TJ. S. 4-343 17 1,0 AN. 1,) r The Secrets e Tteasury gives notice that subscriptions will be relcelved for Coupon Treasury Notes, pnyable fro m Aug. 1511a.1664, with semiannual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum,—prin cipal and interest both .to be paid in lawful till tositilYttlffitibre iiitclbeSiption o er iiktriflf, infd tiii)ercent. gold bearing bodds, payable not less than live nor more than Wenty years from their date, as the'Govertinihnt may elect, They will be issued inychogrt:ttri9nn 1}0. :14100, S5OO, • $l,OOO 4,42.g*,... OktfidetthligilVeriptions most be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation eintrgeß as soon alter the receip.t_ofitbe originaiXertificates of De posit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw inttirest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date (tole toTdatApftleportslvri7 . 2 'Pal tielf; dePtisittee Ikt4n4S.-fite Thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time gill be allowed a comthission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of the bill for the amount, certified to by the ess.44 l Vll 9 litti lail9tl° :tkfeldetto sit; woe wade. No Aeo,vgio_ni4 for % pomp tssions...mutit : :.!be .mnde nSoiltell2o4 AD 91104-1 eTe I`Z RC SPE'CIAL IT.. , INTA GES of Vas- It is a National Savings Dank, offering it .Higher rate of interest than any other, and the best security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes,.considers that it is paying in the hest circulating me dium of therconnw and it cannot pay in any thingbqtrtyt: its oWiliffsttetti arc either in governmeen 'seMirl' es oi!,.tri'letes or bonds payableiin government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The cotes can al laMys be sold for within a fraction of their face end accumniuted interest, and arc the best securityywltti t ibankstatijcollatterals discounts. Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-7.0 Gold Bond. In addition to the;,„;est on, the notes for three years, thif privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. for the current rate f0r . f.,20, Bonds is not less than nine per cent. pre'rniuna:and before the War their - minium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was oter twtnty per cent., It be seen that the actual profit o'nitldsviohnint the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. La ExreefpfianaAki...cicite er Nienio:pal Taxation: But aside front all the advantages we have: enumerated, a special AEA of Congress ex-• ..:trZtel4.6latkvq ireusary ;lofts from local la.carson: On the fuer:lgo, this exemptions is worth about two percent. ppr annum, accoA.l - icy , ' to the rate olio:lativit iti.v.ariott4.pftrts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great 'elan( meats to „lenders those issued by the government. Itl-"altoiher forins . of Indebted /tees, the faith or ability of private parties; or stock 4.,ibmpatties, or srparate comMunitics. qtly i§7,ledgcd for'pa - sidetit, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the '4lischarg_e, 9f ahl tali:-obligation. of the United States. While thegovernment offers the most liberal tering for its leans, it believes that theNtry etrotilqt,,t)Tpea'Kwill , be to the loyalty and ofAhe Duplicate certificateswill be issued-fOr all 4epoeite.The party depositing must endorse 'Upon AlitVerfOioVeertiffeate the denomination of notes required, and whether they are to be .esued in blank or payable to order. 'When .acteudoped it most be left with the ogicenre the deposit, to bb forwarded .to the Treasury Department. Subscriptions will be thsTrefts titer of the United States, at Washington, the several AssistanVEreasurers and designated Depositaries, ana".bilhe;' - ' VirsrNational. bank of:Philadelphia, Pa. First , i.frrilehltl'T3ank of Danville, Pa. F>rat.4alional flank of Erie, Pa. ` , .." 6 ‘ . .ritst-Ngt"ilonal flank of Pittsburg, Pa. and by all Is:alien:11 Banks which are deposi taries of public money, and 'Alt Ilevectoble :Banks and Bankers throughout the country will give farther in formation and every fucilitll to. Subscribers. " • PA., STATE: N OL MANSFIELD, TIOGA. CO, PA.' TAI3 INSTITUTION IVA —,Beco/Rized , /tv ti!e.,eStut.l.ll . lhorities, iii 4 ' 114 " , 1 7)ceettiiitri4S52 , • • , AS A State Normal Sehool, And formally Opette.l as sacii. in Seißemocr 1603 The School is„,at length places upon a se. true basis—the 'oftite appropriation of the surrert year enabling the Trustee to extin. swish the grelter portion of the outstanding liabilities, and to make, extensive improve tee ,ntsw,re , - ..ttiehttiidings and gr4unds. I r f„9/' q t commence on Mon-lall,Syternb6). 5, 18 - 64. Prof. F. A. At.txs, for the past six yenro in t.harga of the Chester Coital (Pa.) Normal pil,cou, 4 l, lvi.s.itrestn elt!eled, Yr:antr a l, ae4 llp mil!C.itbsav-yeke4lY;9l'-' mine itistau flon.qiittlitelf p p trio Frofeisthuip of Languages nut Literattirc. It is dmirable that stmlents should enter at the commencement-or a term. and fora period , of not less titan thirteen necks. TEA in advapceloer Nu extra charges for the lagimges or the. higher math- 1 emetics. Text hooks rented at, reasonable rates. Vocal and inqratnentill music at teachers' prices. Boarding in the hall, or in private families.frons $3 50 to $3.00 per Iv . eek-: Fare from.Plailadelp:sia,s3.64 from Harris- burg, $6 00. A'. C. RIPLEY', Pres. Board of Trustees. ALBERT CLARK, Secretary. Mansfield, July. Sn. 1604. • , I .Administrator's Notice, I,V fi t E h l e t E es A t ! e L o ette N r i l;iO L fti, - l i ‘ : „ lra c ikite rt i s ri a lt , l ,i o'n i . ) , l t t o e of Allegany township, Potter county, clec'd, have .z beep grint,eci to Coo . : subscriber. all pCr sorlilltykihretyti? e'plitt4 aro recinesterl to immntare pnyitient" -- itlid'Afinse braving claims ngoinst the saute will present them, • • duly authenticated, for settlement to • - IaDSON lIENDRYX,Adm'i. Atfecnni-. a , ir 10.1 oft I • HOOK AGENTS 'WANTED!, fro sell by subscription. with sample. excel .lllustraredyfataily..Workr. Amtn . .r these is ti Iti4 s itriCe tliStOftt of the REI3Ei.LION. of which oc,er forty thousand of Vor.l..have -already been sold. ft. is a good business. for ex-soldiers, and others out of ' itettiplAvrpf ti kNelighnliast and Agent?. Stationery PackageS, Hattie Scenes. --Portraits ond.ot, , ur pictures for the Titties;" ;17tritr.3,10K12.0,litiful-Ailialzeurds, Currency 'Holders, etc. Foi . erretirars, with particulars and terms,s4dres3 ; • No. 111 Hain Street,i Cincinnati, 0. I gf=l=l= - "Unviestionably the best sustained =kis 'of the kind in the World." EC-Arfi•R E1V137 NEW•EiONTEILIt • Critical Notices of the Press, It is the foremost Magazine of the day. The fireside never had a more delightful compan ion, nor the million a more enterprising fliend thal n liarper's Magazine.—lfethodist Protesignt 131allifiitli . W. ';'"'• "17 :711 the world:— :Ye to Yvric OLar. e • r. We must in terms of eulogy to the high tone and 'varied excellences of flatter: 's MAGAZINE--a journal with a monthly circula tion ofgtboqtl 70,000 copies r -ivrhose pages are to ite,fottint snipe otAW..e.trtipest light and genetal reading of the day. We speak of this work as an evidence of the Anaericar. People ; and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Ecich number contains fully 144 pages of read ing matter, appropriately illustrated , with good wood-cuts : and it combines in itself the racy. monthly. and the more-philosophical quaxterly . betyfentiares of the daily journal. rt has great power in the dissemination of a love of pure literature:- 7'ra/ow's Guide to American Literatute,London The volumes bound constitute of themselves a library of miscellaneous rending such as can not be found in the game compass' in any . , other publication -that has come under our notice.—Boston Courier SUB t 3. It4P.Tions. — 1865: The Publishers have perfected a system :of mailing by which they can supply tho 31AnA:-• vs:: and ‘Vaskly promptly to those who pre fer to rective , ,their. - periodicals. directly from the Office of Publication. • The postage on Ilarppi's Magazine is 24 cis a year, which must be paid at subscriber's post-office, • TERAS: arpcs's'Magazine, cine'ycar • $4-00 . : An exirrt copy of eithei the Magazine or Weeleg will besuppliQgratiS fur, every,Club of Fist Subscribers it c 54 00 eaeh", in one. remittance ; or SO: Copies, fur $20 . 00. . Bark .Numbers can be supplied at any ,time A Complete Set, tiO'W comprising Twenty oao Volumes, , in neat cloth binding will be sent by espress,freight at expense of the pur chaser fur $2 25 per volume. b'in!/le volumes, by mail, post-pa 00..-Cloth cases, for biTidrag, 5:8 octets, by mail, post paid: Address HARPER & ROTIIERS, Fraaklia Square, New York. The Paper (at Every - Family Circle SEND: FORA SPECINEN. • Pumasilan The'Stmclig-School Times. With a rapidly increasing subscription list and the welcome it has met in thousands" of hoMes, the Stinky School - Times is abont Jo enter on Its seventh year. Frery successive volume adds to the evi dence that such 'a paper its this was needed,' and wherever it finds its way into a new I neighborlfhod, it is hailed with pleasur6 by Parents and Teachers as supplying a want they had long felt. The' "Sunday School ,Tinies contains, from week to.weelt, stirring_ incidents of interest front the'Camp, - the Fteltl,-and the llospital; showing what heroic Christian fortitude and enduranee are exhibited .by our brethren in arias. , It is entirely: undeitoniivational, and is therefore welcome 'at every loyal Christian fireside. • Early in November .a serial of absorbing interest will be commenced from the pea of a gifted nuttier, ono who has written some of the best juvenile books that Vase been pub lished for the'past.ten years. The publishers offer. a.. beautiful Premium Plate of "Enrist Blessing Little Children'{ to any ono who will get ntrrn list of Five neiy •ittbscribcrs for the Sunday School Timm - - Send for a specimen copy, 'which will be mailed free on receipt of. .a stamp to pay postage. • J.Q. GAIIRTGUES &.00., Publishers and Booksellers,. • : 148 S.*Fotirth St...Philadelphiu, Pa. "A COMPLETE :PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE TIMES." "The Best; Cheap - st; awl most Success-, Jat f'amilJ Loper in the •Upion." 'IIARP.ER'S.WEEKLY, • ~....§PLEN*DfDLY ILVUSII3.A.TED. ' 3 1 617cei . of the'Pr'ess," — t•The hest Family Paper published in the United States.''—Hero London Advertiser. i"The Model 'Neuptifier oef our country.— comilete lb all the Departments of an Amer i eau' Ili ily paper—liarPer's - Weekly has earn ed for itself a right to'its title "a. JOURNAL OP CIVILIZATION !"—./Vi E Evinike• Post. "This paperfurnishes the bestillestrationa. Our future historians will enrich themselves out - 9f th,irper's Weekly long after writers,and paiatersomil.publislii!rare - itiimid to dust." Yea Evil .A. necessity in. every household"—Boston Transcript. 'lt is at once n leading political and histo rical annalist - of the tuttion.";--Th:/.14 “The best of its class iti Amer:tee—Boston Traveller. • SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1865• The Publishers have perfected a system ,of, !ll:thing - by which they can supply the Ace-', Mue'and 'Weatur yiettiptly 'to fttose,WlDS pre fer to receive their periodicals directly from the °dice of Publication. Posimasters andl others desirous of gctting., up Clubs will be' itippliettait a , bara±somekictovial show-bill! on application. ,The: postage ott I - Int - pees Weekly is 20,eents ' t ear. which must be paid at the lubacriber's TERMS HARPER'S WEEMS, one year $4 00 An rent Copy of either the Weekly or Maga . - zino will be euppliedgratis for every Club , of Five Subscribers at 00 each, in one remittance ;or Six Copies. for $2O 00. Back-Numbers can be supplied at any time. 'The Aanual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, is neat cloth biarlit.m.vrill be sent by express. free •of ckpeose; fOr each, , Acomplete Set, - eartiprisingsEig4tlrolumes nenCon - receipt of cash at the rate of $4 50 per vol., freight nt exiinuse of purchaser.. /.thiress • • HARPER 4Sr. BIiOTHERS, •- •4. 'igranklire.,Sqiiare., Kew York. sCLEADJ ACADEMY. • The Fall. Term wili,commence Augnst,3lst 1861 and continue thirteen weeks. Tuition Bunt ;3400 10 $B.OO per term liourkcnn be Said ;Rooms for elf-tiourdilift can be bad in the Academy 4trildintts :it $2.00 per term., • MI - E.: WILAN. A. II; •fiSsisteo . hi; other Tenchers:.•'. • .• - - A Teachers''Clais organized for the instruction of .tettolirsiinshcir and other %anai& sids;yritibekisedr: -. SfAnTill; - Pr'ellaent: STA.NLY mein Secretary. ~~~-.r Winter Gpods ICE otmsTiBD7s qttten awls. invittd to ,the large and itttractiie-. , :steekjust r receiv, ed . ; and ; for sale as low as the same qualities can heSbouglit anywheta In the county. ' " We live:on bittid: a large , and varied as.; sort m ent of Doritestio'Cottqns,. co" , tprising BROWN SHEETING,S, and • _ aIitTINGS, A BLEACHED Imsrlzis, DENDLS, • • ' - • ' ' STRIPES, CHECKS, .TICEENGS, and COTTON FLANNELS on wbicb we cannot be:undersold:, • We-puicbase ow' grinds for Cash and offer theta at'a very 'small advance • Froixii.Cost.',A FLAN.NE.LS... . mint to purchasii GRAY, • •' . • ALIJE;V PLAID•FItE.NCS SHIRTING PLAN NE - 1, call At Olmsted's. ,•.,,, . , , • DRESS GOODS;. • DEL'AINES; . ' • • - -~PRLNTS,'• •- - ' El - tom, and ' WOOLEN SIIAtS, ROODS,' • ' • . SONTAGS, ' NUBIAS, ' BALISORAL SKIRTS, • CLOTIIS, and CASSIMERES, ' a fall sdpply • At Olmsted's. CLOTHING. yION'T fait to call before purchasing and see the assortment • • Zlinsted,s BOOTS &-SHOES .OR r.,t and lien, IVo h men &thildran, in great ca- For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, in fact everything in the Grocery line, call AT OLMSTED'S A full asebrtment of almoit eferythink That is litelOn a countrygtote On: hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell good articles ta the lowest livirig profit. AT O.L3ISTED,,§, ",~~ ~~z~~~~~ Graia of all kinds, Butter, Wool, - . Sheet Pelts, Pfirs, Deer Skins Alio,• County, Township and School Orders, for all of which ;the highest prices will - be paid • Al Oi, sslEil's Coudersport, Pu,Nov'r 18, c9Bl 1564 13rings ninny n change, therefore I Litre con eluded to change mysystem of - di:dog business and I shill hereafter sell for °ASTI - or PRODUCE, • , BUTTER, LARD; EGGS, RAGS,. GRA IN, DRIED BERRIES, i m o y tm stoc t k o c i. )f Groceries I I have a choice - GREEN, BLACK, add JAPAN. SUGARS, • -MOLASSES, HONEY SYRUP SALARATUS, • COFFEE,. Afso, PREPARED coryka, MUSTARD, : - • SPICE, „ • ..PEPI"EII, tta., Jo. hare tcgood stock (hought. so, that I am .enabled. to scilot prices current before the War) of DRUBS, and ' • - PATENT MEDICINES; Mo, KEROSENE OIL. YA.N KEE XOTIONS, •.. EXTRACTS, aad are still kept. FLOUR,. PORK, , MEAL of all kinds. And many other things too-nointrous to ineation kept constantly on - band and'isill be. Sold for. . • .LESS PROiFIT , ' than over before offered in this market. E. K. SPENCER. Jan. 20, 164. - • Dr. A. PRE CH's OpLEBILATED .. TONIC "'BITTERS RE b _ . . • , . ecoming. the most-popular ItleAreine tt. h eirenlation for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINT;) bYSiBPSIA,. :4A-17N - DICE, -DEBISITY.-OF:.THET.NNIWOUS iSYSTEM,..and: WEAKNESS of Abe STOEACH.timi .DIQESTIVE ORGANS. is`ls 7 ,drio7galoing a great repotAtion , in. the CURE .1)( Principal 01%co; Cott diraport, Po.tir Co., Pa. 11A1PritiFili*K*417 jl:o4 , lll4 l ,klAkni,-• ; ";• -•-• , . .; • .1" HATrE r FOUND irk 1 1 0, Was the eicteinetionetthiAstiosicart whs. . , ~., • • Bret dieenieredthat the iverltinnved - in its orbit';" not leit)ciyous:llo peen the' exelanta , . • 4oie ef'iliote:wll6 hav,e 'found, Tiir CR, GOODS•eun: purc4aied'FlF:rEEN or TWENTY PER CENT.',beloiv llti) market 1)0; and Set flit them as repttawated. Two ibbits are to be consideied iu purebasieg poOda . : •Quality - and Ole Piiaa; and par= chasers studying both, can be'better'sn.tisfied with oar stock'than any otherin this or ad- joining twictibefV-e -haying TRASH." NcoN;r your•time Vro, 'ollie a GOOD ARTICLE. "Delays are data. gerona and sometimes fatal ! " DOrei wait another enormous advance in Goods Theloll6lring:is butt a partial list of onr lark,e discirtmesit The ; attention of the Ladies- is called,to the stocleof Merinoes,Black,Brown, Blue, Maroon. Drab and White. Some of these were bought precious to the - rise and will bp sold nearly as law as present wholesale prices at JONES' • ,Ladies - Cloth. Blaa, Grey, and Fanny Colors at JONES' Cassttneres; Striped, Checked, rind Plaids Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and Cottoundes of 1 - the vets best quality at JONES' Mourning Goods Blacl . i Silks, Alpacas, Empress Cloth, Bomba • Sine, Delaines, Rep Cloths; and Black an,i Purple Goods of various kinds at JONES' Ileary SheetingF, three-quarter, four-quarter five-quarter, foe unbleached; Pillow Cast and Sheeting Ittslin, Shirting, Ten-quartei bleached for sheets at JONES' At 01n3Eited's Barred Ainslin, Plain Jaecnet, Cambric for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslins, Nainsool Muslin, plaid, striped or plain, and Bisho i Lawns at JONES' Embroideries Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Undersleevec with or without collars at JONES' Hoods, with bibs or points, for Infants and Children, Misses and Ladies ; Ntbia's, Under• sleeves and Caps at JONES' • . • . Prints For Children, Shirting Prints, plain black. white and black,blue and white, and all kinds of Fancy, at JONES' Gents' Black Broad Cloth, excellent quality bought hefOre the rise. Cassimetes, blacl silk mixed, black and fancy Doeskin, striped. plain, and Plaid in fancy"colors, and Clotb for Thole stilts at , ' JONES' Women's wont ribbed, cottonon ribbed, cotton plain. eolorei and white, plain or , fleeced. Girls' white, brown, mixed, wool or cotton : and wool balmoral stockings..' • Kens' home and city•mae , ., Boys', all sizes, white or mixed, iit JUNES' 1864 For Ladies. Gauntlet and Hand Gloves, ELI Linen, Cotton,.Plain and Fleceed'Silk. Gent tine Driving Gloves, Cassimeres, at JONES' For Ladies; Sliep4erd's Plaid, Brodie, Long and Square, 'Woolen Plaid; a great variety of elegant colors at - JONES' Of domestic and for. , igu manufacture. We can assure out' patrons that we believe 0111' stock this spring to be more attractive in this line than ever before. JONES' With only tiro breiidths, Taking it necessary to - hit Vet at two seams in a full Skirt, in a great variety at ' 'JONES' Tens, Suars, Choice Syr.ip, Good Ina Ccrffee, West ladiland Dandelion Coffee, Rice, Corn Starch, Farina, Cocoa, ac., at . JONES' Cloth, Tooth, Nail,:Hair, Hot, Paint, Varnish and Artist Brushes at • JONES' Drugs and LE'ancv Articles 'Oils, Paints, and Is,ye Stuffs, White pead in Tin Cans,Alcohol, Camptiene,Kerosene.Lamp and Lamp Fixtures. . Glass , Patent. . Medicines. Chemicals, Botanielti Barbs, Perftimery,Fancy fieittp , and Toilet articles, tG um, Bair, Ivory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine• assortment of Flavoring: Extracts, Pens, Ink and Paper, and Linseed git—raw and boiled, at • &OBS' FA NCY,SOAP, PERFUMERY, • - Cl4::)ithing tame and Dlen'a at: JONES' - Boots and Shoes • . Cleeyery`itescription and the ,best, quality, at astanisliitig low pricag, at "JOlslE§' 'Wa Papex Nall . , „ Ceiling, Paper, Transom PAper, Window Cur iains, Borders, Tassels ind Fisinkes,. at Xs. HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, :WILLOW - - WARE; lIAILS,ADOX; PLOWS, AVLNDOW TSASH,. FLOUR, :PORK; _and FEED, in - tact, eyei7thing that the peoplebeed Can be bid at All a which will be sold atitbe. - lowerst rates 7- 7C - FOUTTV. T .ft - MTPrr47 6ll3l /lit . - Merinos.; Boy's Wear Domestics White Goods Woolen Goods Cloths Rlosiexy Gloves Shawls Delairces Baliki.or.6l'SWrts Groceries Brushes, Conderepwt, Ps., 31111 P, 1868. - Neff lialnll # 4.l:44l3:Mar, XYNIE R&TIARO6.I2O.;—. i trave;ries[ifie Northein, sud ;Northwest counties of Peonsylvanin to the city bt Eit#, Tf Iss,oede leased tip the Pennsylviinia Rail Itou'd r ,cereptikf t 'nfid.t add' their • auspice§ being : ripidlz' opened' throughout its entire 1t: is now in use for Passenger and Freight business frtim li'arrishurg• to St. Ilarfs (21c miles) 'on , the Eastein Division, and from. Sheffield to •*le, 178' iniles)' on the Wester' , •,• - O .: . PAF . SESOin. TRAI.I3 AT ,131POLJUlt Leave Eastward. -"-. ," Throitgh Mail : Train ' 2 10 P.. 11 teive'Westward. Through Mail Train - ' 10 10. A. IF ; Cars , 'run through WITUOVT cna.sos botl ways between' Philadelphia and Leek Havet tud between Baltimore and Lock Haven. ; Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Train' both wigs , between Williamsport and Balti more, rind Williamsport and: Philadelphia. ' For 14161 m i -tit n respecting Passenger busi nets apply at the S. E Cor. 12th and Market itieets. And for Freight business of the Company': .‘gents: S: 8.. Itingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market 3ts., Philadelphia. Reynolds Erie: - S. Drill; --Agent N. 0:11.-1: BalthnOrel , H. 11. 'fiattsrosi '• Oen't Freight Agt. LEwts L. Honer, Gen'l 2Teket 4gl. Phil'a. Jos. D. POTTS, Grn'l Manager, Williamsport. Rare Chances ! I offer for sale on reasonable terms and lib eral time: ONE FARM !-146 Acres-46 Cleared ONE FARM !-235 Acres—SO Cleared ONE FARM l-50 Acres-15 Cleared ONE - FARM !-300 Acres-5 Cleared And lots of other,Fartns and Land. Some,money may be required down. Lucien Bird. Brookland, Pa., Jnly 2, '64 tf Baring secured the services of HENRY S. COWEURN, BLACKSMITH if twenty years experience in England and America. lam prepared to furnish Carmel: tnd travelers with the best of • Horse and Ox Shoeing. Shingle Knives, Butcher Knives &c., promptly L. BIRD, Proprietor, Brookland, Potter Co., Pa. formerly called Uushingville. May 25, 1864. . AT. H. J. OLMSTED'S STORE can alvniys be found the best o Cooking, - Box and Parlor S T()VE S. Also. TIN and SHEET IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, , SA?-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also , Agricl.tural Implements. .uch as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, a . c. HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS pat up in any part of the County—Terms easy, Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. ! Store on Main Street opposite the. Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, PUTNAM' Clothes Wringer Will ming anything from a tingle Thread to a Bed- Qnilt. ' PRICES : $5.50; $6.00i. and $B.OO. P. A, Stebbins & Agent for Potter county.—Jan 25. 1863 j", L BTU 11\ & •Paying the 'highest price in CASH for. • WOOL! 50,000 POUNDS WANTED! Coudersport, .Tune 28, 1864. P. 4. Stebbins & Co;" :ARE AGEN'IS.for the We of WHEELER & WILSO.N'S 'HEWING MACHINES for Potter County Nor'r 18,'63 • • DR. TQBIAS___,° , • VENITIAN rarAs - GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAC TION during the fourteen years it has been': introdate into: the: United, states. After being . tried, by Amillions, it has been procla:wed the pain destroyer of 'he world. Pain . cannot, be where this liniment-Is tip-. plied. ,If.used as cannot and net et has failed in a• single instance. For colds, ,cougbs and' inlttienia, it 'can't be beat. One 25 cent' bottle will e:nreall tbe-abore, besides beinguseful in every, favaily for `stuidenticci, .dents, 'lnch al bire7ns, cute, 'saalds"-:' insect stings, -&c. -It,' is perfectly innocentr ' to take iriternally,''.end ' , can - . be' :given :to: the:oldest version ti' youngest child. " -:Price 25 and 50 trite . n bottle, ;Office. 56.-Cartiandt Street, ,esrfforic,_ _Sold by all drtiggists. -„. -G. - Orremb FOR n BUTTtht, • - - E: `H; Speincer . _ -A.frerlstyc oi 8 21.PARa l*-- : sus enures ma: satin: rot ;nisi • Scrofulous ,Eisessm 71.ost..,Pnery..Edet a welt....iumn ma-emit: of Oz. "I hare sold largo qtiantitics‘of your SAtts.tP.t nti.t.... t t but' never yet durfbottle-Whieltfalledbf tiro desired effecrand full tuttlenetiort tothoee who took St. As Vast as one peopla trrit.. ll, PY llgtec lbws Itss becnno medicine like it before in onr, cot inanity." Pius Eruptions, o es, tam Di. cent, Sores, - end all -Dise.isesbrtha From Rev: 11014: Slrailash,-Cristol, - Eaptapq. Tay fluty tolott watt ilia ludAir I add thy testimony' to that yen pablVsli °Vete me dicinal kirtues of your SASSAVAIt -3ly d: me n . ter, aged ten; bad tut-ufilicting huntoria lirr f are. eyes, and hair for tears mid:4i we ware utetbts to earls until we tried your' S.vusacantl.l-t. ' been well fur sonic mouths: , • • From. Mrs. Jana E-Rioe, n Ttiel/-bnairi anti tato'. et:tented Iturg of Denalsrille. flak c CI., N .1, My daughter has sntrerc.i for n year !mut with a scrofulousr eruption.; %Odell vunt.lroubleuoote. Nothinr. afforded any miter until we tila your SAIISAVARILLA,W III .4 I soon completely cured p r om_chnrks P. Gage, R 67., of the tei - lelg:biAlen, " Gage, Murray , ". Co, orautitattrer.3 (Yew:awned papers in . :Vas/ma, - had for several years a very trouldesomo humor- ht rayi face. wlthdt • grew. roalcia:U f y worn with it di:dip:urea my features awl beiama xi intol erable affliction: I tried almost every thin a mart could of both adrix and Medicine, bat withlmt any rellerwhatever, until I toot your Stus.tpanita.t. It Immediately my ca,u, worto, yin tot Ime it might fora time lad la a rov weiks the new skin began to form tinier the Votellen, mut (O-1- timed until . my' face la,as smooth as le7 body's, and Lain witbout'anysyinptomu of the ,ftneile flu:t I. know, of: I - enjoy- perfect. Irau),ll, uti.lATlthout a doubt owe it to your 6.trrs.w.tauaa.” • ' Etrvipelas—Generalthe Blood • From Dr, I:Obt.. Sorcht, flotalon St., Irmo ror:-. Dn.- ATER. I field= fail to remove Eru&Jti ynt and Scrofulous Soreia by the pemveciagnseot-your Sdnn.i.P.ittitta,sud I have just now cured ao attack of Malignant Erysipetosvint No , nitetuldiVuo possess equals the Sdits.inAnti.i..i. you have. sup plied to the pvoresslow as well as to the people." From J. E. JOliniton, G 97., Tratemao, Ohio. .1" For twelve years, I ltad the yellow Errstpelas on my rir , -,ht arm, during which time I tried all the crlOrated physicians . ] conhl mtelt, and took Thin. dreds of dollars ‘vorth of, medicines. The ttleers were so bad lthat the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm mnst be amputated. I began taking your SA INA PA Took two hot tles, and sonic of your Together the: liave cured. me. _.I ma now as well and sound as any bole. Being, lu a public plate, my ease In kt10'0:11. to every body in this community, and excites the _wonder of all." Front Non. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of,..Yezetrstle, C. 11'., a leading tnentber of the .Catuutian f'arfin meat. • 01 have uFed your Sans tracts in my family, for general debility, mid for pull - ging tat 'brrsod., with eery. beneficial results, and feel watideacti in commending it to the Maintod.", Bt. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum Scald Road, flora Eyes: - From Hamm Staler, -En., the ithle editor, of the Tani:lain; l',lo, "Our only child,about three years of age, was attacked by pilm des on Lis forehead. They rapidly' hpread until they 'untied a hgliilSUlTlCAllti rirnknt sore, w9ueL covered his face, and actually tilladed Lis eyes for some days. _ A tiidltul physteteiapplied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the les teriug and corrupt wound whi;di euve‘rjsi his whole face. Having tried every thing elseNtsir had awe hope from, we - began your and applying the iodide of pitash tution, as yea direct. The sore Legau to heal when Are had given the first bottle , and'irus well whet' we had fi r md a o the second. The eyelashes, 101h:1111ml comu out, grew again, mid he is now tla healthy nod Ns as ally other. The \thole. Ilelghbailood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis aid Mercurial 1/Isease. From fir. /firma Stoat, qr "I find,-your S.II:SAPARILLA /1_ toore ' effected remedy for the secoudery symptoms of Stritpias and for syphilitic Like:v:42 titan uuy otlem we lIK)tit•CS6. The proiessiou ore iudelucd to you tor somoof the best mediclues we have." _ Front A. J. French, Jr. 17., art eminent phygician or Laurence, Mass., who is a Pr01111)10a 11Lillthfl tic the legislature of. latmichuse.ts. Du. Aral:. My dear Sire,' have feint] iour SARSAF.VI:II.I..i an exceileut remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary anal secondary type, and el-ac tual in some eases that Were too obstamte to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we =rem ploy with more certainty of success, where a power lel alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Thu Liew, of Nem rfrunsteletz, had dreadful ulcers on his ig e, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite Of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, Until the persevering use of Al* Ma's SA MAPAIIII.I.A relieved hint. Few cases comm be found more hiveteratatual distressing than this, and It took several dbzen bottlFs to cure him LO6COrrhCett, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ul ceration, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SA CS.% Some cuts rer_irc. however, in aid of the SAUSAPARII.I.I, the 4dlfut application of local remedies. From the well-A - amen mad wide . ly-celebraied Dr. • • .Incot. Morrill, of Chico multi; • "I have found your 5.5.P.5Ar.11:11.1...t nn meellent alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of- Irrem,, 11404*, Lencorritrea, Interaal Ulceration - , and local debility, arising, from lite serofitlons have yielded. to It, and there are few - that dtenot, when its effect is proi)erly aided by local treatment." A lady;' unwilling to allorc the publicatiail of hee . • . name. wriles : "My dangli . ter and myself here been cured of Tory debilitating Leueorrlima of long standing, by two bottles of your ' - "Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys. • pepsia, 'Heart Disease, Neultlaia; when connect be Scrota /a in the syitem, arc rapidly cured by this Lxr. 6.IIISAP.VAILIA. • AYER'S CATHARTIC .PILLS possess so many advantages over.the, other purgatives in the market, itratlicir superior virtues are so universallY knoVm,thatwerieed not do more than to assure : the public their quality is maintained rival to the: hest it ever has' been, and that they.may be 42pc.nclei; on to do all thAthey have ever done. • •-= Prepared by J. C. Al Ell, M. I)., - 4 Co., Lowell, Mats., and sold by - • .• Sold by C. 5..& E. A. Jones, Coudersport, Chappel Bros., Ulysses.' , C. H. Simmoes, Oswnyo. .; Mann /c Nichols, Miliport. . & Co., Rouleti. and by Dealers everywhere. *. .• SAPONIFIER., r Concentrated Le Fatally Soap Maker. ; WAR makes high .prices; Saponifier helps to reduce them. It makes SOAP for FOnlitts. a pomttd by using your kitchen krepse: ger c\ TIONi As spurious-Iles are of. fered also, be earefut and bdy the PATENTED article put np ib Iron eani,T all others being COENTERFEITS. pENTISYLVANIA SALTMANIIFACTVEING Co, PIMA DELPIIIA—No. 12T Walnut Street. PIT iSIICIRG—Pitt Street and Dtionestie Way Costar'sVermin' e Extertriinator For Bate, Nice, Roaches, lipths in rmrs,. Woolens, &c.. ,insects coillainsi //awls, Animals, &c. "Put tip ia - 2,5e:500:-ond $1.04 Rozes;-Bottlei, and Flasks, - s3 — and ftb slzesforilotels, Public Institutions, 4te. , . 4014 Tcmedielanckwl76 1 L - "Free from Poispni."bf trot dangerOus to the human Fetrillp" "Rats come on t ,of their liOlei;t6. OW? * * *Sold Wholesale, in all'largerOitio...... * Bo *§old by . cal Drutgists add Ret.49cr4V.P7- .;trh ere. , * I Reirare II I oll4oiihiesi It - Mutual:4 it. * *Se e thO, ,, CoSTAIt'S", Tlfenr,j! pu r sttif,h Bos, -Bottle-and Frisk, before you *' *Address - * • *Printifit'l Depot 482 Broadwq4 N:Nr. * * *sOld by - - • ' - p. A; STglißnlS it'et) Wholesalf & Retail 14,,,,,uts,'Grolzaitip&t:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers