TILE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL CondeFsport, Tuesday Evening, Sept. 4, 1835. Local and General: vg— S. M, Johnson has opened a Photograph Gatiery, ast - ayo. give hni3v. call! oar D. E. Olmsted has just l'c'C'elved a new of Fall and (Winter Goods. • 0 — The Commissioners tt3 appraml the Damages in the chance of the Comlerspdrt d. Shipper' State Road will meet at the Itoue,of C. Chautt nberger, in Eulalia township, bt:tween the hours of 1 and. 5, on the afternoon of Sept. 14. • D,;ii't be foulish.."--lou can make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and exarnine au invention urgentl y . needed by everybody. Or a sample'sent freeby mail for.Mtents, that retails easily tor $6, by R. L. Wolcott,. 170, Chatham Square. :New N. (irk. Ban' ETED.—The name of our townsthan, Senator 'Cowles, appeari in the list of eflieer,s breveted Major fur gallant autl meriturithi's ser vice in the field, at the last Executive session of the Senate. Considering that the 31ajor was not aware that this brevet was being asked for, 'we think he bears his honors meekly.— Miner. • t*"" :llr. Gilbin, 'of this Oace, killed his dog on last Saturday morning. which he had t ed up f.; , r PO:{ral days: and wiDell g ave every evidence of tieing man. People bad better be careful of the duet. Better that all dv:a be hilled than one ].arson be bitten by one wilojlad run mad. We ace that quite a number of cases of hydrapho-, bia are noticed in our exch:Mges. and in one or two cases persons Lave been bitten. • MORTAIGiTIi. There seems to be a great deal of Dysentery and Cholera =thus about just tar.v. aid bur list of (lentils is much larger than we are usu ally called uponi to , record. Eating -unripe or decayed fruit is the priucii)al cause. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure will be found an invalu able remedy for all such triulll'es. aind hould be kept in the house and immediately used at. the first attack. is also a sovereign. cute for dyspepsia, in its ivorst forms. Those' h . o hare tried every thing) else and failed, will rejoice! that au inTagibleH-:net.is has been found. puring the epidemic of intermittents in the Westtbis season, the whole immense stock of. Ayer's Ague Curei became exhausted. and the rodticing power' of his Laboratory was found inadequate to Meet the demand. Many who knew its extraordinary virtues, for *the cure of Chills and Fever, paid exorbitant prices fur it tOthose who were fortuuate enough to have a supply on baud. Seine of our neighbors paid tea dollarsbugle, while the regular price but one; and assure us it was on: the whole the cheapest remedy they could .buy, even at that figure. They b raise it for two qualities: first, that•it cures, and last that it leaves the -health unimpaired:-haa "ar past month has been very wet arid cloudy, lritft occasional frosts - whlch :have 'touched the :buckwheat, corn and ' , Mathes in some Farts of the county. Vrry little harvest -lag yet been d. la) Crois as a general thing prombe sell and the Bay crop is panic tilailv large. One i intellizep , t". farticr told us that he expects to see klay selling, for $7 per a,P. before next haying tine. The cattle stock 41 . the county has freca rety ranch reduced during the past few czars, which in a measure ccohntn fur the Cheapness Of feed. Yearlings reeoliingaslngliss.'3o, while . -tw,r-ra=inds" liave,btoug,ht froM $l5 to $5Ol. • Three Montlis for Nothing.--k WALt-'.' nLE Orrxr..—The enterprising pubdshers of the -American .I.erieelterid offer that valueablajour nal. 'Fackfor the remaining throe nionths of this -. y - ear to all new . subscribers for 1E4;7 (Vol. 2U), who semi in their subscripti-:,:rs -,dcriter this month of September. The - , - cest of ....r...e . ..k . , , rit . ..u.! , turie is only $1.50 a year, or four copies for $5, so' that $1.50 (or $1'415 for teach cfrfulfr . persons},, .. will just_ now secure the :yap? 'Tor rifteen l i 4 , . W• months! We advi..... c.-erybody to embrace I ct‘l° ,l -.-' , i.,- , ,..". 1 a.,3*.. • this opportunity. , The .....1 griculturist is a marvel : Hair} L,; ,I.2,' i r'' .O , ......, . • „. 3 o of value and cheapness, and in no other.wav • Johnsen s.:. sel'oni can one so well invest:S - 1 30 Or $1.25. '1 Le pa-; wi"' —•-- '" .per is adapted to ail classes of readers in•etty,. vilLage and country. Its Ileusehold and Chil dren; Pepartinehts are exceeding! v valLable ; a nd i n t 2res ti n g (.\• , ,:,7 - vtvhcri... Each tuinber i ~,---,...„.,, -, , - . . . , .- contains 32 to 4-1 large DOCELE size magazine ! '''' .llq3 . 1 , ; !' . pace, filled with . s giml, instructive„ and in- E'?lllndielpl is .5 - ...•Eile rtailirciad. Lei est.ng matter. It is splendidly illustrated I 'rips 'ircnt 1i1,,, it-nevi-6es. tf.: Northern a!liii ....4;srth with many•large i first - -Clais Engravings . which i ' westri:eouin...F. I,F P..unsyls•atna to thE , e..;ti• ~ f Ede and al ,, ne lonla l lze Er,..,. It Il.a. teen leat , ed and is operated by are ,Itytit plwasing' , t..nd instructive, the ,... ...r..5:rt..v..c..0.i Itintilen Coxi , ..k.s,v., .1.! , , worth , far more than tare-cost of the par,er. Ti,, :, Iliac or pasEeng •r, t raln,. at E M PORI Uri. • _4 griculttirizt is dilig,c , :it - - ?_nd ...msparilq it. is LE'A.VE ENSTW ARC!: I I • exposures'of all kinds : , :o: tr.dildling tow brim-; • Er'e Ti - 1 Trainl_i_ ... , .... ..'..'-_ - _,_.......:;-•02.r. m. bugs, and in this way alc.t.e .so.ves the .2‘..Mitry ! E'r!cL'.7preE., Train - lli:-IS P. x. hundreds of thousand-3 of dollars every vett - r..i ,: I LEAVE WESIWARD.• • • Take our advice,:and. send your subscrifnior at I 1: - . ,r,, mlli Tr.d.', ---- ..... I ... ......'.:__1"':00 /. it. Erie E• p, ess Train ;once to the Publi-She... 0- -- -r 4 e Ju 1 l ..kr C0,:1%53/. M. • 1 a........et,ger cars rue throu4la ton the Lue Mail and : 4.l..Park llow,,.New York City. 1 F4pre,sll'raitts without ctatti.; both ways between ...-.... -m0...._ ..._ Phtiadeltlui an!l Er . a'. 1 Boys,. Look Otitt - As the s's . astem fcvf iron II ' NEW ;-YORK CON ' advances, farmers and gardeners are sutferin , from the depredation or petty thieves and pd- 1 - ,,, r , .."•T,e'r' Y.: k . '4 ,1 5-00 a. it : Leave Eck. at 4.-15 -...m.,arri.ve.; fererers, in many caves are children of respect- I. E E r .tT,'?" l ... ; ;; ; ; T ro .Itil',E n . E T l .. I NG., . C ''' l able people whose parents do not dream of the t ply at Corner ofOu'th'a'r'd ' i. i .l l ::i ' ki loccupation of their offspring, „tinder the tech'. I Au d Ili ; Fr,":l 4 l&business of. ii - lvities of the common law, these annorin..!. F!... .1 Icin.......etun, Jr., Cur. IZI offenders could generally escape idea: of - all f il j . Vc- e q'P, i ,t. . 6 .-ai.,' .E : rie ' consequences., At most they would be In (hill i' W 1114: fro - Wu,. Ali Lat. iv.' c, ger of a sound thrashing b the angry owner, Ii 11. 11. - 110L'SroN, General who then became himself liable t'6 ,I 11. w .iG•WTNN ER, Generr? y iable t'6 A. 1., ! ...1n. - I. 4 Eu, ceue.r u i sup! . for assault and battery Now things are changed.:! Under the act of 18.6'.), the stealing , ol fruit fr - our ! ----- - INS!ANCE: TR thetree or on the ground is a sefiouS olienCe, : and the remedY is sit nid rn e and pfoilt By that , The' lE tn • • . -a.s L ss by. the I Portland Fire '. judicious and - effective law the wilful Glcing . The total arno4int cOvero by -Etna Policies anchearrying away of fruit, vegetables, plants, :' • tines,tines,shrubs or trees is made a misdeineanO ', on property destroyed or damaged is $206,1.251 i punishable in I the Court of , Quarter Sessions, ; " whi c h ''tbia4 will be a ' , out 5 pRr cent Our total loss willincit Vary mania from $211,0;000 ,and and rendering the of:ender 1ia1.16. to a fine of $3O and imprisonment for thirty days. :is beuig pruMpllY adjult' , l and paid. This Tlic - coihrsc of proceeding .under this act is.: . s t l m is 5 per.4en:- 'upon 11+ accts, a figure but plin ; I nd easy. A complaint before any Al- , s1!-bile exceeding the buivernrrierit and State paid.ilaSt Nr, or a . proportion eoual to :derrnan or Justice of the Peace is all that a per. , taxes ion has to do.. The law will do the rest. Thi s ,: a :5000 loss -for v a company of $lOO,OOO - a - ssets. it . the criminal remedy. For those who prefer 1 The iiecesity for in.sural ce and the, value of ibthere is a civil remedy. BY another section' wealth:v. stFolig I corporatß it.., is / forcibly thins any person Who - Shall wilfully - enter or break ; tasted by, this fire. Shytk.l;l4ak insura nce 'down, through or over any "orchard, gardentl. Copt patties are destroyed: I Pco rtAn d has a pop . . ulation of 3;3,600kwas liat:Selnely btilit;mbstly . .said orf.ince.hot-bed, or green-house, or shall:: Wrong,fully club, or cut, stone, break, bark on , : fine brick- or stone strueltires proteted mid mutilate any 'tree, shrub, bush, or vine, j : ,,, or : screened with uptvards of 3000 shade trec.s— bounded ou three sides livl water.—indeed,liter 7alk over, teat down or trample, or in any way ! injure any grain, grass, vines, vegetables or ally; almost rising, from I ocean—and with a.• crops,shall on conviction before any, Alderman • good steam fire ; departure t—yet it haslslo,- .01Jastiee , of the Peace, or in any Court, h ave • 000,000 of prop4ty consul ed in a feW hours judgement against him in any suit) not less than upOn a holiday When its . ' ople are least I occu •.:3' or more than $lOO with . the costs. This • pied—from the very insig icant cause ofa con tine is to. go one half to the informant and one- ! temptible fire 4racker: : , • half to the occupant or owner of the land. lit !,, Itemember (lie trifling: origin ,of fires that -default of payment the offender must go to jail., sweep away in a few hourS,: , e earnings ut yearS Theta's- now ptteiees. a full and simple reine- Colisidez. your i s intones and give the ..I:tua cly against the plunder and damaging, of gar. I agent a call if ken n need'pfloper Insurance se dans or yards, and it is the fault of owners if i eurity.. Policies issued atl fair terms. they suffer. I M. IV...M'A. • ARNEY, Agent. , . - ' I Corder port, July 7, 1E66. ' tf. United States Tax. VOTICE 'hereby given that the Annual IA List of Taxes fur 1::.'66 is now ready for' Payment, and thoie baying taxes ortineomes lot 1865, Licenses, Buggies, Gold Watches,l Se, to pay will call at my office in the Store of C. S. Jones, on or before September 22nd, and settle the same. Persons failing to pay for ten clay's will be charged ten per cent, penalty additionaL United States money only received in payment of Taxes. E. A. JONES, Deputy Collector 18th Dist. Ceadz.mpert, Sept. 4,1:766. Mil I falrMis.-V C. D4rE is Ageneifbr Olarkis Sewinl..3.laehines. This is thJ3EST cheaFiSciving, aehi he ec - ..r offerel for rate, and the wkly .- bile i nt`ar]set r,; - , less. tbhu sio which can hip suld, h ught,;ur used with satety, as no otherS are fell ',ltalie& Three varieties, - with or wiihout Ta lei - . Ingtiire ari the 3 offiee An assurtznen " -of newity,- improved under feed Mathines jtist eceivett. - Call! and examine. . ' 113416£f In liebroinC4. , 4 7 . 11 --' lk..ts uctvA WEIDSLIN, da, pf liduriain L. ar.dl Z IL . Wricl.4 aged"27l,3re . arilifl moult and '24 days.; W. embraced religion about a year ago, lived a religious life aud.we trust has gained a li eaten ok" -rest. the brrelter 'sltlrnesa Ith patience though bur sulleringe were great. 4he died like! n eand',e burning down•in its socket. t‘iwlett au Want, a 'rind husband and circle . of frwuda to raoain her 11.."-a. Their Oa her eternal gain. tß:n , litunnton f”aperti please cobi. . In Clyiner tOwlaship. , T,loaa county, .Aug. 19. 1566, 4bu'ot B. IV.'SLianer, aged n ) ear.e, tnont'hs, and 29 idais. I • rtitify the 100d . ..—1r the blond be pure the bell; which ii> foime.l from And by the bliiod cannot I he lait,e4b . .d. BO if thiere b.: ill any part of the body I , GOOD NEWS TO SOLDIERS I I __l i anY afiL.etioni sur aii a boil or tileLn*,,eiettl a , bruise, I the bloOd cireula ilig4hrough that part -takes up fin. 1 1 AND THELR HEIRS I I , , .___.. pure noitters'.fith i the betel affection and l'ciirrie, it I f , 1 kith the general ivstem. This id the cause, often tit: 1 , i'MD.7.-MC:D1i. 4 i.7 . ... - sudecif death td pert,ous of felt babitafEkited with ; ' !Kills al.d ulctrc, na indValni,use no meditirief th e matter i who have any interest in Waielairas,will I .etcin 4 o th e circelating leyste and chokes up the I ' „ A t fin blood ves-eisl which supply the brain %;.'itti tital- ' ,hnd it to their advantage to read the ful-. ity, and Lie ceases es if i ! 1 lowing.Acs of Congress which have recently. i ' ' Bpileft.by LiPii.ing: ! . .. become an : f Sac.l4 of an act of June 6.1665, provides for NoW, this can 4eiremedied, l I . , L .' '-' •-' .• • ' ' all soldiers or sailors who have lost the sight of , , i - 13itaNDRET i ll's r ILL.s- - ••, • .both t both eye's, or hands, so ;le to require con= take alt impttre!ni i iiittes fronitheicirouLtttonvind save slan t'attendance the Zinn of $2.5. ' , the 'trip-rat Veall.., soon Cariug 1:01.731 atiVeLiC , roe :160. - .‘ ' tiItA:S . DI:E.7IcS PILLS protect from the telous SEC. 2. To those who have lost both feet, or vines; of sicithee's and often sam e -life. Sold by all ar , itotallv i disabled in the saute sn as to require iiillgXlteti, I ' i constant attendance, the sum of .S2O. 1 1 , SRIK.E•I'HE .6 , UNS 1 SDI. 3. Those who have lust one band or one ; foot, or are so disabled as to render them unable or Ettirab.:::-.. IMpostors arc in the field with deCdlyi to ~..,, storm Manual labor equivalent to the - loss hair dvim dangerous to health ?,d utterly; destruct.' l'''`i ' ice to-al hair. ( 1, eat submit i., have your head ;o f a hand on a feet, the sum of $l5 I , -'• • ... -...= - A • . ; StL;. 4. Persons who have been'deprived of Baptize \warm. Liquid . - ireit en - pensions under Act of March 3, 1565, in when that coolin , i 1, ci , e tabic preparation, I K onenqii -ace' of being in the civil service of the 1. 1 CRISTADORO'S HA, IR DYE 'U 13. nit. States Government are restored. will, inltiee minut es, impart any.; desired shade from S Ed. 5. , Pensions are extended to dependent ft,tht 1 roma o; j,•t. black without injuring. ;he iltires, fathers and brothers, as well as to mothers and stim,4 , g the • , skial, or poisoning the system throngh ~ is ieri . the pdrnr. tiewake of the deleterion4 tl,ye.'s: lthinu• 1 r . ,A•t• facto' ea FL* .t. C.IIISTADOBV, Astor House, :New . in poolitell to the above act, to such persons York. .ISofd by bruggists. ~.a.polied by *all Hair 'as fireLeuthriiced by it, Congress; before :ts close Di-e•tgent 1 , .. _ .. . .. . ._, , , . tin. TOIpHAS, iQiuu ti widows and 'orphans, and extending the ~ I V.1.:...V1.774..V . HORSE LI-17.11E-17. Lbenctils of the pension laws to the heirs and , 1 l• esoi`e_sentatives of certain invalid 'aPplicants, to TD - Lvr wirri. ts _.ri" ONE DOLLAR, FOR VIE I w - it: t _li cure of lamettesa, scratches, Iv.nd g•a!I•, Iltraina,t I ionises; aptlnts.lcets, colic, slipping stifle, over heat- . I - "t • Skt.' " Of the "ct of July 2.5, 1. 1 ' , 56, provides ' ing, sore throat; nail in the foot, etc. It is w a rr i tnt e d• fur pensions to widows of deceased soldiers or theaPer,alla betiq than any othpr article ever offered ! sailor 4 hasing children hr such soldiers or sail io it.e phttlic. Inousanda of - al:inn-Its have beeu cureA i ors. at therate of two dollars per month for each (tithe cotic and p•ier-Iteating by this Liniment . and 1, 41;Id - six bundled., Ira: \Vete crippled and lame have been re. t ` • . ofsoldier or sailor muter .ie ae of atored ti. their futrther vi g or. It is'ut , ed by all the first teett'yearS. To derive benefit from thisact i lhoracirkn thron: , l;oqt the States. Orders ore con- is necessary to make new application, surren i•i,iiiikslrecei..e,t'f om the racinz ,tables 01 1. ter fres'l; auppite of this invaluable article. o ver ~v 1 derino• the old certiflcate. 2.:',00 tesiimonials have been received. Remember, o Le. ..gives an increase of pensions to those one dollar laid Out in time may save the life of your widows now receiving a pension of leas than ' horse. Sold by; al! Braggista...One, 65 Cortla•dtit eiolt Oolbsrs per mouth, except Revulutignary . Nett-York street , ! st., I ' " --- --- Ifercanitle Apiwaisement. ! Ap'plicattons for ,Pensions must be made be - 1 ..' foie the Prt,thonotarr LlST.of.Pettlers in Merehantiim .10 the county ot .•• . • " 17 ;Potter'for the ytar 180, with clascificatiuu, 6:c. 1! • : I Plac Cla i5.,,i.„. ' e. t as. A m t I I ..I:::t•Ci\T'll.lMEts I ' 1 P G, &G. I- Elackmar, • Allegany I 14 7.t(' . T" ' 1 81 LL TO EQUALIZE BOUNTI ES I .A. ,•itchbi cal &.. Co., ..' COuder.,pci,rt. 33 10. 0 L.I. Dini•zed, 1 03 00 on f , HAS BECO.ME A. LA.W. The following • is an an' of its provisions • C. s. ..s,-. 1::, A: Jonpa, "•• II .13 - 10.00! ' ' ' Collins SlLlith, ' I ' .. „ 14 ;.u0 11. I sloo.tbthree years men Isshid served their I.4as .n1lIelaot; it:: go., - , "i i 14 7ca , t i m ,-, i 11. J OlroaTeo, • ;- - 'I " 14 70) I 0 7! - . U. C. &' M. M. I..rrahee,. l . :I :" ! ! - - 14 - 7.00! -. !,9,1u0 to three yeses' men discharged bt. - - :N. J. Glassmae„l ' I •• . .14 7.00 i reason of wounds received in service. • Jecob B,urt is, II . ' • Barr:coa! .- 34 .7.e0 I 3. $lO9 to'the widow, minor children,Or pa -1 Norman Buck, 11 '- n- '=! " - l i - 14 7 ( xi ' rents.J in the oi•der named, of any such soldier I'. P Sirnmet a, ~ I •• 1 I Mcry MI Gto.im.n, 24 - " C 'l who iPecl f wounds or dise....e. contracted in - 1 "•k • . 15. : - 7 Oo- , ' 11. S. 134b..,c, •!, I ...." - ;!. 14 -7uo . Servie. cyiii. Sanderlin,l hector I 34 7 001 .1.!- I cr • so to each soldier not included in the Henry Andrvatm,l I . Kettle Creek / 4 . 70 1 foregolD:4' Chl.SSt'S - wilco enlisted for `two t 5 or 1 Cita.nea .11 cisner ' GerraahLt . ,14 7,00 I •• t A odusttis Ber l ', , I s ' more, and - discharged after servinol two yeat's. 1 14 , 001 ,- v• 11. Theis, 0 14 7-00; 5. $5O to every soldier enlisted for two years, I Jacob 141.11,' ,j._ :. ' e:i . . 14 7.1.,0 I and . discharge d by reason of woupds received! J. Sell scr'zenbtle (brewer) " 7) 5 50 1 in tte hoe. of Jut's- I- t,lrrlc.l: tici,, I " ". . , ! 1,ar1.% Brotiernon!(Distillery• :. - . g 2 , 5 ; 00 I 6 SM) to the widow, ac.. as atir, - e, of evert. Rorie & Purer, L'l)ssca 14 70 0 I soldier enlisted for less than tw9 years, who. Br glimli St. Tictitilt, ''' . il4. 7.0 J: died in service, or of wounds or disease contract-. llonrou ',...t- Pet,r,•li. . "• ' ' 14 7nO ' ed. in the army. 1 (Th0,..1e i!&.. Ctist.ing, '• G. R., Wiebb &t. Ite•i:et . 4; , 7.01 I No additional 'bounty is alloved fo three ll' S. Ci , .l WC: i. , .Mi I ! plri. 34 ;001 years' men who have received', or have horeto 4. W. Dula phrcyi Shinctiv IrOuso 14 7.00 kw., been entitled to receive, more than $lOO Geo. A. ;13.1,c,:a3 4 , i Wharwa, . . 14 7.001 • 34 7.00 i national bounty, and none to two years' men} J. J: Raymond; . - • . r . unity Lord, • Os:m. l .c; , 04 7 . 00 1 who have received or are entitled to more than .temis-m & ...ceozr. , „ 'l4 7.00! F,..430. The law only applies-to honorably dis wdilem:lAcDottpill . •'' - 114 - -7 - 60 ' charged soldiers of the late war, and to none; it: I . raker, . ' " . 11;7. , have sold or transferred their discharges I. Wove, Bincham . 14 7.oo!whot I rti S. )3E131E, liereantlle Anurcizer. ior rights to bounty. Jtily 10, 1506'.! -0 ~ ; • I The undersigned will attend promptly . to the l .- , collection of all such claims, at rUas.onagle rates. Where parties reside at a distance, the business s mass be done by let.er. Address, - - ' DAN BAKER, • . Coudersport, Fetter county, Penn. ' Aug 2U-tin. 1 ... 71 1 - 1 2 TV PA L.4.111P CSI ER SPE.bOl...NrS'i TPON BREA°I7.-' r CALL AND EXAM-WE. 'tOsSTMeeting - - AT COUDERSPORT; SEPT 19. (Wjcquesday, of Court Week.) tl.fr.tc•tYr SPEAKERS . WILL BE • I PRE ENT...MES AND PAR.TI.Ci CLARSI WILL BE PUBLISHED IN iIAND-BILLS IN A FEW. DAYS ULYSSES ACADEMY !! I - I F. alf. .701INSO2g.ir, PrincipaL . . fir {NETTLE .7 GRID', ET, Preceptress, • 11 11001 J, ' Instrumental Music. Fall Tom opens Tuesdar, September 11, 1366. • llllWinter " " " December 11, 1566. Sprin , " " March 14, 1567. StOdEnts are EARNEsTLT SOLICITED to be present at .1 the Commencement. Ciaeses will he arranged to accommodate ILL. Students, before entering their classes, will pay for !half:. Term mid the Incidental Fee; the balance to bepaid at the middle of the Term. Na deductioes Irdbe made on account of Students leaving; except !In cases o . r eickneit. , chltul•e receive due attention, .1 We will labor E.AISEeTLT for the welfare of those whet may come under olir instruction.. , Text-Dool.s can be otitained at the institution. ipxlms can be rtnted ar.d Eoardingobtaiimd in pri ‘mtil fettillei reneanable rates. - suitica per Term : Eng,llsh L'rrr.che,, . 0 0 Languages aped 11,gher Mathernaties t . 6 00— Diatiing and 13ook-ficepird; edab (cztra) ^SO • InstrUmermal .11u-Ve, ' SGO tree of Instrument, 2 00 E4TON' . n!•-ri., at Erie 930 a.m. t New York 4 10, r. m. .I.S on all :•.•:lelit trains ',a-senger Initines,,,ap. I ett i ,vetti,l'hilioMphia lie Cornpaiiy'a_agenta an El arket. D: recis. , • . i t ,. It . Ealt-rmor2. reight Agt. Phi Indp. Ticket Agt. , Erio. PHY S I Op N 01.1 Y, or n.Stoxs orCuAr.- ! Ac4•En.,' manifested through '1 emperatnent anti External Forms, ana c.pectally in the ..nc j .m.IN.r.kes.DITLNE " One elegant volume, with nearly SOO pages. and I,ooo`illustratinirs, By S. WELLS, - Editor PIIIVESOLOGIC.II, JOUP4AL. • Price, post paid, $5. Address Fow.t.r.r.d: 359 Broadway, New.). - drk: .iNew l'hY: - .iognothy" is eminently practical, 'fully illustrated, and well suited to the wants !of all In the ;Auer: of ••the face" the reader soon lerrns to read each and every feliture. .Nuses are classified as the Roman, Greek, Jew ' isa, Snub and Celestial. The eyes speak all languages, whether black, blue, brown or l - j.eL lit a like manner, checks, neck, ears, hands, feet, walk, voice, lamth, etc., are shown to be ''sizns character." . . fn no oilier work is so much light thrown upini the . character and destiny of mankind as in this, or the diStincti4 traits of nations and tribes stiic!tarly pointed out. Fortiaifs of dis - - tinguished persons of ancient ntfd modern times, with hio'graphical sketches and deliniations of character, are given: Drvixis: Op.Axons,Sx.hiks- N ux, \ ARMORS, AEILSTS, POETS, PIILLOSOPEEES; I n-T.N.Tons, SEEGEONS; M.SEOVEREIE , , 34:SICIANS, etc., are included. It is eh “Entv.: cl6p:edia" of biography, acquiintiitg the readlz with tht carter and character of many great men and women of the past l,OOO yearn,.and of the' prent=sileti, fcr. instance • as Aristotle, Julius Cmsar, Shakspeare, Washington, Napo leon, Franklin, Bancroft,. Bryant, .4.onglellow, Irving, Rosa BOnheur, Th einfosin 8 urr„ Cobden, Bright. Lawrence; BoliYar,Whafely, 'Thickerny, Dow, Knox, Richelieu, Hopper, IluCkle, Dick- Enn. Victoria, Wesley, Carlyle, Motley, 31111, Spencer, Thompson, Guthrie, Alexi:l6r, and hundreds of otbe.rs. AGE-n.lll . .Book eert ?Tim! Foe or crprusa roccipt of price. Effß EEMI GRAND 'Clysses,.Potter Co., Pa. BE!ME 1 . . , - 1 1 . ' a t MEI " ~,,e i. 2, 'P',l•. ~ , e ' • ' I git - WO - Wi• .;._,-, . . ~.., - . 444 , C .- . 0. s it . ' 1; - • g i i lec i' 6 , - - • . ; ; ;.. ni s , talag . Paggii ogai 011 id instro_ _ . abi ei - 01 • - W 0 11 ! . . , 0 ;.....Y. V) : MEI Oli 1 I M C ~...., . . • ~ , ...e ii... . ~.._. _.... , -. e i i .t. t .....-.-..,:,. . . 1-.. _.. ,t, P . t. .. - (1.1,-- . , ....• 00 1 . '.--. -,-...7. -....- .. tc „ iik - , • i.... Owe . i•Pd' . r,...:-....... i • 4 P 0 - .e•-ii:."- .- - . __,e‘• 6,4,,,, - - • (-!•• , 9 : IC • .- 0 . i• ANS OW Z 1 g . t . 9--...--•, • (D, .. - ...,. Y. • ;: . pi, H ' -• c....• i\: - .) img Oilv - • . ~...., 6) a..- _ ow . " . . ~ I.: - —. • i i , v.v.," • r.', . 3 n „.. CI! . 6 4 . 0 147 mt 015:4 , ~ ' gi • • = ' 4 Wad ' *' :...-, 1 - • : ,fie - r ,-, • 4 " lc. . , .. • - 4 g ag 1206 , , , , . - *wo Ott e i Pi • C.;l ismei , ( 2:1•1 n• 0 . \JD A . . n t. Mt 1 *. • - - - -W ' • • t ( I ti Ws( • - tf ' - 111 . 1111 " c • • . . • Wig Z A ono # 24 5 3 r-- W t t lt ,44 7 w ag 4 mr Isso i z 410 1 rs) 4l 0 - 1- 6 Q, 1794. fererda, ' 179.4. INSURANCE OF NORTH AMERICA' PHILADELPHIA. • • 01lost /airdantU Cninpany is Ameiica.• Cash Capitalhand Sarplus,.i?*er, 61,750,000.000. SEMI TT-ONE, Ileara Suotessful.Business Experiente, frith a, reputation for integrity aud'honorable. dealing tunsurpaSted thy any similar institution. • • I, • • 'I • LOSSES PAID since organization, 500,000.00. with3nt the .deduction cf a cent, or a day's delay.! • LIBERAL RATES fOr all the safer classes of property. Insurante . Of Dwellings: and Contents, a specialty. • BRICK or STQNE DWellings insured per petual!), ifdesired, on terms of the greatest economy and safeiy to the insured. i • .. , 1 It if ,Wi.sdo And Economy to insuie in the best Cdmpani s, and there is none Letter than, the old In ttrAiltit§ Co. of North' America. I„ Apply to 31. W. Afc. LARNEY 1 Agent for Potter county. _ • I'AC . ITIC HOTS L, 170, 172, 174 & 176 GELF.EWItII ST., (ON SQUARE WEST OF,DaOA.DSTAY.)- Beitrecn Courtlarafr i and Dey' Strat4,2l - ew York OEN PATTEN. Jr., Proprietor 7 -- rft HE Pacifin ' Hotel is well and widely 1.. known to the traveling üblic. The lo cation is especially suitabl to merchants i t and business men; it Is i h clot proXiity to the businets part bf the City : :--is on the high way of Southern and Western travtl—and adjacent to all the priadipal RailrOad and Stearbboat depots. 1 • The Pacific has liberal atcoinmodation for over 300 guesti ; it is well furnished, and pos sesses every modern' improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well Ventilated; i provided with gas and water.; the attendance hi prompt and respectful ; and the . tahie is I generously provided with every delicacy of the season. I I Thesubscriber, wlin, for the'past few years, i has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, / and intends to identify' himself thoroughly with the interests of bib hhuse. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by imoderate charges and a liberal policy, to I maintain the favorable reputation of the Pa ' cific Hotel. - .JOHN PATTEN, In. COUDERSPORT AND SHIPPEN STAGE EOUTE r.. 775 17 — . - GLASSIEIRE WHITE'S daily line of CLUZ.e.3 will leave Cht...dereport, uhtil further notice, at S o'clock in the nit.frr t ing; artiving in ship ken about 4 o'clock= in the ilternuon, and will leave ehippen on the arri'.-al Bf th morning train, at 3.0:30, arririnq In CC-udorsport about 5 o'chick, I'. Travelers are refered to Oil Time-Table of the Phil adelphia a.. Erie .gaiiroad,e4hich pill be found adver tisd in this paper, for fur her pai;iculars about the advanta g ee of this rotate. ...New York passengerswitl SAVE 3.0 MILES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME by taking thi9 route in, preference to that of the Erie. Railway. SO CELAN:GE OF CAIIS BETWEEN SLIIPPF.ti AND 1>., - .EW YOIt. tiew*, Corn• tenable wa g ons b ud good Leath are kept on the&tngo Route. • Packagei and Eapress attended to krith care. ' D. F. GLASSMIRE, MILES' WIIITE, Plmprs Coudersport, Pa., pct. 0,-1865, One P. A. STEBBINS Bar LATEST SPRING STYL - Niegant Seasonable Dress G CORNER STORE FUL. 1 Dress and Cloa Trimmings THE I • , e+ ' MAMMOTH STOCK O 3ETOICOCASI , aire MI:LC) the Proprietoti of the POPULAR. CORNER STO determined to supply this market with the best, quality O. - - DRY-GOODS,' HATS & ICAPS, HARDWARE,_DRIEGS, PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES,' AND PATENT MEDICINES. FLOUR, FEED &PRCIVISIONS P. A. STEBBINS& Fr.). 3lay, 22 3 1865, THE SiLVER iSkiter, patented_ rilirch: 7, 1865. MORE DURABL', MORE GRACEFIt. , MO E ELASTICC And will keep its shape and retain Rapine letter than any other Skirt This new ,and beautiful style or Stint iati air a arde4; . by the Gttnvi AUCRICIkISSTITUTSFAiR,I2RIdisSew York City, October, 1565, a • - • - ii I!iiCtO4airiti. THE HIGHEST PREMIUM EVER LIVEN FORA HOOP. I I . - Thti Steel Springs are wound with . tine plated. wire (in plane of a cotton covering) .*ltich no{' wear if or become wiled, and the whole Shirt max, t be w& urn Si'ITIP•UT ISJ cr.r or fear Of riztint and will by as as new. - ! 4'-EIC.IIO I - COIBINATIVik SILVER SIMI tavention combines with theiordiniry cotterf Skirt the adv:thtagcs bf our Silver Sitirt t the bottorti hoops are the anw ds those :sibyl in The Silver Skirt; :he covering of N - V/1101 ce neer wear off, white the up— per onca are covered with cotton. M IltdrlitvizaK onee.ve urn dne of our Slarte wi i,bci willittg to 'wear ouy other, as the loWer hoops Of ail Other kinds ate .don injured and soiled. t • The Wat inateriali Are used In their eottsittletlont :lad tram their durability ,end neatness, they arts des tine to become _ _ A FAVORITE SHIRT! For Sale [. ,-: - In Coudersport, by P. A. STEi3BINS CO:, D. E. OLMSTED, CHARIAS S:' JONES ; and R. M. GLAS§miith: At Roulet, by 0. R. WEBB. 11. S. Burbank. T l ravelingAg'l ' :i Aug. 13.—Gm Courtlaildt St. IVY: 11.. J. OLMSTED'S STORE can always be found the bast d Cooking, Box and Parkir • • STOVES Also, TIN and SHEET -IRON WA RR, - PdTS,; KETTLES, SPIDERS. SCOTCH BOWLS; FRYING-PANS; SAP-PANS;I nnkl CA LD= • RUNS. Also, I Agricultural shell us PLOWS, SCRAPERS, ..CULT.II',Az ' 1 TORS, CORN-StttLtAftS, RSE-3±K.S; DOG-POWE I RS, : • • - •wo • - - . -- ; is well made am the material ‘lGlilja I substantial EAITES-TROGIIS purtip lti any part of thb County Terms easy.- RRA (.14 I Pay of all kinds, ineinding l Galt, refused. • • r • • -- Store on Main Street opposite the o!..l"Crt 1 House, Couderspoit. Auk. '1; *ore Vet, n i t .. cEn ; =s=l - S Co, I r.:ds LES ! RE are =I ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers