E 3 112211 ZE VOLI73E XVI.--NUMBER 3. . THE POTTER. JOURNAL PULILISIIEU IJY 1 - Ms, W. Ile. larney, 'Proprietor. • $175 1 ) Pa YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVA}NCE. r 1 J • .• . . Devoted* * *v o the CRUFO of Republipanism, ',the : interests of Illgriiniture, the advancement :".- of dueittion, and the . best good- et Potter county. Owninz no guide except ; that of rrinelple. It will endeaver to aid in tie work tit more full/ Freedornizing our Country. AD,VATISEMENTS inserted pt the follnwing f.ttesi die 4t where special lrirgains nee made. t Square [lO lines]_l'lnseitiOn, -- - 50 1 , CI • It 3 " 1 ---$1 50 each subsequent Insertion leaf than 13, 26 1 Square thra - e tiiontW; ' 250 1 ." - six " •i 400 . 1 :" mine , lg. - ' • , : 5 50, 1 ' I ,i one ' yeftr, • " - ' tOO 1 Column nix months, ,'2O ou I .44 II u 4! 10 00 .- It - a -I/ ; 7. 00 _. .. . , " per year . c . 40 00 .. u_ u u ? 20 OCT idMinhtrator'S or Execntoris Noticq, 200 .Business Cards, 8 lines or /eds, per year 5 00 Simeial and Editorial Notices pe. fine!, 10 - * * **All ' transient advertisements :mast-be paid in advance, and no notice will l)e taken of advertisements front a distance, naless they are accompanied by the money or satisfactory reference. • ' ' ' **Blanks; and .Job Work of all kinds, at tended to promptly and foitlifnlly. , 1 BUSINESS CAltpS. Frio aid Acceptod Ancient York ?fawns. *KULA:AA .I.ODG E, No; 342, .E A. M. STATED MetZlings On the 2nd and 4th Wednes days of ench month. Also Masonic gather ings on, everfWednesday Eveuing, fur work and practice, at their Hanna Coudersport. C. 11. WsitltiNErt,, W. M. A. SIDNEY LYMAN, JO:IN S. MANN, I ,ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, .CouderspOrt, Pa., will attend the several •' Courts in Potter and :li'Kenn,Counties. Ail business entrusted in his cure will receive prompt attention. Dike 'corner .of West and Third streets! ARTLiCit, G. OLMSTEI), ITTOP\CY R. COUNSEI.VR At LAW Couc*sourt, Pa., will attenkl to nlliblisines. ,, en , rtistiid to his with jki•c•op'tn2s an,. fide. ity. Office on i-Ith-we:it. co:nor of Main and Fourth streets. ISAAO • BENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Conde-:Tort, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to bin), with care un•l proruptneSs. Offic"e on Second st., heat . the Allegheny Bridge, F. W. I ATTO.RNEY AT LAW, Coudersport;: Pa., will reg-ttiardy• attend the I.k)arts ia Patter and; the adjoining 0. - T. ELLISON, PRACTIer.4q PHYSICIAN. Couriers'7dort, Ps.. • 719pm:tinily inforiits Cu.! citi;:rus 0 , 1 thr vil lage and vicinity that he will prGaliply re spond to all calls for professionall services. Oiice on Main st., in building curia:N . ly oc cifpied 'by O. W. Ellis, Esq. 'p,. C. S. & E. A. JON ES, i D . ItALERS IN DRUGS, ME'DIOINES,IPATNTS Oils, Fancy ArticleF,,Stutionery, Dv Good: GiOceries; &e.; Main st., Goode:wort, Pa. D. B. oLIisTED, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceri'es, d c., Main st., Veinier - sport, COLLINS SMITH., DEALER in Dry Goods,Groceries. PrOvisions. Hardware, Queensware, Cutlery, and all Goods usually found in a country Store.— ' •Coudersiiort, Nov. 27, 186 L • COUIjERSPORT 1IOTE!,, D F. GLASSMERE, Proprietor, Corner 0- .. Main atad Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot ter Co., Pa. • A Livery Stable is also kept in connect Lion with this Hotel. 31A .G LLON. TAK.OO.--oett.rly opposite theConrt rfonse— Will make all clothes intrusted to him in the Intest and best styles --Pricet , to suit the timt...3.--I;:iyz him n 13 41 I=2 OL)II4TED & KELLY. DEALER( IN STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON "WARE, Main St., nearly opposite the Cour , Elonse,,Condersport, Pa. Tin aril She- , lion Wire made to order. in good style, oc short notice. SPRING' MILLS ACADEMY. . . BrSligo MILLS, 'ALLEGANY CO.. N. Y. &us HORT 4, JR, Principal Mrs. Aps.WAttatsa Iloaros, Preceptress ?Cos Nstrls W - starsiz; : 'Assistant /Iles Girairmrss Woort,•• ' Teacher of Music The Fall Term commences Augois 2G. The Winter Term commences December O. - - The Sprit* Term commences March 25. . Tuition (rim Three to Fire Dollars. tosid $l4O . per week. . Ytiritislieti rooms for:self-boartlini at low prices. F .- orlarther information addressthe -1 " ' '• ' WM CCi,l3 tf, ' ' f• ' - President Board of Tristees. AT:I I .A TEL. -- NE W YORK. j • 'corner Populai 'Hotel is situated pear the .4.,..,..c,Mmer Of MarrOy Street .and Broad opposite the Park within , one block of the B adson River Rail - Road and near the H3~ie ill R4iiiii.Depot. It is one of- the most -plessant-and-eMisentent•locations-inithecity. adairdialtacianiSl.lso pOr day. , „.. fIUGGINS, Proprietor. " iretr.ll3tli:lB6 - 3- ••• • - • 1 The .R.ocitetter-astraw-Outter. 40IALSTIALLICEILY,_00.ttderip - Ortl:Joutve .- of l l td t igive dgency; for ',ibis Celebrated sae%}itsa~ is tkii county. It covetiien4" do note, sail Dtre. 1, t;to.-12 'f - ."."...1 : ;,. :," .1 e _ ' . ': --.?." 4 "^*, - .7 -- r .-- ', - - t... -, ,..r• 1 .' ~' ':.. 1' ---"7---- .;_ ' .: • .;,- .. (. :-..-.'.• .1 , .:', ' o ° " .. - . . .... ~. 1L...6 ....... . , ~.....z T.c . ,,,, ..... '. r 9 • .. .._. . .. . . . -. . . • - . .. , - ." •, ' ' I . -:• ... ' • EMI . . They gave onr proud Flag to the winds, The Flag as free ns they I And 'neat) its bright folds, pledged to Truth, The r kingly souls, that day. And loving faces - paled with dread, And s veet eyes dimmed with main When Ch:r dear Flag canto back a tin, Would t lose brave hearts lie dead? , My heart - 8 ood still with solemn joy; As mini, sweet content, As if my s iris took from God His 1 holy sacrament. 0, fast I clasped mY.,darlingt.s hand, Too p oud for grief, that day/ ..;, ,flecau e my - Hero went away ; . - -To -batti for our land I He t Thou hash " To I blest 1114 • As t And thongi Then ennie ' My I listened Aud so, be, • My Y;:t v: ca, i The mo t important edict of the year was the • .oelaoiutioa of Etuancipation, -u Ling ptoosised, which saw the light ounit:topiary with the advent of the new year. Nest iu importance was the pro , emulation el amnesty, which was made its the message of the President, on Decem ber 2d restate of the forwor. military Measure, have been apparent wherever s ur i armies have peuetrated,aud the highways have been thronged by the oppressed negroes seeking shelter and prof eel Mn within the Fedei al lines. The full fruits of the latter's inissiou have not hvcli wade apparent, as yet, but no one ,i"outs that when its provisions are gen erally known and under:geed. there will he immediate and practical results there from. ware the withdrawal of General Sherman Crow before V iekshure.,-and his movement upon Arkansas Post ; the victory at Stone river, Tennessee by Rmieeraus; the relief of Buroside ll by den. Hooker; and the asztigument. of Grell: Banks to the depart ment of the Gulf. Upon the ocean the Alabama confilium) her depredations,anu the Florida commenced her career during the mouth. Gen. Mc[ leruand - took the initial steps for the seige of Vicksburg about the nilt'd.e of the ILL! ill V ack.,burg was own ineuced and the guuboats ut adwiral Porter a Het begitts to play haeve wit 1. li.e Ltatnpurtnitou Vicki— /114:g. t :1,1.w' ant Cutiglessioual ,ueaanter• were adopted dursue the lituuttit, list:hit/- tug the hatiunal huneoci bail, consetip• null act, anti the bill tudenintlying the i'ye.ideut. tut . the au:Tem:tun ut tttu habetts t.t.; ICS. • le the wouth of • =1 the military operaitoos were confined to tieu. qraut's immediate department, and tieutueky, where Lien. Bores:de took his yogis duking the middle of the mouth. General Lira:les bayou and overloud (moot expeditions were failures. • In the wodib of Admiral Farragut co-operated with Ad miral Porter below Vicksburg; and ren dered important service; General Bauks commenced his movement into Waster!) Louisiana; Colonel Grierson commenced a foray into Missibsint ; General Grant prepared to anti did, at the latter part of the moot h,.move upon the enemy's works at Vicksburg; General Stoneman wades foray into Virginia, Richniondward; Col onel Streight made his foray into Ala bama ; General Rosecrans advanced his lines tt. 111c31 in ville ; and the army of he Potomac was made ready for an advance upon Chaticellorsville. • The month of . opened with the battle at Chaneellorsville; fin - the Ist the Federal flag " waa_bOrn • , rrifnin; the :Ines of fortifications at Rich: tuond, nearer than it ever was before or hat been singe, Colonel Grierano finished MY HERO. me to loving toned .re, sob with faltering breath—; no sorrow though I go he red fiel.l of death r ,hing now hut love fur thee I rs shall fall like rate," • , •when thou. art Ii Hue again, dear Flog is free I' (Tye no My tt 1 i da. And our softly In my h to long months wore by, the world gre r dirk to me, old not mourn o • sigh. by day, most fait fully, d, through sun 11111 rain : Christ, send home our Flag again, g my love 'to me I" I'• But, day I pray "Sw ee 1 And bri .1, the fight at Gettyshorx; .surf was drunk with woe, the mournful tale, sick to care or know iat ere the fight was o'er ier boy was slain .ar Flag inky collie back again, i rtie love, no more I Too I knew t ME Our tl But my ore the morning broke, dessrd dream is done! through such cruel loss, (libertyl be won. I pray, most faithfully, !!.11 loneliness and pain, Christ. send home our Flag ngnin, my luve for me 1" Uur And sul EIBIE "Swee Awl lose 1863. The most important military events of JANUARY During i Lie of • FEili;uAitY MAE.CII APRIL MAY hebota to tly, t'iriiNiples of Irv, qqa The . Q;s:seit)iitgtiorp of 7.iteNt COUDERSPORT, POTTER °ODDITY, PA., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY his foray and entered Bat xionge to trinO.ph; Admiral Porter and General U. S.Grtint were rice mg with the must' Ingham emcees- twi4w.and to .tie East of An Indian Adventure. Vielisbuw; General Batiks finished' up his nest Louisiana campaign by iliti•ea t ,.. just befOre the conclusion of the war , 1812, as one Mtirplj'w:is at labor b clay lure of Alexandria, and commenced tiro wa- in;:a piece of woodland, he saw a tall i t nig° of Port H udson. While all dian approaching; him from the woo activitt the Rest and South all was, passive Virginia. • ~ with a a rifle on his shoulder, As I l i •lri the month of came nearer a belt might he seen anent • • • • 1; , • JUNI; ; Ids 5 . 11k.t which was a Pori,ithaWk tit I; scalping knife.t hat was conceal Lee invaded Maryland and Pennsylvinia; by a huge blaaket 'Anoint over his shmk! the Army of the Pvtoowc Siarmd ;,,.r suit ;- General I{...seerue.. e".l.,eeneed der. firm-tint imp, einem aitil:elestpr:led arc .044.11W44 ) gr . i1ai ttt botore ; Get: Grant, hal in.'' MurPliY• • , . • invested V ickshut! , . sittino dot Om -Don't know,'" said the Indian. fore it-waitiii! , for the ',vet ripe fruit to, "Where do you live iuquired M drop into his hands; (foe. B a nks. le patiently, wasprim-editing the 'seige iii 'Port Hudson. All the operations the West gave brieht plomiso of victoiy,l while in the East all was doubt and fear that Lee would not be checked in his wad career. The privutecis , were unti sually activeupd build durint , this month, and the Tacony et4pecially was lighting up the ocean with the llutnes of her captures. Scarcely had entered upon its career, however, when that which was full of expectant hope gave glorious fruit and that which was doubt vanished. Vicksburg and Port Hudson sitrre: tiered; Lee's army- was whipped at Gettysburg and the inva-inn of the Nu:th was at an -end ; Gen. Gil more had oemutenced operations before Charleston. and had met with unexpected success; General Roseerans had driven Bragg out of Tennessee; John ,Morgan, after his foray into Ohio and Indianalell a victim to his rashness; the career of the 'rtmony ended in flames and that. of her successor, the Arol.er, in capture.after her foray • into Portland harbor. There was but one thine to oast u cloud upon all thiS sunshine, and that was the draft riots in New York, Boston, and Troy. lu the mouth of AUGUST 1 General Burnside made his movement tato 'East .'Tennessee preparatory to the occupat WI of that ow,ressed Generals Blunt and Steele were moving rapidly and successfully through Arkan sas , the Mississippi river was declared open fur trade; General Meade was inac. live in Virginia and General Gilmore was giving the Ohariestunians lessons in Greek. ritere4as but little to mourn and ouch cause for rejoicing,alwuys exceptiug.how ever, the depredations of the -rebel priva EME In the month of SEPTEMBER Chattanooga fell ,atid . Knoxvillians were made happy by the triumphant entry of General Burnside into their thick ; the battle tiO Chickamauga was fought and its results created the most lively apple heusions fur the safety or General Rose crafts, which were relieved by the timely reinforcement by Gen Booker; the cold shoulder had been so repeatedly given Masun. that Jeff. Davis deemed_ it advit, atne to recall hilt, fniiu litodand, and thu, our foreign relations improved. This month marked au era in our hirtory—t he arrival of our Russian allies--at which there MSS hlncere C3llne fU7 eungatulativii Burin6 the month of 00FOBEB the monotony uith the ariny,of ilia Porn time wan relieved on tile part of Lee, an attempt to execute a tlatik i,, , voinent. iu : which: he lulled; General grant en tered upon the active dutiet; Ot coin want' at. Chatranoitoa,and General lluckei _ actstrecl n victor- at the Vase of 1,44441:44ni mountain ; General Banks was taa'siug the initial unnements fur his Texas cam paign; General Gilmore hairtig reduced Sumter to a harmless ruitt.emplut etl litat• self in alternately ahelltue it and lon ; and tile navy tray winning new lam 4els by multiplying the capture of bleak ads runners. In the usonth of NOVEMBER • General Banks occupied : important post iioes in Texas. where he has secure , of operation. Longstrcet committed the blunder of attempting the seine of Kim: yu ; General Grant won the victories of Chattanooga and sent Bragg flying to Dalton ; General Meade and Lee pursued the game of draught with the hatred soil for the checkerboard, and the captures of blockade runners continued to multiply The closing month of the year, DECEMBEt, • was devoted to clearing up the debris of the vaiious iiitipsigns, and preparing for winter quarters. Thus we close the record for the year. We have gained much territory,-aridlost none. We are the full tide of pros perity ; have unlimited means, a noble and veteran army ; a confident-and happy people. Our military and political ledger, forms a - triarkOtt contraSt `to: the'. record. oF the rebel State . .i: — . Our enemy sp?ir at his, situation, and if, all .goes as well us it has done 'during the year, pe Mil way cotili&ntly expect that before tl year 18134 shall close, we shall witness tl end of this rebellion. phy • "There," returned the Indiatt(pointi'l tilwartis Canada ) - —Alit) where du you live ?" '• ' “Down here." "Do you know old Murphy ?" was t il next question. . • "W ell—well—yes," Was,thc,rcspon e. • "Where dues he live?" "—way off—yonder," (pointing i a wrong direction ;) but what did you w at of him ?" , .. "Oh, nothing," said the Indian ap . a , rent Iv etnparrassed. "Murphy was a wicked old devil" "Yds," said the Indian, "he' killed n i brother—he kill Indian—be scalp Endil 1, They say he witch—he about with° I blatitu'—lndion no hit hitulte killzo c. litany Indians—but he do kill tue—i k 1 him'." Murphy's blond b°; an to brill, but • 11) concealed his exeiteuteut us much as po ible and reworked; "Did you ever shoot at a mark,?" "Oh, yes—do you shoot at a mark ' . "Yes " "Well suppose we try," said Murph: .The' Indian ran of somedisittuce, at putting up a mark against' a stump, ,r • turned. ...You shoot first," said the Indlea. "No," said Murphy. "you shoot first." The Indian then. shot, and to the aston is:intent .of Murphy. pierced the centre (. 1 )1 he mark. I '.llte rifle was then re-loaded. and tin Murphy's reeeitinmjt. ire bound d back. exelaii,ned, AM Mtlittql v r"rhu savage gave a yell that reverberated thr the hills, and drawing his bunting kni c sprang towards Murphy; but era be react ed him a ball from the rifle entered hi: breast. WASN'T I TifEttE Too ?--At a rece election in this State a lad presented hi: sell at the pulls to claim the benetits of t 1 elective franchise. Feeling a deep interest a favorab candidate, the lather ; who was evident oppoSed to the boy's preference, stood the ballot box, a"d challenged his rigl to vote, on the ground of his not being :me.' The young man declared that he w: twenty one years old, tli..t he knew it, au that he insisted upon his right. The father becoming indignant. an., wishing, as the' saying is, to ..blOff hi! oil,' before the judges, said : ' “Now; Bub, will you stand up 'there contratitet nie Don't, I know 'hoity old you are ? Wasn't I b tltere ?" • Bob looked his contempt fur the o! 111:IICS I.eculi, as be hastily replied : —Thunderatiou ! s'pos'e you wits,wast their too ?" This nettled the bird, - anti in went ttl vote Ti is FIVE DAeGuTEss.—A gentle nati had Lilo dal,2htets, all of whoa, h I,brottuht tip to Nome u,iqui and re,.peelahl coop:aim' iu bfe Thee daughters tu'a fled uue after the other, trite the.eoes.e.l "I their fat her. iThe tir-t item:in by the name of P.m; the Seoul a Mr. Lillie ; the third a -Mr. Short ; ttn rural a Mr. I.3rotvn ; and the fifth a Mr. [Tuts!;. At the wedding of the latter her ,kters, with their huAtands, were pre,ent. Alter the ceremonies of the weddin Were over, the old gentleman said.to guests :"I have taken great pains to ed ucate my five daughters that they front thmayl act well their parts in life; and froeir advantages and improvements - I hoped that they would du honor to my family ;1 and now I find that all my pains, and ex pectations have turned.out nothing but a Pour, Little, Short, Brazed, Hogil." de-The Russian Go.vernwent have emu wenced plating up telegraph - wires frou St. Petersburg to the mouth of t he: :1 moor. a distance of about twelve thous , art) which is e'xPected to be completed' by the middle of,ttext year. The Uuized States Government are to connect with this line, and - so, by a circuit. of twenty tbousand wiles, reach Englund:' - p ,The Union wetimers of the Penn sylvania Senate.and House of represen tatives have addressed a method:1110 Pres 'dent Lincoln requnatio,t 'lo_permit his naine :to ,bn nand 'tir a ie•nlection. The memorial einbodies'anigh io die President for the manner in which he hits puler/lied the duties of his office. hd 4 1 10 1.41)1.5. 10, , 1864. Confederate ivhiskey is a fine ankle ot, turpent tie and seater. Fifty :,te)lint.rs are lying , idle tt, Cab , on accoui.t of the ice in the river. 2,350 negroes hare beau :recr .ity.Ll it, the State et Seven inaztaitieent packets have been hitilt for n new lino between BOSLUCI and I.i'yervuol The total number of depart Inentel.al:s Washington is said tt, be abvute titreg thousand. , ' • Si. is for ip , nrAnct lus.tes inure than tluulf,t." ilyc preuaintns. (Moro Midis were dieharged ip the •iugle battle of o..ttys.her , .: thoi to all du: battles Nap !eonVer e Chin 1 - 6-n prf.;:o.:1:, to Itn ns SHI'S that there are 3 3 000,000 tlcti,!;•, 43:1,590,. oilo births, and 83,zi',0,000 tit.t•ri.tges in the wurid annually. :The number ;%f eioi , riants ;hat arrived at!, the port of New York, fait rear,' eras 165,844, against 73,304 in 1862 ; iae in t:tee:4o of 80,58. Prentice says tilii purpeiu:o cry of 111 , 3 ro b e i: ; a b out theirt:r.ltida t...-cf..: s'iiaws 0...,..4. Catey havt2n't giyt zpiy. .Ugly lust tllitig,s , arC CriC4.l thrmivh t:ii! St l'i.:,!:S. 4. bill is in progress in the rebel Gal grtss fur a tax on all . gehurai eurtene). tinasury nute6 nut-;aud i o;: on the Ist of January next. . Your money or- . our life A remarkable pLetwalena appeared at Providence, beiuz apparently Cue explu-, situ of a meteor, with so vitiid a flash at.;', 3 toicast, tv-cli6tiuct shadow of übject. 10 the street. Up to January f, 1661, Central Park had'oust New York eii;, o%er seven dollars, but had inerea.ed the tax.:b:c Val uat ion of the three adjulniug wards nearly' thirty u.illious. Seamen at New Yeik e,inrione very tea rte in eute.etie en ee cif the nitiebcr MINI attracted by the heavy bounties ui fered fur tnilitery service. Wages at Li'verpool arc higher that evar before. The Washington Sear says it is no lodger to be doubted that the army, or rather armies, with whin!) the :United States ttiil eext spring lesume active op; el:l i tmus ' will be the largest and best tine • world has ever sum] in modern times. • Ile total Ilu.i.ber et C , tored troops now in the seCvice of the United States, it st ty thousand, with quite as many no t_tties- 7 out arated—in the service of tin , Quarterniatttets . ,lCoanisEarics, and Ea -1 0 leer s' depart:net:ls. The Montreal 'Herald thinhs that %In less the , r. bell are a iit;le u.ore eivd to mil ds Lieu. i;utlctr, ri,thil) :1 , ... tt1e oh Et". Coulederaie pri,:uns !bay be put untsiak t ,if • ile la - nro of war, us he hiro,col has beau ah. -.....- <OW- • A RalelOt paper says fiat "the peoplt r ILI the eXtrelb e we tei LI coUlltiLlS of Nurti. Cai ulina have becul deprived of ail teal: ,atulinen ou th ‘ ground of dii4osaity 1, 1 Loe i e eoultdera. government. -, -..-...7.—...-.1, -Every Itegitueet i t lieu Dodge's Divi ,ivti of the Army crthe Cuu,uvilalitt filar re Tiie U.,su btl i tativ. (in I ill ! ! lour regt.SalAlN and a b.,ltery. ,cell- two tilue,:tott Itite, have le-eid;:r.ted Teti thouhand letters pho ;ogruphs and dagic..rrerltypes have beer, :cec i t ived ilt the deail le , ter otlice iu 11:t,1 iti•• • tlun of . xitieb eight . twett restored to tire %%liters of tiro tilose to who;:, the c; , istices were as drezeti. General Fisk, .in Cumin:rut' at St. Louis has cleave(' out the ganibiltr:h l eetablish meats in that city pretty thoroughly. lie waslprotopted to . the act by the fact, that a guiveruraent agent natucci npulia.o was fleeced out of scale t,',, - zi,(100. by the "gay a oaniboliers." The Boston 'fravek:r Paz thti news by the Irst steaa,er e,;l,iir - ais the . stateatem.. that 'there attr . out Lips enuuiTh to Mitt, the hunt/reds over who are Ist:bin: , to Collie to It is , raid that the boarding ituut:es in Liveipool are Lull ui people ,waiting fur passage to the ,united States. im_Since the capture .of Artiausas, three.full reciMents of 1,000 each have is ti,:d and put iutu the field; two , other regiments are . filling up ; home guards orgauicet! to the number of 800 to 1000,; in addition it is estimated that 2,000 Atritansas.troops are in the service out Ade of the State,,and abtmt 1300 ton: trabaeds are being drillei•ip Littleltack and Pine , yritoic noteher volnuteers since Oct. -10 io put at 6,000 TERMS,- 41.50- PLR SllocKl:sw I‘l onTALIT Y. --The moat depluitilde and, atkpalliug, affliction that haii 'bemired in our town or within Aar cmeried, ,, e - f,u-n sickness ha, been-in the (uuiil uf John .1.1 , -,4andtti.a waguitioaket in this . city, during. tkepast week. ;At pie issue of our last paper, he, had A Wile and seven ei,i4ten; all believ'ed' , . to ltd in now Mr Hamlin and 'one. child - muse remain to *mum the loini f ltf the seven stifeken diwn by tie fatal i 'sltafts °fit his . feat tai Iltst.ase' which 'had yr..ited stir It , t4duat was taken un Saturday afteruboni di&d 11. e - 7 -aged 11Yeati.. V . KII, a- . tn : S. - IViir ' died on Mmolav—a.ed 6 rears. Charles S.ld•ed Tuesday—aged 4 Lkears, died on Toesday• term orals. - au infant - babe 'unlace utetrditd Tuesday ni.fitS Tile wife and itintlief, •itvos, .ditty tnlit.tit • Hamlin, 'died: on ]‘ t dory is v Humming • teaking learnt' e of seven deaths iu that I ;e..i.eted family to Aunt _four -days: Potin 8., the only remaining child*, is ,i'about ten .years of- age. lie has' alio Iseen sicli; but is now apparently coeval= rescent and . , ?wing well. Ile and the Mai- Maud :Ind - father tilot!e 'remain of the fate. [ily t,f 1.111.,•h we believ e a death irt:d not pr ed. It . is truly [an arx ftd a dispensation.i= ME avirul frmt - linpreeeklear they liLtve u EOM A Wi)NDF.ti VIM IlsNnoo ITEAD.—The, %miter I X it is bet..veeu-45.and 50 . years of- IlcrplayA three gaMes ciiesS at one tithe, blindfold, and wins them. _Tim same time hq plays agento of cards— there tirit'ahundred anti twenty different plekand wins. At the same time when the . gatnes are going ott he ;zit:cis orally I.ltiopt of 111111Iipti(„ii the tour, (11.1/: j 397 3909) and g,tves'tlie correct result. At toe tame tithe a rentenee of abut one hundred •A•ird.„ each! being numbered, id _ices to Liu, irreguhtrly, (35 if, 92 but, 61 . pitcher, vet.) and he the whole ,ethenee.. Poring ;tli ie games buil is t'onehed ievity ono or two seconds, and ves the number of times it has been y twic4ed. ; A man 'stands behind And, dirtP,vs tits e pebbles, one,by.one against his back, these, too, be counts. Aftei these gazes are over, and all these and told, he recites a poem in peritt rhyme, hpB conip:JFed during t he Attitigi BEE . . i UNIONII M IN A.N.E.A NSAS.—The CID.; Chttial t i limes says: 1 " Many - Union Llieetittgs have beet' held in - Arkansas. '-j,ettgue:: and convinutions part are becoming popular over the greater of the state. IIA convention held at Little Ruch on the fr.slll.u:t. nytobe:l.-d over two thou :sand in attendance. Union resolutions of a ,strong; character paFscd. I The ft iends oi Treedon, fed e„ttatient of a majority of i:I - tiers within their lorrders. Several I 'lzr•orleoten front . there ; have- Diisiied ofT city fin. Wa4hington.to eon , .;•Itlt with the general zovernaient in rela tiun to tithing immediateteps.to .;her at once, bitti to.the Union At tke -.cstetday — the names of r. C Mills, Dr . .I;clonte, Dr. Kiikwoudi J Snow and General fiaott..leadig i-fetts, epnenr on the reginter, fur the We are 7 infurnied. la r ! ..c_e DI) 11, bur of other entlenin are also no the rzly for the 581110 tturlii,ad , and Will pis thriany_li here in a few 4p." u :;,. ANTI LipTE.S.— I f any poison is intatilly half a.glassi of ileoU •,vater'. with a heapims. te'impoqnful of bcoamion salt rtol , •rz.atail niusiaririfired , this co , :-..its soon ai ft. reaches 1 ;11,e :•toiniteli; but for fear . of some of . the thelwhite ou t : or i ^ u eggs,or drink . n eripolmorg trio heir antidotes. ti i4reatcr nit Ober of poisons than:any do'Ort antidotes known,',with the advantage-Of heir being alway S-on hand; if not; a half `pint of sweet oil Or tamp oil, "drippitl?9,;7 lur melted bufter r lard, are good i:otisti. lutes, cFpr,:;i:;ny if iLey vomit quakii. into 1! An EnE,ll,li:van and a Yank;P...rete wl.ca relmn - ked: .*- • • • . tunntelj :the AT»erizetis ecMid,go fai her that) the Pacifii shore." 'The Yankee s , :rtitehici kis frclitio'billia !for nu. i ;le tut! and, • ••\V by. twos arc rth.esqy lev ( r u g the rti•c!iy : Mountou., pm -, 4 ciat incr the dirt out West. a lettetkist week `from my eourdn, who is livinc: tiro I ; hundred vales th6;patilie:l24,6, fetid P' • • * • .-," 7,16 'Whfg - tens . 110 (Joulederate - ituthurities; iti tied dr the 6nd:en prJekiaes.ll.hat'iltet,tArT.ld 0 1 .fir.1e0. 1 1. 171 1 11 `; PITT! ~ c!3 . 4 lisng their oyti3 40.,c, 4i06. r • . 4 ilejoti'fnr " The Nevi.Xorli.zigt 4::Q 7 .41 - sid...-ill4 rayment, nuilber 2348. , - 4 Y BSI II OE of :deaths, and Afess with which ,CarLetLtdate
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers