gtrard, WEDNESDAY SERI' * _2B, 1866 ?few- , 4..dva;tteeplAraLek o : Special Notice—N. Asher. Meat Market—A. J. Tipp*. - Attorney at Law—John W. Guernsey. Executor'e Notice—W. R. ()ries. Photoz,raph Gallery—S. Ccorr. C au tion—William Allen. Land Salcs—Commissioners. Whitneyvillo-11. Frurrington. „ Orphans' Court Sale—N. Auitin and 11. Brooks Administrators. Executor's Notice—gaituu Bogen., REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. monday, Oct. 1. COVINGTON, Sarong and Ni ) chols. MANSFIELD, F. E. Smith, V. A. Elliott. DELMAR, [Battle arlel hones,] Dr. Webb, M. 11. Cobb. Tuesday, Oct-2. MAINSBURG, Strang and Ni chols._ WELLSRORO, frojiag Men's Republican ; Club] FARMINGTON, Pious() s. 13.4 F. E. Smith, V. A. Elliott. CHATEAU, [Starke Corners.] _ Garreteon arid Major ,Mer rick. BAILEY CREEK, kenry Al leo, J. C. Adonis. Wednady, Oct. 3. TOGA, S. B. Elliot W. A. Ni chols. ROSEVILLE, *Stribi in& W 11. Smith. CHATHAM, [Shortsville] F. E. Smith, V. A. Elliott. WESTFIELD, [Cowaneque Valley] Major Merrick, .Garretaon. Thursday, Oet. 4. • I:IELSON, Strang and Wm. H. - - - ' - KEENEYVILLE,boIa and , S, B.. Elliott. CHARLBSTON, [R:ound , Top] Dr. Webb, M. H. Cobb. B ROOK FLU LD, [Hollow] Mer rick and Garretson. . Friday, Oct. 5. LAMB'S CREEK, S. 13.\Elltott, D. R. Seymour. -- -s,„NrOKFIELD, [near ugh's] Garretson, Merrick. KNOXVILLE, Strang and W. IL.F4eitb. NILEE VALLEY; Mitchell-end Cobb. Saturday, Oct. 8. DELMAR, .[VaWag e. house] Nichols and Webb. DELMAR,. [Coolidge s. house] Mitchell and Webb. RICHMOND, [Spencer's mills] Henry &lieu, S. B. Elliott. MITCHELL'S CREEK, John W. Uuernsey, C. IL Seymour. Muuday night, Oct. 8. WRLLSBORO, S. E. Wil. son, E. E. Smith. These meetings are all fur the evening. - The friends of freedom in the several dis tricts are earnestly recommended to bold club meetings for the purpose of folding tickets, ap pointing challengers for election day s , and such other committees as may be necessary to enable Repnblicans to do their whole duty on that day. TCr.snev, Oct. 9. - :General Election. Tioga txpectB every Repohlicah to do his duty. Miss •atrraNE SMITE has , just re ceived her fall and winter Flock of millinery goody, fresh from New York. PLUMB.—Weareobliged to 2. 1 .1 r. Chaun cey Hall,of Charleston, for A specimien of a pro htie,three bushel plum tree. It hangs full and heavy with damson plums. We,hatl heard noth ing f any plume coming to maturity in this re giun the prettint season. ADMITTED TO THE Bart.—Capt. 'J. 11. Stow, of this village, was admitted to prae tire in the several courts of this cennty, nt the last session of the Court. lie may he found at the office of W. 11. Smith, Esq. MeSEIT. STRANG & LEACH, of the west part of the county, were also admitted to practice in the several courts of this county, at the same time.— We bear each of these young men Ppuken of in terms of 'high praise, each having passed credal. bie exau4nationt. Success tti OCEOLA, Sept. 17, 1880. Frichd Cobb—Dear Sir:—Please insert in the next Agit , rtor the following card : A CAP 11.-T am credibly informed that a report is circulating in some parts of this county. that intend next winter, if elected this fall, to vote fro l7otran, or any other Copperhead' candidate, who may be presented for the office of United States Senator by the Johnson Copperhead party.; and to return expect to receive a lucrative office from toe Government at Washington. I can maitre toe people of- this Assembly district that, if elect et. I Ann vote far the 'Radical Republican can di hue for United States Senator; and that under to circumstances can I be induced to support any titer than the regular Republican candidate fur mat Hell office. The rumor is without the slight v!tbuncintion in fact. Yours, truly. WM. - T. HUMPHREY TEMPERANCE MEETINfIS.—E. CARS 'TELL, Esq., agent of the Grand Divieton of 9. - of T. of Penneylvania, addreeecd a meeting of citi- zits of Weliaboro at the Preshyterian,lecture room, Saturday evening. The address wea"o" 1 , 1. and a call for charter metnbore fora Divlsinn 0 S. of T.; at the close, resulted in the recording of upward of 'twenty iiiiuree Mi. Carswell addressed the people on the same rotjcot et the Court Bouse on Sunday evening.— The suchence was tarps and the umeting a decided Additional pauses for a charter were procured, swelling the list to thirty-five. Our pcople may rest assured thelt" the eoterpriseis in . fi for way to achieve much good. THE 3lss MEETINti AT TIOctA..--.ln Iplte of an equinoctial storm of "unusual' violence inn duration, the gathering at Tioga to Lear ad gesse.s fr‘m Col. Foutsita: Ptiitst,,, 4 ton Thursday, was large- and eothuziasilim. It was the third day of continuous rain t-the roads were 4sls of mortar, the wind was from the north .cd tatt, Ind therefore most iuelement. But not , v,i, mete hindrances could cool the ardor of the lercle, who assembled to the number of 2,000, as rrort reaches us. Col. Forney : was taken sick ,thile speaking at Couderdpurt, utterly worn out with his labors dining the .cauipitign. , He as ri:Lt epe.iging three tiined to large 'crothis — Which lb two times too many for the strongest 'd men. Owing to this fact he was 'obliged to return to Philadelphia, and was not at Tioga.— Icis was a great disippointment to the people, tut not being attributable to any cause whisk :.:ght have been avoided, nobody is to titanic.— d have received a note from Col. Forney, ea !res,ing his sincere regrets for big inability to fill n , engagement, and stating that there was no chip for it but to go home and go to bed.!' We tit, only Lope that the Illness with which he is t hreatened may pall byt)stattllanye thin able toTfill ` - 'me of his many engagements in the eastern itrt of the fitate. Judge Pitkin was there, and his aired' of two 'court' duration, in the midst of rain storm, 14 ' " ceived with great euthushatom A stand vat erected under the awning near Laldwin't store, arid every available foot of apace on either taud, np and down the street, and across the street, within hearing distance, was The crowd stood ankle deep in mud in front of the stand, and never flinched.. The effort was a to:leer of eloquence, and marltedl4*l ( ,o l . -- 'lodge Pitkin was a witness to tho terrible o 't of Union men in Ness Orleans, and•his vivid P r Ttrayal of that scene of horror and-dhiath made adtep impression upon the people. 1104 the day beau fair, the meeting nould base lava the largest ever convened in Tina. county. I P r ocession composed or moro s sikep forty ons--twenty four-hor se teams included—would have Wellal;Or'O'at 8 M. - Tile' riOulThiii'a inet 'and jollied tpward - i.uf 150 wagons from tharlestoti, at Potter's and' Crooked Creek, toge.: tber with..fiutmany more from Middlebury, Chat . ham and Farmington:. The rain spoiled -.all this, but did not discourage the people.. it rejoices us ' to know that no equinoctial storm can antapitt the popular ardor in Tioga county. We have participated in many campaigns,' : and can bear witness that in none have we witnessed so much deep feeling and determination among the Republican masses. The neighborhood meet ings are filled to overflowing with enthusiastic men. The signs are auspicious. Let every man resolve tmgive over no effort, until the polls close en the f' - t - day of October. - The promise of an overwhelming victory over the Combined forces of treason, was never so manifest. NEW RAILROAD.—The new road from the Arnot mines to Blossburg is nearly comple ted. It is built in the most substantial manner, and reflects great credit upon the enterprise of the company. , - Now, fellow-burghers, when shall our end of the roe,d;hetiitptp - Is there public spirit enough in WellatinrB initalang tlie - tirobabie.litte tt:t build four or five miles of railroad? . Tharo is `capi tal ' enough, fix.* and floating; bp.t. wilk our men of :means consent to build a ICW:Lutileal,tiCaGlititt;,of railway which, one day, wilt aeli for &tine tiplai the cost Suppose tho corporators of the:Wellsbotti and `Blossborg road have a meeting for consultatiop. Something may come of it. `At least on barni will come. of it. Hercules will not 'pick to tip and set us down on the nearer borders of the great world. We must help ourselves. The Free BapthstOhiireh;of Sullivan will be Dedicated **Today the, 4th of. Oeto-! tober. B. Bargeill:44sEirriebtrig : fServiiis to commence at 11 o'tgoeli,-1-...ta. _ . [For the Agitator.] Comtrion School.. Teachers' examinations will be held as follows: Oceola —Oct. 1 Brookfield, (red school house,) " _2 _ W witfield -3 Clymer, (Sabinsville,) "' Gaines, (Vermilyea's,) Farmington, ( house schoolhour s ): 8 Chatham,' )i Close tar, tiiK,ktitiia . .4 . itr: 10 Delmar, (Butler schoolhouse ,} 12 Wellsboro, (Academy,) ' ", 13 Union, (Swamp 5ch001h0u5e,}..:......:." 16 Liberty, (111ocklinueo,) 17 Blass - Covington " 19 Nelson " 22 Lawrenceville ....... " 23 Tioga " 24 Middlebury, (11 - ollidaytown,) " 25 Charleston, (Dartt Settlement,) ...... "26 Mansfield, (Normal School,) ;:" 27 Sullivan, (Gray's Valley,) " 36 Rutland, [Roseville,] 31 Jackron, [Millertownd ..... ...„ Nov. 1 - Deerfield. [Union Academy,] " 3 Tioga County Teachers' Institute at Tioga, on Nov. 20, 21, 22, 23. Examinations will be principally written. School Directors and the friends of education in general are invited to attend these examina tions. It is especially desirable that the Secretary of the School Board in each district should he pres ent. S.I. PRICE, Co. Sup't. Knoxville, Sept. 22, 1866 BRADFORD ITEMS.—TIse Troy Ga reoe says A barn owned by A. Murray, two wiles north of Troy, together with two horses,- several tons of hay, and-some grain, was burned , ' 011 the night of the 12th" The Troy Atherieum ham made arrangements fora course of, lectures the coming winter. We notice among other names of lecturer, of - Alexander 11. Stephens, late of the Southern Confederacy. As soon would we incite Benedict Arnold, were he living. The same paper says that Edward Claflin, of Roaring Brooch, was killed by the cars near Troy on the 7th. Also, thdt Richard Gormau, a painter, felt !row the scatlolding of the new store of Reding. ton, Maxwell and Leonard, on the tith, and was badly injured. Also, that Baldwin, former editor of the Troy Tuner, is the proprietor of the Cop perhead paper at Hornelisville. We always said that the fellow was a pare mercenary. Bradford ~ , a nty maple a capital bargain in exchanging for Winker. BRADFORD COUNTY.—The Republi can: of Bradford county have nominated the fol lowmg ticket: Congress, Hon. Ulysses IClercor: Associate Judge. J. W. Van Dyke; Representatives. G. W. Kinney. James H. Webb; Sheriff, Wm. Griffis; Prothonotary, W. A, Thames; Register and Re corder. Gen H. J. Madill ; ommissioner, Win. B. Dodge; Auditor, Diane I). Soler; Coroner, J. 11. Hurst. The Laclo's . Fr!erid for October is char ming. 'De fashions, Inter-piece,' patterns: - 'B:c., .te.,.compare favorably with those of costlier pe riodicals devoted to like parpos - de. $2 '5O per )sar, or two copies for $4. Deacon & Peterson, Philadelphia'. _ ' - : - . Peterson's Magazine, the 'cheapest of till like publications, is scarcely behind its fellow's of larger pretensions: Its engrasingeere always ary,d, find its patteriab,.lhough not so numerous, e very fine. 42 per year, o...f..Ppter#D, Phil adelphia. All of the magazines' :end fading dailies and weeklies may 1)e purchased of Young, at elle Walla tO,ro Bookstore, and Of "gia. Etiokt the . Po;teteOl Li .ga. NENN - GOODS. -= WILCOX 8 ttARKEit are :pill ug irC,boal.s 9f. goods for they, Erion de, which they prOpom to eel at verY l )l)i - /fidhilii.'"=` Gaod calico at 18 eente per yard, and other good in proportion. C all and see" Our Ittr t ge stock and prices, and be convinced of the fact that 4he :.reg tilator" fully •811etaius - ite - -name. Advertisement next weak'. - • ' - -* w. &B. NEW GOODS.—The new fall stack of good& far thweatablishment of C. S. Mather S Co., Laws renceville, if now being received ; embracing all, 1 1 the new styles t:t drew go ods,a well as &owes tic and staple goods, all bought for cub/. and to be sold as irey flows priees.. I.lo ; upt fail to call at Stoic of ' - - C. S. MATHER & CO. - Lawrenceville, Sept. 19, 1866.., , A new lot of Zephyrs at Pauline Smith's MARRIAGES In Middlebury, Sept. I itli, 1588: by Tbounte eune.,Y, , FE9.. Mr. ALBERT F. BAN.ER, of brirY 141,43 DiAN t In Wellaboro, Sept 18, by Bev. J. Sbnw, Mr. M. V. PURPLE Of Deerfield; and MiSB MARGARET RIBEROLLE, 01 Wellaboro. A bountiful. supply of duke aceompauied the foregoing notice. We would copy the old En gl i-h custom ofdlying all our old shoes after the hnppy couple, for good lock, only for the fact that p r i nte rs go barefooted, when they fling their old shoes awny.—ED.] In Delmar, Sept. 19, by. Rev. J. F. Calkins. Mr. Jeyix STEELE end Miss ALICE CopEFTlCff, , llll of Del 111 0.4 BRING TIIKiI ALONG !-.1 . will pay four cent,/ per pound for rags; three cent , ' per pound for old newspapers, pamphlets, &mimes:its, and books without their corers; and one cent and .1 half per pound for mixed scrap paper,:—CASH—et my bookstore, No. 5, 1:1t lon block,,Wellalioro, Pa, Sept- b . , lson: ' ITLIGIFYOUNG:-- TFIE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE is ntanufactnrei with certain improvements, secured by letters patent, under dates of May 5. Ib63,;nrul December 4, 1865. Ons of these illtproVeMetitS COPPER the arrangement of fittings portableash pan in the hearth of a cooking storat tipo evelvt, the kelteg ILS it passes down from the grate. ;_ All tierstin,l tire cautioned against manufacttirlMr.. vending oi• Using otbmvatoves made in imitation of the Ameri can, as cults have been commenced for infringement. of the, no ten ts ; end ail persona manufacturing, Benin or raving said imitations, will bo Uable for damages for infringement cal these letters patent. ' SHEAR, PACK A RD & 17 and 19 Greet] street, Albany, N. V. The AMERICAN' is for sale by WILLIAM ptoßzwrs, Welirbera.ip /8-4411*. - Jo-Ite-Beweir4b- , Cfo w ... ... • Thankful for the liberal patronage of a die. . critainating*nktlic intim past, wonl4gen, ItittAßY; announce to the people of - Tioga and adjoining counties, that tiley are now-receiving from New York a large and well selected STOCK OF GOODS, adapted to the wants of this community, which they will sell as usual at the VERY LOWEST 31.iRiCE f"PRI0114. . . Ilavingl/conie entiitdottitat,lie ter -fox: OUR CIISTQMERS AND OURSELVES; 1: 1 , doing a toady,- pay business, we shall : continue to sell our goods ori the principle ' SHALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES AND READY TAY. • '" L ; t P. 3 Our 'Mork 043114E4r , part ,- Tor Dry' Goof); ' - aterng;which berg:hard- - CASSibiiitES:BR6AI) CLOTH, SAT: IN_, T, TWEEDS, .' also, a large line a L AIN ES" DR ESOOODS' AND TRIMMINGS„ DUPLEX Eirfiticr; - My'Eß'ool4o AND OTHER -KINDS ",•-t° • OF 'HOOrSKIETS. - : - ,t. 7 YANKEE NOTIUNS', lIATSCeAIiff; BOOTS. AND ,SROES, —3 • -• ;lES,B.ARDWARE, CROCK- . ERY, &C., &Cf.' ' A. long experience in the lumber trade &veil tie cengdenee that We'can zitipply JOBBERS AND OTHERS;- with synythitigin ih'eir line at raise. PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY -• TO THEM We cordially invite one and'all to cal and see our stook before purchasing elsewbere, as we be= lieve you will save money by so doing. Don't , forget the EMPIRE STORE, NO. I'ENION 'BLOCK WeHeber°, Sept. J9,,,12.66. Stoves Stoves A ND 11AlltDW ABE! MR: WILLIAM ROBERTS begs : trt ILL announce to the'citizens of -Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stook of Strives, Tin-Ware, Brittania, arid" Sheet;lron Ware, ha has, at a great outlay, stocked- his stAre,_oni MAfN STREET,,, VtL15,8134i,71,' with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles,. NAILS, SPIKES,-CROWBARS,--X OUT, RAND ANDtEUVICISIVitS,r; ITRAP HINGES, , ,:dikgflsTEß's TQQI. , S.L. ~:PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, L .-4 'K' BITTS '~ MT -STOCKS, HATCHETS, .0/11SELS1 , SHOVELS, sem:Ts...l'olAS. `;.; • BENCH-SCREWS WOOD SCREWS, :CARRIAGE-BOLTS; • BußßS.:,slaiNs. w4sHERS,. MX - BOXES, AXLE- ' TREES, ELLap. , TIC • -- SPRINGS, 110R,SE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE -- :104,1iltkWrpqm , . POPPERS, ,SAUSAGE•OUTTERS AND STUFFMTS COMBINED:' Also, PISTOLS, — RISTOL CARTRIDOEt3, )*t .11POWDEFLi ANLE 'DAPS. • I ; % PATENT BARNDWR MINOINGS, a new thing; and mide.ffir.risit. bat a few of the many artioler "composing our stock of llarduare. We isvito ,tho pmblivrtt-gltli for 'titra kebtrlFOlND4lll*litilf goodale 'out ; 'anti alirofk- for- or tior q n proMptly and welli'lVlLllAtliollllWre, ' • -IV4llsboro, &pi. 1, 1866-0: - ' 4 3 • BULLARD &I TRUMAN'S '; . 1 is alive to the wants of the People COME AND RIAMINE for yourselves our race selected, stock of Me Jeer t? A I FALL GOODS! •_ lifi4 - Tiat)lV. vt 111.4374' 7 4 12.1zatilliD nil • •f i Lh Wetworinse to hold thirtiadtrof-Alie Stirrotni tug country against the eneroachmont•otfhrbign advertisements. %Ye will advertise only what we use able t.. 1 do. Our ' 7 DitEs . -001jg" STOGY i 3 in ikt@V l SlAski.a l / 1 0 . 64 06 :5 15 VALKP ,11 ;estif:Likr have examihea. DOMEg r aCEO . • • - :actr% we have in abundance. nob as first class Prints, Sheetings, &c., &c OUR H - AT__4 C. 'STOCK we take pride in CLOTHING made to order and guaranteed a perfect fit .or no sale. Just rfeeirO a niee-ji-of.iiine Daplex: Eliptic ;:' They nee I no recommend as all who-have had than can lenity. • LIZ OUR )300T j' SHOE STOCK BE ~ :aa. BALMOREL CLOTH Ci ,ii_ ± ', , - .: 3 1 . '.ii. , ..,i-i: ._ ~1,i,.=_1 and KID GAITERS to suit all eustomers.— tumbermen some and examine oar Boots. ‘ i t i 1 Li,. •2 - Eve. j,t t 1 s tt,ti wo. - iirelsrepa r t : o"'d(stribi ni,"_tii9lo-tgi,t‘pt,tc6E f '- • CROCKERY, We bare received a beautiful assortment of the very latest styles. t;I:r ".O . ; 4 IroULLARiII . , A - CA;: 3 -, 24l.!;&eStaitAlL= Willleboro, Sept. 12,1866. xi I -UF--- P . ..- I llMElM=ilin e t 4 i .;;„-ttr.t.l, 1 ; e.t2 , • ' lf 1 -.------.-.--4 r • dck iffiti . ~.~~ .-- we make a epeetality • a .1!i ti: ,•••• GROCERIES, EMI 111=31!ffiMBE +QLJNL_ . ;:cfl Can be made by every man, woman, and child in this eakanty, if they will stiietty "ere to: the plan of baying their goods of the well- known popular old concern of IMIDIMIZO W. K. Smith's' Sons. ..4 4 4. 3 0?/4. I .POINTY;4:i ..._1 lE.:f}"a .: t ICI .; It•‘.1) a1t741) •j Thousands aneldbarilindi igtvothk Atm° al , seedy reaped their rewiht*-by i Oslatoisg. Every iadoi-;I: 1.11 .1 1 DRY 009DS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, . BOCatikatIOASAEWS/ CAPS, CARTITS,IML:C/ArE{S; r. 1•. .: • ! are on hand in, ndance, =EMI .tlllil?,.P9!1:1,1;8 . 1,A!ILMOIsi, It E=MEI at the old ReHabit firer, the _ 1 ):I `PEOPLES' STORE . • • , ! ; GRAVE AND IMPORTANT INFORMA TION TO CASH BUYERS WHO WISH TO SPEND TFIEIRONEY WHERE THEY CAN GET THE MOST FOR IT. W. R. I SMITIPS SONS' system of keeping sit enormous stock•of goods at all times of, the year, and selling them ebeap—tbis system so ob noxiods to big profit stores—is fairly begun for the Fall - eiiaSon at their store, and such a year for doing people good was never known before. Cer tainlp thereAvitta;gaintwasou for swindling pri ces now ;11stiNftie had mad& of theta already. The gresk advantage an,d_importance, of trading for Cash dr Ready pay is folly illustrated by-_the low prices now saging as the. Feeple's - S tore. A F tirtf().-MAS-S7 11114i144 FMMT : & PEOPLE GENERALLY. - • ". 4 Buy yolsr g oods of a concern which has a big assortment and is selling ten times as many goods and of course can sell them as many times chea pev;than small concerns. We give all such ad vatitsliee to ouriMistom'ets. A FEW (IT DINGS FOR THE Pau /G 'l ' DENT BUYER T ' D ' OrtiilDEE DEVISEE SFEND , IND HIS MONEY. it 4 3 al" : j ` rtes _ Lt #47lntrir t ikg 43res Ogrusits ; bar und rritits'of interest an no real takers at that—all,of,wbieh,ts very bad as against. R. Smith's Kaaestiuttien -Light expensis- mind no *eats, new goods at break down prices, and the good old mottwiet pred.4rood yak's,. and quiek returns, flying to the breeze. The feet is, the onlyttrue,aud certain road to fortune .for the umrcliarrt is alwayii - in give'-bib enatinneriz di' vie do. the must he can for his money, and depend On large sales tor bis .profits... Again, our popular and legitimate system.of dealing, buying strictly for cash. always having cash on hand. render us master" of, tfil sitzmy t ionyrhenlyiz . op getnespiithe markk. 'Never before was there such a tempt ritty4lot +l , goods - bre. priees,- as-- , andgetiltshowfromihis _ time forward. e' j 19, 9 ,.. Goods and Clothing oatt!t•be beat, and lever leaves the store without buying, and none ;vb..) care what thersai;vellf—inake the assertion that they can buy goods elsewhere as cheap. We tileatifit*ittock !' ; ; BOOT&AND SEWEs ; Fr A .I'B AND, CM'S, thejli fekeptip the countyp j cliffl, if nothittgiotote than to sea the CHEAP GOODS on the anxious emintt:r,lt 13TH r rri CARPETS Atiit O itilAuS 1.• - •:tf at ruinous luw rates. 4hC l COlltage and palace can replenished for a song — now, by calling on the 40- itrErienet. • -- • - • • CROCKERY, - WALL P rod itioNiqipd otheiartieles, can be found; and one 'Who sees them oan help baying. We Nwifapture all the 'CLOMAIV.qwe sop. Every dressed, man buys hishorness of William It. S'aillh's Sons. We also make to older. Oar Cutter jaaster,9f! ,his he stands_ down the hall for : 110, luai.Arbo wieldq the shears for,a livelihood'- Nit ffla cure thedeformed,. Wz keep' Pork,' .Flour* and gait, Witsrialab icrtr coriess than. nwitket - flats. . 'tic . matio• than Aver the dety,of every man ;and woman to Call here before "buying, and look through tbe stocle of tempting goOds and bargains,. 'swita - ane- - -etm imagine •or form' any idea 'how great 40.iffereneti, there .ikbett'veen the , prices of .gands bought and prices of goods else whe—r—e boughftfOrr notes that arei - rifpaid promptly. I The safest thing — flir-a . ll.2huyers who want the lowednoteivAn , goods, IS to Cell ataLget W. R. Smith's Sons' prices, and take around in your pockets to compare. A great many stores will girthecold shoulder after you visit the Old Ctn.—, ner wheii they _work for their customers. YOtt - cihrifit - thistake the place, as - it Occupies the room of fourAtores,immediately on the Erie raillitrY; unit the 'v . :1131144 eon stiintly going ett; -- Call, if for nothing more than to see how we 1- &Ate the guns. „,Yous, trztlY. 1, • • W. R., faLITRIeSOIIO. Addison. N. Y., Sept 5,1866. . „ifitr Storei TAKE this method of announcing to the citi aens of Blossburg and surrounding country that they hazet,elpened.stotore at the gbove ,place toi the late of pure ZELVZO EMNCES/IgD Liquors of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Lamp, Coal Oil, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Extracts of all kinds, Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions, ee. We ask an inspection of our goods, assuring the public that we cannot he undersold in the county., Edierytiang iniaally kept id ir Drag Store will tin Oct be f 09 134 at this estabbehmea t. Satisfaction gnarkeitiii all cases. Remember thet!place, . , ; Main Street, loppOsit6 'the 'Post , Office, Blossburg, Pa. E="lMlf= MM J. L. WILLIAMS & CO, WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A SUMMER GOODS At the People Ill's Store, Corning, N.Y. 1 I II Adapted to the want; of all classes ; and as we laid in for a good stock just before the- late ad- Vallee to New York, we 8113'110w enabled to sell most of e caumods stt.about djJer,..Y NEW yORK PRICES. • .1 - We would call especial attention to our large stock of goods for FRENCHMUSLINS AND ORGANDIES ever offered in this market. We also have a nice assortawnt of in cloth and silk, to which ire invite the attention of buyers. Our stock of _ CLOTHS AND CASSLNIERES, for men's awl buy'r. tteo,r, iA kept very full, and •• 1, , _4a •>. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on short notice and in the Litest style Our facilities fur BUYING GOODS are UN SURPASSEPF by ,any 24 this section, and wo wiShrieditfititoofMat 4 We do not intend to' be UNDERSOLD by any.' WO tinder our thanks to the citizens of'll'oga Co., who have patronized us and would respect fully invite those who have never done so to call and IWO WI. Store opposite the Dickinson 11.. use On Ma*Street, three doors west of the corueto; and t oore east of llungerford'.2 Bank. • , 11Eted's Bridle= and tiries, =ISE A . MOST valuable. article for all who drive hot. 1 - 1 1 . sea. See " Agriculturist" for March, IS6B. Itecommended by Wilkes, of the Spirit of. the Times; Bonner, of the New York Ledger, and many other celebrated horsemen. The subscriber owns the patent fur Tioga, Sus quebanna Bradfortcoun ties. Individual or toi'►ngt#p rights feisille; on faiorabfis termg. - , Harness makers who wish to make the lines for Their customers who buy individual righis, will be dealt with liberally. By a slight alteration, the safety lines may be 'attached to almost any bridle. - All persons are cautioned against making or using the bridle qr lints,‘inthh counties aforesaid * without authority from the undersigned. TO THE LADlES.—Ladies wishing ornamen tal hair work done, can find patterns of all the latest designs at Mrs &field's millinery rooms opposite the post office. All orders for hair jew elry neatly and promptly tilled. Pins, earrings, bracelets, anger rings, guard chains, all made on short notice. Persons at a distnnce sending or ders by mail may be assured that they will be carefully attended to." The highest prices paid for hair. Mrs, Sofield is .now receiving a fall supply of millinery, together with Madame Demorest'sma chine rippers, a most convenient little artiele for ripping machine sewing also Madame's celebra ted toilet artietes-L.corseis. jAdit, skirt elevatas, de. Bonnets and bats repaired in all the new styles. Sept. 12,1866-2 in A LARGE assortment of window glassat -.HORDES d CII A3IIIERS. Tinga, Sept. 12, 1866. rpTINTIOO X '6ot r tNlit'll n mod blowing or -L der. and will play for pit lac.. coloitrat tons, tc.. a reasonable comptinsatiets. .11.11. Adams legtler, H. F. GARRETSON, Secretary. Tiers, August 1,1866.-2 m. AT BLOSSBUBG, PA 3. L. wiLLiAigs t 4 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put up at all times SPItNEth ASSORTMENT OP lADIES' SUITS, and the finest line of LADIES' SACQUES, TA_LNIAS AND BASQUINES, Balmoral and }loop Skirts, of ovary variety GINGHAMS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, DeLAINES, CHALLIES, SUN niBRELLAS, JEANS, COTTONADES, SHEET INGS, SHIRTINGS - SMITH & Corning, N. Y., June 27, MM. (Eaten,te4 Noromb“ 7, 15t7,.) - - • ROBERT C.. SIMPSON Wellabor°, Sept. 5, 1,556—tr IYELLSIioROUGTI MB, LIFE & ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE AGENCY. W. H. SMITH, GENERAL POLICY AGENT FOR TI OGA COUNTY, PA. Cash capital. Assets. Rome, N. ....... 83 , 589 , 817 Aye, 2,000,000 3,300,439 . Phenix 1,0011,000 5,000 000 Norya American, Philad'a, 1,000,000 731, , 000 Putnam. 600,000 Farmere Mutual, Middle Penna 357,402 92 Wyoming, ... 950,000 Lycoming, Mutual, Muncy, Pa Columbia Mutual, Lancaster, Pa. Globe Mutual, Life, N. Y. City, 600,000 N.Y. Accidental, 500,000 Traveler? Accidental, Hartford, 500,000 Equitable Life Assurance Society. Non-Hazardous, Hazardous, and Extra-Haz aedous Risks taken at reasonable rates. Policies Issued,.and all Losses adjusted at this Office. W. 11. SMITH, Wellsluaro', Pa July 25, Drugs, Medicines, Ire. J..L. BELDEN & Co., BLOSSBURCI, PA lq" REF constantly on hand a fine stock of Pura Dru'gs, Medicines, Chemicals, ,tc., - WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacremantal use; also all the popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, doe., all kinds of brushes, Dye Colors, Dye Woods and Stuffs,. fine Toilet Soaps, Nrfumery, Pom- ades, Cosmetics, &c., STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Memorandum Boob, Pass Books, &e., Potash in bun at 15 cents per pound, Kerosene Oil, Lamp Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, &e. Fresh Oatmeal and Pearl Barley at 10 eta per pound. We are sole agents in Blossburg for Dr. N. Weaver's Ext. Fireweed, and warrant it to cure Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Pimples on the face, and all diseases arising from impure state of tho Blood if used according to directions. Particular attention given to compounding physician's and other Prescriptions. We guaran tee satisfaction, both in quality and price. Remember the Store, opposite the new Coal Co's Store, Blossburg,Pa. J: L. BELDEN & CO Aug. 15, 1566-tf. Orphans' Court Salo. IN pursuance of au order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, hearing date the 27th day of August, A. D. 1866, the following described real estate, late the property of David Close, deceased, will be offered at public =ale on the premises, on Saturday the 29th day of September nest, at two o'clock I'. M., to wit: A lot of land in Westfield township, Tioga Pa., bounded on the north by lands of David Rexford and Joel Parkhurst, on the east by lands of Joel Parkhurst, on the south by lands of Wtu. Simmons, and ou the west by other lands herein after described and lands of A. B. Close; con— taining about 50 acres, know as the W. O. Tuttle lot of Bingham lands. Also, all that other lot situated in the township aforevairl, and described as follows: Bounded on the north by land. of cab! A. E. Close, on the east ny the lot above rl ,, crihed and said lands of William Simnions. on the south by buds of Wm. Simmons and by lands of way ; containing about 12 acres. Terms, cash on confirmation of sale. E. S. SEELEY, Adm'r of David (' h ate, deed September 5,1,966,1 t Orphan's' Court Sale TN pursuance of an or ler nf the Orphans' Court of Bogs county, bearing data the 27th day of August, I:it:C.. the following de , erihed real es— tate, late the property of Jatnew Campbell. dee'd, will be offered at public e, on the pretniFes, en the :Id day of October next, at two o'clock p. m , to Wit: A lot of land situated in the township of Farm ington in said county: beginning at the south est corner hereof, it, being the southeast corner of Jot No. 89 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Farmington township afore-aid thenceuorth, degree welt, 92.9 rods along said lot No. 39; thence east 119.1 rods along lot No 85; thence south, degree west, 94.3 rode along lot No S 6: thence north,B9.ilegrees.weF,t, 91.9 rods along lot No 192; thence west 23 2 rods to the place of be ginning: being lot No SS of said allotment, and containing 65.5 acres, being portof, i warrants Nos 1:1711 and 1371. Terms cash on (-inf.] matton of sale. 4IINOC4I Tl, CAMPBELL A..ltri'r Matt of Jos: Ca tapt4.ll, deed. September 19.1696.--4w'' Auditor's Notice WIRE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor to distribute money in the hands of the Administrators of the estate of Royal Rose, late of Rutland, deceased, will attend to tho du ties of his otlice in Tioga bo rough, on Thursday, the ISth day, of October next, at ten o'clock a. m. All persons having claims against said estate, are required to presort and prove their chums before thei Auditor at that time, orim debarred from coming in for a share of said ilssets or fund. F. B. SMITH, Tioga, Sept. 19, ISII6-4w Auditor. Win. 'Bache, David S. Greene, John Greene, Henry C. Greene, 1 August Term, 1666 lianneb T. Greene, f- Mary 11. thecae, Charles S. Greene, Heirs at law and legal representatives of Jno. Greene, deceased. Bjectatient for the following described - ,tract of land, bt,ing in Union township, and described as follows Beginning at a stone beep the south east corner of warrant No. -1612; thence-north by the eastern boundary line of said warrant No. 4612, and by other land of John Green, 251.4. per ches to a hemlock; thence west 191 perches to a beech ; thence math 2311 porches to a past in the warrantline ; thence c I,t alott , s the warrant line 190 perches to the place of beginning; captain— ing three hundred acres; being part of warrant No. 4612, John Vaughn warrantee. And now to wit, September 2d. 1566, rule on the above named defendants, to appear and plead tal or before the first Monday of November nest, or judgment to he entered to c.o. or of plaintiff fur the land dose: ibed in the above ease. T. F. DONALDSON, Pro'y Wellsboro, Sept. 12, 181,6 3m Auditor's Notice MLLE undersigned having been appointed an 1 . Auditor todistrihute money in the hands of tbo Administrator of the estate of John (leorge joi,l,:qrh, late of Tioga town hip, ticee.t,ml, will attend to the .lutie; of saiii appointment at his office is Tioga harengb. t u blon4yi.the 15th day of Oeti,bee next, at ten o'clock a. m. All persons having ,claims against said estate are required to present and prove the same before the Auditor, at thattime, or be debarred from coining in on such assets or fund. F. E. SMITH, Auditor. Tioga, September 1565-4 w Administrators' Notice NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration upon the estate of Datil Wood fib d,'inte nt Tinge. township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. Alt persons indebted to said e.t.tta are hereby notified to make imme diate payment. and :ill persons having claims against oil estate are requited to present the same with vouchers to us for settlement. F. F, SIVITIL B. W. CLARK, Tioga, Sept. 19, ISF.ll—tiw Adufrs. - OXECITTOP'S NOTlCE.—Letter; Testamen -4 tart' havine• been granted open the eqate of Phebe Hayler, late or Westfield, deceased._ all perirc;r4 indebted to Fold et , tate are required to eiithe immediate I,IIV1 , 1IV ment. and ati elttitns agates the some' must he presented to 'M . /LUSTER. BARER, Exee'r. Westfield, Sept, a, 1866-6w* In the Common Pleas No. 2tl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers