Ballad of a Baker. 344 Brown be wee a btacor run A baker man was Joe; • was known to want far aught, said yet he kneaded dough. haul be was ragged, beady too. And had arlang Ws leased.' And all bileatuie ha rose up Aiith . Ills,sarly rlsLag yeast.' To never cheat his otsatomers Tills rain wee early taught, Anil pet his leave' were always light. Hie pie.crUet tither short. And he was generous hearted. too. And kind unto the needy; And neat and tasty to his dress. • Although his takes were &softy. With Ma none dared to bandy jokes liTtnins'er he sought the starts, rOr 'well they knew his repartees Were sharper than his tarts. end when I sly his skill well great . ' In getting up n month, Hie pastry filled the mouths of all. And needy no further puffin'. . Said he was a toraperanas nuin. If on, I can't toll why Ho mixed with flour and Corn niteltact. A trifle of tho rye. When age at het o'ertook the run. - • Ette form grew bent and sore; And like the coke he need to latcas , His head 1,7a8 froeted o'er.. And whim he died all mourned Ids lose With no sectarian bias. For In had been a Mend to atl, A good man aud a phrens. • - ; , MIS =TAM /-*:' ' - Beneath this ebust of upheaved earth .-, '• ; A well-bred baker lies; ' • And like the tells he used to =Old. We hope, at last he'll rite, ALTI SORTS , Columbus, Ga., has not a pound of corn, littcept in OW state. gang ..of burglars at Rockford;.ll., got Wa ' from twenty-six stores. q;3llssotiri farmers are just beginning to ~ father their last year's corn crop. A Wisconsin paper advertises for sale "a etOw that gives milk live years old." 7 It is said that foxes have scarcely left a A, or rabbit on the royal estates of Bal. Leavenworth, Kan, wLluts her 4ail ani floor-house enlarged before she builds any moll) churches. ,• • A Kansas liquor dealer prints his prospec -ttis in the church hymn-books in order to reach the spiritually-minded. 'The difference between sealing-wax and ;wank'', says Reuben, is that one burns to keep a secret and the other to tell it. :san Francisco has several curiosities call ed Siamese trout, •consisting of trout with two beads, two tails, and other duplex pe culiarities. A Detroit man has bees sentenced to the souse of Correction for violating the rules of the 4 prison where be had previously been confined. An Infant child of Mr. James Wood, of Limslngburg, N. Y., died last week from the bite el ft rat, inflicted while It was 'sleeping in its cradle. dh man in the West Indies claims to have discovered a: tree, from the fruit of which a ,juice is obtained . whieli will make the tongh est steak tender. —The next English celebrity to visit our :filmes will' probably be Toole, the London Comedian, who is said to p,osses.s the power tri intake a cat laugh. In Texts if a lunatic's board is not, paid the irate mauagefs of the asylum turn him 6ose. This tends to that proverbial cheer 'fulness of the Texan. . . The entire Persian mission, with forty thitsionaries and sixty teachers, costa less .tinnually than the current expenses of some .4 the city elaurche. in' America. A dock full of prisoners were disoharpd , Bait - Francisco the other day, on- the dis &very being made by one of them that the itvcode abolished , the Justices' courts. In his report on the Army of theEasi, M. Mflepr 'charges 1 upon , the disbanded sal re, who composed the forces of Garibal di, a large share of the responsibility for the diV - 11 war bi France. A rung Irish girl•in Illinois has &growth of hair upon her head five feet in length, and lute repeatedly been offered one hundred dollars for it, clipped at a reasonable length from her head. • Prince Arthur is apparently enjoying his visit to Rome. Balls and receptions are given him every evening, and it 18 under- Stood that the Prince will not leave Rome lielcire the carnival is over. A Portland judge fined a man $2OO be- Cense he ofiered to kill his neighbor for two ants. He thought•two cents was whittling 1e business down to where a matt couldn't 13:46 a decent day's wages. Cincinnati audience suddenly found tbeniseives in the dark while' listening to a lay the other night. As the manager had omitted to pay his gas bill, the manufactur ere Col:Winded to teach him the value of it. Mita man who returned his lighbor's bOtio#ed umbrella was seen, ada or two ago, walking hi company with the young lady who passed a looking-glass-without tak ing.a_pcep... It is believed they are engag. ed. They're a. religious lot in Denver . City' The gambling houses all close during church time. We shouldn't be surprised to hear that the backers of the "tiger" there opened the gime with prayers. The Portnguesa Dictionary, which was commenced nearly 100 years ago by the Academy tl Ff Sciences, has now brought down. its formation to the end of the let ter (if. • nhor Domingo, Vieira is now the editor of the work. e bright, beautiful little girl pages brighten the legislative balls of Kansas, while the minor offices of both houses have, For five or six years, been principally filled by Women, who have uniformly given com plete satisfaction. ' Winsted man entertaL3 his friendi with a pleasant little fiction about a snake fowty-two feet long, which he killed the other day by throwing it under a passing railroad train, and cutting it up into'twelvcs• foot lengths. The Rev. Dr: Fulton. of Boston, Informs the Massachusetts Legislature that, on the stole, he prefers polygamy to woman suf frage, chiefly, as it seems, because the advi;bl Cates of woman's rights, as a rule, "have no ehildren, or very few." The guards in Tarrant, Texas, are play tal fellows:\ The other day two of them were placed'•ig; charge of two criminals. They laid their•arms aside and engaged in a little game of leaping. The prisoners seiz ed the guns, made the guard stand, mount ed their horses, antraweetly smiling, waved them adieu. Au lowa boarding-hotise keeper, who lives near a glue factory, makes, a very luscioue article of Jelly-cake by taking cold buck/ wheat cakes and piling them up with alter nate layers of glue. A neat top-dressing bs. m oi pulverized cha seta the off, and tie boarders' mouths water until they bite into the. deceptive structure. Twelve years ago Lord Lytton built an elegant "asylum for poor authors" on his estate; and It has retuained untenanted to this day, not a single "poor author" mak ing his appearance. This shows not only , that the day of literary paupers has passed, but alio that the "poor authors" are not poor enough to accept charity. Air, old Scotch lady had an e*ning party, Where a young man was present who was about to leave for an appointment In. China. As he was exceedingly extravagant in his conversation about himself, the old lady "said - to him when he was leaving, "Tak' good care o' yoursel' when ye are awa', for, mine ye, they eat puppies in China:" An old gentleman of eighty-four having taken to the altar a young damsel of sixteen, the clergyman said to him, "You will find the font at the other end of the church." "What do I want with the font!'" asked the old gentleman. "I beg your pardon," said the, clerical wit, ' ipthoughtyou bad brought the child to be christened." A man lately fell into a canal in Brussels. After being fished out insensible, ordinary remedies were tried in vain for three hours, after which Dr. Joux applied iron plates at white heat to the upper parts of the body near the Vital center, which soon set the drowned man squirffmg. lie has recover ed from the drowning, but complains of the burns. • The Bank of England covers live acres of grftnd, and enploys nine_ hundred clerks. There are no windows on the street. Light Ss admitted through open courts; no mob could take the batik, therefore, without can nortiobatter the immense walls. The clock tithe Center of the bank has fifty dials at - niched -to it. Large cisterns are sunk in the Mut, and engines, in perfect order, are al ways In readiness in case. of , fire. This ,benk was incorporated in 1604. Capital, $900,000. Pawnbrokers prefer customers who are WithouS an riAsezips, qualm 70 TEL' PUBLIC I have a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Yankee Notions, &c., which Twill sell at cost for the nerrini:- ty days, I will sell good prints . for ten cents per yard. I will sell good sheeting.% yard wide, forr : 11 cents. . will sell all my goods so chap thay you cannot help buying them if you will call at my store ;:n the OPERA BLOCK. L. F. TRUMAN. Deerfield Woolen Milk' D=M= , D, PA TNGTUaI BIXYPHX.RB, Proprietors of We above Mills, L wUI marrefaotore as usual to order, to nit crestoreere. OUR OUSERERES are mantel Part Jingler attention given to Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing We inanntscture to order, and do all kinds of 8011. Carding and Cloth Dressing, and de* , oompelitton. We have as good an assortment of Full Cloths, Cassin'ores, and give more for Wool in exobe than an other eetabahment. Try them and setle yourselves. We wholesale and retail at the C,owenesque ma% 2 miles below Knoxville. Jan. I. Mt 114 CRUISE BBOT:EAM• J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel, THE undersigned, azia agents for the abo'ce Water Wheel, Ira can cheerfully recommend it as supe rior to all others in use. Persons wishing to pur chase should see this wheal is operation before buy. lug other wheels. DIGHAhI 8806. Deerdeld, May lb, 1872. Bead the following : Wisairriiin. 21.1874. We the midersigXed, purohasod one of 3. If. 0116 , weld's 80 inch Water Wheals using 68 inches of water to run three run of stone under a a 0 foot head, and are well pleased with the wheel. We have ground sixty bushels per hour with the three run anti oan average that amount par hour all day. WALKER & LATIMOP. 00% A :4:1-11 BLOW __ARS. IRON, STD= MIA eTOVHS. =MUM., BELTING. BLWB, CTITTLEBY. WATES LIMB, AGEICULTDBAL <O. Caxxiag•e and Harness Trinurdm, Ef.AltYEt.: : - •n: Carting, N. Y., Jen. 1, 1272 LIVERY STABLE. ma y:_- ETCHAM'' COLY.S I:OI2PECT .._ _K. folly Inform the, pulaio that that 't l u ggiL 4lllll have eatabSened a . ILlvery for Mire, At their Stable on Pearl St. opposite iTheefees wagon shop. Single or Etouble riga furnished to order. They atm to keep good horaea and wagons, and intend . please. POceit reasonable. EMVITAIS DOLES. Aug. 2A. 1872. New ,Jewelry , Store. ;. T EL% of Welber° =Et thit tie s hf an:ct ib s Jeltirelzay Store • la Ms Wilding recently 000upled by 0. L. IXte stookoonaprises s full ssagyrtmezit of Clocks, Watches. jewelry, Sili,er and Plated- Ware. 8. L. ‘VA.P.IUNE B , one of tbs best workman In Ziof!th err. Fer...raylrania, will attend to the _ Ripairing.. of Watches, Clooks,, 4c.; 4-c. .For tie skilful doing of wblcl his Fie Ml= yowl pros:sxperleisce Ts sufficient 3r uraiz t. Wellsboro r Mag. ss. G. P. =M I ' - . i s now reoelvitg awl" and elegsat daa= isr ezry• watt Mallis.MaCol" GI-I=o CO:Caleb, sail WM, the publio Co and e' Vulpinefic;p4tikaci prices. P.&—Notronbleto ithow goods. 28, 31/12. 11$, O. re MUM Ini I ND R. D. PHILLIPS. CHARLTON PHILLIPS._ E. B. You*o. E. B. Young & Co., tarreevisars of finglLYonng 4 co., Booksellers j and Stationers, sad vales in . Wan Paper, ' \Pirates , ' fibs/lee, Window Fixtures, Minkel instruusause. Yealsee Notions, PlMure Frames awl Mega. PIM - area, all saris, Pletura Cord. Inatioa Blanks, alauk Books. all sizes. • Newapaperg, litargaataim. Wrillr.g . 7,:scata, Artiste Goods. Law Books, - MedlotAßooks ItOlgiuus audevexy atttcla tu our line of trade —New York' roallles et One Dollar a month. —Elmira Dallies et W Ceuta *. mouth. —Subscriptlima for a week, or month, or year. --Orders for Book! not in etock promptly attended to --An Expreea package from New York ev cry (lay. —We are Agente of the Anchor Line and the Onion Line of U. pl. Unit Ooean Steam em Passage tickets to and from any point io Europe St the lOweat rates, —43ight . profts eold ou au Rank in Enrope at cur mit rates Of Ephtuage ti Zan. 24;1879-Iy. We have Shed the- Shan. T.L,BRLDWIN&CO TZVAL, VA. I And riow have but time to as,y to oar Stieh , tstamers that we have good BARGAINS MOft/TitEil.. Our Elegant New Store a LW idled DESXRABLE 'GOODS at the LOWGI, ptillet •R Ira MAW. 1 0111 gild you will kinaw how It is yam Oat 16, 1842. ,1 Furniture and Undertaking. Van Horn & Chandler, Cllnctemora to D. T. Van Man) AV L 1 now on exhibit= end sale at the old place, JUL the !argent and moat complete stock of FINE AND COMMON FURNITURE to ba found in Northern Penwsylvanis, coluistlag of PINE PARLOR AND CRANES= SUITS, 000%8, COl7O/3213, TETE-A.I74TM, MARTILE AND WOOD TOP =TES TABUS. NAT, RAM, FANCY ONAIRS, =NOBS. OVAL AND SQUAB& FRAMES, SNACK. IVA, PURE Na 1 Emu Isurrues- ES; HUM & EXCHISION MAT- wy bid ktull etooh of thiiiiiiiiotiloods wally fond is s ilreteless establishmo - t The alNYve goods are largo ly at their own mancitsotexitiatrulleitistaction is gas& auttvl both sa to quality MA tity o?.** !r4ey sell the Woven Wire Stittrass the moat popular wing. bed sold; also the . Tucker Bpring Beq that has been on trial far 17 years 'and gty. an unlverial eattithalon.. .Our Coffin, Room, is supplied With all alma of the iktrobilor Quash a Div and beautiful style of burial case. together with other kinds of fmign and home manufacture, with trirct. :slings to Match. They will make undertaking a Spw..- bitty in their busineaa, and any needing their wartime will his attended to promptly. and at satisfactory shat• gee. Odd pieoes of Furniture made, and Turning illkhada'Ziena with neatness and dispatch. tau 10,18'12. vo, now& CIELiSDUS - To ynolt rr atti CO/MEM—If ivtAg r onatuded that Tam entitled. to a little rest alter nearly 40 years close appßcation to business, I have paralleCt over the furni ture business to "the Boys" as p e r above advertise., merit, and take this methoit .of asking for them the same liberal patronage as has been extended to me—. My books maybe found-at the old place for settlement Zan. 10.1801 B. T. VAN HORN. , •. . , . JUST, RECEIVED 4 44VERY LARGE STOLE 'OF BEAVER, .BROADi. Ming, CASSIIMERE, NbleitAllfi. Ab'll TRIM GB,. will' Nhlebi glycol? cheap FOR CASH. In het; the 'beet iseortmtit or Goode ever brought to Wellebtrro s 'of various 'style'.. Pleese call and look them over. • - - •` Making Suite, Overcasts, and Repairing done wip af *stab and as Omp as the clieipast. 1- ' ' un. U$T4 . tp lcrltA an octlnasa, id .Irwo/ IMAM ile 4'14 %la. Vltrarma Law Bleats E. B. YOUNG & CO T. L. 341.17 i ii ittlN). 4 P319E WAO*2t. cristaa 6t•:eel. - .1 • Wellaboro, Pa. Corning Pour' ESTABL 1 / 4 1 • 3 . • f..*.i4:1- 7. -- I te t ....,... , . 4 A . 1 ( . i ., L - 1.-.....,-.1,4,-.,,,tasz -:-F.:,, ___ tc-v"-Rk. t , ,, . i.,p.,,,-f..., , .4k 1 i t - ..1:--) 1-%.1-';:.%1 'l, ‘ :\ 5 r ,'F,:,4.,;71 li l ~2.;.e . ..k..: ;, r•,; , i- IF-'. '"' ~ , t; ..4 1: , ' 4 r:4l-0 itotr.:lscoii kiii-Al_...ri: .....,,.. W., Mmea, Manufacturers of Btatiouary and Portable tug:flea and Boilers. Gearing, Shafting andMaeldnery required fer_Saw ,hills, Grist Mills and 'Armories, Ovens and Grates, for burniug Tan. Screws far moving unlottcbed and - ohed bark, Castings, Botta. Railroad Frogs , Chairs. and Repairing done at ettort notice. We have fa• cilitles fer-thipping by Canal or Railroads to ell brats, and can furnish Machinery cheaper than Eastern or . , Western buildeProtthe bast ottaltfy. ---- Jan. 1.1x73-Ic. i l eißNltifi, ITgtrilEN COUNTS', N. V. • . ~ . -,. -...... " -------• ---..-..e.«-.---------_ , FOR FALL AN TECONI. liege losk. tJ cAll attelattnn to hie lie," GREAT DEC which (m i les him to offerglegter bittg Ottoman , Thibbt 1. 1 1 Flannels of elldescrlptlonii, Woolen Boarfe, Batas, Blankets, eta. The Dress O f olds 'Department is complete with latest styles and fabricS, embraciii Cashmere D'Ecoosse, &agrees Poplins, iiirge, 'French &stifle, Plaids, Alsp4ess, Bilks: etc.: also, a full line of Trimmings, Fringes, L 5.0438, and Ribbons of every variety. THE HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT ,Trill be found very attractive, as it inoludea ninny new and desirable styles of Carpets, Mttings. 011 Cloths in all widtba, rable Linens, liapkbas, etc. • TRIE Gartrlg 7 S DEPARTMENT contains au tranienze atoc4 of Zion's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing. 3 TRUNKS, VALISES, ROBES &C., Vie belt sslecied end chaspast stook of GROCERIES .D PROVISIONS ITZLIZEIOIIO. Vas publio ne renneth/113' to eall and examine Oot, 29, 1b72-tf. A Card t the Public. Goods" forthp ) Winter Trade with the fir DOING TIME LEADING 1 1 .4ITSINESS IN And propose to offer to our customers a stock that cannot be beat in any respect by any other firm in,our line. So, all we ask, before you rusk° your pit...alums, Is to give us a call, and we will soon eominta yon where it is polio,' to lean your looney. -- _ w. ---___ j, Dorton Sr, Bro., ---_ 1 . • , ;---- _WELLBI3OIIO, .. 0 1. al . PENDPA. , _ _ 1000. Women and 'Children PEOPLE'S STORF lITUUSIZAMM ZtanYA ' 'Goo That they nuiy have room to &how the balance. Until further notice large trundles will be exchanged for a mall amount of crab. Our stook ia TEMY LAIWE in all EMPALMAKILNTS eepecieuy In c)atac2) , isx-xm. cs4:A„,i=rt,.7:N Staple and .Fai Dry Goods, 1 d•Ci And 1a stoma daily replants 4th the various =Voss es they happen in the New yosi t :m ar kets Gratathl for the patronage red upon us by the god citizens of Tloga county we bespeak, a cool'o.. usual) ofthe santeouteurbotthem that they shall be fairly dealt with and satireactiou atutranteett: Boruirg. Bept. etvifers. , • &Kral WAITP.. FOB SALE. - rtigood house, with fruit and shade trees, out build- I Inge, one halt-acre lot: and three good building I ots, centrally located in the villisge of Knoxville, Pa. 46-40, an A. No. 1 Dairy farm of 116 scree. ;Good buildings on the same: one mile west, on the river.— Price $6O per acre. Terms easy. wiusorms 0363C.A.1 I C4O1 1 3. Address D. ANGTra. JeiY,l4, 1970.-tf. KnosvlUe, T ETIERS •of Administration of the estate of Wm. NOTICE ' _I,4J. Hayes, late of Bloasburg,,Tioga county, Pa., , I tit- vnsed, liavlr 7 been ranted to the undersigned by 1 TS hereby given that a eiteeial Court of Codurio='thetteg;szer el' :toga county, all persons indebted to ..g. Pleas Mil be held et the Court Rouse in Wellebsco, said eamte are reTiestad. to make payment, and those commencing on Monday the 18th day of May' ntzt, having claims against said estate will present the same before Sion. Furls D. Streeter. President - Judge ,of to the undersigned in Zioesburg, Pa. . , the 1 8 th Judiedal Dletriet, for the trial of all tetteVe AIM!, HAYES, ' . CertUbell to edd‘l serve, , , . , ' . t - ,.. 8AN 00E , : : l' , . . FRAVOI§ (7LIMONV, •• .% " Toli. a IS& Protlactotary; , Tab; 25. 157343w.* Adutinlitratori. & Machine Shop S.C . P,I)v 1840. 4.4(•. , ,,0F P4O IRlt',-rkl -4 • ~., , v,'., o - , ---"40-Y•lr,tii (.?) • , !I',, $ it_ .., L. j.. 0 7..7 . ' ),.." , ....gre vt ; •----. 4 L ( • Wi ,,* ''''' , . ,- ". ~irt,-,.• !,:,..„4i.,:,-,;• •I . ~..c . ,...q.4 , .., i „ T • ~, Li, 0.,•,k44.021.. ' , .. - 4t. ?-. ,rt, i , ''',. , :, 1 :, ~,1.1 . ,,t• • ~. t,,m,rty,,-y....:w.c., ;, : .., ~,, , ‘ , 2 ,t, „,t r 1 .r,51.4 1 4 .1 '; ,t1141' 1 ,1, • 1 1 1 1: . 1 1 +' 1 r4 l %,rlitit --' 'lrftt'Ve.4o.lj ,1 , 1 ' 4 , 1' ' - ,, i 1,, 44 '11:1 46 , P...,,,,...1 ~,,.. 7 1 ,„ tt - 4 A -., ME \ t„ V,7 1 4 0- 4 44, , 1%-'47 7,,, N! , A 4,-- , -le ~,,z,,trpr.„,„ f- • r-, ~:, , 'l. g 1 ,,„ Av4 1 6:0, 1 , • i .-T7, -- ,1, vkiv:o*,\.,, v*: is ~ :,-.• ,- ' , iat ..__,,,,.... :~,~. , ;;~; tN;~~~ xtek eb .*4:Dx3Lel., 1111 I. WIINTER.GOODN. S EtARDEN na,rstonsivo Stools of Merehenetiee, bought eines the recent LINE IN PRICES, ns than ever heretofore °Corea in this market. An 4 enoo stook of oche and Paisley Shawls, I , ELA.T4.2„I.A.NiD cAapEi, 13aeLs and Oboes at grotty rednoed prig:tail all is!zes and pricea TZIOIt OF OM I= IN piflS SECTION OF 0017NTEN, ~, El wanted at dm to EIOSSMG,'to cur? avilY part of their Administrator's Notice. T ETTE.II3 of Admirdstration On the estate of ADE LINE, sLOSSOX, late of Lawrenceville, flloga county, Pe., le eased, have been granted to tioroce B. Backer, residing in Wellsboro, county and State aforesaid., to v. hom all persona indebted to said es. tato are recluse ted to make payment, and these having claims or demands. will make known the same with out delay. SEOBACF. I‘PACKILE., Fee. 4th. 1913-13 w. Adner. No trouble to show goods THOMiS HARDEN. Men, Administrator's Notice. Or Sugar. Coated, Concentrated, ilooti` and. - Herbal ' Juice, •Antlaillioui' Granules. THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATHARTIC, or Militant in Parve. Physic. The novelty of modernlledical, Chemical and Phar: baccutical Science. No nse of any longer taking tee large, repulsive and nauseous pills, composed cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when *no ransh it careful application of chemical science, extract a the cathartic and other medicinal propertiee from the Most valuable roots mid herbs, and concentrate them Into a minute Granule, itcareol y la rue r thaa a mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the moat sensitive born:mita and fastidious i tastes. Each little r timat Ivo 1.011 c t rt. preseuts, 1 in a most concentrated form, as much cathartic power as is embodied in any of the large - pilis found for sale in the drug shops. 'From their wonderful cathartic power, in proportion to their size, peopla s' ho have hot tried them are apt to suppose that they are harsh or drastic in effect, but each 16 not at.all the cIJ-c, tee different active medicinal principles of which lbsy are mmposed being so harmonized and modified, one by the others, as to produce it most Beare ili ilta and thorough, yet gently and kindly opera,. ling cathartic. $5OO Reward is ht elty offered by the propritt tor of these Pellets, to any cliemist who, upon an-' alyals, will find in thorn any Calomel.or other forms of mercury or any other mineral poison. Being .entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using them. They operate riwithout disturbance to the constitution. diet, or 0:- cupation. For Jaundice, Realise-he, Con. etipation, impure Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness" Sour Eructations of the Stoat. ach, 'Bad taste in mouth, Milloits attacks, Pain in region of fkidney - s, r. Internal Fever, iiiloated feeling about Sto.nach, Rush of Blood to laced, f Eigh • Colored Urine, Unsociability and, Gloomy Forebodings taiMilar. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explana, Lion of the remedial power of my Purgative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, rwish to say that their action upon the animal crow"• my is universal, not it gland or tissue „„ escaping their sanative ittipress. Age does not impair 1\ them,• "hair sugar-costing and being enclosed in glass bottles preserve their Althea unim paired for any length of time, in any dictate, so that they are always fresh and reliable, which is not the case with the pills found in -the drug stores, put up in cheap woodl . paste-board boxes. Recollect that for all diseases. -here a Laxative, A Iterati vet or Purgative is indicated; these little Pellets will give the most perfect satiefs.etlbe to all who use them, They are cold by mil eittoypiciiiitlg Itirugglotts Eit 25 contail bottle., . Do not allow any druggist to inductf you to take anything else that be may say le just Us god.; as my Pellets because lie-makes a larger profit en tbabwhich he recommends. If your dia , :gi9t cannot t,uppl*,r them, endue() .i.'s c.uta and receive them by return mail from . P. V. PIERCE, iL .a, nrip'4' BETTAL . :), N. Y, s' ,pane 28, 1672, got—ly An IROP el "SAVLE, won ht mwy to Ma friend_a tbet liarueaa 611 op is couatcntly sleeked 0. - ith Heavy and Light Harnesses, made in a subatantial manner, and offerixl• at price') tinit cannot tail to suit. The best workmen employed, end none but the bee materiel uee•d. Ilepairlu.g done on short notice, and In the boat num ter. Call and 469.. jan. 1, 1872-Iy. • (170. W. NAVVE. 40 Assets Nov. 30th, 11372, 53,315,316.80 Franklin Fire insuranco Company OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPFUL, 5400,000.00 ACCRUED SURPLUS & PRE:MUMS, • £3,910,818,88 TO OUR AGENTS: We have pleasure in presenting the following : Premiums, 0ct.,1872, 8252,780.70 NcY0i.,1872, 301,876.04 Total, The official advicea from Boston show the Total amount et risk in the Burned District to be 2.458,106.00 Total amount on the Outskirts of the same, 39,500.00 It has been ascertained that 12,000 will cover all claims on the last-named ttE•m. Salvages already determined idleate that Alm ne lose on the amount involved will not exceed $400,040 • Yours reepoctfolly, • ALFRED G. BAR.F.R, Free(lent THIO. M. BEGER, Secretary. I • Apply for insurance to HUGH YOUNG, Agl, Tsk . ells bor.', Pa. Tieg6 Pa. pac. 31, 13 Mansfield. Iron Paints,. [TRELVE Ell/ADES.] Mansfield Fire-Pioof Metallic PAINT, IN inn OVER TRIRTY TEARS. Theta are the cheapest good paints in the market,— They are durable and adhesive, and thed.arker shades, to a great extent, fire-proof. They are put up in tin cane of from five (5) to fifty (CD) pounds, ground in oil, and in packages of from five to ten gallons, mixed for immediate nee. The attention of personle about to Oita is respect fully called to these goods. the base of.Twhich is iron. Address JOfl H. PCT: I:.i & Jan. 14,-Sri, Mansfield, Loge Co., Pa. Form, for Sot2e. ~ Trip, subaoribor ollera for ell?. lal. ''l bury, conaieting of !SU eoren• Thgre is a good dwel:ing, bar gremiaes;- ell') two good beaold all togathor 2 or two parts , ono of p ' Taama.:—sl raytnetrkp 72.1101ds ,e 1 rm in luilddlo• .7. elven improved. and ont toners ou the chartle. The propertywill .i wih be divided an d eoid in Lilo other of VO acres. ' down; the balance in two strini2 A. D. A. RIGG9 . - ' WHOLESALE lIRITO STORE. lUI DRUGS AND MMICIN Eq. l',. l _rjr3. AND OILS, TR A DECS DAI,TD3' MES, E1E,11115.' 'CONCENTRAA.E.O - MEDICTNES, IR.F.DELL'S FLUID, EXTRACTS, 11UP.NETT'S COCIOAD.TE, FLAVOTII - NC3 TRACTS, EpcosrADT:T:', LAN's, PATENT .NIEDICDTES, ROCHF.STEE PERM :WERT AND ILAVORING ER- • TRACTS, WALL PAPER, Var;•• DOW GLASS, IDLE 4; DRY COLORII_, AGENTS FOR :SARVIN CO'F. , REFINED OIL. ; eOll vitoleeale Prices, Buyria are requested ccelrand get quotatioho Wore going further Escit. Jan. 1, 1872, 7,71.. IFILX TrirriX INT of any description executed with ;Acura ' oy and oure at tho - - `-• i4rrieron exci s e asaut NitaVave 16.1eltS PIttLADELViLt., PA, NOV. 3001, 1872 oury, Feb. 18. is73-tr. CORNiNd R. B. mfatßrr.a. tt i CO, , , r,l, 1. - ~ ' 1 , rik - -,,, ! . :Toi ',_ •-, ,•7:::-...,,_, . ti, ! , ,r 4 r-! . .3 - , - ,1 : ',.,.. i:',1 2 ,-/ 1 5 - 'li. ii i;" ,- ‘ - v\ , i ::4 '4.....: ki , tid' ! l i.:, :i t: F; i I „9S., . . ~ t f ,tilovx [;:: - . 31 - t , -1:-, 4ii 1 --..-7.,,,,,, , Nti . e l t , 'i - ;, 1 4:f __..—:": • VW::"--7------- qi ' I Pil - c - iP.5. 1 IA 417: : ( ` P67'"S, -j i' ,14`f"J ~,4",1*,k •§ 5 ), , 41,t, ./wv • . 1 . 14?-' , ' (' ' 'N' .--'>,. • Al:f . 11"- t 4 --'-'.' ''.'' . '" I i k c‘: ' - '''''''' ' '-,4',;i..`,-:- - - /.t>,;:rii'v..,l..,‘"sii) 4O--'' , t ,- 5?. i' ,.. .Y,..'.„,,:,. /4 1 Ze ;=(.''' . Ter, .:b '11,.,,,,.;,--',,,fn.1:-T, 6 %. 4-.X 4 ,'<:..2 i'' .. "' - ' - •,..',- - -" i c..i-i.i / - •t...`'''f?-'- 7- I .;l:uriEg:3! ::- . A. , -"i- ,, , - ' 7 ,=,,:::',,, -•-- ~- '1 - vr , -5 4- s . ! --`'. l ...,:.)-;-;.,,?..: ~1,;-:, : ....7..-- , • - .;-:-.-- 404':-;•..1` ' ~ ‘, • i ,---,,,,,-,i,..-4ye.\ „....,;-'2..p.;-•:- , r.c-..,f4,--dv•, -- ; -.-. ---...----\ f, Il' ~ .... !, :, . '::, - „ ;.; -,:. •,- '', ', !....' , 1 t*o Person can take these Bitters accord i to directions, and remain lor unwell, pOvidid it bones are. not destfoyed by m n era I poison or other an% and the vital organs was ed beyond the plat repair. 3.-spops to or Indigestion. licatlacln, Pain the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, M ims:, Sour Eructations of the Stomach , clad Taste . _ the Mouth, Bilious Attacks,Palp . itation of the earl, Iniammation of the Lungs, I>i-tittle the regiims the Kidneys, and a hundred Miter painful symptoms, 'tt the offspr.ngs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter gain tea of its merits than - n lengthy advertisyment. nat rettiale f.tcruiplttlitts, in young or old, rried or single, et the ctawn of womanhood, or the !rn of life, these Tonic hitter.; display en decided in !threw::: that a marked improvement n soon percep- 'le. Par Inflammatory and Citronlel Rhea. aiilllll and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Inter. 'tient Favors, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys .d ]:ladder, these Bitters have n equal . Such Dis t2s aie caused by Vitiated Blood which is generally aducecl by derangement of the D gestive Organs. Tao)• are a Gentle Purg tire as well as Tonic, possessing also the pe ulisr merit of acting a . powerful agent in relieving Co igestion or Intlarn anon of the peer end Visceral 0 Bans, and in Bilious iseases. 'IN- - Slelse Dlaeages. -•'- ...or -___se _...ages," Erubtions, Tetterl qeom, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car iuncles' Ring.worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery ruelas,ltch, Scurf's, Dimolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of .whatever name or nature, de literally du' up and carried out of the system in a tort time by the use of these Bitters • Grateful Thousands proclaim VINEGAR BlT crts the most wonderful Invigorant that ever abstained e sinking system. , • ( I WALKER, Prop'r, R. H. IIIeDONALD ek. CO., ruggista and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. , andcor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New Yp_rk. -OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. I!, : , ..ii *. :1,73-13vr. T l % on t? tale „_ 'V.v. , Cough., Inelpic,ntG3uMtnption, Okii.•.? - 7pitting of Intlaroutstion of the •Lung 3, etterr.h. etatia, Croup, 4ihool3ing Cough: Azt.hlnx, PF.IVES in Brt,ast er a:Cle, Dyapopsie., 'Tann fvco, %.:214,' Lose of Appetit& recer and Agt6, IndigesUon, er ColrAaint, Dig r• eli In4er4eiC ti 3";,10,p3. 5,z 4 ,A. , 5,20.t.r..011, Liver. ri ;4;1:7'7.'77' tED,fs7i7 l . - : - if Ablesale Drzt_ggists, Eltr, , iya, 1. yo, ole Agtnet, and to whew eAlord.,:ra should Firzr.rr. r. RICE, :1:00 • &NIP: 1 . 21 1172-1s:I J . • ,•-- - • • •;. - . • - • 3554,657.84 1t 4 5 If. W. TODD Ilan removed. her lawir titora to tho tale rasidouce of Lauer 33aelie, opp.lskt., Van t'Lra'r. TrAtO. Steil:iv:ay 'and othetf • • (A, I !ST-.r) r;;TrEirlt 31.7. pt • rere'j - .1. . ~ ,R un, 15t ug Jug. An uppc.rfunity for prActica afrardvi t 1 (those qty., Inav: deluxe 15: W. TOW:. Jam. 1. 1872-tr. Tinga Worko., Friar t.) c..urs.f.yr cad aor.i.tnente. of 'either .EU 4 4- arb, e , t of the Litt et stylm and , ? vr,)rl.-sna.anship ans." with diarmtch. U 3 keeps constanti7 en baud both Lindy :'. , lErble and will be able to BO: all who :nay favor him with their orders, on :2(3 ret*onablAtsrma as can be ebtetter to the country. .an. 1,19! A FAIXILY Agent; make $1254 req. day, $75 per•wPek SEWING IYIACHIWE 1 0, FOR DOLLF -4' IC FEE, ONLY loilITE• t,ELARS WiT,h the New Patent Batton Flol9 -Worer Patented armol7tll,li7l. , A most wonder - kat and elegantly' constructed SEw. alti M'atn - mF.: fur Family !York. Cordplete in all ite Pat's, 7:5C5 the Straight Eye Panted .g."tieeele, sex Tfirt:ZADl:io, direct upright FoarrivE Moro! , ;, New Pension, 13.11 Feed and Cloth Guider. I. .)perstos rt Wur.m. and on a Tantn. LfpM Running, Smooth ant -noiseless like all good high priced machines. Hat. Pat - efirChe--_ to pre:..feut. the whtNel being turned the wrong way. Clog the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Eniarro Loon Srrrou, (finest and stroc.,-cst stitch known;) Scan, durable, dose and rapid. Will. do all hinds of work, fine and courze, cm m CAmuo to heavy Cloth or Lzatar.a,and uses all descriptions of thread. This Machine '.l: 'a:F.2.711.r C 43111.IICTED to k , give it srztESCITII; all the prirts of each XI - chine being made alike by machinery, and beautifully _ shed and • 'ornamented. It in very easy to leeru. Pt. ii% SmooV• and Sitc.n.t in op ration. .7teliable at all ti 09. and a Faacr.ron.t., Scrmarric, ZLECTI4.I.II9.A.L. I3cTF.;1•710;:, at Greatly Reduced Price. A Good, Cheap, Family Sewing Machtno at I The ft:lJ and only cocoons in p; oduc!ng a Gaeta:Alai and reliable low prlced Sew . ; Its extreme low puce z eazh , ?.• e.).1, col; :Aloft: , and strength aLlaptl .t..J., lt3 Inan,7 1 - ..1 , :0ti wake it 7, .11 . ). used, axe, 4:rel tee a rar3,f.t. , ,2, IT IS IT IS '..?,ECO:NITer.ENDED. erfally and confidently recommend its w 12.0 are wanting b. really F,ocd. Sewing at a lowpric.e." Mrs. 4. I'. , I:wale:Jon] irk, :Tic:gen , J. Price of each Co., Asa:Atte. "Class A." " Ono:" {war m-ated for five yer.ra by apecal . certtfmato,) with 0 1 the f.r!e.rer. and ercrything col 4., - ,',•14 :longing tb if. Li, chiding 6: - .1.1"-T1111£,ADII:Ci i EeßLn, packed In z strum, , 000'3(r1 box, end delivered to any earl of the cotjLtry, by express,zn of:v:4ll , er ou recelptof price, Fr=n r:: oz.z..ut, delis czy g With - D raehi l ie 7.e wt!! nand, on receipt of ;1 rz fra, tba .now patent . " I cal: use t_ BUTTON BOLE Wortniat, 4 Oue of the tri.2et inrporteut and useful inNeutlone el the age. Ele aonple anti certain. that a ektlel can work the iluest button hole with revtlarity arid emit.). Strong and` beautiful. ti rEcL .. l , Timm a , Ittaliceuteath tQ MALX. and FEMALE Agent!, Store Keepers, he., who wilt es tablish agencies through tlni country Lid keep our '2,,Llcursys en Exhi1..t.i.416 and Sale- COUN'TY P.1.013TS kivell to anirirtagents ritnn. Agent's - ,cannrtee. farniallpd without any F.s - tro.ciitalor.. Samples of sevitny, cirqu.hits ocaltalping Terns, TeEtio.OnYalo, En.gravinp. SziiT FitizE. riso supply' • . • • . AGRICULTOIIAt IgYLE7tt&IS: • • 1 ., Latest Patents and Imurovoments for the and d3:j•;lon Mowers, Iteapeka, Cultivatere, reed Cutters, Flarrows, Fenn 111111 e. Planters, TfarvrAtero, Threshers and all ertlelos iletul.Cl for Farm Won. Mtn) Seeds In large vitiety. Norway OEte. The. wonderful rtutt'l. plying DITPTrAN Cosa j 1 ptr litindted, &c., et:c. " All motley, sent in Post °Rico Money Orders, Registered 'Letters, Drefte or-by Express, will Do at our rish, and ix perfectly se . curn. Safe delivery ofal] our {etude gue.ratltecd. ' •• An old end responsible firm that sell the best goocbi at thelowest &les, s.,d earl be 4 elle , ' upon by oar reed re.'—Forrter's Fork. B•l:irae orcle7s, , A- nATF.f.EY, Superirtzmiene, Cornsr droscrvich and 6..utlend :tivr lions Oct. 33, 1872-em. ' • • r-111 1 E subscriber offers for sale his farm sitJated in j_ Nelson Township. containing 100 scree ; b.r.- proved and shout 50 cleat frtya stumps ; well watered and fenced ; in a good state of cultivation ; good frame house and outbuildings ; tbreo good barra ; an or chard of fine grafted apples, and a sugar-busli of about 300 trees. The farm Is one-half railp from the tillage of Nelson, with its stores, shops, A.Eha, churches; cows will be sold with the farm if wanted; - The roperty will be sold cheap. Term 4, one-half cash, pre halve° on time. Poesesaion will be given in th arch, 1873. ' Apply to the 911b9C7ib.n oft the premises. ' Dec. 21,1 .573-8m..0 irt (Mother column, Vine:lament about • Um AND how= LAM CZ) 11 I rety •*, nud FROM. A1.0011(11., IP : UMMTR'S V-. .; Al,. • rt aett.n.Ag.i„, 5-7 d, A OETITAIN CUBE FOR ntrf - 1- i ; nr% r Al 0 milti t-t.O - MEE AN ENTIRELY NEW 1 czypciftes, setfav"ri'e, syb(Terer 0E399 Farm far Sale DADWAY'S READY ..CURES THE WOLlstl tin.fronf Ono to Twent.y I n Litos. NOY ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement HO UR any one iSi..FEEt WITH TAL'i. RADWAY'S READYEVERY PA RELIEF IN /S A CURB rots It was tho ilmtand de The Only Pain Ttemetty that Intloatly atops the mon exerucimlng Auley, allays Ingainmations, and torts OfingeolovA, wholpr.ot the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or 'other gland.; or °roma, tp one application, IN FROI ONE TO TWENTY mizit;TEs, no matter how violent , , or eat:maiming the ItIIEUMATIO, Bed•rlddeu, Intim, Crippled, Neuralgia, or proatratod with tlisensu may RADWAY'S READY ' RELI WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OFIDNF.Ys. • INFLAMMATION OF TIIEIY INFLAMMATION OF DOWELA "*.•"" OF T SORE THROAT, CONGESIJON Itltat HE LC PALPITATION 01•' TILE IIYSTERICS, CROUP, DINITIINRIA, CATAR RIC iNTLI1111•;7:1. 11rADAC RE, TOOTHACHE NEURALGIA. ItftEt:MATI3I COLD CHILLS, AGUE Cli/LLS. The appllcatton otitis Lteady Railer to - Ate part or parts where the pain or ilLtScuity cama hid &Roo e.tiz and comfort. Twenty-drops In half a tumbler of svatrr -till In a moments mire - CRAMPS, hI`ASXIS, SOCIt A IIEARTT, Ke If EADAtIiF7, DYSENT Y, COLI r. C, WIND IN 'sill:: and MI IN 11NAL PAINS. • Travelers should always carry a bottle or lin.ltsa . j• Ready Relief with them. A few .I,u }e !‘• prevent eichneez or mins frcin climi t re ~ /:t bs..ter than French Brandy cr rigv.ign AND FEVER, AND ADUE,ured for llfty TL, not a remedial agent la thltworil tit win and Agile, and alt other ltototion,, r DhOld Yellow, and ether Fevers (oblk,t , t.o. it.t FAr piLLT9 qsfe% os 1:t.,-12/.%E.-' Fay cents prF bottle. Sold by Drogg-t,.• HEALTH BEAUTI 1 STRONG AND PURE Bien' FLOOD—INCEE::•ii: OE FLESH AVE' WElCirr—cLuip. sizINT ~, , N,, BEAUTIFUL COMP.!, ENJON .SEC Cita, arti A9L, it) R. ef. RA I .*; WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ILLS MADE Tun MOST ASTONISHING CURE.; i SO QUICK SO 'R.A.P R 11 , AK THE, CliANtili., TnE Bonk ozint4totri.s. umicy. Tit: if:. PBUENOE OT' . . THIS TRULY WONDEitil, L. AIBD/Oili Y l / 4 - Tilla • . . , Every Day an increase In Plann l and Weight Is Soon and,Fejc. THE GREAT BLOOD. PURIFIER:, Every drop . or the , SARSAPARiLLIAS RESOLV ENT communicates through tn.: Blood, Sweat Brats, end other - tit:ids end i intees of the system the Vigor of Ms, for It repairs the wastoso.f the Daly with new ttcd son.l Inaterial,_'Screfula, Syphilis, Consurn_ption, Olutaul,„; disease, Ulcers in ;the Throat, iloutb, 'rumors, Nodes It, the Glands end other carts of the eyelet. , Sore Kiel. Strumons Discharges -from the Ears, anti the What forms of Skin diseases, Emptlons, Fever Sores, .32.211 Read, Ring 'Wenn, Salt Cheuzn, I:rye/pa/Le, Ace*, Maw Spots, Worms Icahn Florh, 'funkors, Carmen in the-- Womb, and all %masoning and natant tif.earges, Nigh Sweats, Loss cf Sperm, end ail nr-stes of the life pthig pie, arc within the curative range of this Wonder of Moe. ern Chemistry and n few days' use will.prevti to any person using it for either of those, Owns of disease Its potent power to cure them. • • If the patient. dally becomlng.nedueed by the waits and decomposition that is continually progressing, ea:- cecds In arreatlng these waster, and repairs the same whi t new material made from healthy blood— . .and this tis SAESAPARILV.AII will and does secure. - • Not, only does the' Sanseratrinuary HVIOLVI,dt: excel known remedial agents in the care Of Chronic, Surely lona, Constitutional, and SkiddiseaSes 3 bat It IC the 0z.17 positive cure (Cr . „ , . laddliey & Bladder Complaints, ' Urinary, and Womb - dlserzca, GraveLtilabetes. Dropsy, • Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dfr case. Albuminuria, and In all cams where here &se brick• dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, meted with Mit:stances like the white of on egg, or threads like whit, silk - , cr there is a morbid, dark. bilious apperottnee i at4 white bene•dust deposits, and when there 13 a plating, sensation when pasting water, and gyp. m ti., Tr Smell of the Back and Meng the Loins. Price, Slno, 13r lilYO ße—ia, MP — The only known slid mat flamed; iFern-rpe, etc.. Tumor of 12 Years' Groxith Cured by IRadvsray 3 ll4 Resolvent. Per:nor Masa, July la, 130. Dm RLDWA7 :—I have had Ovarian Tumor in the omits al towels. ,Adl the Doctors said "thew MIA= ittlp for It." low sway thing that Ira IVC , StuttAdt4•;, but nutbru g 64.4," i raw your Itcoolveht, and thought I soculd try 1; . 1 hot had 120 fait In It, battle I hid Iturcred for ItX.CIVO year*. Mob Ida betyle of the Resolvent, and one tor of Radwayre le, and tee bat• ~ firs of corer needy Drituf t and there is not e: sign of Oletr iil Pe toes or felt, net I foil totter, entailer, add bent& that I harp.-, for twelve pears. The went turner was in, tip left aided lid bowels, over the grata. Iv: rite this to yeti fir the Wahl a otbirs. . Yen can publish it if you chaoss.• , " .." P. B.VAPP. 'R., RA IDW its4(AD AY7S PERFECT PUROATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly neated with sweet ram. purge, regulate; puriff,. clean*. and strengthen. Bad way's Pills, for the- cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowel's, Kidneys, Bladder, XerTOU3 D13C334.11, . BeadfleliO, Constipation, Coati ens • - Indlgestlca Dyspepsia, Dlllousneaa, Bilious -Fever, a nimation el id toi the dowels, Plles,and all Decongest:mite* eDa etual Vis cera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. 7 Vegeta. tel Containing DO mercury, nahimalS, or daltielicnts firms. Cie" Observe the following symptoms allotting •ftem . , Disorders of thd Digestive Organs:' Constipation,lnward Mee, Falnem of the•llloodin the Bud, Acidity of tha Stomach, Nampo, Heartburn, Diem% of DM, Rainey or Weight in the Stomach, Sior Eractenois, , eintincor fluttaing at the Pit of the, Stosoeoh, Swimmlnai_of the OW, . flurried end Dl:limit Breathing, Flattering at thill t aSinidee or Suffacating"Sanintions when in a Lying Pos . nisei Vr, Dots or Naha before the Sheitt, Fever an te a Is th Head, Deficiency of Porwiratinn, Yellawnets of the at Eva, PAM in Hue Side, at, Lambs, end eudd(lllstikaild <- Heat. turning in the Flesh. V, few doses of RADWAY!S PILLS will free the km thod from all the above.named 'disorders. Price, as aims per box. .SOLD 13Y T I MITGOISTS. • „ READ "FALSE ) TRUE." -. Handono litter stramp to RADWAY CO., l'fo. S7 llAdfta Lome, blew- Teak, jelformaton worth thousanots De fauttioa. May 29, 1fi12:43% - • - ‘. - ... ..• - . . • -•: IN! P3L61:24 CELLS, 'vAIL.NISBES, GIA:IS, Ml 7, Lict , ALL STYLE OF 13111707,13, &Q. Chot.ce tiquors, Cigars, FRANS a DA:v.12,3 Religious, aistorieel, ALsdirad , Leg:, Biala 4r N. B. A. Thu l Pksorttnut of the letter. Also, en ,oelleut ELS2o2ttne-Ut. • On Tear, Sugars, Coffee, Sprup, Molasses, Moe, SPlcaf. Soda, et°. we will not be beaten in price or qualitrt- We sell choice Teas by the chest, or auger by tht barrel, et ae low figur.a-ite the tame ow be bought at this side of New York. • LAMPS. CHA,NDE.LTERS &ci, itc of the neweit styles. and. I►Lfp ohlmneya that will break. Fane,y .aid TQllet .Articles. TOMET SOAPS, 1401dADE13, BIMSUE:B, LIREWM, OUR • LE tY AND JEWISLI3:7I. WINEFf§ ANT , • . . • Ws hold thty daidratle lots for soll• in the central rt of the WWII end %.11.1 also loan money . re rites. H. B. Dr. W. W. Wobb ban hie office in our atote, where be ma.: ho col:molted for advice or treatmeat. IsTi-ts. • ErAsTwoq 72' zchlu 2. ISM Poor, Sash & Blind Factory. 110 EN7.6. l rUi AUSTIN, fa prepared to fgrnian nrst JLII class tt ork. floor the beat lumber, et pie new fac tory vrb:cts iv now In fall operation; !!idltetZlee4 Mahntly on band, or manolaz =Sato order • t s Plttlidp,g. and Bligtteking., tone Bromßtly, end in Ma tract mantior Wit:: watitruen employed, and none but the bast .aaaGni: Wankel , used:. Encourage home lndnetrp. • • Pantory near the foot of 'gain Eliot ha. 1, 1872-tf For' ,Sal e 'or Bent. : : la orar. AND LOT corner of Peasi o etfeet, sad Ay! '. 1-g- elaUe ' Moo fox' nale, won vill ' e loyi120 1 : 10, . Academy. Apply to - - E & win s ; ' -•; 00i3e.litt 4; - ' ~~n as •row tulitrivrgs Drugs and Oedicilles, ~ Pette::t cr otitazziaa)—Also for EF.AD QU'llIZEItt3 FOR- EM - end I'OB.A . C)Q. Also toz , ~~~~ Ar i xt - ms, MIRRORS, 11011731 E 3311A55E8. STATIpMV, COPS AAP TASSELS. ' ho.. • , a,.x*c 3 / 4 r3erile•ts.. OITE s 8.1111111141 TEL NWELfLgBORO 4a h g i oors; AND mouimiNqs, El BMIJ AIISTIV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers