LI MI tot 19 IMES • RE REM MEE= ME CM ;. ~: MI Po& Norgiatontion , Or Incontinence Of Thine, racism& Stoups Monition of-,the Bladder or Kidneys, Diseases of G land, tireivel, Brick Dust. Deposita, Drops!. cal Dwellings; Organic Weakness, Debility, itentalo,Oorn• HELISCBOLD'S • FLUID - EXTRACT BUCHU Improved ,Rose Wash Willradlcally exterminate teals the system Dbeates 14;Soes,ilablts of, Vitipatlcra, at tittle eva jattlio. ilia', or )1 4 e), qf die, no ineOnvonicnce or =papaw; eensisleiely snersedlng those unpleasant and dangerous S pabl aaad Aterfury. is cishig these diseases. v•-fit•.-...:::0 . E.4,—'•;1a/: - E'.o:tit)!s ,MVID EXTUCT 13UCHtt Id at. Diseases - of thotTrinarz Organs, whether emisthigla Axal i:44Mtiim, from whatever cause oritfiltutint', sad ' ttiaftsr if how long standing. Lis plefsnout halts taste ind'odoril3l3lEDlATEln action, and more srongtherdag than any at the preparations of .7J..frk or iron. ' ThoseauTirkki from Broken Down or DeZtoats Conga. etatoiss, procure the Remedy at once. ' " The Reader most be aware that however alight we wei be Vie attack of the above diseaes, it Is certain to affect tar BOottl,yllsaltls,Zental Powers and happiness. If no traatreentla submitted to, COnsumptiou or Iniaulty may AU the above diseases Icrottlre the aid of a antes. HELM,SOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Se the Great Diuretic. i3ELIVIE33OI4I3'S mama COSCIENTAATED Compound Fluid- Extract Sarsaparilla, far.purifying the Wood, relieving all diseases arising from crime and impridence lffe, chronic constitutional die. sato arising from an impure etate of the blood, and the oily reliable and effectual known remedy for the.cure of &midi, Scald Head, Galt Itheum, Pains and BffelUng of the-Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and. Lege," Blotches, 'Unpin on the Face, Tetter,Bryelp etas, and aU ecaly erup tions of the akin, and beautifying the Omouiffet. l i \ND I 14 A??% tSs NOT j the worst disorders that gullet mankind wise from the Iggrundon that accumulates In tho Blood. Of all the dls eireelei that have been Diode to purge It out, nonicon said In dint HELAMOZPS 0 - 04P017217) LietitSAP.ARIZZA. It cleanses and renovates the *ood, instills the Vigor of health Into the system, and Nips out the htunors which mako disease. It stimulalea fits healthy ?minions of the body, and expels the dlsordirs that grow and rankle In the Blood. Such a remedy, that wsnld be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the Seat time, the public have one on which they can de vend. finessee here doe.s not admit of, intlitattn to attow Its edects, but the trial of a single bottle will pole to Illhe sick that It hos virtue's tunneled Guinan tag hil!T• ales taken. Two tablespoonful of the 'Extract of dartapatillsi; added SO a plot of water, is equal to the Wheat Blet ; Drink, and one bottle is equal to a gallon of the Syrup Of or the decoction as usually made. The above Extracts on prepared on purely sdentille peinciples—in Iracuo—and embody the full strength of thelngredlents entering Into their composition. A ready end conclusive test will be a comparison of their propel , ties with those act forth in the IL B. DLIT ez4hstom • I • HO Vit TO AtSE THE'- InDiseues of the Bind, !timers on the Pan, or an 7 and every part of the body, Extract Sarsaparilla. ap tiring to Pimples and ail external Bunton or Eruptions the Improved Rose Weigh. Use the 'fixtraetDuchn for'all diseases renedring the aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Orem', such as dionorrhain and Gleet. In these use the Extract Duehu and West with the Improved Hose Wash; 12Ir THESE EICTILIZIE HAVE SEEN ADMITTED TO USE fl THE UNITED STATES AIM, and also are ti very general use hi ill tIiseiSTATE HOSPITALS AND VEBLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well n In pirate practice, and-aro coratlered as Invaluable remedies. • • . iiimr4ED TO elm aropszse. Dtreet. letters to— ' BitLNEBOLD'S DIWG Q CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y, next Metropolitan Hotel Oft TO • ATIOIDOLD'S bIEDIOAT, DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Philos AstarsZ.e estniptorns itr aVi Comniumfortaffsa, .;SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE lill I 1 11ROWNINWO • tIELE.BRATED," COXTEEZ trylarCoffee of all the ifftions brarli R e meraber..!93BOWSIDTG'S;SXOELSIO •:.atkke:head itistaads;•. it's:Doti]oihers. thititre PSOLD L EVERYIVIIEff„" - Alittle.'stretbli;NVelrido know gboa Vr a P easily !Air, (But a stretch like:Os-4 1 8°1d everywhereu—,F is very apt toitear.) • . I.Casi, I can.safely say, wittrontany hesitntion, There's,none like ! , 13ROWIIIKG'S EXCELSI OW' in.this ehliglitened Skilled chemists have nokfound a Coffee 40/32 • - any store - • ; , ; , Possessing th,e sameingredients as "Brown : Ines Excelsior,' Nov is there any one, in c. or cut of the Coffee trade, , ' • • - Who knows the'artlcles from which :"BroWn • lag's Excelsior'', is made. I'm told it ' s, made from barley, rye, wheat, - • beads, and peas, , - 2; • Name -a thousand- other ithings-L.but • the RIGHT ONE if you please. But with the' Coffee-men I not hold con tention t For the many, many things they say—too - numerous too mention! ' Whilst they're engaged 'in rtmning round from store to store rf To learn thecurrent • wholesale price of "Browning's‘ExcelsiOr," Some who know toy Coffee gives perfect sat - isfaction, , '1 I Have forined a plan by which ~they hope to _cause a quiekreaction. .1 The case—'tis with a few; no doubt .'twill be with mere- 7 .: TO name. their Coffee after;-miner (BROWN ING',S) .EXCELSIOTO . • Some say their's the, only bran 0 that will stand a reedytest: , 1• • . , ' NOW try a little' df thetu ag . Bed which you • likethe best.. I ; Three years have praised away since I first sold a store ; 3. , 1 Never have' I in your paper advertised before; Nor would I now„ or everlconsent to publish more, , • If like some used by ' "everybody," "sold everywhere," in "every store." . trade like this I do not wish ; the orders I could not;fill ; 1 .1 The Factory all Jersey's lard would take— ' leave not a foot to till. lry trade'is not so very large;; still 1 think I have' y share; Bat, reader, you may rest assured; 'tie NOT "SOLD EVERYWHERE." dfalutfaettered and foi. Sale 4 'the ; writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING' _Aro. 20 Afarket street 'Canute& N. J. This Coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs, it contains nothing delethrions ; many persons use this Coffee that canna use the pure coffee; it takes but one and a half ounces to make, a quart of - good strong cof fee, that. being I,just-one-half the 'quantity it takes of ,Java Coffee , and always less than half the price. RETAIL DEALERS may pu chase it in less quantities than tien gross at my : prices frorn the Wholesale Grocers:- • 1 /A... Orders by mail from Wholesale Deal , ere promptly attended to. • WAGON ' SHOP ! ryln subscriber haiing !email is Lewis ' villa is preparedlo do. all kinds of work in his line, on shurt notice and in the Hest manner] liaking stud Itepairing • of all kinds. lam enabled by the aid oiema chinery to do work in the wagon-line b, tter and cheaper than any other establishment in the county. " I am also prepared to make COFFINS. ' EDSQN HYDE. Misses, Penn's, Dec. . 1, 18641 Char- l it 1794. tered, -.ty 94. INSURANCE COMPANY ' OF • ? NORTH AMERICA, 13ILADELPHIA.' Oldest Insi=tce cprnpany in America: Cash Capital, and Surplus, over $1,750,000.00. • SE7ENTY-I c ONE Years Successful Butiness Experience, with a reputation for integrity and honorable dealing unsurpassed by any similar institution. I LOSSESpAID. since orgahiiation, $l7,- 500,000.00, frithantlthe dedietion cf a cent, or a day' delay . LIBERAL RATES for all thc safer classes of property. InsUrance of Dwellings and Contents,; a, specialty.-, BRICK or STONE Dwellings insured per petuaPyilif desired,,on terms of the greatest, economy and safety to theinsured. • ' { • It is Wisdom and Economy to insure in the best Companies, and there is none better than the old Insurance Co. off' North America.; Apply to, 'WJ3IcALA.RNEY Agent for Potter county. PUTNAM Clothe's wringer Will wring anything from a Angie Thread to a 'Bed- gqiit. riacm: $5.50 86.00 fan,' e 5.00.... P. A. Stebbins & C 0.,. Agents for Potter qoanty.---,Tatil 25. 1863 WANTED ! - DISABLED •SOLDIERS And others out:of employment to canvass for OUR GREAT NATIONAL WORK, , • Just Published, • "ma Las AND Promo ssailcas o emustalt I roViC01;N: 1 By Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia. liar; comprising: ona large octave volume of nearly 500 pages.., This is the only work.of the kind published it is entirely amend original, containing•his early historyj pslitical eerier, speeches,proc lan3ations and other officiaV•documents illus trative of hisieventfal administration, togeth er with the scenes 'and events connected with his tritgic end. 'lt tvlll be-sold• only by our authdrized traveling agents, to whom exclu sive Orritory is given,:ankliberal commiss ions paid! Send for l a circular and terms to "Anlerica4 Publishii2g Agency, Box 217, No. 600 Chestnut Street Philadelphia' Ti BLOUM Or ROSES;-for the"La dies i —at BTEBBINS' NM sirm , NS' COLUMN. FRUINDS'OD gpromizn.s ,- .;• - iren yo myiitneeraibleaki for pia. Mend patronage,i f6r raid past and would`'say to ion; 1,4,t-,lrbrilre:located inyeelf - atr, Y and ritay' hereafter be found. at ,the EMPIRE STORE NEW; - ,...,YOR.'X',::ITO:ft. (flaying bought out the Store formerly °eon pie.d by Geo. Asher), continue to SIMLESALE AND RET - ,: c',.' - ' ' : - - • in both of the-above Stores, and hope to lee all of-niy,old:feends and customers, , as thei' are in want of Goods, and -will try, to ,sell them lour enough to pay them for coming. ~ We are now selling the best PRINTSrom L 12 to 113-cinte. ' - Extra GINGEWIS from,ls to 25 cents. Good SIIERTINGS from 12 to 25 cents. TICKS, ,DRIMIS, ,sp:args-, and all Tot he Goods in proportion. j CLOT:MI.IMo.. Good suits for $lO to $l5 and Extra fine suits in Proportion. .And as I have an Over stock of - Clothing sell at WhOle sale 15 per cent. less than the same can be bought in New York. BOOTS SHOES, . HATS & CAPS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, at reduced prices. GROCERIES very lovf ' • RICIH P , RESS SILKS, • EMPRESS CLOTTES, • POT .41L ' de' If. Ladies' Dressl and all other sty. very low. • Hoping to receive an early call, your friend, - ' • C. 11. SIMKO Wellsville, N. 71., March 25, 1865,1 A, STEBBINS & Co., Paying the highest price in WOOL;! 50,000 POUNDS WA Coudersport, June 28, 1864. , , WELLSBORO lc COUDERSPORT • • STAGE ROUTE. Tm Stages on the Wellsboroi and Con demon Line will leave Wellsborb every Monday - and ThurSday at 2 o'clOck P. !M , arriving at Coudersport on Tuesday and Fri day respectively. Leaves Coudersport every Wednesday, arriving in'Wellsbord Thurs day at 12 o'clock M., and leaving Couders port on Saturday, arrives in Wellsboro on Monday at 12 &dace M. This Route b i ns lately changed proprietors, and the undersigned is determined to keep it in gdod order both with reSpect•to teams and drivers. Ample accommodation's for tray elers at Vermilyeas. BEN,RY CROFDT. Gaines, Aug. 2, 1865.-- 7 [6rnpd I me Grovesteen Plaao Forte J. , still retains its precedence and great pop ularity, and ,after undergoing gradual ira provernents fora period of thirty years, is now pronounced by the musical world to be un surpassed and even unequaled world richness, volume and nut ity Or tone, durability and cheapness. Our new. scale, French action, harp pedal, iron. frame, over-strung . bass, seven octave„ rosewood pianos o are selling charier - by from $lOO to $2OO. than same style and finish are 'sold by apyOther first clasi makers, in the country. IDeileie .and all to want at , goad-planoteveretlkawascal for our Deicriptive Catalogue,whicb contains photographs of oar different stYles,i together with prices. NO one should purchase a pi ancl without seeing the Catalogue.! Medals, shiest without number, have been awarded to the Grovisteen Piano;_ and I at the -Cele brated World's Fair, though put in-competition with Others from all 'parts of Europe, and the United States. it took the higlieStaward. [Established 1835.] GROVESTEEN CO., 499 Brciadwgv, New York. , _ . • • AdENTS WANTED • for the: 1 ItURSE & SPIG! • The most . interesting and ixe!iting -beok over published, embracing the (ad ; Ventures of a.woman in the Union. army asi Nurse, Scout and Spy, gining a most vivi d in4er picture of the war: Teachers, ladies, energetic :young warhead eipecially returned and disabled soldiers in want of - profitable employmeni, will find it peculiarly adapted: , to, their.conaitleri• We have agents`, clearing- $l5O per( month,. whirl we proye to any doubting ippli4ant.— Serfd for circulars. Address. I f- • • ' JONES,BROS. I & CO coral . .. Sixth and 31inar streets, hiiadelyeis Pa. I A D BM AND ERY CROC 'INNS, GOods, 2 i i I II CASH I for i TED! 1 ' v;:r , -.• lam keeping a mall ,Assortment of 4300* And 'SHOEV - • ' ' FAMILY GROOER4i, maids, _ _ . PYRST,ITET. CROCKERY, - MEDICINES, • -r 'FARM .T9qLs, STATIONERY, " - . . 9 11 0018 BOQICS; 4nd a few Ather "Traps," for wh , io ; I Greenbacks. Butter Ashes Or other GOOD PAY. ALSO, ' . • I lave a tip-top Bliickszialtle ready to do most auytbing appertaining to his Traddi'as well and' Loi Priced as can be found in the Connty. •-• .HORSE- SHOEING,- AXES JUMPED and WARRENTED, &el &o. 0 c 2 I have a good Compais and person here to use it in dividing farms, establishing lines And corners and in surveying and eiploring Lands; and have charge and for Sale : some "Bare Chances" in the way . of Farms. 'LUCIEN BIRD. Office in the S. E. corner of my Store at Brookland, Pa., Aug. 1, 1865. NEW SHIRT FOR 1865-6. THE GREAT INVENTION 'HE THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. .1. W. Bradley's New Patent Duplex Eliptic (or double)• Spring Skirt. This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Eliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeni ously braided' tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, inaking the toughest, most flex ible, elastic and Durable Spring ever used. They. seldom BEND or intsex, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve.their per fect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any pin g le Spring Skirt that .ever has or can be,. made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleaSure l to any Lair wearing ;the Du plex Elliptic Skirt will be experitnced partic ularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and Rouse Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occu py a small place as easily. and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. - - ; Lady IMving enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of `wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a sin gle day will'neyer afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. For. Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to ally others. ' _The Hoops are covered with 2 ply twisted thread and Will wear ttvice as long as the Single yarn covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom eods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps,,te., &c., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are Made of the new and elegant Cord ed Tapes, and are the best quality in every pelt, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect Shape po.lsible, and are unques tionably the lightest, most desirable, com fortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS',.BRADLEY & CAREY, .Propriet ors of the Invention, and sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 iSt 81 Read° Streets, New. York; For sale in all first-class Stores in this City, and throughout the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba,' Mexico, South America,Od the West Indies. ncluire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. A.,4- C. 186* , pHiLADELPRIA...k ERIE RAILROAD.—, , This'great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city'of Erie, on. Lake Erie, 4 13- It has peen leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and Lnder their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. h is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg_ to St. Mary's (21e mile.s) on the Eastern Division,• and from Sheffield ,to Erie, (78 miles) on the. Western Division. MR PASSENGRR TRAINS AT EMPORIUM : Leave Eastward. ThrongtkMail Train r ;Lettya.Westward. . . , ThronglOiait Traip. 10 18 A. 5L Cara run, =rough WITIICII7,T. CHANGE b9tb eraye beereen Philadelphia and. Lock Raven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven: .- Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express :Trains both ways , between Williamsport and Bahl more, arid Williamsport; and PhiladelPhia. For infOrmatien respecting Passenger busi nest apply at the S. E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: • s S. B. 'Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. J. W.; Reynolds Erie. . William Brawn, Agent Baltimore. 11: 130IISTOS, . Gent .iVereld p gt. Alfa. LEWIS li.flourr, t ivek Ail pAir Gen d a. Jos. D. Mru, Gen'l Dfanager, TFilliaplaport. Administratris, Notice.' WREBEAS Letters pf Administration'on the estate of SAMUEL itOGERS, late of Hector Township, Potter county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persone indebted'to said estate are reqiested to niake immediate payment; and those hav ing claims .against the '"same 'rill' present them, duly authealeated to the eubscriber. i-SUSAN RCtGkESiAdminiatparix. • Auguot 15, 1665.. ' ' . . • . MIII "Eighteen years established in N Y. City" "Only infallible remedy known." i! "Fred from Poisons." , , '!Not - dengerods to'the Human FaMilr." l "'Rats . come out of them boles to die." .4 i'COSTLIt'B" ROACI4 EXTER!S a wiste--used for Rat:, • • . :Mice,' Roaches Black and ' • 'Red Ards, 4-c,:tc., 4 c., te. S k COSTAT'B" BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR, Is a liquid or wash, used to i destroy, and alio as'a pre-I - • . ientive for Bed-Bugs, ke.! "COSTAR'S — • ELECTRIC POWDER FOR • ! IN SLCTS. Is for . Moths, , 7 11osquitoes. Fleas, Beil-Bags, Insects on 1 - , Plants, Pacts, Animate, 4-c.' ** * Sold • by all' Druggists and Retailers . everyWbere. *** J 7 I Brw.tac I l I of all worthless imi tations.; - • ' t, • Bee that "Costs.s.'s" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask. before you buy. I; .11E5111.1F U.. COSTAR. • * PEAdIPAL DEPirr, 482 Broads ay, y. nek.Sold by all Druggists and 11;eal4rs io pour•PAtspouT, Pa. j f INCREASE OF RATS.—The Farmer 4 Q. :elle (Fitglish) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of rate will have a Progriny and descendants no less than 651,051 i in iAhree years. Now, unless this immense family can be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 65,000 human beings. gSoe "Costar's" adv't in this Paper RATS versus BlRDS.—Whoever engages in shooting small birds is a cruel man ; whoever aids in exterminating rate is a benefactor. We should like somej.of or correspondents to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need sothething besides dogs, cats, and traps forthis lAsiness. —Scientific American, N. Y. r.See "Costar's" adv't in this paper. 1865. I "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERSIINAITOR is simple, safe, and sure,—the mostd perfect Rex-ideation meeting we have ever attended. .Every Rat that can get it, properly,prepared according to directions, will eat it, Mid every one that eats it will die, generalbi at some place as distant 'as possible from I‘.ltere the medicine was taken.—Lake -Shore, Mich. mirror. See "Costar's" advlin tins paper 1865. A VOICE. FROM. THE FAR TEST.— Speaking of "Costar's", Rat, Roach, tint, Ssc. Exterminator—"mord grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant Gounty by vermin than viouldr pay for tuns of this Rat and Insect Killer." l —Lancaster, Herald. nei,,,See "Costar's" adv't in tilts paper. Spld in COUDERSPORI', Pa., by all Druggists. ' _1 E. - 81 H.- T. AN Nazatiacturers of Photographic !Notarially IIfROLUALS SAND RITAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. T; To addition to our male badness or PIiOTOdnAPM6 MA I'EttIALS, we are Headquarters for the folloiiing, viz: STEREOSCOPES a: STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Of these vro bare on inamenao assortment, including War keener, American and Foreign Chid and Landscape., Ot-oups, Steuart, etc., stn. A 1.., Revolting Stereoscopes, for public or private ex bibitlan. Our Catalogue will be sent to any addrou on roc:Opt Lx or Stam • PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS; We Imre the first to introduce these into the United States. ; 'and are manttfactons immense quantities I e greet variety, sang : login price from 51 amtato 450 each. Our ALSO hIS bare the reputsulon of being superior In beauty and durability to any Others. They will be sent by mall. FREE, °trio:apt of price. Cl!' FINE ALBUNIS MADE 'TO ORDERsja • CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, Our Catalogue how embraces over FIVE 1110CSAN D diger ; enter:Nem, to which acidities. Are constantly being dads, of Portraits of Eminent Americans .ete, •Ist abOut lIC* hisior-Genenda, 100 Llent.Colouels, ISO Statemuce, SOO Brig•Gencrals„ 250 Other Officers, 130 Virtue% .$l5 Colonels, 72 Navy Officers, 115 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stage, • 60 Prominent Women. 1,000 Copies of Works of Art, Including repreductione of the most alabraltd Engfaidnrs Paintings, r tattles, eto.. Catalogue* sent on;recsipt of Sup. An order for One Dozen Ptcrvass from our Catal ogue will be IMO on the receipt of *lgo. and sent by snail. saes. Photo:rephers and others ordering g00d542.10. D., will pleas* remit twenty-flue per cent , of the amount with their order. ' gir The prices and qualify of our goods cannot fail to Asa* &Jeffers' Ponta ..:Iffiemer,for 15 Pit r lvres o Cents; few Ff lidera, $1.09. • • Whiskers Whiskers ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian compound will i force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair- , on bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price, st.po. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address WARNER 4k 1 C0., lysn . Bo 138, BroAlyn N. Y 1865 • I AT . H. J. OLMSTED'S TORE can' always be found the best o 10 Cooking, Box and Parlor S.TOVES Also, TIN and SHEET ;IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and _CAULD RONS. Also, _ - Agyiotatural l Implements. Such as PLOWS, SIMAPERS, cI7LTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, 1&c: " HIS, WORK is well made and the material: good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS 'put up in any part of tlie County—Terma easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom' refused. • Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Ang..l; 1863.--50 340P.M Dr. A.' FRENCH'S. CELEBRATED. TONIC BITTERS ARE becoming the most popular Medicine in circulation for the cure of • LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN . - DICE, DEBISITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the. STOEACH and DIGESTIVE' ORGANS. It is also gaining a great'rePntation in the CURE of DIPTHERIA. Principal Office, coudersport/Potter Co., Pa. V D"—NONEV, CLF,Rlll'—says can 144 isbeat theJ,ema"sellink Cotton.Gonda. OU can't believe wbat lite BARGAINS Y are to be had at /10E1SM STPRE-colistantly cel fine astortmants of GOODS; BIM 1865. = 1865. argil**. Arsotnicsamiar _say. The scronuous ......--,. _ rionsly caused by Mereutial disease; low' living, disordered digestion ' unhealthy'', food, impure air, filth and 'filthy habits," the, depressing' .vices,,, and;-";i11104`,11, by 'I 'the 'venereal infeetibn. "%native, be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parenti, to children unto -, the third and fourth, generatipni.7.indeed, it 1, seems to be th e rodol-liini, vilici:sais r i‘l4rill visit the iniquities of thethers upon their ; g p: children." The diseases 'Originates take I various names, accordin . to the organs it attacks. - ;-, In the lungs, 43crofhla;prAces tubercles,-`' and thuilly - Contruftipthin - ritiuthel; glands, swellings which suppurate and be-; come ulcerous sores:; - in) the stomach - and{ bowels, derangements which produce . iudi- i gettion dyspepsia, and Beer complaints; on; the- ski n; eruptive and cutaneous affections.; Theie, all having : the ante oiigik'reitire the, same remedY; Viz. - , piiritltiOn'anclinvigora-, tion of:the blood. Pu n y: the blood, and these dangerous disteMp leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupts blood, you cannot haire health; 'with that i' life of.,the flesh" healthy, you cannot have" scrofulous disease; Ayer's Sareaparilla - is compounded from:the most effectual , anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper,and for the cure of the disorders it entails. -I That it ,is far. supe rior to any other ,rempdy ,yet. , ,tlevitieti, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in. their effect upon thiq class of complaipts, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of . publicly known anth remFkable cures it has made of the following diseases ::]Zin g's Evil, or Glandular . Swellings, Totaors, , Eruptions Pimples, Blotches and So* . Erysipelas, Bose or Bt. Anthony'i Eire, Salt Ithewn, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits mem kings; yiblte Swellings, DebilitY, "Dropsy, Neuralgia, 1 Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and SyphiliticWootions; Merano]. Diseases, Female Weaknesses ' l and, indeed, the whole series.of complaintstfrt arise from impurity of the blood. blinut reports- ofiraThridual cases may be found fin .Aireitli ,,, A3a - ittne.t)e ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions - for its use, and some of the remarkable cur es which it has made when all other reme di es had failed to afford relief. Those case are purposely taken from all sections ofl the country, in order that every reader k tuay have access to some one who can spec to him of its benefits trout personal experience.; Scrofula depresses the • vital energies, and tai is leaves its victims far more subject'to ditease and its fatal results than are healthy.constitutions: Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shelter!, the average; duration of; human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend year,s in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public Under the name of ATE R'S SARSAPARILLA, although it is Compoted of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative_power. ; By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer- ing and danger of 1 theie disorders.. 'Purge' out the foul corruptions 'that rot a nti fester' in the blood, purge out the causes ef disease, 1 and vigorous health will follow. By its peen ' liar , virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and finis expels the distempen which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. t - We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of ' Sarsaparilla, that promised much arid did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in 1 this. Its virtues have been proven by abun -1 dant trial, and there remains no question of 1 its surpassing excellence for the cure of. the 1 afflicting diseases it is intended tO - - reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which los been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has erg 440; available to them. ) ' -...- . -.---. - ; -,,;-, -' A.'4M1178 CHERRY PECTORAL, The World'a Great Remedy for Coughs, .Colds, Incipient con- , sumption, and for the relief Of Consumptive patients in advanced stages - of the disease. - • - This has been zo long . used 'and so nrd- versally known,; that we need do no more • than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has keen, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done, Prepared by ' Tractical and Anaktlllll, bank, Lowell. Mass. Bold by all druggista every where. Sold by U. 6. &E. A. Jones, Coudersport. Chappel Bros., Ulysses. - C. 11. Simmoes, Oswayo. Mann k Nichols, Millport. Colwell & Co., Roulet, and by :Dealer/ everywhere. -- , - ; Notice GEaIfASIA, Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1863. IVOTICE is hereby gtven that Made? Bni -shot., now oriate of this county, holding the following deseifbed , .ptoperty. has Royal' paid any consideration whateverfcr and all persons are hereby warned not to par chase any of said-property of the intid-a , before the decision of the Court is, given in! this case and C. Bughor has.paid to me the, consideration money therefor': The following„is the property ' Ist. A certain tract of land. nearer* .Get: mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott township', Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant-5078 and -attj, the above. ,2nd. A certrin tract of land, with Ma'am' improvements tberedn, near. Kettle Creek, iv warrant 5819, In Stanartson townsbiji, Potter county, Pa.,,contaiaing.about - 204:, toresi C. Bushor holds also in trust rarrant 2501, in Games"township, Tioga county, Pe:, on the road leading from Germaiiia to Gaul t containing 850 acres..:_ tf ,1 WW; RADTtirn liatdost from liher*Em • , . 11110 SIN 86 TAR, from North Carielina, *it .111 sale by - Sitsrsitcs sTg_ BPIN§ , Y."?. 1 4 6 ;.09 5 in2 85 old L edger. - .Au. persons indebted to !bent will please tallend settle s - before the eacoonts let, all tbe pior%.oscer Sot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers