Ili 9 Cotillion P,rty . In the Court House, on Thursday FA - ening:of iteit. week A gOod Band front Cilean,•l4. Y.. will be Rieseac t . Bill. including : .upper $l - of Arrangements---Capt. H. H. Cheesbro, - .T.,ietit.. 0: J. Rees. and - Stirg'ts L. Shattuck, Charles 115-ant. ,and ; .l i atnes pole. It is eipecteil that all the Boys of the 46th Will be present.' 'Classical SehoOl lop eV. J. W. EtHint will open a Cilhsc _La ical Sethlot in the Academy of fmnder port; for a Term or Twelve Weeki. 'On NipN. DAY, the 29th day of Fehruhry. inst. Mimi:. 53.50 'and S 5 per Scholar. ..-- 1 -The Tuition in Ail eases to be paid in advance. ' 'February 12th. 1864. VOLUNTEERS ATTEN7ION $3OO Co. Bounty ' • ' ~ . i I The Commissioners of Potter. county `will pay to each Voluoteer.under the last [pall of the.Presitientthe sum 'of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS, in ibe follow ., ing manneri— , :$lOO, Caeh, as soon as . ssvorta intalhe, United States serviee. '• 1 • ! $lOO in ..s. Bond, hearings interest, pay -able one yea , from date, in Caih, and $lOO in a Bond, bearing interest, ;ay able two years from date, in b l ush. i Theso Binds will be iniid in C4sll. when due; and no orders will.bc is,ned uinor them in any event, so that tliev;t - an not but remain par until . paig. ThiiCin connection with that offered,by the-Oov erritnentintakes a Bounty ;of 5602 to ilQw recruits and $702 to Ceteratn;.! 1 ; L. S. Ront.liTs(i. C. , 1' KILEO li liNi.. 1 'R. L. Nictiot,sl 1 : t,7ffitont,sioner,P. ILI zirstli•CAPi% L KINXEI I i; now :Agent fur :hi-, - ry ro'f.l) lint mot) and rqrttisl,,lrrmsplrattirtl. Dr. A. 'FIi,U,'NCT-I's bELEBILLI.TBD TONIC BI . ; TEAS . ARE he , ornin.i. the most p..;°l in cire.ll aim' for th, en e LIVER cii:ApLAINT J.lll. -N DICE, 0,131 . 0'.'Y OF THE ' SYSTENI tn'l ‘K.Nitl: 4 ;:i; ..r th CSTOI It'll t of DD4l , :.. triyi.: tIRG tN It is atilt° g - ThiaLr a gr'vot t.lttittAitt • • CURB 0f Di PT.tix.iti Ai • "Principal Office. Catidcr , p.o t,r WA 1• TE ...11 first-rate, steldy, LA 111, it . nmediately . ; L. Mill), Nor. 4, 1563 A T H J. ()I.Al6TriPz', !TortE he Olutulhtlie best lot Cooking, B.ix nod P..rlur 8 '1 1 '() E'S: • Atso. TIN and SLIEET 111.O\ ilrl.:111.1•:, POTS KETTLES, 9.i'IDEII.S:•• 'S7O ['OH 60W1.5. FItYING-PANS, SA?-SPAN.S, and CAL:I,I)- - ROSS. Also, • AgricultUral Implemeats.. such as FLOWS. SeRAPERS. cuur CORN-SHELLEM,' HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, kc. . ' • ISIS WORK • is well made and the material good. Good .and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms e i asy. lteady Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. , . 1 _Store on Slain Street oppdslte the Old Coon Rouse, Coudersport. Aug. 1..,18G3 - -50'. Executor's Notice NOTIOE is..beeebygiventbat lettersexecn execu- tory on the, last Rill and {estarnent, of ampitosE COREY, late of 1.71 , i,50es township- Portercounty. deed, jiilre.;,ll.lsilay.b.eep.gratit ed to the undersigned by the liegister of said 'eomity. All persons itidebr.di tn said desce 'lent will please mane pa % n%ea t atO thine hay elAlms tliem duly authentica ted for settlement. SUSAN COREY, lilysee's: N.; Sept. it. liC3:; tAPciattii*.; Or ConcPritratet;l Lye Family Soap Maker. . . , . .. ! :.WAR makes bigioricesl:Saponifier belpsio reduce them. lt makes So.llr for FOUR els. ,i pound by using your kitebea grease. i bar CA UTIONi. '.. As spurious Lyra are cif fered-.._ar:o. be careful and :I -1:11i.y the PATENTED article put up in Iran cans, nil others being (70IINTERFE1.18..- 4./Ini SYLVANIA SALT MANI/FACTURLFrG Co, 'PHILADELPHIAi—NiL- 127 Walnut Street. PITTSBUR =Pitt ..7s4re,et. Anti Duque,ne Way HE-CONFESSIONS AND •EXPERIESCE of an Invalid.. :Pdblislted for the benefit, and as a warning aria .t caution to young men auffCr from Nervous Debility. Premature ;7Dectiy:of Manhood. etc., saupbibg at the enme time:the:means of self=care.. ' By- oae who haS • cdred _himself after'being.put togreattxpense and injnrythro' ixtedipolfitualaug and quackery -By enclosing a poet-paid addressed envelope *highs copies may,he had of tlm,allitot! . ,NATHANIEL MA.T,PAIR,Osq.. - Bedford, Kings t onnty.,l4. Y. 1114UNT , _.5 BLQuli OF ROSgp,--rfor the Li 11. dies ; —al pTBBBINs, • =44.-msl2274WAtaiebEtslOs:AV,,xic.,...„;t2 . , DivQrce Notice. ; ; ; 18u4 EON . ..VA. LEVIS' ao. SOLT 1863 . i biiherine# Minas.% jif",Likbekitt,Divurce, l AUG - mu§ STREETER-r Taotiti Lewis, respondent, please JOHN LEWIS. J take notice that a subpcena 'and alias subpceint having been isAu ed. and rEturned n Jo JOIIN reipondent. , are notified :a'prisar - at'. our next term of Court to answer the complaints of lour said wi:e, -ELVINA• A. LEWIS. and show cause why a divorc'e should nut be granted. D. d. LARRA BEE, Sheriff Sheriffs Office. Jan. 20. 1864 cts. per quart paid fL r Blackberries. 1 1 4 cts per quart paid for Black EtasPig - ries 16 cts per dozen for Eggs MARY E COTTON. 3ept.T.1863. by her. next friend I Libehin Lbrorce. JA MES:L f .. - .JON.ES To.JA ESCOTTON. v s .l respondent, please JAMES COTTON. J take notice that a sulipcer a and alias subpcens hai-ing been issued and returned - F.Thil ; von James Cotton. respondent, are, llntifiall to appear at our next term of Court to answer the complaints of ;our said .*Tfe; Mar:i , E. Cotton, and show cause why a divorce should not be granted. • D. C. LARRABEE. Sheriff.. Sheriffs' Office. Jan. 20. 1864. WATCUMAKEW C. H. \VARRINER COIIIIIIIIPF Io repair CLOCKii,.WATCHES 7lntl JEWELRY' in Coudersport. and keep con st:nly on band and for sale a good Assort ment • Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry Of Hi- erre best quality. Also. PLATED wABE. ..• spEcTAcLEs. STEING - 1 . REVOLVERS: Is , . 1,11 , upply Fishing; Tackle hidh at the 1 west prh-es for Every Arth:le sohl warrinted to he :is represetred. 'hop M 'in ttsn d.inia nnrtjt.. ut A. Stel,hiiis'S: ('9's St- re, the sign 4:f the U. S. 5-2° 0?s. rite tan' Tiza, , ttry has mgt ret' _.v,•11 o u nce ••f .I,y t., pu! r fr..m l'.‘r, and until lio 1 iven. the -Gen :l :_ 4 0.) cr pt:•.o A.:cut will euntiutte to n. uo!.• :11/ 11111 of ;1., Imitu antuuriztut tivlt•lt•Al 11,diutu , f• Ihillars. Ne.rl% e . • .r Iluildr-d .:11,i,u,s have btcu already - sub ro.,•kt aud p iid into tag Ti nary. upostl th.• I,st mouths The I,trge ale 131 d em 1,,t1 fur tiSe the b.,Ais fur vire , ll:tfi , .n tw% S •tiou ,1 .11:,.:11,2; "rgni,l - it' p •.r w.ii .• 1 . .11v , 1 Ir in ten .1,, lifieen 11 I% m•Xt•••• - •i,nvz thr••k• IMI ud , w.. 11 111.1 r% •'ti IT-11111(1'S 1.1 flit Itut•o:is m •flial It•vr 1.1 the tk.• inttorQ,l!,coin;: ...qt11•1 - :wk.,. Minost 6.l.l:Limy ,t t. fttr Ittng time t to teals a in .1 lict It. any other w emu toent haws, fat: late, est awl Pritnipal .tt'all,.•ll are it ty.,C.le iu CfklLl). Vrodetwe tad sell tutt•rest most force the •Itluds , tf cotiLemplatiog the Anttcuiut ui Satioa,fl b as well a , toe taitid.- of .ill wit , Late idle In-Joey tilt their it tails. to the ;.rcunpt c mt•lniien that th e , slittuld lose Lit tune thi must popular is tit It v... 11 satin he :teyitwi :heir reacti,•nad wlyttwie to a !wads tutu pCe , :IS WAS toe result wall the • " SCVVIL!- th.rty loan. %%hei it was ail sold and couftl so longer he subscribed foi at Par. It Is a Six per cent Loan. the Interest :Ind Prtactpal payable in coin, ihut sit Jititi'uwer Niue per cent per antllltil at the present rate of pretnium otl eOl4. The Government requires all duties or. Im ports to be paid in, coin . ; those duties hare fur.a lung tithe past amounted to ovel a Quar ter of a SlLllinnuf Dollars Daily, a sun. neatly three times rertet tfian that required in the payment of the interest on all the 5-20's and tither permanent . loads. So that it is hoped that the E-urplus coin in tAre.Treasury, at no distar.l day, will enablirtite Fnited States to resume specie payments !won all liabilities. =MEI The Loan is called 5-20 from the fact that whilst - the Bonds may run for 20 years yet the Government has a rigot to pay them off in Gold at ,par, at any time after 5 years. The interest is. paid hali 4early„ viz : Ou the first dais of November and May. .1-11.)s:cribers can huutveUdittion Bends ; which are payable to bearer, and art. $5O slou ssoo,iinit slouo ; or Kegisterec Bonds of same dei . niminaiions, and iu,- 000 and 510,000. . For, Banking. purposes alit for 'invest mentsof - Trust-Munies the Register ed Builds af:•{preferable . Executrix These 54.0's'cannot: be taxed- by States, cities, Lunn; or counties, and the Govern ment•tax-otrthem ist-ottly one-and-n:-half-per cent, on the amount of income, trhec The holder exceeds Six Ilundded dollars 'tier an num, all other investments, such as incoiiie from Mortgages, Itailroail Stock and Bonds. etc., must pay from three to live per cent tax on the income. • Banks and Bankers throughout the country will eunttune to disini , ,:e of the Bonds: and allorders by mail or utlieriVis. prOnifiily at tended to. • - `The iiie6nvenience oflisfe'w days' delay in the delivcry _of I, unavoidable, the demand being so great ;iint as interest com mences from the day of siibr , cription, no loss is occasioned, and every effort is being made to diminish the delay. ' JAY COOKE, SUBSC.4er.4iN AGENT, 114 SOUTH TEIRU ST., 1111LADELPHIA _Dec. 4..63. A LL nosrsT persons indebted to me - areTe rt- Yllefiled to. pay within one month. what they oWe to me. to Estinire Cushintr and take his receipt. Cheat.; ,mPy leave their names standing ins the listin Esgtiite Custrings.hands as an undeniable proof of their dishonesty, and worthiness to figuie:in the " rogues- .B.:JOERG, 31. D. Cenderspert, Jan. 12, SPENCEIL'S Divorce Notice: ..., ,( - -4- •.,. , .A---* . Y / .' , • i.. 4 :41 7 . • '`.. _l, T f .1., 1 0 w ifa • i \ \ ?.........1...., 1 •....,... -----.4,-,,,..-, . W.ltch %Once., Brings timny d change, therefore I liave eon elatledib elflirige" iuy sysieni of doind business and 1 shall hereafter sell for- .. CASH or, PRODUCE, - - . , BUTTER, - LARD EG-CI S. RAGS, GRAIN. 1)1 lED kto • N my sto , iii of Groccries I bavc a choice assortment:of TEO.- • GREEN, .1 BLACK, SUG ARS, MOLASSES. 130NEY„SY.RIJP LARATUS COFFEE - . . AL-n. PREPAItED COFrEE MUSTARD, • . S?ICE, PEPPER, &c., &c I &Welt good stock (bought so that I am I enabled to sell at prices current before the War) of DRUGS, an d • • • PATENT MEDICINES, - KEROSENE OIL. • YANKEE .N9TioNs. „. 1 FANCY SOAPS, EXTRACTS, 'and PERFUMERY, are still kept FLOUR, - PORK. MEA.L of all kinds. And many other things too ii;iliterouS to be kept constantly on hand and will be soid fur . ',LESS PROFIT than ever •before 6ffered in this market. Art - Wit :RD E. SPE:NIL. • 3„„.26.1864. , PU'rNA3.I. •.- , J' I - Clothes Wirin.,;(rer Will wring anything from . a single Thread to a Bed Quilt. ynlcEs : ss'so. $0 00. :Ind 7 58.00 P. ht.,• Stebbins &; Co., • foi Miler county.—Jar- 25. 18G State Is'formal zchooi. EDINi.ORO. ERIE CO , PE.N&',I THE SC!HAN, FOR T.ACHER.S., CHEAP. TIIOIIOCGH. SYSTEMATIC . - PE-P.lolt ADVANTAGES . . 'TEN INSTILLICTORS. GOOD I.iI3RAiIIES, ,APPARAIUNS,: -GYNINASItin. • !tf.;:32 pays fur licutrl Siniti. Ty, in opens Mareli 15. 156'1. .I.lress, J.• A. ('lll3l'. 1.. - tit •Principal. THE PEN SYLVANIA 1864. 1 , 1111)110a.4111 1 GaRDIEN.EJI., , evOteil to Agriiatltare, Horticulture and Agairs. Edited and Publizbeil by Win. S. Young.& Co„ . T 2. NuR.Tu 6TII STREET, PAILADELPpIA Terms: o,:e Dollar a - fear. lie sixth vglanie commences with 4anutoy nqinber. 'hying. Obtained the Per ' =ices of eminent and I.ractie , l Agrieult.irists, 13urti calitirist8. Stock Breeders and Bce-keepers. confidently offer the current volume as on'e of tl•c hest ever issued: tbr originality-,practi cdl thought and - reliable information. HEM) FOR A 6rECI GN Far flee Fria: J P° . wer,and,Eitchen Gar den. TEE - 1 864 18641.ra. GAthNEA'S EPRTHLY. • W. G: P. p;RINCKLOE, Publisher, O.ETICE • 23 NORTE( gni ST • PIIILAL • A • : fi.l3D a. Year. EDITED BY THOMAS MEERAN The stitonthig Contents art: Hints—Flower, garden and-t - leasure•ground Frit' t prden, 'Vegetable garden., Window qur . . denim! Communications—embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture, Agriculture. find Rural Affilirs.•. , Etliturjrtl • Giving the views os.thr important ilstrticolturai improvements. , ....zieraits and 9,.ierries—Ne‘y Fruits—yet:: Plants—Domestic and Fitreign Int•4ligenen Fortd , rn. Lorrefunsde-rits—llorticuitunil'i:otices Witlyearh-departmentrcent. haridsomelpil- Ittslroteti. • - -• . • • These general features wiil he.rutainellt4nd the publisher _pledge. himself that no"labor or expe'nse shttiltt spared to render the sue ceedift lies of the -Ntagazine Cliery . ‘v;ty worthy of the favor with-which his precious efforts have hegn amply rewarded:.._ - SEND FOIL A SPECIMEN •The Rural Annual for Ilso4; ' The ItUral Annual and Hortienitural Direc tory- is a little hook published at the , com fri-ricement of each year be the .Editor of thi Geiieir , e 'Farini-F at -ItotheStei; - W... •Y'.. ; • I. - ryas started in 185 t. ant -a. nesv To ume nis . ^ea issued . :enels Tetir • -Vie iminnie..ft;r 18G4 Is !lOW before us. Among . its contents ma - b, : e me•itioned .artkles on the best means of-En riching the Suil, - un Swamp Mack and the best methods of. composting .and applying it; pit Nlannies..On Protection to Orchards. tin the Best Climate rm. Slim), .On...thlthering Fruit; na .thc.-Culttire of flops, on the Culture of', Mari on . Plantinglfees. and A hundred other larlieles interesting to 'the Farmer and Gar dener..,.Prikvriiy. 25 . cepts., It wilt be sent prepaid by return mail on receipt of the price. .• ddress Joseint Wiliats, Editor: Genesee Eat mer,_Bocheslei;-N. Y.- . The Genesee Farmer for 1864, -; A new..vol unie commences with: the„innuayy, narriber. Now is the lime to stibscrito, ~. Gay V . ..cents a yftnr.- All who subscribe before thejanuary number is issued, will, receive the. December 'numb*: f:te. Addreze as above, 1864 t, . - T NEW COBS I aid JAPAN Sit mous' OSWAYO REGULATOR Just Arriving ! The very best piints. Coeheen and other grod grades, front 14 lit 181 cents. worth 25 cents Good iMaines,.l6 to 25 cents'', worth 25 to 35 cents. A large Stock of Plain Arpaccas, "doubie width. fur 23 cents per yard, superfine extra 44, worth double the money. Good Merinos fot 5s (hi worth 125.: A large stock of FURS, very low; also, BUFFALO ROBES, good India tanned; from .$4 50 t,, ',.30 50, worth $l2 at the presynt time in New York. Also a large lot of eassimeres, 6s'to 13s, worth lOs to 14s ; Good Sheetings from 20 to 25 cenni A good stock of LADIES' SDACVLS—a heavy, fine, all-wool, double Brodie; Shawl, for $8 worth $l5. . . • A large stock of GLOWING ; good Saits--- Coat. Vest, Hat, Cravat. kc. r . for .siii worth $20.,, Good, all-wood. Mick Pants, far 53.25. ROOTS :Had SIIOEB very low ;. Calf Shoes as low as 88 cents. • Good Teas for.Bs. worth Pls. And a full assorthi:tent of all kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots, Shoe; Hats, Caps, No- trons,Crocirery, Provisions, &c . - WC Mean. this Winter, to keep a much larger Stock than usual. :.rd sell Cheaper for the times than ever; and all we ask of, any one is to examine our Cools :tntt pricer. it.hd von will be satisfied that we.perfartn according to our Mils. Our A nction will not interfere with oar Retail Trade, as It. will be held in the famous block noted fur Great Bargains. c ..n . SIMMONS. November Ifth, LSO ESTABLISHED 1760. rulnut LORILLARD. & Tobi. cco Ifianufa.cturer, 16 and IS eliamlierr, St.; (Formerly 42 Chatham Street. Zrew York.) Would call the attention of Lealers to 'the articles of his manufacture, viz.; . 'BROWN SHOFF. Macaboy, . .Detnigros, Fine Rappee, - Puce , Coarse Rappee, Ratchitotes, American Gentleman, - CoPenhagen, YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch; Honey Dew Scotch, . ' High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundrfoot. • * * *Attention is called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine• Cut Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, w:iiich %till be found of a Supe =ior SMOKING. FINE. COT CIIEWING. SMOKING Long, - L„ or plain. ,S. Jago, No. 1, ' ta:vendish. or:Sweet, Spanish, .7s:n. 2. -Sweet Seented . Oronoco, ,Canister, No's. , 1& 2 mixed • . Turki.ll), Granulated. Tin foil Cavendish. . N. B.—A circular dprieeps will be sent on application.—ApSly Administrator's Notioe. WHEREAS, letters'. of administration- to the estate of H. H. Phi'Bilis, late. of_ the county of Potter,.des'd. have been granted to . the subscribers. all persons indelited to said are requested to nritte- immediate pay ment and tiotse having. claims against the same will, present them duly 111101E411k:a ed for settlement to LOUISA. PHILLIPS, and • • . L. D.. ESTES.„ Adutsrs. ..Genesee, Nov'r 16, 1863 pd • . SpellCees Ready-Pny Sto r e i s ':the only strictly Casti Store in Couder sport. If, you nish to buy Goods for CASH, call at, Spencer's- NT, OTICE is hereby given that. letters °m ill = utciry.nti the last will 4(nd-testament of WILLIAM FLING, Jate of Ulysses Tp., Potter ceunty; deol,, have this day been granted to the &id ifsign ed by-the Register of said coun ty. .AII persona indebted -to said descedent (riff please make payment and those .having ineseut them duly - authenticated for settlement ELLIFLING, Exectit't • . 2611864. ° THE Spencer mill 9§ indebted to 'E. IC a4cl mettle witltou: - . - WORTH Or AT TOBACCO.. EteCtitor's Notice. 1 I_ Not Attobolic. , A y En , 19i1 LtCOFfiTRATED VEGETABLE 4TEACT • • A Pure Tonic. PECTORAL- Dr. Hoofland',s eiruno.4 , Bitte-rt39 . PREPARED EY . C. M. Jackson, Philad...l.l3a. ' WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE ' i I"ER ' COMPLAINT, . , DYET.EViIA, , . C or .2'erroi.,:s DIZC(ISPS fh.eridneys. and all di:stases arising .(rune a disordered Liver or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles . ,.Fulness or Wool inthellead.Aeidity of the Stomach, Ikausea, Heartburn, Dis;rust fur Food,Ful ness or weight in the 'Stoinach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or • the Pit of the Swnittel);•Switniaing of the Dead, Duriied and Diffi t Breathing. Fluttering at the Ifeart,Chok g or Suffun - ting, sensations when in s. ly- Tlg posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever and dull I rain in the Head. DeticienCy of Per-''.. spiratian, Yellowne,;s cif the Skiu and Pyes.Paln in the Side. Back, • I est," Sudden Flii,hes of ffeat ufning in the Flesli, Constant Ir_iagi niaga of Evif, and great Depre,ssionb -- of Spirits. nOOFLAND'S G.DIMAN BITTEBS ! l e not A new ana untried article, but hays stood the "test of fifteen years trial bY the Ainerican public ; and their reputation; and safe, are not rivaled by any similar prepara tion ; the proprietors have thotsr.nds of 1.0. W.? fr(im the most eminent CLERGY MEN. LAWYERS. . PHYSICIANS. and. CITIZENS. • Testifying.of their..owp personal tolthe beneficial eflectgz.ndinedical virtue! these !Liters. ATTENTION. SOLDIERS! os OF ttOLLINIS We call the attention of all liering 1".1A.01 , 55 orl friends in the army to the fact that "1100E 14NLYS ermall Bitters" will core uiue tent:lF Ofl the cli4enses induced b' exposures' cud privations incident int:amp Mo. In the pliblished almost, in the newsp. , tpers on the.ariival of tide sick, it will be uotlced tha , a very large proportion are stdre.'ng Xt....nil de bility. Every case of that ki.e..i eau, be rend• it cured by Ilootiand's. Gerrilit. Dis.eases resultina from ei.i.sorders of the diges tive organs are speedily Ireruoved. We have ad liesitatior, in stating that. if these Bitters were freell . used aznong our is,ildiors. huu• dtieds of lives he saved that other wise will he lost. .„ We'callpartienlar attention to th , t follow• ing reinark•tble . and well autillenticated cure of.cue of . .le. n.ition's heroes. whose life, to_ uzse his own ilthguoge, "has bten 2:lSed by Ellie Bitters :". 1 . . i ! l'ilitidotitnti, Aug. 23,1E6'3. IMEssus Josts S EVANS.--"W'AI, gentlemen. y; tit- Hoolland German !titters hes saved my Ill!e. There is no mistake in this. it if, vciuthed for by numbers of my coraridtx. mane of whose names are appeftded, and Wilt) were fully ~o nizant of :all the circumstance, of my case. lan,, and have been for the lest fik.r years,.a member of Sherman's celebrate: batier-= , ' and tinder the immediate eum- A '' mond of Capt. R. 13. Ayre:, - . :Through the exposiire :tttendont npon my ordnons - datie; I 'was attacked in November last with intl , 1111• otion of t'' - .,cF.tugs. and was ; .7 .-.1- seven:}-:x, (tars IMthe ho , pit.:l: This Was ful - low . ed I v areat debility. heightened hy an attack ht ilYsentet:y. I was then reMove4 from , the: White Honse, and sent to this city on board' tiie Steamer "St.'te of Kaine,". front which I landed on the 26:11 of June. Since t-tat thin- I have been about as low as ens one could be and still 'retain a spark of vitality. For a' week or more I was scarcely able:to swallow • anvtlitin^. and if -1 did force a moriel doW : a, -it m - - • was iatechatvly thrown up apain. . . l'could not even keep 'a glitss of watt': :A' my stomach-. Life could not last under suelt . circumStapces ; and, accordingly the physH ci l ons who nod been working faithfully, alto' ; unsncee.ssfuliy, to rescue me from- the grasp! of the dread . Archer, frankly. told me they! could 4o no more for me, and advised me to! .se a clergyman, and to make such disnosi- tibia of pay limited funds as best suited, roe. I An acquaintance who visited• me at the box-1 pta], Mi. Frederick Steinbton; of Sixth below 1 Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope,' tol .try your Bitters, nod kiiidly procured a 1 , bottle. , From-the: time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of Ideoth receded, and I am now. thank God forgt . . getting bet ter. Though I Imre taken but two bott.lee, 1 have gainidtcii -pounds, and I fee! sanguine of being 7:emitted . to rejoin- my wife, and thibghter..frotri whom I have',heard . nothing fdr eighteen months.; for.. gentlemed, I AM .r. , Inyal Virginian, from, the vicinity CS. : Front Royal. Toyour invaluable Bitters I owe the i certainty of life which has taken the pbfce of vague lears-- 77 t0 your Bitters :will' I owe the glorious' priviiege -of aglin 'clasping to my bpsom thoie•Witio are dearest-to the in life. - I - Very truly yours,- ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur in the truth of the above atement, Its we had des., pir - A of seeing our mrade. Mr. Malone. restored to health. John,Cuddleback, lst New York Battery. George A. Ackley, CO. C, llth Lewis Chevalier,.'"2(l'.vew York. I. E. Spetreer, Ist Artillerv,:,Battery F. J. B. Fateirell, Co. 2d * Vermont. Irearr ,8 . ...1er0me, Co. B, - do. llent T. Macdonald; Co. C. oth Maine. John] F. Ward, Co. E, Sth Maine. 'Berman 'Koch. Co. H. 721 New York. Nathaniel B-.T1101110.5. Co„ F, 95th, Per,n, I Andre* J. Kimball, Co.A. 3d Vermot . , traEtOenkins, Co.•B. 106th Pent. , I • " BEWARE OF. COUNTERFEITS 1. Seethat ti3e signature of '.C. , M. JA„CIiSON," on the Wnarer.n of,exch 'bottle. PRICES : • - • Large Size (holding nearly dontle qnantity) - $l.OO perßottle—ltalf.„ doz. 5.5.00 Small Size---75 bts. pr Bottle—:-half croz. $4.00 Should your merest druggist not hat* the article,' de. not be pot' ofr by any of Lite intoz lmiting; preparations that may,be offer.ed ita but - 1,.... Ar nd to us,. and q foriard, securely packed, by express:- PAINOIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY fro. 631 Arch Street; :1 - 61VES'& EVAN i S, - (gticeesiois-to 0.11: JACKSON k C 0.,) L PROPRI3TORS. FOR sale by prnggists apdDoralAtas fp eTerT wit, i' the! L'zisett 2vettos. FOR TILE RAPID CURE OP C?iids. Coughs, and Hoarseness. Ittanitztn, glass., 120th Dec., MK Arras 1 tko not En-state many , the &It remedy I hove ever found for Coughs. 11...)aretmi.,., lulluemtn, atrl the symi:tonil of a C Id. is yuev Ciazer Ptarron.:l... It 3 CJlthtallt Tile in my rizerico and my family f..r the last ttit ydara bas slu.:11 it to . possess tier rlrtite3 for the tt - e&tlielit of the,...” c-Juvolai is :N. EISH.N Es4..ot CriCA, N. r- writ : bars ts,d your l'rcmultinyrell and In my t.ndly Orer Silk** lyou iuvetited it, and belieto it the boa mediciuo tui iY puipckLe ever put out. With +I had cold I shmild_sooliVi tii , ..,ety-five I:>r a Witte thou do without it, St' take any .wther remedy." JAU.:IDICE Ci:onp, Whooping Cough, Intluenia: SouxGrintaw, MINI, YrAk. 18611, Itzvrar.Arr.n: Twill cheerfully certify your Pzensall 1, the' ht,t r,inc,iy are pn.:ef-s_f.r the cure of Mavis@ alr:p. and the the icliseaaes of children. your_fraterni.ty_ iu the. Sixth appreciate your skill, aid commend yuer niedicice to our Pz. 3 Ple- • 111 ItA M CON . ' AMOS LEE, FAn.,McesTrner. write n, 3d Jan.,181144 I hal a teiliCtiS Duluenra. which confined ma At awe six weeks; took many..medicitws without teller; East' tel , l rear PECTORAL - by the advice ol one eleritymai The tint done reliew—.s- the tnrnness in my throat at iumta; less than onelmlf the bettio movie me completalit wsll. Tsne tumileines are the cheapest as well as Mobs* we Can Ley. ant wo esteem elm. Doctor ; nml your rim. dies: , ;tithe pier MOWS . •. Asthma or Phthisic. and Bronchitis'. Sq.: Tont CHERRY l'r.eteum. -is Te.rferniing =tulle.' ia this sr.,tion. It ham relieved several from alma• it.girealptuis of consouiptiun, and is utlut curing an= ..ano Las 141,0re..1 under an affeeti.u. au lungs- for cite Last furty ye.u-s. LIFINIt.I7 L, PARKS, Mercbscit, A. A. RASIF.E.T. Atnia.e, _Mamma Co., levri; Fe; t. n, : Dut ing my I.mettre of rant:typo= I have fteund nothing rontil to your-Cumns. jou-7mm. fix and relief t. cenburnptire patients, or curls; tWf=MMI W might .odd volumes or evi.l.nee,.lmt the moat cm vinel7u proof of the sirtnee of this remedy is found la iti el.r.vrts upon trial. • Conanniption: • Probably no one remedy has ever been known whki cared and such Jaz:gen - n.3 own all ilia. Semi no human aid lean reach; but even to those the Cit Pskno2+ea^oreslc lietand comfort. sTer. llcrs, Nve yeamelTT. March 5, 1556 Dorrort.A.szon.lkwztt.: I feel it a diity and a Osman to inform you what your. eIIEITET. l' has dons tilt roc wife. She hits Leen Eve munti.s Laboring under amp .';inerons Cy 1111.01114 of Consumption, from which no•ag len rotTIL procure ware her nitwit .Shesess atesdij I until Dr. Strong. of thk.citp. where we lure Cm* Pr reeninmended n trial of Tour medicine. Na hiodness. as ws do your skin, for abs has reccrw ered from that day.. She is not yet as strong as she Wed to be; but is free from her cough. and gale herself welL Tours with gratitude out regard. • ORL.LNDO.SIIELBIi, or (I, n s un gw r vi, 0, 4 not thlipair till you have tried AT/14 I'L:I6LLAL. /4iA node by one of the Ibttat media{( clirquilts in the world. and its curia all Around es bespeak the high nteiits of its clituog.— /14iladelphia Ledger. Ayers Cathartic St . I ' S Chomiatre aevl Ntedicine beat Lazed their utinc:-...t SO pr,lnce this Itest, meet perfect : porgatire which is known to nine. InnutuerabLe proofs arc shown that these Pitts Iwo virtues which sung= Li excellence the ordinary medicines. hod that they vein Ullt. prccedentedly tbE:.eueezu of all men. Meyer* Bab and pleasant to take.. but powerful to cuie. Their peece properthie satin:late the vital activitiee of thabody. Ic.Lioe the obetructions of ita organs porify the. hlood and expel disease. They pimp; out the foul humors whle trec:l and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or . dime, deredtrgans into their natural action, and impart healthy, tone With strength to the whole system. lnt only Eo th"y ?core the every-day complaint's of every lady, bet also ihrmilable.and thingcrects diseases that have. Leiftle4 the let of human skill, While they produce pewees' etrvita, they arc at the same the?, in diminished three, tle safest; and last physic 1h at con be employed ior'Oildrei. Fein sagar-acated,„they arc pleasant to take; and being vegetable, are free !mei cry of herb. , Curs have been made which sorpass belief were they ,not sulk ttantihted by men (stuck exalted position and character no to forbid the scipicion of untruth. : Ilan: traisilit clergymen and physicians have lent their names to en* fy to title public the reliability of my remedies, while otite ors have sentnie the assnranec of their ornvictif,tt tlia4 my Ilepamtions contribute immeneelyte the reliztf of m 7 suffering fellow-men, . , . . . . . • ThtiTent below named is plcar.-ed to fcratsla grntlsniy . American Almanac!, containing directions for tbeir . ,use and certificates of their curt, of the fallowing complaints: 64iVeileffS. iiiiiolls Complaints, Itheumatism. Dropsy., Kean:So/fit, from a foul Stomach., Nan sea. li,drrostion. Sbnbui Inaction of the Dowels and arising, therefrom . Flatulency. Loss of Appetite. all Meer om,and Cutaneous Disease! ulthn recmire an aritCnint lde.'.icine. Soslots They al•n, by punt"! inn tip bkod and .*tinudating tho system, core many complaints whirls it would not be supposed they could rcach. , . such no Ihettness. Partial Dlitulacs!. Nem - alg's and ls; errcits Iterantio:llCll:S of the Livor and Kid neys. (tout. and odic, kindred cong ! laints [min • • IC/NV Fate of the 1....5.fy or eb!fruction Of its'fiructions. Do not be put of by unprincipled dealers with Kann other ida they make more protlt on. Ark for: Arna's rats,'and take nothing elsc. No, other they can rive you compares with Pal , in its Intrinsic 'Taloa or multi Tie irk want the - beet aid there for then ; and they shonld have it. Prepared by Pr. :.Ir. C. AYE , . .P7actical and inedytieal Chemiit, Lowe Piaci 25 Crs. rait, 11 , :a rra Boxzeri BOLD 13Y • • Cf) r Just in and to Le sold Just_as cheap-as tb• "time{'' will tllow. An of nlmort everything nee_d e_ by Imi - boar, Such n TEA SUG4R . SYRUP • 1 SCHOOL BOOR'S - & IGOOUS' _ BUOYS SLIOLI JAYNES And other Med:cinea, . In fl - A - cli.ange I want - HOUSE ASHES at . 14 cent" - I - tm. Er) GREENBACKS • ;‘' DIVED EERfIIES, CQUNTr 013DER3, ULI ; SSES ORDERS. Most all kings of GRAIN'. L.UCIEN Brooklarid, Pa., - Nor'r, 1833. MANHOOD: - noivj:Aisr BOW RESTORED: Jutlphblished in a sealed envelope, price 1 6 ctt A Lcetnre on the Nature, Treatment vud ftadr ical care of Spermntorlicea or Sleuth:Ai Weak uessr sexual Debility, Nerrqusness, and Inrol untir.i.,Ernissionz, ituqucting Impplency. Con, suthption and - Venial and By Bor' r J. frtryttivyrd., IL D. The iippbrtant fact that the awful ceasequen , ces of Self-Abuse may he efiletnally removed . witholat internal medicines or the dangerbuo appliciation of caustit.-„v t imarumentadnetpcst_td. bOu'irerii - nit other ftupiriclicaiVices, seraa clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatmer.t as adopted 1.47 Lee eicbrateda uthor,fully explaiaqt by means of which every one is ciatkied to cure hicusei ' ',Perfect : V. and attheTeag. possible cost. ill.; 14 by avoiding all the adverti&ed nostrums of tr.! day. This loc s kare will,proye a boo!, to chi. - .- santis and thousands. - - _ .. I' iC'''''.s.teut under seal, to any -- 2,d.lrtis .r • . 1 a pLin, sealed- enselooe. on the rem ipt. ot i s' • • 1 ceuts, or two postagi- t stamps, kr -- Dr. 'CHAS. J. NUN' 131 Boner!, New York, Yost o:7' . • =3 3 MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers