— ARVIN'S Patent Alum and Dry Plaster Fire and Burglar Safes, Mouse and Store-Door Looks! .Send for Catalogues MARVIN & CO., 265 Broadway, N. T. - 721 Chestnut St., Phila. Au. 17 1 Orphan's Court S a. mor virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Futter County, I'm, the undersigned, Adminis trstor of LESTEII FLlNG'late pf Ulysses Township, deceased, will offer for Bale. on the premises in Lew birdie; 9n •-• • • SATURDAY, Me 15111, day of September next, —•- . , the followinic described Real Estate, to wit : All that certain tract of land or Village Lot situate in Ulysses tp., bounded as follows, viz i Beginning at a post the north-east corner theteof, thence south 2 degrees west 8 rods to a. post, thence north 88 degrees west 8 ,rods, tbenceyorth 2 degrees end 8 rods, thence south CM degrees. east Broth' to the place of begMeing ; Con tainjpg 64'snstare rods of land, and being - part of a lot Of land conveyed by.,deed from Bingham b.:state to O. A. Lowli. The improvements consist of a one and a half story frame house and a small frame barn. 'Sale to commence at 2 o'clock I'. M. To be sold for -CAA. - LOIS FLING COON, Aug.13,1866:---4t Adreer of Lester Fling, dee'd. COURT PROCLAMATION. • NAT LIEREAS the lion. Robert G. 'White President Judge, and the lions: C. S. Jones and G.-0. It lolvitt; Associate Judges of the Courts of Over & • iTerminer and General Jail Delivery,: Quarter Des. , pions of the Peace, Orhans , Court and Court of Corn moo Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the Twenty-tit irdday of June, in the year of otir Lord One Thousand Eight Unwired 4candStxty-Six, and to medireeted. for holding a Court or Oyer: end Torminciy.and Oeneral Jail Ddivery, -quarter Session's of the Pence, Orphans , Court, and (Ault of Conti - non Pleas, in the Borough of tenders . port, on MONDAY, the 17th day of September next, . and to continue one week • • Notice Is therefore hereby given to the Coroners, Justices' of the Peace and 'Constables within the County, thnt they be then and there in their proper persons; at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their • rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations. and other • • remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, And those - who are bound'by theirrecog,nizancrs to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to. be then and there to prosecute ,against them as will'ho just. .Toted at Cciudersport, August 13, ING, and the 90th year of the Independence of the United Stales of America. W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. . ,Registerls Notices. .• LL Persons interested will please to take Xl.notice that the following*accountants have settled their accounts in thedtegister's Office of Potter county, and that the same will he pre sented to the Orphan's Court for continuator - 1, on Monday, the 17th day of Sept, 1866, atfkhe ! Court House in Coudersport : Account of Asa F. Raymond, executor of be last will and testament of Henry .E. Tucker,late brAllgany township, dec'd. rAccou tof AL'D. Briggs, administrator of 11'm IsteLsonHowe, late of Bingham township, dec'd • • - DAN BAKER, Register. • Coudersport, Aug. 20, 1896. Trial List for : Sept. Tenn 1866. ItOssell it 'Raskin for' use vs. Asa Stevens et al John Krouse vs. Martin, Mallory, et al. Fuller Jr, Card vs. Deremer k Thoucipson. Lewis Yentzer vs. Yates Anson. . J. F Bachelor vs. Nay ,t; Smith. John M. Dean vs. Robbins Brown. C: B. Watrous vs. Seth Daggett,. Barnabas S. Goodrich vs. Monroe & Cobb. -- Franklin Cale vs. James H. Fox et al. 0. T. SWain, assignee, Ys. Heirs of L.A. Wood. D. Patterson vs. Jas. Francis A: Geo. Francis. Booth vs. Hamilton. Thmket vs. Olevehul. Ensworth vs. Flynn. Thatcher vs. Peterson. Billings vs. Pp. Bel nn vs. Turner. Pattirson atlerot al. Kuiikerbacjorss. Knickerbocker. Ennis use of :Kenyon. vs. Lake Steve.us. Joseph Maim vs. V. Wood cf \ al. • H. J. OLMSTED, Froth's. - Coudersport; Aug. s. SHERIFF'S SALES. Br v IRTU-E of sundry writs of I,7endition _E):ponas, Pieri Facies, and Levlri Facies , , wiled out of the Court of Commoz Pleas of ' '`Potter County, Pennsylvania, and to nre di.. , di rected, I shall expose to public sale hr outcry,l at the Court House m Coudersport, on i MONDAY, the 17th day of Sept., 1666, at 1 t o'clock, p. In., the following described tracts or rarcels of land to wit: • All those sic certain tracts, pieces fir parcels 'Kiflilmd situate in Pike and Hector, townships, , tabezta lottery Warrants Nos: ,5122. 5123, 512.1, '505; „:5126, 5127, and eonveyed by Patents front the Commonwealth of ?ciinsDvania to JohmNieholson, dated the 29th & 30th days of April. 1794, and named Darby Goshen Saint 'Thomas Fairfax Concord & Rich mond,and each tract, containing 1099 Acres, or 6594 cores in all; and being,the-sameas.conVeyed by Jdlin Nich olson and Hannah hiia Wife by deed dated the '49th',daY of March; A. D. 1795, to Joh 1- Ashley, -arid recorded among the land recordsiof .Potter "county in Deed Book B, page 147 &.c. , ,, except, ing one piece containing 100 acres leretofore conveyed to E S Mo-tort, one piece c nuainingl :30,1' acres conveyed to S,ll Martino and one piece containing 72 . 7.' acres conveyed to Wm.' McDougall. - • • i 14kin which tract:of land are the following ittiprovementS. vi: On warrant N 051.37 one la of about 5 acres improved. with 2 frame houses, one frame barn, one blacksMith shop, and one Saw mill,now occupied by widowl nip son; one lot of about 2 acres improv4 with one losi . hOuse and one board shanty theteon, now occupied - by S Darrow.; one lot of abut t2O acres : improved with one frame house, I ne' board shanty and some fruit trees thereon, now occu pied hr Samuel Decker; and one lotj. about 201 .ticz es ithproved, with one frame house, one 1 frame barn, one saw mill, one blaeksinitli zduipi .and some fruit trees thereon, noweccu pied bv.l r : 11. D. Frost. . .Ott warrant No. 5122, one lot about 20 acres improved with one frame barn and isonze fruit , trees tnereon; one lot aboot 15 titres , improved, with two fru ue houses, one log hou4 and some fruit trees thereon; one hit about , li acres int picked,- with one franie - iiouse and((oitei Ward shanty thereon,nowoccupied by C:Wi.Edmonds; one lot 50 acres improved With one fMine house, oneframe barn and some fruit trees thereon, now Occupied by 'Charles Pritchaild; one lot . about 2 acres improved, with ones log house thereon; now occupied by Chester .lEllsworth; eize lot about 45 ;acres improVed): with two frame houses:. one :frame barn, one frame shed, one stl- mill and some fruit trees thereon, now 4e, c ti p i dby A. Kilborn; and one li4 about 35 titres improved; with one frame heusie,one frame barn and some fruit tree. thereon„ now ()cell pied byi Curtis Kilhourn. 1 On Warrant No 5123, one lot al, •ut 12 acres ifimprord, with one frame house I ereon, now occupied by John Razey; one lotubhut 60 acres improved, with one framelimuse, or log house, one fraMe baro, cue corn house, and some fruit trees thereon, now occupied by John Sunder lip; Ane lot ,about 12 acres improvdd, occupied by iSiMeon Ellis; One lot about S acres un: Proved, with one log house and on lo”. ° Stable thereon, now occupied by Al Itobb,ins;One lot about 12 acres ire ptds:ed,with one frame house. and some fruit trees thercon, knimn as the Chas. Parker lot; Oae , lot about .lp acres int ifriued, with one.fratte bouser one log stable and some fruit tree* thereon, now nccupied by Wm. T.,/g,lOl, , - , -• 1 i'rfirribriTp...sl2VEfitelrit'abriio 8 acres improved, with lone frame house, one frame barn and some fruit , trees thereon, now occur- pied by Wm:. T. Leich, One lotiabhut 5 acres improved with one'frame house thereon; and One lot abont - 16 - aerr piaproved, With one frame house,,tWo frame barns 'with Ow, shed and corn house attached and some fruit trees thereon, now occupied' by .john Scutt; To be sold as the property of liunsinker Jr; Oarlock. ALSO—Certain real estate iu Stewartson bounded and described .as follows, viz:i On the east by warrant No. 594; on the north by warrant No, 5960 on the West by lands of Wm. McDougall and warrant No. 5150; and on the south by warrant No, 5942; 'containing One Thousand and Eighty-One Acres With alloW ance of six .peri cent. for roads ,'Etc.; being war rant No. 59631 with about One Hundred and Fifty acres improved, un which is erected two frame hoses, three frame shanties, three frame barns, one blacksmith Shop, one saw mill and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the propertyof John S, Clark. ALSO—Certain :eat: estate in the Borough of Coudersport, boUnded and described as fol lows, viz.: Beginning at a pest the south-east corner of lot No. 20:2 of the, allotment of the Borough, of Coudersport, part of sqUare No. 23; thence by east line of lots Nus. 202 and 201 'No 6 degree east perchei to a post; thence south 83:: degrees east to a line of out-lot No. 1, known . as the' Old Cartee' lot;,thence courses of said line and the Allegheny River north-eas• erly to the north line of Fifth street extended !easferly, thence by said line south east to a post near east bank of River; , !thence north tilt derrrees east 4 perches to a post: thence south b3l, degrees east 8 perches to the west side of a proposed street and 50 feet to east line of said street:• thence by said line north 6;4 degrees east 16 perches to a corner, of lot conveyed by S. loss Ito A. F. Jones; thence by tines of said 14 Oath 8.31 , degrees east 11 perches to a post,Bol.o 5 degrees West 12 perches to a post, south 19t degrees west! 12 and 3 7 10ths perches. to 4 post and south ;14 degrees west 16 and 3-10thS perches to the north line of lqt conveyed by S. Ross to Collins Smith; thencelby said line!, and north line of Fourth street extended easterly, north 83y; de grees west to the place of berdrining; excepting and reserving the proposed street of 50 feet in width aboVe named, extended through the above descrtoed premises, and containing, after said reservation, Three and Seven-Tenths acres more or less; also the right to erect and main tain a Dam, and to open and Maintain a Mill race, as provided by certain Artieles of Agree ment between S, Ross.and AndreW Sardberg, hearing date December 13, 1865, On which' are . erected one frame water tannery and out build ings. To be sold as the property. of Andrew Sandberg and Charles Danielson.' ALSO—Certain real estate in Bingham tp. bounded and descriPed.as follows; viz.: On the west and north by Unseatod lands of the estate of S. M. Fox, dec'd on the east hy lot No. 54 of the allotment of lands in said township con veyed by the Trustees of the Bingham Estate to Wm. Cobb, and lot No. 190, and on the south by lot NO. 20, containing One Hundred and S - even-Tenths acres more orless, with the usual allowance for roads 4:e:, being lot No. 55 of the allotment of lands of the estate of S. M, Eox, dec'd in 13inghani . township, and.part of r - rant No, 1237,:withilbout eight acres improved and one log house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the 'property of William B.' Green 2d. ALSO—Certain( real estate in Sweden tp., bounded and deseribediasfollowS, viz.: On the east by land owned by Edwin ,Podd; on the, north by landa owned by Michael Snyder; on the west by lands owned by Benjamin Tassel, and on the south by lands owned by Joshua Jackson ; containing OneHnndred acres more orless, about Fifty acres of which are improved, with one frame barn and one log house there on, To be sold as the property of Reuben French. ALSO—Certain real estate in Sweden. and Allegany t'ps, bounded do the north by lands of - . gunnel _Booth, east ,lby landS of Collins. Gardner, south by landS of Abram - Kimbal. and west by lands of C. Vanhormand A. bal ; containing One 'Hundred and Thirty-five, acres more or less, about. twenty-five [ acres of which arc improved, with onefrarne house and some fruit: trees thereon'; TO be sold as the' property of Dunham Rost, .Tr. , ALSO4Certain real estate in the village of Oswavo, bbunded and deScribed its follows viz,: Beginning at a post on the east bank of a Spring run, it being, a corner of a lot com'eyed by'the Trustees of the BingliaiM,Estate to Noah Ora,. tendon the»Ce south alt ng the cast bank of said run 150,1 g feet to adiemlock post; thence easterly 30 . !.; feet to a post; thence northerly 54 feet to a post a corner of Wm. McDougall and I'. I'. Siery's land; thence northerly 8 and 8-10ths rodS to a stone in the east line of said Crittenden's; land; thence south-westerly 4 and 3-11/ths.rods to the place of beginning ; con- Mining about, Twenty square rods Of land more or less, all Of -which is improved; with some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the Property of P. P. Story. ALSO—C,rtain real estate in Summit tp., beginning Withe north-west. corner of. jot Is; p. 19. deeded t 4 John M. Floyd, thence north 80 perches to post corner, Tence - eastPsd perches to a post corner, thence ..south 80 perches to a post corner; thenee west . 256 pore/I& to.';the place of beginning ; Containing One Hundred and T wenty,L Eight acres bf lanirmore or less,and being lots Nos. 10 and 11 of the allotment of land of kcating it, Co. in said township and parts of Wai-rant 2118 and 2126, with about Seventy-Fnie acres Unproved. Fifteen acres Chopped, .With one block house,. one shanty house, one Iframe barn. and. some "fruit trees thereon. ITo he sold as the property of .I.er rck Jackson, with notice to Orange Hoskin as terrelenanLj ALSO—Certain real estate beginning at a post in the j north-west line of lot Ne. 1 of the allotment of lands iii Eolalia tp.. thence West along line of lot N 0.34 108 and 4-10ths perches, thence north 68 and' 4;loths perches, thence east :218 and 4-10ths perches, thence south 33 degrees east 7 perches, thence south 61 degrees west 1:29 perches to the place of beginning; ContainingSixty-Light. and Three-tenths acres, more br less, with, the. usual allowance for roads itc., being lot N0.3:1 of the allotment of Bing ham lands in said tp.; and part of Warrants Nos. 9.054 and 2072. To be sold as' the property of Nelson Woodcock, ALSO—Certain real estate .beginning at a .post the south-east corner of lot No 31. of the iallotment of lands of the Bingham estate in Ey tp.,thence along boundary line of Bingham estate south 112 perches, thence along, line of lot No. 33 west 140 and 8-10ths perches, thence north 41 and 5-10ths perches, thence east 60 and S-10ths perches' thence north 70 and 5-10ths Perclies, thence east 6t) perches to the place of begilDing;:contraring Sixty-Seven and Seven- Tenths acres, with the usual allowance for roads ;..1:4- it being lot No. 32 of the allotment of Bing ham landstin said township .and part war flints Nos. 2054 and 2072—ALSO—Beginning at a post the south-West corner of lot No. 9.8 of the allotment of the lands of the Bingham es tate in Eulalia tp.. thence north S 83:; degrees twest 50 and 5-10Ihs Perches, the* north 106 and 5-10ths perchei,thence:east 188 and 4-1 Oths perches,tb mice south 61 degrees west 17 perches, thence S huth 51 degrees nest 153' and 3-10ths perches to the place of beginning ; Containing Seventy-Four and Foup-Tenths more or less with the usual allowance for roads Vic., it being lot No, 44 of the allOtment of Bingham lands i&Eulalia tp., and part, of warrant No. 2054, ahnut Thirty acres of the land' described in the above two tracts are improved, and one fraine barn erected thereod. To bets*. as the property - of Nelson Wooddock. W. W. BROWY,Sh.'ff. Coudersport, 14, 1846.. GOOD NEWS AND NEW GOODS STRANGE BUT Witwit7.l THE LOWEST-POSSIBI.I PRICES BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! No attention paid to tile cost of GOODS. Prompt conformity to the Lowest Market. Prices is our established ME. . We are determined to give the public the Benefit of the FALL, this time. We shall try to prove the Rule "Works both Ways." You iiaid high pekes when goods went up, we will see to it that you pay low prices :now GOODS are down, Others may go doWn, bat we do not ibtentltO be beaten. All we aik is to give us a Call. Shop as h . meh as you please. If you 'know our prices we feel sure of a sale. We are kri for the trade - this spring and . are determined that • CHARLES S. JONES Shall take, the lead in furnishing this section of the country with the best articles for the least money. Ours is the Store where that can be done. COME, SEE, andr be CONVINCED. All kinds of Cotton Goodsl we are now offering at prices which can not fail to strike the purchaser as fOsh.4eeLpt CALICOES WITS ; THE STARCH OUT OF BOTH CLOTH AND M at7 ECIACT=IIo BROAD-CLOTH, ' Plain & Fancy: Cassimeres STANDARD MUSLIN'S Bleached and Unbleached Muslins of all Prices. Flannels' of all Colors. SILK & LINEN HNDICERCHIEFS„ SPOOL COTTON. Ticking, Striped Shirting, Denims. Crash. Toweling LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Delaines, Amer. Delaines. Mohair Lustres, &c, GROCERIES, Of all kinds. COFFEES, WHITE & BROWN SUGARS, SYRUP 6. COMMON MOLASSES, GREEN & BLACK TEAS, SPICES of all kinds' A great variety of the oest brands of SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO. Corn Browns, Cedar Buckets; No. 1 and 2 Jlaekeiei, Lalarsidor Herring, Hams S• Shoulders, DRUGS and MEDICINES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES,' HARDWARE, &c. REMEpIBER WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. , CHARLES S. JONES, Ocrupstspoit, Junes 5, 1865 i .. 7 .. .ii*lii -. oi. . 2 :iiiii- g VOIIR atttention is invited to the large em i d JL, attractive stock just received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere In the county. • • - We have on hand a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, comprising BROWN SHEETFNGS, and SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED AILISLINS I DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, TICKINGS, and ' : COTTON FLANNELS, on whichke cannot be undersold. 1 1 We purchase our goods for Cash! and offer them at a very small advance 1 From Cost. ' I FLANNELS. IF you want to purchase • RED, , I GRAY, . I BLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL,IcaII At Olmstetlsl. DRESS GOODS; • • DELAINES, PRINTS, BROCTIE, and WOOLEN SHAM'S, Hoops, l• SONTAGS, t • i iUBIA S N , / 1 BALMORAL SKIRTS, f r CLOTIIS; and CASSIIIERES,7 a full supply CLOTHING • DON'T fail to call before purchasing and see the assortment At Olmsted's BOOTS & SHOES FOR Men, Women & Children, in great va riety and cheap At OIMSIC4I'S For Molasses, 'syrup, .ugar, Tea and Coffee in fact everything in the Grocery line, call A full assortment of almost everything that is kept, in a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest living profit. grat,ttla. Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pelts, Furs Deer Skins- Also, County, Township and School Orders, for al of which the highest price's will be paid At Olmsted's ' Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r 18, i:981 ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN Railroad through Potter county. News Depot, BOOKSTORE MITE undersigned would annonnee to the people of I_ Potter county that they have bought onUhe en. tire stock) of M. 'V Mann of this place and VEI here. after kelt on hand a full assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY ! Including Writing; Tissue, Per i forated and Blotting Paper, En velopes, Inks, Slates; Pencils, Cray ons, Inkstands, Blank-Books of all kinds: Writing BOOKS, Pocket DIARYS, Drawing Materials, , IIIISCELANEOUS ROOKS Including the latest ' Stlandard NOVELS,MAGAZINE,PICTORIAL t STORY PAPERS, ALSO' all of the Standard' TEXT-BOOKS A floe lot of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS ! Special attention given to orders for Having made the necessary arrangements in Yew York we aro enabled to fill all such orders on short notice, By prompt. and courteous attention to our patrons, with fair and honorable dealing, we hope to merit and receive a large share of the patronage of those wishing articles in our line, V. C. & Dl. Et, LARRABEE, Jan 15 06 tf THE anbiarjbetilate Landlord of tile 'Union House, is prepared , to accommodate Welton, to the Con , '- ty Bent with Boarding, at reasonable rates. Jurors, Witnesses sod others y111,111:4 it to their advantage to give him a caii. 51. C. 110))!Ipa. Costderckprb tr AT _OLMSTED'S. ' At Olmsted's. AT OLMSTED'S, AT OLMSTED'S, GENERAL AND AND EMI SCHOOLS . I lIISOBLLANEQIIS BOOKS, BO.A.RDING! BOSTOICLOTHENG min subscriber respectfully inform 1 Coudersport and as public in bas opened a • - • READY MADE CLOTHING TORE, EOM GILLETT& BL9C,K. WELLSVILLE, .NLLECIANY_CO., . N. Y One door below ANDERSOY.t DOOLITTLE'S , HARD WAR r E S T Where will be found-at all times, a - Complete Assort meat, and latest styles of • • . CLOTHING, 1 HATS, CAPS I r FURNISHING GOODS, Our motto Is Cheap for Cash, Quick Sales, Small Profit; But One Price, New Goode received every week Call and examine our Goods and Prices before going . 1 , • elsewhere. ' in the POMP. J0UR1C.61. 7 1 . June 19.-3 m [We advertise ANDERSON & DOOLITTLE, NO. 5, GILLETT'S BLOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE BOSTON CLOTHING .HOUSE Wellsville, W. V. A 4E receiving a complete assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWA4E, .1 HOUSE TRIMMINGS, JOINERS _ _ Blacksmith's Tools and Stock, PLATED WARE, ' Table and Pocket Cutlery, WHEELER & MADDEN'S Mill, Circular, Cros-Cut, and Muley Saws Rubber and Leather Bettin4, Henip and fiubber Packing. IRON, NAILS, STEEL GLASS, ga.arrxs ct,=.4:l. CZOXI7,Ia• an c 7 Fi-CrX"lvir. Turpentine and Varnishes. Carriage Trimmings, Saddlry Hardware, Hubs, Spokes, &c. STOVE S, TIN, SHEET IR 011 7 , A 117 D COPPER- WARE. ; Of all kinds executed In Ibe best manner. on , reason able terms. Our stock comprises everything% in our line, bas been bought for 40.41%.,,eriz1e,, at. LOWFIGURES,and we are not to be undersold. Dealers supplied at NeTi York JObers Prices'. i! L. E ANDE4Bc)N, ' A. L. DOOLITTLE Wellsville, N. Y., Juno 16,18E6 3 mos Notide.' - 1 GERMANIA, Potter CO., Pa„ Atifi. l l, 1863 NOTICE is hereby given that Charlet En shor, now or late of this county, holding the following described , property. has not ye' paid any consideration whatever, ecr, the'same, and all persons are hereby warned not tb pur chase any of said property of the said Busher before the decision of the Court is, given in this case and C. Bushor has, paid' to me the consideration money therefor. The following is the property: 'lst. A certain tract of land neari r the Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott township : Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above, 2nd. A certrin tract, of land, zilt.L. —a ant improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Pottez county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. C. Busboy holds also in trim! warrant no. 2501, in Games township, Tioga county, Pa., on the road leading from Germarzia to Gaines, containing 850 ,acres. tf. • 1 W3f. BADD.K. Coal and Lime. The undersigned desires to Laurin - the citi— zens of Coudersport and.vjeinity that he is pre , to furnish COAL ' and • -LIME at fair prices. Eeepi a'Stoek on hand, con stantly. S. H.:_,STCIRBS. EMPORIM 4.,. ,Nly;!1, OUSE` e the attlzenz of -nand; that he Nev 7 Store! =moo-ors! 1 Messrs. Jones & Lyman Successors to S. B. WEST, are offeringtheir large and new stock of Drugs &, Medicines, TRUNK,S &C GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES op PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PUTTY & BRUSHES, LAMPS OF THE LATEST A r ND MO KEROSENE OIL, &c.;!:&c., & STATIONERY ) li OOLS AND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF Notions and Childrens' Toys, To be found in die whole County, for sale at m As those of any other establislin3entof thelind in Western New :York.. Remember, neat door to West's old stand I i E. A. JONES Sr.. E. IT. N. Y., - Aug. 27,1866. tf Banner Store OSWAXO, PA. • SAMUEL iOHNSTON,. Wopld respectfully informthe citizens of Pot ter county that he is receiving., weekly, frau NoAy York, supplies of 6. ; • DRY GOODS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, , HARDWARE, • ; PROVISIONS, EART4iEN and " OHINA-WARE,'&g.,llko. Ile is doteemined • TOR-WORK NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. Highest Market Price , : Pald far Shiaglog and all Feeling thankful for past favors be hopes by honest and fair dealing to merit a continuLiace CALL AND TRY THE PRICES! Oswayo, May 22-Gm • An Invention of Rare Merit: Drowzra Psteat METAL TOP LAMP CHIMNEY • , THAT WILL NOT BREAK S. ' / 1 - BY BLEAT, i Burns up all gas and smoke, ; ', never breaks by putting on a 7 . shado ; short, and not. top. - 7 - -- t'..., heavy; is easily cleaned. by r e m oving top ; in fact.' the '9 mos t perfect c h imney known '—an d is fast superseding all t others where it has been in. , .`i , traduced. \ 1 [ ,' •', N o dealer can affor4 to be without them. ! • • , . .. NEW LAMP CHIMNEY COvi i , '" - q - N. 73 Warren St., 'N. T. a, Icy 'I 11 Administrators' Notice. AATITEREAp Letters of Administrationj on the Estate of EDWARD BLANK, late of Abbott township, deceased, hare been granted to the nude; signed, all persons indebted to Bald estate are re• quested to make immediate payment; and those hart tog just claims against the same should present theta duly authenticated for settlement, to MARGARETTE BLANK, A 1d,,,,H,e 5 , DAVID CONWAY,, July 2d,1805. I Dissolution of Pariuersill ). XTOTICB is hereby given that the ,cop: l dtucT lhi P .1:11 heretofore existing under the name of M. Napo'? & Co.: has thie day been dissolved by mutt) ,ocon.ent. Those owing the tid hin will make payment to Mae Pa Nelson, and those' hiving claims agaiost Itl . wiP r sent theme to hiro !or, settlement • MASON Nrts'o.:T, Aug. 8,1866, j T' • PRANK PHELPS• tier a busimiss will be Contlntieid tat the•essse place by the undersigned. where halvah. , ihemeed See all fits old and•many new-Oastomera. ' • ; IitABONAOPS ° ;;'" ' FIRM ! Chemicals, Perfumery, THE NEWEST AND MOST POP' r 1 IMAR DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL QUALITIES Glass of all Sizes. APPROVED STYLES. ALSO. 4 LARGE STOQK OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, IM kinds of Country Produce of the same
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers