ConstitutionalAmeiJ.clL Th.e.E.,io.'Pl'ai,-rl6 Is it Ve ,- a The foliowin L a are the mendine - Constitution, l'‘" 1- hich were oppose' Democratic party - in Congress, Opposed by, the , friends of Mr. tl . Vmelr, an which were passed by the Reptib i iicansl i Congress and are now supporl, th friends of Gen. Geary. The am ndment liOnStitute the platform of the ReptibliCii party. No man can vote misundelLsJandingl who carefully reads and ponderS form: l' , ' l' I Resolved, Zll ,the, Senate and House of Rf : is , 7.e.fentative.q.' of 6 ~ • , .United States Of America, in Congress asseml,lo4l'o,vo-thirds both HouSes concurring, That the following artielc4e proposed i the:LegisiatUresl - of the several States as ananiendM l 'Pt lb the Co. ! ! etitution of the United States, which, when ratified b - three-fourtl of said,LegislatUres, 'Shall be valid! as a part of. th Constitutio! 1 ! namely ARTICT.F. -, Section 1.. All persons born or Im3ttiraliz' ed in. United States, ancrsubject to the jurisdiction tlwrelot; i are, eitit of the Unite& States, and of the State wherein! th it cside. 1 State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the lieges or immunities 9f citizens of the United States. I 11.0 . i. shall State deprive any person of life,: liberty, or •properdy,! wit halt! .r . 1 f process o law, nor deny to any person within its i -yisclictioul equal protection of the laWs. ! Section 2. • Representatives shall be apportion d among' ; the several StateS according to their respective number ,1 Counting , the whole number ofpersons in each :--tafe,_.e.vlticling Inc fans not,; but whene'ver the right, to vote at any cilection for cOctors oti Pres ident and Vice President, or for United States Ileireenvitives- in I! ! Congress,execptive and judicial officers, or the mein' bl , rs 9f the Leg islature. hereof, is denied to any of the !pale inhallitants of such State, being twenty-One years of 'age, and citizens .q the United State's,or in any way abridged, except for participatti)n in iebellion Or other crime, the basis of i epresentation thereinisiliall he reduced in the proportion! which the number of • such male ('citizens shall bear to the •whole number of male citizens twenty-0e . years of iii e in that State. , I - I 1 Section 3. No pes'On shall be a Senator orillei - ,lresentative in! congress, elector of President . and Vice Pres:44 br, hold any Office, civil or military, under the United States, !or tinder any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member Of Cong - ress,or re an officer of the United z•States, - or as, a menibl.Lof any State! ; Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State to' Support the Constitution of the United States, shall hare• engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or! gitert! aid or coin fortHto the nemies r thereof; but Congress ma , ;by a .-ot . 'cl of two thirds of each House, remove such disability. ! I- \ Section 4. .The, i-alidity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, including debts incurred for the, payment of pen sions and bounties for service in suppressing insirreetion or rebellion shall tic r se questioPed,but neither the United States nor any State shall = '• me or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insur rection or rebellion against the UnitedStates,!or i claiM for the loss or emancipation of any slave, but all such debts, dbligations, land claims shall be held illegal and void. ' 1 Booth-- At a Democratic evening, B.F. Myen dressed the audicr Booth would live. 'his country,,that .S Bruce and Ames ica a monument would toTlncoln. These, disapprobation by BewAre We. have lated by the by which the or two of ou Be careful to Remember, I ones.! Do that every 10 In 1848, JOli 302 majority of incalculai voter should [Shall they 'failed to ! Country, an/ geance or 31111 r iet, the Peoplo ead • •, ; BEDFORD, PA., Sept 24, 118615. mee l tin - held in the Court HO,use on Sfiturda. s, the Democratic candidate ifor Senator, ad-t ice. During his remarks he <aid the name of He, like Wink-elreid, had laid dowii his lite foil vitzerland had her Winketreid, Scotland hei her Booth s and that the time would ona'e wheri be erected to Booth higher than that erected i sentiments were received without aty. arks of the copperhead crowd. I • I . of Mixed Tickets! 4. been some mixed tickets circu , ;opperheads in this c9,unty, and iy hope to reduce the vot of one r candidates. Watch . them ! read every name, before voting. *le snakes are ,as bad as large .c.not fail to vote earl y , and see , al man in your diStrict votes ! inston was elected Governor' by •i• present The election is one Ede importance. Not a, single fait to do his duty., !Rebels gain by the Ballo. what o gain in the field ? J , I .s, Give one more; your ri the cause of,JUstice. . ent ; ? ts' to th y • th h ar MI It JQTJRN Coudersport. Pa. esday, Oct. 4, 1866. 'Si. W. McALARNEY, Eraroic I FOR GOVERNOR: GEARS Of Cumberland county 1 FOR CONGRESS • fi l TEP)3.EN F. WILSON, cif Tina, TOR ASSMIBLY, JOHN S. MANN, of Potter.' W. T. ELT)IFIIREY, of Toga FOR PROTHONOTARY, , N . 13,Y J. OLIISTEp. of C udorsport toll TREASURER., ASON W. STEVENS, of arrison. FOR REGISTEP. d RECORDER, DAN BAKER, of Couddrsport. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGES, TY 00 1 SEY 'ItURTIS, of :Dynes. JOHN I'. TAGGSRT, Of .1 Tog CoNIMISSIOSEE7 SAMUEL MOIk . MOE, of Bingham For. AUDITORS, I SIDNEY LYMAN , of Oswayo, 3 years, S. H. MARTIN, of Pike, V. years. --r -number of new advertisements zi , ) , !etir this week. Geary a ••Paper” GcnO all • 1 The organs of Mr. Clymer have repeat- 1 eAllv charged Gen.. Geary with being al, •paperl' General. The desperate cause, that they are striving to uphold, induces tic to- make manv lash assertions and highly Colored statements. This on ordi -11:11' bcdasions would be passed over in si- I* • , lerco, but when Men at a tune like this :3edk to ;tarnish the honorable rccotid of a brave and gallant officer, the falsity vfsuch base charg,es demand that they shall be let and refuted. The distiurruished scr .n ices rendered by General Geary, are not lully written upon the pages of our , levent l - ul histery in indelible charaeters, but t the T'inio.nS of those splendid military ( heroes 'Nvhose names are made immortal by the rions tiiumplis they so 'fairly wOn, are'' pa file in the War Department, testifying !col his abilities, to his courage, his ml,cl the marked success that crowned his r efforts. =The following evidence touching IGen. Geary's character as a soldier, ! cop from official documhnts now cri file in • the War Department at WashingtOn: lleadquarters 11th and 12th Corps, I ; 'Lookout Valley, Dec. 4, PM. M: Stanton, Secretary ofiWar— iSir: I have the honor to call you atten- the distinguished services ilidered by Brhr.' 7 Gen. John W. Geary, in 'die bat- Wanhatchie, and during the late op erations of the army which resulted in the' defeat and discomfiture of:the rebel army under Gen- Bragg, and to 'request Outt he be'promoted to the rank of Major general. My former official report will acquaint yen with the character of the services of this meritorious -officer. During our sub seqtient Oberations they will be pilesented still more prominently to the Government. ' Of his formerlervices in the army of the Potomac, I-need not. speak. They are fa vorably known to you and • I have the-honor to be, Very respectfully, your olit, ser't4 [Signed], JOSEPH Hoosirt, . • Maj. Gen. Commanding. Upon tliis letter are the i I following en dcaSements ifead.'irs..Dert. of the Cumberl+4, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. :5,11E33. Respectfully forwarded, full. , concurring with 'Maj -Gen. Hooker in recommending Brig. Gen. John W. Geary for promotion to the rank of Major General. Ho has performed most Consyie ous ser-, vice on two occasions since joining ithia ze ■ IEI army, Repulsing the enemy on the night of the , 28th of OCtober, when attrked by areatly superior numbers, and in condUct, the assault of the enemy's position on , Point of Lookout) Mountain, i made by Division on the 24th of Nbvember. o both occasions he was distingdished for gallantry and good conduct. [Signed] GEO. H. TIIONFAS, Maj. Gen. U. S. V. Coulinauding. mg the his dqrs. Military Div. of the Miisissi pi, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1863 The recommendation of Brig. G. Geary promotion is concurred in by e. The viees of General Geary in resisting a lit attack in Lookout Valley,l October •th, and in . the Ensiles around pliattan- Iga, commencing on. the 23d,0fl Novem ,r, pr him eminently deserving of this ognition. [Signed] U. S. Ga NT, - Major Gneritt., The following letter w2lB written by Gen -1 Slocum,Aer that series of' splendid stories. commencing at Mill Cseelt r and alit° Gap, May 7, and ending it! cheeap re of Atlanta, Sept. 2.;:1864: I Headsuartera 20th Army Corp, Army of iho'cumberlind, Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 18 1864. Hon. E. M. Stanton; Secretary of War. silir: Brig. Gan. Job's W. Geary served under me as a Division Commander in the 12th corps,! about eighteen months, mil manding at, Chancellotifile and Gettys burg. I have found hire all times a faithful, capable and vigilant officer. I have neverlmet a more energetic officer in the service.i. The PreSent condition of his Division, as compared with its condition when he as- Fumed command of it, is the strongest ev ideuce that can be presented of .his and value as an officer. His seiVices at Wauliatchie, Lookout Mountain, land during the recent adu ,. ous campaign, are reported to me as high ly creditable to him, and will, 1 trust, be so represented to the De;parttnent the reports of his connnanderS. He has now held the command crf a:Ma jar General over two years, and it would be exceedingly gratifying, to me, and to his entire,' command ; hear of his 'pro motion. I am, sir, very respectfully, 1 ' • Your obedient servant, [Signed] HENRY W. SLoctrit,l Major General. II :Er4„. The military prisoners confined in the Ohio 1 3 enitentiary are being discluirged under the recent order of the President. Among thear s Dr. Paine, who `one s cap tured two! y ago, and wasfut ltime under sentenee of - death as a rebel sp , . Where is the =President Driftinr ' Mr. Johnson nson refers to Congress is "a body called, or ,assuming to be, Congress," and as hanging on the verge of thelGov ernment, ns it were." I Now one of. two things is true: Either this language is the harmless laporing of a man who is not re sponsible for his utteimices and is therefore unfit to hold his positionor Andrew ' An son is paving the way to acts of Exe utlive( 1 violence , against the American Congr'ess, We ask the people tol ponder the slgr)ifi cant words of the President, observe he character of the men !Who surround! him, at d then not be surprised in the future at any act of madness this nightmnrel df a President may commit. if Mr. Jolin t son really doubts the legal character cif 414 present Conrgress, as' he more than iiti mates in his speech. then what will proient him from forcibly dispersing that Co l rigress when it again meets? We wish Ito ere were less reasons to believe that And'rew Johnsoll is a radical ;y bad and dank.elious man, capable of-being led, or of goilig •ol untarilv, to most fatal and bloody extremes. ..........-..--..--.--- -- i • ; [From the Philadelphia Press. Si;tomheri 214 Editorial correapondeine. I COUDERSPORT, Potter Co., Pa. September 18, 186 g. Although the skies' wcn.'e clouded land a slow rain fell from the time we started yesterday morning on our journey here from Emporium, on the Philadelphia . and Erie railroad, three. hundred and one miles from Philadelphia, it was exceedingly pleas ant The road, some twenty-six Mile,: in extent, is an excellent one, and has opened Coudersport to many advantages hereto- I fore only secured after a long and tedious journey. More than one alf of it runs through a dense and almost impenetrable, forest of hemlock and pine. For nearly a hundred miles this wilderness extended around us. As we looked into its dim , shades and tried, to penetrate its distant; solitudes, we endeavored ha imagine the difficulties and _privations- 6f the original settlers. Eten now, when civilization is building railroads and running the telegraph .wires along and through these regions; the people are compelled to submit to• many discomforts. But what must have been the condition of those who, within the memory of men still living, carried their families and goods in canoes Meng the Al leghany, the Susquehanna and 'their tribu-' ' taries, and when the streams failed there bore these canoes upon. their stout shoal-1 ders until they met .the water again. The journey from Williamsport consumed two full months, and yet it was endnred with that patience and fortitude 'which. have gradually Conquered the obstacles of pa nne, and have founded flourishing towns between almost insurmountable hills, and are breaking thorougofarei into the neigh boring and more populous- centres of New York. The read from Emporium here is the result of the enterprise of the people of Potter county. The great land-holders who possess the illimitable tracts that bound it on either side were assessed' to pay the , expenses, and they bore them willingly, asl Well they might, for the improvemint is one that will gradually , appreciate their lands and bring them into immediate and more general notice. With a pair of good horses, a skilful and daring driver, and sue., a ,companion as Col. Carleton B. Curtis, of Warren. former Representative in. Congres from this district, who was coming here to attend the courts which opened 3e.itereay, and who whilediaway the time with sketches of the old settlers and stories of encounters with the untamed animals of these primi tive forests, at tlrei end of a little more than four hours we howled into the smiling and thriving countykeat of Potter. Coudersport lis situated in a beautiful valley, among the spurs of the Alleglianies, which divide the head-waters of ,thc Alle gheny, the Susquehanna and the Genesee, thence debouching into the Gulf of Mexico, through the Mississippi, the Gulf of St. Lawrence through £he river of that name, and the Chesapeake Bay. The great range of the it Veghanies, which are here •as im ' posing as in Central. Pennsylvania, extend on the south thickugly Virginia . and North Carolina, and lose themselves in North western Georgia and Northern- Alabama: It has a popuhition of five hundred, the I county containing about fourteen thousand.. Here we i find a Pennsylvania town of New York habitudes: The long exChision. froni Philadelphia and other pcirtiOns of the State, lwayeTar, ben been finally broken by the completion of the great thoroughfare, uniting the Delaware with Lake Erie; and soon, under the generous: management of 1 the Pennsylvania Central, lateral; lines. will ; be constructed, binding such towns as Cou dersport to the main trunk, and.COnnecting ' them with all pinions Of.the State at large. The Pennsylvania Central, goVerned by comprehensive intellects alike Thompson , and Scott, has Proved ite sagacity byi as- 1 sisting the thriV i ing communities along its main stem in building 1 local roads; ainh'l I do not doubt that an example Which has proved so profitable in tliiit quarter will be, speedily followed in this.. Jus,.. as I 4..105e I I my letter, althoUgh the! rain is falling stead ! ily, the people are cming in/ from the ,country to attend the mass meeting, which; 'Opens here 'at twelve o'clOck 'AI: The bind Weather does not seem to dampen their' enthusiasin. What distil - guises these peo ple is the fact that everyman, woman arid child understands and takes a peculiar In terest in public affalis. Although hard working, economical and frugal, inured Ito the trials and privations of a- contintnins 1 st rugg2e with the obstalescommon to sikli ra region as ' this, their intelligence is far , . 1 above the average. Evey house is a home lot' refinement.'. Books, 'periodical,, daily 1 newspapers are everywhere found Ilbw .. I well they appreciate the danger and : lir' duty of the hour! How. fearlessly they discuss, and hew severely they condemn the ineffable treachery and cruelty of Andr l ew . John'son ! Is : there not somethia! - •1 fearful in the infatuation that has impelled this ; .. , 1 . 41:111 to formic the l ove" and confidence! of such a people? But I trust close. Jai •a fey minutes I will In;LI0 my first appear- anee before the assembled masses of Potter county. , , ' , 'J. W. _F.' : • • =ll=3 • . . IN DEPEN DENT.. ' , To Use Voters. of Potter Ganr:lg ; - , I hereby tiinounce to the voters of this Rep-. resentative District that I em en Independent' Candidate 'for Nlember of Assembly, and I pledge myself, if elected, td dischhrge my duties for the - benefit of the people at Id: ge. and shall b e {..corned by their wishes in all things per taining to my duties as leitislator,land shall not attempt to pa special bills utiles, requested to do so by the people. • G. A. DAll.t.A.At Coudersport, L" , :ept. IS, 185 G. The Mystic C. B. & C. D. C.! The first of the initials nbo•restaml for incold friend to the public ' • one ereryOne y~ ill recognize and for which 'ev'eryonn has a kind welcome ;we refer to C0t2 4 3: tkn Ila the cheapest and btst prej , aration to the ~ xl ‘ ..,da for croup, and all threat and lung complaints. The second are for C6e's Dysiwp, ;3ia eure—the only remedy ever khown sure to cure dppepsia. int and general debility. Iltith astiOes breHnoly too well known to need' any prai;• - e fr,;rl Let the afflicted always hilre them' handy.i• •:, 4 7r Mrs. V. C. DYsi: i. A , veut for jhaw- Clar 's vt,7 Sewing Nlachinel the ?Sil cheap tt:t. wl M el - C.7(4111 . u], for sr.le.lnnd the only one 1:! tparket fo i r less that! $lO which can be sold; bot:;;It, uY used satety, as, no: others are fully Beets d. Three varietieL with or without Tables. I at 'lie J et-xxAk..c•ffice An assortment of newle•iniprored 11111.11'22 Machinesjust received:Fail a•al (.:(111111fle. Don't be foolish."--rYou, make Six Dollars from Fitty CentS. Call alit!, examine an inventum urgently needed by 4eryhmlY• Or a sample sent free by mail f0r . 50 cents. th:lt retails easily for $6, byi R. L. Wolcott, 170, Chatham Square. IX ew tprk.. AGENTS WA NTEP FOR FRANK .11.0011. F'S NE'S WORK, "WOMEN OF 'THE WAR AGENTS will find this a book of Real .11.-rit nod Intrinoie Value—subjaet new—intensely inter ° tiny arid excititig—No Wu ever nut:tett-it and gated th, public mind like :this. Everybody wants it, and thoonands,wi[l purchnoe it no odon. as nil. op pirtunity le allorded them_ iltead wliet Agents say of it. One experienced Agent Wtiter: It le the easiest and plea-atite:it Book to oellf he ever Callva6sest for; and sayapeople are delighted with the LontSs en . peclally. Another says : I.•Women!of the War" lo the book of Me season. Another, 137 ORDERS rN Focal Divs. Otte report. 17 ordete the first day of cativirosin4 . . Intelligent, active Male, and Females will find the sale Of Tilts work a pleasant and lucrative employ ment. Thin Rock has nol:competition—lt comer fresh and new to the people.] Tite territory in clean and clear: Azente understand the'advantagee in this particitlar. For full particalars peed for ciretilur. Address S S. SCRANTON & CO., 126 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn . .._ . o T R E CONFES lONS AN D ExrErat . Ncr. OF AN 1 . , Publiehed for the benefft and 1114 a Caution to Tonog Mem and otißnte, ietho eutTett from Nttwout; .Debilitr, Premut ore Decay of Ilan hood. &c., Itapplyitg, at the came time the mean:4'ot S.df•Cure. By onerot has m cured lutneelfafter undercologeoiderattle q ackery By encloeing a poet-pnld add ret,eed envelope, eingle copies, free of charge, may be had. f the alit hoc. NATIIANI 12.; 1; MAY FA I R, E,eoti., Iyep.l3 30 • lyn, K . 1 , !!1 , CO. IN. Y.- . • • Ayer's Cathirtie Pills A RE the most perfect purgative we have berry able to produce, and, as we think, has ever yet been made by any body. Their effects have abund antly shown to the cemmunity how much the} excel the other medicines in use. They are safe, and pk3aer nut to take, but powerful incur°. Their penetrating properties stimulate 'the vital activities 03 the bcidy, lenitive the ob-tructions of its organs, purify [ the blood, and exp-I disease. j. They purge out the foul humors whic't brood and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural pc. Lion, and,lmpart tone and rtrergih to the whole sys tem, Not'en'y do they cure the every day complaints of evoryb sly, but to midable and dautterousid.serties: While they produce powerful effects, they a re,nt the same time, in diminished dost. the saretit an d best physic that carrhe employed ' for children.. Bring sugar-cnoted, they are plearsantt to taco; and., being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. Cures haver Wen made that would talrilaaa belief, were they not substantiated bp, men cif such exalted character, as to forbid the ' , twit:lon of uhtruth. Many iminent clergymen and physiciane kertify to the pub lc the rehab lily of our .emedies,lwhile otherehare sent u's the assurance of their conviction that our Prepai a tione contribute immensely, to the relief of our Millet ed fellow-men. The .hgent below names is pleased to fitrnlsh gro tto our American Almanac; Do, taming direetiors for the use of these medleines end,es of their cures of the following cemplamts,:— I. Costiveness, Bilious Compleitittr, Rheumatism. D opsy, Ileart-burn Headache Urising front foul stomach, Nrateea. Atdigeetfon, Morbid Inaction ofttler Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency. Lisa • of Appet te, all Diseases which require an evncuant medicine, they al-o, purifying the bloo I end st.mulating the system, cure molly complaints which it would not be nunnosed they could :reach,' Bitch as Deafness,. Partial blindness, Neuralgia nral•Nsrvotts irritability, Derancements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, amt other kindred dise , ders arising fronvalow state oft he body, orohetruct ion of its functions: Do not be 'Put off by unprincipled deniers tOith other preparations on which they make more profit. Demand Areal and take nu others, The sick want the beat there I. for them, and they ehould-have it: Prento - ed bS Da. .J. C. Aim& Co) Lowell,- Mass, and all Druggists and. dealers la meilcine ev erywt:ere. 'li - rs 7,r_t,2g-x•=l. L.. . 343. SE I MAC Fatty Liet • E • e welter,. . ye, from 150 to IF2OO • • •••••••th. For • treted Circular!. & • with wing. °ince ' PA . ROTHERS. r •q 1. 4 Cbeeteest4t.. Phila. • -• • • 5ea11i414.4 Te 14.440. r&iii&N B :t. ;TOBIAS' ti Voneria Liniment. AN INSTANTANEOUS.' REMEDY p oR , chronic rheumatirn,liendeche,toothnehe,er dep, colie, quinsy, Sore thrqut, and pains in any part of the body,. RemeMbQr, this ai fAcle is a success—not n experiment ; for 19 years it has been tested. No m e d. Icine ever had linch alreputatioit :IS thin: Si:Ontly lt, has worked its way be.tore the public and nil are loud in its praise. "Cliroble rheumatism." Thousands who had laid for weeks on a bed of agony, and CIPVOT Willittiti without the aid of crutches, with this corn plAtrit, can legal', to `t he mag., , effects of this hub ment. Remember, rill:ef is certain, and a r ,r,.i tiv , cure is sure to '-follaler. Uead,che of all kinds we Iwarrant to cure. l'uqrid sore throat,quinsy, and di e. Iberia are rohhe.i of heir terror) by a timely us e ,f ) - ( the Venetian Liniment. It has saved hundreds th e past three months Price 90 and SO een:s a la.ttle. Office. 59 Cortland:. iiteet, New IThrk. duld by .1,1 s ! . Druggists. 2 i . 1 r/rrSII1:11G13. !ai AT 110th MO. .}cows. llostelter J. iSazirili: - . $ ' 0 RNT LEX : DUrtrig n visit to 'be west, lart not . I contracted (Mille acid fever, which broutzht me to ' . my bed, and finally titre:dratted in typhoid f! ver, Nod' e room for neverid net et i,,, , lung telt n i line eh.t\ i je. n n iel l.. 'o ,,r 'e nY I:ll4,i.CanY co Prostrated that lima all - twat d;•epol red of ilver retoverinz my b,,,, i , h.,12.,. ine almo-t Ottirrly 1;1.t ,my ;appetite for time. not be ia motion, : able to eat motion, oddyd to ;;1 -; 7."W w , d;, • tiye;.•4l nith a reeling reiulation in l lily hi.yj mid p.eried mo;:y Aeopleis niglde—oll from d,h illty en.. ed by my pi itetrote esildititul.ltrougla Ri.. o , t by ,„. o. At lb --e t 4 •of In , o.alitiun aft Irn , lrreor tm ,„,,,,,i i.e tu neeneeyor,r CC et tri;ontorli Ititter.,bwit,Aq,,t montry °pi ote.l to tbo to.t. ofetimMattb. Tii any totni-, lat I'll - sot lieelilled, bid. 'afternoirds yielded trey prejn• I diees,ana' oiler taking the medivioe for several neeke• my :trite!!• e returtild.. and with it I am mpidly re: vainiov my former ) and vigor. lis 0, 13 ; ' (from Ins?the h? of wh ich I have antlered merit) /tas ! ! never heimi latter than 1. ,t, now, anti the reeling itea... eo:ion (before olltaltid M) Ua: , entirely' left no.. It y b owe l. , o l,j u h were tunelt constipate-I and irregols. , t are note quite naltirAl, and, in fact. I am glad to ~,by l that I feer!tnyeelf o ilete M3ll, a: d•teloler you tide tiOe• It,moniai or my approulatioo of your valuo No p rear; t !Ilion in area that cii. hers, suffering no I have, may lavail thenteel, e of its virttic-!, wh.vit prejudice Yep; rue front e,joyite Ir+ 50 hri.t it period. 1 1111 alai add thot my physigian, after erring the lootericil effect of your !titters _on me. recommended that I use them-regularly. I • Your., 'et ry reapectially, E. 13.01.7115Ei N0.'45 Iforket Sired • LAC AS A CROW, a few yenrs dine^ Te 3.3 ninny n eplrndid biracl that fa ' now grey or grtzziefl. Why not rreq ,, ro to the yet ird brow its men ho,ers 7 Five mniutra efl , et: the pplenfild 6%ms:in - math'''. In less time:hart a rifleman wunll tutee to. . Load • • Laail and Fire' three times, gre 4 :est Lend. may. be made darker than the • I ' . • No — ntatter of what nde,inj,ic ti cd 'the hair or whis kers or heard may be. the change to a superb a n d rfeetiy r.tnra; ~l,ij,t b or brown ie acevutpdabed by onti appiicatiocic-I i ,CR Tal Dp R S 111 - E, the Akin or itituting the filstnento. Ma!tiufactitnel l v b Itou•e, Nein - York So,l , 4 by Driuzziet.. ..S..pplied by ../ Bair 'ee..ers • 1 • Permanent Wide-st‘feail Success is theSest Evldence of the Go r oduess of stir—usisatEwssis f h.ntd he in ee ir) rata, Fr.dyi for ti,e the ,tinrt t. ~aymy:ntta of oz11;1 - 4. - 4. 111 . :11 method w.n a±2eu rAVI, Itevw.iliber,!Thej Clbolera 1111I5ii be treated 64: n robpon, and yanr Kliety 4 it 1.11 , 111,11. , ez Tv rq rid of ,t:z ist.i 4rlay. rliculmit pleurky, c, !icA. pi fuel, I , Ckne, the cunee qt:-I•nce of :tell\ c hrpur In the Thele bi remot ed, the b 1 cliii i= at 1,6% itpy rrtriv• i•I tie Gover,Anttat atunfp tc wtk:e Solt! BR.A.NDRETIT. 1 '_._ -- • I •: A. aci ct.:l s "I r ic - Jurtt anted far The Camp, thejßattle Field and Hand Cal. .., Jr' Light, and b4iiailotv, of the Great r..r hellion. lILiTiIE is a rert,in rortion 771 an- oar :NI: will ri l ll never go into the ro.:iii:,r biiitories, St.of be eirlie• o lip in romaiii-JJ, 014 7 ociry, which is s vcay real lit:: of St. and wil, if prleee reed, convey to succeeditippg-L -eritions a better iden of the er.brit of :he con flirt than rnaey dry 077Jrts :Jr careful narmtt b . :eft rif everl7o7, and title part may he gilt led t he st ,,, eiv, the f , in , the p:tt he. or the war,Th i l.itinatrate• the character of the lead ers, the iinMor o i f tine soldier", the devotion of woraelb, , the bravery el 17.77.75, tneldecti. n - t,i7z heroes. the co- Mant, and har7l7l, Son of rile rerv,r, The 7: klUthe i , .1 peofitiiely 7:lndented witit over In - en:o acim., by the fires artier., which nre really heatr: 'lin' ;.wori,by oil P437 - a”:111 , 11) a• ilJvcirnen• of the art. - 'foe 17 , 1711's cimt f qt. 1::4•11.1.le rentiniSo77ll,ols nr C,lllip, picket,, ae"tt t, ,1,1,51.13 C, Ceige. 21,3' battle-field ad veotores ; 11,7111“.4 feats of bravery, NV}I, artglery, comical and loilierbue adventl7re-e r el ei, etc- -.- ArnUtltit ant ar. 4 - ell as iiistiu....tion may be Solid fo• carer pace, ns graphic detail, brilliant wit, and au then tie. liii,tery, are skillfully intvraot en Irrthia work of literaiy The peoi - de nreltird of dry detain and releaser. works and want itimething humorous rOmatitic and• at: :ling. oit split's are m kin! frotrillitr) to 1 - 209 per mouth, clear ot all erpeitAes. Send fir eirc dam,. giving full partichlais, and Ste our terms and 'proof of the :thrive as.ertlion. • I . Address, .14'11()NAL PUBLISHING CO. Oi Aliricr Street, Philadelphia, ra. REASON WHY THE, AMERICAN WATCH, Made at Waltham, Iffas..l THE BEST It is made pnjthe hest principles. Its frame is composed Of SOLID PLATES, NO jar can interfere with the hOrmony of its working and no sudden °hock -caO damage its machinery. Every piece is Madeland finished by machinery (itself fatuous for i a novelty, as well as for its effectivenesO) rind is therefore properly made. The wittcht is what all mechanism should he—ACCURATE, SIMPLE, STRONG AND ECONOMICAL. Except some high urades, too cdstly' for general use, foreign. watches are chiefly made by women and thw. Stich watches Are composed ofseveral hundred t pieces, screwed and riveted together. and re quire constantjrepairs to keep them in any kind of order. i All per Ons who have carried. "ancres." "lepines" aud- "English Patent Levers," areinfirfectly well aware'of the truth of this eta tentePt. At the beginning of onr entePprise ,more thall-ten years ago, it was our first object to make a.thoroughly good lovv.priced watch for the million, t't Itake the place of these foreign impositirmsthe refuse of foreign factories— which were 'entirely Unsaleable at home and pelfectly mirthless everywhere. How well' we have accomplished this may be understood; from the fact, that after str many years Of public t tin], we now malceltlOßE , THAN 11ALPOF kLL THE WATCHES SOLD: IN THE UNITED STATES,and that no' others have ever given such universal satisfaction. While this department of, our business is con tinned wiehl increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present engaged in the man ufacture oflwatcliess of the very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, un.• equalled by anything hitherto made hy our selves, and Unsurpassed by'anything made in the world. I' For this purpose we have the amplest fit/ties. We have ereqted an addition Ito our main uildings expressly forthis branch. la our bUsiness, and have filled it with the ' best worltrnin in onr service. New machines and appliali es have been constructed, which perform their work with *journal° delicacy and exactness.. The choicest and most ap pioved materials only are used and we chal lenge comparison between this grade of our work and tlie finest imported chronometers. We do not pretend to sell our watches for len money than foreign watches, but we do , assert witholut fear of contradiction that for the same mdpey our products incomparably superiors, watches.of whatever grade. are fully warranted and his Warrantee is good at ail, times against us or our agents in all parts: of the world. .CAUTION.—The public are cautioned for buy onlv t3respectable dealers. All perscalS. selling cott terfeits will b 3 prosecuted. •rant. letther I aft, BINS & APPLETON,: the, A.matiraa Watch Company. 192 BrOitidwPf;t.:9oFP RO Agents for Im - \ t
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