NEWS!! SHERIDAN GRANT OM AGAIN ! ! ! RARD F NION VICTORY ANOTHER GOL CLINE IN. GOODS HEAVY DE, Nil AND BBINS & Co., P. A, ST ng s new and complete Are now receiv OCK OF Goods.! ! Swain the ieavy decline and `purchased since t vanie insew York sWring the reee 'Ckirrtisfing of '~ CRESS -G-0 DEL ALN US PO•P EISEI LPG. C.3', If 0 Z AY:23 . 1 G S tl, , A2b PO :BLA CA" SILKS ) SfOPJL SA.)RTS, :BA 'CLOAKS, CL 0 AKI:_k;G IC'ASSIMER:ES, t IMEN'e, run stock EX CLOTHING FASHION A vac BOOT & SHOES, EAT 4UAP S 3 0., &c.; 1 .d t'• Articles id Dye Stiffs, White Lead ip 0, Camphene Kerosene,Lamp ores, Glass, iatent Medicines, 411=1 Berbs,Perfumery,Fancy l et articles, Gum, Hair. Ivory mbs, Pomades l and Colognes, 1 tMent of Flavoring Extracts, Paper, and Linseed Oil—raw I 1 • at . - tags a Oils, Paints, t!‘ Tin Cans,Alco4 and. Lamp Pittp Chemicals, Both Soap and Toil and Wooden Ca tad a.tne a.sso Pene s Ink and and boiled, • ru.she ;ail, Hair, Hat, Pail% Varnish 'hs Cloth, Tooth; 4 and Artist Brti- CHOICE S OCK OF GR CERIES, hoice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, Dandelion "offee, Rice, Corn Cocoa, &c., jj'..4 TS o 2 /LIND. TfA!, &tzars, West Indil an Stara, racin; STEBBINS' & Co., P, A .flter Main and Second Streets, Ccndar•F. Apr. 1 . 0, 1858 1 , PRYC Corrected every Wednesday by P. A. STEB BINS Si CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries aid Provisions, opilosite .IF. Glasimire's Hotel s C itderspoik Apples, itreen V bush., $ do 1 ' dfied, ' 1 2 Beans, t I Bee.sw'a9 s 1b.,1 " Berries, dried, Vi Buckvr, beht, bu Ruckfrrheat Four' ? Bnttor, lb., 3 I Cheese, I " Cloverseed Corn, V Ibush., Corn 3lesik 91 per Eggs, V , oz Flour, extra, iio, superfine Hams, V, lb., , Hay, V ton, Honey, 14r lb., Lard, n 1 Maple Sdoal, Tier, Oats, li t bus Onions, E " Pork, V do V lb., do in ishok , hit Potatoes; per bush Pe4hes,jdrieti t , Podltry, re lb., I Rye, per ibuSh.; I Salt, 1 do V sack, Timothvleed Trout; per bbl., Wheat, hush. 4 White Fi,sh, DOWN TIQBIAS' I.V.ENITIAN larrnmansvre CERTAIN ccral FOR PAINS AND Aces; and warranted superior to any other. Croup it posiiively cures ; relief is absolutely sore iinmedilltely it is used. Moth ers reMember this, and arm yourselves with a bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no riooce, frequently attaching the elail4 in the ead hour of night: beibre a physiciap can be summoned it may be too late. rtrzterzter, the Venitia.n Liniment never fails. Price 40 5: SO cents a bottle. sem by. lid! Druggists. ()Ere, 56 Cortlandt Street, New Fork. DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS ~ Composed cf highly concentrated ezfrac+ r s from rodts and herbs of the highest medicinal value, ii - ifalliaVle in the cure of all diseases of the Leer 'or any derangement of the Di gestive Drgans I , The; remove all impurities of the Blood; and are 13 rt Equal e 41 in the cure of[Diaribe .It . ttliadiee, Dyspepsia, Scrofula ; Biliousness! iLiver Complaint. Fevrs. tead acite, piles,; Mdrculial Diseases, E - ereditary - Humors', Dosel for. dults, one ,pill in the tnornin, children b lf a pill. !From one to three pills will bure ordinary oases, and from one to three boies will cure any curable case of no mutter ho: , wlon:rstanding.. Price V... 00 V MOTTITALBOTT, M. p. k CO.. t 32 Fulton Street, New York. , , 1 The Gratest Victory , Yet I! CIOLOS tTllt / 17;CK nFIVE 3111StriE:5 The ab' oye heading of a recent bulletin • I front the - D OF WAR. applicable to the results of 'ROB HAIR DYE iS , EA is in i".,1 respecis l CHR.ISTAIDI whet brouglicl,:i, obnoxious ttict.i r undsirittle , Pst 4lack or brhsr scalp, nc. •Careae enaollicrtt vrzeia J. Cl. CII7IISTi-1 -1 NeAiiYork. ,Stild all ilaii.-6ressers .IEILIANDit ETU'S' PILLS 1 4 1 ,Iff'enereiilAssistant of ICature. V. r ba't. is heath? is disease? Hdalth is. When the .sitpply .and el-pendi ture are equao - Disease ishen the supply and expenditure are hinequal., • , fIAtiDRETH'S PILLS impart eertain puisive! pots - end to all matters of the body whose life is blow the standard of the sir rounding party, Jor which have remained longer than nature designed. So in feVers and alI ttr..t cle..s of cases whicia s'o'on run into te......:rtitleation BRANDRETH'S PILLS have Lai - velons ctrative qualities. Our bodies , :are contiti rally Changing, and,it is by this chiange wej live. Should Matter remain in ofgvins beyond the time nature designed, pain and inriamation st...t. in, which is nothing more than a prjernratory r j effo for our good. Al! Br.indr6th'3 Pills are stirosed from the resultsto do simply ASSIsTING THESE EFFORTS OF NATURE: CLO TIJS. iGETS TVWANTED fcr -the 1 ' - S Ntittso it stir. • • Th 4 Most interesting and j exciting book" ever pitblished; ; 01hr:id:lig the adventures of women in t4rniop army as Nurse. Scout and Spy, giving a mcat vivid inner picture of the lwar. j. 'l`..itchers., energetic -ottng men,iind es ear lly return td and disahled soldiers in want Of profitab e employment, will find it pecultrlly altipo to their condition. }We have agents Flea;ing $l5O per month, wliich we Tt-‘ll prove Ito any doubting applica4,..-- . . . LEM own with cain tras 1 To Etei I W it i i tic I II Is I quart b., bbl.; lb., 1 ' 1 4 , - e I ± , -, 1)., bbl., coritaet with hair of any ii-e minutes removes the 4ep!achag it 'with the rich '. ;Co stain is left on the the hairby this fine le dye. , 31:triafactrrred by CIRO, 20. 6 Astor House : iy Drr..ggists. Applied by for circtilars. Address I ;JONES; BRAS. &Co , IN. '4. co# :r' and Minord sire I i Philadelpeia jI NoTier,: FIEREA t ., my husband, .i.:13 1:F . .0 G BOOTH has left the bed he never •d, and ihe board he never provided, , • h; just clause or provocation, I hereby du all pet'stas • against, harboring or m. g him pd me acccont, as I shall pay , etts of hi' contracting after tills date. t 4 AMELIA BOOTH. ,I•sburg, Pa., Sane 27 ' 1865. I NOTICE. RAYER or Stolen in Bingham ton-I:Ship, !lay 26, 1865, !from the subscriber, Six n Cattle.Htwol Light Red Steers and one ter,, two Years old, and Wee Yearlings, s•r bite on the belly,larid one red and spottedtq r ,Any person giving informs ,' of them. will be liberally rewarded. • I ISAAC W. JONES. i r 3, I r 16 6 13. E4w] 'Marble Yard. SE subscriber desire's to inform the -cid.= tens of Potter that he can supply them lall-kit:4l's of Marble -work, as cheap and _nod as It can be had any place in the 14.rr. MONCIMENTS and TOMB-STONES Illiinar.Turnished on short notice. EE C. BEZENLE. qui ersp'ort, Itcb 14'65 I MEI THE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Couttersport,:Thesday EvelFing, August 8, 1865 Local and. Icreneral. 50 to 15 00 2'50 00 350 20 25 8 ; 9 15 20 1 60 1 25 300 3 20 15 700 7 150 2 eV' Hon. Simon Cameron had the Degrce 'of LL. D. conferred upon him at the last Com mencement of the University at Lewisburg. B ey -About two b undred pardons have been granted by the President since the Amnesty Proclamation. 25 20 50 00 Mr Frank King, late of the First Penn'a Rifles, has opened a Grocery Store in &meth port: 50 375 IS. Our Union friends will please notice the Call for' a Contention, and the Commit , ees take Particular note of the clay' so that hey may be prepared to perform their duties ) 8 50 900 9 00 975 .25 00 800 15 20 15 20 15 18 75 80 00 125 75 30 00 1$ 20• 10 12 37 50 20 25. 8 10 150 1.88 5 5 00 15 20 250 3 50 800 9DO 1 75 200 SOO 900 I Or" A Donation Party will be given at the M.E. Church, on Wednesday evening (the 9th) for the benefit of its pastor the, Rev. Yr. Srsiiss,*ho is just recovering from a long and severe sickness. rs..T t e Colesburg and Raymond Corner's Sunday Schools' purpose having a Pic 2s'ic at Riymcnd Corners on Friday next, Aug. IL Music, Sheechis, and a Dinner, Will be the order of the Day. Tbere will be a Soldier's and Citizen's Dance at the Sharon Centre House, Pa. on Thursday Evehing, Ang. 17: It is proposed to give the ;many soldiers of Sharon and ad joining toWnships an opportunity "to trip the light fantastic toe. Everybody is in vited. Bill $3. The work on' the extension of the State Capitol is going forward rapidly. A large number of brick-layers are at worlc,and the walisJof the first story will be completed this week. The best mechanics to be found are employed, and the new building iirben finished will be not only grand but durable. • Counterfeit fives of the National Banks, well executed, are in circulation. The color of the paper is a little paler than the genuine. They are, .bon-ever, easily detected by observ ing the position of the letter Tin the Word "this,7 in the letter reading; •!This note, is secured by the bonds of." The "T" Inlthe genuine is over the left portion of the letier -1" in "United," while in the counterfeit it is further to the left, over middle of the "N" of the same word. • 1 - it:t-s ago a party of ladies from Newport, Perry cotM.ty, were gathering whor tieberries. One of the :adies had a child with' her, which she seated on a flat stone near frhrta ghe cc - as picking terries, shortly after which a dog Which accompanied the party Bet up is Intid barking arennd the child and stnellng at-the edge of the stone. The child was taken array and the stone turned over, when a large rattlesnake was found underit. The dd,g attacked the snake, but was bitten twice and died shortly after. The ladies were frightened and the snake es caped. ; • M.. As there have been some changes in the time for the departtre of the mails, we give beloW the time of the Various routes : ..11Onday1,--ISbippen, Stnethrstt, and Wells ville via Ellisbnrg. Tue.:dal/I—Kettle Creek, Sinnefrathoning. I Shippen, and Wellsvilte via Oswayo. Trednesky—Welisboro,t7erte, Stripper. and liWellsviilel via Ostrava. I- T/tursd4—Shippen, aid Welltelle Via 1 1 0swayo. I ' 111 ettle 'Creek, Smethport, Shipper, and Wel K lsville' via Ellisburg. II Saturdam--Wellsboro, Ulysses. C9 - cs Snip -11 • - I pen. and Wellsville via Oswavo. 1 Letters for Shipper should be mailed be fore 7 A. :11., all others before 7.45 A. 31. ; and . the Post ]faster; desires 113 to state that there I is and hai been a letter-box for the accom-1 Mca.ation of the: public and he hopes it Will' -acl. ace ordingly.. Arcrsr 8 } 18435: EDITOR OF TEti. Jorasm.,--Sin lam a poor /one woman, and I don't read the papers, but last Sabbath 'afternoon my attention was called to an alleged Beport in the JOVBNA.I, of an Old Mades' 3leeting,in Crab. Apple Orehard. Now, sir, that Repoit is false in every partie ulai- and I, Want to know if poor, unprotected females are to be abused in that kind of a wafl, by the Lords of Creaiion? Loidso borer-hi. I wish the young man who wrott the article in understand that he,. is known' to t e Sisterhocid, and any more such scan-1 Melons Iteports_ will receive the attention (personally) which they desern. tours, in anger. MERCY Ass LIVEFOR.ETEL P. S.—l should think you would be asham ed ta bublish shch a report and you an old' M.. A. L. bachelor, too. 'A woman mov'd, is like a foubtain troui)led. Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of bean; • And, while it is so, none so dry or thirsty; Will, deign to dip or touch one drop of it"— ED. JOLIMAL. • From a printed list, issued by the Surveyor General of Pennsylvania, of thoge whl died at AndersonvilleSon, Ga.. liana Feb'. 26, 1864, to March 24th, 1865, we copy the following nathes belonging to Potter County organizations: 3. M. Applebee, K, 149th,• died of Scnrvey, ;Oct. 24, 1504, number of his grave 11,419. Jddson Brown, G, 53d, of Diarrhoea, July.3l, 1664, No. 4,360. _ D. Butler. G, 53d, of.lOermittent ferer, Jokr 31, 1864, No. 4,40 j. - L. Bupp, G, 149th, of Scuh - ey, Nor. 12,1864, co. 11,572. O. Crum, -6, 149th, of Chronic Diarrhoea, Sept, 23, 18G4, No. 9,534. $. Ellis, G, 53d, of Chronic biaiihcea, 23, 1864, No. 0,607. A. George, G., 149, of acute biarites, Julyi7, 1864, No. 2,992. Charles Johneon, G, 53, of Seirvey, Sept. 2, 1864, No. 7,566._ Calvin Slorris, D,-53, of Senrvey,:tnl,f9, 1804, No. 3,065. H. Pream, K, 149, of ChTonic Diarrhma,Sefit. 1864, No 8,030. Wijliam Stone, G. 588, of Chronic Larrh ma, Jnly , l2, 1864 No 3,214. J. S. Shears, it, 149, of Diarrhcea, Ang 12, 1864, No 5,437. S. Stabler, G, 149, of Aztasarca, Aug. 22,1864, No. 8,526 ° H. Sellers, G, 149, of I:Harlin:ea, Sept. 5, 1.554, No 7,305. • D. Scott, 9, 149, of Scurry, Sept. 31, 18.4, No. 9,411. Austin Weeks, G, 53d, Dysentery, Ang, 14, 1664, No 5,677. The number of the grams in the list before us number as high as 12,119. Egch is part of, the :iv, of Anderlionnlle. Musichuis are agreed ha reference__ Ito, Mason Sc Hamlin's Cablait Oignincthat they are unequalled. Mr. Gottschalk; the distin guished pianist, pronounces the CablnetiOr gen "truly a charming instrument, worth y, of the high praise it has received" and "sure' to find its ;way into every horisehold of taste and refinement which can possibly afford its moderate expense,".: He also declaresit far superior to everything of its class he has Bern. He knows of What he speaks, having tes.ed theni thoroughly in his concerts. - Our Most eminent organists in New York folly 'endorse this testimony —New York l'ath4nda., Afi OVIICEMENTS. A CARD • h lb Me Vizion Sem of Potter. I hare beenifor some time past encouraged by citizens of. the County to be a candidat for RepreSen ative. 4 arkitounce myself candidate for l that office. I bear of candi dates for other offices, ,without oppositio4 for the reason that they have been in the Army for the Union. I too have been in the Union Army—served faithfully in the ditchei and swamps of South! Carolina until honora bly discharged by General Burnside, by rea son of disability received in the service, and in the line of duty. son fought in the same Regiment (45th P. V.,) until -he was killed by B,ebel bullets: Still lam opposed by gentlemen who were never in the service —gentlemen, who if nominated, will receive my cordial support: If any one doubts my honorable record while in the Army, I refer him to every officer and men belonging to the 45th P. V. when. I left it. If any other Soldier who has been honora bly discharged, d -sires the nomination far this office and inse to his name, I wiltwith draw this Card an support him. JS . O. M. EaLBOURN Pike '3lllls, duly 25, 1.65. PISS ItILLt ; Pe., July 28, 1865 DEM% Sm Z Please announce the name of A. B. NORTON, late Capt. Co. G, 149th P.V.- for SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Fall Convention, X. NOTICE. The following is a description; of Barrels and Kegs belonging-to the Brewery of Joseph Schwartzenbach, located at Germania, Potter County, Penn'a, viz : From ,one to forty barrels marked With numbers'in Roman getters, and.part with my name bOrned in on the top; all ironbound. All persons having any Barrels or Kegs matked as abort , la their possession will please return them or they will bo dealt with as directed l in the late Act of Assembly. JOS. SCIIWARTZENBACII. Germania, Aug. 8, 1865. (4w) Court Proclaniation. A7ETAERE3.S the :ion: Roberk G. White, Presideht Judge, and the (lions. C S. Jones and G. G. Colvin, Associafe Todgeii of the Courts of Oyert it Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Potter, haVe isisteci their Iprcept, bearing date the tiv'enty-Second 'day of June in the year of our Lord ohe thou sand eight hundred and sixty-five, and to tne direCt'ed, for bolding a court of Oyer k Tef-Mi ner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orphan's court, and court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Coddirs port, on MONDAY, the 18th day of September next, and to continue one week: gotice is therefore hereby givn to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the countyi that they be thentuld there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A.M. of said day, with their rolls, retoi'ds, Inquisi tions; examinations, andiather remembrances, to do those things which to their offices ap nertnin to be done. And those who are. bound' by their recognizances to prose'ente. • against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said Connty el iPotti*, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Condersport, Aug. 9, 1865, and the 89th year bf the Inte.pebdence oi'the United States of America: Trial List for Sept. Term - . D Lewis [et al vs Mclntyre & Mahon. Shaffer TS May ahl. Smith-. Dickson rs Jones. Dickson vs Burleson. Wood vs Chandler. Colwell k Lyman vs Chandler. Mills Ts Baitlette. Burdick vs;Fay Bradley & Wright - . , Warth rs Radde. • \ • Ives vs Wilietta. Nelson vs Benton et al County vs Rees et at Blackman vs Pox 6.- Pox Gaimishs - 63 Crane vs Seeley Smith ve ROSS Comth use vs Hayed • Hopkins vs White • Busher vs Potter Co Fofest Imp Company Lee Ts Kenyen. Brown vs Ludington Goan Ts Clark . Stevens 6: Nichols rs Rateraah Hill vs DaYiS IC Kilbourne Summit School. District Ts Potter County Roulette " j Ts - sane Abbott [ u " TS same Whartoa ." ' 1 Ts sane Administrator's Sale B I" virtue of an order of the Orphans Court for the county of Pottei-, this following described real estate belonging to the estate of WILLIAM PLECG; late 'of the township of Ulysses, in said county deceased, will hosoid to the highest and best bidder at the Court Howe in the Borough Of Oohderspoil onday-_the 18th -flag. of .Bopt. tiext, at 1 O'clock P. M.; AN that tract of land be. ginning at the north-west corner of lot sur veyed to Augusta S. Whipple in the centre'of the Highway, thence South on the line of said lot 72 roils, thence West 15 and 5-10ths rodt; thence North 72 • rods to the centre of the Highway, thence East by the centre. df Highway 15 and 5- 10ths rods to plate of be ginning, being part of Lot conveyed by H. H. Dent to Dnick Whipple by D' ecd bearing date Dec. 19, 136: and containing Seven Acret. ALSO—Another Lot bstinded as follows:' Beginning at the south-east corner of Lot No. 104 east part conveyed to Vuiek Vrhitiple, thence North 72 rods to Highway, thence west ro rods, thente South 12 rods; thente East 15 rods to the place of beginning, containing, SeVen Acres. ALSO—Another Lot boinded as follows : being known as east part of Lot 135 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Ulysses tp; Potter co., Pa., containing 56 and 2-10ths acres, being the same lot wbitb MIL Dent contracted to 11. 'Whipple Sr.; on the Ist day of March 186. ALSO-LAnothei lot being west part ; of lot No. 135 of the Bingham ' lands in Ulysses tp, aforesaid, containing 50 acres and being the same lot whi h ELH.Den contracted to Wm. Blakeslee on he Ist day of March 1860. ELLEN FLING TRIPP, A *dratrix. cbudersrort, Aug,. 8, 1865. THE-WAS ON & .SA 1 1 (9iblnet Organs and Chicker - ingf Celebrated Planes for sale by John B. Bbakspear, of Weßsboro, Tioga county, Pa.,. Persons desiring to pur chase can do soby-` applying to AI L. ENS WOBTEf,• Eiq., at the 13inghain Office, Coudersport Pa. 'VER T MUSIC—FUNERAL ILARcH II to. the memory of ABRAHAM lascote," the Martyr . President, by Mrs. E. A. Park hurst, the popular ccmposer. The Home Journal says • "This. is a fine composition, well worthy the reputation of its' writer." Very solenin and impressive. 1000 copies are issued weekly. Price SO nts with vignette of the President, 50 c rita. Mailed free. Publisher! Horace aters, No. 481 Broadway N. Y. DR.FILKINS & BROS' VALUABLE MEDICINES, which have per formed such wonderful cures and given gen eral satisfaction td 'ail those who have made use of them, can be obtained of DR. A. FRENCH, COUDERSPORT, Potter Co., Pa., who will examine patients, astertain the 'nature of their disease, and trive all necess ary directions and advice to those who make use of, the Medicines. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. 'Tali 19, 1865. COUDERSPORT ACADEMY. J. W. ALLEN, Pauscteac, assisted by. competent Teachers. TEE PALL TERM wilt commence: on MONDAY, Aug. 28, 1865, and-continue TFelve weeks. . • - , Tuition to he paid at the middle of the Term, from $3,00 to $B,OO. Contingencies, 25 Cents. A Teachers Class will be instructed Free of chat-ge. - • Rooms suitable for students desiring to board themselves can be obtained reasonably in and near Town. •-• For further particulars, address the Prin cipal, at Coudersport, Pa._ DIVORCE ZIOTICE. IIERMAN C-ti'tlP,No. 44, Dec. Term vs. , ) 1864, in the Common ROI:ANNA. CAMP: Pleas of Potter County, Libel in Divorce. To poaxanna Camp, Res pondent above named.' Please ( take notice that a subpoena and alias subricena having been issued and returned tail : you are here by required to appear on the first day of.nem Court, the 18th day of September next, to answer to the complaint made in this case. D. C. LARRABLE, Sheriff. Coudersport, July 25, 15'65. 1 ritfIISTIVLITLI Atittotatram. sotrETY. rPHE Pennsylania State Agricultural So. ; IL ciety will hold its Exhibition on Tues ' day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sep tember 26, 27, '2E, and n3,.1865, at ,WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING CQUNTY. Any 'information desired will be given upon personal application or by lettel the undersigned, at _Norrittoa - n; or X. B YD HA3IILTON, i'resident,.Harrisburg,. / The office of the Society will be open at tiliamsport on and sfitsi. the sth of Sept:em ber. A. BROWER LONGACRE, Seey. l_ , , N rristoa - n, July 24, 1865.—5 t si a.. al ez. a • I am keeping a 1 , m:111 A ssen-tment of BOOTS,, and SHOES, I _FAMILY • GROCERIES, bAUGS, : • DY.t.STUFFS,I CROCKERY, MEDICINES; FARM TOOLS, SCHOOL BOOKS, And a few other "Trays," for which I war t Greenbacks,But tet., Ashes. • I Or other GOOD PAY. ALSO, I have a tip-top Blackgrnith ready to do most anything appertaining to his Trade, as well and as Low Priced as tan be found in the Goan - VT. HO4E SHOEINd,. AXES JUMPED and WAIIIIEN'TtD, rs In • CO . $.4 i hate a good Compasz 'and person here to use it in dividing farms, establishing lißes and cornersand-in tdrreyiff,s , FS.rms, and have inchaiite and for Sale ; pale "Aare Chancea" in ille.*ay a Farms. LUCIEN BIRD. bffice in tbe S. E. corner of my Store at Brookland, Pa. - , Aug. 1, 1865. WELLSBORO f & COUDERSPORT STAGE ROUTE.' rEStages do the Wellsbero and Con lersport Line will leave Wellsboro every Monday a nd Thursday at 2 o'clock P. .11., arriving at Coudersport on Tuesday and Fri day respectively. Leaves Coudersport every Wednesday, arriving in Wellsboro on ?burs day,at 12 o'clock and leaving Couders port ,on Satnrdey; arrives in Wei/shore on Monday at 12 fricloce M. This Route has lately changed Proprietors, and the Undersigned is determined to keep it in good order both with respect to Teams and drivers. - Ample accommodations for trav elers at Vermilyeasi xl - RNRT CROFEIT. Gaines, Aug. 1tt65.--[6nipd P. A. st+bbins & Co. . A RE AGENTS for the sale of Lt. WHEELER k WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES for Pot .er County Noy'r 18, '63 , , CAga 7 PAID rok. Ics see,. CAUTION FROM THE AREERiOAN WATOH CORLEANYs It having trine to our knowledge that lm. itationa Of the American' Watch ,have heed put nponl the market in great number, ealcn‘ lated by their utter Worthlessness to Weird the reputation of our genuine prodats ' it/ protect our own irterests and the public front imposition, we ttgn publish the trademark/ by -which our Ws tche's may - invariably b. known. 'We manufacture four styles of WatelieS. The First has the name "AMERICAN WATCH CO.. Walthaetti Mass.," engraved en the inside plate. The Second has the natne "APPLETON, TRACY & CO., Waltham:ll Mass.," engraved on the inerlde•plate. The Third ! has the name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham, ItiSsEt t " ; ette graved on the inside plate: All tbe above styles have the nettle Aitlerz ican Watch. Co. painted on - the: dial , and near warranted in every respect. The -Fourth. has the name "W3l. ELLERY, Boston, 3fass," eemmie l t 'on the inside plate,' and is not name on the: dial. . All'the above described Watches re mad of various sizes, and are sold in gold ossilvsf cases, ns may be required. it is hardly possible for us to a curgtelf: describe the numerous imitations to whicts we have alluded. They are Usually inscribecT with names so nearly, approaching our own' I as to escape the observation of the cusaccus.e I tomed buyer. Some are represented as made liy the itErtion 'Watch Co. , of Boston, Mass." . !—no such company exlsting... Same ars•-: named the "Soldier's Watch," to be sold ha' our Fourth or Wm . . Ellety style, ttenalli known as the "Soldier's Watch." Others are named the• "Appleton,Watch Co.;" other' the P. S.Barti..Ny," instead of our "P.. B. Bart. lett ;" besides many varieties named in suck.- a manner as to convey the idea that-64 are the veritable l rodactions of the Ameriiaa Watch Company: . t We also caution the peblic, and part:len.. larly soldirs, against buying certain articles cam..;:p watches. so freely advertised in Was= traled papers as "Army Watches," 'lOtteer's Watches," "Magic Time Observers," "Ate.ita,, Watches," &c,. the prices of which are'statW to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A g d od watch, in these times, cannot be afforded 1 . 4.1 nay such Money. , 1 • A. little attention on the part of buyers *ill protect tirm from gross imposition. ROBBINS & APPLETON A,g ents for the American Watch Co., • !! ISt Broadway, New York, 1-94 ch • teraerd - . 0 4 • COMOAIs-y NORTHAMERICA; PH! LADELPHrA.. I4 Oldest Insarace tom:duly is Cash Canital. and SW - 13l oVef f-2,41,750,000.00C1. SEVENTT-ONE Years SuccessfUl Eusinesi Experience, with a refintation for integrity and honorable dealing ctrisdipaesd by any institutinn- LOSSES PAID since orgarlialob, sl7.a 5LT,0D0.C . 0. with3nt the dduttiott cf a cent; or a day's 'delay I . LIBERAL RATES for all the Safer clause ; of property. InsuranCe Of Dwellings and. Contents. A specialty. BItICk or STONE Dwellhatts insured per.: pattally, if desired, on terns of the eteatell economy and safety to the insnted. It is Wisdom and Ecottomy to Insure in thii hest Ce.mparties, and there is 12,9?" beffer than the old Insurance Co. or Surat Arnerical 1 , Apply to 'M. W. McALARNEY , , Agent for Pottfr co.naty. PUTNAM I: Clotheg Writigtir 'Will wridg anything from a single Thread tti a Bed-Quiit PRICES : e 5.50, $6.00, and 65.0. P. A. Stebbins & Co. Agents for Potter connty.—San 85, 1863 _ _ TINVAIiE ; - WANTED ! DISABLED SOLDIERS Add others out of employment to canvass fox' OUR GREAT NATIONAL WORE, ..InA Published, _ "Tar. urn, A.SD FDIrBLIC StEtTICtS OB ABalitili iLLNCOLX," By Fiank Crosby l , of the Philadelphia Bar comprising one Inv , e octavo volume, of nearly • b 569 pages. IL . This is the °air Irork of the kind published it is entirely new and original, containing hie early history, political career. speeehe,prct lamations. nod other offihial docuin&lis illus trative of his eventful administration, togethz et' with the scenes and ei - enti connected with bit tragic. end. It Rill be sold only by oar . : authorized traveling agents. to Ncli - om each"- 4-ite territory is given. and liberal commissz ion's paid. Send for acirtular and terms la "American Publishing -Au ncy, Box 21 T, No; Goo C"Uestnot Street Philadelphia. , Ahe Groveste,en, ' lane Foild still retains its precedrince and great pop. ularity, and 'aftet undergoing gradtal ha- ! provements for a period ofhirty years', ie now' t,, pronounced by the mess . l old to be, on surpassed and even uneqaaled in riclitiels; volume and ;Imlal y of to.e, durability and cheapest. Our new Scale, French' artibni harp pedal ; iron frame.lover-strung imssi seven octave, rosewood ii' nos :we are selling cheaper by froni $lOO to 200 than the sarno style and finish are sold iby any othei firs!: blass makers in the confitry. Dealeft, and all in want of good pianc i l are incited to send for our Descriptivd ; Catalogu.4,whith Contains ; photographs of our - different styles, togethei with prices. 1.•Zo one should purchase a-piz ano without seeing the Cstalogue: Medal_,s• almost without number, have been awarded to the Grovesteen Piano, and at the Celt bratsd World's Fair, though put in competitinn !with others 'frOm all parts of Europe and thd United States. it took the highest aW-nrd. [EstablisliedlBs.l GROftSTEEN CO., 499 Broadway, New Yorks NOTI a WHEREAS my wife AMELIA has left my' bed and boa.rd, without just cause (If provocation, I hereby Warn all persons not harbor or trust her ou ray account as 1 *Hi pay n o debts of-her contracting after +his datir JAMES G. 8'391111 Coleßburgja., J'una 20, 1855, • [ 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers