leech School. • Lectures will be given each evening . : end we are encourage 4 lu pspeet ptuch t i profit to all Teachers who:uttond this - Convention and a t °ri val or the genorel interest in our Common Schools. J. P. CALKINS, Co. Supt. Wellaboro, April 22, IS6B-2t. • NOMB Ja horoby given that John L Mitchell trustoe of the potlitfi pr P. R. Web , star, Insolvent debtore. has filed his . l•l.-cond and final account aa truatea of the raid lnsalmonta' estate, and that tho i•lium will he alleeed and confirmed by the Court on or hotorc tho fourth day of May next (May Term of Count 1868) un- DeLANO lc CO less objections shali be 140 , 1 to COllOllllll6Oll 1.110 8111110 t:ii or 1)01:140 14:11 JOHN P. DONALDSON, Wu'lnborn, Apr fig, f5llB-41v* • Pr,i. T HE noparnersbip berotofote exiz.litut iw twee!) tb t subFeribers in the Stage business, under the netitit U M. 11011. int .1. Hazlett, is this day. (April I: 3 . 18 6 6 ) ditPalt oil by mutual rnn font. The Waits nnrl agotaints 410 I.lie hunils Of aes) %V. rJuifutt, anti all dues 410 4icittailtiti trust be Puttied by him. Itt.ii.LA Li W II AZI)NTT, Tiog3. April 22, 1868-3 t I . I T A MPERS l'estateeetely having lowa gra ea to tho uudoraitiaGJ upon testament of Jaool) Jails uI fahotts ilcooatod, all por4oti owing bait( orioio, and having dontanda agninmt the eatilo; hut to Bettie with JOSEPH ?WRNS, j cx ,„ JUAN MIX I • 'Liberty, April 8 , 1868-6'o' OUTt, 1 NS, J Adtu'ra LRTTEIKS of administration haring boon granted to the subscriber toper' the estato of Stephen B. Burnes, into of (JMoos, deo',l, all )per -80118 owing said' estate, or• hoeing claims upon the some, will settio with 'n JOSUBA-T. JACKSON, Wuitsboro, April I, 18110-13w4 INERY. lELD °rhino t of Spring Administrator's Notice. EXTRAS of adminlitration having- bean y Oahted upon the obtain of Sarah A. Nitns, late of Farmington, dee'd,nll persons owing said whim or baring - claims against the same, will Bottle with JOHN MITCII}I.L, Wollstioro, April 1, 18011-lih' S, FLOWERS, LLINERY. nttondad-to 1 1 neighboring pub e, I hope to desert/0 ' Valuable Farm for Sale. Afarm of Olio() hundred acres. with two bon Bred iITI4 tWOnty fis'C acres tntprnred.. Bit uated.two,mlies north or . ..Tina on Ai l : Tioga River and liallroc:J. ,iwattior'eil, k in der a good state of cultivation, 'end vim" Wit] Inge. Aleo four houses And lota for solo in Tiogl village. T. L. 'BALDWIN. Tioga t 70 . ), 12, I£l6B—lf. rine and Mar.* YOLEY'S. BLICESMITIIINO. W, IT lEh T ItIA; LF, ! NEW ARRIVAL! MRS: F. MILLINERY GOODS, Main :=tri,;ei, \Yak Pa NEW MILLINERY. MISSES HATS, &C , &O, DRESSMAKING Teacher's InSlitate Trustee's Notice Dissolution. I;a:en tors' Not ice Administrator's NoticQ sit r a nee Age ncl'e VVONIA INSURINCE ED; IL C. Smrn. n'fj. W. S. 1i0.45, pre*. itt.;At+, Cc.'( L. ;} 6EII A) h 1 . V AND SURPLUS, 8150,000. T lfiS 11113 (:al - pry „Soi 71,11.:h Theodore - ,14 was lately tagEkt, ° , 4nd pr)lley hold ers •41.11 In e::ev. ti)sural am Te. 1 0. 11 .1.10 to 01 hol/1% , Girard Fire InOrance 00., tqui.aran.ritiA. • J. 11 011 M, Os. Capital 2 00,000, 0a412. • X3,5'0 ME i . 1,70 i Surplus Continental ti Fot.EN Cush Capital, 1 truss Surplus, J; Cash Assets, Ve'jrPolicies T)II ,, PE, Pretiticat. • II 11. I. MT. yien President., CritPS VECIZ, Secretary, S The takes th s method of informing ho public that ho has th agelicj• of the abot•e 'ompanio... and will he ound at his cam over to}',. Drag adjoin ug Agitator 011iefi. J O. I. MITCI/ELL. Well,boro. Pa., Feb..2t . 1868—tf. nING & SIMMER GOODS E beg to cull your attention to our Stool. of gild Straw Goods, the prig Summer Trade, which qram tamplate, awl veteeled with care to meet the vabbt at and ettitiraeing full litter; of ,all that 1 e 771 111141 Lut el, and al the lowest rate! N 1 - 1 FRAALES a :Slatlmmo Italliug'6 large and esyuisito assort merit, of which we wili'zirc our friekdt the 1110,1 desirable April 22, 186S—tf. Brand Sin - 3(l4'll°ga, Pa. TIOG A. CO. COURT PROCLAMATION-. Whereas, the lion. 4obert 0. White, dent Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Pena • sylvania, and C. P. Veil and Eliaha T. lientle',, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tiogn county, bay; issued their precept, hearing dale the 15tli of Apr., 1.8118, and to me'directed, for the Ladd ing of Orphan's Court, Court of Cc/1,31110n General /Quarter Sessions anti Oyer and Tellaie or. at iVelishoro, for the County of Tiogs,On 4th Monday of May (being :the 25th LSO, and to continuo two wears. Notice is therefore hereby given, to tho'Cote ner,duiticesif the Peace, and Constables in slid for Vie NL . county of Tiogn. to appear in their ei pro Per persons oviththeir records,inquisitions,es aminations and remembrances, to do those thing: which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other per: sons prosecuting in behalf of the Cotnmonwealth against any person or persons,•are required to be then and there attending, and root to depart at their peril. Jurors arerequested to he punctual in theirattendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice. • - Given under any hand and geni:.n.t tho Sheriff's wott4pr f ., Pico 24th day of Awl?, in the year if our Lord one thOpFpnii cich, hundred and -ixty-eight, JE'ItOME B. POTTER, Sheriff, , NOTICE is hereby given that the following 11 named ENeemtPrs anr,:l.Alltainistrators hate filed their Acteogni.s 1A thp llegiater's,.Office Tinga co,nnty Pd., and that the said_ Aeconats will ho pi c:ented to the 'judges of the Orid,nni' Court for kill.' county. ut a court to , he held ,a Wellsboro, Monday, May 25, 1968, for continua. lion - and nilownneo: Partial &tent of A Q Garrison, Louisa Stici. and Jacob Sheicts, Atlrninistrators emu test. in estate of A A Sheila), of Japlition, dcpf4, Aect of Richard Brown, ailm'r of the estate , d Griffin Palmer, deed. hest of Elaneon Seeley, Ex'r of last TViii and te stainent of Illnoson Seeley , of Deerfield. dee'd Acct of S 11 Wood, tidut'r of 2Jtale of lle'T) , ; oh Wood.l.t Blow , deed. Ac et of 0 II Wells, ndm'r de Louis non of c 4 tate of Caleb 1) Garrison, laic of Jackson, dec'd Af-r: of L Siteiro, adtu'r of et--tate of E B Garrison, of ,Jaclizion, Acct of 1. It Shedre, snryiving 14'r if lot will and testament (it Jol:n Sbeire, of .la4mr, deceased. Partial acid. of Mary Bond. admix of estate ii Matthew 11.irst, trite of Welhboro, dqted. Acct of Potty A Pride, adtri'x of og_ta to ni }fur. nee Pc e, Ism of 'Westfield twp dec'tl. Wentzborn, Apr. 29, 180, kssinme6 7 s Sat t „.. 'Vona: is herchy givou that I will public auction at my offieu to Tioga, nn IL first day of Slay next, (ISfiS) at two clod, in the afternoon, 01113 unlit Alta. bdionging to the estate of setl) 0. Daggta, Ifntildupt. C. It. SHY Icooit , ngsignee. i Apil 22., Iso n. G01.D53711/TIT, //a 014; IA this pc.pulat 11 aol, the proprietor tc,peo fully rolic•its a ?air share+ of n1111'011:I go. _ Nycr, • attention given to gnez , ts. uh+ay'a ilk ttilkinda April 29, 18(1S —ly. N I;,t N EJPICY —wpsterii is,: To wimm IF tray coni:pyp ; Thu updc; Lefohy notice of Lie appidimlnfl • iil,Agriwe John it. •••,. hi, who have brim a djudged baul thejr own I.(stiliol, by tho Dit-triet J. H A 11RISOS, %Vtllsboro, Ap,il29, 18V.84-3t Aneieitce• ir e ,te ro Ihi.ftri,t of Peno9hunriq, be r 1 1 " "."in .11 kimY v011(.0111: Thu uudcrtcrrd lieroLy fovea of hid api...intit , Dt n' it'" e° of I ."\ I , J. : 4 1.0110 Of ILO I ' OU L" . 1 . 1.110. S e: l'emivytcllni.i, veil" Iv" Leer fj;r:rirrßpt ilvon 110 rirt corp.t of c...:ii(ll)istri , r ' lIARRISqq. • tl'ultsl,6l6, Apiil 21), r_tl{B,-St Til 111. 1 / 4 77:1107' 001 7 1:7 ti F" US ' bif Stith v, foe the Wentorli 1.;11(rio : 4 Wit/ 0. oAneerr, ta batihrort under tioi lat t of emigre:bid 1,07, hat iog applied hr ilmolmige from all his debtm, and other clailLu apt, by uttler of tho Court ounce is hereby given to all rtp,liti.,•:4 prove,l Omit - ileitis, anti uthor per4ons to appear ou tl.t3 20th 'day of May, ISoit, ut il‘• n'eh.ok, M , hoforo E. Smith, /It hie otlico iu 'l'ingo, 14t., to show gismo, if no they have, why it discharge should hut k gnat , 1" I t , NI/1 it/Inifrupt, rqd (*Otero...tiro it , heft hy.giverf Ilya ilte m-ca f tla /mg thi‘o ercilitors of (Ito acid I nm/ Itrupt., roquiriol by to' 27th and 28th sections of eftid hot, trill btu Irir tclate said inter, /It rho AlllO time and ph" S. e M NIAESS, elel; U. District lloart for said District 'a pr 29-2 t Notlee, . . r Vlll3 &hoed Dirpntlw.l. of Pplatar Will Hl' I . l' I WellAufo, Saturday, May 0. to lot th , ‘ t , al'lz jug "l 1 " 0 salool- hoto.eb; one tti La located,ta: ,l .10111 (tray',.:, and nue near William Frane.ns• 'rto he 14st to the io,r,.:+t and beat iloquensall° I t ' '. der. . — ISRABE: StONE. Seey. _ - I 1 AlitiVi ) .:!: !!'? f : ••?:!' 4'oo B:1111137...E. time for sate I 51 1 ,:;. 00 C 1 %c r recd, .cliff cost kirde BAILEY . NV it ttila A; Ivitroirr April I, 1808-3 t WILKES-BAIIRE, PA 1111/2 60,000 w C - - $500,000,00 868, 1,314,590,31 1,814,590,31 t this office. N ! F 01 14 11868. Mrs.' E. D. MITCHELL Register' s Notice D. L. MANE, ogi,,tcr ELLSWRO ITOTVA, 1i) 13:).14truptpy,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers