L... <_~Jke7Wiw t • . Election Procla i an i on; 1101 lIRSUANT.to an Act, of the General All, JL embly of,tlte Corenseitiw alth of Pennsils • Tonle, entitled nArf - Ace relqing to the elec-j *lons, of this Commonwealth," approved the • second day of July, A. D. on' _thousand eight ;ss ,srzsodoapdothirtysaitte. ,:p. Q. 4A . .y.R.A, l c v - osiShetlfr:of* cpqnty o Potter ; Pettrtsyl Xs. 14)ni‘dahereby , Inake know and give notice, to the electors of the county - ,,toresild: that tt],' General Election will be held ,in the said court.] ty of Potter on the Second :Tursday (Thir-i. seentis) of,Oeteber,-1,863,--at ' hich time State and ConittOffic - Ors, as folio sere to be elec.. 1,,,,, Ted, tti,wivp ,::•• ~ . .2:-,' , ,- _.--- • • One - peiiiiirf6i•Gotefnor One person for Judge of t 'of Pennsylvania.. Two persons for Members] 1 i lepresentatives of the get 4 - i tt tenasylyaliii4 in conjutietiiii o 'tif Vitrga - i - - to represent the c, and Potter. One person for Protbonot Cow ts of thfi.e&unry of Pott o ,2 4 0tfaliterifon - for ColirnlB4io •o?Pater. " • . One person for Register the county of Potter. One person for Auditor 0 . the cotiOy of se . ~, .11, -'O,OerOxitti',for, Ceroner of, the comity ..-4-ilsol mike .:knistva - and, give notice, as i.fl .and by the 13th section of the aforesaid net I am directed. test every person excepting Jus tices of the Peace, who holds any office or I topointinent id profit or trust under the Gov ' errtiiiiiif:.of..oe. United .States or this State: or of any city or incorporated district,whether '.. -a. commissioned officer or otherwise a suiono dinate officer or agent, who is or shall be ca s.gplasted uoderthe legislative; judiciary, or ex perftWypi-triments Of this State orthe United States, or of any city or incorporated dWrict - and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select and - common council of any city, or commissioner affiCiiy incorporated district - . is by law incapa4 fat, isfioldingfor exercising tit the same time i'D 11110.0ifit . e.'oe atipOititmeet of Judge, inspector, ~.., or clerk of an election in this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other otE., • cer of any such election shall be eligible to bo voted for. . .Ir. ...CATS:: Oat' in the fourth section of the, • Act • of Assembly, entitled -An Act relining ito electiens and for cuter purposes," approved . • April 16th, 1860, it is enacted that the itfor,e-' ~ _said 13th sectioroshall not be so construed Its' , :" ( iojreyeat any Military Officer or Borough ' 4 •'' - -IClffleerfrOth serving as Judge, Inspector, or ii.l eletlEtif.eny, general' or. special election in this Commonwealth. It is further directed that the meeting of t!te n“,Oarn Judges rube. Court House in Coders; • '''' port:to make out the general returns. shall be the first Friday succeeding the general el 'el tion, which will be the. lOth day of October 'z , .: i fi r- Alin:6re - mike known and give notice i "that the places for holding the aforesaid gens ' •oral election in the several townships and it. boroughs within the county of Potter, are as . ` - follows, to wit . : . For the township of Abbott] at the Gerrna, ,tala Hotel in sitio township. . • , . -For thetownsnie of Allegany. at the school house near tile place formerly owned by Ches..' ter Andrews, in said township. For thetownshie of Bingham, nt the Bing- ham Centre school house near A. R. Lewis l 'n' s: • staid township. • • j ' - • ' Fol.' the' township of Clara, at -the sehOoll house near Sala Stevens', in said township., .1 For the .township of Enlalia. •at the New; •."'tenrt House in the borough of CondersportH For the township of Genesee, at the-housel formerly occupied by S. S„Ritsco. in Ellisburg.l . 'Forothe•township of Harrison, at the house,' reCentbioe,ciipied by Ira Bartholomew,in said, township. . .. , For the township of Hebron, at the school c' Ilitnisis No: 6,- near Henry lngraham's, in said township. ..: .. . . 1 I For the township of Hector, at the Sunder-1 ;Ain stkool hotise,,in s'aid township. - j '''• For the township of Homer at the school' house near Jacob - Neel, in said township. 1 For the township of Jackion, at the house ; formerly occupied by B. Barse, now M. Chap- Ad, in said township, 6 FOrthe township of Keating, at the honie -of Pliriy litirris, in said township. ,Fer„the township of bswayo, at the Centre : aChdol bonse'in said township. For the township of - . Pike, nt the; house of Illijah,,Johnsork in said township. I-. -- For the township-of Pleasant Valley, at the e school. .house No 2, in said township. •: • For'the township of Portage, 'tithe Sizer school- house in said township. For the township of Ronlet, at the school house near George Wecncer'g in said townsi•ip. For the township-or Sharon, at the Sharon - Centre school bouSe, near John Voorhees', in -said township :- " - ..- - o •Foe the township of... Sweden - at the house of Aseneth Taggart in saidtownship: : ,;,,,Tortls, township of Stewarison. at the, New o Nerway - school house, in said township.- . ' For the township of Summit, at the house formerly ob('tiPied by Ucl Cook;nOw Jonathan Redson, in said township. For the tow m-hip of Sylvania at the school -'house nor J let Rees'oiresaititownship. For tlue teiwuship of Ulysses, at the house ,of Atlas Beeneit ] _in said town-hip. , -"Pox lite .town'ship efilVest 'Branch, at the .)Outitf:Of.S3l l ,Conable, in - said toWnship. , " - For' `the toWrisidn'of Whaitoo.:tit thelotife of Ste,phen Heroin. in sal l township. For the hbrotigh of Coudersport, at the 41E/onrt House in said borough. • • ' : ' Given under niy hand, this 31st day a - August, A: D.,1863. ''• 1 , • ' ''''' - ''• '7 DO. LARRABEE, Sheriff. ' '' Coudersport, Ann. ;31 lEntt MAN EtOoD HOW LOSTI • BOW RESTORED.! :hi . ": r ust - published in a seale`d'envelope, price . 6 cts ~<A.Lesiture on the Natnre r yTreatnient and" Ra d-160 cure of Spermatorhiea or Seminal Weak ittuts, Sexual Debility. llervousnesi; and ttivol natatfy including Imp itericY -Cen somption• and Menial and PI ysical BY 898'72. CIILCkawELL, M Tie; iinpOrisint Viet "Visit the awful eouse4aen .oes.of lElelf-buiie may. be 'effectually removed siiihinit internal medicine's or the dnngerous ; application of caustiLs,in.truments.tnedica led isougie r i, arid other impirical devices, i 4 ,here pleariv. demonstrated, grid the entirely new and bighlYineressful treatment as adopted by tbeeelebrated athor.fullyexplained.by rneaas _ cotwhlch eiery . One is enabled to cure himsei, ri`ectly. and at chi least poqsiiile cost. ili6re} .:03'1r , 0 4 4g an. the advertised noqra las of thi Tbie lecture will 'piety° aeboon tOtbon imam and• ousan s. „ . . , Vbent. nailer- seal, .to any addresa. .14414,.sealedrelOpe, nn the receipt of six 040 ~!:k•if t si'piimtFt. g i, stamps. by addressing, :Hr. CHAS. J. ratc...B; , Howe% Pnst 0fUe130x,',4586, 'WANTED. • AYettialli Teed-het; •to tcach the school at Newbergen. rages $2O per raontb._ aqC,epted up to the-101 Of:Se*likbetr: CF,I4RLES Sup% Aolcd srfAreotArg. etwzr,...cl=Vl2;qee3. • 1 . • • YO U N G ANERICA AHEAD I 11 OLD 'M=OA BEHIND. GROGERIBS f-Pennsylraniaj l e Supreme Court of tbe House of ral Assembly of ' with. the county . unties - . of Lop ry and Clerk of er-of the, county ud Recorder or FROVISIONS. GLASSMIRE & COLWELL trAv !NG entered into a Co-Partnership are II• prepared to furnish all goods' s : s in their Hue . at • 1, • Reasonable Rates They keep constantly on hand et large and well selected assortment Of YOUNG HYSQN, OLD 14SON, I - BLACK, ♦ND SUGARS: t BROWN, EIGHT BROWN, AND COFFEE: RIO, JAVA, UNION, RYE, &c., ALLSPICE, , PEPPER, CRACKERS, 8H OULDERSf CLOVER, min RON MOLASSES, SYRUP, g,EgSE, ORANGES, AND LEMONS, SOAP, ALL FLQUIL by the Barrel, 'Half Barrel :and Sack. Buck%!heat Flour by the Sack. Peed by, the I.ltu2ded. In fact; everythink ',kept in a 'nod Grneery Stare _ P.RODUCS taken In eschasige and PASEI noi'reinsed. 4lL.GoaaT pelibered iai#hus tTial3orouf? ~trRE~ a,~,os~~rc.~: 2.7.31.-;,LA:Rs.rnl,l .G.4.gavate*l Mold 'wipers, lasrli Me IM And of the Wry ,Best Quality. JAPAN TEAS WHITE. CINNAMON, RAISINS FISH, PORK, TIMOTHY SEED AND NAILS PICKLES, CANDLES, KEROSENE FRUIT of PENsioNs.:,RoutatEßA;BAci( . z ,:•44NIL•CLAIDASI tc yens 4a-Co;,.‘ ll i tiomOytk,o=l;.alv arid Solici f oltil Kigtos.oo ItILITARY 411 PennsylraniaAsenue ,; Washington,;P C. • .This - firin;,baring n thorough knowlsdite of the Penslc - b usiness, and.being familiar with the_practice.lnitlithe Departments ofdoiern ment,belierathiii they can afford greater:fa cititiesamPensibn.tiOnnty an d Ot her Clu imants,, for thfprolupt and successful accomplishment of bnsiness.entruated•po them, than any other firm in Washington. Thiy, desire to secure such an amount of this business as will enable xbem to execute the business for each claiinant very cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent upon:their success , f in each aase. * * *Their. charges will . Ipe:Ten Dollars f4r Officeriltn.l-flve Dag, , ., for .Aivaies.Sor each Pension. Bonatv, or Back oluained. and ten per.tent Eori amount of I:l,tijni for Military Supplies, or Claims for, Indemnity. erilh , ted since t.te let of March. 1861;in itlaykind or serrice„ .. Mi li la ry or X I vol. who are .disahlvd...hy . diseafe pr.. w 7 , re entitled t;. • . . . for,iwn ye:.is: or Intring the • n ..r ..,,,,,,.: it 1...: , :' . .1ir: wiin dirk bine, velvt - tollitr still tuffs i stniner (Anse. will lie clitiljed to ,i_ii lon Th. in: , -I, iii :LW:oiler reQpects; seciording.to The present .IVldows orsoldi:irS who Me 'ne e - re killed ' . .t;.e p:tl ti!: 4 itir OffiCers of infantry.- - ~. :-- :,. .. 'entitled to $I nO bounty. if iherr he.no widow ; i Skinnier straps-l-- , Aecordlug to present rep: theh 'the 'minor children : then the &Wier. rte , - I I,l.ttiiiiis: but worked. On. dark !nine velvet. -;.; ttier, sisters, pr brothers uireentitled as ahpre7 Washitiztoth D,' C., 1862. . * * *Apply at our cr to our As-oeiate nt 02:Wavo; Potter county.. Pa.—.JAMES 11. IGRAV.g. ESq , Who has Just 'returned from Washington I/7 . 0., and is supplied with' all Oe,lirtist LI nks i..4sued under the .late Asteuc , dopa,' and will fill . them :np,for all' who h'ave beenrsri:ui tioun.tte as' to'reqnirt , an'appliea tion. Qifiee in ' Regulator Store '"= ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff & Tab ice o_Manuf,:c turer, 16.an0 18 Chamb;:ri Armelly 42.Challicia Street, New York.) Would call 'the attention of Dealers to 'the articles'of his manufacture. viz.: BROWN SMUT.. • 3facaboy. l Demi ros, Fine Ruppee, Pure Coarse ftappee, . - Nachitoehes, American Gentleman. Copenhagen YELLOW SNUFF. • Scotch, Holey Dew Scotch,' High Toast Scotch. Fresh llotteyDew Scotch, • Irish IliErlt Toast, Fre...11 Scotch, • . or lintolvfoot. * ** Attention is called to the large reline. lion i n prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Stunk. , ling Tobaccos, whieli will be found of a Sispe rior quality. .„ AMOICING. FISK CV f CIIIiWIXI3. Smart -G. Long, P.A.L .or plain. . S Jago, No. 1, CRVeII4ISiI. nr .Sweet, Sp.inish. No. 2. Sweet Sctnted Orunoco, Cannster. Nov, 1 Az 2 mixed. ' T Granulated. Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A cirenbtr of prices w:11 be sent on 81y • • For Bats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bags, Moths in Fills, Woolens, .&c. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up it: 25c. 50c. and $1 00 Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." * * *Sold Wholesale. in all large cities. * * *Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every- HAMS where. 41- * * I I I Beware !! I of all worthless imitations * * *See that "Cosrmes"'name is on each Box, 'Bottle' and Flask, before you bay. * * *Address . Henry R. Costar, * * *.pencipal Depot 482 Broadway, * * *.Spld by • , P. A. STEBBTSFI. Co.. • Wholesale k. Retail Agents. Coudersport_Pa. riu glarnrso gbop, %VIE undersigned ttould respectfallyinforiu I the_ surrounding community that he his taken the rooms formerly otenpiedh .Elba s. Mann. where he is prepared to 0 • All kinds of Harness Work on the shortist notice.: - • • LONG STRAW COLL MS, ago kept cori-tantlyon hand. These collars are a- superior artielf., and need but a trial to insure their success.' • = Sureingles, llartingale-rings; Hamm and Uanie strops, &e., k lit consta tly on hand. The pilhlic are invited td.catll'and examine, leforo purchasing el sewhe re. - S. P. Co.*:llerspnrt Oct.,l6tlf. 1860:- - . - • • 11;000 •-• • Pounds of W . 0 L - • • Wanted Immo ately _ , • C. S. $ - E.. A. JONES.. , 1- • Ditisolut ion of Part nertin Ip. TA Eparmersbiptveretufore existingherween the under...l:mm - 1 under the firm name of OLMSTED - 4- KELLY, is thi4 d is dissolvmi by mutual consent. Persons who have : unsettled accounts,with thelq;te firm are reque,4ed h. settle With H. J Olmsted to whom alt. ; debts due the firm will he Paid. .• .• • • . The bosiness will be. etindlieted, •hy•Fl. OLMSTED. who has•purchp , ed , the, entFre in terest rot bis lute partner. and wlm-eollcits n corttintutoce of the pohlic r imtrilmge. - •, H. D. ,KELLY. • . - • Et J.I4I;MSTE6. : • • , ConderspOrt.Pa., Jay. 7. 1863.;, 41110ST38Z, VFRV I N E.ITEIIMJNATOB;BI •STEBBIMY TOBACCO. .. .. - -... ..... ... -•-• ... .... --•-• ........ 1 , ••• ,, •••, ~ i— t rEmlox,- : - . 7.4yriam- . —arttuss; IM. woo alnesitiiii_saitiotatia zuscasausti. iiifilleOlibit:ol l 4.'o.ViPtiONTlPlf;i7?:i.:l j : 1 ...", i .1 1 kekDatii, lUt 12T,I, • Patsvosr.3Lutiu st. GtathitherlCi, Was,ifutolunD. o:,,fune 11, 1863. .".: Nortca....-T he' folloii ink . hill' be, published as = a z .l3nhd;.blltr..6f. noticc i -by,esAy z District Provost liitirslialvitli , Such' altiratimik-ISS:be may think particularly suited to lila district: The object beingad hostel:old eticourage en listmepts, in-the InTalid torts.. . . • ' .' - . •.Provpst Mars hal General. ....,............. Mt.sc WANTED FOR THE INVALID CORPS . . „ 'w Only those faithful . ' abldters who; . from wounds or the hardships of war, are no long- er , fit for".-field duty will be received in this Corps of Honor. ,solistments- , will be , for three; years . unless „sooner' discharged. "Pay and s(ilimatces.sitine: a§ .for'nffieers and men of the United Staies'lntitntry; -except that no premiums' i:10. bounty .fur. enlistment . allowed.- This will not invalidate any, pen siOns or bounties which maybe ,due for pre- . services. •.. fi llowing..uniform. has been:adopted :officers and .men of the Invalid- Corps: !, ; ...Frock...coat of sky blue minutimiti,i—orsky.blue cloth, 'with doub : , le stripe of d.irk . dUivo..the•outer seina. each .stripe :oat. luar inch , with ::.-puee7betweeen of tlirAri•right.3 - i,f nn inch. .For itre.c-in-•TPr'-se.tt:reirritttion • For ENi.IATED Of Aty blue kerscy, : nith ,trimtoiog;s, cut like j down oustbe" ~. eke 61iie Mel) Terri , : in ed to '111;'.: • ,Mettit . ..; ' chgg.-e of flospitals c..mafa(oh:rs. !Ind oth ers 1111%11,2 tinder ex-, pre fOrbid , lett to , g.Tantdt : r . hpgp. in... men under their con trol Who be lit for service in ' thy Invalid Corps. • • • For the convenience of service, the 'men! will be selected for three' dilFcreot grades of duty. Those who are most efficient and able bodied. Pod" capable of performing duty etc . etc , will he armed With rrotAtpts. and assign ed tif color:nips of the Fir-t 'l3nttitllion Those of the next degree of efficiency,, includ ing. those who have lost a hard •nr an arm. and the least elfertiye, including those •who have lus A foot or a leg, to the' . companies' of the Second or Third BattallionsT they- wilt be armed with swot. is. The (little, will he chiefly 'to net. All provost guards and g irri-ons for. cities: gourds 'for hovitals arid. other public builditts ; and as order lies. etc. -If :found n."cessary they way b- assigned toifortS etc. As.d-tatif Provost Marchali-Groneral are mutt). rizi it to appoint Officers -Of the Rag. War Service, or of the Inc,itlid Corps. 'to ad minister the oath of enlistment hr' those men who have «mtpletefv fulfilled the prescribed eonditioifs of ach,,is4.A.l to the Invalid Corps, } 1 :'~~:;~, :11.1% be :niu;lerr-. viz ; • , I • 1 . 14t the applicant is unfit fur service in the field. 2 TitAt he is fit for the duties. !or some of them indicated above. 31 That if not now in the service, he was ;ionortbly dischlrged. 4. That lie is meritorious and deserving For enlistment or further informat , on ,kpply to the Board of Enrollment for the district in which, the applicani is a resident, Capt. W. W WHITE. Provost Marshal, 18th District, Pa. PROVOST MARSUAL'S OeFtos, Williamsport,June 17.1863. , ; • 11. W. McALARNEY. Provost Marshal for Potter Co. Coudersport, Pa.. July 20, 1863 , • -- --- • wArrcumAKIEIL C. H. WAttnINER Continues to rep iir 131.06}:§, w ApmiEs and JRWELIiY in, Condersiniit,..nnd keeps con stantly *nu hand and for sale a good assort.. molt of ock., • • _ • Watches; and • . ' • Jewelry Of the very hest quality. Alio.. • PL A rED. 11'A - ' • SPErTAC,LES. GS. REVOLI'EIiS; i . e. • fa:l supj,ly of " • FiNtairag which 'lel , , t.t the I(Ttst priers for rash ',Ei•ery t.e'r ;old warrailted 'to be as 'repres , ' • • 'M clo.rs north r ot p. , re. at t.II si , ru of th , ' .„:, , OLAIS FELD' Se' IiELLY'S j„„..T9, •cen f,,und I.le best o Cuulti4:, Es, and Padur • T- AT S Also, SHET-IRON WARE. POT:- KETTLES. „SPIDERS, • SCOTCH is BOWLS FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS,.. amt CAULD RCN.S. • • • ; . Agricultural Implernentei :_=.1.101 'As SCRAPERS: , CULTIVA CORN-SHELLERS; •HORSE-RAKES. DOG-PI) IRS. Scc. • . • , :• .THEI.R WORK is tct 11 tu , de and the tnaterialgoi)d. !Gond end EAVES,-TROUctlik.3l,uf up in an, part "of the .Voitntf—Terms efkki% ."Ready Pa 3 .)f kkinds:Cush; . eldalcii'retused . StUre on Ni.tin Street opposite the Old ijour Units.. "ow - Tem - port: Aug. 1.1R59.-.56 • •Al,din I isiNfraturlts :NuttliCp. TEIEREAS. letters of, administration .on the est to of DAM TQUE, late of Ab hotrtoWnship PorteiconntF, deed; hare been eranted trr the.undP,reigned.elt_persensindebt i.d to sol.l estate are reepested to make imme. rl fat ep,!y . m and harlog ;is against rile will presentthem duly r anthenicated to the'fiathiseriberi - - = '-FILIZABETEf.:TOIXR, I Adarsd. Alftsott, .713 P 1.15411113.'•• .. r 0.41 INN FOR 'RHEUM ,LU• SPAINS,BAGO, ' CUTS, ANDA NER PorMll of which it jie a speedy and certain remedy, . and never foils. This Liniment is prepared, from the ri.cipe of Dr.. Stephen §iyrkt,..orConnecticut; !he famous bone set jet; And liailied3"USCll in his-practice for more than- tsVerity yedrs with'themost-aston ishing:surcess.l • \ . : .. ' ASAN.ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, ibis . . un rivaled by.aorprepaation bforet,hp public, of 'whia the; iiiiist Skeptical may be 'Eon, winced by a siniletrial ' '• • • This Linimmit-will'eure rapidly and radi cally. :Illarium , Or_Disorders of every kind. and in thousands oft eases!where it hasteen used I • Kn t• 'I ' • it bas,never been own to at . . .. ,:,0114t/F.OtiAi:GlA it ,vili afford iminedi— ate relief in every, e.tse, however' distressing. r It wilt. reliev the !worst case? of HEAD. ,AVIIE in three ininuies and is warranted .o ; - III) it., ... , .. . I- i , OM= 'I/ on tile to • TOOTHACHE also it will cure instantly, - Poi? NEIiyOUS• DEBILITY AND GEN LA:3BITrDE alritzing from imprudence or ; i t acess, this Linitint is a must happy and ifnfailing remedy. A - Cting directly upon the nervous tissues; it strengthens and revivifies the sst:tn, and restores it to elastitity and vigor. FOR PILES.-L, As an external remedy, we Claim that it is the best know n. amt. we clod j lenge the world) produce an equal. Every ' victim, of flits Btstreasing complaint should give it 'a trial, for itiwill not fail to afford imniediate relief. anal in a majority of cases will effect A , anlical cure: qt. , lssY AND SORE THROAT are some. Antes extreme)) tuabgnant "nd dangerous but a.timely application °lads Liniment will never fail to cure. 1 SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and ,enlargement of ; the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst cases way be couquered by Otis . Liniment in two or three days. 1 • BRUISES. ('O TS WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS. BURNS ANTI:LSO LDS, yield read ily to the, wonderful hi.aling properties of DR ; SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, ashen used according) to .di'rections. Also, CHIL BLAINS. FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES 'AND STINGS.. . Dr. Stephen Slveet. Connecticut, the Great Natit.al Bone Setter. Steptieri of Connecticut, is known all over the United Slates. , Dr. Stephen bweet, cif Connecticut. Is the au thor of -Dr. Suleet's Infallible Liniment." Dr: Sweet's Infitailde lanitheni Cures•ltheu nuttOu and never fitits. Dr.; Sivet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remr4t• for Neuralgia. - Dr Sterer'e DONT)Ie Liniment Cures . Burns and Scalds innetiatdly. Dr. Swee'3 infaltibie Dniment Is the best known remedy fur Sprains and Brniaes, Dr. Sweet'.,-14tallibte Liniment Cures Head ache immediately and was never known to fail Dr. Szieet's Infallible Liniment Affords imme diate relief for Biles, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Swecee . bfallibleLiniment Cures Tooth ache in one minute. Dr: Sweet's- Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and,leaves no sear. Dr. Sw.et's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sores in the known world. ./Jr, Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been used by more • than a . million people, and all praise it. 1 .Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken inter nally mires Colic,Cholera Morbus and Cholera. •• Dr. Sweet' , - Infallible' Liniment Is truly a "friend in need," and every family shoald hare it at hand,' • Dr Sweet's hifollible Liniment'ls for sale by . _ all Druggists. splice 25 and 50 cents. A Friend in Need. Try it. DR: SWESTISALLIB . ,LE LINIMENT, its an external remedy,. is without a rival, and will alleviate paiemore ,speedily than any other preparation., For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disord'rs it is truly infallible, and . as a- erative for . Si;res, Wounds, Sprains Bruiseq itd•soothing healing and pow.. ei lot strengthoing properties, excite the just wonder and astinisliment of all who have ever given ita trial. Over one' thousand certificates it within the littit twyears, attest the fact. TO Horse Owners ! nrt. SWEETIS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FUR HORSES is unrivalled by any, and - in .111 eases of Lameness arising fronAprains. Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical 'Lod.vermin. Rainless or Saddle Galls. Scratches, Mange, lie., it will also care speedily 'Spattin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured in their incipient -!ages. but cutlniedi cases are beyond the pitssibility of coat No case of the kid. however, is So I desperate or hopeless Icat it may be.hlleriated by this Liniment. and its faithful! application will always re tzio4 the 'Lameness. and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. I • Evezyr Horse Owner " should have tlds remedy at hand, for its imely,tise at !lie first appearance of Lame- Hess will effectuOly prevcnt those formidable diseases, to wlach all horses are liable, and which - -; render ego many otherwise .valuable horses nittrly wiorthless. - I • - EET'S iNFAIA,II3LE LINIMENT SOLDIER'S ,PREEND, '• ' . And thousands nave Mind it•trnty, -A Friend ( In Need! ' • , - CAUTIOS.—To avoid imposition, observe the-'Signature. shot Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet•on every label, t also "Stephen'Sweet's .Linimin4" blown :in 'the' glass of each bottle, WittinOt w,hich•nonearegenuine. • - RICHARDSON CO. • • ' Sole t'roOletors, Nortcich, Ct MORGAN' kAlLLEN;lGiiter,ilAgente,' • " '4 l 4' 4 0:4 *ill 1:0;:== MEC;;I=M - ; '.5 En :swEvrs 1"- Er THE AT., REMEDY ISM GOUT, NEURALGIA .:11FFINEcK , AND JOINTS, t RUISES, WOUNDS, AND • ILES. HEADACHE,' LL RDEUMATICAND ous DISORDERS. - ' cad:lMo* • .-- , Ar?iiititinet t ii . o iti“)•*" : - stidiifiva. aPT 11FE-IctresolTed, - bilhe' Senate I.lLVltepresentntivee ;6f :.thti, - 171oopooneatth I of -Pennsylvaniar9n•Generil.,-Assinirily„..mat, That gitkfollotaing - areendmeptu, het propneed to.thi:Ciiiiititnilen Of I.be - tondirerialth. in accordance srticie thereof ' ': : .., There - shall bente - tublitional - sgOott to the third article of the •COitatitutiorijo i littAhslt. noted, as section font.; eifollavie 4, ;•• ,"Secitot , (4 - . - Wbeitever all:otiket qualified electors this-Ptimmottwealth'.shaintle in any. aetinal service; mailer front the•PreSideetof - thii,l.7t4ell,Atates, or by:the, aUthbrity 4itito al th such electors itip,y - exercise - the - righe - o frage in • all - elections "1•1 the citizens; 'under such regulatiOtii ai are prilitilf,kicfrescribed present as fully.and.effectually . na if thertvere t ei r places . o f ClOt/oti.tr,. . There shall be two additional - Sentient to the:eleventh artiele.of,thortstitotioo,...to be designated as le_ secticins:eight.:and-itinetAl6l- ws: "SECTTON 8. No' bill shall be . eiteied'hy Ate Legislature containing More, thane subject, which shall : ' be clearly expre n o siedlolbo,itle, exciA appropriation bine. "SEcTios ,No bill shall be passed lip "the Legislature grq,:ting any powers orprivileges io . any case where the authority to grantssuch powers Or privileges has been or, utayi here after_ be conferred upon _the Courts of lids Corinonwealth." • JOH CESSNAr _,Speaker of the.i.louse of Represniativg, JOON P. PENNY", Speaker ofithiSenitte , • Office of the Secretary of the Coransan-X wralth,•llarrirburg, July, I t 1863.5: PENNSYLVANIA. - - • I do hereby certify, that the foregoing t.s }.and annexed Is a fall. true.andiorrect the original Joint-Resolution of the General Assetubly,entitled- " A .joint Resolution proposing certain _Amendments to the Constft 'Lion," as the same remains eafile in thitz office. ' . In testimony Whereof I have ',hereunto set my' hand, and caused the seal of the Secreta ry's office to be affixed, the dstj;:and.".year above written. ELI SLIFER, -- Secretary of the Commottwenlth.• Wifo,add 6 461 ofdra / - The Buffalo Mercantile College CORNER OF MAIN AND gNECA STREETS.. Is an important link in the INTERNATiON. AL CHAIN of Colleges, located in NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA; BROOKLYN, A-BANY,. TROY, • CLEVELAND, DETROIT, : CHICAGO,* • TORONTO,. PROVIDENCE, •' PORTLAND, " SAINT LOCIS. A .Seholorsbip issued frcni the l3uffalp-Col lege, entitles the holder to attend either or - all the Colleges:fcrr an unlimited time. • The De:Agit of these Institutioni.is•to impart to'ytong' wen and ladies ; a thotaugh,,pmetia cal business education. • •I• . • THFORETICAL DEPARTMENT:. In In this department students receive thoro s instruction in the ruoinsents of Penmanship, Book-Keeping:Ma tlit;mitties.Commercial Law._ PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT. • • ,•• Here the studcht bnys and sells Merchan , dire, Stocks. Real Estate, kc., as in Bethel businesq. Two Banks have been established in this departwent, which enables the student to deposit his cash. get his,paper discounted ; and transact all business incidental to igen , erai trade. TELEGRAPHING. students mny become good crperaterchsriv is a short time. ; • PENMANSHIP'. 'The Spencerian System of Peurnanship, is taught by competent and experieticed teachers Scholarship, nayable in advance, $4O. • College open day at d evening : np vacations Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. BRYiIiT. For further information., . plena° ea11.4.1.1r College rooms, or send for Catalogue kitiCir , cular enclosing letter stamp. Atidreia" BRYANT & .STRATTQN, Buffalo, N4Y. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE F.OR SALE. THE subscriber offers the whereof thelol , lowing described tracts of landatimiisitar sal.. The property will be sold in a body or in separate tracts, as purchasers mardesire. It is in one of the finest lumbering and farm , ing districts of this or adjoining:counties,and will be sold at a very reasonable price. • Jy9ly - No. 1. A tract of 'lwo Hundre4. and:Six• acres, Sixty noes of which are, improved, bounded by lands of Martin Bartzion,Bensleys, Humor]. and the Sinnemahoning creek, _on *Well are erected - one -Frame.'House r ono Frame Barn, one Frame Shed, Apple. Peachy . Pear, and Place. Trees, and .also a:Sup ..fot„pf - Pine, Oak. and Hemlock Timher... - 4 Skin at the door,•apd the Siunemahoningand.putt Fork of the First Fork creeksrunping:t.4 . rcntt it. Situate in Wharton township ; ...,, ..., No. - 2. One Hundred and, TweptY r klie acres of Timber land, situate, oi) tatet,Alp4on• run in Wharfpn wkwrship. . _ _1 . , No. 3.. Also Sixty - Seven . Acres of,'ll ber Laud rip Hunter rcko, adjoining Sinith - tgs, f about Two acres of which .areintprovit ~...titt, which are - erected 'one Log 'Ronde, ititi4tp o fw wh a ilci n torinship. . - 'l. ,_....,,.-%. ._, - No: 4. One other lot of Timber Dina On-- taining SeVenty-Sii acres; liplienslOpitiollii:r in Wbattodtownship. . . .L a No. 5. • One other lot ofTimber Litild,Op. , taining One llundred'and Fifty Acres t iltnalw up Vag Hollow, on which are 'ereetea"Vner Frame Bowe and one LogEfouse,Witil.a.gar , din •and two or three fine springs - ofitrater t im Wharton township. . - '' • -I '' '' '''-", No. 6. 'He will also sell ilie . indliidedlialf of a tract of Four acres of land, - biniiiiled'liy lands of Jos. L. Nelson and'this'. Sirittiatiifie- Ling creek; on which are 'erected brieliiiTafge WATER SAW-MILL:', known • is r- thi , t etint Mill," and also a Dwelling 'HottiOitittsibin , Wharton township .' - ' .••,` i'' '' ' • •.- He will also sell thefollowingperinnalfri perry, to wit : ' One 'Span of Borskit.l,74loit, One Sleigh; Four Coved: :Stivizi 'Yentintity Seven Calves- 1 ' - JAMESSAltilt6tr: • Whititaii;ltinit 17*,: - 1,88977 - 1 -- ...... D-Lit3tlC§irolX SOF 001.;DIttEgTORS: nt required - I,j' tbe-Sabbel try tbatuitt Ifornel stitinievit!oftbe' scholia pads beoasede ol,Land - teti - writteti••or bendi•blibtr4l thIS statenietit be posted rgY tbe , 4lstriet9 b latell.'printeda4Vlot:or , blifdis 'irritable fei au/ PorpOseV: Calliazotteiter . ;:apri# 17/ I` svir ume n . '-;-,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers