THE JOURNAL• Coudersport, Pa. Tuesday, A-ugust 8.1865.` M. W. McALARNEY, EDITOR ttNION COUNTY CONVENTION. The Union men of. Potter County ATlalo are 'willing to -unite in a cordial support of' the present Administration are requested to meet at the inns.' places for hoping their Town ship Elections threugbout the County, on Tuesday the 29th day ofTAtigust, between the hours of 4 and 6 P. M., to elect Delegates to meet in Couoty Convention in Coudersport; On Tharsdny, the 31st day of August, at 2 o'clock P. 11., to nominate a County Ticket, to'be supported by the Union men of Potter Colptity at the next 'Election . , and to choose Senatorial, Judicial, and Representative Con ferees, and transact such other business as may come beford the Convention. The Vigilance! Committses of the several 'Townships are hereby requested to put up Notices of the, time and place of holding the Meetings, and to be present to organize and act as Board of Election of said Meetings. The number of Delegates each Township Is entitled to is as follows Abbott 2, Allegany 3, Bingham 3, Clara 2, .Condersport 3, 'Walla 2, Genesee 2, Harrison 5, Hebron 3, Heetdr 3, Homer -2, Jackson 2, Keating 2, Oswayo 3, Pike 2, 'Pleasant Valley 2, Rettlet 3, Sharon 4, Sweden 2, Sumniit 2, Sylvania 2, Stewartson 2, Ulysses 5 ;West Branch 2, Wharton 2. By order of County Corom4tee:r 13. S. COLIVIILL,ICII'm. Committee of Vigilance• Abbott—J. .Schwartz.enbacb, D. Conway, Wm. Saudbach. ' • Allegany—T. Scott, D. Nelson, H. nenclrii. Binghain—L. E. M'Carn, G. W. Colvin, A. L Harvey. Clara—S. Stevens,.S. 'Wakely, J. L. Brooks. Coudersport--P. A. Stebbins, Jr., M. W. Me .Alarney, C. A. Armstiong. Eutalia—E. Starkwetnet l , J. P. Taggart, Nor- ris Lent. Genesee—J. C. Caitlin:ugh, G. W. Hackett, J. Gilliland. •. - - Harrison—, Ti. S. Beebe, J.W.Stevens. Hebron—W. C.` Reynolds, N.. Dkv igb t, Silas Greenman. Hector-4. L.Gibson, F.Strang, C.P.Kilboarn. Ifotner—W. A. Crosby, J.Pdet., J. H. Quimby. Jacknon---A. Persing, E. Llo'yeneitrap, C. Elle- worth. Keating—P. Harris, T. G. Crene,ll.l'. Ding,ee. Oswayo—W. D. Graves; E.Lyrnan, N.' C. (,off. Pike—S. IL Alirtin, W. 'Ansley, J. Q. )lerliek. Pleasant Valley--J. J. Roberts, D. Eastwood, Ezra 'l'. CLIO:: Roulet—O. R.Webb., S.Porneroy, C.N.nowlton Sharon—N. Palmeter, 0. C. Warner, Wni Colwell. J.Yonnglove, J.Baker Summit—J. Reed, )L Jackson, Id.V. Lorraine Stewartson—H. Andreson ,J.Fra'n cis,S.Der ins Sweden—J. Butler, E. Lvmon, ,Vin. Lewis. Clyssesi—lL T. *Reynolds IL J. Cushing, B Hackett. , West Brands—A. Trask, 0. Wetmore, S. tit Conable. - Wharton—i'. Cs rtnan, I.W.Roundt UNION MEETING There will be a Union Meeting held at the Court House in Couderspoit, on Monday, the 34th inst., at 6 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of choosing one Delegate to represent Potter County in the Union. State Convention to be held at Harrisburg, on the Vlth•inst. A full atfendance is requested. B. S. COLWELL,ICti'm Co. Com. Speech of General - Kilpatrick. IT. S OPINION OP COP/TIME:ADS. .F - The Newark Advertiser gives the fol lowing report of the speech 'delivered by General Kilpatrick on taking the chair as temporary president .of the Union State Convention at Trenton : 'Gentlemen and fellow citizens of my Native State ; I truly, appreciate the great honor you have conferred on me, en hum ble soldier from New Jersy,in selealing me to preside over the only loyal con vention that will be called in the , State for the nomination of a candidate for. Governor. [Loud and continued ap. plause.] It is .scarcely necessary for me to say that this distinction is unexPacted and almost overwhelms me; and in ac cepting it I do ant intend to make - any extended remarks T. ' • should as soon think of talking war to that great soldier, Gen. Grant [tremedous applause] as to talk politics to all this vast concourse of poli ticians [laughter and applauae]; to mon who are not only my seniors in wisdom, but in years, and who have made poli ties the study of their lives. Yet I dd desire to say . that I accepted an invitation to meet with you . here to day in, order that ther /May be no misunderstanding as to ho I intend to conduct mySelf in the fu are, and to show hoW I think a soldier should condutt him elf, novf the war is over, when patriotism demands hisi services' or influence. To show to Union men and copperheads how a sol dier respects the former and despises the 'latter; how ha condemns their traitorous sets, which have disgraced my native State for the, past four years. I am here, feeling that I am among men who never spoke a word of disloyalty, and who never faltered; and to represent men who have remained firm during the dark hours of the tlninn, and whip have prayed, fought and bled for our country; led by that great an 1 good man, Abraham Lincoln jim nense and long =tinned applause]. "You have assembled hero today, my friends, under no ordinary circumstances, and I trust with good promise of success in redeetriinn• the fame of our. State. I tell you, wherever I go—to New York, Philadelphia, Washington, while travel ing in the cars—everywhere I hear lan guage in reference to New Jersey which fills my soul with disgust and 'hatred to those whi have disgraced my native state; and how - it is possible for any of its citi zens to join hands with traitors is beyond my comprehension. Fellow . citizens, have deviated from the course of military men in taking the stand I have, but I have been more excited since I have been in New Jersey over what I have heard tail than I was during any of the scenes - _ through whictirEive thepaszteflurii3g war. Do you know that' l l ba!ve heard men here say it would have beau better to let the Sough go; that they believe in State rights; that thwartyred President was, a tyrant ! that hft successor, Andrew Johnson, is a Second Nero I There;are men in Sussex, with' mch zeal but Very little brains, rejoicb that they voted for John C. Breckinridge, once, and say 'by thunder they would do it again it they bad an'oppprtnnity l Not satistie'd with - the saoritiess,expenses, and all the calamities of the war,- they now tell you that Johnson is a Murderer for approving the oxecution ot the assassins of the President." JAY COO,IE.E. Mr. Jay Cooke,'an enterprising and successful Philadlphia banker,has always been one of the most efficient; negotiators of public securities . Four !. years ago, when. Pniansylvania State stocks were down to 85, he' workednd brought them up , to par, and at that rate ho 'obtained three million dollars for the State, for raising and equipping her troops.: When the Secretary of the Treasury gave veil olio bankers throughout the country com missions to negotiate his first loans, Mr-1 Cooke was always among the' Most suc cessful. He infused a portion of his own, great energy into hisf Sub-agenls, and, seemed to best nuclei's bud bow to pre- 1 sent the claims of the overnment to the people. When the 5.20 loan was author ized,it was before the pitilic many months 'without attracting any. l attention, and the total sales by the Government were only about eightecM millions. The 1 war ex penses were so vast /tlO4t banks and bank ersl 1 were no longer ablb to supply money in sufficient amounts, and the secretary of the Treasury was compelled to adopt some plan for appealing directly to! the people to supply thameans for sustaining the Government. Bopular !cans Ihad never been tried, and their nature I I was not generally. understood. Capital is al ways sensitive, and capitalists, large; and small, were not only ,to libil told that' tfhere was a 520 loan on the market but were to be convinced thatlit was the best as well as the most patriotic investment. : — Mr. Cooke's high character and previous successes induced the Secretary to anoint him mineral SubscriPtion Agent. ''lle press and the telegraph were iminediat i ely put in motion. /A large sum wee spent 4 .., 1 in advertising, tpe distribution- of ft great variaty of eirculers and hand blip, &c., 1 the employment! of of travelers, and in es. , tablishing,= sub-egeudies throughout the loyal States. It, has always been Mr. Coolie's policy to hasle our loans taken at home, and be has nev'e r rsolicited subscrip tions abroad, believing that our own pee-1 blo should hrve the advantage of thel interest. The result' of, Mr. Cooke's ef ] forts for the 5.20 s is well known. Under his agency, dating about Feb. Ist, 1863, and closing Jan. 22) 1864,_ the loan was sold up to: $514,78(0p0. 1 1 As great success always occasions jeal-1 ousy, complaints of favoritism towards 1 Mr. Cooke' were made against the Treas-I ury Department , which a special report to Congress proved to be withdut the slight est foundatioa. 1 , About this timo ;the Natioal Banking System was established, and it v;asla part of the plan:that the National Banks should be the financial agents of the G,overinnent. Whi/o publicly expressieg the wannest' gratitude to Mr.: Cooke for d his past great, and successful efforts, the Secretary of the Treasury determined to try thelexper latent of placing the 10- 1 40 loan through their agency. l In four months but eighty / millions were sold. Oa July 25th, 186 , 4 the First Series of 7-30 s was offered through the same channel, but up to Feb Ist, 1865, aTeriad of Ox months, the sale.s and paymints to the soldiers amounted tb, only abou one hundred and twenty will;.! ions. Ti 4s rate subsdription not being! suicient to mee 'the Public wants,it was' determined to return tla the agency of Ma r Cooke,under:whode management the sales hood' to II !1 show l an increase within the , I first, week, and lin lels than two week averaged two millions a day. Durin ,, the first thirty days they reached one hun b dred millions—au average if about foux mill ions for each Working day. The first se ries was exffaested on the 30th of March, wen the sales of I 'tee Second Series of thre hundred millions wah begun. This se ries was all Sold on ttie 13th cf may, de ducting Su;nd4s and holidays, in the wonderfully short space of : thirty six working days-L—making an average of eight and one third millions per day.— The sale cif tee, third series then com menced, but owing to the fact that the 'rvasury was uable to deliver the notes 3 colnparativelY little effort was made to in fluence zubscrip4ris until - June let,wlien , deliveries were advertised to begin. The sales of G'pvernment loans, under Mr. Cooke's ninagement as General Subscription Agent,nt have been about thus • i ' 51 ( 20 Bond 7 1 30 Notesl '4,?,1,274,000,000 to say nothing of his earlier undeta . kings, o the large . amdunta of bends taken by his firm at the.llettings to the highest bidder. itiltliongh Other causes than im perfect ageneVes)retarded the subscription in the sumnr and )autumn of 1864, it cannot be denied that their subsequent success wasobiefly from 31r. Coke's en . ergetic direation. 3 Rig efforthave cer tainly_been as unpeasing and his wisdom skill and energiq ave certainly ben taxed as much as an}an commander i the tf ild, and with r sul a not less im rtant. I a has been abl •li H.O.ted by h . brother Henry D. Cooke an Fa nestock— both, partapra iu the' arm o Jay Cooks ik, Co. I Burning ofthe William Nelson. Captain'slo.fficiol Statenteut—lhe Ship a Pei fete . Blaze of Fire while in Full Sail-42iten Women and Chil dren Roasteii Fight for a 1 1iaft—FearYul Panic.•_. • , By the British steamer Scotia, armed in New York from Liverpool, we are en abled to furnish-our rerders with the fol lowing condensed account of the burning of the steamehip William Nelson, drawn up by the Captain at the American Con , sulate at Havre. "The Williakti Nelson left Antwerp, Seine Ist, with a cargo of rails, wine,and various mercha'.udise,,about four hundred and forty-eight', emigrant Passengers, and a crew of thirty, including the Captain. The ship did. not, however, put to sea until the 4th. The voyage was without any remarkable ineiderit until the 20th of June, wWn they reached lat. 41.20, lung. 52.20 IV! Here, several emigrants who had bq.en ill for some days were suf fering from a violent fever; and, fearing that it might become contagious, the Captain gave orderslon the 26th to the first mate and 'carpenter to go below and ask the passengers on deck, so that the ship might be fumigated. Having all :ascended, the first mate and carpenter were a,gairi sent "below with several sail ors,.furnished with tar buckets andled hot irons. The operation was nearly completed about 12A. o'clock, when the' last tar barrel burst into a flame, and the' boiling tar Bowled over upon the deck of the centre of burning the .car-i pester and th sailor assisting him. Thel vessel immediately took fire. The mid-, dle deck was soon full of smoke, and the' , tar flowed under ,the bed of one of +lel emigrants, settin,,,c , it on fire. The flames) spread soon to all the other beds, render ing it impossible for the men to do any-; thing. Even before they could) reach the deck immense columns of flame shot : ' through the hatchway, and, reaching the, 'sheets of the mainsail, (all sail was set at; that moment) enveloped the nAintuast 'with the rapidity of lightning. Ere longi all the sails on the mainmast were on fire, as well as the 'rigging. The captain inaJ, ruediatery ordered part of the crew to gel the boats ready, and the rest to close the ventilaforand the hatchways. This was hardly done, when a , number of men,- consisting partly of sailors and partly of emigrants, firmed a chain fore and aft;_ in order to pass buckets of water, which were poured down . the main hatchway, whence issued a column of flame. The pumps were also set at work , . Hitherto discipline and good order had been main tained. The fire, however, made such !lipid progress that the captain ordered the lowering of the boats immediately. Now a goneal panic seized the unfortun ate passengers, all throwing themselves upon the boats, which from, their num bers it Was impoisible to prevent. The first boat was no sooner in the water than she was capsized by a number of emi grants who jumped into her. These were nearly all drowned. Four sailors, how-1 ever, succeeded in righting the boat and bringing her to the side of the vessel again, and then saved some of them. But while the boat was still alongside, more emigrants leaped into it, and capsized her again. She was onenmere righted, and as many as possible taken on board. Two other boats were loNvered with much trouble. The largest contained no less than thirty-five, with six of the crew, some of whom got into another boat, less heavily laden, leaving two to steer. The last beati with tne. same number of sail ors, and full of -emigrants, succeeded in getting clear of those who, endeavoring to jump in off the ship, fell into the wa ter and swam around it. I The captain, seeing that he could do nothing more, ordered tie rest •of the crew, about fif. teen men; to threw overboard everything that would float. All were lashed 'to gether so as to form a kind of raft. This was hardly done, when some of the poi sen,,ers still on board threw themselves upon it in large numbers, followed, by several of the sailors, filling the air with despairing. cries. At this time others rushed Madly from one end or the deck to the other. The tumult was such that it was itnposible far the captain to!make himself heard, though giving reiterated orders and seeking to stop the panic. At this time from one hundred and thiity to one hundred and fifty emigrants had suc ceeded iin getting upon spars alongside the ship, though' many were still strug gliug in the - water, when the topmasts, with their yards, Sc., all on fire,,snddenly gave. way, and fell right upon theie in the boat, killing many at once and throw ing the others into the sea. 'The cries of the rounded'atid drovrtritm-wero ble. Words are powerless to give an idea of the horrors of the scene. Th,e unfor tunate still on board the ship in their great terror surrounded the captain and the Baileys, clinginm to them and beseech ! ing them to save them. Some time after, the fire between docks gaining the Upper deck alad the masts ? . a fresh panic broke lout among them, and, seeing their, only °bonne of safety was to get upon the raft, the poor creatures fought among them selves to reach it. Many fell WO the water and were drowned; others succeed. ed in, reaching the raft, but the main mast fell upon them some minutes aft l er. ward and crushed a number to death. Then only, did the second mate. ' and a few fell the crew jump overboard. Being good swimmers they proceeded towards the beats, at some distance, and were fortunate enough to reach them, and still more so in being taken in by the owl'. pants. About two hours after the fire broke out a part of the deck, being en tirely undermined, J fell in s and a large 314,000,000 1760,000,000 i number 'of emigrants were precipitatediNumber held to personal service ' 19,053 Iheadlong into the burning- furnace b e . Number furnished substitutes 13,343 neath. It wits horrible to see the flames These facts, adds the Ledger, :elearly !baring out of this gulf. The heat was suf. show that, las a mean,s_of eecruiting the Ifocating, arid it was impossible to remain l airtiy, the draft was entirely inadequate. any longer on board. The lashing which ,Those whoiwere exempted, those who ran held the raft together being burnt dip' away from / the draft, and those who paid it parted in;two, with many persone cling- commutation, swallowed up nearly the lug to thetanks and many underneath. entire number . drafted. , The number i The eafitai , under the absolute impos.l held to pereonal service sins but a mall sibility of tieing anything to save. those' portion 'of the whole amount. This still on board, and net bing able to re-1 proves that volunteering, however ex. main, with them any longer, jumped over- , pensive it may - be, is the most popular; board, and, seeing two boats at a great surest, and speediest means of raising an distance, swam towards them. After army, andf making satisfied and willing swimming for three-quarters of an hour, soldiers. 'he average measurement of together with two sailors who followed the chest, at inspection of the recruits him, they were at last perceived-by ;the was, 35.16 inches. The average height 'emigrants who steered towards them “ -- was 5 feetl6.4(laches. Vermont troops and at a risk of being capsized and drown. 'Allowed tke g?eatest number of inches ad, picked them up in a state of almost around the chest and the greatest height complete exhaustion. Th,e captain then but Peonsylvania troops were close upon took command tsf the two boats, and irn- Vermont- 77 for her men measured an av. mediately steered towards the ship in crago of 5; feet 7.08 inches, against Ver. order to see if, with the spars floating moat's 5 feet 7.62. In the measurement about, they Could make a raft to save' around the chest the men of .Pennsylva those clinging to various objects, and nia were 1.55 inches less than Vermont. those banging to the Alp and bowsprit. The Veteran, Resolve Corps shows that But nothing could be done. They re- nearly every !fourth man, has been trans maineti, however, near the burning ship ferred to it on account of disability from until 3A. ix., when she sank, carrying honorable Wounds. The linrses and with her:the rest of the poor creatures mules in thearmy amounted) Po 300,000 on board.- The boats then steered N. N. During the first eight months Of the year W. There was no water on board hither 1864, the cavalry of the A4ny of the of them. One boat had no provhions, Potomac was supplied with two remounts land the other had two' or three fowls, a —nearly 40,000 horses duck ) and a pig. During all this l time The espeuditnres for the! Ordnance the sea was calm, for had the slightest Department: during the yeari were e4s,. breeze arisen all west have inevitably 502,823, and there remained in the have perished, the boats being laden arsenals on the 30th of June last 2,037 nearly to the water's edge. The ship-Ifield cannon and siege guns,' 1,304,947 wrecked party continued their way until small arms, and 1,831,853 !pounds of sr. 35., when they were seen and saved!artillery ammunition. There wore in.'s by the steamer Lafayette. The third ' operation during the year 6,5'00 miles of' boat was met by the Itussian three-masted military telegraph, of which 7q miles are bark limed; which spoke the Lafayette submarine. One million eight hundred the same night. At the request {)f Cap• thousand telegraph messages!were trans. tamp Bocande, the captain of the Ilmaii i witted during the year, at lan average transferred his shipvirecked guests to the! cost, chargime the whole yearly' e±pense ID Lafayette. ! 1 • of construction, maintenance; and opera- The Mercury piek t ed up the four boat's tion to them, of only thirty cents. There crew, respecting whose fate so much anx- were purchased during the !year - about iety was felt on the 28th of June. The 9,500 army wagon's, 1,100 ambulances, captain of the Mercery lay to for several and harness for 175,000 anmals. The days, and Subsequently cruised about in special report of animals and means of the neighborhood of the disaster, with transportation with the • several armies watches on the yards, in the hope of res- during the year are imperfebt, but it is cuing others of the sbiptsreck - ed. One estimated that there were shout 300,000 man, and subsequently one woman and horses and mules in the service of the three men, were thus picked up. Among army, of which the horses were abut the forty-three rescued by the Mercury 170,000, and the mules about 130;000. are five women and fiv•e children, of whom The number of men who have died in one, born on board the William, Nelson, ! hospitals, in the vicinity' of Washington, is an infant only fourteen days old. Thislfrom :August Ist, 1861, to August Ist infant and his sister, three years old, are 1864, is stated at 12,708, of whom 4,910 the sole survivors of a whole family on were natives of the United State's. board. Over two hundred flags, captured trim rebels in various battles; received during the year, are deposited for safe keepitig• Many others are supposed to have been disposed of by persons who captured or had them in possession, ib ignorance of their being public property. One hun dred and 'sixty men were presented with medals of honor for capturing rebel flags and oilier acts of bravery. $ The statistics of the Surgeon Oenerare Department 'show that there were in ope ration on the 89th of .1 une, 1564, 190. hospitals, with a capacity of 120,521 beds. During the year be health of the entire army was Letter ban is Canal with troops engaged so, constantly on active duty and inrarduous campai g ns. No destructive epidemics prevailed in any section, and the number:of sick and wounded, tattle' large, was comparatively small in the pro portion it bore to the whole army. At! the close of the year the number of the! sick and wounded, both with their coin- teards and in the general hospitals, was! lesslthan sixteen (16) per' cent. of the! stregth of the army. Of this numberi 9.3 per cent. were wounded. The deaths from diseaSo durin g June, 1864, were 2.98 per thousand of mean strength ; from wounds, 3.10 per thousand; total deaths, 6,08 per thousand, or six-tenths, of one per, cent. for the „month. During! the same month of the previous year the' total -was 7.3 per thousand of mean strength, or over seven-tenths of one per cent. There were furnished during the year to disabled soldiers 669 legs and 339 arms. • - Secretary Stantoles Report. During the war, one of the most diffi cult thinge to learn, says the. Philadel phia Ledger, was the precise extent of tnlistments, and the number or the mili ary force we had in the field. Secretary Stanton bas just furnished a repot which lets a little light into the popular dark rids on this subject. Thera were enlisted for the army from November Ist, 1863 to November Ist, 1864, 402,608 white and colored troops. Colored volunteers' enlisted in rebel States from January Ist, 1864, to. October 14th, of the same year, 22,143. In the same period the recruits for the regular army were 13,871. Vet erans and re•enlisted before the expiration of their service, between November Ist, 1863, and November Ist, 1864, 136,507. Drafted and substitutes, 74,006. For 'the naval service and marine corps, from February to November, 1864, 24,68 3 ; making a total of 675,452. The report says : In estimating the number of troops called into service, it' 'hag been the care lof the Department to take into account 'the whole number ;of men mustered, without regard to the fact that the same persons may have been previously dis charged after having been accepted and credited on preceeding calls. A large part(near two hundred thou sand) of the men accepted in the years 1861 and 1862, were soon found to be unfit for service, and 'were- discharged. This accounts, partially, for the large excess carried forward from thee calls of 1862 and deducted from those of 1863. The colored troops enlisted up to Oc tober 30th, 1864, numbered 101,950. This branch of the service, up to that time, lost by battle, discharges, desertions, and diseases, 83,132 men. Up to Nor. 7th, 1864, Gen. Thomas had organized 'along the Mississippi river a force of 56,320 colored tr i ceps. The operations of the draft are very remarkable. Thp report is dated Nov. .25 , 01 7 Fr0m1864. ron2 July let, 1864, up to that tjme,l3o,ooo names were added to the enrolment list, and 285,398 names stricken off. This enrolment showed the national force, not called out up to November Ist, 1864, to consist of 2,784,- 266 men. In the draft of 1863 the quota drafted for, was 194,952, with fifty per cent. added. The report says: ,Of this number 39,417 failed to report, and 164,887 were exempted from physi cal and other causes;, 62,227 paid- com mutation,' 26,002 furnished substitutes, and 9, 848 were bald to service. The total deficiency drafted for was 50,36 i The number repotted and examined 85,861 The no. exempted for physical dis. 31,446 The no. exempted for other causes 19,648 The number held to personal service, 3,418 The number furnished substitutes ' 8,903 The number who paid commutation 32,446 On September 19th, 4864, another draft was had, and on the result, known up to November Ist, was as follows : Number reported and examined - 72,432 Number exempted for plasinal die. 20,332 Number exempted for otherica.usei 10,797 The Oil City register !says the Pit Hole excitement still continues. Towns are springing up is that favored locality, and every one seeking to invest his means in oil land or , leasef thereat; One day last week the United States Petroleum Company (sold fifteen leases at audio]; and the prices ranged from 84000 to 67,- 000 per lease. Just.-think of paying a bonus of this amount, beside giving to the company one half of -thie oil. • But large fortunes are being made there every hour, and the excitement is unabated No one, so a friend tells us, is allowed to own any of the property in jthat l locality longer than fifteen minutes,)so that spec- . ulation has become legitimate. Mining operations are busily caried on every where and we think the developments of the present season will prove the most favorable ever before . known. We, esti. mate the daily; productionat about 6,000 barrels. Of this it Hole produces fully 2,000 barrels ' per day, or one third. At a dinneoo Gen, Sherman in St. Louis on Thursday last he made a speech I closing with this singular sentence : "Therefore, myl friendS, now that the war is over, let ne all go to work to do what seems most honest and just to re. store our country to its physical prosperi. ty. As to its political prospersty,l know nothing of it and care about it far less." Soda fountains have been introdno the tiainf3 cf the Little Niama Mercantile Aplraisensent, List of Dealers in Merchandise in the Cdunty of Potter, for the year ,1865,, with Classifications, &c. Place. Cl's. Amt. Tracy Scott, Allegany, 14 7,00 B. K. Spencer, Couderspdrt, - 14 7,00 P.A. Stebbins k Co., " 13 10.00 C. S. k E. A. Jones, " 13.10,00 D. E. Olmsted, " I'3 10.00 Collins Smith, " 14 'l,OO John S. Mann, " 1:4 7,00 Mason - Nelson d: Co., " • 14 7,00 H. J. Olmsted. • • " 14 7,00 J..i• W. !Innis, Harrison, 14 7,00 Krusen k Buck Bros,Efarrison Valley, 14 . 7:00 Mary A. Goodman, " " 14 7,00 Cyrus Siinderlin,! Hector, 14 7,00 Henry . Andieson, Kettle. Creek, 14 7,00 Charles Meissner, • Germania, 14 7,00 Augustus Hepp, " - 14 7,00 H. Theis, 14 7,00 Jacob Kull, , " ' 14 7,00 J. Schwartzenbach, Brewer," ' 5,u0 Frederick Och " 10 11,00 Chappel k Bros., Ulysses, 5 L4 7,00 Peterson Co " 14 700 S. W. Monroe, ' " 14 7,00 1; Bird, " 14 7,00 Colwell & Weston Bros, Roulet, 14 :,00 Chs:Broderman, Germanin,Distiller, 9 25;00 B. S. Colwell, Millpcirt, 14-.7,00 A. W. Humphrey, Shingle House, 14 7.00 Mrs. Ldcke, East Sharon, 14 7,09 Geo. A. Barclay, Wharton, 14 7,00 Joel Raymond, " 14 7,00 Hurry Lord, Oswayo, 14 7,00 Johnson 4- Nelson, 't 14 7,00 L. H. KINNEY, Mercantile .appraiser. Sane 27, 1865. . Summer Goods ! OLMSTED7S. VOUIt atttention is invited to the large" attractive stock just .received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought .nywhere in the county. !! We have on' hand ,a large abet Taried sort menX bf,Ddruestic Ctittons, coniptising 13BOWN SIIEETINCS, and SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLIN'S ) !!. DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECni TICK.MIS, And COTTON riAs-stLs, on which we cannot be undersold. We purchase our goads for - Cash and ore them at a very small advance Prom post. - • • FL4NNELS. F you want to purchase RED, GrtA.lC, • • , • BLUE, of FLAW ritExatt StintllNG FLANNEL, call At OliitstedPs. DRESS (100ns; DELAINES, PRINTS, ' - RII.OOE, ntiti I IS OOLEN B.IIA IFIS I ,ON'r--% CS, 1 +- f NIIIIIAS, i1001)3 I I ASSIMERES,' a full supply At °tingled% CLOTHIN G. poN , T fail to call before purchasing and ' see the assortment 'At Olin sled' BOOTS & SHOES - ErNOßMen ' Women et Children, in great m. riety and cheap For Molasses„Byrup, Sugar, Tea and TF off e in fact everything in the Grocery linel AT OLMSTED'S A full assortment of almost everything that kept In a country store on hand. We intina to keep Good that-tvilt give satisfaction and sell good artilles at the lowest liring profit: 1 ,211 . OLMSTED'S, antrlf. Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pelts, int., Deer. Skins: Also, County, Tbwnship and School Orders, for; all of which the highest prices will be p.m. At Olmsted's Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r 18, £9BT FOR SALE TrIHE Subsdriber offers for Sale the follow J. ing tracts of land, to wit : One tract of One Hundred and Forty-thrsii and seven-tenths; acres in Pike township, Potter county, on 'the Genesee Forks. Price $llOO. Sixty acres are improved, with ono log bare, frame kitchen, frame barn, forty good fruit trees, and two hundred sugar. maple trees. The farm will cut grass, in • good season, sufficient, at prtisent prices, to pay for it. . Also, another tr an, .ract or and two tenths acres, in Eulalia township, four' mile. from Coudersport, Thirty acres of which aro improved, with one frame house, bar; and some fruit trees thereon. Price f 450. Also, a Wagon Sh o p and haif lot in the Borough of Coudersport, one lot west of P. A. Stebbins' & Co's Store near Of emigre's HoteL The tools, lumber, &C., can, be bough,4 pew sonably ; or a portion of them,if the pureboter so desires. Ono half can be paid in. Wagon- Work. A reducti9n 9f ten per cent will be made for Cash clown. For further particulars enquire of the sat , . scriber at his Wagon-Shop iri,Couderapart. Feb, 20 1886 W. E. I'M . ed on owl. na BALMOttAL CLOTHS, atid At Olnmted'a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers