Not-Itetention or Incontinence of Urine, Intlemma ion or Ulceration of tho Bladder or Itidneys, D:seaces of eta Prostrate gland, Gra:vet; Brick Dust, Deposita, Dropsi cal Swellings,Organle Weakness, Debility, Female Com ] Plaintsoic. I-3,EizirsoLD's :FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU diZa , 'lmproved. 11,4:3§e Wash nil radically exterminate from the system Diseases sals as from Habits of Dissipation, at little expense, little or .0 teltetnere• of dirt, sto'inceindsnienes or exposure; unpletely superseding those tinpliaqane and cicingerotte Co,pabia and Mercury, in curing these diseases. LTSE 1-1E142,23301JD'S MO tXTRACT tUCHtt a all Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing la Jr.E or FrniLiE, from 'whatever cause oNV inatin7, and sa matter' of how /on g standing— It i 9 pleasant 'nits taste nd odor, IM3IEDIATi;iu action, and more strengthening 'Art any oethe prepa i rations of Bar 7: or Iron. Tlioso so:fa:in - from ..T e 'ron Down or Delicate Cone!. ration, 'procure the R 072 co'y ui 02: ce. The Reader mast be aware that hoWever slight may be .he attack - of the above diseases., it is certain to aCeet his Heattlz,.3lental Potfere and, ITapp:ni&J. If no retttaseritifisubadtted to, Consumption-or Inianity may Ali the-abovo diseases requiri.the aid of a diuretic. rIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Id.the Great Diuretic.; irE3Lm.33c) - i.ap , s . . MOULT COCZ...TfiIIi.TED lompound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, - , or purifying the blood, removing nil diseases arising from toetur and Imprudence in life, chronic constitutional ills- Ace arising from an Impure state of the blood, and th e .ly reliable and effectual known rew.edy for the cure of irefaltr, Scald Iread,Salt Itiaeura, Paias and Strolling of ipßones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Illetcherk Pimples do the Face, Totter, Erytipelas, and all scaly crap• ions of the skin, and beautifying the counnzioa. - e I\l -1 0 3 7.4 • - . NOT E 1 FEW If the Worst disorders that nOlict mankind arise from the .wrirptlon that accumulatesln the Blood. Of - all the dis• AterieS that. have been made to purge It out, none can anal In effect iTCLUBOLD'SCOMPOCTD EA - TRACI kr WS:IPA RIZZA; It cleanses and renovates the flood, instills the vigor of health into the eystem, and iptcgcs out the humors which make disease. .It stimulates tie healthy functions of tho body, and expels the disorders ,at grow and rankle In the Dlood. Such a remedy, that auld be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, fo' .to first time, the public have_ one on which they can de. Our splce here does not nib:altar certificates to jolt Its effects but the trial of a smelt bottle rill show to t sec's that it has virtize3Sttrp,a9Sing Llnyttlizg they have )lit• taken. TNyo tablespoOnsful of the txtract'of Sarseparilta, added • pint of rater, is equal to the 1.13b0n Diet Drink, and ne bottle Li equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, e the decoction as usually made. • abore Extracts 'are prc.pared on 'purely seletilltao I- deco—andetr.hody . the full strength of o Ingredidnts enteric; into theircompesltion. A ready id conclusive test will he a cofaparhoh of their proper• _f with those set forth la the E. E. DLTensatory. AOIR 70 Us'4 Triz tirstaras. In plecaShg of the Blood, Ilumers on the Vaee, or any , sod every part`of the body, uic Extract Farsaparllla.ap. ,-lying to Pimples and all extcraal Liumoro or Eruptleci the Improved tooti Waih. • tee the Ex:cacti:tuella for all elreases requlring the, aid of ti Diuretic, except, thane of the I.7:in ary Organs, such, as Gonorrlima and Merl.; la thtsa uze the. „Extract Dacha sad 1.44 ct with the Irnpioved il llosc Wash. - Tnnr EXTRACTS rinvr,'BEE: , l ADMITTED TO USE IN TUE UNIT:,'"D STATES ARMY, and also are very general use in all the ST.ITE lIOSPITALS AND runtao INSTITUTIONS throuo.tout. the land, as well as !e private practice, and are considered , as invaluable remedies. 'EDICINE • DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRZ33. Direct letters to— I . • , . lIELAIDOLD'S . DEE A; CHEMICAL WAR:MOM 59,4 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, Olt TO • TIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila, Describa Symptoms in cii Comltunlcationt. - BUD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware' of - Ciititeifeits ASK ?QUI EtaLefitldt.g°o. \ \ N - , Take uo other. ,„,g et 4 tu. 1111111 lIM IN . NORM i; SCHOOL :PA STATE 'A - . MANSFIELD, IIOGA CO., PA: • ' TIWS,WisTITUT/ON, WAS' c i . . Recognized by the. State Authorlis, in I - - December, 1862:':. ' . , H ' AS A ,' I- 1! ' . • . State Norinal Sehodl, ..iidforinally Opened as such in Sept,eo 'r 403. '4 - The School is at length, places. Jrpo ; • dire. basisthe State ;uppropriation current year enabling the Trustee t , gulch the greater portion of the ontsf liabilities; and to ,make extensive I ments upoa the baildings'and grOund The. Spring Tem i t will commence ' Mara 1.(1, 1865. ' Prof. F. A. ALLex,,fo4 the past six , charge of the Chester bounty (Pa.) School, has been elected Principal, an J.Strait, of the Edinboro State No mai / f Lion, has been appointed to the rofes ) of Languages and Mathematics. Prof. Allen is well known through State as a gentleman of accurate ichol possessing - a, praetidal experience of years as an educatoritif teachers, ;and Ii ouch acquaintance with their edne; wants, acqui red. ilasal his connectid i County Institutes in every) section of • sylvania, as well as in other States. Competent and thortu,,,,aih instructors will be provided for the other departments of ,the School. . , • The building has be i en' refited tdroughout . . and provided with furfniture of 'the most ap proved style, together ;with an extensive col lection of maps,Charts,hnd works. of reference. Excellent . Chemical 4 and,Philosoptlical ap paratus will be in readiness at the opening of the School. I .' ' • f I To keep pace with the impreVements inied ; ueation, a gymnasium will be; erected, ifor which a valuable apparatus for the heafrier Landilighter exercises has al.4;eady, been sceiired The school year is 4iiided into:three teirns (of-thirteen weeks each, -a-ith no vacation, ex ;eept the week of Christmas Holidaya. lilt is desirable that kudents should enter pt the cornmencernenoOf a term, and for a period 'of not less than thicteen weeks.: lir et Ititipis, in advance per term, $6.00. Nu extra charges for the lagirages or the higher math swathes. Text hoOks rented at reasonable rates. Vocal and , instrumental wish.: at 4 teaehers' .. Prices. Bdarding in the hall ; s39 00 per term ; wood for winter, $3 00 per term; washing, $3 25 ; room Tent, $1 50. The arrangements now made are of such a nature as to warrant the Trustees in say tng that no other institution in the State affords better ficilities for the Educeitien of Teacters, or for the prvaration Of students for college, or for genarLl business..' ' For furtheri particulars addreSs the Princi pal, at Mansfield, 'llona county„ Pa. W. C. RIPLEY, Pres. Board of Trustees. ALBERT CLARK, Seeretary. 1 Mansfield, Dec. 20, 1864. ' • . BRO VV.N.E.NGS . CELEBRATED COFFEE. ' -`• Whilst trying Coffee of all the various brands, I:member -Balt) WNING'S• EXCELSIOR"— at the head it stands. True. it's not like others Quit are "SOLD EVI , ItYWHEIIE." little siretch...we.all know, good goods will ea'silv hear, (But a stretch like hi d "sold eve,rywhere"-,-' i • •' Is very apt to tear.) New, I cad sAfely say4withotit anY hesitation, 'There's none'like "8130 WINIRG'S,' EXCBLSI-, Oft" in this entightemld :Skilled chemists Itlive:yot found o:Joffe° from • any st?re Possessing the same ingredients las ,-Brown i 1, ing's iixcelsior "; Nor is.there any one, in or cut Of the Coffee trade. 1 • Who knows theqatielei front which "Brown ; ivg's Excelsior" s made. I'm, told it's Made front barley, l rye, wheat, beaus. r and peas ? • 'Name a thousatil other things—but the SIGHT ONE if you please.. But with the Col Ce-men I rot hold eon_ , tention For the many, many things t' numerous tooimention. Whilst they're; engaged in , rni from store to store To learn the , current wholest "Brownin,g's Fizeelsior," Some who know my:Coffee givei - isfaction, r' nave nave formed in plan by which cause it fuick reaction.—r'tis'with; a few; no di • • with mote-1 : - -- To name their Coffee, - after mie 1NG1.5) EXCELSIOR.". Some say'their's thee' only bra stand already test". :Cow try a little of them all-4 like slid best. Three years have ; passed - aten, sold a store:; Never bevel. in your paper ridv Nor wound I now, Or ever cons more, If like some used b'y "ever' everywhere'," in "every .tore." , *tide like this I do not wish ; the orders I could not fill ; A The Factoryl, all Jersey's lard would take— leave !lota foot to till. My trade is not so very large; still I ithink 1 Mare mf shkre ; But, reader', Lyon may rest assured, 'tis NOT "SOLD EVERYWHERE." . Nanufacticred and for .Yale by the wetter,: GEORGE L. _BROWNING ;' I No. 20 Market street Canzden, ?fir J • . This oi:dice is not composed of poisonous drugs, it contains nothing deleterious; many persons ns'e this Coffee that cannot use fhe pure coffee; it takes but one and a half ounces to make a cfaatt-of:good 6troog fee, that being just one-ltalf the quantity it inkTs Of Java Coffee, and always less than half the price. RETAIL DEALERS ma:ypure:hase it in lest quantities than ten ,gross at mt prices from the Wholesale Grocers. I rit.Orders by mail from Wholesale Deal ers promptly attended to.i WAGQN SHOP ! rpm: subscriber, .havink located in Lewis yille is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, on audit notice and in the beit manner.- , , Making awl Re-pairing of all kinds. I ainlenabTed by the nid of rn - ebinery to (lo work hi the wagon-line better and cheaper, than any Miler establishment in the cotintyl'.l- am aldo, prepared to 'make OOFFINS. 11 • • EDSON HYDE. Ulyses, Dec.. 1, 1884 IA. STEBBINS & Co. are closing rip an • old - Ledger: all persons indebted- tc them 'will please' s all and settle, before_ the A ccousta )ad: tbs. proper officer for Ccallistial..4oves .4 Se • =I SIMMONS' COLON. FRIENDS AND CTSTOMERS : • • I return you my sincere thanks Ifor yonr liberal patronage, for thepast few years, and would say to you I that have located myself at Wellsville, N. Y., and may hereafter be found at the nse of Ake eatin anding provq- I about EMPIRE STORE :'ears In Isormal 4 Prof. School, -•orship NEW YORK STORE out the arship, fifteen is !Jer i ational ill with Penn. (Having bought out the Store forrnerli- occu pied by Gco. Asher), I shall continue to WHOLESALE AND• RETAIL in both of the above StoresQnd hope to see all of my oldd - friends and customers, as they are in want of Goods, and will try to sell them low enough to pay-them for coming. We are now sluing the best PRINTS from 12. to 1S cents. . Extra GINGHAMS from 15 to 25 cents Good SHEETINGS from 12 to 25,cents TICKS, DENIMS, STRIPES . , kind all of he Goods ih proportion. CL 0 TILLN G.- Good spits fpi. $lO to Slrt and Extra line stilts in proportion. And as I have an over stock of Clothir I will sell at 'Whole— sale 15 per cent less., than the Battle can be bought in New York. • BOOTS & saoEs, at reduced prices, GROCERIES 1 I ) __ very low. RICH DRESS SILKS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS and all other styles of Ladies' Dresh Goods, very low. I I Hoping to r,eceive an early call, i remain your friend, , , C. U. SIMMONS. Wellsviite,N,. Y., March 25. 1365. • are Chances ! I offer for sale nn reasonable terms and lib eral time: I [IONE FARM 1-146 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM. !-235 Acres:--80 Cleared ONE FARNI-50 Acres-15 ,Cleared ONE FARM 1-300 Acrcs—.!s" Cleared And lots of other Farms and Land. ey i tuning round le "price of Some money may be required down. t ' Lucien Bird. Brookland, Pa., July .2, '64 tf perfect sat- thky4hope to Having secured the services of - HENRY Si COWBITRDT, TLACK_LSMITH of twenty years experience in England and America. lam prepared to furnish farmers and tra.veleti with the best 6f Horse and Ox Shoeihg, Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives Sc., promptly. L. BIRD, Proprietor, Brookland, Potter Co., Pa. formerly called Cushingville. May 25, 1854. oubt 'twill be e, (BROWN- nd that will .ee whin you duce I first trlised befoie; .6nt to publish body," "sold P. A. STEBIN & Co., Ant ' Paying the highest price is CASH for ' WOOL! 50,000 POUNDS WANTED I Coudersport, June 28, 1864. THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF.NEV Capital,. $1,000,000 , Paid in, FISCAL AGENT:OF THE 'UNITED STATES, And Special Agent" for "Jay Cooke., Subscription Agent, WILL DELIVER ,I ,OTES, FrLEE - OF CHAUGE, by' express, ,in all parts of' the 'country, and receive in payment-Checks 'on• New Yoik. Philadelphia, madßoston,entrent bills, and all five per centitoterest•notes; with interest , o date of subscriplion. Orders sent by.mail will be promptly'filled. This Bank receives th accounts of Banks and Bankers on favorabld terms; also of in.; dividualikeeping•New York aocohnts. • - - • • ORVIS 7 , President..- J. T. PIT,LIt. Cashier. . The Rpchester Straw-Cutter. OLMSTED & 'KELLY, Coudersport. have the exclusive agency for Allis celebrated machine, in thls county,_ It is euvenient, mine, and %MAP, 1160.-13 4.1.-- r . H AND H S TS &• CAPS, SBAWLS, CLOAKS, &t' AND CROCKERY IrdrORTANT 'ANNOUNCEMENT ;GREAT SALE OF , WATCHES. CHAINS. DIAMOND RINGS. ETC. One Million Dollars' Wort • ' TO BE DISPOSED OF AT ONE D()LLAREACH! Without regard to Value Not to be paid for until yon know what you are to receive::: Splenlid List of Articles ! ! • 20 lie sold. at One Dollar Each'! ! ! 300 Must& Boxes, from $2O to $25 each. 150 ". " with Bells - and Castinetso 200 ".500 " 500 Silver Teapots and Cof fee Uri:is, 20 " 50 11 500 Silver Chaffing Dishes 30 " 100 ' 1 1000 " Ice Pitchers, 20 " 50 " 2500 ' 4 Syrup Cups with Salvers, 5000 " Drinkink Cups tuld Goblets, [3OOO " Castors' 1 2000 " Fruit, Card and ' Cake Baskets 20 " 59 •" 5300 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons . 10 " 20 doz 10000 " " Table Spoons & Forks, 250 Gents' Gold Hunting:. Case Watches 50 " 150lcach 250 Ladies'Gold and Enana ! clad - Hunting-Case ; Watches , 200 Diamond Rings ! 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 3000 " Oval Band Bracelets 5000'.jetand Gold Bracelets 2000 Chatelaine Chains and I - Guard Chains • 7000 Solitaire and (31-91(1 ' Brooches 5000 Coral,Opal and Emerard • • BroocheS 5000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Florentine Ear Drops 7500 Coral. Opal and Emerald Ear Drops 4000 California Diamond Breast-pins 2. 3000 Gold Pub and Vest Watch-keys 2, 4000 Fob and Vest-Ribbon slideg • I 5000. Sets Solitaire-Slceve buttons, Studs, &c. 3000 Gold Thimbles, Pen ' cils, 10000 Miniature Lockets 2. 4000 " Lockets, Mag ic Spring 3000 Gold Tooth-picks Cross - e,, ke. 5000 Plain Gold Rings 5000 Chased Gold Rings 10000 Stone .Set and Signet Rings 2. 10000. California Diamond • Rings 7500 Sets Ladiles Jewelry— Jet and Gold 5000 Sets Ladies Jewelry-- Canaeo,Pearl,Opal and other stones. 10000 10000 Gold Pens., Silver Ex tension Holders and Pencils 10000 Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Holders 5000 Gold Pens and Gold Ea tension [folders 5000 Ladies' "Gilt - and- Jet Buckles 5 5000 Ladies'Gilt and Jet Hair Bars & Balls - 5 " 10 " AIIIRAINCDALLE S: CO., NlANcsAErnamta' AGENTS No. 167, BROADWAY, NEW YORK., Announce that fall the above list of l will be sold for One Dollar end'. In consequence of the great stagnal trade in the manufacturitig districts 01 lard, through the war havirg cut 01114 ply of cotton, a large viantity of Va JeWelry, originally intended for the", titarii , et, has been sent nit' for salei country, .AND NUTS,' BE SOLD AT SACRIFICE! Under these cireamst ARRANDALE C CO., aWng as eget the principal European manufacturers re. - olved upon a great GO Apportion; he divided according to' the fullowin , lations : Certificatps of the various articles :re put into envelopes indiscriminately, an' when ordered, arc taken. out without re, rd to; choice, and sent by mail, thus ,show ng no favoriteism. On j receipt of the cer ificate, l ii You will see what you are to have, a &then it is at your option to send the doll r and take the article or not; Purchasers my thus Obtain a Gold Watch; D i amond Ring or any ifset of Jewelry on our-lis for ONE Do LA.R. send 25 Cents fora Certificate. . : I In all transactions by mail, we shall charge' for forwarding, the Certificates, payin!g post age and doing the budiness, 25 ccats each, which must be enclosed when the Certificate is s -nt for. Five Certificates will be sent for $l, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $lO, one hundred for $l5. 1 What the "Piess" say of us. The Lafayette (Ind.)-paily Courier, March, 18, 1865, says : "A better selected; more varied or fashion able assortment of jewelry cannot be found on the continent than Arrandale & Co. are now offering. Messrs, Arrandale & Co. oc cupy a high position in commercial circles as men entirely above the common trickery of trade. Their statemenjs may be implicitly re lied upon, both as to the character of their goods and the manner of disposal. Ladies especially, in allparts of the country are re alizing handsome profit's as agents, and If any .of-ont-Inir-rotitTers tlevire •tci" interest them selves in the enterprise, they may do so with perfect confidence. ' • • GREAT OWE' DisTrartuTios.--;.A. rare cppor- I tonity is otfereoor obtaining, watches,chains, diamond rings. silierware, et - t., by Messrs. Arranduld l & Co., at No. 167 Broadway. They have •pn immense stocic of articles,varying in value, and all are offered•at one dollar each. The distribution! is very fairly done—you agree to take. a certifikte of a certain article, 1 encloSe'd in an envelope, and are not required to pay dollar unless you are satisfied with the article,which will certainly be worth more. than that amount, and may be worth I sso or $lOO. - An. excellent mode this of in - 1 vesting a dollar.H•Sunday Times; H. Y . ; ply, February : loB6's.; 1 ' Messrs.-Arrandale k Co. have long been personally known' o ni, - and we believe them 1 to be every way worthy of public confidence. -LIN. Y. Scottistj. ...American .Tour. Tune 11. '64. 1 . . . We.have inspected, at the office or Arran t dale & Co.'s Agency for European Mantifac ' turing Jewellers, a large assortment of fash ionable. and. sotiluable jewelry' of ,tlye ,newest patterns.We also noticed a large quantity of silvet ' plate, a ndl tnders . And tlitTlelie whole I Of theie newly, imported articles are to be i disposed of on a tinsel Principle; giving great i advantana to. buyers, _and Affording . exten sive employment to agi , nts. We lLnow.the firm in question to be very respeftallle .and thor oughly worthy of public confidence, - and re commend our friends to rea4 their advertise-1 ment.—N. Y. ..416i071, SepiC)l+7' 3, 1834. EMPLOYMENT FOR LA.DIEs:—The most eli gible and prOfitable employment we have heard of for ladies is the Sale of certificates for the Great Gift Distributd i on Arrandale & Co. A lady of our acquaintance has been very successful iu. this way, uot i only filling her °Wu purse, but al: pin doing a good turn to those to whom she sold the certificates, as will be seen by Our, advertising colunins.— Gentlemen can also be thus engaged.—.Y. Sunday Mercury, Aug. 14, 1664. The-Briysh - Whig of laiNgto.n, C. W., says, Nov. 26th 186 1 "One of our l ad} subscribers became, nn Agent for Arranlda!e S Co., and by request brought some twe l rity articles sent as prizes r for her agency. to . Ns office for •in!. spection, and Without hesitation we can si>te that, each and all of the articles were worth treble the amount of cost to the recipients, and some ofthem six times." 20 " 50 5" 50 ." 15" 20 " „ . We hat•e seen some very pretty sfmcimens of Table and Teaspoons, Gold' Watches, LadieS Cliait, Pins, .Erticelets, etc., which hay? been sew by Arrandttle S.T. C0..t0 this place for slle4cll.--Angdica Rejyrter, -Y. I. State, Feb. lb:, '1865. . . AGENTS —We want agents in every regiment. and in every town .and county,taad those acting as such will be all Owed 10 cents on every `Certificate ordered by; them, 'lwo . . tided ttietrrinttance amounts to one ddllar, also other inducements.which can be lea ned on application. Agents will collect 25 ents for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents t us. ; - either in cash or postaga staMps. AIIIIANDALE & CO.. • . 167 BrOndway, IV: • . ___ ...._ _ 20 " 40' " 35" TO 50.• 3 100 4" 30 4" 8 6 " 10 1865 50" 50" 8 ' 13" 10 " "Eighteen years established in N. Y.lCit "Only infallible remedy known." I . "Free from Poison's." "Not dangerous to. the Human Family." Rats come out of their holes to dit." 3" 8 it i 4" G " 2.50 " 10 " 10" 20 " g•COS'TAR'S" RAT, ROACH, &C., EXTER'S. • Is a paste—used for Rills, ' 1 • I Nice. Roaches, Black and • • - ' Red Ants, dc., .j. c., 1 5. c., 6-c.. ; • "COSTATS" BED-LUG , EXTERMINATOR, . ' Is te liquid or wash, used to I . destroy, and also as a pre- ' I ventive for Bed-Bugs, &c. 1 1 "COSTAR'S" ELECTLaC P,OWDEa roil 1 INtiECTS. Is for ..Ifotire, ..lic.?quitoes. • • Ficas, lied-Boss, Insects oil ...Maids, Fowls, Ahimats, 6.,..... , . VD, - Sold . by alt Druggists iiand Retailers i everywhere. I (I I • i 1:114,5=. 11 1 BEWARE! lof all iilorthless .imi tations. -•-''' See that "CoLAa's" name is on each Box, Bottde, and Fla* before' you buy. ' ,' , • DI 6:.; 7c; al' cr.. COSTAR. rc-2;,....1'niNcie.6, DI , r , r, -11.3:: Broaths ay . N. V. :i,iltj hv ' ; 111, Dr uggir.lS and Deltlers in COISDFRSPOIIT, i'l ' • ,1865: . . INCREASE OF 1.1-O':SJ---The Pa rvier . ,s G-••- • zdtte l (Fhgli4ll) assirt4 and pro\ el by figures that one pair of rat,: ‘ , ..i1l have a prorny and desyenldants no 1e5.41 tlom p5i,059 •in three ve i rs. 1 Now. unless i ibis itaMienso family can be kept down, they 1-ould , consume more fbeJ th.fn would sustain 5,000 human beings'. P-c-irS. - .'e •'CListat's" adv . .l.:ic thispt.tper. HATS versw•BlßllS.--Whoever engages ih shooting small birds f l is a cruel man ; whoever aids in exterminati , z rats is a benef a ctor. We should like some of our correspomdk:nts in give us the beu t it of their experience in driving out these pets. We need something besides dogs. cats, and traps forthis business. _Scientific American, N. Y.. I[,..—„See ..Costar': , " adv't in this paper. 1865. ,T EXTERMINATOR is sure;,—the most perfect kg we have ever attended. get it, properly prepared bns, will cat it, and every [li die, generally at some possible froM whe're the en. --LLake Snore, Mich., 1 .50" Mil = "COSTAR'S''' situ plc, safe, and RAT-ification meeth Even' Bat that cart according to directi one that cats it w I place as distant as medicine was ta. Jlirror. . i • lit.'s" adv't in Una paper. 1865. 1 . • A - VOICE FROM THE FAT WEST.— 1 Speakirz, of "Costaes" Bat, Roa .11, Ant, Sc.,' Exterminator—"m!re grain an( provisions are destroyed annt ally in Gran Coanty by vermin than would pays for tun's' of this.flat and Insect Killer."—Leinthster, Wis., Herald. _See "Costar's" adv't in this paper. :2_ ,-, I • „ s , , „ .t:Sold in, 1-4., oy an Drugnists: 1 1 g "See "Cost 4P'XC I. AlSNOrtsgmataxr. • - ' r ' ' • - 1 E.. &IL • . ANTHONY .- ta, CO. Manufacturers • Y Photographic Materials, . . - . syn LLSALIC ASD„ • • I . lt 501 B OADWAY Y* / To oddition to oui. n in btodrowt of runro , 7riArtric WA TER.ELutt, we aro ..11, dquorrors fOr the followingoilzi . STrTrrOSCOP.ES & STEILEOSCOPIC VIEWS. Of these wo have t en" os.ort meat, Including War Seete, dttnorionn ond Foreign ill firs' awl Landtnar,oie. Grouns;Stot nary, el, .ta n it, Iso, Fregoir rig. It.: trre,copt Al i fur itublF or Fri vane nit- M1M1... Out Cotolug 10 will be 0.4.1. to .y address on recuirt of ntantr. i I!,HOTOGRIPHIC ALBUMS: Wonere the first to introduce. tbsse into the united States, and sea roanniacturo in meade ouhnt&es I n great variety, rang. log to price frign it ce to tot 450 east.' Our ALBUMS gave the reputation of lbainx superior to heady and degability to any others. Thy ail/ be goat by mail; FREE, err rAelpt of price. Or PINE-ALBUMS id ADE TO 0111)ER.,.. . I CARD PIIOTOGRAPIII. • ' Our entntope now 4rnbrafts over FIVE THOCSANII dbrer eat subjects, fo Sritith 'additions are roartantly being Fade, of l'orbotts of htninent Ameriornn ittr.., vitt about 100.Major-Geherala, • lot 14 , 10- COloncin, 150 Statesmen, goo.l.trig...Cenurals, 550 Other Officers. 130 Divines, 475 Colonels, , '75 Nary Officers, 125 Author., • - 45 Artists, '125 Stage. LO Vronainent Women. 3 000 Cop! of Worts of Art, Including r productions of th e most celebrated Engravings, Feinting.,:. atues, et. Catelognen sent on; rt , ceipt of Stamp. An order for! One Dozen Ptcrunns front our Catalogue will be tiled on the r,eipt of 1.1.80, and sent by mail. TIME... Pbotocrapbers load others ordering gaols C.O. D.. will pleas. remit twenty-Eve per cent. tithe amount with their order. irir The iricesaud quality of oorgoods cannot fail to satisf,a B,7dieras li'ocked'Albunt r for Id •Picturer,ts Coal; for SI Pielorcr, 41.00. . - • Whiikers ! Whiskerp ! Do you want Whiskers or 'lloustacbes ? Our Grecian compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or , chin, or.bair - on bald. heads, in Six Weel7.s. Trice, $l.OO. Sent by mail anyn.berc, closely sealed, on receipt of price.. Address " WARNE?. & CO., lysu ' Box 138, Brooklyil, N. Y . I • 'tis peeuliar tai4or fection which we ll SettortfLA lurks the constitutions of iltitudeis of men. It her produces or is 7odueet4. : b.Y....itti t ea, sblettilltffiated store , the blsid,lte'*etts ~ it. fiuolli4444.:iii uameteitt..,t4llst#Wln vital foiceAti their ;ordliVieto4 and yes the system to . into disorder and decay. The — ierOfulOns contamination is v.a.• . Piously caused Ihy :mercurial" disease, low living, ,diOtiidered digestion 'front unhealthy food, impute air,, filth' and" filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, .it is ,heieditary, in the constituflort A ! descending' "from parents to childith AnitO. 1 the third and fourth generation i„" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I will visit the, iniquities of the fathers upon their childiesil" The diseaseS it originates ftake various" wines, • according to the:- oigaiiPt it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ;•• in the glands, swellif:7s which suppurate and lies come ulcerous St:sres; in the stomach and I bowels,_ derangemenSs which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and 2,Y - ei• complaints;•• on the' sldn,' eruptiia and citizik . Pells'nfteCtiailss These, all having the same origit:; require the same remedy, viz., purification and ILivigo:ra.- 1 tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous diSteMpers leave Nan. "With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease; , Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes,that medical science has discovered for, this afflicting disteMper; and:for die cure of the i dicorchirs it entails. .That it is far supe rior to any other 'remedy s'et- devised, is known by all who have given it atrial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their efifect upon this class of complaints, is of pro Von by'the great Multitude publicly known and, remarkable cures it has made of the followhig diseases: King's! Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, R &la.', or - IS t. 'Anthony's ' Fire, Salt 'Rheum, !Scald Head, Coughs- from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, I Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigpstiou, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections; Xerourial Diseases, Female Weaknesses land, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity lief the blood. Minuti reports of individual_ cases may lie fcrUnd in ATER'S.AMEUICA* I 4\l.3:AN:v.:, Which is Arnislied to the druggists for graturtions distribution, wherein may bo learned 9he directions for its use, and some of the rent:irk:ile curd which it has made Nviien all other remedies had failed to afford ! relief. Those cases - are purposely taken from all sections of 'the country, in °nick; that every reader may have access to some one who eta spcalc to him of its benefitS. front personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its ,fatal results than are healthy constitutions. • Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the averige duratidi of bunion life. The i - ast impbrtance of these -considerations has led us to spend yt::ars in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. - This we now offer to the public under the name of ATEP:S SAns.trinn.u, altliOugh itl is composed-of 1 ingredicnti , , some of which exceed the hest of Sarsupsisii:a in alterative power. By its aid yon may protect yourself frODi the suffer ing and danger, of these disorders. Purge out the itil corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peca liar virtues thi i remedy stimulates the vital functionS, and thus expels the distempers which lurk wi hin the system or iurst out on any part 6 f ilt. . . We know tic public have been deceived by many co:glom:Os of Sarsaparilla, that premised much and did nothing; but they will neither 1,0 deceived nor disappointed in !this. Its virtues have been proven by awn thint trial, and there remains no questioit of its surpassing excellence for the care of the afflicting diseases it is intended to retch. I Althougha under the same name, it is ery different medicine froM any other which has been before the people, - and is' far mord , Of. feenutl• than any other which has ever been available to them. 1865 ASTER'S • CHERRY PECTORAL The• World's Great Remedy i for ' Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con ' sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients • - in advanced stages. • • of the disease. - - - - This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no Tao' e than assure the public that its quality . ) t up to the best it ever has been, and. thatjt may be - relied on to do all it has ever clone -- Prepared by Pa. J. C. Avna & Co.,' -- Practical and Analytical Chemists; Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. :101.1 by C. S. ti E. A. Jones, Coudersport. Clinppel Bros., tlysSes. C. 11. SIMMOeS, Oswayo. • Mann & :Ciehols, Millport.. Colwell & Co., noulet, ' and by Dealert eV , ks where, ' . MANHOOD: LOST I ! HO*" RESTORED! Just published, a :new edition of.:Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the _radical _cure (without medicine) or Semia't.t.ronanomt, or S lAA] , voluntary Seminal losses, IMPOTENCY, ateros3 - and Physical Incapacity, Impediments toMar riage, etc. ; also, CoNE,V.NIPTION, Eplimsy, and Frrs, induced by self-indulgence or. sexual extravagance. • Fries, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cens. The celebrated author in this admirable essay dearly demonstrates, from it thirty: hears successful practice, tba the alarming eorisequerices of self-abuse my be radically. Cued without the dangerous use of interns!' medicine or the application f)f - the. knife— pointing out a mode of cure, lit once simple, certain and effecutal, by meaos of 'ivhicb ev ery sufferer, no matter whati his condition may be., may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should bfi in the bands of every youth and every man , in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain Envelope, to any , address, post-paid, on recriptiof six cents, or two post stamps. 'Address the publishers. -C. KLINP lc C0., - -127 I3on-TY, Novv-Tork,PoSt. office bx 4586 ,f 1 ASH PAID FORDUTTER, ;.by,% E. Spencer . _ , n UNI"S BLOOM OF.ROSES,—for the .111. •
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