PRICE-CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday - by R.-A. STEB -BINS 8: CO., Retail Dealers in Groderles- - and Provisions, I Opposite D. P. Glassmire's Hotel, .„. Coudersport, Pa. • Apples, green,lil ?Nish., $' -50 to 75 do dried, 1 " 200 250 Beans, it 3 00 350 Beeswax, `i r l lb., _ • 20 25 Beef " 1 - . 8 9 Berries, dried, 'l3 quart 15 2ii Buckwheat, ¶l bush., .1 00 1 25 Buckwheat:Flour, 300 35 7 Butter, 11 lb., • ~ 25 28 Cheese, I,•15 20 • Cloverseed . 700 750 Corn, V bush., 100 150 Com Meal, per cwt., 300 325 Eggs, `4)l doz., • 15 Flour, extra,_ "13 bbl., 8 50. 900 do superfine " 9 00' 975 Hams, cp lb., 25 Hay, 111 ton, - 7 00 800 Honey, per lb., ,_, 15 20 Lard, it , 15 20 Mph 'Sugar, per lb., 15 18 Oats, 'il bush., . • so CO Onions, ~ 100 125 Pork, "41 bbl., 1 25 00 3000 do %1 lb., lB 20 do in whole hog, 1,1 lb., , 10 12 Potatoes, per bush., 37 50 Peaches, dried, 9 lb., ' 20 -, 25 Poultry, 5? 1b., , , 8 10 Rye, per bush., -• 100 150 Salt, 731 bbt., 450 475 do 'il sack, - ' 15 20 Timothy Seed 256 3.00 S 00 Trout, per 1, bbl., [ 9 00 Wheat, eV bush. 1 75 200 White Fish, V bbl., 800 900 BrtANDRETITS PILLS. Whose timely •Ese, under ,Providence. has often saved life. • These celebrated Vegetable Pills are no new, untried remedy ; they have been used and tested in the United States for thirty years, and are relied upon by hundreds of thousands of families as almost their sole Medicine when sick, No care or expense is spared in their preparation, and it is certainly true when I assert, that no King can have a Medicine safer or surer than Brandreth's Pills. They produce a ;food effect upon disease almost immediately they are taken. By some wonderful power, perhaps electric 'or nervous influence, the progress of diseased action is arm I.ed:; where watehfelness And pain have becu present,the system becomes quieter, and the patient soon obtains refreshing sleep. The geraiirte Brandreth Pill Box has upon it a United States Government Stamp with B. BRANDIMTifin White Letters i the same. One Flag, 'One Destiny, ! This is the sotto of Goveraraent; and is champions GRANT and SUER:HAM are writing it in words of fire on the BATTLE CLOUD. It the menutirae, throughout the ‘Winle land CHRISTADORD'S lira DYE is winning its silent victories, changing 're , 'hellions teds, grays and 'yellows into rich blacks and 'Drowns, and con 'v.:wring, in a Moment unsig',lxt-- liness into beauty. •ONE HAIR DVIn tray Will eventually be Tecooiteci it rac trorld'hf fashion, viz : that manufactured by .7. CHRISTADOIIO, No. C Astor House, Nets York. Sold by ,Druggists. A.,pplied by - all Hair Dressers. DR• TO73IAS' VES - ITIAY HORSE L1N.131.E.217 tias given universal satisfaction during the • Fourteen years it has been introduced into 'the United States. After being tried by IriniOXlS, it has beeb proclaimed the pain de stroyer 'ot the world. rain cannot be where *is liniment is applied. If used as directed it cannot and never hat . failed in a single instance. -Per coughs, Colds and influenza, it'can't he beat - One 40 centbottie will cure all - the above, besides beine• useful in every family for sudden accidents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, insert stings, &c. It is perfectly I innocent 'to take internally, and can be given to the, oldest porton or the youngest child. Price 40 and 20 'cents a bottle. ' Office 1111 Uortlandt "St - inet, New York. Sold by all Druggists. DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS Composed of, highly concentrated extracts from 'roots and herbs of the highest medicinal Value, infalliable in the cure of all diseates at the Liver or any derangement of the Di gestive Organs. They remove all impurities of the Blood, and ttre unequaled in the cure of Diarrhm, Jaundite, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Dilicitisnesf, Liver Complaint, Fevers. Head nehe,'Piles; Merculiat DiSeases, Hereditary /tumors. Dose, for adults, one pin in the morning, children half a pill: From one to three pills will cure ordinary cases,'and from t one to three boxes will cure any curable case of no matter how long standing. Price '51.09 V. MOTT TALBOTT,N. D. & C 0.,: 132 Fulton Street, New torkl. 4. COUDERSPORT J. W. ALLEN, Pamem&L, assisted by competent Teachers. THE FALL TERM will commence on MONDAY, Aug. 2t, 18C5; and continue Twelve weeks. Tuition to be paid at the middle of the Term, from $3,00 to $B,OO. Contingencies, 25 rents. - - 1 A Teachers' Class will bo instructed Pra of charge.- Rooms suitabte for stndnts desiring to board themselves can be- obtained reasonably in and near Town. . - For further particulars, address the Prin cipal, at Coudersport, Pa. WANTED ! DISABLED SOLDIERS . - And-others out of employment to canvass for OUR GREAT2iATIONAL WORK, Just Published, 5 1 T115 LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF ABRLYILII LINCOLN," - D'y Prank Crosby, of the Philadelphia - Bar, comprising one large octavo volume of nearly 7500 pages. This is•tho only work of the kind published it is entirely new and original, containing his early history, political career, speeches,proc lamations and other official documents illus trative of his eventful administration, togeth er with the scenes and events connected with jtia fltagic end. It will be sold only by ou r authorized traveling agents, to whom exclu sive territory is given, and liberal commiss ions paid! Send for a circuhir and teruis to "Alnericawn Publishing Agency, Box 217, No. COO Chestnut Street Philade •bia. • lIUNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES:--fotthe La dies.—at gTERBINS' ORNER STORE—conetently lecniving fine ae§iffrnents of G00Dt`,...% THE POTTER COUNTS .101TiTNAL Coudeispcn, Tifisdaz EV UI g; ~ Sept. 5, 1865 Local' and" m, J. R. Campbell ; tsq., bas been re moved from the... Post Office at WilrMinsport, and Horace E. Taylcif appointed ut - h is place: fa' The. Democracy, have lately estab lished a lourital for the defence of their de funct principles in tlniCon couuty': The Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for 18C5, have been received by the Prothono tary and are now ready for distribution. A l‘foncr. COUNTS`.—The county of Potter allows no liquor to be sold within its borders. This may account for the marked;predomid anCe of Union sentiment in Alit: - region.— Lock. Haven Republican. ra...There are no prisoners in fourjazl and we hear of no criminal cases for trial at Sep tember Court. Thepeopleof Potter find great difibulty $n supporting, their reputation of being the !'worst county in the State." WA.,, Those entitled to pensiOns will re member that the semi-ananal payments are made on the 4th of March and the 4th of September, in. each year. The second semi annual payment was due yesterday. SEW" The Law:slurs Cleranicleis tunv pub lished on a power press, and has the largest circulation of any paper in diet seetion'of the country although the county is but a Ilt tlo larger than Potter. ,This indicates that the people of Union 10:lbw the rake of giving a living support to their porno-organ, uc.. cess to. you, John I BET. The Mlltonfan. says theit one of the candidates fox' the copperhead' nomination for the Legislature in Northumh,erland coon ty was insultingly informed by one of his own party that he was unfit for the position because lie was an Irithman. rt us an'indis putabte fact that the Democratic party is the greatest enemy of the 'foreign population of this country, lout it does not often break otft, in this form. .1 TUE LETVISVILLE ALCAPErrit Will opcir on llonday October 2d, under the charge of nevi J. C. Stevens, (late of Lima). Tuition in common English s3,jin Academic studies $4. Rooms can be rented and board ing obtained with good families in fire vil lage, at reasonable rates. By order of the Truiteta. Harrisburg and Dauphili'county get orally must be a nice place- to lire I The 2elograph says that upwards of four hundred cass.-.: 'were presented to the Grand Jury at the last terra of Court for every crime known to man from "murder down to stealing chicken's." From the report a sit anger might reasonably cappose that every second house Was ' re „,,Ire, have received from the publisher, Mr. Ilon.kon AVA.TEIC, 461 BrOttilwaT N. 11 7. two nc' sbngs "Were I but his own wife," words by Tom Moore, music by Mrs. Park hurst, and' "Diic Doodle," words and music by 'VAL iStevens, both good'and the l'‘lst particularly, applicable to the times. Horace Waters publishes same of thO 'fine.A music in the market, and. wo advise all in need of anything in:that line' 0 send for a catalogue. •Conta, Esq., ..ouo of our Sen atorn Congress, Brill deliver the annual address before the Pennsylvania State Agri cu , u-ral Society, at Williamskort, tnt Friday, Se4entber 2U. Ste are glact - to lear That large preparation is malting for the " nest ex hibition of this useful society, and that , up to this period of time its offleers have assurance of 4 greater display of animals and imple ments purely agricultural .in,their character than any of them' have ever known so long lief re the time of the exhibition. VZ-- One of our government °fatale just retuimed from Peru, tells us : that among the flrstand Most frequent inquirle node of him theta about our public men ryas, whether he knew or had ever seen the 'celebrated Amer ican Chemist, Dr. J. C. Ayer of Lon-elf. ills remedies are found in every "Village from the elevated slopes of the Andes' down to the coast, and 'their remarkable cures seem to attract even more attention there than in this eunn fry. The .sentiment of Wonder at their effeCts, takes a far .demper hold on a har.civ ilized and superstitious people than it does with ns where the rati'unalisef Medical pith terns is so much meta generally understood. go other American has made himself so fa miliarly knoVen to the masses of the people in foreign countries or excited in !them so lively an interest in hiself ns the Doctor has by bis skillful applicatiOnef chemical science to the treatment of disease. That must be a dull than who cites hot feel some pride cr country when he finds among distttut nations that lie is already kubwn and weleenh there, through the liaborX of our Statesinen, Merchants and Scholars, whose renown has become national property, and consequently in some measure his Whether Dr. Ayer's r,cMcdies do actually cure more than others or not, they hait se.; cured the reputation of being a Godzsend to those afflicted with dis'ease, and where grea l t numbers in believe that they owe their health and lives to one's skill; they are sure to feel an interest in him which will find expression when they meetihis enuntr,y men.--Natioall Era., Washington, D. C. Ilostetter's Celebrated stoinatib. _glitters : READ REV. W. B. LEE'S LETTER. !Brooklyn, N. Y., Nay Mk, 18631 7 , Messrs. HOSTZTTEE: & SMITH: Gentlancn—l have 'used your Bitters dnring the last six weeks, and feel it due to you and to the public to expreSs my hearty approl,Jal of their effect upon me I never wrote a "puff" for any one, and I abhor every thing that s&ors of quackery. But your Bitters are entirely removed froth the level of the mere nqstrums of the day, being patent alikelo all and exactly what they profess to be. They are 'not advertised to cure everything, but they are recomended Ito assist nature in the alleviation and ultimate healing of many of the most common infirmities of the body,and this they will accomplish. I had been un*.ell for two months, as is usual with me during the Spring. I was billions ' and suffered from indigestion, and a geheral disease of the mim eos membrane,and though compelled to keep atwork in the dischai - ;:h of my professional duties, was very weak, of a yellow coruplec tion,no appetite,and niu.lll of the time, confin ed to my bed. When I had been taking your Bitters a week my vigor returned ; the sallow complection was all gone, I relished my food, and now I enjoy the duties of the mental ap plication, which soreently were so very irk some and burdensotno to me. When I used your Bitters, I felt a change every day. These aye facts. All inferenee must be made by each individual for himself. . Yours, respectfully, W. B. LEg, - Pastel or Green Avenue Rie:,bytcrian Church. MARRIED In Germania, Mg. 22, by D. Gonsiay,,Esq. GDABLES E.sq , and Miss MART SANDBAGEf i ,..a.II of the former place. - DIED. In Clara, Sept. 4, 18Gb, Mrs. ANN. V. Wife of J; ag,,ed 27 Years. , C'' ED ITOn ar SOMINAL.—D EAU Sin With your permisSion I wish to say to the readers of your paper, - that I will send, by return mail, to all who Wish it, (free) a 'Recipe, with full directions for making and using a. simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually rerriove,l in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckled and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear,m sooth and beautiful. I will also mail Free to thoie having Bald Reads, or Hare Faces, simple directions and informationl that will enable them to Mart a full growth jef Luxuriant Bair, Whiskers, or a Moustache in less than thirty days. All appLations answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours. THOS F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. - 831 Broadway, New York. VA. To CONSIIMPTICES.—The undersigned having boen restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, anei having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection-- is.ansious to make known to his fellow-suf ferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, [free of charge], with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Broncbetis, Coughs, Colds, etc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Partie's wishing the preseription,will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York, is Whiskers d Whiskers 1 Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? Our Drachm 'compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald hetcds, in Six Weeks. r Price, $l.OO. Sant by mail anywhere, closely sealed, or: receipt of price. Aiddress WARNER S: CO., lysn Box 138, Brooklyn, N. Y PACIFIC HOTEL, .170 172 174 dr: 17G GEEEWICII ST.,. (ORE SQUARE WEST OP BROADWAY.) Zeticcen Courdandt and Thy Strects,Mtv York :OEN PATTEN. Jr., 'Propiietz TINE PacifioHel is well and • widely known to the traveling public. The 11:1 cation is especially suitable to Merchants and business men; -it is in clos s e proximity to the business part of the Oity—is on the high- Way of Southern_and Western trarel—and Adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests ; it is well furnished, and pos iesses every modern improvement for the 'Ca=fort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; 'provided With gas and water; the attendance iQ Ifrcimpt' andArespectful; and the table is gene - roils - 1y _Provided with every delicacy cif the -mason. Tile cunseribe - r, 'who, for tnc :past few ,yers, has been the lessee, is ataw sole proprietor, and intends to identify, Himself thoroughly with :the interests of his 'house. With long 'experience as a 'lintel-keeper, he trusts, uy ,mdderate charges and a liberal policy,, to maintain the favorable reptltation of the Pa !elfin Hotel. JOIIN PATTEN, Ja. 'Administrator's Notice•. WHEREAS Letters IX Administration De 1 7 Bonis 2207 i to the&ate of THL'ODO SIUS CARPENTER., late of Bingham tp., deed, have been granted to the subscriber, all I(persons indebted to said. estate are re quested to make immediate payment; and those having claims analnst the same will present them, duly antlienticated, for settiti met to AL'ir.A. CARPENTER, Adms'r. Ulysses, ra., Aug. 25, 1865. — Corr rcron's OFFICE U. S. TNT. RNTENTIE, Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 23, 1865. rrAx:Es on the Annual List for 1865, Pa "cOmes, Carriages, Licences, '&e., are now due and will be received by B. A. JONES,', Deputy Cillector for Potter County, at his Otee in ti r e Store of C. S. E. A. Jones, in Coadersport, on fRiDAY the 22nd 'day 'el' SePtember M r „, Tames taint be raid. in . GoveinMent rinds. 1 To all who n'egleet to pay, after Ten Days, a pecialNotice will be issued for which the law provides a fee Of Twenty cents and Four cents per mile, and Ten era. 'penalty after that to be collected by distraint. I GEORGE BUBB, 'Collector leo. Dist. Pa. E.' A. JUNES, Deputy Collector. HORSE: i filASißto the preinises of the subscriber n V Hebron township, Potter county. Pa.. on Sunday August 27th, ONE WHITE HORSE, with red spots about ten years old. The owner will please come forwaicl, prove prop eitty, as charges and take him away or he will be disposed of according to law. . An,gnst 20, 10G:3 Auditor's Nbtice frIFIE undersigned' an Auditor ; appointed by the Orphan's Court of Potter county - to to distribute the funds in the ands of the Administrhtora of 'the estate of SAMUEL CARLIN, dec'd, among the heirs and legal representatives of the said deceased, Will, attend to the duties of hiS said appointment. at the Protbonotary 3 s Office in the florough Of Coudersport, on Thursday, the 21st day of September, at 7 o'clock P. IL, where ail per .4ons interested in said fund will present their Claims or be forever debarred. IL J. OLMSTED, Auditor. Aug. 2 1.8C5 DR,YILKINS &BROS' I V4I,uIBLE . MEDICINES, which have per fortnedi such wonderful curos and given gen eral satisfactioia to all those who have made use of them, can be' obtained of Dit. A. FRENCH, COUDERSPORT, Potter Co., Pa., who will examine patients, astertain the nature of their disease, and give all necess ary directions and advice to those who,Make use of / the Medicines. Orders from abrdad Will receive prompt attentidn; July 19, 1865. HE MASON '& HA]YI.L IN CAbinet , Organs and Cltleker ing's Celebrated Pianos .for sale by John B. Shakspear, of Akrellsboro, 'flogs. county, Pd. Persons desiring to pur chase can do so by applying to A. L. ENS WORTU, Esq., at the piughant Office, eoudersport, Pa. SOAP Question Settled I Inquire at ... , . _ 11 . TITITHE of :Sundry writs', ,Ve , ndttion Exponas,lieri _Facias and Levart,taaas issued out of the Court of Commen Pleas, of Pot ter County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I shall expose to public sate or outery,'at the Court !louse in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 18th day of iSept., 18Gii,' at 1 o'clock p. vn, the f9l - r described tracts or parcels of land to wit: Certain real estate , in Oswayo Tp., houade north by lands of Patrick Doyle, east by lands of Edmund Morley, south by Highway leading from Osvrayo -and Wellsville plank road to the Irish Settlement, and west by the Wellsville and Oswayo plank road; contain ' ing Fifty-Seven and Six-tenths Acres more Dr less, about fifteen acres of which are im provedovith one frame house, one log stable and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold-as the property of James McNulty. ALSO—Certain real estate situate partly in Hebron and partly-in Clara Tps, Beginning at a hemlock tree for a corner being the north. west corner of a lot originally sold to Wor den ; thence north 352 rods to a beech tree being the south corner of C. Byarn's purchase thence east 232 rode to a corner in the east lint of Ridgway's land, thence South on Said east line 352 rods to a post corner in said east line, thence west 232 rods to the place of beginning ; containing. Five Hundred and Ten acres, being part of warrant 5884, 'of which about Forty acres are improved, with two frame houses, one frame barn, one water saw mill and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Foster Reynolds. ALSO—Certain real estate in Allegany tp., bounded on the north by lands of J. Ross, on the east by lands of G. Kelly, on south by unseated lands, and on the wee by lands of T. Dagget, being lot No. 5 on the map of l -lands of W. S. Johnson, dec'd in said tp., and part of warrants-Nos 1849 and 1874, containing One Hundred and Fifty-Two and Sixteeu-Ono hundredths acres, about ten acres of which aro improved, with some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the prop erty of George W. Kenyon. ALSO—Certain real estate in Abbot tp., knOwn on the maps of the Pennsylvania Land and Farm Association as section No. .48 in warrant No. 5078, beginning at the south-west corner of said warrant and run ning thence north 24 and 4-Ioths rods to a corner, thence cast 90 rods to a corner,thence south 24 and 4-10ths rods to a corner,thence 'west 90 rods to the place of beginning.; con taininn-b Thirteen and One-haAf acres more or less. To be sold as the property of William Niehaus. ' ALSO—Certain real estate in Sharon tp., hdunded on the north by the State line of New York and Penn'a, on the east by lands of Samuel Howe and lands of W. Jones deed, on the south and west by lands vf L. H. Kin ney; containing Eighty-eight and One-half acres, or tbereghouts, about thirty acres of which are improved, with one frame house, one frame barn and same fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of H. S. Carrier. ALSO—Certain real estate - beginning at a post in the north lint!. Of warrant 2122, being the north-west Corner of lot No. 72 of Keating lands in Eulalia tp., surveyed, to L. D. 'Spof ford, thence south 150 rods to a post corner, thence west 52rods, thence south 14 reds, thence west 40 rods to a post corner, thence north 164 rods to h warrant line, 'thence Vast 92 rods to place of beginning, being lot No. Ti of the aforesaid allotment and part of war • rants Nos. 2122 and 2123, containing about '_Cindy-one acres more or less, about Twenty five acres of which are improved, With.0n,...4 frame house, one frame barn and some fruit tree's therecifi:--2t.LSO—Amither tract lying 'in Eulalia tp., beginning at a t post corner stabding 106 peralies east of the north-west corner of warrant NO. 2122, ihence dasiby I Said line 106 perches to a post corner, thence south 150 perches to a post corner, tamee west 106 perches to a post corner,, thence north 150 perches to the place of beg,inning ;1 'containing Ninety-nfte acres and Eighty' perches, strict, measure, more or less, being part of warrant No. 2122, about Seventy-five acres of which are improved, with Vnc framb house, one frame barn with shed attached, one frame granary., and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Nathan Woodcock. I, ALSO—Certain real estate in 'Sharon bounded on the north by the Fisk lot, east by land of F. Donovan, south by land occu pied. by Elder Torrey, and ivest by land Of Amer:bus Wood, being lot deeded by Lewis Wood to I. la. Heynolds; containing Fifty acres more or less. about Twenty 'acres of which are imprbred, With onelog house, 'no log barn, ether out houics and some fruit trbes.thereon.—ALSG-=anther lotadjolnieg the anye, bounded on the north and east by Merccreau & Wctioia lan s, 'Cnt the south by I the Donovan lot a:id the above desctibed fifty acres, and on the west by the Green lot, containing about One Hundred acres more or' leas, Forty acres of which are improved. with . one frame hobs°, one frame barn and some fruit - trees thercon. To be sold as the ptop , - erty of I. M. Reynolds, . ALSO-Certaim real estate in Sylvania tp bounded oh the north bS , lands of Andrew Burleson, on the Louth by lands l a 'Wm. Keeler, and on the east and. west by unseated lands of the Sunbury Goniza]c,v, Containing Fifty Acres mote or less; — about Ten acres of which urn improved; with one log house, one frame shed, one - water saw-mill and some fruit trees thereon.. Ton sold as the prop erty of Lewis Payne. . D. G. t_kBRA.BEE, doildeitibrt, Aug. 21, 180. A.TILLOTSON: rfirlE undersigned, ah Auditor, ttppointed by the Orphan's Court of Potter county to distribute tilt Rinds in the bands of, the Admirastrators of th'e estate of r.LI REES, dee'd, ninong, the heirs 'and legal representatives of the said deceased, will attend to the duties of big said appointinent at the Prothonotary's °Mee in the Berough of Uoudersport, oh Saturday, the 16th day of September,, at 10 o'alock A, M., where fill persons interested in said fund Will present their claims or be foreVer debarred. W. P. GRAVES, Auditbr. l Aug,22l, 1865. . . Administrator's Notice. • WHEREAS Letters of Administration On the estate of DAVID CROWELL, late of Jockson Township, Potter county, dee'd, have', been grapted to filo undersigned, all per.soos indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims agriknst the same will present them, duly authentikited,, to - the subscriher 'for payment: CHARLES H. ARXISTRONO:, C.oudersport, Aug. 10, 1856. Adnier. • Aaeninistratrisi Notite. OIIERtAS Letteis Adruinisttation on . the, estate of SAMUEL ROGERS, late of ilector iownsitip, Potter county, deCeased, hare been 6 Tanted to tile tindersigned,,lll persons indebted to said estate hro requeSte'd to make immediate payiiie.nt, awl those hay lag claims against the same 'will present them, duly authenticated to the subscriber. SUSAN ROGERS., Administratti.Y. August 15, IF.-55. SHERIFF'S SALES: Auditor's Notice. Guaxxlian's Sabrof• eaVEstate. OTICE is hereby given that by virtue of • •an order or decree , f 'the Orphan's Court of Potter County, Made on the 20th day ofJune; 1865, the under,higned, as Special Guardian of Maiy A. John Sou Sarah John son, and William, Henry 4ohnson, minors, owners of said lands r willOxpose for Sole. at Public Irendueto the hightstibidder,;(at thp Court COndPMlc:Wi in said County of Potter, 4 , eie Da day ofWeeentbar 'BB5 at I. - o'clock F 34-tho followiliviestribed• Lands : Situate in the Township of Hebron, Potter Co Pa.. viz,. Lot No'. 126 of the allot nsett of lands of the Estate I,l' Samuel M. Fos, deceased, containing 1357 acres more orless. Also : Lot No 134 of said.i allotment:in the same Township, .containing 54 and 2-10ths acres of land more or less. Also Lot No. 122 of said allotment in the same Township con taining 125 and 8-10ths acres of land more or lees. Also all that part of Sub Lot No. .9 of original Lot No. 115 of said allotreent in the Township of Allegany, lying west of the highway, containing GI and acres of land more or less, /is° Lot No 7:1 of MClFicar's Turvey in. the -Township .of O.Swayo, in said County, made for N. H. ‘k W. S. Johnson, Containing 80 and 24-100ths acres more or less, now occupied by Mrs. Andras. NATHANIEL JOHNSON, Aug. 10, 1 . 865. Special Guardian. - Administrator's Sale: Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court .1..11 for the County of Potteti, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of AMBROSE COREY, late 44 the township of Ulysses, in said county deceased. will be sold to the highest and best !bidder at the 'Court House in the Bore of,GouderspOrt on llanday, the 18th clay of iSept. '4a-cc', at 1 o'clock P. M., all that certain messuage situate in the Township of U , kvsses County of Potter and State of Pertnsylirania,bonnded and described as follows, viz.!: 13eginning at the south-east curler of the A. Lewis lot in said Township, thence north 24 perches to a post, thence west • 10 perches to n. post, thence south 24 perches to :1 post on south line of said Lewis' line,thenee l east 10 perches to a pest the place of beginning, Conta'ning One and One Half Acres of land more or less and being part of, a Lot of lank]. No. t-eyed by the Trustees of tlf4 estate of 1V4:1- ham Bingham to 0.,A. Lewls, on theSth day of February, 1830, and being situate in the ',Blanc of Lewisville, with one store house, one granary, one dwelling house, one barn, other eat 'houses and 'some fruit trees thereon. Also another lot of land 'situate'in the Tewnship, County and State aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows : Beginning, at a post the south-west , corner of the abore described lot, thence in a northerly course along the r; est line of above described lot 20 perches to a •per,t, thence in &westerly course at right angles with the first Course -1 perches to a post, thence in a' southerlytourse paral lel with the first described cOurbe 20 perelios to a post, thence in an easterly- 'coarse aloug the Bighway 4 perches to the plate of be ginning, Containing Cue naif of an Acre off'' lend, and being the east : half of •a•lot of land' , conveyed by 11. 11.1Deht to A.' Corey Feb. 1.7„ 1857, being a vil age lot, in the village of Also another lot 'of land simile in the Township, Cou-nty and State aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a ooSt - standing in Me west line of lot No.l 15 of the sub division of H. J. Dent's larlds in said Township, now in possession of An drew Gee, 30 perches tonth of ne so•efh line 'of lot No. 13 conveyed by 11. la Dent to Ma- Hula Daher by deed. hearing 'dat'e ANIL 0, 1855, thence south i° west, 173 perches to a corner, being also south-west corner 'of lot No. 15 aforesaid, thence along the north line of a lot in possession of •Abram Waggoner I west 77 and 2-10 tbs perches *to a corner, being also -the south-east corner of lot No. IGG contracted to be sold to J. Nelson Crowell by H. 11. Dent, thence north east 173 perches to the south line of lot No. i 3 con veyed by It. 11. Dent to Mahala Itakerhy (Iced, hearing date April I?, 1835, thence .7long said iDuti/ lino east 73 perches to the place of beg,inning, Containing Seventy-Nine Acres, with the usual allowance of six per cent. for roads,, being lot No. 1G of the sub-divis ion of the said 11. IL Dent,s lands in the Said Township of Ulysses, about Forty acres of , which arc improved, with one frame houi.e, one frame barn and some fruit tees thereon. Also .atte,.other lot of land sitnato„in Township, Connly and' State' aforesaid . , 'd - es•- cribed as 161100, viz :••tolincied Oilthe north by lands owned by Burton Lewis, on the east by lands awned or in passession,,Of Benjamin Baker, on the south by lauds id posz;ession of J. D. Lect, and on the west by the highway leading from Dewisvllle f6:hrookland, Con taining about Eighteen' Acres •of land be the same more or •less, about Fonr acres of WhiCti are improved. , ;" • . , 1.7. - B. W. CLIAPPEI2, Adman Dlyises, Aug. 14,'1865. Administrator's Sale . F virtue of an ordet• of the Orphans Court for, the eoubty ;Potter, the followinm described real eState belonging, to "the estate of WILLIAM FLING, l!ete Of the township of Ulysses, in said county deceased, will be sold to the highest and best bidder at the Court House, in the Borough of Coudersport on Monday the 3.Sth fricry of Sept. next, „ at 1 o'clock P. M ., ,kll that tract of land be ginning at the north-West corner of lot sur veyed to Augusta S. Whipple in the centre of the liidlmay, thCiade Butith ott i,:112, line-of said lot 72 rods, thence West and 5-10ths rods, thence North 72_ lolls to the centre of t the Highway, thence tast-iJy Abe - centre of Highway 10 and 5- 10ths rods to place of be ginning' being part of Lot conVeyed by H. H. Dent to Duick Whipple, by- - Decd bearing date Dec. 10, 18G: and containing Seven Acres. ALSO—Auo.ther Lot bounded - as follows : Beginning at the south-east coiner - of Lot No. 104 cast part conveyed to Duick Whipple, thence North 72 rods to Highway, thence west 15 rode, thence South 72 rods, thence East 15 rods to the plade of beginning., containing Seven Acres. "ALSO—Another Lot bounded lts follows: being known as cast part of Lot 135 or . the allotment of Bingham lands in Ulysses tp, Potter ho., FA., containing 06 and 2-10ths acres, being the same lot which H.H., Dent contracted to D. Whipple, Jr., on the Ist day of March 1869.- ALSO—Another lot being west part of lot No. las of the Bingham lands in Ulysses tp, aforesaid,.confaining 50 acres and being the same lot which 11.11.D0n Contracted to Wm. Blakeslee on the Ist day of March.lB6o.. 1,:,LL1 FLING TRIPP, Asbninistratrix Coudersport, Aug. 8, 1565. laarble Yard. pin subscriberdesires to inform the citi zens' of Potter that he can supply them with all kids of Marble work., as cheap and us .good ao it can be had any place in the country. MONUMENTS and TOME-STONES of all kinds furnished on shoe notice. C. BREUNLE. Conder:q.cut, Teb 13 'b ; ly ► ,tir Subscriber Off erg - far Sale : '.l- - Sug treats °fiend, to Wit O tract of One Hundred atti Forty-three and seven-tenths acres in Kiser toirnship i Potter county, on the Genesee Foil. Price $llOO. Sixty acres are improved, ttith one log barn, frame kitelien, frame kara t foil' good fruit trees, and two hundred stgara maple trees. The farm will cut grass, in al good season, sufficient, at present prices, le pay for it. 1 Also, another tract of. Fifty-six and Urea tenths acres, in .tulalia township, four miles from. Coudersport, Thirty acres of which are improved, with one frame house, log bans ! and some fruit trees thereon. Piles $450. Also, Wagon Shop and hair let in the Borough of C'euderspert, one lot west Of P.A. Stebbins' dr. Co's Store near Glassmirelit &tab The tools, lumber,.&c., can be _bought tee& sonably ; or ti portion oftheakif thepurchileet, - so desires. One half ca. berpild in:Wage*. ' 'ork. - - A reduction of ten per cent well be blade ' • for Cash doWn. - - .7 For further particulars on s cpure the SW?* scriber at his Wagon-Shop in..Cou.(lepriwt. Feb. 20, - IEIOS • mARTIN , s, AMERICAN'HOTEL: I - - - CORNET Virll,l4Abi - StS.; . WILLIAMSPORT, _PA. L. & 13. 3LEITIN, Proi*etor4 .. • This Hotel has been much enlarged, refitted, and otberwide improved, with excellent stagy bling, makini it inferior to none in sport --Ing„ /9, 'GS Court, Proclamation. 1/171EREAS the Hon. Robert G. White s I President Judge, and the Hons. 0, He Jones and G, G. Colvin; Associate Judges of tho Courts of Over '& Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court.of. Common Pleas . for the county Id Potter, have issued their • prcept, bearing date the twenty-Second day. of June in the year of our Lord one thou , sand eight hundred and silty-five, and to me directed,. for holding a court of Oyer & Termi• net and General Jail Delivery, ,Quarter Ses. - slops of the Peace, Orphan's court, and cowl of Common Pleas in - the Borough of Conders• port, on MONDAY, the ISth day of September next, apd to continue one week; _ Notide is therefore hereby given to the Cor. oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables ' withba the county, that they be then and there. in their prdper persons, at 1.0 o'clock, AA. of said day, with their rolls, records, Inquisi• tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their offices ap. pertain to h'e done, And those who are bohnd by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be'in thejail of said county of Totter, are to be then and there ' to prosecute against them as will be just; - Dated at Coudersport, Aug. 0,-1866, and the 80th year of the Independence of the united; States-of America, , ' . Triai List for Sept. Term. . 0 Levis et al 'vs Mclntyre & Maim. Shaffer vs May and -Smith.. -- Dickron vs :font - S. Dickson vs Barlesoill' Wood vs Ghandler. L/, „ Colsvell &Lyman vs Channich,/ Mills TB ESELTtlette. Buralck. vs . Pay Bradley & Wattla vs sa3 e-. ' / Iv'es ; lsrelSoa is Benton et A , ' Golinty Vs Rees 'el itt _ Blackman Vs Poi. &Fes datntsiteet Crane vs Seeley_ Smith vs ilosS Camtla use vsilnvell llopkins vsWhite , BashOr.Vs Potter Gd i'orest Imp t'obliralty 3 . 12 B: Gr Boten:van it , & fillbourne School Districtos Pottei t i onnly ItOulette saute Abbott 4, " y g Sarno Whartba " 4 " , 1, Vs 'inane • CAUTIOI I / 4 T FROM THE - - A:IIIERIGAZT WATCH corarminti _ . . It harlpg come to our knowledge alai imi itations of the American Watch have heed put upon the lliarnt in great number, eaten• lattd by their utter worthlessness to injure the reputation of our genuine products, to protect our own interests and the public from imposition; Ira again publish the trademarks by whiela our Watches may invariably . bd known:- 11)c manufacture four styles of Watches:, The First has the name. ' "AMERICAN WATCH CO.. Waltbani ) , 3lass." engraved on the inside plate; the name. TRACY S CO., Waltham, on the inside plate, The Second has •"3PPLET9NI 31ass.,:engraved Tho Third has the name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham, igass:), graved,on the inside plate: All the above styles have the name Amera ican Watth Go: painted on the dial, and - la" warranted in every respect. _ Tk 16iirth ha's the'tante ELLERY, Boston, 3lasS.," engraved on the inside plate, and id not named on the dial: ! • All the above described Watches ate made of various sizes and are sold in gold of silver ceses, ad. may be relpilted. It is hardly possible for its to accurately' describe the numerous imitations to which. we haN'o alluded. They are usually inscribed with names so nearly approaching our own as to escape the observation of the unaccesv tomeci buyer. Some are represented as made by the "Union Watch Co.,- of Boston, Mass.' 'I -no such eompady • etisting. Some - named the "Soldier's Watch," to be sold our Fourth -or Wm, Ellcry style, nettraly known as the "Soldier's Watch." Others are named the ."Appleton Watch Co. ;' others the P. S. Bartt.vr,.' instead of our "P. S. Bart lett ;" besides manyi Varieties named in such a manner as to convey the idea that they are - the veritable prodUctions of the American' Watch Company. We also caution ,the public, and particu.. !arty soldiers, againSt buying certain articles cAtt-rm watches. so freely advertised iniilas trated papers as "Army Watches," ' , Officer's • Watelles," "Magic Time Observers," "Aroma. Watches," &c,. the prices ofwhielt are stated to be from seven toisitteen dollars. A wind watch, in these times, cannot be afforded fur any such money. . A little attentions on the part of buyers will protect them from "gross itnposition. ROBBINS & APPLETON • Agents for the Auierican Watch Co., , kB2 Broadway, New 'Cork. OU can't believe what fine BARGAINbI I eat tv I e.l2ral MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers