march to the polls, shoulder to shoul der, as we often have in battling for an issue not more important than that now at stake. Pennsylvania has a glorious history ! From the time our forefathers pledged " their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor," in casting off the yoke of British tyranny, through that seven years of gloom, privations and heroic fortitude, known as the American Rev olution ;in the second short but bloody struggle for liberty in 1812 ; in the mem orable an d victorious Mexican campaign; and finally during the four years of des perate fighting, heroic endurance, and immense bloodshed, so terribly fresh in your memories, culminating in the sub ugation of the most gigantic and stub born rebellion known in history ;—the sons of Pennsylvania did their duty.— They fought in every prominent en gagement from Bunker Hill to Peters burg. The Key one boys are buried on every battlefilfd, from the burning sands of Florida to the green hills of our own Gettysburg. As fortunate survivors of the late struggle, wherein three hundred thou sand patriots fell, you have now an op portunity of adding fresh laurels to those so worthily won, or having them withered, and crushed, so soon, by the triumph of your enemies. It is for you to decide. The eyes of the nation are upon you. Every loyal citizen ; the be reaved mourners, whose relatives and friends fell by your side ; the memories of your comrades, who sacrificed their sweet lives to save the Republic ; all, all appeal to you, to do your duty.— While we were fighting in the field, our friends at home nobly confirmed their loyalty and sympathy for us, in the re election of the "Soldiers' Friend"— Andie Curtin. These same patriots will vote for Geary. It * remains to be seen whether we—the soldiers—will unite our strength with theirs in inflicting on these Copperheads an ignominious de feat; giving them such a scornful re buke as to send them whining, so far into their holes, that the atmosphere will, for a time, be purified of their poi sonous breath ; or cast our ballot against a comrade—against those who stood by, and sympathized with us,—agaiust the best interests of our State and nation, and against ourselvs. It is the daily boast of the Copperhead politicians and press, that the soldiers will do this.— They talk of " Clymer and the boys in blue," &c. Such allusions should be spurned by every honorably discharged defender of his country, as an insult to his loyalty, to his intelligence, to his manliness. Place Gen. Geary in the Gubernatorial chair, (and I firmly be lieve we will do this,) and every loyal heart in the land will be gladdened, ev ery lover of liberty will hail the an nouncement as another triumph over tyranny and oppression. Elect the Democratic (?) candidate, and every Copperhead in the country, every reb el, whether pardoned, " reconstructed" or rampant, will clap his hands with joy and sing hosannas to Theater Cly mer, Andrew Johnson and Jefl: Davis. EX-VETERAN. The Bon, John Hickman Defines His Position. Several citizens of Chester county, Pa., having written a note to the Hon. John Hickman, asking his views on the great political question of the day, have received the following reply : "My answer is given in the following declarations, every one of which I sin cerely believe to be true : I. Mr. Johnson is openly and vindic tively apostate to the party that placed him in power; as he assured the coun try he was an unconditional friend to freedom, and he desired to have traitors punished and their crime made odious. He has falsified all his stereotyped as sertions, and consequently I look upon him, as capable of any enormity—the worst. 11. If he can carry out his plans—and he assures us, in the most vulgar and disgusting language, he will do so 7 —they must end in the complete subversion of free institutions. 111. The President is false—but Mr. Seward is infinitely below him in point of political depravity, and is the prime, moving cause of all our present trou bles. - IV. The National Legislature would disgrace itself and the nation by admit ting Senators and Representatives from. the late—l may say present—rebellious States, without first providing for the public welfare in the future, and being thoroughly convinced of the loyalty of its new members. V. The Government is placed in ex treme peril by Mr. Johnson and the South, through the malign machina tions of Mr. Seward ; ,and to aid in car rying out their skilfully arranged policy would be madness, for it would be irre trievable ruin. VI. In what is attempted to be stig matized by " Conservatives"—that is blood-dyed criminals and their wicked apologists—as "Radicalism," lies our only safety, The contest, this moment, is between the spirit of despotism and the spirit of freedom, and is as strongly marked and as distinct as in April 1861. I have not been disappointed in Mr. Johnson, fQr I never placed any confi-. dente in him. Ever since I knew him personally, I have regarded him as a half-crazed, reckless and dissolute man ; vain, arrogant and ignorant; and de clined to support him. I had watched his course closely, and could not but des pise him. lam sorry that my estimate of his character has proven correct. The sun of that day has sett, forever when I could be cheated by one born and educated, or rather uneducated, un der the destructive influence of that Heaven-defying institution, human sla- . very. The only security for American citi zens and voters, is in combined resist ance to demagogues and tyrants. I would now warn them that they have no time to lose, if they would save them selves and their pbsterity. Yours, truly. Jou.:c FIICKMAN. THE N. Y. HERALD ON THE PROg,- PECa'o IN PENNSYLVANIA.—The Her= ald of Monday says : " The anion Con servatives have done, perhaps, as well in Maine as could have been, expected under the circumstances; hut we are satisfied they would have done much better had they nominated for Governor a man identified with the Union war party of the war, instead of a hide-bound party politician representing the peace at-any-price platforim of the Chiccigo Convention. The Democrats of Penn sylvania, in nominating for Governor Aiester Clymer, a peace man during the war, against General Geary, one of the most distinguished soldiers of the war, did for the radicals the very best thing that could be done. Nobody sup pos. that there is a ghost of a chance for Clymer against Geary, and no polit ical philosopher has yet risen to allow that while Clymer cannot save himself he will strengthen the Conservative Congressional ticket in any part of that State. In short, he is a dead weight upon his party), A farmer, more noted for the care he bestowed upon his fine stock than upon his mode of expression, wrote to the Secretary of an agricultural society in regard to entering his animals for the premiums offered, and added, by way of postcript : " Also enter me for the best jackass. I'm sure of a premium." Eht agitator. WELLSBORO. PENZIPA. WEDNESDAY, . SEPT. 26,1866 az n a trx...A.T zc) zr 1,6 50- FOR GOVERNOR MAJ. - GEN. JOHN W. GEARY, OF CIIMBBRLAND COUNTY JUDICIARY_ For Associate Judges, C. F. VEIL ' of Liberty. E. T. BENTLEY, of Tioga CO For Congress, Hon. S. F. WILSON, of Wellaboro, For Assembly, Dr. W. tr. HUMPHREY, of Oeeola, JOHN S. MANN, of Coudersport, Prothonotary, &c., JOHN F. DONALDSON, of Wellsboro For Re?fiister and Recorder, DARIUS 1,. DEANE, of Delmar For Commissioner, PETER V. VANNESS, of Rutland For Auditor, ISRAEL STONE, of Delmar. Potter county pledges herelf to 850 majority for Geary and WilsOn. Bully for Potter county. Tioga can make it about 3,000 more. Mr. SEWARD is believed to be in a dy ing condition. He is .sinking rapidly. Look out for your tickets, Republi cans. Have your true blue men on guard where the tickets are folded and distributed The Copperheads never fought a fair fight yet. Watch them.— Look out for spurious tfckets. Cut out the ticketlB the head of this column and preserve it. It will serve to detect any attempt at fraud. If any man at tempt to circulate any fraudulent tick et, alleging it to be the Republican tick et, mark him down and send his name ,to us. Every attempt at fraud shall be prosecuted. The proposition to increase the sala ries of Congressmen was moved by Niblack, of Indiana, a virulent Copper head, and a majority, of the- " Demo crats" of the House vOted for it. But mark this fact: Of the RepubliCans present and voting, al \ majority voted against the proposition. Will some of the noisiest of that party state this undeniable fact to their stupid followers? We guess not. We publish a card from Dr. W. T. Humphrey in the local colunin, which effectually squelches the rumor that he was contemplating the betrayal of the Republicans of Tioga county, in voting for a Copper-Johnson U. S. Senator.— We have not believed this cruel rumor, but it was widely circulated and inten ded to do him some harm. We do not know of a truer man than W. T. Hum phrey. Only three ballots this fall. One la beled " State," enclosing the name of Geary for Governor. One labeled "Ju diciary," with the names of Veil and Bentley for Associate Judges; and one labeled " County," with the names of Wilson for Congress, Humphrey and Mann for Assembly, and Donaldson, Deane, Van Ness and Stone, for county officers. Remember this. BRAND THE LIE! Every Copperhead speaker, and every paper of that stripe, in this State, is trumpeting the lie that Congress his voted $3OO bounty to negro soldiers aid .but $lOO to white soldiers. We have d nounced this as a lie, "time and again,' but a "white soldier" puts the facts so squarely before the public in the Phila delphia Press, that we extract the bur den of his remarks, as follows: " Previous to the passage of the acts of June 16th, 1864, (section 2,) and July 4th, 1864, (section 1,) but few, if auy, of the colored troops were entitled to any bounty. These acts merely placed the colored soldier upon the same footing as other soldiers of the regular or vol unteer forces of ihe United States of like arm of the service.' I quote the exact words of the_law. " The only discrimination that exists is in favor of the white soldier, who, by the act of July 28, 1866, is entitled to an EXTRA BOUNTY of one hundred dollars, which the colored soldier does not get. These Copperjohnson orators and news papers know, or ought to know, that these are the facts of the ease. It is true that the colored man who served two years can get, and many of them have been paid, $lOO bounty -; so has the white man ; but the white man, by the act of July 28, 1866, is entitled to ANOTHER $lOO, which the coloi-ed soldier cannot get, as there were no colored troops in the service at the time for which this $lOO extra bounty is to be paid. This bill was signed by President Johnson ; and it is rather strange to see the friends of the President trying to bring discredit upon Congress for passing a bill which he himself approved, and which would not have become a law without his sig nature. " Why is this extra bounty of $lOO to the white troops not paid? The bill al lowing. it has passed both Houses of Congress, and been approved by the President. There is money enough the Treasury to pay it; and if it is not paid, it is the fault alone of the Presil dent and his officeholders. They are withholding the payment of this extra bounty for no other purpose than to in fluence the elections. Let the white soldiers hold them responsible for it." ISOLDIERS, if one of you can read the article on our first page addressed to you and not desire to Meet and embrace the gallant writer, you are leis susceptible than we. It is the invitation of a young man who enlisted in 1861, served as a private and non-commissioned officer for the entire war, having re-enlisted in 1864. He is one of nature's noblemen, a gentleman, modest to a fault, brave, faithful, and good. The production it self marks him as a young man of su perior intellect; iu fact, this young pri vate soldier has more brains than the entire Blair family and their admirers. Let no man fail to read the article enti tled " To Soldiers." "DOWN WITH THE TRAITORS-OP WITS TEE FLAG.' If there is a Republican in Tioga county who oyerloots the vital need of vigilance and action from this hour to the hour of closing the polls on the 9th day of October, we pity him. We say to him, an'd to all, that no man living, no child living, will ever witness an election so fraught with des tiny as that which the freemen of Penn sylvania will hold on the 9th day of October. The issues are plain : We will state them briefly, anti without surplusage. They are— Shall Congress make the laws, or shall Andrew Johnson make them? Shall loyal and tried men reconstruct the Un ion, or shall traitors do it ? Shall the President obey the people, or shall the people obey the President? Demagogues may seek to 'cover up, these issues by creating new ones. They will attempt to do this, doubtless: They will lie, as usual, and they will misrep resent without scruple, as usual. The Republicans of Tioga county will vote them down—as usual. But our duty as a journalist must be performed; and we utter the earnest words of warning against the lies and misrepresentations of Copperhead ora tors, editors, and handbills. One would suppose that that party would be wary and hesitant about rais ing the old cry of " nigger" in Tioga county. But they think the people for getful of the immediate past. They are mistaken. Only fools forget. We see posted and circulated a carica ture of a negro taking his ease, and white men at work to support him. The text of this unartistie lie is a tissue of lies. The Freedmen's Bureau, against which it is aimed, was created for des titute men and wom i en, without distinc tion of color; and five-sixths of the mo neys expended under its operation, have been expended in relieving the necessi ties of the whites. It has distributed, and is distributing rations to men and women who used to own, and flog, and sell negroes before the war. And remember this : The white and black men of this county are now pay ing taxes to pay the debt` incurred in suppressing a rebellion concocted and carried on by the leaders of the so-called Democratic party. This cannot be de nied. Every prominent leading rebel, with Jeff. Davis at their head, was, and is to-day, a Democrat of the Hiester Clymer and Theodore Wright school? The scoundrels ! They get up a con spiracy to overthrow the Government. Republidans combine to put them down, and do put them down, but ata vast ex pense of blood and treashre. Then the conspirators taunt us with involving the country in debt! As well may the thief and murderer taunt the Commissioners of Tioga coun ty with expending public money to try and convict them and send them to the penitentiary! Can brass go farther? These fellows try our patience. But they must be endured. They were the allies of traitors in arms, and they are the allies of traitors disarmed. Treason is not dead. It does not sleep, even.. It is rampant wherever you find Southern rebels and Northern Copper heads. We must strike down these al lies of treason on' he 9th day of Octo ber. These adNiocates of Hiester Clymer and Theodore Wright were "Peace Democrats" during the war. They now appear, and strut the stage, as " War Democrats." What next? Why, after the 9th of October, when Gen. Geary will be elected Governor of Pennsylvania and the 40th Congress shall be proved overwhelmingly radical Republican, we suppose these fellows will go about swearing that they are radical Republicans Why not? From intense pro-slavery men they profess to hive become abolitionists, and they ac tually employ a man who professes to have been an original anti-slavery man for a quarter of a century, to stump it in Tioga county ! Last Oar they were opposed to The abolition of slavery. This year they endorse the abolition of slavery. Next year they will claim to be radical Re publrans, and in 1868 they will be in for egro suffrage—swearing all the while that they never change. Friends—the cry of "-Negro" will not frighten any man who is not afraid to go through the graveyard of a dark night. Fears of negro equality will not disturb any man who is not already the inferior of the African in his own pri vate judgment. As for the rest—the Republican party must punish these leaders of the Cop perhead party through the balloi-l-box. Depiivation of place and power is the lightest punishment they can expect.— Let us strike together, and render trea son odious and traitors infamous. The " demnitioh Bow-wows," as the classic Mantilini used to put it, are a broad in Tioga county. The Union is in danger again. The bluffers of the Copperhead party are out in force; the 800-hoos are on one flank, and the bow wows on the other. Good people—if the Union is in dan ger, it is in danger from the plots of rebels and their Copperhead allies. The party which saved the Government from destruction at the hands of South ern traitors and Northern sympathizers, will again, this time with the ballot, rescue the nation from its great peril. Republicans may rest entirely easy about Generals Grant, Sherman, Sheri dan, and other noted Union Generals. Not one of these men are believers in Andrew Johnson's policy. Not one of them attended the late Johnson-Sol diem' Convention at Cleveland, and not one of them will aid Andrew Johnson to put the Government into the hands of rebels and Copperheads. Remember this. The future will demonstrate the truth of this affirmation. We notice that there is a " Conserva tive" party organization hereabout, which is devoted to the enviable task of convincing the people that there is no carnivorous cat in the Copperhead meal tub. "Will you walk into my parlor? said the spider to the fly." • We have read of Conservatives. We knew some of that sort of folks in 1861. They lived in Maryland, and acted as go-betweens between Washington and Richmond. Just stroke the hair the. wron way once, and ygn will find a CoppOtead under every coat, labeled " Conservative." - Alas for the Copperjohnsons! After all their boasting that they had-not on ly the but the army, in the person of Gen. Grant, and the navy, in the person of Admiral Farragut, it turns out that neither Gen. Grant nor Farra gut endorse the President's policy.— Gen. - Grant authorizes the correspond ent of the Chicago Repubiican to say that he is no politician. That he does not endorse the President's policy ; and that no man who was not loyal in 1881 should have his support. Among these objectionable traitors he classed Hiester Clymer, and declared that it was an in sult to any loyal man to ask him to vote for 'such a man. As the President delivered over the Constitution to every crowd which he addressed during his late tour, the ques tion arises as to how he reclaimed it so as to , make the delivery to the nest crowd. Or did be have a pocket full of consti tutions to give away? . The Maine election has convinced Bennett, of the New York Herald, that Johnson is wrong and Congress right. In his Wednesday and Thursday issues of last week he says that the defeat of the President in Maine shows conchi sively that not a Northern State will endorse„" my policy," that the Fortieth Congress will be more radical than the present one, and that Johnson's insane speeches have, in concert with the mas sacres in Memphii and New Orleans, utterly routed the Copper-Johnsons.— Bennett is right this time. Montgomery Blair and Henry J. Ray mond threaten war on the part of the South unless Johnson's policy shall pie vail. These fellows must be given to understand that what they cannot get by favor they must not hope to conquer by arms. The South will never wage war against the North, unless, as before, Northern traitors egg them on. The South' will have to strike the first blow, if there is to be war. The rebel Gen. Forrest, the hero of the Fort Pillow slaughter of Union pris oners of war, sent a telegram of con gratulation to the Johnson Soldiers' Convention at Cleveland. The Conven tion, which consists of Brigadier Gen erals and Colonels, chiefly, sent a mes sage of thanks to the gallant and heroic assassin. Comment is unnecessary. Among the brood of lies set afloat by the Copperheads this fall, was one de claring that Gen. Grant and Admiral Farragut endorsed President Johnson's policy. We art , glad to be able to state that neither of those gentlemen endorse An drew Johnson's pOlicy of reconstruc tion. Even the reporter of the N. Y. Herald says in one of his late letters that Gen. Grant was reported as saying that he was disgusted with hearing a man make speeches on the way to his own funeral. The man who is not dis gusted with Mr. Johnson's speeches, must be a very low sort of a blackguard. The pleasures of the unreconstructed are various. In Louisiana they consist in massacreing unarmed Union men.— In Memphis, ditto. In Missouri, the reb els of Platte city attacked a Republican Convention which assembled on the 15th instant, killing fouraud wounding many more. The rebels then drove ev ery Union man out of the city, and swear that none of them shall live there. These jolly rebels are all Andrew Johnson men. They delight in carry ing out " my_polley" to its legitimate results. We hope that Gov. Fletcher will issue letters, of marque to the Un ion men of Missouri and give these reb el outlaws over to their tender mercies. The New Jersey Legislature convened last week and ratified the Constitution al amendment published in this• paper under the head of " Reconstruction" last week. It also elected a Radical U. S. Senator in the place of Stockton, un seated. Good. The Blair meeting at Mansfield on Tuesday of last week was rather better than that in this place the day before. Fail Brook was represented in force, yet the universal verdict is, that two-thirds of the balance of the crowd' were Re publicans. Mr. Blair will not put down his tour in Tioga among his pleasant notings. Dunham, of the Williamsport moral and literary paper, is on the anxious seat. In his last number there is not a word about Wilson, and not more than 990 lies. Add to this . the fact that he has hauled down Geary's name, in obe dience to the command of his Copper head keepers, and he presents himself before tide public as a political orphan with a very bad cold in the head. Alas for D. S. D! Put not your faith in . Mackey. The Erie Dispatch says : " An old lady managed to be introduced to General Grant at the depot at this place, and greeted him with tears and affection.— 'lam so glad to see you,' said she, for I had four boys in the war. Two were killed, and two badly wounded. glad to see you, even though you are now in bad company.' This is a fact." To which we respond: No discount on that old lady. Harper, for October, contains another chapter of Porte Crayon's Recollections of the War, finely illustrated. "Mrs. Roth's Bridal Tour" will at once please and horrify the ladies. The shorter stories are all good, and there are several papers of a scientific nature which lend interest to the number. $4 per year. Young keeps all the magazines at the Wellaboro Book store; and Ws. Its furnishes them at Tinge. . . Commissioners' Sale of Seated 'arid Unseated Lands. . - • - We, the CoOmissioners of Tioga county, Pennaylva• nia, in accordance with the acts of the General. Assem bly in such pees made and provided, do hereby offer for mie, at public vendue or outcry, the follow nig insets of anseated and - seated lands, on Monday, the-Wkh day of letrober. A. TR 1866; at one o'clock, P. M.. at She Com inhisioners' office In Welisboro, to wit: UNSEATED LANDS-1860. - • , 4347 387 " 4349 149 4348 100 " 4349 44 14366 311 “ 4347 35 . 221 85 Peter Boynton RicAntond. 4481 2 Jaime Wilson 4480. 60 Blots No. Q'ty: Warrantee. 76 640 James Wilson Covington. 200 A Blom 100 It G White 100 A Sloes "Delmar. 4427 42 DB It Dickinson 4423 ISClames Wilson - Mom is. 4348 218 James Wilson 4348 160 " 2331 900 . , SEATED LANDS. hese t lot Jas Bunk ' Lawrence. 80 80 Duel Campbell Lawrence Borough. 3 ho'es • lots Calvin Cowley lot Joseph Ryers Middlebury. 48 Munsel Odle 107 Charts Summons 86 4 Geo Fowler 42 8 S B Kenyon 48 Marcella Odle Ridonand. Biota Wild Im'd Whom Assessed. 10 Newton Lightner 3 en lots Ellis heirs Covington. 60 Joseph Mitchell 70 Geo Jennings 60 htephen Pierce 100 • David Curinington Covington Borough. 14.;sa • lot C E a J E Johnson 2 lots Spangler tk Co ha's') lot Jerem. Wardwell 'hop lc lot It la White 123 Jos Pelham Ilut6r. u. 145 3 iseary as 118 10 Alumna Ruseeey 34 6 A J9talth Charleston 50 A P Gone Isaac Colton 8 Btioni'r Crottenden 4 10 Duncan Campbell 73 26 Alex Cummings 230 20 Samuel Rexford licumate Stratton 08 Edward Jump Tioga. 250 Loan Benson 91 20 Wm Patrick ho'ae al ot Page 111:e110 0 lot Abram Conklin Chatham. 58 Wm Min Union. Jas Howdah 60 John Jenkins - /mac Woodward 47 M. Cruida Eare 60 Jo' Thompson 82 8 A A Arabia's 10 8 W Cummings 114 12 G Woodbury 56 - 61 Conway Wars 97 Israel Bodle 105 John Foster 128 10 Daniel Hager 1 108 Jeremiah ?Malin 188 John Reed 108 Jae Rosengrant 100 C Bennett 95 Nathaniel Bailey 194 Alonzo Maine 140 Frank Burger 105 Merritt Chnspall 100 Walter Caldwell 53 Andrew Dailey 100 Joseph Doan 115 Nicholas Depul 98 Daniel Forest 108 A Gibson 103 B R His 208 .1 Higgs°, 131 -Ant • 100 J B Leivee 9d Frank Maynard 111 Eli Mead 217 Robert Richards 98 8 Nicholas Connally 77 Jas Sargent 100 John P Taylor 108 Chas Harvey 100 - Timothy Dewgan 195 Leroy Ward • 61 David Walker 89 Win A Walker 87 David Ward 107 John Wheeler ' 110 David Vallone 36 14 Isaac Simmons Clymer. 46 6 John Sawyer Mary Blue W 2, Samuel 11 Bush 60 20 Reuben Davie Delmar. Ichabod Brown 8 4 Philander Niles 300 Lyman Spencer 60 . 14fm Drew 78 8 Meaberi 8 Grover 10 10 Wm Moyer Jona'n Seamans Etkland. 100 Wm Baxter 86 19 Joel Colvin 8 L Smith 100 35 Culver ec Bloeson tame a lot John Butcher hese a lot A T Lyon ho'se a lot Win Guernsey ho'sea lot Enoe Bloseon ho'le a lot I B Thompson Farmington. 249 ' David Clark 100 IV . & Clark 100 Irian Finch Gaines - 8 bkl H W ?derrick DM A F Ogden Jackson. 91 6 &E'l Kendrick 44 , 2 Morrie Clark 28 8 Benjamin Doty bo'se e lot D C Kinsman Attest : TllOl [MI ALLEN, Clerk Sept. 26, 1686. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER, COAL, and IRON ORE LANDS, situate in Morris township, Tioga county, and Brown town ip, Lycomiug s l ii county, Pa., on Pine Creek and T out Run. Will be sold at public sale on THURSDAY, OCTOBER the EIGHTEENTH., 1866, at the Court House, in Williamsport , Ly oming county, Pa., at 10 a. m., the following lands, on which there is a fine lot of Pine, Oak, and Hemlock Timber, Iron Ore and Bituminous Coal. TIOGIA COUNTY No. I.—An Undivided Half of Iron , Ore and Coal Tract No. 4,388, containing 1,000 acres, more or less, in the Blossbnrg Coal Basin. LYCOMING COUNTY No. 2.—That well known and Valuable TAVERN STAND known as Lloyd's Tavern, situated on Pine Creek and on the Stage Route from Jersey Shore to Welleboro' with large Barn and other buildings, good water, and 100 acres of excellent land. No. 3.—Undivided half of Vermont Tract, No. 4.383, containing 732 acres, more or less. No. 4.—Undivided half of Hampstead Tract, No. 4,361, (Coal Land,) containing 449 acres, more or less. No. s.—Undivided half of Maple Bottom Tract, No. 4.356, eastern part, 40 acres, more or less. No. 6.—Undivided half of Southern part, 120 acres, more or lasa. No. 7.—Undivided half of South-western part, 35 acres, more or less. Conditions of sale made known at time and place by WM. R. (TRIES, Executor of Wm. A. Richards, dec'd. Sept. 28, '66-3t. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SHELDON OCORR, respectfully informs the citizens of Oceola and vicinity that he bee opened a PHOTOGRAHH GALLERY Oceole, Tioga Co. Pa., where beim prepared to ex ecute PHOTOGRAPHS, GEMS & AMBROTYPES, in the beet style and at reasonable prices. Please call and examine specimens. Oceola, Sept. 26, 1866.—tf. MEAT MARKET. ANDREW J. TIPPLE, having recently purchased Mr. Wm. Townsend 'a interest in the MEAT 'IIA - B,KET,' would say to the 'citizens of Wellsboro and vicin. ity that he will continue the business at the old stand—giving his entire attention in supplying the wants of all who may favor him with their patronage. Constantly on band FRESH MEATB OF ALL RINDS. Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Office. Welliboro, Sept. 26, 1866-tf. .John W. Cluornoey, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Raving returned toads emmtywith a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits a share of public patronage. All business en truated to his care will be attended to with promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south of E. S. Pan's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. Sept. 26. '66.—tf. CAtfilON,-Whereas my wife, Mary A. Allen, has left my bed and board without just cause or proirocation, I hereby forbid all persons bar boring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts . of her contracting after this date. WILLIAM ALLEN Middlebury, Sept. 26, 1866. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Testamen tary - having been granted upon the estate of' lereelove Warren, late of Chatham deceased, this Is to notify all persons indebted to make immedi ate payment, and all having claims against the said estate will present them for settlement to ELIIIII BOWEN, Exeo'r. Chatham, Sept. 26, 1866-610 AIIDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned' having been appointed an auditor to dis tribute the funds in the hands of W. Dunham. administrator of Wm. 11. Chase, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Nichols Mitchell, Wellaboro, Saturday October 13, 1866, at 2p. m. J. I. MITCHELL, Sept. 12, 1866-4w* Auditor. FOR SALE,--A span of matched three year old mares; color, strawberry roan, weigh MOO Ibe, or 900 each. GRO. CRAMER. Charleston, September 19, 1866—tf 10OR SALE—One sow, with nine pigs four 12 weeks old; five pigs, two months old; one shoat, five months old. All of improved breed. HENRY GRIFFIN. Charleston, August 22, 1866. 'fIRE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE OF AN IN VALlD.—Published for the bonefltand as a cintion to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous De bility-, Premature Dccay of Manhood; &c., impplyinrat the same time the means of selfcure. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, single top ies, free of charge,may he had of the author. NATHANIEL KAYTAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Maga Co N. Y. Liam al. '66-Iy.l READY:MADE CLOTHING OVER COATS 1 OVER COATS! HEAVY BUSINESS SUITS, FINE BL'K SUITS, DRESS surr,s OF ALL GRADES. FURNISHING GODS IN GREAT VA• Is fully stacked with the choicest and newest styles ot Garments, equal in style, workmanship and material to the•bast custom work, both for BEAUTY OF FIT, QUALITY & ECON NEW STYLES . - eOii.TIJAL,LY RE Sullivan. 7 ¢ W T Runney under the Agitator l*inting,Offiee, twat dour to Roy's Drug Store. ' HAS just returned from New York with a full assortment of siitoriaßLi Ditf,GOOlis.' BOOTS AND SHOES, EARTHNWARE, M. ROCKWELL. E. S. SEELEY, E, HART, . Commissioners And everything usually found in a country store, which he is selling cheaper than any other store In the county. Notice to Bridge Builders. THE building of a new county bridge, Iwbere the publio road crosses the Tioga river at the lower end of the village of Blnaaburg, in the township of Bless, will he let to the lowest and beet bidder, on the premises, by the Comm6sion- Ere of Tioga county, on Thuriday, September 27, at one o'clock P. M. The bridge to be like the new span lately built in the :upper part of the said village; the plan to be exhibited on the premises. M. ROCKWELL, _ _ _ NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between H. D. Calkins and Hiram Conklin, of Tioga, Pa., under the firm of Calkins k Conklin, in the Tioga Marble Works, was amicably dissolved on the 14th of August, 18813. All debts and accounts are to be received by Mr. Calkins, by agreement of the , parties, and all persons owing the said firm are requested to make immediate payment. The business will be continued by Mr. Calkins at the old stand ; and he takes this opportunity of [banking the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, avd to as— sure them that he shall strive to des, svc a contin uance of their support. H. D. CALKINS, HIRAM CONKLIN, Tioga, September 12, -1868,-3w ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OF THE REBELLION. Heroic, Patriotic, Romantic, Humorous aiati Tray- This is a certain portion of the war that will never go into the regular histories, and will not get embodied in romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, con vey to succeeding generations a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or careful narratives of events, and this pert may be. called the gossip, the fun, the pathos of the war. These illustrate the character of the leaders, the humor of the soldiers, the devotion of women, the bravery of men, the pluck of our beros, the romance and hardships of the service. From the beginning of the war the author has been en gaged in collecting all the auer.dothes .topeeeted with or illustrative of it, and hat - grouped and classified them under appropriate hands, and in a very attractive form. The volume is profusely illustrated with over 300 engravings by the first artists. which are really beautiful; woithy of examination as speci mens of the art. Many of them are set into the body of the text, after the popular style of Loss logs Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. The book's contents include reminiscences of camp, picket, spy, scout, bivouac, siege and battlefield adventures; thrilling feats of bravery, wit, droll ery, comical and ludicrous, adventures, etc., etc. Amusement as well as instruction may be found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, are skilfully inter woven in this work of literary art. This work sells itself. The people are tired of dry details and partizan works, and want some humorous, romantic and startling. We have agents clearing over $2OO per month. Send for circulars, and see our terms and proof of the above assertion. Addsess NATIONAL PUBLISBING CO. 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, bearing date August 27, 1866, the following described real estate, late the property of Nelson Austin, deceased, will be of— fered,at public sale, at the Court House in Wells bore, on Saturday the 20th day of October next, at two o'clock P. M., to wit: All that lot of land situated in Charleston town ship, Tioga county, Pa., beginning at a poet, the northwest corner of lands formerly owned by Ly man Wetmore; thence by the same south 167 rods; thence west 66 rods; thence north, 45 deg. west, 46 rods; thence north 975 rods; thence along the highway south, 771 degrees east, 22 rods; thence north 42.9 rods; thence east 76 rodi to the place of beginning; containing 871 acres; excepting and reserving therefrom a certain lot of onashalf acre of land sold by said Nelson Austin to Ann Eliza Smith, and now in the pee.. session of HOP SACKING at BULLARD & TRUMAN'S September 19, AM, NoTtc . THE ktiLTriUDE 7.= ' RIETY OMY IN PRICE shall be unsurpassed. CEITED All Goode will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES WeUmber% Sept. 28, 1888 giir WHITNEY - VILLE. jgg H. Harrington lIATS AND CAPS, MEM HARDWARE, FLOUR, S ALT COME AND SEE or- No charge for showing Goods. QBAC 11. EARRIN_GTON Whitneyville, Sept. 26, 1866.-3 m. _ E. S. SEELEY, E. HART, September 12, 1888-2 w• Commissioners NOTICE THE PICTORIAL; BOOK OF Orphans' Court Sale NATHAN ATTSTIN, HIRAM BROOKS, Charleston, Sept. 28, 1888-4 t g-rA E ECTION PROCLAMA I 'UN. - r, • Wheelies, by an act of the General Assetehly of th !, Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, entitlid, • A„ A , t regulate the General Elections of th..ieotutuoiniosith ' ~ .acted on the 2tl day of July, 1S: d, it is saloon i.ei to give public notice of such election to bo ho d einanterate —therefore in 1, LEROY such noticeTAßOß, o High Sh whet ffice. sato be eh: re e riff county. do hereby make known end givo thisof I, notice to the Electors of Tiogn county, that a Gehern lection will be held throughout the county on the Tuesday of October next. being the :MTH day there o't, at the several districts within said county, ha mei _ . films. Union school house. •'• Brookfield, South Road school house . . . Charleston, Dortt zi'ettletnent school house Clymer, t-abinville school house. Chathwu, at the hone“ of E. L. Eatnpuun Covington, betel of ziatnuel Klff. Coring - tea Lei augh, hotel af Samuel KIM Delmar. Court Homo. Deerfield, Cowanesque Rouse, Tra Wagner Elkland borough, Westlake Hotel Elk. at the Smith School house. Fall Brook borough, Fellow school house Farmington, house of Peter Mcmry, deceased Gaines. H. C• VermAlea's. Jackson, hotel of E. L. Boyenton. 'Knoxville borough, Eagle house, G. {{. Matisse Lawrence W. II Slosson's hotel. Lawrcuce . borotigh, " Liberty, Joel H. Woodruff's hotel. :Mansfield borough, llodel school house Maiusburg borough, K. K. Brundage's .tel. 'iddlebury, Ifollida} town school house. Morris, house of John t outhard Nelson, house of Charles Goodrich. Osceola, Barne's hotel. Richmond, hietbodist church Rutland, house of Elmer Backer. Sullivan, It. K. Brundage's hotel. Shippen, Big Meadow school house. Tinge, E. S. lane hotel. Tioga borough, " Wellsboro, Court House. Westfield, ]f. G. Bowman's hotel. Ward, hound of William L. Thomas, Union, house of John Irvine. At which time and places the following nsmed kal e , District and County officers are to b. elected: One person fur Governor of this Commonwealth, Ono person to represent the 18th district, tompe.,,,i of Tiogs, Potter, Clinton, Center, and Lycoming ties, in Congress. N. ASHER Two , OTRODS to represent Tiolwo. and Potter cont,hts in the L eneral demembly Two persons for As.ociate Jodp s for Tiop,ounty One person for Prothonotary and Clerk of the Court, of 'flogs county. One person for Register and Recorder, and U.ak of :he Orphans' Court tor 'floga county. One person for Cunanuissioner of 'flogs "ally One person for Auditor of Tinge count). It is further directed that the meeting of the hour* Judges at the Court House, We o, to moke out the general returns, ebell he on the first Friday succeeding the said election. that being the 12th day of October lam by said act further directed to give MAK,: !Lc every person, except Justices at the Peace, oho hold office or apponstmenrof trust or profit nn r government of the United States, or of this zitate,,,r any cit or incorporated district, whethei a ,ullll.ii toned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or who is or who Alan be employed under the logi,lntn t , eXecutire. or judiciary depot tzmnts of this any incorporated district; and also that every of emigre**, and of the *elect or common cotiocii any city. eommieefoners .ot any incorporated drum, is Liy law incapable of bolding or exercising at eanie lime the office or appointment of judge, in.P‘to. or vier of any election of this Commonwealth, set that uofitspactor, judge, or any othtr officer of se, such eliktion shall be eligible to any office then t., voted for. In accordance with tie prorudoue of the fish semuc of an act entitled t•A'farthet snypi.naent to the d,._ lion laws of thta Commonwealth,' I publiah the irdha inlet . Wants" By the act of the Congress of the Unite' States. entitled •. An Act tu emend the several eta heretofore passed to pi OVlde for the enrolling and call- ing out of the national forces, and for other purpo i ie:,' approved March 3, let.s. all persons who have deserted the military or tonal service of the United States, and who have not been discharged or relieved teem the pen alty or disability therein provided, are deemed anti t a . ken to have voluntarily relinquiahed and forfeited the righta of ainzenshin and their rights to become nILECII3 and depnved of exercising any rights of citizens -thereof:, AND Wrisreses,__Pyirsons not citizens of the United States are not, under trio - Constitution and Ina, of Penn sylvania, qualified electors of this Cormnsonwealth Szc-1. That in all elections hereafter to be - Eel - 4 - 1 z this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful fur the ludo of 'lnspectors of any such election to receive any ben,,t or ballots from any person or persons embrac,l in tbo provisions anti subject to the disability imposed by stud act of Congress, approved March 3. listio, and it shall be unlawful for any ouch person to offer to vote any hallos or ballots. Sec. Y. That if any much judge awl inspectors of elec tion, or any one of them, snail receive or emeient to be eeive any such unlawful ballot of ballots kern any Audi disqualified person, he or they so offending shell lie guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon com noon thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, he shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pay a tine of not less than $lOO, and to undergo an imprisonment the jail of the proper county for not has than sixty days. - Ste. 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified es atureesud, shall, at any election here after to be held in this COIIIIIIOIII.eaIth, vote, or tender to the officeis thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or bal lots, any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction therein in any court ot quart, r ea.—amnia of this commonwealth, shall ter no b offence be punished in like manner as provided in toe preceding section of this act in the case of officer. „f election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballets. SEC. 4. That if any person shall hereafter personae or advise any person or persons, deprived of citizete.l4 and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or lel lots to the officers of any election hereafter to Le held in this commonwealth, each person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner as is prorated in the second section of this act in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Particular attention is directed to the following lost section of an Act of Assembly approved March 30. --entitled •• An Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties of this Common wealth," viz: "That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township. borough, did special election.. are hereby hereafter authorised and required to vote by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written. severally cliwilled as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all Judea of Courts voted for, and to be labeled, outside, " JUDICIARY :" one ticket shall embrace the niguesof all State officers voted fur, and be labeled, STATE.. one ticket shall embrace the names of all ciiurit:, errs voted for. 'deluding office of senator, member, and members el assembly, if voted for, and member ut Congress, if voted for, and be labeled " '— one ticket shall embrace the names of all 10 , 10b , p cern voted for and be labeled " township ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officas vote] for, and be labeled " borough ;' and each class shall la deposited in separate ballot:boxes." For instructions in regard to the organization of boards of election, etc • see Act of Assembly of 3.1 July 1839, pamphlet laws, page 219 ; likewise contained in a practical digest of the election laws of this Commen wealth., furnished at every place of holding general elections, page 84 etc. Given under my hand at Wellsborongh, this ith day of September, 1966. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff FOR SALE—A CABINET SHOP and Store, situated in one of the moat flourishing Til lages in Tioga county. The location is a very desirable one to a mechanic with a small eapital in ready money. To be sold on aoacians of fam ily circumstances. Inquire at the Agitator office for particulars. [sep 12, ISFUi 20] TBE subscriber offers his farm for sale, con taining 100 acres, 40 acres of which are un• der good itnprovamenati. Ciao& fraina hoase the:n on. one and a half story high; alto a new trams barn, .30 by 45 feet. A thrifty young orchard. apple. pear, and cherry trees. mostly grafted, ho in all. Well watered by never failing eprinp Said farm is situated in Delmar township, on t road leading from Stony Fork to Pine creek. For terms apply to the subscriber, on the place, or to A. L. Ellsworth, at the Bingham office, Wellgocro. ALVAN N. WEBSTER. Delmar, August 22, 1888.—tt U. S. Internal Revenue Tax Notice. lAM now ready to receive at my office in Maos field, the United States taxes on the annual list for incomes, licenses, carriages, do, for 'flogs county, and for the accommodation of tax payers I will meet them as follows, to receive the same. In Knoxville, Mattison hotel, Monday, Sept 24. , rom 10 a in to 4 p m. In Manna, Ryan hotel, Tuesday, Sept 25. from 10 a in to 4 p m. In Lawrenceville, Skagen hotel, Wedneslay. Sept from 10 a m to 4 p m. In Tinge, Farr hotel, Thursday, Sept 27. trom lea ta to 4{ p m Ia Wellaboro, office of M. Bullard, Friday, Sept 2s. froth 10 a in to 4 p m. lii Mansfield, Holliday hotel, Saturday, Septemter 2 si , froth 10 a m to 4 p tn. In Covington, office of E. Dyer. Monday, Oct 1, from Sam to 9 a tn. In Blosabnrg, Shield hotel, Monday, Oct from lo m to 4p m. In Mall Brook, at the hotel, Tuesday, Oct from M to 4 pm. As there will be no personal notice iben, . 11 who neglect to pay on or before the 3d day of Oc tober, 10 per cent on tax, 20 cents for notice, and fear cents per mile for travel, circular, will be -. added, according to section twenty-eight. Pay meet positively to be mode in greenbacks or Ns , tional bank notes. All that send their - money to me by mail, must enclose a three cent postage stamp to insure them a receipt, and run their own risk. J. M. PHELPS, Dep'y Col'r for Tioga Co., 18th Dis't, Ps. Mansfield. Sept. 12, 1966. SPEAR'S PRUIT PRESERVING SOLI-- TlON—for preserving all kinds of fruits without the expense of air-tight cans—told at ROY'S DRUG STORE• ROrS CHOLERA DROPS—A sure, safe and effectual remedy fur diarrhea, cholera mot' btu , ' dysentery, colio, cholera infantuta, crunPe , Iptllll, griping pains to the bowels, and the WI antidote for °HOUMA. Farm for Sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers