il NEWsi! GRANT & SHERIDAN H.EARP FROM AGAIN ! ! ! ANOTHER UNION VICTORY GOLD DOWN HEAVY DECLINE IN GOODS AND P. IL STET:TINS & Aro now receiving a new and complete STOCK OF Spring Goods ! ! !purchased since 'the heavy decline and taming-the -recent panic in New York. Coniiisting of . DRESS GOODS, DELALVIT, POPLINS, ,ALPACA'S, ,MOZANBI:GrUES ETA•7D POITIPS, .BLACK RALMORAZ , cLo'Alcs, igLOAK7A - GS, CASSINERES; Put stock 14-EN's FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Also' BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 44. CAPS, &c., &C., &C. Drugs,atia.Vancv Artieleg Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead in Tin Cans,Adeobol, Catophene, Kerosene,Lanip and Lamp Fixturee. Glass, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfumery,Pancy Soap and Toiletaarticles, Gam, Hair, Ivory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and Coognes, and is fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts, Psns, Ink and Paper, and Linseed Oil--.-raw a4d boiled,' Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Bair, Eat ) Paint, Varnish sod'Artist Brushes CHOWE'B2 I OCE OF GROCERIES„ Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, f.ktod Rio Coffee, West Indis and Dandelion l'offee, Rice, Corn Starch; ?tain t :-Cocoa, &c., ALWAYS ITAND -.r.,*.:.§14)31n.f0! , '4..c.0,, caner Main and Second Strays, ooudereport, Apr: 10, 1865 rt. ". . . TEIE PO E$ C 4 IifiriT4OURNAL . 1885. VoudagPat „ MIN 1,05eal an 7imineral; ... iferaieir!rsp*y!g:44l4ii4llo/ebts* 110... p' paq. kr Xer . *Billed into the lip Or toppd artotird. - .. f; ; • _ 11M,,Ifaj. 1141 s offers hie fine farm at but, for Isaie an vel fait terins.. ".Here is a fine opportunity for say desiring to purebatie, T is a , workmap at Olmsted's in stop nowi, and, says "people Can have their, oven 'hied. eey-Itlis proposed toihaVe the Conferences for the Pistribts of , srhich Potter composes a part, .M ThYrsday, Sept, 7, at thisplace. rteLThe attention of SundayScboolTeach ers and dtberi is called td the advertisement of Horace Waters, = sa..risyti has had oleien revolutions in six yearS. It! is a Qatimrine-wheol, of a country. • I 1 forget the pelegate Elections, on next Tuesday, the 29thi between the hours of four and 513. I • Star.A. hundred reports are in circulation as to tha whereabouts, of .Tohn H. Surrat. The last, places him in 4 Convent in Canada. giEr — The tire of. Liheoln hag a more eiteosiVe sale ih Frahee, than the Emperor's History of JOlins Cmsiat: I I , The "4 - hat-is-itr is dead. "It" teas an idiotic negro,.girl,,Oot.a boy as has been _tated. Cow:is,to be exhibited atlConeistii for which the owner has 'refused $5OO. He' bets '5.200 she,Will give more milk than any other cow itahe United States. , ter §e / e. the Gard of the American Hotel in another tolnron. It has been refitted and is noiv among the Hotels of the West Brandt valley, 1 ter Our columns 'pre crowded so mach with new advertisements this week that the notices of the (Union nominees are put over to thd next issues I , . Ige• James I,JOnes has revived , the .Tersiy Shore Vedette. 4 was discontinued four years ago in conseqUerice of,Mr. Jones entering the Army. We wish yoh success pecuniarily and politica'ay. Eoracel Greeley receives a salary of $71500 for contvkling' the, Editorial Depart ment of the,Tribnne. Thhi is in addition to his dividend of the profits of his interest in the Association. I Lam' At present there is not much show for fight in Mei'Co by Uncle Sam's boys. Our forces in Texai and along the border do not number 40,00 0, 1 and they are being discharged very rapidly. I be' A suffetirig tinvelev in the oil region writes, that certain "old wine needs no bush," it is ceitain that the Bdsh House, in Titusville, needs 'old wine,' bar The rebel, Mosby, lately visited Alexr andria, bat the feeling again; him was so strong and outJspaen that he was compelled to flee for his lifeL The mob were determin ed to bang hyn t? a lamp-post. • • - - - Be... The rats la re undermining the found ations of many ;of the - warc4houses in Chicago to auch an extent that the 'merchants have held a meetingitd devise some means for self protection. Ear la the! recent eleCtions in England the rioting of theimobs cloSely resembled the acts of their brothers in New York. -Igno ran:e, whiskey; and the life of semi-Slavery which they leut amply fits them for such work. ' ', CLOMS. M. A, reign, of,terror is again being inag gurated in Richiamid. • White -Soldiers are fed with whiskey; and then Incited by the leading Secissionists of- the City to abuse black soldiers , and! Women and children; Indignation (t) ICI.G.SHA FALLS, - N. Aug. 10, fir DEAD. have been making a tour this Stimmer—been to New pert, the White Mountains,Saratoga-, Atc., and consequently; much a s I ht.'ve Wanted your valuable paper, it was only occasion ally one reached ; but the other. day one came with an I at:count g tin Old Maffes' Meeting. ' Now ,I see through the hell thing to once. iThat 'notice was just get up to spire me. They knoir Vvra* allns taatorge with ,the young men *ben I was there, and they think they'll t4,ldi advantage of my Ab- Sence to g'et the i r names before the public= they think 'that attention will be . : fraiva Wards them and ;they Will be somebody. Leery on'e of theta lOId Mader is dying';to get married. I knoW it. I guess the boys will see through their Iwhole plan and let them alone without my eiposing the fiber ignorant eritttra any 'mine. I ;.tell Om thutigh, I Wats mad when I first reatl it Maybe I you would like to know a little about my, journey,. As ydu already -knnw, we left C. aboutthe lust iof Trine, land we went directly New York ;Where we put up I at the Iletropolitan,imagniBcent hotel where you can ride tip letairs in crif and have Spring chicken§ to eat all the 3-ear round. While I was in lidieoik I Weht to ilarnum's Museum. , I knOw it was not fashionable, bhi. I told Pa I mutt see it, so We went one day, and it was just geiseons. Bight at the head of the stairs was la great:stuffed elephant with a nrintedHnetice below to those who intended "seeing the ••elephant" to "Beware of pick-popkets? `, But it Would take a year to tell of all thd curiosities ,we've seen there including the snakes and theglat woman:" Prom New York We went to Ndwport,which much of a place Only the young gentle men who are nice. I got ackkviiinted with one, and if itibed not; been for a little difficulty he had With his ivrashenvoman in relation tO a s all. bill, I would not have had occasion to write; this letter exposing the tricks of ihose stay at home old maids, for I should have been a happy wile. It was all arranged when Palfound out about the wash erwoman and told Felix (that was his name that I was too young to mairy. . But I have written mach`more than i in tended and the first bell is ringing beim* for dinner, so au rkeii:. GEO4GLiNA. II• ' • Ia Conderapatt,i Pa. Aug. : l6, 1865, ,by Rem. L. A . Stdvetia, WILLIAM SWIFT, -of ViThitesville, and Miss - HATTIk E. SMITH, of the form e r place: , , .• - • . - .• NM bI*BRIED _ MEM 1• Commissionerd s I Yreaxe antlioriiedito announce - sAIarEL 4WIRPB,,of Bingbain, as it:Candidate for CountiCommissihner, subject to the deeis ton of the Union Coufity Convention: Please announce) the name of CHANCEY ,ICFL.BOURN,. of Heitori,one of our iiresent honest find efficient Cenintissioners, as a can didate for re-electioniimbject to the decision f ,Ite Union Catint7 conventiriit. 7R7 - DESIRABLE FARM -PRIVATE AT SALE. The iinderagned offers his Large Frirm situated in Allegany township, Potter County, Penn'a.; on the road running from Conders Port ta•Wellsville, and only seven miles from th 4 ..County seat, , at Private Sale, 1 ' ON A CREDIT OF TEN TEARS. Said Farm contains - Four Htindred Acres of the best farming land, with 'good:fences, and has erected on it ONE TAVERN STAND, DYE STOREROOM, TYRO TENANTHOUSES, THREE EARNS, and other fine outbuildings. The Undersigned will be on the premises ell 'the 29th of August to answer applicants that may desire tb purchase. If not Sold it ; ! WILL RE LEASED forlthree or five years, fora Par* ren.t. - S. M. MILLS. Titusville, Pa., Aug: 20, 1965. Register's Nbit‘d. A LL persons interested will please take /IL notice that the following accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Potter County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court for cotifirmation, on Monday the 18th day of September, 1865, in Coudersport : First account of Hodson Hendrix,. Adm.s'r of. Carson Wilson, late of Allegany tp, dec'd. ; Aug. 21,1865. DAN BAKER, Register. SHERIFF'S SALES, Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vendition Exponas, FierlFacias and Levari Facias jutted out of the Court of Common P/cmy of Pot ter County, Pennsylvania, and to me dirated, shaft expose topublic sale or Outcry, at the Court House in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 18th day i. of Sept., 1865 ; at 1 o'clock, p. m., the fol loww described tracts or parcels of land to wit: Certain real estate in °slimy° Tp., bounded north by lands of Patrick Doyle, east by lands - of 'Edmund Morley, south by Highway leading from Oswayb and , Wellsville plank road to the Irish Settlement, and west by the Wellsville and Oswayo, plank road ; contain- Filly-SeVen and Six-tenths Acres more on less, abont fifteen acres of which are im proved, with lone frame house, one log stable and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of - James McNulty. ALSO--;-Certain real estate situate partly in Hebron and pertly in Clara Tps, Beginning ate' hemlock tree for a corner being the north • west corner of a lot originally sold to Wor den ; thence north 352 rods to a beech tree being the south corner of U. Byam's purellatO, thence east 233 „rods *tit a Corner in the east line of Ridaway's land, thence-South On said I east line 352 rods to a Post corner In said east line, thence west koctS to the plate of beginning ; containing Five Hundred and Ten acres, being fart 'of Warrant 5864, of which about Forty acres are itCproVed, tith two frame houses, one fret= bars; one water saw mill, and some fruit trees thereoir. To be sold as the property of Foster Reynolds. ALSO—Certain real estate in Allegaugtp., bounded on the north by lands of J. Ross, on the east by lands of G. Kelly, on smith by, unseated lands, and on the west by lands of T. Dagget, being lot No. 5 on the map of lands of W. S. Johnson, dec'd in said tp., and part of warrants • Nes 1849 and 1874 , containing One Hundred and Fifty-TWO and SixteeulOne hundredths acres, about ten acres of which are improved, with some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the pro P - of George W. Kenyon. _ _ ALSO—Certain real estate in Abbot known on the maps of the Pennsyli - arna Land and Farm Association as section Na. 48 in warrant No. 5078, beginning at the south-west corner of said warrant and fun ning thence north 24 and 4-10ths rolls to a corner, thence east 90 rods to a corder,thence 'south 24 and 4-10ths rods to a corner thence west 90 rods to the place of beginning;Con taining Thirteen and One-half [ acres mere 'or less. To be sold as the property of Willigin Niehaus. ALSO—Certain real estate in Sharon 'fp., 'bonnded on the north by the, State line bf Nevi York and Penn'a, on the east by lands of Samuel Howe and lands Of W. Jones deed, on the south and west by hada of Kitt- 'ney ; containing Eighty-eight 'and -One-half 'acres, or thereabouts, about Thirty nci-es which are irnproVed, with one; frame house, ;one frame barn and some'fruit trees,thereon. To lfe sold is de property of H S Carrier. LSO—Certain real estate beginning at a past in the north line df warrant 2123; being the north-west corner Of lot 2 o.' ) /2 of Treating lands iii Edell& tp., surveyed f 0 L. 13. Spat - - ford, thence south 150 rods to a post corner, thence west 52 rods, thence south 14 rods, thence'west 40 rods to a post corner, thence north 164 rods tit a icariant line, 'thence east - 52 rods to Once of beginning, 'beig. Tot ti of the aforesaid allotment and part of War rants Nos. 2122 and 2123-, containing abed Ninety-one acres more or less, about Twenty; tive e.cres'isf which are imprOd, with on'e frame house, one frame barn and some fruit treks thereon.—ALSO—Anotlier titezt lying Eulalia tegi , aning at post corner standing 106 perches east Of the riorthr.West corner of warrant NO. 2122,thence cast by Said line 106 percher to a post Coiner, thelibe south 150 perches td 'g pest center, thence West 106 perches tb a poit corner, thence north 250 perehes to the place Of beginning' containing Ninety-nine acres) and Eighty perches strict measure, more or less, being part of warrant t.N23. 2122, abort Seventy-five acres of which are improved, with one framh house, one frame barn with shed attached, one frame granary, and some fruit trees thereon. - To* be, sold as the property of Nathan Woodcock. 1 ALSO—Certain real estate in Sharon tp., bhuntied on the north by the Vsk lot, east by land of F. Donovan, south y land occu pied by Elder TorreY, and west by- land of Americus Wood, being lot deeded by Lewis Wood to-r Reynolds; containing Fifty acres more or less. about twenty acres of whiCh are improved, With one log house, one log barn, other out houses-and some fruit trees thereon.—ALSO---a'notiter lot adjoining the abnye, bounded on the north and east by Merceread *eaten lands, ord the south by the Donovan lot and the above described fifty acres, and on the west by the Green lot, containing about . One - Fiundred hetes spore or Tess, Forty acres of which are improved. with one frame house, one frame bird and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as rho i l ly of LM. Reynolds. - 1 D.C. LAREA33BE ' M erit - Coudersport Aug. n.. 1, 186 a; - ' EM:=l Bliilig 11.i)TEL; - • 4 CORNER 4TErWILLIAM STS . . , W11,141 - AMSPORT; . , - L o. auserni; rropiktoii, T bHotel aa been, much erdariged r refitted, iiitherwise improved, irith:,excellent sta hfiiig; tnaltitig it interior to none ariort 7 —Aug 19, - '65 ; lt tinderaigded;. - un Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Potter county. td * distribute the funds in the hands of the _ Administrators of the estate . g'f ELI PICEA dee'd, Itrnong the 'heirs - .'and rlegal rePresentatives• of -the said deceased' will attend to.the duties of his said appointment at the Prothonotary's Office -in the Borough of Oondersport, rturday, the 16th day of September, at: 10_ 'clack A, Where all persons interested in ,said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred. I • . W. B. GRAVES, Auditors Aug. 22, 1865.- -- 1 - - - -•-'s IsTotf.cer' WIEREAS Letters of Administration on the estate of DAVID C . IIO3VIILL; late o Jackson Township, Potter County, dec'd, have beef granted to the'undersigned, all p#sons indebtedto said. estate are requested to intake Immediate Payineni f and. those; hav ing claims against the same will tiretient them, dilly authenticated, to the subscribir for payment. CHARLES H ARMSTROS - G, Condersport Aug.l9 1856. Adms'r. AL! Most Important Discovery. INTERESTING TO. AGENTS, FARVERSI I " AND LADIES. WE are making a single machine which combines the best, and-chespest.lport atati Wint and Cider Press th‘itiryest Clothes Winger, and the ii 10.51 poiterfid Lifting Jack inj the world. It is the only preis adapted to making Apple Champaign, Which is hoW re garded as one of the most iinportant discov eries , - Of the age. A good agent wanted in every-county, to whom we will hold ontSttch inducements as to insure $lO5O 13efote Christ mas. The first one making application:from lany county shall have the eicluives agency. Full particulars, terms, etc., by Circtilar. Address HALL, REED ,j• Rio. 55, Liberty St., N. Y. THE MASON ItELMILUsT V . Ablnet Organs and Chleker- LY lag's Celebrated, Pianos for sale by John B. Shakapear,' of . Wellsboro, Tioga county, Pa. Persons debillng to, par chase can do so by applying to. A. L. ENS , WORTH, Esq., at the Bingham Office, Condersport, Pa. IVEW MUSIC.—FUNERAL MiRCH _LI to the memory of ABRAHAM LINCOLN'," the illartYr President, by Mrs. E. A. Park hurst, the popular cr.mposm.. The Home Journal "says : "This is a fine compOsition-, well worthy the reputation of its writer." Wry solemn and impressive. 1000 copies are issued weekly. - Price 30 cents ; with vignette of the President; 50 cents. , Mailed free. Publisher_' Horace Waters, No. 481 Broad Way N. Y. DR. FILKINS & BROS' VALUABLE Mtn:MINE which:hate. per formed such wonderfal - cures and giiree gen eral satisfaction to all those who have made use-of them, can be obtained' Of nil. A. FRENCH; COMERSPORt, Patter Co., Pa-,, who will 'examine patients, astertain the netute 'o? theit disease, and give all necess ary directions and'adviee to those Who make use of the Medicines. Orders; from abroad will receive pi•cialpl attention. Inky 19, 1865! ' HORACE WATERS` ' Git.EAt _ ESTAI3LISIMEEtt, No 481 Broadway., New YOrk PIANOS, MELODEONS, CABINET OR GANS,' SHEET 3IUSTC-, • MUSTC BOORS, and. all /rinds of Musical instruments and Mislcal Merchandise, at the 6Warr saris, wholegire.afid Second hand 'Pianos and MelodeonS -at oniir nasomft. Prices; $69, $7,5, $l9O, $12.5- .51.50, $175, $200,-rand $2;"5. t Nesi. 7 octave Pianos for $250 and upwaias. PienoS and Melodeons to let, And relit all6Wed if purchased. Monthly pay;.- meth received for e Setae. . . The )11"&race Wafers' Pianos and Meloietins are as Pine and tonrable Instruments - as-are made. 'Warranted :for five Tears. Price greatly eauced tor Cash. I. - . 'TEs - rim4.01%/I.A.t_A- Tfie Horace Witera' Pianos itie known as iroong the 'viry best.—..Y. P. Evangelist. We can sPeal:l3f the Merits of the Horace Waters Pitnos frem personal, ithoiviedge, as • i - eing of the ye* , beit infelEgehfa r , The sora4*aleis Pianos are built "alb& best and most thoronghly lessened material. --Acivoiitte Jo'uvna.l. Watets' Pianos and ifelodeotie ehallinge comparison With the finest made anywhere in the Country.—kothe frn ouad: . . Horace 'Waters' Piano Fortes are of fall, rick and even tone,and powerfhl..—aViso York Aryiical M fi n d .Reiletip , Oaf ends Will at Mr. Waters' stoie traovery)oesi assorttaept pf Music - and of Pianos to he fonnd in the United States.-. ketiwthzi. ' the Horace Waters' "limns are of sdperior tone and elegant finish.=--New York Christ ian Ensirer. , „ • ' Schedule of prices of Instruments and oat illognes of Sheet Music and any Music, pub lished in.tho United States, iwt,so.sask. Sheet Ilusle, a little soiled, ad cenis Per page. Sabbath School, and other ttoois, publish; ediby Horace-Waters. • Sabbath School tell., No. 1. Sabbath School'Bell, N 0.2. Ohotal Hub, • The .Diadeni Pit.tCEsi )?apex foyers, $3 per 40z.; timid; $3,60; Oroth, Embossed Gilt, $4,20.. BELLS, Nos, 1 and in One roluine, per dosed. Cloth EMbessed Gilt, $l,O Per dozen. DAY aGBOOL BELL, tor Public ganiciis and Seminaries, Piper Covers, $3,60 per dtizen, Btiani Covers $4,20 ;bail $4 , 82. .. THE CHRISTIAN 111ELODIST A new 'Revival Hymn and Tune Bobk. Price s,y pir doz. Hoard, $3,50. " Manufabfotk Virarerooms, 481 Broad way, New York. r , • - - A SOAP Question Settled I Inquire at is STEBBINS' ee` ' MM:M= Auditor's Notioe, ' t - Per Sliers Pas littas, Pe., Jply 28, 1865. Dein: Slnflleiseounee - ttre name of ILIfORTON, late Capt. Qo. 6; 149t1iP.V.• for SHERIFF, lsabjept to itte-deeision of the Fall Coniention. - - , , -quaidtaxe‘ e-Sale of meal Estate . NOTICE is hereby givenithatly virtue of 11Van — order or decree. br the Orphan's Court. of Potter 'County,. Made 'on the 20th Say of Sone, 1865 r the undersigned, as Special Guardian of Mary . A. Jobbsiin Sarah John , son, and William Henry 4ohnson, minors, [owners of said lands, will ettpose for Sale at FuLlie Trendue to the higheit bidder, at the Court tottse in Coudersport, in -said County of Pott r, On t e l9 thday o feptember 1865 , at/ -o'clock P. M " the following described 1 1 Lands : Sit.nate to the', Towvship of Hebron, Potter Co.,_Pa.. LOt N 04126 of the allot melst Of lands of the Estate of Samitel M. Fox, deceased, containing 135'7 sires more or leis. Alio Lot No 134 of . Said allotment in the samo.Township, containing 54 and 2-10ths acres of'land more f or less. lAlso Lot No. 122 of said allotment in the same Township con taining 125 and 8-10ths acres more or.less. Also all that part of Sub Lot No. 9 of original Lot No. 115 of said allotment in the Township of Allegany, lying west of the highway, containing 61 and I acres of land more or lest,- Also Lot No. of McVicar's survey in the Tor. - nship of OsWayo, in said County, made for N. H. ?W. S. Johnson, co:gaining 80 and 24-100ths acres more or less, now occupied by Mrs. Andrus. NA.THANIEL JOHNSON, Ang: 10,1805. - Special Guardian. • Administrator's Sale. BY virtue of an order of thP Orphan's Court for the County of Potter, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of AMBROSE COREY, late wf the township of Ulysses, in said county deceased. will be 'sold to the highest and beSt, bidder at the Court House inl the Boro' of Coudersport on Monday, the 18th day of Stpt. next, at 1 , o'clock P. M., all that certain messuage situate in the Township of :Ulysses, County of Potter and State of PennsYlvania,bounded and described as follews, Th.: Beginning at the south-east cornea of the 0. A. Lewis lot in said Township, thence north percees so a post, thence west 10 peOhes to a pos i t, thence south 24 perches to a post" on south line of said Lewis' line,thence east 10 perches to a post the place of beginning, Cmita'ning Ohe and brie Half Acres of land mere or less and belag patt of a Lot of land No. 359 con, Veyed by the Trustees of the estate of Wil liam Bingham to 0. A. Lewis on the Bth day of l'ebruaty, 1836. Also ,another lot of land situate in the Township, pountyLand State aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post the south-west corper of the above described lot, thence in A northerly course along the west line of above idescribed lot 70 perches to a post, thence In a westerly course at rilpti angles with the dist course 4 perches to a post, thence in a southerly course paral lel tvith'the first: escribed course s 0 perthes to a post, thence in an easterly course along the Highway 4 perches to the 'place of be ginning, Containing One }lowa an Acre oft land,' and being the east half of a lot ofland conveyed by H. H? Dent to A. Corey Feb.; 17 ) 185 T. Also another lot of latol situate in the Township, County and State aforesaid, and bounded and clescribed as follaivs : Beginning I at a post standing in the 'west Tine of lot No. 15 of the sub division of H. E. Dent's lands in said Township, now in pOlsenion of An; drew 9de, - 36 perches sonth of the south line of lot No. i 3• conveyed hyWH Dent to Ma - - hala Baker by deed bearing_ date April . 9, 1855, thence south passerches to a corner, being also south-weSt corner of lot No. 15 aforesaid, thence along the ne'rth of'a lot in possession of -Abram Waggoner west 77 and 2-loths perches to a 'corner,l being nlso the sontheast leoindr of let No 166 contracted to be sold to .7.Nelson Crowell by H. IL Dent, -thence north }° east 173 perches to ihe south line 'of lot Nv. 14-con veyed by If. H. Dent to Mithala Baker by deed, bearing date April 9,1855, thence along said south line east i 8 'Perehu tilt the 'Place of beginning, Containing Befenty-Nine , Acres, With the usual allowance of six Per 'Cent. fcir 'roadS, Zkit, being hot N0.1 1. 1'6 'cif the sth-divia lon of the said n , H. H. Den lands in the said Toiinship 'of ITlYsseS. Also, One other lot of land situate in the ToWtistip,"''Coiroty and State; aforesaid,' cribed as follows, viz: Bounded on the north by lands owned by Burton Lewis,on the east by lands' Wned or n Benjamin Baker, on the south by lands in possession . of, J. D. Leet, and on the rest by the highway! leading frem LeWis'vitle to Biookland, Con - - taining about - Eighteen Acres !of - load. be ttie same more or Bess. I. W. CHAPPEL, Dlyises,, Aug, 14 1865. I' Administrators:Sale 'd'' th - D 12 a*" . " . virtue of a or er o e rp ans onrt fcrr the county of 'fottrr,: the 'following described real estate helonging td the 'estate of WILLIAM FLING, bite 'of the to*nship Dlyss'es,. in gad •ceniny deceaSed, will be sold to the higbett and best bidder at the Cdart House in the 'of Gouderspoit on Monday the 18th clay 'of. Sept. next, at 1 o'clock All that tract of land be. gitittin e 7 at the bath:W . est Vorhel. of lot Bur= reYed to Augusta S. 'Whipple "in the centre of thel.ligtmay,_ thence - South pit the line of 'said Ipt 72 rods, thence West 15 and 5-10ths rods, ithence North 12 rods to the centre of the Highway, thence East by the centre of Highwly 15 aid s•llitlis - roh - SXo place of , ginning, being part of Lot coriVeyed by 11. H. Dent to Dnick Doled bearine date Dec. 19, 186, and containing Seven Acres. ALSO—Another Lot baun•led at follows : Beginning at the south-east corner or Lot No. 104 east part ebnveyed to Daidic Whipple, .thence North' i 2 rdd; to Highway, theriawest 15 rods, thence South 12 rods, thence East 15 rods to the plaCe of beginning, Containing Seven. Ahres - : ALSO--Anet4iLiSt botinded es follows : being known as cost part of Lot 135 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Ulysses tp, Potter co., Pa., containing 56 and 2-10ths acres, being the seraeljot which II.H: Dent contracted to D.. WhipPle, dr.i oh 'the Ist day of March I'B6o. ALSO—Another lot being west part crf lot N 0.135 bf the Bingham lands in Ulysses .tp, aforesaid,tepritaining 50 acres and. being the Same lot which lI.H.Den contracted to Win. Blakeslee on the Ist day of 31arch.1860.. . '• ELLEN FLING TRIPP, Administratrix. bondersport, Actg. 8 1865. ) • - Mai bie ItariL rriplE sitbseriber. desires to hiforin tne citi j. zees of Potter that he Can supply 'them with ill-kiddl• of Maible tirorky as cheap and as good as it can'-be had any Place in the country. MONUMENTS and TOMB -STONES of all kinds furnished on short notice. BREUNLE. Coudersport, Feb 13 '65 A C4lllO To 4c' Union ten of reef. I haft' been for some there're'st etreoefaged by citizens of the County; to be a esadidate for Representatire; I antecname Myself a candidate foi that ofice. beat of itatelia dates for other offices, witboat oppositioa, for the reason, that they bare been In the Army for Union. I too have been in the Union Armyl—served faithfully lathe ditched and swamps of South Carolina Lentil batarta4 bly discharged by General Butusider,ll team son of disability received in the service, and in the Imo of duty. My son fought in the same Regiment (45th P.PV.,) wait: he •wad killed by Rebel_ bullets. atm 'apporesed by gentlemen whowere never-in the BettiCE --gentlemen, who if noininsWaill leech* my cordial smrspart. Ifittiy,,otreOitinbta tnr honorable record :while - 1n itrAir:4l64 - refer him to . everiofficer and man helot:o4k*, OW 45th P. V. when I left it.' - • If any other Soldier who has been Qhriont b 1 diacharged, • dealres the itotiiiiratioti this office And inserts Iris name, I Will witila draw this !laid and support him. • J.NO. Pike M 118,1.707 25;1865. • , , NOTICE The following is s- description of llarreld, and Kegs belonging to tbe Brewery of Joseph Seliwartzenbhch, located at Germania, Potter Connty;.Penri's wits From ron to forty barrels marked *Mt r i numbers 1 Ronuta letters, and partwitiimy name bu ed in on the top; all ifoh'bound:, All persons having any Banal - tn. loot marked as above in their poSsession Will please return! them or they will bo dealt ,Witlll as directed in the late Act of Assembly: : I JOS. BCHWARTZE.NBACIE ' Germania, Aug. 8, 1865. (4w) 7 _, ..:::, Court -•Prooltunatio2L7' • • - . • - the Itoit Thabert Whit V President 3tdge,! ! 'and the Jones and ! G. Col Vin, ! Associate dudgeS,Of the Courts oil Oyer , ik Terminer and Generel Jail Delivery,: Quarter Sessions of the. Pence, Orphans' CoUrs and:Court of Common Pleas for the county of - ,Potter,:have issued :- theit I prcept, bearing date the twenryi r setend -day of June in the I year of our Lord ette!thent.! I sand eight htadred ! and sixty-five, ezdto MIS directed,.for holding a court ot Oyez Ak..Termi. ber and General. Jail Delivery, Quarter ..Sese sions of the Peace, Orphan's court, and ! court of Common Pleas in the Borough! of COndeivy pert, on MONDAY, the 18th" day of Septeinbet next, and to continue one week ti---!; Notice is therefore hereby given to the Con. oners, Justices of-the - Peace nrni;CoAstablet withal the cenoty, that they be tti6ii - nailient! in their propo - persOns, at.l6 o'clock, A.M. of said day, with their rolls, : records . i ntlatei bons, examinations, and other rethembratices, -. . to do t.hose things whichto.theif ntlicevap. , pertain to be done. And those who are boutnU • . by their I recogoisances to prose cute against the priseners That are or shall be In thejaiiof said county of ! Potter, are to be then and there" • to prosePrite agamst, them as will be just.:. Dated lat . Coudersport, Aug. 8, 1865; - Abe 89th.year of. the:lndependence of the Unite: States of !America,' Trial List for sretub tewislet e.lits Mclntyre &Mahon.. Shaffer vs Stay end Smiths ; Dickson vs Jiltleb. Dickson is Bialesair. Wood 'vs t herald.. bolivell ;ft IA-kiiit vs Btadick.isFsy Bradley Itadde. Ives vs Yiilleiter. tielson vs Beitot et ai COMitY ReSi et vs, Fox &POI Vtartedibeei crane vs Seelity I Smitk ResS. Comfit ite vg tilaie2t Hopkins cs Tillnkto Busboy vs Potter td Forest Imp t'otufaint Lee vs Keriven . Brown vi Lndingtoil• Groan - vs Clark Stevens is Nickels vs Blastula Brill vs 1 avis Kilbottrie i Sfimmit School District, vs Niter GRUA} Roulette "" ." Abbott IT 11 cs balith Wtrano.l T! tAxtro?i- riram 7:02. lustramusr WATCH 'COIIIi'ANY: ‘. It having ionic to oiii knowledge the lei= itatiens of. ihe! American Watbhhaie eel ' put neon tile market i n great number, c a ca= lated by their! t itter worthleasiittS re 'ajar& the reputation , or our fieirti,i4 o.odbbtp• id protect our own interests aad the pablic-gerit • imposition, iiei agaiignblish idle tinyie erarkii- - by which our; Watcnee iday inirariably VI kdoisir. . _I, _ , _ . - 3N , e diantifaetnie rofii styles bt Wittaheir. - The First bP. Wet iiirib'e - IsAlltilidAr WATCH CO.. I . l*iiihain; kEts - t. - / , 'ea - graved on .lie tcsitte plate. • , The, • Sce,ond li i a*.the name - , ; 1. I'APPLETO 1 - TIIACY Si CO.';Widttrain, - , ".eu;is'i l ed on the inside plate. . .., , The Third has the name ~„- "1?: S. t AirrUft Wairbili23, Mai.," en: eared. on the ` l i . aside plate. ; - 1 An the above styles hare the wiiire Amer:. loan Watch ed. pidtEd on the dial Mid aid warranted In . every respect. ~ - i . - The Poi:rib:4ag the name, • , -virAt.. ELLEHY, llonibit, Mass.; eitgiarea on the inside ptite, and is .ndt rtaddea bin tile , dial. • - . ' - 11 - , • 411 the above described laiches e rasa . ofvarioi* 6 and are so ld id gold ti silvel-* --- . .• t , . _ - sit. case's, e required. • • - It is hardly possible Mr us, to ilecurifrei describe'the numerous imitations to ivhicti we have alluded. They arenenaliyineci lied with naldei sol nearly riPpittibtillig our coin! as to escape, tbh blikervthlin - of the unatrcuS% tabled bnyer. !Soule are rerifesetited ab madig by the "Union Watch Masa. —no such company existing. 'Seine are named the "Stildier's Water," to be /old Ai our Ponith o .Ellery known as the "Soldier's Wat Ch." 1 °tilers are named the "I c ppleton Watch Cb , „i" °there the P. S. Bartz. r," instead of our "p. S. saw._ 1 left;" ; besides many Varieties named to sukli a itiannerAis tcli convey the idea that they air* the veritabletiodhetiont of tile lAinericad - Watch Company ' We also caution the publi6, and pat-Lien: lady soldier's, Against - buying certain artfireit CALLED watches. so freely advertisied irf trated papers as "Artily Waldies,l' Watches," "Magic Tithe Obseakiri," "Atrailk Watches," &c,.ithe prices of whicb , ate Statrit to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A givtiii watch, in these times, cantibt be sleorditl lot= any such money. • A little attention hit the pait of UYeit Will proteet them from gross iniposition. • EOBBINS APPLETON Agents for the American Watch to., I I !S Broadway; INew Teriti 4 4 z -, ME Ea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers