V . OL. XX.---NO. 11. Agitator. VISRY IlardiAlX ai 131.41.N1L1NT3311X3 vita1 ,4 11. 4 , s.wootim. r- 1 . •a. )I.: 1101 gervore :--$2,4:10 per num= In ittivalice. ---r--- ItAT* Ei'V 3 ..1 " Dr4 ' 4 c ' ' Y SII•G. if -- .R,x ' -' -- Time, 11n 21a.31n:' 4111. 1.1:dolp-iClol 1 COl. - .----. .......— .....--. --- -- -..- •••••••••••••• 1 %teak $lOO $2O O $3OO s4oolso 00 $9OO $ t (R) 2 4 fe6k4 1 60 • 3400 4 00 6 D 4) 7130 WOO '16130 :- s Weeks 200 300 •500 600 800 13 00 8 /8;00 , 1 Month 250 400 000 7 GO, 11 00 15 OW 20 00 2 Months 400 000 90010001200 20 00 'A 00 3 110003 400 8D01200150015 00 25 00 35 00 is 3rrittis *OO 12 00 1,8 00, 20:60 22 00 as au ecoo lisat. FOP ip to as op op as 00 GO 00 100 00 In ' dvertisetaeuts are olcalAted by the inch in length .f column, and any lees spa ge hirated as a full inch. Foreign advertisements must be paid for before _in -6 rtiOn.oXoept on yearly oontracts. When half•yearly ayntetitsln advance Will be required. becersass HOTICICSItI the Editorial columns, on the eo ond page, 15cents per line each insertion. 'Moth. in inserted for less than $l. *Oi.L Egyrzcza in Load column, 10 cents per line if nose than des lines ; and 60 cents for a notice Of ilVe Ines Or legs. - ANNOlannikro OntAlloll4o ES and Dearnsinserted es: brit all obituary botioco will be charged 10 cents er Use: 9Pt0111,110770511L.0 pi:F.oolkt abovemular rates. Mamma Chaps tilluas or le Sa, $kW Per Year. Business Cards. i. a. Wonr943.r I% A. 1082410 V Batchelder ( 4Sk, Johnson, tutiNturers of Blonumenta, T-ombstones, Table Tops, Counters, &O. Call and see. Shop, Wain at., apposite P33.—JulylS, 1872. .„..tLßedfield, . . TIONLY.AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—CoReCt F ifidittly attisetded to.--Blosiburg, Tipp earn Atlr2t, /8/2••,9111. C. H. Seymour, TIOUNOT LAW. Tlagre Pa. All buolueno ou traged to hie care •6111 recolyie prompt attention.— Jaz 0212. Geo., . erriek, ITOBNEY AT tia7.—Ottico In 13cnvon Cono'c bok, corm tual from Agitator (Wire, 2d aoor. 74112b0r0, Pa...-Jan. 1. 1572., & Cameron, ITO3IIIIB LAM, %sin' and inanitosoo Agents. 063 In Oonverse & Williams brie& block, over owls s Osgood's. store, Vie!labor°, Pa,--jazi, 1, William. A. Stone, TIOBNEY 4T LAW, over C. B. El . le l y's D 9 Good %ore, Wright &Bailors Block on - 141113b0t0, Jez. • L. -P. Taylor, va4Vtrituttrqta'Azip s.t and Its 1: NO. lOons" House Block, Welabor", P. 4;. 5. 1872. • Jo.sht4 Emery, TPCP,NEY ATt 1:49.-0111ce opposite Court noose, No. 1 Purdy's Block, Williamsport, Pa. ell business promptly attended to.—Jan. 1, 1872. J. C. Strang-, 'BMW AT LAW & DISTMOT ATTORNSY.- , Esq., Wegsboro, Pa.-Jsa. 2,'72. C. N.Jl3,artt, . _ AT.—Teeth male *ith the itivv'-ntrigoE*=vr. • Web give better estislaction than any thing else • use.. OMO6 in 'Wright & Bailey's Block. Wells ' bzro, Oct: 15;1812. , • RIG B. Niles, • : Imy AT LAW.-r_Vill arten4 promptly In burl. .43P ontrnstea to WA care in the comities at 'Vogt' ad 'otter. Off/as on the Ave,no,e.—lAaustriro, pa,. 138. 1.1872; ri , • ' ' .., I Jut). W. Adams . Toga county, Pa: CdeGthgts pro:arty attandan to.—Am, C. L.Pecik, zwanq 1.42 LAW. claims promptly colleoted (4100 'dila W. B. Smith, Knoxville, Tioga Co., Ft. - O. B. Kelly. in.atocker:i.,9*n and dines were, Witble Cut lery and Vlsittid Vains. Also Table and abuse 5' \i". !Ming Goole.—Wallsboto, Pa., Sept. VT, 1872. Jno, W. Guernsey, 111NEY AT LAW.-,lllbturiness antenatal titi tke promptly stteual to.-0131co lit dodtUtli of Wickham & Parr's store, Tkqs, Slop county, Pa. 11111, 1, 1872. Armstrong & olorrys AT LAW, Wiiiiiwyport, Pa Wx. U. lanurrnozio. I urau. Lwx. Wm. B. Smith, Elisl.olsl ATTOILNEY, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Corammtimtlorm sent to the above address; will re ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate.—Snot. villa, Jan. 1,1872. • • B. 0. Wheeler ill promptly attend to the oollectiou of all claims in Ticas Pant/. 06lLoe with Lieztry Sherwood & non, aist aide of the pablio square, Wellaboro, Pa. Barnes .45b Roy, B D 1 Nl'EB73.—fin kinds of Job Printing done on itattodce, and in Um beat manner. Office in Rolf ea t Cone'. Block, 20. Boon—Jan. 1, 1812. W. D. !Verb()ll & Co., 110M3 0 .T . DRUGGIST. and healers R2' Wall Paper. toosene Lampil, Window Vase, Perfumery, Pain% Nt'Y. an.'171842. '"""" Sabinsville House. 'Logs. 00., Fa.-13enn.hro's. Proprietors. This house has been thoroughly renovated eatd is now in good condition to socomidate the traveling Vablie in a superior ruanuef.--lan. 1, 103. D. Bacon, 3131C1321 AND 9URCTEO2.I-91ay be Nundatta 4ce lit doer East of Miss. Todd's-7,lsta street, attend promptly to all calls.—Wellsboro, Itz. 1,1872. A. M. Ingham, M. D., omminugreoelge tau rcnicinnoo on thile ta . a. borovta:llein. 1, 1872. Seeley, Coats & Co., Knoxvillo, Tioge. Co., Pa.—Receive money on deposit, discount notes, ardt - sell drafts oa Nevr Tack City. Col.lealous promptly made. 1 30 A N SEr.i.rr, Wools. Arisr.-CaatitaaLr., Ita. 1. 1872. . • • DAT/D QoArs,Kaorille D. H. Belcher, ACTIMER and Dealer in Tin, Stoves, Copper Cad Meet Iron Ware. Job wok promptly attended O. rim door. below A. B. ".Eustman.--March 11, 117.43 re. . _ Petroleum House, 1 " ', 1"/ L, Geo. Close, Proprietor.—.oocid natotbdion for both man and beast. CbArgos sox,- end good atantion given to gneots. lm. 1, ism Ag't., - E 1 413,1n Cabinet Wart of, all kinds which will be told lowai than the , foweit. • BO invites all to take " his goods -befotn.putobesing elsewhere.* """'ulbat the place—opposite Daxtt alli/anon Shop, ' 6114 'gala Sheet, Welliboro. Feb. 2S, 127349. Sire. llary E. Liimb. LT„ O r gay.-471shea to Inforni•her friends end the' Pb 11 ,3 generally that alio has engaged to tho er7a 3 tl Pane! e00:13 baainesa in th,ia boro, and that eLe Cia be frond at her store, nest door to the block char" Wl lll .wis.— ?vine . E. giattatt,t. has — 4 goot the making and trimming department and 1111 10 s heratteneon excluaiyektto it.-N0T.12,72-tt Al. Yale 41 Co. 'us manatactuing eieeeral brands of choice Cigars "WI we will sell at prioea that Cannot but plee.ae tsi customers. We use none but the best Connect. Wl.„ Elevate and Tara Tobaca: rnaka our own :Its, and toe that reason can warrant them: We general assortment g6c4l Chewing and Ott Tobaccos. ilinde,,Pipei from clay to the Ileerschaurn, Tobacco Roaches, whole' mi arid totaiL-Der.. 1872. - John R. A.n.dcrson, Agt. ioLiLIsALE4 S & tee REI, INTAIL D Mu- EALER HARDWAR iror E.. 4111142 Tools, AgricUltdral Tin.Pluments• Carriag e Axles. Springs, Rims. , k.c.„ Pocket and T able ,tierb Plated Ware, Guns and emniunition, Pa—wood and iron—the best in uee. slantillo• :lair and dealer in Tin, Coppor, and Sheet-iron visre. Roofing in Tin and Iron. All work wrrr.,nt -04-4an. 1, 1879. • .., , 'Exedutorls Notice. I rvaits Testanunatar7 cri the estate of Rost' QaUs t iats of Tifolpond township, Tioga county. 4,_oleoessed, baring been granted to the undersigned e.' *. negtatez ' cd 'Mita county, all peksoni indebted —•,estate.,_ire requested to make_ ;lament , an__, 4l I. : • " atrl g ""nell against' said estate Vill Preemm Wailer settlement. LORI:WON GUILE, V 0 W. O..RIPIdtt . 114111114 kt teb, 14 IMP,- gmtfiXtrito _ RAILWAY TIME TABLES. . _ WCMajor° & LaWrepteville 191 t ... Time Table No. 4. - , Takes Effect Alonday June 3d, 1872. - . ' ooniu NORTEL • , 00130 s6ll/1.. 19 2 4 ~ .: t)tatlon4. . 5.; • I 3 9 pan. p.m.-a.m. 5.21/.:p.m. a.m. 160 635 10 00 . .6 . a. Corning. Dep. 800 735 600 1228 4, 84 856 • licille 900 840 618 1213 .4 99 S4l Di c);.. numsne ; 911 046 .5 28 1208 4 19.. •'l3 40, Lathrop - . 925 860 083 1143 -4 56 - 4326 TlogaySlage - 929 904 0-53 11 28- 052 812 ' Ilexnmoud 943 9 , 18 713 iris so 803 Hill'iOrealt. 9 02 9 27 7 '-' 0 11 07 840 8 , 90 Holliday 957 930 729 10157; 832 762 Middlehu.rY . 10 03 938--788 Wita 3277 4T " Niles Valloy 10 08 9437 47 1480 SlB. 7 99 Stokesdale 10 16 9517 69 1 25 S 1 7 0:1 Dc. Waal:wry\ Asr. 10 25 10 00 810 2 43" 'Round Top 10 82 203 , f Summit, 11 12 180 Antrim, ' 11 45 - ... . . A. R. GORTON. 9uset.lo Blossbnrg & Cor • Time Tab Taken Erect Mow DUI% fiT ST.OII 001111 - MG. No, 8 00 a. Itl. ft 8 7 33 p. tn. 13 2 20 p. m. DZPAST POI= BLOIII3IIIIRG. No• .. 24&p.m. 708 p.m. So. 8., .... 7 20 s. tp. A. IL GOR L. H. BHA Catawissa Rallroad.• • Depot, Foot of Pine Street, Vi'llltamsport, Pa. rasmiii.b. • _. )tall dep. Millard%port dcoommodation dap:Williamsport,. ... Mailarrive at Williamsport amotrimodation 8171V0 At Williamsport, An additional train loaves Depot at Herdic 1101930, W'msport, at 9.05 a. m.--for Milton, Philadelphia, N. York, Boston and intermediate points. Returning, direct cptmection la made at Williamsport with trains for the West. _ Olio change of bars between Philadelphia, New York and WWlamsport. _ GEO. WEBB, Supqr Erie hallway. , • - TINE TAD= ADOPTED Jirra 9D,187.2. New and improved Drawing Room and Sleeping Coachee, combining all modern Improvements. era run through on all trains between New York, Itocheir• ter, Buffalo, 'Niagara Pelle, Surpension Bridge, Clare land and Cincinnati. Weetwanl. STATIONS. No. 1. No. IL No. 3. N. 'York, LT6 400 am 11 00 am- 7 00 pro. Blng'tu, " 444 p m 985 pm 840 am Elmira, ~ a 35 g. 12 go. 635 " Corning, 0 707 0 120 am 617 " Pt'd Poat, " .. 1 26 " Rochest'r, Arr -1097 " ' • 10 82 " flora'vllo, " 8 30Sup " • 260 " 720 Igt Buffalo, " 12 05am 810 a m 1246pka Niag. Falls " 12 36aut 960 " 4 36pm Duakiree' "- r• 160 " 800 " 115 " ADDItiONAX. LOWS, TRAM WE3TWA.II.I2. - _ SO. m., exceitiiandayi. from COfTY for It4eoa triumum way. - •- ' - • , 6 /5 a. m., except Sundays, fromSuagnehanna for Ifnenellaville and Way. 5 so a. in., daily from Stesquehf.nna for /Lorna Seville and Way. 1 lg p. m., except Sttndays, domlSlnalra for Avon, to Se.fralo and Way. 20 p. in., incept Buzadiys Hornpthicilla and. Way. ATATIONS. Dunkirk. Lys Sing. Fens." Buffalo, So= a 'Rochester, Corning,- a Elmira, a Blnemtn, 0 New York, •• Azair=o2ux, Loam Maros EalIrrAP.D 5 034. re, except Sundays, from HorneSaville tar 4 W AVVIZIA MOM , . 77 T 4-4 - • 5 00 a. in., daily from HornellarilleforSuri44azum and Way.. • . • . - • • 720 a. m., except Sundays, from Hemel:loWe foi .Binghamton and Way. • 7 150 a. exotpt Sundays, from 0AY,130 z 0? 2110 p. m. except fiiiiitiays, from Painted Post ftw Eln*r. aud 'Way. 50 Vin., t _oasept Sundays, from ilosnaustille Efusquebanbs Lud Wsy. - Jers M ondays iscspted, b.:lbws= Snaquebauus and ?dr: • I Through TiCkets to all points We at the very Low. est Bates, for sale in the Company's otr‘oe at the gOrn• lug Depot. , . 'llia is the only authorized Agency of the Erie (Bail. why Company for the krdeliflresterralckete to corn. ing. Baggage will be checked only on Tickets purchased et the Company's °Coe. , ' . Northern Central Railway. Trani arrive and depart at Troy, since June 9th, 1879, as follows : 1 NOETHWABD. • tiotrriEWAitl). , Ij r i a trara Express, 407 p mil/alto. Express, 916 pvl 9lb p m Philada Express, 916 p m binelmiati Exp. /0 28 a m Mall, ... 062 a m A, it. FISKE, Owe/ Finp.t. Jan. 1, 1812 Cyrus D. 81111. • WHOLEEALE DEALEIi Foreigg aim' Domestic Liquors tro., &L Agent for Fine Old Whisklea, Jan. 1,18;2. - • CORNING. N. Y. THE ,NEW SEWING MAOINE ati . T7xcitric:tera..97 Late# Improved, •hence .THE BEST. HAS NO SPIRAL SPRINGS. pal EVERT .MOTIONk POiITIVE.4O Ha*Self Set,tl4lifeedle and Improved THE VICTOR \ TIT ILL be put out 'on trial for puttee wlalilng, and V V sold on allay, =tenthly paymenta. , Before purehiuting, call wd examine the 1101011, at L. F. Tru an'a More LuWellebero, Pa.• Machine Wk. Twist, Cotton and Needles of ail /glade constantly on hand. B.—Machtnea of all kinds repaired on rudonable terms,- Nov. 9, 18724 m. Airs. it. J. SOFIELD WOULD reflPoothillYstunotinte to the puhltethat ebe bee not? • FRESH STOCK OF Millinery and Fancy Goods! of erery description, for the ladies. consisting of Hate, Bonnets, Ceps, Clloves, Haiku,Hubble, Shawl/. Sulu, Merino and /dueist 41Tilderirear„Gesmiwtown Wools, Zephyrs anti Puts. Thankful for the genes owl pstrollege of the Mt. she , h o p ', to merit s cos. tintlisitall 01 tiie same. • • Zit, 1842: ,1 • , . . . . , - • - - • • •"1 p4,-. - , . . r , ~. _ . .. _ _ .. . r.c -, . • ~, ), P i , •.•' 1 -.- ‘- •• .. -' ' ' - 7 pi IN - •,,,, ~,, , J ‘' X 4. 4‘. 1, •- IP _7.. * **' f ,'lll ~' ••- •• - . ;,../ ,„ -..-: --..,-: • - , ;,: ' .- -•-• ' . 8 .. „, - . • : ~,, . -' 3 ) ,,1 11., ~/.i.:., • ~:.,:,.:: .:,,_ ‘4.,t ,...,. t , 4. 11 .._ , I A ... ~,,, ~ 4 ;, , z, ; • , -., --- • - Alit ,-.t.:' .i:tw.:: - . l k. -„,-- ~ - , , _ lc. .J- , •1 ,-. 1 F .2 • - -,, -~ ..../.,-... , t , t " . .1 14 ' Y. ' ( , - -•' - • ' '-'; ' ' ' ''''lr,,.••l.r.,:• . _' -,,,... 4 - iir '•, .. ' 77 ' ' 4i, itt'.l_?....tt ' . - - ' - '"' :. r H. . - . -- "S' '2 - I. •'''... .-. 1 4,:l• Z ' ''' '. ' - l i VIV i ' ' • ' .'• ' ' ... W- 441 : ., r •',' '%'.,' • -' ^ 'Z ' .. ,' • 4 'l , ''.' • . ' . • ~ , ~ ' ~ . ; • ~ ~, •• • , , :r t....4. .. ' '',.. r •Z 1 - • itt , " .. , '''. '4721 4. ..2.,1!4•1 0, .. . - .•• '‘ ' - •• • . T . '1 •,,, . . , . . . . ••--"' . - ~ - _, •. , ~ ........r.. - - -...• r - ', , e..- --- . -- ••• , - . - . , .. • .‘• L• • •,',,`,..•-:-.'''' . - : , .,', = . 7 , ,, r-11:;•";,;'''s , "' '•;. ' ‘'-- •' - ' • - ' ' • ' . . , lug it Tlogi► R. It. a No. 82. day June 311, 1872. exam AT trumsbutto. No. 1 10 455. su. 3 10 20 p.m. "15......... r 626 p. VS. AT COELVERG. p. to. .. - 10 00 5.m. No. 5... -110 a. M. Buip't B. & C. 8.11. s CR, 131:4 t Tipp E. IL from Binghamton for No. /2.* /225 j? 148 " 280 " 6 05 Sup. • 400 p 7 25 ' No. 8.4 1019 pm 1195 .. 8 168 m 437 ~ 3 13 - ' 7 1$ .• Sto pm BG3 " 22 .10 .. 1p a ra JXO r. ABBOTT, Truts'r Ag't ° SUfLE. E. JENNINGS, Agent. „I, : noiiii” PLASTEn,- CONV-F1M)E1), Buckwheat Iran CORN MEM., Ashton& Onondaga Salt WELLSBORO WAREHOUSE COAL YARD. tkrao kept count/slaty oa ikand 4iaB far atilt BOORS. SAUL BLINDS, LAM EIRDIGLBS, BRICK, Cement, Lime,/c Fire Brick. .. 9.0 U a. m. ..5.00 li. In. -0.10 p. m. -.9.25 a m. • Oa and alter thla date, I atoll sell_ Antrim Coarse &ruined Coal at 22.50 par To, a, at the yafid,, SHOO par Ton, delivered iu th e cLUage, Thankful for the very liberal patronage that I have received in the past, I beg a continuance Of the rune, I remain a faithful friend oi- the public. , - Respectfully _ iVelleboro, Tan. 2B,CPTA P. S. Parties intending to use plaster the coming anaPti - nould do well to purchase now, as the supply is likely to be limited. New Boot, Shoe, Leather AND .FINDING STORE.. CJI. V‘;7*. Eikaistris Now Shop,' No Stook, and first clan Work! A NYTEELTO from a Band Cask to a Bid liltaltar. Bost lino of Ladies' Kid and Cloth, Bal morals and Gaiters, Ditto Children's and Misses. Gents' Cloth, Morocco, and Calf Gaiters. Oxford and Prince .filbert Ties. Igo. 2. 2 60artz 1 lOszn' 446 •• /0 60 .. 800 •• 1208 pr 6 1948 •• 286 •• 266 '• A. goOill line of OVEII)3EtOES, and a falllins of ri . kaglxvi La via tom $ 400 to 57,00, Pegged Bal e9wad CUSTOM BOOTS from E 5,00 to $16,14, *wad worth am Mass every time Lather and Findings The undersigned having spent Monty years of his life in Wellaboro— ranch of the time on 'the stool 01 Penner:toe, &swirls the cord cf alitiction for the good of voice, believes rather in hammering then blowing. Therefore, he will only remark to his old customers and as rainy. new ones as choose to give him a call, that hems§ be forma at ble now shop, next door to B. T. Van Horn's ware room*, with the beet and cheap. est stock in Tioga county.l 0. W. SUB& Wellsboro, April %, 1872.. WISIIART'S PINE TREE ZTAR CORDIALIS NATURE'S CI.tEAT RENON Throat ,and Laing*. It Is gretitring to es to ink= the publio hat Dr. L. Q.Q. Wishart's Moires Ter Cordial,for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gionm an enviable reputation from the atlantic to the Ps.oblo coast, and from thence tO some of the apt Wallies of Eiartipe, not through the press alone, but by persons throughout the States actually benelltted and cured at his °Moe. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he is unable to supply the demand. It gatos and holds Its repute• First. Not by stopping cough, but by loon:nips . fu z ll 4stiatinifmature to throw off the unhealthy mit leiokleoted about the throat and bronchial tubes, whiah edam., irritation. Second. It removes the" c221.1te or irritation (Witch pioducee amp) of the mucous membrane and broloeltal tubee;aaelate the lunge to act and throw off tho unhealthy ;secretion.% and purities the blood. Third. It is free from agnills;lobelia, ipecac and opium, et which moat throat and lung remedies are compoesd, which allay cough only. and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomr.c.h, tete on the liver and kidneys, end kimnpltatio and nervous regione, time reaching to every parr of the system, and, In it itreliozating and po.rirytaii Groot& it has . gainea:a regtitatipis which it =lust tap abets% all others in tho market. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, great_ American Dispopsla Pi]ls, wortra. SVGA.H. DROPS. B.lng =dee my trouusitsbe direction. they etts.ll not loa• thet, r matte* 'quintet ht the use of dump ADA is4pire articles. • RENRY R. WISHART, Free of CI heave. .pr. L. Q. C. Wiahartle Odic& Parlors ate lapse on gat Muldasa. Tuesdqa and Wednesdays irr 9a. to. t , 3 6p: en., for oolustiltatiou by Dr. Wm. T. !flagon.— With blin are associated two conselting y14111014= Of acknowledged ability. Thia opportunity is not of. fered by any other institution in the city._ 1 An letters must be addressed to LQ. Wishrt, M.D., 10. 232 N:SecOnd street, Vow 19, artakesh 81i,',* - ,gu;03:4;)49, - :, - TiooA-': CO., .fi AT Taa 4WD TO THE prZLD tWAIN FINE BOOTS, at the lo , nrest rates, a usual EVR THE 3iTCA%' l 2C<=:23. AND 444.1)4;4 ...41)11)4 After Defeat = BY THOW.ABBAIABG:TOB (In 180. ZOOMlay weal. candßiatti Par - re-eleo4o4.te , parliament, from Edinburgh. The opposition 'Wail made tin of .Nations incongruous elements, which had . been excited by his course in the House of Commons, and as a member of Lord Melbourne% ton. ' The opposition was summed up as conalating of the .mo.popery men, the Godless.edUcetion 'Men; the crotchety coteries, and the dealers in spirits." To all these Macaulay was- blunt and Auireconciling, _strong in the feeling that ho bad excited. their hatred by' cts which his conscience prompted and his reason approved. He would not recant a single expycnioll, much less a single opinion. Hisespeeches from the hustings were continually igtorrupted -by a mob which, infuriated by fanaticism or whisky, reeeired hie statements with insults, and answered his argo• meae by jeers; yet he woul4 not condescend to hu mor at the hustings the prejudices he had offended in Parliament, but reaffirmed his opinions in the most pointed and explicit language. He was defeated, and afterwards hissed; a circumstance unprecedented in potitical Warfaro,' and which ho told the crowd "was below the ordiiiary magnanimity of the most factious mob." In his farewell address to the eleetors be writes: .• I shall Ills aye be proud to think that I once enjoyed your Dryer, but permit zoo to say I shall re tuoraber, not less proudly, bow I risked and how I lost it The exaltedsentiments to the following pa. em, written at that time--but not, published until af. ter his death--exhibit moat stradtigly the uoblenus of MacatiLay's nature :j • ' . The day of tumult, etrifs, defeat, wag o'er; Worn out with toil and noise and acorn and spleen, I slumbered, and in slumber saw once more ' A room in an old mansion, long tumeen. That room, methought, was curtained from the light; Yet through the curtains shone the moon:" oold ray Full on a cradle, where, in linen white, Bleeping life's drat t Weep, an infant lay. . . fate dickered on the hearth the dying Acme. And ell wee silent in that ancient baL t Save when by Ate on the low night-wind came The Murmur of the distant waterfall. And loi the fairy' queens who rule otlr birth Drew nigh to speak the new-born baby's doom: With nOlselesa step, which left no trace on earth, . Prom gloom they =tie, and vanlehed into gloom. I • ' }Tot deigning on the boy a'glanoe to caat, Swept careless by the gorgeous Queen of (lain; Plore scornful still, the Queen 'of 11%51119u passed. With mincing gait and sneer of cold disdain. The Queen of Power togged high her jewelled head. And o'er her shoulder threw a wrathful frown; ' The Queen of Pleasure ontho pillow shod Scarce one stray rose-leaf from her fragrant grown dtill Fay in long proceston followed Fey, Elfin And the little go eh: remained unbleat; But, when those wayward 'sprites bad palmed away, Came One, the last, the !flightiest, and the bbet. Oh, glorious lady, with the eyes of light, And laurels clustering round thy lofty brow, Who by the cradlo'a side didst watch Unit night, Warbling a sweet strange music, who west thou? Yea, darling, let them go—ito ran the strain— Yes, let them go; gain, fashion, pleasure, power, And all the busy elves to Whose domain Belonge the nether ephere, the fleeting hour, Without one envious sigh lone anxious scheme, The nether sphere, the fleeting hour resign; Ulna is the world of thought, the world of dream, Skittle all the past, and all the future mine. Fortune, that lays in sport the mighty low, Age, that to penance turps the joye of youth, Shall leave untouched the gifts which I bestow, The sense of beautyaild the thirstof truth. Of the fair brotherhood who share my grace, I, from thy natal day, pronounce thee free; . And, if for some I keep a nobler place, I keep for none a happier then for thee. . There arc who, while to vtdgar eyes they seem • Of all my bounties largely to partake, Of me as of some rival's handmaid deem, And court me but for gain's, power's, faehtelea sake. To such, though deep their lore, though wide their fame, • Shall my great mysterlei be all unknown; But tl through good and evil, praise and braid% not thou love me for myself Carus? Yes; tboulellt loss me wither:siding lean And I will tenfold all that lore repay, Still smiling, though the tender may re rove, Still faithful, though the trusted may betray. For aye mine emblem was; and aye Ilea be. The ever-during plant whelps bough I weer, Brightest and greenest then, when every Una That blossoms in the light of 'lime is bare. In the dark hone of shams, I deigned to stand Before the frowningpeata at Bacon's side: On a far shore I =toothed with tender hand. Through =oaths of pain, the sleepless bed of /Ude: I brought the wise and brave of ancient days Tocheer the cell where Raleigh pined alone: I lighted Milton's darkties with the Slate - • Shot:right =kis thz.tsraard the ntarant And even so, my child, it lb my pleasure That thou not then alone shouldst feel me nigh, When, in domestic blies and studious leisure, Thy weeks uncounted came, uncounted Sp: Not.then alone, when myriads, ologely presetu2 Around thy cox, the shout of triumph raise; 7 , .T0r when, In gilded drawing-rooms, thy breest Swells et the sweeter Round of women's praise; No: when on restless night dawns cheerksis morrow, When weary ecru' and wasting body pine, Thine am I still, In danger; sickness, sorrow, In conflict, Obloquy, want, exile,—thins, Thine, where on mountain waves the snow.blrlls sorea.m, Where more than Thule's winter barbs ,the brew, Where scarce, through towering clouds, one etcklY gleam Lights the Arts.: illayoth*'! of Antarctic seas: Thine, when around thy litter's track all day White sand-hills shall reflect the blinding glare; Time when, through foresta'breathing death, thy way All night edufll wind by many a tiger's lair; • Thine moat, when Mende turn pale, When trait= 0, When, hard beset, thy spirit, justly Proud. • For truth, peace, freedom, mercy, dares duly A sullen priesthood and a raying crowd. Amidst the din of all things fell and rile, Hate's yell and envy's bias and folly's bray, Remember me; end with an unforced smile See zieltes,,panblea, flatterers, pass away. Ilea: they will pass away; nor deem it strange: They come and go, as comes and goes the sea: And let them come and gmithon, through all change, Six thy firm gaze on virtue and on me. Colman & co., "Per C." I am Louis Colman, half of the firm tong and well known in the country as Col man & Co. I want to tell you how I work ed my way to this position.- At the age of fifteen, 'with my free consent, my father signed articles which ;bound me to give to - William R. Lee, cabinetmaker, the Jailor of three years. In lieu' of 'hoard, clothing, etc., the usual equivalent given, I was to receive one dollar per week, and at the ex piration of the . three yedra fifty dollars in money. My home in the mean time was with my father, who boarded and clothed me. A backward look over those three years seems pleasant to me. I suppose - many times during my apprenticeship I longed for more liberty, more leisure, and more money, or something different rom what "I had. I should hardly:have been an average boy if I had not; hut in the main I was tol erably contented_ So eighteen came. The heir of an Eng lish estate, on the happy day when he was to take possession, could . hardly, I. _think, have felt happier' than I. Upon. Xki morn ing of the Tay when my indentures - Were to se ce Mr. Lee carue.to,me and said: ' 'I suppose I shall hive to tell you that I a . h eno further claim , upon. your time after to night." . I felt a certain amount of independence as Lreplied: . . ' I know it, sir," and drew a sigh of re litf:Come to the office after hours," he said, and turned away. - n the office at night I met my father, w o with me saw the writings canceled. I th n received Dfty dollars, shook hands wj i th Mr. Lee; and turned to leave the office. ' One 'moment ," said Mr. Lee. "Have y u any plans for the future?" 4 2 `No, sir," I said promptlY; "to4aorrow 3 y eighteenth birthday, and I want to nd it without a thought of anything." 114 _te smiled a little gravely, and then said: ' Well, fake a week lo think of nothing, then cope back to me." utside I found my fellowiworkmen wait ' to give me a cheer ,t for it was customary d ong us on such occasions to have a gen r hand-shake. rt ' Come; Colman, cap we not have bort" avoices. dhi ecustomary,, and I liesitated• several weelso I.otnent,, but something said to me, " be; El now As you expect to goon," and I said: t`,T you like, times bet tb le e t s u u s aa h , e b v o e tt ys o , d in ri a n n k y s t , l 7 ting el 'ermaeambt'seroor so," sa sit d ea b ra n s e .,, of the number; " teams was a man whom Mr. Lee had em. A. pi yed again and again. week since he "3. ha i d been turned away because he came to hi work intoxicated, and we knew he had had no WoriCsirice. f ' blears's remark gave me a \ thought, and I turned quickly and said: ' If the crowd will lunge treats, oysters, ormhat it may be, we'll agree to send the mhey to Stearns's wife - and family." - ------__ OD de utized "Little Tom,") as he was called, to take the money to Stearns's house. y y w p i ltahn words took w b e u ll t , 4 wit deeds, e e d seconded s , and w not e `And mind, " . mid , - Meara again, "you ti ' , SDAYI - * . MARCH - - 18 .1873 • .- • - _,,,-.',T-' ~ s- • „. , - • • ' ' ve'it, to Stearns'awife, else it may yet go •rilitt*.l4;',-..., , T.Wlima.i.rent _.home and spout, the week 0:: 1141dletress; -Perhaps I ought to have eltlailty of waste of - time. I-do net think X 410:i Lthoroughly enjoyed my respite find the.libOrty'to be out at. any 'time of the day. - b i lentious feeling, almost MO seeing a new World;O . oixtes to a person• who having been l e. ii WA:lip - from the, sunshine ,for a considera: 1.1*".1.0 `suddenl3r given the freedoin• to aliklounge.or loiter, subject to ;no hours, t meg; rior bells. My father and mother left a entirely to Myself 'during that week,. t both I have since been told that my moth e 'ateart beat anxiously for fear I was be unit's,: a .downward- path. My judicious t titer restrained her fears, saying: • P't tßiVel him his time, a Week,' wife; let him itm to the end of his rope. I think he I begin to pull in then." a • LI even deserted the family pew. on Sun day,' wthing unheard of before; and looked lit 'at Ote differing faiths around; but no cemment was• made.. Until the appointed thne; Iliad actually taken no serious thought O il the future. ,Punctually, then, but with a igh c l presented myself to Mr.- Lee. lily father was also there. Mr. Lee smiled as I. ,atttae . in;.and said: - Well; Louis, what do you call your last week's _work?" , . " fteilaxation," I promptly replied. I'DOes it payr he asked. It has so lar,." was ray response.. •• 1 gilt I suppose you expect . to go to work solPinimer • saki he. . ..110 satisfaction of returning to my ese ry•idaY work came suddenly to me then, and avid with animation: i` Filo, indeed, and am here, hoping you :ha_t_e,work to offer me." , • ,-- He looked _pleased and gratified. So did ,ra,i Whet% • Mr. Lee said,.presently: ill I have to offer you my office work. If yo will engage with me for another three ye - I will give you $3OO per year, and at tla ..end •of that time- an additional $lOO, melting it $l,OOO for the three years' work, what think your 'My father then spoke: '"Loule, the declension is your own; but the!Qtrer is fair. If you choose to take it, your board at home is just to pay mother for 'extra 'care, say 62 per week; and if you do well; I will cover Mr. Lee's one hundred dollars with another hundred the day you are twenty-one. Can you do betterr I knew I could not. I said so. So again I WAS back in the familiar place, with three pars before me, but they proved unevent ful; save as the first links which- connected me with the firm of Colman 'ct Co. Tile-first duty assigned me in my new po sition was the opening of some letters, and they first letter I opened flaunted the bill headnf ." Colman & Co." My • own name! Just,so, sonic day I should send out large sheets and bills with just such a heading.— Sol jellied an air castle. But this letter contained' esides the order some reference to a "superior casket," and a slip from a paper making public announcement that the:decease of Colman, of the firm of Col man &Co would not alter i the business ar rangements of the firm. Ito would still be carried on at the - old stand, with the same name. Signed, Colman & Co:, "per Q." .T. handed the letter to Mr. Lee, who said: "See to your - order immediately, make a note of the reference to casket, and file the letteron hook C." He 'rose, took down a paojiage of letters, and said to me: "kook at these curious signatures. Col man :always signed like that, with a long coil. The son has, I suppose, inherited or acquired the same curious coil to his signa ture.". ture." • • ' -I reti*ed answer to the letter, and when finished' 'a 'sudden fancy possessed me to make- of shy "per C." the same fanciful coil. After a few endeavors I succeeded in doing thia[and signed Win. R. 'Lee, "per C:,'? making of my "C." an excellent irni taticin of the long-coiled 'C, appended to Colman & Co. Forthe three succeeding years nut a monin elapsed that we did not receive an order of some kind, large or small; with the same Colman Co., "per C.," and then the long coil; which I as invariably answered with Lee, " per C.," and a flourish of the aunts around my C. I found myself at my majority in what I thought then, and think now , an enviable State. I had at twenty-one a air addrqss, good health, good habits, a goodlrade, an average education, moderate ambitions, and a willingness to work, and.three hundred dollars a year in ready money. When my time expired with Mr. Lee he again asked me my plans for the future. Though this time I had many add many a one,.they were very indefinite, and none of them practical. Mr. Lee, as before, gave advice and oppor tunity. He sent me upon business of his own through different parts of the State, saying, " Look out for yourself as you go, and if you find the right business point, let me know." I liked this change. I was making a "al: uable acquaintance with business men and the country ! and for a year longer found nothing which made me desire a change. One night I took a branch road and a new route to reachl a certain point. Start ing .with (a most unusual thing for rae) a racking headache, which the jar and rattle of the cars so Increased that by ten o'clock I determined to ask'for a lay-over ticket , at the next station, I stopped not to ask where, but threw myself into an omnibus, and ar riving at the hotel, into a room and bed as quickly as possible. :Next morning I awoke with my head clear, but with a feeling of exhaustion that decided the to remain where I was that day. After- „breakfast I sauntered out / going slowly up the principal street, gazing idly at the signs, dreamily settling myself with a home, a business, and a name;, and my sign would read—l started, there it' was— " Colman it Co." Yes, I read it aright, it was Colman & Co. " Is this Abhetowit?" I said to a man who was padaing. He looked bard at me, but said civilly enough, "It is, sir." I crossed. the road quickly, curious to confront the bona fide personages who bad so many times appeared to me under the jagged sig nature of "Colman & Co:" and the singu larly-coiled "per C.V I entered the open doot and strolled thio' the rooms. Nothing but a nice lot of cabi net warerooms, with the arrangemahts, per haps in better taste than is usual in 'eliches tabliahments. ' A quiet,' light-liaired young. man, about rny own age, came forward.— " Behold per Cl". 1 said to myself:'He' pd.. litely waited till I bad made a survey of the outer rooms, then' asked if he could be of service. I said I would like to See Mr. Col man. A slight hesitation, then he said,. "'Step this way." , Beyond the salesroom a green-baize door opened, into a room about twelve feet square neatly carpeted, and furnished with desk, chairs, 'and sofa. Occupying the room wefe two young women. One, at the desk, did not raise her bead'at my entrance. The other arose and bowed with an air of a busi ness woman and the grace- of a cultured lady. • For myself, I could only strive to conceal the awkwardness Lfelt. :Who , could possi bly expect to meet ladies in a lady's parlor in a -gentleman's counting roomt I Man aged to bow and say, " Shall I beg pardon?' I came in expecting•to see Colman, of the firm of Colman it Co." • " I represent - the name," the lady said quiqty, then added, " Please be seated." Noir if Colman hid been a man,• any man, l i should have had no difficulty in step. ping up to him, shaking hafids, and intro ducing myself and firm, and becoming ac quaintances in a moment. This, however, was a new programme„ and I became still more involved by ray next remark, which was that tbe person I Wished particularly to see was "per C. Involuntarily I. made a circling =lien with my thumb. The girl's head at the desk bent low over the leaves of the ledger. The woman sitting opposite me, with a kept-back smile in. her eyes and on her lips, indicated with her eyes the di rection of the ledger, and said, "That is per C." Was there ever such a position! 1 glanced toward the desk. ' The eyes of the girl were raised 'from the book, and I met my whatever I yielded', Ito fate! henceforth, whatever _betel me, my heart and destiny were at the mercy of "per Cl" There was a pause, and growing deeps: rate I determined to explain matters. /Us* ing, I said: =• " Will you grant me grace for five min. ntea?" • , I was tun* away tro,- was looking straight into th older woman. She bowed, eyes . toward the desk, Arid per C.” - lvas looking and lis am Lottitk-Colraan,, of lave written: I ;suppose, on tern to Colman & Co.,' of A first I ever wrote was in iepl. for a superibr casket' sent of ° Coltrittn;' of Colman d '.per C.,' and copied as nearl peculiar sipature of .the orde been a notion of mine never any other letter. [I wishe. see p C.'s' face.l I haYe town q ite by accident. Th: my atte tion. I carne,in to s wanted to see ' per C.' Eel • derstand. Believe me, I did find affairs conducted by a NV The lady I addressed, as finished speaking, said: :'Mr. Colman"—and bow: flounced my name—"l glye to what you have told me: when you commenced yOu we, too, commenced ours.) 21 Colman, of Colman & Co. denly. The Co. is Mr. Hi' and has been for many yea body, but his mind is perfe .1 always advised, but the bus looked entirely by*rny father. father's short illness my isis temporary charge of cones. when affairs called for a se the cottsent of Mr. HickseY the name and the business, hh advice we follow, and have b cessfuL Of course in our known; beyond that, people have come to the conclusion succeeded the father in busin • man, of Colman& Co., to the in proper person, I am Miss• man. As such," said she, wi , such I Introduce myself to y I arose, bowed, and turned introduction to the younge Caddie Colman. I felt thatt ed as a dismissal. Taking m I said: " May I see you again befo She bowed acquieseence..l Miss Colman I indulged in. a the purpose of settling a p 1 suddenly presented itself to which I resolved to act. suddenly determined to settle As soon as I had matured on Mr. Hicksey. I proposed interest in the business. He not care to sell. I then went man. She said that Mr. Hic exceedingly kind to them, an. obligations to him; and that ,to advance Harley, his son, 't in the business, and retire. My jealousy took immedia sought Harley, the young ma seen first in the salerooms. 'surprised to find that he agr until he gave me as.his reaso hand would keep Caddie ott and that would suit him. C I coolly said: "I shall try Caddie has interest•elsewher interest here." He looked at me. I return understood each other. I stayed in Abbetown thre= daring which time I cultiv: die's acquaintance as much also told Kiss Colman that tle in Abbetown; that I lo and wanted to try and win h I then returned to 2flaconvill: I was somewhat uneasy at Hicksey alone in the field, fo he loved the, girl as well that he would not give her ffort. In eight days I was again at Abbetown. Harley Hicksey had again iflo3red himself to Miss Caddie Colman, and been refused. Mr. Hicksey - knowing -this, was read)" to conclude a 'bargain. for sale, azgl Miss .orin or-duvet co renitith wrikv Xn as before with Mr. Hicksey. All this seemed so entirelyi to my wishes that I began to fear I might miss the one thing to which all these *erg made subser vient---3lies Caddie Colman. But as I had always tried'to use my opp I rtunities, so I was not Demise in this respe! , ; and in one year from the time of my aealement at Ab betown I was a married man. We, Colman. & Co.,are prospering in •ur business,— Mrs. olman is a dignified, • atronly little lady, but among her family e e likes, and I think will never lose, th sobriquet of "per C." - There is a moral to my ato worth the name probably write it nevertheless: When tunity occurs, don't stand idl a better, On the Tendency of Mid Mr. Gladstone, in a speec, ered at Liverpool College, value of old-fashioned ecru' the course of his remarks:' " But in preparing you reel • es for the com bat of life, I beg you to take this also into your account--that the spir t of denittl-i abroad, and has challenges! a 1 religion, but especially the religion we pro eSs, to a com bat of life and death. I v nture to oiler you'e fewjsuggestions, in the hope that they may not be without their We. You will hear in your after fife much of the duty and delight of following free thought, and in truth the man who does •of value the freedom of his thoughts des •rves to be de scribed as Homer describes t e slave—he is but half a man. St. Paul, I :oppose, was a teacher of freq n thought whe i he bade his converts to pre all things, B ut it seems he went terribly astray when he proceeded to bid . ..thera " - hold fast , tbat.,,w itch is good," for he evidently assumed U at there was something by which 'they could hold fast; and so he bade Timothy keg) that which was committed to his eharg.; and another Apostle has instructed us to contend earn estly for the faith which w.. once or all delivered to the Saints. '. "But the free thought of . 1 hear so much seems too o thought roving and vagrant, I like Delos drifting on the : without a route,direction, - Again, you will hear incessa vantement of the present : backwardness of those who s it. And truly it has been a but let us not exaggerate. • an age: bf humense me , material activity. It is`by abounding in minds of the become great, immortal te-1 kind. - It has tapped, as it w. 'disposable for man vast ffatu the mental power employe' measured by the mere size o To elerfect that marvel of motive, has perhaps not requ diture of more mental stroll cation and devotiOn than to marvel of music, the violih. rial sphere the achievements plentiful and unmixed. In th' they are great and noble, but be confronted - 3v a successlo., lame. which 'altiost defy _so sphere of - pifm: intellect I posterity will rate ne ias big fl ourselves. " But what I most wish to that it is an insufferable ail men of any age to assume w airs of unmeasured superiori ages. God, who cares for them also. In the goods of may advance by strides; but only, and not strides,, and by always steady steps, that all provement of man in the hi, his being is effected. - "Again, my friends, you kl to the effect that the division: tians render it impossible to tianity is, and so destroy t religion. But if the divisio tiabs are remarkable, not 1. unity in the greatest doctr hold. %yell nigh fifteen h years of ,a more sustained no world had ever before see away since the great contrdv lag the pelt.) , and the person I er were, after a long agony, As before that time, in a ii fined, but adequate for thel! since that time, amid all eh, .1 more—aye, many morethl in every hundred Christians I will confessed the Deity and s pur Lea as the cardinal sad of, our religion. Surely there is some coin fort here—sothe sense ofi, brotherhood— some glory in •the past-=-serhe hope for- the times that'are to, , ,eoate." • It- face of, the, , et , raised her ew then that' ening as well. aeonville, - • hu nth ect betown. The to an order ;in the decease r .I pign . ed it as I could the, 'sent. It hal to put it on, then I could °me to Abbe• sign attracted to Colman. 'I e don't inisun- I of expect to man." Mr. Seward, speaking of the great wall of China, 101611'1 lie examined during his trip to the East, says: The C,hinese, have been for at least two or three thousand years a_wall-making people. it would bankrupt Yorker Paris to build the walls of the city of Pekin.. The great wall of China is the wall of the world; it is forty feet high. The lower thirty feet is of hewn limestone or granite.. Two, modern carriages may pass each other on the 'summit. It has a • parapet throughout its whole length, with convenient staircases, buttresses, and garri son houses at every quarter of a mile; and it runs not by cutting down hills and raising valleys, but over the uneveg crests of the mountains and down through.their gorges; a distance of -a thousand miles. Admiral Rogers and I calculated that -it would cost more to build the g,reat wall of China thro' its extent of one thousand miles than it has cost to build the fifty-live thousand miles of railroad in the Unit States. What ncona mentary it is upon the ephemeral range of the human intellect to see this utilitarian en terprise, so necessary .and effective two thousand years ago, noW not merely useless, but an incumbrance and an obstruction.". :;00Th as I had as she pro * tire credence our years ago, business life, y father was Ho died sud ',keep. He is, s, helpless in tly clear. He s ess was over- Through my k er and I took. , endence, and 'dement, with i, we retained lOilelr. Hicksey's ..i en so far sue town we are ay naturally that a son hag ss. lam Col outside world; Eugenie 'Col h a smile, " as u," The First . Anierieen Newspaper. The story of the :first American newspa per, brief as was its life, is - full of curious interest. Seventy Years , after the landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, and two hundred and fifty years after the invention, of - printing, a newspaper was issued in Bos ton. It lived one day, and only one copy is known to have been preserved. That copy was discovered by the historian of Salem, Rev. J. B. Pelt,'itt the Colonkal State paper office, in London, while engaged in ~res earches relating to tie history of his own city. This pioneer i f American journalism was published-by 13 njamin Harris at the London coffee house, Boston, and was print ed for him by Richard Pierce, on'Tlimsday, the 25th •of September, 4 1090, nearly two centuries after the' discovery of the New World by Columbus. The paper was print ed on three pages'of a folded sheet, leaving one page blank, with two, columns to a page, and each page about eleven inches by seven in size, Harris pr • posed to issue his paper once a month, r oftener if there 'should be a "glut of ccurrences." His first : and, as it turned out his. only number, contained several columns of home and for eign gos Sip without a word of editorial com ment. Unfortunately for the success of his undettaking, he printed one or two items of local and military news which set the official busy-bodies in a ferment of indigna tion! The legislative authorities solemnly determined that the paper came mit contra ry to law, and .that it contained " reflec tions of a very high nature." `To prevent Mr. Harris from issuingla second number, they forbade " anythingin print without li cense first obtained from those authorized by the Governineut to grant the same." In this ,way the first American newspaper came to grief, and but fur the accidental preser vation of a single ,copy in London its very name would have passed into oblivion. Haipor's Magazine: to receive an sister as Bliss is Wan intend.- , hat in hand, e I leaver After leaving ong walk for '• which had e, and upon short, I had , Abbetown. plan I called to buy out his hought he did to bliss Col !, sey had been she felt Under e wished soon 14 his interest e alarm, and I le whom I had I was rather •ed with me, . that another of the, place, ddie, indeed! o see that Miss if I take an •d' it; then we days longer, 'ted Miss Cad 's dared. I • esired to set led 'her sister, r foy.xsay wife. for a week.— aving Harley I thought if I knew I did p without au Of a Cap of. Coffee. : ' It has been trilthfully ' said that even in these enlightened days, and in the lands most blessed by the influence of civiliza tion, there are thousands upon thousands of persons born into the world who live long lives and then go down into their graves without ever having tasted good coffee.-- There ate many reason§ for this, and the principal one of cdursn, must he that :.-e 4 faw.porz us tchow how to make good coffee. And yet there have, been thousands of reci pes and irections' published which: teachus how to ake good coffee by boiling it; by not boili g it; by•cortfining the essence and aroma; by making it in an open , vessel; 1 . 3 y steeping it; .by not steeping. it; by clearing it; by not 'clearing it; by grinding it fiNte; by grindie it coarse, and by many other 1 methods of ..k osed to each . other and •to led these. No: we do not intend to try-1-6 •tell anybody ho to make good. coffee, but. We just wish t 6 ay a word about the treatment of the coffee after it is made. And Oft - thie treatment de ends its excellence,lbrewAt its you' may. The rule is simple: 'never clecg:nt it! , Whatever else you do ahont it,' bring it to the table in the vessel in -which it was made. A handsome urn dr. gorgeous coffee pot ;is the grave,of goed coffee: Of course, if itil i is considered more desirable to have the pot look well' titan to have the coffee, _taste well, we have nothing more' - tg litty,- , 7 . But whent ; hot -coffee is, emptied froircone vessel into, another, the kitchen Ceiling gen erally receives that easence-laden 'vapor which should have found Its; :way, into the cups on the breakfast table..- I When the cof fee enters them it should fl d'the milk or the cream , already there. By observing theie ipleiyordinary coffee, lade in almost any, way, is'often very ria hie indeed- &raver: • _ , . Every boy eas it. I will a good Oppor tal wait for rn• Thought, H lately deliv earing on the ation, said in OParicrus Record; - La l the town of Montour there lived till recently a man named Theodorus Catlin, aged abdut eighty, who has lived in the State of New York, in the counties of Ca yuga, Seneca,,Tioga, Chemung, and Schuy ler, and has lived in the towns of Catharine and Montour, and always lived and died in the house in which he was .born. During the greater part of his life he was a wealthy man, but in the latter part of his life be came poor, demented, anti:a miserable crea ture. When in prosperity he put his pen to too many men's paper, had, to pay, and hence his last end. He was a kind, good hearted man in all the relations of life, loved home and quiet, and perhaps was never 20 miles away from home in his life, except when in company with J. W. Lee and oth ers they went to the wilds of Pennsylvania to hunt (in the language- of Lee) bars, deers, painters, catamounts, and other sava ge.rous critters.--:Horseheads Journal. EthicsDna. • ich w • now ten to mean ii ore tha free, :eas of Creece, lor a h • me.- 1 tly of the ad , ge and 'of the I I ad gone before onderful age; has been, and 1. tai as well as 0 means an. age Ist order, who , chers of man -ref and made I , al forces; but I • i is not to be F• the results.— affic, the loco rid the expen th and appli perfect that In the mate •f the age are • social sphere seem, ever to of new prob- Llution. In the 2; oubt whether !ly as we rate .Do not bow to the rules .of fashion, but remember that what will becoxue, .one may look ridiculous on another. - - Form, complexion, and i „.oeneral, Style of person should be 'consulted before selecting your costume. All who desire to make dress en art must pay some attention to the harmonizing of colors. There are some shades that utterly destroy one's beatity, while another tint adds to the person's charms. The outlines of dress must never be over. looked; and to this important feature of the toilet an artistic taste is quick to observe the slightest defect. Never forget your individuality. Do not permit your dress to make you appear quite different from what vou really are. Never allow your toilet expenses to go be yond your income. Neatness in dress is far more attractive than a toilet made of soiled gewgaws pro fusely displayed.—Com: Adv. Cbserve is this, ogance iu . the I at I may call over former us, cared for the world we it is by steps gloxv, and not 'desirable im her ranges of I heard a man complaining because 'his wife was recently taken with the oil fever. She had a piece of land of 'her own in West Virginia, where oil had been found, and nothing would' do but she must organize a company and : go to boring. She bored him to golor a long time, tut he would not, so she went herself.. I told the man he would be justified in suing for a;divorce. " On what grounds?" iiaid he. "Right there, on her oil grounds.' '" I mean what Plea could I otter?" "That - she left your bed and bore."—lrat Contributor. • - • I much 4' among Chris lay what Chris- I ,e certainty of among Chris * so is their 'nes that they i hdred -years— ivity than the I—have passed sies concern -;f the Redeem ' determined.— ; stater lees de- I - - • CA4LIE REAsoN.—Herela another proof thatalbgs have.the power of remoninL,e. A Sagacious canine at liumney, N. H., lately pursued a woodchuck winch' continually foiled him by running throw/a a drain.--: When he had played that trick two or thrc , o times the dog gave hint a 'rest in the drain, and trotteil over to a neighbor's and brought L another dog, a frequent sharer in his youth ful sports. Stationing- his companion at one end'of the drain, 'he entered 'the other and stirred up Mr. Woodchuck, who started - ;Again for drtylight„only to bn grabbed by the faithful senthael i . If that i sn't) reason, 'What IS it? • . day, so • ever !ce and change, is ninety-nine ave with - one incarnation ot miutrut truths The Great Wall in ehina A Won in Oil =I WHOLE NO. 999: 17ft11114 AND Str6figBlll7B., On Soiit 'Stoat _lt Bo fig , _ At a recent gathering, where isearlyt_"- the speakers were practical farmers, and most of them engaged in making milk One of them spoke earnestly and 'decidedlyja favor of soiling the stock: lib opinion_ was formed after grazing his cows for ,yalis upon natural pastures, upon pastures form ed by ploughing mowing lands and then re seeding, and then by cutting the. orage and feeding it out in the barn. He had no doubt but the latter • course would -be genereft cheaper, and in the long run, easier, and that it would produce more milk than: either of the two former modes. IBy proper care in feeding-and giving tie' mock opportunity for exereis. at suitaliie times, the health of the stock could be phi served just asperfectly as it when the,f l run in pastures. Fed and tended in the barn, they will get clean water regular lY and abundantly, and their meals at 'regular intervals. That will 'be a great gain ,over many pastures where!, water is taken froto stagnant pools—sometimes in an off'ensi've condition—and in other cases, where"they can get no water, good or bad. -• . - At the gathering of farmers at LOwell i last September, Mr. H. Sedgwick, ofL Corn-. wall, Ct.„referring to. he short feed of the fall of 1971, said:— " Our farmers all deckle tin* will not_ g,p back to.the old way' of. feeding stock.. We cut up our straveand everything available. Many of us have adopted the plan of steam ing the food for our cattle, and we ate sat isfied from the experiments we have made that we save a third of our provender hy steaming it. As a sample of what this manner of feeding stock will do, I will re late .an instance of a , young man, who, a year ago this last spring bought a farm of eighty acres of land tpr $ll,OOO. The farm then kept eleven cows, four or five yearlings,' and a horse or two. The young man took hold of that farm and immediately put in fourteen acres of sowed corn: He increased the stock to twenty-five cows, and kept _ them on twelve acres, feeding them the sowed corn, and also cutting his oats green for food. His receipts the first year were over $B,OOO. This year he has summered on that same farm twenty-seven cows, and he told life the other day that ,his twenty seven =cons would average him $lOO each froth the profit on milk."—N. E. Farmer. . Starting Early Potatoes. A correspondent of the Cottage Gardener says: "To have a few early potatoes I hate found the following system to answer well. I plant my potato sets in pots, say about five or six inches in diameter; the soil I use is s pure, turfy, maiden loam and charred earth • with a little soot. Being in pots they can be started whenever there is a little heat. While they are coming on in the pots, leaves and a little manure are put up in a roun d heap to ferment, then put into a pit or frame; after the bed is i,n a fit condition of heat, the surface is cpvercd eight, inches deepwith. With. half rotten leaves. When the heath up the - pots may be plunged in this material, and the plants kept in the sane pots till tlip young tubers are the size of large peas or small marbles. This can easily be eager.- tained by turning them out of the pots. .1 consider the chief advantage derivable' from this 'system is, that 'as they are confid ed in the pots only a limited supply of nti: triment is afforded, which causes- the plant§ to tuber much sooner than-Would otherwise be the case. - Whenever Ifind that theyoung potatoes Are Relate as I have Stated I im mediately take off the, top, soipl. th,e,pa.ts were plunged : If 1 fmd..the heat *deficient I add a little neW warm tnnu - re to the inside of the . bed And Aura it biek. Then ,hicting ' had - some - good, dry, turfy soil, and'eharred or butnt earth, whit a mixture '• Of .9' little soot, Illlrsheil - iseliviered: over to the "detith of fourteen or' fifteen inches; the potato ,Plants ars ntaCturued carefully outot Ehei pots and _Wanted • in to firirow in rows in 1144 new soil, after it has attained the :faint*. warmth of. the bed, _ . _ , I never use-any'-me,aure, but-a little, 80 is put on the . drills after the•plante are estali4 fished: : • By, keeping them near the glass and well aired at every favorable opportun ity, a good crop of fine, natural flavored potatoes will be obtained. - - Planting in the Garden; About the epd of February or beginning . of March, in this latitude, we often, get a few very warm days, when the citizen fresh to the country feels sure the - spring is come; and is very anxious fox fear the acceptable` time should pass away and he not have his trees and ,plants, fidweri3 and vegetables, put in before it is too late. The old hand,: whoha's beecirne a veteran in garden-work., will need no hint from us that this is all wrong; but there lie so many new corners_ into the field and garden every year that we are sure our words of advice will not' thrown away. Nothing should on any account beset out in spring until the ground has become so dry that it will crush under the heel - when trodden on. Besides this all' danger of a return of frosty Weather should' certainly he overbefore much;in the.way of planting be attempted. Even tho;igh the ground be tolerably dry . and warm, and in general geed cOnditlika* when the seeds or plants are put out, they are \not always the first to bear over those often sown later. A chill often stops growth. for some time, while one which from the first has,nothing to interfere with it, g•oes right on to fruition, without interruption. here, as well - as elsewhere, the.last shall be first, and first last.—Germantopn Telegraph. Orna3nelitai OliMberd. I spring is the time to set. out ornamental climbing plants.. They,eati he procured from an of the nurserymen; and in order that th se not familiar with their character may, kn w how to eelect, , , a list and brief de scription of some of the most pepular ,va- , rieties is appended: . Wi. , starke, - .T . i;u:,freNtes can be trained as 'a dwarf weeping tree, or as a clitabe a ,r, or lor the purpose of covering lattice work, &c. , Chinese and Rtpan honeysuckles. present a very beautiful: appertrunce, when trained upon short posts. They grow to massy, ' •evcrnreen, weeping bushes, *ith blossoms,- and - delightful' fragrance. They are . also suitable for covering stibors, verandas, lat tice framework, &o. , . The golden-leaved h ne,yauckle, With its yellow marbled foliage, is a desirable low climber. „ . The coral, yellow a d reonthly how suckles can also be sinubS, or, if desired, can he trained as common climbers. They can be kept in flower for several months by removing fading blooms, SO as to prevent the maturing of seeds. The , sweet-scented hardy jessamine Can be made a shrub or trained as ,a climber. It blooms \ for two months., The sweet-scented clematis is of delight ful fragrance, and. Can be trained to grew as a bush or climber, as desired.. - It blooms for two months. There are various .Other kinds of the blooming clematisovith - blooms of several colors, and some of them largely variegated. HaVing slender stems,th _ey can only be grown as c li mbers.—Rural World. . E HIPP BUTTER m SEALED CANS.—For many years butter has beeu sent from 'en-. penlmgen ;to all parts of Europe In hermet ically sealed tin cans, Although the War iness was commenced originally us an ex periment, it has expanded to such ategivi that, during the last two years, it has OCCUL pied several of the largest butter dealers of uopeuhagen. The object of packing the butter in this manner is to protect it against the action cf Air and heat, and this is so, completely attained that butter ,htts been, sent from CoPerthagen to China and back again, without the slightest detriment-to its edible qualities, The principal places of demand are China, Brazil, Jasa, Spain, and other countries, generally . through London: or Liverpool houses. The'packagea vary in size up to 28 pounds, Although .those of 4- pounds are generally preferred, .The cans are lined inside with wood, saturated ' with salt pickle, and, when fllled,• are - soldered. up. This treatment is thought to exert n. very important influence in the presertatiOa of the butter. ' . • ,t ' • A. good drain on a farm. Heavy zaortJ gage at ten per. cent. will drain. At about all rapidly as anythibg. 111 Pi lEEE ME B II II ESE f ~,,. 11311 ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers