MMIE=E!!!m= p. 41 ^ ut= emi - • c. e §allgr n441:1 -.zee, prniumatitTAStrnywso; 1858: VAG. In advance, or in Cita'. 111...98j Ore dqiirered at ref:ldolizes of finbacri• barmy 1011014 !llMiPikhatd.iee; on Third Rim,: SRIIZWALI should be prompt/ a little while before the year expires, that we may Mae /TAl,eirrollifenicitto for e a etemly,vocpstyr, indlear r iici that woj dears a renewal. If, however, in the haste of iaidllng, this signal should bo omitted' arti. hope our frlooda will atlll not forget Rik RitIILITT4LNONAL.-84ind Rays..ant by. rir• kande, when convenient. Or, send by atoll, enclosing with ordinary C 1.?., and, troubling nobody with a hi.ocil•dge of wrist; yogi *re , delimit. For a large amount, soritt, or Virgo notes. ITO: one or two pegmo t Aco.. or nnall nettle . WO aWreic, or amiss ~Mad for or Nevfootidlikberly or IlKilieelielltrairor n Romoborihr • ; 11 !rlorliPo.lll_,TOPOi 1 11 44. 111.1. 1 - so HAIN DAM, lilittrikorighr Pas .11 t ' , Tax Pussrnnuem ExPoargoß, ,4 4 T0.‘ 2, is before um. 4 ‘.lllinisterial Calls" is con tinued. 0 1 4 Ft/c4,eo are g4ljn,BtruPtive.' RaIMBX I , TML eeridA j l,l22s ferqthe - Bittiner ramd Advmate; similar 'Nein Year's gifts be given to all widowi by their friends. CHURCH EXTE),HON,IN PHILADELPHIA. —We are pleased to; la i an 'that an effort is in prograan tn. man: O OO O, ,t 0 finish th c al WestininstOr, ohirejlidladelphia, and to'. 11000 M • 1.0 . .1 Plta OF9ReNIW,I7eI7 KICIWILLTIrt; More I thartintlf limmuilhas been promised.; , AITOURN nTo r t oaxcAL , • 1 ,1 =o • • This institution is rising rapidly fiouo its. late depression. There -ate now on its roll f ifty students, viz.,,Senior Class 9, Middle', Clefs 19, .Tum or.. Class .22 : , , The Library contains 6,000 volumes.::: BENEFIMINT.—Rev. Charles Avery, a let-' cal preacher of the Methodilit ProtestaUt Church in this, city, recently deceased, built;' some years ago it a church for the colored i people; he also . bui)t and snstained fOr a.l :4 , -2 . . he provided libetsill foil , theielistitations, besides mak , ' in g 1;1 , 44 e sts ieoSii:ciscellent.Objeote AoKiTowpnxirepour--lip. /I!iey • New-; en, Primio* " toWa; •ref 3 4060* vslu able and highly-prized. boxes , of clothing, i and retnirie thanks' to the One was received about August andthe other Jan. Ant. A little judibiotoi on the •fart of those ,who enjoy •Aioinfoitible homecln# greatly alpelioratn the ddnditioa;. of 5u014.241. have left all for iiiii;,, t iNrtg! of Christ,land gone to the luissibicileddtr.fol'l ' r. Aaother , Laborer. Rests... , • • btformirms:of- the 4eoementimitoy4, tiiingri*VAti) , W*l4o ll6 . f .; 16th root.. nlie disa imposes. _.- ' 116. 1 Dilid *ll' Inoh4isi the PresiPitaitotiVsslangtiii;;ZidikeldlS•high aetinei n " "AfrobitOsry notice promised 4 , 4 5 4ZO: . • . for s totare number. • TOPirite r ilerßilire i SOCIIetY. - 441.:11 , 113 ". C! , ,, t174 . 1 The Young MentiP , BibleaEloointyi ofsPtite buigh, 'bola' fortieih'inniVeriqiiififoie.: date.o, Ita t ~ evening,' u the , SeeondrPreabyterhin• ' , , , e ••th 2.f at.. I, • ,• .1 . vt . • ANL:, read'AP4Trellirfo.o4/I,49POrt *TAW, ssonl Pfpw4ki4 -i4 o ,4 4 ll l 9oNrcik rt.. t> .tt Nlttt ti tr,r BabAcle ,APAY.I 4 I.OI7iI t,.•• u * 541 / 0 Count/ 8 4 1 400 110 1,4i0 tui , lsln, us!: 1., Cityv,its.f 4 l l, 3 ll .1' • ,i., 005 • 76 ' Books ; ; . , .2138.58. Outst*AugAlbevilitioni.; ~• p 087.70. =MEM • !)1.. 0 7 05.8% Cadlol44. *4274.17- •Je.) 1 44 816 DUe. VOL= ury —aLvinoig}ll•ii; t a • • • -• ;4 058 . 75 Fu.14114; . tic: •0.• • 4439-75. t • A .- A ... , — 4 •y^0•1 StitAtr: s=7.,Puy_ mr, . 1 4 41 4 21.11 1" 12 )*. 1ibri1.: 2111 0 1 091 1 10,0, 1 4,- : • 1 , 0 .12.. ik."9l;' ni•• 5414"gre=ljgRN Z 1 - 676 'WROOtt/i n • •Tsti!...:l•3 *lie; ni!,! 2,356 ~ .Pll.lO 1191 i :n9 qv istatiatow .a 10 1 164.11.6 .. , 92-c r rattli •e 4. e., ?• Addreeliess /Nerd Kieliveredlirlev. ' John Douglass, D.D., of the RefOinerNesilytei' l 'iiirChlareirirdlarTi73 n n tifirerif *Ai Baptist Church. A large and deeply inter, ittentljage ft e k • • •• n • -Y.. Religion in Pittsburgh. a Iv' 'There tal greatly -revived petigiCius loft lizenit Weld city. Tlie%`ehiarishei igenerally i neel 9, 11,1 lot oiter., meat, now the numerous oases of recent co n- . 110i= , ; (.111$ nor, 11V7StrefltiE ianuolearehol, find probably laome‘; °theis t are Tenjoying a precious reviyingtbne.r.3 , triked n2'656:101 'Were h with •the.' ooptannion , aeasons, & few weeks itgei tittit . .0 001 tritibig ae!eitgAte inedi to tliermititiai‘ce Ltit rFko..l°l44lin°lllWiwArl,ll°Pl i ti the Arks Second,. enFthci l l ll ....AMlSiburntej es, all the pastors)and Souk ,bibbriitibiletenA attending. Very ,Aarge ,cangtekSimui were, assembled. ,Prayers /were : :usouorrs ; add fervent. The preaohinguive • &island 40i-` mated. The exhortatiorinlsii 1101.0 soil psil:Ceti,4l ! : The . , people 'igitiA a ttY , O li Olti (1 4 . ituivrlidie s ; and to yeld7t,iiiiii4eo4,lo the power of the truth. ~Impreelions wore made by God's own Weird and'Spirif ,' l ii)iiieh will, lie' ;a . fee were fdrititessAdok will have their ndruenisiln all of life. Seed . rer,r: . 4 40- , no was sown which, will vegetate and bear fruitlto:be getll,ed ° , l koXegtor• Meetifike of ithb thindotrei not fen exhiler r i, aAngAta z those, whem ttolltitedeit, soh with] eagerness " Ave .40 to he saved ?" and cthe iilhherfindtimael, , and, then utter' theifjOyolnirifigerienee, and, joie M14,14, 1 04. 1 ,4 1. ,* ( .414i; b a 04,1011;i tut siiiirwelike nn3etingi'. % hey belt long to 'OttioliAiri#Bli. Thep :advande the Oliiielg t e,i t oo,4i4dni,le"',thenhtfitll i non inifie%6l l 47.'Tlie4Ailiilit the L &I fj, E,, lug .# I II II M OP4ll l 4 4l iibiltinevlM a•_LetLCllubthphohavol faith; and give! iiis;lthob;•tu „gleams >yfiud %10 qu tftri n sri lad ~~ ~.,,, r The AmeiLanliibl ' . ~,, to , So Commit constrained f r .- t that : of The agitation :1# the Christian onsmunity, these, solar ell foundeok Ilthisrima caused by the efforts of the B i ble Society principle"; mil eh called fekx a Atate i. _ 1847, require that this edition ba revised. to,har t what peemed. to thellittiag , ..,,.., ~ vitht',.o-...The,L.ointrattee ' accortligl.y„,,prot' greatly improved edition of the English following resolutions : - , Bible, was deep and . eifinCilie. f - It; I:Ariel' - ". .Regievd, f Th ~'t this ScrolitYs.§ireserit'atin: ; I of the family of Christ felt it seriously, and dard English Bible be referred to the Stand- ing Committee on VersiOns for examination ' • gave evident signs of dissatisfaction. The and il all :eases. ; i viia. e .• t hiii i i m' rri' ;m a ; ,- changes in the common edition were carried the text or its accessories', from the Bible ' s too far. They were not all corrections of previously published by the Society, the 'errors which 41`crept into the text, in dip) ar ".‘wilittegite.directeatyoor tie t ame. ) '•' trtt• ' - ,-t- * , ..1 , 6i„ course of yeitii,nnd changes of spelling to Y. ° f°i ' /:11 g e xit I° dr. 7 • It. i , pre i ons edi6ofis - conform to altered - customs in this-respect: . Prukt•A bY gle 5940.1',1111...OPAlititorized British presses, reference also being had to Some of them were altem_tieus ,. of meani ng „ the original edition ofthe,translators printed —ckariges in sen s e.. def Mises ear Church in 1611, and to report'such corrections' to strenuously resk44: ' „1. , j . 0 , , , 1 : , .:' , , i ; this Board, to the end that a ,new edition, class' ot athretkeet embrace/the thus pliFfectod, mar Velidoptipf as the elan- Anot her dard edition of ilds Bodieq. - • ' ' ' ate"s'ries to th6 , t4 ' -11 p wa '" ili r ri f. Nrare , ! • A l 'esotv'ed,"flia'Cu'ulit;ilie • co'infiletilin end, the headings to the'ehn' pliers, 'the, marginal ' adoption of such iieW'ititidaril edition, the readings, and the Vefitt i oyeeii lite, • principal English Bibles to be issued by this Society changes were inihel,,eful . i • n g i, i o r u dicii l ment, i , shall be such as conform to) the :editiohe of 141 e Society, anterior to the late reivisibni; eo • ;of contents of ;the, chaptere. _These are; not for ,as , may:: be >praoticable,l and excepting • - a"part - of Reielation: t-4.nd' ,, they him %not ~ c ases where ithe persons ;or auxiliaries apply been tinifi Bditioniliibie ViOdiditisiizno' ilia-PIT-Bibles Shall prefer, iobe imppliedfrom i g 0 , •u. , _„ , —rt -• , :t n - . s l . . : 0--. ; • •r• ; Suit i/,t,mnkimtll.l:oltrntlT hn Tills; - copies of the , present . standard edition now' emilePaving.ti;ep t l eztendiii,4,lo, ,ittitengive 1 on. habd•ofFin process•ofi'manufaetnrer •; 1 : them very br i e fl y., t , But WHO:lip% e Nei beim ' i '"" l ' ili mii oßmirkitEkitio , -' , ; , 1 t I •••,0,1 1 r, , . ,t i r-, . f t. , ear idciig, from -the `time ' of lithe 'tibtoslators , ~1 P ,r,,.• Atirieilltredniit'd thil4kirtry i stating in 1611 , ii gniilatitfin the - ientinieitcniieh ', ) //8 OPPVietki°ll;tiiiiiirileiliadlitail was elm . .. i t. f A 111 „t:it 10/51 , . (.I'4l/ri '29 /1.01 l l'fi' ) ~ . ” .i. 0- 1) • turfo‘s...l , t it'd .‘ ff di"o4'l va s • , M e ! , M i°l 4tir":3l l lg r laP f p' l 4o n , s itt o !'i r* " " (tnit t in4 iA 9ll6lll -q P z_l t _ik"" Fi C 4 A a l li plagsotor. r ;lt, ;( 3p a s*,,u,Ll,o4lf,Rap,,Aoy, : mt a '" { ". filth erpibilinistiahs ocailwasinioniseln)the 'comment, but they are a comment;: received :work,,'"llit piibiiiitted:Thelolltiiviniiilo b.?. and - sanctioned b by ill 'Evaigelicd O karbials..., ~ . V l4al ..4 AND BE 3Oi:'''v I l Dt. : ''' They have inkogellii AO '' aokniiwle ttsd WHatteepiThis Sooiety..wase* English 3ible, v ffe Tal . i . lc::pd ; t i lalf•l'conitituted; and iidfixedly Iplidgod dby its centuries, and lartcliprielklog op 11,,,pmsOus s:ifundamental law, 'to - encourage iteoeiralaa,.. a id wi ts b e i ng , ipra fit a bl yi lea d, it g enee , to rtion of the Holy Scriptures iletrisjOki i s. - c ' ,that verge'' , /of theni and in that , vereidn part withrtheni iilicad be to losea ;treisitre; „; 16 1 w hi c h .' ' 'and tO • in:yiti:toi' .. ali t fi l e . iii ., :i r !i_ tlinii , gial .,,, ri pis• ' te t , foo n n Y n ' t ' ry tarf; WlLB in ' E e ng ni ht in n l it n • l in 'in if4 UB4:l 63 l ' in and ti ft g7e, a eow anotikiltnt i NTaed, ciNOM. 10 : .1 other versions, into foreiltnilariguagee,{ which / a barn:ionize ,with;thio in the pin ciples of their , . Snoh: being the oase, , Riesbytiniane /bui l . intil a nityi: a inhand i st4 ,4, ttr . ansiationi and„: ~,..... ; ,-, • r' t 1 .1 . ' . 'with, g rial ' .77 . T , . -, • Whereto' The Boardyof Managers ;for this ' ' eilrtiigs; A and`; " ' liii. 'fir , (, , f the' f ,, ,c ,,, i ,II t,p i ,r,t 1 .,(?! 1 , 1 ,, of 0 governing reason s ' has neither dallied 'nor the' words, punctuation ; and„ ("Mips, in 1 0 4 . ertioisedi inoi , propodas to exeroise; any right places where the p!utoges,,Made t io i 'the ae. 1 whatever to change reingloone'of the words vision !had , alteied the• , sense. And in; this wilq !I' i li l _,Yf t ,frii :w 7l .4,, PPl'it'Pt ,° ° l. l : 4( . st tiS,4i d g sd demand', Phisbyteilans'irere nOV eilotter•e it l'i' a lP‘l Pllll " .4s ` 1 a1 ' 0r5,1:4- 'the P l es 'r n 9• r even e.- ~ , • I: , -. ,—. ....t., 0 b r ,„ 1 .4",:k4in .1 4 3 1 ! Mit;Riul'Ai tadi n-12 . ilt?:Zeril a ioF1 was a Very c mmon Christian dean.. .. , 1 ch, ~,w,e , v, lith e . - - ; • • .. - - - - 1 , - 4 nLi.,;:: /131 1.15T1.1 - 1 e.rst - -- 7" , ili. ---• 47".7f7Tirrl--': in And this desire is lilcely'SOONl tO ..01#1• 1 i 1 e..e,ettmitis as :ii, keep 'these con formed' fled. Somotwo months Agn, aoeineeting 0f , „ift.t. 1 1 43 , w, , Engliskoopies t and to the nni; the Managers, a- Committee • offisitie wastap-ci,lL:o4 , ) °d M t. ftit/Of.chril_ m tb9. l .... . l, .o l °l ek. sr° a v ° to 'Pointed to conSiderithol;Oabjeit.loiThii n Com- , r-r e ,, t i a f1,..;',,,„,, f e 5e .,„%1:r e 0 t n ,,,,,," ;- f r,,..- , - :" . P;;''' '' ; ' -;i le ,r'' ~,,,, ; itt i,,, , Iva IL. mi tiVakil at ; it .. ,-.-. loif f.t a . .- ~1 en-NT.-- 4 , -....., T ,., ~, ,— .-y-t-,,,, : 1,,. it J A. 7 % —7 Ifs .... iT'ili ii - 1" 1-'l.-.P `"*"fftl• . J iciP", ~, ..,fer, kved, Timo,va 40 &swim* ilkft,te" zeelblmt i one pf, tkien l. „.q.'§gorrif, halimade „ i TZXT of , , the Siriiiiiqe,l4,4# reAbolo..l *aim% his opinions. : .44,the meeting . of,ihe,initte - Of: th p3 eßw visi do on-- o,,,li tn i o i l3i, , iii dieg ei pluenottuae. T ext, ' 4 (integers:on the 14th ' leek, this ,Coinmittee-i.nst only , 'rePOrtbdi - the latteddiulte• wa s 'Tel) , large)fl4 P,ecßtift___SlAlßare,un4l,"4".aPO the - 44 0 1 r ehoirinii r thiidierifigteiOtfdlt in t*liibjeet. " 9 '4, 91 ' . ~,,: ~, .3",-R • wiii...9.-... PL9Pges,J O : 6 :, PO :, •1 - . i , I , : • 1 i:lic. • ?...Dat ht11r....z , , ;4 9i.' + t Ilwitn.i. 9 1 7,!Pi.0pi/Pfßele,4 l , 4 ,9 l l , ee lr er ,I,L,Vrp,ted Tee , cie ee b 3 ! if's , 4Ml'l,ffil e rF% e is; ( t ee i °f,'l9lo4Pll°O n t.7 "Streit Brun t .ii• .PS)g the ' life or death to the Society , as a national in- , fiWPIT I . ?P ' 41 9 4 sent !PF uPrileag• ', Ptelark: siltation, • and sel6 : agene;"Of the i nnited:filigT2 o 4 6 ll i t illeb4 l 9 , i";lcreceirei;li be ‘ - 3.1 i• 1 ' ', I . ' I , ' 'I) . übtiitin out,. ''' ~'"` ' ~. ' ' Evange li ca l al; urc h eil. z4_ , , b, •,' , ,;,.. -,, .. t I 4 1 4 , 4 , w ..t0 ..4 . ;:c1l z el. I',2.ti lli - Three reports;were.presented; theinajov-' , ii com i i i, jr, i lc l p a , ,lf T i p itiz P r7 .l l: 37 3 7 r i i tp . iied;, itY r eP° rt 6 r *i g lit 'o f ° i e . ' irle !. ° " ' 4 'the i , iv fs,r. l .iaft.. e J. is Ssl?Piwitii) Ss..o4s 'and-1 - Coniraiite'e t nliatiY3r' r ie w poit l by Dr.' Slaw:. ard ' m 4kil 09101 it* Olui befe2riimended ... . ..- .. .2 ..ri. Lo . _ •.....44....-..,0 ..,-. • f 1 ,A ..%./. _ t o y (i Cu, 1 , • /oil ,7 1 - 7 1 71 . ".frgr i Vier . ; 414 7 1) th e ntr;.i,. - "' it '2 • --- 14a)VIPPktiti n ,iftrY )11tRfX11) Lit,i,.4 0 F. 6- • ' 'vf•YlVlr u P ub ,9 al. 41 0'. 1 F , f l' o .' lr'rvci -14 to r , Tt 0kr 4, 311 ., ~,i , ,i it. ,i •'li ~,i w .. r a i r tfil 2 ,ol9l: Vel a ,UolPßO °r ; 'flip imkpirrr mtolirrAngvH . ,i:3 l 4iiii,A s 4 l :l4s:itii g :;i ) ttline e d tlint g lrei l i t si oti on t. To dte`gdisiil it t iiii iartifeohtiP.4•64ol:v of 0 8 .159TV,t#res whieh this 444"hOiiora, ~l ista, s ettai, i ve ,, :.,:n.)., ~i •ti.:),.. wo.:s• , i f pLikoia t rysiban4;always,,hos v p:ubjished. , t i 'Oe'lltitiee' TO T-1 14n - iict- r a to rn." 1 1 1 'l , -gesrile fi tai , -*lt it be jefeiredlis s3'COrn-' -),. • .. 1 . • ~- - 01.i.1/..•1%-0rz...,_-;v1, --_,---- , ' ( 41,367, wisyieforid.the.)whole subject pc the-‘ ,, ,m' NI% ~. . - “ . 2.-e-fmY-... 149ArkuT, ) e n tente of t Billieti's later reviaiolf - tif the English ,Itiple, v "r2flait i 7 lo 'l7 l P l r,. `18P 1.02118 ' 5 l `WIRMIThi: report that they have had numerous meet- , Arrtn_ _ l lfr,°*. 0:41 th i s.- e.dit4 o nl, r i tlk ,a, 'iniii,,andihave erideathre'd duly io oonsideiv . Meifit'P them, 4 once fairallibiouPieep,, :the matter entrusted to them?: ' The preakinte.MME•f r rl l Y o,4 l 3uulifasibo"ibile4inAile) thuidard l ßitile `of ' the Eltsbietr wattitilitiehet/i , T i oßt re . t rt . l9 r .. .2,L a g hr sT tP9 vadi l i .I,t)*an in'lBsl: I The subject or eollating'the'tbdt-- , :i - g a l' 'Tr'c.k:"."- --: . Vint!..4g:IIIPI .er,qicul : tkeiti`lit the Englbdikßibletublialaul l by this iiii _ t i ., th4 b ___ l ° inatntid i liii!_ i l r°6 l__ ° * ti4 ' 9iis iikteletY l -With those itimedid‘Gibat • 'Britain, A Mitt 63 „,._-99 frn;,'?r•,4aWf 3',1",,, editions of wad:ferred I'd thOenuitiiittims - bn ' Veisibnitio t h 7,',.. t r t , .. a Pti a .. ,e81 " 3 , ~r, Pa! Sta ndard r in:1847, and i they eompletbd the Nrork' in ort„.4, 4 ,.% ) .Ynitku t a f„„ai u l ... ....: L ' .., A i:‘ l -4( ahl y °. ) iIM so - 185 r., ~ , , .„, , 4 , , cI. r , , r j , -_ f (r." 7-0, Teti PB. B l .'.'3 1* .? ,--- , 2 - iiiT4fi." 4 ..s n ,euene nt i''Objeotiona to , thistAiii6it 1414 - been ire- '.‘l ° , : ! °l ‘ll . 6,l hi n t; s !t u .." cni s r '' ,4°, e P , lfii i "l r6 / I ris. ceived from siiihreodititelf ab entitle 3 therk tki, , " 1. ,.„, 1 ',% , `"" , , T,"0.",;t14: err hotiptrh' th id: all ' feepdot.' , These objeittioriesieifthittneilda 6 :''''Dl,n`r' then ' ' Y' , . 81 Wg re ;I ng ' feint:ion afterations'hisVe hifeV aide' Liou the introduced into idatee li pt *Rests. to . .text i iidiitioicoasoyi ap i A tu g ikattrut o b ‘ s: j ti t tu:! Boat!, for . adoption or mnsiifiaation. former editions; ot-by' the elitlicatiniZe l ' 'ink 1 ,441, - InVOink t lisoit ° l 4::1 1 040, and Dr.' hence not admietiiblet ifilithe'lettrPtat fork Rieptilknau, ' . agr' aiai'with j iho ma'oriii:- but if changes liave bet:Ai:dads, - ishillit: (eV el tere- 1 - i th a t• Tatin rtgoonld - n i otie;adopte j d; they " ,th en ' 'liens in • punctuation iffidlortlitiiiphirAirtileo • F ~..i,,,L . L.,,h, ~„, 4 _,_ I ~.,,,-, , in-theluse` of eaPitioleind itilii4l T-" 1051 '1 1 '''• d6einalle '.l'"P w-wulunt/ f Luv r P d reseureui to' .., t , Lltco t 1..,,, ~4iv e r....„, l e ,„J,N.z.„ .- -'f • .1,, ' ". Itisuohdilical hjathoite l Whorohjedt,ithatall, u` 88/888 "• ' 8 /8 '°' - ' 81: 'these 'iolnintetfirellapagiutieliGuil tuoi43: ( s s 'alilleV iiia r' T '''' 4 *in -' •., Posed ' „,., , ~., .„% germ!, „r,3o.4tiona r :oniriptis wow ihowavrieti*e , sidiV viz • : • ,- " I- :' I' A 'I -• ' of whiohi aocbraeolitilkiiiithition , ia t tit . • .• •I •.) 2..1 ..'• ..'•il I; 't , 4 11, 1.J.) ir r ;API %'r >1 '' ' Bole objeitidiall'beitininiiinfratb hiitieridi4ViolOttriet, 0 . 54 ' • airminiiiiiis 'irK , 'R. , Wt. ciilation of tie , . ZIA , "13criptiiiiie,' *idiot:it 7 , ,.', ' f 11 , ° ,* : ! ; ,_.,, i r l f # i , ' l 4llw , ' 13121°11 11.3( /' '. note 'or 'Eombienvp.) Allis fitetreitiole.OUthe :i t . • L'l•4;lB,Pkel.iOditpeiii iif thateaid; "that Constitution further:iambi, ofthb Only copies,. the Atericalißible i Oxiiitylieditliiuthoritys. in` the FalkliehenTeitige,lteM,biiiiiitited h under its Plit 43 =iewietiiii&TV ifk'nYalii;lilY . the Simietf, shall liillif' theifereidni. n ow -:, .01114,4 . , ,eitlierlielluViext - of 'tite'Nnitish- I F ' commonlititilmilArri, Bl 4 tut) ):.) bop PIN rifi ' ,'Bible in iiinzaini nee a 'dig (laird its or i r cThe BibleAßPolo/o.4lWEll:kak4hgtlergan. ' ganization, or in the soceigri T ear of lialitatp lation4,,fhis,,S,osieor were, Ah otio4 pomia . hou ilexitept aa the, same tray bmwarranted}by cal: .414nikny.Vokinbprsti; Cambridge:awl) pi. Illation with acknowledged Standard editions !ord. ! Nyluch, i atitikehght 'different:Noma, ez j.,•ii,ofithe Sabred Scriptures. ;r.i Aa . , Sr I ,00ptang, typpgrispiiis* °mangos / Am. si b:, ti 2. The presenCStandard , Bisgliah Bible of stands,lly cepform4 Ito Ki4g gralPeCltainicin`,l thia,lSecietyl is• herel)y.recominitted to _the ,of 4 .6 1 -1..,,, ~,, ~- ta,,r i f) 'ids , 3 1, of : , •.c1,.. 0' oniVersions, with instructions to 'l o Titeworsorantief .theAextolone,of.istun:. vre.eollate:;thealaine with , the standard edi • Ints,riee l of contents at the heads i ef chaptere. 1 lions enumerated in the report of that Coin: _or eolumns, ,referenees,, And imarginil read- "; rilitteei (to )Wit: recent copies of the four: ,ingq. , ),,,in formerktmen, as to these acoessories, 11 leading British editions, viz.: those of lon khereheft Wensreat diversity in.the editions don; Oxford, Cambridge,- and Edinburgh; published ip,tireat Britain, And, oiroAated together with the,original edition 'of 16111 , IbleMia):l3,ritithopnd, Fpreiga 43itile. Society. arid the 'RoYal Octavo edition issued iby this t actic) ( (Owe. ,poressed4them in 1,411,1 others* ' SocietYiin;lB47. Itis i further , directed; that E lpoir t tile.yeferenees ;an 4, marginal, r ea di ng a o*, 'respect to the 'test itself,' with+ :thin Or , )11913 1 1. 11 1.:Ire brief rtileiiiiingsi others laere:hrief;•,f thOgraphy,iCapital ' Letters Words iniltalioP others, , acme.. , , The! ,. aeppra i, p i e: h aLj b eei c I parentheses, Brackets, and Punctuation, the that th a I l i g k ertpr i ce A . Bibi ets) h avp i xoniou v 4.6. American cops' shall be conformed to the re-, lirkeif iri,rhAeAceettaories in, foui.minie ti le . cent British copies or a majority of, the, . cheaper, sorts Ilaya,,lacked them,, aktierhir, / ,. _woe ; and , suellie ' adings and Contents of gaily of lentirely.famniediatoly o before [ the ; ~t'ie 94104 ; ON' be adopted as have, they <form4i9n Sif • *kis Seekty, societies in Phila. 1 sanction _ ~9,f,flOr'yf tiles° authorized' editions. Aelphia aadiNely t Ypylipprocored plates with --1tt44,,R0r 901 1 ,P0..t.m,t .. to the Society, how: he asliugi., .4 4131.0,i thui.Sopisty„ published ev 4 ll',,tf ~.ple, tio,,obroviated Headings ' and , 'Bibles' with, the ,Xnglish , headings in an , COP,teree, 4,, tOtt . Cliepters, as the sine are Abridged fen% from t the,,plaibe i ,of, the New, found A . I"Sayr, issues, of this Institution,' York 13ibleSortiety A which i thpppame,into its ' ,fkil,iii, tl . l n ,trepoutk / 13iititili editions i ar t. ' at the .possestom , In J.BlB,4e,Sotaiely•pitb*hed,; Altre tion orAte.B4l4ll' of 3lanagerp, to print idles' without headings; .40,821, ,Ilibles, , , ] l !lir, o:4llelfsunipito *theta these acoetfi' IrAtiictiealliagtto/00l 0 4Ptelifurtlift AO. : edi- -,,lMP i i,,.:i . ._.• 4 b r .„ ~' ~.;.,' „'', , ' :n ; 11 ° 1 ;14'ile .1 014 4 * thef:PiateA , :efultt NrOls I: tg.k l o ,ed?itct inYi ,d.l P > .1 44 11- •We fkour ai yolk Society. ' . ~ . 1 .. 0 „,, , t;,, when:thealostdcadjourtiedfotiwaweeki. if . The rsotioe up to 1851,,Juu; nnifornalp l i s• 4 Th eetegibmiti t li iard a lieen'te'tirSulifb - Bibles Inllliiill7orieS v ia I • - i --4- • - 1.7 .-- ----P 41661111 la i IL iiithtin - fieiaiiio, with brief • Eitionros ? " sUil u `t e • eide f l '' ''''''l . I " 4..) ' " V" l '`"' - ' ''' ' ,:, . , . objectof . a ra, nr, ~.0, . .....4 , L).. I, o r ~,, eaq" pro: 16111 - :pii'lieiiiiinge ithe b''')igi ': "ft 11 4 11. I tio a kceifillia . 3 'ili t:' Ir ti heliating#s al4t*Pe&iinga) Velbg 6 iil7 to) Pelted :Pi "thefttkee•lPlpere slie r outhsteutiilf" render oh'eliuk!'llie &As!' 2 This practice ) : stheitbame sod) that, ' ' . 'Y waii'icinfOim;alO - the letter ind'iPirit of the, „ .. 4 „,,d,,',. ~,,t ' ' di .._, A _! ' 2 " l, il lit , ,;'=what lie) in coiiiiiitaidi. E This r ealign .iii said of the —7 7,7 ' 75."."'riaillteneAldli? ands PrititlrWaiendirevtirino' n, annob'the r headings ' w t T.llfi'ff,di of cl l da iu, 18.'-'"'".?).uej°l"--‘'Plea'd for.d. of the A is ii t aribi, l 4l4, en i go changed as to It is "the course of cotpu4linae .rid son= tactile/41k , 'Okt in'siano instances to sub- ' eervative iet ' " J ~i , , 'Errors of the press , ) .. PY. i - ‘ n•I ~', I' •' • ....Pi-visions and emendations ' ' ' stitute,a pew,eansel. , oieniku 'lilac& Were difficult and perplexing . .4.. .I- L • . . - ~, • ,a - , i P r , A : *A- Da • o f ''Biute'will wooded oeeiudonallyris long as failroo rea ors. op taou t he meets , t ,-_ • , 1,. - . ' ' Vaiiterilite bdititstiiwas neeesstu3rio produce one,.:. ) ' "Mr ~ ~ - , - . l l.',k_k n idg /aB Pegli . ..aad while ithichlitiiiidd 'serve as a standard. The typei 4370*AFF lireAkbje to mi t it t akes. „But a grißlicare*h lieie;,ho.. 4l 4 B *? l iotßeriois... imw oxygiliion. i the Churches ;Will {not Al The in4l s ortiiii r iui.'d !orierorw' l r—rk. df.'*--ch- mit till they shallhave made far greater. ad• iiiiiiificin and .OVillatiCeiiiii"iotiakied :tO a .. cotaiati",f of isi wi l w r ia r a ~e , .. i ,;,,..,.. je i n i t ipi mrkepg , thmi hitherto,.townrdlmillennial purl-, '.d.' e' - i - l - ? „v • t3r iplil 0-00 Lr i M. I VP:Cu SeIVI A 4/ . ? • , OrthOdOiyanaraitVZAlidkilitfiiteiohB int i''Totihe f idition` thiiiiiiLreliVisd, aiiie 40 Viiersoissptheyyrill riotlitdibit Pic theipart a ielliffai iliVe lii i'mi 4 des i riami t ifirifiedig e Il i Aaoigw4hichil? oitti l izeeePti 14 et all y, MMM= iiir2 I HEIPRE ,3 A , - v in t ./,':' prlnti ~:, , , dis ~ ,/, lin g k 4 vol ,-..,r 411 i, u -: The ~ ill siq . v , the t hi s - mitring " -.- of the English Bible - 'Ushered-Admitting of onl _stioh emendations as will keep it the SAME IDLE In t e LIVING LANGUAGE 0 tlie peOfiliili' al C.l ? ' , . 1 .4t, ir. a l — 4 R evi YA IL • 0- rrric, 7 1- $llll3iTi'L'A L üblOri t meetnigigP -of the-01d and New Sohool-ohurobea, has grlitsxe s i m fgellpli u ain , a &Ali er-90 otir ofawhlvell Marren HOLLIDAYRRIB.O-,—PA..."---The---Register Bays g F Th'e - teligions3nfebtingi the'Lutheran, and,greabyterian , Churches.-in dill; place, still continue; and since our,last, 'thee. Baptists hade ' resumed , a protracted ttneatiiig in' theirs - 'church ; and altogether Ihere:,./s'arich a 'icioral awakening amongst %sip the great \ 41:Lhjcist of , roligiOn as we -Alive not seen for,many years past. Relig ion is the , prieeipahtopie ofremark in every -tinart e mi—in families, in shops,' , in - Offices, in ;Mores,,, in the :litileets:: 4 4.arge secessions ,joiave al eddy ,b,?n .. 1140ki:Sto -the Lutheran itniftMethodiat<ehrtrChesi?,:alaa the Presby pterisii Md. Baptist). ohttrohartoo, have) added iiktheii'innabere othattglOnot ‘geAiea . on until the• :eßtiie,l4ellllitie ere tn. •Hollidaystinig.'etinespondeiatLiaf the p A uge ;dues ,g 4 ja a religioutivi3it of view, our town the Evaogeli. ohnichie airtiohidding tiotisited meet in' rent 'eifulileticine ny ielichi r 'ofillie 'cliniehes haie found. '#6o ' Siiiiour:pliSiOus to-their' souls; others: thell !way: ' If you' :iyttuiro; j of ' l ed 'ldling uteri' irlUtlrthey pur- 1 pogoipe . tuhrli 'they repl y in 'the °At' etifiroli?"- Test? eiOmitiiptessed usiiWthetiftiiddrtr: 'in* lifsf Wiest -nliPtessiOns deetrif,!ceniesi 'jab' iißitie k' ,11 , •1 • .11:;t ) •". **ln let ) 1 4111 C , • ” - .C; % (W. 11".1 1) 09##• 3 ,P1t1 :tor X.C.the, ehurolkes Broo kellv ill!sad-I gehohutristites:but : Jhi ti.•:1);70 , 1, •?.'st Welty& bed' ' a' precious' itiihiPitfAity• Piligair ankh; ,rnie Spixit has been" olired:i qUit 'CiLAA"soliability ' peiv dell' . 66i41.466ne • ditlizig the' - two. ,wedis 43 siiiiiee held' there. ''erfirieartifi `was,' • the eilotitioilier9l4ig iininVeita air 'bitithiplAbh*WreiiOU piefeoliiktif feith,` :IhrW 'on: affiliate. ' 114'1 *fi r " Rill ond 'bir` gekhater t,3 uri US ttltl o .9b 0:awl t: Viet 76150Lii y . sif — , 041 cilt I PATRIWI I :II.I,9IF4 I 7r74fPg4Ait Immo; lately held f thisylitpfrin tg whiehi 2 3 1 , 4 1 17.4fItItelJgin t Igki Vllis9.4ls ,Po stovilievki.T.-D.plltsson;which,twassattended tiiiriNing? ;Anaheim- - =TeriJnew 77312 •T 1 !IN? t ROOKUBLAWD hz,---A ft er t assisting mr MitsoniatiDavenpole, Prl, Smith: eotamencedr Old' ifclukt 1 7 ,4 `e • I rim t o • 5.0d5. , 1.L.G 14011 g t1ei3077 ffiTPlTs_,RfrlvlAtu tr4 , l! - 498t;ir.tholring,.)#$,Iimr.1109!0:440 jEpl Spirikneßetweenitwentpand)thirtyihadre4- press 6d g Toppi nift a•-> .711311tR1111 - !r1 e l - fir? 0, - ,:dli ni gr At r; M * - ! V t it T l l 4o ' o au l d .)Y ir gi n li '!R TRihntlif !> $.4 _V- I, l l ,ll ls triPAl,* ti 9114 55 t men PIS very )#1?4,1r414;01141/Pf. F.,1410",,11110? e 4FIR‘ 6 I .fou t U i d, yet these intimations' Depteri es '1 I -/ . 0/ . • • fg e le ro2 •A hri ll i o":: 4 1 40 , 9 - 4 ' - 4 How eagerly shaldd'the ReoPichot Qed the first dawnings of a bnghter aayft How 34161.4,e141yqhhOuldl•ther - praYithit theuyear' Upon tithieh: we lige ft - uttered rib fbeltrade 'lluremotable our Ohtlicili;i4 'the•yeir a_kevi,vd, !==cienirapied, o 6kin. ,r; ," a i • Ike t4tifFteti , ellita i sibitlikiew 'lii.lifi ll ile• rtnt' i. ol ‘ ,.p . 7.4a ~/in-estioniain ,nt: o 7 . - u 2 >, : - ti ta r id e renlid o kit i t 6,,, A. , ..•,,, qifil i tr..t .71:,tanoT:-. Li, 1 • ~,- I ,J•la r ,jm i r" 14 1 31 Ph "'Aar Pftens4 3 4ieline xi*: i ) Pria,i l tb loottudAbOUghtsdok &Argo portion nof(thel iommnoity.; 7 '..tru44ltriiitiOilliiniatersosgii will i &vie ' thof 14 1 4 iiiaitilin nutiii,4 - 14- i • . .1.- .00t.t. • i . 1 . --1.. i 1 v, t i # 4 :;o# iii :l l 4ll4 l°) K iltimabrtt a nd 4i,11* PPROka *kg 44 ill !PPP. A 9 • 991. 1 uPP1 1 ipf, ;we eompl i aiwt).Oot,stfuit;sfandtowhett Wilt par ImufoititypindeiZ Pittsiideittialcdlapenstithinep lieWidleiogiintibl lor_ c drilfittcre Igen° Y''' vie lar. i: ,_ . -tr.vv -I..l ik tiar;siLl , 4L .. 1 .11 tP . I L fir il iT a v i, EPP 0 elri 1 , 1 iP lir Mi :6 1 *Pr! 1 1 5 4111i1 49);A l l e T 3 APti OR . : ( 4iffort4otirltdr., PP le T,°Pilt r s.lofTYt..9%4 il.#4..Phl )b o 6 ' and A . P2Ptifle 1 : But W4oPiogr.clioS4 MP - r ile? !prevented; AliwilAtiroh isyboond; Phte*.e iy . : i ngtheiSiiii 9 e oothigefilikih, l j ib l tiati g 'effiettil, :x i i e s auns ,f, so jyie•tu tus e e ii nc v 1.1 . .t,..Artql . 3ilBll qr . ft ( I! i 1: vs uoul howitaoll3 alettfr. IF9.i. d s ... m oaa l .. • d, miee9e„?:ristm Plf,Tt ne s il tt'tsit i i e F* l ;99311 2 47illuttP?tio. 0 ..4f4Plith1444YNCtIock!'; • " n -AktoifiPic( a Portioni P ll 4 MAW Itelhi , its ; . titti P g / ii:ttliA Ppitidti,:!di.liitigeeileep ~triti _ed , in,_sylltv , g , l'ii Ari.t. VI • . : , .11 IL, ' I 11 we_givean waymob as Annoys ..,,. , i, J.. Cl I.ll' '1" f it !ti eirff entou itri ;cll.l L ay i 6r:'.iil,l4,ve 40 1 74tIteattko9..ditwoungo4 ; ..,OliPpll -I enteredttheimpiotn•ss-VABXVIALMWTL • withimy aottir.hamktfor empeLtiwO Wattkoto or more,, as hardudte) aPYIIPM I , could ipgarply: -labors repairing , aliat..cdd. - .ll l gooe I to '1iv..0,07 4 nailing on ';•bismie, i fdli,ng Jtp, het t wola t,thd) outable,tooctritkoWo. Mith.‘iiiit pPodiPlokin imoktombhingiA , Witti,e4PmT 1.4)1 till g' ill.,•also tptog twthoOPNAll4.thelOkg, ,otherwise ' IWlPttrObeticoPld• -1.4g 1, whfOlv itt waPlAgnoi • WOW but Itutto , _ eAtigkktollat4 dining= p un quern; _Bleeping! , . 1%. ttottayiltgrroolp; nttipi r tpsTior.,f Ault/ 3 v t ~was otill worse, ti tk j e,firei , „night after ,we, ent into ,it, ~we came; well,n• s pill' h perishbag, aith,the • cold, and i was f on. that aecotult, compelled to leave •it l the t weit - t morning. We., took{ refuge in os.A.goinkof al • house be)ouging to one off ont Elders, where t wet stilkromsto,t I Ap,4l,,what ditilj , ,mpfe:,dia- s ) coil:ogee mere the rrettytery Asked ,ttich for 'mo,frotoi; theiltsard,, to l ll,t 4 44 10 , 0 1 :,when; a t feyrAtt , sinee,..l resteiv.o4q l DX., .. o . o m, - Pnbotiow for ss7 . # , for oil , PioothP.i.ntrAtiOt' -.4;the AtoPeitio? p.52 0 . 0 _11 1 ..the :Ton% oPt.O.ide in 4 am.oe,Riat..... the; people. ~ 4Adlimieek !there: ioinot ' tfutt 'amount pubsoribed at tproseWs4/sllf Pot FecPiPld one - AO* ja mcwoYfrolPtraylohtnpli. 9o TlPO l t4 4flor ' 'ore thaa,five,dollaxeiw attytlwig,and every , thing. : , ; , Isl,or,haV,e ,Ixeeeived twenty dollars,in from any source; for five months. , we, 4ave, rnokhad One half-pound• ofibutteptinstpr house 7.fortkwo.,montts;t, and at prosent,tpd. for some :gilt Pe,' we haps, neither hid ~ htlittex ' nor Inset:ill amyl) ~had corn enough ~for,; m y 'by; ; h a lit t le straw; but bay.aud, oats are; Lout of gm, -gt&examt, and would, be, per 4 411 1 .5, Alp I 1444 be money, ,b 0 v ,more eve- Mildly toitkul t ilo Corn fodder, I have tried, hook; hut, without success.. My, wood, ,I, hanl myself, from a distance of some, six laPilesi'‘l4l4,4l4yey also ; five miles to go, to our, oh.oPittrthis. being tho,,nigliept place to it,, ',where WA:ooo,ld,±eirew,•gkt a ,place, to,stay,, Rear frien.‘ill it.wo , yF.A.4,thw .04. 1 k 1, widifir , coßrAncl.l7f ci war; iliitous has :bslsso i - 3 Wu *but& lik i elikVirelievesiliiitAherti i ire ciaiiiekfly42eittAiduifelkrifeit6Tiiirthire , .teTgr ,..,- . be onell;is ' fir hies ZiA frtei - t of p e al "pner g 7rhe othel bya e; '• prodat of the lagr of Ilia- wn'irindsAis- • l k • biterian er avaiste. 3 41 II 'I Lan: , Co rtil 4 , AR S ?---„1:--You y c0r,..11e (Nes.' tions which Ipropose to address to yourself, manderwssreadersrolnaiinportince . ...„ v e 6i nti fri tl io o litr th, ns ejn iii,4 l. 4s ,a li p bu kt r e e w i i n th a m re e lig i i n ene thi P n a k P i e n r g l that. the. robbing,- maiming, -or „murdering _ our native English is an offence of so grays, a character, as to call for correction anal - 41-2 buke. _ • - Within a few years past, been--ao onstomed to hear and see such expressions as page ninety, hymn twenty, part three, —chaptenten r sectioni)ne,.&o.,&o.- Examples. .may be seen in the captions in Bayne's Christiau Life, and maymaybe head r'Sk4,,frin!l• '2..the.readieg :disk' in ,the',"praier-hieetqgl„lf not &in the:preacher' in the pulpit. orAre : expressions need, ma4yaitentry; dr.,'4llberat•Oy,r Are they - justified ley the ;,',.ttai49,,i)t the best writers ? Are the - ale tenth, ihir - d; - frit, 63., ibbe,cobSida:red obsolete, er„• may,they, 1,11 . words , ten, three, Ono,: &c.? Are „ One : and . words of :precisely ;the same meaning? lam atriulfted.7ritY two gentlemen i 4,lPinital Pdfterttion, n•l?•e' habitu ally make t3uchannoth,Wr e `We as,•,si,4o the • va • . - twenty`-,,ftsF ' h y mn e look rahrs, iheia de•Yi than i to the • age,, , for , our model to ,ought,* therefore !id be " - r • . zo ". careffil, Avert this nomparatlyelySinell Mitter.., - , • t .*IN '• • .1013 L ,, NOTE ItY. .THE•• Pdarort...rhe4 premarks -"abnire•are worthy of att e ntions`'- - nAst , affected change,iiliiigliage;iiiakes a very "If' • u.nfaiorr table ,impression . good . Sermon May„,be • spoilefayl diAlstAeoy 1.23,411...11749,r Of ex.- iteinporineonsaddressji are lalways , ihoneit, 'brit '-ieldditif tbottghti by the •'beartir; abeiiViCeind;ftiey Pte= ':l74q( l lA*l give PUIP4 O.IIII P, Ii T, `:- , `1 Z7,- f;!mgl it have; madev, 4 , The, good , •PidcfPWoW4IN'A P;° - inti; loaing, , itb,distinctiye• enunciO. tt tiOit: - being 441 changed-into -the objecttve - "Le' into'a hor and • I.r TIT.; ,) 1 made to r o b the word winch follows it „ `4, J " (. 1 1 1- 1 13 1 fyi,4,044Y9., , tnibove,&f,d4mia , ..odp , instead in.Y 3- sotil'il heart;J*l6i r e . ,""inf ;,gnelt i irOngeintidii r li z i ditracts " ' ding , exceedingly. offt 4(4the goo dt i m pressionswhrch •„; nts ii l / 4 ,1i1e, ItAt dtbfle a by the resdlug et; L Hymns andtBCripturily and4iby:thtint olemnf preaching r. Of fthe Word? ;44 $ .2 : .•"T ;•: c'T i • ,-;;;-•e eTi •'4-'•• I ' l ' 3 vi Dea h Hof eyy ' - The p ~..50, 0 7: 6 , , i 4„ n ? i iva , sititerlaii . voile •=. - 41 , ..P )...?'1.4 . r .forma ton ot the departure of tuts brother, 0-'4 Allah; from geed' 6 .10 1 4.t. 111 iMontgomerypAla,-,kon the; i2d,rinst.,-Invthe exchanges. year of , . .. u " eet years in the t i THE,-sBidiNaatlXlo 1 0 , J-Pfittuo4lS-A an . • •‘, .11:14 - 4.1 4,1 4.41 , A.4,4it'f , tv 4 , lti DanYglib.:. l 4 INV" -I ' - 4Y.TP ,° 4PP1414_,: c 1,. attention. Thenktfell presented the t' o linorei, M 14 1 1 !, Well,:grcgt,P , Y2P B lslYo44,,r e ifor,iger awe - candidate tor Sypod's,favor, b4twoiyeanisgb :was with q all this, admittek e/otioencetl and hfiligedi id4resrgri his paiddial 4•oltarge equallytwell • , knovii;•oppOsitiOn•iit,kz.the:Gou. somiequetit upir Ins bodily image, a dark ,p 4.40 I ft rt ithi2'" 'V Baird; DID I , 0, 311 ,141,mt!v, ) 4 ,41 ,1 1 i 1 1 ,11 40 , 34 , „ 4 14 1 _ , from" i'')slulY) contemplati n g : future , things *4*Btttlhis" , tenting. tthe , tirguthentxfavo'r , :) 4 oiAs-st.' 4l- prelpara t- tidn had been - made Ptividit i alyyt*d" control jar the lase[hf Theological beyond that cloud he has 9 dlibileia fOundl `I" I- • lnt= `Utt `1 , 71q )1:41. 11'641016' The result ' ' that tbdtlynrod eupenor of o . . -.l2„sA the, overture proffering • T-kr-ovro.r. 4,..r t • t ••-•11777:4 ; 110.1-1; - P.M 1.1 W.. 11 11 .701 r 4 )11 The American lied society. - co-partnership at•Columbta., ! adhere:TV 1i,):1;)x:T::-;;Tr T. ) - J .:l;w ts,: trt " t j " A, a afingingted Qld,A*.ool. brotber Jot Synoct) oft: ississippi-301040 1 '- - -a hoti us w i t h: the excellent article, Alatilvfl indidationithatisectionaliste rat ^J • ••i. • .1.. ?!.totthis(Society eiri,ourlixstAPagen:-:-IThe 41n wholly td tnamp ,- • - Dr 4 1 1 '41 0 4f is i e. 4 0 4- h i i tit , , 7t l , l l ias ' 'h _Rt,ttendtt its conrse numb' 'isrmteee Of .present, at. yhe„, wps ,prevep y . , .WI aiS •If 7 V' rHad he risen ,4"; , 4 at b Gee", and.lexth.but . y,,ery A sitght t 4elleet i tets. ai ~,handaoj h ealth - ma - 4. l .a scatt „, $6 , 60 - 64 0m erltisi.adaptb , d4tto ,, ,avyork tint:tat eiganizatichtf istit) tikdontilliShWand , ttk F z ,3f+ in ..Htht;stEitil,o Danville r, rise slwa s ' r* - and'attl, ,L l clm: r~emi" i. "'" ' 3 ' 77 '' ''',. ) (fe l ia of l inink ceite ° llikoft r i intelhg~ent sins'` AMERICAN recerte„. • „,, 44. cs 4,4 E) OA, ed st.T44,l4Ku N lthe,rvaxi. : . Evan shoal t i ta ,o o , a; ihediets -4:41 ,, 141 care, ; , 4 0 : • Imi , i4; she works according her L ams • A taig.,i si .17,1 nyconditionlicionlikeyjto 'bedallyireet. - 44 ()I - .3lTuil . Or 1111511)1313 , .1. 'dei g n" F q iinfilYilThigiSllll eW vdea~n Babel oltureh, c' t hininerolidet6thelgvOivof i the 13 Eiiit r 3 -., churches. ! As was, so . 01 e not tratagferredltheirl Oat 1 " ' 4SehOolVeawN#l, &Piga frinit'a Lgja ftW Atr J-1,4 C4l' e 7., • ' . • • " Gifts tolfuns* tors "•` 8 ohangei last month.?l•Theu intent i on of, (doing. 1 1 1 1 , Preadate; I teskini-iifeliindi regard; always • 6 c- and tiiielprobablyt AttvntrisW toi , the•:state4i likord•joYio - the retietvg. ften,4 ese4)axe thent"thet thdftransfer Witsiednnuininated./ e r e sill - • .1 mere tokens, 'but sometimes they have the i , 4_114, .44 .4114.44 pod .4 .1 L , 11# .k.. 1 t.tflu 3'1111.”..); ( JCI 41) . mew. iIoNALDsoN, 001T44- 41 1 14#9nA1111.4 1 /Pf A l At i .ik e YEM l ßPag e l4;l9S its. porai;i`its lieliady4V,tift'a_dAi4 t at",;kr: „;••7, 1 70 'II' ••••. " 'll The4atter is!often4 - thsicase h whettbnwlef to • ilersridde, Indtani.uotitity, Pa., `the place , ministers:l- , but noldem that a -- mmaster, P residence, wnere a Post Office de . kqta-- uly rt %las sligify,' , aim viijßt'ani'nf thO'ina- J u st pee n map/IBM(' v' w i S. "7:4 141f=r9illar mratopot. Topeapzit, .„I.loaoited N1,M 5 0944,G44 itt,t4 ;o . 9.Tl e4o self oi9ref T , toe l o ta * t h 9 r,Q;: di rogyt,ilol2 4 4. 4-4 . o ft i n k, prpact....ipue.: u vup. pyr y r . 104tenr.. ef t H• 1 ," 3.1' Bt. Claus% e 1 at itielate4ase-..gifebl. impossible,forAbirtoikeeplupLwia the cur "`Rev` . • *Toil; M 41101. 1 44 Post Office elfdielfelik tertfliieratnie "confian i t t edf-itt.b."" shis , •pridesston • a' l' - s'6llld' `lithe Lliniitinkd et? Ifdiricd'iheril giditilii 3 Oplibti in .brtioc4 4 k ' O ll - s a -' 'lea 4t ..yarjej t .• r , .; Milking presents to a pastor. / 3 ' pi. - , •1 - •• •4 , 4.444 ',Sal 2;• 11. 11 Poil.'. I q. - 1 T) -.T4 , 1 ; I •T; r. - .But shouldrthese always be acknowledged -43 s itit ,'Ocirrx.;i 4 Eft'S Pcist '‘Cdfiti`e aeardid is ~;119•1- 1 , ..I...aottsfq tfai2; .1..c2 • 2 't •7•44 •”; • t4el4o4krok:fignMAdlif?-4 o,o* , Pt. 4 csangP4, fronitigepdgton ) Me. )i to - Wagen J. 71 ,a • f)ligattly,' - pethikpri,„theipeoplehnd.pAstot;shaddoit. ,P, C1 1 . "). 1 ,+! 1 ,.9* : c the I luYurys theinielvesp but, Rev goica Danville,”Ky.; has o lif e A g i ne fir i a a receivedt a call from the ehareh , 44in,Jaok r2 loYiViiii.Wille j fkultliti !mita! rt titi, aw e v a 4l B 4- pft 4 - 7 0 ,63 4.0 .?4,44 „ ndkind has dust Beniil T , Jo r o .T• :.: a " '" °,3? " ). T • S.- ite4 4- 13 . 6161'.1' 41360zkii4 ,Be en the eP lEPPY/ 1 440 ,T d 't ;7 • ,z , -•••b• • I { 5 Carolina, utp . , ifeTto i : , Pre b 9tbenevolenee and•-/aetiv,ity Lot ethe o il, cbmmencelabonnk there ) as c -terriiiiidoiary 'ladled of the) churcliiit IStirorich:, Wiscon-if, ft tie a at r sin, 'the pastmr ; Rev J Ate 'Barnett , 9 has , t , fr 7 f . rr Larry a, rae 6 ll3,o„epreiro / mceir„4„f , 0 1 1 0icattu 10°Y 1 ,- 1 ,, 'ff9r • church of Concord; Misty:inn' land:his re: „young and ,'feeble ,;99,ngraf t gos,, ,ts -Itheral. o rciro 4 ) o l ,o 9x , _ , , • li)shovisltheirs, appreciation of :Gospel , ' ordi- Ilovi4ktihs Einar OffWinehesterol'resby the older churchew I.teryii , Va., , ,hae:*-a lutpted4lanoinvitation to • - ealinpleoi Ki-lalmt ,, o B 4tedlY -in the :Shure& of Vinton, • 7;0 Dos 1, 11 Benton •. - - : 4:5 4.1016974F90 to love and VITA 1 1' 0 r0- • • . jj " r-f R e v : ; ' R. B OAC, has ' acV ;(;) tre e 57-ni. - h Parties. ,!.• eepteass, inyitation from tne•ehnre es of , iiia'lLiKbon,' 'to supply Ittelusedkent His Poet l7ffiae 18 lisbonplowati: e tielb TIMM - Milt be social gatherings : ;f t. LI - T f ,•.1 i ; -; :$ I T.T nay:lse - Ad OHANNON ha s peen oftowt Bll r ie fr l; " 'ebe away% ' religtous r meitin s .pen,?,a . 4:4 1 4 ) ;?, $ -a t •Trr g ‘,„ , ta u depisfsout t his labors,,,,in *At Tra#4,9f 3 4490 A P. 4 '9O? • -at they e -- consequence 4 - Ooniinn • .„,"1; • Are; • mid, , very much expetailVestheanitlieY'o-1 ,9FLPP+ are. The tomPany shotild °assemble early in the iiireriliiginA - ditiPerai'eirlY; "allowing:o toi 4, 11 Ji•P` .. 7 ., ,rflr th e - gfi ed r tal h / 4 3, 11 4 5', / eat..e. time • pr. ,anny up? .an ,a tu nig ' ht's , -- " • •• •1 ••• t, . - • ;I‘.• I .01 , , -AO Omtvugllttent, rest ! , 3 401 . 9!,,, q 144, .bir.k bribe MoSnotlY :—Dear outer the aged smith° loang; itt the saMeiffilg;l l /".--: m i sters , are =nothing, 4 ho• l e d ' f 4 1.1' • . .olr imiea, bly. '-'l l heyushbulit lbetralways • such •'that., )dackmie,of,theiFaeptket,tli Ftg b.. tbo Pine win Cliridtiand Watt most devout4 ,l** ! ).l l3l lll2, l' 7 . ap , „.„ 3 1:„ pr .! , V 29 same . n 1 !/! .. 2, to 40 co Whidger thej rOTOt of wishgs;w4 , r ootteorfnpo : ::'" prey ) sh ould , not' yerylandromeENOVlTishoe'pitieut;Viaime ne K 4, your• I the itur: ,,,, isti o zn ie r nt cr o n f igeseli atimu t t ik , t p l rea rly e e s t nt large,, ead ri tbd " < amitgemep'tp,:idieul,_ combine improvement in, something valuable from moiher Ja Lwr y g t• tb, e Be nt e , co u A n d with ; the hilarityininch contributes teller/Ith: . la di e s, g7;tor; vie . ladies, my sled& heartfelt thank s. 'Ate not 'and See fan.-excellent -selec:4; cao I lack= die (Inuit of taxa'eases, ' thiiitittbjii;t;'on our fourth 'page. which• - wonnlyni , as the , hin4tappritiatioxi of well rtw k• 7P17 .. .IL 014.1 1-7 ;,t meant efforts fgr, Osier ephittrol. rrease4: twined himself thronh his re 12riito course. is 13'; ucaTion cost a e measniiailliLqlEfelliakbeeri. ten -years in the ministry; and, -under a arise of duty, in ,00nse,ers,ting, )iitusslf, to his antfes, / from hibb l iing among the poor, the few, and the non.appreoiating, htitudarhimke s i f ib ra 'so,4hatis tOdt4 tht i ChSr l dh, as -contemplating-this-case I—Evidently-we-see a need of replenishing our Board's treasury. That an appropriation Should be reduced , to 437:50 for six` 'Months,' seeni - veii ilistonrd shinildluiir,e the risen of ocali irmiating latrers t „ we ; mealffil riAliy, (1 4 94 0 4R4, it must s#. 42 • r antiietat t io thistnuue : g.thity? 0 • lid#lled•df• ,f• isisound to preset' RO 11.31114 n1r; vergi Wa t r. tea!tn Tr ten ry 'NO Airr I A9PR Z nieRP.JPPD. oibsolute,duq..tal int; .n ft VIIIIOO dutch bid &itches ;which ho 6;14 I.'l : astir o e r mh W itt i ' r; F‘vilFl l 16 ? " r t i ttieir +Arpin , . Jer k° s aR a._ t L Iik.I.KBA4eI I /4 1 / 9 1404,44 i oWn Sotdid Paul: So:did•otherrworthiee. So did oiiethiiietaiiltrfatlers int the. early Netltliiiieikof "Wu fottion - ectintry; 'Adios iihist this lifFitlii4 rapid all 'the P:lSl .l. ,Wl,l.llLea t adoll4;g ra bhath i6t. tei l l , , r l V4•l l ß)• l . l --- ,111 , 7 - e3 • 1 , 0 rd%! atifi thiabbrfige - iNtildloatllm;•Sid •Chriatiahr texperiezioepand ipthelo totes* Zoidiolla i yi he aukrortaitifilihie 1 1 04' At.i 'lll • L... P 7441 10 gJ:1! mkont, helm' find moue. }t hem pun nave AI ,411.4 foootorikoeptpanclgieltefi , r Th94•Sorts4o 'dayi of theltivelr, 4 char, id &di•of, six,. if itiaiesearyis ihelrettli—ifyilet -, 16 - B ‘ fa par .21-;:;51 - ZU oh p r - c iiinr l 4 2 4lAßEAcTilffn •GdoriealtL •••+, 'lO . 1 11" 6:10 12010 Wilta i ilPAti k albi/Pft tl6lVOU 4 POiltith #llo i ll t gliareilliVMMW y,'7 .It ?Witt w e T.114,111"7r yniliil=lo u.:llllX.r. 01(trflithen in , ,thekaltalistlV 'Were! , itAi.t.t4Mil Ibbughtlwieesimot soil elaborateaZ L:4t :v ' A : e t ' "4 lIIM :Sykod of EOM Doitioioatioallbollyrwfiicdrolbrikes VA? riabitaideinfi oiatim" 44 4. :$ ttiT(4 Dpp4 and fw. , ..,AsirimS.ol*Mt9rlVF l !:9 o ,MilligePwiti9t- We:gather a rfew fade from our Boothe= MI BIM 4 0 - d 101e19$ ens 1. II I: 1 4 M r*VCRA' . 7 4 F e tie ! itpropaawkiinitsioin Ortvation of, th%, SyntxTeciot Kentufaq, of the General Aseembly. VO MI gw!,l Eli -. ./ -,- ; good exp. I, 4eFTY•A M4 l 3' the, tii...Terlf rewrd theo flar (more an hundrek toa• ;nay . they find tile i 4 imOisw` t oids'lifitiledriiiitt;ir owe experiende; ' =tlisi ' 44 it Nlmole b7es cr to g cve fle toreibive:," , nia,yibtbets,librr othir z oft gregations,7 inficua 14,04tlilmAktair. e lee4Pbs - A" se) , and dP hic_c_.theitkeetere: boa -- - Tam wivfoNire, &0. -1 'it. M. VALLAos. .• 11, 4 -10-4 T N';SIIMMARY. ;Ty . AND NEW ENGLAND. It is really deplorable to witness the at_ .tempts.madeutioacsespe the claims of j us _ tice, .and :the mirtuous indignation of all good 4 irielt a by ili t osgVhcriikVe' violated the eonfi_ denee reposed in them, however high th e Whieltheyinity have been held. This remark is suggested by the fact that .Mr. Samuel Lawrence, of the firm of Law. fence, Stone &zSlade, Of which we lately made mention, sailed for Europe in the A t . Ta - sitic, under the assumed name of Munro e . but was recognized by some persons on boar 4 peforc the Tempi had left Sandy Rook. ieported that be will at on ce pass-into some unfrequented parts of the Continent of Europe, t.o await the final re. suit of Ike,itivestigations -now in progress, with respect:to the manner in which he ha; conducted<Ahe business entrusted to hi s ease. 4 1, e ka= Thit • P Chapman , School-house, in East t. • t Boston, ocertpied.. by ten. teachers and fia E hundred ehildren r was.l discovered to be o f fire, on tire:afternoon . of the 21st inst.; h at owing to the . coolness, and intrepedity of the teacherspin, inmates 'escaped with. out *pm:or-great alarm. The so?eilled Si/raid/Cgs of this city, seem.degC4riting rapidly into low and se e . anal fanaticism ; The New York Tribun e states that it has positive. information that the members of some of these spiritual ch• des are in the habit of meeting together Perfectly giude, thus outraging all decency, The Emperor of. Franod seems altogethe r unwilling td'relinquiSh his' efforts to secure the itaiir'lU'ati 4`..er9f.'Agassiz in the de partment, nt nstund ,history. He certainly offers large inducements, ; in a pecuniary point of view will require great at•, this . ,eountry, and devotion to the work iu-w 4 hieli, he is now engaged, to enable resist , the strong in. dueements. The proposes a salaiy Of 1320,000, and; a seat in the Senate of Fraii‘ee'l The Invitatior,,of Prof: Huntingdon, by Dr. Storts,-off Brooklyn, to' occupy his psi. pit, has givenlisb,to much remark among the orthodox of, this. vicinity, and. even in thelfar.West.,, Dr: Storrs ,has replied, in note to the , Riaritan, , Recooder,- . defending his conductPand 'that bf 'Seine -half dozen others 'Who.'l44ileitoi:the • • same !thing, de. elating that th`c,,POfeasor and teaches the Supreme, piAp,ity, of on ; Lord Jolla, apd c ,..tle necessity of regeneration by the Apirite_AuLtkitutge,,s ,der of satisfy, the ob• allege : tyo, although he may hold these,taiut4l4 some qualified sense, he toes ll4 r does not look upon them in the same setae L Jun 4°#6 ar l odog; and that all his asso- E 94#0,1111:1181211i -.fiendeneies, are Unitarian. Nonedives spoken with-more decided disap• rprobition thiwitor Of ; Dr. Storrs, than the of Chicago 1.1 - • ......anaw.-A j okkrarVlV.th4s Region have met ititiatildevoted friend, and oi l l / rridir and mind, in the L. , Driq . . Ary4,lf :Pr .; ,„,„Pooth' Yhymetan and Super. intondent ;of c gte ! ,lll4esin. Asylum for the Insane, at SomervillevilfAss., on the 12th .:1 7 .iiift?r , sit:Ao 4 4ga* it& .:,, , Of forty-one. He 'P l it r lV'i lw iniiii v a'eiti l i - Peness and dictin• .: iliV , 47011ils.:1 .3 ' 'al t, , gamed Rronuse in department to which ;/,,,,•, .........,b, ~..•.,J r be,bodcdevoted n bintendf, and for which he 144 so eareftdippreparedlimself. ~i I; ~. ~. • The.georeiaries of. the American Board i. i Unissued an earnest appeal to the churches and friends contributing teits funds, etning liiiifthe , teliintiylfiill ieekuiri42B4,ooo be foril a p iliiroliVie ?Of 'AVe ' neil i t 1 siii;en months, 39 1 _ 1 90_4_410p, '0(.1.1 .1' t ' , 1,....11t... '-",..4l°AiNn.Xectil4'B,lll39tttion of at lest AtittPo9 perimontk,h,, y-, ',..: , 714 itatiy.NiUrtelies . jiiitif ; to 'learn that the of Pittsfield, r: . - Mara ,kas,heetaiifor some time engaged is Ahelpreparitioniof-Amork.on the History ot Riviicatii,:ifroutisistiorkkivhich he has been i ftir This work, f e g l rvluF4 ,WL I / 1 De 7.1.1 v, or use press in a •,EVlKthAl 'i v*, 4 enumerate ,with the Scripture 'record of revivals ' , glancing-it what may be Vitite'relliebitterning ,the subject in the his. `i;a r iirck 4 : the "o eat fr i%), b 111: • • ihjah oemirielfabont the mid • AI ••.• 10.1.9LAN140•043.f41;23Y which will b e dis 7erin!eci iit.monsiderablei-length; after which "el given of revivals don Jlittitije preetyday,both' in Christian and ,i.Mr.".4 l oPi , lpTlllte whe re, the Word has had n LI .hy.w.anderki efeoC-in .many in stances. The latter vattr_of , :the , undertaking comes th'et doope tlietti.'s own observt tiaiiiik ledollgoiions a greater ott ,r • 0 mo,.ll vosla 1 5WIle, nee been an able and sue• 411!0101 gtiniater 'ref go; And s carce. ilylttny Ohiimoivliviitrittabetter fitted, by P°' 'titian; timers , • imo h a work, itirati and holiness 1ri 1 17196 9 41 . 1 3F1 1 R : : '"4 1. 11 ' 1 ' ' 1 The 3 14•0180cif Oho Bev. Dr. Todd, d Pitt/631'144We foilthelY " e ar ' 1867 were montt4l ' • . s deifull:Olessi3d. . In' his New year rt• Pq!'l9inlciPrnTle.fnt seventy-two had been J'eatilred into-hiiNthareh l within that period, plijiwpidetiaion of ofaitli, to twenty-five 01 #/eorliiiiiftice baptiim was adtuitt -1417,4•t' Tisetliksitiorfir.•o4: and New Hare! iliittbegiiiieriei,:lisire held their usual sum inildilhetii Contributions to i ecinicti, as in tic ° papts„igthetigli, jtjka4 beeti extensively 'Ported•ihat:suoll who* lint be the ease tbis theedynio: bfrilisaatiikintion with regard 1 170 the Txnelatiye Committee , 1 04 fin trFAtjtf9t of , itublroationa with respec t Ivo; c. , •. 111 ystga. The continuation weather has 1:1.q only, done mnoh; ;o Mitigate the Sane r iegs and ; wants sfithe poor, but also to ke e p 'kizde•from ;thel:detression and stagssn' D tibititOeikstltEeliitins6 tit the Fall busiae--' indihitiois of Spring trade ar e „2 Pegmeleg ty o appear at this early day. in - • 0 0, 11 1 1 1 41tirRei iflocieties and individuals are antivtoiiiirelionligiwants and 'sickness, and iiilfigElglion for tbirdebtitute. The OWN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers