. 6 THE, POTTER COUNTYJ9vprAii condenioit, wedinsday Evening, in. 7, 1884. Local and: General. *.See Myr Adveitisetrepts sea.,l7onnd-'Llin Monday, in the Methodist elinrch; a GOLD PIN, *blab. the: owner can have by eiliink at this opine. . ler'Liet , of Letiel rema:in:ing in the 'Post- Offlee atConderaport, Dec. 1, 1864: Sally Alen., Maje M Baster, Estella Bishop, Balling, Simeon Charles., Leonard Davis, R Drake, Walter B EmMons 2, J Francher,Leroy D. Goff, J W Harding, Polly Howland, Noble Perry Howland, Elsie Jackson, Reuben Sohn: ton, GI Lookout, David B Lowery, Amy Man taiga; II , J Marcy, Stephen Staysa, Martin Sweet, C. Wainwright, R Wood ' JOE N S MANN, P.,M. To the Enrolled Militia of Potter co=ty. NotiCe is hereby given; that the Board of Examination as: iuthorized by See. 8, of a supplement to an Act, 4, Providing for the Organization, Discipline and Regulation of -the Marla of the Commonwealth of Penn'syl vania" ,pe.seid the 22d day of Aug. A. D. 1864. will meet at the Court House in Coudersport, oa TOESDLY the 27t.1x day of December, 1864, where any person claiming Exemption unds l said Act of Assembly , or its supplement can attend for exao2ination. E. 0. AUSTIN, C. P. KILBOCIV, Comitissionera R. L. NICHOLS, !MASONIC FESTIVAL. There will bo nn adjourned meeting of Eulalia" Lodge, No 342, on .St. John's Day, Dec. 27, 1864, at 2 o'elock P. M., for the put, rose of Installing officers and other business. There will - also be a Supper at Glassmire's Motel, v. 7 &clock M., and a Cotillon Party In the evening. All - members of die Lodge are invited to attend. Ity order of Committee WAGON SHOP! snbseriber Iptving located in Lewis ville is prepared to do all kinds of work iu his line, on short notice and in the best. manner. • Making ;Ind Itepaiiing of all kinds. 1 ant enabled by the aid of ma .chinery to do wink in the wagon-line better and cheaper than any other y,t,thlishment in the county. I ant also preptred to make ,COFFINS. , EDSON HYDE. Ulysses, Penn'a, Pte. L 1146-1 TUE•CuNFES - AuNs AM) fKetitA.ii:.&CE, 05. AN INVALID. Publish , ft for the benest and as a caution to ,young men • and others who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of illlan hood, de., supplying at ,the same time the means of self-cure. By one who has cured himself after, undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed en yelope, single copies may be had of the author NATHANIEI, MAYFAIR, Esq. : Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. Editor of .74urnal :—With your permission I wish to say to the yeaderilof your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with full directions for mak tug and 'using a simple Veg Mable Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tau, Freckles, and nil impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth still beautiful.. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will unable them to start a full grovth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a .llonstitelle, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail w thout ch:trge. Respectfully, sours, THOS F GHANIAN, Chemist, 83d Broadway, New Pori;. 3m31 PRICE crtutENtr, •Corrected every IVednestlay by P. A. STEB BINS & CO., Retail peelers in Groceries nn i Provisions, opposite I). P. Glassmire'i Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. Apples, elven, do dried, _ " Beans, Beeswax, 131 lb., Beer, Berries, dried, Tol quart Buckwiteitt, 11l bush., Buckwheat Flour, Butter, tb., Cheese, " Clorerseed Corn, -to bush., Corn Meal, per cwt.., ggs, doz , Flour, extra, do superfine ' 6 Hams, 1.1 lb., Hay, ton, Honey, per lb., Lard, - , • Maple Sugar,,per lb., Oats, "11 bush., Onions, " Pork,l bbl., do lb., do in whole hog, Potatoes, per bush., ' • Peaches, dried, V lb., Poultry. - V It, Rye, per bush., Salt, "bl bbl., do 11 sack, Timothy eel : - Trout, per f bbl., Wheat. 11 bush., White Fish, Estate of George Edo Dee d. NOTICE. WHEREAS, letters of Administration on the estate of George Bites, late aide bron township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby giron to all persons knowing themselves indebted,to said estate to call and settle immediately end those having claims to present them for 1 , 4i - tient . • ' POLLY ESTES, Admipistratrix. Hebron, N'oi.'22, :864 6t VAsa PAID FOR EGGS, by E. Q. Spencer. 111 'IINT'S BLOOD! OF ROSES,—for the L. /1/4 dies,—Ett STEBBINS' r THE TRIIWNE FOR 3.5054 i , I"B . ,iSSP.tOTT,TS':: •- ' - .1 The Mtlitary.and Revol successes - of 1864, with, the, auspicious result of our PreSidefitial contest, hare, lifted a heavy weighefroin the • breasts of i the.l. ! oyal)lillions_of our ciaimiry men., It is now felt,eied by those who have been distrustful..and faint-hearted; that the _Unioa) is to, emerge triumphant from, the deadly strife :whercinto..ehe was so wickedly precipitated by her. assailants, and thiit:Sla, very, her. relentless foe, is Lo encounter the fate, of Rama n.... The perils , o f foreign infer- . vention and of Western/Insurrection are safely passed; AHRAFfA3I LIN6LNj no longer assail able as the cholce_ of minority, hbldi 'the helm of State for fourl e rtra longer; the Re bellion, palpably, wen rtedhy its defeats and losses during. the year, •noyt closing7-With, its credit so rednced that. its pulse-bearer otTi. chilly _declarss that its Treasury Notei can only, le exchanged ,for. coin, at the rate of twenty-five for one, while its bondi Command but six cents on the dollar—but, awaits the' blew which, shall•sman strike the.atiord: from its parricidal hand and remit its master-spir its to the justice, or it may, be to the clemen cy, of a sorely wronged and justly incensed but forbearing -and magnanimous People. Such are the auspices which justify ,our faith that the year sooh to open will see the Stars and Stripes, float unchallenged from every battlement in the, Republic, and the perfect law ofliberty: for All immovably imbedded in the Constitution of our Union. Tan Nnw-Yonn Taistran, .founded in 1841, , will enter upon its twenty-fourth year with quickened hopes apd enlarged means of use fulness. Its prineples,need no re-statement : its, aims are the `diffusion of, intellig,ence and , the inculcatiOn of a spirit'of Preedom and Sunianity. When this truth shall have been generally recognized and established as the basis of our institutions and polity, that in justice to the poorest, the weakest, the most despised, is a fearful mistake—that no com munity or State Can afford to 'wrong even, it. humblest member—then will our land, bask once more in the calm sunshine of peace and prosperity. Tim Talon rt h as for the last year beeimmb fished Without profit volts proprietors, solely because of the depreciation, of our Currency below the specie standard, compelli7g 'us to buy paper and other materials at a cost con siderably above the full ,amount received from our subscribers. On 'our Weekly edit.on, the net less has amounted to many thousands of dollars; while our large receipts from Adver tising have been wholly absorbed by the,ex.. traordinary expenses for Correspondence, Telegraphing, Sze., devolved on us by the War, As we do' not suppose our patrons de-ire that we should . work for them at. our own cost, and prefer not to_be patronized by any who may desire it,. we have scmewhat ad vaneed thy me ensuing year the price's of our I Semi-Weekly and Weekly, as %ye liad already done with those of our Daily editions. This increase is purely nominal : there was never before a time when the fa:raters °four country could buy Tae Tatausx for so little of thel., own products or labor as they can by the following Single copy, 4 'cents. Mailsnbscribers,l eepyl yr-312 nos, $lO 00 SEIII-WEEKLY TIIII3UNE. gait subscrsbers,l copy,l year-104 nos. 4 00 do 2 copies do do 7 00 do 5 copies or over, for each -3 00 • WEEKLY TIIIIATNE: Mall subseribers,single eopy,l yr,52 uos, 2 50 ‘to Clubs of five 10 00 Persons remitting S2O for 10 copies, will re ceive one copy extra, gratis. Persons rentitting, $4O for 20 copies, will re ceive one copy Semi-Weekly, gratis. Persons remitting $BO for 40• copies - will re ,ceive one copy Daily, gratis., Drafts oh New-York payable to the order of "Tile TRIBUNE," being safer, are ptiferable ty any other mode of remittance. But where drafts cannot •be conveniently procured, united States, or Natiolial•Ba7nk bills are the next best; and may be sent by mail; but iu case of loss, Tnn , TRIBUNE will not be respon sible unless furnished with a full description of the hills, including the name of the bank, denomination and number, and the time and place of the mailing of The letter with the enclosures, Address Auditor's Nojice. THE undersigned, Atiditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Potter.ctunty to distribute the funds in the hands of the Ad ministrator, arising fronisale pf real estate of B. T. iloxic, dec'd, among, the persons legally entitled thereto, will meet the parties inter ested, at his office in Coudersport, on Satur day the 17th day of December next, at 10 o'clock. A.. 11., and perform the duties of bis appointment. DAN BARER, Auditor. Nor. 14, 1564 at $_ 75 to 1 00 300 250 300 350 40 , GO 8 9 15 2i, 87,100 300 375 35 38 20 25 7 - 00 7 - 50 125 . 150 375 425 Register's Notice. To 4 Credit ore, Le,gfoces, ard,otherpersons ferested: NOTICE is hereby gicen that the following named persotts did 'on the dates affixed to their names, file the accounts of their ad ministration to the estates of those persons deceased, dm., whose nautes•are undermen tioned, in the office of the Degister for the probate 'of Wills and granting Letters of Ad ministration in and for the county of Potter, and that the same will be presented to Me Orphan's'Coutt of said county for confirma tion and 'Ailowance'on the .19th day of Deer next at 10 o'clock, a. m , at the Court House in said county : 12 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 25 20 00 25 00 .15 20 25 .30 20 25 '75 80 100 125 35.00 40 00 20 25 12 15 63 88 25 30 .-8 10 15D -1 88 .7 00 23 280 350 800 900 175 200 . 800 000 • Final account of:J.-W.-Bird, administrator of the estate of Beni. T. lloxie,tite of SWeden township, deceased. DAN 'BAKER, Register. Nov. 23, 1864 to - • --- French Burr Mill Stones, Manufactory Liberty SI. near the Won Factory . HARRISBURG, PA. - "undersigned announees to the trade that .he' continues .io manufacture and import direct from the most celebrated, quar ries in France, the. best qnalities of: , - -- French Burr Mill Stones!, • which he offers- it reasonable antes and guar antee's satisfaction to the purchaser. Also, every number in use, of the celebrated OLD AUKER GRANO' BOLTING:CTOT,R, Orders by mail :promptly attended to, and goods forwarded by, railroad, canal, or express if desired.. WH, A. RHPN.ER, 3m23. No. 10. West,State St: Harrisburg. . , V, 11. -SPe,n . cees Ready May Store is 1 iii a . the. only strictly Cash Store in Cpuder sport. If you wish to. buy Goods for. mg, call at Spencer's ENT'S BLOtili.OF ROSES,—for the Le 4ies,-4,44 • STEM'S' TERMS. 13AILY TRIBUNE. TIDE TRIBUNE, New-York Court - Proclamation. . j~~HEP.EAS fire liciii.ltribert7G. White, V V' 'Presideht ludge,JandAtlielions. C. S. Zones and G G. Colvin, .Associate Tudges , of the qemitts o,,Ofe'r",t Tertalnee and; 'General Jail Delivery, Quarter SessiOni of the Peace, Orphany f Court and Court : of Coiration Pleas for the countfef P.Otier, have issued' their 1 precept, bearing date the twenty-fifth ,day of Sept, in - the year of Our LA one thou sand eight hundred-and sixty-four,, and to me directed, for boldieg Court - of Oyer L- Vega ger Itnd- General -Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions Of the Peace; Orphan's court, and court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Couders- Port,' on' MONDAY; the 19th - day of:Deer, next, and-to continue one week: .., :.• • Notice is therefore hereby givenlo the Cor oners, Justices of the ,Peace and Constables' within the eciuntY, that they be then and there in their proper personsoit 10 o'clock, 4.11. of said day, WWI their 'rolls, records, ingaisi Arms, examinations, and other remembrances, ft,* those' things which' to their offices ap pertain to be done. And those.wbo are bound by their - recognizance's' to .prosecute - ageing!, the prisoners that are or shall , be in the jail of. said county or Potter, are to be then and there , to prosecute against them as, will be just. • Dated at Coudersport, Nov. 4, 1864, and the 86th year of the Independence of the United States Of America". • D. C. LA.RBABEE. Trial I.lst, Dee. Term, 1564, • 1 Jones, use of Srnith vs Reynolds , 2 Shafer vs May and Smith" 3 3 - DiClierin 'vs Abram and LeirisJOnei 4 Dickson vs Burleson 5 Wood vs W Chandler • 6 Colwell t.Lytnan vs C Chandler 'Price use of Bowman - • vs Ilutlnert 8 Burdic vs Fay, Bradley k Wright 9 Warth - vs Radde 10 . Eastwo . od vs Lytnan I 11. Reitz vs Daggett 12 Goodrich vs Monroe 'l3 Lee vs Kenyon • ' IL J. CLIISTED, Protiff. Proth'y's Office, Nov'r -14, '64 To Road Contractors. ESPONSIBLE parties able and desirous IA of undertaking the building of the en tire or a part of a dug, road, (10 feet wide,) of from 12 to 15 miles in the South-Eastern part of Potter County, Penna., - pply for partieulars,to CHAS. ItIEINE, Esq., burvej , or, Germania, Potter Co,, Pa. June 8, 1864.-tf. , The Rochester 'Straw-Ciitter. jAhIISTED' & KELLY, Coudersport. bare If thq eiclusive agency for this celebrated machine, in this. county. •It is cocenient, du rable, add CHEAP. Dec.l, 1860.712 State Medical Board. Headquarters Pennsylvania Militia, Hospital Department, Harrisburg, Nov 'r 10, 1864. I. NNE State Medical Board of Pennsylvania is .now in session in, this 'city, and will continue until further notice, to examine can didates for the post of Medical Officeri in Pennsylvania Regiments. The appointment of a number of Assistant Surgeons wilt be required immediately to fill vacancies now existing, as well as for others constantly occurring. Physicians of Pennsylvania, in good health, furnishing' proper testimonials as to moral character, &c.; will be admitted lathe exams. ination. • By, order of the Governor : • JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS, 1 Surgeon general of Pennsylvania MINK 'AND GREENBACKS. To Hunters and Trappers in Southern Al legany and Nofthern Pennsylvania be it known, that frorn'this till farther notice, the subscribers will pay FIVE DOLLARS EACH in greenbacks, for all healthy. living Mink, delivered to them in Wellsville. These Mink are now Worthle7:s for fur, and will remain comparatively so for three or four months, their skins not being prime till about the middle of December. Whole litters of Mink now prevail on the tributaries rof the Genesee .and Allegany, and can be taken in box traps. Persons catching them have only to keep them confined in a box well ventilated and kept in a cool place, with' a dish of good pure Water at all times in the box,and half a dozen if caught can be brought to market at once. Mirk can be caught much more readily now than when the season becomes advanced and cold, and will bring just as good price by selling to the subscribem Bring them along then, singly or by the dozen, and the money is ready, • WILLIAM W. COLE, ASHER P. COLE. Wellsville, July 19, 1864.-4 m. , Assessor's Notice. Concerning the Special Inceme Tax upon, the In- come of 1883: • 10/DIMSUANT to the provisions of the Joint R., Resolution of Congress, approved July 4th, 1864, notice is hereby given that thelists of assessment of the specialincome duty taken by the Assi.stant •ASSCSSOLs of the 18th Col lection District of Penn's, will remain ,open at their Offices respectively, for ten days after the Publication of this notice, for the exami. notion of all oersons interested.' Any matters of error or inequality com plained of will be heard and adjusted at the st4eral county seats in the District, as foltows Bellefonte, on Tuesday, November 29th, Lock Haven, on FtidaY.,December 2nd; Williamsport, on Saturday, December 3d, Wellsboro; on •Monday, December sth, and itt Goudersport, on Wednesday, December 7th. Immediately thereafter .a complete list of said tax vitt be placed in the bands of the Collector, —GEORGE MAL, - AssesSor, 18th District, Perin's. Boalsbarg, Pa.; Nov 14, 1864 2t On the Pours) . 100. Men and 50,Tifeetns'Wet n led. T°.go onto alumber Job, two miles above Benezette,Elk county, Penn's. Distance from here. 58'n - tiles. - None but GOOD Chop pers and Woodsrnen,good Tennis and Wagons, are wanted. Ready . for men the first of Octo ber; for teams, the 15th:`. Steady work until Spring. Pay for men : from . $3O io $lO per. month end found. For good horse-team and per : a4y and, found. For good ex team r. 2 per day and round; 'Me best route to the JO is down the First Fmk of the Sin netnahoning creek and Up Bennett's 'Branch. Enquire when there for my. Foreman, Michael .Cousttiey. The . Job Is a good one to, work teams on: Forty Dollars per ton wilt tie Paid for ali BAY brought in. -Bring in a load . ' , .FirALTON DWIGHT: ;'.Coudersport. Penn'a ) Sept. 14, 1864-, 11) A. STEIII3INS & Co. are closing up an I • . old Ledger. All persons indebted to them will please call and settle, before the accounts are left' with the proper officer for Collection.—Nov 18,'63 • SOAP Quesiou'f3ettled I Inquire et STEBBINS' • - 472 - g : .1 to ' I wish all persons laving' open accounts with me to call and settle immediately. I Will sell • Cheap for. Cash All my stock of Merchandise • Consisting of _ • . CLOTHING,- _ - BOOTS, and SHOES, DRUGS, CROCKERY,- GROCERIES, - TOOLS, .to., 1 Good Horse and Harness. !! 8 -Wagons, 1 Sleigh, 1 Ciater; _ . 1 Sulkey, The privilege of a good fishery in contp lilac working order. ID Vents paidfor good ASHES. _ LUCIEN MIRE , . BrOokland, Pa., Sept., 1864. To PROFESSORS Ow 4IISIC, AMATEURS, AND ERR MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY. P. A. Wundemann, Oisio aU4lthotise, 824 Broadway.. Having on hand the largest stock of Foreign Music in New York, which be imports from Europe expressly to meet the taste and re quirements of the American lovers of Music, respectfully calls attention to the fact, that he is now supplying Music of Evety Style at a Reduction of twenty-five to fifty per cent, less than anY other house in the United States. Private Families can be supplied (post free) by forwarding the cash to the above ad4ress. Should the amount of cash forwarded exceed the cost of the• Music, the balance will be promptly returned in postage currency. Dealers and Professors should not neglect this opportunity ; they will be liberally dealt N. B.—Any and every piece of Music(vocat or instrumental) published in Europe or A derica, will be supplied to order, if accom panied by the cash. Remember the Address, P. A. WIJND.ERMANIT, Foreign end American Music Ware-house, 824 Broadaray,ew York. 23°3 MANHOOD: HOW LOST l HOW RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwellls Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPREMATOESHORA, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal losses, furoruser, Mental ond Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar. riage, etc.; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induced by self-indulgence or , sexual extravagance: ger Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cens. The celebrated anther in this admirable essay clearly demonStrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cued without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing out a molie of cure, at once simple, certain and effecutal, by means of which ev ery sufferer; no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. gerTkis Lecture should be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. ' CHAS. S. C. KLINE k. CO., '127 Bowry, Now York,P-ost office box 458 6 Notice. GERMANIA, Potter Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1863. irk - TOTICE is hereby given chat Charles Ba- L shor, now or late of this county, holding the foiloWing described property, has not yet paid any consideration whatever fcr the same, and all persons are hereby warned not to pur chase any of said property of the said Bashor before the decision of the Court is given in this case and C. Bushor has paid to me the consideration money therefor. The fallowing is the property Ist. A certain tract of land near the Ger mania Mill,/ in warrant 5015. Abbott township, Potter county, Pa., containing 100 acres.— Also 25 acres in warrant l so7B_ and adjoining the above. 2nd. A. certrin tract of land, with Mill and improvements thereon, near Kettle Creek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartson township, Potter county, Pa., contaiidrii about2o4 acres. C. 13nshor holds also in trust warrant no. 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga county, Pa.-, on the road leadingfromGerinania to Gaines, containing )350 acres. • • WU. RADDE. • Estray. • - ( 1 AM to the.premisei of the substriber in itJ Harrison township, Potter county, Pa., about the 30th .of October, a two year old heifer, with a brown and brockled face.. The owner wilt come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be disposed of according to law iOHN SMITH. ITarrison, Oct. 13. [3w mtar A.- NUMBER of years-have elapsed since the introduction of HOSTETTER'S .CELE BRATED BITTERS to the public. The prej udice existing in the -minds of- many persons against what are denominated patentMedi eines at first - grittily retarded its sale, but, as its virtues and merits became known, this barrier of prejudice was%l erthrown, and the demand iacreased so• rap dly that in a-few years scarcely a village t•xisted in the United States in which the ' afflicted had not experi enceO Abe benefits arising ,frOm the, use of the "Bitters," and nt the' present day there are to be TOUnd in AL PARTS OF THE WORLD vouchers for the great merits of the article. No greater cure for Dyspepsia can be found. See Advertisement • : • For sale by Druggists AndileaJers generally everywhere. =:' The Last Call. NOTICE .is hereby given:that it, is_now ./.11• Four Years-since P.A. Stebbins and the undersigned closed theii business, and es. a part:of the debts due them which remain un paid now belong to Me. i will attend at the Store et'' C. .S."& E. A. Jones, in Coudersport, for the next thirty days,to rag:ice the pay on thetnY ie* indebted 'to :said concern, after A will be in 'the hands of an alit lection. A Word to the wise. ie sufSi SAMS. Con: tly 1; 1864. ' ' 1111=M!I 60 PER CENT. -SAVED AT REGULATORS Nos. I ik OSWAYO, PA., AND WELLSVILLE, N. T. FELLOW crrizrAcs, Friends and custom ers: I return my thanks to you for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me for the past ten years, and my business having so much increased, found it necessary to estab lish ray headquarters on the railroad, have selected Wellsvilje,and hereafter may be found at the Empire Store at the upper evict the village, where I shall be pleased to see all my old customers and as many new ones as maT feel disposed to favor me with a call. We are now opening a large stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, READY-MADE CLGTHING, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., and shall ever try to give all customers good bargains. To my friends and customers at Whitesville, 1 sincerely return yon my thanks for your liberal patronage there, and should you visit rue at Wellsville, I shall try to repay you for Good Shirfings and Sheeting, for 30 to 150 cents, worth 50 to 75. Best grades of Prints from 31 to 35 cents, worth 45. Good Deleins 25 to 37 'cents, worth 35 to 45. Good Plaid Alpaccas 28 to 30 cents, worth 50 to 75. Extra Plain Alpaccss 40 to 63 cents, worth 63 to 88. Extra all-wool Delains 371 to 50 cents, worth 50 to 7 5. Fine Mozambiques 22 to 25 cents, worth 38 to 45. Fine all•wool Merinos 69 to 80 cents, worth $1 to $1,50. A large stock of Cassimers, Et. Jeans, Sati -netts, Broadcloths, and other goods equally as low. CL 0 THLIra-- This branch of our trade we call your atten i on to in particular, as we can andvill save you 25 to 50 per cent. Fine suits from $l2 to $l5, worth $2O to $25. Good black pants for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. SILK ,SHAWLS,&C., of the Best and Latest Fashions, very low.— Fine Merinos, Tibet, Wool, Brochs. Stella, and most other kinds. Boots 4. Shoes. .?.. large assortment very low. Fine French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,25 worth $1,75. Men's Fine Calf Boots $3,75 to $4,75, worth $5 to SG. Hat: and Caps for Ladies and Ilents ) very low. Crockery and Hardware, auTts at prices far beloar the present taarket . prices. .M.eteis4 erne/ aantruileigget. FlotLi Pork, Fish, Zang; Tea, Sugar, Cofer, Pepper, Spice, &e., • la lOW 4.11 Can be 'bought in the .446., C. U. SEIDIONSt Welbrqs,lg. Y., Octobls, 18 Fall and Winter P. A. 'STEBBIN & Ears just received from New Yaks • lute stock of seasonable Goods whisk Roy will sell as low as say bows Is the CealAri, tai slating of • DRESS GOODS, ' PLAID POPZINS, SHOES, SZIWZS, Full stock of Midi's FASHIONABLE GLOMS! BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 4' CAPS, MKT sroci 0? Tea from 75 ctis. to le per, pout Cendsrrpstt, Sept. 21, VW =En New GOODS. gry. '4,17.0)3 la all varieties vis s DELAME4 POPLINS, ALPAteit'S, NOZ4tE3IGrIES BLACK SILKS, BALMORAL SZIRTs; CLOAKS, 0.&0417:NC15, CA&STMERE4 I= ROODS, NVBIAS, V.N7102,ei• Map &c., &c., GROCERIES, ALWAYS ON SAND, F. LITEBBINW Co-... Corner Ibis sad &emit SkitlllH, 11 EMI ME gLork
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers