PRICE CURRENT. Corrected ere Wednesday by P. A. STEB BINS 1-CO., , .etail Dealers in Groceries a, 1 Provisiohs, opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. Apples, green, - 2 , b ush., $ 50 to 75 do -dried, 2OO 2 50, Beans, , u ,.3 00 350 20 25 Beeswax, ? lb.,' Beef, 41 9 Berries, dried, ? quart 15 2u Buckwheat, ,bh., • 1 00, 125 'Lus Buckwheat Flair, 300 3 - Butter, '.'"E? lb. ; I • • '5 Cheese, • " Cloverseed Corn. ' bush., Corn Meal, per 4... wt., Eggs, ? doz , I Flour, extra ' do supersne Rams. ? lb., Ray, ? ton Honey, per ib., Lard-, 4, Maple Sugar. pc Oats, ? bush., Onions, " Pork, ? bbl., do ? lb., do in ' whole b Potatoes, per lz , Peaches, dried, ' Poultry, 1-1 lb., Rye, per bush., Salt, II bbl., do £l sack, Timothy Seed Trout, per 1 bbl. Wheat, ? bush White Fish, THE ILLUSTRATED HYDROPATHIC E N. CYCLoP_EDIA ; a system of Hydropathy and Hygiene, Containing Outlines of Anatomy; Physiology of the Human Body; Hygienic Agencies, and the Preservation of Health ; Dietics, and Hydropathic Cookery; Theory and Practice of Water-Treatment: Special Pathology, and Hydro-Therapeutics, includ ing the esature, Causes, Symptoms, and Treat ment of all known Diseases ; Application of. Hydrop tthy to Midwifery and the Nursery. Designed as a G aide to Families and Students, and a Text-Book for Physicians. By R. T. Troll, M. D. Illustrated with upwards of 300 Engravings and Colored Plates. Sub stantialle bound, in one large volume. Price, prepaid by mail, $4 50. Of all the numerous publications which have attained such a wide populaaity, as is sued by Messrs. FOWLER and WELLS, perhaps none are more adapted to general utility than this rich,• comprehensive, and well-ar ranged Encyclopmdia.-li. 1, Tribune. \V ORES OF HON. HORACE MANN in• I Electlon proclamation. eluding his beet public lectures, among which I L - MU:INT to an Act of the General As are Thoughts for a young Man • Powers and L i-I ' : embly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- IDuties of Women; Demands of the Ag l e on ;amnia, entitled "An Act relating to the Elec- Colleges ; Rich and Educated t Poor and Ig- I lions of this Commonwealth,' approved the norant ; Baccalaureate i Address, etc. 'ibcse , second day of July, AD. one thousand eight , lecture., particularly the first two, have in ;hundred and l thirty-nine, I, D. C, LaRRA , these separate forms b l ed immense circulation, I SEE. Sheriff of the counts. of Potter.Pennsyl and are universally acknoweledgcd to be of , vania, do hereby make Lnown and give no 'the areatest value. Price $3.00. Ilife to the electors of the county aforesaid. EDCoATION : i 6 Elementary Princi- Oat a Genet I Election will be held in the pies From led on the Nature of Man. By JG. sate. counts- e ' Potter on the Second Tuesday :Spurr:aura, H. D. With an Appendix, con- t Teith) of :October, 1165, at which dime m taina a Deecr.p•ion of the Temperiments. fast ict avd County Officers, as followeeare to nod an Analysis of the l'hrenolo,gical Facul- he elected, tolwit : 'ties Muslin I une person for Auditor General of the! i• , 1 We regard this N ol i utein as one of the most , Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. i important that has been offered tothe public I One persoid for Surseyor General ;of the J , for many Years. It iS full of sound doctrines Conarnonvealla of Pennsylvania. I and practical wisdom.-.Bcofon Med. and Sun! One persor for Additional Law Judge for JOU'llal. , the 4th Judicial District Comprising the noun - PHRENOLOGY PIIOVED, iLIe.ESTRATED, ; ties of Tmena. Potter, McKean, Elk,and Cam and part it a • accen - mic' by a Chart, em- ; mem in accordance with the Act of Assembly, bracing as Amite-is t of. the Primary Mental ' Approved t 1,4 27th day of March, 1865. One r=oil' for State Senator to represent Potters in their Various Dearces of Decoy-. P° the 13th Senatorial district. composed of the ment. the Phenone ma produced by their Com- i counties of 'Ooza. Potter,McKean and Clinton. I, l n , d Act's itsa and the Location of the Plare ' noloan- , lorgaiA in tlke Head. Together with' Two persons loe. Members of the House of Grieral Assembly of a anew of the aleral and Theological Bearing Representatives of the Penns)ivarial, in conjunction 'alai the toauty of the Science. Pricb, $l. e 5. I- of To , ' t `o r nre - eni fha counties of Tioaa I THE .:CEW SieLF iael - RUCTOat IN ar; , ! l a' ' ra present t a Phrenology and Ph sioloay. It contains a Ihe county - of ' fu , i One persors for Sheeriff oft definition a each i - al' oa the min 1 e osamey .0 otter. ~ .I . L" ,Pottcr. ; I a cnonah to be clear, het so . short as not to , One p ,,,,,,,,, c ~ary . together with comotnations of the I for orc.rameioner of the county I ;acuities, and leo E)gra, leas to show tme of Potter. 1 , ~One person for Auditor of the county of organs large and email ; thereby enabling all , Potter. I ro "soot, with Pale, study, to beaorne ac- One person for Coroner of the county of I cueinted with practical Phrenology. An e e r7 i Potter. I , (client n•or. for -to de ots. Price, 75 cps. , • , - a - r a e , I also melee I:Lo7n :hi give -notice, as in a . A l / 11. 4 and by the lath sectien of the aforeeald act I I THE ...E.W eLLIetTRaTED abet - every Person excepting Jus- Cht , i , -The canto- of the La - Gsliailas am Wall 'nun:lc:ems engratongs • l e m di - er e e d , F. S. OTIS'S ;c: 2. - ,'`,.., -: s'''- r''-' - '' rni ro" d methods of . ;.:CCE, ,! OI" til3 . lPe;;e who hold any Office or on' trial charged with liro :aria Vac a' ,:.; t os a a (as .. ea- - 1 -t r- a Fir 1 - P•ah appeorermentair profit cr trust under the Gov . Oat: at A•ro-eiiv —te ipt W.W. ~ ... I New. Novel & Most Serviceable I " - : -, r erumdnt of qe United States er this 'State, . ' lie ea' d 1 or a _Aar eo, to the des - eica merit It ;hem: fans li. ..): t Scutt Kan e T'l TAT Tea Cee ;11 al fal p 4; 'DIRT, '' .t_, -,..._,...1_,_, ....,-,,•• . ..--..RTI ' - ' i eb°ll o'---P-- th e in'ig"atl°llof th eir °r°l7a76""Drinear"°l-ated easarict whether i I nara his fen, Iv to ta tt country. ;;(J',.." IN •THE MAT.ETT. comm.seigaed officer or otherwise. a soteora mem bare of the 7th Pa. Ca N a'tv functions, the pre-era - nation of health ; and a a - - - - -- ainate oaken Jr aaent. who is or shall be em= are of diseases a d Lacer:rules. By Dr as e :.supper to troar citizen f. lead:. Ibis Spirt combines three of the greatest , Trail Price. 5 4 .75 , , 'played underi Oar- legislative. judie , aint or ea rts.. n. `kl.:. tare J tree- - emsave deijaytmeets of this State or the. United. ratland II T. 11 'Tara- were aresent Steals, for a hich letters patent of the United Comprising Dope: and Helps. Aim: and aids , States-, or of 'any city or iucorporated district 'arid uluenently to an ins itatioalto se etc s h at e lam, sea i l e a, , • ,a- ' a are --1 . . land Wass of Life. One vol. Price. $3 Co ' and also aal rtiCry member of Conaaess and a; the cora, -ran a_ ..... La I..hain si ; let it has a 'beautiful ratent Pad, which Ca n a e-oeca.ngl, fet.eitcus, pt- 1 , douhl,.- protects the ends Jeans, uetle springs, need woh a h.-toilsome its er cSP ' con-isting of 'many Satin Jeans, neatly bonr.d. The great popularity of the Writings of Mr. `oft he Stet: Lcaislalare. and of toe select and I We-aver among yourig people induced us to common council of any city' or commissioner , seem them together, in which form tbe,v , of any incorporated edetrird'as bylaw 'acapae Tali boouct_ in behalf of Sergt. C ' with kid. I seem to be more generally anpecved than ; ble of holding or exercisingiat the same time aCo b, and enacts. , end- A Sflperior patent clasp, used in , t -- , epara c,.. I . I the office or ;appointment of,Juage. Inspector tanning the soling, together. s - I rfr, ti:ioai .F r i : its Pnilosoplay . .or clerk of arty election in this commonwealth • • I far 3rel. The springs are fastened together by t , - . . 14 1 d B - Dr. JP • also ; tinatlna the fourth , 4,..ti0n or the Act on . Practice fulls - etp aye . s a .B. - ..o. . reslachae c: the brad,'; f • ctlicr in meters . of :hi , 1 ,inaar Ca." . ,ar. which possess._ Do .... : 1 5 r Node' 11.: or , xren-iye reputation of -assembla. entitled -An Act relating to , forest Co.. ?can e . e „, tee Hee tripe...l- Sir , ugtl: an i I .r.,_11 grey al: cu ..:e: as ~, rac. al - ti , ir.,0 , , p , Tieri ,, a. . ret ...bolo ,sts as Clan twos and for caner pr oyes,' epproved _ Daeaaa PA-tits, E... i Af LI 5 ,, ,,, , 1. t ' ,..4Ctli/ t r. " bt rc....f_re kaahn or used. . , well ...e. C.... 3 of the clay - est salters in the -k.pril loth, 156,..1 it is enacted that the afore .N. Y., to hiss EL al' EM , only Tae ....emoamoon of lin ent , on, a"- mit'r 'ed count: . Th.: Y. orb, stands at the aead of all said 13th se l ation si.all not, be so construed • St the Lis n of Lilmeron Nelron, Ee , e," I.lle to tlr' ,, , fire dotal • •• 11,,, rt Ft' e' "" a - eh: • ' tarry - ' . .'en a rotdn on the s abject. Pfice as to. Pr" any alrl : tary Officer Jr Borough 1 tags eart ail other:. , u Durebrlity :tad S tale. _ _ - .. , - I ",..e. •"e• lea,. I officer front acrs mg as Jude. Inspector, or I DUL.W ear:nz an aomnion slarts. --,I I - cr; a r easa ...., i e.;l • •• • Marble lir.ard. has the printers thanks fort a • -, ' - , • 1a; • ' E‘l ?teat ion, t ompletr. Embracing er.. 0.. ......, , ge... r 1 or ...p, c.a _ion in .. ...... , ... nee . .., soia,lea. aelime n 1.. us caa-erreo d to, this ' '1 oh' 'll ,,, i'al annhe - ale-IC."la and Lacy 7'l°2 rev a aair - rthotri of ono faciaat iu 1; Y. city free of P:al• - laloZY•lA n r in l -••- • Commonwealth. ri - IHE stoscriber desires to inform the cities - It ie furthdr directed that ta e maJting of the 1 zens of Potter that he tan supply theui s airoatra Lee wall the etraneer- , tharze on of the money. the Pre (elation an , Restoration of Health oi - , eturr, Juuze4 at the Court House in Coudere with all kinds of Marble work, as cheap, and • I - ' alanuface are.' cicluw. cll. I,C. the It t is Jae to live amona. , Lode and Power of , Mind: Self-Cuiturea"and r• - a -- _- mart to m ilea out the aeneral returns, shall be f ; ;a3 good as it 'car. be had any platle in the ler. ',Fel:- 17111, bs P.. T. CI In' al- . I 1n...1 , AmaLrican Skirt Co-; Perteetion of Character, includtmg the mac , - . Sr. ~- • a , Bement f Yor , - Menaory and nateoccom. • ' i 9 s 1 the fir- Friaar succeeding the general elec-; c mantra. MONUMENTS and TOMB-STONES tTi FURNACE of Ealalia, and alre. 1 loe Onecat e E taIeELT, t 5 "`a • ' .-.- . - Broolava, N. T. 'raper: meat. appli, e lion,witch y `iii 1,- 0 e 13th da- of October applied to Se and, , 4 - ` t . 1 of all kinds furnished on eteort notice. CiIIMER of Horner. I I also here make known and case notice; - Jhr ele le-o-uctloni la one large volume. - • . e C. BREUNLE. For sale by A. miLLr,r.. kFc, ;.. - -510 Broadway. ee. .- - - that the place of holding the aforesaid Gen-' Coudersport, Feb 13 '65 1y Er E D STATES MAIL, 1 1 -e• -4 Co N. Y.. and l, the Ira ic generally. Pelt e • e . sera] in the several townehi e and o P- , Administrator's Notice. il -t , ~...- 0I I Char- r -'r , f*,-- , of Ira a. COnstioared in election . hi ',or : ,,, t , e.• '. .1 , borough , •-yhin the county cc Potter, are; 1 as I VETHEREAS Letters Of _administration ork PENNSYLVAN . IA. I 1 I I i 6-1-1-* tered. 1794 Rea aco eo Externel Objects. By Georae a , -'' 1 a - - tudows, to alt: ' If V' the estate of DAVID CROWELL, late • . ----______ - • Combe. The only atthor.zed Ameriedin edi- .. var . the tow' oship of of Abboeat the a' r 4 - f j ,- , - , c-m.-- 0 acksoO Township, Potter County, deed, Po - ' 1. - V 4 ISIIANCE CO3IPA NY ..,- oin CT DE.1 , 1RT31.7 \T, - '-' hon. With Twenty Eaaras Inge. alto a Por - I nia Hotel in I._ _id township. I , hate been ranted to the undersigned, - 'all Iraianaten efaree , a 'll, Fa:, Oa' trait of tae anthor. Mu ,, hn. $1 ao. I For the , . la: tonnsh;: - , of Allegany, at tae school pe-sons letdeated it said estate are requested; •Tnaer. IlaNtrino TEOLEAND C0 . P1E.7 CI /GIS I • _ . ~ -a„„ „ , , s . . t...! i's 7.-11, be rece ,, ,• ed at the Coetract 1 N or. ay a- - ~, as --,---,T i-, •ou.s.enea , t'lc ti. ace 1 orn,rl ton ned la aa es- to Make aemeihate payment, and those bac- - _i_ J._ /71 .. - t. -) 1 E.. 1_,..L.._ A, - .!, t o hate 14 et. eola. an.d the demand , . Iti ie Department until 3P. in of, '' . -r-a wort -' a ter And: ews, in sail ton it tip. PHILADELPHIA. 1137. mime againet the same will present them, retaber 16. leree. ,to be dee,ded•l _nil Incincermeee. ' , . For th a tonmelnp of Bing Lam at the liint-7- aule authentlcatcd, tb the subscriber for' a - _ - . al-as Ina Jaya for conveying the , Oldest InETIT ante. Company in America; a ' Lllil , Dnath je For Lily Pl , ,y- -1r . A -- hem Centre echo 1 hosee AP .1 ' - - - • - e r - . .. 0 near A, Is _ewes., IL ra: -., u ,, a t. CalAlaelEt H ARISTRONG, f the 1 - iated Sates from Nos ember floacee Pre- - 'tansy arid II:, era, I , c Ads Isere v. 41. 1 -1 „. 0 . 1 ,1 towns: :ii,. Cot - ;,:'rep , ,. iaAti 2' 19. 18, - ,a. Adms'rs to Jar C 30, I ea-. on the fol wain; Cash Capital and Surplus, over rtfe-f•fice to the `,azure, C', used Prevention port e tut; aehip of Clara, at tl.e school 1 Adaninv.tratriN - Malice to. Ere tit:,': of Pen,-_ - ; leanja by the an l d Tteatraent, ct Inseaees Accidents and , house near Sal t Ste\ one'. in said townehi . • - ' 1r • 181.1'50.-000.000. I ) • 'Letter, of Adrninistratiot da Casua'acs of every land. Py Joel Slier M.D• :Nar the tiwnsLip of Ea" ful. at the ;New 13 es ~. ucoart arcs and arrivals herein _ the eel rle o f C_1111:EL ROGERS. late i. 31, viz: SEVENTY-ONE 1 - ears Seceetesfal Lusieess . e , ee nearly Illustra•ed with , . be e res.n o _. Court Haa-teip L. ho ou ho. Coudersport. - ' of Hector I. ownabip Potter county, deceased, m Coradersoort hy Colesbnrg Ellis- Price• e a _a. 1 For the toil raeuip of Genneese. at thehouse, hate been I - Experience with e renutetion for integrity 11 " 1 / €. - - ' a F ° l -Cs and ,`bongo, N. Yam 1 - 0 end lionor4le dealing un ' terpes-ed by any. a Peittt !pies ot Thploloxi applied k ...n-rnerly occupied - by S•S Risco, in Eldisburg. I peas sons inae - bted to said esiate are reqtreated He, :-:,, miles and back, three times anvil, a. .1 -' - - 1 For the township of Harrison,at the house • ' • , a inea,L,lnn to make immediate payment, and those Lay- Lue , SES PAID eentle marthiration, .15, _ . , le. _ provement of Physical and Mental Educatian ' recently occupied .3 Ira Bartholonaewan sa.d a a derspota alondae . Wclnestle.y. andcent,: them Dr. A Comae. ?Lis svork has for a long toss helap. I calms again ti,e --nine wilt present , ion ~ 500 60 , 2 on. wiLb )..t. t he deanct:on cf e ~.. a I them, duly authenticated to the shbscribert at : arrne Lt 1-e"slille b Y lor a day's delay I , time DUB je,EtIS ZOt,EiliCl'ld one of the best , For the le-arshla cf Tle'arcn. at the Schocl , SUSAN ROGERS, Altinistratrix. I a -loleas Ye- w. l tten. l Louee No. 3' nh , r Ildnry I 1-^aiam e in said - I LIBERAL RATEa' for ail the safer classes wor 1 "-: " general t'- -: . ''',. ' " i " ' - "' "• - '''' ' " a rprat. 15, leaa. elo - Ple `ree - daa Ther - daa rt d i townsh o. 1 ; 1 ells l' - '' • ' I -'-" T a of property,. lasarancs of lan ellings and Pr. & 1 • 71 . , _ Is on arrival of Nee York. eapreee r .- -. a a .t e teavraan of Hect or;c oe • P - 0 , 1 - /eircii : Their ripa-Onettilo aea.-- ; For - ; . _ .tl. - Senc _r 'lf DR. TOBIAS' ' - - - Contents. asr malty' ay nt. lo a. m. ; arrive at, Coss ders - , ,i-- - I DR FIE h.INS &BROS T\-' D - 1' - i • F ith ' Disease.:l a Deecr,p- lei eehool houee in st,d towJehip. 0 / 1 T - E_VI Tial ."1 7 ' HOI SE LEN". I .111 :VT .t P In. b. aor .-_-• u.. a wei inge insure-. a ,--- ezement La tea. and ; .- . Gaol , c'itlii , `f dc.--ed on terms of the geeatest tree and Practical[ ork. deelerned as a , For the taa nsinp o,f . Horner, at the selieol ['ALL ABLE MEDICINES, -which hate per the r ..72, a 1 - . om. Coadr:-po-t, ley East Fabron ' •' • - 1 P • dtownship. ' - - liouee aaco a (fit 4in said tormeu rich wonderful cures and given gen-- Has given unicer ,, al satisfaction, toe " , economy and -Say to the insured. for I analies and i'hyr,c.ans. With nurne.- - - near, , a i , J,alli }AEA en - 11.1e to Welles rile. N.Y. '3 - P-- Joel alien - , M. D. I For the township cif Jackson, at the Clouse' eral satisfaction to all those who bare made fourteen Years it ha, been introduced toto .us cases u:Serlue , . a =way mil e and back , hree time- • ek. , I formerly occuoied bs B. Barse, new M Chap-, use Of them, can be obtained of DR. A.r. 1: •t - 1 States. After trier' by 1 / - - - ' .• a ;cock. it is Wiedom and Economy to insure in tile IS coo, 4;2 page., ataean, te_a . , ... . ; the nt .. bein g - c•-yc (e.*•A ilerSpert TUCSder, VGGl•••dar, and ... _ 0 . ', , I Cot l l i pi 7 .. T . Th e i pel in said lown"hip., 1 FRENCII, CorDERSPORT, Potter Co.; million:, it has been proclaimed tke pam e...)z,f ~ , _, .. .0 „, ,,, _ be- Cornparne-. an- there is non. 1.r, , , a thin be s _toff: ,it o.Fol Ity , o attireiav at aa . LI . arrive at 1 Frar the tr.' weship of ileet:ng at the house Pa. who will examine patients, astertain that stroyer oft ne world. Pain cannot bc ',Le , tr r, , m. ` - ''' tale olu Insurance CO. 0 f North Datiee of afar con - lered in ins 1n , 31% Mull, . , .1 . 'of Fling Hollis. in said townshi ;nature of their di-ease, and give all access: tkis liniment is or o- alf used as threcieu ' T „ Ire .t, cll , ,i n e ~.o _ ,dl „ . r, .. c. ~4- , 1 ' America. , Domeetic and Social Capacities. By ascorge , nor the w-1 '-i 9 it cannot and co has failed in a single; - - - ... , 0ne...,a., . ~a Apply to M. W. aIcAL adeNEY Comae.B •a r • Ed" bea In. - - eprra...e rem the in ~,, et..: hm. or to us, in of Ossetia Oat the Centre ' arr. threeftions and advice to those who make ll r •idal on arrival cf New Yora eepresz , school houee lu sol i d township. I use of the Medicines. Orders from abroad instance. For couohs. colds and influenza I malt--- e - sat at 10 • • et C •ed - a. in , arrive a ca, era- Agent for Potter county. ' ;ciao *he author's latest cOrr.-ctions. 'Larze , - it can't be beat. One 40 cent bottle will cure I) ort las S . n. en Auditor's Notice. 11 2,11 , 0. Price, $1 7a. a I FUT' the, township of Pleasant Valley, at the l a all re-eive prompt attention. • I school homy., No. 2,ie s l ant township. I July 13.'1865. all the atioye besides being useful in every p i l _ _1 . ._ ~ , 01 . ~ ' 1' 1 COW . I .t , • Q ..T OCtUrft ors Ph - ntology, In- I 1 - ropool , must De a al. Propose T' undersigned . ' ed. an Auditor. appoint, c. -I -- - e For the township of Pike, at Lae loose of! family for E udder, accidents, such as burns, , •h. -I AdministratorJs No+* - ace. 2..... , . atette of Penn:- - ' d' -- d a ania. anu a areeee to or the Urnhan . Court of Potter counts- cluding its apnir anon to the p.eeeut and ' Eat ill Johnson in said township. cuts. scalds, insect sting's , SC. - . It is perfectly a I WHEPEAS Letters' of Administratimi Da; _ the , , C'ec.on.l Assist ant Postmaster General, to distribute the fund , ..a t,,e hands o f t ha pro- pecti7C Colld,tion of the t - nited. States, ' For the township of Rollie:. a the school innotera to take irternally, and ea:. he g' vr-I " Waehinat. n. D C. oductory leseav and ^n with Notes and Intr _ ,_ , e ' • bon: non to the estate of THEODCI - ' Adm eistrators of thc eetate of SAMUF.Lhouse enar C-eorac Vs eimer sin said to• a - " a id to the olaest person or the )oungest cel - • tIL t CARPENTER, late of Binghairel ilia , the heir and legal Historieal alactch. Price, $1.75. I For foams of proaozal, guaranty and nr- CARLIN, dead, among I For the ttarnelap of tharonat the Sharon , Price 401 and en cents a bottle. Office 5,3 ctcatc, an - , E , i , dec d have beet granted to the substtibein a curia: acme to be incorporated in represemtatares of the said deceased, w:11 I .. , , Centre schoolhouse, ,{ear John voorhee'e, in Dort Street, New York. Sold oy all on con roots, sec pamphlet advart.semente attend to the duties of his said appoint-tent' Copies of tLe irhole, or . a part of these , said toan _ L;p. , i all persons indebted to said estate Sri re = Druggists.quested to matte immediate payment;land for commyilig the Merills in Penray-Iyania..tice at the Prothonotary E Office in the Borough , work', will be.senapost.paid BY 1 IFI. - ,Y MAIL, i For the township of reavecden at the bonsai dated ale, einocr i ti, 1 Ji33. and Decenabe, 13, of c oa d er e r ,pir . tcn Thursday, the 9 1st day on receipt of the, price. Agents wanted. , late of Tneent t. . in said those hae i sang :.aims against the seine *ill township., • DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS ~ . . 1 .1..z. , .;-4. to be:oeni ia the principal post on;‘ces Scptemher at 7 o clock r. 31, IS Itere all perliAdoress w i t h stamp, I For the township of Sten - arteon at the New, - , ar ,pre-ent team, eta. authenticated for settle- Composed of highar concentrated extracts I ra 1 • DENNISON Pc s'ais•fer Gtn-rtil. sons interested in said fund will present theil• Fowler &. Wells IN- le _ . d ', . 1 ment to a EVA. CARPENTER, Admstr. 9 , . °may school ho se in said townehip. from rotas and Herbs of the hizheet medicinal; - - - FINE FARK FOR SALE, , claims or be forever debarred. US BROAaW A Is. 1 . ' For the township or Suri,mlt. a 1 the house; ' • Leh sses Pa . Ang. 25, Ic'es. value, intall,able in tiro cure of all diseases I H. J. OLMSTED Auditor.i formerly occupied by Jonathan Redsort now 'COUDERSPORT AGAREIITY. of the Liver or any derangement of the Di , - E/ I • 1 i I Cottec - rore: o'l I'7.CE C. S. INT.RBYENTE, 1 . Ana 9 0 1' 4, 35. geetire Organs They remove all impurities ' HE übFeribers i oirer forsale their Farmin •- • -- , Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 9 3. 1865. ) 111. V. Larrabee, in said township. I J. WV. ALLEN, Fa:SCIPAL, assisted b , i Aa - ES or the annual Liet , for liet.s, In-, Pcr the oss-in-"hip of Sylvania,at the senool competent Teachers. 1 of the Blood, and are raneenaled in 'the cure I Cie a tow nship.alt contalnsll2 Acres. I An' IT Estray gorse. . , - -, . , .., I T 1 THE FALL TERM of Diarrh.e, Jaundice. Ds ap•psia, Scrofula is plea_antly sitaated at the forks of the I comae. (air:ages Licences, &a. are row ho nee' ~...1. Rae in said township. I , Came to tae enelosnre of the undersigned l' 1 2 edbr H. A. ' JONE•z, Far the township of ladssses/at the house I will . commence on MOND_A_Y e Aug. 2S, 1865 1 Biliousness, Liver Complaint; Peters. Head- • road he:, cen Coudersport and Ceres. one road on the lath day of Atigaen 1865, 0 DARK due and no 1 m receis _ , B I •-•d - a• I and continae Twelve weeks. ache, Pries, Mercurial losease:, Hereditary leading o Wellsville turough Oswayo ; and a lector .for Potter County, at his; ofAils_ ennett, in said towns ip. , Dcoury Col . BAY HORS:. short 'mace long and tan, Pertheh• f ' I Tuition to he paid at the middle of the • - establish: nn cin the Humors.; Dose. for adults, oree pill in the new may. route le Co e. g Dame in the Store of C. S. ,a. E. A. Janes ; in 5 towns ip 0 West Branch- at the; morain, childrn half a pill. From one to 1 - route 1 • It be ; Wel, ille at this place. a ould three veers . -al7 a, about old. The ovate, wi ll o _, " e -e Coudersport, on FRIDAY the 22nd day of f houee of S.M. Connate, in sarid townslap I Term, from $3,00 to $B,OO. ContingenEleai , ._ come fora and. prove property pay charges a . nt caber neat ~ For the township of / Wharton at the house 25 cents. _three p 11- wlll ccre ordinary ce ea - ana f-ca, a ceeirabledoca'on for a Tavern. Tee. el e-• • - ca=_ es, •• a - - • ' and take .rim away or he trill tee cli - poted of ' -c e - • • • I oeSre h I Horton, ' ,- i/ 'd t -11: I A Teachers' Class will be instructed .Frea one to three n one w in car.. any curable ca .., a good yll RARD and VALUABLE BUILD- - ' - i arar.. Taaee mats, be paid in Government , peen] i. sai own. .p. d t accor ing o law. ; a t theiof charge. , I I For the ,borough or Coudersnort, of no matter bon lona standing. Price• at 0,,1 ING'S on the place, with water convenient. ' 1 ; Funds. V.I MOTT TALBOTT, M. D. az CO.. ;Time a ill be arisen if desired, I I V ALENTHCE SCHWEITZFiR. ITo all v.i , c. neglect to pay. after Ten Days,. Court House in said boronah. e , Rooms suitable for students destring til , . • garrison Valley, Potter Co . Pa -day of; board themselves can be obtained reasonably , I a Syscial Volice will bel issued for which the; e Given under my hand, this 11th , • C. 2 Fulton Street, New York. , Per-olns desirous of Purchasing can apply a 1 Sept. 1 1. , 6" , . [3a pdiin and near Town. 'eel ,,,, F to Clara, Potter Co., Pa., or 0 the —• ' ' law provides a fee of Twenty cents and Four teptemberl A. D , 1864. 1 5 t° 1 J. L. ALLEN Latest from. Sherman ! ;cants per mire, and Tea per neut. penalty 1 1 address the Prin t D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. For further particroars, 1 ; A. J. ALLEaT , !after that to be collected by distraint. I I ' A. M. ALLEN. I t 7 1 1 1 °SIN , k , TAR, flom North Carol for ;- GEORGE BURS. Collector lath vat. Pa.. A SOAP Que6tion Settled I inquire at 18. 17 - 65. (6wpd) 1 ..... .sake by STEBBINS ,E. A. JONES, Deputy Collector. . i al- ; - - STUBINEe I 1 ~) bbl., lb i r .1 og, re lb., lb-, , i bbl., Eurron Or JOURNAL—BEAK Sin : With your permission I wish to say to the rcaders of your paper, that send, by return mail, to all who wish it, (ft2e) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple; , Vegetable Dalai, thnt will effectually remove. ! in ten days, Pi:4les, Blotels,•Tan, Freckles . Six DOlar4 a u nd all Impurities of the Skin. I :lying the a'rainzdan same soft, clem i , smooth and beautiful. , body. ICr I will also-mail fiee to those hai l ing Bald c'eulz , l this Heads, or BarelFaces, simple directions and Wolcott, inforrmition tbet will enable them to start a full growth .1f Luxuriant Hair, Whisker - 3.. or •••-• Moustache, in less than titirlv days.. '1 whimhh was,ll All applicauonF answered by return Mail mPd at without chargei.. Bespe , :tf , :lly yours. on Ith,.t cart north THIJ. F. 'IIAPMAN, efleu+igt. e 1 Broadway. .2‘.v Voil , f-' Ol - 1 - 111 - 11 ,0 .! and W.I. all To Cc0.:31-mertvr.s.—The tan.ler.44nedL having hoen lestored hcalth ;.r.. a t r by a very sintp.le re.thedy. has_ suffere ' n g several years, with a severe is anxious to 1.1.1:1 . 5e RP...IWe ferers the means cf cure. once tadi To all who - ,. esitr! it, he will se -- ,1 co: - .y of , the prescriptio (free of charge]. with '"t'-'e --1 the directions !for pre:;:trinf , anti i tae me In same, which tihey will find a :lire cqr , fit , r (l c?• Consumption, A,thuia, Bronciatis, Colds, etc. Tie only ohiert of tAle adv-.2rtisT2r in sending the Prescripthm ',is to benefit the ir' blic i -m is afflicted, and spreadi mni,tion which he c ,, 9 ,PF '' :;h : ca conceives to ve invalu.ll.l.:-. and IL: hopes ; ; ", 1 .., every sufferer frill try itis remedy, as it cost them notliing, and nmy prove a Li eS,:j fl Parties wishing the Fescription.will plea:4g :addressF.DWArLD A. WILSON.- at Lock Williamshurg. Kin , s County. New Y117 . k. ana B RAN ET CI'S PILLS. „ r „, ...Whose tingly usc, under Irroridence was e has often saved life. and beautii These -celebrated Vegetable Pills are no ?Trude '' , new, untried ? l amed:7: they hav'e been used and tested 11,1 the United States fur thirty 'years, and are relied upon by hundreds of thousandsifauillies as almost their scilel Elaia;la T -medicine when siel-, No (are or expense is -.spared in their preparati in, and it is certainly true when I assert that no Klr.g. can ha.e a dau.,ll.itiri 'medicine s.tferi or surer than 13randretii's Pills. They produce a good effect upon disease The fti 'Almost immJdiately they are taken. By some 'wonderful payer. perhaps electric or nervous " - influence, the progress of diseased actioa is PF ic , L urPE, arrested : where watchfainess and nain have been present. he system becomes quieter, and 'the parsec: scan outains refreshing slYirp. Che Fr.lnCirctlq Pill Box apon •it a United rt e. G,-) Stamp B.BRA\Pf l'ii Wt.itc , Lev.Pr: - : - Ia the sfi me One One De...tiny.,!. 'This is , thc r - 1, , 0tt0 of our 11;ort:rri'v.147at ar-d - ;ts charzpi:ns Gn.tivt and SBEKLXAN are in words of fire on the BATTLE cLour). It the . - ear:;lnte. 'thron?hout the wh-)I-_ , '.ttn - 1 • . CHFIISTADDRO'S HAIR DYE winningits silent victories, changing re belhous•rels. , rays in-d vellows into • rich black-sar.d browns, and con rerting. in a moment unsig'ut- liness into Iptanty, ONE 11A111 DYE only T.. 111 eventually be recognized in the':LeaNlLe a *eCc ek world of ;.union, : that , s.anufactured J. CH: I 2IIST A.D0T3.0. No. t".; Astor House: New Frildiiy York. Sold by Druggists; Applied by all Gr. to. 'air Dressers. , • Leave ---- Sat u7a rhii— pyr• 1, 114TNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES.—for tlie La , rem j s 11 dies.—at STEBBINS' lER STORE—constantly receiving assortments of GOODS, ('l OP 1.,./. Ens II - - J~ NEIL COUNT JOURNAL CoudirsPort, Tuesday Evening' Sept. 19, 165. i_d rH Pp' • 1 and General.' Mk Alll parpos t - olcgburgr Read; ody. j i Co tr ,dvertlisein e. 70u 1 00 3 00 S 50 9 00 AZ7. lir. potati last: tb‘qs lip, 'rettl goo, 7 00 800 15 20 15 20 15 ]8 50 6u t 100 125 ( I 25 00 30 00 18 2u I 10 12 37 50 20 25 8 10 ;?ere4ltr.t.s jtorai Ski in.rketi. 'iscos :hunt. lean' from the Citi.ea that Oil has beEM' ered in several locialities is Cameron bu, not yet in codsiderable quantity, f the tieils are over 700 feet in depth. I ; i.O niii 1 50 4 73 20 3 00 ‘,3 n it 2 00 9 00 1 00 4 5 d 15 2 .A.l SOO 1 15 SOO Dad.ty at .ojort i ty fo l larger t. ,tit vet req 1 - MI to- ' Grecian compound will force them to grow on i I ;GET I TLNG Wnt.t..—We understand that Jacob ' the smoothest face or chin, or hair. on bald .r . . Leo, I; - horn we noticed last week as hat= heads, in l':•lix. Weeks. Price, 31.00. lent by fig cd,rnmi ted suicide, is likely to recover.— mail anyv, - here, closely sealed, ,on receipt of file mount in his throat not being as danger- !price. Address • WARNER & CO., s. :is wis- at first suppozed.—Delltfonte lysft Boa 12S, Brooklyn, N. Y 1 liatchrtan.l _ W 1 • . filtl be foolish.'—i - ou can make,' 1, I ine Dairy - Farm from Filly Cents. I Call and ex.- 1 " • --Vl' e ==rin U X i I ,PiIoPPS V,Ao 3 ; 1 on he mai ko; 1;4- rtut,s 2,72 1.1 bur;, IVe/ EMI n.'aritn is offered for sale inR an 1313-1 r 1 Ltb will be in town'tbis.week for Of disposiiim'of his fine Farns. at he advertisennent of Fowl:er There is something for oTery- I ctors please notice the of the routes from this Ilace Ding,tnan, of Horner, handedlus we j els.., raised on his place in that end which weighs Tiro l'owqe. Niurphy I l e'Onmend to the attention of our he advertisenient of Otis's New t. 'lt is spoken of as the best n' erection in Maine WaS held on d (resulted in. an overwhelming t e Union ticket. The majority anl ever before.. The people are; y to surrender to the copperheads. needed by every `a =_fiulile sent4ree I'9; mail fur 50 rutl.il3 easily for ! ''A.s-G, 11. L. I "irttirath N fork. body of 1031; Ulric Dahlgren. I so mrsteriiusly buried near ItichL e time of X ipatriel:'s falnous raid v; has been secovered. identified, il add re-interred in Viashington. en a watelif:was stolen at the time" , Lso i-ecovereil. ! 1 The attention of a little 11,,.1 to a rOsebuEli, on top. Lti'Oliest rose, was fading whilst irounki it thrbc beautiful ern:asp:l unfotilir,k, their charms. she at her LrDth,r=-, C. thee little !h have it await :nether Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach j Bitters. READ REV. W. B. LEE'S LETTER. Breolflyn, N. Yl, Nay 2.8.1. h; 1863., Messrs. HOSTE'TTEE At SMITE: Gentlemen—l have used yOur Bitters during, the last six weeks, and feel it due to you and, to the public fo express my hearty approval' of their effect upon me. I never wrote a "putir for any one, and I abhor every thing that savors of quackery. But 'your Bitters are! , entirely removed from the level of the mere!! nostrum: of the day, being patent alike and exactly what they profess to be,. heyl, are not advertised to cure everything, but they are recomended to assist nature in the alleviation and nhimate healing of many of the most common infirmities of the body,and this they will accomplish. I had been unwell for two months, as is usual with me during the Spring. I was billious,and suffered from indigestion, and a general disease of the mu cus membrane,and though compelled to keep at work in the discharge of my professional duties, was very weak, of a yellow complec tion,no aPpetite,and much of the time confin: ed to mY bed. When I had been taking your Bitters a' week my vigor returned ; the sallow complection was all gone, I relished my food, and nowl enjoy the duties of the mental ap plication, which so:recently were so very irk some and burdensome to me. When I used your Bitters, CIH.f a change every day. These are fact:. All inference must be made by each individual,for himself. Yours, respectfully, • NI% It. LEE, , f Green Avenue Presbyterian Church - . Whiskers ! • Whiskers I Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? • Our PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned Offers his Large Farm situated in Alle!sany township, Potter ~ .:ounty, Penn'a., on the read running fr-Dna Couders port to Wellsville, anti only seven miles from the County seat, ati Private ON A CREDIT OF TEN YEARS. Said Farm contain - a Four Hundred Acres of the best farming IKnd. with:rood fences, and has erected on it ONE TAVE - RN STAND, ONE STORE ROOM, TWIO TENANT HOUSES ; THREE BARNS, and other fine outbuildings. The undorsigned will be on the prPmises DURING THE FIRST PART OF Court Week. If tot Sold it WILL filE LEtSED for three or tine }ears ; for n Cash rent. S. M. MILLS. Ti:usville, Pa., Aug. 20. 1:?1:5. NEW FLOR.A.L SKIRT. VALUABLE STANDARD BOOKS, FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES, PUBLISHED BY FOWLER and WELLS. 308 Broadway, N. Y. 'IIHE LEWISVILLE AOADEM' open on Monday bctobe; 211, under-the charge of Rev. J. C. Stevens, (late of Lime). Tkition common English $3, in iciLdemic studies $4. Rooms can be rented and board irig, obtained with -good (families in the vil- Rig; at reasonable rates By ordi MARTIY§ AMERICAN - HOTEL, CORNER 4TH & WILLIAM STS.,- 'ILLIAMSPORT, PA. L. & 0.. MARTIN, Proprietorz,.. This Iltitel Etas been much enlarged, refitted, and otherwise improve with excellent sta bling, making it inferiot : to none in William spoi t —Aug '65 THE MASON & H AMLIN f . AAb wet iorgans and ClitiCker ) ing , g ! celebrated Pianos for tale by John B. Shak.spear,, of Wellsboro, Tioga county; Pa. Persons debiring to pur chase can do solby applying to A. L. ENS WORTH, Esti.,l at the Bingham Office. Efoudersport, Pa. CAUTION FItOM AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, - _ It having come to our knowledge that Italians of ibe American Watch have bees put upon the market in great number, calm. lated by their utter worthlessness to injure the reputation of our genuine' products, to protect our own interests and the public trans imposition, we again publish the trade marks by which our Watches may invariably be known. We manufacture four styles of Watches. r of the Trustees The First has the name "AMERICAN WATCH CO.. - Waltham Mass.,•" engraved on the inside plate. The Sec;nd has the name "APPLETON, TRACY CO., Waltham, Mass.," enzraved on the inside plate. Thel Third has the name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham, Mass.," en• grayed on the inside plate. All the above styles have the nude Amer ican Watch Co. painted on the dial, and are warranted in every respecL The! lonrth has the name "Wid. ELLERY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on the:inside plate, and is not named on the dial. ARthe above described watches are made of various sizes, and are sold in gold or silver cases,lus may be required. 11 hardly possible for us to accurntelf_ describe the numerous imitations to which we have alluded. They are usually inscribed, with names so nearly approaching our own as to escape the observation of the Iltitte.CllV , turned buyer. Some are represented its made by the "Union Watch Co., of Boston, Mass.' : _ —no suchcompativ existing. Some are named the "Soldier's' Watch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. Eilesy style, usually' known as the “Soldier's Watqh.' l. Others are name the "Appleton Watch Co. ;" others the P S. Battrrx,': instead of our "P. 8. Bart lett i" besides many varieties named in such• a mar ner as to convey the idea that they are the veritable creductions of the ArneriCttli Watch.C?mpany. ".:Welalso caution tlic public, and partfen. layly Soldiers, against buying certain articles CALLEp watches. so freely advertised in illus• tratecl papers as "Army Watches," ='Officer'! Watches," "Magic Time Observers," "Arcana 'Watches," &c,. the prices of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A good watch, in these times, cannot be afforded'', any such money. - 'A little attention on the part of buyers will protect them from gross impositiOn. ROI3BINS APPLETON' Agents far the American Watch Co., 182 Broadway, New York, PACIFIC HOTEL, 110, 172, 174 & 176 GB.ENVICH ST.r (ostsqutz WEST OF BEOADWAT.) Aetzcecn Cograande and Dry Streets,Sac York. IH'i: Pacific Hotel is well and *Mei,' known to the tra%eling nubile. The !o= cation is especially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is iu close proximity to the business nart of the City—is on the high way of Southern and Western travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific nas liberal accomintidation fot over 300 guests ; it is well furnished, and pos• sesees every modern improvement. for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates: The _mops are spacious and well ventilated provided with_gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectfUl ; and the table is generously provided with .etel-Y delicacy of the season. . . The subscriber, wh' o, for the past few yeatij has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor' and intends lto identify himself thoroughly with the interests of his honse. With long experience as a. hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the fßrirsble'recatation of tbe chic Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Ja. I DE JOHN PATTEN. troprieta. U can't believe what, fine BARGAIN - d 1 ;re to be bad e 4 OLIISTED'3.I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers