[ NEwsll GRANT 84 SHOIDAN (HEARD. FROM. AGAIN ! ! ! ANOTHER . UNION VICTORY GOLD DOWN BEayy DECLINE IN GOODS AND Pt Ai STEBBINS ,81 Con Are DC , VP receiving a nenr and dprxrilleto STOCK OF Spring Goods t purchased elude the heavy decline end during the reoeut pool° ill New York. Consisting of DRESS GOODS, DEL ALVES, POPLINS, ALPACA'S, MOZAArBIigt.TES „PLAID POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOAKS, CL 0 AKING S, CASSJMERES, MEN's FASILIONABLE VLOTIIING! ALSO BOOTS & SHOES,. HATS 4- CAPS, &e., &c., &c. Drugs and Van.ev Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, White Lead in Tin Cans,Alcohol, Camphene, Kerosene,Lamp and Lunar) Fixtures, Glass, Patent Medicinea s Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfumery,Fang Soap and Toilet articles, Gum, Hair, Ivory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine assortment of Flavoring Extracis, Pens,..lnk and Paper, and Linseed 011—raw ;lad boiled, Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, Paint, Varno3 and Artist Brushes CHOICE STOLE dr GIIOC ERIE S, Teas, Sugars, Cboice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, West Indi3. and Dandelion "offee, Rice, Corn Starch, Farina, Cocoa, &c. ) ALWA•7S ON SAND. STEBBIN & Co., Corner Main and Second Streets, Ckiadersport, - Apr. 10, 186 k . L DR. TALBoTT'S PILLS CompoSed of highly concentrated extracts from roots and herbs of the highest medicinal infaHiable in the cure of all diseases of the ;Liver or any 'derangement of the Di gestive 'Orions. They remove all impurities the'Hlood, and are unequaled in the cure of DitterhM, Jaundice, - Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, ,Fevers. Head ache, •Pileo, Merculml Diseases, Hereditary Humori. Dose, for ;adults, one pill in the mornink, children half a pill.; From one to three pills Will cure ordinary cases, and from one to three boes will cure any curable case of no 'matter how long standing. Price $l.OO Yi MOTT ' TALBOTT, ' & CO., I I 6'2 Fnlion Strue New York. RESISTAIIICEI AT AN END berier;ll news of brOliant. achievements is arriving from every quarter. ( Heads that most furiously rebel against the laWs of beau ty, whethe!r they- be white, !roil gray, or sandy or glaring red,l are everYty*o STRIKING TECE COLORS, And assuming the - loveliest brOwn a the nwrstllustrous and perfect black, under the s wift operation of I I• Ch:ristadora's Hair DY e Which tradsfigures them in a fell moments. Manufactuied by J. l CRISTADOIIO, 6 Astor Houe, New York. Sold bY Druggists. Applied by, all Hair pressers. ---- , -- - ARCANAI H WATC , , AN ELEGANT NOVELTY IN WATCHES. The case's la this watch are en entirely new invention 'composed of six diffei•ent met als combined, rolled together and plan , ished, producing an exact imitation of 18 carat gold, d'Alled Arcane, whichiwill always keep its color. They are as beautiful as solid geld, and ere afforded at one4eight'e the cost. The case is beautifully designed; With Panel and shield for name, with Patent push Pin, trod evi—reved in - the exact stvlenxf the eel°. lirateeGold Hunting Levers, and I are really i handsome and desirable, andlso „tact an im itation of,gold 'as to defy det etion. The moveinent Is mahufactured by th well known St. Jitner Watch Company of, Eu ope,and are superbly finished, having eng, , r4ved pellets, fancy carved bridges ' adjuSting regulator, with gold:balance and the impr§ved jeweled action, with line dial' and sletcm hands,anJ id warranted a good time ke per. These watches are of three different sizes, the smallest 'being for Ladies, land are all Hunting Cases. A case of sic will be sent by Melt or Ex - press for $12, - ,Arq. A single one sent in a handsome Moroccd case for $2.1 ; will readily sell for three thqs their cost. We are sole agents for this wett i l in the United States, and none are a - ermine which do not bear our Trade mark. AdOess JIRARD W. CC, Importers. 15 Maiden Lane. N. tr CAUTION .Fllosl THE AZERICAN WATCH COMPABIIt. ---- It hav,ing come to our knowledge that itn ! Rations of the .4merican Watch have been pat upon the market in gret.J4 number, calcu lated by' their utter worthlessness to injure the . rePutation GI our genuine products, to protect our own interest and the public from imposition, we again public t the trade marks by- which our Watches toy invariably be known. ! • We manufactUre four ,sty The First has thmtiame: "AMERICAN wArrcil Mass.," engraff. on the in • The Second s the name ' t'APPOs,TON I , TRACY Mass.," engraved on the The 27::4 ha's the name I "P. B. BARTLETT, 'Wail giaved on the ihside plate.; ;All the ahove styles Imee the name Amer idan Watch (.30.!pairsted on ithe dial, and are warranted in every respect) The Penh?: hlts the name! • ELLE.LY, Bastort,lMass.," engraved on the inside plate, and is !not named en the dial. i All the above described watches are made of various 'Sliest, and are Soltlin gold ox silver crises, as May lie recta:llA. I , lt is hardly possible !for" ts' to accurately describe the ntinocrous imitations to which tie, have allinied. They are usually inscribed W ' ith nutneslso nearly, approaching our own as. to escape the, observation of the unaccus tdined buyer. Oome are represented as made by the "Union Watch Co. of Boston, Mass." such' coinpany existing. Some are [l,q l• • I named the s Watch, to be sold as oar Fourth, orl Wm. Ellety• style, usually known. as the"Soidier's Watch." Others are Mimed they "Appleton Watch -Co.. i ' others the P. S. Battu:v . ," instead of our "P. S. Bart -141.t ;" besides Many varieties named in such almanacs as to 'convey the idea that they are the, veritabe I.roductions of the American, Watch Company. ; We also Caution the public, and particm-! 'Arty holdiers,i,against buying certain articles' cat.to watChe. so freely.advertised in ides- , tinted papers as ".Artny Watches," "Officer's Watches," i'Magic Time Observers," "Arcana Watches," the prices of which ate stated to be! from sellen. to sixteen dollars. A good tiatch, in tl l stse timeS, cannot be afforded for any such m rty. . ! A little attention on the part of buyers will protect them from gross imposition. lOBBINS & EN' APPLTO Agents or the American Watch Co., 1 , . 182 Broadway, New York. CL 0 TBS. ReMargahle Cure of Knee by Alleocli , s Porous Peas ters.—}low 4:nany persons, from stepping on a piece of orange peel, hare been lamed for life. A crise;which Might have been of this kind has justrbeen brought to . our notice. A gentleman, fii s om placing ,bs heel of his boot on a piece 'Of orange peel, was suddenly thrown down, and violently sprained his knee. He w'as six months confined to; the house, though he had the best medical ad vic'e. As a inst resort a very eminent phy-, sician was called in to see if anything more conld be donF. After examination he said: "My opinion ?s, your knee will ! never be bent again." He recommended that the whole leg and knee shfiuld be encased in a plaster of Paris bandage, which would laccelerate the permanent stiffening of the knee, and said, "the sooner it was done the better." But the patient, befdyetrying this application and having a stiff knee for life, enveloped it in our Porous) Olasters, and in less than two months his :Isisee was perfectly cured. l'incinal agency, Brandreth House, New 'ork. By tile yard or single plaster. = Sold by 4H dealers in medicines. ; Dr.lA. FRENCH'S CELETRATER TONIC BITTERS; A A RE beconsing the most popular Medieine! iu circulation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, DICE, DEIMSITY OF THE NERVOUS !I SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of; the STOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORGAN'S. It 'is also gaining a great reontatirin in thi CURE bf DIPTHERIA. Principal Oates, Ilinaderspp* Pr.ter Go., Yea THE POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL iondersperil, Wednesday Evening, rune 28, 1865, Local and , General, trer Thire trill be no paper issued from this office next , week. Beiy-, place, is S Point. iter The Union State Convention has been indefinitely postponed. Why this LS no one appears to know. The Central Committee meet at Harrisburg_on ednesday the 18th day Of July, at the Lonhiel House, at 3 p. m.. ler The Stores of this place will bo closed on the 4th of July, and we therefore advise our country friends not to visit us on that day as the !goading men" expect, to go ifshing. • We learn that As Tomlin, of Co. G, 53d Penn's Regiment oLVolunteers, has been promoted to 'a Second; Lieutenancy. He has . been a faithful soldier since the fall of 156 i, and his promotion is among the few that are really well-earned and well-deserved. Iter Parson Brownlow has recently deliv ered himself of the opinion that he "would rather trust the poorest black now in Tennes see with -a vote, than a miserable, canting hypocrite of a rebel, who has sneaked back into the Union without taking time to wash the stains of loyal blood off his hands." ' fte- The Atlantic for July comes early to hand The opening article—Young Men in History—is excellent and timely. Winter Life in St. Petersburg . ,-Skipper .Ben—ic ecirriplie.cm—atid -the Chicago - Conspiracy,— togettier with fresh instalalMents of Mrs. Stowe's Papers, and the u.ual editorial sum mary, render the number very attractive. Var American Xlusical Instruments are winning golden opinions abroad. A recent number or the Leipzig Signal, the leading Musical journal of Europe, mentions the su periority of, the Masan & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, mariufantured in Boston, intimating that these Manufacturers have discovered the secret of avOiding the harsh, reedy tones of other instrutnents of this class. M. Brown's 13rbnchial Troches are widely known as an'established remedy for Coughs, Colds, Blonchetis, Hoarseness and othef troubles of the Throat and Lungs.: Their good feputation and extensive use have brought out imitatinus, and similar prepara tions repres i ented to be the - same,' which are generally injurious. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches." • 1 its9."Tli Urbana Gazette, of Cbailopaign 'County, Illinois, lies the following: "Indica clans terealsouts now favor the opinion that our agrieuitural interests will be materially r interfered *itch the present season by a tre- Mtndous crop cif grasshoppers. Myriads of thp embryci trisect may be seen at any time in grassy localites;" roll of tionesdale Bank bills was left st the bank to be exchanged for notes, *Mai had been laid away so loco . ;they were discolored and mildewed. • Bow Thong the iiersou had been without the use of-the won= ey, we know not, but probably forAyears. We tVould 2drise all persons who hare funds' to Spitre, to invest in the popular 7_so loan --- Republic. es of Watches CO.. Waltham ide plate. lc, CO., Waltham .ide plate. ~ir. D osr, the classical editor of the ayne Co., Free Prioe, has come to grief rigain. Ho bus been arrested as a deserter and ruthlessly torn from the bosom of his family!, We are sorry that4t was thought necessary to give him the ban eminence he has labpred twe cure during the war. He is nothing uuTess notorious ;. and lie takes. to notoriety like a Sick kitten to a hot brick. Don't 1 pander to his deuraved . appetite by giving him notori- , ety. He would regard hanging I ns a great triumph. Let him alone; his rilcord will sink him below public notice.—Agitator. bun, ?Saes.," en , . , LthORTANT TO POSTUASTEII3.—RdcentIy the Postoffice Department issued ordetts to offices exchanninr , Pouches, authorizing Ithe use of t• , wine instead of paper in puttin4 up pack nes of letters. The order has b en misun derstood to ripply to all offices,and many 1 }country -Postmasters have got tl e habit of throwing their letters loosely into the Mails, oceasioning -much embarrassment and incon venience to the service. The Department, to Teintay' the evil, has rescinded the order, ex cept as to oMues directly served from Railway lillffce. Piereafter Postmasters Will be re . aired to carefully wrap letters ilood strong paper, with the Postoilice, count and State legibly endorsed thereon. I GLoatoos OIL NEl73,—From Mr. tilbbe - ,..w1i0 !esides on .Kinzint creek, we leatm that on Friday last ei vein of oil was stuck at the 'mouth or Chapel Fork, on the Kmzua, at a depth of about SOO feet. the well is not tubed, but oil Was running over the ton of the • pipe.in the well when he was filet e on•Sat nrday. It is tbonglit that wheal tubed the 'ell will prove a flowing, Dna: 1%5r. Libbey is a candid man, and we place the utmost reliance in his statement. This well is in Uttmilton tow'nsh'ip, McKean c0..1 Dos any one now doubt that paying wells will be found on this side of the • ridgel—Ninar.' • House Boaszn.--We. regret to ldarn that on Tuesday. the 6th inst., the divellii3g house of M. Ostrander, 'Esq., in Liberty tow i nship, was destroyed by fire. Nothing whatever was saved. No members of the family were at home at the time. Mrs. Ostrander had been out but o short time at the houselof a neigh. bor near by, It is impossible to /earn the cause of the fire. It is A. heavy foss for Mr. Ostrander; and we are glad to sep a disposi tion among the citizens of the County to make up the greater part of the loss by gen erously donating from their abutidauce. Mr. Ostrander is an honest, hard-wcirking man, a good citizen, and should be assisted in pro curing another home.-21/'Sean LEG/LL liouonss —The Legisl State 'has established the follow holidays Any days recommended by the Governor of the State, or by the President or the United States as a day of Faking or Thanksgiving, the Fourth day of July, the '2sthl day of De comber, the Ist day of January.' A hen the 4th day of July, or the 25th of December, or the 220 of February, occurs on Siinday, then the eniuing day, (Monday,) for il,ll purposes relating to presenting and pro . esting, bank paper made after the passage of this Ant. (March 13, ' 1865,) is to be Ifreated and regarded as Sunday, or in other Words, to be the legal holiday, and any paper; &c., which falls due on any of the des thus i set apart as holidays is to become due find payable on the succeeding Tuesday. This law itakes Street on the let day of August next. I , uel M. 11:s, Jr., formerly of 'mong Qui graduates from WeA ture of this tug.as legal Dar T. S. °disk at one titne t Piibliiiiii this Jouriet., died at bis-holue in Titusville, last week, of Consumption. ria. Our next issue will contain a Com plete recdrd of the names, promotions, :and casualties of Co. G, 53d Penu'a Regt. Tho - se desiring extra copiea ahould leave their or ders previous to that date; • Tau Lewes' FBIEND.—The July number of this llag,azine opens with - an eiigraving•ap propriate to the season, called "On the Cliff." It is a beautiful picture of two lovers enjoy ing the repose and freshness of the sea-shore —and thakes one long for the dash of the breakers against the rocks, and the smell of saltties. The double fashion plate for the mont is quite brilliant. The other engrav ings are the "Bridge of-Sighs'," and the usual number devoted to new styles of drets,; Among the literature of this number, wemay specify. The Silent nun. One is Idissin,,,Ste phen j Courland's Pet, Sweet Agnei, Peggy Martin's Story; The Folly,. John Smith's Brotber, etc„ etc, • Iraportaut to Tax-Payers. 1 • Artrrroa GENEILAI29 Orrfcr, I Helmut:cum, June 24, 18q5. Ann; F. Josts, Treasurer of Potter County : Your attention of respectfully called to the folloning extract from the seventh sectidn of the act of April 30, 1864, (P. page 220 :) "T lett so much of the forty-secord section of tht act approved the 'twenty-ninth day of AprO, one thousand eight hundred and forty- , fouri las provides for the abatement of Ave per ebntum on the amount of State taxes, paid; (teen dags prior to the first of Septcm ber, any year, be and the same is hereby rep4led, and hereafter, it shall be the' duty of thg Auditor General to add five per centum penity- to each county, on all State taxes reia4 ning unpaid on the first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-live. aim! i3f elicit year thereafter, which shall .be chakied in the duplicate, against each delin quent tax-payer in arrears, on and after said day.qVery respectfully, yours, 'ISAAC SLENICER, Auditor Genera'. - I June Court, 1 P esent : Hon.-H. W. WILL:Aso, Pr and Ilion. G. G. dot.vm, Associate. Wiliians Francis, a native of Bava adnfitted to the rights of eitisenship.i Wm. F. Jones, Esq, of Wellsville was on motion of Isaac Benson, Esq. ted to practice in the several Courts Codnty. W. H. Smith, Esq., of Wellsboro, of of F. \V. Knol, tiq., and C. W.:Beal of Clymer, on tito•lon of P.. P. Col wetie admitted ' practice in -the I Cotirts of Potter County. Administrato s of Luther Strong dec'dvs. W.IT. and A. F. Jones. July, by zerrecttnctit of parties, find fot Plff. sloo.uo and 'costs. I Comt'h vs. Mrtrgaret Robins, Louisa Ellis, 1 and Miles Ellis. Aggravated assault and 1 battery. Bill rcttnrrred ignoramus. Cornt'h vs. .Harrison Lewis, assault and battery.' Guilt}. Sentence postponed. Comt'h vs. B.! S. Corey. Recognizance of Dert and bail, forfeited and respited till next Court. On motion of Isaac Benson, Esq., the Court' apPointed W. B'Graves, Esq , Auditoria die. tribute funds in hands of adm'nistrators of the estate of Eli' Rees, late of the Borough of Cdudersport, dec'd. l Chas. Bushor vs. Potter County vg, Forest Improvement Company. Ejectment. This case came up, and was on motion of Deft's Attorney, postpo'ed until the September i Term, owing to t e recent appointment,of H. \V. Williatns, Esq., the Attor.ley for the -Pitt: It is expected tha his Honor, Judge White, will he so far recovered from his illness as I to held ihe next Court in Potter County. 1 The following is taken from the Record in the Cctrt of Common Picas of ?otter county, June Term 1565 : I - PHI' vs. Will, - Raddr Charles Bushor , vs. .. Miran Radde, Treasurer end Superintendent of the Penn, sj lvania Land and Fenn Association. i ( This cause came up before .the Court agaiu tb-day on motion of A. G. 'Olmsted, Esq., Alrney and Solicitor for the Plaintiff, for the ap, oint ment of an'examiner uudeethe rules of Court to take . testimony ; and thereupon W, B. Graves Esq., Nies appointed such examiner in accordance with the decree duly made and entered on the 24th day of June, 1804, by which said Association was dissolve* end the said Wm. Radde restrained from f rther interfering in the affairs of the said aSsiocia.. tion, but requiring him to forthwith surren der and deliver over to Dan Baker, - Esq., the Receiver, all books, papers, documents and other effects belonging 40 said Association for the use and. benefit of the PM, and'there fore the folloiting_injunction was awarded and duly issued by the Coprti: Potter County SS: The Commonwealth of PehrtSYlva ' L. S. nia To William Radde and his workmen, servants and agents and each and every of them Greeting : Whereas it htith been represented unto us in our court of-Common Pleas for the said County in a certain cause there, depending, - whereiniCh a's Busher is Complainant, and you the said William Radde are Defendant, and liaS been ordered, adjudged-and decreed as follows viz : That the Association -set out in the Bill and ans'vered in -this case be dissolved and that an Injunction testrain the said William Itadde from acting as - Treasurer, General Agent and Manager 'of said Association. It is further . adjudged and decreed that all the books, contracts and plfpers together'with I all thtti effects of said Association be placed ib the hands of _Wan Baker, no Receiver, for collection and settlement. We therefore, in consiileratioti of the premises aforesaid do strictly enjoin and command you the said William Radde, your .servants and -agents and all and every of you under 'the penalty o f Twenty nottadfid Dolldrs to be' bOund upon your and each of your, Lands,. Goods and .Chattels to our ''use, that you _and every of you do from henCefort abSolutely - de - sist.frbm, acting as Treasurer, General Agent and Man• l alter of the Association set out in the Bill of Complaint on file in the above meat:tined case with your answer to said Bill also on file as aforesaid. and that you deliver up to the hands or possesSioh of Dan Baket as receiver for collection and settlement all the Books. Coutracta, papers and effects of said Asssoci ation as ordered and- Decreed by our said Court. Witness; the Hob. ROBERT °AMITE, President of our said Court, at Coudersport, thi.s 2tst day of June, A. D, 1865: (Signed) H. J, °LUSTED, Proth'y. The following Sheriff Deeds were acknowl , edged in open Court. 100 acres in Hector tottisitip to Wert Guern sey, sold as the property of Erastus Guernsey. 65 acres in Jackson township to Bingham estate for $25 ) . sold as the property of A. C. Perkins. . 164 saes in Sharon township to Gardner Che.ppel for $25, as the propetty of E. Wol cott Daniels. . - 190.9 acres in Genesee .townshipito Israel Pearce, for $25, as the property of Benjamin Skutt. ' 9.8 acres in Eulalia township to J.'B.Sinith for $5O, as the property of Jonathan Glace. icEricivinumarr.-1 , Corrected-s*7 Wednesday by P. A. 'STU BDiS &Cp., Itetail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, oppoilteD. F. Glassmire's Hotel,' , 1 Coudersport, P . a. Apples, green,l/ bush., - 75 to 100 do dried, , 300 250 Beans - " 300 350 Beesivax, '41); lb., 20 25 Beef', " 8 9 Berries, dried, quart ' 15' 20 B tickwheat,iV , bash., 1,00 1 25 Buckwheat 'lour, 300 875 Butter, TiP • 20 Cheese, 1 1 15 r2O Cloverseed 'o 700 7'50 Corn, 131 bah., _V 50 2 $ Corn Meal, Per cwt., -3 75 400 Egn doz., . 15_ Flour, extra V bid 90010 00 do supecfine - 900 10 00 Hams, V Ih., 26 Hay, tor 4 • 10 00 Honey, per Lb., 15 20 Lard, • 'p l5 20 Maple Sugar, per lb., l5 18 Oats, V bush., 75 'BO Onions, 1 lOO 1:25 Pork, V bb 30 00 35 00 do :t4 lb./ 18 . 20 do in w hile bog, V lb., 10 12 Potatoes, per bush., 37 50 Peaches, dried, V L., ` 4 - 20 25 Poultry, V ' • 8 10 Rye, per bush., ' 150 188 Salt, bbl., 550 GOO do mar 15 20 Timothy eed 250 350 Trout, per bhl., , 800 9 00 Wheat, V bush. , 1 75 200 White Fish, V h bbi., 800 900 NOTICE. WHEREAS, my husband, .TA'AIES G. BOOTH hau left the bed he never owned, and the board) he newer provided, without just cause or Onvocation, I hereby caution all persons against harboring or trusting him on my actoant, as. I shall pay . no debts of his contracting after this date. AMELIA BOOTH. Colesburg, Pa., June 27, 1805. es:dent, NOTICE. WHEI;EAB my si'ife AMELIA has left my Y V bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby warn all persbns not to harbor or trust her on my acconnt as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. JAMES G. BCOTEL Colesburg, Pa.i Sane 20, 1665. ia, wa, :V.. admit f Potter motion b, Esq., e, Esq., several, 1865 DEILADELPHIA. & . ERIE RAILROAD.— This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, cn Lake Erie. It has been:leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and tnder their auspices is being rapidly opened thrOugho " its entire length. I It is now in use for Passengerl and Freight business from Harrisburg to St, Mary's (21e miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield tp Erie, (.78 miles) on , the Western Division. TM& OW PASSENGER TRAM AT EMPORIUM : Lgave Eastward. ' • Through Mail Train' 3 40 P. M. Lvay.4lWestward. Through Main Train , 10 18 A. M. Cars runl through WITHOUT CHANGE both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and 'between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping. Cars en Expres . s Trains both ways between :Williamsport and Balti more, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respe'eting Passenger busi ness apply at the S. E. Cer. 12th•and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the -Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., Co.r 13th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds Erie.l William Brown, Agent N.G.R.R.Baltimors. Housros,.l Gen'l Freight dirt nil' a. Lawn L. HouFr,l I Goa nektt AO. Phil's. Jos. D. POTTE, Gen'l ilanaser, Williamsport. Ma' rble 'Yard. rpRE stbscriber desires to inform the nit!, zens of Potter that he. can supply them with all kinds of Marble 'work, as cheap and as good as it' can be had any place in a the country. MONUMENTSand TOMB •STONES of all kinds furnished on short notice. C. BREUNLE. Coudersport, Feb 13 t 5 iv Notice. IGnalrANlAlPotter Co:, Ang. 1, 1853. 1116,,1 OTICE iS. hereklygtven that Charles Ea -I_ll sheaf, now or lat.eof this county, holding the following described property, has not ye' paid any consideration whatever far the eau*, and all persons ere hereby warned not to pur chase any of said property of the said Busher hefore the decision of the Court is given in this case and C. Eushor has paid to me the ccinsideration money. th r r..re'for.. The.foilowing isi the property : Ist. ,A certain_tract of land near the Ger mania till, in warkant 5075. Abbott township, Potter county,. Ph., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres. in W i arrant 5018 and adjoining [the above. I 2nd. A certrin 'tract orient', with till and improvements them . ; near Kettle Creek, in warrant 581.9 1 in Stewaztson township, Potter county, Pa., containing about 204 acres. ' • C. 13usher hcld3 alpo rz trust warrant no. 2501, in Gaines tcc.vnAip, Tioga county, Pa., on the road iee.ding frOm Germania to Gain.., containing 850- acres If I H r, Ii A 1 IL OLMSTEIPSI STORE can al+ayi... he found the pest o , Cooking, 134x11 and Parlor STOVE'S 1; Also. TIN, and SHEET-IRON' WARE, P' OTS, KETTLES, !SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SA - P - -PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also - - Agricuittiral implements. such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAIDS, DOG-POWERS, &c. :HIS WORK is well made and the material good. GOIA and stbstantial EAVES-TROUGES put up in any part of Ole County—Terms easy. Ready Pap of ail ! kinds, Including Cash, seldom refused. ! Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1863.-•-.50 • YOU cant believe what fine. BARGAINS are to 6e had at OLMSTED'S. STORE--constantly rectiitag °Ailments of GOODS! CORNER fine as Summer - Goods 4 _ AT ' li OLMSTED'S. ' , YOUR atttentlon is invited to the large and attractive stock just received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought I anywhere in the county, . We hava on hand a largo and varied 'as. sortment of Domestic Cottons, crynprising BROWN SHEETINGS, ttnd SIIIRTINGS, BLEACHED .MUSLINS, DRN/XS, STRIPES. TICKINOS, and CUECILS, .COTTON FLANNELS, on ivilich tie cannot be undersold. • We purchase one goods Thr Cast{ and: ore:. tbein at a very small advanee . . From CoOt.. - • . FLANNELS, IF you 'smut to purchase upa, GHAT; • BLITE, .or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call ' At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; . DELAINES-,• PRINfs, 13'ROCIEIE, +lna WOOLEN skew.* HOODS, . : SONTAGS, 1 NUBIA% 1 13ALIIORA.L oLOTHS SKIRTS, aad OASSIMERES,". , . , , a Tull supply - At . - ALI t Olmstedog. • cLortriNG D o se ' e l t t e il as t r e t a m ll ea b t efore Firth . ming and At Olmsted's , BOOTS & SHOES - L I Men, Women 1 - Chlldren In great 'Ms ° r n iety and chea`p $ At Olmstedle JS6S I Fvr liolassis, yrup,l Sugar, Tea and :Ceff'ee i t in fact everything the Grocery line, call A fall assortment of 'almost everything that if keptln a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good articleg at the lowest living profit: autitr Crab of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pelt; Fars, Deer Skins: Mao, County, Township and School Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid Olzustedls Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r 18, EN 1 • 0 r e l 3 4:4 ' • •-• c. 4 r 4 I wish all persons haring open account with me to call and settle immediately. 1 will sell Cheap for Cash I All my stock of Merchandise Consisting or CLOTHING, BOOTS, a nd SHOES, DRUGS, cnocitritY, GROCERIES, TOOLS,&e.,is . & 1 Good Horse and Harness.:!: 3 Wagons, I Sleigh, 1 Cutter, 1 Sulkey, 2'he prieifegelof a good Ashery in eons . plete working order. 1 Centsi paid for good ASHES. LUCIR.V BIRD. Brookland, Pa l Sept., 1863. _ . 'WM. RAJ:TUB P,OR BALE THE Subscriber offera for Sale the follow ing tracts of land, to wit: One tract of One Hundred and Forty-three and seven-teethe acres ,in Pike tOweship, Potter county, on the Genesee Porky. I Price 'SIAN. Sixty acres are improved, with one log barn, frame-kitchen, frame ban, forty good fruit trees,and two hundred !sugar mapleirces. The farm will cut grass, in a good season, sufficient; at present prices, to pay for it. Also, smother tract of Fifty-six and two tenths acres, lu Eulalia township, four miles 'from Coudersport, Thirty acres of which ere improved, with one frame house, log barn, and some fruit trees thereon: Price $4150._ .Also, a Wagon Shop and half lot in the Borough of Coudersport, one lot we,st of P. A. Stebbins' & Co's Store near Glasemire's Hotel. The tools, lumber, &c., can be bought rea sonably ; or a portion of thern t if the purchaser so desires.- One half can be paid in Wagon= Work. A reduction of ten per cent win be inade for Cash down. For further particulars enquire of the sub. scriber at his Wagon. Shop in Coudersffrt. Feb..2o, 1865, W. R. /SIM AT OLMSTED'S. AT OLIISTEDIB6 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers