I . reart hoever favors the ;President's Poll wish S to strip the loyal North of twentyi Vi 7) mem ers of Congress, to' wh i ch it is fa entitled, and he wishes to, give twentyß i nriember to the - disloyal South, whiek . t secti n has no equitable title to. 1 1 T e figures will stand thipy oinitti -b- fi I , lli n f tion 1 representatives : Present, Northern representation Present Southern representatiOn' on tie three-fifths basis If the Amendment be op not a op t ed the , re suit will be as follows: :, . 1 , 1 ~, , i Northern representatives 'Southern representatives ,If the Amendment be ratified will be as follows : Northern representatives Southern representatives • • At present the Northern, majority is If no change in the ConstitUtiOn is made the Northern majority, after 'the next apportionment, will be If the, amendment be adopted the North= ern Majority will be So the -question is whether the North is to have 93, or 43 majority in the Honse of Rep., resentatives. If every voter has but one vote 93 will be the majority, 'if the SOut4rn, voters are .given two votes in consequence of I their injustice to the negroes and their rebel lion, the Northern major jity will but 43. Here, then, is the issue between the Pres-1 dent and Congress. President Iwishes ] to reduce the , Northern majority ill Congress from'93 to 43 by giving tire vot e s every illississipoian and Louisianian,, and three votes to every South Carolinaian,. If the amendment be not adopted all' the, larger Northern States will lose two members of Congress, and some of them will lose three. This, is what the Presidenel,s "policy'' Means.; The issue is before the Pe,), pled Shall the South 6 ffain poWer by its treason. its tre ason. Grant's Opinion of ClyTer. V "To ask any soldier to Vote for 41ch a man i is as Heister Clymer, of, at one known disloyalty, against another who had 'served , - four years in the Anion army With 1 himself and benefit to hisi . eouniry, was a: gross insult.'-'--Get. Gran t to the iSditoi' the Chicarro RepubliT,n, • ' i .... Goes Penns Pennsy l van ia so " . goes the llinon. ".As The Gubernatorial Co test . PennylL vania will be all one way. Major Gen eral ? Geary undoubtedly be eleCted by a ma,- jority that will settle the question * at issue in all the other loyal States,'and ' revive the ,old proverb, "As goes Pennsyl*ania so,goes thel Union."l Thousands of the supporters of Andrew Johnson cannot conscientiously vote for Heister Clymer, and the President him self can desire the defeat of suchl a can didate as Geary. The chief importarce of the Pennsylvania election, ,therefore is its bearings upon the next Senatorship.";--.7rew rork Herald.' ,~. • lISSUe 11111 111 1 lEEE TH*E-POWER COUNTY JOURNAL II CottdeatPdrt, Tuesday Evening, Oct. 4, 1865 , Local ark. 4 deneial. - • . THE MASON d&HAXI.pr CABINET ' ORGANS. 1 Forty different styles.- widpted to sacred and secelir music, for SSO to $6OO styles; FIFTY ONE 43-old or Silver Medal., or other firStriremiumeawartled them. Illustrated Catalogues free. 'Address:MASON &H.t.11 LIN, or MASON ez. 1L&M.L11.4, New Yore'. - icy, ;fiv irtir 'five hat, s,oein A Year made by any . one Niith 1115— "‘" Stencil Tools. Tr o experience necessary. The President. , , eselifers,*nd Tre.surens of 3 Dank' Indorse the eircula?. Sent free with Fen4les. Ad &es, tee time. Jean Stencil Tool Works, Sprlin,field, Vermont I I ERRORS OF YOUTH. - • A Gentleman who PtifilLlNl for years from Nervous DebilitY; Premature Decay, told all the :elects of Youthful Indiscreuon, fur the sake of buff. ring humanity, sehd tree to all who need it, the recipe nud directions for making the simple remedy by which he wan cured. Suderers wishing td prodt by the advertiser's experience; can do ,•ci by add miming JOHN D. odPEN, • - No. 13 Chambers St., New York.--IlyjyS ac=, 1 , 148 /111 T Taut. Eery-your g lady and fit ik tleman In th l o United States can her somettlin ',much to their oivantaze by return I ntaii (free of ?barge,) by addreacing the undersigned.! Those lel/allws leas of being bum batted will 4;)blige by not noticing this card: Al! others will please ad dre.s itheie obedient renal:l., THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Sta Brendway, New York.--Ily,fyll IMI • Lyon's Periodical DrOps 1! Irthe Great Feralale ) i-nemefiy for Irreg. _L ula-ities.• These drops are a scientifically com pounded fluid p.eparatioxi..and better thartai.y Billy Powders or Nostrums.. Reim; liquid, their action Is direct and positive, rendering them,n reliable, speedy and certain specific for theicureofnll oh-tructions and suppres-ionsot nature. Ilneirpnprilarity Is indicated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are adunally sold and-censtrried the ladies of the United Sates, 'every one of whotn speak lin the strongest terms of praise of their great meri4. , They are ,apidly taking the plat, o every other Female Bvmedy, and are con sidered by all who know alight of them, as the surest salett; and most infallible !preparation in the world; for the cure of allFemals pa - ,ml taints, the removal of alt ohgtractions of nature,#d the promotion °Cliental regularity and strength. ,Rxpticit directions stating when they may be used,andesphtining when and why they should not, nor could not be used without pro ducing effects contrary to fnat Ilre'ri chosen laws, will be found carefully folded laround each bottle, with written elgnature ofJOHN L. LYON, without which none are genuine. L - -' Prepare,: by Dr. JOHN L. LTO7.C, 155 Chapel Street. New 11.,ren,.Coit:n., who can be consulted either personally dr fendlo.dng stamp,) con cerning all private d!seaseS and female weaknesses. Sold by Druggists everpvhere. Price sl.sopr Bot. G. CLARK d: CO., ly.p General Agti for United States and Canadai 138 951 163 I 1 70' 63 1 ED I Firth's 1 filuslo Store, 363 Frost2i-ocrea,p, N. "E''. THADDEIS FIRTH, {Successor to Firth! th Cothpany, ) MUSIC PUBLISHER, Manufacturer tind Importer of 31asleal Instruments, .- 1- Piano Fortes,l ileloz= n us, Cabinet Organs, 'And every de.scription of 3/ usies I merchandise w York Age my for the celehrrted • Gilmore & Co's Band Instruments. Our Band Department is u!uder the personel supers!: 'lion of Mr. D. 1.. DOIVN6-43. iffl Wholesale ,Lid Retail Ltepot for the unrirallel. Darnurdqtt Cottage Organ Whieh challenge's compli!ison as the most effective hstrumer.t yet ..tiered to tile public. New and Choice -Vatic Piddished Daily ea-Catalogues and Pries Lists of instruments fur nished on application- .1 Dar Latest Music from all the leading Publishers in rnerica. Var Any piece of Music or Music Book, sent by mail, post-paid, on Receipt if retail price. Day - Order/11 , y mail for Masic or Instruments receive prompt and careful attenti/m. goods a :mauled, to prove its repreiented, at ritcrws MUSIC STORE, ' IS-23.lyear Croidway, Now York. • TO CCVSS"'3IIPTIVE.4. • The advertiser, having horn restored to health in a few weeks by a very siinnie remedy, after having Suffered for several years w thn ceve re itlngaffyction, and that dread disease. Copsumption—is anxious to make kui..wa' to his felloNrsutlerers the menus a cure. To all who desire it, Ile ill send a coprof the pre scription used (free of cha ge), with the directions for preparimr and using the same, Which they will rind a SURE CURE for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchetis, Coo:tits, Colds,land as Throat and Lung Affections. The only ohject of the advertiser in sending the Piescription is to benefit the alluded, and spread itifdrmattoa wltlch In conceives to be in valuable, and he hop-s evlery sufferer will try his remedy, as it wilt cost thrli nothing, and may prove bleisi tg. Parties the prescription, race, by return mail, will plettar :whirrs* I Bev. EIMAR.D A. WILSON, . Magi' Co., New York.—tlyjyB A LECTURE To Yonng Men. Joist! BVIILIS LIED, In a Scaled Envelope; Price Six Took A Lecture on the later , Treatment. and I:ladle:0 Cure of Spermat oh rrhoeit or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Emisi3ion, Sexultl Debility, end Impede mente to marriage mmerall. Nervouenes.,Consump tion, Epilepsy awl Fits ; Mental and Physical lbee, picky resulting from Self- Abuse, &c. By Roster .1. CULYV RW ELL. NI. D., puttof the Green Rook, &c • The world renowned antlinr, in thi. admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from Mit own experiet.ce that the awin consegtlenCell of self-abrade mnytt.e ellectually re moved witholut medicine, and witlinufdangerods ear gjealoperitions,honxies,rmits,instiumente,or cotdials, pointtng out n mole of cure al once cermin and effectual by which every sultbrer, noMitter What hideondition may be, may cure ihint:self Cheaply, privately, and This lecture will ;prove a b•non to thousands and thousands. Sent, urnler sell, in n plain envelope, to ttn•ndtl . ress, poet p id. on receipt of six rents, or two post stamps. Achflei4 the publishers. . CIIA S. T. C. KLINE Az CO., - 727 Bowery,' r.ow Y,lrtr, Post Office - bn2 4518. PHOTOGRAPHIC. & TI. T ANT JIONT & CO-,' Manufacturers of Phot r egraphic Matmi.ifv, *II • , LESALIS 1) IttifAlL, 501 137 roadway, New 'York. in addition . .to. onr ml irtelne.s of PHOTO- GICAIIIIIO iI.krERIAL we are Eleadquartere for the followitiSg - , Nit. -' I STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCCPICNIEWS f American and Foreign; Cities and Landscapes, .roups, Statuiiry, etc. 1 STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS O' _ THE We: From negatiyea rn. de in the various camiiniens and formill'' a complete rboteziapltic history of the great contest!' STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON CLASS. Adapted for either the Mazte Lantern or'tho Stire• *scope. Old Catalogrue will be sent to any address on receipt of , Stamp. I ' pHOTOGRAPiIIe ALBUMS. We manufacture rno:e lar zely than any,other house, about 203 varieties from at; mite to $OO each Our ALhUIIS have the reputatlou of being superior in beauty ..nd nltuLablity to any ot era. Card Photcigraphs or Generals ates . men, Actors: etc., etc: . . . i Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjdcts, includitre reproductions of the most celebrated Engravin,, , s. l'ainting., Statues, etc. Catalogues stit. o 1 receipt of stamp. . Photogrsphere and othen4 ordering goods C. 0. D., will ple.ise remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order, , 1 ear The prices and quality of our goods cannot fit to satisfy. i . 6mo [June la. WINGHAIII ! ESTATE. ntil further , notice, the Office of the Estate in TT U C,ou'dersitbrt will be Teo only (luting Court weeks; at irlilah 111 - n . 611r. boswo:th will be there. He wlllnleo 1,4 in Smetliport during she ti 05.13 a Conti In McKean County. , _ Persons whd have bul:ltiess with the Estate are re qtmeted to mesh him at those times. Lettein on inkiness eihltesseclietheOlfee at Wells. boro', will be promptly answered. : . 114 13 , 1860.1 WILLIAM. R. CLYMER. $9O Mont!' I—AGENTS for six e rely - raw articles, Jr/1 oat,. Atlflrcsa U. 'l. GARB r.city Pnild 1ng.14 iddirfort, alarm A a 21,1E45.1 1.,w1,y. . Cazapaignof the ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. - By WILLIIII Smarm THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE GRAND ARMY. greastest Work on the War. UM venially ep 1. domed by army officers and the press. • - The Author save :; "I design in this eUldme to igedid what that Army did and sdffered in ten campaigns and two score bat tles " "I shall have to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of this army, that ofttimes when the bond of military cohesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune to a duty self impoied" "I shall have to follow it through a ehitEkered expe; rience, in a tale commingled of great misfortunes, great lollies and great clones ; but from first to last it will appear that.am id many buffets of feria n e,throtigh "winter and rough Weather," the Army of the Pero mac never gave up, but made a good fight, and finally reached the goal." The "Army and lirivy Journal" , says : .This is the only American critical work on the late wet, and it is thoroughly critical and entirely divested of all political hue or tone." Thor is the only !History of the "Grand :eirmy,'l and no one who has borne a par/ in ifs eottfliCis,or is interested in its grand achievements, should be without it. This ve.rk sells !licit. The people areti red . of poli tical and partizan histories, and tvant somethi ng from, official sources. We have agents clearing over $2OO per month.. Send for circulars, and see our terms and proof of the above assertion. Address, NATIONAL PU.SLISWING CO., 16-M-4w 507 Minor Street, Philadelphia. J. GURNEY. & SON, 1 3 HQTOGILLY" HIC ARTISTS; 707 Broadwayj Ns Y. • In addition to our Photographic Art. Galleiv tetablisbed 1840, We bane for the liut4 five yearn had acirantates supe rior to any other establishment in obtaininki Sittings from life. oral! the prominent 'celebrities of the clay, in CARD PORTRAITS, and are now pediebing a Cataliigue of eve!. 2500 Subjects,', rnerican and Foreign, :deo a large hat. of Copies of Works oil Art and Engravings, batalognes sent on receipt 'of Eitomp. An order for one dozen pictures from onr Caralezno will be filled at sl.sio nod sent by mail free. Sin gle Pictures 25 cents, copies of eng,nvings 15 ets. each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the ad vantage We have for reproducing, or copying, Old Daugerreotypes, Antbrotypes, Card Pictures, &c. of . Deceased Pdatives and FiZends, enlarging them to any size, and finishing in f7il, Water Color 4, or India Ink, With the aid of Ten 'Talented Artists. Parties deli ripe copies, should therefore correspond with us direct. Send for a Catalogue. The Trade SOT plied at a Liberal Discount Gallery open for Free Pitimettitin: and ate:lagers eisitiog the City, will find our Gaiiery one of theinost agoems,ble places to the City, wherein to while2way an brier. ars iorum,i,e- A r lb;C:1•9 • r UyTOGRA HULAS, . IS-23 Smo 707 BROADWAY, N. Y. TO SOLDIERS ! I GOOD NEWS AND THEIR HEIRS w.masiiaTcorrgs. ' ALL s . - l i l t o t i o lazany a interestdvaut advantage to w scar read e t n i e S,W fo ill lowing Acts of Congress which a have recently become law: SEC. Ist of an seta June G. 18G5, pilovides for al) soldiers or sailors who have lost the sight of b. •.11 eyes, or both hands, so ati to require con- I,stant attendance, the sum of $25. SEC: 2. To those who have lost both feet, or Fare totally disabled in the seine so as to require ''constant attendance, the sum of $2O. SEG.! 3. Those who have lost oue hand 9r one foot, or are so disabled as to render them unable to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss, of a hand or a foot, the sum of sls' SEC. 4. Persons who have been depriyed of their pensions under Act .of March 3, 1865, in consequence of being in the civil service of the Unite e ] States Government are restored. SEC. 5. . Pensions are extended to dependent fath and brothers, as - well'as to mothers and sisters.' I n addition to the above act, to such persons as are 'embraced by it, Cong-yess.,before ~ ts close July 25, 1866, passed'i bill increasing the pen sion to widows and orphans, and extending the benefits of the , Pension laws to the heirs and represntative.s of certain invalid applicants; to . .. wit' Sec-2 of the act , 6f Ju1y..25, 1856, provides for pe nsions to widati's; of deceased :sOldiers or snilorsihaving children by such soldiers or sail , ors. at rhe rate of two dollars per month far each child of soldier or sailor under the age of six teen years. To derive benefit from this act i is necessary to make new application;sUrteli dering the old certificate: . . SEC. 3 gives an increase of pensions to those widows now receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per munib, except Revolutionary widows. - -• Applications for. Pensions niust be made be fore the Prothonotary. mr.coicrmi - wismssc. THE BILL TO EQUALIZE BOUNTIES HAS BECOME A LAW. The following is an analysis of its provisions : 1. $lOO to three yeaYb'men -Xlie served their time. • 2. $lOO to three yews' men discharged by reason of wounds received in 3. $1 l) to the widow. minor childreMor pa rents, rn the order named, of any such-soldier whh died Of wounds or disease contracted in service:, _ .J 9. f 5 each soldier not iii'luded in the foregoing classes who enlisted for two years or more, and discharged after serving two years. 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted fur two yeah., and discharged by reason of ,wounds received in *cline of duty. . . 6: $5O to the widow, tic_ as above, of every soldier enlisted for less than two years, who died in service, or of wounds or disease contract ed in the army. - additional bounty is allowed tbiee yearst men Who have received, or have lizreto fore been entitled to receive; more than' $lOO national bounty, and none to tWo. !eats'. men who have received oil are entitled io more than $5O. The law only applies to honorably dis ' char ,, ed soldiers of the late war, and to none who have sold or transferred their discharges or rights to bounty'. . . . The undersigned will attend promptly to the collection of all such claims, at reasonigle'mtes Where parties mside at a distance, the business may be done by,let.er. Address, -DAN BAKER, Coudersport, Potter county, Penn. Aug 1866 ... 1866 Plfiladelphia .Sr. Erie Railroad. rrni§grmt. line traverseo the Ndrthern 6nd North '. Wcat counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie' on lake Erie. It ha' been lensed and is operated the PENNSTLVA,ISII RAMMOAD COMPA FT. / Time of passenger trains at Ell PORIZISS. IiAVE- EASTWARD. • Erie Mail Train ...... ..... ....5:02 r. x. Erie 'Expresit Train LEAVE Vi(SIWARD,' ' Sae Mail Train • - • • 4'7:00 a: x. Erie Express Train 1•53 A. M. Pasienger care run through on the Erie Mail,and Expre , 4 trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. • NEW YORK OONNECTON; • Leave New York at 9.00 is tt jerrive at Erie 9 - 2,0 A.X. Leave Erie at 4.45 P. M., arrive'at New York 4.10,P. M. ELEGANT BLEEPING/CARS on all' Neil trains For informati•m ,respecting Penmeger burin ess,ap. ply at Corner of 20thrinffMarket streets; Philadelphia And for Freight ;basineEs of the Company's Agepte B. 4 .•Kin2ston, Jr„ Cur. 12th and Market streets. Philadelphia. W. Iteynolds l Wm: BPOWM - Ag pm. a rrottirql 11. W. A. L. TylEit, Erie. • ent. "N. C. g. General Freight Agt. PhHada Gi9ernl rht:wia u.rrai 3a,*1., Erle. /* ' . Cr ' CO 4 0 0 0 isig 0 Ot 4 40.- Z 0 ilt ' idn VI kiwi o r-- Aok 1 ‘.,1) Z viaF e 4 ‘. 0 we 4 Egi' til • 1 ai et Z 0 z ;t 712 Ash E ti4 law i ~-.., c -,4 .. 4 ~, ....._ \ t , . ---4. 5 t Z e i 8 1 I Ft i , 0 ..., 4 ... ,-• r.r4 0. 1--- t. Is.sze * i t "e-# SEW El c 1 * 1 0 EL c tg oak 111424- CD C 3 , 1: 2 ; 1 " - ; PI • I, O M . . Lt @Et& 1= 1111 ft) et CD M A cbiAmx '7g- El* o gic ' , 0 521 lage p Z' WI " r. ., • em, (1 C.' CZ - ' 1 1 . i. m © 0 P r:11 0 P - - 0 7 1 'r o ot , n I-61 bi , u4 Ma P ,C.D PrZ 0 = ; flag '•. It-1 =gig ...,. 0 .., i;.,pp,/ Col i s : a l —s , 0 4 0 1 Z n e - ./(71,° • OW i r • -0. . e 1 ..Arsi - - , /- r - • W Z. 1 Cri r ~.1 0 04 / 1 " .0 fr a.r4 t 0 I 1 el l IL 6 l et M I tt z zl'ziii 0 , . g et , gi- • cz . = :1:, (et, •I 3.-, 0 cr w .._ .0 pimiti \ , •,< A 1 ' ..9` 1 THE. . . . Btrostirt STRAW -tithiwit PATDITED, JULY, 1864, BY PORTElt.ds. Tif THOUSANDS of theie Machines are belegaesar and sold, and give mere Universal Sattilaction than any other Sttaiv. or Stalk-Cutter in marked. Zt las no wilding' eta:mill:id can biZiasdi or repaired in ally country town. The Knife lis sidtioiaary—Box vibrates—feeds Itself —cots on top of the knife—cuts everything square of any length you Isiah, and yon tarmot make ragged work of it eVea midi d dalt knife: • Samples Of Machines call be seen set ramp 6f tb; undersigned. Manufactured au,d for sale by N. H. GOODSELL; • Ccitideraport, Pa. . Oct 2.1665. . aft .I•TEINVor.MUSIC T UST received-Polkas, Waltzes,. Schofttahei; Marchea. Songs, Timms, Variations-44r • April 84 ,' 66, , D. C. &M. If. LAREASEY.- _ DRAWING ervisits... • JUST received by D. C. k it- if..latrrable, at t a t Tont (Mice, a. On lot ea'Peetel Brtol arid Memo. chromatic board, Tissue pager, Paints, Driving Pea. oils; &e., ford MAC. cheap. 0017DERSPORV AND SHIPPEN STAGE ROUTE; I fuESSRS.OLASSMIRE S. 'da il y Ansi ". of Stages will leave Coudersport, until further notice, at. S O'clock In the ramming, arriving in pen about 4 liclock in 'the afternoon, and will leave Shippen on the arrival of the morning train, at 10241; arriving in qoudCreport alxiut 5 o'clock, p .' !kr, , • . 'Travelers are refered to tlte Time -Tablk of the Mr: adelphia & Erie Railroad, which be fodnd miser; Used In thislpaper, fur further partictilari 'Wont the advantages ;f this route. New York passciigetswtlt SAVE 301 MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME bq takdtg title mate in preferenCe to that of tbe EA* Railway. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN SIIIPPFN AND NEW YORE. Fine, new, eotp fertablei W:10111i1 and good teams are kepton the Stajpi Itoute. I Packages and Express business attendet with care. f D. F. GLASSMIRE, MILES WILITE; Prop Coudbrapdrt, ra., Oct. 9, 7565. PACIFIC HOTEL, - 170, 172, 174 & 176 GREEWICII (WAF T ' SQUAD.F. WEST OF BILOADWAY.) Belween,Courtlandi and Dey .Sireets,New York iOIV F. ATT''. Jr., THEPacific Hotel is well and widelj known to the tS.aVeling public.: The lo cation I'S , especially suitable to merchant! and business men; it is in close prOximiti td the busints part of the City—is on the high.; way of Southern and Western travel-4ud adjacetit to all the principal Railrtlad dud Sieamboat depots. The PaCific has libeial aedmiinicidat od foi tires 300 glieses ; it, is *ell furnished, a . d pdi sesses every modeim improvement for tido Comfort' and entertainment of its' inmaitis: The roomy ace spaeioits and well ventilated provided with gas arid water; the attendatiei is prottipt i and respectful; and the table if gener,ciusly provided «ith every kelicacj; of the seasod. . i . The stibSiriber, who, for the past few yeais,' 'has beeit the lessee, is now sole proPrietdry and intends to identify himself therougily, Stith the • intkrests of his house. With lolls experience ab a hatel-keeper, he trnscs, by, moderatediorites and a liberal policy,..co maintain the Ifavorable reputation of the, Pi: cific Hotel. ( JOHN IiATTEN, Ja: 1794. fererdl 1794: INSURANCE I . OF NORTH AMERICA.; PHILADELPHIA. i3iaisi pital and Surplus, ovei ,750.000.000; Cash C 81 . . . SEVEN Y-ONE Years Successfdl Basins, Experience with a reputation for integrity and honorable dealing unsurpassed by any similar institution LOSSES RAID' sided organization, $11.: 500,000.00; without the deduction of a cent; or a day's delay I 7: LIBERAL RATES for all the safer clieseti Of ptoperti. Insurance . Of Dwellings and Contents, a.!srecialty. BRICK or STONE Direllings ;Unreel liei.- littually, &desired, on terms of the greatiii economy and safety to the insured: It is Wisdom and Economy to insu re in the best Companies, and there is node Fidler thin the. old . insuranCe Co. Of Noitti Anierica. Apply tO 11.'W. IIcALARNET Agent for Pone:: coanty. _ F 0 UTZ'S CSIMILITED 1 Call' Poclors: TER. REATES, COUGHS,', DIS TEMPER,. FR VERR, FOUNTF-R LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, L.c. If use improves tin wind, 'assesses the appetite-gives a smooth and glossy skin-4M' transforms t h t Miserable skeletal horse.' In all diseases of Swine, sieCri' as Crimea, rkm, tbe Lungs, - &c.. this a:tide acts as a;specific. 1 By putting from - one-r..,a1f,, a paper to a paper in a• barrel of swill the, --- above dieeas;a ,-r will be eradicated - ' or entirely prevented. If slim in Clete, a cerMta preventive and care for- the nog Cholera. Price 25 Ceata per Paper,.or 5 Papers for S PItEPA.MED S. A. IrOUTZ- -A; 131Z.45.7 WIWI:MEE DEED .AND MEDICINE DEPOT. NO. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore; rtl.• For Sale by Druggists and Sterekettx . ti thretalg" out the United State& . Sold by P t A. STEBBTN'S k CO ,C24,-1 4 .•••‘ r)rt : Fa, . . Tbis prepasattott. long.. and fasorably known, will tkipe , ought) , seinvigotass broken-down and low spirited hems. by - streagtheming and eleansiot .the stomach and Lots. It Is a tare prs ventive 0f..a1l di. eases :incident inr:stattit the quaihr ie tnili , It lea proven Lr a;a., experiz4nt N. crewe .the qnr..7%- ty tam twenty. prz I. end' mike U. tter.,ll , m Aro Pt. In fittening, tle. it gives th.rs appetite,lonaria; e..,amor to tram
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers